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Conducto !t""n#"$"c, P o$& un"'& d & "n(& )%t& So "n VLASE REZUMAT

Docto %nd, In(& V%*"+, GHEORGHE

Cercetrile efectuate n cadrul aceastei lucrri de doctorat i propun s rspund urmtoarelor obiective: 1. mbuntirea performanelor autovehiculelor prin utili area materialelor noi! 2. "rirea #radului de si#uran pasiv pentru persoanele aflate n autovehicule! $. %cderea preului de producie a structurilor auto. &e fondul necesitii unei resurse sustenabile de materii prime' precum i a problemelor de mediu cau ate de materialele plastice i cele metalice' #reu de#radabile' productori de automobile sunt mereu n cutarea unor noi materiale' n special cele compo ite' cu impact redus asupra mediului' care dup ncheierea ciclului de via s fie uor reciclabile i biode#radabile' care s asi#ure aceleai performane' dar s fie produse ntru(un mod c)t mai ecolo#ic posibil. &roductorii de autovehicule ncep s aib o alt abordare a problemelor din acest ramur industrial din cau a preocuprii continue pentru a de volta autovehicule tot mai performante' mai si#ure' mai prietenoase cu mediul ncon*urtor' dar i la un pre sc ut. +in acest motiv' ntre# procesul de reali are a autovehiculelor' ncep)nd cu fa a de proiectare' testare' fabricare i mer#)nd p)n la fa a de recuperare a produsului dup ieirea din u a acestuia trebuie re#)ndit. "aterialele tradiionale' folosite p)n n pre ent' nu mai pot rspunde n totalitate acestor cerine' motiv pentru care materialele compo ite ncep s nlocuiasc din ce n ce mai mult materialele clasice. n aceast idee' lucrarea conine o vedere de ansamblu asupra materialelor utili ate n mod frecvent n construcia reperelor i structurilor din industria constructoare de autovehicule. ,ucrarea i(a propus s #seasc soluii constructive de utili are ntr(un mod c)t mai eficient a materialelor compo ite existente' n reali area de componente din industria auto' i nu s descopere alte tipuri de materiale compo ite. +up o trecere n revist a domeniilor n care materialele compo ite ncep s fie tot mai folosite' i o clasificare a acestor materiale lucrarea face o anali a proprietilor materialelor compo ite folosite cu precdere la reali area autovehiculelor. Anali a este fcut din punct vedere teoretic i practic. %(au construit' n cadrul lucrrii' c)teva standuri i instalaii cu a*utorul crora s se poat reali a ncercri i probe' at)t pentru epruvetele din materiale compo ite' c)t i pentru reperul auto reali at. &entru epruvete s(au folosit materiale compo ite' reali ate pe plan local i folosite cu precdere n industria rom)neasc. -pruvetele testate au fost reali ate din mai multe tipuri de materiale compo ite din fibr de sticl i din fibr de carbon.

n cadrul lucrrii de doctorat s(a reali at o portier de autoturism din materiale compo ite. &ortiera produs este o portier dreapta fa pentru un autoturism ./ 0olf $' cu cinci ui. &ortiera este compus din dou repere' o fa exterioar reali at din material compo it din fibr de carbon i o ram interioar reali at dintr(un material compo it din fibr de sticl. 1aa exterioar este reali at din rin epoxidic armat cu dou straturi de estur din fibre de carbon i un strat de poliester. 2ama interioar de u este reali at din rin poliesteric armat cu dou straturi de mp)slitur din fibr de sticl 3"A4 din fibre scurte5. 2eperele au fost executate manual' prin mulare liber' n matrie deschise' i polimeri are la temperatura i presiunea mediului ambiant. 6 portier metalic de acelai tip' dar i portiera din materiale compo ite au fost supuse pe stand unor solicitri comparative pentru se putea scoate n eviden avanta*ele i de avanta*ele folosirii acestor materiale n industria constructoare de autovehicule. A-STRACT 4he research 7or8 perfomed 7ithin this doctoral thesis intends to meet the follo7in# ob*ectives: 1. 9mprovin# vehicle performance throu#h the use of ne7 materials! 2. 9ncreasin# passive safet: for motor vehicles occupants! $. 2eduction of production price for automotive structures. Amid the need for sustainable resources of ra7 materials and of environmental problems caused b: plastic and metal materials 7hich are hardl: de#radable' the car manufacturers are al7a:s loo8in# for ne7 materials' particularl: composites 7ith lo7 environmental impact' 7hich at the end of life are easil: rec:clable and biode#radable' providin# the same performance' bein# manufactured in the most environmentall: friendl: 7a:. 4he automotive manufacturers proves to have a ne7 approach on this industrial branch due to the continuous concern for the desi#nin# of safer' more performant and more environmentall: friendl: vehicles' at the lo7est price.4his is the reason for rethin8in# of the 7hole vehicle life c:cle' startin# 7ith desi#nin#' testin#' manufacturin#' up to rec:clin# at the end of life.4he traditional materials 7hich are still used toda: cannot meet all the re;uirements' so composite materials tend to replace the conventional ones. <avin# this idea in mind' the thesis is an overvie7 on the most fre;uentl: used materials in the components and structures of automotive industr:.4he 7or8 intends to find solutions for the efficient use of existent composite materials 7ithin the manufacturin# of automotive components and not to deplo: other t:pe of composites. After a classification and a presentation of the fields in 7hich the composites are used most' the thesis anal:ses theoreticall: and practicall: the properties of composite materials used in automotive en#ineerin#. /ithin the research activities there 7ere desi#ned several test benches b: means of 7hich to be performed tests' both for composite test specimens and for the automotive components. 4he test specimens 7ere made of local manufactured composites used in 2omanian industr:' #lass fibers and carbon fibers. 9n the frame of doctoral thesis a passen#er car door 7as manufactured from composite materials. 4he door is a ri#ht front door of a five(door ./ 0olf $.4he door is made of t7o parts' an outer panel made of carbon fiber and an inner frame made of #lass fiber composite.4he outer panel uses epox: resin reinforced 7ith t7o la:ers of carbon fibers and a la:er of pol:ester.4he inner frame has a pol:ester resin reinforced 7ith t7o la:ers of felted #lass fibers. 4he parts 7ere manuall: produced throu#h free mouldin# in open dies' 7ith pol:merisation at ambient temperature and pressure.A metal door of the same t:pe and several composite doors 7ere comparativel: tested on the bench in order to emphasi e the advanta#es and disadvant#es of the use of composites in the automotive en#ineerin#.

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