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100 ron /lună
Valabilitate: 12 luni


1 set de analize gratuit /an Analize cu discount

*Fără recomandarea unui medic *Cu sau fără recomandarea unui medic

HLG Parazitologie 50% discount

Glicemie Microbiologie 50% discount
Colesterol Bacteriologie 50% discount
HDL colesterol Markeri tumorali 50% discount
LDL colesterol Markeri osoși 50% discount
Trigliceride Markeri infecțioși 50% discount
Transaminaze (TGO, TGP) Markeri hepatici 50% discount
ASLO Markeri endocrini 50% discount
Coprocultură Markeri cardiovasculari 50% discount
CPZ Markeri anemie 50% discount
Uree Markeri alergii 50% discount
Creatinină Imunologie 50% discount
VSH Hematologie 50% discount
Sumar urină Electroforeză 50% discount
Urocultură Coagulare 50% discount
Exudat faringian Biologie moleculară 50% discount
Exudat nazal Anatomie patologică 50% discount
Biochimie 50% discount

Eliberare avize necesare intrării în colectivitate* inclus

6 consultații, controale și interpretare analize


• Alergologie 50% discount • Oftalmologie 50% discount

• Boli infecțioase 50% discount • ORL 50% discount
• Cardiologie 50% discount • Ortopedie 50% discount
• Dermatologie 50% discount • Psihiatrie 50% discount
• Endocrinologie 50% discount • Recuperare medicală 50% discount
• Gastroenterologie 50% discount • Chirurgie pediatrică 30% discount
• Neurologie 50% discount

* În cazul în care abonatul dorește programarea la un anume medic/locație, se pot achita costuri suplimentare.
Discount-ul se referă doar la consultații. Alte servicii efectuate de medici aparținând specialităților enumerate se achită la preț de listă.
Se exclud de la discount investigațiile oferite de medici ce activează în Centre de Excelență, în cadrul specialităților enumerate.


• Radiologie 50% discount • Audiometrie 50% discount

• Ecografie 50% discount • Spirometrie simplă 50% discount

• Urografie 50% discount • Spirometrie cu test bronhodilatator 50% discount

• CT/RMN 20% discount • Teste alergice cutanate Prick 50% discount

• EKG simplu 50% discount • Mică intervenție chirurgicală 50% discount

• Fibroscopie ORL 50% discount • Aerosoli 20% discount

În cazul în care abonatul dorește programarea la un anume medic/locație, se pot achita costuri suplimentare.

Se exclud de la discount investigațiile oferite de medici ce activează în Centre de Excelență, în cadrul specialităților enumerate.

Abonamentul îți oferă acces în toate

hyperclinicile MedLife sau ale partenerilor,
precum și în camerele de gardă din spitalele MedLife.


Cu recomandarea medicului Medlife, indiferent de tipul abonamentului

• BCG 50% discount

• Pentaxim 50% discount
• Envax 50% discount
• Priorix 50% discount
• Infanrix Hexa (înlocuitor pentru Pentaxim + Envax) 50% discount
• Infanrix DTP 50% discount


produse echivalente DSP
Cu recomandarea medicului Medlife, indiferent de tipul abonamentului

• Engerix B 50% discount

• Priorix 50% discount
• Infanrix Hexa 50% discount
• Infanrix IPV HIB 50% discount

Schema MedLife de vaccinare cu vaccinuri opționale nu face obiectul abonamentului.

*în funcție de disponibilitatea stocurilor DSP locale


Hotline Medical** - 24/7inclus 100% discount

Consultații la camera de gardă, Spitalul Zagazului 20% discount

În toate punctele de recoltare Medlife, de pe întreg teritoriul țării

**Sfaturi medicale prin linie telefonică în cazul unei urgențe - 24/7. Numerele de acces la Hotline Medical
sunt menționate în Anexa de beneficiari..

7% discount la non pharma* + suplimente;

*Dispozitive medicale/ Cosmetice/ Dermatocosmetice/ Baby/ Nutriție/ Parafarmaceutice

**Discount-ul nu se aplică pe site-ul, pentru RX-uri, nu se cumulează cu alte promoții/
reduceri și nu este valabil pentru produsele deja reduse
Parazitologie Bacteriologie
Amprentă anală Hemoragii oculte
Ex. coproparazitologic Proba de digestie
Ex. parazitologic picatură groasă
Ag Giardia

Markeri tumorali Markeri cardiovasculari

Acid vanilmandelic
Troponina Ihs
Alfa fetoproteină

Markeri infecțioși Markeri osoși Markeri anemie

Toxoplasma gondii IgG - aviditate Parathormon(iPTH) Vitamina B12
Ac Anti-Epstein Barr VCA IgG Osteocalcin
Ac Anti-Epstein Barr VCA IgM 25-OH Vitamina D
Ac Anti-HIV 1/2
Ac heterofili (mononucleoză infecțioasă)
Ac Anti-Echinococcus IgG
Ac Anti-Bordetella pertussis
Ac Anti-Coxiella burneti IgM
Ac Anti-Coxiella burnetti IgG – faza 1
Markeri hepatici Imunologie
Ac Anti-Coxiella burnetti IgG – faza 2
Ac Anti-Herpes 1 IgG Ac Anti-HAV IgG Ac Anti-Insulină
Ac Anti-Herpes 1 IgM Ac Anti-HAV IgM Ac Anti-receptor TSH
Ac Anti-Herpes 2 IgG Ac Anti-HBc Ac Anti-Tireoperoxidază (TPO)
Ac Anti-Herpes 2 IgM Ac Anti-HBc IgM Ac Anti-Tiroglobulină
Ac Anti-Taenia solium IgG Ac Anti-HBe Ac Anti-transglutaminaza tisulară IgA
Ac Anti-Toxocara canis IgG Ac Anti-HBs Ac Anti-transglutaminaza tisulară IgG
Ac Anti-Toxoplasma IgG Ac Anti-HCV Complexe imune circulante
Ac Anti-Toxoplasma IgM Ac Anti-HD Ac Anti-Mitocondriali (AMA)
Ac Anti-Trichinela spiralis IgG Ac Anti-HD IgM Ac Anti-GAD (glutamicdecarboxilază)
Ac Anti-virus rubeolos IgG Ag HBe AFP
Ac Anti-virus rubeolos IgM Ag HBs
Ac Anti-virus rujeolos IgM Ag HD
Ac Anti-virus rujeolos IgG
Ac Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato IgG
Ac Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato IgM
Ac Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgA
Ac Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG
Ac Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM
Markeri alergii
IgE IgE specific la gentamicină IgE specific la pui
IgE specific la ampicilină IgE specific la ibuprofen IgE specific la rață
IgE specific la aspirină IgE specific la indometacin IgE specific la stafilococ auriu
IgE specific la benzocaină IgE specific la lapte de vacă IgE specific la tetraciclină
IgE specific la bupivacaină IgE specific la lapte praf IgE specific la ton
IgE specific la caisă IgE specific la lapte uht IgE specific la venin de albină
IgE specific la candida IgE specific la lidocaină IgE specific la venin de viespe
IgE specific la căpșuni IgE specific la mepivacaină IgE specific la vită
IgE specific la cefalosporine IgE specific la moluște IgE specific la xilocaină
IgE specific la ciprofloxacin IgE specific la neomicină Panel 1 mixt Euroimmun
IgE specific la cod IgE specific la paracetamol Panel 4 pediatric Euroimmun
IgE specific la codeină IgE specific la penicilină G Panel alimentar IgE 20
IgE specific la creveți IgE specific la penicilină V Panel alimentar IgE 36(1)
IgE specific la diclofenac IgE specific la piersică Panel inhalator IgE 20
IgE specific la doxiciclină IgE specific la piroxicam Panel inhalator IgE 33
IgE specific la eritromicină IgE specific la porc
IgE specific la fenilbutazonă IgE specific la procaină

Hematologie Coagulare
Criofibrinogen Anticoagulant lupic
Fibrinogen Antitrombina III
Frotiu sanguin Factor V Leiden (APCR)
Grup sangvin ABO și RH Proteina C
Hemoleucograma completă Proteina S
Numărătoare de reticulocite Testul monomerilor de fibrină
Test Coombs direct
Test Coombs indirect
APTT Biologie moleculară
Ac Anti-Gliadina deamidata IgA
Ac Anti-Gliadina deamidata IgG Ac Anti-CMV IgG
Ac Anti-Grup A Ac Anti-CMV IgM
Ac Anti-Grup B Viremie hepatită B
Ac Anti-Grup D (Rh) Viremie hepatită C
Celule lupice HLA B27
Concentrat leucocitar
Glucozo-6-Fosfat Dehidrogenaza (G6PD)
Hemosiderina medulară
Methanefrine plasmatice
Rezistență osmotică Anatomie patologică
Examen histopatologic extemporaneu
Examen histopatologic piesa complexă

Electroforeza Examen histopatologic piesa intermediară

Examen histopatologic piesă mică
Examen histopatologic extemporaneu cu prelucrare la parafină
Electroforeza hemoglobinei Citologia lichidelor patologice
Electroforeza proteinelor serice
Acid uric HDL- Colesterol Sodiu urinar
Albumină serică IgA Sumar de urină
Amilază IgG Uree urinară
Amilaza pancreatică IgM CTLFe
Apolipoproteina A1 LDH Imunofixare serică
ASLO cantitativ LDL-Colesterol Lipază
Bilirubina directă Lipide totale Scor Framingham
Bilirubina indirectă Magneziu Test de toleranță la glucoză/75 g
Bilirubina totală Potasiu seric Transferină
Calciu ionic Proteine totale Hemoglobina glicozilată
Calciu seric total Sideremie (HbA1C)
Clor seric Sodiu seric Colinesterază
Colesterol total TGO/AST Raport Albumină/Creatinină
Complement seric C3 TGP/ALT Raport calciu /Creatinină
Complement seric C4 Trigliceride Alfa 1 antitripsină
Creatinina serică Uree serică Alfa 2 macroglobulină
Crioglobuline VLDL - Colesterol Coeficient de saturare a
CRP cantitativ Procalcitonină transferinei
Factor reumatoid cantitativ Fosfataza acidă totală Haptoglobină
Fosfataza alcalină Ex. calcul renal Apolipoproteina B
Fosfor seric Magneziu urinar Ceruloplasmină
Gama GT Microalbuminurie
Glucoza serică Potasiu urinar
Glucoza serică-gri Proteine urinare

Markeri endocrini
Hormon de creștere (GH) FSH
IGF-1 (somatomedin C) LH
Insulină Progesteron
Peptid C Prolactină
Testosteron liber SHBG
17 OH Progesteron T3
Cortisol seric Testosteron
Cortisol urinar Tiroglobulină
Estradiol Aldosteron
Free T3 Aldosteron urinar
Free T4 Beta hCG
Coprocitogramă Urocultură
Coprocultură Ac Anti-Helicobacter Pylori IgG
Ex. bact. din lichide de puncție Ag Helicobacter Pylori
Ex. bact. secreție conjunctivală Ag Adenovirus+Rotavirus
Ex. bact. secreție otică Ag Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Ex. bact. secreție uretrală, vaginală, col Ag Norovirus
Ex. bact. secreții, plagi, fistule, abcese Ag Streptococ beta-hemolitic gr. A
Ex. bact. spută Coprocultura ptr Campylobacter spp
Ex. micologic (unghii, fir de păr, scuame) Cultura fungi (mucoase)
Exsudat faringian Hemocultură
Exsudat lingual Calprotectină
Exsudat nazal hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

100 ron /month
Validity: 12 months


1 free set of tests /year Discount tests

Complete blood count Parasitology 50% discount

Glycemia Microbiology 50% discount

Cholesterol Bacteriology 50% discount

HDL cholesterol Tumor markers 50% discount

LDL cholesterol Bone markers 50% discount

Triglycerides Infectious markers 50% discount

Transaminases (GOT, GPT) Hepatic markers 50% discount

ASLO Endocrine markers 50% discount

Coproculture Cardiovascular markers 50% discount

CPZ Anemia markers 50% discount

Urea Allergy markers 50% discount

Creatinine Immunology 50% discount

ESR Hematology 50% discount

Urinalysis Electrophoresis 50% discount

Uroculture Coagulation 50% discount

Pharyngeal exudate Molecular biology 50% discount

Nasal exudate Pathological anatomy 50% discount

Biochemistry 50% discount


Issuance of permits required to enter the collectivity* included

6 consultations, checkups, and interpretation of analyses


• Allergology 50% discount • Ophthalmology 50% discount

• Infectious diseases 50% discount • ENT 50% discount
• Cardiology 50% discount • Ortopedics 50% discount
• Dermatology 50% discount • Psychiatry 50% discount
• Endocrinology 50% discount • Medical rehabilitation 50% discount
• Gastroenterology 50% discount • Pediatric surgery 30% discount
• Neurology 50% discount

* If the subscriber wishes to make an appointment with a specific doctor/location, additional charges may apply.

Investigations provided by doctors working in Centers of Excellence in the specialties listed are excluded from the discount.


• Radiology 50% discount • Audiometry 50% discount

• Ultrasound 50% discount • Simple spirometry 50% discount

• Urography 50% discount • Spirometry with bronchodilator test 50% discount

• CT/MRI 20% discount • Prick skin allergy tests 50% discount

• Simple EKG 50% discount • Minor surgical intervention 50% discount

• ENT fibroscopy 50% discount • Aerosols 20% discount

If the subscriber wishes to make an appointment for a specific doctor/location, additional costs may be payable.
Investigations offered by doctors working in Centers of Excellence in the specialties listed are excluded from the discount.

Membership gives you access to all

MedLife or partner hyperclinics,
as well as the on-call rooms in MedLife hospitals.

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,
With the referral of a Medlife physician, irrespective of the subscription type

• BCG 50% discount

• Pentaxim 50% discount
• Envax 50% discount
• Priorix 50% discount
• Infanrix Hexa (replacement for Pentaxim + Envax) 50% discount
• Infanrix DTP 50% discount


equivalent products provided by DSP
With the referral of a MedLife physician, irrespective of the subscription type

• Engerix B 50% discount

• Priorix 50% discount
• Infanrix Hexa 50% discount
• Infanrix IPV HIB 50% discount

The MedLife immunization plan with optional vaccines is not covered by the subscription.

*depending on availability of local DSP stocks


Hotline Medical** - 24/7included 100% discount

Consultations in the on-call room, Zagazului Hospital 20% discount

At all Medlife collection points throughout the country

**** Medical advice by telephone in case of an emergency - 24/7. Access numbers to the Medical Hotline
are listed in the Beneficiary Annex.

7% discount for non pharma* + supplements;

*Medical Devices/ Cosmetics/ Dermatocosmetics/ Baby/ Nutrition/ Parapharmaceuticals;

**Discount does not apply on website, for RXs, does not cumulate with other promotions/discounts
and is not valid for products already discounted.

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,
Parasitology Bacteriology
Anal imprint Occult hemorrhages
Coproparasitic test Digestive test
Thick bite parasitological examination
Giardia antigen

Tumor markers Cardiovascular markers

Calcitonine NT proBNP
Vanilmandelic acid TroponinIhs
Alpha phetoprotein D-Dimers

Infectious markers Bone markers Anemia markers

Toxoplasma gondii IgG – aviditaty Parathormone (iPTH) Vitamin B12
Anti-Epstein Barr VCA IgG antibodies Osteocalcin
Anti-Epstein Barr VCA IgM antibodies 25-OH Vitamin D
Anti-HIV ½ antibodies
Heterophile antibodies (infectious mononucleosis)
Anti-Echinococcus IgG antibodies
Anti-Bordetella pertussis antibodies
Anti-Coxiella burnetti IgM antibodies Hepatic markers Immunology
Anti-Coxiella burnetti IgG - phase 1 antibodies
Anti-Coxiella burnetti IgG - phase 2 antibodies Anti-HAV IgG antibodies Anti-Insulin antibodies
Anti-Herpes 1 IgG antibodies Anti-HAV IgM antibodies Anti-TSH receptor antibodies
Anti-Herpes 1 IgM antibodies Anti-HBc antibodies Anti-Thyreoperoxydase (TPO) antibodies
Anti-Herpes 2 IgG antibodies Anti-HBc IgM antibodies Anti-Thyroglobulin antibodies
Anti-Herpes 2 IgM antibodies Anti-HBe antibodies Anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies
Anti-Taenia solium IgG antibodies Anti-HBs antibodies Anti- tissue transglutaminase IgG antibodies
Anti-Toxocara canis IgG antibodies Anti-HCV antibodies Circulating complex immune antibodies
Anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies Anti-HD antibodies Anti-Mitochondrial (AMA) antibodies
Anti-Toxoplasma IgM antibodies Anti-HD IgM antigen Anti-GAD (glutamic decarboxylase)
Anti-Trichinela spiralis IgG antibodies HBe antigen AFP antibodies
Anti-rubella virus IgG antibodies HBs antigen
Anti- rubella virus IgM antibodies HD antigen
Anti- measles virus IgM antibodies
Anti-measles virus IgG antibodies
Borrelia burgdorferi lato sensu IgG antibodies
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato IgM antibodies
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgA antibodies
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG antibodies
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM antibodies

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,
Allergy markers
IgE IgE specific to gentamycin IgE specific to chicken
IgE specific to ampicillin IgE specific to ibuprofen IgE specific to duck
IgE specific to aspirin IgE specific to indomethacin IgE specific to staphylococcus aureus
IgE specific to benzocaine IgE specific to cow milk IgE specific to tetracycline
IgE specific to bupivacaine IgE specific to powder milk IgE specific to tuna
IgE specific to apricots IgE specific to UHT milk IgE specific to bee venom
IgE specific to candida IgE specific to lidocaine IgE specific to wasp venom
IgE specific to strawberries IgE specific to mepivacaine IgE specific to beef
IgE specific to cephalosporins IgE specific to mollusks IgE specific to xylocaine
IgE specific to ciprofloxacin IgE specific to neomycin Euroimmune mixed panel 1
IgE specific to codfish IgE specific to paracetamol Euroimmune pediatric panel 4
IgE specific to codeine IgE specific to penicillin G IgE 20 food panel
IgE specific to shrimps IgE specific to penicillin V IgE 36(1) food panel
IgE specific to diclofenac IgE specific to peaches IgE 20 inhalant panel
IgE specific to doxycycline IgE specific to pyroxicam IgE 33 inhalant panel
IgE specific to erythromycin IgE specific to pork
IgE specific to phenylbutazone IgE specific to procaine

Hematology Coagulation
Cryofibrinogen Lupus anticoagulant
Fibrinogen Antithrombin III
Blood smear Factor V Leiden (APCR)
ABO blood groups and Rh Protein C
Complete blood count Protein S
Reticulocyte count Monomerilor fibrin test
Direct Coombs test and indirect Coombs test
Anti-deamidated gliadin IgA antibodies Molecular biology
Anti-Gliadina deamidata IgG antibodies
Anti-Group A antibodies Anti-CMV IgG antibodies
Anti-Group B antibodies Anti-CMV IgM antibodies
Anti-Group D (Rh) Hepatitis B viremia
Lupus cells Hepatitis C viremia
Leucocyte concentrate HLA B27
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)
Medullar hemosiderine
Plasma metanephrines
Osmotic strength
Pathological Anatomy
Extemporaneous histopatological examination
Histopatological examination of a complex piece
Histopatological examination of an intermediate piece
Electrophoresis Histopatological examination of a small piece
Extemporaneous histopathological examination with paraffin processing
Electrophoresis of hemoglobin Cytology of pathological fluids
Electrophoresis of serum proteins

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,
Uric acid HDL- Cholesterol Urine sodium
Serum albumin IgA Urinalysis
Amylase IgG Urine urea
Pancreatic amylase IgM CTLFe
Apolipoprotein A1 LDH Serum immunofixation
Quantitative ASLO LDL-Cholesterol Lipase
Direct bilirubin Total lipids Framingham Score
Indirect bilirubin Magnesium Glucose tolerance test/75 g
Total bilirubin Serum potassium Transferrin
Ionic calcium Total proteins Glycosylated hemoglobin
Total serum calcium Sideremia (HbAIC)
Serum chloride Serum sodium Cholinesterase
Total cholesterol GOT/AST Albumin/creatinine ratio
Serum complement C3 GPT/ALT Calcium /creatinine ratio
Serum complement C4 Triglycerides Alfa 1 antitrypsin
Serum creatinine Serum urea Alfa 2 macroglobulin
Cryoglobulins VLDL - Cholesterol Transferrin saturation coefficient
Quantitative CRP Procalcitonin Haptoglobin
Quantitative rheumatoid factor Total acid phosphatase Apolipoprotein B
Alkaline phosphatase Renal calculi examination Ceruloplasmin
Serum phosphorus Urine magnesium
Gamma GT Microalbuminuria
Serum glucose Urine potassium
Serum glucose - grey Urine proteins

Endocrine markers
Growth hormone (GH) FSH
IGF-1 (somatomedin C) LH
Insulin Progesterone
Peptide C Prolactin
Free testosterone SHBG
17 OH Progesteron T3
Serum cortisol Testosterone
Urine cortisol Thyroglobulin
Estradiol Aldosterone
Free T3 Urine aldosterone
Free T4 Beta hCG

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,
Coprocytogram Uroculture
Coproculture Anti-Helicobacter Pylori IgG antigen
Bacterial test from puncture fluids Helicobacter Pylori antigen
Bacterial test from conjunctival secretion Adenovirus + Rotavirus antigen
Bacterial test from ear secretion Neisseria gonorrhoeae antigen
Bacterial test from urethral, vaginal, cervical secretion Norovirus antigen
Bacterial test from secretions, lesions, fistulae, abscesses Beta hemolytic Streptococcus gr. A
Bacterial test from sputum Coproculture for Campylobacter spp
Mycology test (mails, hairs, squama) Fungal culture (mucosa)
Pharyngeal exudate Hemoculture
Lingual exudate Calprotectin
Nasal exudate

hyperclinics | hospitals | maternitties | laboratories | centers of excellence | pharmacies

S.C. MedLife S.A. Calea Griviţei, nr. 365, Sect. 1, Bucureşti Tel: +40 21 9646,

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