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Literatur comparat. Opiunea 1 4 2 1 E Mitul faustic din Renatere n secolul XIX Cursul pleac de la ideea, demonstrat de ctre cercettorii de la Warburg Institute din Londra (Aby Warburg, Frances Yates e tc.), c Renaterea nu a reprezentat, aa cum afirmau umanitii, att o ntoar cere la valorile culturii clasice, ci o redescoperire a disciplinelor oculte ale antichitii. Alturi de teologia cretin (att reformat ct i catolic) i de umanism, al treile a mare domeniu care trebuie luat n considerare pentru a reconstitui profil ul cultural al Renaterii este gndirea esoteric i magic. Astrologia, cabala, alchimia, medicina spagiric, vrjitoria, magia alb au trit o perioad de nflorire extraordinar n se colele XVXVI, prin cuplarea lor cu filosofia neoplatonic i hermetic. Figura lui Faust, magul prin excelen, este expresia acestei reemergene a gndirii oculte. Cursul analizeaz diversele tipologii ale magului faustic, n Crile populare, la C. Marlowe, W. Shakespeare, Caldern de la Barca, Goethe. Bibliografie 1. Shakespeare, Visul unei nopi de var, Furtuna, Macbeth, n Opere complete, Bucureti, Univers, 1982 2. Christopher Marlowe, Teatru (Tamerlan cel Mare, Evreul din Malta, Tragica istorie a doctorului Faust), Univers, 1988 3. Caldern de la Barca, Viaa e vis, Univers, 1981 4. J. W. Goethe, Faust, Univers, 1982 5. Corin Braga, 10 studii de arhetipologie, Dacia, 1999 6. Corin Braga, De la arhetip la anarhetip, Polirom, 2006 7. Alexandru Ciornescu, Barocul sau descoperirea dramei, Dacia, 1980 8. Ioan Petru Culianu, Eros i magie n Renatere. 1484, Nemira, 1994 9. Robert Muchembled, Magia i vrjitoria n Europa din Evul Mediu pn astzi, Humanitas, 1997 10. Wayne Schumaker, tiinele oculte ale Renaterii, Dacia, 2004 11. Vasile Voia, Tentaia limitei i limita tentaiei. Glose la mitul faustic, Dacia, 1997 Comparative Literature Option 1 4 2 1 E The Myth of Faust from Renaissance to the nineteenth century The course is based on the idea demonstrated by the researchers at the Warburg Institute in London (Aby Warburg, Frances Yates, etc.), that the Renaissance was not, as the humanists claimed, mainly a return to the values of classical culture, but a rediscovery of the occult disciplines of the antiquity. Along with Christian theology (both Catholic and Reformed) and humanism, the third important area to be taken into account in order to reconstruct the cultural profile of the Renaissance is the esoteric and magical thinking. Astrology, Kabbalah, alchemy, spagyric medicine, witchcraft, white magic experienced a tremendously blossoming period in the 15th-16th centuries, through their engagement with Neoplatonic and Hermetic philosophy. The Faust figure, that of the magus par excellence, is the expression of this re-emerging occult thinking. The course examines various typologies of the faustian magus in Folklore books, with C. Marlowe, W. Shakespeare, Caldern de la Barca, Goethe. Bibliography 1. Shakespeare, Visul unei nopi de var (A Midsummer Night's Dream), Furtuna (The Tempest), Macbeth, in Opere complete, Bucureti, Univers, 1982 2. Christopher Marlowe, Teatru (Theatre) (Tamerlan cel Mare (Tamburlaine), Evreul din Malta (The Jew of Malta), Tragica istorie a doctorului Faust (Doctor Faustus)), Univers, 1988 3. Caldern de la Barca, Viaa e vis (Life is a Dream), Univers, 1981 4. J. W. Goethe, Faust, Univers, 1982 5. Corin Braga, 10 studii de arhetipologie (10 Studies of Archetypology), Dacia, 1999 6. Corin Braga, 10 studii de arhetipologie (10 Studies of Archetypology), Dacia, 2006 7. Alexandru Ciornescu, Barocul sau descoperirea dramei (Baroque or the Discovery of Drama), Dacia, 1980 8. Ioan Petru Culianu, Eros i magie n Renatere (Eros and Magic in the Renaissance). 1484 , Nemira, 1994 9. Robert Muchembled, Magia i vrjitoria n Europa din Evul Mediu pn astzi (Magic, Ritual and Witchcraft - A History of the Devil from the Middle Ages to the Present), Humanitas, 1997 10. Wayne Schumaker, tiinele oculte ale Renaterii (Occult Sciences in the Renaissance), Dacia, 2004 11. Vasile Voia, Tentaia limitei i limita tentaiei. Glose la mitul faustic (The temptation of limit and the limit of temptation. Glosses over the Faustian Myth), Dacia, 1997


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