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Date epidemiologice

• Peste 40 % din totalul cazurilor de cancer ar putea fi evitate prin acțiuni preventive.
• Este important de reținut totusi ca multe din aceste cazuri sunt determinate de
expuneri cu mult timp in urma, cand încă sănătatea și siguranța la locul e de muncă
nu era bine definită, nu se atrăgea importanță.
• Iar in prezent, cele mai periculoase substanțe sunt interzise sau sunt utilizate in
cantități mici.

• MEZOTÉLIU, mezotelii, s. n. ( Biol. ) Strat de celule de origine mezodermică care

căptușește cavitățile celomice ale vertebratelor. – Din fr. mésothélium.- cavitatea pleurei

De exemplu pentru: Neoplasm bronhopulmonar – azbest, arsen, cobalt, funigine, negru de


Neoplasm osos şi al cartilajului articular al membrelor – radiațiile ionizante

Neoplasme ale pielii: arsen

Neoplasm a vezicii urinare- cei care se concetrează, afinitate pentru organele excretorii-
nitroderivați aromatici, auramina, benzen etc.

• Clasificare
• In category 1, circa 60 substances care sunt utilizate in Europa in diferite industrii.
Acestea includ: arsenic, phenobarbital, benzene, beryllium, cadmium, Chromium
VI, formaldehyde, tar, wood dust, radiația ionizată ,ultraviolet radiation and agenți
• There are also carcinogens that are suspected of causing cancer, called type 2a
carcinogens, and those of which the relationship between exposure to the
carcinogen and the development of cancer is yet unclear (so-called type 2b
• Pentru majoritatea carcinogenilor, contează cum un lucrător este expus, de exemplu,
in ce mod, ce doza, pentru cat de mult timp. La fel, genetica, biologia și modul de
viață contribuie la dezvoltarea cancerului.

• Toxic substances act on the chromosomes and genetic makeup (DNA). DNA is
subject to constant attacks throughout the life of the cell, with DNA lesions usually
being efficiently repaired by the repair mechanisms. However, the failure or
suppression of the essential gene repair systems, particularly under the influence of
environmental factors, can trigger or aggravate a cell transformation process and
therefore a carcinogenesis mechanism. Mutations occurring in these genes
encourage cell transformation and the appearance of a clone of abnormal cells.

• Numerous chemical substances are in fact pro-carcinogens needing metabolic

activation in order to have a carcinogenic effect. The biotransformation that occurs
via the body’s metabolic pathways is intended to transform such substances into
inert compounds so that they can be eliminated. During this process, however, these
molecules can be metabolically activated, which means that they become capable of
interacting with the DNA or triggering effects encouraging carcinogenesis
• Among these effects, oxidative stress plays a significant role, essentially by producing
reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as free radicals, oxygenated ions and peroxides.
These highly unstable oxygenated chemical species attack the cellular components
such as the lipid membranes or DNA.
• Concepts in epigenetics
There is now clear evidence that environmental exposures (chemical, physical,
psychosocial, etc.) can influence the expression of genes involved in signalling
pathways – căile de semnalizare- that are key to the cell by changing the genome
environment. Epigenetics covers these changes in gene activity in the absence of a
change in the DNA sequence. Epigenetic changes alter the chromatin structure and
its conformity, allowing gene expression to be altered. The best characterised
epigenetic change is DNA methylation. Epigenetic changes are transmissible during
cell divisions. The critical changes appearing in the cancer cells, such as the activation
of oncogenes, the deactivation of tumour suppressor genes and failures to repair the
• Endocrine disruptors and cancers The reported increase in the frequency of certain
cancers such as breast, prostate and testicular cancers, as also in fertility and
metabolic problems and urogenital defects in children, is all that is needed to point
to the contribution of endocrine disruptor exposures to the increased risks of these
pathologies that we are now seeing.
• The exposome concept All the current concepts described here concerning
epigenetics, endocrine disruptors, low doses, cumulative and integrated exposures,
and the possibility of cocktail effects ultimately lead to the more general exposome
concept. This term was proposed by C. Wild to describe all the environmental
exposures of an individual throughout his/her life, i.e. from the period of conception.
The “environmental exposures” concept is very broad as it not only covers all the
chemical, physical and biological exposures, but also the behavioural, psychological,
social and other factors. In particular, the relationship between the external
environment and the internal environment of the organs and cells, themselves
subject to multiple influences from the external exposures combined with the
influences of various internal regulation systems (hormone metabolism, intestinal
microflora, inflammation, oxidative stress, ageing, etc.), is a crucial element of this
concept, ultimately leading to exposomes for these various targets being taken into
Acrilamida (denumită și amidă acrilică) este un compus organic din clasa amidelor
flocula  vi [At: DN3 / Pzi: 3 ~lează / E: fr floculer] (Chm; d. soluții coloidale) A se
coagula sub formă de flocoane.

Acrilamida periculoasă se formează în timpul coacerii, rumenirii sau prăjirii de cereale, cafea sau
cartofi. Această substanță este considerată cancerigenă și ar trebui redusă în conformitate cu
Directiva UE (UE) 2017/2158, care este în vigoare încă de la începutul anului 2018. Producătorii
de alimente, precum și restaurantele și operatorii de fast-food trebuie să ia măsuri pentru a
îndeplini cerințele și pentru a evita problemele la monitorizarea alimentelor.


• Inhalation of asbestos fibres can cause chronic lung diseases like lung cancer, cancer
of the lining of the lungs and lower digestive tract, and asbestosis (serious scarring
condition of the lung causing progressive shortness of breath). According to the
World Health Organization, approximately half of all occupational cancer deaths
are caused by asbestos.
• Apariţia azbestozei este corelată cu inhalarea un timp îndelungat
(ani) a fibrelor de azbest şi în concentraţii mari. Inhalarea cronică a
pulberilor se depune la nivelul brohiolelor mici şi a alveolelor
pulmonare determinând iniţial bronşiolita şi alveolita, iar altele trec în
interstiţiul pulmonar. Cu timpul se ajunge la fibroză pulmonară difuză.
• All types of asbestos can cause cancer, but brown asbestos (amosite) and blue
asbestos (crocidolite) are more dangerous than white asbestos (chrysotile). This is
because brown and blue asbestos fibres are short and sharp, and much harder for
our bodies to break down.
• The hazard may occur during performing brake or clutch repairs, renovating or
demolishing buildings or ships. Or during the cleanup from those activities. The main
industries where exposure occurs are shipyards(santierele navale) and construction.
Workers exposed could be working on home renovation, flooring, roofing or
mechanics inindustry. Other occupations at risk are shipyard workers,fire-fighters
and power-plant workers- central electrică

Benzen- but because liquid benzene evaporates quickly, this is less common.
Smoking increases the risks since cigarette smoke is a major source of
benzene exposure.
Chronic exposure to benzene mainly harms the bone marrow, the soft,
inner parts of bones where new blood cells are made. 

So just to put things into context: two million people are the number
of combat-related fatalities each year in the first World War – and
everyone agrees that was a horrendous carnage. But the reality is:
that happens, every year, across the world, with the same amount of
workers dying as a consequence of just going to work.” – Kevin Myers
In his speech at the conference on Carcinogens in May 2016,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Kevin Myers makes clear that
carcinogens are an important threat to workers’ health in Europe and
worldwide.  To illustrate, the direct costs of carcinogen exposure at
work across Europe are estimated at 2.4 billion Euros per year. This
includes costs for hospitals, primary care, medication, emergency care
and outpatient care.

1. Substituția

Various websites with substitution suggestions are available, including and

 Identify carcinogenic substances

 Find alternatives and compare

 Try a pilot study

 Implement and improve

 Introduce a chemical management system

2. Technical measures can reduce the emission rate from the source

From closed systems to equipment with built-in vacuum systems (e.g. welding, sanding, grinding, sawing) to
local exhaust ventilation, many techniques help to control the source and therefore reduce the exposure
towards carcinogens.

There are various ways to contain emissions at the

source. Using well-fitting lids for containers containing volatile liquids for example. Proper sealing of
to prevent leakage into the workspace air.

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) is designed to extract polluted air at the source before it can reach the

Maintenance and use

Technical measures can only be and remain effective with proper maintenance, cleaning and worker
training. The effectiveness of technical measures gradually degrades and eventually fails altogether without
this. Sometimes systems appear to be working while in fact poor maintenance prevents effective
rom proper labelling to having readily available workplace instruction cards. All measures are aimed at
minimizing the exposure of workers to carcinogens in addition to
the already implemented technical measures. Examples include:

• Having readily available workplace instruction cards

• Proper labelling including warnings and hazard indicators

• Shift rotation to limit the time spent handling carcinogens

• Regular Toolbox meetings to keep safety measures on paper alive.

• Dedicatedworkspacesforcertain chemicals and processes.
• Nudgingtechniqueslikecolour


Ex: A tool was developed which visually shows dust levels in real-time. Employers use it to effectively
identify problem areas and workers gain a better understanding of dust propagation at the work place.

4. Selecting the right PPE

Common PPEs for protection against hazardous substances are gloves, safety glasses, protective clothing,
and (filtered) face masks.

Personal protective equipment will only work with proper maintenance and use. Every worker should know
when and how to use PPEs. Standardized signs can indicate which PPEs are required before entering a
room, and regular safety training helps ensuring proper use.

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