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Competitia dintre obisnuit si diferit I.

Elevul care vine dintr-un mediu nefavorabil dezvoltarii personale la standarde sociale predefinite intampina rezistenta colegilor. Elevul/-a care este cel/cea mai tanar/-a (inalt, scund, blond, pigmentat diferit pe piele, imbracat mai saracacios, extravagant, bussines) din clasa poate sa fie pus/-a in fata situatiei de a fi exclus din grupul celor mari (de inaltime medie, cu par castaniu, brunet sau saten, albi, imbracati obisnuit) din clasa si implicit sa nu beneficieze de socializarea necesara dezvoltarii in cel mai bun caz. In cel mai rau caz este supus bullying-ului. Elevul care face parte dintr-un grup si la un moment dat este pus in fata unei incercare dificile/umilitoare/autovatamatoare pentru a dovedi ca in continuare merita sa faca parte din acel grup. II. Statuia cuplului/familiei


Discutie Mesaj Idolatrizez/Distrug Receptor Copil

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Feed-back Dominare/Supunere Dificultatea de face fata propriilor afecte, emotii si sentimente. Proiectarea pe celalalt. => Lipsa comunicarii verbale si nonverbal. La nivel nonverbal se poate observa disocierea de evenimentul comunicarii, ruperea raportului, incetarea calibrarii/oglindirii (Locul tacerii) IV. Poveste de iarna Cezar Petrescu fragmentul copilului rusinat de prezenta mamei (rusinea care este in noi si altii o vad si o exploateaza) V. Jocul Deseneaza-l emotiv! + poveste cu anumita cuvinte.

Fiecare mesaj facial transmite observatorului faptul ca fiziologia corpului repsectiv se transforma iar persoana aceea va face anumite lucruri. I reconciled our findings that expressions are universal with Birdwhistell's observation of how they differ from one culture to another by coming up with the idea of display rules. These, I proposed, are socially learned, often culturally different, rules about the management of expression, about who can show which emotion to whom and when they can do so. p.21, Paul Ekman Emotions revealed I tested this formulation in a series of studies that showed that when alone Japanese and Americans displayed the same facial expressions in response to seeing films of surgery and accidents, but when a scientist sat with them as they watched the films, the Japanese more than the Americans masked negative expressions with a smile.In private, innate expressions; in public, managed expressions .7 Ekman, P. 1972. "Universals and cultural differences in facial expressions ofemotion." In J. Cole (ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1971. Lincoln,Neb.: University of Nebraska Press.. symbolic gesturessuch as the head nod yes, the head shake no, and the A-OK gestureare indeed culture-specific. If expressions signal different emotions in each culture, then total outsiders, with no familiarity with the culture,should not have been able to interpret the expressions correctly. If expressions signal different emotions in each culture, then total outsiders, with no familiarity with the culture,should not have been able to interpret the expressions correctly. Before he came we edited the films so he would see only the expression itself, removed from its social context, just close-up shots of a face. Silvan had no trouble at all. Every one of his interpretations fit the social context he hadn't seen. What's more, he knew exactly how he got the information. Wally and I could sense what emotional message was conveyed by each expression, but our judgments were intuitively based; we usually could not specify exactly what in the face carried the message unless it was a smile. Silvan walked up to the movie screen and pointed out exactly which specific muscular movements signaled the emotion.

De cercetat exercitiul: Un om allege pe un alt om dintr-un grup dupa criteriile sale. Omul ales se aseaza in spatele persoanei, exprima pe fata o emotie. In fata celor doi se afla o a treia persoana care se uita la persoana din spate. Prim apersoana trebuie sa spuna ce emotie emite persoana a doua din spatele sau doar uitandu-se la persoana a treiA. In cerc, toate persoanele se uita la o persoana din cerc si pe fata lor au aceeasi emotie. Urmarim cand anume cel din mijloc face gesture de evitare a oglindirii emotieii respective, pentru a vedea care emotie este mai greu de suportat de acea persoana pt a stii cand anume este mai vulnerbail si la ce emotie anume. Privitul in oglinda si exersatul celor sapte emotii, atat la nivelul fetei cat si la nivelul corpului. Capitolul 2 Intensitatea sau modalitatea exprimarii este eronata, dar uneori, insasi emotia pe care o simtim este eronata.

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