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Podul cu Lan uri Istoria nregistrat a Budapestei arat c unificarea fostelor Obuda, Buda i Pesta din 1873 a fost

momentul crucial n care s-a decis traiectoria ulterioar a Budapestei. n plus, cei mai mul i istorici cad de acord c Budapesta nu ar fi putut s devin metropola nfloritoare pe care o lume ntreag o aprecia la sfr itul secolului al XIX-lea i n prima jum tate a secolului al XX-lea f r contribu ia a anumitului Pod cu Lan uri. Construit cu 14 ani nainte de unire, Podul cu Lan uri a fost primul pod permanent peste Dun re, asigurnd o conexiune infrastructural , economic i cultural fiabil ntre Buda i Pesta, ntre vest i est. Se poate afirma pe drept cuvnt c absen a unei conexiuni de acest fel ar fi putut mpiedica sau, cel pu in, amna unificarea Budapestei. Budapesta datoreaz ini ierea proiectului de a construi un pod care s lege cele dou maluri Contelui Istvan Szechenyi. Se spune c acest conte local era nemul umit de ct de mult trebuia s a tepte pentru a traversa Dun rea pe anterioarele poduri temporare, un moment n care i-a venit ideea de a construi un pod permanent. Pentru a onora contribu ia sa (care nu se reduce doar la ideea ca atare, ci se extinde i la eforturile sus inute de sponsorizare), podul poart numele s u. Principalii arhitec i au fost William Tierney Clark (responsabil de proiectarea arhitectural ca atare) i Adam Clark (desemnat s supravegheze lucr rile de construc ie). William Tierney Clark este acela i arhitect care a proiectat Podul Marlow peste Tamisa n Anglia, iar asem narea dintre realizarea sa maghiar i podul englezesc este chiar uimitoare, de i nu surprinz toare. Podul este apreciat i pentru calit ile sale estetice, fiind nfrumuse at de minunate decora iuni metalice i genernd o priveli te fenomenal noaptea, cnd este iluminat. Nu este nici cel mai lung (m surnd 375 de metri n lungime), nici cei mai lat pod din Budapesta, ns unul dintre cele mai importante. Lucr ri de reconstruc ie majore au fost executate n 1949, ulterior stric ciunilor suferite n 1945, n contextul celui de-al Doilea R zboi Mondial. n prezent, Podul cu Lan uri este, al turi de Parlamentul Maghiar, unul dintre simbolurile recunoscute la scar mondial ale Budapestei.

Podul cu Lan uri din Budapesta

Podul Elisabeta Lucr rile de construc ie la ini ialul Pod Elisabeta din Budapesta s-au ncheiat n 1903. Pe de alt parte, actualul Erzsebet Hid este foarte pu in asem n tor cu fosta structur de peste Dun re, fiind singurul pod din Budapesta care nu are aproape nimic n comun cu podul original.

ntr-adev r, avnd n vedere daunele serioase suferite n timpul celui de-al Doilea R zboi Mondial (a fost distrus aproape n ntregime de c tre armatele germane n retragere), singurele p r i conservate i incluse n structura din prezent se refer la funda ii. Acestea au fost p strate nu neap rat din motive de importan istoric ct ca solu ie de compromis, avnd n vedere lipsa de fonduri care trebuiau s fie investite n construirea noului pod. Acestea fiind spuse, diverse surse descriu fostul Pod Elisabeta ca una dintre minunile ingineriei arhitecturale ale lumii n momentul n care a fost deschis traficului public, fiind cel mai mare pod cu lan uri care nu era sprijinit pe stlpi n albia rului. A fost dedicat Reginei Elisabeta, supranumit n popor Sissi, una dintre cele mai excentrice figuri din dinastia Habsburgic . Podul actual poart acela i nume. Noul Pod Elisabeta a fost construit n 1964, i a fost prev zut i cu o linie de tramvai, ns numai pn n 1973, cnd autorit ile au ajuns la concluzia c portan a sa era dep it de acest tip de infrastructur . Podul ajunge la 378 de metri n lungime, i are trei benzi de trafic rutier i i o pasaj pietonal. Este rezultatul proiectului lui Pal Savoly, fiind foarte apreciat la momentul inaugur rii sale pentru calit ile sale arhitecturale inovative.

Podul Elisabeta din Budapesta

Podul Arpad M surnd mai bine de 983 de metri n lungime, Podul Arpad este evident cel mai lung pod din Budapesta. Are pasaje pietonale, ine de tramvai, piste pentru biciclete i, desigur, o parte carosabil mp r it n dou sensuri, fiecare dintre ele cu trei benzi. Ad ugnd i sec iunile de pe uscat ale podului (cele ce duc la podul ca atare), Arpad Hid m soar aproximativ 2 kilometri n lungime. nceputul proiectului este documentat pentru anul 1939, ns lucr rile au fost ntrziate i terminate abia n 1950, cnd autorit ile comuniste au decis s numeasc structura Podul Stalin, n ciuda faptului c inten ia ini ial a fost aceea de a-l numi Podul Arpad. Numele a revenit la cel planificat abia n 1958. O particularitate a acestui pod se refer la faptul c este unul dintre mijloacele de acces la Insula Margareta. n plus, traversnd Podul Arpad (de la Pesta c tre Obuda), turi tii au prilejul de a da peste

dou dintre cele mai importante muzee din Budapesta, situate foarte aproape de capul podului, anume, Muzeul Vasarely i Muzeul Kassak. Podul Margareta Podul Margareta este, cronologic vorbind, a doilea pod permanent din Budapesta i, simultan, al doilea cel mai vechi, dup Podul cu Lan uri. Lucr rile de construc ie au fost ncheiate n 1876, patru ani dup demararea lor, cu contribu ia lui Ernest Gouin i Emile Nouguier, doi ingineri francezi. Asem n tor altor poduri de peste Dun re, Podul Margareta a fost serios afectat n timpul celui de-al Doilea R zboi Mondial, ns a fost reconstruit. Podul nou cuprinde tot ceea ce a fost recuperat dup bombardamentul accidental din 1945, ns n prezent se afl ntr-o stare precar , fiind nchis traficului de vehicule grele. Importan a infrastructural a Margit Hid, a a cum este numit podul n maghiar , nu se reduce la a face, la fel ca toate celelalte poduri din Budapesta, leg tura ntre Buda i Pesta, ci const i din faptul c este una dintre cele cteva maniere de a ajunge pe Insula Margareta (Podul Arpad este o alt alternativ ). O alt particularitate a podului este c nu reprezint o structur dreapt , ci descrie o form unghiular datorit erorilor de calcul n ceea ce prive te mica extensie dintre pod i insul .
Podul Feroviar Nordic

Podul Feroviar Nordic din Budapesta este, a a cum indic i numele s u, dedicat facilit rii traficului feroviar n ora . A fost construit n 1896 i deschis transportului public n 1913. La reconstruirea sa de dup al Doilea R zboi Mondial au fost folosite resturile recuperate dup bombardamente, ns podului nu ia- fost dat func ionalitatea sa anterioar . Pe de alt parte, abia dup 2008 lucr rile de reconstruc ie au f cut din Podul Feroviar Nordic o fiabil sec iune infrastructural feroviar , n ciuda faptului c viteza trenurilor este restric ionat la 80 de kilometri pe or (de i teoretic acestea ar putea circula chiar i cu 160 de kilometri pe or ). Podul Feroviar Nordic nu are parte carosabil , ceea ce nseamn c nu este deschis traficului rutier. Podul Libert ii Podul Libert ii din Budapesta este i el unul dintre cele mai vechi poduri care leag Buda de Pesta. A fost construit cu pu in timp nainte de trecerea n noul secol, mai precis, ntre 1894 i 1896, iar inaugurarea sa a fost un eveniment la care a participat nsu i mp ratul Franz Joseph, care a b tut simbolic ultimul nit de argint n capul de pod din partea din Pesta. Ca particularitate notabil , Szabadsag Hid imit aspectul unui pod cu lan uri, ns structura sa intern este complet diferit . Janos Feketehazy, arhitectul responsabil cu proiectarea podului, a inten ionat s construiasc structura n sporitul celor mai moderne curente a a cum erau considerate la momentul respectiv. Acesta este i motivul abundentului patrimoniu decorativ al podului. Ulterior celui de-al Doilea R zboi Mondial, precum i datorit daunelor grave, podul a fost restaurat, ns abia ntre 2007 i 2009 au fost nl turate toate urmele r zboiului i a uzurii ulterioare, podul fiind virtualmente n ntregime ref cut n spiritul identit ii sale structurale i decorative ini iale.

Podul Lagymanyos

Podul Lagymanyos este cel mai sudic pod din Budapesta i, n acela i timp, unul dintre cele mai noi. A fost construit ntre 1992 i 1995 dup proiectul lui Tibor Sigrai.

Prin proiectarea sa, trebuia s serveasc a a-numitului eveniment Budapest World Expo programat pentru 1996, care n cele din urm a fost anulat. Podul Lagymanyosi m soar aproape 500 de metri n lungime, i este accesibil att pentru pietoni, ct i pentru traficul rutier. Podul Megyeri Podul Megyeri din Budapesta face parte din centura M0 a ora ului i, pn acum, este cel mai nou dintre toate podurile de peste Dun re. A fost deschis transportului public n 2008, doar la doi ani dup demararea lucr rilor de construc ie. Cea mai pitoreasc poveste legat de istoria acestei structuri se refer la numirea podului. Acesta a fost ini ial numit Podul Nordic peste Dun re M0, ns denumirea a r mas, n cele din urm , Megyeri Hid, dup o intens campanie public de alegere a celui mai adecvat nume. Insula Margareta Insula Margareta este unul dintre cele mai pre uite locuri de agrement din Budapesta, fiind foarte drag localnicilor care g sesc aici un refugiu r coros i pl cut, mai ales n timpul sezonului de var . Se bucur de o pozi ie aproximativ central n Budapesta, principalele modalit i de acces fiind reprezentate de Podul Margareta (n extremitatea sudic a insulei) i de Podul Arpad (extremitatea nordic a insulei). Insula m soar aproximativ 2,5 kilometri n lungime, i circa 500 de metri n l ime. Este popular de o pletor de atrac ii, o caracteristic ce transform insula n una dintre zonele turistice majore ale Budapestei. Poart numele Margaretei, fiica Regelui Bela IV, care, n calitate de c lug ri , a tr it pe insul la o m n stire dominican ale c rei vestigii pot fi nc v zute n prezent. Insula Margareta a fost locuit chiar i n antichitate, ns n evul mediu aducea mai mult cu un centru religios, fiind pres rat cu numeroase biserici i m n stiri. Abia n secolul al XIX-lea a fost descoperit poten ialul de agrement al insulei de c tre dinastia regal . n timp, a fost descoperit i izvorul termal de pe insul , iar aceasta a nceput s i creasc i s evolueze n direc ia poten ialului s u. Toate aceste procese istorice au dus la crearea Insulei Margareta din prezent. Se poate spune pe bun dreptate c insula este un uria parc, chiar cel mai mare din Budapesta, fiind scufundat n verdea i jalonat de gr dini multicolore (o gr din japonez i o gr din de trandafiri). Astfel, principalele atrac ii de pe Insula Margareta se refer la Baia Palatinus (una dintre cele mai notabile b i publice din Budapesta, care aduce mai mult cu un parc acvatic de distrac ii), un teatru i un cinematograf n aer liber. Toate acestea sunt situate n partea sudic a insulei, unde turi tii se pot bucura i de momentele de relaxare lng o fntn monumental (despre care se spune c este cea mai mare dintre toate fntnile din Budapesta) sau pot admira Monumentul Centenar (ridicat n 1972 ca celebrare a mplinirii a 100 de ani de la unificarea Budapestei). Partea nordic a insulei este populat de o serie de vestigii de semnificativ valoare arheologic i istoric , cum ar fi ruinele unei m n stiri dominicane din secolul al XIII-ea unde a tr it fiica Regelui Bela IV, i o capel care se nvecineaz cu cel mai vechi baptisteriu din Ungaria, care dateaz din secolul al XV-lea. Oricum, unul dintre cele mai pre uite repere de pe Insula Margareta se refer la un castel de ap construit n 1911, acum folosit ca punct de observa ie panoramic i pentru evenimente culturale. Pentru a proteja patrimoniul natural i mo tenirea istoric i arhitectural a insulei, autorit ile au decis s interzic traficul motorizat aici (cu excep iile evident necesare, cum ar fi o linie de autobuze i ma inile poli iei). Aceast stare de fapte face din insul unul dintre locurile preferate ale jogger-ilor i cicli tilor pasiona i, care se bucur i se antreneaz aici f r presiunea traficului rutier. ntr-adev r,

insula este ideal amenajat cu piste pentru jogging i pentru biciclete, fiind unul dintre siturile principale alese de companiile care organizeaz tururi pe biciclet n Budapesta. Parlamentul Maghiar Parlamentul Maghiar este una dintre cele mai maiestuoase cl diri de institu ie politic din lume, iar priveli tea fenomenal pe care o d se datoreaz att situ rii sale (chiar pe malul Dun rii, de i intrarea este situat pe partea care d n Pia a Kossuth), ct i stilului gra ios i totu i sever pe care l exemplific , stil cunoscut celor versa i n domeniu drept rena tere gotic sau neo-gotic. Acest stil se afirm prin dou particularit i principale: presupune monumentalitatea dimensiunii structurii proiectate, precum i o bog ie de elemente decorative care dau impresia c structura este f cut mai degrab din dantel dect din material dur. Abunden a decorativ , precum i materialul perisabil din care sunt f cute decora iile, determin lucr ri constante de restaurare f cute la cl direa Parlamentului. Verticalitatea turnurilor nu este neglijat , ns ceea ce este atipic la Parlamentul Maghiar relativ la stilul n care a fost proiectat este c prezint un dom masiv i o structur mai curnd asimetric , ceea ce este mai pu in caracteristic stilului rena terii gotice. Arhitectul responsabil cu proiectarea cl dirii a fost Imre Steindl, care, printre altele, a proiectat i Biserica Sfnta Elisabeta a Casei Arpad din Budapesta. Lucr rile de construc ie au durat 19 ani, de i Parlamentul a fost oficial deschis n 1896, adic , cu 8 ani nainte de ncheierea lucr rilor. Motivul pentru devansarea inaugur rii a fost celebrarea a unui mileniu de cultur maghiar n bazinul carpatic. n prezent, Parlamentul Maghiar este a treia cea mai mare cl dire parlamentar din lume, num rnd mai bine de 260 de metri n lungime, 123 de metri n l ime, i 96 de metri n n l ime. Interiorul are 691 de camere i este nfrumuse at de 152 de statui. Statuile din exterior nsumeaz 90 de lucr ri. Accesul turi tilor la Parlamentul Maghiar, precum i pre ul de intrare, depinde de cteva aspecte: cet enia vizitatorilor, perioadele de sesiuni parlamentare, i de preferin a vizitatorilor de a se organiza n grupuri sau de a face turul individual. Castelul Buda Castelul Buda din Budapesta, cunoscut i sub numele de Palatul Regal (Kiraly Palota), este una dintre cele mai vechi cl diri din capitala Ungariei, ne inndu-se cont de numeroasele lucr ri de extindere i restaurare pe care le-a suferit n timp, lucr ri ce au modificat n mod semnificativ structura i calitatea decorativ a castelului. Re edin a regal ini ial de pe situl ocupat ast zi de actualul Castel Buda a fost construit la ordinul Regelui Bela IV, lucr rile de construc ie fiind efectuate ntre 1247 i 1265. Din aceast structur din secolul al XIII-lea nu a supravie uit pn n prezent. Lucr rile de reconstruc ie, extensie i restaurare executate succesiv n secolul al XIV-lea (sub tefan, Duce de Slavonia), al XV-lea (sub Sigismund i Matei Corvin), al XVIII-lea, al XIX-lea i al XX-lea au schimbat n mod radical rezultatele ceea ce au produseser fiecare dintre lucr rile anterioare. Cea mai veche parte din actualul Castel Buda dateaz din secolul al XIV-lea, cnd edificiul era renumit pentru maiestuosul s u stil gotic, exemplar prin for a dimensiunilor sale i datorit nfloritoarei vie i artistice pe care o ad postea, n special n secolul al XV-lea. Istoria Castelului Buda coincide, cel pu in par ial, cu istoria Budapestei, reflectnd att perioadele de prosperitate, ct i pe cele de trist amintire ale ora ului prin propriile sale momente de rennoire arhitectural , politic i cultural , pe de o parte, i de momentele de neglijen administrativ , jefuire sau distrugere complet , pe de alt parte. n prezent, Castelul Buda este unul dintre principalele repere i atrac ii ale Budapestei, afirmndu-se nu doar print trecutul s u istoric, ct i prin faptul c reprezint un standard de ntruchipare

extraordinar a stilului baroc n arhitectur . Dinastia Habsburg a fost cea care a decis ca palatul s fie proiectat n spiritul barocului, n timpul secolului al XVIII-lea, iar reconstruc iile ulterioare nu au fost ab tute de la liniile directoare baroce de tenta iile altor stiluri arhitecturale contemporane. Anterioarele stiluri gotic i renascentist n care fuseser proiectate structurile mai vechi sunt probate de recentele s p turi arheologice. Importan a cultural a Castelului Buda este dat de faptul c ad poste te trei muzee de top din Budapesta, anume, Muzeul de Istorie din Budapesta, Galeria Na ional a Ungariei i Colec ia Ludwig. Mai mult, Biblioteca Na ional Szechenyi este i ea situat aici. Unele dintre atrac iile castelului se refer la Sala Gotic din secolul al XV-lea, la Fntna lui Matei i la Monumentul Prin ului Eugen de Savoia. Acestea dou din urm reprezint doar o parte din pletora de lucr ri sculpturale care populeaz att castelul, ct i cur ile i gr dinile sale. Castelul Buda este chiar nucleul districtului omonim (Varnegyed), i a fost declarat parte a patrimoniului UNESCO n 1987. Alte elemente de interes din Districtul Castelului (districtul I din Budapesta) se refer la Biserica Matyas (Biserica Matei), la Bastionul Pescarului, dar i la faptul c funicularul Budapestei traverseaz districtul pentru a duce vizitatorii la Palatul Regal.

Hala Pie ei Centrale Principala relevan turistic a Halei Pie ei Centrale din Budapesta, numit i Hala Pie ei Mari, se define te ca reprezentnd o excelent oportunitate de a face cump r turi pe care nici un vizitator al Budapestei nu ar trebui s o neglijeze. Standuri abundente pline de a gam ampl de alimente, de la legume i fructe proaspete, pn la delicatese i brnzeturi, precum i suveniruri tipice ungure ti, pot fi v zute n toat pia a, att la parter, ct i la primul etaj. Pe de alt parte, aceast hal iese n relief printr-o calitate suplimentar : este cea mai mare hal de pia acoperit din Budapesta, i un reper notabil al peisajului arhitectural al ora ului. Aceast structur gotic a fost deschis la sfr itul secolului al XIX-lea, i este opera lui Samu Pecz, un arhitect care a contribuit i la proiectarea Bisericii Matyas. Astfel, dac nu pentru shopping, atunci m car pentru a admira cl direa ca atare ar trebui turi tii s viziteze splendida Nagycsarnok din Budapesta! Nume: Hala Pie ei Centrale (Nagycsarnok) Adres : 1, Vamhaz korut, 1093, Budapesta, Ungaria

Pia a Eroilor Pia a Eroilor din Budapesta, numit n maghiar Hosok tere, este una dintre priveli tile pe care nici un vizitator al capitalei Ungariei nu ar trebui s le omit atunci cnd exploreaz Pesta, partea de est a ora ului. Pe de alt parte, a pierde din vedere Pia a Eroilor este foarte pu in probabil, ntruct al turi de Parcul Ora ului ( i de atrac iile sale interne, cum ar fi Gr dina Zoologic , Castelul Vajdahunyad, Parcul Vidam, Baia Szechenyi i Patinoarul), de Galeria de Art a Budapestei i de Muzeul de Arte Frumoase, aceasta formeaz o sit de obiective turistice destul de compact. Accesibilitatea pie ei este asigurat de faptul c sta ia de metrou omonim este situat chiar n fa a Hosok tere, precum i de faptul c istorica Andrassy utca face leg tura dintre Erzsebet ter i Pia a Eroilor. Hosok tere este dominat de impozantul Monument al Mileniului (Monumentul Milenar) str juit n p r ile laterale, cum s-ar spune, de dou arcade semicirculare. ntreaga structur (monumentul ca atare, arcadele, cenotaful din fa a monumentului, precum i baza sa) este decorat cu lucr ri sculpturale alegorice ce redau lupta diverselor figuri istorice ale Ungariei care au participat activ la construirea traseului istoric al rii. Unele dintre cele mai impresionante sculpturi se refer la statuia Arhanghelului Gabriel i la cele apte statui de la baza monumentului. Acestea din urm reprezint cei apte lideri tribali maghiari care au adus poporul maghiar n Europa Central . n mod simbolic, statuia lui Arpad este pozi ionat n fa a celorlalte. Nume: Pia a Eroilor (Hosok tere) Adres : Budapesta, Ungaria

Dealul Gellert Dealul Gellert este locul n care este situat Citadela Budapestei. Dinastia Habsburgic a decis s construiasc fort rea a n vrful dealului tocmai datorit avantajului strategic i geografic pe care acesta l reprezenta, avnd cea mai mare n l ime din Budapesta (235 de metri). Pe atunci, a servit drept punct de observa ie militar (o func ie pe care a p strat-o chiar i n timpul celui de-al Doilea R zboi Mondial), ns acum ofer cele mai bune priveli ti panoramice ale Budapestei. Dealul Gellert (n maghiar , Gellerthegy) este situat chiar pe malul Dun rii, n Buda, ntinzndu-se pe dou districte (districtul I i districtul IX). Podul Elisabeta i Podul Libert ii sunt situate la distan egal fa de Dealul Gellert, motiv pentru care turi tii caza i n Pesta pot folosi pe oricare dintr ele pentru a ajunge la Gellerthegy. Dealul poart numele episcopului Gellert (Gerard) care l-a ajutat pe Regele Sfntul tefan s cre tineze popula ia maghiar , ns care a fost ucis de c tre opozan i. Pentru a onora contribu ia sa la

procesul de cre tinare, o statuie care l reprezint pe episcop a fost amplasat deasupra unei cascade create artificial pe una dintre pantele dealului (cea care prive te spre Podul Elisabeta). Pe de alt parte, dealul ca atare este dominat de Statuia Libert ii (Szabadsag Szobor), ini ial conceput de Kisfaludy Strobol Zsigmond i construit n 1947 ca simbol al eliber rii aduse de comuni ti poporului maghiar. Avnd n vedere originea sa, aceasta a fost nl turat i ad postit , al turi de toate celelalte sculpturi comuniste din Budapesta, n Parcul Statuilor (Memento Park). n prezent, statuia domin dealul de la n l imea unui piedestal de 26 de metri, reprezentnd o femeie care ine n mod glorios o frunz de palmier deasupra capului, cu minile ntinse. Alte atrac ii notabile de pe Dealul Gellert i de la baza sa se refer la Baia Gellert (la este de Statuia Libert ii), la Baia Rudas i la Pe tera Dealului Gellert. Mai mult ca sigur, pe tera s-a format acum cteva sute de mii de ani, prin acela i proces de eroziune care a dus la formarea B ii Gellert. n timp, aceast pe ter a servit ca ad post ( i chiar ca locuin pentru cei s raci) i spital de campanie (n timpul celui de-al Doilea R zboi Mondial), ns n prezent seam n mai mult cu un loca de cult, ad postind o capel i o m n stire ngrijite de ordinul paulin, stabilit aici ns din anii 1920 (cu o considerabil ntrerupere de 5 decenii n timpul regimului comunist). Nume: Dealul Gellert (Gellerthegy) Adres : Budapesta, Ungaria

Statuia Libert ii de pe Dealul Gellert

Shopping Centres There are some huge brand-new shopping centres in Budapest. We hear 22 would be built in the next few years. 1. Duna plaza T:1/465-1666 Vaci u. 178 Almost 200 shops, movies, programs. Get off at Gyongyosi u. metro stop, on the blue line. Also, the Hollywood Multiplex Movies are located here!

2. West End City Center 1062 Budapest, Vci t 1-3, Hungary This shopping center is right at the Nyugati train station.

Found at the Nyugati ter. You can get there by trams 4 or 6 and by the blue metro line (M3).
Open daily 8-23 Shops: Monday-Saturday: 10:00 - 21:00 Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00 Szupermarket: Monday-Saturday: 08.00 - 21.00 Sunday: 08.00 - 18.00 Parking lot: daily: 00:00-tl - 24:00-ig

3. Polus Center The largest shopping center in Eastern Europe, on the size of 11soccer fields, movie theatres, shops etc... 4. Europark Ulloi u. 201. Take a blue metro line to South, get off at Hatar u, or go south on Ulloi u., it is on the right of the road about 4 km down from city centre.

5. Mammut Szena ter (off Moszka ter on the "red" metro line).

6. MOM Park Alkots ut, nearby the Deli railway station.

7. Lurdy Haz Konyves Kalman Krt.12-24. Tel.: 456 1100

Castle District - Historic Monuments, Museums, Fine Cafes

The Castle Hill with the Royal Palace and the Matthias Church in Buda is featured in all guidebooks among the most popular attractions in Budapest.

The district together with the Danube Bridges and the embankment is a World heritage site due to its importance played in Budapest's history and development. Getting to Castle District:
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by bus 16A or 116 from Szll Klmn tr (trams 4,6, M2 metro), by funicular (sikl) from Clark Adam Square at the Buda end of the Chain Bridge, Ticket: 840 HUF/adult, 520 for children (if you plan to use the funicular for both the upward and downward trip then you have to buy a return ticket: 1450 HUF/940 for children)

The Castle District abounds in historical monuments, lovely old houses, romantic walkways, intimate cafes and some great restaurants. One of the city's best panoramic views can be admired from Fishermen's Bastion. Although the district's history dates back to medieval times most of the buildings are from later era (17-19. centuries).

TIP: Buda Castle Hill gives home to several large-scale festivals and events throughout the year so it's a good idea to time your visit during one of these major events:
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Festival of Folk Arts- a 3-day festival around 20th August, International Wine and Champagne Festival - first half of September, Plinka & Sausage Festival in October on the Savoya Terrace of the Royal Palace.

If you do not like crowd then avoid these events and time your visit in the low season: early or midspring or mid-autumn. Admission to the Castle District itself is free, but there's entrance fee to the major monuments and the museums in the Palace.

Wine Tasting in Buda Castle - Faust Wine Cellar

Address: Hess Andrs tr 1-3, Budapest 1014 (within the Hilton Hotel) Entrance: turn left in the Hall of the Hilton Hotel, walk till the Dominican Monastery Cloister, 54 steps lead down the cellar Opening Hours: every day (excl. Wednesday) from 13.00 till 21.00 Complete your sightseeing in Buda Castle with wine tasting in a romantic stone cellar within the Hilton Hotel. The vaulted cellar is a part of the underground labyrinth system built by the castle inhabitants during the middle ages. English-speaking wine experts will introduce you to the wines and wine regions of Hungary. You can choose from several tasting packages based on wine producing regions. The cellar also offers tasting of plinka, a traditional Hungarian fruit spirit. Choose a Wine Tasting Package and Book it Online by Paying 10% In Advance. See more details about Budapest Castle District.

TIP: An ideal and relaxing way of exploring the sights on the Danube banks and admiring the beautiful vista is by going on a cruise on the Danube.

For a more romantic experience choose the Cruise with Dinner & Live Music starting every day at 19.00. During this evening cruise you can enjoy the illuminated night cityscape of Budapest. Read our account of the evening cruise on the Danube.

Chain Bridge and the Danube Promenade

Another well-known Budapest attraction is the Chain Bridge (Szchenyi Lnchd) spanning the Danube at the foot of Castle Hill. Built in the middle of the 19th century the stone bridge with the lion bridgeheads was the first permanent connection between Buda and Pest. The bridge hosts an annual summer festival titled the Summer on the Chain Bridge during which it is a pedestrians only bridge with colourful programs on weekends in July and August.

The Danube promenade -also part of the UNESCO's World Heritage program- runs along the river between Chain bridge and Elizabeth Bridge.

A walk along the promenade or known by locals as Duna Korz offers wonderful views of the Danube and the Buda side with the Gellrt and Castle Hills. Tram 2 runs along the promenade should you wish to see a longer stretch of the river bank.
TIP: to be close to the most popular attractions of Budapest stay in a city centre hotel. Central Budapest Hotels offer good-value accommodation in 3-star, 4-star and 5-star hotels.

Gresham Palace Art Nouveau Splendor

While you walk along the river bank don't miss one of Budapest's architectural gems, the artnouveau Gresham Palace on Roosevelt Square at the Pest end of the Chain Bridge. After an extensive restoration finished in 2004 the palace houses the Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace, one of the best hotels in Budapest.

Gellrt Hill - Hiking & Amazing Panorama

The dolomite cliff in Buda is one of the loveliest green spots in Budapest. Gellrt hill is one of our favourite places for weekend outings. Find out more about Gellrt Hill.

Winding walkways lead up to the top where the Citadella, a former fortress and the Liberty Statue stand. The hill is dotted with groves and flowery parks, an excellent place for Sunday afternoon walks for the family or nice rendezvous spot for couples.

St. Stephen's Basilica & St Stephen's Square

The church is the largest monument after the Hungarian parliament building dominating the Pest side of the Danube.

The spacious plaza in front of the basilica is flanked by cafes and restaurants.

Read details about the history and architecture of St Stephen's basilica.

Central Synagogue in Dohny Utca

The Great Synagogue in Dohny Street, VII. district is one of the world's largest and most beautiful synagogues so even if you aren't religious you must see this magnificent Jewish monument of Budapest.

Budapest once had a large Jewish community the monuments of which are scattered in the former Jewish Quarter. Back to top.

Andrssy Avenue-Opera House, Museums, Luxury Shops

One of my absolute favorite attractions in Budapest is the Andrssy t, an elegant avenue similar to Parisian boulevards that connects the inner city with Heroes' Square and City Park. The most notable sight on Andrssy road is the Hungarian State Opera House, an artfully decorated building which you can explore on guided tours. Besides the Opera House the avenue abounds in fine architecture so it's well worth a long walk.

If you plan a longer walk you can take a rest in one of the many sidewalk cafes and restaurants lining the road. Liszt Ferenc tr and Nagymez utca, two side streets opening from Andrssy t offer wide choice of cafes and terrace restaurants with outdoor terraces. Try Kt Szerecsen Cafe & Restaurant (Nagymez utca 14.)for a fine cappuccino and tasty breakfast.

A famous museum the House of Terror is located on Andrssy t should you want to find out about the terrible Communist Era and the violent and injustice things the party organizations committed during those years. Read more about sights and attractions along Andrssy Avenue.

Vci Street - High-End Shops, Some Great Architecture

Although Vci utca tends to be crowded during the tourist season it is one of the best known attractions in Budapest and during a walk in low season (early spring or mid-autumn) you'll be able to discover some nice, historic buildings, and monuments.

As a pedestrian shopping street - and one of the most beautiful ones in the world based on a recent contest - Vci utca has plenty of high-end shops, boutiques, upscale resaurants and cafes. Find out more about Vci utca and its attractions.

New Main Street (j F Utca)

The New Main Street of Budapest is a a major development project of the Inner City (district V.) the 1st phase of which was finished in spring 2010. The j F utca runs between Klvin tr and Szabadsg tr parallel with the Danube. Much of the traffic is directed away to create a cleaner, fresher, more pedestrian-friendly area in the city centre. A unique interactive water fall at the southern end of Szabadsg tr is the highlight of the project. Elegant lamps mimicking trees, comfy benches line the two sides of the street adding a cool contemporary look. Cafes, restaurants are plenty in the neighbourhood should you get peckish during exploring this new part of Budapest's Belvros.

Central Market Hall (Kzponti Vsrcsarnok)

For me the Central Market Hall is like a large treasure trove of fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and culinary delicacies. The spacious market at the Pest end of Liberty Bridge (Szabadsg hd) however is famous for its architecture too. Built at the turn of the 19-20. centuries it was one of the most modern indoor markets not only in Budapest but in the whole world. When I do my shopping there I take my time and walk row by row to admire the attractively arranged produce and products. For fish and game take the escaalator the basement level. My favorite store selling Asian specialties and a wide variety of herbs and spices is located at that level too. The Market hall is great place for buying Hungarian souvenirs (paprika powder, wine, fois gras).

For Hungarian folk textiles and embroidery go to the first level. The first level has some restaurants and food stalls offering traditional Hungarian fare.

New York Palace - Luxury Hotel & Elegant Cafe

If you stroll along Nagykrt (Grand Boulevard) the grand building of the New York Palace on Erzsbet krt will catch your eye. Once a headquarter of the New York Insurance company the lavish building was converted into a 5-star luxury hotel by the Italian Boscolo Group between 20012007. Read a detailed review of the New York Palace Boscolo Hotel.

The ground-floor of the palace housed the famous literary coffee house the New York Cafe which had been considered to have been one of the most attractive cafes of the world at that time (turn of the 19th-20th centuries). The coffee house was also restored to its original glory during the hotel construction. Some might find the interior too glitzy with all the gold gilded stuccos and pillars, fancy plaster, chandeliers, and ornate wood works but it's a stylish place reflecting the grandeur of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The prices are matched to this grandeur too. My favorite parts of the New York Palace are the bronze demonic lamp holders outside the building.

Castle District - Historic Monuments, Museums, Fine Cafes

The Castle Hill with the Royal Palace and the Matthias Church in Buda is featured in all guidebooks among the most popular attractions in Budapest.

The district together with the Danube Bridges and the embankment is a World heritage site due to its importance played in Budapest's history and development. Getting to Castle District:

by bus 16A or 116 from Szll Klmn tr (trams 4,6, M2 metro), by funicular (sikl) from Clark Adam Square at the Buda end of the Chain Bridge, Ticket: 840 HUF/adult, 520 for children (if you plan to use the funicular for both the upward and downward trip then you have to buy a return ticket: 1450 HUF/940 for children)

The Castle District

abounds in historical monuments, lovely old houses, romantic walkways, intimate cafes and some great restaurants. One of the city's best panoramic views can be admired from Fishermen's Bastion. Although the district's history dates back to medieval times most of the buildings are from later era (17-19. centuries).

TIP: Buda Castle Hill gives home to several large-scale festivals and events throughout the year so it's a good idea to time your visit during one of these major events:
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Festival of Folk Arts- a 3-day festival around 20th August, International Wine and Champagne Festival - first half of September, Plinka & Sausage Festival in October on the Savoya Terrace of the Royal Palace.

If you do not like crowd then avoid these events and time your visit in the low season: early or mid-spring or mid-autumn. Admission to the Castle District itself is free, but there's entrance fee to the major monuments and the museums in the


Wine Tasting in Buda Castle - Faust Wine Cellar

Address: Hess Andrs tr 1-3, Budapest 1014 (within the Hilton Hotel) Entrance: turn left in the Hall of the Hilton Hotel, walk till the Dominican Monastery Cloister, 54 steps lead down the cellar Opening Hours: every day (excl. Wednesday) from 13.00 till 21.00 Complete your sightseeing in Buda Castle with wine tasting in a romantic stone cellar within the Hilton Hotel. The vaulted cellar is a part of the underground labyrinth system built by the castle inhabitants during the middle ages. Englishspeaking wine experts will introduce you to the wines and wine regions of Hungary. You can choose from several tasting packages based on wine producing regions. The cellar also offers tasting of plinka, a traditional Hungarian fruit spirit. Choose a Wine Tasting Package and Book it Online by Paying 10% In Advance. See more details about Budapest Castle District.

TIP: An ideal and relaxing way of exploring the sights on the Danube banks and admiring the beautiful vista is by going on a cruise on the Danube.

For a more romantic experience choose the Cruise with Dinner & Live Music starting every day at 19.00. During this evening cruise you can enjoy the illuminated night cityscape of Budapest. Read our account of the evening cruise on the Danube. Back to top.

Chain Bridge and the Danube Promenade

Another wellknown Budapest attraction is the Chain Bridge (Szchenyi Lnchd) spanning the Danube at the foot of Castle Hill. Built in the middle of the 19th century the stone bridge with the lion bridgeheads was the first permanent connection between Buda and Pest. The bridge hosts an annual summer festival titled the Summer on the Chain Bridge during which it is a pedestrians only bridge with colourful programs on weekends in July and August.

The Danube promenade -also part of the UNESCO's World Heritage program- runs along the river between Chain bridge and Elizabeth Bridge.

A walk along the promenade or known by locals as Duna Korz offers wonderful views of the Danube and the Buda side with the Gellrt and Castle Hills. Tram 2 runs along the promenade should you wish to see a longer stretch of the river bank. Read more about Budapest's World heritage Sites.
TIP: to be close to the most popular attractions of Budapest stay in a city centre hotel. Central Budapest Hotels offer good-value accommodation in 3-star, 4-star and 5-star hotels.

Back to top.

Gresham Palace Art Nouveau Splendor

While you walk along the river bank don't miss one of Budapest's architectural gems, the art-nouveau Gresham Palace on Roosevelt Square at the Pest end of the Chain Bridge. After an extensive restoration finished in 2004 the palace houses the Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace, one of the best hotels in Budapest.

Gellrt Hill - Hiking & Amazing Panorama

The dolomite cliff in Buda is one of the loveliest green spots in Budapest. Gellrt hill is one of our favourite places for weekend outings. Find out more about Gellrt Hill.

Winding walkways lead up to the top where the Citadella, a former fortress and the Liberty Statue stand. The hill is dotted

with groves and flowery parks, an excellent place for Sunday afternoon walks for the family or nice rendezvous spot for couples. Back to top.

St. Stephen's Basilica & St Stephen's Square

The church is the largest monument after the Hungarian parliament building dominating the Pest side of the Danube.

The spacious plaza in front of the basilica is flanked by cafes and restaurants.

Read details about the history and architecture of St Stephen's basilica.

Central Synagogue in Dohny Utca

The Great Synagogue in Dohny Street, VII. district is one of the world's largest and most beautiful synagogues so even if you aren't religious you must see this magnificent Jewish monument of Budapest.

Budapest once had a large Jewish community the monuments of which are scattered in the former Jewish Quarter. Back to top.

Andrssy Avenue-Opera House, Museums, Luxury Shops

One of my absolute favorite attractions in Budapest is the Andrssy t, an elegant avenue similar to Parisian boulevards that connects the inner city with Heroes' Square and City Park. The most notable sight on Andrssy road is the Hungarian State Opera House, an artfully decorated building which you can explore on guided tours.

Besides the Opera House the avenue abounds in fine architecture so it's well worth a long walk.

If you plan a longer walk you can take a rest in one of the many sidewalk cafes and restaurants lining the road. Liszt Ferenc tr and Nagymez utca, two side streets opening from Andrssy t offer wide choice of cafes and terrace restaurants with outdoor terraces. Try Kt Szerecsen Cafe & Restaurant (Nagymez utca 14.)for a fine cappuccino and tasty breakfast. A famous museum the House of Terror is located on Andrssy t should you want to find out about the terrible Communist Era and the violent and injustice things the party organizations committed during those years. Read more about sights and attractions along Andrssy Avenue.

Vci Street - High-End Shops, Some Great

Although Vci utca tends to be crowded during the tourist season it is one of the best known attractions in Budapest and during a walk in low season (early spring or mid-autumn) you'll be able to discover some nice, historic buildings, and monuments.

As a pedestrian shopping street - and one of the most beautiful ones in the world based on a recent contest - Vci utca has plenty of high-end shops, boutiques, upscale resaurants and cafes. Find out more about Vci utca and its attractions. TIP: the Budapest Card provides free admission or discount entry to several museums and sights as well as free use of Budapest's public transport system. You can buy your card conveniently through a secure online system here (the 48-hour card costs 6300 HUF, the 72-hour card is 7500 HUF. Back to top.

New Main Street (j F Utca)

The New Main Street of Budapest is a a major development project of the Inner City (district V.) the 1st phase of which was finished in spring 2010. The j F utca runs between Klvin tr and Szabadsg tr parallel with the Danube. Much of the traffic is directed away to create a cleaner, fresher, more pedestrian-friendly area in the city centre. A unique interactive water fall at the southern end of Szabadsg tr is the highlight of the project. Elegant lamps mimicking trees, comfy benches line the two sides of the street adding a cool contemporary look. Cafes, restaurants are plenty in the neighbourhood should you get peckish during exploring this new part of Budapest's Belvros.

Central Market Hall (Kzponti Vsrcsarnok)

For me the Central Market Hall is like a large treasure trove of fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and culinary delicacies. The spacious market at the Pest end of Liberty Bridge (Szabadsg hd) however is famous for its architecture too. Built at the turn of the 19-20.

centuries it was one of the most modern indoor markets not only in Budapest but in the whole world. When I do my shopping there I take my time and walk row by row to admire the attractively arranged produce and products. For fish and game take the escaalator the basement level. My favorite store selling Asian specialties and a wide variety of herbs and spices is located at that level too. The Market hall is great place for buying Hungarian souvenirs (paprika powder, wine, fois gras).

For Hungarian folk textiles and embroidery go to the first level. The first level has some restaurants and food stalls offering traditional Hungarian fare.
TIP: since the two attractions are close to each other you can connect visiting the Central Market with a walk in Vci Street.

See other food markets in Budapest.

New York Palace - Luxury Hotel & Elegant Cafe

If you stroll along Nagykrt (Grand Boulevard) the grand building of the New York Palace on Erzsbet krt will catch your eye. Once a headquarter of the New York Insurance company the lavish building was converted into a 5-star luxury hotel by the Italian Boscolo Group between 2001-2007. Read a detailed review of the New York Palace Boscolo Hotel.

The ground-floor of the palace housed the famous literary coffee house the New York Cafe which had been considered to have been one of the most attractive cafes of the world at that time (turn of the 19th-20th centuries). The coffee house was also restored to its original glory during the hotel construction. Some might find the interior too glitzy with all the gold gilded stuccos and pillars, fancy plaster, chandeliers, and ornate wood works but it's a stylish place reflecting the grandeur of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The prices are matched to this grandeur too. My favorite parts of the New York Palace are the bronze demonic lamp holders outside the building.

More information: Read a detailed description of the New York Palace. Find more historic Budapest cafes. Back to top.

Margaret Island - a Green Budapest Attraction

Margaret Bridge: Photo by one of our very talented friend miki3d

Besides Gellrt Hill Margaret Island (Margitsziget) is another of our family excursion spots within Budapest. Situated at Margaret Bridge the island on the river Danube attracts nature lovers with its flowery parks. Numerous ruins tell about the history of the island.

Jogging tracks run along the line of the Danube and bikers, skateboarders also have lost of space to practice their favorite sport. Read more about Margaret Island (Margitsziget).

City Park (Vrosliget)

The City Park is another sprawling green field behind Heroes' Square with lots attractions for children and grown-ups alike (Budapest Zoo, Amusement Park, City Lake, the Szchenyi Bath).

The park has some fine restaurants like the famous Gundel, or the Bagolyvr Restaurant. Find out more about attractions in Budapest City Park.

Thermal Baths - Fun, Relaxation and Healing

And last but not least in a listing about top Budapest Attractions the world-famous thermal baths must be included.

Budapest and the whole of Hungary abound in thermal springs with healing qualities upon which numerous spas and thermal baths have been built. The thermal baths of Budapest can be divided into two categories:
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the older Turkish baths (Kirly and the Rudas baths), and the turn-of-the-19th-20th-century baths like the Gellrt, and the Szchenyi Baths.

Apart from these there are several spa and wellness hotels in Budapest too providing upscale accommodation and modern and traditional massage therapies and other wellness services.

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