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Hristos a nviat din mori

3. E viu! E viu!
Mormntul Lui e gol

Hristos a nviat din mori

Cu moartea pe moarte clcnd
i celor din morminte
Via druindu-le

/: E viu, e viu
Mormntul Lui e gol,
E viu, e viu
A-nviat Domnul meu,
E viu, e viu

2. S-nal jertfa Ta, Isuse

S-nal jertfa Ta, Isuse,

n toat strlucirea,
Ne duce la fericire. :/

Mai nti i mai deplin,

Harurile ei aduse

Maria, ucenicii

i comorile-i nespuse,

Grbesc, alerg la El
n zori de diminea

/:Iat ce doresc, iat ce

Le zice ngerul:


Ducei, vestii tuturor

Iat, ce doresc, Amin! :/

Din mori El a-nviat,

Credei i s v bucurai!.

S spun despre crucea-i sfnt,

Despre darul ei divin,
Maria st i plnge,
Azi cnd lumea se frmnt
ar vrea s tie ce-i
i pe-a morii ci se-avnt,
Dar iat o minune!
Isus naintea ei
S cnt Golgota mrea
Ce mare fericire!
ntr-un cntec mai senin,
,,Rabuni! zice ea,
Spre-o etern diminea,
i noi n cer l vom vedea!.
Doamne, aprinde-n a mea viata.

4. Slujesc pe Salvatorul

5. He Lives
Slujesc pe Salvatorul,
Pe Cel Ce-a nviat,
Eu tiu c El triete
Cu slav mbrcat.

I serve a risen Saviour;

He's in the world today.

i simt deschis mna

i glasul iubitor
i cnd l chem, El vine
n ajutor.
E viu, e viu,
Triete Domnul meu,
Cu mine merge
i-mi vorbete,

I know that He is living,

Whatever men may say.
I see His hand of mercy,
I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him

Chiar pe drumul greu.

E viu, e viu,
Salvarea El mi-a dat,

He's always near.

He lives! He lives!

l port n inim mereu,

E viu cu adevrat.

Christ Jesus lives today!

Privesc ntreg pmntul

i vd iubirea Sa
i chiar lovit de grijuri
Eu nu voi dispera.
Eu tiu c m conduce
Prin aspre vijelii
i-n ziua cea din urm, cu El voi

He walks with me

Strigai de bucurie,
Cntai cu glas voios
Un venic Aleluia
Spre slava lui Hristos,
Sperana i lumina
Celor ntori la El.
Prin El e biruina, Emanuel.

Salvation to impart!

And talks with me

Along life's narrow way.
He lives! He lives!

You ask me how I know He

He lives within my heart.

In all the world around me

Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian!

I see His loving care,

Lift up your voice and sing

And though my heart grows


Eternal hallelujahs

I never will despair.

I know that He is leading,
Thro' all the stormy blast;
The day of His appearing will
come at last.
6. Al meu eti, Isuse
Al meu eti, Isuse;
Ce mult Te iubesc!
A lumii plcere
Eu n-o mai doresc.
Tu eti Salvatorul
Si Te preuiesc,
De-acum, o, Isuse,

To Jesus Christ, the King!

The Hope of all who seek Him
The Help of all who find,
None other is so loving, So good
and kind.
M vor coplei,
i-atunci, o, Isuse,
Eu Te voi iubi!
n faa mririi,
La tronul de sus,
Uita-voi de jalea
Ce-n urm-a apus.
Cununa de slav
Smerit o primesc,
i vesel voi spune:
Isus, Te iubesc!

Nespus Te iubesc!
7. My Jesus I Love Thee
Ca s m rscumperi
Pe cruce-ai murit,
i spinii-a Ta frunte
Adnc au rnit.
nti m-ai iubit Tu,
n veci Te slvesc,
De-acum, o, Isuse,
Nespus Te iubesc!
n via i-n moarte,
Isus, Te doresc;
Slvesc al Tu Nume
Att ct triesc.
Cnd umbrele morii

My Jesus, I love Thee,

I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies
Of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer,
My Savior art Thou;
If ever I loved Thee,

My Jesus, tis now.

I love Thee because Thou

As Thou lendest me breath;

And say when the death dew
Lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee,

Hast first loved me,

And purchased my pardon

My Jesus, tis now.

On Calvarys tree;
I love Thee for wearing

In mansions of glory

The thorns on Thy brow;

If ever I loved Thee,

And endless delight,

Ill ever adore Thee

My Jesus, tis now.

In heaven so bright;
Ill sing with the glittering

Ill love Thee in life,

Crown on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee,

I will love Thee in death,

And praise Thee as long

8. Att am cutat rostul


My Jesus, tis now.

Am schimbat temerile

Att am cutat rostul vieii

ntr-un cnt glorios,

C-am ajuns rob acestei cutri;

Sunt liber acum, o, ce

Dar Isus mi-a deschis


Orizont spre Calvar,

Loc de har i de mari ndurri.
Mi-e ters pentru veci

Acum, de trecut eu sunt liber,

Cci Isus a-nnoit viata mea.
Bucurii am n inima mea nencetat,
O cntare spre lauda Sa.

tot trecutul
Prin sngele curs pe

9. Cntarea mea

Cntarea mea e numai despre

Crucea-i ascultarea Domnului



Cerescul Fiu al Tatlui slvit.

Cea mai 'nalt jertf care s-a

El a venit pcatul s mi-l tearg


Cnd la Calvar pe cruce a murit.

Darul cel mai mare, preul ne-ntrecut

Ca s mntuiasc ce era pierdut!

Cntarea mea e numai despre


Crucea-i slava Ta,

Ce-n locul meu pedeapsa a

Crucea-i pacea mea,


Din blestem m-a scos

i-n versul ei cntarea mea

Jertfa lui Hristos;

va spune

Via mi-a adus

Ce fericiri i bogii mi-a dat.

Crucea lui Isus.

Slav lui Hristos,
Slav lui Hristos!

Cmaa Lui stropit-n sfntul

Crucea i spinii cu pcatul meu,
Mormntul gol, sperana
Despre acestea voi cnta mereu!

Cntarea mea va fi doar despre

Chiar peste ru odat-n venicii,
Cu imnul sfnt al miilor de ngeri
Cntarea mea atunci se va uni.

10. Crucea-i ascultarea

Crucea e iubirea Domnului Isus

Nu-i cuvnt s-nale dragostea
mai sus;
Nu-i nimic s-arate-att de
Dragostea cu care Tatl ne-a
Crucea-i biruina Domnului Isus.
El a-nvins cnd singur morii S-a
i-a zdrobit vrjmaul cnd S-a
Preamrit e Mielul fiindc S-a
Crucea este slava Domnului Isus,
Prin ea i-a-nlat El numele-I
mai sus;
Rnile Lui sfinte venic vor purta
Mntuirea noastr i mrirea Sa!

Ce bucurie am n

El e Domn,El e Domn,
El la cer S-a nlat
i este Domn!

Ce bucurie am n Isus!
O via nou El mi-a adus.
Pentru vecie m-a mntuit

El e Domn,El e Domn,
El cu slav va veni
i este Domn!

i motenire mi-a druit.


Bessed assurance

n veci cnta-voi c-s

Isus pe cruce m-a

Blessed assurance, Jesus is



n veci aceasta eu voi

O what a foretaste of glory



Te-ador, Isuse, eti viaa Heir of salvation, purchase of

Born of His Spirit, washed in His
Cu bucurie inima mea
Una cu Domnul s fie-ar vrea.
El pace sfnt mi d din plin,
nviorat sunt prin har divin.
Ce fericit sunt i linitit,
Cnd e cu mine sunt ocrotit.
Eu tiu prea bine i spun mereu:
Domnul e viaa i e al meu!


This is my story, this is my

Praising my Savior all the
day long;


El e Domn

El e Domn,El e Domn,
El din mori a nviat
i este Domn!

This is my story, this is my

Praising my Savior all the
day long.

Toi se vor pleca,

Vor mrturisi:
Isus Hristos e Domn!

Perfect submission, perfect

Visions of rapture now burst on

my sight;
Angels descending bring from
Echoes of mercy, whispers of

14. He is Lord, He is Lord

He is Lord, He is Lord
He has risen from the dead
And He is Lord

Perfect submission, all is at rest!

I in my Savior am happy and
Watching and waiting, looking
Filled with His goodness, lost in
His love.

Cum pot rsplti
Cum pot rsplti eu
Iubirea-i imens,
Cnd Tu i-ai dat viaa
Pentr-un pctos?
n schimb, o, primete
Umila ofrand

Every knee shall bow

Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord
You are Lord, You are Lord
You have risen from the dead
And You are Lord

Cu dragostea Sa.:/
Nu pot rsplti eu
Cu-argint sau cu aur
Mre sacrificiul
i dragostea Ta,
De-aceea o, Doamne,
Te rog azi primete,
/:Primete cntarea
Scldat n lacrimi
i inima mea.:/

/:Umila ofrand,
Isuse Cristoase
Din inima mea. :/
Cnd negura nopii-i
ntinde mantaua,
Privesc printre lacrimi,
Spre Tine-a cuta;
Dincolo de stele
Eu tiu c exist
/:Un Tat puternic
Ce-asupra-mi vegheaz,

How shall we
How shall we repay
Such immense love
Giving up your life
For sinfull men?
In return you receive

This humble offering,

/:This humble offering,
Lord Jesus,
That comes from my heart.:/
When night's mantle
Comes upon us,
My teary eyes
I'll fix upon you.
Looking up, I'll

17. E drept c Isus a murit

See the stars,

/:Knowing that beyond them,
As a loving Father,
You watch over me.:/
I can't repay you
With silver or gold,
For such sacrifice
On my behalf.
I've got nothing to give You
For loving me so much;
Receive this song, along with
my Tears, as well as my heart.:/

Inim-am primit;
Sunt voios, pacea Lui

E drept c Isus a murit

Am dobndit!

Purtnd pcatul meu

Pe cruce cnd a suferit El,
Fiu de Dumnezeu

Eu simt durerea lui Isus:

Ce scump-i rana Lui;
Prin ea-neleg acum mai mult

Crucea e locul unde

Iubirea Tatlui.

El m-a luminat;
Am fost orb, vedere-aici

Isuse, datoria mea

Mi s-a dat.

Cu plns n-o pot plti,

Primete-m n slujba Ta

Pe Isus eu n

i-n veci i voi sluji.

Where I first saw the light,

And the burden of my heart
Rolled away,
It was there by faith
I received my sight,
And now I am happy all the

Was it for crimes that I had done

He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!

Well might the sun in darkness

And shut his glories in,
When Christ, the mighty Maker
18. At the cross, at the cross For man the creatures sin.

Alas! and did my Savior bleed

And did my Sovreign die?
Would He devote that sacred
For such a worm as I?

At the cross, at the cross

Thus might I hide my blushing

While His dear cross appears,
Dissolve my heart in
And melt my eyes to tears.

But drops of grief can neer

The debt of love I owe:

Here, Lord, I give myself away,

Tis all that I can do.


Mrire ie, Isuse,

Mrire ie, Isuse,

Cel ce-ai nviat!
Cel ce-ai nviat!

Rnile lui Isus/x3

M vindec acum.
Dragostea lui Isus/x3
M cur acum.
For a thousand
tongues to sing

Al Tu popor Te preamrete
C l-ai rscumprat!
C l-ai rscumprat!
C l-ai rscumprat!

O for a thousand tongues to sing

My great Redeemer's praise,
My great Redeemer's praise,
The glories of my God and King,

Soare frumos al dreptii

Mre ni Te iveti!/x2
Cel ce alungi noaptea morii,
Acum s strluceti!/x3

The triumphs of his grace!

Doamne, odat Te-om vedea

Pe tronul Tu regesc!/x2
i-n haine albe Te-oi luda
Cu corul cel ceresc!/x3

The triumphs of his grace!


Sngele lui Isus

Sngele lui Isus,

Sngele lui Isus,
Sngele lui Isus,
M spal de pcat.

The triumphs of his grace!

Jesus! the name that charms our

/That bids our sorrows cease; /X2
'Tis music in the sinner's ears,
/'Tis life, and health, and
He speaks, and listening to his
/New life the dead receive; /X2
The mournful, broken hearts

/The humble poor believe./X3


Oh, the blood of


My gracious Master and my God, Oh, the blood of Jesus!

/Assist me to proclaim, /X2
Oh, the blood of Jesus!
Spread through all the earth
/The honors of thy name./X3

Oh, the blood of Jesus!

It washes white as snow.
Oh, the wounds of Jesus! /x3
It washes white as snow.
Oh, the love of Jesus! /x3
It washes white as snow.

tii tu cine este

24. Cunosc un loc, un loc


tii tu cine este Isus?

tii de unde veni El?
tii tu al cui Fiu este El?
tii c Tatl Lui e Dumnezeu?

Cunosc un loc, un loc minunat

Unde cei condamnai
Gsesc mila iar
Unde tot ce-am greit

Iubete-L, o iubete-L

Tot pcatul murdar

Cci pentru tine El mult s-

A fost pironit

a jertfit!

Pe cruce sus

Cere-I, i-i va da via n

Sus pe lemn muri pentru



Iubete-L s fii fericit

Sus pe lemn ne-a dat

via iar.

tii tu cine este Isus?

Cin' de moarte te-a scpat ?
Cine i-a dat har i ie
Ca s fii pe veci rscumprat?

25. He touched me
Shackled by a heavy burden,
'Neath a load of guilt and

tii c ngerii din slav

Sunt uimii de jertfa Lui?
Privind la crucea Golgotei
Vezi cum curge la toi harul Lui?

Then the hand of Jesus touched

And now I am no longer the

26. At the Cross
He touched me, Oh He
touched me,
And oh the joy that floods
my soul!
Something happened and
now I know,
He touched me and made
me whole.
Since I met this blessed Savior,
Since He cleansed and made me
I will never cease to praise Him,
I'll shout it while eternity rolls.

I know a place, a wonderful

Where accused and condemned
Find mercy and grace
Where the wrongs we have done
And the wrongs done to us
Were nailed there with Him
There on the cross
At the cross He died for
our sin
At the cross He gave us
life again

27. A nviat Isus, viaa-am

In revrsatul zorilor,

Via-am primit
S pot fi mntuit,
Fii n veci slvit

n mireasma crinilor,
Un nger a venit
Piatra rostogolind
i Duhul Sfnt din Dumnezeu
Te-a nviat din mori
Eti viu, eti cel dinti Isus,
Cununa vieii pori.
A nviat Isus,

Prin nviere ai nvins,

Eti Domn al Domnilor
Stpn biruitor,
Rege al Regilor
Ai nviat, Te-ai nlat
i-ai s revii, Isus
Curnd, aa cum ne-ai promis,
S ne iei de pe pmnt

28. O, ct m simt de
O, ct m simt de fericit
C am Mntuitor
Orfan nici prsit nu sunt
Cu al meu Salvator
Slav Mielului Preasfnt

Prin al Su sfnt Cuvnt

Se duce s-mi gtesc loc
n cer, locaul sfnt.
Aici sunt numai cltor
i trec ca iarba-n cmp
n cer eu sunt motenitor,
Unde ngerii cnt
O, frai, surori, suntem voioi
nc pe-acest pmnt
Zrim aici lumini de sus
Unde vom fi-n curnd.

Ce pentru mine a murit

Aleluia, aleluia, aleluia, amin
Mi-a spus Isus i mi-a promis

29. Pe un deal, departe

Pe un deal, departe
Sta o cruce veche,
Ca un semn al suferinelor,
i iubesc eu crucea,
Unde scumpul Isus
Muri ca al meu Mntuitor.

M atrage pe mine la ea,

Cci Mielul blnd Isus,
Lsnd gloria sus,
A urcat crucea sus pe Calvar.
n crucea lui Isus,
Stropit cu snge;
E glorioasa mea salvare,
Cci de bun voie,
Pe ea murind, Isus,
Din pcat mi-a fcut salvare.

Deci, crucii lui Isus

Voi iubi vechea trist cruce;
Eu voi fi credincios
i orice suferini voi rbda;
Pn' sfresc viaa uman
i cndva m-a chema,
Eu voi sta lng vechea cruce La locaul ceresc
Unde-n glorie m voi schimba.
i-am s-o schimb
Cndva 'ntr-o coroan.
30. The Old Rugged Cross
O, aceea cruce
De lume urt;

On a hill far away

Stood an old rugged cross,

The emblem of suffering and
And I love that old cross

For the dear Lamb of God
Left His glory above
To bear it to dark Calvary.

Where the dearest and best

For a world of lost sinners was
So I'll cherish the old rugged
Till my trophies at last I lay

In that old rugged cross,

Stained with blood so divine,
A wondrous beauty I see,
For 'twas on that old cross
Jesus suffered and died,
To pardon and sanctify me.

I will cling to the old rugged

And exchange it some
Day for a crown.

O that old rugged cross,

To the old rugged cross

I will ever be true;
Its shame and reproach gladly
Then He'll call me some day
To my home far away,
Where His glory forever I'll

So despised by the world,

Has a wondrous attraction for
31. Da eu tiu, da, eu

El a spus c niciodat

Voi pierdui cu sarcini grele

Nu ne las prsii;

Sub osn i pcat,

Poate Iadul s se zbat,

La Isus e mntuirea

Stm cu Domnul neclintii.

i pe mine m-a salvat!

Celui slab i d trie,
/: Da eu tiu, da, eu tiu,

Face drum prin vijelii,

Sngele Lui spal oriice

Toarn ruri n pustie,

pcat. :/

Schimb noaptea-n zori de zi.

n ispit st aproape

Isus te va primi

Ajutorul s ni-l dea.

Domnul poate s ne scape
Braul Lui nu va cdea.

Mai exista loc
Vrea slava Sa s-i dea
i fericiri

32. S-ngenunchezi

Sunt n acel loc

S-i dai inima ta

Crist te va primi


Astzi la El s vii

S ndeprtezi

Vocea-i s-asculi

Idolii inimii,

Viaa s i-o schimbi

Noul trm

S n-ai attea griji

Prin credin-l vezi

Vino chiar azi s vii

La crucea Lui
Grija s-i lai

33.Pe crucea din

dealul iubirii

Pe crucea din dealul iubirii,

Pe culmea lipsit de flori
Se stinge fclia iubirii
Privind spre albastrele zri.
/:Te plnge izvorul din vale
i raza de soare-n amurg,

Se scutur florile-n cale

i stelele toate se-ascund:/

Ce muli am aflat n iubire,

Izvorul de dulci mngieri,
Iar astzi privirea-mi spre
l caut i nu-i nicieri.
/: Doar mama alearg la
Privete spre cer suspinnd,

n locu-I s rabde s-ar duce

Pe lemnul de groaz murind.

Ludai-L i dai-I mrire

Cci El pentru noi S-a jertfit.
Eu vreau s cnt
Pe Mielul de Tatl sfinit;

Iar ochii ce-au plns n

Se-ndreapt spre cer
Spre Cel ce durerile-alin
Se-ndreapt, al meu
/: Printe-al iubirii sublime
O, iart cumplitul pcat
Al Meu duh se-ndreapt spre
O iart-i cci nu tiu ce fac:/
34. Cntai pe Isus cu
Cntai pe Isus cu iubire

S cnt, s cnt
Pe Cel ce nespus ne-a
Cntai toi mreaa-I putere,
Pcatul cel greu El l-a frnt;
Zdrobind moartea prin nviere,
Intrat-a n locul preasfnt.
Cntai plini de-avnt i
Isus e mereu printre noi,
Veghind s avem siguran,
Pstoru-ngrijete de oi.
Cntai pe Rscumprtorul,
Pe Cel ce e viu pururea,
Pe Domnul i Mntuitorul
Ce venic ne va ndruma.

Cci El pentru noi a murit;

35. El ne-a iubit, venind n lume,

El ne-a iubit, venind n lume,

Ca noi, pierdui, s fim salvai.
Prin sngele vrsat pe cruce,
La Golgota, Isus Hristos ne-a mntuit.

tiind c-i viu, pot nvinge teama!

i eu sunt viu, cci m-a salvat!
i, cnd ispita grea m va ajunge,
n braul Sau, eu sunt mereu nvingtor!
Ca un copil ce se ncrede,
n tatl sau, pe-acest pmnt,
Aa m-ncred i eu n Domnul,
Cci de pcate m-a iertat, eliberat.
Cnd voi pleca, n venicie,
Cnd lupta grea se va sfri,
l voi vedea pe nori de slav.
El, boldul morii a nvins, prin jertfa Sa.

36.Because He lives I can face tomorrow

God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus.
He came to love, heal and forgive.
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives
Because He lives I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future

And life is worth the living just because He


How sweet to hold a new born baby

And feel the pride and joy he gives.
But greater still the calm assurance,
This child can face uncertain days because Christ lives.
And then one day Ill cross the river
Ill fight lifes final war with pain
And then as death gives way to victory
Ill see the lights of glory and Ill know He lives.


Victoria n Isus,

Am auzit o veste c Isus veni din slav

i la Golgota n locul meu a fost crucificat;
El mi-a luat povara i mi-a dat n dar iertarea,
Prin jertfa Lui, victoria de-acum am ctigat!
Victoria n Isus, mi-a dat azi salvarea,
Cu sfntul Su snge El m-a rscumprat;
ntreaga mea iubire doar Lui i se cuvine,
n El am victoria, splat sunt de pcat!

Am auzit de Domnul, de puterea Lui cea mare,

Cum pe cei bolnavi i-a vindecat pe mori i-a nviat;
Eu am strigat: O, Doamne, Te ndur i de mine!
i-n viaa mea victoria Isus a ctigat!
Am auzit c Domnul mi-a zidit o cas-n ceruri
i-n acel loca de strluciri la masa Lui vom sta;
Cu ngerii n coruri n mrire-I vom da slav
i cntecul victoriei atunci l vom cnta!

38. Victory in Jesus

I heard an old, old story how a Savior came from glory

How He gave His life on Calvary to save a wretch like me
I heard about His groaning of His precious blood's atoning
Then I repented of my sins and won the victory
O victory in Jesus my Savior, forever
He sought me and bought me with His redeeming
He loved me ere I knew Him and all my love is due
He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing

I heard about His healing of His cleansing pow'r revealing

How He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind
to see
And then I cried, "Dear Jesus come and heal my broken
And somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory
I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory
And I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea
About the angels singing and the old redemption story
And some sweet day I'll sing up there the song of victory

39.La cruce, unde Hristos muri

La cruce, unde Hristos muri,

Am dorit Harul a-l dobndi ;
Sngele Lui Sfnt m-a curit,
- Laud-I fie !

Laud-I fie ! Laud-I fie:

Sngele Lui Sfnt m-a curit:
Laud-I fie !

Minune ! Sunt de pcat scpat,

Isus pentru mine a rbdat,
La cruce, unde El m-a iertat,
- Laud-I fie !

Tu, Sfnt Izvor, ce speli pcatul,

Un loc mai bun nu este altul !
Unde Isus mi-a ierta greul,
- Laud-I fie !

Vino la acest bogat izvor,

Proterne-te la-L tu Salvator.
Pred-te azi i vei fi salvat,
- Laud-I fie !


Glory to His Name

Down at the cross where my Savior died,

Down where for cleansing from sin I cried,
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His Name!
Glory to His Name,
Glory to His Name:
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His Name!
I am so wondrously saved from sin,
Jesus so sweetly abides within,
There at the cross where He took me in;
Glory to His Name!
Oh, precious fountain that saves from sin,
I am so glad I have entered in;
There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean;
Glory to His Name!
Come to this fountain so rich and sweet,
Cast thy poor soul at the Saviors feet;
Plunge in today, and be made complete;
Glory to His Name!

41. Mreul har m-a

Mreul har m-a mntuit

Pe mine de pcat


Pierdut eram dar m-a gsit

Was blind, but now I see.

De moarte m-a scpat

Mreul har m-a nvat
S-o rup cu orice ru.
Ce scump mi-e azi tot harul dat;
Triesc prin har mereu.
Dureri batjocuri prigoniri,
Adesea-m ntlnit;
Prin harul marii Lui Iubiri
Eu toate-am biruit.
Prin har ajunge-voi n cer
Cu slav mbrcat
i voi slvi pe venicii
Pe Cel ce har mi-a dat

'Twas grace that taught my heart

to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace
The hour I first believed!
The Lord hath promised good to
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.

When we've been there ten

thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's
Isus, minunat nume.
Than when we first begun.

Isus ce bucurie
mi dai Tu mine, eti viu pe

Jesus, Name above
all names

Rabuni, stau la picioare

Jesus, Name above all names

n adorare i m nchin.

Beautiful Savior, glorious Lord.

Doamne, nu m desparte,

Emmanuel, God is with us.

Nici plns nici moarte,

Blessed Redeemer, living Word.

Eti viu pe totdeauna.

Holy God, true Messiah.

Rabuni, eti Viaa vieii

Only begotten

Al dimineii, Luceafr Sfnt.

And beloved Son.

43. Amazing grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the
That saved a wretch; like me!
I once was lost, but now am

Lamb of God dies for our sin.

King of King and Lord of Lord.
45. Doar privete la Isus

O, suflet ce zaci sub povar

Trudit eti n noaptea cea grea;

46. Turn your eyes upon


Privete spre Domnul,

O soul, are you weary and

Lumin prin El vei avea!

No light in the darkness you see?
Theres light for a look at the

Doar privete la Isus,


La Cel ce pe cruce-a murit

And life more abundant and free!

Strlucirea lumii se va

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,

Cnd lumina Lui va strluci

Look full in His wonderful

And the things of earth

Din moarte la via etern

Pe Domnul de-acum l urmm;
Cel ru nu mai are putere,
Prin har biruin avem!

El tot ce-a promis, mplinete,

Deci crede n tot ce i-a spus!
i celor pierdui le vestete
Salvarea venit de sus!

will grow strangely dim,

In the light of His glory
and grace.
Through death into life
He passed, and we follow Him
Oer us sin no more hath
For more than conqurors we are!
His Word shall not fail youHe
Believe Him, and all will be well:
Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell!

47. Stnca vieii, Tu, Isus,

Let the water and the blood,

From Thy wounded side which

Stnca vieii, Tu, Isus,

Ce prin har mi Te-ai deschis,
Las sngele-i divin
S m spele pe deplin;

Be of sin the double cure,
Save from wrath and make me

Doar spre Tine eu privesc,

Mntuire s primesc.
Cte fapte am lucrat
Legea Ta le-a judecat,
Oriict eu m-a lupta,
Ru de lacrimi de-a vrsa,
De pcat nu m-ar spla
Numai sfnta mila Ta.
Eu, srman, dator cum sunt,
Crucea Ta vreau s-o apuc.
Gol sunt, Doamne-mbrac-m
i prin har ajut-m!
Vin ca i un disperat;
Tu m spal de pcat!
Iar cnd lupta ia sfrit,
Ochii mei cnd se nchid,
Cnd voi sta naintea Ta,
Glas din cer cnd m-a chema,
Eu Te rog, o, Stnca mea,
M ascunde-n umbra Ta!

48. Rock of Ages, cleft for

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee;

Not the labor of my hands

Can fulfill Thy laws demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and Thou
Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to Thy cross I cling;
Naked, come to Thee for dress;
Helpless, look to Thee for
Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Savior, or I die.
While I draw this fleeting
When my eyes shall close in
When I rise to worlds unknown,
And behold Thee on Thy
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee.

49. Scumpe Isus, ine-m

Jesus, keep me near the cross;
Scumpe Isus, ine-m
Lng a Ta cruce,
Cci acolo-i sfnt izvor

There a precious fountain,

Free to all, a healing stream,
Flows from Calvary's mountain.

Ce salvare-aduce.
In the cross, in the cross,
Lauda mea e Isus,
Ce-a murit pe cruce,
Pn voi ajunge-n cer
La odihna dulce.
Lng cruce am aflat
Dragostea-i divin
i a dimineii stea
Mi-a adus lumin.
Lng cruce voi veghea,
Stnd n ateptare,
Pn cnd voi fi mutat
n a Ta splendoare.

Be my glory ever,
Till my raptured soul shall
Rest beyond the river.
Near the cross, a trembling
Love and mercy found me;
There the bright and morning
Sheds its beams around me.
Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day
With its shadow o'er me.
Near the cross I'll watch and
Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I reach the golden strand
Just beyond the river.

Jesus, keep me near
the cross
51. Grii: Isus, n locul

Grii: Isus, n locul meu,

Pe cruce a murit

Mormntul lui Hristor e gol

i ctre-un vierme, cum sunt eu,

i focul luptei este stins.

S-a-ntors, cci m-a iubit.

E frnt pe veci al morii bold,

De-acum viaa a nvins.

i n locul meu,
i n locul tu,

Laud, laud, a-nviat

Murit-a Domnul


Pentru toi.

A-nviat din mori, a nviat,

Venii, s-I mulumim!

Domnul nostru a-nviat din

Soarele s-a ntunecat,

Ascunznd raza sa
Cnd Isus rbda pe cruce,
Luptnd El cu moartea.
De a ascunde faa mea
De ruine pe veci
i de a plnge, ct a vrea
Aa, s-I mulumesc."
Dar nimic nu m-ar stmpra,
Oricum a suferi.
Inima-mi Tu poi vindeca,
ie i-o voi jertfi!

Hristos a nviat!

Noi raiul prin Adam pierdeam,

Dar prin Isus l dobndim.
Prin lege condamnai eram,
Prin har, iertarea o primim.
Ce bine-i cu Isus s fim,
De moarte fric nu avem!
n ascultare de trim,
Cu El motenitori suntem.

52. Mormntul lui Hristos

e gol

53. Din lanul morii i mormnt Cristos a nviat!

Din lanul morii i mormnt,Hristos a nviat!
Prin moarte moartea biruind, Hristos a nviat!

Triete El Cel rstignit, ce moartean veci a biruit.

Slvii-L nencetat Cristos a nviat!

Maria vinen zori de zi cu sufletuntristat

Mormntu-i gol, ce poate fi? Cristos a nviat!
i ngeri n ceruri sus i cnt slav lui Isus.
Slvii-L nencetat Cristos a nviat!

Prin moartea Lui n greul chin cu Tatl ne-ampcat

Prin viaa Lui acum trim: Cristos a nviat!
Ce har mre ne-a druit! Credinan El ne-a mntuit.
Slvii-L nencetat Cristos a nviat!

54. Cnt Aleluia Isus Hristos e viu

E viu, e viu, Isus Hristos e viu
E Domn i mprat, pe veci ncoronat.
E viu, e viu, Isus Hristos e viu
i via El ne-a dat.
/: Cnt Aleluia :/ Isus Hristos e viu n veci de veci
/: Cnt Aleluia :/ Isus Hristos e viu.
Eti viu, eti viu, Isus Hristos eti viu
Eti Domn i mprat, pe veci ncoronat.
Eti viu, eti viu, Isus Hristos eti viu
i via Tu ne-a dat.

55.Voia Ta, nu voia mea

Ai pltit un pre s-mi dai via

S triesc prin har azi, mntuit.
N-am cuvinte, Doamne, s pot spune
Ct de drag mi eti, i-s fericit!
Numele mi-ai scris n cartea vieii
i doresc, Isus, cu orice pre
S rmn statornic n credin,
S Te laud i s Te slvesc.
Voia Ta, nu voia mea
S se fac, Doamne-n viaa mea!
S triesc cum Tu doreti o, Domnul meu!
Toat roada Duhului Tu Sfnt
Zi de zi s-o am pe-acest pmnt.
Lumin s rspndesc mereu n jurul meu.
Pacea Ta ce-ntrece orice lucru,
Cunotina-ntregului pmnt
S-o reveri n inim, Stpne,
Orice-ar fi, s pot mereu s-i cnt!
Numele mi-ai scris n cartea vieii
i doresc, Isus, cu orice pre
S rmn statornic n credin,
S Te laud i s Te slvesc.

56. Ai fost rstignit

Ai fost rstignit

i cuiele-mi spun
Ce mare i-a fost iubirea.
Cununa de spini

mi spune i ea

They tell me how

Ce mare i-a fost iubirea.

You bore so much shame to love

Cnd cer i stele vor pieri,


Semnele vor dinui

i pe veci mi vor opti ct m-ai
De-aceea vreau s-i spun:
n veci inima, n veci dragostea,

And when the Heavens pass

All Your scars will still remain
And forever they will say
Just how much You love me.

n veci viaa mea este-a Ta.

n veci inima, n veci dragostea,
n veci viaa mea este-a Ta.

Forever my love
Forever my heart
Forever my life is Yours
It's Yours

57. The nails in Your

The nails in Your hands
The nails in Your feet
Tell me how much You love me.
The thorns on Your brow

58.Zorile rsar
Zorile rsar, e cea mai neagr zi:
Domnul pete spre Calvar.
Eu L-am condamnat, e chinuit, zdrobit,
Pus pe o cruce grea.
E puterea crucii Lui
A fost pcat n locul meu
Condamnat, rstignit
Azi stm iertai la Crucea Lui!
Chinul mi-l ari scris pe faa Ta,
Povara pcatului purtnd.
Orice gnd murdar, fapta mea cea rea,
Sunt snge pe Fruntea Ta.
Lumina nu mai e,pamntul tremur,
Domnul capul i-a plecat.
Perdeaua nu mai e, morii s-au trezit,
S-a sfrsit!, e Victoria!
S-mi vad numele scris n rana Ta,
Rscumprat prin jertfa Ta.
Prin moarte-ai biruit, viaa-ai druit,
Dragostea Ta a-nvins!
E puterea Crucii Lui,
Fiu divin sacrificat.
Prin Dragoste i pre pltit
Azi stm iertai la crucea Lui.
E puterea crucii Lui
A fost pcat n locul meu
Condamnat, rstignit
Azi stm iertai la Crucea Lui!


The power of the cross

Oh, to see the dawn of the darkest day

Christ on the road to Calvary
Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten then
Nailed to a cross of wood
This the power of the cross
Christ became sin for us
He took the blame, bore the wrath
We stand forgiven at the cross
Oh, to see the pain written on Your face
Bearing the awesome weight of all my sin
Every bitter thought, every evil deed
Crowning Your bloodstained brow
Now the daylight flees, now the ground beneath
Quakes as it's Maker bows His head
Curtain torn in two, dead are raised to life
Finished the victory cry!
Oh, to see my name written in the wounds
For through Your suffering I am free
Death is crushed to death and life is mine to live
Won through Your selfless love!
And this the power of the cross
Son of God, slain for us
What a love, what a cost
We stand forgiven at the cross
This the power of the cross
Christ became sin for us
He took the blame, bore the wrath
We stand forgiven at the cross

60. Stau din nou

Stau din nou gndindu-m la jertfa Ta

Sngele scurs, trupul strpuns
n locul meu pedeapsa morii ai luat
Ce dar nemeritat, Isus Tu m-ai salvat
Privesc ctre crucea unde ai suferit
Smerit de-ndurarea ce ne-ai druit
Mulumesc Isuse
Via nou mi-ai druit
Acum eti nlat n slav
n faa Ta toi se vor pleca
Pn atunci uimit fiind de Harul Tu
Inima-mi va cnta pe veci dragostea Ta
/:Cum s-i mulumesc pentru Golgota
Viaa-i druiesc e a Ta:/

61.Once Again
Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice
You became nothing, poured out to death
Many times I've wondered at Your gift of life

And I'm in that place once again

I'm in that place once again
And once again I look upon the cross where
You died
I'm humbled by Your mercy and I'm broken
Once again I thank You
Once again I lay down my life
Now You are exalted to the highest place
King of the heavens, where one day I'll bow
But for now I marvel at Your saving grace
And I'm full of praise once again
I'm full of praise once again
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross, my friend

62. Mai sus de tronuri i de-mprai

Mai sus de tronuri i de-mprai
Mai sus de toate pe care le-ai creat
Mai sus de oameni, mai sus de nelepi
Tu ai fost, rmi n veci de veci

Mai sus de stele i galaxii

Mai sus de a lumii ari minunii
Mai sus de aur i tot ce-i valoros
Tu rmi n veci
Cel mai preios
Rstignit i pus ntr-un mormnt
Ca s mori venit-ai pe pmnt
i zdrobit ca un trandafir
Tu ai murit i te-ai gndit
Doar la min.

63. Domnul meu e viu!

Eu tiu c m-ai mntuit,

Pe-un steag voi scrie:

Prin snge sfnt m-ai iertat.

Hristos moartea a nfrnt!

Doamne, cred, da, eu cred!

Toat ruinea mi-ai luat,

Domnul meu e viu!/X4

Isus, Tu m-ai vindecat.

Mi-ai luat povara, vreau s Te-

Doamne, cred, da, eu cred!

i-n casa Ta am s atept
S vd venirea Ta.


Above All Powers

Above all powers, above all kings

Above all nature, and all created things
Above all wisdom and all the ways of man
You were here before the world began
Above all kingdoms, above all thrones,
Above all wonders

The world has ever known

Above all wealth and treasures of the earth
There's no way to measure
What You're worth
Crucified, laid behind a stone
You lived to die, rejected and alone
Like a rose trampled on the ground
You took the fall and thought of me
Above all


My Redeemer lives

I know He rescued my soul

Ill raise a banner

His blood has covered my sin

Cause my Lord has conquered

I believe ,I believe

the grave

My shame Hes taken away

My pain is healed in His name
I believe ,I believe

My Redeemer lives /X4

You lift my burden, Ill rise with
Im dancing on this mountain top
To see Your Kingdom come
Isus, Sperana Lumii,
Isus, Cel care mngie,

66. Isus, Sperana Lumii

Speran din cer aici,

Pe pmnt.

Isus, Tu eti lumina,

You are the source of Heaven's

Isus, eti adevr deplin,


Lumin din cer aici

On earth

Pe Pmnt

Jesus light in the darkness

Jesus truth in each circumstance

Tu ai trit i ai murit,

You are the source of Heaven's

Zgazul morii l-ai zdrobit.

On earth

Speran eti,
In noi trieti,

In history You lived and died

Stnca n care

You broke the chains You rose to

Ne-ncredem eti!


Lumin eti
Pentru toat lumea, Isus! You are the hope
Din mori nviat,

Living in us

Fric-ai nvins,

You are the rock

Al Pcii Prin,

In Whom we trust

De noi Te-ai atins!

You are the light

Speran eti

Shining for all the world to

Celor ce Te primesc



You rose from the dead

Celor ce cred.

Conquering fear
Our Prince of Peace
Drawing us near

67. Jesus hope of the


Jesus our hope

Living for all who will receive
Lord we believe

Jesus hope of the nations

Jesus comfort for all who mourn
68. Sngele Tu vorbete

Sngele Tu vorbete mai

Ca orice-am auzit
Vreodat pe pmnt.
Cuvnt neprihnit
Imi e aprtor,
E sngele Tu sfnt.
Cine poate curi
Tot pcatul inimii?
Doar sngele Tu,
Doar sngele Tu, Isus!
Ce ne face-n cerul Su
Prieteni buni cu
Doar sngele Tu,
Doar sngele Tu, Isus!

Your blood speaks a better word

Than all the empty claims
I've heard upon this earth
Speaks righteousness for me
And stands in my defense
Jesus it's Your blood
What can wash away our
What can make us whole
Nothing but the blood
Nothing but the blood of
What can wash us pure as
Welcomed as the friends of

Crucea Ta, mrturisind de har

Iubirea Tatlui
Ce calea ne-a deschis,
Aproprie de noi

Nothing but Your blood
Nothing but Your blood
King Jesus

Un loc n paradis,
E sngele Tu sfnt!

Your cross testifies in grace

Tells of the Father's heart
To make a way for us
Now boldly we approach
Not by earthly confidence
It's only by Your blood

69. Your blood

70. Pentru cruce-i

Pentru cruce-i mulumesc,
Pentru preul ce-ai pltit.

71. Worthy Is The Lamb

Ai purtat pcatul meu,

Ruinea mea,

Thank you for the cross Lord

Mi-ai dat har minunat.

Thank you for the price You paid

Mulumesc c m-ai iubit

Bearing all my sin and shame

i pe cruce Te-ai jertfit.

In love You came

Sunt splat prin snge sfnt

And gave amazing grace

i pot s cnt

Thank you for this love Lord

Mielului ce m-a iertat.

Thank you for the nail pierced


Vrednic eti, Isus,

Washed me in Your cleansing

S fii ncoronat.


Pe pmnt i-n ceruri

Now all I know


Your forgiveness and embrace

Domneti victorios.
S fii nlat,

Worthy is the Lamb

Rege preanalt.

Seated on the throne

Tu mntuire ne-ai adus,

Crown You now with many

Vrednic eti, Isus, /x2

You reign victorious
High and lifted up
Jesus, Son of God
The Darling of Heaven

Worthy is the Lamb/x2

72. O, mare zi, fericit zi

73. Happy Day

Nu-i alt zi-n istorie,

The greatest day in history,

Moartea ai nfrnt i sunt salvat

Death is beaten, You have

Vom cnta: Isus este viu!

rescued me

E crucea i mormntul gol,

Sing it out, Jesus is alive

Via nou Tu ne-ai ctigat

The empty cross, the empty

S strigm: Isus este viu!


El este viu!

Life eternal, You have won the


O, mare zi, fericit zi,

Shout it all, Jesus is alive

Cnd pcatul mi-ai splat

He's alive

O, mare zi, fericit zi,

Pe veci eu sunt schimbat

Oh happy day, happy day

Pe veci eu sunt schimbat

You washed my sin away

Oh happy day, happy day

Cnd am s stau n locul sfnt

Voi putea faa s-i privesc
Sunt al Tu, Isus eti al meu!
Via fr de sfrit,
Suferina ai nfrnt
Acum celebrm: Isus este viu!
El e viu!
/:O glorioas zi,
i-n ce mod minunat

I'll never be the same

Forever I am changed
When I stand, in that place
Free at last, meeting face to face
I am Yours, Jesus You are mine
Endless joy and perfect peace
Earthly pain finally will cease
Celebrate Jesus is alive
He's alive

Tu m-ai salvat
O glorioas zi,
i-n ce mod minunat
Tu m-ai salvat:/

/:Oh what a glorious day

What a glorious way
That You have saved me
Oh what a glorious day

What a glorious name

74. Pe Fiul Tu, pe Cel
Pe Fiul Tu, pe Cel preasfnt
Tu L-ai trimis pe-acest pmnt
S poarte-al lumii greu pcat
S fie Mielul junghiat

75. Lamb of God

Your only Son, no sin to hide
But You have sent Him from Your
To walk upon this guilty sod
And to become the Lamb of God

O, Miel ceresc, blnd Miel

Din tot adncul Te iubesc
M spal-n scumpul sngeal Tu
O, Miel ceresc, o Dumnezeu.

Oh, Lamb of God, sweet

Lamb of God
I love the holy Lamb of God
Oh, wash me in Your
precious blood
My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of

n dar ne-ai dat iubirea Ta


Noi Te-am jertfit pe-o cruce grea

Un rege fals Te-am socotit
Pe Tine, Miel din cer venit.

Your gift of love, they crucified

They laughed and scorned Him
as He died

Eram pierdut n chin i iad

Tu m-ai gsit i m-ai salvat
Azi sunt un miel n braul Tu

The humble King, they named a

And sacrificed the Lamb of God

Tu-mi eti Pstor i Dumnezeu.

I was so lost, I should have died
But You have brought me to Your
To be led by Your staff and rod
And to be called a lamb of God

tiu c m vei ridica

Chiar de-a fi n-adnc de vi,
Bucuros Te voi luda
i salvat i voi cnta!
77. What the Lord Has
Done In Me
Let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich"
Let the blind say, "I can see"
76. Vreau s spuna

It's what the Lord has done in me

Vreau s spun cel ce-i slab:

Eu sunt tare n Cristos!
Cel srac: Eu sunt bogat,
Iar cel orb: Sunt sntos.

Hosanna, hosanna
To the Lamb that was
Hosanna, hosanna

Osana, Osana
Mielului ce-a fost
Osana, Osana
Celui mort i nviat!
Tot ce-a fost ru i murdar
Mi-ai splat prin al Tu har,
Ca un ru iubirea Ta
Umple azi inima mea!

Jesus died and rose

Into the river, I will wade
There my sins are washed away
From the heavens mercy streams
Of the Savior's love for me, yeah,
I will rise
I will rise from waters deep
Into the saving arms of God
I will sing salvation songs
Jesus Christ has set me free

78. Aleluia (i-ai artat puterea mare)

Aleluia, Aleluia,

Aleluia, Isus Cristos e

Aleluia, El e Domn!


Aleluia, Aleluia,

Din mormnt ai nviat triumftor,

Lanurile le-ai zdrobit,
i-ai artat puterea mare,

Pe captivi i-ai eliberat,

Boldul morii L-ai zdrobit,

Prin a Ta-ndurare sunt salvat!

79. S-I cntm un Aleluia Cu viaa mea i sunt dator

Sngele Lui m-a curit, sunt
S-I cntm un Aleluia
i un mulumesc frumos
Cci lauda i mulumirea
l slvete pe Hristos.

El vine iar, din cer la noi /x3

Cu fericirea lumii noi
Sngele Lui m-a curit, sunt
81. Rabuni, Tu din mori ai

Pentru c pe Golgota
A murit pe crucea grea

Ce fior adnc n suflet ne-a

Ca via venic s-mi dea.

Atunci cnd pe Golgota ai murit!

Pentru c a biruit,
Boldul morii l-a zdrobit
i prin Duhul Sfnt ne-a nnoit.

Credeam c Te-am pierdut

Pe cruce i-n mormnt,
Dar via eti i venic nenfrnt.

Pentru c El este viu,

i-i cu mine, eu o tiu,
i m poart ca pe al Su Fiu.

Rabuni, Tu din mori ai

Fii n veci glorificat.

80. Sunt mntuit

Rabuni, Tu din mori ai

Sunt mntuit prin jertfa Lui


Sunt mntuit prin jertfa Lui

Cu Cel Sfnt ne-ai

Sunt mntuit prin jertfa Lui


i bucuros o spun oricui

Sngele Lui m-a curit, sunt
Isus e-al meu Mntuitor / x3

Lumina rsri n sufletu-mi trudit,

Cci lepdat am fost i deprtat.
Ndejdea mea e El, o, ct de

Din mori am nviat cu Tine-odat'.

82. Eu sunt calea, adevrul

Cum a putea s tac, cum a

/:Eu sunt calea, adevrul i viaa
putea s fac
Eu sunt calea, adevrul i viaa
Ca s nu spun despre iubirea Ta?
O lume-ntreag a vrea
Nimeni nu vine la Tatl
S cread-n jertfa Ta
Dect prin Mine:/
i s-o mbraci cu slava Ta.

83. O carte cu apte pecei

O carte cu apte pecei, o carte st nchis

n mna Dumnezeului viu, n mna Sa ntins
i un nger puternic din ceruri striga:
Cine-i vrednic s-o poat deschide?
Dar nimeni din ceruri nici jos pe pmnt
N-a fost vrednic s-o poat lua
Nici ngerii din cerul nalt, nici sfinii care cnt,
Nici unul vrednic nu s-a gsit s cear Cartea Sfnt!
Dar deodat-n picioare apare un Miel
Ce prea junghiat i zbrobit!
Cu ochii n lacrimi, de dragoste plini,
Pentru noi a murit rstignit!

/: Vrednic este mielul ce a fost junghiat!

S primeasc slava, slava ne-ncetat! :/

Din ceruri Isus a venit, lsat-a slava toat

i-n lume, pentru c ne-a iubit, ne-a cutat odat,
S ne spun c este un cer minunat
i-o venic via-n mrire;
A murit pe Calvar s putem fi iertai;
Minunat-i a Sa mntuire!

84. Isus viaa noastr

Isus viaa noastr
Noi pe Tine te mrim
Cci prin jertfirea Ta pe
Noi voioi trim
Ne-ai dat n dar
Pentru vina ce-o
De aceea i cntm:

Cntm ntr-una
100. Ce ne-a rscumprat
101. A Lui s fie slava
102. Ce n veci va triumfa
103. Acum i pururea
The Battle Hymn Of


Mine eyes have seen

the glory
Glorie, glorie

Of the coming of the Lord

aleluia /3x

He is trampling out the

Din clipa cnd n viaa
Pacea a intrat

Where the grapes of wrath

are stored
He has loosed the fateful

Of His terrible swift sword

His truth is marching on
Glory, glory,
Our God is marching on
113. I have seen him in the
Of a hundred circling camps
They have builded him an
In the evening dews and
I can read his righteous
By the dim and flaring
His day is marching on
114. I have read a fiery
Writ in burnish'd rows of
As ye deal with my
So with you my grace shall

Let the hero, born of

Crush the serpent with his
Since God is marching on
He has sounded form the
That shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts
of men
Before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul
To answer him be jubilant,
my feet
Our God is marching on
In the beauty of the lilies
Christ was born across the
With a glory in his bosom
That transfigures you and
As he died to make men
Let us live to make men
While God is marching on

122. Iubirea adnc-a
125. Iubirea adnc-a Tatlui

Nimic nu o msoar


Ce-avea mai scump a


Fcnd din noi


Durere de nenchipuit


Cci Tatl i-a-ntors


Pe Cel ales l-a prsit,

164. How Deep The

For Us


Iar nou ne-a dat viaa.



134. La Fiul rstignit privesc,
135. Pcatu-mi cum l frnge
136. n rnd cu cei ce l
137. i vocea mea-L
138. Pe cruce eu Te-am
139. Dar cnd i-ai dat
140. Al nopii chin s-a risipit
141. i mi-ai adus iertarea!
143. Cu ce-a putea s m
144. Cci daruri n-am, nici
145. Cu nvierea-I m flesc,
146. Cu salvatoarea-I
147. O, nu-s deajuns spre-ai mulumi
148. Nici cnt, nici osanale,
149. Cristos cu viaa Sa plti
150. A mea rscumprare.

How deep the Father's

love for us,

How vast beyond all
That He should give His only
To make a wretch His
How great the pain of
searing loss,
The Father turns His face
As wounds which mar the
chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the Man upon a
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has
brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no
But I will boast in Jesus

His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my
169. Astzi rsun vestea
cea bun
171. Astzi rsun vestea
cea bun

His wounds have paid my

/:Urca n sus spre


i crucea era foarte


Azi a nviat Isus


O ce splendoare e

185. Mulimea l batjocorea,

186. Sub crucea grea ades
187. /:Isus purta pcatul
188. n locul tu i-n locul
189. E viu, e viu, din
mori a nviat
191. E viu, e viu, e viu, e

Plin de har nespus
172. Slav, glorie, Isus e
Imnuri de mrire
173. Cnt al su popor

174. Din bezna morii,
regele vieii
Azi a nviat Isus
Sfant sperant i siguran
n suflet ne-a adus
175. Gol e mormntul, cnt
Azi a nviat Isus,
Moartea-I nvins, Calea-I
Spre patria de sus.
178. Isus cu spini
180. Isus cu spini ncoronat

i-o cruce-n spate,



Din mori a nviat


i slav-n veci noi i


Cci ne-a eliberat


E viu, e viu, e viu, e


Din mori a nviat


Prin jertfa Sa de pe


Cu Tatl ne-a-mpcat


E Domn/x4
i va domni mereu
Pe cruce El s-a mistuit
Purtnd pcatul greu
E Domn/x4

205. i va domni mereu

206. l voi iubi i asculta
207. Cci este Domnul meu
209. Slavii/x4
210. Pe Cel ce-a nviat
211. i slav-n veci s i
212. Cci ne-a eliberat
213. Slavii/x4
214. Pe Cel ce-a nviat
225. Sunt iertat
227. Sunt iertat cci ai fost
Sunt acceptat; ai fost
i via am acum
Iar duhul Tu e'n mine
Cci ai murit i ai nviat x2
Ce dragoste de
S moar un Rege'n

215. Cci sus n cer ne-a

216. Un loc sfnt, minunat.

244. You Are My King
246. I'm forgiven because

locul meu

You were forsaken

Ce dragoste; uimit

I'm accepted, You were



Cu bucurie Te slvesc

I'm alive and well,

Prin tot ce fac, te

230. Tu mi'esti Rege
Tu mi'esti Rege
Isus, Tu mi'esti Rege
Isus, Tu mi'esti Rege


Your spirit is within me

Because You died and rose


Amazing love, how

can it be?
That You, my King would

die for me
Amazing love, I know its





It's my joy to honor You



In all I do, I honor


You are my king

Jesus, You are my king
Jesus, You are my king
269. Mormntul este gol
271. Mormntul este gol
i piatra grea sa-


A nviat

280. /:Da, eu cred Isus e


252. You are my king


Isus din mori

Isus din mori


A nviat


Vin ngeri din etern


S spun vestea lumii-


281. l simt aproape zi de

282. Cu mine e o tiu :/
284. Femeile n zori
285. nspre mormnt s-au
286. Dar unde e Isus?
287. A nviat
288. Vin ngeri din etern
289. S spun vestea lumiintregi
290. Isus din mori
291. A nviat.




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