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Virtuos 1

Personalitate “Virtuos”
Am vrut să trăiesc viața, o viață diferită. Nu am vrut să mă duc în același loc în fiecare zi, să văd
aceiași oameni și să fac același lucru. Am dorit provocări interesante.
Virtuoșii preferă să exploreze cu mâinile și ochii lor, să atingă și să examineze lumea din jurul lor în
mod rațional și cu o curiozitate ageră. Persoanele cu acest tip de personalitate sunt Făuritori naturali,
trecând de la un proiect la altul, construind lucruri utile și altele distractive doar pentru amuzamentul
lor, învățând pe parcurs lucruri noi din aceasta. Deseori mecanici și ingineri, Virtuoșii nu au o bucurie
mai mare decât să își murdărească mâinile dezmembrând și asamblând lucruri, făcându-le un pic mai
bune decât erau inițial.

Virtuoșii explorează idei prin creație, depanare, învățări din erori și experiențe personale. Acestor
personalități le place când văd că alți oameni sunt interesați de proiectele lor și câteodată nici nu sunt
deranjați dacă aceștia le invadează spațiul. Desigur, cu condiția ca aceștia să nu încalce principiile și
libertatea Virtuoșilor și să accepte ca Virtuoșii să facă același lucru.
Virtuoșilor le place să întindă o mână de ajutor și să își împărtășească experiența, în special cu
oameni la care țin, dar este păcat că sunt atât de puțini, alcătuind doar cinci procente din populație.
Femeile cu acest tip de personalitate sunt în special rare, iar rolurile tipice bazate pe sex atribuite de
societate vor fi nepotrivite pentru ele – deseori vor fi văzute drept băiețoase de la o vârstă fragedă.
Îndrăznește să fii diferit
În timp ce natura lor retrasă și înclinațiile lor spre lucruri practice îi pot face să pară persoane simple
la prima vedere, Virtuoșii sunt de fapt ființe destul de enigmatice. Prietenoși, dar foarte discreți,
calmi, dar cu izbucniri de spontaneitate, extrem de curioși, dar incapabili să se concentreze pe studii
formale, Virtuoșii sunt greu de descifrat, chiar și de prietenii lor și de cei dragi. Virtuoșii pot părea
foarte loiali și stabili pentru o perioadă, dar tind să depoziteze multă energie impulsivă care
explodează fără avertisment, purtându-le interesele în direcții complet noi.
Aceasta nu este însă un soi de căutare vizionară, Virtuoșii explorând doar viabilitatea unui interes
nou atunci când fac aceste schimbări bruște.
Deciziile Virtuoșilor provin dintr-un simț al realității practice, inimile lor au un simț puternic al
corectitudinii, o atitudine de genul „tratează-i pe ceilalți la fel cum ai vrea să fii tratat tu”, ceea ce
explică multe dintre trăsăturile enigmatice ale Virtuoșilor. Totuși, în loc să fie foarte precauți, evitând
să îi calce pe alții pe bătături pentru a nu fi călcați la rândul lor, persoanele cu tipul de personalitate
Virtuos tind să meargă prea departe, acceptând represaliile corecte sau incorecte ca fiind fair play.
Cea mai mare problemă pe care Virtuoșii s-ar putea să o înfrunte este aceea că acționează prematur,
considerându-și firea permisivă a fi ceva natural și presupunând că ceilalți sunt la fel. Ei vor fi primii
care vor spune o glumă lipsită de tact, se vor implica prea mult în proiectul altcuiva, se vor ține de
șotii sau își vor schimba planurile brusc pentru că a apărut ceva mai interesant.
Nimic nu este mai plictisitor decât ca toată lumea să fie de acord cu tine
Virtuoșii vor descoperi că multe alte tipuri de personalități au linii mult mai clar trasate decât au ei,
atunci când vine vorba de reguli și comportament acceptabil – personalitățile mai sensibile deseori nu
vor să audă glume lipsite de tact și, cu siguranță, nu vor spune una, și nu vor vrea să participe la
șotiile lor, chiar și cu un partener doritor. Dacă o situație este deja tensionată, încălcarea acestor
granițe se poate întoarce violent împotriva lor.
Virtuoșii au o anumită dificultate în a prezice emoții, dar aceasta este doar o extensie naturală a
corectitudinii lor, ținând cont de cât de dificil este să descifrezi emoțiile și motivațiile lor. Cu toate
acestea, tendința lor de a explora relațiile mai degrabă prin acțiuni, decât prin empatie, poate conduce
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la niște situații frustrante. Persoanele cu tipul de personalitate Virtuos se luptă cu limitele și regulile,
preferând libertatea de mișcare și opțiunea de a colora în afara liniilor, dacă simt că de asta au nevoie.
Găsirea unui mediu în care pot munci alături de prieteni buni care le înțeleg stilul și
impredictibilitatea, combinându-și creativitatea, simțul umorului și abordarea practică pentru a
construi soluții și lucruri utile le va oferi Virtuoșilor mulți ani fericiți dedicați construirii de soluții
folositoare – și admirării acestora din exterior.
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Strengths & Weaknesses

Virtuoso Strengths

 Optimistic and Energetic – Virtuosos are usually up to their elbows in some project or other.
Cheerful and good-natured, people with the Virtuoso personality type (especially Assertive
ones) rarely get stressed out, preferring to go with the flow.
 Creative and Practical – Virtuosos are very imaginative when it comes to practical things,
mechanics, and crafts. Novel ideas come easily, and they love using their hands to put them
into action.
 Spontaneous and Rational – Combining spontaneity with logic, Virtuosos can switch
mindsets to fit new situations with little effort, making them flexible and versatile individuals.
 Know How to Prioritize – This flexibility comes with some unpredictability, but Virtuoso
personalities are able to store their spontaneity for a rainy day, releasing their energy just
when it’s needed most.
 Great in a Crisis – With all this hands-on creativity and spontaneity, it’s no wonder that
Virtuosos are naturals in crisis situations. People with this personality type usually enjoy a
little physical risk, and they aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty when the situation calls for it.
 Relaxed – Through all this, Virtuosos are able to stay quite relaxed. They live in the moment
and go with the flow, refusing to worry too much about the future.
Virtuoso Weaknesses

 Stubborn – As easily as Virtuosos go with the flow, they can also ignore it entirely, and
usually move in another direction with little apology or sensitivity. If someone tries to change
Virtuosos’ habits, lifestyle or ideas through criticism, they can become quite blunt in their
 Insensitive – Virtuosos use logic, and even when they try to meet others halfway with
empathy and emotional sensitivity, it rarely seems to quite come out right, if anything is even
said at all.
 Private and Reserved – Virtuoso personalities are notoriously difficult to get to know. They
are true introverts, keeping their personal matters to themselves, and often just prefer silence
to small talk.
 Easily Bored – Virtuosos enjoy novelty, which makes them excellent tinkerers, but much less
reliable when it comes to focusing on things long-term. Once something is understood,
Virtuosos tend to simply move on to something new and more interesting.
 Dislike Commitment – Long-term commitments are particularly onerous for Virtuosos. They
prefer to take things day-by-day, and the feeling of being locked into something for a long
time is downright oppressive. This can be a particular challenge in Virtuosos’ romantic
 Risky Behavior – This stubbornness, difficulty with others’ emotions, focus on the moment,
and easy boredom can lead to unnecessary and unhelpful boundary-pushing, just for fun.
Virtuosos have been known to escalate conflict and danger just to see where it goes,
something that can have disastrous consequences for everyone around if they lose control of
the situation.
 Romantic Relationships
 When it comes to romantic relationships with Virtuosos, it’s a bit like nailing Jell-O to a tree.
Dating Virtuoso personalities is a tango, complex and interesting, with alternating coldness
and detachment, and passion, spontaneity and enjoyment of the moment. Nothing can be
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forced in Virtuoso relationships, but so long as they are given the space they need to be
themselves, they will gladly enjoy the comforts of a steady partner for a lifetime.

 If Songs Could Change Lives, We’d All Love Each Other
 Early in dating, people with the Virtuoso personality type can be especially flighty – they live
in the present, always looking for new activities and experiences. If a potential partner doesn’t
measure up, Virtuosos have no real problem walking away. Virtuosos also need a great deal of
personal space, both physically and mentally, and any attempts to control them or forcibly
schedule their activities only accelerates their departure.
 On the other hand, Virtuosos have no problem trying to change their partners’ habits, most
likely with attempts to get them to loosen up a bit and relax and have fun. Virtuoso
personalities are hardly strict or traditional when it comes to dating, and often try to introduce
sex into their activities early on. Sensual individuals that they are, Virtuosos make ready use
of all of their senses, viewing intimacy as an art, a performance, and a source of pleasure.
 As their relationships progress, Virtuosos’ partners tend to find that intimacy is about the
closest they get to open emotional expression. It’s not that Virtuosos don’t have feelings –
they actually run quite deep and strong – just that they conceal and protect them because they
are unsure how to deal with them and express them. Virtuosos have no trouble leaving
something they think is mutually understood unsaid.
 This applies in a broader sense in Virtuosos’ relationships as well. Any attempts to push
understood arrangements, even the relationships themselves, into open discussion in order to
secure commitment, especially early on, are often met by Virtuosos with something close to
panic. Nothing is so acutely terrifying to Virtuosos as knowing that there’s no way out. Every
day is a new day, and Virtuosos review their obligations from moment to moment.
 If Virtuosos are to be lifelong partners, it must happen as a natural progression of these day-
to-day decisions, on their own time.
 None of this should be taken too personally by Virtuosos’ partners – it’s just how their minds
work. People with this personality type live in the present, in a world of physical activities
that engage the senses, and they just need to know that they have the freedom to be passionate
about something one day and indifferent the next, without being grilled on when they’re going
to finish something, or why they’ve “suddenly changed their minds”.
 At the same time, being a little more expressive and a little more comfortable with the idea of
consistency and follow-through can go a long way in rounding out the Virtuoso personality
type. The best partners usually share Virtuosos’ Observant (S) trait, that interest in what the
world is here and now, with one or two opposing traits to help them to explore a world that
also involves other people and others’ expectations.
 Friendships
 When it comes to friendships, Virtuosos seem made for Bushnell’s Law of game design: Easy
to learn, difficult to master. With their well-rounded and interesting array of hobbies, people
with the Virtuoso personality type have no trouble at all making acquaintances to share their
activities with. It’s getting beneath the surface to become Virtuosos’ true friends that is the
real challenge, leaving them with a lot of good will and friendly faces to call on, but only a
few people who they feel truly understand them.

 Maybe... But Not Today
 A lot of this comes down to Virtuosos simply not wanting to be bound to any particular
person or activity. Virtuoso personalities live in the present, enjoying whatever life brings,
and feel no real obligation to shift course on account of others’ plans. If friends don’t want to
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do what Virtuosos are doing, then they are free to go do their own thing, and they’ll hang out
some other time. Sometimes their shifts in attitude can catch their friends flat-footed, but
Virtuosos’ motto remains “everything can be changed”. Forcing them to constantly commit to
scheduled activities is probably the quickest way to end these friendships.
 As long as everyone keeps things relaxed and flexible though, Virtuosos’ friendships can be
rich and rewarding. People with this personality type are talented when it comes to using their
senses, and usually enjoy a little competition. This makes Virtuosos’ hobbies, especially the
more physical activities like fishing and crafts, especially enjoyable with a little company, and
they are usually the basis for their friendships. Virtuosos’ interests are pretty diverse, so they
should have no trouble coming up with exciting things to do.
 Virtuoso personalities are also thoughtful, rational people. Being fairly creative individuals
themselves, they often enjoy discussing new ideas – but in the end, the point of sharing those
ideas needs to be to take action. Dreaming is well and good, but talk is cheap, and discussions
on abstract or distant subjects like Eurasian politics can only hold Virtuosos’ attention for so
long before they decide to shift their focus to something they can do.
 This makes friendships with Intuitive (N) types, who have a much less physical approach to
life, challenging for Virtuosos to maintain. With their enjoyment of firsthand experience,
these personalities just feel more comfortable alongside other personality types with the
Observant (S) trait. So long as they share a hobby, philosophical differences and contrasting
world views really don’t matter too much – it’s what people do that matters to Virtuosos.
 I Never Set Out to Be Weird, and yet...
 Virtuosos are unusually popular, almost in spite of themselves. Their open-mindedness,
interesting hobbies and relaxed attitude are attractive to a remarkably broad range of
personality types. With so many acquaintances, Virtuosos are sure to strike up deeper
friendships with at least a few.
 Parenthood
 When it comes to parenting, Virtuosos give their children more freedom and opportunity to do
whatever they want, within sensible limits of course, than any other personality type. It’s a big
world out there, meant to be explored and experienced. Nothing is quite as perplexing to
Virtuoso parents as their children sitting inside and watching television all day. Relaxed,
open-minded and flexible, Virtuoso personalities expect their children to use their freedom
wisely – that is, to exploit it in the name of exploration and experience.

 The World Is Your Oyster
 Early in life, this attitude is tremendously beneficial for Virtuosos’ children. At this age, every
little thing is a miracle, to be explored with every sense. Blocks don’t just have distinct colors
and shapes, but smells and tastes too, and this sort of sensory exploration is right up
Virtuosos’ alley. As their children learn their motor skills, people with the Virtuoso
personality type are happy to stack those blocks right along with them. As their children grow
and develop more complex abilities, Virtuosos find joy in showing them how to use real tools
to build real things.
 If Virtuosos’ growing children share their basic qualities of spontaneity and passion for
physical activities, they are happy to accompany them on just about any activity, be it sports,
hiking or hobby engineering. None of this is anything that gets forced on their children
though. Virtuosos see little need in imparting their principles and interests on their children,
instead just enjoying that their children enjoy doing things.
 Ensuring that Virtuosos’ children are responsible enough to not do anything life-alteringly
reckless in their teenage years, though, often falls to luck or (with luck) a more security-
oriented partner.
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 Where Virtuoso parents struggle most, as with their other relationships, is in emotional
bonding. Emotional control is something that children learn and adapt to over years, and
comparatively unemotional Virtuosos are often left at a loss for what to do in the meantime.
Virtuosos may just need to rely on a more able partner. Otherwise, it takes a great deal of
conscious effort on their part to be able to provide the sort of emotional understanding and
support their children need.
 Career Paths
 The Virtuoso personality type is probably the hardest to pin down in many aspects of life, but
especially in their careers. Virtuosos thrive on diversity and unpredictability, on wondering
“what’s next?” every morning. This makes Virtuosos one of the most mysterious personality
types, but also one of the most versatile in the professional world.
 Virtuosos are born problem-solvers with an unwavering focus on practical solutions (though
perhaps not always solutions to practical problems). No other type is quite as fascinated by
how things work, how tools can be used, and how facts can be put together to create
immediate and satisfying results. This combination of curiosity and hands-on vigor make
people with the Virtuoso personality type excellent mechanics, engineers, graphic designers,
and forensic scientists.

 Abstract theory and purely academic work that will never see the light of real use hold little
interest for Virtuosos.
 “Practical” is the word of the day. But it’s not the practicality of routine administration that
Virtuosos crave – they need variety and action, perhaps even a little adrenaline in their work.
Highly structured environments leave Virtuoso personalities bored and tired. Jobs that focus
on crisis response, such as firefighters, paramedics, detectives, pilots and police officers seem
made for Virtuosos.
 Perhaps most important to Virtuosos though, is the feeling that they aren’t stuck. The freedom
to wander, the freedom to declare their own schedules, their own responsibilities, their own
environments – nearly every other consideration pales by comparison to the need to avoid
inflexible commitments and stodgy colleagues. While this can be a significant hurdle to
overcome in traditional employment, it is the chiefest allure of entrepreneurship.
 Do Whatever Makes Your Heart Sing
 Nearly any creative or constructive skill or interest can be offered on a freelance basis or on a
business-owner’s own terms, be it blogger, systems analyst, athlete or driver. Virtuosos need
to face down their weak long-term planning abilities and preference for instant results in order
to make this path work, but livelihoods can be made selling bits and crafts in their free time.
It’s also possible to find more traditional work to satisfy these needs, and forest ranger is a
sought-after line of work for many Virtuosos.
 Virtuosos have a natural skill with troubleshooting, a relaxed, self-confident nature and a
results-oriented focus. People with this personality type understand that risk equals reward,
and as long as they can use that understanding with maturity, rather than just kicking the ant’s
nest whenever they get bored, they are highly desirable in any dynamic field or environment.
 Workplace Habits
 When it comes to the workplace, Virtuosos’ top requirement is often a sense of
unpredictability and excitement. This quality makes Virtuoso personalities’ personal
relationships challenging enough, even among close friends and immediate family – for those
they’ve only come to know in a professional environment, it can be downright frustrating.
 Of course, this all comes down to knowing what makes them tick. With a little space and a
hands-on problem to solve, Virtuosos can be some of the most productive people around. As
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with anyone, forcing people with the Virtuoso personality type into a mold that doesn’t fit just
doesn’t work. Recognizing their unique perspective and gifts can lead to extraordinary results.

 Virtuoso Subordinates
 As subordinates, what Virtuosos crave most is a little wiggle room. Relaxed and easy-going,
people with the Virtuoso personality type are happy to stick around with surprising loyalty, as
long as their employers and managers don’t try to force them to commit to anything that can’t
be undone the next day. Strict rules, guidelines and formal agreements make Virtuosos feel
cramped and bored. If their habits or methods come under criticism or are forced to change,
Virtuosos can also be surprisingly mulish.
 Something that’s likely to make Virtuosos’ day is a random list of things that need to be fixed
or dealt with. Virtuoso personalities have a talent for conserving their energy for just such an
occasion, and can tackle such a laundry list with surprising enthusiasm. Their tasks do need to
be hands-on though – if the items all start with “Come up with a strategy to...”, it’s probably
better to find an Analyst type.
 Virtuoso Colleagues
 Virtuosos are often much more liked by their colleagues than they would expect. Quiet and
reserved, people with this personality type usually need a little physical space, but at the same
time enjoy peeking in on others’ work to see if there’s anything interesting going on. Not
naturally emotional or empathetic, Virtuosos have a blunt way of communicating that can lead
to misunderstandings or hurt feelings.
 Yet, Virtuosos combine this rationalism and reserve with a sense of spontaneity that, among
other things, creates a lighthearted sense of “do unto others” fairness. Turnabout is always fair
play, and the odd prank, and the retaliation, are usually enjoyed by all. Virtuosos have a great
sense of humor, if sometimes a little risqué, and are not only resistant to workplace conflicts,
but are great at defusing them with a well-placed joke that puts it all into perspective.
 Virtuoso Managers
 Virtuoso managers treat their subordinates as they’d like to be treated: with minimal talking
and loose boundaries. Virtuosos aren’t big on chattiness or emotional expression, and more
sensitive types may see them as cold and distant – effusive praise and back-slapping just isn’t
in Virtuosos’ nature. In fact, there isn’t likely to be a lot of feedback at all from Virtuoso
managers, good or bad. But when problems do arise, they are great listeners who devise
practical, fair, and impartial solutions.
 Conclusion
 Few personality types are as bold and practical as Virtuosos. Known for their technical
mastery and willingness to improvise, Virtuosos are good at finding unique solutions to
seemingly impossible challenges. Virtuosos’ desire to explore and learn new things is
invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth.

 Yet Virtuosos can be easily tripped up in areas where their focus on practical matters is more
of a liability than an asset. Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, reaching dazzling
heights on the career ladder, or learning to plan ahead, Virtuosos need to put in a conscious
effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills.
 What you have read so far is just an introduction into the complex concept that is the Virtuoso
personality type. You may have muttered to yourself, “wow, this is so accurate it’s a little
creepy” or “finally, someone understands me!” You may have even asked “how do they know
more about me than the people I’m closest to?”
Virtuos 8

 This is not a trick. You felt understood because you were. We’ve studied how Virtuosos think
and what they need to reach their full potential. And no, we did not spy on you – many of the
challenges you’ve faced and will face in the future have been overcome by other Virtuosos.
You simply need to learn how they succeeded.
 But in order to do that, you need to have a plan, a personal roadmap. The best car in the world
will not take you to the right place if you do not know where you want to go. We have told
you how Virtuosos tend to behave in certain circumstances and what their key strengths and
weaknesses are. Now we need to go much deeper into your personality type and answer
“why?”, “how?” and “what if?”
 This knowledge is only the beginning of a lifelong journey. Are you ready to learn why
Virtuosos act in the way they do? What motivates and inspires you? What you are afraid of
and what you secretly dream about? How you can unlock your true, exceptional potential?
 Our premium profiles provide a roadmap towards a happier, more successful, and more
versatile YOU! They are not for everyone though – you need to be willing and able to
challenge yourself, to go beyond the obvious, to imagine and follow your own path instead of
just going with the flow. If you want to take the reins into your own hands, we are here to help

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