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Timpul The present tense simple

Forma Aff. Neg.

Cum se formeaz S + vb(prima form)


S + dont/doesnt + vb(prima form) Int. Do/Does + s + vb (prima form Ex:I al a!s go to s"hool e#er! da!. Aff. S + to $e + #$%ing The present Neg. S + to $e &negati#' + #$%ing tense "ontinous Int. To $e + s + #$%ing Ex:I am going to the s"hool no . Aff. S + shall/ ill + #$&short inf' The future Neg. S + shant/ ont + #$&sh.inf' tense simple Int. Shall/(ill + S + #$&sh.inf.' Ex: I ill go to m! parents next month. Aff. S + shall/ ill + $e + #$%ing The future Neg. S+shant/ illnt + $e + #$%ing tense "ontinous Int. Shall/ ill + S + $e + #$%ing Ex: The! ill $e at"hing T.*. this time in ee+%end. Aff. S + #$%ed&*, -E./0ATE' The past S + #$&a doua "oloana' tense Neg. S + didnt + sh. Int' simple Int. 1id + S + #$&'



Tomorro ) the da! after tomorro next !ear ) next month.

Exprim o aciune viitoare n desfa urare ntr!un viitor"

Exprim o aciune care s!a desf urat i s!a nc#eiat ntr!un moment trecut precizat &ad#.timp': the da! $efor !esterda!) last !ear.

Ex: I pla!ed foot$all last !ear. Aff. S + as/ er + #$%ing Exprim o aciune The past trecut n desf urare : tense Neg. S + asnt/ erent + #$%ing ))this time !esterda! "ontinous $rat doua aciuni n Int. (as/(ere + #$%ing desf urare simu%tan" Ex: (hile m! $rother as plaing foot$all ) I as listening the radio. Exprim o aciune care Aff. S + had + #$&a%2%a forma'/ed The past a avut %oc i s!a S + #adn&t + vb(a!'!a perfe"t Neg. petrecut naintea unui tense form'/ed a%t timp trecut"



(ad + s + vb(a!'!a form) Ex:I had "ome home $efore m! mother arri#ed from offi"e. Aff. The past perfe"t Neg. tense "ontinous Int. S + had + $een + #$%ing S + hadnt + $een + #$%ing 3ad + s + $een + #$%ing Exprim o aciune care s!a desfsurat continuu pe o perioada de timp i s!a nc#eiat naintea unui a%t timp"

Ex:I had $een riting a letter for 45 minutes. The present perfe"t tense simple Aff. S + #ave/#as + vb(a!'!a form) ))Exprim o aciune ce a avut %oc i s!a nc#eiat ntr!un moment trecut care nu este precizat* rezu%tate%e acestei aciuni se pot #edea 6n pre7ent. +)Exprim o aciune care s!a nc#eiat recent" ')Exprim o aciune trecut care a avut %oc intr!un moment trecut ce face parte dintr!o perioada de timp care nu s!a nc#eiat nc" ,)Se fo%ose te cu adverbe%e de frecven - a%.a/s ) sometime offen . 0)Exprim o aciune care tocmai s!a nc#eiat - 123ust&& 4)5n propoziii%e intero6ative se fo%ose te adverbu% 22a%read/7pentru a arta uimirea vorbitoru%ui"

Neg. S + #aven&t/#asn&t + vb(a!'!a form'/ed Int. (ave/(as + s + vb(a!'!a form)/ed

Ex: 8' 9eople ha#e polueted the planet. 4' I ha#e :ust done m! home or+. 2';! parents ha#e al ais en:oi to "ountr!.

Aff. The present Neg. perfe"t tense Int. "ontinous

S + ha#e/has + $een + #$%ing S + ha#ent/hasnt + $een + #$%ing 3a#e/3as + s + $een + #$%ing

Exprim o aciune care a nceput n trecut i continu n pre7ent.

Ex:The $o!s ha#e $een plaing foot$all for ten minutes.


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