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privind organizarea Olimpiadei internaionale de lectur, 2015

Perioada de desfurare : 2 6 septembrie 2015;
: Constana (CT), Romnia;
Organizator: Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii tiinifice din Romnia
Participani: elevi din Romnia i din alte ri, cu vrste cuprinse ntre 13 i 19 ani
Scopul olimpiadei: Abordarea lecturii de ctre elevi ca abilitate de via, prin intermediul
textului ficional, nonficional i multimodal.
Organizarea olimpiadei
Olimpiada se organizeaz pe dou seciuni:
A. Seciunea de antrenament 13-15 ani- se evalueaz competenele de lectur i de sensibilizare
B. Seciunea de performan-15-19 ani- se evalueaz competenele de lectur, media i de
Desfurarea olimpiadei
Programul fiecrei ediii a olimpiadei va include minimum 2 cursuri i 1 dezbatere, din
domeniile de referin pentru olimpiad, i o prob unic, prob scris, individual.
Formatul competiiei include cursuri i dezbateri susinute/moderate de profesori din
nvmntul superior i din nvmntul preuniversitar din ar i din afara acesteia, cu autoritate
tiinific i cu experien n domeniul didacticii lecturii. Acetia vor avea statutul de lectori.
Pentru proba scris, la ambele seciuni, concurenii vor apela att la coninuturile specifice
disciplinelor din domeniul limbii i literaturii, ct i la cultura lor general, la experiena i la
competena lor de lectur.
Aceast prob va fi susinut de participani la finalul perioadei de cursuri.
Programa olimpiadei respect programa pentru cursul opional Lectura i abilitile de
via, pentru elevii din clasele a V-a - a XII-a i temele cursurilor susinute n cadrul olimpiadei.
Proba (scris) va putea fi susinut n limba romn, precum i n limbile de concurs
englez i francez.
La nscrierea la olimpiad, pe fia de aplicaie, concurenii vor preciza limba de concurs.
Timpul de lucru este de 3 ore.
Structura subiectelor, indiferent de seciune, este urmtoarea:
(1) Proba cuprinde 3 subiecte:
- primul subiect vizeaz capacitatea de nelegere i interpretare a unui text ficional i are
pondere 50%;
- al doilea subiect vizeaz capacitatea de nelegere a unui text nonficional i are pondere 35%; - al treilea subiect vizeaz capacitatea de nelegere i interpretare a unui text multimodal i are
pondere 15%.
Tema ediiei din 2015 a olimpiadei este Drumul (calea).
Str. General Berthelot nr. 28-30, Sector 1, 010168, Bucureti Tel:+40 (0)21 4056315 Fax:+40 (0)2131355 47

Condiiile de participare
Olimpiada se adreseaz elevilor cu vrste cuprinse ntre 13-19 ani, capabili s foloseasc
lectura n vederea dezvoltrii personale.
a) Din Romnia, particip elevii care sunt membri ai lotului olimpic, selectat dintre
premianii la etapa naional a Olimpiadei de limb, comunicare i literatur romn, pentru
gimnaziu i pentru liceu i de la etapa naional a Olimpiadei Lectura ca abilitate de via.
b) Din afara Romniei pot participa elevii care ntrunesc cumulativ urmtoarele
b1) studiaz literatura comparat formal sau nonformal;
b2) completeaz i transmit Comisiei centrale a Olimpiadei, n perioada prevzut de calendarul
Olimpiadei, formularul de aplicaie, avizat de profesorul coordonator al lotului/profesorul
ndrumtor n cazul unui singur elev, pe adresa de e-mail :
b3) obin validarea aplicaiei de ctre Comisia central a Olimpiadei.
N.B. Elevii romni care studiaz n colile europene sau internaionale (din afara Romniei), vor
participa la olimpiad pe locuri distincte.
Finanarea olimpiadei
Fondurile pentru organizarea i desfurarea Olimpiadei internaionale de lectur sunt
asigurate de Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii tiinifice din Romnia.
Cheltuielile pentru cazarea i masa participanilor - maximum 7 participani (6 elevi si un
profesor coordonator) pentru fiecare ar - se asigur din bugetul olimpiadei.
Cheltuielile pentru transport, pn la i de la Constana, sunt suportate de participani.
Propunerile pentru lotul naional, vor fi transmise spre validare Comisiei Centrale, prin email, de ctre profesorii nsoitori din fiecare ar participant, pn la data de 10 august 2015, n
urmtoarea machet:
Nr. Numele
crt. prenumele

i Clasa/Vrsta coala ara

de Datele de contact
concurs(RO/EN/FR) ale

Adresele de e-mail pentru comunicare sunt: ,



The organisation of The International Reading Olympiad, 2015

Time of the event : 2nd 6th September 2015;

: Constanta (CT), Romania;
Organiser: The Ministry of Education and Scientific Research from Romania
Participants: students from Romania and abroad aged between 13 and 19
The purpose of the Olympiad: Encouraging students to approach reading as a life skill,
through the fiction, non-fiction and multimodal text.
The organisation of the Olympiad
The Olympiad is organised in two sections:
A. The training section: 13-15 years old- which assesses the reading and cultural awareness skills
B. The proficiency section: 15-19 years old- which assesses the reading, media and
communication skills
The development of the Olympiad
The programme of each edition of the Olympiad includes at least 2 courses and 1 debate
in the reference fields for the Olympiad and a written individual test.
The format of the competition includes courses and debates delivered/ moderated by
professors and teachers from Romania and abroad that have scientific authority and experience in
teaching reading comprehension skills. They will have the status of lecturers. For the written test,
in both sections, the contestants will refer not only to the specific contents of the language and
literature subjects but also to their knowledge, experience and reading skills.
This test will take place at the end of the courses.
The Olympiad syllabus follows the syllabus of the optional course Reading and life skills
for the students in the Vth - XIIth grades and the topics of the courses delivered during the
The paper may be written either in Romanian or in the other languages of the
competition, English and French.
The contestants will mention the language for the test in the application form when
entering the Olympiad.
The allotted time for writing is 3 hours.
The structure of the subjects, irrespective of the section, is as follows:
(1) The written test includes 3 subjects:
-the first subject aims at a fiction text reading comprehension and interpretation and it counts 50%
of the final mark;
-the second subject aims at a non-fiction text reading comprehension and it counts 35% of the
final mark;
-the third subject aims at a multi-modal text reading comprehension and interpretation and it
counts 15% of the final mark.
The topic of the 2015 edition of the Olympiad is The Way.

Entry requirements

The Olympiad addresses students aged between 13 and 19 that are able to use reading as
part of their personal development.
a) From Romania the participants are members of the Olympic team, selected among the
prize winners in the national stage of Romanian Language, Communication and Literature
Olympiad, for secondary and high school students and in the national stage of the Reading as a
Life Skill Olympiad.
b) Outside Romania the participants can be students that meet the following conditions
b1)study comparative literature in a formal or non-formal learning environment;
b2) fill in the application form that is certified by the coordinating teacher of the team/ the
mentor teacher in case there is only one student and send it to the Central Committee of the
Olympiad, in the period mentioned in the Olympiad calendar, to the following e-mail address:
b3)get the validation of the application by the Central Committee of the Olympiad.

Financing the Olympiad

The funds for organising and managing the International Reading Olympiad are provided
by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research from Romania.
The expenses for accommodation and meals of the participants maximum 7 participants
(6 students and 1 coordinating teacher) for each country are supplied from the budget of the
Transportation costs, to and from Constanta, are covered by the participants.
The proposals for the national team to be validated will be forwarded by the
accompanying teachers from each participating country to the Central Committee until 18th May
2015, in the following table:
No. Surname

and Grade/ School

the Age



Contact details of the

accompanying teacher

The e-mail addresses for communication are: , .
Should you have any further inquiry concerning your participation, the contact person for
this event is Mrs. Anca-Denisa Petrache, general inspector, e-mail: ,
tel. 0040722141549.
The final lists with the national teams will be validated by the Central Committee and will
be sent to the participating countries until 10.08.2015.
Details regarding the programme of the Olympiad, international/ national transportation to
Constanta conditions/ alternatives, accommodation, meals etc. will be sent to the participants by
organisers after the validation of the national teams.

Rf. L'organisation de lOlympiade internationale de lecture, 2015
Priode de droulement: 2 - 6 septembre 2015;
Lieu: Constanta (CT), Roumanie;
Organisateur: Ministre de l'ducation et de la Recherche Scientifique de Roumanie
Participants: lves de Roumanie et d'autres pays, gs de 13 19 ans
Le but du concours: Aborder la lecture comme une comptence de vie, travers le texte
fictionnel, non-fictionnel et multimodal.
Lorganisation du concours
Le concours est organis en deux sections:
A. La section dentranement - pour les lves gs de 13 15 ans on value les comptences
de lecture et de sensibilisation culturelle ;
B. La section de performance - pour les lves gs de 15 19 ans on value les comptences
de lecture, mdia et de communication.
Le droulement du concours
Le programme de chaque dition de lOlympiade comprendra au moins deux cours et un
dbat dans les domaines de rfrence pour le concours et une seule preuve crite, individuelle.
Le format du concours comprend des cours et des dbats soutenues/ modres par des
enseignants de l'enseignement suprieur et de l'enseignement secondaire roumains ou trangers
ayant de lautorit scientifique et de lexprience dans le domaine de la didactique de la lecture.
Ceux-ci auront le statut de matres de confrences. Pour lpreuve crite des deux sections, les
concurrents feront appel la fois aux contenus spcifiques des disciplines de langue et de
littrature, ainsi qu leur culture gnrale, leur exprience et leur comptence de lecture.
Cette preuve sera soutenue par les participants la fin des cours.
Les preuves
Le programme de lOlympiade est en concordance avec le programme pour le cours
optionnel La lecture et les comptences de vie pour les lves du collge et du lyce, ainsi
quavec les thmes des cours soutenus pendant lOlympiade.
Lpreuve (crite) pourra tre soutenue en roumain, mais aussi en anglais ou en franais
(les langues du concours).
Sur la fiche dinscription au concours, les concurrents doivent prciser la langue quils
vont utiliser pendant le concours.
Le temps du travail est de 3 heures.
La structure des sujets pour nimporte quelle section sera la suivante :
(1) Lpreuve est compose de trois sujets :
- Le premier sujet a comme objectif la comprhension et linterprtation dun texte
fictionnel (son poids est de 50%) ;
- Le deuxime sujet a comme objectif la comprhension dun texte non-fictionnel
(son poids est de 35%) ;

Le troisime sujet a comme objectif la comprhension et linterprtation dun texte

multimodal (son poids est de 15%).
Le thme de ldition 2015 de lOlympiade est La Voie.

Conditions de participation
LOlympiade sadresse aux lves gs de 13 19 ans qui sont capables dutiliser la
lecture pour lpanouissement personnel.
(a) De Roumanie, participe lquipe de concours approuv par le vote des Commissions
centrales des tapes nationales de lOlympiade de langue, communication et littrature roumaine
et La lecture comme comptence de vie, pour le collge et le lyce.
(b) De l'tranger, participent les lves qui accomplissent les conditions suivantes:
b1) ils tudient la littrature compare, de faon formelle ou non-formelle;
b2) ils remplissent et envoient la Commission centrale de lOlympiade, dans le calendrier prvu,
le formulaire de demande, approuv par lenseignant coordonnateur de lquipe / de llve
participant, ladresse e-mail:
b3) ils obtiennent la validation de l'application par la Commission centrale de lOlympiade.
Financement du concours
Le financement de l'organisation et du droulement de lOlympiade internationale de
lecture sont fournis par le Ministre de l'ducation et de la Recherche Scientifique de Roumanie.
Les frais d'hbergement et les repas des participants - maximum 7 participants (six lves
et un enseignant coordonnateur) pour chaque pays sont assurs du budget du concours.
Les frais de transport aller-retour Constanta sont la charge des participants.

La communication
La communication soumise la validation par la Commission centrale, contenant les
propositions pour l'quipe nationale, sera faite par les enseignants accompagnateurs de chaque
pays participant jusquau 18 mai 2015, en utilisant le modle suivant:


et Classe/
de Niveau



de Coordonnes de
(RO/EN/FR) accompagnateur

Les adresses e-mail de communication sont : ,
La personne de contact pour cet vnement est Mme Anca-Denisa Petrache, inspecteur
gnral, e-mail: , tel. 0040722141549.
Les listes dfinitives des quipes nationales seront valides par la Commission centrale et
seront transmises aux pays participants jusquau 10.08. 2015.
Les dtails sur le programme de lOlympiade, les conditions/ alternatives de transport
international / national jusqu Constanta, lhbergement, le repas etc., seront envoys aux
participants par les organisateurs, aprs la validation des quipes nationales.

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