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Schimbarile permanente din viata politica, econornica sociala din tara noastr:l au dcschis
drum unor noi posibilitati. pentru a Ie fructifica pe deplin este necesara
limbilor strainc. economia, camcrtul, cultura, turismul sunt sfere de activitate al caror
succes depinde in primul rand de maniera in care cle sunt prezentate intr-o limba de larga
Cea mai cunoscuta mai papulara limba este limba engleza. Acest fapt este demonstrat de
numa-rul marc de tari in care engleza este vorbitii, dar de numarul de persoane care comunica
prin intermediul ei in intreaga lume.
Nu este de mirare ca in majoritatea tarilor limba engleza este 0 materie de studiu obligatorie in
toate institutiile de invaHllmlnt.
, ,
Acum dumneavoastra va numarati printre cei care doresc sa Hirgeasca sa
dobandeasca abilitatea de a comunica cficient in aceasta limba.
Cursul nostru pentru avansati va va da posibilitatea de a stapani limba, astfel indH yeti putea
conduce discutii pe diferite teme, folosind un vocabular bogat. Textelc dialogurile va vor
ajuta sa studiati mai eficient. Pe 1:1nga un numar mare de cuvinte noi, grupate tematic in cadrul
caietelor de leetii, veti gasi informatii gramaticale. Vom acarda 0 deosebita atentie exercitiilor
rccapitulative, care nu vor urmari daar sa fixeze 0 anumiHi regula gramaticala, ci va vor testa
in pennanenta de Iimba engleza acumulate anterior.
Metoda de studiu propusa de EUROCOR are un marc succes in Statele Unite ale Americii
in multe din tarile europene. Dupa numai cateva leetii va veti da seama cat de repede veti putea
obtine rezultate remarcabile eu ajutorul acestei metode. Este necesar sa invatati sistematico
Yeti abtine cele mai bune rezultate studiind zilnic doar cate 15 minute.
, ,
Va mult sueces,
ProfesoruI dumneavoastra
Cursul pentm avansati contine 32 de lectii. Fiecare lectic arc doua parti. Prima lectie din
caiet, ca prima parte a celei de-a doua, introduc notiuni noi pe care Ie yeti asimila Cll
ajutorul unor cxercitii special concepute. Ultima parte a lectiei 2 nu introduce materie noua,
ci contine exercitii recapitulative pentru materialul cursului dc nivel intermediar, precum
exercitii de pronuntie. Toate regulile gramaticalc introduse in cursul unei lectii sunt recapitulate
la fiecareia dintre acestea, sub fonna de rezumat. La fiecanai caiet de lectii
exista un vocabular care cuprinde toate elementele lcxicalc introduse pe parcursul celor doua
Pe marginea lectiilor veti gasi inserate urmatoarclc simboluri:
Textul scris cu caractere italice in dreptul acestui semn introduce informatii gramaticale sau
fonetice noi.
Un exercitiu care va testeaza de gramatica cuvintelc nou invatate.
Cuvinte noi
Referiri la aceasta problema se fae in cadrul compendiului de gramatica pentm nivel
intennediar, la punctul 5.2.
Informatiile legate de regulile de pronuntie care merita
o atentic dcosebita vor fi plasate in interioml unui chenar.
Atunci cand inmlniti text tiparit eu care dispare cand estc acoperit cu filtrul
care este precedat de semnul ">" inseamna ca trcbuie sa urmati instructiunile date, de
excmplu sa completati propozitiile eu euvintele care lipsesc sau sa traduccti propozitiile
- 1
In cadrul cursului pentru avansati vom introduce sistemul international de transcriere fonetica. Aceasta
va va permite sa invatati pronuntia exacta a fiecarui cuvant nou. Deoarece aceasta modalitate de
transcriere fonetica este folosita in majoritatea dictionarelor Englez - Roman sau dictionarele
explicative originale, ei va va inlesni folosirea eficienta a acestor dictionare.
Pentru a va facilita asimilarea noilor simboluri fonetice, Ie vom prezenta in para leI cu cele folosite
de noi in cadru] cursului pentru incepatori in cel pentru nivel mediu, de asemenea. Va vom furniza
0 scurta descriere a pronuntiei fiecarui sunet reprezentat de simbolul fonetic corespunzator.
Sistemul EUROCOR Sisternul international
[ a] [bas] [AJ - a scurt bus [bAS]
[ a:] [ba:'J
{a:]-alung bar [ba:]
[E] [trEfik] [re] - un sunet care rezulta traffic ['trreflk]
din combinatia sunetelor
e a
[ e] [get] [ e] - e scuTt (se pronunta ca e get [get]
din limba romana)
[a],[-] [hEpan], [hEpn] r -se pronunta ca vocala happen ['ha:p(::1)n]
romiineasca a dar este mul!
mai scurt (se poate omite in
[a']. [a:] [ fa:rst] [::1:] - ::1 lung (fiindca r nu se first
pronunta sau se pronunta slab,
vocala devine lunga)
[ i] [in] [I] - i scurt m [ In]
l i:]
[ i:vnin(gl] [i:] - i lung evemng ['j :VnITl]
[0] [ klok]
[;)] - Q deschis (deschidem gura clock [kbk]
ca cum am vrea sa pronuntam
a pronuntam Q)
[0:] [ do:']
[:J: 1- 0 deschis lung (nepronuntarea door [ dj:]
lui [ din cuvantul scris produce
lungirea vocalei)
fu] [lukJ
[u] - II scurt din limba romana look [luk]
fu:] [sku:IJ [u:] - II lung school [sku:l]
- 2 -
Silaba accentuata este marcata prin semnu! [']. Acest simbol precede silaba accentuata.
In cadrul acestui sistem de transcriere fonetica vom folosi simbolul [.] care precede silabele cu
accent secundar.
[peJ] paIr
- 3 -
l CdJ- pronuntat ca eli in
In(g)J l sin(g)] [11] - grupul de sunete ng se aude sing [ SIll]
ca in cuvfmtul romanesc pliing
(datorita denazalizarii lui n a
desonorizarii lui g)
[n [J] - sunetul romanesc shop [fJp]
] [tJ] - corespondentul grupului de church l tJCJ:tJ]
sunete transcris prin ci In limba
[j] [gara:j] [3J- sunetul j din limba romana garage [gd'ra:3]
[dj] [djon] [d31 - corespondentul grupului
reprezentat in limba romana prin gi John [d3Jn]
["] [Uindau] [ w] - este u semivocalic din limba window ['wmdgw]
romiina (eg.: ca In cuvantul cuarf)
[P] lTsin(g)kJ [8] - este s interdental (se articuleaza think [8111 k]
consoana S Cll varful limbii lipi!
intre dinti)
[DZ] [ D'is] [0] - este z interdental (se articuleaza this [OISJ
zcu varful limbii Hpit de dinti)
A. Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc, folosind filtrul
Ineepem eu recapitularea vocabularului introdus in prima leqie din cursul de nivel intermediar.
Is it possible to get >a job >as a
teacher these days?
- This picture was taken >with a good
- >What a fool he is!
They won't let you in >without a valid
- It is >such a lovely day for a picnic.
- You can stay here >for a change.
- We could do >with a double bed.
- He is small >for an adult.
- Eat >with a fork, please.
- He has been waiting for just >such an
- The guard has already >clippcd our
- We're having a >boring time here.
- Travelling >by air is very exciting.
- Next week I'll be away >on business.
It's >a pity they could't join us.
- I'm with John who's going to be our
> guide for the next few days.
- Your >scason ticket is no longer valid.
Do not >lean out of the window.
- Send this parcel >hy rail.
- If you're making a >joumey to England,
make sure that your car is in good
Our trip to Africa was arranged through
this >travel agency.
Pacat ca nu au venit ei cu noi.
Este 0 zi alat de frumoasa pentru picnic.
Aceasta fotografie a fast lacuta cu un aparat bun.
Ce prost e!
Ne-am deseurea eu un pat dublu.
Maniinca cu furculita, te rog!
Este posibil sa gasesc un post de profesor
in cateva zile?
Ai putea sa mai stai aici.
E seund pentru un adult.
Nu decat 0 asemenea ocazie.
Nu va aplecati in afara.
Este foarte palpitant sa eu avionu!.
Trimite acest pachet eu trenul.
Sunt cu John, care va fi ghidul nostru in
urmatoarele zile.
Abonamentul tau nu mai este valabil.
Ne plictisim aiei.
Calatoria noastra in Africa a fost organizata
prin aceasta agentie de voiaj.
Daca faci 0 calatorie in Anglia, asigura-te eft
ta este in buna stare.
Nu te vor lasa sa iotri rara un bilet valabil.
B. In exercitiul de mai jos vom repeta folosirea articolului oehotiirat. Sa complelam spatiHe libere
din propoziliile in limba engleza:
Conductorul ne-a perforat deja biletele.
'Saptamana viitoare voi fi pleeat ell afaceri.
Which of them has a doctor's degree? - Care dintre ei are doctoratul?
Acum vom folosi noile cuvinte in propozitii. Cititi-[e cu voce tare, urmarind
traducerea lor In limba romana:
In cadml primului caiet de leqii vom introduce vocabulaml care va va permite
sa scrieti un curriculum vitae 0 scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza. Cititi
cu voce tare pril1lul grup de cuvinte noi retineti traducerea In limba romana.
Particula "to" din infinitivul verbelor va fi omisa in transcrierea fonetica.
- a cauta
- dispus (sa), gata (sa),
- Consiliul Municipal,
- preferabil
- a fumiza, a asigura
- a lansa
- interesant; competitiv,
solicitant, complex
- ingenios, descurcaret;
cu initiativa
- titlu de master
- titlu de doctor; doctorat
- asuma, a prelua
- sarcina, indatorire,
- grad, titlu academic
- Compania eauta comis voiajori.
- crede cil este atiit de
- EI este licentiat.
- Pot sa discut eu el oricand, dar
preferabil nu inainte de ora doua.
- Am titlul de master.
- Consiliului Municipal
au loc 0 data [a doua saptamani.
I would never think he's such a
resourceful man.
I have a master's degree.
- 5 -
I can talk to him at any time,
but preferably not before
two o'clock.
City Council > ['Sltl 'kaulls;)l]
to seek >[si:k]
resourceful >
degree >[ch'gri:]
master's degree >['ma:st:lz dl'gri:]
doctor's degree > dr'gri:]
(or doctorate) ['d:)kt;)r;)t]
preferably > ['pref;.1r;.1blJ1
willing > ['wr!Jll]
to take on > [telk :m]
challenging > ['tJa;I;mJ3111]
task > [ta:sk1
to launch > llJ:ntJJ
to provide > [rrd'vard]
He has a university degree.
City Council meetings are held
every second week.
The company is seeking commercial
- John este dispus sa colaboreze
cu noi?
- Aceasta este 0 problema
- Nu accepta sa lucrezi In plus.
- Ei lanseaza un nou atac.
- Aceasta scrisoare ne va furniza
informatiile de care avem nevoie.
- Aceasta este 0 indatorire lipsita de
- locuinta; conditii de cazare
- peste tot, pretutindeni
- solicitat, cerut
- a supune spre examinare, a depune,
a inainta
- esential
- proportional (ell), corespunzator
- extensiv, mult, considerabil
a conducet, a rezolva
- cerere
- autobiografie, C.V.
- Ni s-a cerut tuturor sa ariitam
- Agentia de voiaj se va ocupa de cazarea
- A fost 0 situatie dificila, dar el a
rezolvat-o foarte bine.
- Va trebui sa mutt in acest an
> [rk'stenslvh]
> l've;:lrl;:lS1
> [hrendl]
> [b'menJ;lr:Jt (WIC)]
> [r'senJ;:lI]
>[rczjomel], ['rezjumel]
> [sdb'mlt]
Is John willing to cooperate with us?
Don't take on any extra-work.
They're launching a new attack.
This letter will provide us with
the information we need.
This is a thankless task.
ThIS is a challenging problem
to handle
all over
lata un alt grup de cuvinte noi. Sa Ie citim cu voce tare, acordand maxima atentie pronuntiei:
acum iata cateva exemple In care aceste cuvinte sunt folosite in propozitii. Le vom citi cu voce
tare unnarind traducerea lor in Iimba ramana:
to submit
- 6 -
You will have to read extensively this academic year.
The travel agency will arrange accomodation for us.
We're all required to show our passports.
It was a difficult situation but he handled it well.
- 7 -
Yom vedea acum noile clivinte 'in text. lata un anun! pentro angajare dintr-un ziar:
\ I

- Experienta ta cste esentiala pentro
activitatea noastra.
- Nu sunt sigur daca acest lucru ar trehui
trecut in CY-ul meu.
- Eseurile voastre trebuie depuse pana la
- Scrie aceasta cerere cat de repede poti.
- Acest salariu nu este corespunzator
experientei tale.
- Din diverse motive refuz sa fac acest

The City Council seeks a resourceful person with a university degree
(preferably a master's or a doctor's degree), who is willing to take on
challenging tasks. The Council is now launching a campaign to provide
meals and accommodation for children in need, and wants a person to take
care of it. The person will be required to travel extensively allover the
country and handle various kinds of situations. Salmy commensurate with
ability and experience. Driving licence essential. Application and resume
should be submitted to the City Council, Northampton.
Write this application as quickly as possible.
Your experience is essential to our work.
I'm not sure whether this fact should
be included in my resume.
For various reasons I refuse to do that.
Your essays should be submitted by the
end of the week.
This salary isn't commensurate with your
Sa comparam textul cu traducerea lui in limba romana:
Sa eompletam propozitii1e in limba engleza eli euvintele noi din primu1 grup. Vom folosi filtrul
Sarcina ta este sa 0 solutie la aceasta problema - Your> task is to find a solution to the
cat mai repede eu putinta. problem as quickly as possible.
- The government can'!'> provide all
young people with a job.
- [ wonder whether he has a >l11aster's
- I'll take care of this problem this week,
>prdcrahly on Friday.
- I hope to perform this> challenging
task without a mistake.
- Are you willing to> launch another
- I have to >take on extra work to earn
money for my holiday.
- My mother has a >doctor's degree.
- Why aren't you as >rcsourceful as
Jane's husband?
- She will >seek public office.
- I don't really understand why you're not
>wi Ill11g to learn English.
- The >City Council will finally decide
about the matter this afternoon.
- 8 -
dispus sa mai lansezi un atac?
Guvernu1 nu poate asigura locuri de munca
pentru toti tinerii.
De ee nu tu descurcaret ea sotul lui Jane?
Mil voi ocupa de aeeasta problema in cursul acestei
saptamani, preferabil vineri.
Chiar nu de ce nu dispus sa inveti engleza.
Trebuie sa accept sa lucrez in plus pentm a
bani pentm vacanta.
Sper sa i'ndeplinesc aceasta sarcina interesanta
lara nici 0
Consiliul Municipal caula 0 persoana eu spirit intreprinzator, (preferabil
cu titlu de master sau de doctor), gata sa preia sareini interesante. Consiliul 1anseaza
acurn 0 carnpanie pentm a asigura hrana adapost copiilor este
nevoie de 0 persoana care sa se ocupe de acest proiect. Persoana va trebui sa
calatoreasca considerabil in intreaga tara sa faca fata diferitelor tipuri de situatii.
Salariul este proportional cu capacitatea profesionala !?i Este esential
ea solicitantul sa aiba camet de conducere. 0 cerere un currriculum
vitae la Consiliul Municipal din Northampton.
Ea va caUla un post intr-o institutie publica.
Mama mea are titlu1 de doctor.
Consiliul Municipal va lua in 0 hotarare in
legatura eu aeeasta problema in dupa-amiaza aeeasta.
Ma intreb daca el are titlul de master.
Inca 0 remarca in legatura cu studiile universitare din universul anglo-saxon. Pe langa titlurile de
Master (Master's Degree) Doctor (Doctor's Degree) rnai exista titlul de Bachelor (Bachelor's
dl'gri:] ). Acesta se obtine dupa 2-3 ani de studii universitare (colegiu).
- 9 -
Ne vom largi despre forma gerund (eu terminatia -ing).
Completati spalii1e Jibere din propozitii1e in limba errgte-cii--CUSJ1vintele noi din al doilea grup:
- Tomorrow I'll > submit my resignation.
- The car will be >extensively modified.
- I'd like to travel >all over the world as
much as he does.
- Will you >handlc this matter?
- By tomorrow your >application must
be ready.
- I can't submit my >resume because
it's incomplete.
- There are >various questions I want
to ask him.
- No one is >required to join them.
- Which agency arranges student
- I no longer want to work here because
the salary is not >commcnsurate with
my ability.
- In this case his qualifications are
Ce agentie se oeupa de eazarea studen\ilor?
Maine 'jmi voi inainta demisia.
va fi eonsiderabil modifieata.
Pana maine cererea ta trebuie sa fie gata.
Nu pot sa-mi depun C.V.-ul pentru ca este incomplet.
Mi-ar pHieea sa clWitoresc in toata lumea
la fel de mult ea el.
Vreau sa-i pun diverse intrebari.
Nimanui nu i se cere sa mearga eu ei.
Vrei sa te ocupi de aceasta problema?
can't help > rka:nt help] - a nu se putea abtine, a nu pulea sa nu ...
mind > [mamd] - (in propozi{ii negative $i interogative)
a avea eeva impotriva, a se supara
admit > [dd'IllIt] - a
evade > [I'veld] - a evita, a ocoli, a scapa de,
a se sustrage de la
oppose > [g'P;;1UZ] - a se opune, a contrasta
envisage > [m'vlZldsl - a avea in vedere, a estima, a prevedea
Nu vreau sa mai luerez aici deoareee salariul
nu este proporlional cu capacitatea mea.
in acest caz specializarile pe care Ie are sunt esentiale.
lata cateva verbe # expresii urmate de gerund.
iata cateva exemple de situatii in care ele sunt urmate de gerund:
lata cateva exemple de propozilii in care aceste cuvinte :.;i expresll sunt folosite:
Forma gerund se mal Jolose$le $1 dupa anumite substantive sau adjective cu prepozi(ie:
- Te felicit cil ai luat examenul.
- Campania este scutita de 121 plata
- Inclina sa devina translator.
- Ea are darul de face prieteni.
- Cfmd estimezi ca ai putea sa incepi sa
lucrezi 121 proiect'l
- Nu am purut sa nu rad cand am vazut-c.
- A recunoscut ca a furat banii.
- Nu te sustrage de la plata impozite]or.
- Ma apun cxmatricularil lui.
- Nu mil deranjeaza sa ma uit 121
emisiunea aceasta.
- 10 -
The company is exempt from paying taxes.
She has a flair for making friends.
I congratulate you on passing the exam.
He is bent on bewming a translator.
bent on > [hent :mj - (a fi) talentat la, cu inclinatii pentru
congratulate on > [bn gnetfolelt :mj - a felicita pentru
a tlair for > [d fle;) fd] - talentul, darul de a
exempt from > [lg'zcmpt fIJmj - scutit de
discourage from > [dls'kArJd3 frJmj - a descuraja, pierde curajuJ
ashamed of > ;)vj - de/sa
tired of > ['tal:'od ;1Vj - siltul, plictisit de
the pleasure of > [0;) 'pJe3.J(r) ;w] - placerea de a
I don't reli sh the > [aI u;)Onl 'rchI - nu-mi surade de putin
prospect of ... od pnspekt ;)v1 perspcctiva de a ...
Don't evade paying taxes.
When do you envisage belllg able to start
working on this project?
He admitted stealing the money.
I oppose expelling him from the schoo!'
[ couldn't help laughing when [ saw her.
I don't mind watching this programme.
Acum sa exersam utilizarea formei gerund. Completati spatiile libere din propozitiile in limba engleza:
forma gerund se in combmatie eu phrasal verbsl 'frcrz:J] V:J; bz]
(verbe complexe, a carol' structura contine un verb notional 0 particula).
- II -
- a renunta, a se lasa de;
- a amana, a reprograma
- A trebuit sa amanam intiilnirea eu el.
- Doctorul m-a statuit sa renunt la bere.
- Nu ma incanta deloc perspectiva de
a-mi petrece cei mai buni ani din viata
in 'inchisoare.
- Nu am mai avut plaeerea de a sta
de vorba?
- Tom m-a descurajat in privinta
frecventarii acestui curs.
- Ar trebui sa-ti fie sa spui
- M-am saturat sa lucrez aici.
- I don't> envisage having any trouble.
- I'm >cxempt from attending tins class.
- Ann has >a flair for writmg poetry.
- J hope you don't >min$.l my leaving.
- I >couldn't help making this remark.
- I'm >tircd of talking to you.
- Are you>bent on becoming an actor?
- r don't> relish the prospect of
becoming a teacher
>[put :lfJ
>[glv Ap]
put off
Exemple de a5tfel de verbc:
give up
Nu prevad nici 0 problema.
Nu m-am putut abtine sa nu fac aceasta remarca.
Ana are darul de a scrie poezii.
Sunt invoit de la aceasta ora de curs.
M-am saturat de disCllt eu tine.
lata diteva exemple de propozitii:
Sper ca nu te superi daca plec.
My doctor advised me to give up drinking beer.
We had to put off meeling him.
Nu rna incanta perspectiva de a deveni profesor.
Ai talent de actor?
Haven't I had the pleasure of talking
to you before?
I'm tired of working here.
I don't relish the prospect of sllending
the best years of my life in prison.
You should be ashamed of telling lies.
Tom discouraged me from taking
this course.
~ i aeum, exereitiile de pronuntie. Yom repeta formele contrase ale verbului to be.
Formele contrase ale verbului sunt folosite atunci eand verbul se afla
intr-o pozitie neaccentuata in propozitie.
[jU::l(r), jJ:(r)]
>Can you deliver these tools today,
preferably before one o'clock?
> I'm not able to arrange aceolllodation for you,
>Jfyou'rc willing to negotiate with us,
we can start talks today.
> I 'm too tired to take on any extra work.
>I'd I ike to travel extensively allover the
>1 don't think I'll he able to find a
solution to this challenging problem.
>We won't launch any new projects
because we're short of money.
12 -
['ju::Jr d gud 'bJI]
['wIJr ::J'melzd]
['oe;Jr ::l'mju:zLTj]
Sa eitim ell voce tare. Atentie la pronuntie!
Daea e ~ t i dispus sa negociezi cu noi,
putem ineepe discutiile azi,
Mi-ar placea sa ealatorese mult prin
toata lumea.
Sunt prea obosit sa mai muneese ~ i in plus.
I'm raIm]
you're [ju0(r), jJ:(r)]
he's lhi.z]
she's [Ji:z]
it's [ItS]
Nu vom lansa niei un proiect nou pentru eli
nu avem bani.
Pentru fonnele we're, you're, they're [r] se pronunta daca urmatorul cuvant din propozitie incepe
cu 0 voeala. Sa citim ell voce tare urmatoarele exemple:
We're amazed.
Po\i sa livrezi aeeste ustensile azi, preferabil
inainte de ora unu?
Vom repeta elcmente1e lexicale prezentate In aeeasta parte a leeliei, traduciind unnatoarele propozitii
in limba engleza:
Nu pot sa-ti asigur cazarea.
You're a good boy.
They're amusing.
Nu ered eli voi putea sa gasese 0
solutie la aeeasta problema complexa.
Cititi exemplele ell voce tare:
Vom reveni asupra vocabularului gramaticii eu 0 recapitulare:

B. Sa repetam acum articolul nehotarat substantiveIe abstracte care se folosesc Tara artico!'
Completati spatiile libere:
- Tell them about it > in a loud voice.
- Yesterday evening she> had a fever.
- Please, come in one> at a time, not all
- The next train to Bucharest> is due at
one a.m.
- He's a very good teacher of > history.
- She has> a good appetite.
- He phones his wife> many times a day.
- I no longer believe in her> honesty.
- They were green with> envy when they
saw our new house.
- I think I'll take a > fast train
- Don't tease her because she has>
a terrible headache.
- I want to travel in a first class>
- This is a > smoker .You're allowed to
smoke in here.
- The> conductor is in the next
- All > passengers are required to stay in
their compartments.
- There is a > goods train at platfonn one.
- What do you do > for a living?
- I'I! > see you ofTat the bus station.
- My car is > insured against theft.
- The bus is > overdue.
- I'll be sitting in the second> carriage
from the end of the train.
A. Completati propozitiile in limba engleza:
Controloml este In eompartimentul de alaturi.
Acesta este un compartiment pentm fumatori.
Ai voie sa fumezi aici.
Autobuzul are lntarziere.
Voi fi In al doilea vagon de la coada trenului.
Pasagerii sunt mgati sa ramana In compartimente.
mea este asigurata in caz de furt.
La linia unu este un tren de marra.
Unnatorul tren spre este la ora
unu noaptea.
cu voce tare.
Nu 0 necaji, pentm ca are 0 migrena ingrozitoare.
El e un foarte bun profesor de istorie.
Te conduc la statia de autobuz.
S-au lnnegrit de ciuda cand au viizut casa
noastra cea noua.
Are pofta de mancare.
Va rog sa intrati cate unul, nu toti deodata.
A avut febra ieri seara.
Vreau sa calatoresc Intr-un compartiment
de clasa Intai.
Nu mai cred in onestitatea ei.
El ii telefoneaza sotiei de multe ori In fiecare zi.
- 13 -
Cred cli voi lua un tren rapid.
Cu ce te ocupi?
- 14-
Did you really read the Social Sciences? - Chiar ai studiat sociale?
He is a graduate from Oxford University. - EI este absolvent al Universitatii
- acestei scrisori un eec
de 100 .
-Tom vrea sa studieze lirnba
- Avem nevoie de mai multi
asistenti sociali.
- De ce nu ti-ai scris C.Y.-ul
pana acum?
- Cc i-ai scris ca raspuns
la sugestia lui?
- Mam.a va depune 0 cerere de
angajare pentru pastul de
director al
Acum este momentul sa introducern noi cuvinte expresii. Le yom citi eu
vocc tare pentru a invata traducerca lor in limba romana:
lata aCUIl1 exernple de propozitii in care aceste cuvinte sunt utilizate. Cititi-Ie
cu atentie, urmarind traducerea lor in limha romana:
What did you write in reply to
his suggestion?
Why haven't you written your
curriculum vitae yet?
Tom wants to read English.
We need more social workers.
in reply to > [m n'plal tJ] - ea urmare a, raspunzand
to apply for the > Id'pIa! f;J 8;) - a depune cerere pentru
position of P;)'sIJ:m dV] postul de ...
social worker > fsdUJ:lI 'w;;l:b] - asistent social
to enclose (with) > [m'kldUz (WIO)] - a (la)
curriculum vitae > [b'nkjuIgtn 'vi:tal] - autobiografie; CV
graduate > ['grred}ultj - absolvent
to read > [ri:d] - a citi; a studia
the Social Sciences > rOd 'sdUJ::l1 'Sa!dnSIZ] - sociale
to graduate (from) :> t 'grred3ult (fr:lm)] - a absolvi
considerable :> [bn'sld::lr;Jbl] - considerabil, substantial
to deal with :> [di:l WID] - a se ocupa de
handicapped > ['hrendl krept] - handicapat
to establish > [ls'trebhJl - a stabili
I enclose a cheque for a hundred
pounds with this letter.
My mother is going to apply for the
position of headmaster.
Vom folosi noile cuvinte In propozitii pe care Ie yom citi dar eu voce tare:
- In aeeasta lara nu incearca nimeni sa
faea eeva pentru a veni In intampinarea
nevoilor eelor In varsta.
- De ee te temi de eei cu difieultati fizice
- a satisface nevoile, a raspunde nevoilor
- a
- cu dificultati fizice psihice
- interviu, IntiHnire
- a se angaja , a se implica
- institutie
- a aproviziona, a asigura, a da, a oferi
- patrundere (psihologica), Intelegere,
- a se confrunta cu
- largi orizontul, a experienta
- a unnari (un seap); a se aeupa de
- voluntar
- cand iti convine
- eu stima
- cum vei vedea, un numar considerabil
de persoanc spun "nu" / se opun.
- Aceasta companie a fost infiintata in unna
cu multi ani.
- Exista cineva in aceasta companie
care se ocupa de reclamatii?
- Un prieten de-a! meu are un fiu handicapat.
- John a absolvit 0 universitate foarte
- 15 -
> ['fd:mJ]
> [P::l'sju: 1
> WAnz
> [::Jt jJ: bn'vi:l1l;lns]
> r'v:)ldnt:lrI1
> [gem]
> ['ment::J1r 'flZlklr
> ['mlJvj u:]
> ['Insalt ('mb)]
> [I'st<ebhfm::Jnt]
> [fels]
A friend <lfmine has a handicapped son.
Is there anybody in this company
who deals with complaints?
John graduated from a very good
As you will see, a considerable number
of people say "No".
to pursue
to gain
to face
to furnish
to cater for the needs of ... > l'kclt;l ni:dz ::Jv]
lata acum un alt grup de cuvinte noi. Le yom citi cu voce tare, acordand maxima atentie pronuntiei:
This company was established many
years ago.
to broaden one's horizons
to engage
In this country no attempt is made to cater
for the needs of the elderly.
insight (into)
Yours faithfully
mentally and physically
Why are you afraid of the mentally and
physically disabled?
at your convenience
Acum vom vedea cum funetiQneazii noile cuvinte in textul unei scrisori de intentie. Cititi cu atentie:
20 Princess Street
Northampton BHI IDW
15 November 1993
City Council
21 Church Road
Dear Sir or Madam,
In reply to your advertisement in "The Star" on Monday, November 14th, I would like to apply
for the position of social worker with your Council.
As you can see from my enclosed curriculum vitae, I am a twenty six year old graduate from
the University of Cambridge, where I read the social sciences.
Since graduating I have had considerable practical training in dealing with handicapped children
of all ages. During the two years in which I was employed as a teacher in Paris, 1spent my vacations
in a holiday centre which had been established especially to cater for the needs of the mentally and
physically disabled. I feel that the experience I gained there has furnished me with an insight into the
problems such people face.
Since returning to England 1 have been engaged in doing voluntary social work at local schools
in Northampton, and am now extremely keen to broaden my horizons at an establishment such as
Should you wish to pursue my application, 1 would be available for an interview at your
convenience. Perhaps you could contact me at the following phone number: (052) 62743892
Yours faithfully,
John Brown
Sa vedem traducerea in limba romanii a textului de mai sus. Adresele vor fi omise:
Stimate domn / Stimata doamna,
In unna anunWlui din numarul de luni, 14 noiembrie al ziarului "The Star", dori sa candidez
pentm postul de asistent social in cadrul Consiliului Municipal.
Dupa cum reiese din curriculum vitae alaturat, am 26 de ani sunt absolvent al Universitatii
Cambridge, Facultatea de Sociale.
Dupa absolvire am acumulat 0 considerabila practica lucrand eu copii
de diferite viirste. Timp de doi ani am lucrat la Paris ca profesor, iar vaeantele mi Ie-am petrecut intr-
o baza de agrement, creata special pentm a raspunde nevoilor cclor handicapati fizic psihic. Cred
ca experienta acumulata acolo mi-a dezvoltat capacitatea de a intelege problemele cu care se confrunHi.
aceste persoane.
De la intoarcerea in Ang!ia m-am implicat ca voluntar in activi tati de asistenta sociala
in dm Northampton, iar acum doresc sa experienta in cadml unci institulii ca aceasta.
- 17 -
.fohn Brown
Cu stima,
cum ali observat. cateodata este imposibil sa dam tradllcerea exacta a fiecarlli clIvant atunci
cand trebuie sa tinem cant de intregul context in care ele apar.
- This is a long - > established company
- This problem should be > dealt
with by John.
- Do you know any> handicapped
- I don't like> the social SClences.
- Ann is > reading law at the University
of Oxford.
- He says he has> consIderable
experience but I don't believe him.
- John is a > graduate from this
- When did you> graduate?
- I think it's worth> applying for a
position as a teacher at this school.
- > In reply to his application I will write
a letter to hun.
- Can I submit my > cun iculum vitae
- 1 no longer want to work as a
> social worker.
- What else are you going to > enclose
with this letter?
18 -
El spune ca are a expenen!a vasta dar
nu-I credo
De aceasta problema trebuie sa se oeupe John.
Aceasta este 0 eompanie infiintata eu
mult timp in urma.
Ana studiaza dreptul la Universltatea Oxford.
vreo persoana handieapata?
Cand al absolvit?
In urma cererii lui, fi voi scrie 0 scrisoare.
Nu mal vreall sa lucrcz ca asistent social.
Pot sa depun maine un cIJrriculum vitae?
John cste absolvent al accstci facultali.
Nu-mi plac sociale.
Ce vel mal anexa acestei scrisori?
Cred ca menta sa candidezi pentru un post
de profesor la aceasta
Daca veti dori sa dati curs ccrerii mcle, va stau la dispozilie pentru un intervlU, cand veti considera
oportun. Ma puteti contacta la numarul de tclcfon: (052) 62743R92.
In acest exercitiu va trebui sa completati spatiile iibere din propozillile in limba engleza. Pentru
inccput, cuvintcle care lipsesc sunt cele din primul grup prezentat:
Yom cxcrsa cuvintclc din al doilea grup, completiind spatiile libere din propozitiile de mai jos:
Yrci sa faei cariera intr-o institutie guvernamentaHi? - Do you want to > pursue your career in
a government-run establ ishmcnt?
to deserve >[ dJ'Z;l:V j - a merita
to be likely >rbi 'larkll] - a fi probabil
to threaten
>r 'Oret;)n] - a amcninta
to be unable
>[bi: An'elb;)l]
- a fi incapabil, a nu fi in stare
to refuse >r rr'fju:z1 - a refuza, a respinge
to pretend
>[pn'tend] - a simula, a sc preface
to hesitate
>['hezltert] a ezita
Your> interview for the job will be
Contact me > at your convenience
Ir you want to get an > insight into the
problems, you must attend the lectures.
I'd like to work In an >establishment
like this.
What problems does this country
Attending these lectures> broadens my
The centre> caters for the needs
of the poor.
- Din zece candidati care au depus
cererca pentru acest post el era singurul
care mcrita sa-l primeasca.
- Ea ameninta ca 111a da in judecata.
- E probabil ca el sa soseasca in curand.
- Why do you> engnge It1 > voluntary
social work?
- Will you > furnish me with all the
- You won't > gain much here.
- Would you like to deal with the
>mentnlly and physically disabled'!
- 19 -
He's likely to arrive soon.
lata aceste expresii in propozitii:
lntcrviul tau pcntru angaJal"C va ti maine.
Out of the ten cnndidates applying for the job
he was the only one who descrvcd to get it.
Mi-ar pHicea sa lucrez intr-o institutie ca aceasta.
Nu ai multc de aici.
Daca vrei sa intelegi In profunzime aceste
problemc, trebuie sa frccventezi cllrsurile.
tmi vci da tot ee lmi trebuie?
Acut/1 110m introduce e:..presii IlrJl1ate de infinitiv:
She thrcatcns to sue me.
Participarea la aceste cursuri imi orizontul.
eu cc problcmc se conti'unta accasta tara?
Contactcaza-ma cand iti convme.
Dc cc tc implici in activitati de asistenta
sociala voluntare?
Ti-ar pHicea sa te ocupi de persoanele
eu difieultati tiziee psihicc?
Centrul vine In intampinarea nevoilor
celor saraci.
What made you change your mind? - Ce te-a Tacut sa te
He invited me to join them. - M-a invitat sa merg cu ei.
- condifional-optutivul pentru
"a vrea", "a placea", "a dori"
- a vrea, a dori
- a alege
- A ales sa ramana.
M-a ales pe mine sa raman.
- a face sa, a determina
- a lasa, a da voie
- a Incuraja
- a invita
- Nu ezita sa ma contactezi dnd ai
nevoie de aJutor.
- Nu face pe prostu1.
- a determina, a convinge
- Nu refuza sa-l iei eu
- Nu suntem In stare sa Indeplinim
aceasta sarcina.
- 20 -
> [tJu:z]
> [w:-mt]
> [wud Imkl
Sa ne amintim ca dupa verbe ca let make nu folosim particula to a
infinitivului, ca In cazul celorlalte verbe, urmate obligatoriu de infinitiv.
to want
would like
He chose me to stay.
He chose to stay.
to choose
$i aeum. cateva exemple de verbe expresii verbale dupa care complementul direct poate apare:
dar nu este obhgatoriu:
I won't let )LOU go out if you don't do your homework. - Nu te las sa te duei afara daca nu Iti
faei tema.
What induced you to do that? - Ce te-a determinat sa faci acest lucru?
She encouraged me to apply for this position. - M-a incurajat sa candidez pentru
acest post.
Don't hesitate to contact me when you're in need.
Don't refuse to give him a lift.
Don't pretend lo be a fool.
Unele verbe cer folosirea complementului direct inaintea infinitivullil altui verb. latii cdteva dintr,
to induce
> [m'dju:s]
to invite
> I Ill'val t1
to encourage > [ m'ki\nd31
to let
> [let]
to make
> [melk]
We're unable to perform this task.
Jnfinitivul poate fi folosit dupii cuvinte ea: whether, why, how, what, whom:
I don't know how to address him. - Nu cum sa ii vorbesc.
I'm wondering whether to go this way or
that way.
- Mii lntreb daca sa 0 iau pe aici sau pe
Infinitivul poule apcirea in propozi{ii subordonate de scop:
I'll talk to him to explain it. - Voi vorbi cu el ca sa ii explic acest lucru.
Jnfinitivul mai este folosit $I in expresii fIXe precum:
to be honest >[t,) bi: - sincer sa fiu
to put it briefly
to put it mildly
>[ t;) put Il 'bri:fllJ
>[ t:::> pot Il 'malldllJ
- pe scurt
- eufemistic vorbind; ca sa nu spun
mai mult
To be honest, I like him. - Sincer sa fiu, 1mi plaee de el.
- Pe scurt, nu
- Este un tip ciudat, ca sa nu spun
mai mull.
- You shouldn't >hesitatc to ask me a
question if there's something you don't
In urmatorul exercitiu va rugam sa completati spatiile libere din propozitiile in limba engleza:
Nu meriti sa 0 bicicleta de ziua tao - You don't >deserve to get a bike for
your birthday.
The terrorists> threaten to kill
everybody if we reject their demands.
ameninta ca ii omoara pe toti daca
nu Ie acceptam conditiile.
Nu trebuie sa eziti sa imi pui 0 intrebare daca
exista ceva ce nu intelegi.
To put it briefly, I don't know.
To put it mildly, he is a very strange man.
Intotdeauna se preface mai intelept dedit este. - He always >prctcnds to be wiser than
he actually is.
A refuzat sa Imi vobeasca. He >refused to talk to me.
Nimic nu 0 sa ma determine sa spun ceva
atit de ridico\.
- Nothing will >induce me to say such a
ridiculous thing.
Ca sa fiu sincer, m-am saturat de el de ideile
lui ridicole.
- >To be honest, I'm fed up with him and
his ridiculous ideas.
Pe scurt, sunt impotriva acestui lucru.
Ie invit sa iei parte la noastra.
hi voi arata cum sa faci acest lucru.
- >To put it briefly, I'm against it.
I >in\'ite you to attend our meeting.
- I'll sl10w you >how to do that.
- 21 -
Vom repeta materia lectiei 1, traduciind unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Nu rna ocup de astfel de probleme.
BanciJe sunt, In general, institutii serioase.
in acestil. tara serviciul militar este voluntar.
Nu pot sa ered ell studiaza politiee.
Nu ar trebui sa mai bei atat de multa cafea.
Mama sotiei mele are lidul de doctor.
Daea pierdem trenul nu vom putea
ajunge la Londra inainte de ora zeee.
Sunt sigur ea direetorul ne va alege pe noi
sa reprezentam
Probabil ca vei fi angajat pe acest post.
Ne-au determinat sa Ie aeeeptam revendicarile.
Nu 0 lasa sa piece.
il vei convinge sa se lase de fuma!?
Nu daca sa 0 fae sau nu.
Vreau sa fii responsabil.
> 1 don't deal with such problems.
> Banks arc usually reliable
establ ishmcnts.
> In this country military service
is voluntary.
> I can't believe he is reading political
> You should give up drinking so
much coffee.
> My wife's mother has a doctor's
> If we miss the train, we'll be unable to
reach London before ten 0' clock.
> l'm sure the headmaster will choose us
to represent the school.
>You're likely to get this job.
> They made us accept their demands.
> Don't let her leave.
> Will you persuade him to give
up smoking?
> 1 don't know whether to do it
> I want you to be hard working
and responsible.
La finalul acestei leqii, vorn exersa pronuntia lui there is a formei sale contrase there's.
Cititi eu voce tare:
there is
['oeJr IZJ In cadrul fonnei necontrase este pronuntatr r].
Repetati aClIm Cll voce tare propoziliile unnatoare exersand pronuntia celor doua fonne: there is
Articolul nehotarat a [:J] se leaga in pronuntie atat de fonna fntreaga, cat de eea contrasa.
There's a book on the table.
There is a book on the table.
> [8eJzJ bok ;)n 8;, telbl]
> loe;,r [Z J buk on 0;;1 telbl]
1.1. Forma gerund apare d\lpa multe verbe, printre care: to to admit, to deny.
He admitted ste.aling..the money. - A recunoscut cli a furat banii.
1.2. Fonna gerund este folosita dupa prepozi!ii expresii ca: bent on, exempt from, a flair
The company is exempt from paying taxes. Compania este scutita de plata
1.3. Forma gerund apare dupa phrasal verbs cum ar fi: to give up, to put off.
I decided to give up smoking.
1.4. Infinitivul este folosit In urmatoarele situatii:
- M-am hotarat sa rna las de fumat.
a) Dupa unele verbe fara complement: to deserve, to be likely, to be unable.
He is likely to_I_eject this application. - El va respinge probabil aceasta
b) Dupa unele verbe cu complement: to invite, to induce.
Nobody will invite him
to cooperate on any project.
- Nimeni nu il va invita sa participe la
vreun proiect.
c) Dupa unele verbe eu rara complement: to choose, to want
Two years ago I chose to...stay_ here.
Two years ago I chose himlQSlay here.
d) Dupa unele cuvinte, ca: how, what, whether.
Who knows what to do now?
- Acum doi ani am hotariit sa raman
- Acum doi ani am hotarat ca el sa
ramfma aici.
- Cine ce este de facut acum?
e) Dupa expresii ca: to be honest, to put it briefly, to put it mildly.
To put it mildly, these wages
are not very high.
- 23 -
- Aceste salarii nu sunt deloc mari,
ca sa nu spun mai mull.
A. Traducc\i in limba romana:
I. Which of you knows how to handle the problems?
2. Yesterday we didn't have enough time to submit our applications.
3. To be honest, I don't relish the prospect of spending two weeks in such a boring place.
4. Everybody admires his flair for dealing with disabled children.
5. Why do you insist on buying such expensive food?
6. I am afraid the salary they offer is not commensurate with my experience.
B. Traduceti in limba englezll..
I. Trebuie sa il felicitam eli oeazia absolvirii.
2. Suntem scutiti de testul final.
3. EI studiaza istoria. (folosi{i verhul "to read")
4. Nu ar trebui sa avem i'ncredere in el, ca sa nu spun mai mult.
5. Nu am putut sa nu pliing dnd mi-am vazut mama dupa 20 de ani.
6. Nu al' trcbui sa eviti sa raspunzi la aceste i'ntrebari.
C. Alegeti continuarea corecta pentru fiecare din exemplele de mai jos:
1. I won't let him
a) go
b) going
c) to go
2. I don't mind
a) to smoke
b) smoking
c) to smoking
3. What induced you ... such a thing?
a) to saying
b) say
c) to say
4. I'm bent on ... a writer.
a) becoJnmg
b) to become
c) become
" 24
A. Completa!i spatiile libere din propozitiile in limba engleza.
Ineepem lectia ell reeapitularea elementelor de vocabular gramatica:
B. In exercitiul care urmeaza vom repeta folosirea articolului hotarat. Va rugam sa-l folositi
nllmai cand este necesar. Amintiti-va ca in unele expresii nu exisUi artico!' Sa completam
spatiile libere din prorozitiile in limba engleza cu expresiile potrivite:
1 know that a lot of money is > at stake.
- >Joining the army isn't a good idea.
- He knows the subject from >hcginning
to end
- The lecture will be given >in the
rrcsence of the Queen.
- Now >it's the fashion to send children
away to expensive private schools.
- YOll work hard >at the expense of
your hcalth.
- >On the occasion of his eighteenth
birthday his parents will buy him a car.
- We had to make a >forced landing,
- The enemy was >put to flight by
our army.
- Don't >board this train.
- > The sooner J make the decision
>the better.
- I've >Iost all patience with you and
your excuses.
- I hope I'll find someone to > llJok after
my children.
- Thc plane >crashcd within a few
seconds of taking off.
- Last week another plane was >hijacked.
- The plane cannot take off because its
right >wing is damaged.
- The plane is making a >landing.
- These >seat-belts are reliable.
- How many passengers can this >airliner
- The >cockrit is on fire.
ca sUllt ill joc a multime de bani.
- 25 -
din greu In detrimentul sanatatii talc.
Acum este la moda sa iti trimi!i copiii la
particuJare scumpe.
subiectul in illtregime.
Inamicul a fost alungat de armata noastra.
A trcbuit sa facem 0 aterizare fortata.
Nu e 0 idee buna sa faci armata.
Aceste centuri de siguran!il sunt sigure.
Avionu! face 0 aterizare.
Cu ocazia celei de-a optsprezecea <lni versari
parin!ii Ii vor cumpara 0
Conferin!a se va tine In prezenta reginei.
Avionul nu poate decola pentm ea aripa
dreapta este avariata.
Nu mai am rabdare sa iti tot ascult scuzele.
Nu lua trenul acesta.
Avionlll s-a la cateva secunde
de la decolare.
Sper sa gasesc pe cineva care sa aiM grija
de copiii mei.
Saptamana trecuta a mai fost deturnat un avian.
eu cat ma decid mai repede eu atiit mai bine.
Cabina pilotului este In tlacari.
Cali pasageri poate transporta acest avian?
lata acum ciiteva cuvime noi. Va rugam sa Ie cititi eu voce tare:
- 26-
- a mentine; a intrctinc;
a sustine
- date personale
- Nli cunoastem datcle sale
- contributie
- 1 a avut 0 contributie
importantii la suceesul
- major, capital,
- dezvoltare, evolutie,
- relatii, legaturi,
- a supraveghea, a dirija,
a coordona
- stare civila
- a premia; a conferi,
a inmana 0 recompensa
- a ridica, a
a spori; a aduna
(despre bani)
- Relatiile intre cele doua
popDare sunt foarte bune.
- Starea lui civila este in
continuare necunoscuUi .
- Contributia ta la dezvoltarea
este de necontcstat.
- Casa are ncvoie de reparalii
- Este el persoana potrivita
pentru a coordona 0 asemenea
activitate atat de vasta?
Actorul acela va primi
probabil prcmiul Oscar.
- Strangem bani pentm cci

- Ei sus\in ca Pamantul este
> [reIzJ
> [r1 'lciJ;:ll1z1
> ['SU:pgV3IZ1
> lmem'telllj
> (dJ'veIJpmJl1t]
> ['mre
> [;)'w:l:dJ
> 'di:teJ1z]
> (,k:mtn'bju:J::ll1]
to raise
to supervise
He made an important contribution to
the success of the team.
Is he the right man to supervise such
a big undertaking'?
We're raising money for the needy.
They maintain that the Earth is flat.
We dOll't know his personal details.
mari taI status
to award
The relations between the two nations
are very good.
Vom folosi aceste cuvinte In propozitii:
That aclor is likely to be awarded
an Oscar.
His marital status still remains unknown
to maintain
The house needs major repairs.
Your contribution to the development
of the school is unquestionable.
personal details
lata exemple de propozitii in care sunt folosite cuvintele de mai sus:
lata Inca un grup de cuvinte noi, Cititi-1e cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
to be in charge of > fbi: III tJa:d3 ;wJ - a nlspunde de, a se ocupa de
additional > [o'dIJ;m;:lJJ - suplimentar, aditional
fluent > [f1u:;mtJ - fluent, curgator
working knowledge > f'w;:l:kIIl 'nJlld3J - practice
parachuting > ['p<er;)Ju:tIlll -
hang-gliding > ['h<er[ ,glaldrr[] deltaplanorism
currently > l'kArJntll] - in prezent, actual mente
to conduct > [bndAktl - a conduce, a
research > [n's:J:tn - (proiect de) cercetare,
studiu; cautare
related to > [n'leilld tdJ - legat de, referitor la
dissertation > r,dIS;:l'teIJ;)nJ - dizertatie, expunere in
vederea obtinerii titlului de
master sau de doctor
- Institutul nu are bani pentm a
noi proiecte de cercetare.
- Cilnd Iti incepi cercetarea?
- Ai vreo intrebare in legatura cu aceasta
- Mi-a luat cinci ani sa imi scriu

- Cine se ocupa de acest proiect?
- EI franceza italiana fluent.
-In momcntul de fata nu vrcm sa facem
nici 0 schimbare.
- Deltaplanorismul este palpitant.
- Vorbesc engleza fluent am
practice de germana.
- Accsta cstc un motiv in plus pentru care
refuzam sa colaborluTI cu ei .
- Nu ne intereseaza
Do you have any questions related to this matter?
- 27 -
Hang-gliding is exciting.
We're not interested in parachuting.
When do you start your research?
Currently we don't want to make any
The institute has no money to conduct
new research.
I'm fluent in English and have a working
knowledge of German.
It took me five years to write my dissertation.
Who's 111 charge of the project?
He speaks fluent French and Italian.
This is an additional reason why
we refuse to cooperate with them.


{'" " "".'+ ,., , ,.....'
Cuvintele expresiiJe pe care tocmai le-ati invatat vor fi folosite in cadruf unui curriculum vitae:
Curriculum Vitae
Personal details
Date of birth:
Marital Status:
John Brown
20 March 1967
20 Princess Street
Northampton BHl lDW
(052) 62743892
J 986 1991
1991 - 1992
1993 - present
Cambridge University: awarded a master's degree in Social
Science July 1991
Worked in a school for handicapped children of all ages (Paris). Made
major contributions to the organization and the development of the school.
Supervised the raising of money for children in need. Maintained close
relations with other schools of this type.
Voluntary social worker at local schools in Northampton. In charge o!
infonnal groups involved in voluntary social work.
Travelled in France. Fluent in French, with a working knowledge ofItalian
Interested in parachuting and hang-gliding.
Special qualifications: Currently conducting research relateu to my dissertation.
. l

- 28 -
- 29-
Jata traducerca in limba romana:
Curriculum Vitae
20 Princess Street
Northampton BHI IDW
(052) 62743892
- This is one of the>ma lor cities in this
- What >contriblltion would you like to
- We shouldn't let her >slIpcrvise this
- What do we know about his >marital status'l
- I don't think you'll >laise enough
money 10 solve all problems the school
is facing now.
- Which university >awarJed you the
- My language> development is very
slow now.
- When applying for this job you must
give as many >pelsonal details as possible.
In prczent activitati de eercetarc legate de pentru
Angajat intr-o pentru copii handiaeapati de toate varste1e (Paris).
Contribu\ii majorc la organizarea dezvoltarea Coordonator al
activitatilor de stringere de fond uri pentru copiii
Responsabil de mentinerea unor legiHuri stranse ell alte similare.
Asistent social voluntar 1a din Northampton. Responsabil de
grupurile neoficiale de voluntari imphcati in activita\i socia Ie.
CiiHitorii in Franta. Franceza fluent, practice de limba italiana.
Preocllpari extraprofeslonale: deltaplanorism.
Universitatea Cambridge; titlul de master in socia1c
. iulie 1991
John Brown
20 martie
Date personale:

1993 - prezent
Starea civila:
Alte informatii:
Cu ce ai vrea sa eontribui?
Accsta esle unlll dintre cele mai
importante din tara.
1986 -1991
La ee lIniversitate t1-ai oblinut titlul'l
Ce despre starea lui civila?
Progresele mele in invatarca limbii sunt aCllm
foarte Ientc.
Nu ar trebui sa 0 13s3m pe ea sa supravcgheze
aceasta activitate.
Completa\i spa\iile libere din propozi\iile in limba engleza eu noile cuvinte:
Nu cred ca vci strange bani suficienti pentru
a rezolva toate probJemele eu care se confrunta
Cand eandidezi pentru acest post trebuic
sa dai cat mai multc dctalii.
lata cele mai importante verbe de acest tip in exemple de propozitii:
Folositi cuvintele noi din al doilea grup pentru a completa propozitiile in limba engleza:
- We have no choice but to establish
friendly >relations with this country.
- Is it true that you want to take up
> hang-gliding')
- >in charge here?
- I've been interested in >parachuting
since childhood.
- My >working knowledge of Spanish
allows me to communicate in everyday
- The police failed to >mamtain order
during the match.
- The government is now >conducting an
anti-smoking campaign on television.
We don't need any >additional
evidence to accuse him of committing
the crime.
- I speak >fluent English, but I still make
- >Currently we want to make as much
profit as possible.
- Am locuit (candva) aici.
- M-am (sa locuiesc) aici.
- Nu rna voi niciodata sa rna
trezesc devreme dimineata.
- This >research is very expensive.
- It's a pity you don't want to write
a >disscrtation.
- 30 -
Politia nu a sa mentina ordinea in timpul
In momentul de fata vrem sa obtinem
un profit cat mai mare.
Cine este responsabil aici?
Imi place para!?utismul din copiHirie.
Vorbesc engleza fluent dar mai fac JnCa
Nu putem dedit stabilim relatii
cu aceasHi
Used to
mele practice de spaniola imi permit
sa comunic in situatii
I used to live here.
I'm used (accustomed) to living here.
I'll never get used to getting up so early
in the morning.
Nu avem nevoie de nici 0 proba suplimentara
pentru a-I acuza de comterea crimei.
Sensul unei expresii este legat de jolosirea formei corespunziitoare - infinitiv sau gerund.
Este adevarat cil. vrei sa te apuci de
Guvernul desIa!?oara acum prin televiziune
o campanie impotriva fumatului.
Acest studiu costa [oarte mull.
Pacat cil nu vrei sa iti dai doctoratul
(sa scrii 0 dizertatie).
Vom revedea acum toate verbele !?i expresiile verbale care pot fi urmate atM de infinitiv cat de
gerund. Le vom imparti in doua grupe:
Expresia "to be I to get used to" es!c sinonima cu "to be I to get accustomed
Retineti ca in acest caz "used" se pronunta: [ju:st] , nu liu:zd] .
I regret to tell you.
r regret telling you.
He forgot to bring the book.
He forgot bringing the book.
Did you remember to lock the door?
I remember locking the door.
He stopped to listen to me.
He stopped listening to me.
1 couldn't help (to) drive the car.
I couldn't help driving the car.
He went on to describe the picture.
He went on to describing the picture.
Try to talk to him. It's not easy.
Try talking to him. It will be a great
r need to talk to you.
My car needs repairing.
- Regret sa iti spun aces! lucru.
- Regret ca ti-am spus acest lucru.
- A uitat sa aduca acea carte.
- Auitat ca a adus cartea.
- Ti-ai amintit sa incui
- Imi amintesc ca am incuiat
- S-a oprit ca sa ma asculte.
- A incetat sa ma mai asculte.
- Nu am putut sa(-I) ajut sa conduca
- Nu putut sa rna abtin sa conduc
- A i'nceput sa descrie desenul.
- A continuat sa descrie desenul.
- Incearca sa cu el. Nu este
- Incearca sa vezi cum este sa cu
eL Va fi 0 experienta extraordinariL
- Trebuie sa vorbesc cu tine.
- mea are nevoie de reparatii.
- 31 -
Verbele want deserve au utilizari:
He wants to be our leader.
My pen wants tilling.
He deserves to work here.
The argument deserves discussing.
Inca 0 remarca:
- EI vrea sa fie conducatorul nostru.
- Stiloul meu arc nevoie de cemeala.
- Merita sa ]uereze aici.
- Argumentu] merita discutat.
Fonna in "-ing" poate fi inlocuita aiei de structura: "to be + past participle".
My car needs repairing. - My car needs to be repaired.
Aceste doua propozitii au
To be sorry
I'm sorry to interrupt.
I'm sorry for interrupting.
- Imi pare rau ca va i'l1trerup.
- Imi pare rflU ca v-am intrerupt.
Verbe precum: dread, like, Jove, prefer sunt folosite pentru a descrie un anume eveniment atune
cfmd sunt urmate de injinitiv. Ele descriu 0 activitate in general sau in plina desfii!jurare in momentu
vorbirii atunci cdnd sunt urmate de gerund.
Anumite verbe pot Ii urmate de infinitiv sau gerund jara ca sensul sa difere in fimcfie de modl
verbal. Din aceastd grupafae parte verbe ca: begin, start, continue.
] dread to think what has happened to him.
I dread going to the dentist.
I begin to work at e"ight 0 'clock.
- Imi este groaza sa rna giindesc ce i s-a
Imi este groaza sa merg 1a dentist.
I begin working at eight o'clock.
Forma gerund nu poateji.lolosita cu aceste verbe atunci cdnd ele insele sunt laforma continua.
He's beginning - incorect
He's beginning to work. . corect
A,w cum observari i"n exemplele de mai sus, in acest cazlolosim h!finitivul.
- 32 -
Completati spatiile libere din Propoziliile in limba engleza, folosind formeIe eoreete de gerund sau
Imi pare rau ca am fost atiit de nepoliticos
de el.
Nu rna voi niciodata sa lucrez sambata.
Nu uita sa-l duci pe Peter la doctor.
Te rog continua sa povestea este
foarte interesanta.
Pantofii mei trebuie lustruili.
Cand eram la primara luam leetii
de limba franceza.
Nu voi inceta niciodata sa rna giindesc la ea.
Nu te pot ajuta sa strangi bani pentru
Dupa ce iti termini de facut temele, sa incepi sa
faci curatenie prin apartament.
Imi este groazii sa rna giindesc cum va reaqi6na
dind ii vom spune ca sa a fost ucisa
intr-un accident de
Imi rau ca ti-am creat atatea
Chiar siimbata, prefer sa muncesc
in lac sa stau aeasa.
incepe sa ninga. Nu pot sa credo
Imi place foarte mult sa dansez eu ea.
- I >regret being so impolite to him.
- I'll never >get used (get accustomed) to
working on Saturday.
- Don't >forget to take Peter to the doctor.
- Please, >go on the story is so
- My shoes >need polishing.
- [ >used to take French lessons when I
was at primary school.
- I'll never >stop thinking about her.
- I >can't help you (to) raise money for
the needy.
- When you've finished doing your
homework, >go on to clean up the flat.-
- I >dread La think how he'll behave
when we tell him that his wife was killed
in a car accident.
- I'm >sorry for causing you so much
- Even on Saturday I >prefer working to
staying at home.
- It's >beginning to snow. I can't
believe it.
- r >love dancing with her.
Acum, urrneaza un exercitiu de pronuIllie. la formele contrase ale lui will:
I'll > [ad] we'll >[wi:l]
you'll > you'll
> Ug[]
>[hi:l] they'll > [oell]
she'll > [Ii:]]
it'll > [lt1]
Forma negativa will+not se reduce la: won't [wgunt]. Pronuntia formei won't este diferita
isde cea a verbului want rw;Jntl.
J won't go.
I want to go.
>[al w:Jont g;}(J]
> raj w:mt t:l g:Jo]
- 33 -
- Nu rna voi duce.
- Vreau sa ma due.
Exersati acum pronuntia fonnelor contrase 'II ~ i won't cu ajutorul unnatoarelor propozi{ii:
I'll never do that.
Who'll help me?
She'll prepare dinner.
She won't buy it.
> l at! 'neVel du: O<Et]
> fhu:1 help mi:]
> [Ii:] pn'ped 'din;)]
> [Ji: W;:lunt bal It}
What'll happen to them? > [W:Jtl 'hrep;}n td i'icm1
We won't go there. > [wi: w:xmt gdU oed 1
> lj;)1 'dralv ;) ka:l
> [bell tel:Js]
You'll drive a car.
They'll tell us.
) m ~ ~ :
- 34 -
- 35 -
In aceasta parte a leqiei nu vom introduce material nou. Veti gasi aici exereitii care va vor ajuta sa
repetati elementele noi de gramatiea voeablilar eu care v-ati intalnit in lectia I in prima parte a
leqiei 2.
> Would you like to go for a walk with
> We'rf;; llred of teaching the same
expressions over ami over again.
> I regret to inform you that your father is
> I doubt whether J'11 get used to working
at night.
> J think you'll be unable to handle such
challenging situations.
> I dread to think what'll happen if I tail
this exam.
> Don't hesitate to talk to him. He's such
n nice man.
> rd like to Slop painting before six u'clock.
> It's no use gO\11g on such a short trip.
> .fohn is likely to arri\C in two hours.
> To Pllt it mildly, I find his ideas slightly
> I'm bent on becoming a pobtician.
> Do you mind dancing?
> To be honest, ] don't fully understand him.
> What made you change your mind?
> I prefer cooking to doing the dishes.
> I am wondering whether to apply for
this position.
> Will you let me drive today?
> I can't help eating these apples.
They're so delicious!
> I don't envIsage conducting any research this
> Why do you deny attending thIS course')
There's nothing to be ashamed of.
Te-ar deranja sa dansezi?
John va sosi probabil in doua are.
vrea sa termin de vamit inainte de ora
Mil pe mine sa conduc azi?
Am inclinatii de politician.
Ce te-a fiicut sa te
De ee negi ea mergi la aeest curs?
Nu e niei 0
Prefer sa gatese decat sa spa! vaseIe.
Ma intreb daea sa candidez pentru aeest post.
Nu ezita sa ell e!. Este atftt de amabi!.
Nu rna pot abtine sa nll mananc aceste mere.
Sunt atilt de
Ma indoiese ca rna voi sa luerez noaptea.
Regret sa va informez ea tatal dumneavoastra
a murit.
Ne-am plictisit sa tot predam expresii.
Tradueeti in limba engleza urrnatoarele propozitii:
Ai vrea sa mergi eu mine la plimbare?
Imi este groaza sa ma gfmdesc ce se va
intampla daca nu iau acest examen.
Nu prevad niei unui proiect
de eereetare Iuna aceasta.
Cred ca nu te vei descurea in situatii
atftt de eomplexe. '
Nu are niei un rost sa pleci lntr-o excursie
atilt de scurta.
Ca sa fiu sincer, nu llinteleg pe deplin.
Eufemistie vorbind, ered ca ideile lui sunt
cam eiudate.
In acest ultim exercitiu va trebui sa completati spatiile libere din propozitiile in limba engleza:
Imi pare rau, nu voi putea sa te ajut sa
sapi in gradinii.
John evitii sa asurne raspunderea.
Nu pot sa cred ca estc scutit sa dea
acest examcn.
Sotul mcu are marele dar de a se
imprieteni eu toata lumea.
Tc rog, nu lIita sa iti depui eererea paoa
la saptamiinii.
Ma tem ca nu am avut pana aeum placerea
de a ii
Imi pare rau ea am vandut easa. Aeum fi
putut obtine mai multi bani pc ea.
Adam a fost milionar. Acum este
Doctorul ma sa mll las de fumat,
altrel rna voi imbolnavi foarte grav.
Nu ea a imprumutat cartca
de la noi aeum doua luni.
Nu rna lncanta deloe perspectiva de a
face autostopul noaptea.
Nu imi place sa stau de vorba
ell oameni ca cl.
Ineepe sa ploua.
In momentul de nu avem un
plan eoncret legat de acest proiect.
Proiectul de cereetare pc care 1I
este prea scump.
Eu raspund de acest proiect nu voi lasa
pe nimeni sa schimbe eeva aiei.
Mark Twain este un important scriitor
- 36 -
- I'm sorry I'll be unable >to help you
(to) dig in the garden.
- John >evades taking responsibility.
- 1 can't believe he is >cxempt from
taking this exam.
- My husband has a >great flair for
making friends.
- Please, don't forget >to submit YQur
application by the end of the week.
- I'm afraid I haven't had >thc pleasure
or meeting them before.
- I >regret selling the house. Now I eoule
get more money for it.
- Adam >used to be a millionaire.
Now he is a beggar.
- The doctor advises me to >give up
smoking, or else I'll be seriously ill.
- He doesn't >remcrnber borrowing the
book from us two months ago.
- I don't> relish the prospect of
hitch-hiking at night.
- 1 don't> like talking to people like hin
- It's>starting to rain
- > Currently we haven't any specific
plans about this project.
- The >research you're conducting is te
- I'm> in charge of this project and
) won't let anybody change anything
- Mark Twain is a >majorAmerican
-Voi incepe sa scnu 'in aeeasta seara.
2.2. Exista verhe care pot fi urrnate atal de infinitiv, cat de gerund, rara schimba sensu):
2. I. Unele verbe pot fi folosite cu infinitivul sau cu forma gerund in funclie de sensuI pe
care vrem sa 'i] dam propozi(iei:
- Regret ca i-am povestit despre aceste
- Regret sa iti spun acest lucru.
- 37-
(coreet) He's beginning to swim.
I regret to tell you about it.
I regret telling him about all these things.
I'll start to write tonight.
to continue
I'll start writing tonight.
to regret to do something
to begin
to start
used to do something
to be used to doing something
to regret doing something
2.3. Forma gerund nu poate tl. folosita dupa un verb 1a aspectul continuu:
He's (incorect)
A. Traduceti in limba ramana:
I. I don't envisage making any journey to France this month.
2. I regret to infonn you that you're no longer a student.
3. My clothes need washing.
4. When I was in England two years ago, I used to attend this professor's lectures.
5. I prefer watching TV to walking.
B. Traduceti in limba engleza:
I . Nu rna voi niciodata sa lucrez in acest
2. {mi este groaza sa rna gandesc ce se va intiimpla cand il voi intalni.
3. De ce negi ca scrisori de la ea?
4. Ai putea sa incetezi discutii1e? Nu pot sa aud nimic.
5. Probabil ca va ploua astazi. (folosifi "likely")
6. Imi pare rau ea va intrerup, dar vreau sa va spun ceva foarte important.
C. Corectati din fiecare propozitie:
1. Please remember to talking to him.
2. He used to playing the piano when he was a child.
3. My socks need to mend.
4. Would you like to playing bridge?
5. I'm just starting writing a letter to him.
accomodation > l J,kJm;;l'delfJn] - (conditii de ) cazare
accustomed > [0'bst:J11ld] - deprins
to be accustomed to - a fi sa .. .I cu...
to get accustomed to - a se sa...1 cu....
additional > [0'dlf:m:l]J - supHmentar, aditional
admit > rDct'mlt] - a
adult > ['red/dt] - adult
all over > [:l: 1':mv;;l]
- peste tot
application > l,a:pll'keIJ;.m] - cerere, candidatura
to apply for > l J'plal rJ] - a candida pentru
argument > ['a:gju:mJut]
- argument
ashamed of > [J'feund ;)v] - de / sa
at your convenience > [;)t j::>: kJn'vi:m:ms] - dnd va convine
to attend > [;)'tcnd] - a participa la
available > l J'v(;l!JblJ - disponibil, liber
to award > [J",vJ:d]
- a premia, a lnmana 0 distinctie,
un premiu, a rasplati
to be in charge of > [bi: In 'tJa:d3 ;)v] - a rllspunde de, a se ocupa de
bent on > [bent ::m] IncIinat spre, talentat la
to broaden > ['brJ:dJn]
- a largi
campaign > [bm'pem] - campanie
(1) can't help > [(a1) ka:nt help] - nu rna pot abtine, nu pot sa nu ....
to cater > ['kert;;>] - a alimenta, a aproviziona, a satisface
challenging > ['tJa:I;md::;IT]] - interesant, complex, dificil,
City Council > ['SItikautlsJI]
- Consiliul Municipal; Primarie
commensurate > lkJ'm(;nJJr;;>t (Wlb)] - proportional, pe masura
complaint > [bm'pleJl1t]
- plangere, reclamatie
to conduct > [bn'dAkt]
- a conduce, a
considerable > [kJn'sld:Jr:lbl]
considerabil, remarcabil
- 39-
contribution > [,k:mtn'bju:J;m}
- contributie
council > ['buns;,IJ
- consiliu
currently > [ b\f:Jntll]
in prezent, in momentul de fala,
curriculum vitae > [k;}'nkjolgm 'vi:tal]
- autobiografie, currriculum vitae
to deal with > [dl:1 wiCi]
- a se ocupa de, a lucra cu
degree > [dl'gri:]
- titlu academic; grad
to deny > [Mnm]
- a nega, a nu
to deserve > [d!'z;J:v]
a merita
development > [dl'vebpm;mj]
- dezvoltarc, evolU1ie, progres
disabled > [dls'elbldj
- handicapat, cu dificultiiti
to discourage from > [dls'kAnd:.; fom]
- a descuraja
dissertation > [,dISg'telJ;}n]
- dizerta(ie, expunere in vederea
unui titlu academic
doctor's degree > ['d:JktdZ dl'gri:]
(or doctorate) [' d:)kt:Jr-:lt]
else > [els] - alt- ( ca in altceva)
to enclose (with) > [m'klguz (wI6)j
- a alatura, a anexa
to encourage > [m'b.nd:.;] - a incuraja, a sustine
to engage > [m'geld3] - a se angaja; a se impJica;
engaged in > [m'geld:.;d m) - implicat I angrenat in
to envisage > [m'vlzld3] - a prevedea. a estima
essay > ['esel] - eseu, compunere
essential > [J'senJ;}I]
- esential, foarte important
to establish > []'streblIJ1 - a stabili, a fonda, a pune bazele,
a infiinta
establishment > [J'st<ebllJm;}nt] - institutie
to evade > [(veld]
- a evita, a ocoli (a eluda)
exempt from > [rg'zcmpl frJll1] - scutit de
to expell > [Ik'spelj
- a exmatricula, a exclude
extensively > llks'tenslvhJ - extensiv, mult
extra > ['ekstT-:l]
- in plus, suplimentar
- 40-
to face >lfelS]
faithfully > ['feI8bli]
flair for > Lfleg fg]
fluent > l 'flu:gnt]
to furnish > ('fg:nin
to gain > [gem]
to go on > [ g ~ :m]
to graduate (from) > ['gned3oit (fr;,m)]
graduate > ['grzed30I tl
handicapped > ['h<endlbept]
to handle > [h::endl]
hang-gliding > ['hrell ,glardlll]
to hesitate > ['hezltelt]
to hitch-hike > ['hltj11alk]
horizon > [h;:l'ralz:m]
in reply to > [m fI'plal tg]
induce > [m'dju:s]
insight (into) > l'msaIt ('mtg)]
to launch
to maintain
marital status
master's degree
> ['mtgvju:]
> [b:ntJ]
> ['lekUg]
> ['lalkli]
> l hl1 'gwIstlks]
> [mem'tem]
> ['meld);)]
> ['m<entgl 'stelt:Js]
> [ma:stgz dl'gri:]
> ['ment"l]
> l'mmldll]
- 41 -
- a se confrunta eu
- cu credinta
- fler, talent, har, dar
- fluent
- a oferi, a dota; a asigura
- a c a ~ t i g a (experien!a. va/oare)
- a continua
- a absolvi, a termina (0 $coala etc)
- absolvent
- handicapat
- a rezolva, a manui
- deltaplanorism
- a ezita
- a face autostopul
- orizont, perspectiva
- ca raspuns la, ca urmare a
- a determina, a eonvinge sa
- patrundere psihologica, inte1egere
- interviu, lntalnire
- a lansa
- conferinta, curs (la facultate)
- probabil
- lingvisitica
- a mentine; a Intretine, a sustine (idei)
- major, de prima importanta, capital
- stare civila
- mastcrat, titlu de
- mental, psihic
- bland; eufemistic
millionaire > r - milionar
mind > [mumd] - minte
or else > [:J:r els] - altfel
Oscar > [':Jska:] - Oscar
parachuting > ['pa:r:Jfu:tlll] -
to perfonn > rp;}'f;):m] - a executa, a realiza, a juca (un roT)
personal detai Is > ['p:J:s:Jn:J1 'di:tcllz] - date personale
physical > r'flZlkl] - fizic
position > - pozitie, post, functie
preferably > ['prcbr:Jbll J - preferabil
to pretend > [pn'tend] - a simula, a se preface
to provide > [prJ'vald] - a fumiza, a asigura, a oferi
to pursue > [po'sju:] - a realiza, a unnari (un scop)
qualifications >'keIf;:lOz] - specializari, calificari, calitati
to raise > [reIz] - a ridica, a spori, a strange (bani)
to read > [ri:dJ - a citi, a studia
to reconsider > [,ribn'Sldg] - a reanaliza, a se razgandi in
legatura eu
to reject > [n'd3ekt] - a respinge, a refuza
related to > [n'leItId to] - legat de, referitor la
relations > [n'lelInz] relatii
to relish > ['rclljJ - a se bucura de, a fi incantat de
to require > [n'kWal;)] - a cere, a necesita
research > [n'so:tD - (proiect de) cercetare, studiu;
resourceful > f n'z;-l:sfJI] - ingenios, descurcaret
responsible > [n'sp:msClbl] - cu simt de raspundere,
resume > ['rezjD1llCl],lrc'zjomcl] - autobiografie, curriculum vitae
to seek > [si:k] - a cauta
servIce > ['SJ:VIS] serviciu (in administratie); favor
to settle > [setl] - a stabili, a rezolva
- 42-
:;::::;::::;::::;: ... .....;... ;.;

slightly >['slalth] - vag
the Social Sciences >[0:1 's;xJJ:J] 'sal:Jnslz] - sociale (sociologie, asistenta
social science >['sdUIgl 'saldnsl - sociala. disciplina sociologica
social worker >['sdUIdl 'wd:b] - asistent social
to stop >[ st:Jp] - a (se) opri, a inceta (0 activitate)
to submit >[sgb'mn] - a depune (spre examinare /
aprobare). a inainta (0 cerere etc,
catre 0 autoritate)
to sue >[su:l - a da in judecata
to supervise >[ 'SU:pdVaJZ] - a supraveghea. a coordona
to take on >[tclk :mJ - a prelua, asuma (riseuri,
task >[ta:sk] - sarcina, indatorire
tax - impozit
thankless > ['9<ellkhs] - nesatisfiicator, neinteresant
to threaten > ['8retdn] - a ameninta
undertaking > l.i\ntlg'telklll] - intreprindere (afacere); initiativa;
unquestionabIe > [i\n'kwestJ:Jmbl] - de necontestat
vacations > [V:J'kcIJ;mz] - vacanta
valid > ['vrelrd] - valabil, in vigoare
various > ['VC:JrJdS] - diverse /
voluntary > ['v:Jkmt:Jn] - voluntar, benevol
whether > ['weS;:.] - daca (in ProPoziliile completive)
willing > [' wI1111] - dispus sa
working knowledge > ['Wd:klll 'mhd3] - practice
Yours faithfully > [jo:z 'feI8fdh1 - eu stima
- 43 -
" "
A. Completati propozitiile de mai jos eu expresiile euvintele care lipsese:
Yom Illeepe noua lectie cu 0 recapitulare scurta a voeabularului a notiunilor de gramatica.
Trebuie sa platim chiria eu doua luni
Fara nici 0 indoiala ea in fiecare casa
va fi un calculator la timpul potrivit.
Voi avea grija sa ajunga acasa astazi.
Eram pe punctul de a pleca cand
a inceput ploaia.
Cand m-am lntors acasa am gasit-o
pe sotia mea donnind.
Yoi face eumparaturi In drum spre casa.
Acest tTen face legatura eu 0 linie
de autobuz la Northampton.
Nu pot scapa de acest obieei.
Se pot folosi eeeuri de calatorii In aeea tara?
Biroul de infonnatii e inchis.
Ce facem acum?
Mol' de foame. Sa mergem la buret.
Ce-ar fi sa 0 luam pe un drum mai seurt
spre Londra?
Ai putea cumpara un ziar de la
de ziare?
Daca pierdem legatura, va trebui
sa ramiinem peste noapte la
De ce sa calatorim la c1asa a doua?
Trenul personal tocmai a plecat.
-We have to pay the rent two months
> in advance.
-There is no doubt that every home
witl have a computer >in due course _
-I'll >sec to it thaI he gets home today.
-We >were about to leave when
it began raining.
-:::On my return home I found
my wife asleep.
-I'll do the shopping> on my way home.
-This train> connects with a
bus service in Northampton.
-I can't>break that habit.
-Can you use >travcller's cheques in that
-The >inquiry office is closed.
What shall we do now?
-I'm starving. Let's go to
the > refreshment-room .
-What about taking a shorter >route
to London?
-Could you buy a newspaper
at the> bookstall ?
-If we miss the >connection we'll have
to stay overnight in Bucharest.
-Why do you insist on travelling>second class?
-The> slow train has just left.
- I
B. In acest exercitiu vom repeta folosirea pronumelor "it" "its", Va rugam sa traduce!i
propozitiile in engleza:
Greva se de mai mult de un an
ciind a fost solutionata.
Poate s-a razgiindit, dar rna indoiesc.
imi place aceasla roehie. Arata de bine.
Mai bine ne apucam serios de treaM.
Daca-ti place acest eeas, il poti pastra.
leri am cumparat 0 noua.
A fast foarte scumpa.
tti pisiea aeeea batrfma?
A murit saptamana treeuUi.
Acel copil eauta parintii.
E un in camera mea.
Cum pot sa scap de el?
Copilul acesta este aici de 0 ora.
Nimeni fiU unde e mama lui.
Nu ascult niciodata astfel de muzica
pentru ca nu-mi place.
Unde este sa1ul? Probabil ea e
pe undeva pe aiel.
> The strike went on for over a year
before it was settled.
> Maybe he has changed his mind but I
doubt it.
> I like this dress. It looks so nice.
> We'd better get down to it.
> If you like tllis watch, yOll can keep it.
> r bought a new car yesterday.
It was very cxpensive.
> Do you remember the old cat?
It died last week.
> That chIld is looking for its parents.
> There's a mouse in my room.
How call I get rid of it?
> This child has been here for an hour.
Nobody knows where its mother is.
> I never listen to tbis kind of music
because I don"[ like it.
> Where is the village? It must be
somewhere here.
- 2 -
in ambele leqii vom introduce dialoguri pe teme de vacanta. Sa inva\arn
urrnatoarele cuvinte, care ne vor ajuta sa in\elegem primul dialog.
Citi\i Cll voce tare:
to be afraid of heights >[bi: <}'frcld <IV halts] - a se terne de inaItime
to collect >[kd'iekt] - a strange, a aduna,
a lua
leaflet >r'li:fllt] - prospect, foaie volanta
off-season >[Jf,si:zn] - in afara sezonului
to presume >[pn'zju:m] - 3 presupune, a crede
height of the season
>lhait <'IV i)<I 'si:zn]
- sezon de varf
to miss >[mls] - a pierde, a rata
to willk out on somebody >[wJ:k aut In'sAmbJOI] - a parasi, a abandona
pe cineva
to make both ends meet >[melk bdUS endz mi:t] - a 0 scoate la captH
to come to terms >[kAUl td t ~ n n z - a ajullge 13 0 intelegere,
with something WIS 'SAlnSlrd a cadea la Invoiala,
a accepta
to exaggerate >[Ig' zeed3;JreIt] - a exagera, a amplifica
civil engineer >['slv;l1 ,end31'I1!<I] - inginer constructor
scrooge >[skru:d31 - zgarcit, avar
to be short of money >[bi: IJ:t ;lV 'mAnl] - a nu-i ajunge banii,
a nu avea bani
final >['farnl] - final, definitiv, decisiv
moreover >[mJ:'r;:luv;:l]
- mai muIt (deca.t atat),
in plus
- 3 -
lata acum cateva propozitii cu cuvintele pe care tocmai Ie-am prezentat.
Cititi-Ie cu voce tare comparatile cu traducerea in limba romana.
I've been afraid of heights since
my early childhood, and I don't know
how to overcome it.
When did you collect those leaflets?
This is an off-season ticket, so it's cheaper.
Tpresume they're going to launch
the campaign tomorrow.
This is the height of the season, so you may
have trouble getting a vacant room in a hotel.
You are an idiot because you've missed
such a splendid opportunity.
I'll walk out on you if you
don't buy me that ring.
Even though I work so hard,
I can hardly make both ends meet.
I don't want to come to termS with it.
I must do something to change it.
As a civil engineer you shouldn't
complain about your salary.
What a scrooge you are!
Why are you lying you're short of money?
Is his decision final?
The product is good, and moreover,
its price is reasonable.
Don't exaggerate the difficulties!
We will handle them.
-De mic copil mi-a fast
teama de inaltime nu
cum sa inving aceasta teama.
-Cand ai strans pliantele acelea?
-Este un bilet extra-sezon, deci e mai ieftin.
-Presupun ca maine vor lansa campania.
-Este sezon de varf, deci este probabil
sa Cll greu 0 camera Iibera la hotel.
un prost ca ai pierdut 0 ocazie
atiit de buna.
-Te voi parasi dadi
nu-mi vei cumpara inelul acela.
muncesc atat de mult, abia 0 scot la capat.
-Nu vreau sa accept acest lucru.
Trebuie sa schimb ceva.
-Ca inginer constructor, nu ar trebui
sa te plangi de salariu.
-Ce zgarcit
-De ee minti ea nu mai ai bani?
-Hotlirarea lui e definitiva?
-Produsul e bun in plus,
pretul e rezonabil.
-Nu exagera cu greuta1i!e!
Le vom rezolva.

- 4 -
Veli intelege ell l l ~ u r i n l a dialogul care urmeaza. John ~ i Ann i ~ i fae planuri pentru vacanla de
vara. Sa eitim eu atentie conversalia lor:
John and Ann are talking about their summer holidays.
Ann: John, I'd like to go to some really interesting place this summer.
John: Aren't we going to the Lake District, as usual?
Ann: You know very well I hate climbing. Moreover, I'm afraid of heights.
John: Have you got any better ideas?
Ann: Why don't we go abroad? I haven't been at the seaside for ages. 1 was at a travel agency
today, where I collected a few leaflets. Here's an interesting one: "Holidays in a
four-star hotel in Niece, with the sun, the sea, in an ideal climate. Reduced price." If you're
not too busy, could you have a look at it now?
John: I can have a look at the leaflet, but I don't think we can afford to go abroad this year.
Ann: If we saved a little harder, we could just manage, couldn't we?
John: Well, I think we could.
Ann: That's lovely, John. I'll phone the agency immediately and have them book the hotel for the
first two weeks in July.
John: Just a minute. I'm afraid we didn't look at the leaflet very carefully: "special reduced
off-season price". I presume the hotel will cost much more at the height of the season.
Ann: Oh, John, you can spoil everything. We can't miss the opportunity. We've never been to
France. If we don't go there this year, I'll walk out on you.
John: You know well that recently we've been finding it difficult to make both ends meet. I hate to
say that, but we can only afford to spend our holidays in England. You must come to terms
with it.
Ann: Don't exaggerate. I said: "Ifwe saved a little harder..." and you said: "...we could". Moreover,
I don't complain about my salary. As a civil engineer you earn quite a lot, too. But you're a
scrooge. Last summer we didn't go anywhere because you claimed we were short of money.
I am not going to the Lake District. And that's final.
- 5 -
Va rugam sa traduceti ciiteva expresii din romana in engleza:
Completa1i propozitiilc din dialog. Astfel veti veri fica daca va amintiti toate euvintele noi.
foarte hine ea nu-mi place
Mai mult deciit atat, mi-e [rica de lnal\imc.
Am fost astazi la 0 agentie de turism de
uncle am luat ditcva pliante.
Mi-e leama ell. nu ne-am uitat eu aten\ie
la prospect: "pret specia!-reducere
pentru extra-sezon"
Presupun ca hotelu! va fi mai scump
in sezonul de vart".
Nu putem pierde aceasta
Nu am fast nieiodata I'n Franta.
Daca nu mergem nici anul acesta,
te parasesc.
foarte bine ca in ultimul timp
ne-a fost greu sa a seoatem la capat.
Trebuie sa aecep\i acest !ucru.
Nu exagera.
ea inginer constructor, tu
destul de mult.
Dar un zgarcit.
Vara trecuta nu am fast nicaieri pentru ea
ai pretins ea nu mai avem bani.
Nu merg la Lake District. Am decis.
a se teme de inal1imi
hotel de patru stele
a rezerva camera la hotel
pret extra-sezon
sezon de varf
a pierde
a parasi pe cineva
a a seoate la capat
a accepta ceva
a nu mai avea bani, a nu-i ajunge banii
-You know very well I hate climbing.
>Moreover, I'm > afraid of heights.
-I was at a travel agency today, where
I> collected a few> leaflets.
-I'm afraid we didn't look at the leaflet very
carefully: "special reduced
> off-season price".
-r> presume the hotel will cost much more
at the> height of the season,
-We can't> miss the opportunity_
-We've never been to France.
If we don't go there this year,
I'll> walk Ollt on you.
-You know well that recently we've been finding it
difficult to > make both ends meet.
- You must> come to terms with it.
-Don't> cxaggerate.
-As a > civil engineer you earn quite a lot, too.
-But you're a > scrooge.
-Last summer we didn't go anywhere because
you claimed we > were short of money.
-I am not going to the Lake District.
And that's> tinal'
> to be <ltl'ald of heights
> a tt1Ur-star hotcl
> to book the hotel
> off season price
> the height of the se.1SOIl
> to miss the opportunity
> to watk oul on somebody
> to make both ends meet
> to come to terms with somcthing
> to be short of money
- 6-
in aceast:l parte a leqiei ne vom concentra asupra a trei adverbe: aetuany, eventually, hardly. Ele
sunt adesea folosite incorect de cei care i'nvata engleza.
Vom discuta despre cele mai uzuale despre folosirea corect:l a acestor cuvinte. Vom
analiza mai intiii "actually" "eventually", iari apci "hardly".
Aceste cuvinte sunt adeseafolosite il/corect din cauza asenn/Ilarii lar eu euvintele romalleifti "actual"
"eventual ".
Actually inseamna "intr-adevar, de fapt, iar eventually
tnseamna "'in cc1c din urma, pana la urma".
Utilizarea incorecta a euvantului actually:
We need to export more than we do
in acest caz, tn foeul lui actually ar trebui folosite cuvintele at prescnt sau currently ele s-ar
traduce prin: "til prezent. acum" Deci, forma corecta a propozi{iei de mai sus ar fi urmdtaarea:
Could you lend me 10 dollars, please?
in aceastd propozifie, 1/1 lac de eventually ar trebui folosit cuvdntul possibly, care fnseamna:
"se roate, cumva ".

We need to export more than we do

at present/currently.
Utilizarea eorecta a lui actually:
People think we've got lots of money,
but actually we're very pOOL
Hello, Donald. How are you?
Actuall)', my name is Robert.
Utilizarea incorecta a lui eventually:
Utilizarea eorectj a lui cventually:
The car didn't want to start, but eventually
I managed to get it going.
After many attempts, eventually she managed
to pass the driving test.
-Trebuie sa exportam mai mult dedit 0 faeem
In prezent.
-Oamenii ered ca avem multi bani
dar, de fapt, suntem foarte saraci.
-Buna, Donald. Ce mai faei?
De fapt, ma cheama Robert.
nu voia sa pOlllcasea, dar pana la urma
am $-0 fae sa mearga.
-Dupa mult incereari, in cele din urma a
sa ia examenul de conducere.
- 7 -
Modul ill care este format CUVQlltul hard + ly poate duce fa illterpretiiri utiliziiri ca
de exemplu: "cu greutate, cu dificuftate ".
Utilizarea incorecta a lui hardly:
Don't punish him
I've been working too
Propozitiile de mai sus ar trebui sa arate dupa cum urmeaza:
Don't punish him too hard,
I've been working too nard.
Utilizarea eoreeta a lui hardly:
I hardly know the people I work with.
I am so tired that I can hardly walk.
- Nu-I pedepsi prea tare.
- Am muneit prea multo
- Nu ii cunosc mai deloe pe oamenii cu care (ucrez,
- Sunt de obosit eli abia mai merg,
Hardly inseamna: "abia, mai deloe", Va rugam sa nu uita,i ea aeest
cuvant contine a nega(ie nu poate fi folosit alaturi de cuvinte ca
not, never, nobody etc., sau de un verb la negativ.
Propozitia romaneasca:
"Nu cunosc mai pe nimeni.
o traducem astfel:
a) I hardly know anybody,
Va rugam sa traduceti ciiteva propozitii in engleza:
Imi este greu sa invat limba engleza.
o caut cam de mult timp, dar sper
s-o gasesc in cele din urma.
Unde lucreaza in momentul de fata?
De fapt, nu unde este.
Abia mai aude aeum.
> 1 find it hard to learn English.
> I've been searching for her for quite a long time,
but I hope I'll eventually find her.
> Where's he currently employed"
>Actually, I don'f know where he IS.
> He can hardly hear now.
- 8 -
Traduceti acurn propozitiile in engleza folosind euvintele ~ i expresiile introduse In aceasta parte a
leel iei :
Nu prea ered ca ei nu 0 pot scoate la capat.
Cand a ~ putea sa strang tablourile?
Acurn cilli ani I-a parasit?
Nu-rni place sa cilH'itoresc in sezonul de viirf.
Nu rna urc in copac pentru ca
mi-e frica de inaitime.
Iar nu mai ai bani! De data asta
nu-ti mai imprumut nici un leu!
Acum ne putem perrnite sa curnpararn
a easa nalla,
Ati rezervat 0 camera la ace! hotel?
Este un pre! extra-sezon, deci
veti plati mai pUlin.
Ca inginer constructor ar trebui sa c i i ~ t i g i
de eel putin doua on mai mult decat mine.
>1 hardly believe th\:y can't make both ends meet.
>When could I collect the pictures?
>l-low many years ago did she walk out on him?
>1 don'llike travelling at the height of the season.
>1 won't climb up that tree hecause
I'm afraid of heights.
>You're Sh0l1 of money again! This time
I won't lend you a penny.
>We can now afford to buy
a new house.
>Did you book a room 1n that hotel?
>This is an oIT-season price, so
you'll pay less.
>As a civil engineer you should eam
at least twice as much as I do.
- 9-
- 10-
A. Completati propozitii1e eu expresiile sau cuvintele care lipsesc:
-I'm >anxious to meet your family.
-The government must> act quickly to solve
this problem.
-He managed to >sl11ugglc a large number of
-I'd like to >book [01 France.
-What a >timid child she is!
-Are there any> otters in this river?
-All his answers are> incorrect.
-I can't find the > emergency exit.
- We'd better join the >qucue .
-You'll catch a cold ifYOll sit in a >draught.
-Excuse me, where is the >dining-car?
-The train has no > sleeping-cars.
That room is at the end of the> corridor.
-The plane has just made an > emergency
landing .
-There's a superb >view of the sea from here.
-How many pieces of luggage are there >in
th(; Jack?
Sunt vidre In acest rau?
A r e u ~ i t sa faca eontrabanda
cu multe ceasuri.
Sunt nerabdator sa-ti cunosc familia.
Guvemul trebuie sa actioneze rapid
peutru a rezolva aceasUi problema.
A ~ vrea sa fae 0 rezervare pentru Franta.
Ce copil timid e'
Nu gasesc i e ~ i r e a in eaz de perieo!.
Toate raspuusurile lui sunt incorccte.
Mai bine am sta la coada.
Vei raci daca vei sta in curent.
Treuul nu are vagoane de dormit.
Ma scuzati, unde este vagonul restaurant?
Avionul tocmai a facut 0 aterizare fortata.
Acea camera este la capatul coridorului.
Vazuta de aici, marea este superba.
Cite bagaje sunt In pIasa?
B. In urmiHor vom continua recapitularea pronumelor personaIe. Completati propozitiile:
Unde e Mary? S-a dus la tcatm.
o pe sora mea?
Nu am vazut-o niciodata.
Cine este aeea femeie? E mea.
Cine sunt acei oameni? (Ei) Sunt muncitori.
Ai vorbit ieri cu cl?
Ii pc oameni?
Da, sunt dl. Brown fratii sai.
lat-o pe dna Smith. E secretara mea.
leul. Pare faarte periculos.
Pisica noastra este in gradin.1 eu puii ei.
John spune eli a eumparat 0 noua
e foarte mandru de ea.
Puteti lua pJiantele cu dvs.
Uita-te la acest inel. E foarte frumos.
-Where's Mary? >Sbe's gone to the theatre.
-Do you know my sister?
I've never seen >her.
-Who is that woman? >It is my cousin.
-Who are those people? >They are factory-
-Did you talk to >him yesterday?
-Do you know these men?
Yes, >it's Mr. Brown and his brothers.
-There goes Mrs. Smith. >Shc is my secretary.
-Look at the lion. >He looks really dangerous.
-Our cat and >her kittens are in the garden.
-John says he has bought a new car and is very
proud of >hcr.
-You can take the leaflets >with you.
-Look at this ring. >It's very beautiful.
- 11 -
Sa studiem noile cuvinte ce vor aparea in dialogurile prezentate in
aceasta parte a leqiei. Cititi eu voce tare:
>['ma:vJI;:Js] -minunat
to go for a stroll
>[g;JO [;":II' ;) str;Ju!1 -a merge la plimbare
to sunbathe
>f'sAnbelo] -3 face plaja
>[w,n] -bronz
>['nJotls] -amm\
to keep an eye on
>[ki:p ;)n ar In1 -a nu pierde din vedere,
a fi atent la,
a supraveghea
>['WJtJf;l! ] -atent, vigilent
>['gJ:d:ps] -minunat, splendid
to be a trial
>[bi: ;)' tra!Jl] -a fi 0 pacoste
>['larfga:d] -salvamar
to drag
>[clr:eg] -3 trage (dupa sine),
a tad
suite >[swi:q
air-conditioned >['cOlkOln,dIJlJdl
within walking distance >[WI' SI11
to do sightseeing >[du:'saJl,si:l
- 12 -
-Cll aer
-nu foal1e departe
-a face turnl
a vizita obiectivele
acum va prezentam cuvintele noi tn context. Va rugam sa Ie cititi cu glas tare sa Ie comparati
cu traducerea in romana.
Are there any suites in the hotel?
My room isn't air-conditioned.
We don't have to take a bus.
The hotel is within walking distance.
His ideas are marvellous, as usual.
I hate sunbathing because my skin gets red.
I suggest we go for a stroll to watch the sunset.
I've never seen a nicer tan.
I prefer doing sightseeing to lying on the beach.
I didn't see that notice: "Beware of the dog".
How can you drag me out to the theatre tonight?
You know well I'm tired.
Will you keep an eye on my luggage, please?
You must always keep a watchful eye on that kid
or else he'll get hurt.
That cake looks gorgeous. I can't help eating it.
That child is a trial to his parents.
His son will work as a life-guard during his
summer holidays.
-Existii apartamente in holel?
-Camera mea nu are aer conditionat.
-Nu trebuie sa tuam autobuzul.
Hotelul nu este foarte departe.
-ldeile lui sunt minunate, ca de obicei.
-Nu-mi place sa [ac plaja pentru ca rni se
-Sugerez sa ne plimbam sa privim apusul
de soare.
-Nu am vazut niciodata un bronz rnai [rumos.
-Prefer sa fac tuml dedit sa zac pe
-Nu am vazut anuntul acela: "Atentie,
caine rau".
-Cum poti sa rna la teatm in seara asta?
foarte bine ca sunt obosit.
-Vreti sa fili atent la bagajele mele, va rog?
-Trebuie sa fii tot timpul eu ochii pe copilul
acela, aitfe! se va lovi.
-Prajitura arata superb. Nu pot sa rna abtin
sa n-o mananc.
-Acel copil e 0 pacoste pentm parintii sai.
-Fiullui va lucra ea salvamarpe timpul vaean!ei
de vara.
- 13 -
Ann ~ i John sunt deja la Nisa. Sa citim dialogurile cu aten\ie ~ I vom afla cum i ~ i petrec el
Ann and John are in a four-star hotel in Niece.
Ann: There we arc, at last. The suite is really nice. It is air-conditioned. We have a TV-set and
satellite TV. There's also a double bed in here. The hotel is within walking distance of the
beach. Do you mind if we go to the beach this afternoon?
John: That's a mllrvellous idea!
Ann: After sunbathing and swimming in the sea, we can go for a stroH towards the evening.
John: Are you going to be on the beach all day? That's boring! We must move a little bit outside
the beach. Why don't we visit the Old Town or go shopping?
Ann: Oh, John. Old Towns are the same everywhere. I'm not here to do shopping. Tdo it all the
year around. I'll never get a nice tan in England.
John: All right, all right.
Ann: Oh, John, what a trial you arc! You've been dragging me along the coast, trying to find the
best beach. We've already wasted a lot oftime. I'm not going any further - I'm staying here.
John: OK. Look at the notice over there. It says: "Guarded Beach". Thars what we need. I must be
sure there are life-guards on the beach to keep a watchful eye on us when we're in the water.
Ann: Oh, John. You're always so careful.
Ann: We've had a wonderful time here. I'm only sorry we can't stay here any longer.
John: Yeah, the region is great, local people are so friendly, and you look gorgeous with your tan.
We can return here next year.
- 14 -
Nu v-a fost greu sa in,elegeti dialogurile. Rezolva,i acum exercitiul unnator ~ i completa,i unnatoarele
propozi,ii. in acest seop, vom folosi catcva propozitii din dialogurile precedente:
Apartamenul e eu adevarat dragut.
Are aer condi,ionat.
Hotelul nu este departe de plaja.
E 0 idee minunata!
-The >suite is really nice.
-It is >air-conditioned .
-The hotel is >within walking distance of the
-That's a >marvcllDlis idea!
Dupa ce faeem plaja ~ i Inotam tn mare,
catre seara putem sa ne plimbam.
-After >sunbathing and swimming in the sea, we
can >go for a stroll towards the evening.
Nu rna bronzez bine in Anglia. -I'll never get a nice >tan in England.
0, John, ce pacoste e:;;ti! -Oh, John, what a >trial you are!
M-ai tarat pc loata coasta, ineercand
sa g a s ~ ti cea mai buna plaja.
-You've been >dragging me along the coast, tlying
to find the best beach.
Vita-Ie la anuntul de-acolo. -Look at the >notice over there.
Trebuie sa rna asigur Ca exista salvarnari
pe plaja care sa ne supravegheze dnd
suntern In apa.
-I must be sure there are >Iife-guards on the beach
to >keep a watchful eye on us when we're in the
Draga mea, bronzaHi arati superb. -Darling, you look >gorgeous with your tan.
Data viitoare tti promit eft yom vizita
mai multe obiective turistice.
-Next time I promise you we'll be >doing more
Sa ne amintim doua expresii ce cuprind cuvantul "tan":
- 15 -
Vom diseuta acum urmiitoarele perechi de euvinte care se terminri in ,,-ic" $i ,,-ieal ":
Perechilede cuvinte de rna; sus au adesea doar un echivalent in limba ramana, de ex: ~ ' i "classic"
# "classical" i'nseamnii: elasic. In englezii, fn!elesullor depinde de contextu{ propozi!iei'.
a avea un bronz frumos
a se bronza fmmos
to have a nice tan -
to get a nice tan
Sa analizam intelesul ~ i utilizarea acestor cuvinte:
classic - (devenit) c1asic, vestit, tipic
Vosne Romanee is a classic French wine. - Vosne Romanee este un vestit vin francez.
- 16 -

This is a classic example.

classical - in stUul c1asic
I prefer classical music to pop music.
1 ~ i k e classical literature.
economic - Cll caracter, de natura economidi
We must discuss that economic problem.
That was a real economic miracle.
economical ~ econom, chibzuit, rentabil
It's a very economical method
of spending money.
historic - de importantii istorica, cpocal
What we're talking about was a historic change.
historical - ell caracter istoric, diacronic
This is a historical novel.
logic - logica (subst.)
Your arguments don't have much logic.
logical - logic (adj.)
His arguments are logical.
- Este un exemplu clasicltipic.
- Prefer muzica clasica muzicii pop.
Imi place literatura clasica.
- Trebuie sa discutam despre aceasta problema
de economic.
- A fost un adevarat miracol economic.
- Este 0 metoda foarte chibzuita de
a cheltui bani.
- Lucrul despre care vorbim a fast 0 schimbare
- Este un roman istoric.
- Argumentele tale nu prea au logica.
- Argumentele sale sunt logice.
Util1zati acum aceste cuvinte In propozitii. Completati propozitiile urrnatoare:
E un caz c1asic de dragoste la prima vedere.
Nu ai facut asta? Nici nu rna mira!
Am nevoie de 0 mica cconomica.
Mi-ar placea sa studiez limbile c1asice.
Cc s-a intamplat In tara asta in anii 'SO este
de irnportanta istorica.
Acurn conduce un proiect de cercetare In
domeniul istoriei.
Imi pare rau, dar nu-ti inteleg logica.
Este singuml lucm logic care poate fi meut aeum.
Maine va fi 0 Intalnire istonca intre
doi lideri.
Serie c1asice pentm eopii.
-This is a> classic case of love at first sight.
-You didn't do that? That's> classic!
-I need a small> economical car.
-I'd like to study> classical languages.
-What happened in this country in the 80's is
of> historic importance.
-He's conducting> historical research now.
-I'm sorry, but I don't follow your> logic.
-This is the only> logical thing to do now.
-There'll be a > historic meeting between these
two leaders tomorrow.
-He writes > children's stories.
Acum yom repeta noul vocabular pe care I-am introdus in aceasta lectie. Traduceti in engleza:
Nu ai de ales. Trebuie sa te
cu acest (ucm.
Studiaza foarte mult pentru a deveni mgmer.
Nu mai am bani.
Nu prea inteleg de ce iti e friea de inaltimi.
Trebuie sa faci ceva sii-ti bimi teama.
Ne-am petrecut luna de miere intr-un
hotel de cinei stele.
De data asta imi promit eli voi eumpa-ra
o eu aer conditionat.
In fiecare week-end rna plimb pe malul raului.
Toti eei care merg in vacanta in Vi.ri insorite
se intorc fmmos bronzati.
Cat costa aceI apartament?
>You baye no choice. You have to come to
1enns with it.
>He's studying very hard to become an
>I'm short of money.
>1 don't really understand why you're afraid
of heights. You must do something to
overcome it.
>We spent our honeymoon in a five-star hotel.
>This time 1 promise myself to buy
an air-conditiom;d car.
>Evel)' \veekend r go for a stroll along the river
>AII the people who travel to sunny countries
on their holidays come back with nice tans.
>How much IS that suite?
- 17-

acum exercitii de pronuntie:
Yom repeta vocaJa englezeasca Li:J care este asemaniltoare eu romanescul "j". Diferenta este en
voeala englezeasca [i:J este mai lunga decal echivalcnlul romancse.
Cititi exemplele eu glas tare:
read >[n:d]
eat >[i:l]
please >[pli:z}
keys >[hz]
need >[nidl
sleep >lsli:pJ
Acum vom repeta acest sunet in propozitii. Am subliniat silabele care contin vocala lunga [i:].
Cititi ell glas tare:
reading a book.
eating an apple.
Please, speak.
I you.
I like these people.
- 18 -

3.1. Utilizarea cuvintelor actually eventually.

actually -de fapt, intr-adevar
eventually -In cele din urrna
Utilizarea cuvintelor hardly hard.
hard -greu, mult, tare
hardly -abia, mai deloc

J believe I will be eventually promoted.
Actually, 1 don't know him.
-ered ca voi fi avansat In cele din urma.
-De fapt, nu-l cunosc.
I hardly work these days.
She works very hard.
-Zilele astea nu muncesc mai deloc.
-Ea foare multo
Perechile de cuvinte ce se termina cu -ie/-ical:
The country is facing serious economic
You should buy a more economical car.
What we are talking about was a historic
I want to be a historical linguist.
-Tara se confrunta ell probleme
economlce seTloase.
-AI' trebui sa-ti cumperi 0 mai
-Lucrul despre care vorbim a fast 0
schimbare istorica.
-Vreau sa rna ocup de istoria
- 19 -
Traduceti in limba rOlTI<lna:
1. Actually, I'm not sure whether the suites in that hotd are air'-conditioned.
2. I had hardly uttered these words when they began laughing.
3. When John eventually arrived he said he was late because he hadn't allowed for traffic
4. I can hardly believe it myself that Mary walked out on her husband.
5. If you keep working so hard, you will fall ill.
6. You'd better keep an eye on your belongings because the train is crowded and you can be
easily robbed.
Tradueeti in limba engleza:
1. Nu ti-ai seds tema? Nici nu rna minI!
2. Crcd ca in momentul de fata, accasta este 0 pcrspeetiva indepartatii.
3. Nu merg la plimbare, stau acasa.
4. Este 0 dovada istorica.
5. Logica ta e putin ciudata.
6. Nu am bani ~ i , 'mai mult dedit atat, nu vreau sa merg acolo in sezonul de varf.
C. Alegeti varianta corecta:
1. I'd like to buy an car.
a. economic
b. economical
2. Is there any _
a. historic
b. historical
._ novel that you suggest I should read?
3. She works at keeping herself slim.
a. hard
b. hardly
4. Could you open the window, please?
a. possibly
b. eventually
- 20-
-I'll >force a confession out of him.
-Fortunately, the >hiJUcker had no gun.
-We must go into the departure lounge for
passport and >customs clearance.
-I have half an hour to wait for my >t1ight to
New York.
-Two people were killed in the >collision
between a bus and a car.
-We're flying at an >altitnde of 25.000 feet.
-The search has to be abandoned due to
poor >visibility.
Din fericirc, piratul aenan nu avea arma.
Trebuie sa mergem in sala de
pentru declaratie vamala.
Zburam la 0 altitudine de 7625 m.
II voi obliga sa marturiseasea.
Trebuie sa mai 0 jumatate de ora
avionul men spre New York.
Doi oameni au fost in ciocnirea
dintre un autobuz 0
Trebuie sa abandonam cautarea
din eauza vizibiliU\tii reduse.
A. Complctati propozitiile in limba engleza eu euvantul sau cxprcsia potrivita:

Curand dupa decolare,
ne-au fast servite bauturi.
-Soon after the >take-off wc were served
Nu fii de exigent cu copiii tai. -Don't be so >strict to your children.
-Is it a >sing1e-engined plane?
-Write this word in >vertieally.
-I'll drive and you'll >1l3vigate.
-The engine has >failcd again.
-Draw a >horizontal line.
- 21 -
Este un avian eu un singur motor?
Scrie acest cuvfmt pe verticala.
Motorul a cedat din nou.
Traseaza a linie orizontala.
Eu voi conduce tu rna vci ghida.
Mi-e teams. cft va trcbui sa schimbam directia. -I'm afraid we'll have to >change course .

B. Acum vom repeta pronumele reflexive expresiile In care ele apar. Va JUgam sa completati
- 22-
Trebuie sa proflti de fiecare de a exersa
conversatia in engleza.
De ce ne limitam la a discuta politica?
Trebule sa-ti accePti destinu!.
Cu exceptia noastra a catorva germani,
toti vorbeau spaniola.
Spune-mi ceva despre tine.
John a devenit ministru de extel11e.
De ce te cu
Ar trebui sa fii mai modest.
Toti au putut face asta, cu exceptia tao
Toti au vazut accidentul, numai noi nu.
-You should >avail yourself of every
opportunity to practise speaking English.
-Why do we >contine ourselves to discussing
-You must> resign yourself to your fate.
-With the exception ofa few Germans and
> ourselves, everyone spoke Spanish.
-Help> yourself to sandwiches.
-Ten me something about> yourself.
-John> himself became the Foreign Minister.
-Why do you> pride yourself on the car?
You should be more modest.
-Everybody except> you/yourself was able to
do that.
-Everyone but> us/ourselves has seen the
acum, propozitii eu euvintele prezentate. Sa Ie eitim eu atentie:
lata aeuln voeabularullegat de prezentat in aeeasta lectie. Citi,i
euvintele eu glas tare:
to nm into >lrAn -a se intiilni din
intamplare eu, a da peste
fancy dress party >['f<ensI dres 'pa:tl] -bal mascat
jolly >['d3Jhl -vesel, ferici!; grozav de,
nemaipomenit de
terrific >[t8' nfIk1 -grozav, extraordinar,
by the way >lbar 8;:) weI] -apropo
to talk into >[tJ:k'rntJ1 -a convinge (pe cineva)
sa faca ceva
to adore >[;}'dJ:] -a adora
package tour tUd] -excursie organizata
(de a agentie)
miraculously > -ca prin minune, in mod
to remember >[n'rnemb;} SAIll h;JdI -a transmite salutari
somebody t;} 'SAlllh;Jdlj CUI va
to somebody
head-on >lhcd'Jn] -frontal
-John s-a vindecat ca prin
s-au eiocnit frontal.
-Transmite-i salutari mamei tale.
-Nu merg nieiodata in excursii
-Robert 0 adora pe sotia lui.
-Trebuie s-o conving pe so\ia
mea sa cumpere a noua.
-Apropo, unde-mi sunt
oehelarii de soare?
-Rochia ta arata extraordinar.
-E nemaipomenit de interesant.
-Astazi e bal mascat la John
aeasa. Vii?
-Am stat de vorba a fost pIacut.
-Draga mea, azi m-am 'intalnit
eu George.
I never go on package tours.
-23 -
John was miraculously healed.
Remember me to your mother.
The cars collided head-on.
Robert adores his wife.
I must talk my wife into buying
a new car.
By the way, do you know where
my sungl<lsses are?
Your dress looks terrific.
That's jolly interesting.
We had a nice chat.
There's a fancy dress party at
John's today. Are you coming?
Darling, I ran into George today.
lata ultimul dialog din acest manual. De aceasta data John se i n t a l n e ~ t e din intamplare cu un
prieten dc-at sau, Mark. Despre ce vorbesc? Veti afla dupa ce veti citi dialogurile eu atentie:
John has run into a friend of his, Mark.
John: Hello, Mark.
Mark: Hello, John. How are you?
John: I'm fine. And you?
Mark: Not bad, not bad. It's been ages since I saw you last time.
John: That's right. I think it was a Mary's fancy dress party three years ago.
Mark: Yeah. We had a jolly good time then. Do you remember our costumes? They were terrific.
John: By the way, how did you spend your holidays?
Mark: Well, I went to the Lake District.
- 24 -
That's fine. The French are careless drivers. When I was in France last year, I had a
head-on coHision. Miraculously, I was slightly injured, but my car was completely damaged.
Fortunately, it was insured, so on my return to England J immediately bought a new one
It's been nice talking to you, but I've got to run.
OK. Remember me to your wife. Bye.
Mark: Did you drive in France?
John: No. We went on a package tour.
John: I wanted to talk Ann into going to the Lake District, too. You know how much I love
hill-walking and climbing. But Ann's afraid of heights, so she insisted we go abroad,
preferably to the seaside.
Mark: Where to?
John: We went to Niece. Ann speaks fluent French. She adores French and France. We stayed
in a four-star hotel.

Completa(i propozi(iile. Ele fac parte din dialogul unde apar noile cuvinte. Verificati cat de bine
le-a(i retinut:
Traduceti acum expresiile urmiitoare In engleza:
Transmite-i salutari so(iei talc din partea mea. -> Remember me to your wife.
- 25 -

John s-a intiilnit din !ntamplare cu un pricten
de-aI lui, Mark.
Cred ca era acum trei ani, la balul mascat
de la Mary.
Ne-am distrat grozav atunci.
Iti costumele? Erau nemaipomenite.
Apropo, cum ti-ai petrecut vacan(a?
Voiam s-o conving pe Ann sa mergem
la Lake District.
Adora francezii Franta.
Am mers 1ntr-o excursie organizata.
Ca prill minune, am fost putin ranit,
dar a fost distrusti complet.
Ciind am fost in Franta allul trecut,
am avut 0 coliziune frantala.
a se Intftlni (din intftmplare) eu eineva,
a da peste cineva
a cOllvinge pe cineva sa
distrus complet
plimbare pe dealuri
a vorbi engleza curent
a se distra grozav
a merge lntr-o excursie organizata
Trebuie sa plec.
fmi pare bine ca am vorbit eu tine.
De ani de zile n-am mai fost aici.
John > has run into a friend of his, Mark.
-I think it was at Mary's> fancy dress party three
years ago.
-We had a > jolly good time then.
-Do you remember our costumes? They were>
-> By the way, how did you spend your holidays?
-I wanted to> talk Ann into going to the Lake
-She> adores French and France.
-Wc went on a > package tour.
-> MiraClllously, r was slightly injured, but my
car was completely damaged.
-When I was in France last year, I had a >head-on
>to run into
>to talk into
>by the way
>slightly injunxl
>complctcly damaged
>to speak tluent English
>to have a jolly good time
>to go on a package tour
>T've got to run.
>ft's heen nice talking to you.
>ll's been ages since 1 was here.
in engleza sunt multe cuvinte at carnr .'lens depinde de context.
ACUITI vom discuta 0 serie de cuvinte de aeest fel.
-a cere, a avea nevoie de
-a cauta cu lumanarea, a face eu mana lui
He asked me for a glass of wine.
You're asking for trouble ignoring
your duties.
-a vizita, a trece pe la I a intreba de
-a necesita, a impune
-a cere, a revendica
I'll call for you later on.
Success in life calls for hard work.
They caU for better living conditions.
-a a identifiea
-<I recun03!;>te valoarea
You have changed so much that
I wouldn't recognize you.
Will my qualifications gained in this
country be recognized abroad?
-a aprecia, a fi recunosciHor pentru
da seama de, a fi de (a evalua)
I greatly appreciate your assistance.
r don't think you appreciate the situation.
-Mi-a eerut un pahar de vin.
-0 cau!i Cll lumanarea ignorandu-ti sareinile.
-Ie voi vizita mai tarziu.
-Succesul in viall'! necesita munca multa.
-Ei eer condi!ii mai bune de via!a.
-Ie-ai schimbat ap de mult ca TIU te-a!;>
-Specializarile obtinute de mine in accasta tara vor
fi rccunoscute in strainatate?
-Apreciez in mod deosebit ajutorul tau.
-Nu ered ca-ti dai seama de situa!ie.
- 26-
-ceva care distrage atenlia
.distraetie, amuzament, divertisment
-in expresia "to distraction" - are sensul de "la nebunie, teribil"
There are too many distractions here
to study for the exam.
-Aici sunt prea multe lueruri distrag atenlia
ea sa poti studia pentm examen.
Let's invite him to the party, he needs
-Sa-l invitam la petreeere, are nevoie de distraetie.
I love my wife to distraction. -Imi iubesc sotia la nebunie.
-a invala pc cineva
-a da 0 lcelie (fig.), a minte
I'll teach you how to drive a car. -Te voi invala sa eonduei
I'll teach you to tell lies! -Te inval eu minte sa mai spui mineiuni!
-a vedea, a privi de la ina1lime
-a treee ell vederea
-3 amite
I'd like to get a room overlooking the street. vrea sa primesc 0 camera eu vedere la strada.
I'll overlook your mistake because it's -Voi treee eu vederea ta pentru cil e prima
the first time when you're doing that data eand faei asto.
You overlooked the fact that he had
already retired.
-Ai omis faptul ea se pensionase deja.
-foarte / destul de
-corect, obieetiv
-Scrinul este foarte greu. The chest is fairly heavy.
I don't feel these goods are fairly distributed. -Nu ered cil aceste marfuri sunt distribuite eorect.
- 27

- a intretine (pe eineva)/a mentine, a pastra
Traduceti acum urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza utilizand cuvintele pe care tocmai vi Ie-am
> I hope this country will reeoglllze our
>You should take advantage of the materials
available in the library.
> You have to rea<1 the material agam.
>Why do you maintain that he is wrong?
>It's fairly cold outsine.
>1'11 teach you to steal apples!
>1 haven't been here fOi over twenty years.
>We're calling lor a general strike.
> I would appn:ciate it if you could help me.
> Vou've overlooked too many facts.
> Ask him for information.
>I can't recognIze this town.
-De ee-ai profitat de firea sa eumseeade?
-Ar trebui sa profili de vremea buna pentru a
zugravi casa.
-Sustine ca nu I-a vazut niciodata pe ace1 om.
-Cum sa-mi intretin familia acum eli mi-am pierdut
- 28-
E destuI de frig afara.
De ee sustii en
Ar trebui sa profiti de materiale1e pe care
Ie ai la dispozitie la biblioteca.
Sper ell aceasta tara ne va
Ai omis prca multe aspecte.
Trebuie sa matenalul din nou.
N-am mai fost aiei de peste douazeci de ani.
fi recunoscator daea m-ai ajuta.
Te invat eu minte sa mai furi mere!
Nu mai recunose
Cere-i informatii.
Cerem greva generala.
Why did you take advantage of
his good nature?
You should take advantage of the fine
weather to paint the house.
- a folosi ceva in avantajul sau, a profita de
- a se folosi de cineva
How shall I maintain my family now
when 1 have my job?
He maintains he's never seen that man.
- a sustine
Vom repeta aeum unde dintre expresiile prezentate in dialog. Tradueeti In engleza:
Este a situatie nemaipomenit de interesanta.
Sper cil printr-o minune VOl lua examenu1.
Nu-mi place sa merg la baluri mascate pentru
ea oamenii par la accste petreeeri.
Te Sunt nemaipomenitc balurile
Trebuie sa-l eonving pc sotul meu
sa-mi eumpcre rochia aceea draguta.
Sora mea adora acea formatie rock.
Nu-mi place sa merg in excursii organizate
pentro ca sunt prea scumpe.
Ciind I-ai intiilnit?
Transmite-le parintilor tai salutari de la mme.
>It's a jolly interesting situation.
>1 hope I'll miraculously pass this exam.
>1 don't I ike going to fancy dress parties hecause
people at those parties look like fools.
>You're wrong. Fancy dress parties an: krrific.
>1 must talk my husband into huying me that lovely
>My sister adores that rock group.
>1 hate going on package tours hecause they're
>When did you run into him'?
>RemembtT me to your parents.
In partea de fonetica vom exersa englezeseul [I], [oarte asemanator eu romanescul "j".
Sa citim exemplele eu glas tare:
sister > ['STStd]
shiP > [Jlp]
dig > [JIg]
live > [!Iv]
hill > [hll]
ill > [Ill
mill > [mIl]
Sa Ie exersam acum in propozitii:
They live in a big city,
He's digging.
The mill is on the hill.
- 29-
Yom campara cele doua sunete: [i] [I]. Cititi cuvintele cu glas tare:
fi: 1 fn
menl mill
seat sit
heat hit
beat bit
Cititi corect urmatoarele propozitii:
The sheep are on the ship.
The meal is in the mill.
I'll sit on the seat.
I feel ill.
- 30
T __ ".,

Aeeast::. parte a lec\iei este dedicata recapituHirii intregului material nou din leetiile 3 4.
Traduceti in limba engleza:
Camera ta are vedere in pare?
ciiini sunt antrena\i special
sa recunoasca drogurile de contrabanda.
Te afli intr-un loe istoric, unde a fast
ucis John Kennedy.
Cum ai omis 0 dovada importanta?
Incepc sa-mi placa de tine abia te cunosc.
>Does your room overlook the park?
>These dogs <Ire speci<llly trained to recognize
smuggled drugs.
>You'rc standing on a historic spot where John
Kennedy was kilkd.
>Why did you overlook such important evidence?
>l'm beginning to like you although I hardly know
Va fi greu pentru tine sa 0 convingi sa faca asta. >Jt'll he hard for you to talk her into doing that.
Este un exemplu clasic de ee se poate intampla >This is a classic example of what may h:Jppen to
;;oferilor neaten1i. careless drivers.
Ma intreb daca ai putea cumva sa rna
sa mai stau putin.
Daca vrei sa te eu mine,
trebuie sa ceri eonsimtamantul parintilor mei.
Marile puteri VOl' aeeasta tara?
Aeeasta tradueere este foarte grea.
Necesita mulla experienta.
Te invat eu minte sa mai [uri lucrurile altora!
Daell continui sa mult,
pana la urma te vei imbogati.
Cred cii este un aparat economicos.
De fapt, nu sunt sigur ca va sosi la timp.
Presupun ea in cele din urma Iti voi
intelege logiea.
Trebuie sa ai multa rabdare sa
eu 0 astfel de persoana.
>I'm wondering whether you could possibly let
me stay here a bit longer.
>If you want to marry me, you must ask for my
parents' consent.
>Will supe'lJowers rccognizc this country')
>This translation is rather difficult.
Tt calls for ;J lot of experience.
>1'11 teach you 10 ste;J1 other people's belongings
>If you keep working hard you will eventually
make a fOliune.
>I think tllis is an economical machine.
>Actual1y, I'm not sure whether he'll arrive
on time.
>1 presume I'll eventually understand your logic.
>Ta lking. to such a person requires a lot ofpatienee.
Studiez pentru examenul de literatura clasiea, >I'm studying for the classical literature exam.
De ee am pierdut 0 ati'lt de minunata.? >\Vhy did we miss such a wonderful opportunity?
- 31 -
U1l11caza inca un excrcitiu de traducere, in Cilre va ve!i veri fica generale de limba
engleza, Va veti da seama de c5t de bine v-ati material veti progresa in ceca ce
nivelul la care stapfiniti limba. Este de asemenea a de a repeta gramatica
lexical invatate anterior.
Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
Nu-mi sUr<lde deloe idcea de a petreee
noaptea in acest hotel mizerabil.
Mi-ai fast de mare ajutor.
Cine te-a obligat sa faci asta?
lmi de un prieten de-al meu.
Tine leg:Hura cu noi, te rag.
Trebuic sa faei curat in camera
dlt se poate de repedc.
Ai vreo veste de la mama ta?
De ee m-ai convins sa cumpar casa?
Se cu faptul ea c un scriitor bun.
11 suspectam ca a comis crima.
TrenuI trebuie sa pIece in doua minute.
Inte1eg ea sunt pleca!i din
Trebuie sa cheltui a pe haine?
Aici se engleza.
Am 0 migrena
Cine se va ocupa de asta?
Nu-I pot opri sa faca asta.
Nimeni nu se poate baza pe tine.
De cand aveti aceasta casa?
A plecat cu putin timp in unna.
Trebuie sa trimitem dupa doctor.
>1 don't relish the prospect of spending the night
in this dirty hotel.
>Help yourself to strawberries.
>You've been of gn:at help to me.
>Who m:Jde you do that?
>r'ou remind me of a friend of mine.
>Keep in touch with us, pleilse.
>You must clean the room <JS quickly as possible.
>Is there any news of your mother')
>Why did you talk me into buying the house?
>He prides himself on being il good writer.
>We suspccl him of committing the crime.
>The train is due to leave 111 two minutes.
>1 realize they're out of town.
>Do you need to spend so much money on clothes"
>English is spoken here.
>1've got a slight headache.
>Who will sec to that?
>1 can't stop him from doing that.
>You can't be relied on.
>How long have you had this house?
>He left a while ago.
>;\ doctor must be sent for.
- 32-
4.1. Multe cuvinte in engleza au cateva sensuri ce depind de context, de ex.:
call for
-a vizita, a necesita, a cere
-a a admite, a identifica, a accepta
-a aprecia, a fi recunoscator, a fi de, da seama
-corect, destul de, foarte, extrem de, eu totul

1'[1 call for you tomorrow.

This type of work calls for experience.
They call for higher wages.
I don't recognize his achievements.
I could hardly recognize her.
I appreciate your work.
I don't think you appreciate the situation.
These goods are not fairly distributed.
It's fairly difficult.
- 33 -
-Voi trece pe la tine maine.
-Acest tip de munca neccsita experientii..
-Ei eel' sa[arii mai marL
-Nu-i reeunosc realizarile.
-eu greu am rccunoscut-o.
-iti apreciez munca.
-Nu cred ca-ti dai seama de situatie.
-Aeeste marfuri nu sunt distribuite coree!.
-Esle destul de dificiL
B. Traduce,i in limba engleza:
A. Traduceti in limba romana:
1. to get it done.
2. you did it for me.
3. to distraction.
4. historical evidence.
- 34 -
1. How dare you say you love your wife to distraction? You walked out on her a year ago.
2. If you want to maintain your friendship with these people, you shouldn't confine yourself to
discussing economic issues with them.
3. I would really appreciate it if you could inform me about that as soon as possible.
4. This sOli of scientific experiment calls for a good deal of patience and precision.
5. I'm nearly driven to distraction by your ignorance.
6. Do you think my degree will be recognized in England?
1. Nu daca-! voi Nu I-am mal vazut de 10 a11l.
2. Participam acum la un eveniment istoric.
3. 0 eauli eu lumanarea conducand 3$a de neatent.
4. Transmite complimentele mde parintilor tai.
5. Nu cred ca-I pot eonvillge sa faea 0 excursie de lunga.
6. Ambele au fost comp]et distruse in aceasta cioenire frantala.
a. I appreciate that
b. Actually, I need more time
c. This cannot be regarded as
d. I love all girls
b -
c -
a -
C. Alcatuiti propozitii corecte cu ajutorul fragmentelor de propozitii din grupuJ I din grupul

to adore
to appreciate
to ask for
to be short of money
to be a trial
by the way
to call for
to collect
to drag
to exaggerate
fancy dress party
at the height of the season
to be afraid of heights
to have a jolly good time
to keep an eye on
> ['a:ktfu;)h]

> [' eJkJn, drfJnd]
> [d prj :Jlelt]
>[a:sk fd]
>[h1 f,l:t riV 'mAllr]
>[bt: d 'trar;)l]
>[bal ,)rl wei]
>[b:l f;)]

>[ 1
> 1.1:kJ I1JlI1IklJ
> ll'vcntJuJlt I
> [lg'z.ed3Jreltl
>['LcnSI dres 'pa:tI]
>l'dVh J
> [ki:p rill <11 :'11l]
- 35 -
SI 4
- de fapt
- a adora
- cu aer conditionat
- a apreeia, a fi reeunoscator
- a cere, a solicita
- mal
- lueruri personale
- a nu-i ajunge banii
- a fi 0 pacoste
- apropo
- a vizita, a determina; a necesita
- cl asic, tipie
- (In stil) c1asic
- a aduna, a strange, a lua
- distraetie, nebunie, zapaceaHi.
- a trage, a tari
- economic (despre economie)
- economic(a); chibzuit, rentabil
- in cele din urma
- a exagera, a amplifica
- coreet; foarte, destul de
- bal mascat
- fina I, deeisiv
- minunat, spendid
- frontal
- inaltime
- 'in sezon de varf
- a-i fi friea de inaltimi
- istoric, epoeal
- (cu caracler) istorie
- grozav, extraordinar
- a se distra grozav
- a nu pierde din ochi,
a supraveghea, a urmari
- foaie volanUi, pliant
to maintain
to make both ends meet
to miss
to overlook
package tour
to presume
o recognize
to run into
remember me to him
to do sightseeing
to go for a stroll
to sunbathe
to take advantage of
to talk into
to get a nice tan
to have a nice tan
to teach
to come to terms with
within walking distance
to walk out on
>[' bd31k]
>[' bd3Tkl]
>[lllelk b<'.luO endz mi:t]
> (rm'nekjul;:lsll]
>['pcekrd3 tOd)
> [prr'zju:m]
>[rAI1 'mt;:)]
>[n'memb;:) mi: t;:) hun]
> l'sart,si: ird
>[tclk Jct'va:ntrd3 JV]
> [tJ:mz]
> ItJ'rrfrk)
> [Wr'6Jn 'w::l:kTl"1 'dlsl;ms]
>[w:lk aut :m]
- 36
- salvamar
- logica
- logic
- a men\ine, a i'ntretine
- a 0 scoate (greu) la eapat
- minunat
- a pierde
- In mod miraculos, ea prin
- mai mult decat atilt, in plus
- anun,
- in afara sezonului
- a amite, a treee peste; a avea
vedere inspre
- exeursie organizata
a presupune
- a da peste, a se intalni pe

- saluta-I din partea mea
obiective turistice
- a face turul
- toe
- plimbare
- a merge la plimbare
- apartament
- a face plaja
- a profita de
- a convinge sa
- bronz
- a se bronza fmmas
- a fi bronzat(a) [mmas
a preda (0 materie), a invata
- termeni, conditii
- a accepta, a se cu
- extraordinar, nemaipomenit
- Ja distanta mica; nu departe de
- a parasi
" "
Ca de obicei, vom incepe leqia cu 0 scurta recapitulaTe.
A Completati propozitiile in limba engleza:
caud va ajunge nava cosmica pe luna?
Cit timp Wva lua sa faci un zmeu ca
Aceast vehicul eu perna de acr
eombustibil solid?
El a !acut 0 avere vanzand fiori artifieiale.
Ficrul acela este incins. Nu-l atinge!
Cand va intra pe orbita acest satelit?
In ceaiul meu este 0 musca.
Acum cantaresc mai mult ca de obicei.
De ce ai omorat acel tluture frumos?
Aeeste uzine polueaza atmosfera,
Cand va fi lansata racheta?
Ciiti pasageri pot incapea in acest avion?
Aceasta este 0 tara puternica.
Imi place sa beau sucuri naturale.
Multi sateliti artificiali se rotesc in jurul
Zborul cu balonul peste Muntii
a fost 0 experienta de neuitat.
- I -
- Do you know when the >spaceship will
reach the moon?
- How long will it take you to make such
a >kite?
- Does this> hovercraft use >solid fuel?
'- He made a fortune selling >ar1iticial
- That iron is >red-hot. Don't touch it!
- When will this satellite be >put
into orbit?
There's a >flyinmy tea.
- I>wei gh more than I used to.
Why did you kill that beautiful
> butte rtl Y?
-- These plants pollute the >atmosphere.
- When will the >rockctbe launched?
- How many passengers can this plane
> accommodate'!
- This is a > powerful country.
- I like drinking> naturaljuices.
- Many artificial satellites move around the
> planet
The> balloon flight over the Rocky Mountains
was an unforgettable experience.
B. Completatl propozitiiJe unnatoare fiind atenti la pluralul substantivelor ~ i la cazurile speciale
de substantive masculine ~ i feminine:
Luna aeeasta var fi coneediate multe
Avem nevaie de trei servitori.
Ea era candva 0 a c t r i ~ a eelebra.
$i lagodnica ta a fost invitata.
De cate ori pe zi mulgi vaeile?
Am fost vaduv multi ani.
Nepoata mea s-a maritat eu un milionar.
Ei vand eel mai bun taur allor.
Ciind ai eumparat iapa asta frumoasa?
Avem nevoie de 0 jumalista.
Aeesta este eel mai rapid annasar din
grajdurile noastre.
In aceasta ~ c o a l a sunt mai multe
inva\iitoare dedit invatatori.
Hai sa-i eumpa-ram un canar de ziua ei.
Acest spital angajeaza de obieei multi
asistenti medieali?
- 2 -
- This month many >wol11cn-workers
will be discharged.
~ We need three >men-scrvants.
- She used to be a famous >actress.
- Your >fiancee was invited too.
- How many times a day do you milk your
- I've been a>widowerformany years.
- My >niece married a millionaire.
- They're selling their best >hull.
- When did you buy this beautiful >marc?
- We need a >\\olllan-jOUrnaJisl.
~ This is the fastest >staillon in our stables.
- In this school there are more
>women-teachers than >men-teachers.
- Let's buy her a >cock-canary for her
- Does this hospital employ many >lllalc
In ambele lectii va vom prezenta texte despre televiziune efectele ei
asupra telespectatorilor. Sa Invalam noul vocabular care va aparea In aceasta
parte a leqiei:
to concede
to acknowledge
(to) concern
to claim
> ['vaI:lbns] - vio1enta
> l,smb'lcd3IklIJ - psihologic
> [bn'si:d] - a acorda, a
> - dezgustiitor, jignitor,
suparator; ofensiv
> ['&eJte] astfel, deci
> ['dju:!I] - la timp; corespunzator
> 1Jk'nehd3] - a a admite
> [bn'sJ:n] - a privi, a avea legatura ell;
preocupare, interes
> [klelln] a afirma, a pretinde
> t 'flkf;JnJI] - fictiv, imaginar
> ['pru:vZlbl] - demonstrabil
> [J' fekt] efect
> [slmju:[\;lfn] - simulare
> [f;:J'rJufJs] - feroce, atroce
> [d'ki\mplIs] - complice
- 3 -
Va prezentam acum noile cuvinte In propozitii. Cititi-Ie cu atentie urmarind traducerea:
Some people claim too much violence is
shown on TV.
He's a psychologically disturbed child.
I concede you play tennis very well,
but I still think I can beat you.
I find your remarks offensive.
My new house is bigger and therefore
more expensive.
Your homework must be duly submitted.
1 don't acknowledge this defeat.
I'm worried about your health. Your
achievements aren't my concern.
He claims he doesn't earn more than we do.
The novel is a fictional account of a
journey to the South-American jungle.
This theory is provable.
What is the effect of noise on people
working in such conditions?
In this experience we're going to usc
computer simulation.
Do not approach that ferocious lion.
The police have to find the other
Unii oameni sustin ea la televizor
se arata prea multa violenta,
- EI este un copil cu tulburari psihice.
Recunosc ell joci tenis foarte bine, dar
tot mai ered ca pot sa te inving.
- Remarcile tale mi se par jignitoare.
- Noua mea casa este mai mare, deci mai
- Tema ta pentm aeasa trebuie predata La limp.
- Nu recunosc aceasta infrangere.
Sunt ingrijorat de sanatatea tao Realizarile
ta le nu rna preocupa.
- EI sustine ca nu c a ~ t i g a mai mult dedit noi.
Romanul este povcstca imaginara a unei
expeditii in jungb sud-americana.
- Aceasta teorie este demonstrabila.
- Care este efectul zgomotului asupra
oamenilor care muncesc in astfel
de conditii?
In cadrul acestui experiment vom folosi
o simulare pe computer.
- Nu va apropiati de acelleu feroce.
- Politia trebuie sa-l gaseasca pe celiilalt
", .. ~ . " "
.. '
... ~ .. 111
.. tll I_ ...
lata prima parte a textului despre vioJenta la televizor. Sa [nccrcam sa intelegem lntregul text inainte
de a-I citi traducerea:
Violence on television (part one)
It is generally accepted that violence on television can harm children
psychologically. It is also conceded that violence is offensive to most
adults to some degree and therefore must be duly controlled. But until
recently there has been little willingness to acknowledge the most
powerful reason for concern: the fact that violence on the screen may
encourage real violence.
Some television producers claim that in certain particular cases where
crimes of violence were said to have been a reaction to fictional violence,
no such direct relationship existed or was provable. However, concern
about social effects of television violence rests on the fact that realistic
simulations of ferocius violence made possible by the use of film turn
the viewer into a witness of, and an accomplice to, acts which in real
life are never likely to be seen.
- 5 -
Traduce!i in limba romana fiecare propozi!ie din text:
Vom veri fica aeum cat de bine ne-am cuvintele noi. Vom din nOLI propozi!iile din textul
nostru Ie vom i'mpar!i in fragmente mai scurte. Completa!i eu euvintele lipsa:
It is generally accepted that violence on
television can harm children psychologically.
It is also conceded that violence is offensive
to most adults to some degree and therefore
must be duly controlled.
But until recently there has been little
willingness to acknowledge the most
powerful reason for concern: the fact that
violence on the screen may encourage real
Some television producers claim that in
certain particular cases where crimes of
violence were said to have been a reaction
to fictional violence, no such direct
relationship existed or was provable.
However, concern about social effects of
television violence rests on the fact that
realistic simulations of ferocious violence
made possible by the use of film turn the
viewer into a witness of, and an accomplice
to, acts which in real life are never likely to
be seen.
Este unanim acceptat faptul ca violcnta
de la televizor. ..
... poate afecta copiii din punet
de vedere psihologic.
Se admite de asemenea ...
... ca majoritatea adul!ilor eonsidera
vioJenta suparatoare ...
... in consecinta trebuie redusa
in mod corespunzator.
Dar pana de curand oamenii nu prea au fast
sa recunoasca ...
> Este unanim acceptat fap\ul ca violenta de la
televizor poate afecta copiIi din punet de
vedere psihologic.
> Se admite de ascmcnca ea majoritatea adul\ilor
considera violcn!a suparatoare in consecinta
ea trebuie redusa in mod corespunzator.
> Dar pana de eurand oamenii nu prea au fost
sa reeunoasea eel Illai senos motiv de
ingrijorare: faptul ca violenp de pc ccran
poate incurap violenta in rcailtatc.
> Unil producatori de tele\'iziune pretmd ca. in
anul11ite caZUfJ deosebite, C<1nd Cflmc vlolente
au fost considerate 0 consccm!a a VLO!elliei
imaginare, 0 astkl de rela!le dlrecta nu a
existat sau ilU a pUlllt fi dovedita.
> Totu?i, ingrijorarea cu pm'ire la cfectele
ale televi7iunii rczlda in f'aptul Cil
slIlIularile real iste de vlo!en\a atroce
transfonna telespectatorul martor
complIce al unar acte care ar fJ imposibil sa
aiba loe in viap rcala.
- It is generally accepted that >vlOlenee
on television...
can harm children >psyehologically.
- It is also> conceded...
- ... that violence is >olTenslve to most adults ...
- ... and > thercforc must be >dulycontrolled.
- But until recently there has been little
wilingness to >acknowledge ...
- 7 -
Traduceti urmatoareJe expresii In Iimba engleza:
.. _eel mai serios motiv de ingrijorare.
Unii producatori de televiziune pretind
... ca in anumite cazuri deosebite, dnd
crime violente au fost considerate 0
consecinta a violentei imaginare, ...
... 0 astfel de relatie directa nu a existat
sau nu a putut fi dovedita.
ingrijorarea cu privire la efectele
sociale ale violeniei la televiziune
... rezida in faptul ca simularile realiste
de violenta atroce ...
... transforma telespectatorul intr-un
unamm acceptat
violenta la televizor
motiv de ingrijorare
controlal din limp
violenta pe eCran
producatori de televiziune
violeniii fictiva
relatie directa
este demonstrabil
a transforroa telespectatorullntr-un martor
a fi complice
[ntr-o oarecare masura
- ... the most powerful reason for >concem.
- Some television producers >claim ...
- .,. that in certain particular cases where
crimes of violence were said to have been
a reactIOn to >fictional violence ...
- ... no such direct relationship existed Or
was >provahle.
- However, concern about social >effects
or television violence ....
- .. , rests on the fact that realistic >simulations
of >ferocious violence ...
- ." turn the viewer into an>accomplice ..
> generally accepted
> \ IOlence on teleVISIOn
> reason for concern
> duly controlkd
> violence on the screen
> tekvision producers
> fictIOnal VIOlence
> direct relatIOnship
> it IS provahle
> to turn the \ iewel' into a witness
> to be an accomplice
> to deg.ree
lata cateva din cele mai importante expresii cu verbul to do:
De,Yi verbele to do JI to make inseamnii a face, in unele expresii ele nu se traduc ad-literam. in
aceasfa parte a leCfiei ne vom ocupa de expresii cu verbul to do; iar in a doua parte - de expresii eu
verbul to make.
do one's best
do business
do the cleaning
do a course
do damage
do a degree (in)
do the dishes/the washing-up
do one's duty
do exercises
do a favour
do good
do (someone) harm
do one's homework
do the housework
do well/badly
do the ironing
do ajob
do repairs
do research
do the shopping
do trade with
do a translation
- a face tot ce-i sta In putinta
- a face afaceri
a face curatenie
- a urma un curs
- a face rau, a dauna
- a obtine 0 diploma (In)
- a spala vasele
a - ~ i face datoria
- a face exercitii (de gimnastica)
- a face a favoare, un serviciu
- a face bine
- a face rau (cuiva)
- a-l;ii face tema pentm acasa
- a face treburile casnice
- a 0 duce/a-i merge bine/rau
- a caka (rufe)
~ a face 0 treaba
- a repara
- a face cercetari, a investiga, a se documenta
- a face cumparaturi
- a face comert cu
- a face a traducere
- 8 -
Acum vom repeta sensu! ca.torva perechi de cuvinte care se conjimdii adesea:
De data asta tu vei calea
Ai facut 0 trcaba buna.
- Nu-i voi Impnnuu.1a niciodata vreun bani
- Nu voi imprumuta niciodata vreun ban
deJa ell
> This time yOIl wlil do the ironing.
>Could you do me a favour, please')
> When dId you do a degree in physics?
>TheIr children are now doing badly at school.
>('m only JOlllg my duty.
> Why haven't yot! done any research this
> I hate doing the dishes.
>You dld a good Job,
> lhat won't do yuu any harm.
>This medicine wlll do you good.
Swallow It.
>When are you going to do repairs'!
>1 have n\) [une to do thlS translation,
>1'11 do the eleanll1g.
> It's a pleasure to dll business with you.
> SlOp it! You've done enough damage!
> I employed a woman to do the housework.
- besides
- rIse
- lend
- a impmmuta (de la)
- a imprumuta (cuiva )
to borrow (from)
to lend
I'll never lend him any money!
I'll never borrow any money from him!
Asta nll Iti va face niei un rau.
Nu am timp sa fae aceasta traducerc.
Imi fac doar datoria.
Este 0 placere sa fae afaceri Cll dumneavoastnl.
Acum eopiii lor se descurca prost la
Pori sa-mi faci un serviciu, tc rag?
De ee nu ai Jaeut cercetari luna asta'!
Cand ti-ai obtinut licenla in fizica?
Vrase sa spal vasek
Acest medicament iti va face bine.
Cand ai de gand sa faei reparatii?
Am angajat 0 femeie pentru treburile easnice.
Ai stricat dcstul pana acum!
Sa folosim aceste expresii in propozitii:
Voi face curat.
Traduceti propozitiile Ulmatoare in limba engleza folosind cuvinte!e mentionate anterior:
- Cine sta blnga el?
liinga, in preajrna, aproape de
In afara de, pc liinga
Ieri am intiirziat la serviciu; pe liinga asta,
am avut un accident de in drumul
spre casa.
- Preturile au crescut saptamana tree uta.
> Will yOLl lend me a few books of yours,
> Come and sit beside me.
> After the rain lhe fl\er will rise.
> You can horrow t!Jose hooks from the library.
> Who's going to Sit beside the driver')
> Will you help mc nusc my suitcase. please'!
- Te rag, ridica mana stanga.
> Who did you borrow the dictionary from?
> Besides belllg a teacher of English.
he is also a translator.
a ridica, a inalta
- a a se ridica
Pe langa faptul ea este profesor de engleza,
mai este translator.
Dupa ploaie, raul va
De la cine ai imprumutat dictionarul?
Prices rose last week.
Poti sa mii ajuti sa-mi ridie geamantanul,
te rag?
Please, raise your right hand.
Who is sitting beside him?
to rise
Vino langa mine.
Cine va sta hlnga
Poti sa imprumuti cartile acelea
de la biblioteca.
to raise
Poti sa-mi imprumuti cateva din cartite
tale, te rog?
1was late for work yesterday; besides,
on my way back home I had a car accident.
- 10-
A Completati urmatoarele propozitii In limba englezl! eu euvintele care lipsesc:
Soarele impreuna eu planetele care se
rotese in jurullui alciHuiese sistemul solar.
Taeerea fu sparta de un tipat rasunator.
Pe eeranul radarului se pot vcdea
vasele inamice.
Stelele sunt corpuri
Suprafata iacului este
Asta este eea rnai stralucitoare stca
de pe eer. 0 vezi?
Vrei sa ne conduci printre striizile
Ai analizat toatc posibl!lUl\ile?
Vom descoperi adcvarul in curand.
Uraniul este un material radioactiv.
Copacii se reflectau in lac.
Oamenii au nevoie de oxigen
pentru a trai.
Cand s-a facut aceasta descoperire?
Aceasta tara are rachete teleghidate?
in spatiul extratercstru nici un corp
nu are greutate.
Cine a inventat becul electric?
- 11 -
The sun together with the planets going
around it constitute the >Solar System.
.- The >silence was broken by a loud cry.
One can see enemy vessels on the >radar
- Stars are >heavenly bodies.
- The >surface of the lake is still.
That's the brightest >star in the sky.
Can you see it?
- Will you>guide us through the narrow
- Have you >explored all the possibilities?
- We'll soon >discoverthe truth,
- Uranium is a >radioactivematerial.
- The trees were >retlectedin the lake.
- Humans need> oxygen to live.
When was this> discovery made?
- Has this country got guided >missile.'l?
- In outer space all bodies are> weightless.
- Who> invented the bulb?
B. propozitiile in limba engleza, acordand atentie formelor de singular plural ale
substantivelor verbelor:
Trebuie sa cumpariim avioane noi.
orice mijloace ca s,Hi
convingi parintii.
A ultima serie de experimente?
Politia a prins in cele din urma
criminalul periculos.
la toate masurile ca marfa sa fie asigurata.
Ea are treizeci de vite.
Guvernul planifica noi
ale impozitelor.
In familia mea toti sunt
Echipa noastra este pe punctul
de a
Publicul roman nu este inlcresat
de aceasta problema.
Unde sunt aceste cazarmi?
Lumea spune despre el cit este un hot.
Clerul sus\ine aceasta idee.
Echipajul a trecut Cll succes toate testele.
- 12
- We have to buy new >aircraft.
lJse whatwever >mcans you can
to persuade your parents.
Was the latest >sencs of experiments
The >poliL'c ha\c finally caught
the dangerous criminal.
Make sure that the >merchandlse
is insured.
- She has thirty >cattle.
The>government is/are planning new
tax increases.
- My >tllllJly are all tall.
- Our> team Is/are winning.
The Romanian >pub!lc is/an: not interesed
in this problem.
- Where are these>barracks?
- > People say that he is a thief.
- The> clergy surpOtt this idea.
The>efew have successfully passed
all the tests.
~ i acwn vom invata cuvintele care apar in a doua parte a textului nostru.
Ciliti-1e eu atentie:
to be commited to
range (of)
programme maker
to transmit
as a consequence
to adjust onself to
predisposed to
to assume
> [bi: b'mltld t:J]
> [remd3 (;w)]
> [lelst]
> ['prdugra'tll 'melb]
> [tr:enz'mlt 1
> ['kenslkw;;IIlS]
> [JZ 0 'kcnslbvonsj
> [5-\5]
> [ 'gr;eu3j u;)l ]
> [Jdj\st wAn'selft:l]
> ['gru:sgm]
> [' IITIId3]
> [,pri:dIS'P:luzd t:l]
> [g'sju:m]
- 13 -
- a se dedica;
a fi implicat in
- gama de
- gust, prefcrint3.
- realizator de programe
- a transmite
- consecinta
- in consecinta
- de neeonceput
- aslfel, deci,
in conseeinta
- societate
- gradat, tteptat
~ a se adapta la
- groaznic, infiorator,
- imagine
- predispus la,
inclinat sa
- a presupune, a admite,
a considera, a crede
lata propozi!ii cu cuvintele noi. Le vom citi cu voce tare unnarind traducerea in limba romana:
He's committed to helping the needy.
He presented a wide range of options.
His taste is somewhat strange.
He's a talented programme maker.
The programme will be transmitted tonight.
Do you realize the consequences of your
foolish behaviour?
As a consequence of the changes I've been
Their victory is unthinkable.
He is not a specialist. Thus, he cannot
get this job.
Such behaviour is not accepted
in our society.
There has been a gradual increase
in the cust of living.
We have to adjust ourselves
to new conditions.
How can I improve my image?
What 1 saw there may be described
as gruesome.
He seemed to be predisposed
to success.
Let's assume you are right.
- 14-
El s-a dedieat ajutorarii eelor
- El a prezentat 0 gama larga de OP1iuni.
- Gusturile sale sunt oarecum ciudate.
- EI este un realizator de programe talentat.
- Emisiunea va fi transmisa in aceasHi seara.
- de consecin1ele comporUlrii
tale nesabuite?
- In urma schimbarilor am fost coneediat.
- Victoria lor este de neconceput.
. EI nu este un specialist. In consecinta,
nu poate ob\ine slujba.
- Un asemenea comportament nu este acceptat
in societatca noastriL
- Costul vielii a crescut progresiv.
- Trebuie sa ne adaptfllll noilor condi\ii.
- Cum pot sa-mi imbunata\esc imaginea?
- Ce am vazut acolo poate fi descris
ca inspaimantator.
Parca sortit succesului.
- Sa presupunem ea ai dreptate.
lata a1 doi1ea text despre violenta 1a te1evizor. Sa-1 citlln cu atentie:
Violence on television (part two)
We are told television is commited to providing a range of programmes
to suit different tastes. But television producers and programme makers
are unwilling to recognize that by the kind of programmes they transmit
they help to form the tastes for which they cater.
> Ceea ce decurge ca 0 consecinta a acestui fapt
este ca preferin\ele noastre se schimba lent, ...
> _,. pana ce devine posibil sa se transmita scene
care ar fi fost de neconceput cu pu\in timp
> Nt se spLIne ca televiziunea are datoria sa ofere
o gama de programe care sa satisfaca gusturi
> In consecinla, persoanele predispuse la
violenta sunt incurajate sa creada ca aceasta
face parte in mod normal din via!a de zi ell zi.
> Astfel, soeietatea se adapteaza la imaginile
terifiante vazlite la televiziune.
> faptul ca, prin tipul de Ilrograme pe care Ie
transmit, ajuta la formarea gusturi10r pe care
ei le satisfac.
> Dar producatorii de televiziune ~ i realizatorii
de programe nu vor sa recunoasca.
- 15 -
Thus, society gradually ajusts itself to
gruesome images shown on television.
What happens as a consequence is the
fact that our taste is slowly changed ...
... that by the kind of programmes they
transmit they help to form the tastes for
which they cater.
__ .until it becomes possible to transmit
scenes which, not long before, would have
been unthinkable.
But television producers and programme
makers are unwilling to recognize ...
Sa traducem acum textul in limba romi'ma:
What happens as a consequence is the fact that our taste is slowly
changed until it becomes possible to transmit scenes which, not long
before, would have been unthinkable. Thus, society gradually adjusts
itself to gruesome images shown on television. As a result, people
predisposed to violence are encouraged to assume that violence is
just a normal part of everyday life.
We are told television is commited to
providing a range of programmes to suit
different tastes.
As a result, people predisposed to violence
are encouraged to assume that violence is
just a nonna1 part of everyday life,
Vom folosi acum propozitiile din text intr-un exercitiu. Traduce\i in limba engleza folosind cuvintele
~ i expresiile noi:
Televiziunea are datoria sa ofere
o gama de programe."
... care sa satisfaca gusturi diverse.
Producatorii de televiziune nu vor
sa recunoasca ...
... faptul ca, prin tipul de programe pe care
Ie transmit, ajuta 1a formarea gusturilor ...
Ceea ce decurge ca 0 consecinta este
faptu! ca, ...
AstfeL societatea se adapteaza la ...
... imaginile terifiante vazute la televizor.
in consecintii, persoanele predispuse la
vlolenta sunt incurajate sa creada ca aeeasta
face parte in mod normal din viata de zi eu zi.
Traduceti expresiile unnatoare in limba engleza:
nt se spune
gusturi diverse
nu sunt d i s p u ~ i sa recunoasca
devine posibil
este de neconceput
ca rezultat. in consecinlii
oameni p r e d i s p u ~ i sa
sunt incurajati sa
- 16-
- Television is >colnmilted to providing
>a range of programmes ...
- ... to suit different >tastes .
>Progr<Il11llle makers are unwilling
to recognize ...
- ", that by the kind of programmes they
>transmlt they help to form the tastes ...
What happens >as a consequence
IS the fact ...
- >Thus, society gradually adjusts itself to
- ... >grucsome Images shown on televislOn.
- As a result people >predisposed to violence
are encouraged to >assume that violence is
just a !lonnal part of everyday life.
> we are told
> dIfferent tasks
> tlley are unwl111l1g to recognize
> It becollles possible
> It IS unthinkable
> as a result, as a conseqllence
> people [1Jedisposed to
> they are encouraged to
Verificati daca ati retinut loate accsle expresii. Traduceti unnatoareIe propozitii in Iimba engIeza:
, ~
: : ~ : : : : : : :
Vd vom prezenla acum expresii cu verhuf to make:
make an accusation
make an attempt
make a Comment
make a decision
make a difference
make an effort
make a fire
make a fool of someone
make a fuss
make an impression
make a meal
make a mistake
make money
make a noise
make an offer
make progress
make a promise
make a remark
make a request
make a statement
~ t i i cum se face focul?
EI a f:icut 0 remarca pe care
nu am inteIes-o.
De ce [aci atata caz de asta?
Nu ai !acut nici un efort penlm a-ti
imbunatati nivelul de cunoa$tere a
limbii engleze
- 17 -
- a acuza
- a face 0 incercare
- a face un comentariu
- a lua 0 decizie
a avea importanta
- a face un cfort
- a face focuI
a-$i bate joe de cineva, a trage pe sfoara
a face caz, a face taraboi/galagie
a face impresie
a pregati mancarea
a face 0 gre$eala
- a face bani
a face zgomot
- a face 0 oferta
a progresa
a face 0 promisiune
- a face 0 rcmarca
- a face 0 cerere
a face 0 afinna\ie
> Do you know how to make a fire?
> He made a remark I couldn't understand.
> Why are yOll making so much fuss about
this thing?
> You have made 110 effort to improve your
command of English.
- 18 -
in acest caz diferenra cansta ill distinefia dintre un subs/antiv un verb.
in limba engleza existd multe perechi de cuvinte eu pronuntie ortograjie asemdnatoare, dar eu
inteles diferit. lata cateva dintre ele:
- a sTatui
- sfat
Ycsterday I had to make a long statement
at the police station.
Could you at least make an attempt to smi Ie')
Does it make any difference to you','
I must make a request for new supplies.
1 don't understand why you've made such
a slmpk mIstake
Why did you make this promise?
You haven't made much progress since
our last meetlllg.
> YOll made a great ltnprcssio!1 on him.
It \\ as noticl:ablc.
> You shouldn't make an accusation if you
have no eVIdence.
> When did you makc this dec Ision'.)
> Don't make a noise. The chllJren are asleep.
> He makes a lot of money at
the Stock Exchange.
> We're making you an offer you shouldn't
> You made a fool of me.
> lXl\,uzl
> l :leI'valsj
prIze - price
to advise - advice
to lose - loose
prize > lrH"<llzJ - premiu
price > lpr;.usJ - pret
to advise
Nu inteleg de ce ai facut 0
atat de elementani.
Cind ai luat aceasta decizie?
iti facem 0 aferta pe care nu ar trebui
sa 0 refuzi.
Are vreo importanta pentru tine'?
Re!ine!i cdpronuntam prize cu "z ", in timp ce price se pronul1!ci cu "s ". in acesl caz diferen(a intre
ortograjie $i pronunfie face dislinC{ia intre cele doua substantive.
Nu ar trebui sa acuzi daca
nu ai nici 0 dovada.
I-ai facut 0 impresie deosebita,
Se vedea claro
Ai putea macar sa incerci sa
De ce ai promis asta?
leri a trebuit sa dau 0 dec1aratie lunga
la seetia de politie.
Trebuie sa fac 0 cerere penlm nai stocuri.
Sa nu faci zgomot. Copiii au adormit.
Nu ai progresat prea mult de Ia ultima
noastra 'intalnire,
Ti-ai batut joc de mine.
EI 0 multi me de bani
la bursa.
> [lu:z]
> [lu:s]
to lose
- a pierde, a riltaci
- Iiber, slabit, varsat
inca 0 data. diferenfa de ortografie ,yi pronunfie marcheazii doua cuvinte cu fntelesuri distincte.
lata diteva exemple eu aeeste cuvinte:
Avem nevoie de sfatul tau.
> We need your advice.
Ce premiu vei obtine?
> What prize will you receive:
Niciodata nu imi pierd rabdarea.
> 1 never lose patience.
Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare, folosind cuvintele noi:
pretul acestei
Te sfatuiesc sa nu fumezi prea mult.
Am cumparat aceste dulciuri varsat,
nu la cutie.
Marfa a fost livrata la timp.
> Do you know the price of this car"
> r advise you not to smoke so much.
> r bought these sweets loose, not in a box.
> The merchandise was duly delivered.
Recunosc eil. ai dreptate, dar continuu sa
ered eil putem face ceva in aceasta problema.
iti convine sa treci pe la mine la ora zece?
Firma noastra ofera 0 gama larga de servicii.
Reportajul este plin de fapte oribile.
Nu trebuia sa recurgi la violentil.
De ce nu vrei sa aceasta
Glumele talc sunt jignitoare pentm
Acesta este un personaj tictiv.
Yom incerca sa obtinem cat mai multe
informatii despre complicele sau.
- 19-
> I concede you're right, but I still tllink
we can do something about it.
> Will it suit you to call for me at ten o'clock?
> Our company offers a wide range ofservices.
> The report is fu 11 of many gruesome facts.
> You needn't have resorted to violence.
> Why don't you want to acknowledge
this defeat?
> Your jokes are otTensive to hath of us.
> This is a 1ictional character.
> We'll try to get as much information about
his accomplice as possible.
Urmeaza exercitii de pronuntie In cadrul carora vom exersa sunetul englezesc [:e]. Este un sunet Intre
e ~ i a. Pentru a-I pronunta deschidem gura ca pentru a ~ l pronuntam e.
Sa exersam diteva cuvinte care cantin acest sunet:
back > [b:ek]
bag > l ba:g]
cri!ck > [kr,ekJ
Paris > ['pa::nsJ
pa.cket > ['p,eklt]
wrap > [r;ep]
perhaps > [p:>'kcpsJ
pack > [pa:k]
lack > [la:kJ
sad > lsa:J]
Retineti cil inaintea consoanelor sonore sunetul [ir] este putin mai lung.
Sa exersam acest sunet in propozitii:
I'll pack the bag.
Don't put my bag on the rack!
The bag's on the rack.
I have no appetite for an apple.
The man married a fat woman,
The cat sat on the mat.
There's a band in the shop.
- 20-
Please, make an effort to come here on time,
Why haven't you done your homework yet?
Nu am mai Tacut niciodata 0 afacere
atilt de buna.
- Ie rog, fa un efort sa ajungi aici la timp.
- De ce nu ai facut nici 0 incercare de a
schimba aceasta situatie?
- Cum c a ~ t i g i atatia bani?
- Poti sa-mi imprumuti bicicleta ta?
- Nu-mi amintesc sa fi imprumutat
aceasta carte de La tine.
- Sta-tea liinga mama lui.
- Pc l:inga faptul ca este profesor de
limba engleza, este ~ i translator.
- Nu-ml place deloe sa fae cunitenie.
- De ce nu ti-ai facut inca tema pentru
- a face bani
- a face 0 incercare
- a face un efort
.- besides
- a - ~ i face tema pentru acasa
- raIse
- a face curatenie
- a face 0 afacere
- 21 -
He was sitting beside his mother.
make money
How do you make so much money?
Why haven't you made any attempt
to change this situation?
make an effort
Can you lend me your biclyclc?
make an attempt
Besides being a teacher of English
he is also a translator.
Doing the cleaning isn't my cup of tea.
borrow (from)
I don't remember borrowing this book
from you.
I've never done such a good business.
do the cleaning
do one's homework
do a business
5.3. Expresii cu verbul to make:
5.2. Diferente de sens intre cuvinte:
5.1. Expresii cu verbul to do:
- 22-
5.4. Diferente de pronuntie ~ i de senS intre cuvinte:
prize - price
advise - advice
What is the price of petrol in your country?
He has won the first prize.
You didn't follow my advice.
I advise you to give up smoking.
_ Care este pretu! benzinei in tara ta?
_ EI a c a ~ t i g a t premiui intai.
- Nu mi-ai urmat sfatuI.
_ Ie sfatuiesc sa renunti 1a fumat.
- loose
A Traduceti in limba romana:
1. We need to make a request for more merchandise.
2. We will have to adjust ourselves to new conditions.
3. He made a great offer, but we were stupid enough to reject it.
4. It is generally accepted that there is too much violence on television.
5, I want to do a course in British contemporary literature.
6. I am only doing my duty as a soldier.
B. Traduceti 'in limba engleza:
1. Vei face aceasta traducere in timp util?
2. Ne vei spune unde este complicele tau?
3, Remarcile tale nu sunt amuzante, ci Jignitoare.
4, Este aceasta teorie demonstrabila?
5. Nu rna vei convinge sa-i imprumut lllci macar un leu.
6. Sa presupunem ca totul va fi gata maine.
c. Adaugati, dupa caz, verbu1 make sau do inaintea fiecarui cuvant de mai jos:
a comment
the cleaning
a meal
a statement
an accusation
a degree
an effort
the dishes
- 23 -
Oamenii sunt mamifere.
PiS1Cii mele TIU ii place camea.
Ea este 0 fetita vicleana.
- Do not approach those >wild animals.
- >Hunting in this is forbidden.
- may soon become extinct.
- Do you know any> migratory birds'!
- Our dog always >barks at children.
- She's a >cunning little girl.
- r hate going to the >zoo.
- it's impossible to >tame such wild animals.
- Dinosaurs have been >extinct for mIllions
of years.
- Theories >abounJ as to hlS decision.
- Bears>hibernate.
- The lion is a > quadruped animal.
- Humans are>mamillaI...
- The tiger is a>predatot
.- My cat doesn't like >l1esh
Balenelc pot disparea in curfmd.
- 24-
Cainele nostru latra intoldeanna la capii.
Nu va apropiati de aceste
animale salbatice.
Nu-mi plaee deloc sa merg la
gradina zoologica.
in padurea aceasta vanatoarea
este interzisa.
vreo pasare migratoare?
Abunda teoriile en pnvire la decizia lui.
Dinozauni au disparut de milioane
de ani. (folositi timpul Present Perfect)
Este imposibil sa animah:
atiit de salbatice.
Leul este un animal patruped.
Tigrul este un animal de prada.
A Completati propozitiile in limba engleza:
B. In urmatorul exercitiu vom repeta utilizarile speciale ale genitivului sintetic ljii ale substantivelor
la plural, precum ljii construqiile care sunt compuse dintr-un substantiv ljii un numeral. Completati
propozitiile in limba engleza:
in zona aceasta sunt cateva
proprictati de vanzare.
Aceasta a fost singura informatie
de care aveam nevoie.
ered ca va fi 0 calatorie de
doua saptamani.
Sunt sute de pasari pe cer.
Trebuie sa cumparam 0 duzina de oua.
Conferinta s-a tinut acum ljiaizeci
de ani.
La intalnire au participat
zeci de persoane.
Am comandat 288 de lumanari.
Aceasta este 0 maljiina cu patru locuri.
Ai vazut meciul de ieri?
iti aminteljiti de intalnirea de anul trecut?
Doresc sa cumpar cateva
piese de mobilier.
Se spune ca un Miat de patru ani
a murit in acel accident.
Acesta este un articol de patru pagini.
- 25-
~ Several> properties are for sale in this area.
- This was the only >piece of information
we needed.
- I think this will be a>two-week trip.
- Tnere are> hundreds of birds in tne sky.
-- We must buy a > dozen eggs.
- The conference was held three >scorcyears
- At the meeting there were >scoresofpeople.
- I ordered two> gross(2
144) candles.
~ This is a> four-seat car.
- Did you see > yesterday's match?
- Do you remember> last year'smeeting?
- I want to buy> a few pieces of furniture;
- A> four-year old boy is said to have been
killed in the accident.
- This is a> four-page article.
Prezentam acum cuvintele noi. Ca de obicei, Ie vom citi eu atentie:
literate >[' IItJnt}
illiterate >[dlbnt]
detrimental >f detnrnentl]
monster >[\m'nst:l]
spare time >[spe;} taim]
addicted >[;}(hktld tlj
telly >['teli]
exposed to >[rks'p;Jl)zd t;)]
rubbishy >[ 'rllbl]"l]
- timp liber
- dependent de
- fara valoare, bun
de aruneat
- expus la
- daunator, pagubitor
- mijloace de comunicare
- In conc\uzie
- a face apel la:
(fig) a atrage
- monstru
- tdevizor (fam.)
- a ~ f a b e t i z a t
- analfabet
- a se gnibi sa traga
- reclama comerciala
~ a transmite, a comunica
- concluzie, incheiere
- 26-
>[ b'm;J:J;J!j
>[ d'pi:J (t;})]
>[ d3!1\np t ~
mass media
in conclusion
to jump to
to appeal to
to convey
Sa studiem ciiteva exemple eu noile cuvinte ~ i expresii:
- Decizia ta poate fi dauniitoare rentru
noi toti.
.. Ce faci in timpul Jiber?
- Oamenii pretind ca in acest lac exista
un monstru.
- Televiziunea este unul dintre cele mai
putemice mijloace de comunicare de masa.
~ Te atrage aceasta idee?
-- Nu sunt analfabet. ~ t i u sa ortografiez acest
- Mai exista inca analfabeti in aceasta tara.
- EI i u b e ~ t e televizorul.
- in concluzie a ~ vrea sa spun ca acceptam
oferta voastra.
- Nu-mi place deloc sa ma uit la reclame.
- Nu te pripl sa tragi concluzii.
- E ~ t i expus la multe pericole.
- Ei sunt total dependenti de aceste
- Poezia lui transmite 0 stare de optimism.
- Aceasta este un film de dragoste lipsit
de orice valoare.
.,'/if' [iJ
~ ~ ~ ~
This is a rubbishy love story.
They are totally addicted to these drugs.
I hate watching commercials.
What do you do in your spare time?
He loves the telly.
In conclUSIOn I would like to say that
we accept your offer.
You are exposed to many dangers.
His poetry conveys a sense of optimism.
I am literate. I know to spell this word.
Don't jump to conclusions.
Does this idea appeal to you?
TelevisIOn is one of the most powerful
mass media.
People claim there's a monster in this lake.
Your decision may be detrimental to us all.
There are still illiterate people in this country.
lata acum ultima parte a textului despre televiziune:
Television - "one-eyed monster"
Television is one of the most popular mass media in the
contemporary world. It reaches a great number of viewers at the
same moment, using both pictures and words. Television appeals
to literate and illiterate viewers.
Some people claim that it is, however, detrimental, calling it "a one-
eyed monster". It occupies a good deal of our spare time. Children,
for instance, are addicted to the telly. They are unwilling to do their
homework, read books, or go outside because they must watch
their favourite programmes. Adults neglect their duties because of
television. When watch television, they do l10ttalk with each
other, they do not exchange the news of the day because television
demands absolute silence.
Moreover, the quality of some programmes is very low. Viewers are
often exposed to rubbishy cartoons, films, shows, commercials, or
In conclusion, one can say that television is a method of conveying
words and pictures but it can also prevent people from
communicating with each other.
Ati inte1es textulill intregime? Sii-I verificam traducand fiecare propozitie in limba romana:
Television is one of the most popular
mass media in the contemporary world.
It reaches a great number of viewers
at the same moment, using
both pictures and words.
Television appeals to literate and
illiterate viewers_
Some people claim that it is,
however, detrimental, calling it
"a one-eyed monster".
It occupies a great deal of our spare time.
Children, for instance, are addicted
to the telly.
They are unwilling to do their homework,
read books, or go outside because they
must watch their favourite programmes.
>Tckviziunca estc unul din cele mai importante
mijJoacc oe comunicare in masa in lUlnca
> Ea reuneste un numar important de
telespeclatori t11 moment, folosind
atat imagini, cat $i cuvinte.
> TckviZlunca atragc aIM telcspectatori
cultivati, cat 9i analfabep.
> Unii sustin cii este daunatoare.
numind-o "monstrul cu un singur ochi".
> Ocupa 0 mare parte a timpului noslru ilbcr.
> Copiii, de excmplu, sunt dependenti de
> Ei ilU VOl' sa faca lema penrru acasa,
citeascit .sa iasa la joaca. dCO;lrecc
lrcbuie unnarcasca programcle prefcrate.
- 28-
Vom veri fica aculTl dacii ati noile cuvinte. Completati propozitiile urmatoare:
Adults neglect their duties because of
When family watch television. they do
not talk with each other, they do not
exchange the news of the day because
television demands absolute silence.
Moreover, the qual1ty of some
programmes is very low.
Viewers are often exposed to rubbishy
cartoons, films, shows, commercials,
or violence.
In conclusion, one can say that tele\ ision
is a method of conveying words and
pictures ...
... but it can also prevent people from
communicating with each other.
Televiziunea este unul din cele mai
populare mijloace de comunicare in masa.
Televiziunea atrage atat telespectatori
cat Sl
Unii oameni afirma ca televiziunea
este daumitoarc.
Ei 0 numese "monstrul eu un singur oehi",
Ea acupa 0 buna parte din timpul
nostru liber.
Copiii sunt dependenti de televiziune.
Telespectatorii sunt adesea
la reclame de proasta calitate.
In concluzie, se poate spune cil
televiziunea este un mijloc de a transmite
cuvinte nnagini.
- 29-
> Adultii neglijeaza obhgatiile datorita
> Ciod se uita la televJZor, membrii familici nu
vorbesc intre el. nu comcntcaza ;;;tmlc zllci,
deoarece pentru a urmari programele de
tc!evizlune e neVOle de 0 hmste absoluta.
> In plus, calttaka unor programe este foarte
> TelesJ1cctatoril sunt adesea expusi la vi7ionarea
de descnc ammatl:, fill1lc, sJ1cctacole, I eclame
stupide sau ]a vlOlcntil.
> In conelune, se puatc spune ea tc1cvizlunea
C'ite 0 metoda de a lransmite euy inte
Imaglll1. ..
>. dar poate in egala masura sa impiedice
oarneni, sa comunicc lI11ul eu cclalalt.
- Television is one of the most popular
> mass medIa.
- Television >appeals to literate and illiterate
Some people claim that television is
- They call it a "one-eyed> monster",
- It occupies a good deal of our >spare time.
Children are> addicted to the telly.
- Viewers are often >ex.posed to rubbishy
- > Jn conclusiol\ one can say that television is
a method of >conveying words and pictures,
Sa traducem In hmba engleza cateva expresii care apar in text:
unul din mijloaccle de comunicare in masa > one of the mass media
a atrage > (0 opp.:al to
> to demand absolute silence
> a good deal of spare time
> addicted to the telly
> to neglect one's duties
> in the contemporary world
neglija obligaliile
a cere deplina
in lumea \:ontemporana
o buna parte a timpului Ii ber
dependent de teIevizor
calitate scazuta a programului > low quality of the programme
expus la
reclame stupide
> exposed to
> rubbishy
$tiri deja ell verbul to have apare in multe expresii /Ht se traduce il1totdcuuna ad-literum. Sd
repetdm ill cOlltinuare cafeva expresii de acest gen sa inl'CJrl/m unele noi:
have an accident - a avea un accident
have a baby
have a cold
- a un copil
a fi racit
have a fit - a avea 0 crizalun atae
have an idea
have a headache
a avea 0 idee
- a avea 0 durere de cap
have an interview
have a look
have breakfast, lunch etc.
- a slIsline/avca un interviu
- a arunca 0 pnvire
- a servi micul dejun/pranzul
have a party
have a rest
- a da 0 petrecere
- a se odihni
have a swim - a inota, a face 0 baie

have a thought
- 30-
- a-i veni lin gaud, a avea de gand
- 31 -
Yom invata acum ciiteva forme de plural neregulat al substantivelor:
> We're having a party tonight.
Are you comlllg?
> Every morning 1 have a bath,
> You haven't got the slightest idea how I feel.
> Let's have a swimm.
> ['ve Just had a thought -- what will happen
if she forgets to do it'l
> This morl1lng I had a Sphttlllg headache,
> Have a look at It!
> ["oday I'm lUl\ ing an llltervlew for a job,
> I[is wife IS having a baby in May.
> What lime do you have lunch'!
> ['m afraId [ had a bttk accident III the kitchen
and broke all the glasses
singular plural
cnsis - criza cnses - crize
['kl ,lIS1S] [ 'krulsl.z]
thesis - teza theses - teze
[ '81'SIS] ['8i:sl:z]
criterion - criteriu cntena - cnteril
[ krm'tlJflJn] [krat'tldrIJ]
phenomenon - fenomen phenomena - fenomene
[fJ'ncmJngnJ [1'1 ncm:mJ]
medium - mediu media ~ medii
['mi :dlJ!1l1 ['mi:dIJ]
Haideti sa inotam.
Fac bale in fiecare dlmineata.
La cc ora serviti priinzul?
Astazi voi s u s ~ i n e un interviu
pentru 0 slujba,
Folositi aceste expresii in propozitii pe care Ie yeti traduce in Iimba engleza:
Tocmai mi-a vemt un gand - ce se
va intiimpla daca ea uita sa faca asta?
In dimmeata asta am avut a durere
de cap ingrozitoare.
Yom da a petrecere in seara asta.
Nu ai nici cea mal vaga ldee cum ma simt.
Sotia sa va n a ~ t e in maio
Mi-e tcama ea am avut un mie accident
in bucatarie ~ i ca am spart toate paharele.
Vom repeta acum cateva cuvinte din textul prezentat in acest caiet de studiu:
Traduceti propozitiile unnatoare in limba romana:
There have been many economic crises in
this country since the end of World War 11.
I have never examined such strange
A new project will be made according
to new criteria.
When will your M.A. theses be completed?
The mass media are very powerful these days.
Ce desene animate sunt astaz! la televizor?
Sunt prea multe reclame la telcvizor.
La Ce concluzii ai ajuns in timplll fntalnirii?
Se transmit prea Illlllte emisiuni proaste.
Mass-medIa a criticat declzia
Nu pot sa cred ca unil oameni din
tara noastra sunt inca analfabeti.
Aqiunea lor dauneaza firmei noastre.
Ideile lui nu m-au atms niciodata.
Nu trebuie mult timp ca sa devil
dependent de alcool.
Imi place sa pescuiesc in timpul llber.
- 32-
> In aceasta tara au [ost 111Ultc CflLe economice
de Ia cclui de-al dOllea razboi
> Nu am cern.:tal nlciodata renomene alat
de stranl1.
> S\.: va t'labora un nou proi\.:ct in confofll1ltate
ell noile criteril.
> Cand VOl' fi gata tezelc tale tale pentru titJul
de master')
>]n zJlde noastre InI]loacele de comunieare
in masa sunt {oane putcrlllce.
> \Vhat cal toons are on today?
> There arc too many commercials on rv
> What conclusions dIU yOU comt: to dUllng
the l1lcctmg')
> They hroadcast too many rubhishy
> The mass media have criticized
the president's deCIsion.
> 1 can't heli.?ve it that some people in our
country are still lilliclate.
> Th\.:ir action is detrimental to our compan:
> H1S ideas ne\er appealed to me.
> 1t doesn't take long to become addicted
to alcohol.
> I like C\Sl1111g In my SjJilre time.
Fre.nch cattle
Get the ke.ttle.
This is the best breild I've e.ver eaten.
That man is looking at the me.n.
~ i acum sa repetam acest sunet in propozitii:
- 33-
She married a me.rry man.
Yom exersa in continuare doua sunete foarte apropiate: [a:] :;;i [c]. Pronuntati urrnatoarele euvinte,
fiind atentl la diferenta dintre acestea:
lata diteva propozitii eu noile euvinte:
Yom repeta sunetul [eJ, care este foarte similar celui din limba romana. Pronuntati cu atentie cuvintele
E timpul sa facem ~ i un exercitiu de pronuntie.
These are merry friends.
> [tel]
> [bred]
> [hest]
> [ketl]
> [frentn
> [[rend]
> [get]
> l'men]

Aceasta parte a 1ectiel este dedicata recapitularii intregului material pe care I-am invatat in ceJe doua
lectii. Traduceti propozitiile unnatoare in limba engleza:
Nu cum sa fae afaceri in aceste conditii.
Cum te deseurci 1a universitate?
vrea sa cum pot multi bani,
Sper ca nu are nic! 0 importanta pentm tine,
Ai tacut 0 remarca grosolana la adresa ei.
Trebuie sa faei putin efort ca sa treci
aeest examen.
De ce faei promisiuni pe care nu
intentionezi sa Ie respeqi?
Din eand in ciind, izbucnqte in ras.
Voi incerea sa-mi schimb comportamentul.
Nu am Idee cum s-a lntamplat.
Ieri am dat 0 petrecere. Afost grozav.
Nu mai face atiita zgomot. Tata este obosit
are nevoie de odihna.
Violenta nu ar trebui sa fie un mod de
a rezolva problemele.
El a recunoscut ca a tacut 0
Nu mai pot sa suport remarcile
lui ofensatoare.
Credem ca in urmatoarele are complicele
lui va fi arestat.
Sunt bucuros ca te-ai angajat sa pregatqti
mancare pentm saraci.
Este de neconceput ca ei sa alegerile.
Ea are gusturi bune in materie de muzica.
- 34-
> I don't know how to do business under such
> Uow arc you dOlllg at the university'!
> I'd like to know how to make a lot of money.
> 1hope It WDn"t make any difference to you.
> You math.: a rude remark abollt her.
> YDU must make some eff0l1 to pass this exam
> Why do yOU make prOlllises which yOU don't
intend 10 keep')
> Occassionally, he has a fit of laughmg
> I'll make an attempt to change my behaviour.
> I have no Idea how 1l Iwppened.
> Yesterday we had a P:lI1Y. It was temtlie.
> Don't make so mucll nOIse. Our father IS llrec
and needs a rest.
>Violence shouldn't be a means of solving
> I Ie acknowledged he had made an error
> I can no longer stand hiS offensive remarks
> We believe his accomplice wlll be arrestet
within the next fev-. hours.
> I'm glad yOll arc commItted to preparing
meals for the poor.
>Irs unthmkable they' II win the election
>She hilS a good taste In music.
Vom incheia leqia cu un exercitiu de recapitulare. Traduceti in limba engleza:
Cine i-a imprumutat atatia bani?
Este eel mai ciudat fenomen pe care
I-am vazut vreodata.
Cine te-a expus la asemenea perieole?
Sper sa curand criza.
De la cine ai imprumutat aceasta bicicleta?
Aceste criterii sunt de neinteles pentru
majoritatea dintre noi.
Nimie nu il va opri de la comiterea crimei.
Ce te-a racut sa spui un lueru ca acesta?
EI mi-a dat un sfat bun.
Cat costau cartofii acum a luna?
De care dintre fratii mei indragostiUi?
Casnicia mea s-a destramat acum doi ani.
Am ramas rara bani.
Ce ai zice de un pahar de whisky?
eu cat 11 cunosc mai bine, eu atat imi place
mai putin.
Ai indraznit sa faci asta?
Nu are rast sa-I intrebam.
Daca avea mai mul\i bani, cumpara
o noua,
Daca intentionezi sa-ti schimbi planurile,
sa ne spui noua.
Nu a seos nici un cuvant timp de doua zile.
putm! Tocmai rna irnbrac.
Trebuie sa-mi dau la reparat.
- 35 -
> Who lent him so much money?
> This is the strangest phenomenon that I've
ever seen.
> Who exposed you to such dangers"
> I hope we'll soon get out of the crisis.
> Who did you borrow this bIke from"
> These criteria are not understadable
to most of us.
> Nothing will stop him from commItting the
> What made you say such a thmg'?
> He gave me a good piece of advice.
> How much vvere potatoes a month ago"
> Which of my brothers are you In love WIth?
> My man lage broke up two years ago.
> l' \ run out of money.
> What do yon say to a glass of whisky?
> The more I knU\\ hilR the less 1 like him.
> Did you dare (0 do if!
> Irs no usc asking him.
> If only I had mOle money, I \\ould huy
a new car.
> ShOll Id you change your plans, let us know.
> Not a S1!1gle \\ord did he say for two days.
> W<!lt a mlnu1c' ['m.lust gettll1g dressed.
> I must have my car n:raired.
Se spune despre el ell. ar
persoane influente.
Este timpul Sa plecam.
Trebuie sa pIce.
dori !iii am 0
prefera sii-mi spui adevarul.
Te deranjeaza daca fumez?
Cum sa
cumva unde el?
Daea uu ne grabim, vom pierde trenu!'
Ce filme ai vazut luna asIa?
Hai sa mergem sa facem alpinism
saptamana vlitoare.
Nu a venit nimeni, nu-i
Vremea se face tot mai frumoasa.
trebuie curatata cat
mai repede posibil.
> He is said to knolV intlLlential people
>I1's time we left.
>} must be going.
> I wish I had a car.
>You'd rathe:- told me the truth.
>Do you mind if 1 smoke'!
>HO\v dare you speak hke tIm'!
>Do you happen to know where he lives?
>L/nlcss we hurry. \,e'l! miss the train.
> What films have VOli seen this month?
> Let's go climhmg next weL'k.
>Nohody came, dld they'!
>The weather is getting belIer and better.
>The car has 10 be cleaned as quickly as
rll'SS IbIe.
- 37 -
6.2. Substantive cu forme neregulate de plural:
- criterii
- fenomene
- Trebuie sa stabilim criterii noi.
- Fcnomenele nu pot fi aprite.
- Mass media este illlpotriva noastra.
Nu am mai avut nici 0 criza de cand
am fast external.
In aceasta d i m i n e a ~ a am avut un interviu
pentru a slujba.
- Lui Tom ii vin intotdeauna idei grozave.
- Cand a avut acest accident?
- Cat de des faci baie?
a sustine un interviu
a avea un acces, 0 criza
a-i veni 0 idee
- a face baie
- a avea un accident
- criteriu
- fenomen
The mass media are against us.
We must establish new criteria.
How often do you have a bath?
have an accident
have an interview
have a fit
have an idea
When did he have this accident?
have a bath
The phenomena cannot be stopped.
This morning I had an interview
for a job.
I haven't had any fit since I was
discharged from hospital.
Tom always has splendid ideas.
6.1. Expresii eu verbul to have:
A Traduceri 'in limba romana:
1. How many times have you had this fit since I examined you last time?
2. I haven't got the slightest idea how to handle this problem.
3. You cannot remain here any longer because you are exposed to their attack.
4. You oughtn't to look down on them only because they are illiterate.
5. Is it true that more and more women want to have their babies by natural childbirth?
6. 1 am addicted to nicotine.
B. Traduceri in limba cngleza:
1. Nu iau nieiodata micul dejun. (nu folositi "to eat")
2. Sotia ta a ayut un accident.
3. Numai jUlmltate din a c e ~ t i copii nu ~ t i u sa scrie ~ l sa citeasca. (nu folositi yerbelc
"a scrie " ~ i "a citi")
4. Nu am mai yazut pana acum 0 reclama atat de ciudata.
5. De cat timp yei avea nevoie ca sa termini teza pentru litlul de master?
6. Nu crezi eli sunt prea multe reclame la televizor?
C. Subliniati substantivele din grupul de mai jos care sunt la plural:
a. medium
b, phenomena
c. criterion
d. theses
e. cnS1S
- 38-
- concluzie, incheiere
- reclama
- expus la
-- a ajunge la 0 concluzie
- a transmite, a comunica
- a se pripi sa traga concluzii
- daunator
- In concluzie
- a afinna; a a pretinde
- treptat (adverb)
- a se adapta la
- feroce, atroce
- fictiv; imaginar
- a crede
- criteriu
- efect
- crize
- la timp; corespunzator
- dependent de
- criterii
- in consecinta
- criza
- a privi, a avea legatura eu;
preocupare, interes
- treptat (adjectiv)
- a
- a se dedica, a fi implicat in
- a
- comanda, maiestrie, pricepere
- a atrage; a face apella
> lkr:u'tIJn:mj
> rdetnmentll
> ['flkJJn:l1J
> [b'ma:nd]
> [Iks'p:xml tJ]
> ['kr:lISl.z]
> I'k15nslkwJllS]
> [bn'si-dJ
> [kJn\el]
> [klerm]
> [b'nlllId I;)J
> ['dju:ll]
> [I'fckt]
> ['kralsls]
> [bn'klu::)nj
> [k:m'sJ:n]
> [Jk' nelld3J
> [J'kAmphs]
> [:J'd3i\st wAn'selft;)]
> [J'sju:m]
> [;:1'pi:IJ
exposed to
to concede
in conclusion
as a consequence
to come to conclusion
to assume
to convey
to jump to conclusions
to appeal
addicted to
to ackowledge
to adjust oneself to
(to) concern
commited to
, ,
to claim
mass media
predisposed to
programme maker
range (of)
spare time
to transmit
> ['grU:Sdm]
> [(ll1:ml]
> [' lm1d3J
> ['[rtJnt]
> [m<es 'mi:dig]
> ['mi:dldm]
> ['mens!;)]
> [;,fenslv]
> [[I'nemlng]
> lfI'ncmm;;ln]
> [,pri:dls'P;;lUzd t;:l]
> ['pr;;lognem 'merk;1]
> l'pru:v;)bl]
> [rcmd.:;(;,\,)]
> ['rAbIJIJ
> [Sll1lju:'lelfn]
> [S8'S'l18tl]
> [spe;,]
> [telstl
> ['teh]
> ['8e;)te]
> [0/\5]
> [tra.:nz'mlt]
> [An'8illKJbl]
> ['V31::lbns]
-40 -
- analfabet
- imagine
- cultivat, cu carte
mij loace de comunicare In masa
- mediu
- monstru
- dczgustiltor, jignitor; ofensiv
- fenomene
- fenomen
predispus la
- realizalor de programe
- demonstrabil
- din punet de vedere psihologie
- de
fura valoare, bun de aruncat
- societate
- Iiber
- timp liber
- gust, preferin!ii
- televizor
- de aceea
- astfel
- a transmite
- de neconceput
- violen(a
,.. '"
Sa repetam mai intai unele structuri 1exicale reguli gramaticale.
A in primul exercitiu completati propozitiile in limba engleza:
Ce colti are acest elefant!
Nu am mai vazut niciodata atatia gandaci
la un loc,
Ce (tipuri de) reptile
Cred ca este inuman sa tii animale1e
Existi vreun urs polar in aceasta
gradina zoologica?
Sotia mea se teme de insecte.
Nu te apropia de ghepard'
Cand eram de varsta ta
sa vanez crocodili.
reehini sunt deosebit de
Vulturul hoitar este una dintre cele mai
respingatoare vietllitoare.
Aeestea sunt animale salbatice.
Nu Ie infllria fiindca te vor ataca.
Ciind tea viespea asta'!
Nu vei niciodata sa ne intreci.
Ce animal este dungat?
Hiirtia asta se rupe
Cuvantul acesta nu exista in limba engleza.
Cu ce se hranesc aceste animale?
Aceste animale urmareasca
prada in zori de zi.
- 1 -
- What nice >tusksthis elephant has got!
- I've never seen so many>bcdles at a time.
- What do you know?
- I think it is inhuman to keep animals Lll
- Are there any >polar bears in this zoo?
- My wife is afraid of>msects.
- Don't approach this >chcclah!
- When I was your age I used to hunt
>crocodi les.
- These>sharks are particularly dangerous.
The >vullure is one of the most repellent
These are >savagl: animals. Don't make
them angry or else they'll attack you.
- When did that >wasp sting you?
- You'll never manage to >outrun us.
- Which animal is >stripcd?
- This paper >tears easily.
- That word doesn't >cxist in English.
- What do these animals >feed on?
These animals usually >stalk their prey
at dawn.
Yom repeta acum genitivul sintetic cftteva expresii care cantin aceasta structura. Completati
propozitiile in limha engleza:
mea este mai scumpa dedit cea
a parintilor mei.
1 cstc pc moartc.
Voi face asta de dragul parintilor mei.
Aceste creioane sunt ale tatalui meu.
Acel camion din rata casei este al fratelui
meu eel mai mie.
Pentru numele lui Dumnezeu, ai putea
sa fii mai rabdator.
Sper ca se VOl' feri de primejdii.
i locuiesc la 0 aruneiHura de bat de
AI' trebui sa-l tii la respect.
Nu ce sa rna mai fac eu fiul meu.
Yezi dintii acestui caine?
8lana accstui dlinc cstc vargata.
II pe sotul mele celei
mai mari?
Casa lui John va fi vanduta curand
la lieitatie.
in dimineata asta am fast la bacanie.
Ziarclc de astazi s-au vandut deja.
Nu vindem haine pentm copii.
- 2 -
- My car is more exprensive than my
- He's >at deatll's dam:
. ['11 do it for>my parents' sake.
- These pencils are my >father's.
That lorry in front of the shop is
my younger >hrothcr's.
>For goodness' sake, you could be
a little bit more patient!
- I hope they will >keep Ollt of harm's way.
They live within >a stone's throw of the
You should >keep him at arm's length.
I'm >al my wits' end what to do with my
- Can you see >that dog's teeth?
- >That dog's fur is striped.
- Do you know my oldest >coLisin's
- >Johl1's house will soon be sold by
- This morning r was >at the grocer's.
- >Today's papers have already been sold,
- We don't sell >children's clothes.
Sa II1Vatam acum noile cuvinte expresii care vor aparea in primul dialog
prczcntat in aceasla leqie:
- a aduna, a ridica
- a a sta putin
pc cuvantul meu
- cautar-e, cercetare;
a diuta
- a observa, a identitica.
a remarca
a arunca 0 privire
a nu avea niei cea mai
miea/vaga idee
- a-i parea rau pentru
- a rade de eineva.
bate joe de
- a dormi prea mult; a se
trczi tarziu
- a pomi 0
- pentru a pune capac la
toate, ca tacamu I sa tie
- alee (pentru auto)
- a incepe, a continua
- aventura
- a asculta eu lllaTC atentie
a fi numai ochi urechi
> [1',\.11 - a alerga, a fugi
> fbi: '.luv;')k\1l1 \VIIS] - a fi cople$it de (un
> l felJ1t] - slab, stins
:> Itaml] - micu\
> rp:elF - mustrari de

> lpn'zlu:Il1Jblrl probabil
> ['fln:JJolu] - prag
:> [fj 1I: till 11 - inutil, zadarnic
> [kid]
> l Ji: I 's:lrl [:) J
:> rSJ:1J]
> [ J sens JV gil t] un sentiment de
vinovat ie
> lkrJs Illal ha:t I
> ['uralvwcl]
> [hJold Jnl
:> [spJt]
> lID! tJ hac\ 0,)
'sbltlSt ill'dl:l]
> r,JUYJ'sli:p]
> [plk "p]
:> [get J ka 'sta :tld]
> rlllelk 8c'lz Win]
> [bi: ,1:1 I:J:Z]
> l Jd'ventIJ]
- 3 -
to pick lip
cross my heart
(to) search
pangs of conscience
to take a peek
to kid
to spot
a sense of guilt
to hold on
to feel sorry for
to rush
to be overcome with
to make things worse
not to have the
slightest idea
to be all ears
to get a car started
to oversleep
to go ahead
Yom prezenta in eontinuare propozitii eu noile cuvinte. Sa Ie eitim eu atentie:
We are bored and looking for adventure.
The discussion went ahead immediately.
Tell me about the party. I'm all ears.
This morning I overslept again.
To make things worse, I was shori of money.
Every morning I have trouble getting my car
The car turned into a dark driveway.
My wallet is gone. Do you know where it is?
I haven't got the slightest idea.
lIe stopped to pick up two shells.
Hold on a little bit.
When did yOli spot it in the driveway'!
Let me take a peck at the menu.
You've got to be kit.lding!
It's all true. Cross my heart!
J feel sorry for him.
We searched him, but we found nothing.
The search will soon end.
It is futile to argue with him.
YOli shouldn't feel any pangs of conscience.
It's not your fault.
There is plenty of time. We needn't rush.
I was overcome with surprise.
Why do you still feel a sense of guilt?
She opened the door and stood on
the threshold.
I can hear even the faintest sound.
Look at that kitten! It's so tiny.
He will presumably leave for England
- 4 -
- Suntem plictisiti eautam ceva palpitant.
- Discutia a inceput imediat.
despre petrecere. Te ascult
cu toaHi atenlia.
lar am dormit prea mult in dimineata asta.
Ca tacamul sa fie complet, nu mai aveam
nici un ban.
in fiecare dimineata imi este greu sa
- a cotit pe 0 alee intuneeoasa.
Mi-a disparut portofelul. tu unde este'?
Eu nu am nici cca mai mica idee.
EI s-a oprit ea sa ridiee doua seoici.
Cand ai observat aeest obiect pe alee?
Numai putin, sa arune 0 privire pc meniu.

Este adevarul adevarat. Pe euvantul meu!
Imi pare rau penlm cI.
L-am cautat, dar nu am gasit nimic.
Cautarea se va incheia in curand.
Este inutil sa te certi cu el.
Nu trebuie sa ai Nu este vina tao
Avem destul timp. Nu trebuie sa alergam.
- Am fast de surpriza.
- De ce mai ai inca un sentiment de vinovatie?
- Ea a deschis a ramas in prag.
- Aud eel mai slab sunet.
- pisicuta aceasta. Este atai de
El va pleca probabil maine in Anglia.
Sa citim dialogul. Mary se cu John Ii 0 intamplare ciudata.
Mary is telling John about a strange adventure
M: I haven't told you yet what happened to me last Saturday.
J: Go ahead. I love listening to your incredible stories. I'm all ears.
M: As you know last Saturday I was on my way to see my uncle George. I was a bit in a
hurry because I had overslept. To make things worse, I couldn't get my car started.
Suddenly, 1saw a little creature asleep in the driveway. Do you know what it was?
J: I haven't got the slightest idea.
M: It was a puppy. It was lying asleep. I got out of the car and picked it up. When I
touched it, I felt it shivering with cold. I felt sorry for it, but I was already late and
couldn't take it home, so I put it in my shopping bag.
J: What happened next?
M: I put the puppy in my bag and drove off to see uncle George.
J: There's nothing exciting about that.
M: Hold on a minute. On my way to my uncle's place I stopped at a petrol station to buy
some petrol. I went to pay for the petrol, leaving the puppy in the car. In the meantime
I spotted a nice photo album and decided to take a peek at it. When I got back, my
bag and the puppy were gone.
J: You must be kidding!
M: No, it's all true. Cross my heart! I looked around, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I
searched my car and the petrol station, but my search was futile. You can imagine how
I was feeling at the moment.
J: You must have felt pangs of conscience.
M: Exactly so. Anyway, I rushed to my uncle to tell him about it. When I was driving back
home, I couldn't help thinking about that poor little creature. I was overcome with a
sense of guilt.
J: I'd have felt the same.
M: When I got back it was dark and foggy. I stopped the car and got out. It was so dark
that when I came near the street door I could hardly find the keyhole. Finally, I opened
the door. When I was crossing the threshold, I heard a faint sound. I got back to my
car and saw my puppy wagging its tiny tail. I was overcome with joy.
J: Do you know how it got there?
M: I think this will presumably remain an unsolved mystery.
J: Incredible. Still, it makes a good story.
- 5 -
Sa traducem acum cateva propozitii din dialog in limba romana:
Go ahead. I love listening to your incredible
stories. I'm all ears.
1 was a bit in a hurry because 1 had overslept.
To make things worse, 1couldn't get my car
Suddenly, 1 saw a litte creature asleep in the
1 haven't got the slightest idea.
I got out of the car and picked it up.
When 1 touched it, 1 felt it shivering with cold.
1 felt sorry for it, but 1 was already late and
couldn't take it home, so I put it in
my shopping bag.
Hold on a minute.
On my way to my uncle's place I stopped at
a petrol station to buy some petrol.
In the meantime 1 spotted a nice photo album
and I decided to take a peek at it.
When I got back, my bag and the puppy
were gone.
You must be kidding!
No, it's all true. Cross my heart!
- 6 -
> Da-i drumul. imi place sa te ascLilt
po\'cstind incredibde.
Te aseult eLi toata aten\ia.
> I\h grabeam putin, fiindea ma trezisem
> Ca tacamul sa fie complet, IlU putcam
> Deodat!l, am vazut un animal mic donnind
pe alee.
> N-am l1lci cea mai vaga idec.
> Am din I-am Illat.
> C<'ind I-am atins, am simtit ca tremura de
> Imi parea rall pentru el, dar eram deja in
intar7iere nu-l putealll lua aeasa,
ca l-am pus in
> a clipa.
> In drum spre unchiul meu Ill-am oprit la 0
benzin'lrie ca sa cumpar benzina.
> Intre timp, am vazut un album foto dragut
Ill-am hotanll sa ma uit rutin la el.
> Lind m-am intors, saco0a
> Ha nu, tot cc Ii-am spus e adevarat. Pe
cuvfmtul meu
1 searched my car and the petrol station,
but my search was futile.
You must have felt pangs of conscience.
I rushed to my uncle to tell him about it.
I was overcome with a sense of guilt.
I'd have felt the same.
When I was crossing the threshold, I heard
a faint sound.
I got back to my car and saw my puppy
wagging its tiny tail.
I was overcome with joy.
J think this will presumably remain an
unsolved mystery.
lncredible. Still, it makes a good story.
> Am cautat in in benzinaric, dar
in zadar.
> Probabil cil avcai l1lustrari de
> M-am grabit spre locuinta unchiului meu
sa-i povestesc intamplarea.
> Eram de un sentiment de
> $i eu fi simtit la tel.
> Cind treceam pragul. am auzit un sunet
> M-am intors la am \ azut
d,lnd din codi\a.
> Fram de bucurie.
> Prohahil ca acesta \'a r,lmill1e un mister
> !ncn:dibil. L 0 po\este intcresanta.
Raspundeli la cateva intrehari pentru a verifica daca ati inteles dialogul:
Who did Mary visit last Satmday?
Why was Mary in a hurry?
What did shc see in the driveway?
Where did she put the puppy?
Where did she stop on her way
to her uncle's place?
Was the puppy gone when Mary got back
to the car'!
Did Mary find the puppy at the petrol station?
Did she eventually tind the puppy'?
Where was the puppy?
How did Mary feel?
- 7 -
> Mary visited1ler ullcle George last
':' Sh;;: was lf1 a hlllry hecause had
> She saw a puppy in the driveway.
> She put It in her shopping bag.
> She stopped at a petrol station.
> Yes, it was,
> No, she didn't.
> Yes, she did.
> It was in the car.
> She was overcome with joy.
in ticest caz flU putem fnlocui construcria could have cu can have deoarece ultima apare numai fn
propozi{ii negative interogative:
He can't have done it.
She's three hours late _. what
can have happened?
EI nu putea sa faca asta.
- Ea a intarziat trei are - ee se putea
3. He the train.
- Este posibil ea el sa fi pierdut trenul.
Might have este simi/w' constructiei folosite anterior, dar e.r:primii Ufl grad mai ridicat de
incertitudine. Ambele constructii potfi inlocuite cu expresia "este posibil" ... it is possible,
It.i.s....p.Qssible that he missed the train.
Might have exprima, de asemeneu, supcirarea sau iritarea vorbitorului, de exemplu:
You might have asked for permission.
He's late. He must have stayed in his office.
5'ii ne amin!im propozitia:
He stay in his office. (necesitate)
I lID:.dn't have worked so hard.
Aceastci propozi!ie d{ferd de propozi{ia:
I didn't need to work so hard.
I (Qll,ghLtQ) have opened the window.
She 'l'LQ.ul.d..h.a.v.e...dooe that.
Trebuia sa ceri voie.
- El intarzie. Probabil cil. a ramas la birou.
- EI a trebuit sa ramana la birou.
Nu trebuia sa muncesc atat. (dar am
Nu a trebuit sa muncesc atat. llici nu
am facut-o)
-Ar fi trebuit sa deschid fereastra. (dar nu
am deschis-o)
-Fa ar ti facut asta. (dar nu a facut-o)
Traduceti urmatoare1e propozitii in limba engleza dupa modelul constructiilor pe Care tocmai Ie-am
Ea urma sa cante la Coven Garden.
(dar nu a cantat)
Probabil ca era prima lui vizita in SUA.
Nu ar fi trebuit sa imi fac griji pentru
examen. L-am luat
Probabil ca a dormit prea mult
Nu fi facut asta daca eram in locul tau.
- 1O-
> She to have sung at Covent Garden,
> It must have heen his first visit to the USA.
> I needn't have worried ahoul the exam.
1 passed it easily.
> He must have overskpl.
> 1wouldn't have done it if I were you.
to get down
to get down to
to get in
to get into
to get off
to get on
to get over
to get something over with
to get through (to)
> [get dann]
> [gel daun
> [get In]
> [get
> [get Jf]
> [get ::m]
> [get
> [get 'SAmOIT] ';:lUV;) witS)
> [getOru: (IJ)]
- se apuea de
a strange; a aduce, a chema
- a expedia; a scapa de
a se imbraca in; a preoeupa,
a se familiariza cu".
- a se descurca
a traversa; a treee peste
- a termina (mai repede)
- a ajunge la destinatie
a strabate, a ajunge la;
a obtine legatura telefonica
to get together > [get tJ'geOJ]
gist > [d31St]
to go off > [gJU of]
to grab > [gra:bJ
at gunpoint
> [Jt 'gAnpJlntJ
initially > ['lIufJlI]
jail > tu3
jewels > ['d3U: J1z]
junction >
lengthy > ['le1181]['leT]k81]
nasty > ['na:stI}
> ['nmtst<end]
partially > ['pa:J11]
passage > ['P<es1d3]
pistol > ['pist;)l]
pull down
> [pol daon]
a (se) aduna
- esentii, miez, fond
a se
a inhata, a
sub amenintarea armei
- la inceput
- inchisoare
- bijuterii
- intersectie, nod de cale ferata
- foarte lung, intins
neplacut; obraznic, nepoliticos
- partial
- a liisa/a trage in jos

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