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Future perfect and continuous - Viitor perfect si continuu

1. Viitorul perfect
Viitorul perfect (Future perfect simple), exprim o actiune, un eveniment viitor care va fi fost terminata naintea unui alt moment din viitor sau ajungnd pn la acesta. Acesta se formeaza cu will + have + participiul trecut al verbului. He will have finished the book by the time you come back home. - El va fi terminat cartea pn cnd te ntorci tu acas. You will have worked in this factory for forty years when you retires. - Vei fi lucrat n aceast fabric timp de 40 de ani cnd o sa te pensionezi. A good sportsman will have been in the top championships for nearly twenty years. - Un sportiv bun va fi fost in campionatele de top timp de aproape 20 de ani. Viitorul perfect este folosit pentru: - O actiune viitoare care va avea loc naintea unui moment viitor. He will have done the homework by Monday. - El va fi facut lectiile pna luni. - O actiune viitoare care va avea loc naintea unei alte actiuni viitoare. She will have eaten the cake before I go home. - Ea va fi mancat prajitura inainte sa plec acasa. Forma negativa se formeaza cu will have not (sau will haven't) si participiul trecut al verbului. She will have not finished the book by the time I come back home. - Ea nu va fi terminat cartea pn cnd ma intorc acas. Forma interogativa se formeaza prin inversiunea dintre auxiliarul will si subiect. How long will it have been when we have a baby? - Cat timp va fi fost cand o sa avem un copil? Conjugare I will have walked - Eu ma voi fi plimbat you will have walked - Tu te vei fi plimbat He will have walked - El se va fi plimbat she will have walked - Ea se va fi plimbat it will have walked - Se va fi plimbat we will have walked - Noi ne vom fi plimbat you will have walked - Voi va veti fi plimbat they will have walked - Ei se vor fi plimbat Viitorul perfect - exercitii

2. Viitorul perfect continuu

Viitorul perfect continuu (Future perfect continuous) exprima faptul ca o actiune se va afla inca in desfasurare la un anumit moment in viitor. Viitorul perfect continuu se formeaza cu: Will + have + been + participiul prezent (ing) al verbului. Exemple: They will have been building that house for 2 years next Christmas. - Ei vor fi construit (/ construind) acea casa de 2 ani Craciunul viitor. By five oclock she will have been selling blouses for three hours. - Pna la ora 5 ea va fi vndut (/ vanzand) bluze timp de trei ore. Forma negativa - se obtine cu will not heve been (sau won't have been inainte de participiul prezent (-ing). He won't have been reading when you come. - El nu va fi citind cand vei veni. Forma interogativa se obtine prin inversiunea auxiliarului had cu subiectul. Will they have been testing these materials before we get there? - Vor fi ei testand aceste materiale pana ce o sa ajungem noi acolo. Conjugare I will have been walking - Eu voi fi mergand you will have been walking - Tu vei fi mergand He will have been walking - El va fi mergand she will have been walking - Ea va fi mergand it will have been walking - Va fi mergand we will have been walking - Noi vom fi mergand you will have been walking - Voi veti fi mergand they will have been walking - Ei vor fi mergand Exemplu: They will have been playing tennis when you write your homework. - Ei vor fi jucand tenis cand tu i-ti scrii tema.

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