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in propozitiile negative, formele acestor verbe sunt:

4. Folosirea verbelor auxiliare modale could would:
a. propozitiile interogative se formeaza prin inversarea subieetului eu verbul auxiliar modal:
- Nu spune adevaruI daea
nu avea incredere in tine.
- Filmul a fost eaptivant.
- Ea nu-mi va spune, daea n-o intreb.
- Nu am putut veni pentru ea am fost ocupat.
- Daca nu faei 0
va fi in regula.
- Este 0 munca istovitoare.
- Du-te la
- Sunteti at<1t de amabil (incat)
sa rna ajutati?
- Incetati sa beti!
- Ai putea sa-mi imprumuti bani?
- Dueeti-va (mergeti) la
- Inceteaza sa bei!
I couldn't come because I was busy.
Would not - forma prescurtata wouldn't
1wouldn't tell you the truth if
I didn't trust you.
Could not - forma prescurtata couldn't
Could you lend me some money?
Would you be so kind
to help me?
This is tiring work.
Go to school!
The film was exciting.
If you don't make a mistake
it will be all right.
She won't tell me if I don't ask.
Stop drinking!
I. Participiul Prezent:
2. Modul imperativ:
3. Propozitia conditionalii de tipul I:
lata-Ie aCllm in alta ordine:
Prima parte a leqiei se refera la trecerea timpului. Cititi cu voce tare noile
cuvinte retineti traducerea lor in limba romana:
past > [pa:st] - trecut
noon > [nu:n] - amiaza, miezul zilei
season > [si:zn] - anotimp
the day before > l Dfa dei bifo:' - alaltaieri
yesterday iestil'dei]
fortnight > [ fo:'tnait] - doua saptamani
moment > [maum,jnt] - moment, clipa
future > - viitor
the day after > [D/a dei a:fta' - poimaine
tomorrow tall1orau]
midnight > [midnait] - miezul noptii
weekday > ["i:kelci] - zi lucratoare
century > l sent-;;ari] - seeol
leap-year > [li:p id] - an bisect
season > [si:zn] - anotimp
moment > [maumimt] - moment, clipa
midnight > [ midnait] - miezul noptii
noon > [nu:n] - amiaza, miezul zilei
fortnight > [ fo:'tnait] - doua saptamani
weekday > l ui:kdci] - zi lucratoare
leap-year > [li:p iia'] - an bisect l'
century > [sent-;;ari] - seeol
the day before > [D/a dei bifo:' - alaltaieri
yesterday iesta'dei]
the day after > [ D/a dei a: fta' - poimaine
tomorrow tfll110raU]
past > [pa:st] - treeut
future > [ - vii tor
Acum vom folosi cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti atenti la pronuntie:
In continuare completati propozitiile cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
- A >momcnt, please.
- pana poimaine!
- Acesta este secolul xx.
- Anul acesta este un an bisect.
- Imi place sa citesc
despre trecut.
- Ce ne va aduce viitorul?
- Ea a murit aCllm doua
- Lunea este 0 zi lucratoare.
- Ne-am intiilnit alaltaieri.
- Care este anotimpul
care iti place eel mai mult?
- 0 clipa!
- Ei au venit dupa miezul noptii.
- Yoi fi acolo la amiaza.
- I never go to bed before
- They will marry the >clay after tomolTo\\'.
- The twenty-first >century will start
- The accident happened the >day
before yesterday.
- Summer is the hottest >season
of the year.
- We don't know anything about
the >fllture.
- It was raining at >noon.
- Why are there >Ieap-years?
- Everything was better in the >past.
- Do you work on all >wcekdays?
- They are leaving in a >fortnight.
> ["i: mct (Ya clci biro:
> [ai lalk rLcl1l1
aballt IYa pa:st]
> ["eit a mallmant]
> child a [o:'tnait agiiu]
> [IYcl kcnl1 a:fta' midnait]
> [ail bi: D/ea
Et nu:n]
> IZ D'a sLzn
Ill: 1al k best]
> [D/is iz lYa t"entiaT'
> ["etl til D/a dci a:tta'
> [liat "il D/a
> [mandel IZ a "/:kdc/]
> [IYis /la' iz a li:r ii'l']
o clipa, va rog.
Luerezi in fiecare zi lucratoare?
Yor pleca peste doua saptamani.
Nu nimic despre viitor.
Ei se vor casatori poimaine.
Secolul douazeei unu va incepe
in cudind.
We met the day before
Wait till the day after
She died a fortnight ago.
Which is the season
you like best?
La amiaza ploua.
Yara este anotimpul eel mai fierbinte
al anului.
They came after midnight.
I'll be there at noon.
Wait a moment.
De ce exista ani bisecti?
Toate erau mai bune in trecut.
Nu ma culc niciodata inainte
de miezul noptii.
Accidentul a avut loc alaltaieri.
Monday is a weekday.
This year is a leap-year.
This is the twentieth
I like reading
about the past.
What will the future
bring us?
lata cateva exemple in care am utilizat participiul prezent:
lar acum traduceti in limba engleza cuvintele:
- Cand am deschis am vazut
copiii in camera.
- Daca-i concediaza pe oameni,
ei vor face 0
- Deschizand i-am vazut pe copii
in camera.
- Cand am intrat in camera I-am vazut
- lntrand in camera I-am vazut la masa.
- Concediind oameni ei vor face
> leap-year
> moment
> the day before yesterday
> noon
> past
> weekday
> future
> fortlllght
> ITIldnight
> century
> season
> the day after tomorrow
Firing these people, they will make
a mistake.
Opening the door, I saw the children
in the room.
Entering the room, I saw him at the table.
When I opened the door, 1saw
the children in the room.
If they fire these people, they will make
a mistake.
Pentru prescurtarea propozitiei subordonate, partea de propozitie scrisa accentuat se cu
participiul -ing:
zi lucratoare
When I entered the room, I saw him
at the table.
in exemplele de mai sus afi observat, desiguy, cii atat propozifia subordonatii, in care apare forma
de participiu prezent entering, cat propozitia principalii care contine verbul saw, au
subiect, pronumele I.
Participiul prezent se traduce in limba romtinii prin gerunziu.
miezul noptii
doua saptamani
an bisect
in continuare yom prezenta utilizarea participiului -ing.
Participiul-ing in limba englezii se frecvent in propozitii asemiiniitoare exemplelor de mai
Acum urmeaza un grup de cuvinte noi, care se refera tot la timp:
"Being poor, John couldn't buy a new shirt for himself."
- intr-o zi
- in viitor
- prescurtare de la antemeridian,
inainte de pranz
- prescurtare de la postmeridian,
dupa amiaza
- altadata, odinioara
- >Driving home, he heard the news
on the radio.
- >Standmg on the mountain, we could
see the sea.
- >Waiting for the bus, she saw that
there was a lot of traffic.
- >Rcading the letter, I couldn't
believe my eyes.
- >Being poor, John couldn't buy a new
shirt for himself.
- >Looking through the window, Mark
saw them.
- >Listening to the music, he forgot
the time.
- >Seeing the room, Anne said it wasn't
large enough.
>["an deIJ
> [1'o:'ma'1IJ
> [clemJ
> [Ill (D/a) fiu:tsa'J
> [pi:emJ
one day
in (the) future
Uitandu-se pe geam, Mark
i-a vazut.
Acum alcatuiti constructii asemanatoare celor prezentate anterior completati cu ele propozitiile in
limba engleza:
De pe munte se vedea
Citind scrisoarea, nu-mi venea
sa-mi cred ochilor.
Fiind sarac, John nu putut cumpara 0
autobuzul, ea a vazut
cat de intens este traficul.
Conducand spre casa, el a auzit
la radio.
Vazand camera, Anne a spus ca
nu este destul de mare.
Ascultand muzica, el a uitat
de timp.
lata cuvintele noi intr-un dialog. Cititi cu atentie:
Iar aeum sa exersam euvintele noi. Completati propozitiile urmatoare:
- Imi amintesc.
- Intr-adevar.
- Oa, in viitor,
dar nu aeum.
- Oa, este.
- Cred ca altadata
nu aveam mult de lucru.
- Sper ea intr-o zi sa
pot sa merg in concediu.
- Dar in ultima vreme s-a schimbat.
- La noua dimineata
yeti avea 0
cu administratia.
- Azi aveti multe
de Iacut intre
- la opt seara iau
cina cu Peter.
- Ce am de Iacut azi, Jane?
- >Onc dayyou will understand me.
- She will have to write all letters > III thc future.
- > Formcrlythere were not many cars.
- At 6 > p.m. the shops are closed.
- Work starts at 8 > a m.
> llcS III IYa
bat not n:lu]
> l bat Its ri:sntlI]
> [al nmemba']
> [tadel IU: hE\ a lot tu duo
blt"i:n D/ a l1li.tll1
End dina']
> [/CS DIEts ra/t]
> [al haup <II kEn hE\
a holidel "an dei]
> [nau IU: didnt]
> l t nam clem IU: hEv
a "lDI
D/a mEnldJl1lant]
> [\lot du al hEy
tu du. tadel dJcm]
> [End Et cit pl:em al hEv
dina' \lIlY pi:ta']
> [ai T'inlg1k al didnt hEv
"ark fo:
Intr-o zi rna vei intelege.
inainte nu erau multe
La seara magazineIe sunt inchise.
Luerul incepe la opt dimineata.
In viitor ea va trebui sa serie toate serisorile.
Yes, that's right.
Today you have a lot to do
between the meeting
and dinner.
Yes, in the future,
but not now.
No, you didn't.
I think I didn't have
much work formerly.
I hope I can have
a holiday one day.
But it's changed recently.
And at eight p.m. I have
dinner with Peter.
Sa exersam fiecare propozitie in parte. Atentie la pronuntie:
At nine a.m. you have
a meeting with
the management.
What do I have
to do today, Jane?
I remember.
A: What do I have to do today, Jane?
B: At nine a.m. you have a meeting with the management.
A: I remember. And at eight p.m. I have dinner with Peter.
B: Yes, that's right. Today you have a lot to do between the meeting and dinner.
A: I think I didn't have much work formerly.
B: No, you didn't. But it's changed recently.
A: I hope I can have a holiday one day.
B: Yes, in the future, but not now.
Urmeaza un exercitiu de traducere. Traduceti cuvintele In limba engleza:
a aparea, a se i n t a t i ~ a , a se vedea
leapt >[leptJ
forma a III-a
a descrie, a prezenta
a sari, a salta
a disparea
a ingropa, a inmormanta
> Let them come here'
> Let hun forget about it fast'
> Let's ha\'e dll1ner at home today!
> Let me see It!
> fonnerly
> in (the) future
> one day
- Samergem!
> a.m.
- Lasa-ma sa 0 citesc!
- Las-o sa ia m a ~ i n a !
- Lasa-i sa ne invite!
> p.m.
- Lasa-ne sa terminam acum!
>[tu ben]
>[tu dlskralb]
leapt >llcpt]
>[tu apia']
>[tu It:pj
>[tu dlsapia']
forma a II-a
Let's go!
Fonna contrasa a lui "let us" este "Iet's" [lets], de exemplu:
forma I
Verbul to leap este un verb neregulat. lata formeIe sale:
to describe
to disappear
to appear
to leap
to bury
lata cateva verbe noi:
Lasa-ma sa rna uit!
Lasa-i sa vina aici!
Let them invite us!
Inainte de pranz
Let her take the car!
Lasa-l sa uite asta repede!
Let us finish it now!
in viitor
Sa utilizam regulile Invatate anterior In unnatorul exercitiu de traducere. Traduceti propozitiile in
limba engleza:
dupa pranz
Sa cinam azi acasa!
Let me read it!
Intr-o zi
La celelalte persoane, atat la singular cat ~ i la plural, pentru formarea imperativului se folose$te
verbullet [let] - a permite, a ingadui, a lasa. De exemplu:
altadata, odinioara
in lecriile anterioare am studiat imperativulla persoana a II-a singular # plural.
I. Denumiri/e ani/or din trei cifre se citesc dupii cum urmeazii:
Dati echivalentul in limba engleza pentru urmatoarele verbe:
- Copiii au sarit peste

- Unde I-au ingropat?
- Ea a descris hotul
- Hotul de magazine a disparut.
- a aparut
dupa colt.
> to disappear
> to describe
> to appear
>to leap
- twenty hundred ("douazeci de sute")
- seventeen hundred sute")
- nine hundred and sixty-six
- >Leaping you can break your leg.
> to burry
- five hundred and thirty-seven
- The aeroplanes >appeared in the distance.
- When will he >appear again?
- When will these people >be buried?
- Can you >describe the burglar?
- The sun >has disappeared behind the clouds.
> diskralbd D/a T'i:f
tu DZa pali:smEn]
> [D/a [ept akros

> [D'a dlsapia'd]
> ["ea' hEy D'ei berid him]
> [D'a ka:' apia'd bihamd
D/a ko:'na']
Daca sari poti sa-ti rupi piciorul.
a disparea
Poti sa descrii spargatorul?
a sari
a descrie
2. Denumiri/e ani/or formali din patru cifre, dintre care ultimele douii sunt zero, sunt citite ca
multiplu de sute:
a ingropa, a inmormanta
a aparea, a se
Avioanele au aparut in departare.
Where have they buried him?
Soarele a disparut in spatele norilor.
Cand vor fi inmormantati oameni?
Am inviifat deja cum se scriu se citesc datele in limba englezii. Acum vom inviila cum se citesc anii:
The children leapt across
the ditch.
Acum urmariti folosirea verbelor noi in propozitii:
The car appeared behind
the corner.
She described the thief
to the policeman.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu verbele corespunzatoare:
The shoplifter disappeared.
Oind va aparea din nou?
lar acum traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
4. DacG a treia cifrG este 0 - zero, acesta se ca $i oh[au] :
lata cateva exemple de propozitii in care am folosit anii:
> This house was built in eighteen hundred.
> In mnetcen ninety-nme I will finish school.
> Going to school the day before yesterday,
1 stopped near this shop.
> Is summer the nicest season?
> It happened in seven hundred and fifty-three.
> Let's try to meet at noon.
> Formerly there weren't many towns.
- nineteen ninety-five ("nouasprezece nouazeci
- eighteen oh six ("optsprezece zero
- nineteen sixty-one ("nouasprezece
> [t will be nineteen ninety-nine in a fortnight.
> I \\ anted to tell him something but
he disappeared.
> Entcllng the house, he switched on the light.
Aceasta casa a fost construita in 1800.
3. Celelalte numere din patru cifre se impart in dOUG grupuri sunt citite ca dOUG numere de cate
dOUG cifre:
Alaltaieri, mergand la
m-am oprit langa acest magazin.
Odinioara nu erau multe
Peste doua saptamani va fi 1999.
in ultimul exercitiu al lectiei yom recapitula cele invatate pana acum. Traduceti propozitiile in
limba engleza:
Sa incercam sa ne intalnim la pranz.
lntrand in casa, el a aprins lumina.
Vara este eel mai frumos anotimp?
in 1999 voi termina
Our teacher was born in 1961 (nineteen sixty-one). - Profesorul nostru s-a nascut in 1961.
Am vrut sa-i spun ceva, dar el a disparut.
S-a intimplat in 753.
1 lived in England in 1953 (nineteen fifty-three). - in 1953 am stat in Anglia.
lata un alt grup de cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu atentie urmariti traducerea
in limba romiina:
absence > [Ebsans] - absenta, !ipsa
birthday > [ba:'Tsdei] - zi de
delay > l dilei] - intarziere, amanare
display > [displei] - etalare, expunere,
number > [namba'] - numar
occasIOn > [ake(jan] - ocazle
opportunity > [opa'Uu:niti] - prilej favorabil, moment
patience > - rabdare
presence > [prezans] - prezenta
second hand > [sekand hEnd] - secundar (al ceasului)
trip > [trip] - excursie, calatorie,
word > [ua:rd]
- cuviint
Exersati cuvintele in alta ordine:
patience > - rabdare
second hand > [sekand hEnd] - secundar (al ceasului)
delay > [dileiJ - intarziere, amiinare
presence > [prezans] - prezenFi
occasion > [akeij,ln] - ocazle
trip > [trip] - excursie, calatorie,
birthday > [ba:'T'dei] - zi de
opportunity > [oparUu:niti] - prilej favorabil, moment
display > [displei] - etalare, expunere,
word > [",L
d] - cuvant
number > [namba'] - numar
absence > [Ebs<lllS] - absenta, !ipsa
This clock has a second hand. > [O/IS k10k hEz a sekand hEndJ - Acest ceas are secundar.
lar acum completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
- Nu poti spune asta
in prezenta ei.
- Astazi ea douazeci
doi de ani.
- El un moment
- Pot vorbi cu tine?
- Trenul a avut intarziere.
- Ai putina rabdare!
- Am intalnit-o cu ocazia
zilei tale de
- VOl face asta in absenta lor.
- EXlsta un numar mare
de hoteluri in acel
- A fost 0 excursie placuta.
- Our >1111' was only a short one.
- The >cJlsphl\ shows numbers.
- He didn't say a >worcl.
- She gave the party on the >occaSlon
of our wedding.
- Their >absence was alarming.
- I had another >opportunlty later.
- A >nulllbel of people were fired.
- The >second-hand is broken.
> l tadel IZ ha
' t"entl sekand
> [hEy a lit!
> [IU: kEnot sei fYU
in ha:' prezans]
> [al till duo It dlUann
O"el' Ebsans]
> [hi: iz "citin(gl fo:' an
> [It "oz a nais trip]
> [LYea' iz a \a:'dj namba'
av hautelz 111 IYEt taun]
> [al met ha:' on IYi akeljan
m 10.' ba:'T'del]
> [O/a tt em hEd a dilei]
> l kEn al hEv a "a:'d "ilY IU:]
Expresia to have a word with somebody inseamna a vorbi cu cineva (a
schimba 0 yorba cu cineva).
arata numere.
El nu a spus nimic.
Un numar de oameni au fost concediati.
Excursia noastra a fost doar una scurta.
Absenta lor a fost alarmanta.
Secundarul este stricat.
Am avut un alt prilej favorabil mai tarziu.
You cannot say that
in her presence.
Ea a dat petrecerea cu ocazia
casatoriei noastre.
Have a little patience!
He is waiting for an
I will do it dUrIng
their absence.
Can I have a word with you?
Today is her twenty-second
I met her on the occasion
of your birthday.
My watch has a small display. > [mal hEz a smol chsplcl] - Ceasul meu are mic.
The train had a delay.
lata cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare:
There is a large number
of hotels in that town.
It was a nice trip.
Sii ne i'ntoarcem la propozi{ia condi{ionalii de tipul I.
Pe baza exemplelor de mai sus, traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
- Unless you come at 7
we will be late.
- We will start to work
unless he appears.
> Unless you tell them they \\on't kno\\
ho\\ to do It.
> [ wlll write to h11n unless I get
a letter tomO!TO\\.
> dIsplay
> Unless you ha\ e money 1WIll lend you.
> opportunity
> Unless It lams we will go on foot.
> number
> patIence
> Unless you eat we \\on't go
to the zoo.
> occasIOn
> presence
> second hand
> word
> absence
> birthday
> delay
> tnp
- My >birthday is on the ninth.
- She often loses> patience with her children.
- There were no >delays.
- I'll write the letter in your >presence.
- If you don't come at 7
we will be late.
- We will start to work
if he doesn't appear.
Daca nu ploua, mergem pc jos.
Daca nu voi primi maine 0 scrisoare,
ii voi scrie.
Daca nu ai bani, iti voi imprumuta.
Daca nu Ie spui, ei nu vor
cum sa faca asta.
Daca nu mananci, nu mergem
la gradina zoologica.
Daca nu vii la
yom intirzia.
Vom incepe lucrul
daca nu apare.
zi de
Ea pierde adesea rabdarea cu copiii ei.
Voi scrie scrisoarea in prezenta tao
secundar (al ceasului)
prilej favorabil
Ziua mea de este in data de noua.
Traduceti in limba engleza cuvintele:
Nu au fost intarzieri.
Propozi{ia subordonatii condi{iona!ii poatefi introdusii de unless [anles], care inseamnii if not
- daca nu, in afarii de cazu! cando Fo!osind unless cu sensu! de if not, predicatu! propozi{iei
subordonate nu mai poatefi negat, pentru cii in limba englezii nu existii nega{ie dub/ii:
absenta, lipsa
A: What a nice watch you have got!
B: Oh, thanks. I occasionally bought a new watch.
A: Is it digital?
B: Yes, it is. But actually, it's not new. It's a second-hand watch.
A: Does it keep sharp time?
B: Oh, no. I wish it did. Now it's two minutes fast. Yesterday it was one minute slow.
Sa citim propozitiile separat. Exersati pronuntia:
Yeti gasi cuvintele noi in acest scurt dialog. Cititi cu atentie:
- Dh,nu.
- vrea sa mearga.
- leri a intirziat un minut.
- Aeum eu doua minute.
- Da.
- digital
- a se grabi/a fi inainte (ceasul)
- Este un ceas folosit.
- M-am intalnit intamplator cu Fred
am cumparat un eeas de la el.
- Este digital?
- Dh, multumesc.
- Dar, de fapt nu este nou.
- Ce ceas frumos ai!
- Merge bine?
- din ciind in cand, uneori, de oazie
- a intarzia/a ramane in urma
- ascutit, precis, exact
- intr-adevar, in realitate, de fapt
- uzat, folosit, de la mana a doua
>[nau its tu: minlts fa:st]
>[ iz It didJltaI]
>[ ai It dId]
>[ au nau]
>[/csta'del it "oz
"an minlt slau]
>[Ies it iz]
>[bat its not n/u:]
>[ Its a sckand hEnd
>l daz It kJ:p talln]
>[ai akeljanall met fred End
ai bo:t a from him]
>[au TSEn(glks]
> [didjital]
>[tu bl: slau]
> [sekand hEnd]
> [akcljanalI]
> ["ot a nais
iu' hEy got]
>[tu bl: fa:st]
Yesterday it was
one minute slow.
Now it's two minutes fast.
I wish it did.
Does it keep sharp time?
It's a second-hand watch.
Yes, it is.
But actually it's not new.
Is it digital?
Dh, thanks.
What a nice watch
you have got!
to be slow
lata cuvinte si expresii noi:
I occasionally met Fred and
I bought a watch from him.
to be fast
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
Urmeaza un exercitiu de traducere. Traduceti expresiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
- > Digital watches are not expensive.
> (JIve hIm more bread'
> (JI\e more bread to hnn'
- He looks very young but he's> actually 50.
> I have descnbed them that accident.
> I have descnbed that accident to them.
> WIll you show me your room'!
> WIll you show your room to me'?
- She doesn't like buying
> second-hand things.
- The clock> is slow again.
- Ea mi-a dat 0 carte.
- raspunde la intrebarea "cui?"
- Ea mi-a dat 0 carte.
- We have to withdraw money> occasionally.
- You'll need a > sharp knife for thIs.
- Their clock> is hardly ever fast
- raspunde la intrebarile "pe cine? ce?"
Le-am descris acel accident.
Da-i (lui) mai multa pame.
Imi vei arata camera ta?
Uneori trebuie sa ridicam bani.
Vei avea nevoie de un cutit ascutit pentru asta.
Ei nu-i place sa cumpere
lucruri uzate.
She gave a book to me.
El arata foarte tanar, dar de fapt are 50 de ani.
Sa incercam sa traducem propozitiile in limba engleza pe baza celor doua constructii de mai sus:
a ramane in urma (ceasul) > to be slow
uzat, folosit > second-hand
ascutit, precis > ~ h a r p
din cand in cand, uneori > occasionaJly
a merge inamte (ceasul) > to be fast
She gave me a book.
Partea de gramaticii a lec!iei se referii la verbele care au douii complemente:
Ceasul a ramas in urma din nou.
complement indirect
complement direct
Ceasurile digitale nu sunt scumpe.
Ceasullor nu 0 ia inainte niciodata.
Atunci cdnd complementul indirect stii inaintea celui direct, structura propozi!iei este urmiitoarea:
Ordinea complementelor poatefi schimbatii, dar, in acest caz, inaintea complementului indirect se
folosef}te particula to:
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza, folosind cuvintele noi:
Have you fixed a date already? >[hEv Ill: fikst a dclt o:lredi] - Ati fixat deja 0 data?
Dintre acestea to ring ~ i to strike sunt verbe neregulate. lata formele lor:
> tn fix
> tn mend
rung >[ rani g)]
struck >[strak]
- Am format numarullui John.
- Telefonul a sunat toata
forma a III-a
~ a forma un numar
- arepara
- a fixa, a consolida, a prinde
- Ceasul a batut ora douasprezece.
- a lovi, a bate
- Ceasul meu va fi reparat
- a suna
- >Has she >cllalled the right number?
- They >fixed a date for the wedding.
- a fixa
- >11<1\ C you >rung them yet?
- The clock >was striking four when
we came home.
- Who >has mended your watch?
- a repara
rang >[ rEn(g)]
>[IYa t e l d ~ l U n hEz ran
0:1 a:fta'nu:n]
>[ D/a klok strak t"elv]
>[mai "ot:;; lid bi: mcndid
struck >[ strak]
>[tll daial]
>[al datald dionz namba']
forma a II-a
> to stnke
> to cllal
> to Il!1g
a lovi, a bate
a suna
I-ai sunat deja?
Ei au fixat 0 data pentru nunta lor.
Ea a format numarul corect?
a forma un numar
Traduceti in limba engleza verbele urmatoare:
lata acum verbele noi in propozitii. Atentie la pronuntie:
Cine ti-a reparat ceasul?
I dialled John's number.
ring >[rilt"]
forma I
My watch will be mended
to dial
Ceasul tocmai batea ora patru cand
am venit acasa.
The telephone has rung
all afternoon.
to fix >[tll fiks]
to mend >[tu mend]
to ring >[tu rm
to strike > [ tu straik]
The clock struck twelve.
lata acum un grup de verbe noi:
Urmeaza exercitiu de pronuntie. Repetati urmatoarele grupuri de cuvinte:
> Let him buy a big number of new glasses.
> My watch is always slow.
> One day I will not have much patience
with them.
> Unless you write this letter we won't go
for a walk.
> The negotiations will be in nineteen
> I won't give them this money.
> I won't give this money to them.
> The furniture has recently been delivered.
> Hearmg his words, 1couldn't help
> Living in the country, she has never seen
a modem airport.
> Eaming little money, he couldn't buy much.
> Walking to my office, [ saw a serious accident.
[i:] [ u:] l i] [ei]
leap noon fix display
season soon ring patience
mean moon bring occasion
seen food sing day
green spoon digital raise
Ceasul meu ramane mereu in urma.
Daca nu scrii aceasta scrisoare, nu yom merge
la plimbare.
Nu Ie voi da bani.
Lasa-I sa cumpere un numar mare de pahare noi.
putin, el nu a putut cumpara mult.
Negocierile vor avea [oc in 1999.
Iar acum urmeaza ultimul exercitiu allectiei. Incepeti rezolvarea temei pentru acasa doar dupa ce ati
rezolvat rara acest exercitiu:
In drum spre birou am vazut un accident gray.
Traind la tara, ea nu a vazut niciodata
un aeroport modem.
Auzind vorbele lui nu m-am putut abtine
sa nu zambesc.
Mobila a fost recent livrata.
Intr-o zi nu voi mai avea multa rabdare
29.3.l.Anul format din trei cifre se dupa cum urmeaza:
29.2.2. Forma scurta pentru let us este let's, de exemplu:
29.3.4. Daca a treia din cele 4 cifre este ,,0", acesta se "oh":
- twenty hundred ("douazeci de sute")
- seventeen hundred sute")
- eighteen oh six ("optsprezece zero
- Intrand in camera, I-am vazut la masa.
- nineteen sixty-one ("nouasprezece,
- Samergem!
- (Lasa-i) sa ne invite!
- Cand am intrat in camera,
I-am vazut la masa.
- nineteen ninety-five ("nouasprezece,
nouazeci cinci")
- (Lasa-ma) sa fac asta!
- nine hundred and sixty-six
- (Lasa-ne) sa terminam acum!
- five hundred and thirty-seven
- (Las-o) sa ia
Let them invite us!
Let her take the car!
Let us finish it now!
Let's go!
Let me do it!
29.3.3. in alte cazuri anii din patru cifre diferite se impart in doua grupuri se citesc ca atare:
Entering the room, I saw him at the table.
29.2.1. La toate persoanele, (cu exceptia persoanei a II-a) atat la singular cat la plural,
imperativuJ se formeaza cu ajutoruJ verbului let - a permite, a ingadui, a lasa.
29.3.2.Anii formati din patru cifre, dintre care ultimele doua sunt zero, sunt cititi ca multiplu
de sute. De exemplu:
When I entered the room, I saw him
at the table.
29.3. Citirea anilor
29.1. In locul unei propozitii subordonate putem folosi participiul prezent (forma -ing).
29.2. Modul imperatlv
29.4. Propozitia conditionala de tipul 1.
Cand complementul indirect 11 precede pe cel direct, atunci structura propozitiei este urmatoarea:
Unless you come at 7,
we will be late.
- Ea mi-a dat 0 carte.
- Ea mi-a dat 0 carte.
- raspunde la intrebarile "pe cine?, ce?"
- raspunde la intrebarea "cui?"
- If you don't come at 7,
we will be late.
Daca nu vii la ~ a p t e ,
vom intirzia.
Propozitia subordonata conditionala poate fi introdusa ~ i cu cuvantul unless in loc de if.
Semnificatia lui unless este ifnot - daca nu, in afara de cazul cando Folosind unless cu sensul
de if not predicatul prepozitiei subordonate este obligatoriu la forma afirmativa.
Unele verbe pot avea doua complemente:
She gave a book to me.
Ordinea complementelor poate fi schimbata, dar In acest caz complementul indirect este
precedat de to:
She gave me a book.
29.5. Complementul direct ~ i indirect
A Traduceti urmatoarcle propozitii in Iimba romana:
1. Reading the newspaper, I couldn't believe the news.
2. Unless she earns enough, she won't go on holiday.
3. Let's open all the windows in the house.
4. Let John go there and find it.
5. Why don't you want to show the picture to me?
6. She will arrive in a fortnight at noon.
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
1. Ce vei face in viitor?
2. (Lasa-i) sa ne povesteasca ei aceasta intimplare!
3. Daca nu vei fi serios, intr-o zi n-o sa te mai credo
4. Vrand sa repare radioul, ell-a stricat.
5. Avem un prilej sa mergem intr-o excursie.
6. I-am dat lui ceasul meu digital (2 variante de traducere).
C. Scrieti urmatoarele date cu litere:
1. 1782
2. 795
3. 1900
4. 2005
5. 3000
Repetati cuvintele Intr-o alta ordine:
" "
headline > [hedlain] - titlu (In ziar)
history > [histari] - istorie
environment > [invairanmant] - mediu, ambianta
subscription > ] - abonament
collection > - colectie
attempt > [atempt] - Incercare, tentativa
mornmg paper >
[mo:rnin(g) peipa
- ziar de dimineata
answer > [ a:nsa
] - raspuns
promise > [promis] - promlSlUne
appearance >
- aparitie,
habit > [hEbit] - obicei, deprindere
subject > [sabdjikt] - subiect, tema, materie
answer > [a:nsa
] - raspuns
appearance > [apiarans]
- aparitie, ivire,
attempt > [atempt] - Incercare, tentativa
collection > - coleqie
environment > [invainlnmant] - mediu, ambianta
habit > [ hEbit] - obicei, deprindere
headline > [hedlain] - titlu (In ziar)
history > [histari] - istorie
mornmg paper >
[mo:rnin(g) peipa
- ziar de dimineata
promise > [promis] - promlslUne
subject > [sabdjikt] - subiect, tema, materie
subscription > ] - abonament
lncepem lectia cu un grup de substantive noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare fiti
atenti la sensullor In limba romana:

ith some of I fa
You say I I:
:. rid's strong- I :8
Mediul (nostru) Inconjurator este foarte important. - Our >enVlronment is very important.
In continuare sa exersam folosirea cuvintelor noi. Completati urmatoarele propozitii In limba engleza
cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
lata acum cuvintele noi In propozitii:
- Trebuie sa-ti tii
- Citesc doar titlurile principale.
- Trebuie sa curatam mediul
nostru Inconjurator.
- Ea nu mi-a raspuns.
- EI are un abonament
de multi ani.
- Incercarea a fost rara rost.
- EI are obiceiul sa ia tarziu
- Vrei sa vezi colectia mea
de timbre?
- Imi place sa citesc despre
subiectul acela.
- Invatam din istorie.
- Aparitia lor ne-a bucurat.
- I always read the >morning-paper.
- These are bad >habits.
- Also his second >attempt failed.
- Don't give too many >promises!
- They have an impressive >collection.
- He doesn't know the >answer.
- The >sllbscription is cheaper.
- Did you think >history was a nice >sllbject
in school?
> geiv mi: nall ansa']
> [du ill: lI ant tll si:
mai stEmp
> [D1i atempt lI oz iu:slis]
> [ai laik ri:din
) abaut
DIEt sabdjikt]
> [hi: hEz hEd a
fa:' meni iJa'z]
> [ill: hEy tu ki:p
10:' promis]
> [
i: la:rn from histari]
> [DZa nill:Z iz in DZa mo:rnm
) - este In ziarele
peipa'z] de dimineata.
> [
i: hEy tll kli:n ap
alia' invairanmant]
> [it iz hiz hEbit tll hEv
a lelt brekfast]
> [D1ei' apiarans iksaitid as]
> [ai ri:d aunli D1a hedlainz]
Acestea sunt obiceiuri proaste.
Nu promite prea mult!
Ei au 0 colectie impresionanta.
El nu raspunsul.
a doua sa Incercare a
Citesc intotdeauna ziarul de dimineata.
Abonamentul este mai ieftin.
Crezi col istoria era 0 materie placuta
I read only the headlines.
He has had a subscription
for many years.
I like reading about
that subject.
Do you want to see
my stamp-collection?
You have to keep
your promise.
The news is in the morning
The attempt was useless.
We have to clean up
our environment.
She gave me no answer.
We learn from history.
Their appearance excited us.
It is his habit to have
a late breakfast.
> subJect
> mornmg paper
> attempt
> collectIon
> headline
> en, Ironment
> subscnptlOn
> appearance
> habIt
> answer
> promise
- Have you read the >headlines?
> hist'lry
- Her >appearance made us smile.
ei ne-a facut sa zambim.
mediu, inconjurator
titlu (in ziar)
"Her appearance made us smile."
ziar de dimineata
Ati retinut cuvintele noi? Traduceti in limba engleza:
Adverbele once -["ans] - 0 data, twice -l - de doua ori, sunt jolosite joarte des pentru a
exprima frecventa cu care se petrece 0 actiune. Celelalte adverbe se jormeazii cu ajutorul unui
numeral $i al substantivului time: three times, four times etc.
Ai citit titlurile principale?
subiect, terna
incercare, tentativa, experienta
Sa citim propozi1iile din text separat:
Urmari1i expresiile noi in urmatorul dialog. Citi1i eu aten1ie:
Traduce1i urmatoarele propozi1ii, folosind cuvintele inva1ate anterior:
- timp destul
- pU1in/o clipa, ai pU1ina
- intre timp, pana una alta,
- toemai la timp
- pU1in!
- Avem timp destul.
- La ee ora incepe?
- La opt.
- Vom face cumparaturile
vom ajunge tocmai la timp
la cinematograf.
- Acum este
- Desigur.
> I have read this book five times.
> I have lost the keys thl ee times already.
> Think twice before you say something.
> I have met him once.
> [lieit a milllt]
> [sa:rtanli]
> [plcnti av taim]
> [Ueit a minit]
> [dpst in taim]
> [lIl: hEv plenti av taim]
> [its slks nau]
> [Et eit]
> [Ui:l du: D/a
End get tu DZa sinima
dJ ast in taim]
> [in DZami:ntaim]
> [DZear iz an intrastm{g) film - Este un film interesant
on Et DZa sinama tadei] la cinematograf astazi.
> [in D/a mi:ntaim U1: kEn Ju: - Intre timp putem face
sam cumparaturi.
> [liot taim Jaz it start]
It's six now.
Wait a minute!
We have plenty of time.
In the meantime we can do
some shopping.
What time does it start?
Am citit de cinci ori aceasta carte.
At eight.
L-am intalnit 0 singura data.
We'll do the shopping
and get to the cinema
just in time.
There is an interesting film
on at the cinema today.
wait a minute
plenty of time
de doua ori inainte de a spune ceva.
Am pierdut cheile deja de trei ori.
lata din nou expresii cuvinte noi:
in the meantime
A: There is an interesting film on at the cinema today.
B: What time does it start?
A: At eight. We have plenty of time. In the meantime we can do some shopping.
B: Certainly. It's six now. We'll do the shopping and get to the cinema just in time.
A: Wait a minute! I've forgotten we have no money! We can't buy anything.
just in time
Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in !imba eng!eza, fo!osind expresiile noi:
> plenty of time
> m the meantIme
- intr-un mod prietenesc
- intr-o maniera draguta
- intr-un mod prostesc
- intr-un mod parintesc
- Nu putem sa cumparam nimic.
- Am uitat, nu avem bani!
> My brother always speaks to me
m a fatherly manner.
> She can sing in a lovely way.
> They talked to us m a fnend!y way.
> Don't do it in a silly manner'
- timp berechet
- There was >plenty of time to return the book.
- >In the meantime clean your room.
- >Walt a minute, and your tickets?
- intre timp
> [in a frend!1 Uei]
> [in afa:Dzarli mEna
> [in a sih mEna']
>[m a lavli "e/ ]
> [a/v forgotn tlJ: hEv
nau manl]
> ["I: ka.nt bal eniT'm(g)]
> just in time
> walt a minute
Fratele meu imi intotdeauna

in a fnendly way
Ea sa cante frumos.
Nu face asta intr-un mod prostesc!
lovely >[lavh] - dragut, simpatic, frumos
fatherly > [fa.Dzarli] - parintesc, patem
silly > [si!l] - prost
friendly > [frendli] - prietenos, arnica1
in a lovely way
in a silly manner
Ne-au vorbit prietenos.
tocmai la timp
A fost timp suficient pentru a inapoia cartea.
Intre timp Ia curat in camera tal
in a fatherly manner
I've forgotten we have
no money!
We can't buy anything!
Urmeaza din nou 0 traducere:
Daca din adjectivele cu termina{ia -Iy vrem saformam un adverb, nu putem sadublam sufixul-Iy. in
aceste cazuri adverbele se formeaza cu urmatoarele structuri:
Am ajuns tocmai la timp ca sa vedem plecarea lor. - We were >just in time to see their departure.
stai putin
Stai putin, biletele tale?
in afara de adjectivele daily, weekly, folosite ca adverbe, in limba engleza sunt alte adjective
a caror termina{ie este -ly, de exemplu:
lata verbele noi in propozitii. Retineti traducerea lor in limba romana fiti atenti la pronuntie:
This river is heavily polluted. > l D/IS rh a' lZ hEvIll palu:tid] - Acest rau este foarte poluat.
- a se abona, a plati cotizatia/
- a a izbuti
- neg1ijat pisicile.
- a polua
- a neglija
- Ea nu a sa faca asta.
- Ai irosit multa apa.
- a irosi, a pierde (inutil)
- M-am abonat 1a un ziar
de dimineata.
- Am (sa fac ceva)
- a a izbuti
- Ea a repare

- They >wasted half an hour on talking.
- We >have not >succeeded in returning
in time.
- He >has subscribed to this paper.
- These children >have been neglected
for years.
- This lake is not >polluted yet.
> [tu saksi:d]
> [tu palu:t]
> [tu sabskraib]
> hEz not saksi.did
in D/is]
> [tu niglckt]
> [tu "eist]
> [Ill: hEy L1 c/stid a lot
av L1 o:ta']
> [ai hEy sabskraibd tu
a pcipa']
Verbul to succeed este folosit in urmatoarea constructie:
She succeeded in mending her car.
to succeed in + verb
cu tenninatia in -ing
I succeeded in...
Au irosit 0 jumatate de ora vorbind.
El s-a abonat la acest ziar.
copii au fost neglijati ani
de-a randul.
Acest lac nu este inca poluat.
Completati propozitiile in limba engleza:
Nu am sa ne intoarcem
la timp.
Acum unneaza cu un grup de verbe noi:
to pollute
to waste
to neglect
to subscribe (to)
to succeed (in)
You have wasted a lot
of water.
She has not succeded
in doing this.
I have subscribed to
a mornmg-paper.
They neglected their cats.
Structura propozi!iei dupii eliminarea pronumelui relativ:
Iar acum, exersati folosirea participiulului prezent. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
> Who are the people Slttll1g there"
> The woman \\;alkll1g there IS a secretary.
> The reople visItll1g our vIllage are
(jOIn England
> The pen 1) lI1g on the tahle IS mll1e.
> We were described the accIdent.
> The accident was descnbed to us.
- EI mi-a aratat gradina lui.
- Un barbat, de pe aceasta strada, a fost ranit
ieri intr-un accident.
> You won"t be given the money.
> The money won't be gIven to you.
- Un barbat care pe aceasta strada,
a fost ranit ieri intr-un accident.
> to pollute
> to waste
- Gradina lui mi-a fost aratata.
> He was sellt a letter.
> A letter was sent to him.
> to neglect
> to subscnbe to
- Mi-a fast aratata gradina lui.
> to succeed
Femeia care se plimba acolo este 0 secretara.
Oamenii care viziteaza satul nostru sunt
din Anglia.
Stiloul care se afla pe masa este al meu.
Cine sunt acei oameni care stau acolo?
A man living in this street was injured
in an accident yesterday.
He described the accident to us.
He won't give you the money.
His garden was shown to me.
I was shown his garden.
In exercitiul urmator, incercati sa construiti propozitii la diateza pasiva operand ambele tipuri de
He showed me his garden.
Urmiiri!i exemplele:
A man who lives in this street was injured
in an accident yesterday.
in propozi!ia astfel transformatii, participiul -ing determinii substantivul.
They sent him a letter.
a polua
a irosi, a pierde
a neglija
a a izbuti, a avea succes (In)
Traduceti verbele noi in limba engleza:
a fi abonat, a plati cotizatia/abonamentul
in limba englezii, participiul terminat in -ing poate inlocui propozi{ia relativii.
Dacii verbul are douii complemente (direct indirect), atunci la diateza pasivii, oricare dintre ele
poate ji subiectul propozi{iei:
Urmeaza exercitiul de pronuntie. Cuvinte!e aflate pe coloana cantin un sunet identic. Cititi
cu voce tare:
In ultimul exercitiu al leetiei veti avea ocazia sa reveniti asupra tuturor notiunilor noi de gramatica
> Vie were shown two films.
> Two films were shown to us.
> He came .Just in tnne: we didn't have to wait.
> [ will say it only once.
> They \\ere talking In a fnendly manner.
> I have asked her tWIce to leave quietly.
> Wait a minute, haven't you left your umbrella?
> Animals livmg in the woods
can fll1d enollgh food.
> He spoke to us in a fatherly way.
> The people using these tools
are very satisfied.
> What have you subscnbed to'?
> People neglecting their appearance think it
is not Importallt to look good.
> People wanting more information
can return after five.
> The pictures hanglllg here will be sold.
> There are always many people spending
their holidays here.
> There were people sdlmg
oranges and grapes.
> Do you know the man coming to us?
[e] [E] [a. ] [au]
neglect habit sharp sound
spend can hard house
mend man dark our
met hand ask found
set land arm out
Am rugat-o de doua ori sa piece in
o voi spune doar 0 singura data.
La ce te-ai abonat?
Au vorbit prietenos.
Au sosit tocmai [a timp; nu a trebuit sa
Stai putin, nu ti-ai pierdut umbrela?
Oamenii neglijeaza cred ca
nu este important sa arate bine.
It pe acel om care vine la noi?
Animalele care traiesc in padure,
pot gasi mfmcare suficienta.
Ne-a vorbit
Ne-au aratat doua filme.
Oamenii care folosesc aceste unelte
sunt foarte satisIacuti.
Au fast oameni care au vandut
portocale struguri.
Sunt intotdeauna multi oameni
petrec vacanta aici.
Tablourile care atama aici vor fi vandute.
Cei ce vor mai multe informatii
se pot reintoarce dupa ora cinci.
lata ultimul exercitiu al lectiei. Daca sa il faceti lara nici 0 atunci puteti trece la
rezolvarea temei pentru acasa. Traduceti propozitiile urmatoare in limba engleza:
> She was occaSIOnally permitted to leave early.
> The aeroplane leaves at 3 p.m.
> The shIp \\ as wrecked a fortl11ght ago.
> Th IS IS the \\ mdow through which
the burglar dIsappeared.
> Zippll1g up my coat, I left the house
111 a llllrry.
> She has dIalled theIr number tWIce.
> Readmg the mornmg paper. I thought of
the promIse I had made.
> She answered 111 a sIlly way.
> We saw a man havmg no hair on hIS head.
What John was saying was true. But don't other people feel bad when there is nothing for
them to do, or at least they think there is nothing?
Yes, I think so. Usually these people are wasting their time or choose to listen to the radio
or watch television.
And these people are very happy when friends come to visit them so they can talk about
the news or whatever is worth talking about.
Wouldn't it be difficult to say which of these is the better way of spending time?
Well, it's hard to say. We are always ready to say that we are doing things the right way
and other people are not.
But how can we be sure?
It is a good thing that we are all different.
John! Clever people say time is an important thing in our lives.
Of course. To do the things we have to do we need time.
When there is too little time we cannot do things as well as we want to do them.
Yes, but there are people who always know what to do with the time.
You are so right.They go for a walk or read a book or make all kinds of things that are
useful or beautiful.
Sometimes they sell these things, which is their way of showing that time is really money.
Vasul a naufragiat in urma cu doua saptamani.
Ei i s-a permis uneori sa pIece mai devreme.
Ea a format numarullor de doua ori.
Acesta este geamul prin care
a disparut spargatorul.
AvionuI pleaca la trei dupa-amiaza.
Ea a raspuns
Noi am vazut un barbat care nu avea par pe cap.
Tragand fermoarul hamei, am parasit casa
in graba.
Urmeaza un exercitiu de citire pronuntie. Cuvmtele sllabele accentuate Ie-am scris cu litere
Ascultati caseta cititi dialogul cu atentie, pentm a va cat mai corect intonatia
limbii engleze:
Citind ziarul de dimineata m-am gandit
la promisiunea pe care am Iacut-o.
"Their presence is not necessary."
> I saw many people wearing
dark glasses.
> Some people have strange habits.
> Cars pollute the environment.
> She got the letter just in time.
> We succeeded In finishing the work
before nllClnight.
> I was prommised a better job.
> A better job was promised to me.
> There wIiI be more opportunities in the future.
> He visited his sister on the occasion of
her birthday.
> Some people think there is plenty of time
to stop polluting the Earth.
> Their presence is not necessary.
> [n the past many things were cheaper.
> You'll have to be there at eight o'clock sharp.
> In future no time will be wasted.
> In the meantime we'll fix a date,
> There was a delay twice.
> What subjects did you like the best in school?
> Let's go to the cinema today!
> How many leap years are there In a century?
Unii oameni au obieeiuri stranii.
Vor fi mai muIte oeazii favorabile in viitor.
polueaza mediul.
EI vizitat sora eu oeazia
zilei ei de
Va trebui sa fii aeolo exact la ora opt.
Mi s-a promis 0 slujba mai buna.
Prezenta lor nu este neeesara.
Au fost intarzieri de doua ori.
Ea a primit serisoarea tocmai la timp.
Intre timp vom fixa 0 data.
Am vazut multi oameni care purtau
oehelari fumurii.
Ce materii ti-au plaeut eel mai mult la
in treeut multe lueruri erau mai ieftine.
Noi am sa terminam luerul
inainte de miezul noptii.
Cativa oameni ered ea este timp destul
pentru a opri poluarea pamantului.
in viitor nu yom pierde timpul.
Sa mergem azi la einematograf!
Cati ani biseeti sunt intr-un seeol?
30.1. Adjective cu tenninatia -Jy
- Gradina lui mi-a fost aratata.
- lntr-un mod neghiob/prostesc
- Intr-un mod parintesc
- Intr-un mod prietenos
- dragut, simpatic, frumos
- prost
- parintesc, patern
- prietenos, amabil
- EI mi-a aratat gradina lui.
- lntr-un mod placut/dragut
- Mi-a fost aratata gradina lui.
- Un barbat, care l o c u i e ~ t e pe aceasta strada,
a fost ranit ieri Intr-un accident.
- Un barbat de pe aceasta strada a fost ranit
ieri Intr-un accident.
in a silly manner
in a lovely way
in a fatherly manner
in a friendly way
He showed me his garden.
His garden was shown to me.
In asemenea cazuri participiul prezent detennina substantivul.
30.1.2. Daca vrem sa fonnam un adverb din adjectivul cu terminatia -Iy, nu i se adauga Inca un
sufi x -Jy. In acest caz vom folosi urmatoarele structuri adverbiale:
A man living in this street was
injured in an accident.
A man who lives in this street
was injured in an accident yesterday.
30.1.1. In afara de adjectivele daily, weekly care pot fi folosite ~ i ca adverbe, In limba engleza
sunt ~ i alte adjective a caror tenninatie este -Jy. De exemplu:
Jwas shown his garden.
30.2. Daca verbul are doua complemente (direct ~ i indirect), atunci la diateza pasiva, oricare dintre
ele poate fi subiectul propozitiei:
30.3. In fraza din limba engleza, participiul prezent (In -ing) poate Inlocui propozitia subordonata
A Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
I. She is always doing serious things in a silly manner.
2. We have succeeded in arriving there just in time.
3. Their children were brought to hospital.
4. Factories polluting the environment are very dangerous.
5. They liked her lovely clothes.
6. How could you waste all the money?
B. Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Am sa rna abonez la acest ziar.
2. Intre timp am citit (doua variante)
3. Ne-au vorbit intotdeauna
4. care folosesc multa benzina sunt scumpe.
5. L-am vazut pe acest barbat doar 0 singura data.
6. Ea foarte putin pe saptamana.
C. Corectati din urmatoarele propozitii:
1. He loves me fatherly.
2. These cars were sold a rich man.
3. My father succeeded to mend the tap.
4. The children who playing in the room are too noisy.
5. She has already said it twice times.
, ,
forma I
leap > [It:p]
ring > [rin(gl]
strike> [stralk]
forma a II-a
leapt > [lept]
rang > [rEn'gl]
struck > [strak]
forma a III-a
leapt > [Iept]
rung > [ran(g)]
struck > [strak]
, ,
to appear
to be fast
to be slow
to bury
the day after tomorrow
the day before yesterday
to describe
to dial
to disappear
to fix
> [eiem]
> [a:nsa
> [tll apia']
> [atcmpt]
> l tll bl: fa:st]
> l tll bl: slauJ
> [ba:TTsdel]
>[tu beri]
> [sent"ari]
> [O"a dei a:fta
>[O"a deiblfo:
> [tll diskraib]
>[tll dalal]
> [didJital]
>[tll disapia']
>[ dlsplei]
>[tll fiks]
- absenta, lipsa
- intr-adevar, in realitate
- prescurtare de la antemeridian,
inainte de amiaza
- raspuns
- a aparea, a se a se vedea
- aparitie,
- cum, cum
- incercare, tentativa
- a fila 0 lua inainte (ceasul)
- a fila ramane
in urma (ceasul)
- zi de
- a ingropa, a inmormanta
- secol, veae
- colectie
- poimaine
- alaltaieri
- intarziere, amanare
- a descrie, a prezenta
- a forma un numar
- digital
- a disparea
- etalare, expunere,
- mediu, ambianta
- parintese, patem
- a fixa, a consolida, a prinde
- altadata, odinioara
- doua saptamani
in future
in the meantime
just in time
to leap
to mend
mommg paper
to neglect
one day
plenty of time
to pollute
> [frendli]
> [hEbit]
> [hedlam]
> [histari]
> [in
> [in DZa mi:ntaIlTI]
> [dpst in taim]
> [tu lI:p]
> [lavli]
> [mEna']
> [tu mend]
> [midnalt]
> [mallmant]
> [tll niglekt]
> [nll.n]
> [akeljan]
> [akeIJanali]
> [opa'tm:mti]
> [pa:st]
> [plent1 av talm]
> [pum]
> [tll [lolu:t]
> [prezans]
- prietenesc, amical
- viitor
- obicei, deprindere
- titlll principal (in ziar)
- istorie
- in viitor
- intre timp, pana una alta,
- tocmai la timp
- a sari, a salta
- an bisect
- dragut, simpatic, fmmos
- mod, fel, maniera
- a repara
- miezul noptii
- moment, clipa
- ziar de dimineata
- a neglija
- amiaza, miezul zilei
- numar
- ocaZle
- din cand in cand, uneori
- 0 (singura) data
- intr-o zi
- prilej favorabil
- trecut
- rabdare
- timp destul
- prescurtare de la postmeridian,
dupa amiaza
- a polua
- prezenta
promise > [promis] - promlslune
to ring > [tu
- a suna
season > [si:zn] - anotimp
second hand > [sekand hEnd] - secundar (al ceasului)
second-hand > [sekand hEnd] - uzat, folosit, purtat
sharp > [p:'p] - ascutit, precis, exact
silly > [sili] - prost, neghiob
to strike > [tu straik] - a lovi, a bate
subject > [sabdjikt] - subiect, tema, obiect
to subscribe (to) > [tu sabskraib] - a fi abonat
subscription > - abonament
to succeed (in) > [tu saksi:d] - a a izbuti
trip > [trip] - excUTsie, (scurUi) calatorie
twice > [t"ais] - de doua ori
unless > [anles] - daca nu (cumva), In afara
de cazul cand
wait a minute > ["eit a minit] - putin/o clipa,
ai putina rabdare
to waste > [tu "eist] - a irosi, a pierde (inutil)
way > ["et] - drum, cale, mod
weekday > [
i:kdei] - zi de lucru, zi lucratoare
word > ["a:'d] - cuvant

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