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Biopsia pleurala percutanata

Prof.dr. Gabriela Jimborean
Echografia toracica - indicatii
1. Indicatii diagnostice:
•Indicațiile principale ale ET sunt legate de patologia pleurală
• Detecția micilor colecții pleurale și a celor închistate

• Diferențierea între colecții pleurale și colecții subdiafragmatice sau parietale

• Evaluarea hemitoracelui opac la Rgr și a consolidărilor pulmonare în contact cu peretele

• Confirmarea îngroșărilor pleurale, plăcilor pleurale și a TU pleurale, TU de perete

• Diagnosticul rapid – al PTX la pacienții in ATI sau la cei ce nu pot avea o radiografie sau CT

• Analiza structurii lichidului pleural ( ↑ecogenitatea hemotorace, empiem)

 Diagnosticul parezei frenice sau a herniei diafragmatice /herniei hiatale

– Dgn. af. subdiafragmatice responsabile de afectarea pleurală (hepatomegalie, ciroza, ascita, splenomegalia, Tu)

2. Indicatii terapeutice (ET = “gold standard » pentru procedurile minim invasive de pneumologie intervențională):
 Puncția pleurală și toracocenteza
 Biopsia pleurală și pulmonară periferică

 Inserția drenului Seldinger

 Auxiliar pentru inserția unui cateter venos

 Talcaj pleural prin metode de pneumologie minim invazive intervenționale

Tehnici de Biopsie pleurală

• BP Percutana - manoperă
“oarbă”, “blind or closed
pleural biopsy” (ghid rgr, CT)
• BP echoghidata
• Toracoscopia
• Toracotomia
Indicațiile BP sub ET
 Pleureziile tip exudat, nediagnosticate prin metode neinvazive, cu evoluţie
cronică sau recidivantă 3.
1. Afect. maligne: mesoteliom, metastaze a Tu pulmonare sau extrapulmonare,limfoame ,
leucemii (celule tumorale).
2. TB pleurala (granuloame specifice, Ziehl-Neelsen pos. pt BK) sau MNT
3. Lupus eritematos sistemic (immunofluorescenta directa IgG, C3 poz).
4. Sarcoidoză (granuloame necrotizante epiteloide).
5. Placi pleurale/azbestoza (tesut hialin fibros).
6. Azbestoza(corpi feruginosi si fibroza marcata - hematoxylin and eosin stain).

 Puncția biopsie pleurală efectuată aleator are un randament mic de confirmare.

 Ghidarea ecografică cu evaluarea modificărilor pleurale și puncție țintită crește
randamentul de diagnostic dacă este efectuată de specialiști bine antrenată
1.Diacon AH - Transthoracic ultrasound for the pulmonologist. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2005 Jul;11(4):307-12;
2.Tom Havelock, Richard Teoh, Diane Laws, Fergus Gleeson - Pleural procedures and thoracic ultrasound: BTS pleural disease guideline, Thorax 2010;65:i61-i76;
3.C Hooper, Y C G Lee, N Maskell, on behalf of the BTS Pleural Guideline Group - Investigation of a unilateral pleural effusion in adults: British Thoracic Society pleural
disease guideline 2010
1. Prepare the patient and yourself

• 1. Before any interventional procedure, it is important

• to have obtained the patient’s informed consent.
• This should be done on a standardized form approved
• by the local institution and should include consent for
• any image acquisition as well. We recommend caution
• in disseminating interesting images on social media,
• even if the patient consented to image acquisition for
• educational purposes. This is because one will lose control
• of the image once it is uploaded on social media and
• the patient can still be recognized, even if his name is
• not in clear.
• The informed consent should explain the purpose
• and advantages of the procedure, the painless technique
• but the inherent possible incidents or complications

• and should allow the patient to ask questions and think

• about the opportunity of signing the form. It should not
• be rushed.
• 2. Check the indications.
• 3. Perform a clinical examination. The doctor performing
• the procedure should do a general consult and
• check the hemorrhagic risk (hepatic failure, renal failure,
• anticoagulant treatment, active hemorrhages?).
• 4. Check the recent chest X-ray and CT scans and
• performe TUS (Figure 1).
• 5. Prepare the procedure area. USPB should be performed
• in a sterile environment, but can be done either
• on the wards, or in outpatient settings. The best is to
• perform the procedure in a room dedicated for interventional
• pulmonology procedures.
• 6. The procedure is usually done with the patient in
• a sitting position. Explain the position to the patient.
• 7. Premedication is not always necessary. However,
• mild sedation is recommended for anxious patients and
• to reduce the pain associated with pleural biopsy (anxiolytics:
• 0.5 mg - 1 mg midazolam i.v.) .

• 8. Equipment. All equipment should be in the room

• and checked before procedure starts.
Material required
• Procedure tray
• ■■ Skin marker
• ■■ Sterile fields and skin disinfectants
• ■■ Sterile gloves for the operator
• ■■ Sterile cover for the ultrasound probes
• ■■ Syringes, needles and local anesthetic
• ■■ Biopsy needles
• ■■ Scalpel for skin incision
• ■■ Gauze
• ■■ Specimen samples
• ■■ Sutures.
Contraindication BP
1. Lack of patient’s agreement and uncooperative patients.
2. Uncorrectable bleeding disorders (hemophilia, coagulation
factor deficit, thrombocytopenia) or anticoagulant treatment.
3. Respiratory failure.
4. Empyema.
5. Cutaneous lesions (Herpes Zoster, pyoderma).
6. A dry tap (the absence of the pleural fluid determine
the risk for pneumothorax).
7. Severe hepatic or renal failure.
• Poziția pacientului pentru manopera de
biopsie este asemănătoare celei de la
• Premedicație: pacientului i se vor
administra sedative ușoare pentru reducerea
anxietății (midazolam 1 mg IV sau oral)
Tehnica BP
As in most interventional pulmonology procedures, it is important for
the operator in charge of the service to establish a check list approach
(also known as “procedural protocol ”, or “SOP – Standard Operation
Procedure”) of the technique.

The check list can be inspired by international guidelines, by step-by-

step protocols from other services or departments, but should be adapted
to the local needs and local practices.

The role of a SOP is to standardize the practice, the quality of the

procedure, and also to help disseminating the knowledge and the
expertise. It is also a tool in clinical auditing practices which are similar.
Several needles can be used for ultrasound-guided
pleural and lung biopsies

Abrams needle for pleural biopsy “Prof. Dr. Stoicescu” Needle (modified
(collection of the Pneumology Clinic from Cope pleural biopsy needle – collection of
Targu Mureş) the Pneumology Clinic from Tg. Mureş)

TruCut needle

COPE Needle
Trucut needle biopsy for lung masses biopsy
Tehnica propriu – zisă a biopsiei pleurale
Locul puncției va fi stabilit cu ajutorul ecografiei toracice (transductor 5 -7 MHz) 7.
Tehnica Doppler poate asigura evitarea puncției vaselor intercostale sau mamare.
Medicul care va efectua intervenția poate fi asistat de un ajutor care va manipula
În prezent sunt în curs de lansare pe scară largă transductoare cu ace adaptate pentru
vizualizarea în timp real a acului sub ET.
Lidocaina va fi injectată strat cu strat până la penetrarea pleurei și aspirarea lichidului pleural.
Primele seringi cu lichid se vor trimite pentru examenul lichidului pleural (examen citologic,
bacteriologic, biochimic)16. Acul de anestezie se retrage.
Întregul sistem (trocarul de ghidaj ce a încărcat acul de biopsie și mandrenul) va fi introdus pe
traiectoria pe care s-a efectuat anestezia locală. Acul va trece pe marginea inferioară a unui
spațiu intercostal, pe marginea superioară a coastei (pentru prevenirea lezării pachetului
vasculonervos subcostal).
• There are two ways of ultrasound guiding a needle
• to the pleura and/or to a lung lesion.
• In plane ultrasound guiding: the probe is placed
• above the lesion and the needle is inserted from the
• lateral end of the probe. This method has the advantage
• to show the tip of the needle all the time of the insertion,
• but requires good probe - needle synchronization,
• so that the needle stays in the scanning plane. Probe -
• needle synchronization can be helped by a special needle
• attachment which can keep the needle in the scanning
• plane .

• Out of plane ultrasound guiding: the probe is also

• placed above the lesion, but the needle is inserted at the
• middle of the probe from out of scanning plane, in the
• direction of the lesion. This method does not require
• probe - needle synchronization, but does only visualize
• the tip of the needle when reaching the lesion.
• For both methods, color Doppler can be used to show
• the tip of the needle. It would be best if the procedure
• is done with two operators. One is the “cameraman”, the
• person who holds the probe fixed on the chest to visualize
• the lesion and the needle, and the other operator is
• the “biopsier”, the person who performs the biopsy. This
• team approach is particularly helpful for pleural biopsies,
• as Abrams and Cope needles require both hands to
• operate them.
Performing the biopsy
Here we describe the pleural biopsy with the “Prof. Dr. Paul Stoicescu” patented needle (a modified Cope needle),
which is the most common pleural needle used
in Romania; the biopsy is easy to perform without complications(12).
■■ The entire system (guiding trocar, inner needle, and mandrel) is introduced on the same route of the local anesthetic
trajectory, under the guidance of a realtime
TUS, as described above.
■■ At the introduction, the hook of the needle is completely inserted inside the trocar.
■■ The trocar is angled perpendicularly on the chest wall on the lower edge of the intercostal space, grazing the top
edge of the lower coast (to prevent the damage of the neurovascular bundle).
■■ When the tip of the needle reaches the fluid level on the ultrasound image, the mandrel is withdrawn, to check for
fluid aspiration – which confirms the position in the pleural space.
■■ The trocar is withdrawn still under US guidance.Then the needle is withdrawn until it hooks on the parietal pleura.
■■ The tissue is sectioned by the guillotine of the hook, and after that the needle is removed. The sample will be flushed
into a histology pot.
■■ During the procedure the needle is seen as a whitish spot in the “black” anechoic image of the fluid.
■■ Aspiration biopsy will be performed by attaching a syringe to the needle holder or attaching and aspirator(13).
■■ 4-6 specimens are required for a satisfactory result of the examination(11-14) (unfortunately, the etiology of pleural
effusion remains unclear in nearly 20% of
cases) .
Lung biopsy is performed in a similar way, but most often with a TruCut needle. The mass needs to be in contact
with the chest wall, otherwise the lesion is not visible by ultrasonography.
The operator should be familiar with the TruCut and with positioning it in order to reach the lesion. The
needle has two parts(10):
1. The outer guide has a sharp cutting edge in the front. The depth of the pleura is assessed as the point
at which fluid is aspirated when the needle is advanced into the pleural space.
2. The inner needle (18 G) with a cutting sheath that shaves off the tissue specimen; an 18 mm-long “specimen
tray”, which will collect the tissue, and a 5 mm-long “stylet” tip
6. After the biopsy and finishing the
The availability of ultrasound at the time of the procedure
allows for immediate checks on possible
The area should be scanned while the probe is still
sterile. Any pneumothorax or bleeding is observed and
should be treated as required.
A sterile dressing is placed at the biopsy site. Usually,
there is no need for a suture. The samples are labeled
and sent to the lab. The patient is observed for 1-2 hours
and then discharged.
La introducerea acului de puncție cârligul acului de biopsie va fi complet introdus în trocarul ghid.
Sistemul avansează până la nivelul spațiului pleural. Se va retrage mandrenul și se avanseaza acul
sub control ET (aspect alb strălucitor , hiperecogen pe ecranul ecografic). Aspirarea lichidului
pleural confirmă poziția corectă în spațiul pleural plin cu fluid.
Se retrage trocarul sub ghidare ET până înafara pleurei parietale. Se împinge acul în spațiul
pleural apoi se extrage acul complet până cârligul acului agață pleura parietală care este
ghilotinată prin retragerea acului înafară pe traiectul trocarului ghid. Fragmentul de țesut pleural
rămas în interiorul cârligului este apoi descărcat într-un recipient cu formalină
Prin acelaşi loc de intrare se vor preleva 4 - 6 prelevate schimbându-se poziţia acului (pe un
cadran de ceas imaginar : la orele 3,6,9 şi nu mai sus pentru a nu leza vasele intercostale)17.
Produsele prelevate se vor introduce imediat ser fiziologic o,9%o. 2-3 specimene vor trimise
imediat pentru examen bacteriologic (inclusiv pentru bacilii Koch – Ziehl Neelsen, examen
micologic, histomineralogic). Restul se vor introduce în soluţie de formalină pentru examenul
histopatologic. După biopsie se practică toracocenteza terapeutică. În 20% din cazuri nu se poate
stabili cu precizie etiologia 17.
Complicațiile biopsiei pleurale
- Durere, reacții vasovagale – 1-5% (1)
- Hematoame, hemotoracele (sub 2%) apare atunci când se lezează A.
intercostală (rar chiar atunci când timpul de protrombină este prelungit)
- Pneumotoracele (10-15%) - frecvent dar mic si necesită doar
tratament conservativ (2)
- Perforaţia plămânului, emfizemul mediastinal, infecţiile peretelui
toracic, embolia gazoasă sunt foarte rare
Ghidarea ET scade semnificativ incidența complicațiilor1 la 4%
1. Koegelenberg CFN, Diacon AH - Pleural controversy: C(3)losed needle pleural biopsy or thoracoscopy--Which first? Respirology 2011;16:738-746. (8);
2. Boutin C, Guerin J.C., Viallat J.R. - Exploration des maladies de la plevre. Rev Mal Respir 1992; 9 (1) :81-97;
3. Rees J. - Bronchoscopy and lung biopsy. Pleural biopsy. Diagnostic tests in respiratory medicine. Ed. Chapman and Hall 1988, 219-223, 227-235
4. Pan-Chyr Yang – Ultrasound - guided transthoracic biopsy of the chest, Radiologic Clinics, Volume 38, Issue 2, Pages 323–343;
• USP/LB and biopsy of the peripheral lung masses are
valuable and safe alternatives to CT-guided procedures
in terms of accuracy and lack of complications .(19)

USPB is superior than CT-guided biopsy, having several advantages:

it does not irradiate, it is comfortable, accessible, and provide real-
time information .

The sensitivity of diagnosis confirmation in peripheral pulmonary

nodules (3 cm and below) is high (84%) , with a 96.8% sensitivity in

malignancy confirmation , and with only 8% risk of pneumothorax .

(20) (19)
Lung Adenocarcinoma
Diagnosed by Ultrasound
Guided Pleural Biopsy and
Dombi Istvan2, Gabriela Jimborean1, Alpar Csipor2,

1. University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tg. Mures, Discipline of

Pulmonology, Tirgu Mures, Romania
2. Clinic of Pulmonology, Clinic County Hospital Mures, Tirgu Mures,
 68-year-old male
 Heavy smoker (50 PY)
 Symptoms
 Thoracic pain, fever
 Sweating
 Weight loss
 Exertional dyspnea


Thoracic CT suggests a mesothelioma

with a small pleural effusion in the
CD recess

TUS - Permitted pleural biopsy and thoracentesis

Needles: used in Pulmonology Clinic for pleural
biopsy [Prof.dr. Stoicescu - modified Cope Needle]

Percutaneous biopsy under TUS allowed Tu

confirmation and differentiation between
mesothelioma and other peripheral lung
Pleural biopsy confirmed lung
 group of cells with nuclear atypia
 hypercromatic nuclei
 irregular contour and increased
 increased nucleus/cytoplasm ratio
 anisocytosis
 pleomorphic cells with a
Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
stated the tumor cell profile
 Cytokeratin 7 positive favored lung primary CC and excluded nonepithelial
 Calretinine negative - excluded mesothelioma (CALR = positive in mesothelioma)
 Epithelial membrane-antigen positive EMA excluded nonepitheloid
 Cytokeratin 5/6 negative
 Vimentine positive (could exclude SCC and E scuamos)
 Carcinoembryonar antigen negative
 Mesothelium-antigen negative, CD34 negative
 Cytokeratin AE1/AE3 positive
 P63 negative, thyroid transcription-factor 1 negative.

This particular profile excluded mesothelioma or an extra-respiratory TU

and established the diagnosis of a lung adenocarcinoma
- TUS guidance increases the yield of positive biopsies and decreases the risk of
complication hemorrhages and pneumothorax (1).
- TUS can identify small pleural nodules and allows the targeted biopsy (2).
- In a 2014 in one Romanian study at the “Marius Nasta” Institute of Pneumology Bucharest,
the diagnostic yield for TB pleural effusion was high 81.25% (using the “Stoicescu” needle)(5).
- The diagnostic yield of unaided closed pleural biopsy for pleural TB is around 80%, and may increase to
87% if at least six specimens are taken (4,8).

- US guided pleural biopsy has increased the yield of dgn. from 60% to 77% in malignant
pleurisy (6), and over 87% for all pleural pathologies (7).
- When several investigations are performed TUS :
 the total diagnostic yield is up to 90% (5,6)
 85% for peripheral lung tumors, 100% for mesothelioma (9).
1. Gabriela Jimborean, Edith S Ianosi, Alpar Csipor, Tudor P Toma - Ultrasounded-guided percutaneous pleural and lung biopsy. Pneumologia 2017, vol 66/2, ISSN 2067 -2993
2. Koegelenberg CFN, Von Groote Bidlingmaier F, Transthoracic US for the respiratory physician. Respiration 2012; 84(4):337-350 (10).
3. 6. Koegelenberg CFN, Bolliger CT, Diacon AH. Pleural Ultrasound; in Light RW, Lee YC: Textbook of Pleural Disease, 2nd ed. Hodder and Stoughton, 2008, pp 275–283.
4. Prakash UB, Reiman HM. Comparison of needle biopsy with cytologic analysis for the evaluation of pleural effusion: Mayo Clin Proc. 1985 Mar. 60(3):158-64.
5. Deleanu O, Oprea C, Pocora D, Postolache P, Mihălţan F. The Role of Cytology and Biopsy in Malignant and Tuberculosis Pleural Effusions in a Romanian Population. Chest 2014 Oct 1, 146 (4): 433A.
6. Pan-Chyr Yang. Ultrasound-guided transthoracic biopsy of the chest,Radiologic Clinics, Vol 38, Issue 2, 323–343.
7. Diacon AH, Van de Wal BW, et al, Diagnostic tools in TB pleurisy: a direct comparative study. Eur Respir J 2003; 22:589–591.
8. Chang BD, Yang PC, Luh KT, et al , Ultrasound-guided pleural biopsy with Tru-Cut needle. Chest 1991; 100:1328–1333.
9. Diacon AH, Schuurmans MM, Theron J, et al, Safety and yield of ultrasound assisted transthoracic biopsy performed by pulmonologists. Respiration 2004; 71:519–522

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