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The article

1. Articolul hotart (the)

Articolul hotart (the) se scrie inaintea cuvantului pe care-l determina si se foloseste astfel:
- Inaintea unui substantiv care a mai fost mentionat n contextul respectiv.
A bird saw a mouse. The mouse loved the bird
- Atunci cnd att vorbitorul ct si ascultatorul cunosc notiunea exprimata de
substantiv, chiar daca nu a mai fost mentionat n context.
- Where's the bathroom? - It's on the first floor.
- In propozitii sau fraze n care definim sau identificam anumite persoane sau obiecte.
The girl in blue is my cousin.
- Referitor la obiecte pe care le consideram unice.
the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars
- Inaintea superlativului sau numeralelor ordinale: first, second, thirds, etc.
the best day, the first week, the last chapter, the only way.
- Inaintea unor adjective pentru a te referi n general la un grup de oameni care au n
comun o anumita nsusire
the young, the beautiful, the old, the best, the Japanese.
- Nume de locuri geografice, oceane, ruri, mari, deserturi, munti, regiuni
the Caribbean, the Sahara, the Atlantic
- Se foloseste naintea unor nume proprii (muzee, institutii, hoteluri, ziare, orchestre,
grupuri muzicale, vapoare, nume de famili la plural,etc).
the National Gallery, the Royal Shakespeare, the Savoy, the Beatles, the Spice Girls, the
Guardian, the Telegraph, the Daily, the Titanic, the Tower of London, the House of
Parliament, the Smiths
- Decade, secole, grupe de ani.
My parents went to University in the seventies.

2. Articolul nehotart (a / an)

Articolul nehotarat in limba engleza este "a" sau "an".
- A se foloseste naintea substantivelor care ncep cu o consoana.
a boy (un baiat), a car (o masina), a house (o casa)
- An se foloseste naintea substantivelor care ncep cu o vocala (a, e, i, o, u).
an apple (un mar), an orange (o portocala, un portocaliu), an opera (o opera)
An nainte de un "h" mut: - an hour, an honor.
A nainte de "u" sau "eu" atunci cnd se pronunta ca "you": - a European, a university,
a unit
Articolul nehotart se foloseste in urmatoarele cazuri:
- Pentru a te referi la ceva pentru prima data:
Would you like a drink?
- Pentru a te referi la un anume membru al unui grup sau clase:
cu nume de profesii: John is an engineer.

cu nationalitati si religii: John is an Englishman.

cu instrumente muzicale: Marius was playing a violin when the visitor arrived.

cu numele zilelor: I was born on a Thursday.

pentru a desemna "un fel de", sau "un exemplu de": The mouse has a tiny nose.
(Soarecele are un nas micut). It is a very strange car.

cu substantive la singular, dupa cuvinte cum ar fi what si such: What a hoax! He is

such a prodigious young man.

atunci cnd te referi la un singur obiect sau persoana, echivaleaza cu "one": I'd
like an orange and two lemons, please.
- Retineti ca se spune a hundred (o suta), a thousand (o mie), a million (un milion).

3. Articolul zero
Se spune ca e vorba de Articolul zero (sau fara articol) atunci cand nu se foloseste nici un
Articolul nu se foloseste n urmatoarele cazuri:
- Cu nume de tari (la singular).
Germany is an important economic power.
- Cu numele limbilor.
French is spoken in Tahiti.
- Cu numele meselor.
Lunch is at midday.
- Cu numele persoanelor (doar cele la singular).
John's coming to school.
- Cu titluri si nume proprii:
Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth's son. Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes' friend. (Insa
titlurile generice, luate singure, au articol: the Queen of England, the Pope)
- Dupa cazul posesiv format cu 's.
His sister's car. Laura's basket.
- Cu numele profesiilor.
Engineering is a useful career. He'll probably go into medicine.
- Cu nume de magazine:
I'll get the card at Smith's.
- Cu ani.
1978 was a wonderful year. Do you remember 1995?
- Cu substantive unice (uncountable nouns).
Milk is often added to tea in England. - Peace is good.
- Cu numele unor munti, lacuri si insule:
Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in Alaska. She lives near Salty Lake.
Have you visited Long Island?
- Cu majoritatea numelor de strazi , orase, statii pentru mijloacele de transport si
Victoria Station is in the centre of London. Can you direct me to Bond Street?
- In unele expresii invariabile.
by car, at school, at work, at University, in church, in bed, by train, on foot, on holiday, on air.

4. A / An si One

Atunci cnd se numara sau se masoara timpul, distanta, greutatea, etc. se poate folosi fie a /an,
fie one pentru singular.
A / One pound, A / One million pounds, - You can take an/ one hour for lunch.
Dar a/an si one nu nseamna ntotdeauna acelasi lucru:
A box is no good. (We need something else, not a box).

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