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5 elemente Feng Shui.

Ciclurile Productive Si Distructive

Ciclul elementelor: Conform Feng Shui, exista 5 elemente in natura. Acestea sunt lemn, foc, pamant, metal si apa.

Primul element este lemnul semnificand inceputul unei noi vieti. Prin lemn, in Feng Shui, nu ne referim la piesele de
mobilier, ci intotdeanuna a se intelege plante vii si plante in ghiveci.

Al doilea element este focul si semnifica energia yang/masculina.

Al treilea element este pamant. Prin pamant nu ne referim doar la sol, ci si la pietre, roci, stanci etc.

Al patrulea element este metalul care poate fi gasit sub mai multe forme, precum aur, argint, cupru, otel etc.

Apa este al cincilea element in Feng Shui. Fara apa nu exista viata. In Feng Shui apa trebuie sa fie practice
intotdeanuna cristalina si curgatoare.

Aceste elemente relationeaza in 2 moduri, ceea ce inseamna ca exista 2 tipuri de cilcuri ale acestor elemente. Ciclul
productivitatii si ciclul distructiv.

Ciclul celor 5 elemente (productiv si distructiv )

Ciclul productive al elementelor: elemental lemn produce elemental foc, ceea ce inseamna ca poti produce foc arzand
lemn. In schimb focul produce paman, deoarece focul arde si creaza scrum (pamant). Pamantul produce metal,
deoarece metalul este minat din pamnat. Metalul produce apa; se spune acest lucru deoarece metalul poate fi topit si
ajunge in stare lichida precum apa. Apa produce lemn, doar prin apa putem creste plantele.

Ciclul distructiv al elementelor: In ciclul dictructiv se poate vedea cu usurinta ca lemnul distruge pamantul, copacii
cresc in pamant si absorb toate minerale din acesta lasand-ul neroditor/arid. Focul distruge metalul din moment ce
metalul este topit prin foc. Elementul pamant distruge elemental apa deoarece pamantul ( noroiul) absoarbe toata apa
cand ploua. Metalul distruge lemnul deoarece toate obiectele taioase care taie lemnul precum toporul, ferestraul etc.
sunt facute din metal. Elementul apa distruge elemental foc din moment ce aa poate stinge orice.

Unui incepator ii va lua ceva timp pentru a intelege ciclul elementelor, dar odata intelese corespunzator, ii va fi usor sa
le foloseasca pentru amenajarea locuintei. Prin pozitionarea corespunzatoare a mobilierului, obiectelor de metal,
bolurilor cu apa, acvariilor, peretilor din casa si de la birou ne putem asigura ca locatia este plina de energii pozitive
prin asigurarea ciclului productive al elementelor astfel fiind redusa influenta energiilor negative. Aceasta va aduce
armonie, pace, prosperitate si success in viata noastra.


Descriere culoare, forma, pozitionare geografica, simbol

Apa este considerate a fi elemental initial, dand nastere la toate celelalte elemente si simbolizeaza
bogatia, averea, prosperitatea. Apa efecte de limpezire si. Echilibrul apei induce inspiratie,
intelepciune si iscusinta. Excesul de apa conduce la moliciune (lipsa de vlaga) si deznadejde. Prea
multa apa da senzatia de dezechilibru, sentimentul de scufundare/innec, panica. Lipsa apei da
sentimental de singuratate, stres, izolare, nesemnificativ.

Feng shui descrierea elementului apa

Culoare Tonuri de albastru, negru, negru intens

Acvariu, imagini, tablouri cu pesti sau apa, obiecte cu forma rotunjita

Forma sau suprafata

Pozitionare geografica Nord

Denumire chinezeasca Shui

Simbolul uman al apei Un om in varsta

Simbolul apei Broasca testoasa

Simbolul geometric al apei Linie curba

Obiecte apa Acvariu, fantana, poza cu imagini cu pesti

Raportul Ying / Yang al apei Mai mult Ying

Asocieri productive Apa Metal

Asocieri distructive Apa - Pamant


Descriere culoare, forma, pozitionare geografica, simbol

Lemnul simbolizeaza crestere, creativitate, aduce noroc la bani. Acest element amplifica
creativitatea, reprezinta innovatie, nastere. In exces lemnul conduce la supraestimarea
potentialului, stari de nervozitate, cruzime, incapatanare si inflexibilitate. In acelasi timp lipsa
lemnului se reflecta prin absenta creativitatii, depresie, indecizie si oboseala.

Feng shui descrierea elementului lemn

Culoare Verde

form dreptunghiular , articole de paie , hrtie i textile, poze cu

Forma sau suprafata
lemne, poze verzi

Pozitionare geografica Est, Sud-Est

Denumire chinezeasca Mu

Simbolul uman al lemnului Nastere

Simbolul lemnului Dragon

Simbolul geometric al lemnului Dreptunghi

Obiecte lemn Flori vii, pomi, obiecte din lemn, mobila

Raportul Ying / Yang al lemnului Mai putin Yang

Asocieri productive Lemn Apa

Asocieri distructive Lemn - Metal


Descriere culoare, forma, pozitionare geografica, simbol

Focul este un element foarte rezistent si puterni, simbolizeaza energia vitala si inteligenta. Focul
simbolizeaza si aduce activitate, entuziasm si energie, creste vitalitatea si abilitatile de lider.
Foloseste acest element pentru a te simti puternic si curajos. Este un element cald si trebuie utilizat
cu masura din moment ce prea mult foc poate distruge tot in jurul sau. Excesul de foc induce
iritabilitate si temperament coleric, furie si agresivitate si comportament impulsiv. Lipsa
elementului foc conduce la o persoana rece emotional, inexpresivitate, lipsa respectului de sine, o
figura stersa.

Feng shui descrierea elementului foc

Culoare Rosu, roz si violet

Subiecte cu forma neregulata si forme in 3 colturi, poze cu rasaritul de

Forma sau suprafata
soare sau pasari zburand, raze de soare, soare arzator

Pozitionare geografica Sud

Denumire chinezeasca Huo

Simbolul uman al focului Varsa pubertatii

Simbolul focului Pasarea Phoenix

Simbolul geometric al focului Triunghi

Lumanari, corpuri de iluminat, tamaie, articole de imbracaminte,

Obiecte foc
pene, obiecte electrice

Raportul Ying / Yang al focului Mai mult Yang

Asocieri productive Foc Lemn

Asocieri distructive Foc - Apa


Descriere culoare, forma, pozitionare geografica, simbol

Pamantul este un element foarte tare si puternic, simbolizeaza energia vitala si inteligenta.
Elementul pamant simbolizeaza stabilitate, incredere in sine si incredere. Acest element Feng Shui
simbolizeaza stabilitate, rabdare si onestitate. Este folosit pentru cresterea puterii vointei si
fericirea familiala. Elementul pamant influenteaza un psihic puternic si ordonat, genereaza
sentimente materialiste, stabilitate. Excesul acestui element The excess of this element induce
plictiseala si gelozia, trandavia, lenea si tendinta spre pompos. Lipsa acestui element induce
sentimental de spontaneitate, haotic si .

Feng shui descrierea elemntului pamant

Culoare Galben, tonuri pamantii

Forma sau suprafata Pietre, forme patrate, poze cu nisip, munti

Pozitionare geografica Sud-Vest, Nord-Est

Denumire chinezeasca Tu

Simbolul uman al pamantului Tinerete

Simbolul pamantului Imparat

Simbolul geometric al pamantului Patrat

Obiecte foc Ceramic, portelan, vase de crista, glob

Raportul Ying / Yang al pamantului Echilibru

Asocieri productive Pamant Foc

Asocieri distructive Pamant - Lemn


Descriere culoare, forma, pozitionare geografica, simbol

Metalul este un element foarte tare si puternic, simbolizeaza energia vitala si inteligenta. Metalul
simbolizeaza puterea cerurilor, success si afaceri. Reprezinta success in afaceri si recolte,
reprezinta starea noastra materiala, aduce putere, creste abilitatile de analiza. Metalul influenteaza
claritatea si logica mentala. In plus metalul este simbolul bogatiei, succesului, conducatorilor. Lipsa
metalului conduce la sentimental de precautie, liniste, tacere si lipsa concentrarii. Excesul acestui
element duce la luarea deciziilor rapide si nesabuite.

Feng shui descrierea elementului metal

Culoare Alb, argintiu, auriu

Forma sau suprafata Cercuri, ovale, semiluna

Pozitionare geografica Vest, Nord-Vest

Denumire chinezeasca Jin

Simbolul uman al metalului Adult

Simbolul metalului Tigru

Simbolul geometric al metalului Cerc

Clopotei, monede, diferite obiecte din metal (otel, fier, aluminiu,

Obiecte foc
aur, arging), poze cu monede

Raportul Ying / Yang al metalului Mai putin Ying

Asocieri productive Metal Pamant

Asocieri distructive Metal - Foc

Dcor pentru a reprezenta elementul PAMANT

Viata si lucrurile vietii sunt cel mai bun mod de a introduce elementul pamant in casa ta, cu zeci de posibiltati de a
aduce decorul viu ca o parte a stilului tau de decor. Decorul viu care reprezinta elementul pamant in casa este
important, dar nu este necesar daca ai plante vii (care cresc)in fiecare camera. Urmeaza aceste sfaturi feng shui simple
si moderne pentru a aduce un plus de viata si dezvoltare/progress in stilul de decorare al casei tale:

Plantele de apartament par a fi traditionale si plictisitoare, dar nu exista nicio regula nescrisa care sa te limiteze la
ferigi, muscatel, violete si alte specii traditionale. Reprezinta elementul pamant intr-un mod classic cu imbinari modern
alegand lucruri vii care vorbesc despre propriul dvs stil. Mergi la pepiniera locala sic ere sfaturi despre plantele cresc
fara a necesita prea multa grija, concentreaza-te pe acelea care necesita umbra pentru rezultate maxime. Vei fi
surprins de cate plante poti creste fara a fi udate prea mult si fara un effort prea mare din partea ta.

O gradina interna poate fi functional si in plus eleganta. Aceasta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa sapi o parte din interiorul
casei sa cresti fructe si legume, ceea ce ar fi neatractiv chiar de ar fi functional. In schimb ai putea planta ierburi
aromate si medicinal, plante ce ofera mult mai mult decat o valoare estetica incaperii, cum ar fi cimbru, busuioc,
menta, aloe si alte plante similar care au mai multe intrebuintari zilnice.

Nu neglija baia cand adaugi element vii decorului casei tale. Este aproape obisnuinta sa vezi case care au bai aproape
sterilizate, si care pot lasa sentimental de rece si fara viata. O planta infloritoare asezata intr-o pozitie strategic poate
atrage atentia asupra frumusetii si elegantei florii si indeparteaza raceala incaperii. Vorbeste cu un florar sau botanist
profesionist despre ce tip de plante sunt potrivite pentru un spatiu cu umiditate ridicata.

Nu este ceva neobisnuit sa intalnesti proprietary de case care nu au nici cea mai mica ide despre ce plante sunt
potrivite pentru ce spatii. Exceptie doar daca te numeri printer cei care inteleg care este diferenta dintre spatiu
puternic insorit si partial umbrit, te poti simti coplesit usor de numarul impresionant de plante oferite de pepiniera.
Este important sa reprezinti elementele de viata si pamant in casa ta, dar daca nu aduci plantele potrivite in locul
potrivit iti pierzi timpul, banii si energia. Intreaba un profesionist despre plante si flori pentru fiecare spatiu,
concentrandu-te pe acele camera cu traffic intens.

Plantele nu trebuie sa fie tinute pe pervaz sau in alte locatii similare din casa. Majoritatea caselor modern au privelisti
frumoase la exterior, dar cu siguranta ca exista mai multe modalitati de aranjare a lucrurilor vii in casa. Foloseste
optiunile pentru stilul si decorul tau pentru a inspira obiectele vii perfecte in firecare camara, acordand atentie
speciala alternativei pervazelor pentru plante. De exemplu le poti etala pe raftul de carti, masa, polita, cada de baie
sau alte locatii similar.

Utilizand elementul PAMANT in sufragerie

Dintre cele 5 elemente care fac parte din doctrina feng shui, pamantul este cel mai des si usor de utilizat in sufragerie.
Acest lucru este realizabil deoarece obiecte precum piatra, muntii si/sau nisipul simbolizeaza pamantul si poti allege
dintr-o paleta foarte larga de obiecte reprezentarea elementului pamant la S-V/N-. Iata cateva exemple de cum poti
reprezenta elementul pamant cu obiecte pe care dj le ai.

Pietre si nisip

Nisipul poate fi reprezentat in picture sau fotografii, accente ceramic, fantani de interior sau peisaje marine. Cea mai
buna pereche a pamantului este focul, in consecinta orice utilizeaza ambele elemente va furniza un flux de energie chi
pozitiva. Un exemplu ar fi pozele cu plaje, nisipul fiind in prim plan si soarele in plan secundar.

Exista mai multe modalitati pentru a utilize pietrele, dar cel mai utilizat este probabil pentru bordurile meselor si
lucrari de arta. Piatra poate fi oarecum scumpa, dar poti face piese cu adevarat interesante utilizand pietre de rau, pe
care le poti colecta chiar tu. Pot fi folosite pentru a face rame de poze creative sau ca margine/terminatie pentru un
perete sau sfesnic.


Dupa cum iti poti imagina, muntii sunt cel mai simplu de expu, prin postere care reprezinta muntii. Poti descarca de pe
Internet postere cu locatii frumoase din lumea intreaga. Muntii sunt elemente pamant cele mai populare din moment
ce sunt atat de frumosi si sunt puncte focale excelente in sufragerie.

Daca ai o poza cu muntii, pur si simplu o poti mari si expune pe perete in sufragerie. Formede patrate sunt de
asemenea simbolurile elementului pamant, iar o poza patrata cu rama de metal ar fi atragatoare si ar maximize
energia chi. Combinand mai multe forme ale elementului pamant, cresti energia pozitiva chi in sufragerie.

Ceramica si Portelan

Ceramica si portelanul sunt derivate lae pamantului si pot fi regasite in vaze, sfesnice, lucrari de arta ori alte articole
de ceramica. Bibelourile de portelan sunt foarte populare in randul femeilor tinere, si majoritatea femeilor adulte au
cel putin o papusa de portelan in sufragerie..

Globurile sunt o reprezentare excelenta a elementului pamant din moment ce ele sunt o reprezentare in sine a
pamantului. Globurile din piatra, ceramica, cristal sau din portelan sunt cele mai bune, dar fiti atenti ca une din ele pot
fi foarte grele si trebuie avut grija unde sunt amplasate pentru a putea fi sustinute in mod corespunzator. In plus,
deoarece ele ar putea cade, tineti-le departe de copii.


In aceasta sectiune veti gasi informatii despre feng shui pentru baie: regulile feng shui pentru
baie, culori feng shui pentru baie, secrete pentru scurgeri si conducte, oglinzile din baie,
postere si tablouri in baie, corpuri de iluminat feng shui in baie, simboluri feng shui in baie si
altesfaturi feng shui pentru baie.

Baia este o incapere careia oamenii nu-I dau atentie cand vine vorba de feng shui, cand de fapt este un loc foarte
important si care are o mare influenta pentru celelalte camere si armonia casei. Baia este in starnsa legatura cu
prosperitatea si energia.

Aici sunt cateva sfaturi pentru a preveni scurgerea energiei si prosperitatii din casa:

- bail ear trebui sa fie ascunse pe cat posibil. Acopera integral usa baii pe exterior cu o oglinda, satfel incat sa dea
impresia ca baia nu este acolo.

- usa de la baie trebuie sa fie inchisa, iar capacul de la WC lasat in jos, pentru a minimaliza pierderea energiei.

- leaga o panglica sau banda rosie pe tevi. Acest lucru ajuta la pastrarea energie.

- totul trebuie asezat in ordine si curatenie pentru un feng shui bun. Obiectele murdare sau sparte vor accentua
energia negativa

- este foarte important ca baia sa nu fie locata mai sus de usa principal a casei

-este la fel de important ca toaleta si cada sa fie amplasate la o oarecare distant intre ele pentru a lasa energia sa

Exista cateva sfaturi feng shui referitor la culori. Acestea sunt foarte importante deoarece de ele depend toate
energiile, norocul si prosperitatea.

Accesorii pentru dcor feng shui in baie

Baia este o camera importanta in casa pentru cei care utilizeaza abordarea feng shui pentru a crea energie pozitiva
pentru o viata fericita. Baia este trecuta cu vederea de o multime de oameni, majoritatea sunt cei care se concentreza
mai mult pe camerele ci traffic mare cum ar fi sufrageria sau bucataria. In tim ce aceste camera sunt considerate
importante, baia necesita si ea o atentie deosebita, petrecand aici ceva timp zilnic. Accesoriile de baie perfecte pentru
decorul feng shui sunt simplu de adaugat si in cele mai multe cazuri sunt ieftine, iar rezultatul este un corp sanatos,
curat in interior si exterior, ceea ce va aduce beneficii si in alte activitati.

Trecand peste energiile negative

Baia are o semnificatie importanta pentru a depasi energia negativa, mai ales ca toate tevile care traverseaza aceasta
camera semnifica energia pozitiva care iese din baie zilnic. Nu exista un amplasamnet perfect pentru baie intr-o casa;
ca sa spun asa, nu exista o harta feng shui speciala care sa ofere un bun echilibru pentru baie. In schimb atentia poate
fi mutata pe accesoriile din baie pentru a echilibra energiile negative indifferent unde este amplasata baia in casa.

Oglinzile sunt ideale. Reflecta energiile negative innapoi in camera pentru a nu le lasa sa se scurga in alte parti din
casa, dar asigurate ca montezi o oglinda pe usa de la baie in exterior astfel incat energia pozitiva sa ramana in casa.
Majoritatea expertilor recomanda sa aduci un plus de energie pozitiva prin alte metode, dar reflecta cat de multa
energie pozitiva poti in casa, in camerele cu trafic intens.

Ceramica absoarbe energia negativa. Simbolurile elementului pamant sunt accesorii perfecte pentru baie, cum ar fi o
chiuveta ceramic sau statuete pe care s ale asezi in colturile camerei. Obiecte precum vazele sunt alternative
traditionale fiind frumoase si practice in acelasi timp. Nu trebuie sa fie vaze si statuette foarte scumpe, dar trebuie sa
simbolizeze curatenie si energie pozitiva pentru ca impactul obiectelor sa fie maxim.

Parfumul este perfect pentru a redirectiona energia. Oamenii acorda o mare importanta asupra mirosului dintr-o
incapere, iar baia nu este un loc renumit pentru parfumul placut. Asigurate ca macar unul din accesoriile amplasate in
baie ofera o aroma placuta pentru a imbunatati energia chi a baii, precum lumanarile parfumate sau amestecuri de
plante aromate puse intr-un bol de cristal in spatele toaletei.Acest lucru ii va determina pe oameni sa-si schimbe
impresia despre mirosurile din baie.

Puneti muzica in surdina. Muncim mult pentru a mentine curatenia in baie si acest lucru este corect pentru sanatatea
noastra din moment ce in baie putem gasii germenii pentru mai multe bacteria. Muzica lenta si in surdina te poate
face sa simti baia curate si primitoare; poti pune pe un raft un CD-player cu muzica de relaxare sau un radio rezistent la
apa in cabina de dus.

Culori Feng Shui perfecte pentru baie

Majoritatea proprietarilor se gandesc foarte putin la baia din casele lor. Le considered oar niste camera in care trebuie
facuta curatenie cu un pic mai multa grija decat in alte camera, dar nu se gandesc la mai mult de atat. In conformitate
cu principiile feng shui, ad literam, baia poate fi considerate ca o scurgere a ambelor energii, pozitiva si negative, si a
resurselor financiare. Aici oamenii ar trebui sa acorde mai multa atentie cand vine vorba d ebaia lor si sa caute
modalitati de a amenaja cat mai ingrijit si elegant spatial di camera de baie. Culoarea este unul din cele mai simple
moduri de a tranforma baia, iar culorile descries mai jos sunt perfecte pentru a obtine imaginea si sentimental de bine
dorit. Pot fi utilizate asa si/sau in combinatii.

Gri deschis
Griul deschis este linistitor, calmeaza si este perfect pentru decorarea baii. In loc sa te gandesti la un gri rece, metallic,
mai bine ai allege un gri culoarea porumbelului pentru peretii din baie. Aceasta culoare va ajuta la echilibrarea energiei
si a unui sentiment de calm. Vopseste peretii cu gri deschis, acorda o atentie deosebita la margini si finisaje pentru a te
asigura ca liniile sunt perfect drepte si nu sunt pete de vopsea. Cu cat este mai curate si mai bine intinsa vopseaua, cu
atat mai mult baia va conferi sentimental de relaxare. De asemenea poti pune niste prosoape gri in baie. Niste
prosoape gri mari si pufoase iti pot calma simturile cand le privesti, precum sic and le vei folosi. Griul este o culoare
universal, fiind perfecta atat pentru o baia de barbate, cat si pentru cea de femei.

Bleu pal
Cand te gandesti la bleu pal, iti imaginezi oceanul si calmul pe care acesta ti-l inspira. Bleul pal perfect pentru bai este
acela care iti ofera senzatia de calm si pace. Pentru unii bleul poate insemna tonuri mai reci, iar pentru altii tonuri mai
calde. Puneti perdeaua de la cada, prosoapele si alte material textile, jaluzelele pentru fereastra in aceeasi nuata de
bleu pentru a crea un refugiu linistit in mijlocul unei zile agitae.

Sunt nenumarate nuante de crem pe care le poti allege pentru baia ta. Alegerea nuantei perfecte pentru baia ta este o
adevarata provocare. Opteaza pentru o nuanta de crem calda si primitoare. Evita nuantele care arata mohorat si
innegrite, altfel baia ta va fi neprimitoare. Daca nu esti sigur care din nuante este mai primitoare, intreaba vanzatorul
si consulte-te cu el ce nunanta iti recomanda. De obicei persoanele cu un ochi format in picture/vopsea vor tinde spre
culorile calde, linistitoare. Peretii vopsiti in crem pot fi accentuate prin niste accesorii crem, bleu sau gri deschis.

Toate cele trei culori, in combinative, sunt perfecte pentru o baie feng shui.

Nu te grabi in amenajarea baii si astfel sa risti sa blochezi energia si resursele financiare. Mai bine acorda timp pentru
amenajarea spatiului in mod corespunzator si asigura-te ca alegi culorile feng shui. Vei fi uimit d ecat de repede
energia ta creste si probabil si resursele financiare.

Utilizarea dispozitivelor de prindere in baia feng shui

Feng shui este o doctrina straveche care iti arata cum sa echilibrezi energiile create intr-o incapere. Feng shui te ajuta
sa creezi o atmosfera care ajuta sanatatii familiei tale si de asemenea contribuie la statutul financiar al familiei. Feng
shui utilizeaza conceptual Tao care spune ca natura este vie si are o energie proprie care contribuie si influenteaza
atmosfera din toata camera. Exista cinci elemente care contribuie la energia din camera lemn, foc, pamant, metal,
apa. Culorile verde si maro simbolizeaza lemnul; orange sir oz simbolizeaza focul; galben deschis si coaja de copac
simbolizeaza pamantul; metalul este reprezentat de alb si gri; iar apa este reprezentata evidend bleu si foarte rar
negru. Culoarea nu este suficienta ea in sine, trebuie utilizate dispozitivelor de prindere pentru baia feng shui.

Metalul in Feng Shui

Metalul si apa nu trebuie utilizate impreuna in feng shui. Singura camera unde aceasta regula poate fi ignorata este
baia. Deoarece baia este camera cu traffic destul de intens din casa, este foarte important ca cele cinci elemente sa fie
reprezentate in mod corespunzator. Cel mai usor mod de a evidential elementul metal in baia feng shui este de a
utiliza chiuveta, scurgeri metalice si elemente metalice de prindere a dususlui. In Feng shui se spune ca o camera ar
trebui sa trebui fie cat mai putin posibil dezordonata pentru a permite energiei positive sa circule in casa.

Ce fel de dispositive de prindere ar trebui alese?

Prinderile pentru chiuveta si cada vin intr-o varietate de forme, marimi si finizaje. Dispozitivele de prindere cu design
classic si traditional sunt ideale pentru baile oaspetilor sau ale copiilor. Oricum, pentru baia mare, poate fi utilizat un
stil modern. O stfel de prindere pentru chiuveta pentru baia mare imita bambusul taiat cu finisaj de nichel. Bambusul
este considerat a fi aducator de noroc in feng shui si ne invata ca trebuie sa fim flexibili si sa-i permita spiritului sa
zboare liber. Utilizand astfel bambusul nu numai ca se aduce elementul metal in baie, dar si aduce enrgie pozitiva.

Sfaturi pentru o baie Feng Shui buna

Este foarte usor sa pierzi energie prin baie; de aceea trebuie avut grija sa prevenim acest lucru pe cat de mult posibil.
Una din solutii ar fi sa legi o planglica rosie de tevile pentru scurgerea apei prevenind astfel scurgerea energiei odata
cu scurgerea apei. Baia ar trebui sa fie mentinuta curate, iar obiectele sanitare sparte, ciobite ar trebui aruncate sau
reparate. Nu puneti comoda chiar langa cada sau dus deoarece impiedica circulatia energiei in camera. Prosoapele ar
trebui s afie de calitate, curate si mentinute ca noi pentru a arata prosperitate. Puneti plante bambus in vase de sticla

si de ele legati o panglica rosie. Bambusul poate avea trei tulpini pentru fericire, cinci tulpini pentru sanatate, doua
pentru dragoste, opt pentru bogatie si noua tulpini pentru noroc.

Cafeniu pentru baia Feng Shui

Feng shui provine din China si sustine idea ca totul lucreaza impreunapentru a crea un camp energetic care
controleaza starea ta emotional, fizica si financiara. Feng shui lucreaza pentru o stare psihica pozitiva, pentru a
alimenta canduri si activitati pozitive. Culorile pe care le alegi in casa fac diferenta mediului inconjurator din casa ta, de
aceea trebuie sa inveti sa alegi cea mai buna variant pentru a obitne un effect pozitiv maxim. De exemplu cafeniu este
o provocare pentru baia feng shui.

Feng Shui in baie

Baia ar trebui sa fie un spatiu pentru relaxare si pentru curatarea mintii si a corpului, de aceea nu trebuie sa fie
aglomerata pentru ca mintea ta sa fie eliberata de energiile negative iar aura sa fie reimprospatata. Baia ar trebui sa
aiba lumina naturala suficienta si bine aerisita. Un difuzor de estente aromate, bine plasat, va ridica vibratia camerei si
iti va relaxa corpul si mintea. Utilizeaza plante vii, nu cele din plastic, deoarece acestea purifica aerul. De asemenea
plantele vii ajuta la energizarea aerului. Daca doresti sa utilizezi decoruri pe pereti , poti opta pentru copaci, rauri,
valurile marii deoarece acestea simbolizeaza renasterea, reinnoirea.

Simbolistica cafeniului in Feng Shui

In feng shui cafeniul confera sentimental de impamantare si statornicie, semnificand fiabilitate si confort si
simbolizand intelepciune,pace si siguranta. Cafeniul este deseori asociat cu un corp puternic, dar nu ofera activitate
cerebral si de aceea este relaxant. Oarecum in trecut, cafeniul era culoarea melancoliei si are semnificatie senzuala.
Deoarece cafeniul este o culoare de pamant, deseori este considerate maternal. In feng shui, elementul lemn
stimuleaza cresterea si permite intrarea intr-o stare de spirit creativa. Lemnul este bine de folosit in spatiile de creatie,
pentru flexibilitate sau a obtine intelepciune sau dezvoltare.

Utilizand cafeniu in baie

In timp ce culori precum albastru, verde si alb sunt bune pentru baia feng shui, cafeniul poate fi utilizat cu moderatie
pentru podele, decoratiuni sau pentru covorasele de baie. Albastru semnifica apa care curate corpul, verde reprezinta
inceputul unei noi zile, iar albul curatenia. Cafeniul poate fi evidentiat prin ramele oglinzilor din lemn sau bambus, prin
podele din lemn natur sau imitatie sau adaugand mici plante naturale.

Cafeniul mai poate fi evidentiat in baie prin diferite lucrari de arta. Pozele in care apar copaci sunt cea mai buna
modalitate prin care poti evidential cafeniul, copacii in sine reprezentant reinnoirea mintii si a corpului. Cea mai buna
modalitate de a crea feng shui in baie este de vopsi peretii in alb sau bleu pal pentru a reprezenta apa si curatenia,
incorporeaza verde cu ajutorul pantelor natural pentru a aduce noutatea in viata ta si cafeniu pentru podele pentru

De ce este important feng shui-ul in baie

Oamenii au tendinta de a percepe baia ca pe cea mai neimportanta camera din casa, redirectionand toata energia
pozitiva creatore in camera mai comune, cum ar fi sufrageria sau dormitorul. Oricum ar fi baia are un mare impact

asupra mediului inconjurator al casei, din moment ce afecteaza sanatatea si curatenia tuturor in foarte multe
modalitati. Pentru a cunoaste mai bine importanta feng shui-ului in baie, haideti sa aruncam o privire asupra
diferitelor madalitati prin care se realizeaza curatenia si sanatate, si cum aceste realizari afecteaza echilibrul.

Cea mai evident modalitate este faptul ca faci dus in baie, ceea ce insemna ca tu si familia ta abordati ad
literam aceasta chestiune majora a curateniei in baie.

Daca iei in considerare decorul din baia de oaspeti sau baia mare, cada este punctul de atractie din acest spatiu.
Asigurate ca instalatiile merg corespunzator, utilizeaza eneria eficient si materiale eco ori de cate ori este posibil. Acest
lucru sporeste echilibrul energetic din camera.

Zona baii este importanta si pentru alte forme de curatenie, care sunt vitale sanatatii noastre.

Desi despre aceste lucruri nu vorbim deseori in societate, toaleta este zona baii folosita cel mai des, ea ajutandu-ne sa
ne pastram organismul sanatos. Poti mari energia pozitiva din baie lasand inchis capacul wc-ului dupa utilizarea
acestuia si/sau punand o piatra decorativa deasupra capacului de la vasul de wc. Piatra va pastra energia pozitiva,
impiedincand astfel scurgerea energiei prin tevi si scurgeri.

Nu uita sa tii usa de la baie inchisa pentru a pastra energia pozitiva si a o elimina pe cea negativa.

Majoritatea oamenilor considera deranjant mirosul din baie, indiferent cat de curat este in baie sau cat de mult ne
straduim sa imbunatatim mirosul cu lumanari sau alte arome. Nu numai ca rezolvam aceasta problema a mirosului
tinand usa inchisa, dar astfel nu lasam energia negativa sa iasa din baie sis a intre in restul casei. Baia este sursa cea
mai mare de energie negativa, asadar mentine balanta energetic tinand usa de la baie inchisa.

Tine minte ca baia ar trebui sa fie un spatiu ascuns in casa.

Asa cum nu faci dus sau baie cu usa deschisa, tine ascunsa viata ta private de ochii vizitatorilor, membrii familiei si
prieteni. Acesta este un motiv in plus sat ii usa de la bai tot timpul inchisa. De asemenea protejeaza copii si animalele
din casa de accidente, baia fiind un loc neprotejat pentru ei, acesta fiind un motiv in plus pentru care feng shui este
important in baie. Stilul feng shui imbunatateste totul in casa, maximizand potentialul casei tale in multe feluri. Baia
este inca o camera din casa care are nevoie de o atingere asa de importanta pentru a devein sigura, primitoare, un loc
linistit pentru partile vitale care fac parte din viata familiei tale.

Decoratiuni metalice in baie

In Feng Shui exista credinta ca metalul si apa nu pot fi combinate si este adevarat in multe cazuri in interiorul casei.
Oricum majoritatea dintre noi suntem constienti ca exista ma multe posibilitati de decorare cu metal in baie, de la
utilizarea zilnica a metalului pana la metode unice de adaugare a acestui element esential in baie. Din moment ce baia
si bucataria sunt 2 din camerele cu cel mai intens traffic din casa, este foarte important de reprezentat fiecare elemnt
feng shui in mod sufficient si adecvat, astfel incat sa nu lipseasca sub niciun aspect din munca si viata ta personala.

Instalatiile din baie

Instalatiile din baie sunt cele mai commune reprezentari ale metalului in baie si bucatarie. Instalatiile sau obiectele de
prindere din metal este cea mai buna metoda de reprezentare a metalului in baia principal sau bai oaspetilor, iar
aceasta metoda simpla este ideala de utilizat in decorarea baii feng shui atunci cand nu se doreste aglomerarea baii.

Deoarece baia are deseori cel emai putine accesorii, acesta este un exemplu de reprezentare a unui element essential
fara a supraaglomera camera.

Instalatiile metalice din baie pot fi facute din diferite tipuri de metal, dar le poti gasi in mii de forme, marimi si diferite
decoratiuni. Poti allege de la instalatii metalice clasice cu un aspect traditional pana modele unicat sau special create
pentru baile copiilor sau aspect modern. Odata ce metalul este reprezentat adecvat poti trece la reprezentarea altui
element sis a te concentrezi pe alte aspect ale stilului de decorare feng shui. Deoarece instalatiile de baie in medie
sunt facute din , acoperite cu , sau cptuite cu un fel de metal, nu ia mult pentru a reprezenta frumos metalul , chiar
daca nu se poat vedea acest lucru imediat.

Accesorii din metal

Pe langa instalatiile de baie, mai sunt si alte moduri de reprezentare a metalului in baie. De exemplu poti pune o
farfurie de metal in care sa expui lumanari parfumate langa cada de baie arata frumos si modern, iar parfumul confera
o ambianta perfecta pentru relaxare dupa o zi de munca. Un co de rufe din rchit cu accente de metal la partea de
sus i de jos are un aspect classic, dar partile de metal aduc elementul essential pentru a-I conferii acestui cos o
imagine mai degraba contemporana decat doar functionala.

Sunt inca multe alte accesorii metalice ideale pentru baie, de la suportii de periu de dini cromati sau rafturi pentru
prosoape de nichel periat pana la farfurioare din oel pentru spun. Toate accesoriile de baie pe care majoritatea
oamenilor le aleg se gasesc intr-o variestate de metale si forme, depinde numai de cine le produce si de cat esti dispus
sa cheltui pentru ele. Crom, otel, nichel, etc.

Elementul foc in baie

Desi ne concentram pea pa in baie, mai sunt inca alte patru elemente care ar trbui reprezentate adecvat pentru a
maximiza energia chi intr-un mod pozitiv. Utilizand elementul foc in baie arata ca o provocare, deoarece baia este o
camera bazata pe apa, dar exista multe intelesuri cand vorbim de adaugarea elementului foc. Iata cateva exemple.

Poze si obiecte de arta

Poti gasi multe forme ale obiectelor de arta sis a fie potrivite pentru acest scop, de la draperii cu soare arzator, pana la
poze cu rasarit sau apus de soare. Multi oameni aleg soarele ca un motiv de dcor al baii. Gaseste o scena Frumoasa cu
un rasarit de soare, sau decoratiuni din fier forjat in forma de soare pentru agatat pe pereti, reprezentand astfel focul
in baie. Fii sigur ca il amplasezi in sud si astfel ti-ai indeplinit misiunea fara complicatii.

Razele de soare pot fi de asemenea o alternative de reprezentare a focului in baie, o imagine cu un cer plin de nori,
prin care strapung razele de soare. Exista mai multe forme ale obiectelor de arta care intruchipeaza soarele, de la
formele solare aztece pana la temele de baza ale rasaritului sau apusului de soare. Este o chestiune de imaginatie si de
urmarire a elementelor cheie, cum ar fi soarele, focul, flacari si asa mai departe.

Mai multe metode

Este evident ca exista mai multe metode de reprezentare a focului in baie fara a privi mai departe de sectorul
decoratinilor interioare. Multi oameni aleg sa foloseasca lumanarile sau betisoarele parfumate pentru a reprezenta
focul, atata timp cat nu sunt la indemana copiilor sau animalelor de companie. O lumanare aprinsa este cea mai

evident reprezentare a focului in forma lui reala A lighted candle is the most obvious representation of fire in its truest
form, si tamaia de asemenea.

Desi nu ste prima forma la care sa te gandesti pentru a reprezenta focul, pasarea Phoenix este o metoda forte buna de
a-l simboliza, ea eprezentand moartea si renasterea din propria tarana. O pasare Phoenix viu colorata poate fi un
accesoriu foarte frumos in baie si poate fi un symbol foarte puternic al triumfului si demnitatii in camera. In traditia
feng shui, pasarea Phoenix este simbolul actual pentru elementul foc.

Considerente cheie

Aminteste-ti sa nu utilizezi combinatia foc apa in sud, aceasta poate fi destructiva. Deschide usile pentru energia
negative si poate distruge energia pe care te stradui sa o aduci. Alegand o scena cu plaja si apus de soare este un
exemplu bun de cum poti aduce focul si apa impreuna, si intotdeauna este bines a adaugi elementul foc si lemn atunci
cand este posibil. De aceeas tamaia aprinsa sau un soare din lemn cu flacari, este o varianta foarte buna si poate fi un
motiv serios pentru care pasarea Phoenix este reprezentarea traditionala a focului in locul soarelui.

Ce fel de tablouri trebuie folosite in baia feng shui

Q Ce fel de tablouri trebuie folosite in baia feng shui?

A Ar trebui sa fii foarte atent cu promotorii (enhancers) in baie, deoarece baia este conectata cu banii tai. Un tablou
cu apa pus pe un perete poate aduce un flux imediat de bani si acelasi tablou pus pe un alt perete poate aduce
pierderi de bani si mai putine achizitii.

Sfaturi feng shui in baie

Conform artei feng shui este necesar ca enrgia chi sa curga fara effort in baie, din moment ce aceasta reprezinta
prosperitate si ambundenta. Mizeria, dezordinea si obiectele stricate din baie vor micsora curgerea banilor. Iata cateva
sfaturi pentru baie:

1. Acopera tevile de scurgere de la chiuveta si cada.

2. Amplaseaza bambus in baie astfel incat sa se reflecte in oglinda. Bambusul infloreste in orice locatie si plantele care
cresc vertical reprezinta bani. La fel de bine, reflexia lui dubleaza puterea bambusului.
3 Tine usa de la baie inchisa.
4. Pune in baie prosoape de buna calitate pentru a arata ambundenta si bunastare.
5. Redu dezordinea la minimum.
6. Deschideti ferestrele daca aveti pentru ca energia chi sa circule si sa se improspateze.
7. Faceti curatenie numai cu produse natural pentru a mentine enrgia chi proaspata si vibranta.
8. Plantele si florile proaspete sunt foarte bune pentru a incarca si curate enrgia chi.


In urmatoarele pagini ale acestei sectiuni vei gasi informatii despre feng shui pentru dormitory:
culori feng shui pentru dormitor, feng shui decoratiuni pentru dormitor, aspect general feng shui
pentru dormitor, tablouri feng shui pentru dormitor, feng shui pentru dormitorul mare, mobile
pentru dormitor, dormitorul copiilor, idei feng shui pentru dormitor, reguli, fotografii, patul feng
shui, poze, tapet pentru dormitory.

Dormitorul este locatia finala pentru somn si reincarcarea chi-ului personal. Conform cu feng
shui, modul in care este pozitionata mobila in dormitor, precum si culorile in care sunt vopsiti peretii, accesoriile
folosite, pot spune despre modul in care doua personae se comporta intr-o relatie. Invers, reamenajarea mobilierului
in dormitory si jocul cu accesoriile si culorile, poate ajuta cuplul sa fie in legatura unul cu altul in moduri mult mai
iubitoare si care arata respect pentru ambii parteneri.

Toate sfaturile pentru cupluri se aplica si pentru persoanel esingure care sunt in cautarea perechii potrivite. Daca esti
singur si doresti sa-ti gasesti perechea, atunci decoreaza camera ca si cum ai avea un partener; pune 2 noptiere si 2
veioze de o parte si de alta a patului. Adauga accesoriile in pereche si ai grija ca totul sa fie simetric. Adauga elemente
care sugereaza dragostea, cum ar fi o fotografie pe noptiera, dar nu una cu familia, cid oar cu cei 2 parteneri implicate
in relatie, 2 lumanari si o planta cu Frunze rotunde (nu tepoase) si ai grija sa adaugi cateva accente de rosu sau roz de
jur imprejurul patului pentru a stimuli romantismul.

Din perspective yin-yang, dormitorul este mai mult yin, un mediu linistit si pasnic; unde simti nevoia sa fii protejat. In
acelasi timp ar trbui sa se asigure o buna circulatie a energiei chi prin curatenie si aer curat.

Iata aici cateva sfaturi pentru un dormitory Feng Shui.

* Ar fi ideal ca dormitorul sa fie cat mai departe de usa de la intrare.
* Chi curge intre usa si fereastra, asa ca evita ca patul tau sa fie pe linia usa-fereastra.
* Pozitioneaza patul astfel incat sa vezi usa din locul unde dormi. Acest lucru v ofer un profund sentiment de
securitate interioar.
* Pozitioneaza patul cat mai departe de usa.
* Evita sa dormi cu capul la fereastra, altfel energia chi se va iesi pe fereastra, iar tut e vei simti mult mai oboist cand te
vei trezi.
* Asigura-te ca tablia de la capul patului este rezistenta si stabile pentru a-ti proteja energia chi in timp ce dormi.
* Asigura-te ca marginile patului are finisajul rotunjit si nu in colturi pentru a preveni taierea chi-ului.
* Nu pune grinzi de-asupra patului. Acestea taie chi-ul. Daca ai grinzi, atunci: vopsestele; acoperale cu draperii; agata
fluiere de bambus de 2-3 inches sub grinda (fluierele sa fie agitate la 45 grade in unghi cu grinda cu gura in jos).
* Lumina sa nu fie puternica. Evita sa pui lustrele de-asupra patului.
* Culorile pastel sunt ideale pentru peretii dormitoarelor.
* Evita sa dormi astfel incat imaginea sa-ti fie reflectata in oglinda. Dintre toate variantele cea mai rea este oglinda, TV-
ul sau computer-ul la partea patului dinspre picioare.
* In locul pe care il privesti prima oara cand te trezesti dimineata pune ceva frumos care sa te inspire
* Fii atent la ce este sub pat si mentine acest spatiu curat.

Principii Feng Shui pentru peretii dormitorului

Feng shui nu este doar un principiu de decorare, el poate imbunatati starea ta de bine si de fericire. In dormitory, feng
shui iti poate imbunatatii si somnul. Sunt niste principii usor de urmat, dar cu siguranta vor imbunatatii in mod
simtitor starea ta generala. Unul din cele mai importante considerente este culoarea peretilor din dormitor. Daca alegi
o culoare gresita sau un dcor gresit pe perete poti fi sigur ca vei avea un somn neodihnitor si nu te vei relaxa in
dormitor. Urmeaza cele trei sfaturi de mai jos pentru a te ajuta sa creezi un stil feng shui in dormitory, axandu-te pe
peretii acestuia.

Culoarea este esentiala

Culoarea in dormitory este foarte importanta in feng shui. Culorile indraznete, care ies in evident este de preferat sa
fie utilizate in alte camera, dormitorul se presupune ca este destinat pentru odihna si relaxare. In acest caz culorile
pastel sunt ideala pentru feng shui. Nu numai ca acestea induce o stare de calm, dar sunt si perfecte pentru decorare.
Te vei relaxa instantaneu utilizand pentru pereti un roz pal, galben culoarea untului sau ivory. A fost studiat efectul pe
care-l produc culorile asupra psihicului si cu cat utilizezi o culoare mai pala, mai calda, cu atat vei fi mai calm si mai

Oglinda, oglinda de pe perete

Este OK daca ai o oglinda pe peretele din dormitory, dar ai grija sa nu fie pe peretele de vis--vis de pat. Daca vrei un
dormitory care sa reflecte principiile feng shui, uita de oglinzi la capatul patului sau de-asupra acestuia. Sa te trezesti in
miezul noptii si sa vezi reflexia unei personae, chiar si partial in oglinda, chiar daca reflexia este a ta, poate crea
discomfort. Mai bine axeazate pe oglinzi suspendateintr-un loc unde este o energie corespunzatoare cu principiile
feng shui. Pozitionarea acesteia depinde de pozitia usii si a ferestrei din dormitor. De fapt este cel mai bines a nu
amplasezi nicio oglinda in dormitor, acestea fiind mai potrivite in baie.

Fii inspirat
Feng shui este folosit pentru a-ti aduce inspiratie. De aceea, principiile feng shui spun ca este ideal ca o piese de arta
sau ceva care te inspira sa fie agatat in locul unde te uiti prima oara cand te trezesti. Poate fi o poza frumoasa sau o
imagine cu un loc de vacant preferat sau o piese de arta din metal care te face sa simti ca traiesti. Orice ai allege,
asigura-te ca se potriveste cu restul decorului si ca te inspira.

Principiile feng shui pot fi utilizate in orice camera din casa, dar dormitorul este important. Iti poti imbunatatii odihna
nocturna prin utilizarea tehnicilor si trucurilor de feng shui profesionale. O buna odihna nocturna te va inspira in
redecorarea restul de camera din casa.

Tablii de pat perfecte pentru un somn odihnitor

Cat de importanta este tablia patului? Conform expertilor feng shui, este importanta pentru un somn odihnitor. O
tablie solida, nu numai ca arata bine, dar iti si protejeaza energia chi sau circulatia energiei. Deci, cum poti sa-ti
transformi actual tablie de la pat int-una care sa tea jute sa-ti pastrezi energia chi intact si in acelasi timp sa arate
bine? Exista cateva modalitati, dar in final s-ar putea sa decizi sa cumperi una in loc sa o faci chiar tu. Foloseste
sfaturile de mai jos.

Reconditionarea tablie
Daca tablia ta a vazut si zile mai bune, ar f timpul sa o schimb. O tablie solida, care a fost mostenita din generatii in
generatii poate avea o valoare sentimentala mare, dar daca se decojeste sau are vopseaua sarita, este bines a o
reconditionezi. Pentru un feng shui adevarat, vopseste tablia intr-o culoare care se asorteaza cu pastelul peretilor.
Culoarea calda din camera, de l apereti pana la pat, va mentine energia in miscare si va face decoararea simpla.

Completarea tabliei
Daca aveti o tablie gen gratar sau care are bare metalice, o tablie care este opusa celei solide, poti opta poti opta
pentru mplerea acesteia pentru un stil mai apropiat de febg shui. Una din variante ar fi sa tai o bucata de furnir pe care
sa o montezi in fata acestei tablii. Trebuie sa fie aceeasi dimensiune cu tablia curenta sis a existe posibilitatea de a fi
montata pe aceasta. Urmatorul pas, acopera tablia cu vatelina. Intinde o stofa de calitate buna, de culoare
neutra/calda peste vatelina si prinde-o in capse in spatele furnirului. Ca si detalui decorative, poti finisa lateralele
tabliei cu un snur sau o panglica. Aceasta pur si simplu va bloca spatial deschis existent in tablia patului si in acelasi
timp va imbunatati aspectul patului.

E timpul pentru cumparaturi

Daca tablia patului tau pur si simplu nu poate fi reconditionata in stil feng shui, atunci cumpara una
noua. Achizitioneaza o tablie solida care sa arate elegant, cu design simplu si bine facuta. O tablie ieftina, fragile poate
poate sa-ti induca un somn agitat. Alege o tablie care sa-ti confere un sentiment de securitate si protective in timp ce
dormi. Banii pe care-i vei plati in plus vor merita cand vei descoperi ca somnul tau s-a imbunatatit considerabil.

S-ar putea sa-ti ia ceva timp sa faci sau sa achizitionezi o tablie buna pentru patul tau. Nu te grabi sa iei o decizie doar
pentru a avea o tablie solida; ia-ti timpul necesar pentru a alege tablia care va arata cum vrei tu si iti va da sentimentul
de siguranta. Cu o tablie potrivata, vei petrece nopti mult mai odihnitoare.

Feng Shui pentru dormitorul oaspetilor

Most of the rooms in our home are easy to design using the ancient Chinese feng shui style, but sometimes the guest
bedroom gets overlooked as one of those spaces that we forget about. We design the spaces that we live in, and the
guest bedroom may not be used as often as the rest of the house, so it gets left for last, and then forgotten as life
moves on to the next project for the homeowner. In fact, feng shui for the guest bedroom is more important than you
might think, since it effects how people feel about your home and your family after an overnight visit or extended stay
in your home.

Follow the rules for other bedrooms, such as the master bedroom, and you will achieve balance in the guest
bedroom. The bed should always be the focal point in the bedroom, even if it is a guest bedroom, so follow the rules
that apply to the bed. Keep the bed away from the direct line between the window and the door as much as possible,
especially avoiding placing the bed in the line vertically. Sometimes you cannot avoid the bed being placed in this line
somewhat, but do your best to avoid the path of energy because it disrupts the guests sleep.

Balance the room with the right symmetry. Add accessories, colors, and accents that give the room a sense of balance
so that you create a more relaxing environment for your guests to sleep in. Even numbered groups or pairs of two
items are the best way to bring balance back to a small, oddly-shaped guest bedroom. A pair of items hung on either
side of the headboard will add balance to the focal point in the bedroom, and you can do the same throughout the
room. When the room feels balanced, it is more relaxing for your familys guests.

Keep the personal touches to a minimum. It may sounds welcoming to have creative, personal touches in every room
of the house, but this should not include the guest bedroom. Guests are actually more comfortable in a room that is
not filled with family photographs or collectibles. Instead, decorate using abstract shapes, soothing colors, landscapes,
and peaceful paintings so that the bedroom achieves the main goal of a guest bedroom by lulling guests to sleep.

The room does not have to be memorable to be relaxing. You want your home to be memorable in a positive way,
but this does not mean that guests have to be able to recall every aspect of the room. What they should remember
most is that they slept very well in that room, and that they had a great time with your family whether they are also
part of the family or family friends. Comfortable and practical furniture, peaceful dcor, and feng shui tips are all that
you need in order to finish a guest bedroom that is comfortable for anyone, of any age, any night of the week.

How Purple Affects Bedroom Feng Shui

Feng shui centers on the ancient Chinese belief that everything in your life, both animate and inanimate, creates an
energy field that controls your emotional well being. Feng shui works by creating a positive subconscious atmosphere
in your home to feed your emotional level positive thoughts. Color strongly affects a rooms feng shui, and it is
important to learn how color affects a room. For example, according to feng shui, purple has a particular effect on the
energy of the bedroom.

Feng Shui in the Bedroom

To create the most relaxing, sensual and private refuge, there are a series of things that should be done in order to
achieve maximum results. The first step is to create a serene atmosphere using colors such as lavender, green, and
cream. Pale lights, furniture that is comfortable, and wall dcor that is calming helps to create positive energy in the
bedroom. Too much blue, green or white will take away from the positive atmosphere in a feng shui bedroom.

In a feng shui bedroom, the bed itself is the focal point of the room; a great way to maintain this focal point is by
hanging only the most attractive wall dcor you can find above the bed. Single objects in a bedroom give a feel of
being solitary, whereas objects that are displayed in pairs give the feel of relationship and closeness, such as having a
partner in the bedroom. You should be in a position of power in the feng shui bedroom, with the bed in a position
where you can see both the door and the entire room, without being directly in front of the door.

The Meaning of Purple in Feng Shui

For feng shui, purple can mean one of several things, but most meaning point to qualities that are related to royalty or
nobility. Meanings such as abundance, dignity, and mystical lend positive and significant energy to the room.
Some shades of purple, such as violet for example, symbolize fidelity. Purple also has some of the same meanings as
the color blue, mostly due to the fact that it is one of the colors used to create the color purple. Blue lends meanings
such as wisdom and healing to the feng shui interpretation of purple. The other color that lends meaning to purple
is red. Red lends meanings such as power or richness to purple's strength.

How Purple Affects the Feng Shui in the Bedroom

Purple is a great color if you are looking to add a romantic feel to a feng shui bedroom. Lavender is an intimate and
seductive color in feng shui due to its lighter color, but darker purples, such as eggplant, are used to create a feeling of
mysticism or nobility. While purple is a good color choice for the bedroom, you should be careful to avoid using it too
much. Overuse creates a feeling of loneliness or foreboding, and can even be considered a mournful color. In history,
purple was used only for those in positions of honor and power, such as kings and priests.

Sexy Master Bedroom Without Red Energy

Red is a shade that is best used only in small amounts in the bedroom, since it adds so much passion and energy that
you may not be able to sleep soundly. However, you want a lot of passion in the master bedroom if you are married or
sleep with a partner, and there are ways to add that sexy passion without a lot of red. Take a look at just a few
alternatives to create a sexy master bedroom without red energy:

Candles are a perfect way to add the fire element without the color red, and they are very romantic and passionate.
A flaming candle is symbolic of the burning desire in our bodies for the one we love, and it provides the perfect
ambient lighting for the master bedroom. Candles are the most popular choice for adding romance and passion in any
room, and you can choose from a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and scents for that perfect finishing touch in
your sexy space.

Fabrics can be very sexy, since we rely heavily on the sense of touch when we are feeling romantic. Consider this: Is
it your partners touch or look that is the sexiest part of this event? For almost everyone, it is that simple touch that is
the most enjoyable aspect of the occasion, so the perfect fabric is a great finishing touch. Smooth, soft, high-quality
fabrics are ideal, such as silk, satin, cotton blends, and similar choices for bed linens.

You can avoid the blatant shades of red without losing reds passion through shades that have red overtones. Most
shades of pink, purple, orange, yellow, and some blues and browns have slight or prominent red overtones. Experts
recommend utilizing one of these shades as a secondary color in a sexy master bedroom, choosing a peaceful shade
for the rooms primary color so that you can still sleep later. Combinations such as purple, green, and white are
tranquil but beautiful enough to still be romantic.

Framed prints and photographs are another common way to invoke passion in the master bedroom. You could add a
framed photograph of your wedding day, or any special occasion for the two of you, to create a romantic feeling in the
room. Many feng shui designers advise that this be placed on the womans side of the bed, since it is so often the
woman that needs the most help getting into a romantic and sexy mood. It can be on the bedside table or hanging on
the wall for maximum effect.

Something simple can spark the moment. For instance, you could add a simple poster that says, I love you to add
romance to the room every time you enter together. This is a great way to announce to the world that you are in love,
and you can use many different colors and shapes to create the slogan without spending a lot of money. You can
design the slogan yourself or purchase something that is attractive and sexy.

Using the Water Element in the Bedroom

Water is one of the five basic elements that have an affect on your chi flow, negative or positive. When you design a
bedroom based on feng shui principles, it is vital to make sure that each of these elements is adequately represented

in order to maximize the bedrooms potential. There are a few fun and creative ways to make sure that water is
characterized in some way in your bedroom.

Aquarium Method

An aquarium is one of the easiest ways of representing water in any room, including the bedroom, and they are a
beautiful addition to the room itself. The sound of the filter is very soothing, and watching fish swim is a great way to
relax your mind and de-stress after a long day at work. The size of the aquarium dictates the expense involved, and the
larger or fancier the aquarium, the more you will have to pay for it.

A simple aquarium with a few fish should not cost more than about $50, depending on the type of fish that you
choose. Pay careful attention to what kind of fish normally cohabitate to avoid a disaster later, and make sure that you
have the right environment for each fish; such as keeping saltwater fish out of a fresh water tank. Feeding fish and
keeping the tank clean is not nearly as much work as you might imagine, and often requires just a few minutes each
day to feed and a little more work two or three times a month to keep the tank clean.

Pictures of Water

This is often the easiest way to use the water element in your bedroom, and likely the option that is best for those
who do not want to have to deal with an aquarium. A beautiful picture that features a water scene, such as a
lighthouse, beach, or river, can be a great way to be sure that all of the positive characteristics of water are maximized
in your bedroom with little expense and almost no hassle. Simply hang the picture, and keep it dusted.

Pictures of fish can also represent water, and these may be very inexpensive but still a very attractive way of
representing water in your bedroom. Pictures that feature waves or wavy shapes are a similar idea, and are available
at many retailers worldwide. There are many trendy geometric prints and watercolors that are a great option for those
looking for a water feature in their bedroom.

Waterfall Features

Finally, another simple and relaxing method of featuring water is by using an attractive water feature, such as a
working waterfall. Often costing just $20 or less, you can get a great water feature at most stores that sell home dcor,
and they use very little water on average. The larger the fountain, the higher the cost in most cases, but it is well
worth it for the beauty and relaxation that this type of water feature brings to your bedroom.

10 Positive Feng Shui Tips for your Bedroom

Since the average person spends almost a third of their life in their bedroom, applying some basic Feng Shui principles
in the space may serve you very well. Just think how much better you'll feel every morning if youve taken some steps
to improve the flow of positive energy throughout your bedroom. Here are ten positive tips you can follow to
encourage positive energy in your bedroom.

Tip #1 - Reduce the flow of electricity

Electromagnetic fields in the bedroom can be very detrimental to your personal energy. Look around your bedroom
and try to reduce the number of electronic devices. Move electric alarm clocks further from your bed, or replace them

with small battery powered clocks. Televisions can also cause problems in the bedroom. If you must have one, you
should select one that can be closed behind an armoire when not in use.

Tip #2 - Remove mirrors from the bedroom, or at least cover them at night

Mirrors left uncovered at night are known for causing problems in the bedroom. A couple might be more likely to
experience infidelity, and a single person will reduce their chances of attracting a partner. Mirrors in the bedroom can
also aggravate depression, health issues and increase stress.

Tip #3 - Be careful what you hang over your bed

Images over your bed should be something positive that you dream about. Choose art and buy wall plaques that are
calming, or which represents things that support your dreams and aspirations. However, don't hang water images
anywhere within the bedroom, as the bedroom is the wrong place for the type of energy that water attracts.

Tip #4 - Remove all clutter

As is the case with all rooms within your home, you can improve the flow of positive energy by removing anything that
isn't needed, and reducing the level of clutter within the room.

Tip #5 - Place your bed where you can see the doorway

Never place your bed on the same wall as the doorway itself. Instead, position the bed so that you can see the
incoming flow of energy, as well as anybody who enters the room.

Tip #6 - Increase the air flow in the room

It can help bring positive energy as well as fresh air into the room if you open the windows every day. If the weather is
cold, use an air purifier or incense.

Tip #7 - Don't mix sleep and work

Try to keep your desk or office work space out of the bedroom. If it must be there, then try to divide the area with a
room divider or screen.

Tip #8 - Control the lighting within the room

Although light is very important, since it contains a lot of energy, you want to be able to have appropriate lighting in
the bedroom. A dimmer switch can help, as can candles.

Tip #9 - Keep all bedroom doors closed at night

By closing the bedroom door, along with any closet doors, you will be creating the best level of energy within the
bedroom for sleeping.

Tip #10 - Use soothing colors

Soothing natural colors are best for the bedroom; they positively affect the energy in the room and they promote
restful sleep. Buy floor vases online that have serene colors and Asian design then fill them will freestanding bamboo
reeds for a touch of nature that is totally low maintenance.

Free feng shui tips for bedroom

All of us spend a lot of time in the bedroom. You spend 7 to 8 hours sleeping. The Feng Shui of your bedroom affect
you to a very large extend.

Here are the most important free feng shui tips for bedroom

1.There should be no beam on top of your bed. The beam above causes chi to be pressured thus enabling you to have
pressures in life.

2. There should be no TV, computer or exercise equipment in your bedroom.

3. There should be a lot of fresh air full of oxygen. Always open your bedroom windows at least once 20 minutes a day
to allow fresh chi to come in.

4. There should be no alive plants. Alive plants are the Wood element and always in growth, avoid this yang energy in
the bedroom.

5. Use soothing colors to achieve a good feng shui balance in your bedroom, but always according to your Individual
feng shui map (to discover and build it follow the step by step guide in the e-book "Treasury feng shui secrets"). It may
be light cream, white, light green, light orange and so on.

6. Avoid in your bedroom water symbols, they can course different illnesses. For example, pictures of water
fountains, images of river, waved design on your wallpapers or curtains.

7. Avoid having the bed in a direct line with the door.

8. Always sleep your head towards one of your best directions according to your individual number

Tips. Feng Shui for Bedroom

A good feng shui bedroom is a bedroom that promotes a harmonious flow of nourishing and sensual energy. A good
feng shui bedroom is a bedroom that invites you, lures you in, excites and calms at the same time. A good feng shui
bedroom is fun and pleasurable to be in, either you are there for a quick nap, a good night sleep or to make passionate

love! To create a good feng shui bedroom, you can use a variety of simple, practical feng shui tools, such as the basic
feng shui tips below:

1. Let go of the TV, computer or exercise equipment in your bedroom. The good feng shui energy in your
bedroom is destroyed when these items are present in your bedroom.

2. Open the windows often or use a good quality air-purifier to keep the air fresh and full of oxygen. Be
mindful of the quality of air in your bedroom. You cannot have good feng shui in your bedroom if the air you
breathe in is stale and full of pollutants. Please note that plants in the bedroom are not good feng shui, unless
your bedroom is fairly large and the plants are located far from the bed.

3. Have several levels of lighting in your bedroom, or use a dimmer switch to adjust the energy accordingly.
Good, appropriate lighting is very important, as light is our # 1 nutrient and one of the strongest manifestation
of energy. Candles are the best feng shui bedroom lighting, but be sure to buy candles with no toxins.

4. Use soothing colors to achieve a good feng shui balance in your bedroom. Feng Shui bedroom decor is a
balanced decor that promotes the best flow of energy for restorative sleep, as well as sexual healing. Best feng
shui colors for the bedroom are considered the so-called "skin colors", and we know the colors of human skin
vary from pale white to rich chocolate brown. Choose colors within this range that will work best for your
bedroom decor.

5. Choose the images for your bedroom wisely, as images carry powerful feng shui energy. Best feng shui
advice for the bedroom art is to choose images that you want to see happening in your life. Unless you enjoy
being sad and lonely, do not use sad and lonely images in your bedroom.

6. Follow the basic feng shui guidelines for your bed, which are:

o have your bed easily approachable from both sides,

o have two bedside tables (one on each side), and,

o avoid having the bed in a direct line with the door.

7. Keep all the bedroom doors closed at night, be it the closet doors, the en-suite bathroom door or the
bedroom door. This will allow for the best and most nourishing flow of energy to strengthen your health, as
well as the health of your relationship.

The idea of a perfect feng shui bedroom may bring different images to different people, but they will all have one
thing in common - Pleasure and Dreaming as the keywords. In a good feng shui bedroom, every item will reflect the
clear intent for love, healing and relaxation.


Bed is an area where you spend a lot of time, resting, sleeping, playing, dressing and dreaming. So make sure you have
everything you need that induces rest. The comfort and harmony in your bed reflects your health. To balance your bed
according to feng shui is the simplest way to your harmony, luck and health.

There are some secrets (independently of your individual feng shui number) concerning the bedding. First of all the
bedding should be of soft and pastel colors and of the best color according to your individual feng shui color map(To
know about it follow my e-book Create your luck with personal feng shui). But, very important notice, NEVER, I will
repeat Never use blue color or even any fragments of blue color in your bedding. To the water symbol corresponds
also the wavy pictures, so recommend avoiding them on your bedding. Blue color is water symbol and any wavy
pictures are also water symbol and when sleeping your bedding absorbs your energy you will lose your energy it will
simply go way or flow. Blue bedding brings only diseases and illnesses (especially it influences on your stomach and
breathing). Your bedding may be of any light color, except for blue. Keep your bedroom restful. Change your bed
sheets regularly to avoid the accumulation of negative energy. Let the sheets be made of natural materials like cotton,
silk etc. avoid the synthetic stuff.


Here are some tips for your bed

the bed should be placed diagonally opposite to the entrance door.

you should be able to see the door but not be in front of it.

do not sleep with your head toward the door.

do not sleep next to a window because feng shui concepts say it disturbs the energies around you.

you should avoid having a mirror directly facing the bed. The mirror should not reflect the bed.

you should also avoid having a TV or computer screen directly facing the bed. The screen should not reflect
the bed.

you should not be able to view your bathroom from your bed. Bathrooms should be screened or the door
should remain closed.

for your bedding you should use natural cotton or silk, also use materials derived from animals such as fur,
leather, and wool. Do not use polyester or other synthetics.


To enhance the sexual energy in your bedroom with feng shui, use the right hand corner (from the entrance) of your
bedroom to display symbols that activate the energy of love, such as a photograph of you and your loved one, a
sculpture of lovers, or two sculptures, a heart shaped object, a crystal prism, a mobile, or a sensual painting.

For an erotic bedroom incorporate the fire element by using candles and oil lamps.

The bedroom should be in shades of red, pink, and garnet.

Place a red object on the female night stand to increase eroticism in the female partner.

place a tiny jar of copper scraps or something made of copper on the male's night stand. Copper represents
the male essence and enhances eroticism to its fullness.

To preserve sexual receptivity place a ruby or garnet on or hanging over the night stand. These stones are very
energizing and powerful in attracting the opposite sex.

Avoid having too many photos of friends or family members. The bedroom is a private place, the children and
in laws should not be involved.

Open your curtains and let sunlight into your room during the day. Let sunlight charge your bed with positive

By incorporating these principles of feng shui in your bedroom you can create an erotically charged romantic retreat to
attract a new lover or recharge the energy in eroticism in a relationship. Even if you can not apply every principle of
feng shui into your bedroom, try to use as many as possible to get the erotic energy flowing. Display photos of the two
of you doing things together.

Aromatherapy has often been used in sexual practices and rituals throughout many cultures and time periods. Scent
has been used to attract lovers, heal a relationship; it has been used in the art of seduction and mentioned in the
Kama Sutra. Cleopatra was known to have used a special blend of rose, cardamom, and cinnamon to seduce Marc
Anthony. Basil was used by young Italian women to charm and bewitch potential lovers, ancient Arabic manuals giving
advice on sexual matters refer to Black Pepper for its erotic qualities, Ginger was used by the Romans for its sexual
enhancement properties, an Italian princess used Neroli to fragrance her gloves and bathing water, and Tantric
disciples smeared Sandalwood on their bodies while celebrating sexual ecstasy.


- Remove all clutter. First of all remove all clutter so positive energy can flow throughout the room. Clutter blocks the
flow of Chi. You should also remove anything reminding you of past lovers (photos, love letters, presents and gifts,
anything that reminds you of the past).

- Everything should be arranged in pairs. According to feng shui tips you should get rid of items associated with
loneliness. You should not have just one of an item, not one flower in a vase, or one single photograph or one painting
and definitely not one night stand. Everything should be arranged in pairs to symbolize a union. Have two candles on a
dresser, two paintings on a wall, two end tables, etc. You should also avoid paintings or photos depicting one thing.

- Plants, whether they are living, dried, or artificial should be avoided in the bedroom.

- Water is prohibited in the bedroom according to feng shui. It clashes with the fire element, the element of passion.
Avoid having any water features such as fountains or fish tanks in the bedroom, also avoid any photos, painting or
sculptures depicting water scenes such as waterfalls, rivers, lakes, streams, etc. Water in the bedroom can lead to
financial loss and loss in a relationship.

- Try to keep computers and televisions out of the bedroom. If you can not keep them out of the bedroom try to hide
them in a cabinet or armoire that has doors that can be shut at night or cover the television and computer monitors
with screens or thick cloth at night to block the yang energy that they emit. The bedroom should be full of yin energy,
not yang.

- Keep all exercise equipment out of the bedroom. According to feng shui the bedroom is not the place for the
excitement and flow of yang energy used during exercise.


The canopy Feng shui bed designed by BioArchitect Mauro Bertame is created according to the Chinese Feng Shui
rules. The double bed, dubbed the Mantra, has the upper drape shaped in the form of a canopy to protect the sleeper
from the harmful electromagnetic radiations. The Feng shui bed is lowered down nearly touching the ground to keep
the natural centre EOT gravity of the sleeper intact.

Whats Different? If you are someone enchanted by the Yang and Yin energies, then this designer Feng shui bed could
act as your charm to protect you from all the bad environmental energies emitted while you are fast asleep. And even
if your are a skeptic for whom these ancient Chinese principles are nothing but sheer superstition, this designer Feng
shui bed would give your bedroom a nice sleek look.

With the innovative use of the upper drape made with a special
textile which is able to mitigate the harmful effects of the
electromagnetic radiations this Feng shui bed is uniq. You can
create your bed similar to this Feng shui bed. So you understand,
that your sleeping place should be narrow and protected from
negative energies

Feng shui window in bedroom and bed

Q Solution with feng shui in bedroom if bed must be in front of a window

A If bed is in front of a window it shouldnt worry you. The main task is to position your bed not in the straight line of
window and door.

If you still worry about it hang solid portieres of appropriate color according to your individual feng shui map.
Additionally you can place wind chimes with appropriate number of tubes.

Bedside tables according to fengshui

Our bedroom is our place for rest and improving the energy after working day. The key role is playing of course the
color. Color is very important in Fengshui, with it help we can balance the premise and so that every time coming in
the bedroom to plunge into the atmosphere of calm and delight. And of course do not mistake follow your individual

feng shui map (the detailed description of the individual feng shui map is in my e-book The treasury Feng Shui Secrets
of Success and Riches )

We cannot imagine any bed without big, soft and comfortable bed laying on which you imagine you are on the sand
beach under soft sunlight or on yacht awash navigating. Your bed we cannot imagine without bedside tables.
Symmetry is key, so position nightstands, lamps and accessories in pairs on both sides of the bed. The bedside tables
should be of the imperial sizes (to know more from my e-book Create your luck with personal Feng shui) to attract
success, love and romance.

They should be of right colors and have rounded angles so that do not create a sha energy. Under the right colors I
mean the color is needed to enhance or suppress positive or negative energy, correspondingly. It should be done
according to your individual Feng shui map (the detailed description of the individual feng shui map is in my e-book
The treasury Feng Shui Secrets of Success and Riches )


On the following pages of this section you will find information about feng shui for children
room: feng shui children room colors, feng shui children room decorating, feng shui children room pictures, feng shui
children room design, children furniture, children's bedroom, feng shui children room ideas, rules, photo, pictures and
wallpapers for children room, children feng shui

Children are very sensitive to their environment: to sounds, colors, and materials. Use feng shui to create a healthy
and happy atmosphere for your children.

A good flow of feng shui chi energy in the children's room will inevitably lead to a happier, healthier child, while a
room with a poor energy flow will contribute to a child who can't sleep well, is playing up, is cranky, and tends to get
sick often.

Fresh air and clearness is always the main thing in children's rooms. You should pay special attention to the colors you
choose for this space, not only for the walls but for the decoration in general. Use light colors in balance with the
individual feng shui map of your child (You can find it in the book "Create your Luck with personal Feng Shui") to
strengthen the energy for harmonious and successful growth.

As with all bedrooms, the bed position is very important. First of all, your child's bed should not be right across the
door. Besides, it should ideally have a wall at one side and be in such a position that allows him to see the door easily.
If possible, the bed should be in a corner it would make the child feel secure and sleep better.

Do not let your child sleep with a head positioned on the same wall as a toilet. This harmful position will cause your
child to be distracted from studies and ultimately have bad luck. Also, the position in which the child sleeps can
influence the time he wakes up and how deep he sleeps.

Anyway the child should always sleep the head in the best geographical direction

Feng Shui Affects Babies Too!

This is not one of those articles about feng shui and sex, although feng shui does affect fertility in many different ways.
It is not about feng shui and pregnancy either, although peace and balance can make the pregnancy easier for both
mother and baby. Nursery tips abound, but it is important to understand exactly why you are attempting to balance
this special space. This article focuses on how feng shui affects babies too, and how improving feng shui for babies can
lead to better and deeper sleep, peaceful personalities, and improved development.

Utilize Feng Shui Tips for the Babys Room

We make sure that the home is balanced with proper feng shui, and the babys nursery should be no exception. Use
the same techniques that you would use in the other rooms of the home to bring positive chi into the babys room,
avoiding overuse of colors like red, yellow, and orange that can add too much energy to the space. Overwhelming
energy in the nursery leads to colic, fussiness, gassiness, and other problems for your little one and a lack of sleep for

Calm, soothing shades and soft, peaceful music are very important, and so is soft lighting in the nursery. A neutral
color palette is best for your little one, but you can add some color and energy through framed family portraits to
inspire the baby and remind him or her of the love surrounding the space. Natural lighting and organization are also
really important, as they are a positive influence and encourage positive chi. Never let there be a lot of sharp, pointed
objects in the nursery, especially near where baby sleeps, or it will ruin the flow of energy and keep baby from resting.

Geopathic Structures

The feng shui experts say that the reason that many babies do not sleep well is not due to gas or any physical problem;
it is due to geopathic structures that keep them from being able to relax and fall asleep properly. Once this is fixed,
you may quickly begin to see your little one sleeping all night and staying in bed without crying. Sometimes the
geopathic structure cannot be modified, such as due to the shape of the room, furniture placement issues, or the
geographic direction of the bedroom. When these things cannot be changed, there are products called home
harmonizers that can fix the issue and add peace and harmony to the area again.

There may not be an immediate improvement when you attempt to fix the babys feng shui in the nursery, but babies
recover faster than most adults and you should begin to see a difference within a couple of days. As you change things
around in the nursery, baby will probably sleep in a different room, and you may see a change really quickly when your
baby sleeps in a balanced space like your bedroom. Going to another home where things are out of balance, such as
grandparents home, can also lead to sleep issues or fussiness, so be prepared to adjust while on vacation or away
from home.

Feng Shui to Help an Infant Sleep

Many new parents fail to realize the real reason for their infants sleeping problems. The biggest reason many infants
have trouble sleeping peacefully throughout the night is not that the child is hungry or lonely but that the energy

within the room is not conducive for the infant to relax and remain calm without the aid of either parent. Creating a
peaceful, feng shui nursery for the infant is a must, unless sleep is not a concern and the parent is willing to go without
sleep for years to come.

Colors and Decor for a Feng Shui Nursery

Many new parents choose to paint their childs new room in either shades of blue or shades of pink. However, parents
should instead try and focus on colors that they themselves find comforting and soothing. Painting an infants
bedroom in a color that is typically energetic can cause the infant to be unable to relax and rest. The color of the
infants nursery should also match the elemental area of the home, such as, if the nursery is in the Fire area of the
home, shades of red or pink are acceptable colors. If the paint color represents a destructive element to the elemental
area of the home, it will cause negative energy and tension in a room.

Decor items should also contribute to the overall restful atmosphere of an infants nursery. Electrical appliances
should be kept to the absolute necessities only so that the overall energy field of the nursery does not interfere with
the infants sleeping. Items within the nursery should be made from natural materials, such as wood, and man-made
materials, such as plastic, should be limited as much as possible.

Creating a Proper Feng Shui Energy

Many new parents choose a decor that has an energetic feel or that encourages aggressiveness, movement, or other
energy inducing decors. A relaxing, positive feng shui energy idea for an infants nursery would be to use elements
that correspond to the area of the house within the feng shui area. The proper area for children is located in the
western portion of the home. The western area of the home is also used for creativity and entertainment. Placing an
infants nursery in the western area of the home enables the child to grow in creativity while they physically grow.

Aromatherapy can also help soothe an infant to sleep. The source of the aromatherapy for infants should come from
essential oils, aroma stones, or incense cone; other sources such as aroma candles and incense burners, are not safe to
use around an infant as the infant can possibly knock them over and cause a fire. The scent of the aromatherapy
should be appealing to your infant. Some scents that are good for infants are cedar, lavender, or pine. Cedar creates a
comforting, safe energy while also balancing the energy in the room. Lavender and pine both create a calm energy.
Lavender is a useful aroma when dealing with infants who are hard to calm or are having difficulty transitioning to life
outside of the mothers womb.

Creating Positive Energy in the Playroom

When many people think about feng shui, they often do not consider how it can be used in areas of the home that are
designed for family and children use. Feng shui has an aura of being an adult only subject that is reserved for
making the grown-up aspects of the house feel more comfortable. While feng shui can indeed do that, it is also
important to think about how positive energy can impact the entire family. One of the most important places in the
house to have a good, positive flow of energy is in the childrens playroom.

Why the Playroom

As any parent knows, the playroom can be referred to by many other names and none of which are
complementary. The messy room, the disaster area, and others are frequently used to describe the room that is
ruled by chaos. Unfortunately, when chaos rules in an area that is supposed to be happy and uplifting, energy
problems arise that need to be fixed. If your playroom is turning into more of a war zone when your children (or you)
enter it, it is time to seriously consider some very basic feng shui principles.

Goodbye Clutter

Clutter is the number one killer of positive energy and the playroom is a magnet for messes. When trying to clean up
the space, begin by sorting everything in the room. Be ruthless and, if possible, sort and purge items when your
children are not in the space. If you know that they have not played with the broken remote control car for years,
throw it away before they get home. By taking the broken pieces, missing parts, and trash out of the space, you can
focus on the things that have potential value. You may want to sort further and have three piles - keep, donate, and
sell. Be sure that the keep pile is the smallest of the three. If you end up with too many things in the keep pile, you
may want to ask your children to help you sort further and get rid of the items in the keep bin that they no longer
want. The simple act of clearing away the clutter will instantly add a positive flow of energy in the space and make the
playroom more welcoming.

In Its Place

Another aspect of feng shui is to have everything in its place. After you have gotten rid of the toys that are no longer
played with and the broken pieces, organize the things that are left. Use bins and shelves that are easily accessible for
the children to organize their toys. Label everything clearly and avoid using dark, depressing colors in the space. By
the same token, avoid going overboard on mixing colors, as they create a cacophony of visual noise. When everything
is in its place, you will find that the playroom is anything but a war zone.

By employing a very basic, yet critical element of feng shui in the playroom, you can guarantee that your children will
play more harmoniously and feel better in the space. Remember, too, that less clutter makes the room easier to clean
and keep tidy. Feng shui is no longer just for the living room!

3 Ways to Use Feng Shui to Create a Relaxing Childs Room

Feng shui principles are not only for adults bedrooms. They are perfect for creating a relaxing childs bedroom. Why
might a relaxing space be so important for your child? Because children feel stress too, and at the end of the day, or
while studying quietly, you child needs a place where he feels safe, secure, and relaxed. The three tips and tricks
below can help you create the ideal space for Junior without breaking the bank.

Calming Colors
Instead of painting your childs bedroom bright fire engine red, consider painting the walls a more calming
color. Pastels work especially well in the bedroom in feng shui designs, because they elicit a sense of calm and
quiet. This is ideal for a childs bedroom not only when he is sleeping, but also when he is reading or studying for
school. If he insists on blue, select a light shade of blue to make the room more relaxing than electrifying. If she insists
on her favorite color pink or purple - pick a petal soft shade for the bedroom walls. The main color in the room can
make a huge difference in the energy and feel of the room, so choose the wall color wisely.

Bed Position
Even if you are limited to the areas where your childs bed may be placed, there are some definite placements to avoid
according to feng shui. The most important tip is never to place the bed directly across from the bedroom door or a
mirror. The open door and the reflection in the mirror can make for an uneasy nights rest and a greater chance of
your child being startled should he awaken in the middle of the night. Instead, feng shui experts suggest placing the
bed in a snug, secure corner where at least one side of the bed is flush with the wall. This will make your child feel
more cozy and safe throughout the night.

Desk Position
If you are like most parents, you have never really considered the placement of your childs bedroom desk to be one
that is critical to his success or the relaxing feel of the room. Unfortunately, by overlooking this simple step, you can
easily set your child up for distraction and an inability to focus. One of the keys is to keep the desk away from the wall
that adjoins the bathroom and would position the desk next to the toilet. This sounds like an easy task, but since the
bed can also not go along that wall, you may need to think carefully about furniture arrangement.

Once the color is calming, the bed is positioned in such a way that encourages sleep and relaxation, and the desk is
away from negative energy flow, it will be easy to see the changes in your childs behavior. By creating a space that is
calm, your child will reflect that in his actions and studies. Take the time to rearrange your childs room to ensure the
success you so want him to have.

More Nursery Feng Shui Tips

Your babys bedroom, normally called the nursery, is the place that he or she spends the most time. It should be the
most peaceful room in the house, offering a quiet, restful environment during the formative months of life for your
baby. There are dozens of ways that you can improve feng shui in the nursery, so here are some more nursery feng
shui tips to maximize the positive energy flow and ensure that your baby sleeps better and deeper every day.

Clean up the Clutter

A cluttered nursery is not a peaceful one, so keep the clutter to a minimum within this space. Although baby has a few
necessities that tend to make a mess, such as diapers, store them out of babys line of sight. Keep other items that
should be in the nursery, such as clothing, accessories, baby wipes, bed linens, and so on, in drawers or bins so that
the room always looks as clean and tidy as possible.

If you share a room with baby, the same rules should apply to your things, and this is also the case if another sibling is
sleeping in the same bedroom. Clutter decreases the quality of sleep that we receive each night, making it nearly
impossible to get a restful night of sleep. Although it does not guarantee that your baby will sleep without interruption
every night, it will go much farther toward providing that relaxing environment necessary to fall asleep and stay

Minimize the Yang Energy

Yang energy is awake energy, so keep it out of the nursery as much as possible, especially during the
nighttime/sleeping hours. Yang energy is produced by light or living items, including live plants, night lights,

aquariums, water or rock fountains, and so on, so avoid placement of these items in the nursery. They can decrease
the amount of melatonin your baby produces, leading to less restful sleep, fussiness, and crying.

Another way to minimize the yang energy is to remove mirrors from the nursery, which produce light and are symbolic
of natural lighting. Although some light is good for baby during the day, at night it will only keep baby from sleeping.
Mirrors also reflect any source of light back into the room, so they act almost like a lamp to amplify all lighting.

Window View is Important

Your baby should always be able to see a source of life in the nursery, and the window is a great way to achieve this
goal. Unless babys window faces a busy street directly, consider allowing the window blinds to be open or raised most
of the time. Keep something green on or near the windowsill to promote life, such as a growing plant right outside the

Feng shui experts say that a wind chime or mobile placed outside your babys window will also promote positive chi.
This is an excellent idea if your babys nursery is not in the best compass direction, the bed is positioned poorly, or if
the room is somewhat cluttered due to lack of space or other options.

Is Feng Shui Important for the Nursery?

Your babys room is the most important room for that little one, providing a safe place to sleep and grow during the
first few months of life. Baby often spends most of every day in this room, so many parents ask questions such as Is
feng shui important for the nursery? The answer is yes! Feng shui makes a difference even in your babys life.

Follow the same guidelines for creating a feng shui style childs bedroom. This includes avoiding high energy colors
such as red so that baby gets the most sleep possible throughout this time of growth. Red offers too much passion in a
childs room or babys nursery, so the most you should see is small pops of red in accessories. You can represent the
fire element through shape or other images very easily, negating the necessity of using the actual color red.

Turn off the lights while baby is sleeping. You can keep a small nightlight or dim lamp available during feedings, but to
improve your babys sleeping habits get the little one used to the dark. This increases the amount of melatonin
produced by the body, generating a deeper and more restful sleep. Avoid light whenever possible, especially at night,
as it decreases melatonin production and leads to poor sleeping habits.

Keep computer monitors and televisions away from babys bed. These emit harmful rays called EMFs
(electromagnetic frequencies) that decrease melatonin production. A sleepy baby who cannot get restful sleep is far
more likely to be grumpy or fussy afterward. Other things that produce EMFs include microwaves, power strips,
electric blankets, waterbed heaters, and computer towers, so keep these at least away from babys nursery. When you
cannot avoid keeping one or more of these items in the babys bedroom, keep them at least a few feet from the crib.

The nursery should always be quiet and soothing. Some babies do not sleep well in total quiet, but the nursery should
always be a calm and restful place. Producers of white noise, such as a machine that plays the sound of running water
or crashing waves, can help baby sleep much more peacefully. Music choices should be strictly limited to relaxing
sounds such as classical music. When possible, get baby used to no sounds so that deeper sleep is possible.

Use only positive images in your babys line of sight in the nursery. What your baby can see even before he or she
can understand what is being viewed is very important, so be sure that you only display things that are happy and
peaceful. A framed photo of your family is a great idea, as are baby animals, landscapes that are peaceful, or
motivational phrases. Avoid negative images, such as volcanoes, sharks, rock music posters, screaming or crying
people, or photographs featuring people who are not a part of your babys life. This last part is very important,
especially if Mom and Dad are divorced and one parent is not a part of the little ones life.

How to Use Red in a Childs Room

Children have very high levels of passion and energy without any help from color, so it is very important to know how
to use red in a childs room. Too much, and you will begin to notice that the child has sleeping problems, struggles to
focus, and deals with hyperactivity beyond control. This is because red is a high-energy color, adding a lot of passion to
any room, and this should be minimized in the bedroom at least.

Do not lose the fire element when you minimize red in the childs bedroom. You need each of the five elements to be
represented adequately in the childs room, and this includes the fire element. This is necessary in order to keep
balance in the room, so that none of the other four elements take over the space and create chaos. Use shapes or
symbols to represent fire without adding a lot of red to the space.

Red can be a great accessory without overwhelming the room. Utilize the color red in a small way in your childs
bedroom without clashing with the rest of the rooms dcor. For instance, a cute throw pillow on the childs bed with
red as one of the secondary shades would be sufficient. Make sure that the piece is not a focal point, such as one of
several throw pillows to take the focus off the red, or the red will begin to add chaos to the room again.

Use red as an afterthought, never as a focal point. Red should only be a focal point in a room that can handle the
extra energy, such as the dining room or outdoor living space. No matter how small the red piece is, if it is a focal point
it will overwhelm the space very easily, and it would require a lot of work to balance. Redand fireis very powerful,
and likely one of the most powerful of the five elements, so be very careful to balance this color with peaceful,
relaxing shades and focal points.

Put simply, use red sparingly, if at all. As described above, there are several ways to incorporate the fire element
without resorting to the color red. There are other colors that offer less passion but still represent fire, and shapes or
patterns are adequate as well. Alternative measures are helpful, and there are dozens of fun shapes, patterns,
artwork, dcor options, and colors that add a small amount of passion and energy without adding anything that is red
to the equation.

Be careful about shades that have strong red undertones. While we are focusing on how to use red in a childs room,
it is just as important to remember that some colors have strong red highlights as well. This includes many shades of
purple, orange and pink, some shades of blue, some browns, and a few shades of yellow. Use these colors just as
sparingly as red, to avoid red energy from unexpected sources in your childs bedroom.

Using The Fire Element in A Childs Room

If you are familiar with feng shui decorating, then you know that the fire element can be the most difficult element to
implement in a bedroom since it promotes energy and creativity in a room where you want to promote relaxation and
peace. This issue is increased in a childs room, where you want to limit the energy and liveliness at bedtime without

stifling imagination and creativity during the play hours. Using the fire element in a childs room becomes a matter of
maximizing the elements potential without overwhelming the room.

By Using Color

When using color to represent the fire element in a childs room, be aware that most colors that represent fire also
energize children. This includes most shades of red, yellow, orange, purple, and even some pinks. That is not saying
that you should completely avoid these colors, but rather that they have to be balanced and should never be the
primary shades in a childs room. In order to balance the energy from colors in a childs room, consider warmer shades
of blue and green instead, so that you can represent by using color without overwhelming the room in frenetic energy.
The brighter and vibrant shades can be used for accessories, accents, and small focal points.

Note: stay away from over-utilizing blue in this bagua, since blue can overwhelm the energy and hide the fire element
completely. Focus on balance without control or domination, and include other shades as well. Most experts
recommend yellow in a childs room instead of red, and yellows are perfect for representing fire in the south bagua.
Combining yellow with green or white is a great start for a balanced childs room.

By Using Shapes

Shapes are a much easier method of introducing the fire element in a feng shui friendly childs room, since a shape is
much less likely to energize but still allows energy to flow in a positive manner. Look for shapes that represent fire,
such as the sun or flames, but any shape that is pointed upward will represent this element. You can also choose
sunflowers, diamonds, triangles, and pyramids in a childs bedroom to promote fire without maximizing the energy

Triangles and pyramids are the best representations of fire, since they incorporate the upward point and warmth of
the sun most sufficiently. Whether you achieve this through a piece of furniture, a unique piece of art, or an accessory,
you will have represented fire in the right bagua.

By Using Accessories

Accessorizing is the easiest way to add any element to a room, since a figurine, photo, print, poster, or similar addition
is inexpensive to replace if destroyed or damaged by a curious child. Natural light is a perfect example of something
that can be used to symbolize fire without having to worry about damage, such as a window with sheer curtains or
open blinds during the daylight hours. Light bulbs that mimic natural lighting are also acceptable, but be sure that the
light source points upwards in order to maximize the energy without overwhelming the space.

Using the Wood Element in a Childs Room

Using the feng shui decorating style in a childs room can be a challenge, as it becomes slightly harder to work in each
element and bagua correctly. However, wood is one of the simplest elements to work with in a childs room, and there
are dozens of ideas that are relatively inexpensive, or that use items you may already have. Here are a few examples
of how you can represent the wood element in a childs room.

Picture Method

Most people choose to use pictures of woods in order to represent wood, such as a great forest print. To make it child-
friendly, consider a castle in the forest for a little girl, with a princess somewhere in the picture. For boys, you could
choose a knight in front of the castle, or an animal with a forest background. Using pictures is one of the easiest ways
to characterize the wood element, and it often costs much less than other elements.

A rectangular shape can be representative of wood, and a rectangular picture frame is a popular and easy way to
include this element. Hanging a mirror with a wood frame is another alternative, and a rectangular shape only adds a
bonus to the equation. This is why the picture method is so popular, since there is such a variety of ways to picture

The Color Green

You can represent wood with the color green as well, since this color is a characterization of growing things. Fabrics
that are green, including character prints, are easy to find, and you can find many choices that are primarily green for
the best representation of this element. Most are not costly, and it is not expensive to design your own green wall art

This is one opportunity to get very creative with your feng shui dcor, and the child or children who will occupy the
room can get in on the fun. Use your resources, such as the Internet and many local retail stores, to find craft projects
that feature wood pieces, green paint, and similar options. It is easier to find age-appropriate projects for children who
are at least seven years old, although many can easily be adapted for older or younger children as well.

Straw and/or Paper

You might not think about products such as straw or paper at first, but they are actually a great way to represent the
wood element in a childs bedroom. Using anything that is made from straw or paper is actually utilizing a form of
wood, so the representation is taken care of when you add the item. This is true for pictures, craft projects, toys, wall
art, and many other items as well.

Keep in mind that the more wood you can work into the correct bagua, which is east/southeast, the better it will be
represented. For example, if you choose a great picture of a forest, then add a rectangular wood frame, and finish it
with a green matte, you are utilizing several forms of the element and it will maximize the positive chi for that area.

Position of the desk in children room - FAQ

Q Where should I place a desk (work table) in a children room?

A - The best place for a desk (work table) is north-east geographical direction in a children room. Keep in mind that
this situation is valuable only if this direction is positive for your child. Place on the desk 2 crystal or lapis lazuli globes.
Harmonize children room according to the individual feng shui map of your child. Your child while sitting at the desk
should face his/ her direction of personal growth.


On the following pages of this section you will find information about feng shui for dining
room: feng shui dining room design, feng shui dining room colors, feng shui art, feng shui pictures and wallpapers for
dining room, feng shui lightening, curtains, dining table, dining room feng shui symbols, feng shui table cloth, crockery
and table ware, mirror in dining room.

The dining room is a place where you take meal, spend time with your family and friends.This room should be a calm
and peaceful place. Lighting is an important element in creating a good dining. The flow of energy through the dining
room should be gentle but not stagnant.

A mirror will help to improve the chi flow in the dining room. A mirror facing your table will double your food, the
sign of riches and plenty: perhaps the center piece can be a full bowl of fresh, crystal, juicy fruits!

Use round, oval, or octagonal shaped tables.

Your dining room shouldn't be too close to the front door.

Always try to eat facing one of your best directions- to know it check the book "Create your Luck with personal Feng

It is also very important to choose a table that fits the size of your area to make sure there is enough room to walk
around the table (equal space around the whole table works best).

A faceted crystal ball or crystal chandelier over the center of the dining table will help to balance chi in the room.

Always use soft lighting in the dining room

Be careful of sharp angles form wall partitions or furniture pointing at you: soften them by hanging crystal balls or a
plant in front of them.

It is very important to follow the Individual Feng shui map, because you can only do much harm by placing the wrong
subjects in wrong places

Best Accessories for Dining Room Feng Shui

The dining room is the space that sees a great deal of traffic in your home, often filled with people at least three times
per day on an average day. For homeschoolers or families with small children there may be projects going on at any
time of day, so feng shui is especially important in this high traffic space. Accessories are the perfect way to achieve

the most positive feng shui in the dining area, so you should be aware of the best accessories for dining room feng

A Focus on Food

Since the goal of the dining room is for the family to eat, the best accessories are often food-oriented as well. You can
represent food directly or indirectly, depending on the style and dcor that you want for the rest of the room. Below
are some examples for using food directly and indirectly:

Direct use of food is exactly what it sounds like. For instance, a bowl of glitter-coated faux apples makes a great
centerpiece on the dining room table, and it can easily be paired with another accessory that smells like apple. A print
of a loaded cornucopia is another example of a direct use of food in the dining room, and it makes a great accessory
choice, especially during the late summer and early fall. Crystal pieces shaped like fruits, vegetables, or other foods
also make great centerpiece additions and are direct food representations.

Indirect use of food is something that smells or is shaped like a food, but is not one per se. An example of this type of
accessory could be a candle that smells like apple pie or banana bread, filling the room with the scent of food and
inspiring the appetite. Prints with abstract shapes in colors that remind you of a certain food, such as candy apple red,
are another great example. Air fresheners that smell like food, such as a tropical concoction, are popular uses of
indirect food representations too.

Adding to the Thought

You probably do not intend to decorate the entire dining room with food, although food should be the rooms focal
point. Build on the food-oriented dcor with the right complementary accents, such as colors and shapes that build
depth in the dining room. Neutral shades are always a good choice when you do not want to risk taking away from the
food theme in the room, but you can add pops of color that coordinate.

Avoid colors that contrast too strongly with the food that you represent in the room, such as painting the room grassy
green when you use pumpkin scents to represent food. A tropical scent would coordinate much better with this shade
of green, or even the scent or shape of apples since either can easily be equated with a bright, vibrant green. Color
contrasts work throughout the home, but contrasts of color and scent are not a good idea because they take away
from the feeling of balance in the room.

Representing The Feng Shui Elements in the Dining Room

Decorating a home in the feng shui style means that each room within the home should represent each of the five
feng shui elements. Representing the feng shui elements in the dining room is very simple once you understand the
basics about these five elements. Each has a strong presence already in specific rooms, such as metal in the bathroom
or water in the kitchen, and sometimes it is only a matter of balancing the other four elements in the most efficient


The water element is important in the dining room, since it represents the very foundations of life. Represent this
element in a powerful way through color, shape, patterns, and icons, meaning that you have a broad range of ideas to

match almost any dcor or style. Water and metal work very well together, but keep water away from the earth to
avoid destruction and chaos in the dining room area.


Fire is one of the most powerful of the five elements, since it is very destructive but necessary for passion and energy.
Like water, you can use many different methods to represent fire in the dining room, but one of the most common
choices is by placing candles on the dining room table. Lit or unlit, they are a reminder of togetherness, romance, and
passion, and a great way to add a touch of fire without overwhelming the room in energy.


Another representation of our humble roots, the earth element goes back to the things that we need in order to
survive and is symbolic of family together time. Earth is best paired with fire, through a variety of artwork and color
combinations usually, but keep the earth representation away from the water element to avoid disaster. One of the
most popular ways to represent earth in the dining room is through crystal, such as a chandelier, or glassware.


Although metal is another powerful element, it is not one of the most powerful elements in the dining room. It
cooperates very well with the water element, such as a metal-framed photograph of waves, metal and glass aquarium,
or many forms of modern artwork. Many people use metal accessories to represent this element, but coins and tigers
are great ideas for something unique to represent metal. Fire and metal do not mix, and should be kept far away from
each other to prevent disaster.


Finally, the wood element is often easily expressed in the dining room through traditional or modern furniture
choices, from the dining room table and chairs to china cabinets and buffets. Live plants are also a common choice to
represent the wood element, especially blooms to add fragrance to the space. If you do not represent wood
adequately, you could add an air of depression in the dining space, making few people want to return to the room.
Balance the wood with water for a great combination, but avoid pairing woods with metals since they cause chaos
within this space.

Feng Shui Decorating Tips for the Dining Room

There are many different ways that you can add specific feng shui elements to the dining room, but you will also need
other methods of representing the colors, shapes, objects, and styles that are important. Feng shui decorating tips for
the dining room are diverse, depending on the overall style that you are hoping to achieve, so we will begin by helping
you narrow down the selection. Having a particular focus will help you decide what works in your feng shui style dining
room, and give you more time to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
The two biggest factors in the dining room are food and sharp edges, as these have some of the biggest impacts on the
environment of the room. You can destroy balance without the simple reminders that follow.

Food is Essential

You want the focus in the dining room to be on food and dining, since eating is the reason for this space in the first
place. Use different accessories to symbolize food, such as crystal accent pieces or centerpieces that are in the shape
of fruits. A great mirror reflecting the food accessories that you choose will emphasize your abundance and blessings,
and it is also a beautiful and classic addition to the dining room space. Use a frame that emphasizes the look that you
want, from modern contemporary framing to something more traditional.
Real food is important too: It cannot be overstated that the way that you plate and serve meals to guests, visitors,
family members, and friends makes a big and long-lasting impression. Plate neatly and cleanly, and use your meal
presentation to make people want to come back to your dining room. Use matching dinnerware whenever possible,
bringing a sense of unity to the meal and heightening the positive energy and balance in the room.

Representing Color

Unless you are one of those people who love rainbows, cornucopias, or china cabinets filled with knick knacks, chances
are good that you will be searching for ways to represent everything necessary for feng shui without overwhelming
the room in colors, shapes, and objects. You can do that easily with prints, photographs, and other wall decor or
decorative objects, as long as you know what works best in the dining space. Pay close attention to things that would
take away from the appetite, thereby decreasing the appeal of the room, and you will achieve your ultimate goal in
this space.
Keep things soft and mild in the dining room, avoiding sharp edges or harsh lighting; this approach will promote peace
and tranquility. People will feel more invited and hungry when they are most comfortable, so use tips and tricks that
work best to soften the look in the room. When you cannot avoid a sharp edge, such as the edges of the table, it helps
to soften the look with a great tablecloth in a soothing shade, for example. The same goes for harsh lighting, which can
make the room feel cold and uninviting. Soften the look with a lampshade or lower-watt light bulb.

Making The Fire Element Part of Your Dining Space

Although not one of the strongest or most prevalent elements for your dining room, the fire element is still an
important part of balance and feng shui. If all five elementsearth, metal, wood, fire, and waterare not
represented, then the chi will not be balanced in your home and the negative energy will outweigh the positive.
Making the fire element part of your dining space is important, and not as difficult to do as you might imagine.

Color, shape, and symbols are all adequate representations of fire. From the most obvious ideas, such as the color red
or images of the sun, to less noticeable objects, such as a red envelope with Chinese coins hung above the door to the
space, fire is a simple element to represent in any room. Your dining space will become a more passionate and
prosperous room by making sure that fire is represented adequately.

The Color of Fire

Fire can be represented through a variety of bright, vivid, vibrant colors that make an excellent addition to a dining
room. Shades of red, yellow, orange, pink, and even warm shades of brown are great choices to represent fire in your
dining space, and they work for shades of paint, accessories, furniture, centerpieces, focal points, and much more. The
dining room is one of only two rooms in the home that can handle the energy and passion of the color red for more
than just a small amount, along with the living room.

Since red represents passion and energy, along with the fire element, it should be used sparingly throughout the
dining room in order to avoid overwhelming the room with fire. If you choose to paint an accent wall red, do not use
the red anywhere else in the dining room. Most feng shui experts recommend red only as an accent color throughout
the house, since the power of fire quickly overwhelms the other five elements if used too much.

The Shape of Fire

To get an idea of the shapes that represent the fire element, picture a flame in your mind, and you start to get the idea
that upward pointing triangular shapes are critical. Think of other hot things as well, from sunbursts to campfires and
more. Triangles, diamonds, pyramids, and similar shapes are all perfect representations of fire in the dining room, and
your dining space is made richer and more passionate with a simple shape. Objects such as volcanoes, and any light
source, are also representations of fire in the southern bagua.

You can use a print or figurine to easily symbolize fire. For instance, a bronze sunburst wall hanging or a framed photo
of a campfire makes great ideas. Combining the shape with the color red is a great way to boost the fire element in the
room, but be careful to avoid overdoing it and throwing off the chi balance. In the case of elements such as fire, less is
more, and it takes only something simple to achieve a big goal.

Using The Earth Element In A Dining Room

Contrary to popular belief, there are actually many different methods of using the earth element in a dining room
when you are designing the room in a feng shui style. You do not have to find a drawing of sand or use a globe in order
to accurately represent this important element in the dining are, nor are you forced to keep a jar of dirt under the
table. There are many unique methods of introducing the earth element without resorting to something tacky or
inappropriate in the space where your family gathers for meals.


Clay is made from materials found in the Earth, like dirt, so it is a great way to represent the earth element. There are
many forms of clay to incorporate, such as pottery, artwork, terra cotta, and things made from ceramic. You can find
some really elegant artwork featuring clay or terra cotta, and it goes well with a southwestern themed dining room,
even with the feng shui style. Clay is versatile, meaning you can find many different objects that feature clay in some
form, either as the foundation material or subject thereof.


Similar to clay, jade comes from the Earth, so it is appropriate for use in the dining roomor any other roomto
represent this element in a beautiful way. Since feng shui comes from China in the first place, you can easily find
pieces that suit your design without looking out of place. There are thousands of jade statues, figures, artwork, and
dcor options if you know where to look. They may cost a bit more, but it is worth it for the good luck that jade brings.


Rocks and stones are a very simple way to introduce the earth element in a very beautiful and unique way in your
dining room. You could find a beautiful stone to place on a shelf, or a great rock fountain to promote tranquility and
still look modern. Water features are beautiful additions to any room, and they bring a sense of calm and tranquility

into the room with them. This is helpful in a dining room, where so many people with different personalities and ideas
meet together frequently.


Brick is another beautiful way to make sure that the earth element is adequately represented in your dining space.
From fireplaces to artwork, you can find many different things that feature brick and brickwork. A great print of a
historic brick building is interesting and unique, and you can easily make a focal point out of any wall art or artwork


Finally, one of the easiest ways to introduce the earth element is through the table in your dining room. Rectangles are
one of the shapes that signify the earth element, as long as the table is wider than it is long. Earthy colors, such as
greens, browns, and pale yellows work great for dressing up the table to represent the earth element, just do not use
bright shades of any color or it will attract negative chi into the dining room.

Using the Metal Element in a Dining Room

The west/northwest bagua may be one of the most difficult to represent in the dining room, since the metal element
is not commonly associated with this area. However, there are a few ways that you can include this very important
element, which is symbolic of prosperity and intelligence, among other things. Here are just a few examples of how
you can use the metal element in a dining room.

Circles and Ovals

Shapes such as these are symbolic of the metal element, and can be used as a means of representing metal in the
west/northwest bagua when you are decorating using feng shui techniques. As you can imagine, this makes
characterizing the element much simpler than you might have initially thought, since there are so many ways to
introduce these shapes into your dining room. There are many accents, accessories, focal points, and wall art pieces
that offer this shape, and many are inexpensive.

One example of this method of introduction is to use an oval-shaped mirror to represent the metal element. A metallic
finish is beautiful, and a common choice for mirrors anyway, so adding the metal is a goal you can accomplish quickly
and with little hassle. Mirrors, even the heavier ones, are typically not very expensive, and most home decorating
stores offer a wide variety of suitable mirrors.

Crescent-Shaped Artwork

The crescent is another common symbol for the metal element, and you can find dozens of artwork pieces to use as a
suitable characterization of this element for positive chi flow. The moon-shaped crescent is a popular idea, and you
can easily combine with the earth element for maximum effect. Avoid using a sun, or other symbol for the fire
element, as this has the opposite effect and allows the flow of negative chi into your dining room.

Since the circle is the traditional feng shui representation for metal in Chinese culture, combining crescents and circles
is very popular with those using the feng shui decorating style. Items with a metallic finish heighten the positive chi

flow, maximizing your dining rooms positive chi potential. As always, the more you combine, the better the result in
this type of situation.

Bells, Coins, and Other Metals

This is a wonderful opportunity to introduce a glass or metal curio cabinet into your dining area, since adding knick
knacks such as bells, silver or gold objects, and even aluminum or steel products is a great way to represent the
element. Coin collections and pictures of coins are also common, as these are another suitable method of
characterizing this important element in your dining room.

Since the earth element is the best element to pair with the metal element, using a paper album to display your coin
collection is a great idea. It allows you to showcase something beautiful, represent the element in a suitable way, and
spend little money if you already have the coin collection. Whether it is a very rare coin, something valuable, an
heirloom, or just a sentimental piece, this is a stunning example of how you can use things that you likely already have
to easily symbolize the metal element in the dining room.

Feng shui and dining table FAQ

Feng shui and dining table FAQ

Q Tell, please, about dining table according to feng shui

A Dining table is a place where you and your family take meal, so definitely here you get energy. Food is an energy,
that we get from the world and, of course, this energy should be positive. It is very important what you eat (feng shui
oriented nutrition you can read in the book China rejuvenating five-element nutrition) . But it is also very important
the place where you eat your dining room and dining table.

Opt for a round, oval or octagonal shaped Dining Table. One of the most important elements of feng shui is called the
orientation or a persons position to benefit most from yang energy. A square and rectangular table is ok but sitting on
the corner reels in bad luck to your health and well-being. To avoid more bad luck, avoid sharp-angled corners in the
dining room.

Mirror and dining room feng shui FAQ

Q What about a mirror and a dining room?

A For the first, you should provide good lighting on your dining room. A well-lit dining room is best when its also
spacious. Mirror reflects light and strengthens it.

For the second, putting a mirror which reflects the food on the table can bring about more food.

A large mirror in the dining room is extremely good feng shui. A mirror that is large enough to reflect the whole family
as well as the food on the table can bring riches and health for the whole family, because food is the sign of riches and!


On the following pages of this section you will find information about feng shui for entrance hall: feng
shui entrance hall colors, entrance hall doors (main door), postern, entrance way, secrets of feng shui staircase, feng
shui entrance hall decorating, feng shui entrance hall pictures, entrance hall design, entrance hall furniture, entrance
hall rules, photo, pictures and wallpapers for entrance hall, entrance hall tips, mirror and entrance hall.
Entrance hall is the first place you should to harmonize in your home according to feng shui, because through the main
door the Chi flows to your house and all the things and goods passing through this door recieve the same energy and
fill with this energy you and all your surrounding.

Importance of Feng Shui Dcor In Your Entryway

The first impression that people have of your home comes from stepping into the entryway, especially that all-
important first visit. Feng shui dcor is all about balance and prosperity, with the utmost importance placed on yin and
yang and chi. Your chi is your life force, so providing balance within your home, work, and personal life will help you in
every aspect of life, from finances to love life and travel. For this reason, the importance of feng shui dcor in your
entryway cannot be overstated.

Typically, the entryway is divided into two distinct spaces: the front door and the entrance. Each has a unique job for
providing positive energy for and from your home, so each should be designed to maximize that spaces potential.
Without a few simple touches, you could be limiting your familys prosperity and happiness, and you can improve the
same with just a few simple steps. Here are some tips for improving feng shui in both aspects of your entryway:

The Front Door

The front door offers more than just curb appeal for your home, since it is one of the first things that a visitor or guest
sees of your home and therefore has a lasting impression. Most feng shui designers decorate the front door in shades
of red, either by painting the door red or framing it in red, so that positive energy, prosperity, and passion flow both
ways through the front door with each time it is opened. That way, every time the door is opened, more positive
energy flows in, and you release positive energy to the world.

The view from the front door is critical, and you want to avoid open doors leading to the bathroom or bedroom
whenever possible. Shut these doors, or offer some sort of screen that blocks view of them if they have to be left open
for some reason. Wall art, such as a great mirror or landscape print, work well to make the space feel open and
spacious even if the entrance is small. Since scent also plays a role in the first impression, making sure that your home
smells nice is also pivotal at the front door.

The Entrance

Your entryway is more than just the front door; it is also the few feet in front of the door that make up the entrance to
your home. For some, this may be a foyer or entrance hall, while for others it may be as simple as a table to set your
hat or lay your keys on. Whatever space you have set aside for your entryway, make sure that you use it to make

people feel welcome and important in your home, regardless of whether your visitor is friend, family, work-related, or
someone special to your family.

Experts recommend using light colored paint in the entrance area, so that the area feels open and inviting to guests.
Mirrors and natural light make the entryway feel spacious and warm, so people will want to come inside. Maximize
the spaces potential with fresh seasonal flowers in a vase, with a great mirror hanging above.


Your main entrance door is the most important thing you should balance in the first place. Your main
entrance to your home is the entrance for the energy and what kind of energy will come in your home depends upon
your main door (whether it is balanced or not). Your main entrance will determine whether the Feng Shui of your
home is good or bad.

Before even you think about feng shui of your home, protect and feng shui your main entrance first. Below are
important feng shui tips for your main door.

1) Main door should be always of color according to your individual feng shui map (This is a secret and it is revealed in
my e-book Treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches).

2) Main door should look solid and protective.

3) Main door should open inwards

4) Main door should open into an open space.

5) Main door should look out to an open space.

6) Main door should not be under a toilet/bathroom

7) Main door should be located at one of your house's fortunate location

8) Main door should face one of your personal fortunate direction.

9) Main door should not face a stair case or toilet

10) Size of main door should be measured to fortunate dimensions using a Secret emperors' sizes

Mirror and entranceway feng shui FAQ

Q Where the mirror should be located according to the entranceway?

A The mirror has ability to enlarge and strengthen all the things which are reflected in it. If you have feng shui
harmonized entrance door, the mirror will strengthen positive energy. If not it will strengthen negative energy that
flows through the entranceway.

Too small doorway will not allow enough Chi to enter the home, but placing a mirror on the either side of the door or
on a wall opposite the door, will solve the problem.


It is important that the flow of Chi from the front to the back of your home is not hindered. It is also best to have it
flow through in a meandering path and not a direct line. Entrance ways off the street or through your garden to the
front door will determine the qualities of Chi that flow into your home. Therefore it is important to use curved
pathways or garden beds. Breaking up the direction of pavers to allow curved lines will also help. A birdbath, fountain
or a small pond along the way will balance and improve the qualities of Chi. How to do it right I write it in detail in my
e-books "Create your Luck with personal Feng Shui" and "The Treasury Feng Shui secrets of Success and Riches"
Too large a doorway will allow Chi to escape from your home. If this is a problem for you, it can be easily counteracted
by placing wind chimes outside the door. Too small a doorway will not allow enough Chi to enter the home, but
placing a mirror on either side of the door, or on a wall opposite the door, will solve the problem.
If the stairway leads straight from the front door, the Chi will rush up the stairs, so, mirrors, plants and screens will
slow down the Chi. Stairways that curve along their path are obviously ideal.
There are some secrets concerning the color of the main door. According to Feng shui the color can influence your luck
and prosperity, know of what color door will bring you success, riches and luck


On the following pages of this section you will find information about feng shui for kitchen:
feng shui kitchen design, feng shui kitchen colors, feng shui kitchen stove / oven, feng shui art, feng shui pictures and
wallpapers for kitchen, feng shui kitchen lightening, kitchen curtains, feng shui secrets for fridge, sink and dining table,
feng shui for kitchen pipes, best position of kitchen appliances, kitchen feng shui symbols.

Your kitchen is the heart of your home, take good care of it. The kitchen is also a symbol of health and prosperity, thus
for good feng shui, do not place your kitchen close to the main door or to the back door, where the energy can easily
disapear. So this space should always be as clean and tidy as possible, symbolizing good health and providing clear
space for working and achieving prosperity.

The food you eat gives you energy. For this energy to be of high and healing quality, the food needs to be prepared in
a harmonious and well-organized kitchen. Good nutrition is good feng shui, so add healthy, organic foods to your diet,
especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Simply eat balanced 5- elements nutrition for long youth, happy mood and
feeling good. This nutrition carry strong healing vibrations from the earth that your body needs (Read my book Healthy
Nutrition. Basis feng shui).

Here are a few more basic feng shui tips for your kitchen:

1. The kitchen should have several levels of proper lighting, be airy and spacious, clean, bright and welcoming.

2. For good feng shui, keep the kitchen simple and do not overload it with gadgets.

3. Fresh flowers bring beautiful uplifting energy to your kitchen. Place a bowl with juisy fruits, a vase of flowers,
or alive plant. But not anywhere, in some places the flowers can bring only misfortune to your family. In my e-
book the" The Treasury Feng Shui secrets of Success and Riches".I write the exact places where you may place
the flowers.

A balanced feng shui kitchen should have colors, elements, shapes and objects distribution placed according to feng
shui guidelines as well as to human comfort.

Kitchen Remodeling the Feng Shui Way

Kitchen remodeling can be one of the most exciting renovations in a homeowners life. The thoughts of a brand new
kitchen, filled with light and airy space, can be almost too good to be true. Unfortunately, many homeowners never
take into consideration the ultimate effects that the layout and design of their kitchen will have on the familys well
being and sense of energy once it is completed. Instead of focusing on kitchen designer magazines, look to the
principles of feng shui for inspiration and design. The tips below can help you get started.

Forget Crowded
There is a country song that touts wide open spaces, and for the kitchen remodeler who wants a feng shui style
kitchen, those lyrics should ring true. The best feng shui principle to adhere to in the kitchen is to keep the space open
and airy. If possible, have plenty of natural sunlight filtering through the windows and gracing the space. The more
open and bright your kitchen is, the more comfortable you will be when you are cooking or preparing a meal. So, if
you are debating adding in another island or are thinking about going bigger on the countertops or appliances, think
again. Feng shui focuses on energy flow and in the kitchen that is vitally important.

Less Clutter Equals Fewer Appliances

When you start your kitchen remodel and remove everything from your existing kitchen, take a look at all of the
appliances that are in the space. The juicer, dehyrdrator, bread maker, toaster over, toaster, popcorn maker, and

more all add to the visual clutter in your kitchen. If you do not have adequate storage for all of the appliances out of
sight, think about which ones really get used by your family. If you have not made fresh squeezed juice for over a
year, it is definitely time to donate that juicer to a charity. While you may momentarily lament the fact that it is gone,
you will be much happier knowing that your kitchen is less cluttered. Feng shui principles emphasize keeping the
kitchen simple and eliminating unused appliances is one of the best ways to do that.

Color Is Important
Just like with every other room in the house, the color that you select for your kitchen should be in line with feng shui
principles. A bright, cheerful kitchen will increase your energy flow and make the space a happy place to be. A yellow
kitchen, for example, will not only help stimulate the appetite, but it will also increase your energy throughout the
day. Yellow is a particularly happy color that can lift your mood and make the kitchen a space where people enjoy

Tackling a kitchen remodel is a big job for anyone, but for the do-it-yourself homeowner, the challenges can be even
greater. Instead of focusing on all of the things that can be crammed into the kitchen space, try thinking about what
can be removed to provide a more open, airy kitchen. You will be amazed at how comfortable the space will feel
when it is completed.

Eco-Friendly Appliances Are Good for Kitchen Feng Shui

Feng shui is not just about balance from a symmetry aspect, although this is one of the key characteristics of the room.
It is also about making better decisions for your home, decisions that have a positive effect on the house and your life
in general. In many cases, this includes those choices that are better for the environment, such as eco-friendly
appliances, which are good for feng shui too. They balance what you use with what you save, and this increases the
positive energy in your kitchen.

Brand Names

You do not have to sacrifice style or brand names when you choose to replace your current kitchen appliances with
choices that are friendlier to the environment. Many of the top brand names in kitchen dcor offer appliances that
conserve water, use less electricity, are made from more durable materials, and are easier to clean. Although most
television shows focus on stainless steel refrigerators, most energy-efficient models are also available as dishwashers,
stoves, garbage compactors, and other handy kitchen appliances large and small.

Many retailers that sell kitchen appliances offer a variety of eco-friendly choices from top brand names, and the price
will depend on the name. Although brand name affects price, sometimes we can afford to budget just a little more to
be able to afford a great name for a product that should last for years. This is investing in the long run, and the wisest
investments have a positive lasting impact on kitchen feng shui.


As mentioned before, some factors affect the price when you purchase kitchen appliances, especially models that are
designed for high efficiency. It can seem like the best choices are also the most expensive, and sometimes this is true.
Consider your grocery stores health food selection, and compare the cost of buying organic foods to junk food. They
often are so different that you have to adjust the budget drastically when you decide to diet.

Keep in mind that sometimes the additional cost is worth it, especially when you are investing in your familys future.
When you make choices that are better for the earth, you invest in the future of your family for several generations,
even with one small contribution such as new appliances. We cannot regenerate what we lose with each generation;
we can only conserve as much as we can for the next generation and the ones to follow after that.

Summing Up

So, is it worth it to buy an energy-efficient appliance just to satisfy kitchen feng shui in your home? It is if you can find
room in the familys finances to replace models that are outdated or less eco-friendly. However, not everyone can
squeeze this amount from the redecorating budget, so you have to prioritize what absolutely has to be done above
what can wait until more money can be set aside for appliance replacement. Unless the appliances are broken or not
working like they should, this is a project that may be categorized as can wait.

Designing a Perfectly Yellow Kitchen

Yellow is a versatile and cheerful color and a great choice for a space where you want to add energy and vitality every
time you walk into the room. Since it is so bright and vibrant, many top feng shui experts believe that designing a
perfectly yellow kitchen is an excellent decision. It symbolizes energy and alertness, and is a far better choice to add
passion into a room than red, which overwhelms the space quickly.

Choosing the right yellow is very important as you design your kitchen, so that colors do not clash or run together.
Here are tips on choosing the right shade of yellow paint, based on choices available at most home improvement
stores and home dcor retailers worldwide:

Its hard to go wrong with pastel yellow paint. Choose a shade of yellow paint that looks lighter than you want. In
many cases, the yellow dries at least a shade or two darker than what you see on the paint chip and you do not want
to end up with school bus yellow in the kitchen. A lemony, pastel yellow is an attractive shade that always looks fresh
and warm . You could go just a little darker if you want the yellow to really stand out, but pastels are ideal for kitchen
walls, where the focal point is the appliances or an eat-in table area.

Yellow can overwhelm a room if it is too dark. As mentioned before, yellow has a tendency to dry darker than you
might think, so be sure to balance the yellow with other shades. For example, if you have chosen stainless steel
appliances and light wood flooring, consider going with something neutral to break up the energy. A chocolate shade
is a great choice as an accent color, but most shades of blue are also a good choice to represent the water element in
addition to yellows fire element.

Watch the undertones! Like most other colors, yellow has a unique color spectrum that can lead toward shades of
green, orange, and brown, depending on the shade. As you choose the perfect shade of yellow for your kitchen, watch
the undertones so that you are not unpleasantly surprised when the paint dries. You can normally tell what the
undertones are by where the shade is on the paint wheel or color spectrum, but ask an expert if you have any doubts.

White does not look as bright next to sunshine yellow. If you are hoping to achieve a country kitchen look, yellow and
white may not be as ideal as they look on a sketch or television show. You have to be very careful about mixing yellows
and whites as they tend to clash if you do not pick just the right shade of each. They can also tend to blend together if
the shades are not distinctly different. Any time you want to utilize white stay away from pastel yellow or cream, and
lean farther toward butter or squash shades of yellow, which are more vibrant and noticeably different.

Importance of the Earth Element in the Kitchen

The earth element is one of the most important elements for your kitchen, since it relates to feeling satisfied by food,
nourishment, and food preparation in general. It is very important to represent the earth element in the kitchen, and
there are many different ways to do it effectively without having a globe or rock garden in this space. First, the
importance of the earth element in the kitchen cannot be overstressed, since without it the food you make may not be

What Is The Earth Element?

The earth element is the representation of where we live, the globe that gives us life and nourishment. There are
many different ways to represent this element, depending on the rest of your dcor and your individual taste. Color,
shape, pattern, and artwork are some of the most popular methods, and you do not have to spend a lot of money or
go into a lot of detail to represent the element effectively.

In the kitchen, things are often chaotic and hectic, with people moving in and out doing a variety of things throughout
the day and often into the night. The earth element represents stability and steadfastness, a very important balance to
the chaos. This is why most people represent earth with stone or clay, since it is pulled directly from the earth and is
an excellent means of indicating permanence.

How Does Earth Affect Food?

To answer this question, consider the origin of almost every form of food that you can imagine. Many wind up in a
factory, but the humble beginning of most foods is the ground, or the Earth. Fruits, vegetables, and grains grow
directly from the Earth itself, from the dirt that was the foundation of man. Many animals are fed from things that
grow from the earth (such as grains), and a few eat things still growing.

Representing the earth is important to make the food we eat taste better and truer, and to help retain the healthiness
that eating right offers. Without the earth element, cooking becomes chaos, and we are robbed of the nourishment
that our bodies need in order to live happy, healthy lifestyles. This helps us bring into clearer focus just how important
Earth is to the kitchen space especially.

Are There Many Ways To Represent Earth?

Representing earth is very, very easy, and this element is one of the easier to represent within your home. A stone
vase or mug, clay pottery, a basic square shape, the color yellow, rectangular shapes, flat shapes, and similar ideas are
great starting points. Jade artwork is very effective too, and this can help you create the perfect focal point for the
kitchen area.

As a final note, representing earth can come in more subtle forms too, such as offering a recycle bin for all things that
can be recycled. We take much from the earth every year, and there are few ways to give back to the planet that gives
us life. A small way to represent earth is by composting and reducing your carbon footprint throughout your entire

Representing Metal and Earth Elements in the Kitchen

When you think back to your earliest childhood memories, you will often have memories of meals, cooking, and
spending time together as a family around a dinner table or in the kitchen. Therefore it should come as no surprise
that the kitchen should be one of the most balanced areas in your home in order to keep the positive chi flowing
throughout. Although each of the elements are represented with the basic design of the average kitchen, there is
some balancing that still needs to be done to counteract the dangerous fire element , so representing metal and earth
elements in the kitchen, along with others, is still essential.

Metals Importance

Because metal is the direct opposite of fire, it is the most important addition to the kitchen that you will encounter.
While it can be disastrous to overwhelm the room with the metal element, since you do not want to completely
destroy the fire element, you have to add more metal than is usually present unless you have stainless steel
appliances. The stoves fire element can quickly outweigh all of the other elements in the room, so be very careful to
balance the fire with the addition of metal in the kitchen.
Adding metal is not a difficult job, and it can be as simple as purchasing energy-efficient and eco-friendly stainless steel
appliances. When this is not an option, consider a great metal sculpture for the corner of the room, or a metal wind
chime to hang in the kitchen window. It is all about balancing the power of the fire element with the coolness of the
metal element. Whether you do it with something made from metal or something the color of metal, such as gray,
silver, gold, copper, platinum, white, iron, or similar shades, it is important to remember to balance fire with elements
like metal and earth, which we will discuss next.

Earths Importance

Earth is another critical element in the kitchen, because it protects against fire and can really have a tremendous
impact on the room. Although it may sound like a great idea to add a lot of earth representations to balance the fire
element, doing this may entirely quench the fire element and therefore throw the home out of balance again. Use it
sparingly, much the same as you would the fire element, and it is often a great idea to stick to using the earthy shades,
colors, patterns, prints, and accessories on the walls and flooring or somewhere subtle.
Of the five important elements that make up the feng shui decorating style, earth is already the most stable and calm
element, so it does not take much in order to achieve balance and maximize the positive chi flow in the kitchen. Earth
is more than dirt; it is actually everything around you that is alive, from trees and grass to mountains and caves, so you
can easily represent this important balancing element with a simple live plant, beautiful rock or rock formation, or clay

Using the Water Element in the Kitchen

The kitchen is the easiest room in the house to decorate with the feng shui style, since so many of the elements are
represented by the things in the modern kitchen, from fire to water and more. Using the water element in the kitchen
becomes more about placement than representation in many cases, since something as simple as the kitchen sink or
dishwasher represents water without adding anything else. Colors, shapes, and placement are the key to balance in
the kitchen when decorating in the feng shui style.

Colors in the Kitchen

Expert feng shui decorators advise steering away from most blues near the stove, since the water would overwhelm
the fire element if placed near the stove. Instead, find a way to balance the water element without overwhelming the
other elements, especially fire, which is the opposite element. Without balance, the energy in the room becomes
skewed and you may discover problems beginning to arise quickly and without warning.

Waters elemental colorblueis a great option for the eating area in the kitchen, but it should not overwhelm the
space. For instance, you could have barstools upholstered in blue, or a blue tablecloth, or blue napkins. Blue balances
overeating by dampening your appetite, meaning that you eat less before you feel satisfied. Since you should avoid
decorating your kitchen entirely blue due to other elements, accessories become your best way to add the water
elements best representation shade.

Shapes of Water

Water is a liquid, which is obvious, so most people begin to wonder how you can actually represent water by shapes.
Waves and wavy lines are a perfect representation of water, just be sure to avoid placing them near the stove and
other fire representations in the kitchen. Pictures and prints of water, such as a flowing river, work well, especially
hanging above the kitchen sink.

Most big-ticket appliances symbolize water, from the refrigerator to the dishwasher, so it is not difficult to guess what
sorts of items can be used. Shape is secondary to color in the feng shui style, so if you are unsure as to whether the
shape is right for water go with the flow and choose something blue.

Placement is Critical

In the kitchen, elemental placemen is essential, and the most critical aspect of decorating using the feng shui style.
Mixing elements that are in opposition to each other, such as having your kitchen sink next to the stove, can lead to
unbalanced chi and negative energy. Since your kitchen has the most traffic of any room in the house, it is the most
important to balance if you want a good family life at mealtimes and more.

It is not just the sink that you have to worry about placing; the fridge, dishwasher, and freezer contend with the fire
element for the same reason. If there is no practical solution to the problem, find something to represent the earth
element and use it to moderate the fire and water and avoid clashes of the two elementals.

The Effect of Organization on Cabinet Feng Shui

Each part of your kitchen can be affected by positive or negative energy, depending on a few very important factors.
The cabinets can be a primary source of negative energy if they are chaotic and cluttered, or a great source for positive
energy if they are organized and clean. In this article, we will take a brief look at the effect of organization on cabinet
feng shui in the kitchen.

Positive vs. Negative Energy

Positive and negative energy are attracted by cleanliness or chaos, respectively, and in the kitchen the primary source
of organization comes from the cabinets. If you just put things away wherever, with no sense of organization or order,
the result is an unorganized chaos, and there will be no positive energy flow from that part of the room. This also
drains the positive energy from the rest of the room, and could leave you with nothing good to come out of the
kitchen, from meals to family together time.

In order to maximize the potential of something as seemingly innocent as kitchen cabinets, keep them organized and
tidy as much as possible, with a logical order to the items stored in each cabinet. Not only does this increase the
positive chi, it also looks great, adding value to your home and increasing your potential return on investment (ROI)
should you ever decide to sell the house. Whether you are interested in a future sale or not, keeping things organized
will help you with each meal that you prepare.

How to Organize Cabinets

Start the project by seeing what you have, dividing things up into a logical order, such as bowls in one place, plates in
another, and serving bowls in a different place. Stack the items that can be stacked, giving yourself a rough idea of
how many items you need to store within the cabinets. Once this is done, you can start setting up the cabinets more

If you see that you have too much to fit into your available cabinet space, begin to weigh your options. You could
prioritize; putting the things you use less often on a top pantry shelf or in the attic. You could give away or sell the
things that you do not use at all. Or, you could simply try rearranging the stacks or using organizational accessories to
make the space more efficient.

The Right Tools

Organization is not as difficult as you might initially think, with some help accessories offered by most cabinet
companies today. Most are not very costly, and they will make your lifeand your organizational projectmuch
easier. They can be found at the vast majority of home improvement stores, and with some online retailers, especially
brand name cabinet companies.

Lazy Susan technology has been introduced as a vital part of cabinet organization, with inserts that allow you to utilize
even corner cabinet space effectively. Some offer pull out shelves, so that getting things is even easier. There are many
different sizes to choose from, depending on the width and depth of your cabinet and cabinet door size.


1. Kitchen should be light and airy with minimal clutter.

2. Try to avoid the kitchen being near the front door.

3. No mirrors. Mirrors bring bad luck in kitchens.

4. Do not place the stove next to the sink or the refrigerator, as this brings the opposing elements of fire and water
together. If in your current kitchen you do not have any option then try to place a barrier like a small wooden shelf in

5. Try not to place the stove under a window. This way all the energy will leave the house too quickly.

6. Water pipes should not be placed under the area where the stove is placed.

7. Try to keep the stove in good functioning order and always clean it after use. Because the stove is a symbol for your

8. Make sure that the stove is not placed under beams.

9. Do not use marble surfaces or images of marble, they cause illnesses and disorders

10. Position the stove in such a way that the back of the person cooking should not be towards the door.

Free feng shui tips for kitchen

Over time, kitchens have been considered the heart of the home. The correct feng shui arrangement of the kitchen
brings wonderful money luck coupled with health.

Here some free feng shui tips for kitchen

1. Keep your kitchen clean and clutter-free is a necessary step for good feng shui.

2. Your kitchen should not be in the center of your home

3. Kitchen equipments and appliance such as kettle, stove and eggs cooker, etc are a powerful wealth chi producer.
They are so powerful that correct placement often brings wonderful luck. (know it from my e-book that reveals feng
shui secrets for kitchen treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches)

4. Good nutrition is also good feng shui, so try to add more healthy, organic foods to your diet, especially fresh fruits
and vegetables (know about 5-elemental nutrition from my e-book "Healthy rejuvenating nutrition" )

5. Use the power of feng shui color, the correct color can bring money, success, and luck (the correct colors for kitchen
is off staged secret and it is revealed in my e-book treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches)

6. The stove is a symbol of wealth, so your stove should be always in working condition and has the strong energy

7. Fresh flowers bring beautiful uplifting energy to the kitchen, place it correctly

When your kitchen is clean, bright, and welcoming, the heart of your home is filled with good feng shui. The care and
attention you give to enhancing this important area of the home creates a powerful, positive energy that supports the
health and prosperity of your family.


On the following pages of this section you will find information about feng shui for living room:
feng shui living room colors, feng shui living room pictures, feng shui living room design, living room furniture, feng
shui tips for living room, rules, photo, pictures and wallpapers for living room, position of TV set, feng shui sofa, feng
shui guest area, bookshelves and bookcases, feng shui secrets of storing books, coffee and tea table in feng shui.

The living room is the kernel of the home. Here numerous activities taking place dining, relaxation, TV seeing,
entertaining, guest reception, playing and studying, feng shui can play a major role in promoting a positive energy. The
living room shouldn't be cluttered with furniture. The main thing to remember is that the room should have
comfortable furniture this will provide you with permanent feelings of security and harmony

Here are some tips you can do in order to create a feng shui harmonized living room.

- place comfortable furniture in proportion to your room. The furniture amount and size should be in proportion with
the space.

- Chairs and sofa backs should not face the doorway. Seats should also be placed following a octagonal or circular

- the living rooms needs great lightening up through the use or combination of clear colors, plants, mirrors or light.

- the television should not have a central position in your feng shui living room. A fireplace would be an ideal element
to have as room center

The feng shui living room's main table should be tidy and invite people to sit at it. Besides, this table symbolizes health
and therefore it should be clean and neat. Placing natural flowers or plants on it would also be good for the health of
the people who has in their Individual Feng Shui map the positive east and south-east sectors, to know about it you
can from my e-book " The Treasury Feng Shui secrets of Success and Riches".

It is very important to follow the Individual Feng shui map, because you can only do much harm by placing the wrong
subjects in wrong places

Adding Metal for a Modern Feng Shui Living Room

Metal is the perfect compliment to a contemporary living room, but that does not mean you should rush out to find a
big chunk of metal for this spaces dcor. Adding metal for a modern feng shui living room means finding the perfect
complements to the cool tones and clean lines that make up the more modern dcor styles. Several methods of
adding metal are available in the living room, although some are far more commonly utilized than others.


Most people choose to add metal through furniture accents, such as metal legs or armrests, and this is a beautiful and
trendy option. There are many different furniture brand names and styles that offer great metal accents, including
grommets, supports, decorative accents, and more. For the living room, this often includes couches and chairs, but
you can also find entertainment centers, bookcases, shelving, as well as other accessories, accents and wall dcor that
will match.

Brand name furniture that features metal accents, or is made entirely of metal, is very trendy today, and most interior
design experts recommend some sort of metal accent in every modern living room. It often comes in the forms of
wrought iron, brushed or polished nickel, stainless steel, and similar options, although brass and gold overlay are also
options. Repurposed metals are also very popular options for those trying to choose more eco-friendly furniture.


Another common choice is to add metal accessories to the living room, creating beautiful dcor styles and focal point
options. Metals are cool and classic options, and the perfect complement to the cool color palette preferred for the
more modern design styles. Stay away from accessories that look outdated, and stick to the more modern and
contemporary styles.

Some of the more common metal accessories for the living room include modern artwork, end tables or coffee tables,
shelves, and similar ideas. The types of metal are usually the same as the furniture, including many different versions
of nickel, brass, silver, iron, and sometimes a hint of gold. It depends on your budget, dcor style, the type of furniture
or accessory, and similar options.


Since the focus of a modern and contemporary living room is the modern artwork as a focal point in many cases,
make sure that you choose something that showcases a form of cool metal. Although most of us think about a framed
picture when we envision artwork, it also includes statues, busts, abstract artwork, and anything that you and your
family consider a form of artwork.
You can have a lot of fun choosing metal for your living room feng shui, but keep in mind that it is represented by
more than just basic metals, such as the color white, circles, tigers, and coins. Since metal is one of feng shuis five
basic elements, it is important to represent it so that your room is balanced and positive energy is maximized, using
the methods that we have described and many more. This makes your life happier and fuller, and adds peace and
harmony to your home.

Feng Shui Design Elements for the Living Room

Aside from the kitchen, the living room presents one of the largest amounts of traffic in your home, and this is also
one of the first rooms that guests and visitors see once they are inside your home. Feng shui decorating is a very
unique decorating choice, in that although it is very trendy and contemporary, it is an ancient decorating style that has
been used for centuries in homes in China. Designs for the living room that obey feng shui rules but still look great are
easy to find in many different places, from online stores to traditional home decorating stores.

Elemental accessory designs are classic, but still a great option for contemporary living room dcor. It is becoming
very trendy to take something traditional and turn it into something different and modern without losing functionality.
For example, a wood buffet can easily be transformed from a dining room storage piece to a living room
entertainment center with storage for CDs, movies, games, electronic equipment, and much more. The buffet
represents at least the wood element, but can also be used to represent the metal element and sometimes an earth
element, depending on the pieces design style.

Rocks are not reserved for fountains as a part of living room dcor. Its not uncommon to use a stone or faux stone
fountain or similar water feature in the living room. This is a common decorating touch for the modern living room,
and it is a sufficient and stylish addition to represent the metal or earth element. However, there are other ways to
use rock in the living room that look great and represent the elements, such as a vase made from stone, modern
artwork featuring a rock wall, or a print designed to mimic the face of Mount Everest.

Wood furniture is classic and traditional, but not the only means of adding a touch of wood or earth to the living
room space. If you want to keep things simple and elegant, wood furniture choices are ideal and there are hundreds of
types of wood available, in both eco-friendly and other designs. However, consider that great print of the Black Forest
in Germany. It represents wood and earth in a beautiful way, and with a great frame it becomes a modern focal point
that can be highlighted with a spotlight or similar focal light in the living room.

Fire comes in many forms in the living room as well. A fireplace is suitable to represent the fire element, but not
always a feasible option for every living room space in every home. When we talk about representing the elements in
entertaining ways, you can think about other ways to utilize elements that are suitable without being commonplace.
For instance, a stone representation of the pyramids in Egypt as a focal point in the living room works well with a
middle-Eastern dcor style. This can make a great choice for a shelf or mantel decoration without overwhelming the
room in fires passion and energy.

Living Room Feng Shui: Representing All the Elements

Like any other room decorated in the feng shui style, the living room should be about balance and order. Balancing yin
and yang in the living room is about finding the right placement for things, especially furniture and accessories, so that
the right element is represented in the right place. Representing all the elements in the living room for proper feng
shui is not difficult, and many elements are represented with the furniture that you would choose anyway.

Feng shui dcor does not need an expert in design, simply some basic tips. Here are some simple tips for making sure
that all five elements are adequately represented in your living space, in no particular order:


The earth element is one of the easiest to represent, since you can easily use furniture to represent the earth. Coffee
tables are commonly used, since the shape of most modern coffee tables, a long flat rectangle, is a perfect
representation of this element. Adding a terra cotta vase adds to the earth element and completes this portion of your
living room. To utilize color, greens, browns, and similar earthy tones are great, and grays add a representation of


Accessories make excellent representations for the water element in your living space, such as a great aquarium or
artwork depicting flowing water. You can use a variety of methods for representing any element, but the living rooms
water element can be a bit tricky if you do not want to choose artwork. Color is one of the simplest ways to add the
water element, through blues and blacks and similar cool colors.


Unless you have a fireplace, fire is another somewhat difficult element to represent adequately, since you are limited
to upward-facing objects such as triangles and sunbursts. This is another case where color can be your best bet,
through vibrant reds and yellows and similar warm and hot shades such as pinks and oranges. You could choose a
great bronze sun as a focal point in this space, especially if it features lots of warm colors.


Metals are very easy to add to your living room dcor, since there are so many varieties to choose from and so many
beautiful things that can be made from metal. There are dozens of metal objects that you can choose, from great
pewter picture frames to furniture with metal legs. Color is also an option, with great grays and metallic shades like
silver and gold. White is also among the metal elements colors, so consider using this shade a lot throughout the


Last but not least, wood is commonly associated with earth when designing in
the feng shui style, but doing this eliminates the fifth element and causes
chaos and unbalance in the living room. Wood is an element of itself, and you
can represent it very easily through hardwood flooring, furniture,
bookshelves, end tables or coffee tables, and much more. Blue and green are
most commonly associated with life and growing things, so use these colors
along with browns to represent wood through color.


Lamps are very important in interior feng shui, because lamp is an element of
fire. Fire element is the strongest of all feng shui elements. It should be used
carefully and well thought-out.

If fire sector is negative for your, you shouldn't place any lamp in the fire gua sector (south). But you can place anyway
well balanced lamp in the south-west sector to enhance your relations with your partner; in the north sector - to
balance your negative sector of career; in the north-east sector - to get success at exams and so on.

Examples of balanced lamps:

The first example of well balanced lamp

This rock lamp naturally empowers the element of fire by the earth elements (stones). The rectangular shape and
wood stand is wood element. The quantity of rocks is 7 (metal element). Waivy position of rocks is water element.

The second example of feng shui well balanced lamp

Wood stand is wood element, salt - earth element, bowl shape - metal element, blue color of the bowl - water


Candle Holders can be very useful in organizing space according to feng shui rules.

Some examples of Candle Holders for activating of positive energy.

Tealight Feng shui Candle Holder

Adorned with sparkling autumn leaves, a stylized curving branch gracefully supports a beaded fruit shape tealight
candle holder. Add a tealight candle's glimmer to set the lavish beadwork aglow with a halo of ruby light! Iron with
acrylic accents.

Feng shui Candle Holder- Black with Lucky Red Candle Cups
A two-level base, in simple Zen style, becomes even more dramatic when bathed
in the magical glow from three lucky red color candle cups. Gently flowing
patterns of light and shifting shadows evoke a relaxing aura of peace, serenity,
tranquility and Zen harmony and makes a terrific decor accent for any Zen style
room in the home. Wood with glass candle cups and black and red colour make
this Feng shui Candle Holder well ballanced .

Soothing Feng Shui Wind & Water Candle Holder

This fan-shaped Feng Shui candle holder casts a comforting glow while the

Chinese characters translate to read "wind" and "water," the meaning of the words "Feng Shui," are backlighted. Feng
Shui candle holder makes a fun decor accent for your surroundings.

Orb Modern Wire Design Hanging Candle Holder

A votive candle emits a fascinating pattern of flickering light and shadow from the very
heart of this wire art orb shape hanging candle holder! Fashioned from curving strands
of wrought iron wire, this modern style candle orb makes a dramatic piece of decor
jewelry for your modern Feng Shui decor. Wrought iron with glass candle cup. The
best position for this FENG SHUI Candle Holder is the gua center.


Depending on where the toilet is located, it can impact your health, your wealth,
your standing in the community -- even your romance. Because cleanliness is considered good luck in feng shui, it is
important to keep this area clean

Here are some tips to prevent flowing out energy and prosperity from your house:

- toilets should be hidden as much as possible.

- tie a red ribbon or use red tape around outgoing pipes. This will help keep the energy from flowing out.

- always close the toilet door and seats (when not in use) to prevent the unnecessary escape of chi.

- everything should be in good working order and clean to promote good feng shui. Filth or broken items in the
bathroom will accentuate negative energy

- it is very important that your toilet is not located right above the main house door or its wall

- lots of lighting, good ventilation and cleanliness are essential to a proper Feng Shui

- it is also important that the toilet and the bathtub have some space between them or that would not allow chi to
flow as it should.

- place a bowl of pebbles or fresh flower arrangement on the toilet tank or on a shelf above the toilet. By adding this
element of earth, you will help control the water.

There are also some feng shui bathroom tips related to the colors. This tips are very important because of this
depends all your energy, luck and prosperity. This secret use of colors in bathroom you may know from my e-book"
The Treasury Feng Shui secrets of Success and Riches".

This house area is very important do not underestimate it.


The main thing with toilet is tidiness and working order of all appliances. The second is keeping the door closed and
toilet seat down. Additionally tie all tubes with red ribbon.

According to attract positive energy of feng shui to the toilet paint it according to feng shui map (select sectors) in two

Light orange and pink

White and light green
Yellow and light blue

Paint your bathroom in light grays, cream colors and pale blues, the principle of painting is described in my e-book The
treasury feng shui secrets.

If your bathroom is located in the center of the house, paint it red. The fire element will increase income and therefore
counteract the drain on wealth.

To attract wealth with Feng Shui bathroom: A full-length mirror on the outside of the bathroom door, make an illusion
of the absene of this premise.

Keep a bowl of pebbles on the shelf above the toilet or on the cistern itself. A black or red coloured rug at the base of
the pedestal could also be used as a protective device.


On the following pages of this section you will find information about feng shui for study,
home office and cabinet: feng shui colors of study, home office and cabinet, feng shui pictures, feng shui design for
study room, furniture for cabinet, feng shui tips for study, home office and cabinet, rules, photo, pictures and

wallpapers for study and business, position of work table and computer table, feng shui office chair, feng shui arm-
chairs for business partners, feng shui shelving, bookcases and racks.

The study is an important room in the house. This room needs a lot of positive energy. It is important to keep this
room tidy and uncluttered, if the room is cluttered and messy it will produce Sha energy. As this is a room where we
require creativity and contemplation, so there must be as much Chi as possible in the room. A comfortable high-
backed chair should be placed there, place a picture that associates you with positive emotions concerning study and
business to help the flow of creative energy.

The desk should be placed so that the window is to the left of the seating position and the door can be seen from the
desk. The person's back should not be to the door. Choose a room with the biggest window in a house to attract most
Chi. Add a mirror to reflect the light in the room, if there is no window.
Plants, especially peace lilies, can help minimize the effects of electrical radiation from office equipment. They also
bring their own living energy into the working situation. To know can you or not use plants you may from my e-book"
The Treasury Feng Shui secrets of Success and Riches".

The detailed information about the placement of special enhancers and attraction of success in examinations and
study is placed in my e-books. It is very important to follow the Individual Feng shui map, because you can only do
much harm by placing the wrong subjects in wrong places

The Best Colors for Home Office Feng Shui

Your home office is your chance to earn a primary or supplementary income, and using the ancient Chinese feng shui
design style can be the best way to maximize the rooms potential. Color plays a huge role in the rooms environment,
so you should understand the meaning of various colors when choosing a color palette for the home office.

Orange is for Teamwork

Orange is one of those shades that often get overlooked by someone planning to decorate a home office, but it
signifies teamwork and cooperation and is a great choice for a home office that is part of a larger network. For
instance, if you work from home but have a traditional office too, orange would be ideal for your home office. Shades
that have strong orange undertones achieve the same goal, such as shades of yellow, red, or brown.

A Glass Ceiling

While most of us are not literally going to have a glass ceiling, the idea that the sky is the limit is a great image for the
home office. For this reason, a shade of white, a pale neutral or a pale pastel is a perfect choice for the ceiling. Avoid
anything that makes you feel like there is a load hanging over your head, as it draws away from your productivity.

Shades of Blue

We will start with a color that you should actually avoid having in your home office, unless you are a writer or use
writing as a major part of your career. Blue is a creative shade, but it is also very soothing. Relaxation and productivity
are often the worst of enemies, so you will want to stay away from colors that are very soothing such as pastel blues
or greens.

Red for Sales

Some jobs require a lot of charisma and motivation in order to succeed and earn a significant amount of money, such
as sales jobs. Red puts a lot of energy and passion in the room, so a lot of experts recommend a red home office if you
work in a job that requires frequent contact with customers, aggressive negotiations, or luck in determining payoffs or

Yellow Submarine

Your home office can come to feel like your traditional officea separate environment from the rest of your home.
Yellow represents clarity and vitality, and it is a great choice if you want to focus on your work and stay motivated.
Strict attention to detail and calendar obligations are also necessary and the color yellow represents discipline, which
is very important for those who earn their income solely from home.

Brown is the New Neutral

Although neutrals are often viewed as the go-to shade when all other shades have been eliminated, browns are
perfect for designing an office with as few distractions as possible. Neutrals will shift your focus away from the decor
and toward your work, increasing your overall productivity and therefore your income. Use it for a small office to
make the room feel less oppressive or as an accent shade in any home office.

Adding Energy to Your Workout Space with Color

For most of us, it takes a lot of extra energy to get the gumption to exercise every week, and even more gumption to
make a healthier workout regime a part of each day. One of the best ways to add the right energy is to eat healthy and
make good lifestyle choices, but adding energy to your workout space with color is also important. The part of your
home that you work out most in should be full of life, energy, and positive energy, and color is a very easy addition
that makes a huge difference.

Feng shui dcor is about achieving balance in the space, not about mystic objects or yin-yang dcor styles. Balancing
energy and peace will help eliminate chaos in this space, dispelling the negative energies, which invites more positive
energy into your workout area and the home in general. This should be your goal with every home renovation project,
so it helps you add value and potential to your home, regardless of what room you are designing and what budget you
have available for that particular project.

Red, red, red!

The color red offers the highest amount of energy that a color can make available for your workout space, but use it
sparingly. Too much energy and passion can strip the room of peace, and add too much chaos. Whether your workout
space is a part of your living room, basement space, master bedroom, or somewhere else, a little bit of red goes a long
way. Balance is a vital part of feng shui dcor, so balance the red with a shade that is peaceful and neutral for
maximum results.

Similar to red, oranges and yellows are vibrant and add a lot of power, warmth, and energy to the space. Use them
just as sparingly as you would red, but make sure to incorporate these bright and energetic shades to give yourself
that additional bit of pep that is so important for a good workout. Accessories are a great way to add reds and other
vibrant shades, but you can use them on focal walls with the right balance of peace.

Avoiding Peace

Although a peaceful, tranquil home is normally your goal as you are decorating any space that you frequent, but you
want to avoid too much peace in a space that you want to use for exercising. Balance the passion of red with the
peacefulness and tranquility of greens and blues so that you get all of the emotions and characteristics that you need
in order to feel great right after the workout. The neutrals will balance the passion enough to make cool down periods
just as effective as warm-ups.

Blue is the direct opposite of red in terms of energy versus peace, passion versus tranquility, and vibrant versus cool.
Warmth and cool work together and coordinate very well, and the balanced feeling is amazing for a workout area.
Adding shades that offer neither, such as black or white, give the perfect finishing touch to the space, and can really
make the area feel complete.

Where to keep books according to feng shui

Q Where to keep books according to feng shui?

A Book is considered to be Wood element. The color of book jacket makes the wood element stronger or weaker. So
books should be stored at the place appropriate to the Wood element. To make stronger wood element (if it is
positive to you according to individual feng shui map) you may wrap the book in a piece of green or blue paper. To
smooth the Wood energy, wrap the book in a piece of white, silver or gold paper.


On the following pages of this section you will find information about feng shui for office: feng
shui colors for office, home office and cabinet, feng shui office pictures, feng shui design for office, furniture for
cabinet, feng shui tips for success in business, office rules, photo, pictures and wallpapers for office, business, position
of work table and computer table, feng shui office chair, feng shui arm-chairs for business partners, feng shui shelving,
bookcases and racks.

Balance the energy in your home and office, and your own energy will be in harmony, and this will draw to you people
and opportunities. Your environment indirectly determines the type of relationships, finances, career opportunities,
etc you attract.

Because we spend so much time at our workplaces, these spaces have a huge influence on our lives. The special feng
shui enhancers will support you in creating prosperity and balance at your work.

Find out your 4 best directions. Download my e-book "Create your Luck with personal Feng Shui" , there you will find
out which direction attractsuccess in career, money and reputation to you.

Write down what you would like to do most of all if making money doesn't matter. Place it in several locations so you
can see it often and ask for Divine assistance in creating it. Remember to be grateful.

So now about the location of your office here are some tips:

-office should face a small or medium sized lake. But it should not be a very fast flowing river.

- roads that surround your business have the same effect as rivers. An office situated on a busy street with steady
moving traffic would be ideal.

- a business site situated in the area with speed breakers, traffic lights, is better than one situated on the highway or in
an area where there is fast flowing traffic.

- a road pointing towards your business site is considered inauspicious.

- make sure all doors open fully, if not, it could limit your opportunities.

- everything must always be functional. Objects that hinder the ability to work an obnoxiously bright light, broken desk
drawers, or overgrown plants shouldn't present in the office. They should be removed or fixed immediately.

Here are some special enhancers for career:

1. nine goldfish - one black and eight gold.

2. a dragon tortoise

3. a lamp in the south corner of your office and keep it lit. Red candles, red decorative objects, crystals, and
beautiful rocks are also good in this location.

4. northwest corner of your office with a beautiful rock or geode, or place gold, silver or white objects

5. chinese dragon

6. crystals are extremely powerful wealth and success enhancers

7. the 3 legged toad or money frog with a gold coin in his mouth

8. three coins, tied with red ribbon and etc.

From Cubicle to Corner Office - Feng Shui Tips for Success

If you are trapped in a small cubicle everyday at work, you know how limiting it can be. Views of the outside are rare
and feeling cramped and crowded is common. In fact, cubicles, by their very nature, are limiting in energy flow. This
presents a big problem for those who want to get ahead in business, but who must first deal with the effects of a

cubicle workspace. The tips below can help increase your productivity and the energy flow in your space which can
lead to more success and a more fulfilling career.

Know Your Zones

The first thing to do is to know the zones of your cubicle and address them individually. It is important to nurture
success and growth by not crowding those spaces on your desk. In fact, many feng shui experts suggest that there by
no more than nine items on your desk at any one time. If you are in the sales business and need to make important
and timely calls as part of your success, place the phone in the area of wealth on your desk. A simple rearrangement
can mean a much different feel about the work that needs to be done.

Whats That?
Most cubicles come with the desks positioned in such a way that your back is forever to the entrance. This is
especially nerve-racking and can provide some very negative energy. Place a mirror on the wall to give you a clear
view of anyone approaching or entering the cubicle. This will put your mind more at ease, as well as open up the
proper flow of energy.

Whats in a Color?
Color also plays an important part in your success. In feng shui, red and purple are especially powerful colors when it
comes to wealth and success. Purple attracts money and should be used around the means that you use to generate
sales. For instance, place a purple flower on your computer monitor if you use it to gather leads and make sales. Red
should be used to increase the flow of success and can be used to attract attention to your efforts. It is important to
use the colors in moderation, but also to make sure that you are using them in the correct locations. Take the time to
map out your cubicle space, especially your desk, to ensure that you have the most productive flow of energy.

Having framed pictures of your family, as well as, your dreams and goals is important. In a cubicle it can be difficult to
fit all of those aspects into the space, but by including them in moderation, they can lead the way to your success and
that corner office that you have always dreamed of. No matter how big or how small your workspace is, if you are
trying to get ahead and be recognized for your achievements, take the time to employ the simple, yet effective feng
shui ideas that can make a big impact on your life.

Encouraging Feng Shui in Your Office Place

As any corporate worker knows, there is more emphasis placed on productivity than on creating a feeling of balance
and contentment in the workspace. While this may be understandable to some degree, there is the very real truth
that a worker who feels more comfortable in his or her work environment is more productive than one who does
not. You may not have the power to change all of the elements of your offices interior, but the ideas below may help
you create a space that feels better for you and, thus, makes you more productive at work.


Most offices have large, overhead florescent lights that not only make you look bad, but make you feel bad
too. Without a softer, more gentle light in your workspace, your productivity will suffer. To combat the glaring
florescent lights, have a small lamp in the south corner of your space with a 60-watt light bulb. This gentle light will
cast a warm glow on your space and instantly make you feel more comfortable when working.

Desk Position

If you have the ability to move your desk around in your office or cubicle, consider repositioning it so that your back is
not to the entrance of your space. If possible, position the desk to the side so that you are not directly facing the door
or entry point, but your body is off the side. Encourage your employer to allow you to reposition your workstation so
that you can be the most productive.

In Good Shape

It is important that all equipment and furniture in the office remain in good, working order. If something breaks, fix it
or have it fixed as soon as possible. A workspace and office that are fully functioning are not only good for
productivity, but they are also good for morale. Employees feel much better about coming to work at a place where
the equipment and furnishings are maintained and well-kept.

Red Inspiration

Red is a popular feng shui color and should be used in the office or workspace. When placed in the south corner of the
space, it encourages productivity and success. Keep a decorative red vase or candle in the south corner of your cubicle
or desk to help the flow of energy. Even a fresh, healthy bouquet of red roses or other flowers in the workspace will
change the energy of the space to a much more productive one.

Open the Doors

It is essential that all of the doors in your office open fully. While you may, with good reason, want the doors closed at
times, none should be hindered by items placed behind them. Be aware of people storing boxes of copy paper or
other items behind the doors and move the obstacles out of the way as soon as possible.

Encouraging good feng shui in your workplace helps not only you, but your co-workers and employer, as well. They
may never have thought about colors and the positioning of workspaces, but with a bit of encouragement you can
help them see the importance and impact of such changes. Before long, your companys employees will be more
productive and your work environment will be much more pleasant.

Increasing Productivity With Feng Shui Office Decor

Your home office is your source of income if you work from home, and the main source of income if your job allows
you to work entirely out of the home office. Balancing dcor styles is a great method for increasing productivity, such
as with feng shui office dcor tips. These maximize your productivity, not necessarily making you work harder but
more efficiently and effectively in order to get the most income possible out of your home office space.

Do not put your back to the door! Even in the home office, the door is symbolic of clients and business, and you want
to greet the front door by facing it whenever possible. This increases the positive energy flow into the room and
encourages new business in your direction, meaning increased income. If there is room, place the desk so that you can
sit behind it and still face the door, but in some cases this is not possible. In a smaller office, angle the desk in a corner
where you can still face the door without having to take up the majority of available space in the room.

Add symbols of wealth and income as accessories. Whereas most people would use colored rocks in a glass container
as an accessory idea, consider faux coins, which symbolize money and wealth, so that you see the coins and your mind
automatically thinks of money. This will inspire your desire to earn money, effectively increasing productivity. Colors
that are money and royalty-inspired, such as great metallic shades, are also effective methods of increasing your

Choose a room that maximizes natural lighting whenever possible. Light affects many things in your home office,
from your mood to your physical well-being. Without adequate lighting, you could begin to develop headaches or
eyestrains from staring at the computer screen. A large framed mirror will take the place of large windows, and open
the blinds or curtains during the day so that your home office is flooded with the rays of the sun, adding more energy
to the room and increasing your productivity.

A safe symbolizes money and prosperity, so be sure to put your home safe in the office space. A large or small safe is
an effective means of symbolizing the wealth and valuables that you want to fill it with, thereby increasing your drive
to produce, provide, and earn more money. Although a safe can be a somewhat costly investment, it is worth it for
additional protection for your valuable documents and other things that you may want to protect (such as antique
jewelry, for example).

Tidy office spaces are symbolic of organized finances and sound business decisions. Organize the files so that you
know where everything is, keeping the clutter to a minimum and the room as tidy as possible. Since your files and
documents represent your business and clientele, treat them with the same respect that you would show someone
who is paying you to do a good job. Even a small office can inspire productivity if it is well organized and neat.

How to Combine Office Furniture with Feng Shui

Technology and feng shui do not always go hand-in-hand, and sometimes our best efforts to combine what we need in
the home office with the elements of feng shui go unrewarded to say the least. It is important to know how to
combine office furniture with feng shui design elements, so that you have everything you need for success in your
stay-at-home job. Whether your goal is increasing productivity and profitability or simply designing a home office that
looks great without losing functionality, there are ideas that suit any dcor style and office choice.

The Transition Look

Some people want a home office that represents the nine baguas and five elements without an obvious shift in design
style in the room. Others want very clear differences between the various areas in the home office, presenting clean
lines and marked transitions from one space to the next. A transition look gives you a chance to use either method to
give your office a distinct look that says something about your personality and creativity. One example of stark
transitions is to start with a vivid focal wall, then add a great mirror above the desk, and finish the look with modern
furniture and contemporary accessories.

The office does not have to be sterile and technologically advanced, although these qualities are very helpful to some
degree. Add touches of color and elegance in the home office to give it a personal touch; this is especially important in
a home office to keep the home environment atmosphere without losing the motivation for work. You can do this with
living plants and mirrors, and similar accessories that do not overwhelm the room in scent, color, light, or distractions

from what is most important. Natural light and scent are great combinations for the fire element and similar elements,
and when combined with the other necessary elements you represent the ingredients for success.

Focal Points

It may sound strange to think that you need focal points when you are decorating in the feng shui style, but you still
need places for your eyes to rest as you spend time in this room each day. When you have something to look at on
occasion, your brain can take a break and this gives you time to regroup and refocus. Your productivity increasesand
therefore your profitabilitywith advantages like these, and anything that helps you focus and make more money
accomplishes your primary goal in the home office.

Color is the best way to break up a neutral color palette, which is a very common choice for the home office space.
Bright, vibrant blooms will disrupt the monotony without destroying the harmony and balance in the space, and they
also provide a great way to introduce the earth element into the home office. Prints of living things accomplish the
same goal, bringing in a feeling of life and growth into a space that can feel overwhelmed in paper and stress each day.
This is important whether your home office is your primary source of income or something secondary to supplement
your familys monthly finances.

Must Haves For Your Feng Shui Office

Just like any other design style, there are certain key elements that are required in order to decorate your office using
the feng shui style. Without them, you might as well try a different style, because the feng shui will lose its
effectiveness and you are wasting your time and money continuing with the project. Here are some basic must haves
for your feng shui office, at home or a traditional office space:

All Five Elements

Earth, water, metal, wood, and fire are the five elements crucial to maximizing positive chi in any room. Without even
one, yin and yang are not balanced and the entire design scheme crumbles. Worse yet, you could attract more
negative chi and your life could suddenly begin to fall apart, from bad financial decisions to poor health. Each of the
five elements should be represented in their proper positions, too, never just randomly thrown together.

Make sure that you do your research, in order to understand where each of the elements should be placed in your
office. Proper position will ensure that each aspect of your life affected by those elements is taken care of properly.

All Nine Baguas

There are nine distinct zones in a feng shui circle, ranging from north to south and back again, each with a correct
place in your office or home office. The baguas affect specific aspects of your life, from career to family and even
money and travel. In order to know what goes where, and to make sure that everything is as it should be, you should
be familiar with the nine baguas, including the center bagua, and each ones correct placement.

The concept of feng shui is not a new one, and neither are the baguas, or what they represent individually and as a
whole. These concepts and ideas have been around for thousands of years, originating in China and gradually
spreading worldwide. Longevity alone for this type of design style is an accurate indication of the effectiveness of feng

Distinctive Colors

Each bagua and element is best represented by specific colors, such as white, blue, red, yellow, and black. That does
not imply that you should paint each of your walls in a rainbow of colors in order to represent the distinctive colors
that are must haves for your feng shui office. You can use accessories, accents, and artwork to make a bold, creative
statement and still follow the positive energy flow in your office or home office.

Again, it boils down to some serious research in order to ensure that you put harmonizing colors together and avoid
destructive color palettes that ruin your hard work. Just like there are some elements that should not be paired
together, such as fire and water, some colors go against each other as well, and these can create chaos in your home
office and seriously affect your creativity and job performance. In turn, this can begin to cause some serious problems
for your paychecks too. Ensure that everything is in the right place and with the right neighbors, and then your feng
shui office will be perfect.

Home Office Organization for Positive Chi

A lot of feng shui design articles discuss how to use the elements correctly, what colors should be represented and
where, and how you should balance yin and yang in order to maximize positive chi in your home office. However, very
few touch on the fact that home office organization for positive chi is critical, because without organization, clutter
and chaos take over. You block positive chi and maximize the negative aspects of chi, creating a virtual nightmare in
your home office space.

Chi is an important part of productivity, which in turn affects your profitability, or how much you make. While a home
office may not seem as important if you work at a traditional job, those who work from home may rely on their home
office almost like a source of income outside of the job. Therefore, it is critical to use all of your resources to maximize
a rooms potential, so that you can focus on what needs to be done in your life and on your job each day of your

Organizing the Clutter

The most important first step is dealing with the clutter that quickly takes over a disorganized home office. It is nearly
impossible to stay on schedule in every aspect of your job if chaos reigns in your home office area. Without knowing
what you are supposed to do, and what deadlines need to be met, your productivity and profitability wane, and the
loss of income can quickly begin to affect your family life.

Start simple, by separating things into boxes or bins of what needs to be kept, thrown away, given away or donated,
and recycled. Deal with the boxes as soon as you are finished separating the things in the room, before procrastination
and second-guessing cause you to keep more than what you actually need. Once this is done, begin organizing the
keep things in a logical way.

The Best Home Office Organization Tools

Just like any other job, having the right tools for home office organization is just as critical as the job itself. Shelving is
great for books and ledgers, but will not organize paperwork or your schedule. File cabinets are perfect for organize
paperwork into manageable chunks, so that you can easily find invoices, bills, order paperwork, paid items, and more
when you need them. A daily, weekly, or monthly planner will help you organize your days so that you can get more
done and meet more deadlines.

Once you can see your desk again, make sure that you organize this space as well. Many retailers offer drawer dividers
and inserts that make organizing small items, such as pens, pencils, paper clips, and thumb tacks easy. Others function
more like a caddy, holding a multitude of items that you can keep in a place that is easy to reach and convenient
without it looking unkempt. Dividers inside your file drawer also make keeping track of paperwork easier, with labels
that show what is where by name, month, year, or function.

Representing Elements in A Home Office

There are five elements in the feng shui doctrine - earth, fire, water, metal, and wood -each of which should be
adequately represented in your home office if you are trying to maximize your positive chi and make the most of the
rooms energy. If you miss even one element, you may be opening yourself up to chaos and destruction, based on the
specific element that is lacking in the room. Here are some ideas to help with representing elements in a home office:


You can represent the earth element in a variety of different ways, depending on your personal taste and what you
want to promote in your office. Jade statues are perfect to ward off fire, and this is a great idea in a room where you
leave equipment, like a computer or laptop, running almost constantly. A ceramic or clay pot with a live plant is
another excellent idea, as it represents the element in two different ways, with a growing plant and clay or ceramic,
which come from the Earth.


Obviously, you cannot light a fire in your home office as a means of representing the fire element. Instead, use bright
colors or bright artwork to represent the fire element in a dramatic and unique way. Live flowers in bright reds and
yellows are perfect, as long as they are not in hanging baskets. In addition, natural lighting is a very good
representation of fire, since it involves the sun, which is one of the main symbols for fire.


It is easy to represent the water element in your home office without going to a lot of trouble or making a mess. A
small fishbowl is a perfect choice, and they are normally very easy to maintain. Artwork that features the ocean, wavy
lines, a lake, or a pond is another excellent choice. Deep blues and grays are ideal colors for representing this element,
as are trace amounts of black, even though water is technically transparent.


Metal can be one of the trickier elements to have represented in a home office, because so many people find metals
to be cold and lifeless. The legs on your desk may be metal, and that is a great representation of this element, as
would be a metal planter for live plants. The shinier the better for positive chi attraction, as dull metals tend to repel
positive chi and attract more negative energy.


The easiest element to introduce to your home office is wood, since there are so many diverse methods of using this
element. Potted plants that grow upward are perfect, and tall, thin bookshelves made from wood are another great
representation of the wood element in a home office. Deep browns, leafy greens, and shades of true purple (those
without gray undertones) are ideal to decorate with, but be very careful not to use too many of the earth element
shades to represent wood. You can use artwork and wall art, murals or prints, as well as furniture and accents to
represent wood beautifully and creatively.

Designing A Feng Shui Home Office

Feng shui, or the art of using aesthetically pleasing design to bring balance to something in particular, is one of the
most sought after design styles of the modern era. As more people learn the benefits of arranging furniture, colors,
accessories, and foliage to benefit the home, office, or garden, they discover that it can be a life-changing event to
everyone. Designing a feng shui home office can change your career in many different ways, starting with how much
you can do or how creative you can be, and finishing with your overall profits and future goals or success.


Overall productivity, how much work you get done in a given amount of time, relates directly to profitability, so
maximizing wisdom, creativity, and career-based emotions or goals should be a priority if you want to succeed in your

Colors like black deal with career, although blues can be symbols for wisdom, and whites are symbolic of creativity. If
you combine smarts with insightful ideas, you quickly begin to accomplish more than you ever thought possible. Add
some additional energy and positive chi, and you will soon discover that your day flows much smoother and more
productively than before.


As before mentioned, productivity is directly linked to profitability. After all, if you do not accomplish what you need
to do during your work day, it becomes difficult, even impossible, to make money at your job. Unless you are the boss
and have dozens of people working for you in order to increase your assets, chances are good that this can really
affect job performance and opportunities for advancement. All of these combine for a poor payday, which can wreak
havoc with your day-to-day life.

Adding colors like purple to your home office gives you an opportunity to promote wealth and prosperity, but you
should always put these colors in the right place. This maximizes the use of color, and keeps negative chi at bay more

effectively. Order and organization is the key of feng shui, in order to create balance and positive chi for everyone who
enters that space.

Color Importance

You cannot just choose colors that have significant meaning and scatter them helter skelter around the home office
for success. To achieve success, be sure to do your research and learn what parts of your home office are the best
conductors for each color, by utilizing bagua graphs and similar resources. Do not overlook one particular bagua or
color simply because it is not your favorite color; each color is just as important as the next on the wheel. Structure is
pivotal, and perfection is the goal when you are prioritizing your life for success, and this can include making long-term
career goals. These goals are best accomplished with the right kind of help, and sometimes a bit of luck, which you can
realize with the right colors, furniture arrangement, accessories, and so on with feng shui design for your home office.

Applying Feng Shui to your Office

Many websites and articles focus on feng shui in your home, garden, or a specific room, but few mention the
importance of feng shui principles in your home office or workplace. However, these office feng shui principles will
show you just how important even the smallest details in your office can be, from the position of your desk to the
colors you decorate and accessorize with.

1. Face the door. This has a common sense explanation: your clients, customers, and other prospective business
associates, traditionally enter through the front door. Facing the door, whether you are working from home or
in a traditional office setting, will promote better business and overall prosperity.

2. Position your desk so that it is not directly in front of the door. Although you should face the door, your
workspace should not be in line with the door. The negative chi will flow in from that direction, so making sure
that you face it without being directly in the line of fire is important. Position your desk so that your back is
toward something strong and supportive, such as a wall or a corner.

3. Computer placement depends on your job. If you write for a living, or utilize ideas for income, then make sure
the computer is located in the north/west sections of the office. When the computer is the source of your
income, place it in the southeast section if possible to maximize your wealth and prosperity.

4. Hide cords and take care of files. This will improve the chi in your office by effectively removing the most
common danger zones. In addition, your files are often your most important job aspect, so taking care of them
will improve your overall success.

5. Mirrors should be a no-go in the office. Introducing mirrors offers a means of reflecting the bad chi from
customers to you or vice versa. Avoid them if at all possible.

6. Feng shui is all about balance. Balance colors to heighten and maximize the positive chi in your office. If you
add a bright color, balance it with a dark or neutral tone somewhere else. This also includes textures, for
example soft versus hard or rough versus smooth.

There are many accessories and color palettes that signify the best office feng shui principles: Since not every
accessory or color is appropriate for every office, you can research these principles on line and choose the ones that
are the most appropriate for you. The simplest additions, from a wind chime to a small aquarium, can create a very
drastic difference in the long run, so making use of each item can bring about tremendous results in a very short time.
Use your resources, such as Internet articles or advice from feng shui-knowledgeable friends, to create the most
harmonious and balanced office possible, maximizing your general productivity and discovering new sources of
income and overall wealth in your career, at home or in the workplace.

Finally, since feng shui is all about harmony and balance, avoid clutter. De-cluttering your office may take some time
and effort, but it is well worth it to remove all sources of negative chi in your office. After all, this office is often a
clients introduction to you and the job that you do, and first impressions last much longer than any initial discussion
or presentation. Make the best impression with a clean, tidy office and feng shui principles.

Feng Shui Office Colors for Positive Chi

Balance and harmony are just as important at work as they are at home, and more so if you go to work in order to
create your income. After all, if your workplace is the best representation of your prosperity, wouldnt you want to
choose to maximize its potential? Office feng shui can best be accomplished by the use of colors, since the elements
and the energy flow, or tai chi of the office can be most suitably established with color. This is usually the only way to
introduce feng shui, maximize positive chi, and minimize negative chi in a way that your boss will approve of, whether
you have a real office or just a cubicle or desk from which to work.

Bright Colors

Shades: red, yellow, orange, bright purples

Bright of red and orange are all about energy, which translates into productivity (and therefore prosperity), so
choosing those to represent the fire element is critical. Yellows are symbolic of power and control, and these are very
helpful in a job situation, especially if you are a member of management, team leader, or just hope to be in control of
your career. Purples represent creativity when you use bright shades, so adding these to your office can be a great
idea if your job requires imagination on your part.

Neutral Shades

Shades: brown, white, pastels, etc

Although most people think of neutrals as anti-colors, they are actually very effective ways of creating balance, which
is a fundamental principle of feng shui. For example, a neutral shade of brown represents career stability, critical
during this crucial time of job upheaval and unemployment for so many people. Avoid shades of gray, as these are
indicative of gloominess or depression.

Dark Tones

Shades: blue, green, black, et cetera.

Use black sparingly, but be sure to incorporate it in the room as a symbol of power and financial success in your job.
Greens offer peace to the office, but should be used sparingly to avoid a decrease in your productivity. After all, you
cannot really rest or sleep at work, so steering clear of colors that are more serene will be the best way to achieve
workplace success. Instead, add blue, which promotes calmness and stability.

Color Balance

Make sure that you balance your color choices in your office or cubicle, adding some of each to promote overall
balance and positive tai chi. When you choose something that is bright, add something darker or neutral for balance.
Similarly, if you add an accessory that is soft, consider something hard to balance, and the same goes for rough versus
smooth, and so on. Balance is the key when creating a feng shui office, and the best way to promote balance is by the
use of color, texture, and shape.


To put things simply, using your baguas to create the best overall environment for your office is essential. Maximize
the positive chi and minimize negative chi by using feng shui colors and office layout. Even if you are only working with
a home office or cubicle, this can increase your productivity and profitability in the long run.

Feng Shui For Your Cubicle

While feng shui for your office is important, not all of us have a real office at work that we can decorate to our liking. A
great number of us have only a cubicle for our own use, and we are rather limited in how we can decorate this area. In
fact, we rarely even have a say as to our desk placement or position, let alone the ability to make major changes to our
own space. Here are some helpful tips for adding a feng shui element to even a cubicle:

If your desk does not face the entrance of your cubicle, it is acceptable to use a mirror to reflect negative chi
and maximize business potential.

Since customers and clients traditionally enter the door, you need to be able to greet each with a smile and a
welcoming facial expression. Use a mirror to see the entrance if you cannot position your cubicle so that your desk
faces the entryway. There should be no mirror in your cubicle if you face the entryway. You can also use pictures of
water, such as beaches or lakes, to promote the career bagua in your cubicle. Since the career/water bagua should be
in the same area as your entryway, hang the picture in this section. Pictures can also be a great way to create a more
open feeling, as they can resemble windows.

Use accents to represent sectors and/or elements, in order to maximize productivity and success on the job.

This includes adding a small fan to blow away negative chi, putting a piece of red tape or drawing a red line, on the
back of your chair to reflect negativity, and so on. Just as experts recommend adding a tree to either side of your
homes entryway, adding live plants on either side of the entrance to your cubicle can be a great way to add an
element of safety to your cubicle. It also invites positive chi, the biggest benefit of the feng shui style.

Even a colored flower pattern can promote and invite positive chi in a feng shui cubicle.

If you do not have a real cubicle to work with, such as those who have only a desk, then creating something such as a
flower pattern with the various feng shui colors and baguas can be helpful. The flower should have a distinct center for
tai chi, then the eight distinct colors for each sector as well. Tape the flower to the bottom of your workstation, such
as under the keyboard.

Keep your cubicle clean and tidy.

Although most of us have the help of cleaning crews who come in after we leave and tidy up, this often consists only of
vacuumed or swept floors and empty litter bins. Use your own cleansing products, such as a rag and environmentally
friendly cleansers, to keep your desk, monitor, keyboard, and storage space clean. Instead of keeping the original
design, make sure you maximize the cubicles potential with placement of each item.


- Hang crystal in your office entrance and on your window, it will enhance the chi.

- The main entrance should never be in front of a wall inside the office. Place a flowering plant.

- The photocopy and paper cutter machines should not be near the main door.

- The main entrance of the office should be always in one of the positive directions of its owner (To know more about
positive directions read my e-book Luck with personal Feng shui).

- The main entrance should never be in front of toilet door and at the end of dark narrow corridor.

To have successful business will help your earth luck that can be enhanced and balanced by Feng Shui, but I call upon
to have a very successful business, to earn incredible money, to conquer the alps. If you want more my e-books on
magic psychology for you


Feng shui rules for planning and design of home rooms differ from rules for office or home office arrangements. The
main difference is in the Yin and Yan balance. This to principles must be balance at living room, kitchen and other

premises, in the bedroom knowingly should prevail Yin principle, which makes the atmosphere of the rest, calm and

Yan should prevail in the office to stimulate the activity, creativity and efficiency. To make this intentional misbalance
you can you the lightening. Good " visibility " in any weather and time will positively affect the activity of the

You should avoid too bright light that results in sharp shadows. The contrast of the light and shadow affects negatively
on flow of Chi, the dark parts of walls and ceilings will be the source of negative energy.

For balanced circulation of Chi the work place should be good ventilated. So office should be equipped with
conditioner or fan (table or floor should be positioned upwards).

One of the effective Yan source is a color, bright and light tint. The choice of the color depends on function and
purpose of the office, the geographical orientation and the individual feng shui map of its owner. To know more about
individual feng shui map you can from my e-book The treasury Feng Shui Secrets of Success and Riches.

When sitting at the desk you should be able to see the door.

- But, not in the direct pathway to the door.

- Never sit with a window behind you.

- There should be a solid wall behind you.

- Sit in a strong, high backed chair.

- In an office setting, the boss should have the office in one of the back corners. Never in the front.

- In the office always place the fax machine, telephone, and computers in the wealth area for more business.

- Place an aquarium with 9 fishes or an indoor fountain in the wealth area to stimulate the flow of money.

- Office should never be under or above toilets. Following this tip will help to avoid insolvency of the enterprise,
diseases and accidents of your employees and dearest and nearest.

- Place Feng shui dragon inside your office. It will bring non stop success to your business

- Place a money frog in one of positive directions to you (everything should be done according o the Individual Feng
Shui map. To know more about individual feng shui map you can from my e-book The treasury Feng Shui Secrets of
Success and Riches ) that brings flow of money and wealth

To have successful business will help your earth luck that can be enhanced and balanced by Feng Shui, but I call upon
to have a very successful business, to earn incredible money, to conquer the alps


There is no need to place figurines of mythic animals, Chinese Buddha and other Chinese souvenirs in every empty
corner of your apartment. Certainly You know about the basics of Feng shui: 5 elements water, wood, earth, metal
and fire.

The most of advices for feng shui of apartment lay on the interactions of these 5 elements, but the modern life has
unimaginable variety of shapes, textures, colors and materials and this the true holiday for the imagination of a
designer , and every interior's subject belongs to one of the 5 categories that lay on the fundamentals of feng shui. For
example, the water element you can add in the shape of a fountain or some art composition containing several litres
of water. They will differ energetically and by the results of its influence: water with earth (vase with cut flowers) will
differ from water with metal (metal fountain, aquarium with coins). The element wood with earth (alive plant in a
ceramic flowerpot) of course will differ energetically and by the results of its influence from the element wood with
water (plants in water (lotus)), but for all peculiarities you should refer to my e-book Create your luck with personal
feng shui.

Good feng shui guarantees comfort, coziness, seamlessness and the wish to return this place again and again. And on
the other level good feng shui will attract piece of mind, material well-being and strong health to all members of your

HoReCa feng shui (Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe)

Feng Shui tips for restaurant

If you have a restaurant business, want to attract many visitors, to be well known by your comfortable and positive
atmosphere and very tasteful food, that fills with energy and pleasant warmness flow out the coccyx area. So here
some important Feng shui tips for restaurant:

1. Suppress all negative directions and make active all positive directions according to your individual feng shui map
with special enhancers (discover it from my e-books The treasury Feng Shui Secrets of Success and Riches and Create
your luck with personal Feng shui)

2. The best direction of your front door is your best geographical direction according to your individual feng shui map

3. Ceiling color should always be of light tint.

4. The kitchen and toilet should always be as far as possible from the main door and the eyes of the visitors.The toilet
door should not be too big.

5. Before your entrance door should be a free space to concentrate positive chi, f.ex. parking space, garden or water

6. Your business will definitely be profitable and prosperous if your restaurant has a road circle around the front side

7. Prepare 5-elements nutrition for your visitors. Your visitors will come again and again to taste your food. This food
balances the energies of human and earth, so the human takes all the benefits of the earth luck after such nutrition.
(Nutrition )

Feng Shui In The Garden

Feng shui can be applied in your garden as a garden is pretty much an integral part of one's home. One often retires to
his/her garden to be relax and if the principles of feng shui are applied, the relaxation period will be a soothing

The entrance of the garden should face one of the best your directions. According to your personal feng shui map.

There is no restriction on the plants you should grow but having a balance between the warmer coloured flowers and
the mellower coloured flowers to enhance the entire garden itself, use corresponding colors in every direction of your
garden, divide your garden into eight directions according to the compass and use your personal feng shui map (to
build it you can with the e-book Create your luck with personal feng shui) and use only right colors in your garden in
oreder to have prosperity, wealth, love and luck.

Avoiding clutter in a garden is pretty hard but in feng shui clutter is a big no-no so when planting your plants initially
try maintaining only a small quantity of plants. It might look a bit deserted and barren at first, but if you add plants
gradually, everything will be fine in a few weeks time.

One other thing which you must ensure is that each plant has it's own space to grow and expand as this tip will come
in extremely useful to make sure your garden doesn't end up looking like a jungle.

The 5 elements must be incorporated in your garden to ensure tranquility. A birdbath is for water, some lights
represent fire, and small boulders represent earth.

Coming to paths in a garden, you should avoid edges and sharp, narrow paths instead of smooth-curved paths to the
entrance door of your home.


On the following pages of this section you will find main feng shui tips for house: feng shui colors, symbols for house,
feng shui lay-out for house, pictures in house, feng shui design for house, feng shui furniture, feng shui tips for success
in all spheres, pictures and wallpapers for harmonizing energy in house, feng shui lightening, curtains, lamps, mirrors,
ceiling beam, calendar on transferring to a new house.

The house for a person is one of the basic subjects to feel protected and successful. We decorate our houses with love
and according to our intuition. Our house is our fortress. This is a place where we have a rest, sleep and muster ours
strength. This place should be very pleasant,
harmonious and comfortable.

Feng shui bases on knowledge to make our homes comfortable and harmonious. At a close sight you will find out the
similarity of your intuition and this knowledge. Take a privilege of feng shui knowledge to balance your house with the
earth energy. Here are some general feng shui tips for your house

- keep all areas of your house and garden free of clutter for easy chi flowing

- every subject at home should be loved by you, if others get rid of it

- place a merchant ship at a place where you need water element. Merchant ships are excellent symbols of
prosperity. Your ship cant bring you luck if its empty. Fill it up with cargo, f.ex. money, gold bars (real or fake), ingots,
jewellery, loose gemstones, crystals, semi-precious stones, faux diamonds, pearls etc.
- everything should be in working condition, without cracks and splits, if others get rid of it

- your main door must be of positive for you color, and must be in one of the best directions for you according to your
individual feng shui map (get acquainted with it in my e-books Create your luck with personal feng shui and Treasury
feng shui secrets of success and riches)

- your bedroom should be as far as possible from the main door

- every premise must be organized according to your individual feng shui map and all sectors should be balanced with
special enhancers (get acquainted with it in my e-books "Create Your Luck with Personal Feng Shui" and "The
Treasury Feng Shui Secrets of Success and Riches")

- your life in the house will be happy and prosperous when you practice positive thinking, get acquainted with the
bases of positive thinking you can to the following page

- always keep the toilet lid down while not in use. It stops the money from going down the drains.

- keep brooms, mops and trash bins out of sight. It is important for family's well being.

- use wind chimes on the main doors of your house will distract the negative energy from entering the house.

Clearing Clutter to Improve Your Mood

Feng shui is all about flow and balance. If your home is cluttered, that flow and balance is hampered and the feel of
your home is less peaceful than you may desire. In fact, the more cluttered your home, the more stressed you may
feel. Instead of looking at de-cluttering your home as a chore to be dreaded, look at it as an opportunity to bring
peace and tranquility into your space. The tips and tricks below can help get you started.

Start Small
If the thought of tackling that crowded living room is more than you can handle, start small. Start with the cluttered,
disorganized drawer in the side table next to the sofa instead of the entire room. Even the simplest acts of cleaning
and organizing can make a huge difference in how you feel about the space. Clutter eats away at the sense of peace
and tranquility that can exist in the house, as it is a constant reminder of disorganization in life. Start small and then
move on to bigger projects.

A Little At a Time
Another step to clearing out the clutter and making your house more feng shui oriented is to clean a little at a
time. Instead of tacking the entire room, start by spending five minutes each day picking up pieces, putting things
away, and getting rid of trash. Make it a goal to get rid of one item each day, whether it is a broken piece that belongs
in the garbage or a piece that can be donated to charity. By taking just a little bit of time each day, by the end of a
month, your home will be significantly less cluttered and you will be excited to see what else you can clear out.

Closet Clutter
Another culprit of non-feng shui living is having cluttered closets. Clothing closets are usually the biggest culprits,
because many people have trouble getting rid of old pieces of clothing. When you have less cluttered clothing closets,
it takes a lot of the stress of trying to find what to wear out of the morning routine. Start by going through every piece
of clothing and determining if it is a piece that has been worn within the last year or will be worn in the very near
future. If it has not been worn within the last year, donate it to charity. Not only will donating pieces that you do not
wear help de-clutter your closet, it will also be, in many cases, a tax deduction depending on which charity you donate
to. Your clothing that is no longer being worn, can be a treasure for someone else.

Feng shui is not as much about drastic, quick changes, as it is about feeling comfortable in your own home. The best
way to do that is to have enough space in your home to live and move around comfortably. Do not get discouraged if
the task of de-cluttering seems overwhelming. Instead, look forward to making small changes and eliminating the
clutter gradually. Over time, your home will be the stress-free, feng shui decorated space you desire.

Feng Shui Colors to Enhance your World

In Feng Shui, there traditionally are five elements which can be used to help create harmony and balance in your life,
as well as to encourage the flow of positive energy. There are colors associated with these five elements that you can
use in your home and work surroundings to enhance your life.

Water Colors

The colors associated with the water element are blue and black. The water elements are often associated with the
career aspect of a person's life. Pictures or paintings of water landscapes are an excellent way to bring the blues and
blacks of water into your surroundings. A small water fountain is also a traditional way of introducing the colors of the
water element. Water elements are associated with the north area.

Fire Colors

The element of fire is associated with the color red. Fire is often associated with a person's reputation and fame. Red is
thought to help bring a person the recognition that they desire, as well as bringing luck in this area. It is a very
passionate color, filled with a lot of energy, which sometimes can be overpowering. When using red to bring this
element into your surroundings, it doesn't have to be bright red, especially if it seems to bring too much energy into
the space. Muted colors in the red family can be used as accents and wall art for the home. Fire elements are
associated with the south area. Add the element of fire directly to this space buy shopping for candle holders and
candle sconces online.

Earth Colors

The element of earth is associated with earthy colors such as beige and light yellow. Earth is associated with stability
and nourishment, and offers protection for your relationships. You can bring these colors into your surroundings by
adding terra cotta tile, or natural crystals. Earth elements are associated with the northeast and southwest areas.

Wood Colors

Wood is the element that brings vitality, health and healing into your space. It is representative of the energy
responsible for growth, and is often considered an expression of abundance. This is why it's also often associated with
prosperity and wealth. Brown and green are traditionally the colors associated with wood. Plants are a good way of
bringing these colors into your living space. The east and southeast areas of your living space are associated with the
wood element.

Metal Colors

The metal element brings lightness and clarity into your home. It represents precision and efficiency, and is often
associated with things that are creative or helpful. The colors associated with the metal element are white and gray,
along with the metallic colors. A metallic wind chime is often a good way to attract this type of energy into your home,
as is wrought iron decor items. Metal elements are traditionally used in the north area.

Ways to Use Feng Shui Colors

Although traditional Feng Shui uses these colors in specific areas, and in specific ways, you can also use them to create
more of an overall effect within your home. For instance, using these colors in your overall home decorating scheme
can help bring the associated types of elements into your home. They also have an effect on how you think, feel and
behave, and can enhance the quality of your life.

Choice of a favorable place for a house

Feng Shui is secret and partners of Fortune are on friendly with Feng Shui, because Feng Shui gives real chance to
plunge a life of each person in absolute comfort. You heard expression "born under a lucky star ".

Feng Shui can become such happy star for many people. Peculiarity of happiness in the same time becomes not the
fact of a birth, but the fact of carves a home by the person.

For example, to fill life with the absolute happiness is possible correctly having chosen a place for the house. If you
attentively peer into an environment, you will see that in the mornings fogs settle in lowlands.

Also the energy shrouding the ground plunges in lowlands together with fogs. In lowlands it collects, then stagnates.

If the house is located in lowland, the person feels himself at house constrained and moves as bearing a burden or
overcome obstacles.

What are the recommendations of Feng Shui for house?

Feng Shui does not recommend to build houses in lowlands because in this houses it is necessary to spend forces for
performance any work much more, than in more favorable places. If you are going to construct the house, do not build

it in lowlands.

If you climb on the highest point dominating over district, you feel availability of influence of winds from all directions.

You feel southern wind, northern, western, east and feel an opportunity of influence of all wind rose. Whence a wind
blows, it cannot pass the house which stands on the highest point of district.

Such house will be subject to constant influence of winds, whence they would not blow. People living at such house,
will constantly feel tension because energy streams together with winds will constantly attack them.

At such house it is necessary to spend for any activity so much forces, how many it is necessary for work and
resistance of constantly attacking energy. It would be good, if this energy keeps back for a while in the house and filled
their owners with force.

But in the house which is on the highest point of district, it is impossible, because a wind, dispersing energy, having
attacking influence on the person, carries this energy beside, creating an additional tension for owners of the house.

The best place for construction of the house is the place located hardly above the midway between lowland and the
highest point on district.

At this level descending energy streams do not collect, and smoothly going down, as though caress the house and the
people living in it, filling with energy approximately as the azure sea wave fills with energy of the person.

In turn, ascending power streams fill the house and inhabitants with inspiring force, optimism, health and activity of
mind and body. In houses located at this level, are born healthy and strong children.

In addition, pleasure from sexual feelings attend people living in such houses more often because this level of location
of the house promotes actively increase of sexual abilities of inhabitants of such house.

In such houses, there are seldom dissonances because of sex, and families are famous for their fortress and unity. In
the houses located at a level hardly above an average level, animals do not ill, and the ground, as a rule, gives plentiful

This level is optimum for a choice of a site. Choosing a site, it is necessary to pay attention to the rivers and roads. The
rivers and roads are ways of energy movement. If the road comes near to your house, it means energy comes near

If your house is located so, that visually is made impression, the road leaves from your house, it means, that there is a
picture before your eyes, when energy leaves such house.

Everything that is connected with roads is possible to relate to rivers. If the watercourse is directed to your house,
energy arrives to you. If current carries away the waters from your house, energy becomes less.

In order to retard energy, it is possible to correct its movement.

For example, if the road passes by your house, it is possible to create a small platform before gate, which would
resemble backwater and would carry out function of the tank for energy accumulation.

Often such platforms are small analogues of the areas before office buildings. Create before a gate of the house such
small area and thereby you will create the additional tank for energy collection.

The same concerns to the rivers. Create small creek that the watercourse did not carry waters by your house. Let the
flowing water carrying energy, will a little be late in your backwater and will work for happiness of your family.

It is very good, if road or the river carrying energy to your house will have meandering form. If the river or road is
meandering, energy has no opportunity to be dispersed till the high speed and to turn in poisonous.

Especially direct roads transform salutary energy in poisonous. In addition, it is necessary to avoid places alongside
with express lines.

If nevertheless your house has appeared near to such road, it would be good that near to your house there was a
pedestrian crossing or a road sign limiting speed of movement.

In this case cars will be forced to retard the speed and in that way, slow down, to promote accumulation of energy
near your house.

Braking, cars will transform poisonous energy of highways into favorable energy, which will bring Success in your
house unexpectedly and quickly, forcing eyes to shine from life satisfaction.

About other Feng Shui secrets you can find out in Create your luck with personal feng shui and Treasury feng shui

Feng Shui Aquariums

Feng Shui aquariums are popularly believed to be a powerful way to draw auspicious chi of prosperity and good luck
into your space, they are believed to be a wealth chi and also serve as beautiful additions to the house. The water
symbolizes the flow of life, of growth and the activities of living things. The motion and sounds of the bubbling water
as it moves throughout the fish tank activates and increases the positive energy of the area bringing good fortune,
wealth and abundance.

Feng shui aquariums have the balance of all the 5 elements and this makes them an extremely useful thing to have:

1) The water element is pretty obvious since the aquarium contains water.

2) The wood element is represented by the plants in the aquarium.

3) The metal element is signified by the round shape of the aquarium. Two other ways of incorporating the element of
metal into an aquarium include placing old copper coins below the tanks substrate material or adding gold colored
fish such as golden arowana or gold fish. If you use old coins make certain the metal will not harm the fish.

4) The earth element is signified by the gravel and the rocks inside the aquarium.

5) The fire element is shown by the lighting and also certain fishes have fiery colours.

A feng shui aquarium should be placed in any corner needed water according to your personal feng shui map, it would
be best placed in the south-east part of your residence as wealth and abundance are usually connected with this area,
but this is possible only if this corner is positive according to your personal feng shui map, this you can learn from out
e-book Create your luck with personal feng shui.

But never place a fish tank in the kitchen or the bedroom.

The goldfish is the most common fish to use in your aquariums as they are extremely hearty and symbolize wealth.
One other type of fish that can be used in aquariums is the dragon-fish but these tend to be pretty expensive.

Make sure you have at least 1 black coloured fish in the aquarium. Fishes bring good luck I must say its not actually
true. Fishes dont bring luck; they move water making it more active. Water activates energies. If water activates
favorable energies then yes you will have good luck but not because of fishes. Further more you can use the benefits
of numerology and put in your fish tank 9 fishes. There must be eight goldfish and one black fish. Gold will attract the
good luck and the bad luck will be taken by the black fish.

One thing you must keep in mind is to keep the aquarium clean and regularly clean out dead plants. If you do heed all
these steps, then your feng shui aquarium is sure to bring in a lot of wealth chi.

Feng shui furniture

The best way to harmonize your room according to feng shui and nobody knows about it is to use feng shui furniture.
Use specific furniture for specific places of your room. The furniture can represent all five feng shui elements. You can
suppress or make active some areas of your life using only furniture. The main thing is not to clutter your room it
should be of auspicious for you color and the furniture should not by on the straight line of door window.

Lets reveal some feng shui secrets and principles.

Feng shui furniture can represent shapes and materials that reflect Feng shui principles. The elements used in feng
shui are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Of these, most commonly used elements in furniture are naturally wood
and metal, but we have shapes and colors of the furniture this two elements are very important.

As for the other elements, fire is represented by furniture such as lamps, television, computers, and other electrical
devices also it can be any furniture of triangular shape. The earth element is represented by ceramic decorations and
clay items or square shaped furniture . There are also table top fountains and similar water items to represent that
element. Colors are also used to represent the elements. The secrets for feng shui shapes and colors are revealed in
my e-book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches

The other very important secret is the size of your furniture. Use only lucky imperial sizes for your furniture to attract
luck and fortune to your life

Door Curtains or door paintings

Door Curtains or door paintings with harmonized images or symbols can be used to harmonize the environment or to
block away the sha energy.

The door curtains or special feng shui pictures could be hung at door in the following situations:

1. At the door of any storerooms

2. at the toilet door attached to the living room.
3. At the toilet door attached to the bedroom
4. at the living room door if it is attached to the kitchen.
5. At one of confronting door
6. At the door if it is located at the end of a long corridor
7. At the door with sharp furniture pieces pointing to that door

Use special curtains with balanced pictures or symbols.


One of the most pleasant things can happen with a person is moving new house. You have some difficulties in
choosing the right house? Although there are some rules in transferring to a new house, you should first of all choose
the house to transfer in. Many people are more and more conscious about the positive effects of Feng Shui in their

So answer the questions below they will help you choosing.

Question #1. What is your first impression of the house?

It should be welcoming, there should not be plants or trees blocking the door or the path to the house, there should
not be cracked or broken basement or walls.

Question # 2 What is the story of this house?

Ask the Real Estate agent or the neighbors and find out what happened to the family living in the house that you are
interested in. If the family moved because of any problems (illnesses, money, accidents etc) this is not good chose. The
moved family should be happy and surrounding houses also should be inhabited with happy people. This is good feng

Question # 3. Where does the house situate?

The ideal location for a home is gently meandering street. The Cul-de-sac position has stagnant Chi this means that
you will always encounter the same problem. Straight streets (if they do not have any traffic humps) have fast Sha Chi
flowing and your life can become an uncontrollable whirlwind.

Question # 4. What do you see when looking out from the main door?

Anything that you feel is threatening to your entry is called in Feng Shui a Sha or Poison Arrow(power boxes, antenna,
tree or lamp pole neighbour roof corner, cactus, rose bushes. Before your main door should be small open area.


Place a plant over a corner to soften or cover the edge.

A sharp edge of a bookshelf faces your workstation. Place a trailing plant on the top of the book edge for it to cover
the harsh edge.

Move the poison arrow

You have a straight pathway to your front door. Reshape the path to be curved or strategically place plants along the
pathway to make it appear curved. As you walk on the path your eyes should wander at the landscape and not directly
focus upon the front door.

Crystal in a window

The sharpness of a rooftop enters the center of your living room. Place a crystal in the window to disperse the
negative energy. Buy a crystal the size of a golf ball.
Cover the windows.
Your back window faces a hydro tower, place a crystal in the window and stain glass or cover the windows with blinds
to let the sunshine in but keeps view of the obtrusive tower out.

Choose Round Furniture

Oval and Round Tables are most auspicious. Rectangular shapes causes poison arrows and needs to placed correctly
not to upset anyone in the home.Put rounded safety edges on the table to round the table. This round edge will
remove the poison arrow.


The Feng Shui principle of poison arrows is they are Shar Chi known as Killing Breath. The killing breath does just that,
it destroys the chi in its path and is detrimental to the residents of the home. Feng Shui warns against Shar Chi or the
killing breath. This brings misfortune and a great deal of bad luck, and are caused by the presence of secret Poison

The shar chi from the poison arrows need to be blocked, diffused or removed.

Homes that are built on a t-junction or in the middle of a cul-de-sac

Corner of the house pointed towards your main door or window, also sharp edge of a bookshelf

Stump, stub or dry tree near your house

Old unnecessary cloths and things in your house, especially in bedroom

Satellite antennas, radiation towers, any poles in front of your house or window

Highway, bridge, overpass near your house

A straight pathway to your front door or long hall way with many doors along it.

A lot of trees before your main door, even only one big tree right in front of your main door



1. Avoid ying energies (this energies are good for cemetery), prefer yang energies: fresh and clear colors for your
interior are the best choice. Yang energy stimulates TV or radio in work, all self-moving subjects clocks, light curtains,
wind chimes and so on. Yang aspect of life should prevail in your home or apartment over ying aspect of calm and
death. This ying aspect can be only in your bedrooms, but keep the harmony. However, excessive yang energies are
also very negative.

2. Plenty of corners is the second taboo in feng shui. The consider the plenty of corners, f.e. of tables, shelves or
corners formed by the walls, "wound" energy flows, and making this energy negative one. Prefer rounded tables,
corners formed by the walls should be hided by a creeper. The arch windows, wall embrasures and doorways prefer
the rectangular one. Every edge, like a cutting knife edge, (f.ex. edges of the shelves of your bookshelves without the
cover) pointed towards the sofa, armchairs, beds and tables- this is the potential threat to your wellbeing and health..

3. The energy should not go on the straight. The energy way should by wavy, like good river. Feng shui taboo long,
dark corridor. The energy gathers speed in such corridor and obtains crushing power. Place here a graphic vivid
picture, or a wind chimes , place here alive plants, so make a wavy direction.

4. Dark narrow nooks, remote dead ends these are the reservoirs for dead ying energy. Hang here mirrors, alive
plants (Dracaena draco) dragon tree or African plant (they are contra-indicated the light; Dracaena draco lives in water
and perfectly lives without the light) or bright pictures.


Mirror plays an important role in Feng Shui. This are very powerful subjects as it multiplies everything
reflected: clearness, clutter, food, dining table, bed, entrance door, or door to the lavatory. Its very important to place
mirror to the right place. When you place any mirror in your home, pay attention to what is being reflected in it. In
feng shui terms, the mirror is doubling that energy by creating a virtual duplicate within the virtual space of the
reflection. On the other hand, mirrors can correct many problems, but they must be used properly.

Here some important tips for usage of mirrors according to feng shui

- Do not keep mirrors facing the entrance as it reflects back the good energy from entering our homes. The mirror will
reflect beneficial Chi and prosperity out of your home before it has a chance to enter.

- Mirrors near the dining table are good, so they reflect your food and of course your prosperity.

- Pa kua mirrors are howewer used only on the outside. Pa kua mirrors reflect shars or the poison arrows back.
(However I do not recommend to use it, use any other feng shui products to neglect shars, f.ex. cactus)

- Use mirrors to reflect your money. Mirror is very good enhancer of easy money, if to place it in the right sector, to
know this secret follow my book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches

- Never place mirrors opposite to your bed.

- You can use full length mirror on the bedroom or toilet door, to hide this premises.


Here are the absolute 10 basics for Feng Shui beginners

1. The most important and central thing is Clear the clutter. The cleaner your space, the more energy can flow.

2. The water fountains or the fish tanks in the house should be placed in your favorable direction or area to help your
get whatever you want. To know this area will help my book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches

3. Balance your main/entrance door. Paint it according to your individual feng shui map. No shoes beside the door
The doorway to your house is where Chi comes in. Try to avoid keeping shoes right beside the main door as the Chi
picks up the smell and brings sickness into the house.

4. Avoid marble furniture and any marble images, because it increases the work pressure and causes the
fragmentation and instability in your life. The same situation is with mirror mosaic.

5. Face the door while You're asleep Avoid having the foot of your bed directly in line with your doorway, because
your energy shifts.

6. Rearrange Your furniture Less is better as having too many pieces of furniture makes a room cluttered and prevents
the flow of new and positive opportunity. Refer to my detailed e-book on specific placement suggestions The treasury
feng shui secrets of success and riches

7. Use imperial sizes for every subject at your home. Every subject MUST be only of fortunate dimensions, discover
more from my e-book Create your luck with personal feng shui

8. Avoid placing mirrors opposite beds Having a mirror opposite your bed may attract a third individual to the
relationship or cause problematic sleep.

9. Keep always the bedroom doors, closet doors, bathroom doors closed, as it helps you to have a healthy relationship
as well as helps strengthen your health.

10. Select right colors. Colors should compliment the nature of a room as well as its direction.

Ceiling beam and feng shui

Q How to solve my problem of ceiling beam with feng shui

A Ceiling beam considered to be a poisoned arrow so you should avoid sleeping, sitting, working, studying and so on
under it. You should make most of your scope to avoid being under the ceiling beam.

If it is impossible you may try to alleviate the harmful energy hanging a three bamboo tied by a red ribbon or to hang
wind chimes with appropriate number of tubes according to your individual feng shui map.


Transferring to a new house is a very important step that can change your life totally. So be careful, check the feng
shui calendar, if the day of transferring is good for you (if you are the head of the family). The day should be marked as
green, for example, if your best element is Wood. If your best element is Water the day is marked as black and etc.
You can read the description on the following page.

The right choice of the day when you transfer to a new house will help you transform your life into a easy way to
happiness, prosperity, well-being, health, career and bring luck to your children and be-loved.

On Chinese tradition the transferring to a new house should be made on the rising moon in the morning in one of the
best days. Additionally the best time for moving is sunrise, when its clear, without clouds.

At this time you should transfer to the new house at least the biggest subject of furniture, for example, the cupboard.
This subject should be of imperial sizes. Imperial sizes bring success in all spheres of life. Each size has a definite
meaning. Some sizes are good they are imperial sizes. Others are bad and bring misfortune to your life.


Many people certain of Feng Shui power, they find love, get married and find reliable partners. Make the right Feng
Shui choice; it makes your home feel more comfortable.

So first of all you need to build an Individual Feng shui map (how to do it read in the book Luck with personal Feng
Shui) and according to the map you will need to activate the marriage area

In my e-book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches I write in detail what should you do to have faithful
partner, to find your significant other, develop your relationships. Because the wrong subject or color in this area of
your home and/or business can lead to constant quarrel and loneliness. Make your life full of love, understandings and

Here some tips for good relationships, lasting marriage and passion (do not make hasty acts, subject of much study the
secrets I reveal in my e- books: some people may make one, the others may not do the same):

1.clear up the clutter!!! Fix broken things! This blocks chi!

2. decorate the south west area with stones or small rocks

3. hang out pictures indicating love like pair of birds, silk flowers etc

3. this sector always should represent paired objects

4. place an indoor water fountain in the south-west corner of the house.

- the Chinese symbol for love is Mandarin ducks, where to place it I write in my e-book The treasury feng shui secrets
of success and riches

- hanging a chandelier or crystal sphere/ball

Use Feng Shui Throughout the Home for a Healthy Marriage

All couples go through some periods during their relationships when there is a question as to their commitment and
the strength of their bond. For many, the home becomes one of the tension points in the relationships, because of the
various chores and duties that must be performed on a daily and weekly basis. While there is no cure for chores, there
are ways that you can incorporate feng shui concepts into the home to help make it a more harmonious
space. Relationships cannot be fixed with feng shui but the ideas below can help take care of some of the feelings of
stress that a non feng shui home can provide.

Clean House
Feng shui experts time and time again reiterate the fact that clutter is a defining aspect of a spaces energy. When you
are trying to create a home for a healthy marriage, it is especially important to clear out the old energy and welcome
in the energy of a healthy environment. Start with the areas that you frequent the most and give them a thorough
cleaning. The entryway, the living room, the kitchen, the master bedroom, and the bathroom are great places to
start. Tackle each space, one at a time, and clean out the clutter that has taken hold of your life. Be particularly
mindful of clearing out the things that both partners do not agree on. For example, if there is a large floral wreath in
the living room that the husband despises, donate it or throw it away. Likewise, if there is a neon beer sign in the
kitchen that the wife cannot stand, sell it or donate it to charity. The key to clearing out the clutter is to create a space
that both people can enjoy and that is filled with things that they love together. This will be, by far, the biggest part of
the project, but truly the one that has the most impact.

It is also a good idea to take a look at the items in your house and see whether they are in pairs, triples, or
singles. Things that are in pairs have a better, more positive, feng shui aspect for married couples than things that are
in odd numbered sets. For instance, a trio of candles does not have nearly the same feel or impact as a pair of long
tapers. A pair of matching end tables looks and feels a lot better than two distinctly different pieces. Visually, it is
important to create a bond between the furniture and accessory pieces that are in the space. Not only will your home
looked neater, but it will give a clear indication that there is a pair of people living in the space versus two mismatched

Feng shui principles may not be able to solve marital problems alone, but they can go a long way toward creating a
more pleasing space. It can mean the difference between feeling comfortable in the room and feeling out of
place. Not only will the house feel better after using the simple tips above, but by working together to create a better
space, the marriage will be even stronger.

Feng Shui for Singles

Single life brings with it challenges and opportunities that married life does not have. Instead of lamenting the fact
that you have not found your true love yet, take heart that there are some easy and practical feng shui tips that can
help you get to that point faster. As with all things, a positive outlook begins within and shines through in your
personality. Let the feng shui tips below help you achieve that attractive inner happiness you so desire.

Whats In Your Bedroom?

Just because you are single does not mean that you should let your house or bedroom become a cluttered mess. If
your bedroom is cluttered with clothes, shoes, and more miscellaneous things than you can even remember buying, it
is time to tackle it and clear out the space. One of the most basic feng shui principles is that there needs to be good,
positive energy flow and an order to the things in your space. For the bedroom, that means neatly putting things
away, picking clothes up off the floor, and taking the time to straighten the area at the end of each day. Get the
television out of the bedroom, as well. Televisions provide distraction and over-stimulation which is not conducive to
a restful place. Quiet music is a much better way to wind down at the end of the day. Not only will the room feel
better after you de-clutter it and take out the television, but it will also lead to a better nights sleep. A better nights
sleep will, in turn, lead to a more well-rested and happier you.

Color Me Happy
Color plays a huge role in our attitudes and thoughts. Instead of surrounding yourself with dull neutral shades, bring
some happy colors into your life. Yellows, reds, purples, and pinks can all attract happiness and positive energy. If you
do not want to add a lot of color, work it into your home or apartment by using colorful frames, throws, or accent
pillows on your neutral furniture. Happiness will be reflected in the colors that you add, so add them abundantly
throughout your space.

Wheres Your Relationship Corner?

While you may not completely buy into the effect of feng shui in your decor, take a chance and map out your Bagua,
or energy fields in the house. The Southwest corner of your home is considered to be the Relationship area of the
home. This area should be decorated with romance and passion in mind. Red is a great accent color for this space. Be

sure that if you include accessories, that you do so in pairs. A pair of candlesticks or a pair of picture frames, for
example, demonstrate the visual pairing which you hope to transfer to your relationships and love interests.

No matter how old you are, being single can be a great time to explore feng shui principles in your homes decor. Not
only will clearing clutter and decorating with beautiful, colorful objects make your home more attractive, it will make
you feel better. As everyone knows, a positive, happy person is much more likely to attract positive, happy
relationships than someone who is depressed.

Feng Shui Tips for Stronger Marriages

The goal of Feng Shui is to achieve balance in all aspects of life. And there is nothing more delicately balanced than
the relationship of marriage. Its delicate nature makes it particularly susceptible to the flow of destructive
energies. There is no better place to learn Feng Shui tips for stronger marriages than in the bedroom.

Make Room For Love

Think of the flow of energy, called chi, as a ripple on a clear pool of water. The ripple rides along the surface,
unimpeded and uninterrupted. This is the visualization of how the energies should flow in your life. Now, think of a
ripple riding on the surface of a briny, backwater pool cluttered with debris. The ripple clashes, collides, and shatters
into chaos with no clear pattern or form. Consider this Feng Shui tip for stronger marriages: prepare for positive chi
by making room for it to flow; get rid of the clutter in your bedroom. Clutter turns your home into a backwater pool
of disruptive energy.

Know Your Southwest Spot

Feng Shui practitioners counsel married couples to pay special attention to their southwest spot. The southwest
corner of the bedroom correlates to love and relationships in Feng Shui. This area should be well lit and remain free of
clutter, sharp edged furniture, and protrusions which impede the flow of positive chi and hinders the escape of
negative chi.

Put Something Nice On

Feng Shui is all about dressing the part. If you want a stronger marriage, your home should reflect a strong
marriage. Dress the bedroom for success, or better said, decorate it for success. Your bedroom should reveal a
loving union of two.

All good Feng Shui tips for stronger marriages will include an adherence to symmetry. Symmetry, as it relates to
marriage, is very important in Feng Shui because a marriage is the embodiment of symmetry. You have a woman and
a man who come together as one; they are two equals in spiritual union. The symmetry of the man on his side of the
bed and the woman on hers is maintained by placing a night stand on both sides or hanging symmetrical art on the
wall over the bed. However you choose to decorate, be sure to maintain the principle of symmetry.

Let It Go

Married couples unintentionally invite negative chi by holding on to objects from past lovers or choosing decor that
disrupts their focus on their mate. A teddy bear that was given as a gift from a past sweet heart, a piece of furniture

that you shared with a past love, or even a letter or card: all will compete in the space that is now reserved for your
mate. Get rid of them.

A key principle of Feng Shui is that everything is alive and speaking. If you hold to this axiom then you can self assess
not just your bedroom, but other parts of your home for areas that can be improved by Feng Shui. Is your home
silently giving you Feng Shui tips for a stronger marriage?

General Feng Shui Marriage Advice

Marriage is a special relationship, different from any other close relationship you will have during your lifetime. It
needs a lot of work and special attention or the two of you will grow apart and the result could be divorce or, at the
least, a troubled and stressful marriage relationship. Feng shui marriage advice could save your marriage if it is in
trouble already, but if you start with these practical general feng shui marriage advice pieces early you can keep your
marriage strong and happy, never reaching that bad level.

Get rid of black and blue in the bedroom. In fact, totally minimize the appearance of the water element throughout
the master bedroom to avoid tears in the relationship. Use a very small representation of water to balance the
elements but focus more on passion instead, since this is the emotion that makes a marriage strong and healthy.
Accessories, artwork, and accents that give off strong vibes of sexual energy and romance are perfect for the master

Pink, red, and white are classified as marriage colors. This is primarily because they are symbolic of love and
romance, but they do not have to be true shades of these colors. Other colors in the same families are also suitable,
especially for the master bedroom, and can be utilized for anyone who is not a fan of pink or red. Guys are not
normally thrilled with the idea of a pink bedroom, so make sure to work in these powerful shades in a way that makes
him happy as well.

Natural elements such as fresh flowers are essential. We do not always have time to stop and pick up a fresh bouquet
very often, but artificial flowers are fine so long as they very closely resemble the real thing. They symbolize life and
growth, which are both critical to any relationship that you want to be healthy and strong. A marriage takes a lot of
hard work and accessories that represent nature symbolize the ever evolving and growing nature of marriage, as you
work toward living harmoniously.

Use groups of two whenever possible. You do not need two beds obviously, but pairs of two represent the marriage
couple (or couple who lives together) and they are great reminders and encourage positive energy. Most people
choose candles and similar romantic items in pairs of two throughout the room, but other ideas include turtledove
figurines, pairs of lamps or nightstands, matching wall sconces, and groups of even-numbered artwork types on the
shelves or walls. Whenever two is inappropriate for whatever reason, try to use an even number as an alternative.

Turn the bed to face the door. Both parties should feel like the bed is inviting them for romance when they come into
the master bedroom. Never face the bed away from the door since this can cause negative sexual energy for the
couple. Awkward shaped rooms need special attention through accessories and accents if the bed has to face a
different direction, but it could cause some problems for the marriage bed.

Building a Happy Family with Feng Shui

Family relationships are pivotal to healthy living, and it has been proven that people without family bonds are less
outgoing and successful in many cases. Social development begins at home, and building a happy family with feng shui
is a big factor in a childs upbringing, regardless of the childs age. From newborns to teenagers, a happy family is a
healthy one, and this will mean a child who is more ready for success in adulthood. Here are some tips to get started:

Remind the Family of Happy Times

Pictures tell stories, and these stories can be hung on the walls in each room of the home to encourage strong bonds
through great memories. For instance, happy family vacation shots and group photos where everyone is together and
smiling make the best options for high traffic rooms. Avoid hanging pictures where family members are missing from
the picture since it sends a negative image to the person missing. For the best feng shui avoid solo pictures of children
too, opting instead for family portraits that keep the family together.

The best zones for family pictures are the East and Southwest baguas, since those are the ones related to family
relationships, marriage, and love. There is no real wrong place to hang them, but these are the best places for those
attempting to maximize the rooms feng shui potential. Find frames that match the rooms dcor and present a unified
presentation for the family, such as framing family pictures in identical frames throughout the home.

Importance of Childrens Rooms

Many feng shui articles focus on the living room and other high traffic rooms, but childrens bedrooms are also
important from this perspective. As a matter of fact, they are just as important as the rooms with the most traffic,
since they are the spaces that children often spend the most time in while playing, sleeping, dressing, or spending
some quiet time doing homework or reading. Family portraits are great, but consider other creative approaches, such
as allowing them to draw pictures of their families for framing and hanging on the wall. This is great for encouraging
imagination and creativity, but it is also a wonderful opportunity for getting a sense of how they feel about their

Reward Achievements

Although many top home dcor professionals recommend keeping the personal stuff in a bedroom, there is nothing
wrong with displaying trophies, ribbons, or other awards in the family room. Frame them and hang them near the
portraits or in the Career bagua to remind the family of what can be achieved with hard work, and to show pride in the
achievements of each child equally, regardless of who placed higher or wins more overall.

Each child should be equal in the eyes of the parents, so that none feel left out or unimportant. If another child is not
old enough or involved in activities that receive awards, use artwork and portraits to remind him or her that they are
still very special to you and the family.

Feng Shui and Sexual Partners

Feng shui does not just govern our platonic family relationships, relationships with friends and coworkers, and peace
in the home. These are all fundamental accomplishments with feng shui dcor or lifestyle, but there is also more to
feng shui than these great benefits. In addition, feng shui plays a big role in the attraction of sexual partners, and this
does not just mean a potential husband or wife.

Note: Feng shui does not encourage random sex with strangers, since this is dangerous and can have many
undesirable side effects. It does, however, encourage pleasure and harmony in a bodily sense between two people
who care about each other deeply. Feng shui represents balance and peace, never chaos, and unplanned pregnancy,
disease, and unreturned affections do not symbolize feng shui

Bedroom Feng Shui

There are dozens of articles here and elsewhere that deal with bedroom feng shui including romantic encounters.
They point out that you have to find ways to use artwork and symbolism to introduce sexual energy in the space and
to potential partners. Most people choose modern art that features sex in some way without being crass or profane,
such as gods and goddesses engaged in sexual union. Books like the Kama Sutra are also popular, as they introduce
effective methods of adding pleasure for both partners.

Body Feng Shui

Your body should also be prepared for great sex through feng shui techniques, such as getting plenty of sleep and
exercise, eating right, and keeping the body neat and clean in appearance. Learn about Kua numbers and discover
your perfect sexual partner using this method. If the plan is to have a romantic encounter without adding actual
romance (now or in the future) be clear about it in word, action, and body language. Do not lead someone on, this
damages positive energy for both parties and will ruin the experience.

Preparedness According to Feng Shui Beliefs

As before mentioned, feng shui refers to balance in every part of life, never letting one aspect of your daily life become
more important than others that are equally fulfilling. Be careful to keep your sexual encounters to a minimum so the
experience does not become cheap and unfulfilling or risky. Also, use methods to protect yourself and your body, such
as condoms or other birth control methods. Be selective about your partner, waiting for ideal partners based on more
than just good looks.

Another version of preparedness is getting your mind ready to experience sexual energy at its best, by getting rid of
stress and limiting exposure to pornographic materials. There are many classier versions of sexually explicit items
without setting the standard so high that it is unrealistic. If you set the bar too high, you will be disappointed in most
experiences, leading to a lack of ultimate satisfaction and increased sexual desire. Make each encounter a great one
and you will need fewer of them in order to feel satisfied and happy in this area of life. Above all, remember that you
are there to please your partner too; it is not all about your own gratification.

Using Feng Shui to Choose Your Love Partner

It can be very hard to find the right person to love, whether you are looking for a romantic partner or close personal
friend. It is even more important to pick the right people for close friendships when you have children. There are so
many people who will take advantage of close friendships in order to get something they want, from sex to objects
you own, that using feng shui to choose your love partner is essential. Here are some helpful tips for allowing the
ancient Chinese principle to guide your friendships, including potential marriage material or bedroom partners.

Kua is Key

Most cultures believe that opposites attract, and this is often true for all relationships, although you will need to have
things in common for the relationship to deepen beyond casual acquaintances. However, people can like the same
movies, music, or activities, even have a similar sense of humor and values, without being very much alike at all. These
qualities are due to kua, which is talked about elsewhere on the website, and this dictates Eastern and Western
personalities (or opposite love matches). Opposite matches are often the best types of all kinds of friendships.

As you get to know someone, find out which group they fit into and choose people who are opposite of your field. For
instance, if you fall into the Eastern category, find Western friends and lovers, and the reverse is also true. This can
create deep and lasting friendships that mean a lot to you and your family, even if they never lead to sex or marriage.
They key is learning about your own kua first and then finding opposites that enrich your life and the lives of your
children. Apply basic fend shui principles and love yourself first; the other relationships will come with time and energy
spent to develop the bond.

Add Peonies

Feng shui experts say that peonies and other symbols of love are the key to using feng shui for finding love, so make
sure that they are represented in your home, on your person, and even in your car or desk at work. We have articles
dedicated to maximizing feng shui for love, but be sure to read them carefully to avoid overdoing the love symbols and
creating chaos. Chaotic and haphazard placement of items can send your relationships in the opposite direction, and
instead of choosing a love partner you may wind up with a new enemy instead.

The objects that you use should be dictated by the type of love you are hoping to attract, such as a new romantic
partner versus a close family friend. Focus on the northwest bagua when you want new friends; the southwest bagua
is absolutely critical for love relationships. If you are hoping for really good family friends the east bagua should be
your focal area of your home. Feng shui can help so many different parts of your life, from your health to how much
money you make and whether you have friends and fall in love.

The best feng shui love tips for finding true love

How do I find the one?

Pink is the color of romance, and kung gua /relationship corner loves it! Use petal pink, hot pink or any kind of
pink for flowers, heart shapes, wall paint, carpet, accent pieces.. White and red are also excellent
relationship colors.

Place love symbols such as cupids, hearts, lovebirds, statues, loving couple pictures

Important when applying feng shui love tips:

Do not forget feng shui 2s rule. Arrange things always in pairs: 2 pink candles, 2 heart pillows on the bed, 2
pictures with love theme.

Use pink candles to heat up your corner and heat up your love. Candle light greatly energizes you and your
bedroom with sensuality and passion.... It will help you achieve and fully enjoy your desires ..... whatever they
might be.

Write up your wishes on a slip of pink paper and place it in kun gua in a red heart-shaped box.

Pamper yourself in soft, Luxury Bed sheets and pillows

Create a Greeter to make you feel more secure. Just place an object you love so that it is the first thing you see
when you enter the bedroom.

According to feng shui love tips you should avoid:

negative images (picture of ex lovers, storms, sadness)

spiky plants (no cactus, Venus flytraps.)
cold stuff (no air conditioner to cool you love life)
single stuff (one lamp or candle, no pictures of women alone)
games (you want serious relationship, no games please!)
dirt and clutter as they pull you down and hold you in the past

Always remember something that helps one, can be negative for other person, always follow your personal feng shui I
want to underline your personal feng shui create your personal feng shui map, and only after this apply some of this

Feng Shui Love Guide

Here are some widely believed Feng Shui tips to activate romance in your relationship:

Check your bedroom, and harmonize it according to your feng shui

Don't sleep facing the door as it is supposed to cause problems in the relationships.

The most important of the house is the south-west section to improve marital and love relationships. Decorate
this area with stones or small rock, if you are west group person according to your personal feng shui.

You can also hang some beautiful pictures of a mountain with water features on it, if you are east group
person according to your personal feng shui .

Those who are single and looking for someone special then they must hang a painting of peonies (Chinese
flower of love).

Do not forget feng shui 2s rule. Arrange things always in pairs: 2 pink candles, 2 heart pillows on the bed, 2
pictures with love theme.

A room should always be free from all the cluttered things as it gives more way to positive energies. So, fold
your sleeves to clean the room and bring romance in your life.

Avoid working out in your bedroom as it represents hard work which can easily hinder your romance space.

Your bedroom doors should always open easily because squeaky or partly opened doors block the romantic
energy entering the room.

All the obstructing material in the path to the room should be cleared out. Also, make sure no fused lights
along this route are replaced.

Hang out pictures indicating love like pair of birds, silk flowers etc or a round mirror. These hangings depict an
unwinding love and trust for each other. Place these image on the wall facing your feet or the wall which you
first see while entering the room.

Place the bed in a position so that there is equal space around it as the person sleeping against the wall may
feel disempowered in their love relationship.

Don't keep a television in the room.

A room should have a cozy and close seating arrangement. Chairs or sofas must be put at comfortable angles.

The room should be properly ventilated so that all old energy gets enough space to move out of the room.

If a toilet is located on the south-west corner of the room then it is will surely hinder your love life. The best
way is to hang a five-rod wind chime to get rid off this problem.

Place an indoor water fountain in the south-west corner of the house. It will surely encourage the relationship.
if you are east group person according to your personal feng shui.

Always remember something that helps one, can be negative for other person, always follow your personal feng shui I
want to underline your personal feng shui create your personal feng shui map, and only after this apply some of this

Kua number and significant other

Q- Can I find my significant other by Kua number? My Kua number is 5.

A- There are two groups of people. Western group is with Kua numbers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. And East group is with Kua
numbers 1, 3, 4, 9. People of one group better understand each other, because periods of their activity coincide.

People of different groups understand each other worse, but when they want to understand each other, they can
cooperate very effectively. If they understand each other, they hang together effectively

When the person of the Western group is active, the person of East group feels tension. The person of the Western
group can be engaged in affairs during this period. When the person with Western Kua number begins recession,
affairs pass to the person of the East group.

Of cause people of one Kua number group can enhance their apartment or house with easiness and comfort, because
their auspicious directions, colors and tendencies coincide. But what ouy can do for true love.


Chinese weddings connected with culture and tradition closely. The following things are 10 necessary things for
bride and groom, for their marriage is full of prosperity, love, happiness and brings many grandchildren for their


1. Dragon and Phoenix. Every marriage couple should keep the image of dragon and phoenix at home.
Their presence at home symbolizes fruitful marriage, blessed for success and prosperity and also for

2. Favorable Chinese embroidery It is used for decorating of the wedding hall and bride's room. Use
such symbols as Double Happiness Symbol, Dragon and Phoenix, Mandarin Ducks, Mystic knot, peons
and peaches, prolonging the love feelings in the marriage.

3. Candles with image of Dragon and Phoenix This pair of red wedding candles, one is decorated with
Dragon the other one is decorated with Phoenix and Double Happiness Symbol. This traditional candles
were being burned during the wedding night to conjure away evil.

4. The bodice or petersham of favorable (red and gold) colors Silk or velvet flowers attach to the red
ribbons with words "bride" and "groom" with images of dragon and phoenix for good luck

5. Set of golden bowls The set of golden bowls and spoons usually decorated with images of Sky
dragon, Phoenix and Double Happiness Symbol. The couple should eat their first meal from these bowls
for happy joint future.

6. Set of combs This set includes cushion for needles (for success), cotton of 5 colors (symbol of five
elements), powder-box, wooden comb, circle mirror, and red ribbon.

7. Set of bowls for luck of descendants Decorated with mandarin ducks and double happiness symbol,
this set includes a noggin, tea-tray, bowl for washing and a jug. This subject should be filled with fruits
and tied coins, that is the symbol of prosperous and fruitful marriage.

8. Small circle mirror The bride should carry small circle mirror to defend herself from any negative
tendencies during wedding ceremony, when the evil spirits can become envious. Such mirror brings
luck and auspicious ceremony.

9. Red envelopes Red envelopes with golden ink symbols of double happiness and filled with coins.

10. A pair of red lamps for wellbeing This lamps designed with auspicious phrases symbolizing sound
happy marriage and should be placed near to the wedding bed (on the head of the bed) for creation of
prosperous and fruitful marriage.


By balancing this sector you can - find "the one", get married, put the hot sizzle back into your
relationship, learn to trust people again, get along with all people

Name of the gua: Kun

Nature: Earth

Direction: South-West

Season: Summer

Personality: Receptive

Family: Mother

Receptive energy,
that which yields

Colors: Red, Pink, White

Number: 2

General Feng Shui tips for relationships, love and marriage sector

- Display items that symbolize relationship such as images of a romantic relationship, images of friends, or any set of
paired items.
- Have red, pink, scarlet and incarnadine objects in this room to bring love energy to your relationships, if this sector is
positive in your individual feng shui map (to know it follow Treasury Feng shui secrets of success and riches)
- Use wind chimes to bring energy into the South-West corner of the room.

I want to get married, how feng shui can help me - FAQ

Q I want to get married, how feng shui can help me?

A Feng shui makes miracles.

The main is to use personal feng shui

- wear clothes only of your good color attracting attention of the opposite sex,
- cut your hears according to imperial sizes,
- color you hairs in your best color

For the second, use interior feng shui

- activate sector of marriage in rooms, where you spend a lot of time and sleep.

For the third, meditate:

- in meditation you can imagine and realize your husband and the marriage of your dream. Mediation is a very
powerful mean to attract your significant other in your life.

For the forth, think positive and use positive words in your speech.

P.S. According to feng shui astrology the best partner will be for 4 years younger or older than you. And the worst
partner is for 6 years younger or older than you


Here are the aromas for the use in the sector of marriage, love and romance, to attract your significant other, partner
or a lover. Please, choose for this sector aromas that are plesant to you and your partner.

Orange creates the atmosphere of light and calmness. This aroma can be used in business negotiations, it stimulates
the trust to the partner

Bergamot - relieves nervous stress, empowers erotic inclination and creativity energy in sexual sphere.

Rainbow pink introduces the aroma of inclination and confidence in success

Geranium returns the women at a mature age the sexual freshness and attractiveness

Grapefruit reveals the unique fascination. During the intimacy gives an effect of total confluence with partner and
gives emotional contact.

Ilang-ilang - strengthens the intuition, this aroma awakes the hidden sensuality

Ginger gives resolution and confidence to the men

Cypress aroma of " marathon men", prevents from pre- ejaculation. Opens the second wind who is older 50

Mandarin stimulates the feeling of harmony in emotional confluence with partner

Juniper this aroma gives the feeling of novelty, if to practice the fumigation of the bedroom, you can achieve the
attraction of the partners that not faded in a years

Neroli aroma of pure sexuality, immerses into the world of sensuality and voluptuousness emotions

Patchouli strengthens the sexual power

Rose - encourages your romance

Rosemary stable feeling's richness

Sandal hypnotizing aroma, an aphrodisiac

Here you can use circular stand with yin/yan symbols or any paired stand or aromalamp.


Feng shui knows powerful love talismans: first of all it is paired subjects, located in south-west.

Two candlesticks, two vases or bowls, in a word any paired composition brings you luck in love.

But the best way is to use symbolic images of Feng shui: paired images or figurines of dolphins, mandarin ducks, or

Dreaming about family life, they can advise to find a picture with scenes of happy family life and hang it in south-

A still life of flowering peonies enforce the loveliness of a mistress of the house.

The south-west sector responsible not only for love, this sector is for a woman of the house also. Her wellness,
including the family happiness, depends upon the harmony of this sector, the absence in this sector negative or unlike
subjects to you or a mess.

For happy partner relations, it is necessary the men's sector (north-west) is also in harmony.

This sector needs to be decorated in white color of Metal. Any metal subjects, glitter surfaces will enforce the men's
positions, and will make your house attractive for guests.

The main talisman of the north-west sector is a bell, it will provide every person living in this house with protection of

To attract the luck in love you can make active your romantic direction, calculated by the date of birth: Create Your
luck with personal Feng Shui


The east sector according to Feng shui is responsible for health, family and community. Making it balanced your family
relations will be reliable, sure, and calm, your health will be strong and you will have truthful friends around you. So do
not miss the chance to have the abovementioned.

So first of all you need to build an Individual Feng shui map (how to do it Luck with personal Feng Shui) and according
to Your map you will need to balance the east sector

In my e-book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches I write in detail what should you do to have splendid
family, sound health and a lot of friends. Because the wrong subject or color in this area of your home and/or business
can lead to lack of opportunities and crushing of hopes and dreams.

Here some tips for splendid family, sound health and harmony with friends (do not make hasty acts, subject of much
study the secrets I reveal in my e- books: some people may make one, the others may not do the same):

1. A fountain in the East area of your home will bring benevolent Chi to your family.

2. Laughing golden Buddha With Children

3. elephant family (5 figurines)

4. Healthy living plant with big leaves

5. Pink Porcelain Quan Yin, for your family happiness.

Family Reminders

Feng Shui Decorating for a Happy Family

Have you ever walked into a home and been instantly at home? There is something to be said for homes that have
aspects of feng shui in their interior design - especially when it comes to a happy, harmonious family life. Feng shui
decorating ideas can offer the typical home a better flow of energy and a more peaceful feel. For the busy family
home, feng shui is even more important, as it can help create a sense of happiness and togetherness that can be easily
lost in the hectic daily routine. Use some of the ideas below to help create that happy home your family wants and

Clutter Busters
Start by clearing your home of clutter. You will be amazed at how quickly the feel of the house changes when there is
less in it. Clutter not only takes up valuable space, it also takes up valuable energy and blocks the flow of good chi. It
is important that your family has a happy, open space where there are few things blocking the path and keeping
energy from flowing smoothly.

Wall decorations are especially important in a happy family home. Framed pictures of the family together and
individually show the importance of the family bond. The pictures should be of the family members smiling and
happy. They should evoke good, positive memories and bring a smile to the face of those who see them. Providing
that visual reminder that family life is important and valued is key to creating a sense of belonging in the home.

Clear the Air

Homes have a habit of collecting lingering odors. Feng shui is all about the positive flow of energy and that means
clean air. Instead of masking the scent of the house with artificial and potentially dangerous air fresheners, opt for
essential oils and air purifiers instead. Not only will they remove the lingering scents, they will replace them with
fresh, clean air. If the weather is warm, you might also want to open the windows and let fresh air flow through the

space. It is a nice, refreshing change of pace after a long winter or hot summer to throw open the windows
throughout the house and allow an exchange of stale air for fresh air.

Know Your Bagua

The Bagua is the energy map of your house. While it may seem an unnecessary step, mapping out where the key
areas in your home are can help you decorate accordingly. Placing feng shui elements in the key areas will help create
a balance and harmony that you might not have even known were missing.

A happy home begins with a happy family and a happy family is one that feels at home and comfortable in their
space. By taking the time to employ some feng shui techniques in your homes decor, you can help improve the lives
of those who live there. Before long, your busy, hectic family will be enjoying their new space and, more importantly,
their time together as a family.

Using Feng Shui for Family Planning

Feng Shui strives to achieve balance, harmony, and beauty in all aspects of life and planning a family can be stressful
and unbalancing. Using Feng Shui for family planning is the solution and family planning starts in the bedroom.


Given the natural order of things, romance is the precursor to an expanding family. Feng Shui can help here too. A
key principle to Feng Shui is movement. For that reason removing clutter should top the list for any couple using Feng
Shui family planning.

A romantic couple looking to share their love should pay special attention to the southwest area of their
bedroom. Applying Feng Shui principles of movement and adding energy activating elements like natural illumination
and symmetry will kindle an invigorating fire to the passions of their marriage.

Go West

The western area of the bedroom correlates to children in Feng Shui. Feng Shui practitioners counsel couples looking
to expand their family to decorate this area with vessels associated with the earth. Vases, wooden picture frames, and
artistic rock gardens would fall into this category. The earth represents fertility because of the reproductive nature of
it. The earth is where we plant our food and raise animals for food, so the connection makes sense.

Because the western side of the couples bedroom is so centric to children, it is vital that the area be free of
clutter. Clutter takes the flow of chi that is rushing in and around your home and disperses it into disarray.

Decorate for Fertility

Families using Feng Shui for family planning should make generous use of objects representing fertility. Symbolism is
an important element of Fen Shui, even more so when the principle of symmetry is applied.

There is no shortage of fertility symbols in Feng Shui but one of the more popular ones is the elephant. Placing an
elephant statue on either side of the bedroom door not only satisfies symmetry but it is also a powerful symbol
representing expectancy.

Healthy plants placed around the home promote growth, but specifically, bamboo is said to increase
fertility. Unhealthy or dying bamboo has just the opposite effect, so take care not keep dead or dying bamboo in the
home; to do so will discourage your chances of conceiving.

Open The Door For Baby Chi

The front door is the primary avenue of chi. Any obstruction in front of the door disrupts the flow of energy
throughout the entire home. Blocking chi from entering the home is counter-productive and so to be reproductive, all
obstacles such as trees and shrubs should be removed.

Homes using Feng Shui for family planning will soon find success by first clearing the homes entry and making the
entrance favorable for movement. A way of creating favorable movement is by attracting it with a brass wind chime
hung from the homes entrance. It has the added benefit of gently letting you know when chi is stirring.

Planning a family is one of lifes most important endeavors. People employee Feng Shui in other aspects of their life to
guarantee success, so using Feng Shui for family planning makes perfect sense.

Feng Shui Methods for Family and Friends

Relationship advice abounds on the Internet, as does methods for balancing and decorating your home. Some advice
columns offer practical tips that work for a variety of end results, such as feng shui tips that make your home beautiful
and bring peace and prosperity to your life too. We all go through periods where we miss loved ones and friends who
are no longer a part of our lives for whatever reason, and feng shui methods for family and friends will help with this
loneliness by helping us develop new and long lasting relationships.

Create an area in your home such as a shelf or mantle that is dedicated to family and friend relationships. This space
should feature a lot of positive energy, no sharp objects or clutter, and pictures of you and the person in question.
Smiling, happy pictures are perfect for this, since they increase the positive energy flow in the space. Use all the
normal feng shui techniques for the rest of the room at the same time, maximizing the space from a positive
perspective and including that person in your thoughts anytime you look at the pictures.

Add artwork that features happy people and good relationships if you do not have a lot of framed photographs of
you and your family or friends. Magazines and Internet resources are great for finding these types of pictures, and
make sure that you add a live plant or flower next to the photo group to give the feeling of life to the space. This
increases positive energy flow and sends feelings of goodwill and prosperity not only throughout your home, but to
that other person as well. Happiness keeps a relationship close and makes us forget about the sad times, although we
should always remember those we have lost in a fond way.

Get rid of broken picture frames or glass to avoid negative energy when it comes to friends, family, and
relationships. Broken and damaged picture frames or glass indicate broken relationships, so get them repaired as soon
as possible. Also, avoid any types of pictures that depict you and your friends when one of the friends has their back to
the group or is walking away. You do not want anything that looks symbolic of a friend turning their back on you,
because it can attract negative chi in your home and in your relationships as well.

Make sure all of the baguas are represented equally within your home and life, including at work. For your life to be
considered successful and prosperous overall, you have to keep everything balanced. With balance comes peace and
harmony, and this will overflow into your relationships and financial success. No matter how much money you make,
you will not lack for what you need (although that is not saying you will have what you want) in any sense of the word.
Good family and friend relationships, whether you are all blood or just close to each other, are definitely irreplaceable.

Encouraging Positive Energy with Family and Friends

When friends come to call and family arrives for a visit, are your interactions tense and stilted or is everyone relaxed
and welcoming? You may be surprised to know that any negative or uncomfortable reactions your friends and family
have in the space may be directly caused by your decor. While it is not a conscious emotion, different elements that
can cause negative energy may make your guests shy away from coming to visit. Use the feng shui tips and tricks
below to make the home the warm and welcoming space that you want it to be for both your family and your friends.

Color Defines
If you are entertaining in the family room and the walls are painted the wrong color, you may find that you are
counting the minutes until your guests leave. Instead of dreading when friends come to call, paint the walls a soothing
blue or green to encourage warmth and interaction. These natural colors are welcoming and ideal for a space where
harmony and love are interposed in the relationships. You may also want to incorporate the colors in the fabrics and
accessories that you have around the room, as well. This will help draw the eye and create a much more harmonious

Its Alive!
Breathe life on your friendships and family relationships by incorporating living plants in the decor. Tall, potted green
plants are ideal, as they add in the natural green coloring while also bringing the element of life and vitality to the
space. Large, leafy plants are more welcoming that stringy or spidery plants that tend to be more uncomfortable in
their energy and presence.

Picture This
Another feng shui principle that can help build harmony and relationships in decor is the use of pictures and photos of
family and friends. Not only do these images subtly remind you and your guests of cherished moments and love, they
also symbolize the importance of the relationships. Frame the pictures in natural wood frames and display them in
your living and entertaining space. They will be a happy, welcome reminder of those you care about.

Fresh Cut Flowers

Bright cheerful daisies and sunflowers can bring a lot of color and cheer to a family space. Feng shui design
encourages the use of fresh flowers in spaces where there is relationship building as they symbolize happiness and
harmony. While it may not be practical to keep a vase of fresh cut flowers in your living room at all times, when you
are preparing to entertain, be sure that there are flowers in the space. It is also important to remember that when the
flowers begin to fade, it is time to replace them. Dying and dead flowers give off negative energy that you do not want
in your home.

There may not be a magic cure to fix all relationship issues, but there are things that you can do to make interactions
easier. The feng shui ideas above can help you have the happy, loving relationships you desire with just a few changes
in your decor. Take the time to make your home a welcoming escape for all who enter.

Using Feng Shui to Prevent Divorce

Proper feng shui can be useful for couples on the brink of disaster. While preventing divorce with feng shui is
uncommon, it is not impossible. Many couples do not utilize proper feng shui in the home especially within the
couples area. The couples partnership area of the home is found in the back area on the right of the home, and here
are just a few methods of using feng shui to prevent divorce.

Using Proper Furniture Positions

The bed in the couples bedroom should be positioned away from the bedroom door as it causes the couple to feel
vulnerable or defensive. Positioning the bed near the bathroom door can cause the couple to feel restless or tired. The
best bed position for the couples bed is in a position diagonal from the bedroom door. The positioning of all the
bedroom furniture plays a significant role in the energy of a home, which plays a large role in the energy of the
couples relationship.
Placing furniture away from the bedroom door not only allows the couple to enter the room easily, but it also allows
the good energy to enter the room as well. The bed should have a solidly built wooden headboard to create a
relationship based on harmony and unity. A metallic headboard should not be used as metal be used to conduct
energy, both good and bad, especially for individuals who are emotionally sensitive. Clutter should be avoided in the
bedroom to create a place to rest both mind and body. The amount of furniture in the bedroom should be limited to
the essential items only to help promote positive energy.

Add Positive Energy through Dcor

The positive energy flow in feng shui can be enhanced through the dcor in the home to aid in preventing a couple
from divorcing. Dcor items such as wind chimes or crystals can be used to activate the positive feng shui in any room,
especially the bedroom. The wind chimes should play soothing gentle sounds rather than harsh or loud noises. Wall
dcor should elicit a feeling of romance for both individuals as a couple rather than as an individual person. Art should
have couples or dual objects rather than single objects or people or groups of three or more. Mirrors are a simple way
to add positive energy to any room in a house.
Dcor items should focus on the romantic colors of the bagua such as red, white, or pink. Pink is the primary color in
feng shui for romance as it symbolizes relationships. Art and other dcor items can display pairs of butterflies as the
butterflies are also symbols of romance in feng shui Other animals that elicit romance are graceful swans or Mandarin
ducks. Be certain not to mix up the mandarin ducks with typical mallards as they are completely different animals and
invoke completely different energy in any given area. Fish in a serene aquarium can also add positive life-giving and
financial energy into any relationship, especially a couple on the verge of divorce.

How Friends Affect Feng Shui

Your friends have a massive impact on your life, affecting everything from how much money you make, to where you
travel and who you marry, so it should come as no surprise that friends affect the balance in your life. To understand
how friends affect feng shui you need to understand how they affect the balance in your life both positively and
negatively, depending on the friend. Here are some tips for helping you decide whether a friendship is still worth

Positive Friendships, Positive Balance

Obviously, if a close, healthy friendship is a part of your life it will affect your life in a positive way. These types of
relationships are the best ways to improve all the different parts of your life, including making money and finding true
love. The relationship does not have to be romantic or sexual for it to be positive; the friend just needs to be a person
who inspires you to greater things in your life.

To find more balance in your life, find positive friendships on all levels, from a love partner to close friends, family
friends, casual friends, and even business relationships. This will help you eliminate stress and chaos in your life, which
will increase your productivity and relaxation times. When you are making more money and getting enough rest, other
parts of your life also begin to fall into place; for this reason you should do everything you can to eliminate all
relationships that do not fall into this category.

Negative Friendships, Negative Balance

Where there is an up there is always a down, and a negative friendship can be a quick down that ruins your day, such
as a friend who always talks bad about people or asks to borrow things without returning them. Most of us have at
least one person who we call a friend who can fall into this category. While most people can have a negative attitude
sometimes, it is the predominant attitude that matters; and if someone is rarely positive, the friendship is probably
not a good contribution to your life.

Adding balance means eliminating most of the relationships that fall into this category for positive feng shui but it is
not always practical to end every negative relationship. For example, it may be your boss who is the problem, or one
of your parents or siblings. In cases like this, do everything you can to improve the relationship from your own end,
and continue to do what you can to help them make things better on the other end. Find out if there is unresolved
conflict or ancient transgressions that are preventing you from having a good relationship. Even if the relationship can
be improved from negative to neutral, this is progress worth pursuing.

As you work to improve relationships, it is often the small steps that matter the most, and the same is true for learning
about how friends affect feng shui positively and negatively. Learn to balance the good with the bad, getting rid of the
bad when it begins to become a serious problem in your life.

General Feng Shui tips for family and health sector

Family is our foundation in life, providing us with our first experiences of relationships. In this way, family shapes our
views of the world and builds our expectations of how our lives will be. Feng Shui can be used to provide the most
beneficial environment for the family to interact in, therefore ensuring that the family relationships are harmonious
and beneficial.

Name of the gua: Zhen

Nature: Thunder

Direction: East

Season: Spring

Personality: Arousing

Family: Eldest Son

Meaning: Excitation, revolution

Colors: Blue, Green

Number: 3

Feng Shui tips for Family and health sector

- Display photographs of family, friends and pets, as well as objects that remind you of fun family activities.

- Use blue and green colors in this room, this will bring good energy to your family relationships

- Have bright flowers and green plants to bring good energy and good health. As the plant grows, so will your family


Health is wholeness, unity, the balance of movement and stillness-the balance of the Yin and Yang. Wholeness is to be
reached through understanding the flow of energy, and what is blocking that energy. In this way, Feng Shui can greatly
aid in the balanced and continuous flow of energy, and therefore greatly improve health and well-being.

Name of the gua: I Ching

Nature: Earth

Direction: Center

Colors: Yellow and Earth Tones

Number: 5

Feng Shui tips for YOU, your health and you surrounding:

- Here is where all energies accumulate and flow in.

- This area should be bright, welcoming and clutter free. Try using a circular rug in this area.

- Practice Meditation to cultivate your inner self. Listen to music, it feeds the soul.

- Dream big and persevere beyond all obstacles.

- Listen to your soul. Ask yourself what it is that you want.


Here are the aromas for the use in the sector of health, family and community, to attract to your house and family
cosiness, comfort and serenity. Please, choose the aromas the most pleasant to all members of your family.

Bergamot - tones up, empowers life and creativity energy. It has the bactericidal and antiphlogistic action. It awakes
the interest to life.

Grapefruit this aroma tones up very good, increases the sense of confidence. It helps to overcome depression. This
aroma for activation of pure chi energy

Cedar aroma, that awakes the unique sense of cosiness, makes the atmosphere of calmness and safety. The cedar is
the guard of kin and family

Lavender helps to spare irritability and to save from shortness of temper and overfalls of the mood

Lemon aroma-stabilizer, this aroma strengthen the energy connection between the members of the family. The
lemon aroma has the strongest antiviral and antiseptic action.

Rosemary awakes up and tones the energy. This aroma is aroma-safeguard , it saves the energy. This aroma prevents
family quarrels and conflicts. Rosemary disinfects and has antiseptic action.

Pine this aroma acts as a peace-maker.

Manuka the strongest antiviral and antiseptic mean. It recovers the energy balance.

The stands and lamps should be of circle shape because the circle symbolizes the unification and maintenance.


For those who seek money, wealth and material things here is Feng Shui power beyond your imagination. Miraculous
changes in your life could happen to you if :

first of all you need to build an Individual Feng shui map (how to do it Luck with personal Feng Shui) and according to
the map you will need to balance wealth area

In my e-book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches I write in detail what should you do to have non-
stopping flow of money, auspicious prosperity and wealth. Wealth has many forms besides money. So think about
what you want and place a symbol of that in this area. Because the wrong subject or color in this area of your home
and/or business can lead to lack of money and opportunities.

Here some tips for wealth, prosperity and self worth (do not make hasty acts, subject of much study the secrets I
reveal in my e- books: some people may make one, the others may not do the same):

1. Chinese coins with a red ribbon

2. Three-legged frog with a coin in his mouth is for good fortune.

3. Pictures of water flowing or active fountains

4. three plants together that have round leaves

5. Best colors for wealth are gold, purple, red and green (according to Your individual feng shui map)

6. Hang a round faceted clear crystal on a 18" red cord

How Shapes Affect Your Wealth

You might be familiar with the Chinese art of Feng Shui and its contributions to ancient and modern design, but the
ancient practice of balancing chi, or life energies, can be used to balance your finances as well. To do this Feng Shui
practitioners suggest that you pay special attention to how shapes affect your wealth.

The shape of wealth. The shape of wealth, like the shape of the coin, is round. The movement of a sphere represents
movement and increase. Setting the shape in motion takes little work and the return is an accelerating action that
picks up momentum. To do this use circular patterns and symbols effectively by knowing where to place them to align
your environment with the chi that brings you wealth.

Know your prosperity spot. The southeastern area of your home or office correlates to prosperity in Feng Shui. Feng
Shui financial consultants advise their clientele to pay special attention to this area. A large part of your success will be
determined by the shape of the adornments in this area.

Circle decor. Artist and designers have long celebrated the majesty and simplicity of the circle in nature and in art. You
will find that circular patterns and motifs are common in interior design, so finding something that appeals to your
personal tastes will not be a problem. Circular carpets, rugs, pillows, tapestries, can all be incorporated to bring you,
not only comfort, but also wealth to your home.

Circular accessories. A key principle in Feng Shui is the understanding that the appearances of wealth and prosperity
aid in achieving wealth and prosperity. The principle, as understood by westerners, is summarized in a saying that you
have probably heard before, fake it till you make it. By adorning your home or offices southeastern area with
objects and symbols of prosperity you will activate that energy to flow through those spaces.

Chinese coins incorporate two powerful symbols in their shape. The circular shape represents Heaven and the square
cutout in the middle represents earth. This contrast is centric to the coins design and creates balance. These coins,
when hung in the southeastern area, attract favorable energies for wealth.

Bowls are often displayed in this area and filled to symbolize abundance. Crystals or faux circular jewels are used to
symbolize motion and an overflowing of abundance. The round shape continues to generate allusions of increase and
movement even in objects not particularly designed to roll.

Encircle the yard. Your interior spaces should not be the only place that you invite wealth building chi. Your yard can
be just as chi friendly. Round gardens and circular garden decor like fountains and stepping stones are not only
beautiful to look at but promote wealth as well.

It is not a coincidence that the historic shape of a majority of the worlds currencies has been round. The shape
continues to this day to be favored. The Chinese have always understood this. The art of Feng Shui tells us why this is
and how shapes affect your wealth.

Feng Shui and Finances

With millions of get-rich-quick schemes available today, it becomes necessary to find the most effective methods of
making money for your career. Feng shui and finances go hand in hand, working together in positive or negative ways
according to factors such as your home, home office or traditional office, your car, and even the way you look and
dress. A few feng shui tips apply directly to your finances, from making money to being the best that you can be on
your job. Here are a few ideas and suggestions to improve the financial sector of your life:

Chinese coins wrapped in a red ribbon are symbolic of wealth and money. The ribbon should be cut to a 9 length or
an increment of nine to coordinate with the feng shui style and maximize your financial blessings. Three coins are
recommended by most, but some experts say five or nine are better, depending on your kua and the type of job that
you have. (A Kua Number is calculated by the year of your birth and gender. It used to determine your four lucky or
auspicious corners or directions and those that are unlucky for you.)

Get rid of all the clutter in your life, from bad relationships to unorganized desks and homes. When you minimize
clutter in the home and your relationships, you will reduce chaos and negative chi that damage your productivity and
therefore your finances. Things like garage sales are a great way to deal with the chaos and make some money at the
same time, and if you let friends help with the cleanup and sale efforts you also improve the relationship aspect as

When or if a relationship cannot be improved by your reasonable efforts, end it. To make money, you have to be
able to focus on your job, and you cannot do this if you are stressed out about a relationship. Your best option is to
end the relationship, especially if you have tried everything you can think of to make things better and they continue
to get worse. This includes romantic relationships, casual friendships, close friends, and even workplace friendships,
which can be the most damaging to your financial feng shui

Wind chimes are the perfect home accessories to improve your financial situation. Not only are they a beautiful
addition to your home, but they also attract wealth and prosperity through financial abundance. A painting that
features wind chimes or modern artwork that looks like a wind chime can be a great choice for your office, home or
traditional, and adding a picture of a wind chime to your cars glove compartment also attracts more money. As with
the coins, make sure that the chime hanger is a multiple of nine, such as a nine-inch ribbon or chain.

Water is also a financial blessing accessory. Water features can be more difficult to add to an office or car, but it
attracts financial abundance in your life. Similarly, statues of Buddha are also ways to attract money that can be
difficult to work into the dcor in a professional environment. When you cannot use an actual statue or water feature,
try to find a replacement that signifies the same thing, such as a painting, picture, or card.

Add Prosperity to New Business with Feng Shui

If you are starting a new business venture, there are a number of Feng Shui techniques and practices that you can use
to help insure its success. Since Feng Shui focuses on the impact that the environment and surroundings can have on a
person's success, the time to incorporate Feng Shui is at the very start of your business venture.

A Few Basics

In Feng Shui, there are a few basics that you should consider even when deciding where to locate your new business. A
location that has high visibility is best, and it is considered much less optimal to be located at the end of a dead-end
road, or at the end of a cul-de-sac. You should also try to avoid locations that are near a subway entrance, or a place of
worship. Your business name shouldn't contain anything that could be construed as a reference to bad luck or death.

The Business Entrance

The main entrance door should be as large as possible, since traditionally the main entrance is considered to be the
mouth of the business. The entrance should be inviting not only to your customers, but also to the positive energy that
you wish to attract to your business. Inside the entrance, there should be an unimpeded path throughout the building,
so that both customers and positive energy will be able to flow smoothly through your business.

The Wealth Corner

One of the most important Feng Shui areas for a new business, or any business for that matter, is the wealth corner.
The wealth corner is located in the southeast area of the building, and ideally is at a diagonal from the main
entranceway. This area should always be kept clear from clutter, and should be well-lit and inviting. You might
consider locating the cash register in this area of your business, and you can also place symbols of prosperity in this
area, such as coins. You might also want to consider a small water fountain in the southeast area of your business, to
encourage the flow of wealth into your business. Of course, if you do this, it is important to keep the water clean and
flowing at all times, and never let it become dirty or stagnant.

Reducing Clutter

Clutter is the eternal enemy of positive Feng Shui energy. You should always strive to get rid of anything that isn't
needed, and definitely dispose of any old items that were left behind from previous businesses that used the facility.
For a convenient way to add new style to your entrance, buy wall plaques and candle sconces online that have clean,
streamlined designs.
If you have clutter in your business, it will block the flow of positive energy, as well as reducing your own ability to
focus clearly on your business success. If you can keep your business organized and free of clutter, you will also be
helping to keep your business free from stress, troublesome problems, tension and other negative types of energy. If
you maintain a clean and well-organized business, you will not only attract positive energy to your business, but you
will also attract customers and subsequent wealth and prosperity.

The Color of Wealth in Feng Shui

There are a number of different ways that you can use Feng Shui to attract wealth into your life. However, it's
important to realize that the Chinese don't include only money as a measure of wealth; they believe that wealth
encompasses everything else in our life as well, such as our family and health. By using Feng Shui, you will help give
yourself the necessary support that you will require to achieve the wealth that you desire.

Colors Associated With Wealth

In Feng Shui, there are certain colors that you can use to enhance the wealth within your life; use them in paint colors,
furniture, fabrics and wall art for the home. Purple is often used to represent the color of wealth, and green is a
symbol of growth and vitality. However, purple is considered to be a color that has a very high energy, so it should be
used carefully and sparingly. Additionally, the element of water is considered to be a symbol of abundance, and its
colors are blue and black. Wood, another element in Feng Shui, has long been associated with health and vitality, and
is an expression of abundance that is used in connection with wealth and prosperity as well. The colors associated with
wood are brown and green. The element of earth is thought to nourish and give the relationships in your life stability,
and its colors are beige and light yellow. If you desire more focus in your life, so that you can concentrate your pursuit
of wealth,
the element of metal can help bring you that clarity; the colors associated with metal are gray and white.

Using the Colors of Wealth

In Feng Shui, the south-east corner of the house, room, or work space is considered to be the wealth area. By using
wood elements in this area, with its colors of brown and greens, you can encourage the growth aspect of wealth. A
nice way to express this element is to purchase Asian style floor vases online and fill them bamboo reeds.

Small elements of purple can also be used, perhaps in the form of crystals, so that it doesn't overpower the energy
from the other elements. Black can be used to attract power and authority to your wealth area as well. The color blue,
representative of the water element, can be used to enhance the wood element, encouraging the flow of wealth into
your life.

Colors to use with Caution

The colors associated with the fire and metal elements can sometimes interfere with the flow of energy that is
complimentary to wealth. Red is often used to direct energy to your endeavors, but red is often better confined to the
south area of the room, to avoid it causing struggle. Likewise, the metallic colors of metal such as gold tend to work
best in the west and northwest. However, you can use some red and gold if they are specifically associated with
wealth, such as the traditional three gold I Ching coins tied with a red ribbon. You can also use the metal colors to
attract wealth by burning some white, silver or gold candles, to encourage having prosperity in all the various aspects
of your life.

The most off-stage secrets of Feng-Shui

Once my old friend has come to me and has told the history. He read many books about Feng-Shui and has tried all
accessible techniques. Experimenting, he has lost nearly a significant part of his property, health and money. But
craving for riches, prosperity and well-being violently pushed him to new experiments. Magic crystals, aquariums, air
hand bells excited him and encouraged. In Feng-Shui books, which he read, unanimously affirmed, that Feng-Shui is
safe or yields only positive results.

To a huge regret after each new experiment his expectation has been deceived, results were negative or neutral. This
negative experience suggest him on an idea, that if is negative result, it should be and unequivocally positive result.
Not in vain the glory about mysterious Feng Shui excites minds of people six millennium. This means that in practice
should be the facts confirming Feng Shui power. Then he has recollected about me because twenty years ago when we
together were engaged in oriental combat sports, I told him about the Teacher whom has devoted me in Feng Shui

My friend convinced me once again to open him secret knowledge, which would help him to change life to the better,
to be more richly, more happily and to find significant other at last.

I have asked him, and what have inspired him, I told to him twenty years ago. He has adduced my arguments, which
has not believed, but has shifted them on modern way.
He has adduced the statistics collected by him on our city, it demonstrated, that only four percent of dealers and
businessmen who have painted doors of their shops and offices in red color, really prosper.

What does the prosperity depend on?

Only four percent of dealers and businessmen, who have erected fountains front an entrance in the shops and offices,
have placed aquariums with gold small fishes and arrovans in cabinets and in trading halls, really prosper. Only four
percent of dealers and businessmen who have placed images of gold-bearing mines behind armchair, have hanged out
air hand bells where is it possible, enjoy success. He knows that I know it. However, I keep silent.

Then he has asked me why having equipped the house and office in strict conformity with recommendations " Treatise
about Yang house " and having put up big money in one commercial project, he hardly has gone bankrupt. In addition,
in fact the commercial project was such, that from the point of view of common sense it should double his working
capital even without the help of Feng Shui. He persistently asked me, what is Feng Shui secret. He asked me how it
could happen with such consecutive and executive person as he is. He asked me that I have cleared up a situation in
which he has got. By this I have already started to open some carefully hidden secrets, such as secret of ancient
Chinese acupuncture, secret of a five-element rejuvenating nutrition, secret of immersing in meditation.

By this I have already come to an idea that it is high time when all secrets should be opened and consequently I has
decided to open to him and all wishing the most off-stage secrets of Feng-Shui. Let's begin that " Treatise about Yang
house " is only one half of truth. This treatise is similar to movement of stars in the sky, which shine all. However, all of
us individually perceive their influences. When we are born at brain are formed individual reactions to the general star
influences. These reactions are displayed in individual horoscopes of our birth. Today such horoscopes refer to natal
map. " Treatise about Yang house " as movement of stars for everyone. In addition, the individual Feng Shui map
shows, how each concrete person should use this treatise personally for himself. All space where the person lives is
penetrated by power fields, including electromagnetic. However, the person is not in harmony with them from a birth.

Only skill to result energy of the person in harmony with Earth energies provides to everyone riches, happiness and
prosperity .The main task of Spatial Feng Shui is achievement of such harmony. Well-being, prosperity, love, harmony
here are only some results which enjoys each person who has seized in perfection Feng Shui art

If you want to live comfortably in prosperity to be well to do with beloved person, use the most off-stage secrets of
Feng Shui?

Secret source of power and prosperity

I have read my first book about acupuncture one of sunny days. This book was less then general writing-book, but in a
dense sound vinous cover. Thickness of a cover should give solidity and heaviness to this edition, because the content
of the book was not very large. The meridians were described in it, their connection with organs, and methods of
pierce and symptoms for application of the needles.

I thought acupuncture is something special, confidential and effective one. About forty years has passed, but this first
book about acupuncture kept in my memory very precisely and clearly, especially engraved in my memory the next

"Well-being, prosperity and success; poverty, a low social status and a shame - all this together with fulfillment of
every desires is on spike of a needle. Correct points pierce can make every person happy and successful. "

The years passed away, I actively searched for secret of well-being and prosperity in acupuncture.

In addition, I have found it. When you will read up these lines, you will know it too. I have spent a lot of time of my life
in studying materials devoted to this theme.

I have read, probably, any possible materials issued for last forty years. I studied at well-known and dear people, the
names of which in the world of oriental combats are considered the legendary.

I have found out, serious experts in this region knew the secret of acupuncture, but nobody knows how to embody it.

Knowledge of its practical embodiment was kept only by rare masters of oriental combats, who practice not only
methods of protection and attack, but also methods of recovery of health and strengths after the fight.

This very galaxy of masters has kept secret knowledge, which you can seize today and take advantage. However,
before it let us find out the secret, known to any medical worlds. Secret, that can realize a few people.

As any expert in the field of acupuncture knew, the person is healthy, when his internal energy is balanced with an
external world and inside an organism. A few people know how to reach it. Now you will know it also.

As a result of such balance, the person is always healthy and full of strengths. When there is no such balance, he is

always sick and weakened. Health is final riches because being healthy you have strengths to reach every results.

It is not enough healthy people, because they do not know this secret. Healthy people have irrefutable advantage in
every sphere of activity over unhealthy people. They have much more opportunities to be happy and successful.

When we are born, health becomes the important factor of our life. Health forms everything. Bad health forms bad
life. Good health - good life. If we know how to enjoy good health, we know how to enjoy life.

What is the secret source of power and prosperity?

When we are healthy, we become an insuperable magnet for surrounding us people, for Success, Prosperity, Well-
being and every possible Victory over lifestyle. Healthy people give birth to healthy children and the last one become
pride of their parents and continuers of healthy generation. In fact, it is so important, children and people,
surrounding us, are healthy.

When we are healthy, we work not because we should work, but because there is a desire to work, because work
turns to fascinating game. Think of distinction when we should work and when we want to work.

When we are healthy, we can establish the great purposes and achieve them because we have strengths for these
achievements. Health becomes the key factor of our achievements, which provide us the deserved income and
financial freedom.

When due to health we can work qualitatively and effectively, when due to health finance dependence is not more
relevant, there is an opportunity to study seriously our inner world and to realize our spiritual needs.

Being healthy, you can realize every Dream.

Health is a key to your well-being. If people worsen their health, their destiny deteriorates because those who are
healthy and strength win social competition.

If people improve their health, their destiny automatically improves because strengths are poured into they and they
reach the best results, than their contenders. Everything, what you should do for achievement of the best results, to
be filled with health and strengths. Any other actions are secondary, because only at presence of health and strengths
it is possible to execute even the most ingenious actions.

Rectangular shape in feng shui for wealth and family relations

You can influence the feel of a place by the shapes of its objects. I would like to talk about rectangular shape in feng
shui Rectangular associates in feng shui with growth, with growth in any sphere of your life (financial, career and so
on). This shape belongs to east and south east sector according to U-SIN system, respectively they associate with
family connections and relations and wealth, money, and abundance.

If you want to bring more growth energy into your life, choose a rectangular table or a lounge setting with more
rectangular forms. Starting new business or project use more rectangular accessories and furniture

Choose rectangular carpets

Choose rectangular accessories

Choose rectangular head of the bed

Choose rectangular mirrors

Choose rectangular seats and so on

Your hair your wealth

What kind of wealth do you want in your life? Do you want money or spiritual wealth. I would like to share with you a
secret of how with the length of your hair to attract money, health or to grant your desires.

The balance or proportions play the man role. i.e. the ratio of your height and the length of your hair. First you should
do is to measure your height, then this number in sm divide by 8 and remember this number, we will call this number
A . The second step is to measure the length of your hair, the received length (in sm) divide by number A so we will
receive the number B.

And the last step is check the table below:

Example. Let us suppose, your height is 170 cm, and the length of your hair is 20 sm.
A= height/8 = 170/8=21.25 (sm)
B= length/A= 20/21.25=0.94
Conclusion the length of your hair complies with wealth

Number B

1 Wealth of any kind (material or spiritual)

1-2 Illness

2-3 Grieve

3-4 Preservation of health, money, experience, etc

4-5 Career and material abundance

5-6 Losses, break-up planes

7-8 Misfortune

8-9 Happiness

The ancient Chinese emperors gave big attention to the dimensions and strictly followed this system

Round shape in feng shui for wealth

You can influence the feel of a place by the shapes of its objects. I would like to talk about round shape in feng shui
Circles are very auspicious and resemble change or coins. Circles are also associated with the northwest or NW
heaven sector. A lot of casinos and hotels have a lot of circle shaped decorations. Round objects are more dynamic
than rectangular or square shapes. A round ball or coin takes very little effort to get it to roll and keep moving.

The round shapes associates with wealth and rich in feng shui The round shape is also associated with big metal and
big metal makes water in the feng shui five element theory and water is wealth. Therefore, adding metal to your
environment adds more water based on the productive cycle and that means more money for you.

When youre interested in developing more wealth and increasing prosperity, make sure you incorporate more round
shapes and circles in your home environment.

For example: If you want to bring more life into a space, choose a round table or a lounge setting with more rounded
forms or an oval rug.

Choose round carpets

Choose round accessories

Choose round head of the bed

Choose round mirrors

Choose round seats and so on

What can cause problems with cash flow according to feng shui

What can cause problems with cash flow according to feng shui

Do you wonder why some businesses are financially prosperous while others of equal merit fail? It's a well known fact
that environment affects our health. But did you know that financial success could greatly depend on the arrangement
of your furniture, how well or poorly qi is flowing through the corresponding sectors of our immediate environment.

Here are some matters that can cause financial problems:

1. Front Door of wrong color. The main door to your house or business is a key point for traffic and flow of ch'i. So it
should be well balanced and of one auspicious color for you. To know more about balancing this the most important
thing of your house you can discover from my e-book The treasury Feng shui secrets of Success and riches

2. Your business or apartment is in the end of dark, cramped hallway or opposite to the toilet door. How to solve this
problem you can discover from the article Sha

3. Broken or dirty stove. Stoves represent wealth and should be kept clean and in good working order to allow money
to enter. Avoid hanging knives or sharp utensils from kitchen cabinets; they can slice through the ch'i.

4. Broken or dirty toilet, blocked up pipes or ventilation. Toilet, bathroom pipes and ventilation these are the
channels for wealth chi, keep them always in working order.

5. Blue roof. Cover your house and business with any color except the blue. Blue roofs will cause financial problems
and useless purchases

6. Money enhancers on the floor. Never place money enhancers on the floor, use some stands for them.

7. Clatter. Clatter in your money sector according to your individual feng shui map. You can discover about it from my
e-book The treasury Feng shui secrets of Success and riches

8. Broken, glued or cracked enhancers. Never place broken, glued or cracked enhancers, they are the source of
negative energy.


Prosperity and Abudance are two universal principles that can be activated in your life through understanding of
energy and how it moves in your own self and in your environment. Abundance is a temporary state of having more
than you need. It is through the action of freely giving from your abundance that you then create prosperity-the state
of continually having more than you need. As you shall freely give, so you will then freely receive.

Name of the gua: Xun

Nature: Wind

Direction: South-East

Season: Spring

Personality: Gentle

Family: Eldest Daughter

Meaning: Gentle penetration, flexibility

Colors: Purple, Blue, Red, green, gold

Number: 4

Feng Shui tips for Prosperity:

- Invite wealth and prosperity by displaying coins and full bowls in this room.

- An indoor water fountain is a great addition and will bring renewed and positive energy.

- Display Chinese coins. Their circular shape symbolizes Heaven, and the square inside symbolizes Earth.

- Place bright purple, blue and red objects, and other items that bring richness into our lives.

- Placing a big chunk of amethyst in this corner will increase the prosperity in your life.


This sector needs only one aroma. When this sector presents several aroma, it will work not properly or not for all

Here are the aromas for the use in the sector of wealth, prosperity and self worth, to attract in your house abundance
and wealth. Please, choose one aroma the most appropriate from your point of view.

Bergamot awakes the vital energy

Limon promotes adaptation to the changing live circumstances

Orchid promotes financial stability

Patchouli attracts the wealth, abundance and prosperity

Pine secures the permanency and stability, solidity of financial status

This sector needs aroma diffusers, lamps, candles or other appliances for aromas of a definite shape, of a definite
material: it may be circular stand with yin/yan symbols. Here can be also the elephant -shaped stands, they should
form a circle. Here can be the aroma lamps or other products of sea shells- shape.

Secret, Wealth , pot, success

Here is the secret of making your individual Wealth pot that is the most powerful instrument to attract prosperity,
success, wealth and abundance.

1. Choose the vase. It should be big ceramic or porcelain vase with similar size of neck and base and necessarily firm
cover. It you have porcelain vase it should be of white color, if it is a ceramic vase it should be of any color except
the black and dark brown.

2. The main subject is the Chinese coins , it should be 3 Chinese coins tied with red or gold ribbon, the gold ribbon is
better. 3 Chinese coins tied with red or gold ribbon symbolize the multiplication of material status in tens times.

3. Put in the wealth pot 5 pieces of silk material. They should be of 5 different colors: red, green, yellow, white and

4. Also you should put in the wealth pot 10 semiprecious stones. You may change them on crystals or quarz.

5. Indispensable ingredient is 5 categories of the products. Each product should be put in a silk bags with yellow
ribbon. The recommended products: barley, millet, rise, sorghum and red lentil.

6. Put in the pot a bag with 10 coins.

7. As far as the vase must have a cover, you will need 5 silk ribbons of different colors: red, green, yellow, white and
blue, which you should tie in one ribbon and then cover the vase with silk white material and tie with that
multicolored ribbon.

This is the standard ingredients, now lets personify the pot:

8. Put the images of subjects you want to have with caption f. ex. My house, My car

9. Put the denominations of 9 countries

10. Put in the vase the money of well-off person, just ask him to exchange your money

Feng Shui Wealth Pot of Riches

This is an extremely auspicious jar filled with overflowing treasure - gold ingots, gold bars, gold coins and pearls, all
strong symbols of prosperity to signify accumulation of wealth and abundance. Wealth Pot or Wealth Basket in your
home will bring financial stability to all of your family. It is used to achieve more monetary gains and successes.

Where to place it:

1. in southeast corner (wealth corner) to activate and enhance your wealth luck. (if this direction is positive for you
according to your Individual Feng shui map learn about it from my e-books The treasury Feng Shui Secrets of Success
and Riches and Create your luck with personal feng shui).

2. place the wealth pot facing your entrance so that you can see it as you enter to invite wealth and multiple fortune

luck into your homes at chi entry points.

3. in the Northwest sector to activate your financial support luck for money finding opportunities. (if this direction is
positive for you according to your Individual Feng shui map learn about it from my e-books The treasury Feng Shui
Secrets of Success and Riches and Create your luck with personal feng shui)

Note: Do not place wealth pots on the floor, toilets and kitchen.


Prosperity and abundance are extremely common Feng Shui goals. There are many ways to increase your prosperity
and abundance through food and food related items. One common Feng Shui recommendation is to use your stove
(this is not about your oven or microwave, just your stove or cook-top) often.

This is because your stove, and its burners, represents wealth. More burners would be better than less. You need to
repair any broken burners as soon as possible, because they would represent economic troubles. Using all of your
burners evenly is much better than using one or two 'favorite' burners every day while ignoring the rest.

Stimulating your wealth energy by using your stove often (hopefully by cooking meals using most or all of your burners
throughout the day) can even be done by just turning on your burners every day for a few minutes.

The dishes you serve your food in can also increase your prosperity and abundance. Ornate or expensive looking
dishes carry wealth luck. Chinese or Asian dishes with fish designs or other wealth related designs also improve your
wealth energy. Crystal glasses also improve the energy of your dining room table.

The best way to serve up a meal that symbolizes prosperity and abundance is to set up your dining room table with
your favorite fancy setting and crystal or crystal-like glassware, fill your table with an abundance of wonderful food
(more food, more money), and double the food (thereby doubling your wealth) by hanging a mirror that reflects your
dining table.


FORTUNE AND GRATITUDE is located in the center of your home and/or business. Making it balanced you harmonize
the relations with all the world, with relatives, friends, and attract the new in your life. This sector brings fortune in all
matters you think, this area is responsible also for gratitude, you always have for what to gratitude the Universe, to
feel gratitude is very necessary.

So first of all you need to build an Individual Feng shui map (how to do it Create your Luck with personal Feng Shui)
and according to Your map whether it is positive or negative for you depends your next actions.

Here are some tips for good fortune and gratitude (do not make hasty acts, subject of much study the secrets I reveal
in my e- books: some people may make one, the others may not do the same:Create your Luck with personal Feng
Shui and The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches):

- hang rounded crystals to attract positive chi

- hang big beautiful crystal chandelier

- position here big rectangular wood table

- hang here the yin /yan symbol

- Place a yellow candle in the center of the home/office if you want to honor the heart of the space and support a
healthy lifestyle


Here are the aromas for the use in the sector of good fortune and gratitude, to attract success in all spheres of life.
This sector is energy center of your house; exactly here the alive and pure energy should be centered. All the following
aromas help to harmonize the space and to balance energies of the premise. Please, choose the aromas the most
appropriate from your point of view.

Bergamot attracts the vital energy to your house

Cedar creates the feeling of comfort and safety, balances energies

Lavender this aroma helps during days of cosmic misbalances

Incense this is aroma of peace and calm

Lemon balances all energies of house

Lotus calms the nervous system and balances the energies. This aroma helps to free from negative emotions and to
set to the wave of pure wisdom

Rosemary supplies the energy protection of your house, protects from overlooks and putting the evil eye

The best choice of stands and lamps is wood stand. It will be very good the stand is of circle-shape, because a circle is
very important Feng shui symbol that means the world perfection.


There are 3 types of luck according to the ancient Chinese doctrine. Each type of luck contains 33.33% and together
they form so called Trinity of Luck. We have the power upon 2 of them to improve our luck and there is only one we
cannot control.

Heaven Luck - this is luck that has already been fixed by the heavens for you the day you are born. We do not and will
not have control over it. It is called the Fate.

Earth Luck - This is the environment we are living in, which deals with our locations and the things around us. To
improve it we can use Feng Shui. It will help us to enhance good forces or to prevent any bad forces. This luck you can

learn to control applying my e-books on Feng shui:
"Create Your luck with Feng shui" and "The Treasury Feng Shui Secrets of Success and Riches"

Human Luck - This is about yourself and your upbringing. It is about what you can achieve through education and
willingness to work hard towards your goals. You can definitely control this luck. This luck you can learn to control
applying my e-books on Positive thinking "How to get all the pleasures of the life - magic of positive psychology". You
can read this bokk online.

Therefore, having the right mindset and attitude is important. The right mind to believe that there is a science of
getting rich while applying Feng Shui, you already control 66.66% of the Luck you need for your life! So do not miss the
opportunity to bridle your Luck.


The SPIRITUALITY, HELPFUL PEOPLE AND TRAVEL area is located in Northwest area of your home and/or business. This
area represents helpful beings, such as God, angels, spirit guides, and spirit animals. It also is the area for travel.
Balanced area bring to your life helpful people and teachers.

So first of all you need to build an Individual Feng shui map (how to do it Luck with personal Feng Shui) and according
to the map you will need to activate the area for spirituality, helpful people and travel

In my e-book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches I write in detail what should you do to invite to your
life the assistance of the mighty of this world, helpful people and to have more travels. Because the wrong subject or
color in this area of your home and/or business can lead to lack of opportunities and crushing of hopes and dreams.

Here some tips for spirituality, helpful people and travel (do not make hasty acts, subject of much study the secrets I
reveal in my e- books: some people may make one, the others may not do the same):

- Hang windchimes

- Place a ceramic tiger or other fierce cat (Panther, Leopard or Lion)

- Place a water fountain or water bubbler

- Place three-legged toad

- Place brochures around this area where you would like to travel.

- Place pictures or statues of eagles

Take your feng shui art with you while travelling.

Are you taking a business trip very often? You can take your feng shui with you when you go. You can make tour trip
feng shui set. This set will consist of enhancers of 5 elements (water, metal, fire, earth and wood enhancers).

You should book a room with the proper bed direction for you. If there is a mirror in the room and you can see your
reflection from the bed you should cover it at night. The same goes for a television.

Your best feng shui friends are crystals and wind chimes. I prefer to use crystals. Any improper thing you can balance
with a crystal. A bed opposite to the door place a crystal between the door and the bed.

Try to balance your hotel room according to your individual feng shui map (how to build this map go to The Treasury
Feng Shui Secrets of Success and Riches) for more comfortable staying and sleeping. Use special your own enhancers
and elements.

If you have forgotten your feng shui set, you can use the art of numerology, shape and color (the detailed information
about this you can discover from my book The Treasury Feng Shui Secrets of Success and Riches).

Or you can use improvised materials:

wood element some twig,

water element- bottle of water,

fire element a turned on lamp or pocket flashlight

earth element some soil

metal element something metal or coins.

Now you can enjoy your staying at a hotel.

General Feng Shui tips for helpful people and travel sector

This area is related to calling upon someone to make your life easier.

Name of the gua: Qian

Nature: Heaven

Direction: North-West

Season: Autumn

Personality: Creative

Family: Father

Meaning: Expansive energy, the sky

Colors: Grey, White

Number: 6

Feng Shui tips for Helpful People and Travel:

- Have objects of communication that represent interaction with others, such as telephones, telephone directories,
and business cards.

- Display photos of friends and travels, as well as places and people you'd like to meet.


Here are the aromas for the use in the sector of spirituality, helpful people and travel, to make active energy Chi
center of your house and to stimulate your spiritual growth and self-perfection. Please, choose the most appropriate
aroma from your point of view.

Grapefruit this aroma tones up, clarifies the soul and balances the energies

Cedar one of the best aromas for meditations

Incense the aroma of pure faith

Lotus - aroma of perfection, super meditations

Pine gives the sense of fortitude and patience

Manuka balances the energies, this aroma opens internal energy potential

Eucalyptus helps to concentrate during long period of time and helps to answer the most important question
about the meaning of life

The best choice of stands and lamps of circle-shape, because a circle is very important Feng shui symbol that means
the world perfection.


The CHILDREN, CREATIVITY AND ENTERTAINMENT area is located in West area of your home and/or business. This
area represents creativity and it's birth. Birth of children, a new idea, a project, or anything that is creative. Enhance
this area when you want to conceive, to be more creative or improve relationships with children.

So first of all you need to build an Individual Feng shui map (how to do it Luck with personal Feng Shui) and according
to the map you will need to activate the area for children, creativity and entertainment.

In my e-book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches I write in detail what should you do to have
respective relations with children, the creative ideas visiting you and you have time to entertain. Because the wrong

subject or color in this area of your home and/or business can lead to lack of opportunities and crushing of hopes and

Here some tips for spirituality, helpful people and travel (do not make hasty acts, subject of much study the secrets I
reveal in my e- books: some people may make one, the others may not do the same):

- Place malachite and carnelian to enhance creativity

- Place here televisions, stereos, DVD, computers

- Place here fresh blooming flowers

- Photos of family and children are good here

- Here the best area to place the piano

- Keep here the toys of your child

Creating a Calm Space for Children with Feng Shui

Feng shui is all about creating a space that has good energy flow, a lot of light, and makes people want to be in the
room. Nowhere is it more important than in a childs room to create a space that is both calm and relaxing. This
quiet, nurturing space will ensure that your child sleeps comfortably and soundly, and awakens with a positive energy
flow in his space. The tips and tricks below can help get you started in creating the perfect feng shui room for your
tiny tot.

Clutter Be Gone
Children tend to be magnets for play equipment, toys, clothing, and more puzzles and books than any one person
should have. In fact, most children have more clutter in their space than their adult counterparts. This is especially
troublesome when designing a space with feng shui principals, because there is a serious lack of energy flow when a
space is crowded. The first thing to do is to clear out the clutter and lighten the visible weight of the space. This can
mean donating things that your child no longer needs or fits into, or packing them away for later. Remember, the
more clutter you can get rid of, the lighter your space will be - and that includes the whole house. Do not forget to get
rid of the negative energy under the bed! Clear it out and you will find that your child sleeps better at night.

Color is Crucial
After the space has been de-cluttered, it is time to start thinking about the color of the room. A calm space is going to
have colors that reflect such a feel, so bright, bold colors are out. Reds, bright blues, and vibrant yellows, while
attractive, can create too much yang or bold energy in room where sleep and relaxation are key. Some good choices
for a childs room include pastel blue, pale pink, and soft yellows. The more mellow a color, the more relaxing it will

Just as with other areas of a house, accessorizing the childs room is important. One of the easiest and best
accessories is a picture of the family located on a nightstand or the wall next to the bed. Your child will feel safe and
secure seeing the picture of the protective family unit upon falling to sleep and waking up in the morning. Try to avoid
things that produce light when accessorizing the childs bedroom. Aquarium or animal cage lights are especially big
offenders, as they cast a glow in the room and can quickly disturb the quiet energy needed for sleep.

Take the time to position your childs furniture in such a manner that it helps create a positive flow of energy. By
aligning the bed correctly, you can help promote a healthier and more restful nights sleep. By using the right colors

and really tackling the clutter, especially under the bed, you can use the principles of feng shui to create a room that
focuses your childs energy and restores a healthy, positive flow to the space.

Feng Shui to Help Autistic Children

Feng shui is a useful tool for a parent with a child who suffers from autism; it is especially useful for families with more
than one child on the autistic spectrum. Children with autism suffer from the emotional stress of everyday life that
many individuals see as nonchalant. What many people view as normal and going about being unaffected by it,
including simple things like the color of the paint, lighting choices, and what sort of artwork is hanging on the walls.
Children with autism are affected by the energies put off by every little thing surrounding them, both positive and

Feng Shui to Reduce Emotional Stress

Using feng shui in the bedroom of an autistic child can help the child reduce his or her emotional stress significantly.
Feng shui helps to balance the positive and negative energies to aid the autistic childs environment which in turn
allows the child to remain in a positive emotional state, which can in turn reduce the number of aggressive outbursts
greatly. Feng shui principles teach that in order to achieve this state of balance within a home, the home must be kept
free from clutter and be well organized. Other factors that influence the energy within the home are the color of the
walls, decor items, as well as what materials are used to manufacture the items in the room, such as wood, metal, or

How to Feng Shui a Childs Bedroom

The first step to feng shui a childs bedroom, including a child with autism, is to remove any form of wireless
electronics from the bedroom, including baby monitors, in addition to all other electronics. Use only all natural wall
papers or non-toxic paint for the walls. Smoke detectors should not be the sort that uses ionization. Bedding should
also be made from natural substances and the mattress should not have springs. Water beds as well as metal frames
should be avoided as well. Toys should be made from all natural substances as well and be kept well organized so that
the child knows where his or her toys belong and where to find them.

The walls of a childs bedroom should be painted in a color that improves the energy of the room and allows a child to
be calm and relaxed. Children who are autistic tend to do better with colors that are light, such as pastel colors, while
older children and teenagers, including those with autism, tend to do better with the deeper shades. The position of
the bed also plays an important role in a feng shui bedroom. The bed should have a headboard that is built solidly and
sturdy and should be placed both away from the door and away from the line of the door. The underside of the bed
should be kept free of all objects to promote the flow of energy within the bedroom. Autistic children also benefit
greatly from natural forms of light and air circulation, such as a good sized open window.

Creating a Balanced and Inspired Homework Area for Your Child

How often do parents battle with their children over completing nightly homework? For generations the nightly
battles have ensued, but what if many of the tussles could be avoided by simply creating a balanced and inspired
homework area for your child? Using basic feng shui principles, it is possible to help your child feel more focused, be
more inspired, and complete his homework with less hassle than before.

Where in the Home

According to feng shui design strategies, the Western part of the home is the most conducive to encouraging creativity
and it is also child-centered. As such, it is an excellent location for computers and other electronics that your child
may need to complete his work. Since it is also a highly creative location in the home, it will be a place where energy is
flowing freely and your child will be able to focus more quickly on the task at hand. If the Western part of your home
is not conducive for locating a study or homework area, you should consider the Western part of his bedroom. While
it is not ideal to have a work area in the same place where he sleeps, it is better than putting the space in the East or

Clutter Free

Have a well organized area for your child to study in. This means including proper storage solutions for papers,
reports, files, and computer equipment. A desk or workspace that is cluttered and crowded will stifle your childs
energy and creativity and lead to him being unfocused and discontent. Investing in easy-to-maintain storage solutions
can save you a lot of time and hassle throughout the school year.

Desk Location

So you have decided where in the house you will locate the study area and are all set with an organization system that
is sure to keep him studying. Now it is time to think about how you are going to arrange the desk and any other
furniture. The most important thing to keep in mind is that your child must feel comfortable while working at the
desk. Not only should the desk chair by high-backed and comfortable, it should also fit his size. An adjustable chair
that is padded may work best. Feeling at ease in the space is also important, so it is critical that the desk not be placed
in a location where a childs back will be to a door or window. The incorrect placement of the desk can lead to feelings
of anxiety and cause him to become unfocused. If there is a window, make sure that it is located to the left of the
desk and that there is a clear view of the door from where your child will be sitting.

Proper furniture placement, a clutter free space, and the right area in the home can all make quite a difference in how
a child feels about going to do his homework. Take the time to incorporate some feng shui principles into the study
areas design and your child will thank you. Feeling comfortable and inspired may be all it takes for your child to excel
at his nightly assignments.

Teaching Your Children Feng Shui

Feng shui is easily learned by individuals of all ages, including children. Children are perhaps the easiest to teach feng
shui to as they easily absorb new ideas and techniques, unlike adults who analyze and consider each new idea for long
periods of time. Children often learn through example better than through books or oral instruction. Teaching your
children feng shui and its importance has never been easier.

Always Begin with the Basics

The basic feng shui system involves keeping belongings organized and put in their proper places. Teaching children to
care for their personal belongings by providing them with adequate organizational items is the first step in the right
direction. When the children know the proper place to put their items, it makes keeping them put away when not in
use much simpler and less frustrating for them. Children who live in homes where the family areas and adult areas are
kept clean and in order are far more likely to keep their own personal areas clean and in order as well.
Feng shui utilizes color, furniture placement, and objects to help the individual achieve the greatest sense of peace
possible for each room in a home. Feng shui allows individuals to live more peacefully with each other. Children who
are taught proper feng shui techniques will live healthier and happier lives and have less negative behaviors than
children who are not taught. Children should also be taught the history of feng shui and how it has affected people for
centuries. Allow children to think for themselves on what sort of feng shui they should utilize in their own personal
lives and how they would like to utilize feng shui in their own homes when they grow up. By allowing children to begin
to experiment, you give them the ability to learn feng shui basics using their own instincts.

Utilize Plenty of Object Lessons

Adults should always remember to think like a child when trying to teach children any given concept. When teaching
children about feng shui keep the lessons simple and give plenty of examples. For instance, when teaching children
about the feng shui color bagua, be certain to have objects of each color to give each child a visual example of the
color being referenced. Many children need the visual correlation between what is being taught and what the actual
object is as it makes it easier to understand.
Lessons on feng shui elements should also contain visual aids; however, when teaching about fire, it is best to only use
photographs or drawings of a fire rather than a real fire. Be certain the child being taught fully understands each
element and its relationship to the feng shui energy before beginning a new element. Be certain to also teach on the
negative aspects of what contributes to feng shui energy how it relates to the childs well-being. Since feng shui affects
every aspect of the childs life, be certain the child knows how each area of his or her life can be affected, such as
education, health, and emotions.

Feng Shui Tips for Children's Lives

Feng shui is useful in many different areas of a childs life. Feng shui has been used for centuries to enable children to
improve their study skills and concentration levels in their education and other areas of life. Feng shui helps children
experience positive energy within the home to improve all areas of their lives. Proper feng shui also allows children to
experience a positive atmosphere to grow in all areas of their lives: Physical, mental, and emotional. This is important
because children crave an environment that radiates peace and happiness and often experience negative behaviors
when they do not have access to it.

Feng Shui in Childrens Bedrooms

Feng shui is just as useful in a childs bedroom as it is in the rest of the home. Children are very sensitive to the
atmospheric energy when compared to the sensitivity levels of adults. The way the bed is positioned in the childs
bedroom effects the way a child behaves. When the bed is positioned in a way to allow the childs head to point

towards a positive compass point, it not only helps the child sleep better, but also balance their emotions.
The way bedroom furniture is placed also contributes to the energy flow in a childs feng shui bedroom. The bed
should be placed with the head against a solid wall away from the door. The bed should not be placed directly under a
window as it is an outlet for the energy flow. The bed should be able to be accessed from either side rather than one
side pushed against a wall. Only the basic furniture is needed in a childs bedroom as too much furniture clutters the
room and detracts from the positive energy flow.

Promoting Sleep

A childs bedroom should be kept dark for sleeping as this promotes a natural ability to regulate the hormone
melatonin. Without enough melatonin, a child will not get adequate sleep and will experience depression, anger, or a
combination of the two at any given point. Night lights, televisions, and computers should either be kept out of the
room or turned off after the child is asleep to prevent the brain from believing it is daytime. Electronic devices can
emit harsh energy which can destroy the positive energy flow in a childs bedroom.
A child who is able to see a photograph of their family while falling asleep is much more likely to experience a good
nights sleep and wake refreshed. The photograph offers comfort for the child as they fall asleep. Younger children
enjoy objects with small animals, such as kittens or puppies, to look at as well. Wall dcor should be kept simple in a
childs bedroom with bright primary colors avoided as much as possible as they provide an energizing atmosphere for
the child. Softer pastel colors are best not only for wall dcor but also for the wall color as well. Mirrors should also be
avoided in a childs bedroom as they also contribute to an energized atmosphere in the room.

General Feng Shui tips for children and creativity sector

The use of Feng Shui principles in a child's room or study space can aid them to learn more easily and have greater
success in all aspects of their life. Children are especially responsive to the movement of chi, and therefore, small
changes in their environment can make big differences in their lives.

This sector relates also if you have trouble having children or wish you were more creative.

Name of the gua: Dui

Nature: Lake

Direction: West

Season: Autumn

Personality: Joyous

Family: Youngest Daughter

Meaning: Joy, satisfaction, stagnation

Colors: White

Number: 7

Feng Shui tips for Children and Creativity:

- Place photos of family, children, or artwork you enjoy to bring good energy.

- This is a great area to store all children toys, games, art supplies, and also things that relate to entertainment such as
music and movies.

- Have a white board where you can display project details, achievements, creative ideas, dreams and goals if this
sector is positive in your individual feng shui map


Here are the aromas for the use in the sector of children, creativity and entertainment, to stimulate creativity,
opportunities for travelling and of course to calm your child or to stimulate his interest and energy. Please, choose the
aroma pleasant to your child. The quantity of the aromas should be very little and should assure the absence of allergy
for the aroma of your child.

Grapefruit this aroma tones up very good, increases the sense of confidence of your child.

Cedar creates the feeling of comfort and safety, balances energies, this aroma is very good for children under 9 years

Lavender helps to concentrate, this aroma gives the feeling of calm and pacification

Lemon awakes the creativity energy, freshens and tones up. It helps to overcome depression.

Mint helps to remove misunderstandings between representatives of different generations, appeases

Pine this aroma gives the feeling of freshness and calm.

Manuka - increases the sense of confidence of your child, increases the life energy and helps to concentrate

The lamps and stands for the sector of children, creativity and entertainment should be of original form and of joy
colors. Here you can use aroma lamps of white color with yellow-blue-green print of flowers and leaves. Do not leave
operating aroma lamp without supervision.


At some moment of the life every family wants to have a child. Some it happens earlier, and some later. Everything
should be done according to your Individual feng shui map. If you are one of wanting a baby at your home, use Feng
shui to increase your fertility. Here are some symbols and tips for increasing your fertility:

- Your bed is one of the first items to take note of when trying to increase your fertility using Feng Shui. Keep the area
under your bed clear and clutter free.

- Hang a representation of an elephant or place a lovely elephant figurine in your bedroom. Elephants have been
considered a fertility symbol for thousands of years.

- Hang a crystal in the Children and Creativity Bagua area (the west direction) of your bedroom This is very important
when trying to bring a new life into your home.

- Put baskets of fruitful fruits in south west corner for happy marriage.

- Place the pomegranates are the symbol of fertility

- Place healthy tree in growth in the children direction according to your individual feng shui map.

Do not waste time get acquainted with my e-books Create your luck with personal feng shui and Treasury feng shui
secrets of success and riches know what you may do and what you may not in order not to make worse.

And here the most off staged secret: If you want a boy the woman should feel orgasm necessarily earlier then a man
and if you want a girl - the man should feel orgasm necessarily earlier then a woman.


The WISDOM, SELF KNOWLEDGE AND CALM area is located in Northeast sector of your home and/or business. This
area is responsible for continuous growth; expansion of ourselves; for knowing more, learning more and being more.

So first of all you need to build an Individual Feng shui map (how to do it Luck with personal Feng Shui) and according
to the map you will need to activate the wisdom and calm area

In my e-book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches I write in detail what should you do to have success
on examinations, not only at school or college but also on examinations of your life. We need to grow and learn this is
the essence of a human. The activation of this area assists the self knowledge and calm i.e. the meditation to master
meditation download my free e-book Make your deams come true with meditation

Here some tips for wisdom, self knowledge and calm (do not make hasty acts, subject of much study the secrets I
reveal in my e- books: some people may make one, the others may not do the same):

- place here 8 Crystals, globes, or a pagoda.

- red is excellent to activate educational success!

- place here pots, urns, or containers made from clay

- a bookcase filled with books to reflect your knowledge.

- place here posters of mountains

- keep here brilliants (real or posters of it)

- plants always represent growth. So put several in that area.

- hang a Carp windsock in this area

General Feng Shui tips for skills and knowledge sector

This area affects how you learn , store, and use knowledge.

Name of the gua: Gen

Nature: Mountain

Direction: North-East

Season: Winter

Personality: Still

Family: Youngest Son

Meaning: Stillness, immovability

Colors: Brown, yellow and violet

Number: 8

Feng Shui tips for Skills and Knowledge:

- Place items that enrich your life and bring you wisdom and education.

- Frame words of wisdom and have bookcases in this room.

- Display photos of your mentors or of great leaders and people you admire.

- Have several indoor plants to symbolize the growth of wisdom.


Here are the aromas for the use in the sector of wisdom, self knowledge and calm, to attract success at exams, and to
calm. Please, choose the aromas the most appropriate from your point of view and you will receive additional
opportunity to obtain the knowledge easily but also with pleasure.

Bergamot awakes the vital energy and tones up. This aroma is an excellent mean to awake pure Chi energy

Limon awakes the creativity energy, freshens and tones up. It helps to stabilize the concentration and makes easier
the process of memorization. This aroma awakes the intellectual curiosity.

Mint is an excellent aroma for those people, who have to study and work a lot

Nutmeg is very good aroma when studying absolutely new information, this aroma makes easier the process of

Pine is the best assistant for those people who suffer from permanent overstrain and overwork

Rosemary awakes up and tones the energy. This aroma is indispensable condition for those people who have to
wake up early to go for job or study

Manuka acts as a strong stimulator for processes of memorization and perception

Eucalyptus helps to concentrate during long period of time

For the sector of knowledge use stands and lamps of right, classic forms. The best choice is ceramic, of light color
stand or lamp


The FAME, REPUTATION AND SOCIAL LIFE area is located in South area of your home and/or business. Balance this
area when you want more recognition; you would like to be well known for something you do. Think about what you
want to be known for and what you can put here to symbolize it.

So first of all you need to build an Individual Feng shui map (how to do it Luck with personal Feng Shui) and according
to the map you will need to activate the fame and reputation area

In my e-book The treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches I write in detail what should you do to have more
recognition and you want to establish a good reputation. Because the wrong subject or color in this area of your home
and/or business can lead to lack of opportunities and crushing of hopes and dreams.

Here some tips for good fame, reputation and social life (do not make hasty acts, subject of much study the secrets I
reveal in my e- books: some people may make one, the others may not do the same):

- objects of the fire element to energize the fame (eg. fireplace, candles)

- painting or a photograph with red as the dominant color (sunrise!!!!! or phoenix )

- place here diplomas, awards, trophies, Letters of Recognition

- use bright lightening here

- place a ship with treasuries


Do you have good respect?

This is the area that supports you as a person out in the world , it deals with how you are perceived by others.

Name of the gua Li

Nature Fire

Direction South

Season Summer

Personality Clinging

Family Middle Daughter

Meaning Rapid movement, radiance, the sun

Color Red

Number 9

Feng Shui tips for Fame and Reputation:

- Display certificates, medals, trohpies and any symbols of achievement

- Energize this room with red color objects such as red vases, red curtains, or any object with the color red, if this
sector is positive in your individual feng shui map (to know it follow Treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches)

- Bring the sun element by having candles and bright lamps

- Good enhancer is fireplace.

- Add wood to this area for a cure. In the creative cycle, wood feeds fire. Add wood to boost the element of fire.


Here are the aromas for the use in the sector of fame, reputation and social life, to attract to you fame and publicity.
Please, choose one aroma the most appropriate from your point of view.

Grapefruit empowers the premise with life energy

Jasmine this aroma helps to improve self-appraisal and confidence of self-force

Limon helps to overcome the difficulties and to surmount obstacles

Mint promotes the stable relationships and attracts helpful people

Patchouli awakes the creativity energy

Eucalyptus helps to determine your life purposes and to highlight key points correctly

For the fame sector use the elephant -shaped stands, the elephants should be of different sizes and follow each other.
The stand in the shape of long leaf, made from sandal wood. It will be very good to make your own hands the stand for
this sector. Aroma lamps can be in the form of tower, stair or a mountain.


The Wealth Poster or treasury map is a tool to help us determine and visualize our goals for material goods. It should
be done on a good day for you according to the Calendar provided in my e-book " Create your Luck with Personal Fen
Shui " and on active moon.

With the understanding that money and wealth do not buy happiness, health or love, we can feel free to ask for
material goods for the sake of having and enjoying material goods. The poster must contain very small and very big
objects, as well as objects that are very inexpensive and others that are very expensive.
Make sure to you ask primarily for items that you will need or love to have in the next calendar year, but also add
items you would like to get in the next 5 -10 years.
The Treasury map Poster can be as little as 11x17" or as big as 24 x 36". It can be made of cardboard, foam board,
cork. It can also be made out of a bulletin board or a memory board. This poster should be made of favorite color
according to individual Fen Shui map to accumulate positive energy for granting your desires (You can create it with
the help of e-book Create your Luck with Personal Fen Shui). You can glue the images of the items or you can tape
them or fix them with temporary solutions.

Make a list of what you want to have from small to big subjects then look for images that represent items you would
like to include in your Wealth Poster. You do not have to include every item in your list and you can add items that
were not on the list originally.

So divide the poster on 9 equal parts

4 9 2

3 5 7

8 1 6

1. relates to Career, Life Mission and Individuality

2. relates to Marriage, Love and Romance

3. relates to Health, Family and Community

4. relates to Wealth, Prosperity and Self Worth

5. relates to Center of Good Fortune and Gratitude

6. relates to Spirituality, Helpful People and Travel

7. relates to Children, Creativity and Entertainment

8. relates to Wisdom, Self Knowledge and Calm

9. relates to Fame, Reputation and Social Life

In the first part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Career, Life Mission and
In the second part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Marriage, Relationships and
In the third part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Health, Family and Community
In the fourth part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Wealth, Prosperity and Self
In the fifth part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Good Fortune and Gratitude
In the sixth part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Spirituality, Helpful People and
In the seventh part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Children, Creativity and
In the eighth part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Wisdom, Self Knowledge and
In the ninth part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Fame, Reputation and Social
Some of you might have found that it started working even from the moment you made the list, before you had put
the poster up.

This poster should be positioned at the best area you can view it at any time according to the Best geographical
direction for You to stimulate the granting of desires


Feng Shui divides all colors yin and yang colors, i.e. yin and yang energies. Feng shui uses natural magic of colors to
transform your life. Yin energy is the passive energy and the yang energy is an active energy. Yang Feng Shui colors will
help you get in the right spirit to do some work and be enthusiastic. The guiding principle in using Feng Shui Colors
should be to achieve balance the principles of using colors I describe in my e-books "The treasury Feng Shui Secrets of
Success and Riches" and " Create Your luck with personal Feng Shui"

Feng Shui Yin Colors

Yin colors are used for relaxation, meditation and sleeping.

Blue: Blue color according to Feng Shui has yin energy. It is calm and soothing. This color reflects relaxation. Blue
creates a feeling of peace and trust. Since it is the color of the sea and sky, Feng Shui associates it with adventure and

Black: Black color in Feng Shui symbolizes money and income, black is great for careers, especially when combined
with metal. It is the Feng Shui color of emotional protection and power.

Purple: The color is excellent for physical and mental healing and Feng Shui associates it with spiritual awareness.

White: The white color represents confidence and purity. Because of its yin energy, Feng Shui uses this color mostly in
combination with gold or silver to generate calm atmosphere.

Pink. The other yin color of Feng Shui is pink. This color represents passion and love. This color helps to get married

Green. The color is used for personal growth in many senses.

Feng Shui Yang Colors

Yang colors according to Feng Shui are the colors that provide you the enthusiasm or the positive energy required to
do something or be motivated.

Yellow: Yellow color in Feng Shui is considered to be as auspicious as red. Yellow represents sunbeams, warmth,
motion, cheerfulness and friendliness. However, the intense yellow can cause anxiety.

Orange: With a lot of yang energy the orange color has great significance for Feng Shui practice as it strengthens your
concentration. Orange is the color of organization.

Red: This color in Feng shui practice associates with love and romance. In combination with gold it symbolizes wealth
and prosperity


First of all let's start from the color for your hair. The color should be chosen according to your individual feng shui
map and accordingly it should be one of your best colors.

The second the length of your hair should be of imperial size good imperial size. For example for men haircuts will
be perfect length up to 5 sm this length will bring prosperity and 9 types of success to the owner of such haircut.

The information about your best colors and imperial sizes for long hair you will find in my e-book "Create Your Luck
with Personal Feng Shui". You will only need a ruler and measure your hair from the top.

The modern haircut now is Bob. The best Feng shui haircut is considered to be Bob haircut too. Because it is very softy
and rounded haircut, most of hair of one length and there is not any scattered nature. Besides being spunky and
trendy, bob hairstyles are also one of the easiest hairstyles to maintain.

If you dont have a lot of time to devote to your hair, then a bob is a great cut for a busy lifestyle. With a bob hairdo, all
you need is a hair blower and youre good to go. Whats more, bobs are suited for just about any shape of face, and
can be styled in many different ways.


Utilizing feng shui principles, people create comfortable, safe, and re-energizing environments for themselves and
the people who visit their buildings or dwellings. With proper Feng Shui principles applied, people can see the
results of happier attitudes, more prosperity, more sense of harmony and balance, an improvement in health and
well being.

Here are three main feng shui principles (so called three foundations)

1. The five elements. Ch'i energy can be manifested in five forms - the five elements of fire, earth, wood, water, or
metal. The Chinese believe these elements affect everything we do. The productive cycle of 5 elements looks like that:

Wood burns producing Fire.

Fire leaves behind Earth.

Earth is the source of Metal.

Metal liquefies into flowing liquid like Water (or another explanation is that Metal when cooled it creates

Water then becomes the nourishment for the Wood.

2.The eight trigrams. A Trigram is a structure made up of three parallel lines. These individual lines might be Yin or
Yang. Yang is a solid bar and Yin is a broken bar. The eight trigrams are the secret of life. Each trigram represents a
different "house, your house is determined by your date of birth. The Personal Trigram gives the element and trigram
that a person belongs to. Additionally, the trigrams hold the keys to understanding the who or what is affected by the
Feng Shui of a building.

3. Yin and yang. It is the Chinese perspective of balance and continual change. Yin (black) and yang (white) are the
harmonizing factors of the universe. Yin and yang are totally dependent upon one another and one does not exist
without the other. In feng shui, the goal is to achieve a balance of yin and yang.

Feng shui Tips for your car

Buying a car, use Feng shui to protect your car from accidents and thefts. People spend more time than we might
realize in their cars. The car became for us the second home and like real house reflects their personality. Negative chi,
accumulated in their car can harm significantly the health of the car owner. Remember the car is the sequential of
the personality.

Feng shui Tips for your car

- The best feng shui tip for your car is its clearness. Keep your car clean as inside, and outside.

- Choose bringing success color for your car according to your individual feng shui chart (to know your lucky colors,
learn my e-book Create your luck with personal feng shui)

- Choose a day of purchase that is positive for you according to Feng shui calendar

- If you have bought used car, ring with hand bells inside your car to pure the energy

- Time to time wipe the surfaces with salt water, it is considered the salt deletes negative energy. Scatter sea salt on
the car floor carpets to absorb negative energy.

- Order number plates for your car only with lucky numbers for you (to know your lucky numbers, learn my e-book
Create your luck with personal feng shui)

- Do not hang crystals or anything on your rear view mirror, it draws away the attention of the dragon from your
protection, you can use the images of dragon hidden somewhere on the front panel

The Chairman of the Feng Shui Society Raymond Catchpole has taken four different types of vehicle and rated them in
order of their feng shuiness. Here they are, in order, with a summary of the findings.

Lexus RX Series: An extremely purposeful vehicle. Its chi energy gives it the "wow" factor. Powered by the Fire
element, the Lexus promises to go anywhere and through anything to deliver its driver safe an unruffled. The car is
both family- and business-orientated and has the best possible quality of feng shiu to achieve this.

Volkswagen Passat: Quiet, restrained and in a state of perfect yin/yang balance. Ideal for non-sales related decisive
managers who place great importance on family and friends.

Nissan Micra: A fun and possibly a little cheeky car in the right/wrong hands. A very yin motor. Ideally suited to a first-
time female driver who wants an incident-free journey and an arrival that may well raise a few smiles.

Porsche Boxster: A feminine and unemotional car which uses the natural element of Water to help chi energy flow. An
unaggressive vehicle, an ideal drive for a happy and single architect.

Articles related to feng shui elements:

Living Dcor To Represent the Earth Element

Life and living things are the best way to implement the earth element throughout your home, with dozens of
opportunities to bring living dcor in as part

Using the Earth Element in the Living Room

Of the five elements that are a part of the feng shui doctrine, the earth element is often the easiest to represent in the
living room. This is because things such as stone, mountains, and/or sand symbolize it, and you can use a very broad
spectrum of items to represent this southwest/northeast bagua element. Here are a few examples of how you can use
items you already have to represent earth for optimal feng shui


Feng shui metal element description - color, shape, geographical direction, symbol.Metal is very strong and powerful
element, it symbolizes life energy and intelligence.Metal symbolizes the power of heavens, success and business.


Feng shui earth element description - color, shape, geographical direction, symbol.Earth is very strong and powerful
element, it symbolizes life energy and intelligence.Earth elemnt symbolizes stability, self-confidence, and reliability.
This feng shui element symbolizes stability, patience and honesty. It is used to strengthen will-power and family


Feng shui fire element description - color, shape, geographical direction, symbol. Fire is very strong and powerful
element, it symbolizes life energy and intelligence. Fire symbolizes and brings activity, enthusiasm and energy, it
increases vitality and leader skills.


Feng shui wood element description - color, shape, geographical direction, symbol. The wood symbolizes growth,
creativity, brings luck in money. This element empowers the creativity, represents innovation, creativity and birth.


Feng shui water element description - color, shape, geographical direction, symbol


Cycle of Elements: According to Feng Shui, there are five elements in nature. These are wood, fire, earth, metal and
water. These elements are inter-related in two ways, which means that there are two types of cycles of these
elements. The productive cycle and the destructive cycle.

The most detailed information about this cycles and its usage you can read in my ebooks: The treasury feng shui
secrets of success and riches and Create your luck with personal Feng Shui - 5 FENG SHUI ELEMENTS. PRODUCTIVE AND DESTRUCTIVE CYCLES


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