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An Early Cartoon on the Discovery of X-Rays in a Romanian Satirical Journ: mai perfecta aplicatiune a inventiunei Roentgen” By: Hoga, (ROSSER 4), su, F (295, Pom); Ounmasc, Ol (Dumas, Da; Dunas, DL Dumas, Dea) ‘Cea Volume: 28 Pages: 220231 Supplement: 2 View Joura formation Abstract ‘Tre decoveryofXrayeby Roergen n 005reperekada majo vert bl he fair mplcatoncfthe deceery were ot yet det a at ‘ine, eon espacial, Exports wih Roenige'ays auch spread acess Europ nd X ays Wor sen reson nan estigous mae sch a th ten Medal outa and Nai. The cover was also mend he non-cash Pa Ma Gazete inte Same year (1205 Roman, raporn Hunuzesc a Charghe Mannesc sla expen WANs, 06 1 1896 CostartnSewrean permed to Wat Xa examin @ Romana Rosa We ep hate on ey ea carson Non 8 Romane sea mogsane, Napetca, pulistad a Feu 168. Ts kn the opus of Reanbers Xa ascovey among leypaope To ou kone, Bis oe oft Ht caus Gaal to Xai haa Ta resenan o ie vyeay seia ‘roo pest nthe conta ofthe fst tepsin th develoment of adc00 Keywords Author Keywords: cartoon; history of medicine; Roentgen; X-rays; satirical magazine: KeyWords Plus: HISTORY Publisher CENTER TRANSYLVANIAN STUDIES, 2 NASAUD ST, CLUJ-NAPOCA, 400610, ROMANIA Categories / Classification Research Areas: Area Studies; History Web of Science Categories: Area Studies; History Document Information Document Type: Article Language: English Accession Number: WOS-000356005300019 ISSN: 1221-1249, Journal Information Impact Factor: Journal Citation Reports® Other Information IDS Number: CLAEL Cited References in Web of Science Core Collection: 7 Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 0

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