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Adolescena este perioada de maturizare biologic, psihologic i social de la pubertate la maturitate.

Intervalul de vrst la care

are loc aceast tranziie este uor diferit de la un individ la altul i depinde de mai muli factori. Aceast perioad de tranziie
presupune att modificri la nivel fizic, ct i modificri la nivel de comportament i personalitate. Adolescentul devine mai
preocupat de propria imagine i de poziia sa n raport cu cei din jur. Dezvoltarea corect a adolescenilor se bazeaz pe stimularea
mai multor arii n strns legatur cu activitatea lor. Un adolescent echilibrat alege activitai care contribuie la dezvoltarea
caracterului, creterea increderii n sine, dezvoltarea abilitailor de socializare, identificarea pasiunilor si luarea deciziilor. Parinii
trebuie s ncurajeze dorinta tinerilor de a i descoperi propriul talent, fiindc vrsta adolescentei este potrivit pentru a incepe o
cariera n domeniul ales.Adolescena e cea mai frumoas perioad din viaa noastr. Bineneles c fiecare perioad
are ceva bun, dar adolescena are ceva deosebit. Poate din acest motiv ea trece cel mai repede. Anume n aceast
perioad ne pare c putem face orice, c nu exist limit posibilitilor. n adolescen ne ndrgostim prima oar,
n adolescen viaa ne pare mai uoar i mai interesant. Adolescenii se simt mai liberi. Nu au attea
responsabiliti. Adolescena e perioada iubirii, a distraciilor, dar i o perioad decisiv, n care se formeaz scopul
vieii noastre. De ceea ce vom face i ce vom alege n adolescen, depinde viaa noastr n perioadele urmtoare
ale vieii. Poate adolescena e perioada i a suferinelor, pentru c atunci putem fi rnii cel mai uor, e o perioad
a emoiilor puternice. Dar aceste emoii mai puin plcute, devin, totui, o amintire frumoas peste ceva timp.

Adolescence is the period of biological maturation, psychological and social development from puberty to adulthood . The age at
which this transition occurs is slightly different from one individual to another and depends on many factors. This transition period
involves both physical changes and changes in behavior and personality level. Teenagers are more concerned with their image and
position in relation to others. Proper development of adolescents is based on stimulating several areas closely related to their
work. A balanced teenager choose activities that contribute to character development, increased self-confidence, social skills
development, identifying passions and decision making. Parents should encourage young people desire to discover their own talent,
because adolescence is the right age to start a career in their chosen field.

Adolescence is the best time of our lives. Of course everyone has a good time, but adolescence is something
special. Perhaps for this reason the faster it goes. During this period we find that we can do anything, there is no
limit as possible. As a teenager fall in love the first time in our teenage life seems easier and more
interesting. Teenagers feel free.There were so many responsibilities. Adolescence is the period of love,
entertainment, and a decisive period in which to form our lives. Of what we do and what we choose to adolescence,
our life depends subsequent periods of life. Perhaps adolescence is the period and suffering, because then we can
be most easily injured, a period of strong emotions. But these less pleasant emotions, are, however, a beautiful
memory over some time.

Adolescence is the period of biological maturation, psychological and social development from puberty to adulthood . The age at
which this transition occurs is slightly different from one individual to another and depends on many factors. This transition period
involves both physical changes and changes in behavior and personality level. Teenagers are more concerned with their image and
position in relation to others. Proper development of adolescents is based on stimulating several areas closely related to their
work. A balanced teenager choose activities that contribute to character development, increased self-confidence, social skills
development, identifying passions and decision making. Parents should encourage young people desire to discover their own talent,
because adolescence is the right age to start a career in their chosen field.

Adolescence is the best time of our lives. Of course everyone has a good time, but adolescence is something
special. Perhaps for this reason the faster it goes. During this period we find that we can do anything, there is no
limit as possible. As a teenager fall in love the first time in our teenage life seems easier and more
interesting. Teenagers feel free.There were so many responsibilities. Adolescence is the period of love,
entertainment, and a decisive period in which to form our lives. Of what we do and what we choose to adolescence,
our life depends subsequent periods of life. Perhaps adolescence is the period and suffering, because then we can
be most easily injured, a period of strong emotions. But these less pleasant emotions, are, however, a beautiful
memory over some time.

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