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Cum sa efectuati o curatare spirituala a unui spatiu-

partea I

De unde vine aceasta, nu conteaza. Ce este cu
exactitate, nu este important. Ceea ce conteaza
este ca ceva negativ a fost facut si acum atmosfera
din casa sau de la locul de munca nu este ceea ce
obisnuia sa fie.
Ati intrat vreodata intr-un spatiu si imediat ati simtit un sentiment opresiv sau "greu" in atmosfera?
Vizitarea anumitor locuri te-a facut sa te simti deprimat, speriat sau suparat intr-un fel si nu ai gasit nici
o explicatie logica pentru sentimentele tale? Tu sau partenerul tau, sau un alt membru al familiei, ati
intrat vreodata intr-un loc/spatiu si pentru un motiv sau altul ati inceput sa va certati, fara a avea
motiv? Exista o anumita casa in cartierul tau, care pare sa fie in imposibilitatea de a mentine, pentru
mai mult timp, o familie care sa locuiasca in ea? Ati vazut vreodata umbre intunecate, cu coltul
ochiului, si cand te-ai intors ca sa le privesti nu ai gasit nimic acolo? Ai auzit vreodata un membru al
familiei strigandu-te dintr-un capat al casei, cand ei erau in celalat capat (sau nu erau deloc acasa)? Ai
vazut vreodata obiecte miscandu-se? Ai auzit vreodata usi, dulapuri sau sertare trantite inexplicabil?
Ai auzit vreodata sunetul de sticla sparta, ai fugit sa vezi ce a cazut si s-a spart, doar ca sa nu ai gasit
nimic in acel loc? Ai vazut vreodata animale ciudate (caini mari negri sau pisici mari negre) invartindu-
se in jurul proprietatii tale sau in vecinatate? Telefonul tau suna adesea, iar cand te duci sa raspunzi,
nu este nimeni la celelalt capat al firului? Se aprind luminile inexplicabil sau se sting, si nici o problema
electrica nu a vost vreodata determinata?
Daca poti raspunde "da" la doar UNA din aceste intrebari, atunci tocmai ai trecut testul pe care
investigatorii psihici il folosesc pentru a determina daca exista o energie negativa in casa ta. Prin
"negativ" nu ma refer neaparat la "rau", desi poate fi si asa. Prin "negativ" eu indic ceva ce este
nedorit, si care a cauzat sau poate cauza haos in viata ta. Asemenea energii trebuie sa fie curatate,
iar acest articol va va invata exact cum sa intreprindeti propria voastra curatare a casei.
Cand este facuta cu intentia corecta, chiar si voi puteti curata ORICE, din casa sau de la locul de
munca. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti, este sa intrati in starea de a crede ca SUNTETI protejati de catre
Energiile Divine si ca, TU ai puterea de a elibera casa sau afacerea, sau orice altceva, de cauza
sentimentelor neplacute sau probleme. Cel mai important lucru este sa aveti incredere si sa nu aratati
niciodata teama.
De multe ori, daca te duci la un practicant, el iti va spune sa cureti casa presarand sare. Sarea
actioneaza ca o bariera de protectie, care tine energia negativa AFARA, cu toate acestea... daca deja
este ceva NEGATIV in casa, sarea va ajuta la pastrarea sa in interior, ceea ce este ULTIMUL lucru pe
care-l doriti, asa ca nu folositi sare - cel putin la inceput. Sarea vine mai tarziu, odata ce curatarea a
fost finalizata si atmosfera se simte mai bine pentru tine.
Materiale necesare:
Pentru curatarea casei as recomanda sa va luati betisoare parfumate intr-un amestec de tamaie si
smirna. Lucrurile rele urasc acest miros. Tamaia si smirna au fost daruite Copilului Hristos, ca si
daruri, de catre Cei Trei Magi, deoarece, ca si magicieni si astrologi, ei stiau ca Isus va fi intotdeauna
provocat de catre partea intunecata, asa ca el avea nevoie de instrumente puternice pentru a lupta.
Biserica Catolica, inca din timpurile medievale, a folosit tamaia si smirna pebtru a curata cladirea
bisericii inainte de Liturgie. Tamaia si smirna au fost folosite de catre vechii egipteni, deoarece erau
sacre pentru Zeii lor. Combinatia de miros de tamaie si smirna au o istorie, de cel putin 5000 de ani,
de cand au fost folosite la curatarea si lupta impotriva energiilor negative. deci, cand le folositi in casa,
pentru acelasi scop, atrageti energia pozitiva a tot ceea ce a functionat inainte de a folosi tamaia si
Pentru o curatare generala - asta inseamna ca nu aveti probleme evidente sau sentimente stranii in
casa - va puteti plimba prin camere cu betisorul aprins, o data pe luna. Vinerea sau sambata sunt cele
mai bune zile ale saptamanii pentru curatarea spirituala.
Inainte de a incepe, deschideti o fereastra, in fiecare camera a casei. Deschideti toate usile
dulapurilor, vitrinelor, si toate sertarele. Acest lucru ii va da energiei negative ocazia de a iesi afara ,
indata ce curatarea incepe, si o va elimina din toate ascunzatorile. Nu uitati sa deschideti usa de la
cuptorul cu microunde si cuptor, de asemenea!
Luati batisorul parfumat si incepeti de la usa de la intrare sau orice alta usa utilizati ca intrare
principala, pentru membrii familiei. In cazul meu, aceasta ar fi usa de la garaj. Pornind din partea
dreapta a usii, incepeti sa miscati batul si spuneti rugaciunea Sf. Mihail. Sf. Mihail este Arhanghelul
responsabil de a-l scoate afara pe satana (intentionat nu am scris numele cu litera mare) impreuna cu
ingerii cazuti, care s-au razvratit impotriva lui Dzeu. Sf. Mihail este extrem de puternic, si poate invinge
ORICE fel de energie negativa sau entitati. Eu fac apel la el pentru toate curatirile, si am cea mai mare
incredere in el.
Aveti nevoie sa incepeti curatarea pe partea dreapta si imaginati-va camera in care stati, ca un ceas,
chiar daca incaperea nu va fi rotunda. Suprapune mental forma unui cerc pe intreaga incapere. Mergi
constant la STANGA, in timp ce te plimbi pe circumferinta camerei, sau cat mai aproape de pereti,
avand mereu peretele in dreapta. Mergi in directia inversa a acelor de ceasornic. Acest lucru are o
importanta majora. Mersul in sensul contrar acelor de ceasornic este utilizat pentru a alunga energia
negativa. In magie, amestecarea sau aprinderea candeleor/lumanarilor in sensul invers acelor de
ceasornic, este metoda utilizata pentru alungarea sau indepartarea energiei negative. Deci, amintiti-va
sa mergeti in mod constant in sens invers acelor de ceasornic si sa incepeti pe partea drepata a casei.
Parcurgeti perimetrul fiecarei camere in sens invers acelor de ceasornic, in timp ce miscati batisorul
parfumat, si repetati rugaciunea Sf. Mihail de cel putin trei ori in fiecare camera. Asigurati-va ca
imprastiati un val de tamaie in jurul zidurilor de la dulapuri, si sub paturi si alte piese mari de mobilier.
Cand ati terminat cu prima camera, iesiti EXACT cum ati intrat, chiar daca incaperea are doua usi.
Apoi continuati curatirea cu incaperea urmatoare si amintiti-va ca in mod constant sa va miscati in
sens invers acelor de ceasornic, in fiecare camera, si peste tot prin casa va veti misca din camera in
camera tot in sens invers acelor de ceasornic. Cand ati terminat, ajungeti la usa de la care ati pornit.
Deschideti usa si spuneti, "In numele lui (Isus Hristos, Isis, sau Oricine credeti ca este Puterea voastra
Inalta), poruncesc ca toate energiile negative si tot raul sa plece din aceasta casa si le spun bun venit
Luminii Albe si Binecuvantarilor de Sus. Si dupa cum e voia mea, fir de praf sa fie!" Apoi, curatarea ta
este completa.
In timp ce va plimbati prin casa, asigurandu-va ca miscati betisorul parfumat in toate camerele,
dulapurile, faceti semnul stelei cu cinci colturi pe fiecare fereastra si usa exterioara. Steaua cu 5 colturi
a fost simbolul sacru daruit Regelui Solomon de catre Arhanghelul Rafael. Aceasta este un simbol
puternic de Protectie si este adesea utilizat in curatari si izgoniri. Pentru a face steaua cu 5 colturi,
desenati-o in acest fel, doar pentru curatare:
........ 2


Din coltul stanga jos (1) pana la varful stelei (2), in jos la coltul din partea dreapta (3), in sus la coltul
stanga sus (4), drept pana la coltul dreapta sus (5), si inapoi in jos la coltul stang (1).
Cam asa ar fi. Acesta este semnul pentagramei de izgonire si el va servi la a incepe sa ii dati acestei
energii un preaviz ca va trebui sa-si gaseasca un alt loc, in care sa stea. Acest lucru ar trebui sa
contribuie, de asemenea, la atenuarea problemelor tale actuale.

How to Perform a Spiritual Cleansing
Nefer Khepri Hemet, Ph. D,. R. M-T.
Magickal-Musings Nefer Khepri Hemet

Create Your Badge
Where it came from doesn't matter. What exactly it is isn't important. What
matters is something negative was done and now the atmosphere of your
home or place of business is not what it used to be.
Have you ever walked into a place and immediately felt that it had an
oppressive or "heavy" feeling atmosphere to it? Has visiting certain places
made you feel depressed, frightened, or upset in any way and you cannot find
a logical explanation for your feelings? Have you and your Loved One or other
family members ever entered a place and for some reason you all start arguing
for no good reason? Is there a certain house in your neighborhood that
seems to be unable to keep a family living there for long? Have you ever seen
dark shadows out of the corner of your eye only to suddenly turn to face them
and find nothing there? Have you ever heard a family member calling you from
one end of the house when they were at the other end (or not even home at
all?)? Have you ever seen objects move? Ever hear doors, cabinets, or
drawers inexplicably slam shut? Have you ever heard the sound of shattering
glass, have run to see what fell and broke only to find nothing there at
all? Have you ever seen any strange animals (like large black dogs or large
black cats) hanging around your property or in the neighborhood? Does your
phone ring often and when you go to answer no one is ever on the line? Do
lights inexplicably turn on and off and no electrical problem has ever been
If you can answer "yes" to just ONE of these questions, then you've just
passed the test that psychic investigators use to determine if there is a
negative energy in your home. By "negative" I don't necessarily mean "evil,"
although it can be that. By "negative" I am indicating something that is
undesired, unwanted, and that has or can cause chaos in your life. Such
energy needs to be cleansed out and this article will teach you exactly how to
undertake your own house cleansing.
Spiritual house cleansings were a big part of my business. I have cleansed
homes of general negative energy left behind by arguments and extremely sad
or emotionally charged times. I have cleansed homes of restless spirits. I have
even cleansed two homes of demonic presences.
When done with the right intention you too can cleanse ANYTHING out of your
home or place of business. All you need to do is go into the situation believing
that you ARE protected by Divine Energies and that YOU have the POWER to
rid your home or business of whatever is there that is causing bad feelings or
problems. The important thing is the have faith and never show any fear.
Often, if you go to a practitioner they will tell you to cleanse a home you
sprinkle salt. Salt acts as a protective barrier to keep negative energy OUT,
however ... should there be anything negative IN your home already the salt will
serve to keep it in, which is the LAST thing you want, so don't use any salt ~
not at first, anyway. Salt comes later once your cleansing has been completed
and the atmosphere feels better to you.
Materials are very basic and are easy to come by. Also included is a recipe to
make your own Blessing Water to be used for the cleansing (please see below).

For house cleansing I would recommend getting incense sticks in a
frankincense and myrrh blend. Evil things (should there be any present) hate
that smell. Frankincense and Myrrh were given to the Christ Child as gifts by
the Three Magi because as magicians & astrologers they knew that Jesus
would be forever challenged by the dark side so he would need strong tools to
fight back. The Catholic Church has at least since medieval times used
frankincense and myrrh to cleanse the church building prior to each
Mass. Frankincense and myrrh was used by the ancient Egyptians as it is
sacred to the Egyptian Gods. The scent combination of frankincense and
myrrh has at least a 5,000 year-old history of being used to cleanse and fight
negative energy. So when you use it in your home for the same purpose you
draw upon the positive Energy of all that has gone on before you when
frankincense and myrrh have been used.
For a general cleansing - meaning you have no obvious problems or weird
feelings in the house - you can walk through the rooms with your incense stick
once a month. Fridays or Saturdays are the best days of the week for spiritual
Prior to beginning open a window in each room of the house. Open all cabinet
doors, all closet doors, and all desk and dresser drawers. This will give the
negative energy a chance to get out once the cleansing commences and will
also remove all of its hiding places. Don't forget to open your microwave and
oven doors, too!
Take the stick of incense and begin at your front door or whatever door you
use as the main entrance for family members. In my case, this would be my
garage door. Beginning on the right-hand side of the door begin to wave the
incense and begin with the Prayer to St. Michael (see below). St. Michael the
Archangel is the one responsible for driving out satan (I intentionally do not
capitalize his name) after his and his soon-to-be fallen angels rebelled against
God. St. Michael is extremely powerful, protective, and he can overcome ANY
kind of negative energy or entity. I call upon him for all my cleansings and
have the utmost faith in him.
You need to begin your cleansing on the right and imagine the room you're in
as the face of a clock, even though the room will not be round. Mentally
superimpose the shape of a circle over the entire room. Walk consistently to
the RIGHT as you walk the circumference of the room, or as close to the walls as
you can get. Walk in a counterclockwise direction. This is of critical
importance. Walking counterclockwise is the direction used in order to drive
negative energy out. In magick stirring counterclockwise or lighting candles in
a counterclockwise formation is the method used for banishing or sending
undesired energy away. So remember to consistently walk counterclockwise
and start on the right-hand side of the house. Walk the perimeter of each room
counterclockwise as you wave the incense stick and repeat the prayer to St.
Michael at least three times per room. Be sure to wave the incense around the
walls of the closets, too, and under beds and other large pieces of furniture.
When done with the first room exit the SAME way you entered, even if the room
has 2 doors. Then continue the cleansing with the next room and remember to
consistently move counterclockwise in each room and overall through your
home you will be moving from room to room in a counterclockwise
manner. When finished you end at the door at which you started. Open the
door and say, "In the Name of (Jesus Christ, Isis, Whomever you see as your
Higher Power), I command that all negative energy and all evil be gone from
this house as I welcome in White Light and Blessings from Above. And as my
will, so mote it be!" Then your cleansing is complete.
As you walk through your home with it making sure to wave the incense stick
in all rooms, closets, make the sign of the 5-pointed star over each window
and exterior doorway. The 5-pointed star was a sacred Symbol given to King
Solomon by the Archangel Raphael. It is a powerful symbol of Protection and
is often used in cleansings and banishings. To make the 5-pointed star draw it
in this manner for a cleansing only:
Lower left-hand corner to top of star, down to lower right-hand corner, up and
over to upper left-hand corner, straight across to upper right-hand corner, and
back down to lower left-hand corner.


4 5

1 3

Like so. That is the sign of the banishing pentagram and it will serve to start
putting this energy on notice that it is going to have to find a new place to hang
out. This should also help to alleviate your current problems.

Should you be feeling a negative energy in your home or your household
suffers from any of the symptoms that began this article, then you will want to
double your efforts to cleanse the energy out and I suggest you use my
Magickal Musings Cleansing Spirits mixture. This can be made in a number of
ways and the method you use will be dictated by the raw materials you have
available in your area.
The ORANGE WATER mixture is very easy and all you need is access to 7
fresh oranges and spring or filtered water. Never use water from the sink or
tap as that has pollutants in it, no matter what we're told. That water is not
suitable for house cleansings or blessings.
Here is the recipe for ORANGE WATER:
Materials: Spring Water (enough to sprinkle in and around your
entire home)
The Rinds of 7 oranges

Timing: Any time you feel the need, but best done on Fridays
and Saturdays or any day during the Waning Moon cycle (from
Full to the day before the New Moon).

Repetition: As often as needed, until the atmosphere of your
home or business feels better to you.

Soak the rinds in the water overnight and keep it in the

The next day when you are ready to perform your cleansing, take
it out and hold both hands over the water with your palms facing
downward and say the following:

"Orange and Water by casting Thee,
Allow no spook nor spirit to stay
Not night nor during the day.
Let no spell nor unknown purpose be,
Except in true accord with me,
And as my Will so mote it be."

Say that 9 times as you hold your palms over the water and
imagine Energy entering through the top of your head and
entering the water through your hands. That prayer was written by
Al G. Manning and can be found in his book, Helping Yourself with
White Witchcraft. This was the first book I ever read on witchcraft
and it helped me tremendously. I highly recommend it.

You need to begin sprinkling the water beginning at your front
door and move counterclockwise around the perimeter of your
home. Then start again at the front door and move
counterclockwise through that room and counterclockwise through
each room, remembering to sprinkle the closets and cupboards
too, anywhere evil can hide. Be sure to sprinkle under the beds
and up in the corners of the rooms at the ceiling level. That is a
prime place where negative energy likes to hide.

You may wish to put your mixture into a spray bottle. That's a lot
easier than flicking the water around with your fingers. Do be
careful of your furniture. Orange is a bit corrosive and can
probably harm antiques and other fine furniture. Just a few drops
are fine. You don't need to soak the walls. I usually will spray a
bit along the floorboards and then up into the corners of the
ceiling. Negative energy likes to congregate in corners up high
where it can remain unnoticed.

When done, dump any remaining water and orange peels on the
ground outside and give thanks.


You may wish to add a drop or rose oil to the mixture. Be sure if
using any oils that you stir very well as oil and water do not mix.

Other oils that are good for cleansings include:
* frankincense & myrrh
* sandalwood
* jasmine


In addition to the above or on its own with the orange rinds you
may want to add 3 whole bay leaves. Bay is a strong cleanser
and purifier and has been used in cleansing and banishing magick
for centuries.

Magickal-Musings' Super-Strength Cleansing and Blessing

This is the same mixture I use in my own home. Due to the
nature of my work I have to do house cleansings on a weekly
basis. Over the years I have perfected a mixture that I use and I
am sharing it with the world for the first time. You will need to
procure the following items. They can be easily found in a
Hispanic shop around here (Texas). In your area you may have
to hunt for them. They are also available on the Internet at such
sites as Whispered Prayers.

The items you will need are as follows:
Florida Water
Orange Water (you can either purchase this or make it on your own, I suggest
making it as it will be more powerful)
Rose Water
Obtain a brand new spray bottle from Wal-Mart or wherever, but it must be NEW and
never have held any other liquid, so please don't think you can recycle something.
Make a mixture in the following proportions: these waters are available via the
internet if you can't find them locally:
3 Parts Florida Water
2 Parts Orange Water
1 Part Rose Water
The "part" is based upon whatever unit of measurement you want to use. Base that
on how big your spray bottle is. You can always store the extra in a dark dry place
and if capped tightly so the alcohol doesn't evaporate this mix will keep indefinitely.
Say the Prayer to St. Michael while holding the mixture in the spray bottle. Say a
Novena (repeat 9 times) and ask him to cleanse your home. Follow his prayer with
the Orange Blessing, as noted here:
St. Michael the Archangel,
Defend us in our battles
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil,
May God rebuke him, we pray.
And do Thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell satan and all evil forces
who wander the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Repeat that prayer 9 times while holding your hands palms downward over your
mixture. Imagine positive energy entering you from the top of your head and moving
down through your body to your hands and out into the water. You are becoming a
Channel for the Universal Life Force when you do this.
Next, say the Orange Water Blessing, also repeat 9 times with your palms facing
downward over the water and you direct positive energy into your mixture:
"Orange and Water by casting Thee,
Allow no spook nor spirit to stay
Not night nor during the day.
Let no spell nor unknown purpose be,
Except in true accord with me,
And as my Will so mote it be."

Then starting at the front door begin spraying the floorboards (including of the
closets) and the upper corners of each room (and closet). This is where negative
energy likes to hide. Do this in a COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction in each room and
also moving throughout your house in a counterclockwise direction. To do so, just be
sure you are constantly moving toward your right. That's the easy way to be sure
you're always moving counterclockwise no matter what room or part of the house
you're cleansing.
Remember to open a window in each room and open all closets, drawers, and
cabinets. Don't forget your kitchen appliances.
As you spray the mixture keep repeating the prayer to Michael and you may want to
add, "In the Name of Jesus Christ (or whatever aspect of Divinity you are most
comfortable with) I demand that all negative energy depart." This will then leave the
good in place as you're not telling that to leave.

Once the Negative Energy is Gone, Now What?
This is very important. Whenever you perform a spiritual cleaning once the negativity
is gone you have created a vacuum. There is an empty space where the negativity
was once located. If you just leave it alone then any kind of energy floating around
will take up residence there and you may end up in a worse situation than before. In
order to avoid this, once your cleansing is done you may go back with whatever
remaining blessing water you have, or use a fresh stick of incense. What you will
now do is a House Blessing.
This is much easier than a cleansing. You go through each room in a clockwise
direction, so now you're moving constantly to your left and you also move through
your entire home room to room going constantly to the left until you end up where
you began. Simply wave the incense around or sprinkle a bit of the blessing water
and ask St. Michael to come with the heavenly host and fill your home with positive
blessings. You can, and should, ask for specific things. What I normally ask for
are: good health, happiness, peace & harmony, spiritual protection, love, and
prosperity. Your list may be different, and that's fine. When you ask for specific
blessings you're not only blessing your home but you are bringing in very particular
energies that will help your desires manifest.
That's it. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I
hope this article has helped.

Em Hotep (In Peace),
Nefer Khepri Hemet

Power Enchantments

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