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Esitura “UNWERSUL FAMILEI ET CON Idminteatr ane: MARGA POPA rector OcTAMAN POPA Decor comercial MIHAELA TUDOR Redactor get DORI IANCU sir br Stave nr 8. sector 5 od 70700 Bucuresti, Romane, BO. Bex 1720 vena 5 5 St General Beret. 90 setor Bucuesh "Soars e009 238 PREFATA iNDRUMARI UTILE ‘Acest manual este conceput in vederea unei famiiarizari rapide cu limba onglows, sau pentra reimprospatarea cunostinjelor de limba engleza de care core ea vorbito, dar rau mai utiizal-o multa vreme. Manualul este. uti $ Penta cel ce. doresc s4 faca o calatorie turstica sau de afacer| in {ar Vorbitoare de limba engleza. [Kicrarea cuprinde situatile de baza stabilte de 0 comisie european speciaizata in studile de limba si sitvajile de dialog in cele mal averse Sbmeni, Majoritatea sint situatii de contacte sociale obignulte. Niunuall este la fel de practic gi pentru elevii din primul an de engleza, oferindule — prin casetole anexate — un contact cu limba vie, cu prone ‘oes tuctura lucrarii veli gasi in toate capitolele patru componente: dia/0g, ‘cum se exprima, exerciti, ascultay! cu atenge. Bialogurile conjin exemple exprimate in forma unei mici convorbir Care este o mostra a felului in care se exprima in englezé o anumita situate: Sertarea unei str’zi, comanda la hotel sau restaurant, ajutor medical et Exist’, apo, in Cum se exprima, reguli gramaticale sau oe, flexiune Exercifile din fiecare capitol urmaresc textul imprimat pe casete si Sint Mette eal tamiiarizeze pe cel ce asculta cu dialogurile, cu partenerul de conversatie, cu pronuntia. ‘Partea intitulat’ Ascultati cu atentie se refera la caseta ny. 4, care conting uncle ‘dialoguri sau. reportaje in care sint folosite vocabule 1 structur neinvatate inca in lec "Ghidul de conversajie aléturat este un indrumar practic, in format de buzunar, usor de luat cu sine. STRUCTURA MANUALULUI! in fiecare din capitole gasiti urmatoarele secfiuni: Dialoguri @ Dialogues Cum se spune e How to say it Exerciti © Exercises i incepind cu capitolul 15: Ascultayi cu atentie « Listen to this > 1. Dialoguri # Dialogues Cuprind exemple de limba vorbita in forma unor scurte convorbiti: Fiecare dialog este un model pentru cum se vorbeste engleza in situatii concrete. Asifel invajati de exemplu intr-unul din capitole cum intrebi pentru a afla drumul corect sau in altul cum se vorbeste despre hobby-uri si interese comune. in prima coloand gasiti traducerea in limba romana a dialogutilor. Cu ajutorul acestei traducert putefi fi mereu siguri ca afi infeles totul corect. La sfirgitul dialogurilor exist, acolo unde este cazul, probleme de gramatic’. 2. Cum se spune * How to say it in aceasta sectiune a fiecdrui capitol intinim expresile tipice, cele mai importante pe care trebuie sa le invajaji pentru a putea transpune in engleza situafii aseman&toare cu cele intilnite in dialoguri. In principiu, aceste expresii sint prezentate sub forma de tabel. Cu ajutorul acestor tabele putefi s& recunoasteti ugor cum un model de constructie sintactica poate sa difere din punet de vedere al continutului De asemenea, veti intiini si probleme de gramatica. 8. Exercitii * Exercises in cadrul fiec&rui capitol intiniti o serie de exerci, Cu ajutorul lor putefi s& folositi structurile invatate in capitol, mai cursiv si mai sigur. (Rezolvarile exercitilor le gasiti pe casete). Casetele contin convorbiri incomplete pentru a va da posibiltatea sA preluafi o parte a dialogului. Sinteti astfel invitati sa conversati direct pe casetd cu parenerul de dialog si pute in felul acesta S& simula{i o convorbire aproape autentic’, iar apoi, cu ajutorul rezolvarilor de Ia sfiqitul cursului, s8 verificati dacéi ati vorbit corect. 4, Ascultati cu atentie * Listen to this Caseta nr. 5 contine 0 serie de exercitii de pronuntie,. relatari si scenete. Aceste exerciti sint in aga fel concepute inctt $8 contina cuvinte, expresii, structuri pe care nu le-afi invatat din manual. Trebule sa va obisnuiti incetul cu incetul c& intr-0 convorbire cu un englez sau intr-o emisiune de televiziune ori de radio limbajul nu este cu gria ales ca in exercitile sau dialogurile din curs. Cu ajutorul acestei casete va exersali capacitatea de a infelege un ‘conginut chiar daca nu cunoasteti fiecare cuvint in parte. GHIDUL DE CONVERSATIE Este atagat cursului gi cuprinde principalele expresii $i cuvinte care sint necesare cind intreprinzi 0 calatorie. Este un indrumar in forma de ghid de buzunar pe care il putefi avea oricind cu dumneavoastra. CUM FOLOSITI MANUALUL? In primul rind, ascutati dialogurile de pe casete pentru a va putea concentra asupra textului englez, far’ a va folosi de manual. La a doua ascultare, citii din manual textele dialogurilor. De cite ori simti nevoia, apasafi 6 pe butonul pauza, opriji caseta si citi caseta si reluali partea dorita! Th al doilea rind, dublati cu voce tare dialogul de pe caset, lectie cu lectie. Opriti banda gi reluati de cite ori este nevoie, daca dori s4 ascultati (© secven{ anume. Urmarii cu atentie preluarea exact a pronuntiel si intonatiei. Cind sintefi sigur c& putefi repeta dialogul, citi din nou cu voce tare din manual. In al trelea rind, axativva pe acele parti din lecti intitulate Cum se exprima. Citii-te cu atentie gi afiati ce Insemneaza. Eventual ascultati din nou dialogurile de pe casete, cuprinzind situalle respective. Gasiti moduri de exprimare si unele reguli gramaticale simple, pentru a va constitui o baz a limbii engleze. ‘in al patrulea rind, folosij’ componenta exerciti din fiecare lectie. in majoritatea cazurilor aveti de-a face cu 0 convorbire. Citi indicafile cu atentie pentru a sti la care parte a exerciliului va refer, Solutile exercitilor le gasiti pe casete. Lucrali exercitile pasaj cu pasaj. — Dati raspunsul cu voce tare. — Ascuttall rspunsul de pe caseta ori utilizati solutile oferite de manual, formulindu-va solutia propre. — Dup’ fiecare solutie, pe caseta este o scurta pauza. Dac acea pauzd nu va este suficienté pentru solutionare, actionafi butonul ,pauza" al casetofonului. Acordaliatentie exprimari_ si intonatiei si cAutali s& le reproducefi Repetaji de cite ori simfifi cd este neceser. in al cincilea rind, asculati inca 0 data dialogurile. Veti remarca faptul c& infelegeji sensurile f4r& nici un efort. Repetati operatia de ce ori este nevoie pentru a infelege si a va exprima corect. Nu va sf! si vorbifi cu voce tare, Este cea mai buna formula de invatare iniste, Dac doriti sa revenitj, derulafi jn partea a doua a manualului, gsifi un grup de scenete al c&ror coninut ‘este astfel dozat inch numarul vocabulelor sa creasca de la prima spre ultima ‘scenela. Este vorba de vocabule pe care inca nu le-afi invajat. Nu va alarmati dac& nu puteti raspunde imediat unei intrebari. Reascultati sceneta de cite ofi este nevoie. Daca socotii necesar, derulati putin caseta inapoi si ascutati din nou, pind ce, cu ajutorul vocabulelor deja invatate, putefi descurca Iucrurile si putefi da rspunsul Nu ultati sf vorbii cu voce tare! ALFABETUL $I UNELE Ni ‘Afabetul englez se compune din 26 de litera, din cate 5 vocale (a & is & U), dou’ semivocale (w, y) si 19 consoane- iiterele alfabetului luate singure 86 pronunfa in modul urmator: a fel] 9 [ail a {en wu i) b [bl h (etl © fou} v (vi c (3 i fal p [pil w [dAbiu) d [ai] i (oe 4 tkul x [oks} ef {kei} + (2a) y [ual t [el fe) s [es) z (zed) m (ern) ti Pronuntarea cuvintelor este destul de dificil in limba englez&. Consoanele se pronunfd aproape toate ca in romaneste, dar vocalele se pronunja foarte ‘A se pronunté 4. “ei” in cuvinte ca: grape {greip] = strugure; name [neim] = nume; paper peipal = hitie. 2 “e” in cuvinte ca: and [end] = si; bad [beed] = rau; flag {[fiaeg] = steag: map (map| = hart. ret respect sunet [as] in mba englez8 este mal mut oh sunet intre “e" gi “a” care se pronunta atl: Geschidem gura ca pentru a pronuna a, un "0" lung (marcat in engleza o:) in cuvinte Cs: Sffol} = tot, tof, toate, toata, ball [boll = mings: ‘small [smol] = mic, mica sey or scurt ca in cuvintele: what [Hot] = 02. 4. aig cavinte ca: climate [kiaimit] = cima; language {leanguigi} = limba; palace [pais] = pala, vilage [vilc] = sat, 5, barimarcat in englezé) ca in cuvintele: after [afta:] = dupa; beggar [bega:] = cergetor. NOTA: Toate vocalele marcate fonetic cu doud puncte{:} reprezinta sunet lungi "E" ge pronunté: Fe Oro cuvinte ca fever [val] = febrs; meter [mt] = met serious {sirids] = serios. 2, {tin vcuvinte ca: bed [bed] = pat: less (les) = ma PoE red {red] = rogu. “8° in cuvinte ca: her (ho) th certain (sétn] = sigur, nerve [ndv] = nery; service [s 4, [rnin cuvinte cat English [ingif] = englez(esc); begin [bigin] = @ incepe; repeat [ripit] = a repeta. NOTA: Semnul f intinit mai sus in cuvintul English {inglif] reproduce sunetul romanesc “s". 5, “at in cuvinte ca better (bet#] = mai bun, member [memba] = membru, never [neva] = niciodaté. “1 90 pronunta: 1. °F in cuvinte ca big = mare, bill = chitant’, fish = peste, milk = lapte, til = pina. Aici nu am folosit transcrierea fonetica, intructt cuvintele se pronunta aproare la fel cum sint scrise. 2. “al” in cuvinte ca: Friday [traidi] = vineri; ice [ais] = ghiafa; knife [naif] = cutit; Lae [lain] = linie; time [taim] = timp. 8. *& lung” (:) in cuvinte ca: bird [b :<] = pastre; dirty [d ti] = murdar; first If st] = primul; gir [g :1] = fata; shirt [f :t] = camaga. "0" 3¢ pronu “0” in cuvinte ca: dog = cline; fog = =a incuia 2, *o:" in cuvinte ca: horse [ho:s] = cal; fork (fo:k] = furculifs; lord [lod] = lord, storm [sto:m] = furtuna. Sint acestea cuvinte in care sunetul “r nu se aude aproape deloc, fiind aproape aspirat de 0. 3. “ou” in cuvinte ca: alone [ foun] = singur; close {kious] = inchis; gold {gould} = aur; moment [moument] = moment; open [oupn] = deschis 4. Ca un fel de’ “a” inchis si scurt, marcat in engiez& cu semnul fonetic A, jn aga fel inc s& se ating cu virful limbii partea posterioaré a cerului gutii; done [dan] = facut, glove (glav] = manus, money [mAni] = bani, sometimes [sAmtaimz] = uneori, tongue {tAng] = limba. “u"lung in cuvinte ca: lose [lu:z] = a pierde; prove [prusv] = a dovedi; two {tu:] = doi; whom{hu:m] = c&ruia, pe cine; whose {hu:z] = a cui. unu, once [wans] = odata. mile; sailor [sell :] = marinar tailor ceatd; frost = ger; hot = fierbinte; lock ene 9 nu se pronunta in cuvinte ca: bacon [beikn] prisoner [prizn ] = prizonier; season [sizn] junc; lesson [lesn] = lectie; anotimp, “U7 ge, pronunt: “u" in cuvinte ca: true {tru fru 2. “iu” in cuvinte ca: duty {djuti [pjupl] = eleva. 3, “a’ inchis spre “a” in cuvinte ca: dust [dst] = majordom, hunger {hAng ] =foamete, shut [ft] [mbreia] = umbrela. 4. "8° lung in cuvinte = sora, purse [p :s] “iin cuvinte ca: business [biznis]_afacere, minute [minit) = minuta. sourt in cuvinte ca: nature [neit :)] = natura; Saturday [set :dei] = adevarat; full [ful] = in; put = a pune, rule datorie; music [mjuzik] = muzic’; pupil praf; butler [bat] = ‘inchide, umbrella furlf :] = blan&; curl [k :] = ondulat; nurse [n :s] city = oras, happy [haspi] = fericit; lady [leidi] = doamna; merry .= vesel, ready [redif = gata; 2, ‘al in cuvinte a: fy [fl] = a zbura; Friday [rail = eu insumi; sky [Ska] = = vineri, myself [maiset} 10 intit CAP. 1 — Meeting People UNIT 1 in acest capitol invatati: © cum sa aflafi numele, adresa si numarul de telefon; ‘88 intrebati cum se pronunté; litera cu litera, un nume sau un cuvint; © sa construifi expresille corespunzatoare. DIALOGURI: AB: Ma numesc Bardy. ‘Anne Bardy. R: Bardy...? Bardy...? Cum se prontinja pe litere? AB: BAR-D-Y R: Da, d-na Bardy. log 2. Felicity (F), a friend (Fr) F: Unde locuii? Fr: in York, F: Ce adresa aveti? Fr: Calea Gari 29, F: Ave telefon? Fr Da. F: Ce numar aveti? Fr: York 659217. Pie Station Road. | = numetul strézil Fr Fr Fr: Fr: Bip af ranma orl foc mama log 1. Anne Bardy (AB), Hotel Receptionist (R) My name is Bardy Anne Bardy. Bardy...? Bardy...? How do you spell it? BARDY Yes, Mrs, Bardy. Where do you live? In York. ‘What is your address? 29 Station Road, ‘Are you on the phone? Yes. What's your number? York 653217. Dialog 3. Winston (W), a friend (Fr) W: Locuiti fa Londra? Fr Da. W: Care este adresa d-voastra? Fr. Newbury Street 194, W: Aveti telefon? Fr: Da. W: Carei numarul? Fr: 8704690. Ww: Fr: Ww: Fr: Ww: Fr: Ww: Fr: Are you living in London? Yes. What's your address? 134 Newbury Street. Are you on the phone? Yes. What's the number? 8704690. 1" {eaP. 1) Intin —— Meeting People [unit +] Dialog 4. Henry Gill (HG), Peter Fuller (PF) Seuzatt ee cred c& va HG: Excuse me. | don't think | know PF: Peter Flr br: Fale Pet Numele meu este Henry Gil HG: My name “stom Pr: Imi are bine de cunostia. PF: How Go * Imi pare bine de cunosiina. PF! How Go you Go? cap. 1] Intilniri — Meeting ©S°r | five in, am staying in. What's your adress? 29 Station Road. ‘Are you living Yes, | am living in. No, | am not living in. Locuiesc 1a Care-i adresa? Station Road 29. Locuitt la. Da/Nu locuiesc la. | | Forma -ing a verbelor exprima o actiune care este in continua Tradus ca atare insearnna .Ce mai tacoj?". Se raspunde cu aceleasi TESS — - a ‘cuvinte care de data aceasta insea an coats 8 ieee amna .Mulfumesc, imi pare bine inreteres »How are you?" (Cap. eon ee CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreaba numele. How to ask for someone's name. Carei |numele | dvs? What's | your] [care este | prenumete | vas | fan Nu cred ca va cunose . auero| surname 1 don't thir "ve rt Numele meu este Anne Bary. My name Aine Baty are hae REA CURENTA ‘SE FOLOSESTE FORMA PRESCURTATA DE| 2. Cum se solicit pronuntarea unui cuvint pe litere. How to ask someon 1e to spell a we How do you spellthat? n° “O"% 3. Cum se intreaba und J locus Hom fat wnere someon ns, P88 locuiti’ " ii Where do you tive? Where are you staying? 12 * | desfagurare in prezent EXERCITI| — EXERCISES Exercitiul 1 Listen on the cassette to how the letters of the alphabet are pronounced and repeat them. Spell these names. Ascultati pe caseta cum se pronunta literole alfabetului si repetati-le. Spuneti pe litere: enmict, Maller, Braun, Str@hm, Ruckser, Kremp, Hardler, Wolkowsky. Katchimsky, Weber. Check your answers with the cas- Cu caseta, veriicati raspunsurile. sette. Now spell your name. Pronuntati pe litere numele dvs. Exercitiul 2. Listen on the cassette to how the Ascultati pe caseté cum sint pro: nunjate numerele si pronuntatie. rumbers are pronunced and repeat them, 4, 2,3, 4 5 6 7, 8, 9 10, 44, 12, 18, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 31, 42, 53, 64, 75, 86, 97 $00, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 108, 110 414, 112, 193, 144, 145, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 TRY, 18, 143, 154, 165, 176, 187, 198, 200, 300, 400, 500 13 [CaP. 1 intiiniri — Meeting People [unm 1 cap. 2] Formule de salut — Greetings [unit 2 Imaginativ c&sintefi una aintre ersoanele de mai jos. Spunetiva fumele pe iitere, precum si adresa si numaru, de telefon. Imagine you are one of these people. Say and spell your name and address and phone number. Dr. Virgil Popescu Geta Radu Costin Sandu 3 Armeneasca st. 2 Kogalniceanu st. 32 Lunga st Bucharest Cluj-Napoca’ Brasov Tel: 90/173846 Tet: 95/182374 Tel: 92/126348 Verificat-va réspunsurile cu caseta ‘Acum spunefi-va pe litre propriul dvs. nume, adresa si numarul de telefon. Exercise 3. Ascultati pe caseta conversatia care urmeaza si réspundeti la intrebari folosind informatie a si b. Un prieten. Salut Unde locuiesti? Tu (Ovs): Un prieten: Carei adresa ta? dvs. Tu (vs)... Un prieten: Aveti (ai) telefon? Tu (Ovs): Un prieten: Ce numar vet Tu (vs. Locuiti in Bournemouth, Larches Avenue, la numarul 31. Telefonul este Bournemouth 29641. Informatia b) Locuiti in York, South View 5, York. Numarul de ' telefon este York 797941 14 ‘Check your answers with the cas- sette. Now give your own name, address and phone number. Listen to the following gapped conversation on the cassette, and answer the questions. Use infor- mation a) and information b) for your answers. A friend: Hello, Where are you staying? You: ... A friend: What's your address? You: ... ‘A friend: Are you on the phone? You ‘A friend: What's the number? You! Information a) You are staying in Bournemouth, at 31, Larches Avenue. The phone number is Bournemouth 29641 Information b) You are staying in York, at 5, South View, York. The phone num: ber is York’ 797941 in acest capitol invaati: ©’ cum se face prezentarca: salutul; © cunoasterea datei de nastere a unei persoane, DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Henry Gill (HG), Agnes Gill (AG), Mr. Anderson (An) HG: Hello, dle Anderson. Bun venit ta Londra. ‘An: Multumesc. HG: Aceasta este sofia mea, Agnes. AG: Bund seara, dle Anderson. Ce mai faceti? AN: Foarte bine, multumesc. HG: Helllo, Mr. Anderson Welcome to London, An: Thank you. HG: This is my wife, Agnes. ‘AG: Good evening, Mr. Anderson. How are you? ‘An: Very well, thank you Dialogue 2 Mrs. Gammon (WG), a neighbour (N) (un vecin) N: Bund dimineata, doamna Gam- mon. Cum va simi in aceasta dimineayz? WG: Foare bine, multumesc. Dar dvs. cum va simfiti? N: Nu prea bine, imi pare rau. Am dormit prost WG: 0, N: Good moming, Mrs. Gammon. How are you this morning? WG:|_ am very well thank you ‘And how are you? N: Not too well. I'm afraid. 1 slept badly. WG: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Dialogue 3 Henry Gill (HG), Peter Fuller (PF), Mr. Anderson (An) HG: Peter, acesta este domnul ‘Anderson. Domnule Anderson, acesta este dl. Fuller. An: Incintat s& va cunose. PF: i eu, deasemenea. HG: Peter, this is Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson, this is Mr. Fuller. ‘An: How do you do? PF: How do you do? 15, cap. 2] Formule de salut — Greetings [unit 2 CUM SE SPUNE * HOW [ou SAY IT: 1. Cum se face introducerea: How to make introductions, | husband wite Peter [Peter _ [ Mrs. Grammon| I i incintat de cunostinga. How do you do. 2. Cum se saluta gi cum se raspunde. How to greet someone. Hello! — Helio! Hello! Salut! Ce mai faceti? How are you? Foarte bine, muttumese. Very well, thank you. Buna seara — Buna seara Good evening — Good evening. Buna dimineata — Buna dimineata. Good morning — Good moming, 3. Cum se intreaba data nasteril How to ask for someone's date of birth Care este data dvs. de nastere? What is your date of birth? / 1 Decembrie, December the first. December 1* j 11 Februarie. February the eleventh, February ! 1 26 Februarie. February twenty sixth. (26). EXERCITI| — EXERCISES Exercise 1 Ascultati pe aceasta caset cum se _Listen on the cassette to how the ronunja lunile gi repetajie. months are pronounced and repeat them, 16 cap. 2] Formule de salut — Greetings [uni 2 January April July October February May ‘August November March June ‘September December Exercise 2 Ascultaji_numerele pe . caseta si repetaji-le. Veti auzi mai inti numerele cardinale gi apoi pe cele Listen to the numbers on the cassette and repeat them. You will hear the cardinal numbers first ordinale. and then the ordinal numbers. One First Sixteen Sixteenth Two Second Seventeen Seventeenth Three Third Eighteen Eighteenth Four Fourth Nineteen Nineteenth Five Fitth Twenty Twentieth Six Sith Twenty-one Twenty-first Seven Seventh Twenty-two Twenty-second Eight Eighth Twenty-three Twenty-third Nine Nineth Twenty-four Twenty-fourth Ten Tenth Twenty-five Twenty fifth Eleven Eleventh ‘Twenty-six Twenty-sixth Twelve Twelth Twenty-seven Twenty-seventh Thirteen Thirteenth Twenty-eight —Twenty-eighth Fourteen Fourteenth Twenty-nine Fifteen Fifteenth Exercise 3 Ascultati pe caseta cum se pronunta anil care urmeaza si repetafi si dvs. Listen to the numbers of the year on the cassette and repeat them, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1931, 1942, 1953, 1964, 1975, 1986, 1933, 1939, 1945, 1956, 1984 Aa BER RTS PSS 2.2 20 mal fooe civrtee nes 9 su 7 cap. 2| Formule de salut — Greetings[unit 2 cap. 3} Nafionalitatea— Nationally ewe! Ey arcise 4 \ scultati pe caseta si completati raspunsurile folosind informatille a) sib), Information a) Helga Stein 3.1.1951 Receptia: Buna dimineata. Care este prenumele dvs., va rog? DVS ronnese Receptia: Dar numele de familie? DVS.rrsene Receptia: Data nasteri? DVS. Recepfia: Muljumesc. Luafi loc. Verificati rspunsurile ascuttind caseta. Listen to the gapped conversation on the cassette and answer the Questions. Use information a) and ). Information b) Fritz Popp 295.1939, Receptionist: Good morning. What is your surname, please? You. Receptionist: And your first name? YOU en Receptionist: Date of birth? YOU rn Receptionist: Thank you. Take a seat, please. Check the answers with the cas- sette. ‘in acest capitol invajati cum se intreal ‘© nationaitate; © origine; ‘© cum se fac declaratile corespunzatoare. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1. Anne Bardy (AB), Hotel Receptionist (R) AB: Buna ziua. ‘AB; Good afternoon. RR: Buna ziua, doamna, R: Good afternoon, madam. ‘AB: Numele meu este Bardy. AB: My name is Bardy. R Da, dna Care este R: Yes, madam. What nationality are Nafionalitatea dvs.? you, please? AB: Sint englezoaica. AB: I'm British. RR: Mullumesc, doamna. RR: Thank you, madam. Dialogue 2. Winston Bell (WB), Felicity (F) WB: Hello. WB: Helio. F:_ Hello. F:_ Hello, WB: De unde sinteti? WB: Where ave you from? F: Sint din Londra. F: I'm from London, WB: De unde anume? WB: Whereabouts? F: Din Richmond. Si dvs.? F: From Richmond. And you? We: Eu sint din Tooting. we: I'm from Tooting. Dialogue 3. Agnes Gill (AG), Peter Fuller (PF) mi, de Fuller, sinteti AG: Tell me, Mrs: Fuller, are you Scot- fish?! PF: Yes. ‘AG: Oh, what part are you from? PF: Din Sterling. PF: From Sterling. ‘AG: Se gaseste in nord sau in sud? AG: Is that north or south? 19 PF: Mm, este nu departe de Edin. tm, PF: Well t's not far trom Edinbourgh AG: A, da. | CUM SE SPUNE « HOW TO Say IT SSS ERNE * HOW TO Say IT 1. Cum se intreabé nationalit tatea, How to ask about natonaltge Care este nationaitar i . ea dvs? = fam — Romanian’ sine 2Netan, — Swiss. | ei — mane, ‘Ate you — Romanian? | — austriac? = Austra Da, sint n Metrane Nu, nu sint. Sint... Nor im No, I'm not. I'm... 2. Cum se intreaba o perso: ani Fo fa Parotid de une provi, Rane == | where [is he [What pat | she [(0f Romania) L 20 es — Nationality (cap. 3] Nationalitatea—Nationality [unit 3 EXERCITI EXERCISES Exercise 1 Ascultati pe caseta cum se pronunta numele unor localtati si zone din Germania: Pronuntaji acum numele _unor locaitaji si zone din Romania Listen on the cassette to how the Germany place and names are pronounced and repeat them. lasi — Cluj — Timisoara — Suceava — Oradea — Satu-Mare, Transilvania, Banat, Romani Acum spunefi c& provenii din aceste locuri. Exerc 2 Now say that you come from these places. Ascultafi conversajia urmatoare: Barbat: Hello. Femeie: Hello Barbat: De unde sinteti? Femeie: Sint din Bristol. Barbat: De unde anume? Femeie: Din Clifton, Pe acelasi model raspundeti si dvs, luind rolul femeii si folosind urmatoarele date: Barbat: Hello. Femeie: Barbat: De unde sintefi? Femeie: . Barbat: De unde anume? Femeie: Pronuntafi acum numele nor locaiitati $i zone din Romania. Bucuresti — Cringasi; Maramures — Cluj —"Manaistur Exercise 3 Prezentati o persoana d-lui Jones. Dys.: Die Jones, aceasta este d-na Boldur, DL Jones: Incintat de cunostings Bun venit in York Acum prezentati un grup de per- Soane d-lyi Jones. Listen to the following conversa- tion: Man: Hello. Woman: Hello. Man: Where are you from? Woman: I'm from Bristol Man: Whereabouts? Woman: From Clifton, Listen to the following conversa- tion on the cassette and say that Yous coma. rom these places: lan: Hello, Woman: Man: Where are you from? Woman: Man: Whereabouts? Woman: Satu-Mare; Bihor — Oradea; You introduce somebody to Mr. Jones. You: Mr. Jones, this is Mrs. Boldur. Mr, Jones: How do you do? Wel- come to York. Now introduce a group of people to Mr. Jones. Or. Schwarz, Fraulein Weiss, Herr Lietz, Frau Weinkauf, Herr Schonleben, Fraulein Jager. Verificati raspunsurile cu caseta, Check your answers with the cas- sette, at ICAP. 4} UNIT 4 Familia — Family in acest capitol invaat: @ cum s& intrebati despre familia interlocutorului; © situatia familiala; \ cum sa formulafi raspunsurile respective. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES (WwW) Are you British? Yes, |.am. I'm from Tooting. What about you? I'm British, too. Well, 'm English. Sintoti englez? Da, sint din Tooting. Dar dvs.? F: w: F: $i eu sint din Marea Britanie. Ei bine, sint englezoaica. W: Esti casatorita, Felicity? F: Nu, nu sint. Dvs. sinteti? Ww: inca casatorit Are you married, Felicity? No, I'm not. Are you? No. I'm single. 7s 7 =2 Nu, nu sir Dialogue 2. Agnes Gill (AG), Peter Fuller (PF) AG: Spuneji-mi, die Fuller, sinteti AG: Tell me, Mr. Fuller, are you here aici cu afaceri? on business? PF: Da. PF: Yes. AG: Este si sofia dvs.? AG: Is your wife with you? PF: Nu, sofia mea este acasa. PF: No, my wife is at home. AG: Aveti copii? ‘AG: Have you got any children? PF: Da, am un béiat si doua fete. PF: Yes, i've got one son and two Dar dvs., dna Gill, aveti copii? daughters. And you, Mrs. Gill? Have you got any children? AG: Da, am o fata, AG: Yes, I've got one daughter. CUM SE SPUNE HOW TO SAY IT 1, Cum se intreaba 0 persoana daca este cisatorité. How to ask if a person is married, 22 cap. 4 Familia — Family [UNIT 4 Sinteti cAsStorit/cAsatorit’? — Da, sint, — Nu, nu sint. Are you married? — Yes, | am. — No, I'm not. ES ene ae Ny ae se Eee Gat aN iin (um a) 2. Cum se intreab& 0 persoané despre membri familiei. How to ask about a person's family. ‘Aveti — copii? Have you got any — children? | — frati? — brothers? — surori? — sisters? ‘copii childen ~ | Hi? frati avefi? How many] brothers| have you ‘surori got? | sisters | r Am un | eopil = a Euan lo | fica we ||, oid fu Vhave a daughter | frate bo) ay fone brother Avem doi copii We've Noi avem | doua | fete wie) ‘trei baiefi trai suroni Eu nu am copii Noi nu aver | frati i eee ssurori we [haven't got_any | brothers 23 Familia — Family EXERCISE 1 Ascultati dialogul de pe caseta. D-na Wison: Buna seara, die Fiebiger. Sinteti aici cu afaceri? D1. Fiebiger: Da, sit D-na Wilson: Este gi familia cu dvs? DI. Fiebiger: Nu, sofia este acasa. La fel si copii D-na Wilson: Citi copii aveti, d-le Fiebiger? D1. Fiebiger: Am un fiu gi o fica. Acum alcaituiji aceeasi conversatie folosind informatie a—d. @) DI Rickert este aici in concediu Cu sotia si doua fice. b) DI Neubert este aici cu afaceri cu sofia. Nu au copii © Dna Denker este aici cu afaceri, Sojul este acasa. Nu au copii 4) DI Wacker este aici cu afaceri, singur. Sofia este acasé cu fiul $i cele doua fice. Verificaji raspunsurile cu caseta. 24 EXERCITI| — EXERCISES Listen to this dialogue on the cas- sette. Mrs. Wilson: Good evening, Mr. Fiebiger. Are you here on’ busi- ness? Mr. Fiebiger: Yes, | am. Mrs, Wilson: Is your family with you? Mr. Fiebiger: No, my wife is at home. So are the children, Mrs, Wilson: How many children have you got, Mr. Fiebiger? Mr. Fiebiger: I've got one son and one daughter. Now do the same conversation. Use information a—d, ‘Mr. Rickert is here on holiday with his wife and two daughters. Mr Neubert is here on business with his wife. They have no children, Mrs Denker is here on business. Her husband is at home. They have no children Mr. Wacker is here on business, alone. His wife is at home, with their son and two daughters. Check your answers with the cas- sette, ICAP. 4 JUNIT 4 EXERCISE 2 a es Ascultati urmatoarea conversatie de pe caseté, Dna Simpson: Buna seara, dle Green...? DI. Green: Da, eu sint. Dna. Simpson: DL Green: Nu, sojia este acasa avind gria de copii Dna. Simpson: DL. Green: Am doi fil gi o fica. Toate intrebarile d-nei Simpson lip- ese. Punefile dvs. Veriticati caseta. FAspunsurile ascultind Listen to this gapped conversation on the cassette. Mrs, Simpson: Good evening, Mr. Green... Mr. Green: Yes, | am. Mrs. Simpson: ... Mr. Green: No, my wife is at hom looking after the children. Mrs, Simpson: Mr. Green: We have two sons and @ daughter. All Mrs's Simpson questions are missing. Ask them, Check your answers with the cas- sette, EXERCISE 3 eS Ascuttati dialogul de pe caseta. intrebare: Sinteti casatorit? Raspuns: Da. Intrebare: Avefi copii? Raspuns: Da, avem un copil ‘Acum alc&tuiti acoeasi conversatie folosind informatiile a—d, a) Aveti cite unul din fiecare, b) Aveti doi baiei ©) Aveti trei fete. ) Aveli trei fete si un baat, Verificati-va réspunsurile cu caseta. Usten to the dialogue on the cassette. Question: Are you married? Answer: Yes. 5 Question: Have you got any children? ‘Answer: Yes, we have got one child. Now do the same conversation. Use information a—d. ) You have got one of each. ) You have got two boys. ©) You have got three daughters. d) You have got three giris and a Check your answers with the cas- sete ICAP. 5; UNIT 5, La _cumparaturi — Shopping ICAP. 5 UNIT 5 La cumparaturi — Shopping jin acest capttol invatatt: cum sa solicitati ceva intr-un magazin; ¢ cum sa intrebati de pret. ‘As: Desigur, dle. Multumesc. Mai As: Certainly, sir. Thank you. Will there doriti ceva? be anything else? HG: Nu, mulfumesc. Asta e tot. Ct’ HG: No, thank you, that's all. How As: costa? Costa 3,80 £ die. much is that? As: That comes to £ 3,80, sir. DIALOGURI — DIALGGUES lalogue 1 Winston (W), Shop Assistant (As) (vinzator) CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se solicita cea ce dorifi intr-un magazin. How to say what you want in a shop. As: V pot ajuta? As: Can | help you? W: Da. As dori Mirror’, vi rog. —-W: Yes. I'd like the Mirror, please, As: Costa’ 22 penny, As: That’ 22 p. W: Si aceste doua reviste. W: And these two magazines. As: Multumesc. Costa 1,30 £. As: Thank you. That's £ 1,30 . Dialogue 2 Felicity (F), Shop Assistant (As) F As: F As: Ma puteti ajuta? F: Da As: A$ dori citeva aspirine, va rog. F $i acele doua agrate de par de Can you help me, please? Yes. ''d like some aspirins, please. And those hair grips over there, a) Doni se acyl “ater?” You want to atract the attention vinzatorului. of the shop assistant. ER pute aia |varog? | [can you nelp |” | pease? Ne ° = Desig Yaomnue | ~—«([Cenainy, a [oa doamna | [ves | macam acolo, Costa 1,70 £. As: £ 1,70 please. Dialogue 3 Henry Gill (HG), Shop Assistant (As) As: HG: As: Ha: As: HG: 26 ‘Va pot ajuta? Da, ag dori niste flor. ‘Am aici nigte frezii frumoase. ‘Sau sint nigte trandafiri frumosi acolo. ‘AS dori cinci trandafir, va roa, Desigur, dle. Mai dorii ceva? Da, ag dori si patru frezii As: Can | help you? HG: Yes. I'd like some flowers. As: I've got some nice freesias here. Or there are some beautiful roses over there. HG: Id like five roses, please As: Certainly, sit. Will there be any- thing else? HG: Yes, I'd like four freesias as well b) Dori obiecte care se pot You want things you can count numéra, [a cove [omar Y ‘(Fate sone wampe | aspirine | | aspirins. flor flowers L leat pestle | postcards, ©) Doriti obiecte care nu se pot numara, You want things you can’t count. 1g don nigio | spun pasta de ding roathpaste tatun IL tobacco I'D LIKE SOME STAMPS. 1D LIKE SOME SOAP. uvintul SOME se foloseste in sensul de NISTE cind este vorba de| obiecte care se pot numara sau nu. In propozitile negative insa ANY. ex. | DON'T WANT ANY STAMPS (nu vreau timbre). 'd like some | soap. se foloseste| 27 ©) Doriti lucruri care se cumpaira la Cantitate sau in ambalaj You want things you buy by the quantity or the container. As dori | un | halba cu bere. © | livre’ (0,454 kg) de mere | kg de banane pahar cu vin sticla cu lapte. pachet de plicuri cutie cu_chibrituri 2. Cum se intreaba pretul How to ask for a price, 'dlke ]a_ | pint of beer. pound of apples. kilo of bananas. glass of wine. bottle of milk packet of envelopes. box of match How much is | that ...? this Ch costa aceea? iE aceasta? 3. Cum spuneti dacd mai dorifi sau nu altceva, How to say you want or don't want anything else. Mai doriti ceva? — Da, ag mai wrea gi Nu, muttumesc, asta e tot. 28 Will there be anything else? Yes, I'd like... as well — No thank you. That's’ all ‘Acum spuneji c& dorfi obiecte Verificativa rspunsurile ascuttind caseta aceste cap. 5] La cumparaturi — Shopping [unr 5] cap. 5] La cumparaturi — Shopping [uni 5 d) Doriti obiecte individuale. You want individual items. EXERCITII EXERCISES ‘As dori [un | sandvis. Vd like Ja | sandwich Exercise 1 . a iam here oe Coat Ascultafi caseta pentru a invaja Listen on the cassette to how revit |__| magazine. Pronunjia, dupa care repetali si dvs, these. things "are pronunced ‘ard ingheyata. an | ice-cream, repeat them. niste sandvisuri — some sandwiches ae apple. niste flori — some fiowers. _ | plic. _| _|envelope. | nigte aspirine — some aspirins ! nigte plicuri — some envelopes. = a re err niste CArti pogtale ilustrate — some picture cards. Bai, al Seas orn para tage chiohon = corte] ates | Substantivul Incepe cu 0 vocald, nigte tiga — some cigarettes Ee i nigte Spun — some soap nigte past de dinti — some toothpaste Now say that you want these things. ‘Check your answers with the cas- sotte. Exercise 2 es Ascultati pronuntia pe caset’ gi repetati si dvs. © halba cu bere © sticla cu vin un pahar cu lapte © ceagcai cu ceai © cutie cu ciocolata ©’ cutie cu suc de portocale © Cutie cu limonad& un kg de mere © livra de pere (0,454 kg) ‘Acum spunefi cA doriti fuera. Verificay-va raspunsurile cu caseta. aceste Listen on the cassette to how these things are pronunced and repeat them. a pint of beer a bottle of wine a glass of milk a cup of tea a box of chocolate a carton of orange juice a can of lemonade a kilo of apples pound of pears Now say that you want these things. Check your answers with the cas- [cap. 5] La cumparaturi — Shopping [unr 5 cap. 6| La cumparaturi — Shopping [unir 6 xercise 3 lata citeva obiecte de care putea sa aveti nevoie ca_turist Cerefite. inghegata ghid de calatorie Qhidul hotelurilor Pieptene erie de par Tuj de buze Verificati-vé réspunsurile ascuttind caseta. Exercise 4 Winston viziteaz& oragul York gi doreste s& cumpere nigte cari Postale. Ati putea pe baza infor- matilor de mai jos SA alcatuli con- versatia pe care 0 va avea intr-un magazin? Cit costa asta? Desigur. de, ‘AS dori niste camti postale ilustrate. Nu, muumesc. Ag dori cinci, va rog. Va pot ajuta, d-le? Aceasta cost 1,25 &. ‘Am aici nigte citi postale. Mai doriti ceva, d-le? Verificativa raspunsurile cu caseta. Here are some things you might Need as a tourist. Ask for them. — ice-cream — guide book — hotel list — comb — hairbrush — lipstick Check your answers with the cas- sette. Winston is visiting York and wants to buy some picture postcards. Can you sort out the conversation he has in a shop? How much is this? Certainty, si I like Some picture postcards. No, thank you, Td like five, please, Can | help you, si That comes to £ 1,25. I've got some nice postcards here, Will there be anything else, sir? Check your answers with the cas- sette, {in acest capitol invatati alte fraze care v-ar putea fi utile la cumparaturi. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Mrs. Gammon (WG), Shop Assistant (As) WG: Aveti unt englezesc? WG: Have you got any English butter? Asi Da, 11 gisiti acolo, As: Yes, you'll find it over there. WG: Aveti si piine neagra? WG: And have you got a brown loaf? As: Imi pare rau, nu avem, Altceva? As: No, sorry, we haven't. Anything else? WG: As dori 0 duzina de oud. Cit WG:I'd like a dozen eggs, please. How costa? much is that? ENGLISH BUTTER ge untul imponat din BROWN LOAF este tul_englezesc Noua Zeelanda sau j rescurtarea de Ia deosebire Dialogue 2 Henry Gill (HG), Barman (Bm) HG: As dori o halba& cu bere. HG: I'd like a pint of beer, please, Bm: John Smith sau Bass? Bm: John Smith's or Bass? HG: Mm, Bass va rog. $i un gin HG: Oh, Bass please. And a gin and tonic. tonic, Bm: O alba. Un gin tonic. Face Bm: One pint. One gin and tonic, 1,90 €, That'll be £ 1,90. a logue 3 Agness Gill (AG), Shop Assistant (As) As: Va pot ajuta? AG: Can | help you? AG: Nu, multumesc. Doar privesc. As: No, thank you, I'm just looking, 31 ew | Se ee CPOE —— VY) Dialogue 4 Agnes Gill (AG), Clerk (Cl) (functionar) AG: Scuzafi-ma, imi puteti da niste informagi?? CR cost un timbru pentru Germania? Ci: Scrisoare sau carte postala? AG: Pentru o scrisoare. Cl O scrisoare pentru Germania cost 19 penny. AG: Va rog, 6 timbre de 19 p. Cl Asta face 1,14 lire, AG: Excuse me. Can you give me some information? How much is a ‘stamp for Germany? Cl, Letter or card? AG: It’s for a letter. lA letter to Germany costs 19 p. AG: Coud | have six 19 p. stamps, please. Cl: That'll be £ 1,14, HY [UNIT 6 cap. 6] La cumparaturi — Shopping [unit 6| 2. Cum se Intreaba la posta. How to ask about postage. EL publog. Lee pee ae cr as ea ene ‘og ea ae, base tale as Dialogue 5 Winston (W), Milton (M). Barman (Bm) Ce beti? © halba de biter. (catre barman) Doua halbe cu biter, va rog. Asta face 1,80 £. lata 2 £, ‘Va multumesc foarte mult, dom- rule, Noroc! Sandtate! EE 8s 5s W: What's yours? M: A pint of bitter, please. W: (to the barman) Two pints of bitter, please. That'll be £ 1,80 please. W: Here's £ 2.00. Bm: Thank you very much, sir. W: Cheers! M: Good health! CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se spune cind nu dori! s& cumparati ceva. How to say you do not want to buy things, Numai privese (muumesc). 32 I'm just looking (thank you). © Jo scrisoare | pt. Romania? Ch costs | 0 carte pt. parle CE? postata pt. Anglia? How much is letter to Romania? a | posteard | to Ec countries? to Britain? | un timbru | 0 carte postal pentru | 0 sorisoare pt Dovese |__| Romania dous) | de 14 penny cinci | de 19 penny | L ftimbre | Could | have | a stamp for] a card tol Romania a letter _| | two 4p. | stamps | five 19p. | EXERCITII — EXERCISES EXERCISE 1 _ Ascultati dialogul de pe caseta (repetatit daca dorit. Clientul: Ma puteti ajuta? Vinzatorul: Desigur. Clientul: Aveti c&mti postale ilustrate? Vinzatorul: Da, le gasiti acolo. Clientut: Aveti si plicuri? Listen to the dialogue on the cassette (repeat it if you want) Customer: Can you help me? Shop Ass: Certainly. Customer: Have you got any pic- ture postcarc s? Shop Ass: Yes, you'll find them over there. Customer: And have you got any envelopes? Ce’ aero Shopping [unit 6} cap. 6] La cumparaturi — Shopping [unit 6 Vinz&torul: Regret, nu avem. Shop Ass: No, sory. We haven't Acum vativa rolul si completati Now take your part in the gapped intrebarile care lipsesc. conversation. Dvs. You: Vinztorul: Desigur. Shop Ass: Certainly Dvs... You: Vinzdtorul: Da, le g&siti acolo. Shop Ass: Yes, you'll find them over there. Dvs.:. You... Vinztorul: Regret, nu ave. Shop Ass: No, sony, we haven't. Bort sa cumparay urmatoarele: a)— You want to buy the following o: a)—c): @) past de dingi — toothpaste aspirine — aspirins b) ciocolata — chocolates pere — pears ©) mere — apples flori — flowers. Veriicajiva raspunsurile ascuttind Check your answers with the cas. caseta sete. EXERCISE 2 aes Dorji S comandati intr-un birt You: want to order the following urmatoarele bauturi: drinks in @ pub: bitter — 0 halba bitter — a pint gin tonic — un pahar gin tonic — a glass bitter — 0,5 halba bitter — 1/2 a pint suc de citrice lager and lime Babycham — o sticta Babycham — a bottle Coca-cola Coca-cola suc de portocale ‘orange juice whisky and soda — a glass Check your answers with the cas- sette, EXERCISE 3 EXERCISE QO in Angia timbrole postale so cumpird astel: — a book of first class stamps; — a book of second class stamps. Acestea sint niste calete cu timbro frst class — pentru expedier! expres $i second class ~~ pentru expedier normale, whisky gi sifon — un pahar Verificati réspunsurile cu caseta. 34 Three 19 p. stamps — trei timbre de 19 penny four 14 p. stamps — patru timbre de 14 penny Desigur se pot solicita timbrele si dupa valoarea lor. — two first class stamps (doua timbre pentru expres) and three second class stamps (trei timbre pentru expediere normals). — ten air mail stamps (zece timbre pentru expediere par- avion). Dori s& cumparaji aceste timbre, Solictatite gi intrebayi de pret. Verificajiva raspunsurile cu caseta, You want to buy these stamps. ‘Ask for them and ask for the price Check your answers with the cas- sotte. CAP. 7| Localitati — Places UNIT 7| In acest capitol invatatl: ¢ 88 vorbiti despre localtai; s& intrebati unde sint situate; © SA intrebati de ele gi de descrierea lor; ¢ S& faceji recomandari in legatura cu ele. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES De unde sinteti? Sint din Coxwold. Unde este ast Este un oragel in Yorkshire. Yorkshire-ul este in nord-estul Angliei, nui aga? Da Ge mai aveti pe acolo? Acolo sint si Dales, si North Yorkshire Moors. Sint si niste sate foarte frumoase. Este Incintator, trebuie s& mergefi acolo. Cum este vremea? i, bine, este schimbatoare. Uneori este frumos. Alteori este umed. Sinteti din Londra? Da, sint din Tooting. Unde este Tooting? Este in sud-estul Londrei. Cum este? Este 0 simpla suburbie. Nimic special @E9 2020E = EOE93 Hello, where are you from? 'm from Coxwold. Where's that? it's a small town in Yorkshire. Yorkshire's in the north east of England, isn't it? Yes. What's it like there? There are the Dales. And the North Yorkshire Moors. And there are some very pretty villages. It's lovely. You should go. Ww: G w: G: Ww: G What's the weather like? Well, it's changeable. Sometimes it's fine. And sometimes it's wet. Are you from London? W: Yes, I'm from Tooting. G: Where's Tooting? W: I's in the south east of London. @ w: os What's it like? It's just a suburb. Nothing special. Dialogue 2 Mrs Gammon (WG), Henry Gill (HG) WG: Sinteti din York, nu-i aga? HG: Da, sintem. WG: Cred ca este un orag frumos. HG: Da, este incintator. WG: Imi amintesc c& este acolo o catedrala minunata. 36 WG: You're from York, aren't you? HG: Yes, we are. WG: It’s a beautiful city, | believe. HG: Yes, it is. It's lovely. WG: There's a wonderful cathedral | remember. CAP. 7| Localitati — Places UNIT 7| HG: Da, Domul HG: Yes, the Minster. WG: Este vreme bun in acest WG:ls the weather nice at this time of anotimp? the year? HG: Da, primavara_este frumos. HG: Yes, it's lovely in the spring. You Trebuie s& mergeti should go. WG: Mi-ar placea. WG:I'd love to. CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreab& unde se gisegte o localltate. How to ask where places af Salcombe? | near sents Hampstead? | (Unga) —_| Scotland. London. the Lake District. the Alps. the Midlands. the Thames. the Rhine. the coast (of Scotland). | Where's, (unde este) t's 2. Cum se cere descrierea unei localitati. How to ask for a description of the region. Cum este acolo? ‘What's it like (there)? Cum este zona? What is the country like? mice nice — placut | beautiful beautiful — frumos it's | nat flat — neted “ hilly — colinar hilly mountainous — muntos mountainous wooded — impaidurit Lo wooded, @ beautiful forest a je — mare vg | __latge io There's |__ q ‘old — vechi | cathedral forest — padure lake — lac | an interresting | ol lake 37 CAP. 7 Localitati — Places UNIT 7 CAP. 7 Localitati — Places [UNIT 7] r 5. Manchen este la sud, nisi aga? 5. Munich isin the south, isn't? park 6. Augsburg este in nordul sau 6. Is Augsburg in the north or in the isa river ‘sudul Germani south of Germany? " 2 — — wr — fu _ 7 pes de Kiel, unde este 7. I've heard of Kiel, where is it’ parks ach — strand, plaja 8. Bremen este la nord? & {ts Bremen in the nonh? are tvers [beaches Exercise 2 3. Cum se intreabé despre climé. Ascultati dialogul de pe caset&. Usten to this dialogue on the cas- How to ask about climate, Cum este vremea? Vremea este frumoasa. Vremea este frumoasa? What's the weather like? The weather is fine/nice. Is the weather nice? ok ] | ok | Serna spring — primavara its | hot in | autumn summer — vara autumn — toamna wet ane winter — iar’ L_ winter , snow — z8pada There's (a lot op [SO [| winter mow — ica rain summer alot of "mutt (, i, e) EXERCITI EXERCISES Exercise 1 Dna Gammon este foarte interesat& de Germania, Raspundefi_— la intrebarile ei. Exemplu: Unde este Labeck? Labeck este in nordul Ger- maniei. 1. Am auzit c& sinteti din Passau. Unde este asta? 2. Sinteyi din Hamburg, dle ‘Schmidt, Asta este in’ nordul Germaniei, nu-i aga? 3. Unde este Ulm? 4. Nu am auzit de Oldenburg; unde este acesta? 38 Mrs, Gammon is very interested in Germany. Answer her questions. Example: Where is Labeck? Libeck is in the north of Germany. | hear you're from Passau. Where's that? So you're from Hamburg, Mr. ‘Schmidt. That's in the north of Germany, isn't it? Whereabouts is Ulm? | have not heard of Oldenburg: where is that? Exercise 3 Ascuitafi dialogul de pe caset& Un american: Unde este Wor- cester? DL Wagner: Este in sud-vestul Angliei. Este pe riul Severn, Un american: Cum este? DL Wagner: Este acolo 0 catedrala frumoas’. Trebuie s& mergefi Un american: Mm, poate voi merge intro zi ‘Acum alcatuiti aceeasiconversatie ‘sau_una similar’ cu un american, presupunind c& dvs. afi fost in Urmatoarele localit Listen to this dialogue on the cas- sete. ‘American: Where's Worcester? Mr. Wagner: It's in the south-west of England. t's on the river Severn. “American: What's it like? Mr. Wagner: There is a beautiful cathedral. You should go. ‘American: Mm, perhaps | will one day. Now do the same or a similar conversation with an American, assuming you have been to the following places. 1. York/north east/river Ouse/Minster 2. Edinbourgh/coast/castle Canterbury/south east/cathedral Cambridge/north of London/University . Stratford/Midlands/river Avonitheatre Keswick/north west/ Lake District/mountains Salcombe/south west/sea/beachers Verticativa raspunsurile cu caseta Check your answers with the cas- sette, Mogae ICAP. 8] Cautind drumul — Finding the way UNIT 8) CAP 8] Cautind drumul — Finding the way [UNIT 8 lin acest capitol invata{l: cum sa punefi intrebari in legatura cu drumul. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Mrs Gamon (WG), Winston (W) WG: Scuzaji-ma. Ma putefi ajuta? Exist in apropiera 0 toaleté pentru femei? W: Da, este acolo. WG: Excuse me. Can you help me? Is there a ladies’ toilet near here? W: Yes, it's over there. Dialogue 2 Anne Bardy (AB), Winston (W) AB: Scuzati-m&, exist in apropiere © cabina telefonica? W: Da. Mergofi drept inainte. Exist © cabind telefonica pe dreapta. AB: La‘ce distanja este? W: Aproximativ 200 iarzi (i iard = 0.9 m) ‘AB: Mulumesc foarte mult. Di AG: Scuzaji-ma, Existé 0 farmacie it re? pe prima strada la stinga. Este vizavi de cinema AG: Mullumesc. ‘AB: Excuse me, is there a phone box (booth) near here? W: Yes. Go along here. There's a phone box (booth) on the right, ‘AB: How far is i? W: About 200 yards. ‘AB: Thank you very much. jogue 3 Agnes Gill (AG), Winston (W) ‘AG: Excuse me, is there a chemist near here? W: Yes. Take the first street on the left. It's opposite the cinema. AG: Thank you. Dialogue 4 Henry Gill (HG), Winston (W) HG: Scuzati-ma. imi puteti_spune care este drumul spre cea mai apropiatd stajie de metrou? W: Da. Mergefi drept inainte. Este pe stinga. HG: Muljumesc. 40 HG: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the nearest tube station? W: Yes.°Go straight on (ahead). It's on the left. HG: Thank you. Dialogue 5 Henry Gill (HG), a woman (Wo) Wo: Scuzati-ma. imi_puteti spune Wo: Excuse me. Can you tell me where unde este Pear Tree Avenue? Pear Tree Avenue is? HG: Nu. Regret. Nu stiu. Nu sint de HG: No. I'm sorry. | don't know. I'm a aici. (Sint strain aici. stranger here. Dialogue 6 Winston (W), a woman (Wo) Wo: Scuzatima. imi puteti spune Wo: Excuse me. Can you tell me the care este dumul spre posta? way to the Post Office? W: Da. Mergeli pind la semafor. W: Yes, Go to the traffic lights. Turn Cotit’ pe Duke Street. Este into Duke Street. It's next to the ling Teatru, theatre. Wo: La ce distanja este? Wo: How far is it? W: " Aproximativ 500 yarzi. (450 m). W: About 500 yards. Wo: Muttumesc, Wo: Thank you. CUM SE SPUNE HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreaba dac& ceva este prin aproplere. How to ask if something is near. Is there Phone box [near here? | (exist) ja | post office | (in apropiere) | bank J 2. Cum se intreaba drumul, How to ask ask the way. Can you tell me the way to the | Youth Hostel? ] (imi puteti spune care este | theatre? | drumul spre) ‘station? post office? nearest | | tube station? (celcoa toilet? mai apropiat(@) | bank? J a ICAP 8} Cautind drumul — Finding the way [uNIT 8 Station Road Pear Tree Avenue is?| the Health Centre L Can you tell me where (imi_puteti spune unde) [ the comer. Go| along here to | the bridge, | straight on the tatfic lights. comer = col, bridge = pod traffic light = semator first Take the | second (street) on the | left left = sting(a) L third ___ right] right = dreapta | (right) ‘Stonegate Turn | (let) | into | Piccadily to tun = acot, a | | Coney Street imoarce ~~ [next to the post office. its opposite the book shop. | | the cinema. _ on the loft right over there, straight on. next to = fing’ book shop = librarie ‘over there pe aici straight on = drept inainte 3.Cum se intreaba cit de departe se afld locul cdutat. How to ask how far away something is. 200 | metres. How far is| the post office? |About |500 | yards. : jie _ five | minute's walk, ten 42 ICAP 8| Cautind drumul — Finding the way [UNIT 8 EXERCITIL EXERCISES Exercise 1 Ascultai dialogul de pe casetd. Henry:$tiu c& posta e aproape de aici. Sofia: Henry, ne-am ratacit. Voi intreba pe cineva. Scuzati- ma, Imi puteti spune care este drumul spre posta? Imaginativa c& sintefi Henry si une intrebairile necesare pentru a ‘gsi locurile urmatoare. 1, banca 2. biroul obiectelor pierdute 3. teatrul 4. statia 5 6 oficiul de turism podul Exercise 2 Listen to the dialogue on the cas- sete. Henry:| know the post office is near here. Wife: Henry, we're lost! I'l ask some- ‘one. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Post Office? Imagine you are Henry and ask the necessary questions to find these places. 4. the bank 2. the lost property office 3. the theatre 4, the station 5. the tourist office 6. the bridge DI si Dna Jones viziteaz’ Londra pentru prima oaré. Ei au nigte dificultati. Ascuttati dialogul de pe caseta. Dna Jones: Ah, drag’! Trebuie s& gasim 0 toaleta, DI Jones: Scuzati-ma, exista o toalet aproape de aici Imaginativa c& sinteti DI Jones. intrebati ce avefi nevoie. Dna Jones: 1. Trebuie s gasim 0 posta. 2 Trebuie sa gasim 0 Statie de autobuz. Trebuie s& gasim 0 banca. Trebuie s& gsim 0 statie de metrou. Trebuie s& gasim 0 parcare. Trebuie s& gasim 0 cabina telefonica. Trebuie sa gasim 0 farmacie. N on Mr and Mrs Jones are_visiting London for the first time. They are having some difficulties. Listen to the dialogue on the cassette. Mrs Jones: Oh, dear! We must find a toilet Mr Jones: Excuse me, is there a toilet near here? Imagine you are Mr Jones. Ask for what you need. Mrs Jones: 1, We must find a post office. 2, We must find a bus stop. 3. We must find a bank. 4. We must find a tube station. We must find a car park. We must find a phone box. 7. We must find a chemist. [cap 8] Cautind drumul — Finding the way [UNIT @ cap 9] Permisiunea — Permission [unit 9] ‘ | In acest ‘ol invaitagl: Exercise 3 ¢ cum sa core pormetune: lat& cReva raspunsuri_ care vi s-ar putea da cind intrebati de drum. Cititle si g&siti intrebarile care au fost puse. Apoi ascultati conversatia pe caseta. 1A B: O cabinai telefonica? imi pare rau, nu sint de pe aici 2k. B: Micklegate? Da. Treceti. peste pod. Apoi drept inainte. 3A B: Da. Este o stajie de autobuz jin Tanner Row. 4A B: Youth Hotel? Da. Este in Water End, 5A. B: Este o farmacie in Parliament Street, cred. 6A: .. B: Da. Mergeti drept inainte si o luati pe a doua la dreapta. ‘Aceea e Piccadily 7K B: Minster. Da. Mergefi_ pina la semafor $i cotiji la stinga BA. B: Museum Street? Nu, regret, nu sti @> BP BF oR Here are some answers you may be given when asking the way. Read them and work out the questions which were asked. Then listen to the conversation on the cassette, K telephone box? I'm sorry, I'm a stranger here. Micklegate? Yes. Go over the bridge. Then i's straight on Yes. There's a bus stop in Tan- ner Row. The Youth Hoste!? Yes, i's in Water End, A B: Theres a chemist in Pariament Street, | think a B: Yes, Go straight on and take the second on the right. That's Pic- cadily. The Minster? Yes, Go to the traffic lights and turn left. Pr @> Museum Street? No, I'm sorry, | don't know. © cum sa raspundefi la rugaminti: ‘© cum s& intrebaji daca este permis, DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Henry Gill (HG), Winston (W) HG: Scuzafi-ma. (Mai tare) Scuzati- a « ) Scuzati Ww: Da HG: Pot parca aici? W: Nu, de, aici nu aveti voie s& parcati. HG: Pot parca acolo? W: Nici acolo nu avefi voie sa parca. HG: Asta e absolut imposibil HG: Excuse me. (Louder) Excuse me. W: Yes. HG: Can | park here? W: No, sir. You are not allowed to park here, HG: Can | park over there? W: You are not allowed to park over here, either. Dialogue 2 Felicity (F), a neighbour (Ne) F: (batind la usa vecinului) Die ‘Simpson. Ne: Bund, Felicity. Ce s-a intimpiat? F: Priv, Amo pana, Ne: Asta vad. F: Pot imprumuta bicicleta dvs., va fog? Sint in intirziere la serviciu. Ne: in ordine. F: Pot imprumuta gi farul? Ne: Da, in ordine. tata. F: Va’ multumesc foarte mutt F: (knocking on her neighbour's door) Mr Simpson. Ne: Hello, Felicity, what's the matter? F: Look, Ive got a puncture. Ne: So | see. F: Can | borrow your bicycle, please? Vm late for work. Ne: That's all right. F: Can | borrow your bicycle lamp, t00? Ne: Yes, that’s all right. Here it is. Fo Thanks very much. 45 cap 9] Permisiunea — Permission [unit 9) cap 9] Permisiunea — Permission [unit 9 Dialogue 3 Mrs Gammon (WG), a neighbour (Ne) (pauza) (pause) Pot veni sa va vad? May | come and see you? WG: Dna MacDonald! Hello! Dn’ WG:Mrs MacDonald! Hello! Mrs Mac- Disear&? Tonight? MacDonald! Donald! (pauza) (pause) Ne: Hello! Dvs. sintefi, dn& Gam- Ne: Is that you, Mrs Gammon? Pot veni la 8? May | come about 8? mon? Multumesc. La revedere. Thank you. Good-bye. WG: Da. pot imprumuta nigte zahar, WG:Yes. Can | borrow some sugar, (Pune telefonul la loc) (Replaces receiver) va rog? please? Winston, era Anne. Am o Winston. that was Anne, | have an Ne: Da. Desigur c& puteti. © clip&. Ne: Yes. Of course you can, Just a intiinire diseara. appointment for tonight. (merge s& caute zaharu). minute. (goes to get the sugar). Norocosuie! W: Lucky man! WG: Va multumesc foarte mutt. Foarte amabil din partea dvs. WG: Thank you very much. That's very kind of you. Dialogue 4 young wife (Wi), young husband (Hu) tin&ra sotie tindrul_ sot Wi: Pot lua masina azi, drag’? Hu: Regret, nu Wi (neincrezéitoare): Nu pot? Hu: Nu, nu poi Wi: Esti o bestie. Atunci pot avea ceva bani pentru taxi’ Hu: Nu. Nu am bani, (Gindindu-se Wi: Can | take the car today, daring? Hu: No, I'm sorry. Wi: (incredulously): | can't? Hu: No. You can't. You beast! Can 1 have some money for taxis, then? Hu: No, I haven't got any cash. (Think- ‘Acum pot face un dus, te rog?_ M Da, desigur. Baia este acolo. W: Now, may | take a shower, ploase? Yes," of course. The bathroom is over thore. CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se cere gi cum se acorda permisiunea. How to ask permission and how to give permission, mai bine). Totugi pofi lua ing better of it) You can take the am magina T i aging cotamogal ; imprumut | scaunul | Wi: pe nu-i nimic, voi merge pe Wi: No! It doesn't matter. I'll walk. iau | bicicteta = Hu: Imi pare ru. Hu: Iam sorry. Pot si | vad haina de ploaie aceasta? Wi: Nu+i pas’! (pleacd afar, Wi: No, you're not! (goes out, slams folossse ana oes trinteste usa) the door) Hu: Oh, drace! Hu: Oh, hell! magina de barbierit umbrela Dialogue 5 Winston (W), Milton (M) i nigte zahar? Milton locuieste ia Winston. EI Milton is staying with Winston. He | have the car? doreste sa reia relatille cu 0 veche wants to renew an old acquain- Cant borrow this chair? cunosting&. tance, " M: Aiton, pot folosi telefonul M: Winston, may | use your phone, May! | take your bicycle? tau? please? see raincoat? W: Da, desigur. W: Yes, of course. M: Multumesc. M: Thank you. use newspaper? (tidic’receptorul si face (picks up the receiver and dials) razor? numarul). Alo. Aici este Mitton Hello. This is Mitton Grace. From 7 Grace. Din Plymouth. Plymouth, _ _| some sugar? _ 47 cap 9] Permisiunea — Permission [unit 9| cap 9] Permisiunea — Permission [unit 9] Pot s& stau Cant [sit Este posibil | sa vin| cu dvs. May! |come | with you? merg go. ‘88 vi_insojesc | join you? Da, desigur, putefi. Yes, of course (you can) Da, in ordine, Yes, all right. Este in regula. That's all right. Nu, ma tem c& nu. Nu, ma tem c& nu se poate. Nu, regret. Nu, nu putes Cu siguranya nu! No, I'm afraid not. No, I'm afraid you can't No, I'm sorry. No, you can't. Certainly not! EXERCITII EXERCISES Exercise 1 Cereti permisiunea s& luaji cu imprumut urmatoarele lucruri: Exemplu: Pot s& imprumut ziarul dvs.? Ask permission to borrow the following things: Example: May | borrow your newspaper? bicicleta — bicycle Ziarul — newspaper magina de barhierit — razor haina de ploaie — raincoat Exercise 2 Ascultati intrebanie de pe casetd. Cineva va intreaba daca poate sd imprumute —anumite—_lucruti Raspundeti sincor. Fiti_poiiicogi daca puteji. Aici sint ceva expr pentru a fi folosite. Da, sigur. Da, in ordine, Este in regula. 48 Listen to the questions on the cassette, Somebody will ask you if he can borrow certain things. Reply truthfully. Be polite — if you can. Here are some expressions for you to use Yes, of course. Yes. all right That's all right. Nu, ma tem ca nu, Nu, ma tem cd nu putesi. Nu, regret. Nu, nu puteti Sigur, nu, ‘Acum raspundefi ta intrebairi, 4. Pot lua cu imprumut bicicleta ta? 2 Pot lua cu imprumut aparatul tu de barbierit? 3. Pot lua cu imprumut pieptenele tau? 4, Pot lua cu imprumut peria ta de cap? 5. Pot lua cu imprumut rujul tu de buze? 6. Pot lua cu imprumut pasta ta de ing? 7. Pot lua cu imprumut peria ta de inti? ‘8. Pot lua cu imprumut motocicleta ta? 9, Pot lua cu imprumut.pantalonii ai? 10.Pot lua cu imprumut stiloul tu? Veriicati rspunsurile cu caseta S-ar putea ca raspunsurile dvs. s& fie diferite de cele ale autorului No, |'m afraid not No, 'm afraid you can't, No, I'm sorry. No, you can't, Certainly not. Now answer the questions. 1.Can | borrow your bicycle? 2.Can | borrow your razor? 3.Can I borrow your comb? 4,Can | borrow your hairbrush? '5.Can | borrow your lipstick? 6.Can | borrow your toothpaste? 7.Can | borrow your toothbrush? Can | borrow your motorcar? Can | borrow your trousers? 10. Can | borrow your pen? Check your answers with the cas- sette. Perhaps your answers are different from the author's. CAP. 10] Calatoria — Travel UNIT 10) CAP. 10 Calatoria — Travel UNIT 10 in acest capitol, invatati © sa spunefi unde dori s& mergeti © sa cumparaji bilete pentru trafic; © 83 comadaji un taxi DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Mrs Gammon (WG), Clerk (Cl) (functionar) WG: Un bilet dus pentru Waterloo, WG: single to Waterloo, please. How Va rog. Cit costa? much is it? Cl 2,10 £ (da biletul) Ck £ 2.10 (gives ticket) WG: Muttumesc. WG: Thank you. jalogue 2 Anne Brady (AB), Clerk (Cl) ‘AB: Un bilet dus-intors pentru ‘AB: A return to Heathrow, please. How Heathrow, va rog. Git costa? much is it? Cl; 4,50 £ (da biletul) Cl: £ 4.50 (gives ticket) AB: Multumesc. AB: Thank you. jalogue 3 Felicity (F), Conductor (Co) F: Sheen Lane, va rog F: Sheen Lane, please. Co: 60 penny (da biletul) Co: 60 p. (gives ticket) F: Muljumese. F: Thank you. Dialogue 4 Milton (M), Conductor (Co) M: Doua bilete pind la Madame © M: Two to Madame Tussaud’s, Tussaud, va rog. please, Co: Costa 1,60 £ Co: £ 1.60. M: Ne puteti spune cind s& M: Gan you tell us when to get off? ‘goborim? Co: in ordine. Co: OK. M: Muttumesc. M: Thank you. La telefon On the phone AG: Alo. Doresc un taxi, va rog. AG: Hello. | want a taxi, please, 50 TO: Care este adresa dvs? TO: What's your address? AG: Adresa mea este Pear Tree AG: My address is 31 Pear Tree Avenue, 31 Avenue. TO: Unde? TO: Where to? AG: La gard, va rog, imediat. AG: To the station, please, right away. TO: Magina va fi acolo in zece «TO: The car will be there in 10 minute. minutes. AG: Mulumesc. La revedere. ‘AG: Thank you. Goodbye. ‘Anne Bardy (AB), Travel Agent (TA) Dialogue 6 (functionar la agentia de voiaj) AB: Doresc sd merg la Geneva, AB: | want to fy to Geneva TA: Da. TA: Yes. AB: Cind este urmatorul avion? AB: When is the next flight? TA: Urmatorul avion (zbor) este TA: The next fight is at 16.18. And arrives la 16,15, $i soseste la 18,40. at 18.40, AB: Un bilet pentru acesta. ‘AB: Book me on that, please. TA: Dus sau dus-intors? TA: Single or return?’ AB: Dus. AB: Single TA: Clasa economica, Ta: Economy? AB: Nu, clasa inti AB: No, frst clas. TA: Un'moment, s& veric dac& TA: Just_@ minute. Ill check if that’s este in ordine. Costa 275 £, OK. That's all right. That's © 275, va rog, please ‘AB: Va completez un cec. lata AB: Fl write you a cheque. Here's my cartea mea de credit. credit card. (my bank card) TA: Multumesc. TA: Thank you. AB: La ce ora se face ‘AB: What time is check-in? inregistrarea? TA: Verficarea este nu mai tiriu TA: Check-in is no later than 15.30. de 15,30. AB: Si numarul zborului? ‘AB: And the flight number? TA: BA 578 TA: BA 578. AB: Multumesc. AB: Thank you, CUM SE SPUNE * HOW TO SAY IT spune unde dorit! si mergef! How to say where you want to go. 51 2. Cum se cumpéré un bilet. ‘How to buy a ticket. ) on a bus or at a tube station a) in autobuz sau intr-o stajie de metro Oxford Street Marble Arch —_| please. Heathrow Two Oxford Street Three|to_| Marble Arch please oe ae ) in gara b) at the station Un ous 1—Tyox dus-intors spre| Carat va rog Doua trei dus-intors in aceiasi zi| __| Bournemouth A T single | rot | Gaye York an a cone please, ao Bournemouth Two returns Three _| day-returns 52 Doresc un dus spre York. Imaginati-va c& dori s4 mergeti la Birmingham pentru 0 intiinire. Dorit un bilet dus-intors, Veli spune: Un dus-intors. spre Birmingham, va og Ce spun aceste persoane? 1.DI Alexander urmeaz’ s& locuiascasin York. 2.Dna Bridge urmeaza sa Viziteze Bournemouth 3.01 si Dna Davies urmeaza sa locuiasca la Leeds. 4.01 Career si secretara sa ur- ‘meaza s& viziteze Manchester. 5.01 Davies urmeaza s& locuiasca la Edinburgh. 6.01 si Dna Jones urmeaza sa vaiteze Glasgow. 7.Dna Wright $i fiica sa urmeaza 88 viziteze Brighton, 8.01 si Dna Melton urmeaza s& locuiasca la Ipswich 9.Dra Coulson urmeaza s& viziteze Nottingham. 10.D! si Dna Philips urmeaz’ sa locuiasca la Bradford, Exercise 2 CAP. 10] Calatoria — Travel [unit 10 CAP. 10) Calatoria — Travel Unit 10) Dorese [ea mang Edinburgh EXERCITI — EXERCISES | 88 merg cu avons la | Manchen Exercise 1 Birmingham 2 Imaginati-va ca doriti s8 cAlatoriti in Imagine that you wish to travel to | go Edinburgh York pentru cA urmeaza s@ locuifi York because you are going to live | want to to | Manchen acolo. Aveti nevoie de un bilet dus. there. You need a single ticket. fy Birmingham ‘Veti spune: You would say: I want a single to York, Imagine that you want to visit Birmingham for a meeting. You want a return ticket. You would say: A retum to Birmingham, please, What do these people say? Mr. Alexander is going to live in York Mrs Bridge is going to visit Bour- nemouth. Mr and Mrs Davies are going to live in Leeds. Mr Carter and his secretary are going to visit Manchester. Mr Davies is going to live in Edin- burgh Mr and Mrs Jones are going to Visit Glasgow. Mrs Wright and her daughter are going to visit Brighton. Mr and Mrs Melton are going to live in Ipswich. Miss Coulson is going to visit Not- tingham. Mr and Mrs Philips are going to live in Bradford, Ascultati urmatoarea conversatie de pe caset’ Conductorul: Tineji-va! Un barbat: Pind la Madame Tus- saud, va rog. Listen to the following conversa. tion on the cassette. Conductor: Hold tight! Man; Madame Tussaud's please. 53 cap. 10] Calato: — Travel UNIT 10) ICAP. 10 Conductorul: 80 penny Un barbat: “imi puteji spune cind trebuie $8 cobor, va rog? Conductorut: in regula. Un barbat: Mulumesc. imaginaj-va c& dori s& mergeti in urmatoarele Jocuri Ce ati spune? 1. Marble Arch 2, Buckingam Palace 3. Tower Bridge 4. Piccadilly Circus 5. Leicester Square Verificativa réspunsurile cu caseta. Exercise 3 Senne Conductor: 80 p. Man: Can you tell me when to get -off, please? Conductor: Ok. Man: Thanks. Imagine that you want to go to the following places. What would you say? Oxford Street. Regent's Park King's Cross Parliament Square . Notting Hill Gate Check your answers with the cas- sette, Doriti sii mergeti cu avionul la Ham- burg. Functionarul de la agentia de ‘voiaj va pune citeva intrebari. Ascul- ‘afi intrebarle de pe casetd si rspundeti la ele, Funefionarul: Da, domnule. VA pot ajuta? Dvs: Doresc s& merg cu avionul la Hamburg. Cind e urmiitorul zbor? Functionarul: Urmatorul avion e la ora 14,45 si ajunge la 17,15. Dvs: Un bilet pentru acesta, ‘vi 109. Funcfionarul: Dus sau dus-intors? Dvs: Dus. Funcjionar: Clasa intii sau turist? Dvs: Turist, va rog. Ce numar de zbor? Funetionarul: Lufthansa 043. Dvs: Muttumesc. Imitati conversatia de mai sus, preluind si rolul functionarului pe fing& cel al caltorului (dvs): Utilizati informatile de mai jos. 54 You want to fly to Hamburg. The clerk asks you some questions. Listen to the questions on the cassette and answer them. Clerk: Yes, sir. Can | help you? You: | want to fly to Hamburg. When is the next flight? Clerk: The next flight is at 14.45 and arrives at 17.15. ‘You: Book me on that, please. Clerk: Single or return? You: Single. Clerk: First Class or Tourist Economy? You: Tourist Economy, please. What is the flight number? Clerk: Lufthansa 043. You: Thank you. Imitate the above conversation, taking the part of the clerk in addition to that of the traveller (you). Use the following information. ©SNOMaENe Departure BA 950 Bucharest (Economy) 08.55 BA 960 Stutigar (Economy) 08.15 BA 928 Kéin/Bonn (First Class)08.45 BA 916 Frankfurt (Economy) 13.45, BA 704 Wien (First Class) 14.15 BA 720 Zirrich (Economy) 18.35 BA 862 Paris (Economy) 16.00 BA 988 Berlin (Economy) 20.00 BA 924 Rome (Economy) 16.55 Calatoria — Travel Arrival 10.50 10.55 11.05 16.20 17.30 24.40 19.10 22.40 19.25 UNIT 10 cap. 11] Probleme de exprimare — [unit 11 cap. 11] Probleme de exprimare — [unr 11 Language Problems Language Problems in acest capitol invatati . Fo: ©, injeleg. Nu, multumesc. Fo: Oh, | understand.’ No, thank you. © cum s& va exprimali cind nu injelegeti cova; ¢ cum 88 soletal repetares celor spuse. “ml Proport Dialogue 4 Agnes Gil (AG), a foreigner (Fo) Fo: Scuzé-ma, Agnes, cum se Fo: Excuse me, Agnes. What are numesc aceia in engleza? those called in English? DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES For Dar acesid cum'ce-rumesc? St Anahi te Sied? Dialogue 1 Agnes Gill (AG), a foreigner (Fo) — un strain “s panache noi ener e AS: Mar of age aed AG: Pot imprumuta ,biro"-ul dvs.? Fo: Regret, nu injeleg ,biro". Ce este ,biro"? AG: Biro este un pix. Un creion cu bila, Pot sa il imprumut, va og? Fo: Da, acum infeleg. Da, bineinjeles: AG: Fo: AG Fo: Can | borrow your biro, please? Im sorry. 1 don't understand biro”. What's a ,biro” A biro is a pen.’ A ballpoint pen. Can | borrow it, please? Oh, | understand now. Yes, of course. Dialogue 2 Agnes Gill (AG), a foreigner (Fo) AG: Poti da drumu! la ,telly" te rog? Fo: MA tem c& nu inteleg. Va fog s repetali AG: Putefi da drumul ta .telly, va fog. Tell" inseamna televizor. Asta e un telly Fo: A, infeleg. Dialogue 3 Agnes Gill (AG), a AG: Nu doriti o cana cu ceai? Fo: Pottim? AG: Nu doriti o cana cu ceai? Fo: Spunefi, va rog, mai rar. AG: .. Fo: Ce inseamna ,how about"? ‘AG: Inseamna afi dori” sau wwe? 56 AG: Fo: AG: Fo: Can you switch on the telly’ please? 'm afraid | don't understand you, Please say it again, Can you. switch on the telly please? , Telly” means , television” ‘That's ately. Oh, | see. foreigner (Fo) AG: Fo: AG: Fo: AG: Fo: AG: How about a cup of tea? | beg your pardon? How about a cup of tea? Please say that slowly. How-about-a-cup-oFtea? What's the meaning of how about"? It means you want? jould you like" or ,Do Pereche de pantaloni", Dialogue 5 Agnes Gill (AG), a foreigner (Fo) Fo: (aratind spre o reclama Gui- Ness) Cum se pronunta acest cuvint? AG: Acesta este pronunjat Guin- ness. Inceasca s4 spui si tu Fo: Guinness, AG: Este corect. Este foarte bine. Fo: (Pointing to a Guiness Advertis- ment) How do you pronounce that word? AG: That's pronounced: Guinness. Try and say it, Fo: Guinness. AG: That's right. That's very good, 1. Cum se spune cind nu injelegeti. How to say you don't understand. Poftim? | beg your pardon? CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT Ma tem ce | Spuneti Imi pare | nu injeleg| aceea rau dito Eu nu injeleg I'm afraid you rm sorry || don’t understand] that |__ don't [understand biro 87 cap. 11] Probleme de exprimare — [unit 11 cap. 11] Probleme de exprimare — [unit 14 Language Problems 2. Cum se solicit repetarea. How to ask for repetition Language Problems What's the meaning of | Could you explain “telly? | Would you mind explaining — “Telly” means television. [vs spunefi mai rar | 2 109 | repetati #518 | putin mai clar Please | say it | stomy repeat _| that | a litle more clearly Dacd nu valrepetai asta suparati spunefi pe titere spuneti_din nou Would you] repeating that? | mind | spelling ____| saying it again? daca nu va suparati.” — se foloseste| | adesea in englezA, uneori insojt de .please", pentru a i mai polticos| | Sia intari rugamintea. 3. Cum se intreaba numele obiectelor. How to ask what things are called. Tis this | called What that_| in are_| those | English? That's called a... = e denumit Those are called = sint denumite 4. Cum se solicité o traducere. How to ask for a translation, the word | What's | that a. biro* Its .... in Romanian. 5. Cum se intreaba sensu! unui cuvint. How to ask for a meaning, Care este infelesul Ati putea expiica | “tety"? “telly” inseamna televiziune. Daca nu va suparati sa explicati 58 [| | CouLD You Gi putea sa). S outa YOU MIND (dacd nu v8) TT suparaty. sint (ornule foarte, pal nie emer 4 despre limbile vorbite. How to ask about languages. romana? Da Do you] Romanian? | Vo go | Vorbti | angleza? _| Nu | speak "| English? muico} __. | vorbese Engeza | [| speak English ] nu vorbese _| (foarte bine) | [' | don't speak | (very well) EXERCITII — EXERCISES Exercise 1 Cum se descopera eroarea. Gineva va vorbeste Neclar; prea repede; cu accent — How to trace the faut. ‘Somebody speaks to you: indistinclly; too fast; with an ac- cent. Spuneyi c& nu injelegeti. — Say you don't understand. = coreti si v8 spuna pe litere sau — ask for spelling or repetition; S& repete, — cereti s& repete mai rar; — cereti si repete mai clar; ask for slower repetition; ask for clearer repetition; Putefi folosi aceste expresi: — You could use these expres- sions: 1. Regret, nu injeleg, 4. I'm sorry, | don't understand, 2. M& tem c& nur infeleg ce 2. I'm afraid | don't understar d_what spunefi you are saying 3. Va rog s& spuneti din nou. 8. Please say it again 4. Dac nu va suparafi, spuneti 4. Would you mind spelling that? Pe tere. 59 cap. 11] Probleme de exprimare — [unit 11 ICAP. 12 Profesii — Jobs UNIT 12 Language Problems 5. Va rog, spuneti din nou mai rar. 6. Daca nu va suparafi, repetati mai clar. ‘Acum ascultati caseta si decideti ce dori sé spunefi." raspunsurile cu caseta Exercise 2 Ascuttati caseta. Fiecare propozitie are un cuvint sau 0 expresie pe care poate nu o intelegeti, Cereti o ex Dlicatie Exemplu ‘A; Johnson este MP., nui asa? B: Regret, nu inteleg. ‘Daca nu te superi, explica-mi aceasta expresie A: MP. inseamna membru al pariamentulu Ascultati caseta. Decideti ce dori sa sspunet 5. Please say it again slowly. 6. Would you mind repeating that a little more clearly? Now listen to the cassette and decide what you want to say. Check your answers with the cas- sette, Listen to the cassette, Each sen- tence has a word or an abbrevia- tion which you may not under- stand. Ask for an explanation, Johnson is an M.P., isn't he? I'm sorry, | don’t understand. Would you mind explaining that expression? MP. means Member of Parliament, Listen to the cassette. Decide’ what you want to say. in acest capitol invatati: © 8 vorbiti despre protesii © 88 intrebafi unde lucreaza si cu ce se ocupa o persoan’. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 (A) Antony, Anne Bardy (AB) AL Ce faceti dvs.? AB: Sint secretara AL Unde lucrati? AB: Lucrez in orag. La un arhitect. A: Este 0 munca permanenta sau temporara? AB: Este permanent’, A: Va place? AB: Da, imi place foarte mut. Este foarte interesanta. ‘A. What do you do? AB: I'm a secretary Ax Where do you work? AB: | work in town. For an arhitect. ‘A; Is it a permanent, or a temporary job? AB: It's permanent. AL Do you like it? ‘AB: Yes, | like it very much, It's very interesting, Dialogue 2 Antony (A), Anne Bardy (AB) AB: Deci sintefi actor. AL Da, AB: Ce face sora dvs.? A: Este dansatoare. AB: O, sinteti amindoi in domeniul artistic. A: Da, dar Suzie lucreaz’ numai jumatate de norma, AB: li place munca ei? A: 0, da, foarte mut. Dialogue 3 Jim (J), Greta (G) J: Sinteti cheinerita aici? G: Da, intr-adevar. Ce facoti vs.? Sint portar. ©, da. Unde tucrati? La hotel Vista”. Pe cealalta pane a sirazii sos ‘AB: So you are an actor? AL Yes. ‘AB: What does your sister do? A. She's a dancer. ‘AB: Oh, $0 you're both in show busi ness, ‘A; Yes, but Suzie only works pan- time. ‘AB: Does she like her job? A: Oh, yes, very much J: Are you a waitress here? G: Yes, that's right. What do you do? I'm a porter. ‘Oh, yes. Where do you work? In the Hotel Vista. On the other side of the road, coe 6 CAP. 12 Profesii — Jobs UNIT 12] CAP. 12 Profesii — Jobs UNIT 12 G: Va place munca dvs.? G:_ Do you like your job? Fg ae A WANTER Lea ST 3) Ese in ordna, dar salu © 5 ts Mt ght, but the pays bad [AEE ee eee ate oan mar prow. ! kt Ay startivul ce urmeaz G: Da, salariul e foarte prost aici. G: Yes, the pay's very bad here. [28 CONOR AN Sn suet ivid 08 Crroecs wicepe on epee | 2. Cum se intreaba o persoana unde lucreazé. How to ask where somebody works. CUM SE SPUNE © HOW TO SAY IT | —— . — iT | do you [work [in Satidges = roe | eS ee esis] ements secretara | secretary | | doos| she | | | See works in the Theatre | aman | fa | parman Ff fay | | [inthe Hota vita Ge faceti? | sint | actor What do you do? jm | an | actor | George Ae }om business- [{or an architect. to man 3. Cum este intrebata o persoana daca fi place munca pe care o face. | inginer engineer How to ask if somebody likes a job. 1. Cum se intreaba de ocupatia cuiva. — 7 How to ask someone's occupation. Do you your eee — ann Does Ne like his job?) t's interesting. | DI. Rock | Mr Rock | | os | er Ce face | sora dvs. What does | your sister | do? : oL. |r Joe Joe [ [Re Se ee Se rou ue. ae | ‘orma_interogativl se construieste in englezS cu verbul DO care se L___j Greta? ! —_[Geta____| J * conjuga astfel ta prezent: D0 WE DO | Ea este | actor (actrita) actor (actrees) poe et Eleste | om de afacert He's | an | businessman SHE DOES IT DOES dansator(oare) dancer ex. | LIKE MY JOB. (Imi place munca mea). arhitect(@) architect DO YOU LIKE YOUR JOB? (ifiva place munca ta/dvs.?) | HE (SHE) LIKES HIS (HER) JOB. (Luiei ji place munca pe care o| | cheiner(ta) waiter (waitres face). ~ DOES HE/SHE LIKE HIS/HER JOB? (i piace munca tui/el?) — a 7 — De rem: persoana i bul Sinteti electrician? |[Are you | electrician? | ficiiiene al eran auponh Tslsies Oe: autar ol personne Este [el | cheiner(itay? ijis [ne |a | waiter (waitress)? verbul de conjugat raminind la forma sa de infiniti! Tot cu verbul DO | Fea | actor (actnay? she | an | actor (actress)? Serigivente gto ea, ent Mary | student(a)? Mary | | student? YOU DO NOT (DON'T) LIKE YOUR JOB. John _| dansator(oare)? John |__| dancer? HVSHE DOESN'T Ors NOT) HSH HOB: cap. 12| Profesi — Jobs UNIT 12} ICAP. 12| EXERCITI| — EXERCISES Exercise 1 Spuneti ca lucrati la firmele de mai jos. Exemplu: Eu lucrez la AEG. 1. AEG 2 BOSCH 3. Siemens 4, Thyssen 5. Mercedez Benz ‘Acum spuneti ca sotul sau sofia dvs. lucreaza la aceleasi societati ‘Acum spunefi ca fratele sau sora dvs, lucreaza la aceste societati. Exercise 2 lat 0 lista cu unele profesiuni. Ascultati caseta pentru a vedea cum se pronunta si repetatile actor — actor actress — actrita architect — arhitect bus driver — sofer de autobuz businessman — om de afaceri clerk — functionar doctor — doctor driver — gofer electrician — electrician engineer — inginer Exercise 3 Acum spuneti c& avefi una din aceste meseri. Sint businessman _student architect postman waitress: engineer actress housewife Say you work for the following firms. Example: | work for AEG. 6. BMW 7. Rowntree Mackintosh 8 IC 9. Philips: Now say your husband or wife works for the same companies. Now say that your brother or sister works for these companies. Here is the list of some jobs Listen on the cassette to how they are pronunced and repeat them. housewife — gospodina mechanic — mecanic nurse — asistenta/sora medical policeman — polijist shop assistant — vinzaitor(care) student — student undertaker —~ antrepenor de pompe funebre waiter — chelner waitress — cheinerita Now say that you are working in ‘one of these professions, Im a. i'm an. electrician postman — postas undertaker teacher teacher — profesor typist typist — dactilograt(a) Profesii — Jobs UNIT 12} ‘Acum spuneti ce profesie aveji in realitate, Exercise 4 Imaginati-va c& solcitati o slujba in ‘Anglia. Ascultati intrebarile din inter- viul de pe caset& si rdspundeti la ele. Intervievatorul — interviewer (Int) Int: Veniti gi luati loc. Cum va numiti? Dvs: Int: Prenumele? DVB! see Int. Sinteti englez? Dvs: Int: Da. Unde locuiti? Dvs:.. Int: Ce faceti? Dvs: Int: Unde tucrati? Dvs: Int: Va place? Dvs: Int: Este temporara sau per- manenta? Dvs: Int: Bine, vé mulumesc. Va rog 8 asteptati fara, Now say what you are really doing. Imagine that you are applying for a job in Britain, Listen to the interview questions on the cas- sette and answer them, Int: Come in and sit down, won't you? Now what's your name? You: Int: “And your first name? YOU ns Int: Are you British? You! Int: T'see, Where do you tive? You: Int: "What do you do? You: Int: ‘Where do you work? You: Int: ‘Do you like it? You Int: Is ft pemanent or temporary? You Int: Wel, thank you very much. Would you wait outside, please ICAP. 13) Acasa — Home UNIT 13] ICAP. 13 Acasa — Home UNIT 13 in acest capitol invétati: © sa vort i despre casa dvs.; 8 intrebafi pe cineva unde locuieste si de cind locuieste acolo; © SA construiti propozitile corespunzétoare. rs AB: A AB: A: AB: A AB: AB: A AB: A AB: A AB: A: AB: A DIALOGURI— DIALOGUES Dialogues 1 Anne Bardy (AB), Antony(A) Unde locuiti? AL jin centrul York-ului AB: ‘A, da. Locuiti int-o casa sau A: int-un apartament? inte-un aparament, intr-o cas’ AB: mare, Cite camere sint acolo? A Sint sase. AB: Mm... E mare, De cind locuti A: acolo? Where do you live? In the centre of York, Oh, yes. Do you live in a house or in a fiat? In a flat. In a big house. How many rooms are there? Six. There are six. Mm. That’s big. How long have you been living there? For ten years. Where are you staying? In York. Are you in a B&B place? No, I'm staying in a hotel [hope it's in a good situation. Oh, yes, it's near the station. That's very convenient. Yes, itis. How long have you been living there? I've been staying there for a week. De zece ani. AB: jogue 2 Anne Bardy (AB), Antony (A) Unde stati in prezent? AB: In York & Sinteti intr-0 pensiune? AB: Nu, stau la hotel AK Sper c& are o pozitie bund. AB: ©, da, este finga gara. A Asta @ foarte convenabil AB; Da, este. A De cind locuiti acolo? AB: Stau acolo de o saptamina, A: | BRB = Bead & breakfast = pensiune — in Anglia existd posibilitatea | de a locui la pensiune micl, unde cAlatorul poate capata Comparagi (private — camera + mic dejun) cu preturi mai $i informagi Wusben ab ebogurior 1912. primele WHERE DO YOU LIVE? = Unde locuiti? WHERE ARE YOU STAYING? = locuiti in prezent?”) Unde staji? (in sensul de unde 66 in pamut dialog, — este In York numai cu afaceri Where are you staying? Dialogue 3 Mrs WG: Unde locuiti? Ma: Locuiesc intr-o casa in Ealing, WG: Ati inchiriat-o? Ma: Nu, am inchiriat numai o camera, WG: De cind stafi acolo? Ma: De aproape gase saptamini CUM SE SPUNE ‘Antony, care stie c& Anne sta in York, o tntreabal unde locuieste. In al doliea dialog Anne intreaba, ea stind o& Antony| ‘ntrebare se pune cind se doreste s& se stie in ce orag sau sat anume| | aveti locuinta. | | Where DO’ you LIVE? — verbul este ia prezent simplu. Aceast’ | | Where ARE you STAYING? — ‘91 St acolo pentru moment verbul este ia prezent progresiv. Gammon (WG), young man (Ma) WG: Where do you live? Ma: | live in a house in Ealing. WG: Do you rent it? Ma: No, | just rent room ‘WG: How long have you been living there? Ma: For about six weeks. * HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreaba o persoana unde locuieste. How to ask where a person lives. a) permanent | locuiti dvs Funde — Flocuieste ae Eu locuiesc | | Londra El locuieste | in| centrul York-ului Ea Stuttgart ©) pentru: moment Unde ee dvs. do you John? Where| does Mary | live? a) permanently 1 | John | Live | London He lives| in | the centre of York She | Stuttgart ») for the time being Taeyeu J Where staying? he flere ® [8 Marna | 2. Cum se intreaba o persoana ce fel de locuinta are How to ask what type of accomodation a person lives in, Da. a Locuiesc in. L [la prieteni Locuiesti_| intr-o Locuieste| casa? Nu [elea_|int-un apartament | | Do you Ta house? does he live in a flat? ‘Yes, | do. ees [None done 1 we i a. [evan ev ance [un apatanon (1 [ie [| lam nave |a | house El are ou Ghvig | ° °258 He | rents room | [Ea are locamera __|[{she [ras | | 3. Cum se intreaba o persoana de cind locuieste in respectiva locuit ita. How to ask how long someone has been living in the present accomodation, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING THERE? i ] Zan. | Locuiese [acolo de | 10 tn Stau 3 saptamini 6 2ile years. | Ihave been there for | 10 montns. | 3 weeks a ee ClieyS ae este vorba despre o actiune care a inceput si se continua gi in prezent.| 1 Cu HAVE BEEN + forma ...ING se construieste 0 propazijie in care| = | How long have you been living there?" — De cind iocuiti acolo? lata o lista cu diferite tipuri de locuinfe. Ascultali pe caseta cum se Pronunta si repetati terraced house semi-detached house detached house Acum priviti urmatoarele informati: Mr Smith — cottage Mr and Mrs Miller — flat Mrs Brown — semi-detached house Folositile si intrebaji toate aceste persoane cum locuiesc: Locuiti in... Luati rolul fiecaruia si réspundeti prin: Da/Nu/Noi locuim/Noi nu tocuim Exemplu: Dle Smith, locuiti intro casa lipita de alta? Nu, locuiese intro vilt ‘Acum intrebai pe altcineva cum locuiesc aceste persoane. Exemplu: Locuieste dt Smith intro vila? Da, locuieste, Exercise 2 VA amintii de aceste expresii? Sint gi ele pe caseta. Unde tocuiti? Ce fel de casa aveti? Locuiti singur(@) (e) () De cind locuifi acolo” Sper c& are © pozitie buna. CaP. 13] Acasa — Home UNIT 13) CAP. 13 Acasa — Home UNIT 43 Eulocuiesc [la un hotel | {iam _ a eae EXERCITII — EXERCISES EL ea locuieste | in York He staying | in York Exercise 1 Here's a list of various types of accomodation. Listen on the cas- seite to how they are pronouned and repeat them. bungalow cottage bed-sitting room Now look at the following informa tion: Mr and Mrs Hill — terraced house Jane — bed:sitting room Anne — flat Use this list and ask all thi people: Do you live in a.? Take the roie of those people and answer with: Yes, \/we do. No, liwe don't. Wwe live in a. Example: Mr Smith, do you live in a terraced house? No, | lve in a cottage. Now ask somebody else where all these people live Example: Does Mr Smith live in a cottage? Yes, he does, Do you remember these expres- sions? They are on the cassette, too. Where do you live? What sort of house do you have? Do you live alone? How long have you been living there? T hope i's in a good place. 69 ICAP. 13) Acasa — Home UNIT 13} cap. 14] in casA —Inside the House [unit 14 ‘Acum imaginati-vé c& vorbiji cu una din persoanele de mai jos. Luati ambele roluri si folositi expresiile de mai sus, Dac aveti nevoie de ajutor, ascultafi rspunsurile de pe caseta. Now jimiagine you are talking to ‘one of those people. Take both pars and use the expressions given above. if you need help listen to the answers on the cas- sette. a) DI. Johnson locuieste de zece ani intr-o cas’ semi-separata din Richmond, Mr Johnson has been living for ten years in a semi-detached house in Richmond. b) Angela Chilson sta de trei luni intr-0 camera mobilata in Ealing. ‘Angela Chilson has been staying for three months in a bed-sitting room in Ealing. ©) John Painter imparte un apartament de gase luni cu un prieten, in Manchester. Nu este prea convenabil; nu exist prin apropiere gara sau stafie de autobuz. John Painter has been sharing a flat with a friend for si months in Manchester, It is not very convenient; there is no station or bus stop nearby, Exercise 3 Henry discuté cu un coleg de birou gi il intreaba unde locuieste. Puteti descoperi intrebarile lui Henry? Ascultati caseta gi luafi rolul lui Henry. Colegul: Hello. Henny ne? Colegul: In Leeds, Henry:... Colegul: Nu, locuiese intr-un mic apartament. Henry. on.” Colegul: 0, da, este aproape de magazine. Henirysnn.? Colegul: De trei saptamini, Verificati-va raspunsurile cu caseta. ‘Acum colegul (colega) va intreaba. Ascultafi intrebarile de pe caset si raspundoeti 70 Henry is talking to a business colleague, and is asking him about his accomodation. Can you dis- cover Henry's questions? Listen to the cassette and take Heny’s role. Colleague: Hello. Hentyinnn? Colleague: In Leeds. Henry: Colleague: No, | live in a small fat Henitynnn.? Colleague: Oh, yes, it's near the shops. Henny? Colleague: For three weeks. ‘Check your answers with the cas- sette. Now a colleague is asking you Listen to his/her questions on the cassette and answer them. in acest capitol invatati sa discutatl despre locuinje gi case. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Mrs Gammon (WG), Eleanor (E) WG: imi place casa dvs. Aceasta este camera de zi? E: Da WG: Hm. e foarte frumoasa. E: Sufrageria este la parter si bucitéria este de asemenea la parter, WG: $i fa etal? E: Sint trei dormitoare gi o baie. WG: Unde este toaleta? E: La etaj. WG: Exista gi 0 grading? E: Exist gi 0 gradina mice spate. we do like your house. Is this the living-room? E: Yes. WG: Mm. t's very nice. E: The dining room is downstairs, and the kitchen is downstairs, too. WG: And upstairs? E: ‘There are three bedrooms and a bathroom. WG: Where's the toilet? E: "Upstairs, WGils there a garden? E: Yes, there is a small garden in the back. E aa Dialogue 2 Felicity (F), Margaret (M) F: Margaret, spune-mi, cum este casa lui Mary? M: Este fantastica F: Intr-adevar? De ce? M: Este 0 casa imensa. F: Unde? M: La fara F: Cte dormitoare are? M: La etaj sint cinci dormitoare jar la parter e 0 camera de zi mare. $i este si 0 sufragerie. Fi Asta e tot? In the country. How many bedrooms are there? There are five bedrooms upstairs and downstairs there is a large living-roomn. And there is a dining- room. F: Is that all? F: Margaret, tell me, What's Mary's house like? M: It's fantastic. F: Really? Why? M: It's a huge house. F: Where? M. F M: ma in casa — Inside the House 72 cap. 14] In casa — Inside the House [unit 14 cana UNIT 14 M: Nu. Mai exist si o gradin& M: No, there’s a huge garden, too. este...? fo. ls imensa Unde one | Where the..2 nt.? are | TATENTIE __isint? __ L — IN THE COUNTRY = la tara. T I la etal | kitenen upstairs. HRS e ase Bucsitaria la parter The| toilet [is] downstairs logue 3 Felicity (F), Winston (W) Toaleta |ese jn fata living-room} | at the front. Bislogue 3 Raticty (F).\ Camera de zi} | in spate at the back F: Aveti un. apartament? F: Have you got a tat? | W: Da, am inchiriat un aparta- W: Yes, | rent-a fiat in Tooting. Lb ei panies L |_].on the goundfloor| ment in Tooting. . a F: Cum este? F; What's it like? aa oon teeee che | earnetol em] Wi: Este ta parter, Wi: Well t's on the ground floor low to ask how many rooms there are. CY GRe camore eve? ow mary room have you gor? [——Teamere Toren] W: Sint ter camore W: There are three rooms. cre "© Tie | [How many] "5 Tare there? F: Mobilate? Fi Furnished? bai J | Lieathooms | W: Ada, mobilate W: Oh. yes. furnished _ (Fate numal una ] [Free Tis tony Toa it [aut fae | we CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT ) SAN ; it three 1. Cum se solicita descrierea locuintei. __| patru _| LL _ four How to ask for description of accomodation. Da, este. Yes, there is. ——ee T - | Cum este casa tui Mary? | What's | Mary's house | Ce Nu, nu este 's there @..7 Ao there isnt. L fea? +t 4 tke? Cum dormitoarele What are | the bedrooms Este o _| camera(e) a room(s). ele? int | doua | camera(ejde zi there! © | one_| tving room(s), - - tei | baie(oai) two | bathroom(s), Este mare() tes j big | patra | toaleta(e) are | three | toilet(). Sint dragui(e) | nice LL four mobilat(e) | They're | furnished a ad ~~ incintétor(oare) | lovely TT EXERCITII — EXERCISES © casa famtastio@) | — oe ; | este) un apartament| foarte | fantastic | Exeicisehi | trumos(oasay || ws a | very nice | nouse a | \ Imaginati- c8 locuinjele de mai jos Imagine that the houses. shown | © camera imens(a) huge flat va apartin. Raspundeti la intrebarile below belong to you. Answer the | super cee or care urmeaza following questions 73 cap. 14] in casa —Inside the House [un 14 cap. 14] in casa —Inside the House [unit 14 Este bucatarie? Este baie? Este toaleta? Este camera de zi? Este dormitor? Este lit? Este garaj? Este grading? Este sufragerie? SENOMEeNe Exercise 2 Imaginafi-vé c& locuinele de mai sus va aparjin. Dati 0 desoriere completa fiecareia, spunind ce camere sint. 74 1 2 3. 4 5. 6. z. 8. 9. Is there a kitchen? Is there a bathroom? Is there a toilet? Is there a living room? Is there a bedroom? . Is there a lift? Is there a garage? Is there a garden? Is there a dining room? Imagine that the houses shown above belong to you. Give a full description of each one, saying what rooms there are. Dac& necesitati ajutor, ascuttali if you_need help, listen to the ‘caseta cu prima descriere. cassette for the first description, Exercise 3 Desorieti propria dvs casa. Describe your own house. CAP. 15 Trenuri gi autobuze — UNIT 15) CAP. 15 UNIT 15] Trains and Buses in acest capitol invatati: © A conversaji despre mijloacele de transport; ‘© sa intrebati cind si incotro merg autobuzele ‘sau trenurile DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 on a bus: a trav Tr: Scuzaji-ma. Mergeti la Clifton? Co: Nu. Trebuie sa luafi nr. 19. Tr: Da, injeleg. Multumesc. ler (Tr), Conductor(Co) in_autobuz: un célator soferul Tr Excuse me. Do you go to Clifton? Go: No. You need a number 19. Tr Oh, | see. thank you, facd un anume tucru. 1 SEE — se o¢ea ce s-a spus deja prescurtat’ de la You neediwant to take a number 19 bus. You want! | YOU NEED A NUMBER 19/YOU WANT A NUMBER 19 este formal * sau you want to este 0 forma poiiicoasa de a obliga pe cineva sai io pont confrmare, in cazu in care € infos Dialogue 2 at the station: Mrs Gammon (WG), Clerk (Cl) WG: Scuzati-ma. Acest tren merge la Birmingham International? Ck_ Da, merge. WG: Multumesc. Dialogue 3 Anne Bardy (AB), Clerk (Ci) Ck Va pot ajuta? AB: Da. Vreau s& ajung la Derby. Cl: Cind doriti sa mergeti? AB: Miine dimineata. Ci: Este un tren la ora 9, AB: Cind ajunge acolo? Cl: Ajunge la 12.10. Schimbati la Birmingham, New Street. 76 WG: Execuse me. Does this train go to Birmingham International? Ck_ Yes, it does. WG: Thank you Cl: Can | help You? ‘AB: Yes, | want to get to Derby, Cl: When do you want to go? AB: Tomorrow morning. Cl: There is a train at 3 o'clock. ‘AB: When does it get there? Ci: It gets there at 12.10. Change at Birmingham, New Street, Trenuri si autobuze — Trains and Buses Dialogue 4 Winston (W), Clerk, (Ci) W: Buna ziua. Dorese s& ajung la Durham, Ck: Unde? W: Durham, Cl: 5.40 la Durham la 6.50. W: Muttumesc. W: Good afternoon. | want to get to Durham, Ck: To where? W: Durham. Ci: 5.40. Into Durham 6.50. W: Thanks. Dialogue 5 Anne Bardy (AB), Clerk (Cl) AG: Exist in dimineata aceasta un tren spre Peterborough? Cl: 9,35. La Peterborough la 11,50 AG: Este unul mai tirziu? Cl 11,40. La Peterborough la 14.06 AG: Exist gi ceva intre? Cl; Nu, nu mai este nimic. AG: Is there a train to Peterborough this morning? Ck 9.35. Into Peterborough :11:50. AG: Is'there one a bit later? Ck: 11.40. Into Peterborough :14.06. ‘AG: Is there anything between? Ck: No, there's nothing else. Mergeti _ Merge | acest tren How to ask where a busitrain goes to. jn centrul oragului? CAP. 15 Trenuri si autobuze — —_[unir 15) CAP. 15] Trenuri gi autobuze — UNIT 45 Trains and Buses Trains and Buses CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT EXERC! EXERCISES 4. Cum se intreaba unde pleacé un autobuz saul un tren. Exercise 1 Dori s& — stiti_cind —_pleaca Urmétoarele trenuri gi autobuze spre localitatile de mai jos. Care sint intrebarile dvs.? train — Cambridge train — York bus — Reading train — Bristol You want to know when the next buses or trains go to these places. What are your questions? bus — Chatham bus — Leeds train — Edinburgh train — Glasgow acest autobuz la Manchaster? 33iul fa Piccadily Circus? | [Do you this train the city centre? | Does _| this bus | go to | Manchester? the 33 | Piccadily Circus? Scuzajima. Care autobuz/tren Excuse me, Which bus/train goes 10.7 1b ora plecarii sau sosirii. How to ask for the time of departure and arrival pleaca? leave? Cind soseste? When does it | arrive? L ajunge? I [get there? ‘EI pleaca [it leaves 7 El soseste Ia. It aves at LEI ajunge [it gets there - La ce ora este! Hammersmith? What time] Hammersmith? urmatera!” ¥2A) peoroorough? | | IN." peterborough? | Yorke? York? _ 3. Cum se trebule 88 schimbat. How to ask if you have to change. Trebuie s& schimb? Schimbati la Derby. Nu, e direct. Do | have to change? Change at Derby. No, i's straight through. 78 Exercise 2 Che propozitii puteti face? How many sentences can you make? mergeti | in centrul oragului? | Acest tren! merge | la Manchaster? ‘Acest autobuz | in Piccadilly Circus? Weston-Super-Mare Clifton? the city centre? go to| Manchester? Piccadilly Circus Weston-Super-Mare| Cito? Do you Does this train Does this bus Exercise 3 Imaginativa 8 sinteti turist la Londra. Ce spunefi in situatile don. What do you say in these urmatoare? situations? 1. Sinteji in, statia autobuzului 33, doriti s& mergeti la Richmond, 2. Sinteji intr-un autobuz $i dorii si mergeti in Oxford Street. 3. Credeji cd numarul 23 merge la Piccadilly Circus. Imagine you are a tourist in Lon- 79 ICAP. 15 Trenuri_ si autobuze — UNIT 15) ICAP. 16) Relatii personale — UNIT 16 eNoge Trains and Buses Este nr. 29 cel care merge la Turnul Londrei? Nu sinteti prea sigur cnr. 13 merge la Madame Tussaud's Care este autobuzul care merge la King’s Cross? Nu stiti ce autobuz merge la Gradina Zoologica Stic un autobuz merge la Marble Arch, dar care? Ascultati cu_atentie — Listen to this Pe casetd sint niste texte, care trebuie $8 va ajute s& intelegeti mai bine limba engleza. La inceput poate nu veti injelege totul. Nici nu este necesar. Mai inti vefi putea obtine unele informatii importante, Ascultati scenetele 1 si 2 de atftea ori pind veti putea réspunde la intrebar. — Cui fi plaiteste Andrew biletul pina la York? — Merge trenul de ora 10.00 direct in York? Amindoi merg cu clasa intii ori a doua? Dealing with People fin acest capitol invaatt: © cum sa va exprimati scuzele; expresii de multumire; © expresii uzuale. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogues 1 Fel F: Regret. Nu mai pot dansa. W: E in regula, nu te scuza. $i eu sint obosit F: Hai sa bem ceva, W:. Da, este 0 idee buna, Ce ai dori? F: Ag dori 0 Coca. W: Bine, aduc dou’ coca. (Pauza) F: Cine este fata aceea de acolo? W: Este Isobel. Prietena lui Tom F:Intradevar. Tom este un prieten de-al tau? W: Da, este. F: Este destul de atragatoare, nui asa? Ww: intr-adevar nu stiu Dialogue 2 Mrs Gammon (WG), Eleanor (E) _ E: imi pare rau ca aflu de Bosun. WG: Nu stiu ce s& fac fara el. E: Ela fost pentru dvs. un prieten minunat, nui aga? WG: ©, da, a fost. E: Ce virsta avea? WG: Nu era foarte batrin, sti, numat 12 ani ity (F), Winston (W) F: Oh, I'm sony. | can't dance any more. Ws all right. You don't have to apologize. I'm tired, too. Let's have a drink Yes, thatt a good idea. What would you have? 1d like a coke. Good, |'ll get two cokes. (Pause) Who's that girl over there? ‘That's Isobel. Tom's girtrieng, Oh, is she? Is Tom a friend of yours? Yes, he is. ‘She's rather attractive, isn't she? "Ee 7S 7 Sm gM = = | really wouldn't know, E: I'm somy to hear about Bosun. WG:1 don't know what I shall do without him, E: He was a wonderful friend of yours, wasn't he? WG: Oh, yes, he was, E: How old was ne? WG: He was not very old, you know. Only 12. 81 CAP. 16 Relatii_personale — UNIT 16] CAP. 16 Relatii_personale — UNIT 46] Dealing with People Dealing with People E: Asta © 0 vistd foarte bund: That's a very good age for a dog, 4. Cum se intreabé numele. pentru un cline, nu? isnt i? How to ask for names. wn op de de ke reel ann - aeesia? iat? i heed eeaae Cine este | celalat | baiat? Who is | the other | POY? 1AM | WAS _ cealata | fata? ___| git YOU ARE YOU WERE —— = —<— HE IS HE WAS Este_ That's: SHE Is sre was ‘Numele este Hs name WE ARE YOU WERE fui, ei ae —__—— THEY ARE THEY WERE CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se scuza fafa de un prieten. How to apologize to a friend, | atit de c& nu dansez foarte bine] imi pare | terribil de | rau | c& am intirziat foarte sint obosit intr-adevar in_privinga mincaii 80 cant dance very well Im | terribly | sory | 'm late, very 'm tired, really about the food. 2. Cum se multumeste. How to express thanks. — V& mulumese foarte mult Sintefi foarte amabil(@). Thank you very much. Irsithat’s very kind of you. 3. Cum se exprima simpatia fafa de un prieten. How to express sympathy with a friend. Vm so sorry to hear| Tim. Timi pare rau oa] Tim afiu despre | tata tau Co | your father. | i LI sofia ta | your wife. Mr. Simpsor 5. Cum se intreabé despre relatille dintre oameni. How to esk for identification Alice | prietenul(a) | ta? Alice | your | Este| Alan wi? | is Alan |his | friend? « | Alice | Alice my | girlriend Ea | este | ubita mea She your | boy-triend Alan | Alan his | bestfriend iubitul meu | Ca adjective posesive, detarmina intotdeauna un substantwv. Pronumeie| | posesive cele ce inoculesc un substanty). aul urnikoerete forme: : alal meu, ai mei, ale mele i YOUR — a ta, al tau, ale tale, ai tai HIS — a/al lui, ai/ale ui HERS — a/al ei, ai/ale ole OURS — al nosiry, a noastra, ale noastre, ai nostri YOURS — a voastra, al vostru, ale voastre, ai vostri | THEIRS — a/ale lor, al/ai lor CAP. 16 Relatii_ personale — UNIT 16] CAP. 16 UNIT 16 Relatii personale — Dealing with People Sint Polly gi Alice prietenole tale? Ate Polly and Alice friends of yours? Tom este prietenul tau? Is Tom a friend of yours? amea | Alan ata Alan EL feste un (0)/ a lui He | is a (good) friend his Helen] Prieten(@) | gj Helen ttn | Alice tui Mary? | [is | Alice | Mary's Este prietenul(a) [Alan |_mamei tale? [ Alan_| your mother's | I [tee ~ Tui Mary] | brother | fiul lui Fred son Alice sora lui Ron Alice} | Mary's sister Ea |este | fica lui Helen | | She | is | Fred's daughter Alan prietenul | (best) friend lui Mason aa Ron's eI colegul | mamei | | He Helen's | colleague ajutorul | mele Mason's assistant seful | my mother's] boss || BARYS FRIEND — prctona ti | In mba englez’ genitivul pentru persoane se formeazai prin adaugarea ‘ui .S* substantivului denumind persona posesoare, lata citeva_modalitati_ de a core scuze, Sint si ele pe caseta. ati putut Dealing with People dance — a dansa swim — a inota ride a bicycle — a merge cu bicicleta drive — a sofa type — a dactilografia play tennis — a juca tenis play football — a juca fotba play the piano — a cinta la pian play the guitar — a cinta la chitara Here are some ways of apologiz- . ing. They are on the cassette, too I'm very sorry — imi pare foarte rau. I'm so sorry — imi pare atit de rau Lam terribly sorry — imi pare teribil de rau. I'm really sorry — imi pare intr-adevar rau. va scuze pentru c& nu Now apologize for not being able \deplini niciuna din ac- to do the activities given above. tivitaqile de mai sus. Exercise 2 Acestia sint_ membri_unei tamil Ascultali pe caseta cum se pronunta These are the members of a family, Listen on the cassette to si repetati how they are pronounced and repeat them, ‘sot — sotie husband — wife tata — mama father — mother bunic — bunica grandfather — grandmother fu — fica son — daughter frate — sora brother — sister nepot — nepoata (de bunic) grandson — granddaughter Familia Jones EXERCITII — EXERCISES Exercise 1 Aci este 0 lista de activitaji pe care le puteti avea in timpul liber. Ascul- do in your spare time, Listen on tall pe caseté cum se pronunfi si ‘the cassette to how they are repetati pronounced and repeat them Here is a list of activities you could 84 r ill m Jean Privy acest arbore —genealoge I raspundeti Cine este THE JONES FAMILY Peter m. Mary David Simpson Brian m. Betty Wright ; 1 -- > Joan John Andrew George Alan are _genealogio g Look at this family tree ai 3 answer a intrebarile ce urmeaza: the following questions. ICAP. 16) UNIT 16 Relatii_personale — Pasiuni — Interests UNIT 17 Dealing with People 5, Who's Mary? 6. Who's Brian 7. Who's Joan? 1. Who's Jean? 2.Wio's Andrew? 88 discutaji despre ce va place gi ce nu va place. 3. Who's David Simpson? 4. Who's Betty Wright? Exercise 3 Aici sint citeva expresii cu ajutorul c&rora pot fi descrise _persoanele. Acestea sint si ele pe caseta atragator — dragut — chipes inat — scund par de culoare inchisé — par blond — pr ondulat — scurt— lung slab — gras — durduliu ‘Acum desorieti persoanele care ur- meaza: Here are some expressions to describe people. They are on the cassette, too. attractive-pretty — handsome tall — short dark hair — fair hair— curly hair — short hair — long hair slim — fat — plump Now describe the following people: ‘Anne — 50, foarte atragatoare — pr scurt — ondulat ‘Allan — 40, jnalt Isobel — 20, nu prea inalta, par inchis la culoare, foarte draguia Chris — 18, p&r lung, chipesa Peter — mic, mustata blonda Lowenna — 16, cam durdulie, par scurt, inchis la culoare. Ascultati cu_atenti isten to thi ‘Acum ascultati pe caseta textul NOT YOU AGAIN. Mai inti incercati s8 @spundeti la intrebari. Daca va face piacere, ascultati tot textul de la inceput. Sceneta 3 — De unde vine Merete? — Ce profesie are ea? Now listen on the cassette the NOT YOU AGAIN dialogue. First try to answer the questions. if you really enjoy i, listen to the entire dialogue from the beginning — Andrew este pentru sau impotriva arheologiei? 86 DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Anne Bardy (AB), Antony (A) (€ un apartament pe cinste). Muttumesc. Vad c& te intereseaz’ baletul {indicind) A cui este aceasta fotografie? (Cine e in aceasta fotogratie?). AB: Este Margot Fonteyn. A 2B PB> AB: $i cine este aceia? A AB: ‘AB: Este Rudolf Nureyev. Ma inter- eseazi foarte mult _baletul. Colectionez —fotografii_ cu balerini. Te intereseaza baletul, Antony? A: Nu, mi-e teama c& nu. A ‘AB: Ai vreun hobby? AB: A: Da. Pescuitul este pasiunea A mea preferata, ‘AB: (sec) Ce frumos. Ce apartament frumos avefi. A: E dragut, nui aga? AB: Este un’ vertabil apartament. A: What a lovely flat you have. It is nice, isn't i? Its really an apartment. : Thank you. | see you're intersted in ballet (Pointing) Who's in this photo? : That's Margot Fonteyn. ‘And who is that? That's Rudolf Nureyev, I'm very interested in ballet. | collect photographs of ballet dancers. Are you intersted in ballet, Anthony? No, I'm afraid not. Do'you have a hobby? Fishing is a favourite hobby of mine. AB: (dryly) How nice. Dialogue 2 Felicity, (F), Winston (W) z Winston? italiana. De ce? (Cum asa) Imi place bucataria italiana. ma intereseaz magi italien. Ai maging? Da, am un Fiat vecti, w: F: W: Te intereseazA limbile strain, F: Da. Ma intereseaza foarte mut W: ‘Are you interested in foreign lan- guages, Winston? Yes, | am. I'm very interested in Italian, Why is that? | tke ttalian food. And I'm inter- ‘ested in Italian cars. Have you got one? Yes, I've got an old Fiat. CAP. 17| Pasiuni — Interests UNIT 17 CAP. 17 Pasiuni — Interests UNIT 17] Dialogue 3 Mrs. Gammon (WG), her son (So) (fiul ei) 7 fotografia WG: Dumnezeule, e cald. WG: My goodness, it's hot. La Pictura, So: Intr-adevar, este. So; That's right, it is. i intereseaza | jocul de cari, foarte WG: imi este sete, WG: I'm thirsty So: $i mie, Ce-ai dori s& bei, So: Me too. What would you like to io featrul Ls mama? drink, mother? file straine. (deloc) WG: Stii c& imi place ceaiul WG: You know | like tea, masinile. So: Aici nu existé ceai, mama. So: There's no tea here, mother. - —— Doresti niste bere? Would you like some beer? WG: 0, nu, nu-mi place berea. WG: Oh, no, | don't like beer. Photography. WG: iti place vinul, mama? So: Do you like wine, mother? rm | (very) painting WG: Nu, nu-mi place nici vinul. As WG:No, | don’t like wine either. Can | me | teens putea bea un suc de porto: have some orange juice? l's | (not) | interested in] cards. cale? She's | the theatre. So: $i eu. Vom bea nigte suc de So: Me too. We'll have some orange 5 portocale. juice. foreing countries. WG: Lui Bosun ji place laptele. WG: Bosun likes milk. cars. So: Aici nu exist lapte, mama. So: There's no milk here, mother. WG: Bine, atunci apa. WG: Well, water then. Care este pasiunea dvs? What's your hobby? So: Desigur, apa. So: Of course, water. T - T pictura | ME TOO — ,si eu" (de asemenea) | | Este| cititul opasiune jadvs? | pa muzica a lui? anal CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT “ |_| totk ae? 1. Cum este intrebaté o persoana ce o intereseaza. ; 7 How to ask what someone is interested in. | painting [or yours? Is | reading a hobby | of his? Yes, itis, limbile? music | of hers? No, it's not. dansul? Da folk : Va (te) intereseaza | muzica? Nu. - Mio teama 08 nu. plimbarea?| oe oa Cititul este | pasiunea favorita a lor. t . Pictura [nu este [a mea. languages?’ dancing? ‘Yes, | am Folk music of theirs. ‘Are you interested in | music? acd oe Reading jis | a favourite hobby ow | walking? Painting __| isn't mine. _ | ballet? 89 88 CAP. 17| Pasiuni — Interests [unit 47 CAP. 17 UNIT 17] 2. Cum se feaba despre preferinjele culinare. Hou to ask about likes and dislikes (food). ceaiul? | Exercise 1 — Da. a ee uit? Nu. imi place... lato lista cu cheva hobby-uri Here is a list of some interesting vita? interesante. Ascuttati pe caseti cum hobbies. Listen on the cassette to = ‘se pronunta. how they are pronunced. tea Yes, | do. sim Bil Jil Jane: 7 ” = , pe poly oul) cacaeny No, | don't. | like. reading driving singing hiking beef? (cititul) (sofatul) (cintatul) (plimbare cu autostop) elenene aise - Pers riding ator acing ying rw lig ent mincarea italiana. | jike ttalian food. (cataritul) (actor amator) (a cinta la tenisul cartes do not tka] meat. , stitar ; " swimming cooking dancing fishing Mie| imi place | pestele. | | don't like | fish. notul gatitul dansul pescuitul nu ‘imi place | legumele. | don't drink| vegetables. ‘Acum spuneti ce fi intereseaza pe Now say what Jim, Bill, Jill and | nu-mi place | fructele. fruit. dim, Bill, Jill gi Jane. Jane are interested in. | | nu beau | ceaiut tea pean oe Exercise 2 | alcoolul. } alcohol, ee 3. Cum se propune mincarea gi bautura. Bill este foarte plin de energie. ii Bill is very energic. He likes to be How to suggest food and drink. place s& stea afari la aer curat. ‘outside in the fresh air. Priscilla Land ark. — Priscilel nui place s& stea afar, does not lke to be outside; she | nigte ceal’ prefer hobby-urile de interior. Un prefers indoor hobbies. A social Doriti _ peste? Da cercettor in stiinte sociale ii inter. researcher is interviewing them. 2 = vieveaz’. Luati rolul lui Bill si/sau al Take the part of Bill and/or Priscilla un ca nM aro) Priscillei gi raspundeti la intrebari. and answer the questions. Check ° wghejata? Veriicati raspunsurie cu caseta. your answers with the cassette T > Bill, te intereseaz4 s& calatoresti? Bill, are you intersted in travelling? | some tea’ Priscilla, te intereseaza lectura? Priscilla, are you interested in Would you like | fish? Yes, | would. reading? a whisky? — No’ thank you Bill, te intereseaza carfile de joc? Bill, are you interested in cards? Y . Priscilla, te intereseaza pictura? Priscilla, are you interested in an ice-cream? painting? beti? mine? What would you tke to] &2? Ce doriti $8 | you oak? Ag dori UL 90 un... ©. an some... Vd ike Bill, te intereseaza teatrul? Priscilla, te intereseaz sa Bill, te intereseaza gatitul? Priscilla, te intereseaza pescuitul? Bill, are you interested in the theatre? Priscila, are you interested in singing? Bil, are you interested in cooking? Priscila, are you interested in fishing? 1 ICAP. 17] Pasiuni — Interests UNIT 17 La restaurant — UNIT. 18 ICAP. 18 Bill, te intereseazd calaritul? Exercise 3 Bill, are you interested in horse- riding? Uneori este necesar s8 se spun’ c& Uunei persoane nu-i place o anumita mincare. E important ca acest lucru 88 se facd in mod politicos. Priv gi ascultati exemplele de mai jos: Va place pestele? Nu, nu-mi place pestele. Va place puiul? Nu, ‘ma tem c& nu pot minca pui. Va place brinza? Da, imi place brinza foarte mut. Presupuneti c& sinteti un vegetarian convins si un antialcoolic. Dar va place orice altceva, Raspundeti la intrebarile de mai jos in mod corespunzator. Veriicajiva raspun- surile pe caseta. Doriti o bucaté de prajtura? Va pot oferi un ou fiert? Ce spuneti de o friptura? Bem o halb& cu bere? Preferati un suc de portocale? Va pot recomanda aceasta brinza. Doriti un gnite! vienez? ‘Sometimes it is necessary to say that one does not like a certain food. it is important to do this Politely. Look “and listen to the examples. below. Do you like fish? No, | don't like fish, Do you like chicken? No, I'm afraid | can't eat chicken, Do you like cheese? Yes, | like cheese very much Assume that you're a_ strict vegetarian and also a teetotaller. But you like everything else. Answer the questions below ap- propriately. Check your answers with the cassette. Would you like a piece of cake? Can | offer you a boiled egg? How about a steak? Shall we have a pint of beer? Would you prefer an orange juice? | can recommend this cheese. Would you like a Wiener Schnitzel. Eating out in acest capitol invatat: © sa comandati o masa; ® 8a comandal!intrun restaur © sa v8 inrebat! partenerul ce: doreste, DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES: Agnes Gill (AG), Henry Gill (HG) Dialogue 1 Restaurant Manager (RM), Waiter (Wa) AM: Bund seara, ,Giovanni’. RM: Good evening, Giovanni's. HG: Buna seara, Doresc s& rezerv HG: Good evening. | want to reserve @ ‘© masa pentru asta seara. table for tonight. RM: Da, domnule. Pentru ce ora. RM: Yes, sir. For what time? HG: Aveti o masa pentru ora 8? HG: Have you got a table for 8 o'clock? RM: Da, domnule. Pe ce nume? RM: Yes, Sir. In what name? HG: Gil. HG: Gill, RM: Pentru cite persoane? RM: For how many people, sir? HG: O mas& pentru coi, vi rog. HG: A table for two, please. (Pause) (Pauza). HG: Bund seara. Am rezervat 0 HG: Good evening. Ive reseed a masa table. RM: Da, domnule, pe ce nume? RM: Yes, sir, what name was it? HG: Gill HG: Gill, RM: Da, d-le Gill. Veniti pe aici, va RM: Oh, yes, Mr. Gill. Come this way, S& bem un pahar cu vin Preferati niste lapte? ‘Am putea Servi nigte ingheqata? Doriti o portocala? Let us have a glass of wine. Would you prefer some milk? Shall we have an ice-cream? Would you care for an orange? Ascultati cu_atentie — Listen to this Ascultati acum textul pind cind vefi putea raspunde la intrebari NOT YOU AGAIN! Sceneta 4 Este Merete casatorita? Cine plaiteste cafeaua? ‘Andrew cunoaste bine Copenhaga? rog, Este bund aceasta? HG: Da, e foarte buna, multumesc. HG: please. Will this be all right? Yes, very good, thank you. (Pauza) (Pause) HG: Cu ce ai vrea s& incepi, raga HG: What would you like to start with, mea? darling? AG: Mm, cred c@ voi lua un coctail AG: Mm, 1 think I'l have a prawn de raci. Dar tu? - HG: Cred ca voi tua niste supa. imi place supa de tomate. Ce ici a fel pricipal? ar placea o friptura. HG: Vrei o fieic’ sau un antricot? AG: Cred ca ag dori o fleicd. Un atricot este categoric prea mutt pentru mine. Tu ce ai vrea, raga? HG: AG: HG: AG: cocktail, How about you? 1 think TIl have some soup. | love tomato soup. What would you have for a main dish? Id like a steak. Would you like a rump steak, or a T-Bone steak? Oh, | think I'l have a rump steak A T-Bone steak is definitely too ‘much for me. What would you like, darling? 93 ICAP. 18 La restaurant — UNIT. 18 CAP. 18| La restaurant — UNIT. 18] Eating out Eating out HG: Nu sint sigur. HG: I'm not sure, [Would you like any vegetables?| AG: De ce nu iei niste calcan? iti AG: Why don't you have a Dover Sole. place pestele HG: Da, in regula, voi lua niste peste. (Pauza) HG: Chelner! Wa: Da, domnule? HG: Am dori sd comandam acum. Wa: DA, domnuie. HG: Sofia mea va lua un coctail de faci. lar eu nigte supa de rosi. Wa: Ati ales vinul, dle? HG: A, da, vinul HG: HG: Wa: HG: Wa: HG: Wa: HG: You like fish. Yes, | do. All right, I'll have some fish’ (Pause) Waiter! Yes, sir? We would like to order now. Yes, sir. My wife will have a prawn cocktail. And I'll have some tomato soup. Have you chosen a wine, sir? Ah, yes, the wine. anything else? - to start with? 2. Cum se spune cind nu sintefi sigur. How to say you are not sure. Mie indiferent. Nu stiu Nu sint sigur(a). 3. Cum se comanda mincarea gi bautura. How to order food and drink. 1 don't m know am not sure. _| cuM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreaba 0 persoana ce doregte si manince sau si bea. How to ask what people would like to eat and drink. ao] P _ Ce doriti sé mincati? | What would you like to a ee Let? eee SL arink? [- 0 friptura. ] cocoa eo un coctail de raci. 25 vrea phar cu vin rogu. [iste peste Lo [___ bere. Tome Ja | steak | think Prawn cocktail. Tl have glass of red wine. some fish | eee! beer. J 4 Da, va rog. Dori [ceva | anume? — Re, muferese de_inceput? Yes, please. I'd like, No, thank you, ind, will have a) foarte oficial very formal Sotia mea _| doreste. ] My wife Eu | dorese. Le by obignuit informal | eeaiue ] Jteas Doua | coca-cola Two | coca-cola pahare cu bere _| va rog. Un, 0 | pahar cu halba LJ peur vin rogu IL glasses of beer glass of red wine lager 4. Cum se rezerva o masa la restaurant. How to reserve a table in a restaurant. TF please. __ifump steak | | Dorese s rezery] ia noapte, | want to reserve al tonight. © mas pentru | Giseara Cts this evening, mine. tomorrow. marea vitoare. ext Tuesday Pentru ce ora? Aveti o masa pentru ane 8 pm] For what time? | have you got a table for ceoy 8 pm?| 95 ICAP. 18 La restaurant — UNIT. 18 CAP. 18 La restaurant — UNIT. 18 Eating out Pentru cite persoane? For how many people? © masaldoua | va rog. two please. Sen | saver [ie Pe ce nume? In what name? Care este numele? What name is it? EXERCITH EXERCISES Exercise 1 Imaginaji-va c& sinteti_intr-un res- taurant, Construiji doua conversati diferite cu chelnerul conform infor- matillor date mai jos.Vefi avea nevoie de menu-ul de la pagina 96. Cind veti decide ce veli spune, lucrati fiecare exercitiu completing conversatile de pe caseta. Verificati- va rspunsurile cu caseta. Conversation 1 imagine that you are in a res- taurant. Work out two. different conversations with the waiter ac- cording to the information given below. You will need to refer to the menu on page 96. When you have decided what to say, work through each exercise using the gapped conversation on the cas sette, Check your answers with the cassette. Dvs. impreuna cu prietenul dvs. ati ramas dupa concediu fara bani. De aceea doriti s4 comandati pentru amindoi cele mai ieftine antreuri si cel mai ieftin fel de mincare. Nu va putefi permite nici vin, de aceea comandali numai apa. CONVERSATIA 2 £4 £1 £2 96 75 Egg Mayonnaise ‘95 Melon Pearls with Orange segments 75 Homemade Pate — paté de cas Mergeti cu un coleg de afaceri la masa si doriti sa il uimiti, de aceea comandati pentru amindoi cele mai scumpe antreuri si cel mai scump $i mai bun fel de mincare cu came. Nu uita{i sa cereti lista cu vinuri. in final sinteti atit de s&tui, inct nu mai doriti desert si comandati cafea si bomboane. Menu maioneza pepene cu portocale Eating out 2.95 Marinated Trout served with — Pastry cu mustar English Mustard Dressing 3.73 Prawn Cocktail Balmoral — Coctail de raci 3.25 Smoked Mackerel and Brandy Mousse — Macrou afumat 3.95 Thinly sliced Parma Ham — Pepene cu guncd 3.25 Hot Sauted Mushrooms with Garlic, Parsley and Cream — usturoi, patrunjel si smint 1.50 Soup of the Day — supa zilei 7.95 Sliced poached Scotch Salmon with warm Mayonnaise, garnished with Cherkins, Capers and Parsley — somon cu maioneza 7.95 Fillets of Sole baked with prawns and topped with Cheese Sauce — file de calcan eu raci gi sos de brinza 8.75 Scallops and Prawns in a Creamy Lobster and Brandy Sauce — crastacee cu sos 5.95 Chicken Escalope with Port and Mushrooms — Escalop de pasire cu iuperci 6.95 Sliced fillets of Pork with Marsala Wine Sauce eu sos de yin 8.50 Roast Best End of Lamb served with Mint and Tarragon Sauce — fripturd de miel cu sos de menta si tarhon 9.50 Minute Sirloin Steak with Tomato and Garlic Sauce — Muschi cu sos 10.95 Medallion of Prime Fillet of Beef with Brandy and Mustard Sauce. flavoured with freshly grated Nutmeg — medalion de vita Ascultati cu _atentie Listen to this Fripturd de pore Ia tava Ascultati sceneta de atitea ori pina ce vei putea raspunde la intrebari NOT YOU AGAIN! Sceneta 5 Unde lucreaz Andrew? Merete are o locuinté mare sau mica? Care este hobby-ul Meretei? O masa |dous | A table pentru tei va roo. | tor | 7 ! | CaP. 19] Hoteluri — Hotels unit 19] [eap. 19] Hoteluri — Hotels UNIT 19 in acest capitol invatati sé comandati o camera la hotel HG: Bund seara. Aveti o masi HG: Good evening! Have you got a pentru miine sear? table for tomorrow evening? RM: Da. LA ce ora? RM: Yes. What time? HG: La ora 8. HG: 8 o'clock. DIAL _ E: RM: Gite persoane? RM: For how many? OGURI DIALOGUES HG: O masa pentru doi. HG: A table for two. 2 Dialogue 1 Anne Bardy (AB), Hotel Receptionist (Re) tc amen eee po ce (ound tototonu) none sings) Fe. Citton Pil Hotel Fe Cimon Ft Hotel Dialogue 3 Antony (A), Clerk (Ci) AB: Bund ziua. Aveti o camera AB: Hello. Have you got a room for pentru 5 mai? May 5"? Doresc sd fac o rezervare A: 1 want to book a holiday in Scot- Re: Cu un pat sau dubli? Re: Single or double? pentru o vacanta in Scotia. land. ‘AB: De o persoana, va rog, AB: Single, please. Da, dle, Unde? Cl: Yes, sir. Where? Re: Pentru cite nopti? Re: How many nights? Edinburgh. A: Edinburgh. AB: Pentru 0 noapte ‘AB: For one night A, da, Edinburgh. Frumos loc. Cl Oh,” yes,, Edinburgh. A. lovely Re: Da, am o camera de o per- Re: Yes, I've got a single room. La ce hotel? place. Which hotel? soana. Windsor. ‘A: Windsor. AB: Cu baie? AB: With a bath? Cind doriti s& mergeti? Cl: When would you like to go? Re: Da, cu baie. Re: Yes, with a bath. La 1 Septembrie. A: September, the 1st AB: Cit costa? ‘AB: How much is it? Sapte nopti sau 14? Cl: 7 nights or 14 nights? 55 lire pe noapte, cumic dejun. Re. £ 55 a night, bed and breakfast ‘4 A 14 : O voi lua. AB: I'll take it. Ce nume, va rog? ‘Ck What name, please? Pe ce nume? Re: What name is it please? Brown, Dl si dna Brown. A: Brown, Mr. and Mrs Brown. AB: Dna Anne Bardy. AB: Mrs. Anne Bardy. (Pauza) (Pause) Re: in regul, dna Bardy. Doriji sa Re: Right, Mrs. Bardy. Will you confirm Cl Scuzati-ma un moment. Ck Excuse me a moment. confirmati rezervarea in scris? the booking in writing? (telefoneaza) (phones) AB: Da, desigur. ‘AB: Yes, of course. Alo, Sovereign? Doresc o Hello, Sovereign? | want a double Re: Muumesc, Re: Thank you camera dubia Hotel Windsor room, Hotel Windsor in Edinburgh, AB: La revedere AB: Goodbye. din Edinburgh, 14 nop. 4 nights. September the ist Re: La revedere. Re: Goodbye. 1 Septembrie. in intregime Completely booked? Hotel An- retinut? Hotel Annabel? Hotel nabel? Hotel Eugenia? Eugenia? [PLU TAKE IT — forma prescurtatd de la! WILL TAKE IT. (Discutind cu Antony) (Fatking to Antony) | Forma ‘pe vitor a verbelor in limba engleza se formeaz’ prin Ck: Mr Brown, The Windsor este Cl: Mr Brown, the Windsor is com- | antepunerea verbelor auxiiare shall/will formel de infiniti a verbului de| retinut in intregime. Putefi lua 0 pletely booked. You can have a | | Sonjugat. Auxiliarul shall este specific persoanei | — singular si plural. camera la _hotel Annabel. Sau room in the Hotel Annabel. Or, in {in cazul in care intenjia este hott, se foloseste will si pentru| la hotelul Eugenia. the Hotel Eugenia. | Persoana |. A: Cum este hotelul Annabel? A: What is Hotel Annabel like? Ck Vil pot recomanda. Va pot Cl: | can recommend it. | can recom- : recomanda $i hotel Eugenia mend the Eugenia 100. Dialogue 2 Henry Gill (HG), Restaurant Manager (RM) A Vor lua. ia. hotel Annabel A: [take the Hotel ‘Annabel. The (suna telefonul) {phone rings) RM: Taj Mahal RM: Taj Mahal 98 Eugenia este prea scump. Eugenia is too expensive. CaP. 19] Hoteluri — Hotels UNIT 149 cap. 19] Hoteluri — Hotels luNiT 19] CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT a single room (camera de o persoand) a double room (camera dubla) 1. Cum se rezerva 0 camera. . erent) besiroom) (eu) bats) How to reserve a hotel room. wen a shower (cu dug) a) Ce fel de camer’ a) What kind of room pean totes iston pee cull levied) | 1 bai T; " T h Numerele intre paranteze indica tim- The numbers in brackets indicate: © camera ‘simpl cu ie a single Yorn | with al batt pul de stationare dorit. how long you want to stay. | dubia fara | dus double Lwithout | "| shower Example: (1) = one night (0 noapte) = tee nights (tre! nopt) b) pentru cind b) when for? (1w) = one week (0 saptamina) = - Acum cereti aceste camere. Now ask for these rooms. DED | January | tenn Veriicajiva raspunsul cu caseta Check your answers with the cas- pentru 17 mai for | May sette, 21 august August a1 (1) 1-3 (tw) 7 b) 2-4 (2) g) 2-5 (2) ©) pentru ft timp «) for how long? ©) 1-3 (1) h) 2-4 (1) — . a2 Ow ) 2-3 0) © noapte ‘one night 2) 2-4 @) D153 @ pentru| 204% opti for | nights Exercise 2 trei three Exercise 2 © saptamina a week | Doriti s& rezervati o camera pentru You want to book a room for a De lal 5 ianuarie | pina lal ...ianuarie] | From) January 5 ™ | to] January... tmai | mai | May 1* May.. 4d) toate impreund 4) putting it all together Vo tke | single with for May 1 for two a bath | nights Have you got double | room| without for two nights] from May 1% to May 3rd EXERCITI — EXERCISES Exercise 1 ‘You want to book a room. These numbers indicate the type of room you want to reserve. Doriti sa rezervati o camera. Aceste fumere va indica’ tipul de camera pe care 0 dori 100 © anumité perioada. Verificati-va rspunsurile cu caseta. 1. (1); 30.03 — 31.03 2 (4); 06.12 — 10.12 3. (iw); 20.01 — 27.01 4); 07.10 — 09.10 5. (1); 12.05 — 13.95 certain length of time. Check your answers with the cassete, 6. (3); 02.08 — 05.08 7. (); 04.11 — 09.11 8 28.07 — 30.07 9. (4); 23.02 — 27.02 10. 08.06 — 15.06 Exercise 3 Doriti s& rezervati o camera la hotel. Luafiv rolul in conversatia care urmeaza. E pe casetd. Receptia hotelului: Clifton Hill Hotel Dvs. Receptia hotelului: “Simpl sau dubia? Dvs. ‘You want to book a hotel room. Take your part in the following gapped conversation. It's on the cassette. Hotel Receptionist: Citon Hill Hotel You: ... Hotel” Receptionist: Single or duble? You: 101 ICAP. 19] Hoteluri — Hotels UNIT 19] cap. 20] Instructiuni — Regulations [unit 20] Receptia hotelului: Pentru cite nopti? Dvs. ... Receptia hotelului: Da, am o camera simple, Dvs.: . Receptia hotelului: Da, cu baie. Dvs.: .. Receptia hotelului: 55 £ pe noapte ‘cu mic dejun. hotelului: Care este numele, va rog? Dvs.: Receptia hotelului: Bine. Vreti sa confirmati rezervarea in scris, va rog? Dvs.: Recepjia hotelului: Mulfumesc. Dvs. Receptia hotelului: La revedere. Hotel Receptionist: How many nights? You... Hotel Receptionist: Yes, I've got a single room. You: Hote! Receptionist: Yes, with bath, You: Hotel Receptionist: € 55 a night, bed and breakfast. You: Hotel Receptionist: What name is it please? You: .. Hotel Receptionist? Right. Will you confirm the booking in writing, please? You: .. Hotel Receptionist: Thank you. You: .. Hotel Receptionist: Goodbye. Ascultati cu atentie — Listen To Thi: . ‘Acum ascultati ultima sceneté a textului NOT YOU AGAIN! Daca doriti ascultali inc o dal tot textul de la Inceput. VA veti da seama ct de mult inteleget. Sceneta 6 — Ce este de vazut in York? — $i-a gait Merete un adapost? in acest capitol invatatl: © sa intrebali daca este sau nu necesar sa se facd un anumit lucru; © 8 formati propoziile corespunzatoare. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES. Mrs Gammon (WG), Travel Agent (TA) Dialogue 1 (functionar la oficiul ‘de voial) WG: Doresc_s& rezerv un bilet pentru Caracas. TA: Da, doamna. Cind doriti s& calatoriti? WG: Luna vittoare. Ziua de nastere a fiului meu e pe 20 noiembrie El lucreaza in Caracas. TA: Trebuie s4 aveti un pagapor valabil WG: Da, am unul. Trebuie s& am vis? TA: Da, trebuie s& aveti vizd pentru Venezuela. WG: Vai de mine. Nu am. TA: lata un formular. Trebuie sa i trimiteti la Ambasada Venezuelei. WG: Mutumesc. imi trebuie si o asigurare de caltorie? TA: Nu avefi nevoie de asigurare de clatorie. Dar eu o recomand, WG: Trebuie s& am certificat de vaccinare? TA: Nu, nu este necesar. : 0, bine. WG:I want to book a fight to Caracas. TA: Yes, madam. When do you want to travel? WG: Next month. My son’s birthday is on the 20th of November. He works in Caracas. TA: You must have a valid passaport WG:Yes, I've got one, Must | have a visa? TA: Yes, you must have a visa for Venezuela. WG: Oh, dear. | haven't got one. TA: Here's an application form. You must send it to the Venezuelan Embassy. WG: Thank you. Must | have a travel insurance? TA: You needn't have a travel in- surance, But | always recommend it. WG: Must | have a vaccination certifi cate? TA: No, that isn't necessary. WG: Oh, good. Dialogue 2 Henry Gill (HG) AA Man (AA) HG: Doresc s-mi iau masina pe HG: Good moming. | want to take my continent. car to the continent. AA; Da, domnule. Ge tari dori sa AA: Yes, sir. Which countries do you Vizitati? want to visit? 103 cap. 20] Instructiuni — Regulations [unit 20 car. 20] Instructiuni — Regulations [unit 20 HG: Germania $i Cehoslovacia. HG: Germany and Czechoslovakia. EXERCITII — EXERCISES AA: Trebuie 8 avell un pagaport AA: You must have a valid passapor a! Ha: AA: HG: ‘AA: Da, aveti nevoie de cartea verde, HG: valabil Sau un pasaport de vizitator. Or a Visitor's Passaport. Desigur. HG: Of course. Pentru Cehoslovacia trebuie s8 AA: And for Czechoslovakia you must avefi un permis de conducere international. have an international Driving Per- ini. Da, injeleg. Trebuie s& am car- HG: Yes, | see. Must | have a ,Green tea verde? Card"? ‘AA: Yes, you need a ,Green Card” in regula, multumesc. HG: Right, thank you. CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreaba daca trebule sa se facd ceva anum How to ask if you must do something, sa am [un pasaport valabil?| ‘sa obfin|o viza? jo asigurare? |Trebuie — Da trebuie, — Nu, Nu e necesar. have | a valid pasaport? Must | we get | a visa? — Yes, you must __|a travel insurance? | — — No, you needn't, | cenificat de vacinare. | Trebuie permis international Nu e necesar | Camtea verde. | pasapon. | a vaccination certificate. You | must | have | an International Driving Permit. needn't | get | a “Green Card" | a passport 1. MUST = trebuie. Observati od la forma interogativa, must se toloseste fa auciond OO. MUST rebate: 88 Yom, , Exercise 1 lata 0 listé de obiecte de care afi Here is a list of things you might putea avea nevoie. need. ochelari de soare bani sunglasses money eriuta de dinti arta toothbrush map costum de baie racheta bathing suit tennis racket pagaport ghete Passport boots bilete umbrela tickets umbrella Care dintre aceste lucruri trebuie sa Which of the things you see in the le luati cu dvs.? list must you take with you? Exemple: Ploua. Trebuie s& imi iau Exemple: i's raining. | must take umbrela. my umbrella, 1. Ce trebuie sa luati cind mergeti la cumparatur. 2 Doriti s& jucati fotbal 3. Doriti sa jucali tenis. 4. Aveti de gind s& facofi o c&latorie la fara. 5, Vrefi s& mergefi la teatru. 6. Este cald si doriti s& mergeti la bazinul de inot. 7. Vreti S8 va petreceti concediul in strainatate. 8 Ramineti la sfirsit de saptamind la prieteni, la tard 9. Ploua 10. Cerul este senin Exercise 2 Uitai-va la 0 pagina din agenda lui Look at a page from Winston's Winston. Ce trebuie si tac in diary. What does he have to do fiecare zi? fon each day? Exemplu: Ce trebuie s& facé Winston Exemple: What must Winston do duminica? Trebuie s-o vada on Sunday? He must pe Felicity see Felicity Duminic’ — Sunday — _ see Felicity — vazut Felicity Luni — Monday fetch car — scos magina Marti — Tuesday go to Birmingham — mers la Birmingham Miercuri — Wednesday — buy Felicity a necklace — cumparat Felicity colier buy tennis racket — cumparat racheta de tenis get up at 6 am. — sculat 6,30 stay in bed (tired) de stat in pat (obosit) Joi — Thursday Vineri — Friday ‘Simbata — Saturday = 105 Instructiuni — Regulations UNIT 20} ICAP. 21 Jocuri si sporturi — UNIT. 21 CAP. 20] Ce trebuie sé faca Winston duminica? Ce trebvie s& faca Winston luni? Ce trebuie $8 facd Winston mari? Ce trebuie sa faca Winston miercuri? Ce trebuie sa faca Winston joi? Ce trebuie s& fac Winston vineri? Ce trebuie s& fac Winston simbata? Exercise 3 Henry si Anne au hotart sa viziteze niste prieteni la sfirsit de saptamina, Anne pleaca deja de vinen, Henry trebule s& stea acasa pind simbata dupé-amiazi. Deoarece Henry este distrat cind aranjeaza lucrurile, Anne a strins tot ce le-ar putea trebui si a luat cu_ea, Simbata dimineata Henry suna la telefon sa o intrebe ce ar putea lua cu el. Anne ji spune 8 ea a organizat totul, Asculati caseta gi lua rolul lui Anne. Exemplu: Trebuie s&-mi iau racheta? Nu, nu e nevoie sai iei racheta. Asculta! What must Winston do on Sun- day? What must Winston do on Mon- day? What must Winston do on Tues- day? What must Winston do on Wed- nesday? What must Winston do on Thursday? What must Winston do on Friday? What must Winston do on Satur- day? Henry and Anne have decided to Visit some friend at the weekend. Anne is already going on Friday. Henry has to stay until Saturday afternoon. As Henry is very care. less at getting things ready, Anne has collected everything he might need and taken it with her. On Saturday morning Henry rings up to find out what he should bring with him, Anne tells him that she has organized everything, Listen to the cassette and take the role of Anne. Exemplu: Must | bring my tennis racket? No, you needn't bring your tennis racket. cu atentie — Listen to this Ascultati acum inca 0 data tot texul impreuna cu ultima sceneta. NOT YOU AGAIN Scenetele 79 Unde va fi g&zduité Merete? — Unde si-a rezervat camera? Intimplator, cine mai este la hotel? 106 Games and Sports in acest capitol invatati ‘¢ 8 faceti propuneri © SA cerefi unei persoane s& intreprinda un anumit lucry © sa intrebati dacé 0 persoana practic sau nu un anumit sport © sa intrebafi si SA vorbiti despre cit de des se poate face un anumit lucru. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES F: Este 0 zi frumoasa. Hai sa mergem la inot. Da, 0 idee buna, Mary stie s& inoate? Nu stiu. S& 0 intrebam Mary, © 0 i frumoasa. S& mergem sa inotém. Sti sa inti? Da,.inot destul de bine. Eu nu pot inota atit (prea) bine. Nu face nimic, (n-are impor- tanta). S4 mergem. (ezitind): Bine, atunci_ ein regula. = =s57s7S7s infiniiv + (Hai) sa... Fl = =sE7s7s7s Ler forma prescurtaté de la LET US, urmat de verbul fal jalogue 1 Felicity (F), Winston (W), Mary (M) Ws a lovely day. Let's go swim. ming. Yes, that’s a good idea. Can Mary swim? don't know, Let's ask her. Mary, it's a lovely day. Let's’ go swimming Can you swim? Yes, | can swim quite well can't swim that well. That doesn't matter. Let's go. (reluctantly): Well, all right then, Dialogue 2 Mrs MacDonald (MD), Mrs Fisher (Fi) MD: Unde este John astazi? Fi La fu MD: Ge face acolo? Fi; Pescuieste. MD: Merge adesea la pescuit? Fi: O, merge cam de cinci ori pe saptamina.. intotdeauna —sint singura. MD: De ce nu mergi cu el? : Where's John today? At the river. What's he doing there? He's fishing, Does he often go fishing? Oh, he goes about five times a week. I'm always alone. Why don't you go with him? 107 } ICAP. 21 UNIT. 21 ICAP. 21 UNIT. 21 Jocuri si sporturi — Games and Sports Fi: Nu ma intereseaza pescuitul, Fi Oh, 'm not interested in fishing Jocuri si sporturi — Games and Sports Unde este Bill astazi? Mo: E simbata, Joaca fotbal Fi Joaca adesea fotbal? MD: Joaca in fiecare simbata. Si se antreneaza de doua oni pe saptamina, Fi. De ce nu mergi cu el? Where's Bill today? MO: It's Saturday. He's playing football, Fi Does he often play football? MD: He plays every Saturday. And he trains twice a week. Fi_ Why don't you go with him? MD: Oh, I'm not interested in football MD: Nu ma intereseaza fotbalul nae TIPS SATURDAY. HE'S PLAYING FOOTBALL — intruch acjiunea se] | pottece ia © data apropiaté verbul eat la prazent progreshy Present) * | Continuous). | HE PLAYS EVERY SATURDAY — in acest caz s-a folosit prezentul |_| Simplu (Simple Presend, tind vorba de o actane care are foc frecvert, tervaie regulate de timp. CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se propune cuiva o activitate. How to suggest to do something cards. | | | can | | | sa | jucam | squash. | shan we | play | squash. | | Haide <8 | mergem| tenis, ' tennis j | la plimbare Lets go for a wa | roam __| a 2. Cum se intreaba 0 persoana daca practicd vreun How to ask if someone can do something, tu | 88 inogi 1 {sti let | schieze? | _ oa \Stie |ea joace tenis? | Nu. Mary | joace squash? bridge? 108 you [swim? | can | ne | ski2 __ Yes, he/she can | she | play tennis? No, he/she cant. | Mary | play squash? L_ |__| play bridge? Eu | stiu ‘not putin Tu | stl schiez relativ bine El |stie |sa_ | joc tenis destul de bine Ea joc squash deloc j l - foarte bine ‘swim a little. ski airly well play tennis quite well play squash | at all very well. 3. Cum este intrebaté o persoané daca face deseori un sport. How to ask how often someone can do something, [wos Jasess|i scr) [ooyee | [saat la pescuit? ‘often | go fishing? [Merge | sa | jucati fotbat?| | Does he/she| play football? [eu [ioc tenis in fiecare sarbatoare ma antrenez ——__| zinc. Noi__| mergem| la inot de 5 ori pe saptamina. el [merge [ta pescut _| simbata. | Ea | joaca tenis | de 2 ori pe satamina. [se antroneaza | —__—_ 109 CAP. 21 Jocuri_si_sporturi — UNIT. 21 CAP. 21 Jocuri_si_sporturi — UNIT. 21 Games and Sports Games and Sports 1 play tennis every holiday. Mergem la plimbare? Shall we go for a walk? | Sa jucam tenis. Let's play tennis [tain | every day. Propuneti unei alte persoane s@ Suggest to another person that rue [go_| swimming | about 5 times a week. avefi impreuna urmatoarele activit2ti. you do the activities shown below. le | fish re a citi read jHe | goes | fishing ee pomicels a cal ride (go riding) | she [plays tennis twice a week a fnota Swim {go swiniming) | trains a fotografia take a photo = ——— = —== a conduce masina drive a car (go for a drive) Eu | adesea ]ia seni 1 often go swimming a cinta la chitara play the guitar | s a dansa dance (go dancing) | uneori |mergem ja inot | |We | sometimes | play tennis. See Aiko cae raiogh | Noi | rar jucam | bridge seldom go shopping. tl niciodata [tenis never _ Exercise 2 [ea adesea 8 schieze. Intrebati 0 persoana daca poate ‘Ask someone it he/she can do it i face aceste lucruri these things. Fiul meu |uneori merge _| sa inoate._| Exemplu: Stii s& inoti? Example: Can you swim? Eleanor rer joaca | bridge. Mary stie sa inoate? Can Mary swim? L niciodata tenis. a c&lari; a juca cri; a conduce masina; a cinta la chitara; a dansa; a schia; ~ ap a cinta; a gati; a juca tenis. [ she ] often skiing. |My son | sometimes | goes | swimming Exercise 3 Sleanor seldom Plays | bridge. i intint) pe Matthew. Lui fi place s4 You meet Matthew. He likes play- never tennis. ii t ompusil iui every (every day. | [oy Sen Monday. etc) isi ar focul Ja-etreiua ropozitiior, in timp ce | 1, adverbele scure (often, sometimes) se pun intotdeauna inte subiect | si verb. | | BYE: 1 aways nave breatast at 720 L | go 10 the cinema every Saturday. ENTIE! Adverbele lungi cum si ECERCITI| — EXERCISES Exercise 1 Exist doua modalitati de a propune ‘There are two ways of suggesting unei persoane sa faceti impreuna to a person that you do some- ceva. thing. 110 joace fotbal si cami. li place sa schieze si S& mearga la plimbare, © intiniti pe Madeleine. Ei fi place dansul, inotul, calaria si tenisul. Faceji cRteva propuneri lui Matthew si Madeleinei.-lata nigte exemple de conversatie: Dvs: Matthew, hai sa jucam fotbal Matthew: Da,” OK. Dys: S@ jucam carti, Madeleine. Madeleine: Nu, nu stiu s& joc cai Propuneti lui Matthew ca impreuna sa a) jucati fotbal ®) calani ing football and cards. He enjoys skiing and going for walks. You meet Madeleine. She likes dancing, swimming, riding and playing tennis. Make some proposals to Matthew and Madeleine. Here are some example conversations: You: Matthew, shall we play football? M: Yes, OK’ You: Madeleine, let's play cards. Mad: No, | can't play cards. ‘Suggest to Matthew that you: a) play football b) go riding CAP. 21 Jocuri si sporturi — UNIT. 21 cap. 22] Urgente — Emergencies _[unir. 22] Games and Sports eee eee 88 solicitati ajutor in cazul in care magina va este in pan’; ©) juceti cai «) play cards © 9 stabilti 0 intinire ) jucati tenis 4d) play tennis e) S& inotati ) go swimming Apoi propuneti Madeleine. Then propose to Madeleine that you: DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES a) si mergefi la dans a) go dancing b) sa schi b) go skiing . 3 s& mergeti la inot ¢) go for a swim logue 1 Agness Gill (AG), Henry Gill (HG), AA MAN (AA) d) Sa jucati fotbal d) play football . e) Sa calariti e) go riding AG: ca inseamna zgomotul aces- AG: What's that noise? Comparati conversatia dvs. cu cea Compare your conversation with the HG: Nu stiu HG: | don't know. is [el caaetes On te ase AG: Priveste —_indicatorul de. AG: Look at the temperature gauge. temperatura Ascultati cu_atentie Listen to tl HG: Drace! Fierbem! HG: Damn! We're boiling! AG: Opreste imediat! AG: Stop quickly! in acest capitol incepe un nou text. Ascultati scenetele 1 si 2 pind cind veti HG: E un telefon aici in spate. HG: There's a telephone back there. gsi raspunsurile la urmatoarele intrebari: AG: Grabeste-te. AG: Be quick! LL OBEY HG: Alo! Sint in pana. HG: Hello. I've broken down. Scenetele 1—2 AA: (la telefon) Care este numarul AA: (on the phone): what is your car — Cum s&rbatoreste Tom vacanta? masinii dvs.? number? — li convine tui Tom ca Jo s& vind cu prietenul ei? is 8 481 en, > a E 481 on o = De obicei je cu magina? e marca este What make of car is obicel Alen merck aa HG: Un BMW. HG: A BMW. * AA: Ce culoare? AA: What colour? * * HG: Rogie. HG: Red. AA: Dela ce numar sunati? AA: What is the number of the phone you are caling from? Ha: 528. Ha: 526. AA: Unde va aflai? AA: Where are you? HG: La o mila de Londra. HG: About a mile away towards Lon- don. AA: Sinteti membru AA? AA: Are you a member of the AA? HG: Da. HG: Yes. AA: Trimit pe cineva__ acolo AA: Jl get someone there right away numaideck HG: Multumese. HG. Thank you. Il IVE BROKEN DOWN — forma prescurtata de la | HAVE BROKEN) DOWN. Verbul este la timpul Present Perfect, deoarece exorima 0 = actiune in twecut cu consecinte in prezent si poate in vitor. inceputa I'VE BROKEN MY LEG — mi-am rupt piciorul (nu m-am vindecat ined). _ Comparati: | BROKE MY LEG LAST YEAR = Mi-am rupt piciorul anu ‘recut 113, cap. 22] Urgente — Emergencies _[unrr. 22] cap. 22] Urgente — Emergen UNIT. 22) | want to make/ an appoint- | the doctor. Vd lke ment with | Dr Jones. Mr Smith, Msr. Gill, Dialogue 2 Mrs Gammon (WG), Receptionist (Re) Este ol (ea) liber la — Da exe Pot veni la. — Puteti ven la. WG (telephoning): Alo. Centrul de WG (telephoning): Hello. Is that the sanatate (policlinica)? Health Centre? is [he free] at (+ time)? Yes, he/she is. Re: Da, bund dimineaja. Cine Re: Yes, good morning. Who is that You can come at/on... sintti? speaking? she — Can come WG: Aici Winifred.Gammon. Ag dori WG. This is Winifred Gammon speak- Can|! comel ‘on (+ day or date)? I'm afraid he's/she's booked ‘© programare la doctorul Jack- ing. | should like an appointment — up. Can you come..? son. with Dr. Jackson. , Re: Da, doamna Gammon. Cind Re: Yes, Mrs. Gammon. When wouk ori s8 veri? you lke to come? EXERCISES — EXERCITII WG: Este liber in aceast® dimineata? WG: Is he free this moming? Re: Nu, imi pare rau, are lista Re: No. I'n afraid he's booked right up Exercise 1 completa pentru’ aceasta dimineata. Puteti veni diseara la 6,157 WG: Da. Este in ordine. Vin diseara la 6,15. Mulumesc. Re: La revedere, dna. Gammon. this morning. Can you come this evening at 6.15? WG: Oh, yes. That's all right. I'l come at 6.15 this evening. Thank you. Re: Goodbye, Mrs. Gammon. CUM SE SPUNE * HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se fixeazé 0 intiinire How to make an appointment. AS dori sa fixez| | doctorut AS dori © intilnire cu Dr. Jones. Mr. Smith, Mrs. Gill 114 ee Va amintiti de dialogul nr. 2 de pe caseta? Atunci completati_ spatile goale cu ceea ce trebuie s4 spund Dna Gammon. Este pe caseta. Do you remember dialogue 2 on the cassette? Then complete de role of Mrs Gammon in the gapped conversation. It's on the cassette, too, Mrs Gammon: (asigurativa o& vorbiti cu centrul de s&nZitate) Receptionist: Yes. Good morning. Who is that speaking? (Buna dimineata. Cine-i la telefon?) Mrs, Gammon:(doriti o intiinire cu dr. Jackson) Receptionist; Yes, Mrs Gammon. When would you like to come? (a, d.n& Gammon, cind dorti s& veniti2) Mrs Gammon: (in aceasta dimineata). Receptionist: No, I'm afraid he's booked right up this morning. Can you come this evening at 6.15? (Mi-e teama ca © ocupat. Puteti veni diseara la 6,157) Mrs Gammon: (putefi veni la aceasta ord). Receptionist: Goodbye, Mrs Gammon. (La tevedere d-n& Gammon). Exercise 2 EEE Acum incercati aceast& conversatie in acelasi mod. Now try this conversation in the same way. Mrs Gammon: (Asiguraji-va c& vorbiti cu cabinetul surgery" dr. Chatfers) fe 115 ICAP. 22} Urgente — Emergencies UNIT. 22) ICAP. 22) Urgente — Emergencies [unir. 22 Receptionist: Good aftemoon. Who is that speaking? (Bund ziua, cine: la telefon?) Mrs Gammon: (solicitali 0 programare) Receptionist: Yes, Mrs. Gammon. When would you like to come? (Oa'd-na Gammon, cind doriti s4 veniti?) Mrs Gammon: (Mine dimineaja) Receptionist: "No. I'm afraid he’s booked up tomorrow morning. Can you come tomorrow afternoon at 4.45? (Nu, mie teama c& e ocupat, puteli veni dup’ amiazé la 4,457) Mrs Gammon: (Puteli) Receptionist: Goodbye, Mrs Gammon. (La revedere d-n& Gammon). Exercise 3 Ascuttati din nou dialogul 4 ‘Apoi imaginativa c& sintei in pana pe autostrada. Conduceti un Ford Esco rosu cu numarul_NEA-AX 404. Telefonati de la cabina 23, situata la 10 mile de Bristol, in drum spre Londra pe MS. Completati spatille goale din dialog. Este inregistrat pe casetd Dvs.: (aveti © pana) Reprez. AA: Care este numarul masini: dvs.? Dvs. Reprez. AA: Ce fel de masina este? Dvs Reprez. AA: Ce culoare? Dvs.: Reprez. AA: De la ce numar de telefon sunati? Dvs. Reprez AA: Unde sinteti? Dvs. Reprez. AA: Sinteti membru AA? Dys.: Nu, sint membru ADAC. Reprez, AA: Trimit pe cineva acolo imediat. 116 Listen again to dialogue number 1 Then imagine that you have broken down on the motorway. You drive a red Ford Escon, registration number NEA-RX 104. You are telephoning from call box no. 23, 10 miles from Bristol, travelling towards London, on the Ms. Complete the ‘gapped dialogue. I's recorded on. the cassette You: ‘AA Man: What is your car num- ber? You: ‘AA Man: What make of car is it? You: AA Man: What colour? You: .. ‘AA Man: What is the number of the phone you are calling from? You ‘AA Man: Where are you? You: AA Man: Are you a member of the ‘AA? You: No, but | am a member of the ADAC. ‘AA Man: I'll get someone there right away. Dvs.: Mulumesc. Repetafi exercitiul De aceast’ data imaginafiva ca aveti un Porsche de culoare galbena cu numarul HH-AN 273. Calatoriti pe A 64 si sintefi la 5 mile de Harrogate. Sunati de la Postul telefonic 78. Si acest dialog este pe caset’. You: Thank you. Do this exercise again. Imagine this time that you are driving a yellow Porsche, registration num- ber HH-AN 273: you are travelling on the A 64, you are 5 miles from Harrogate, you are phoning from box 78. This dialogue is on the cassette, too. Ascultati_ cu tie — fen _to thi Ascultati acim scenetele 3—6 ale textul Scenetele 3, 4, 5 Ce s.a intimplat cu Jo? Pe cine a sunat ea? PLL OBEY si réspundefi la intrebari Cum gi-au petrecut concediul Alan gi Jo? Defectiuni —- Faults UNIT 23} ICAP. 23 Defecti juni — Faults UNIT 23] in acest capitol invajati: © sd va 2xprimati regrotul; © 8 descrieti obiectul care nu funcjioneaz%; © sA du-afi la reparat un obiect, DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 young wife (Wi), young husband (Hu) Wi: Ce s-a intimplat? Hu: Am spart o tava Wi: 0, este tava mea cea mai buna. Un cadou de la matusa Gwen. Hu: imi pare teribil de rau, drag. Wi: Ce stingaci esti! Wi: What happened? Hu: t've broken a plate Wi: Oh, it’s my best piate! A present from Auntie Gwen. Hu: I'm terribly sorry, darling. Wi: Oh, you're so clumsy! WG: Nu este buna culoarea. ‘As: Mal are ceva? WG: Da, face un zgomot ciudat, As: Da, inteleg. Trimit imediat cineva. WG: Muttumesc. Neighbours” As: $a vad ce pot face. We: Muttumesc. La revedere. WG: The colours are wrong, As: Anything else? WG: Yes, it's making a strange noise pe As: Yes, | see. I'll get someone there right away. Poate veni asta WG:Thank you. Can he come this searé? Nu vreau spierd evening? | don't want to miss Neighbours" As: i'll see what | can do, WG: Yes, thank you. Good bye. CUM SE SPUNE * HOW TO SAY IT 1, Cum se exprima regretul How to express your concern Dialogue 2 Henry Gill (HG), Agnes Gill (AG), Shop Assistant (As) HG: Drace, s-a stricat! HG: Damn, It's broken down, AG: Ce s-a intimplat? ‘AG: What's the matter? HG: Acest Flymo, sa stricat AG: Dar este foarte vec (Citeva ore mai tirziu) HG: Acest Flymo s-a stricat. As: Da, cilindrul e stricat. Va pot pune unul nou HG: Ch costa? As: Aproximativ 50 £, poate 60 £. HG: C? costé masina aceea nous de acolo? As: Aceea costa 141 £, domnule. HG: Ma voi gindi. (0 si ma mai HG: This Flymo, it's broken down. AG: Well, it is very old. (A few hours later) HG: This Flymo, it's broken down. As: Yes, the cylinder has gone. can get you a new one, HG: How much? ‘As: About £ 50. Perhaps £ 60, HG: How much is that new machine ‘over there? ‘As: That one costs £ 141, sir. HG: I'l think about it [int | eabu oe T Ter J | pare | ingroztor de rau) [tm awtuly — | sorry. a | 2. Cum se spune c& un oblect este stricat How to say that something is broken [am span [tare he Yoroxen Japa | L ows | [inae _| a vase Magina {Tear ] ] Flymo stricat | the flymo _| has | broken down | Siguranta sa | | fuse | gone Cilindrul dus cylinder | {een | | | L__ fame | | | gindese). _ _ ___ E ceva in_| televizorul meu] | There is something wrong | television set Dialogue 3 Mrs Gammon (WG), Assistant (As) | nereguia cul masina mea _| | with my - car | As: Radio Rentals As: Radio Rentals. WG: Buna seara. E ceva in neregulé WG: Good evening. There's something cu tolevizorul meu. wrong with my television set As: Care @ necazul? As: What's the trouble? 118 19 CAP. 23) Defectiuni — Faults UNIT 23 cap. 23] Defectiuni — Faults UNIT 23] AA Official: Asociatia ‘AA Official; Automobile Associa- eT ees) Astomobigton Bund tion, good moming, How may’ een dimineaja. "Va. puter ata? help you? Ascuttati dialogul de pe caseté. ‘Shop Assistant (As) — vinzatorul Tourist (T) — turistul As: Bund ziua, doamna. T: MA puteti ajuta, va 10g? E ceva ‘in nereguld la usc&torul meu de par. As: Care este necazul? T: Face un zgomot ciudat. As: infeleg T: il putefi repara? As: Sa vad ce pot face. TCR timp va dura pina a reparati? ‘As: Veniti mine la aceeasi ord. T: Muhumesc. Luati loculturistului, —_Partea vinzétorului este inregistrata pe caseta. 1. Magina dvs. de barbierit nu mai functioneaza bine. Ceasul dvs. de mina ramine in urma. Aparatul dvs. de fotografiat nu se poate regla bine. Soneria ceasului desteptator nu functioneaza. Masina dvs. de dictat face un zgomot ciudat. oe op EXERCISE 2 Daca masina dvs. se strica va trebui SA telefonati dupa ajutor. Citi acest dialog model si ascuttafi-| pe caseta, Reprezentant AA = AA Official Condueator auto = Driver 120 AR AR ARR AR Listen to the di casette jogue on the : Good day, madam, Can you help me, please? There is something wrong with my hairdrier. What's the trouble? t's making a funny noise. see. Can you put it right? Til see what we can do. How long will it take you to mend i? Come back at this time tomorrow. Thank you. Take the role of the tourist. The shop assistant’s part is recorded on the cassette. ‘Your razor won't shave properly. Your wrist watch loses time. Your camera won't focus properly The alarm on your alarm clock doesn't work Your dictating machine makes a funny noise. if your car breaks down, you may have to telephone for assistance. Read the following model dialogue and listen to it on the cassette. Driver: Buna dimineata. Ma putefi ajuta, va rog? ‘AA Official: Ce s-a intimplat? Driver: Sint in pana ‘AA Official: Unde sinteqi? Driver: intre Harrogate gi York. AA Official: Ce marca de maging aveti? Driver: Un Volkswagen Polo ‘AA Official: Cum va numiti? Driver: M& numese Herzog. HER- 208. ‘AA Official: Ce s-a intimplat cu magina dvs., d-le Herzog? Driver: Cureaua ventilatorului s-a stricat. ‘AA Official: Sinteji memebru AA, dle Herzog? Driver: Nu, sint membru ADAC. ‘AA Official: Raminefi fing maging, dle. Trimitem pe cineva acolo cit de curind posibil. Rolul_reprezentantului AA este invegistrat’ pe caset& Luati rolul turistului, pe baza informatillor de mai jos. 1, Mercedesul dvs. 190 s-a defectat intre Birmingham si Coventry. Credeti c& bateria s-a descarcat. 2, Audi-ul dvs. 100 s-a defectat intre Shrewsbury si Hereford. Radia- torul este spar. 3. Fordul dvs. Sierra s-a defectat intre Leeds $i Bradford. Motorul face _un zgomot ciudat. 4. Magina dvs. Vauxhall Astra s-a defectat tocmai dincolo de Edin- burgh. S-a spart parbrizul . Your Ford. Driver: Good morning. Can you help me, please? ‘AA Official: What's the matter? Driver: | have broken down AA Official: Where are you? Driver: “Between Harrogate and York. ‘AA Official: What sort of car have you got? Driver: A Volkswagen Polo. AA Official: What's your’ name, please? Driver: My name is Herzog. HER- Zoa. ‘AA Official: What's the matter with your car, Mr. Herzog? Driver: The fan belt has gone. AA Official: Are you a member of the Automobile Association, Mr Herzog? Driver: No, but I'm a member of the ADAC. ‘AA Official: Stay with your car, sir. We will have someone there as soon as possible, The part of the AA Oficial is recorded on the cassette, Provide the part of the tourist according to the information given below. Your Mercedes 190 has broken down between Birmingham and Coventry. You think that the battery has gone. Your Audi 100 has broken down between Shrewsbury and Hereford The radiator has broken. ierra has broken down between Leeds and Bradford. The engine Is making a funny noise. Your Vauxhall Astra has broken down just outside Edinburgh. The wind screen has broken. 121 CAP. 23) Defectiuni — Faults UNIT 23) CAP. 24] Boala — Illness UNIT 24 5. Mazda dvs. 626 s-a defectat intre 5. Your Mazda 626 has broken down Keswick si Lancaster. Stergatorul between Keswick and Lancaster. de parbriz nu functioneaza. ‘The windscreen wipers don't work. 6. Fordul dvs. Esco s-a defectat 6. Your Ford Escort has broken down intre Bristol si Chipping Sodbury." between Bristol and Chipping Sod- bury. The exhaust pipe has broken, S.a spart jeava de esapament. EXERCISE 3 ‘Sometimes accidents happen and Uneori au loc accidente si trebuie then you have to apologize polite SA Va cereti scuze politicos. Vy. terribly Example: 'M awfully sorry, I've broken a cup. very ‘Acum scuzativa pentru urmatoarele Now apologize for the following accidente. accidents. ‘a. Atl span o vaza. (broken a vase) b. Ali varsat vin pe fata de masa (spitt wine on the tablecloth) C. Ai pierdut cheia usii de la intrare (lost your front door key) d. Aji ars cuvertura’ patului, facind 0 gauré (burnt a hole in the bedspread). @. Afi ldsat apa sa se reverse din cada. (Let the bath water overflow). 1. Afi calcat peste pisica (trodden on the cat) Ascultati cu_atentie — Listen to this Ascultaji acum ultimele scenete ale textului de ascultat. Dac’ dorti, puteti ‘asculta de la inceput tot textul si chiar de mai multe ori pind ce veti putea rAspunde la intrebarile de mai jos’ Ce s.a petrecut in timpul concediului? — Ce a nelinistit-o pe Jo? — Credeji c& nunta va avea loc? ‘in acest capitol invatatl: © 88 spuneti cdi sintefi boinay; 4 descrieji simptomul unei’ boli ¢ 4 solicit) mijjoacele de combatere a unei anumite bol. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES. Dialogue 1 Felicity (F), Pharmacist (Ph) (At the Pharmacy) F: Scuzatima. Aveti ceva pentru F: Excuse me. Have you got some- un stomac deranjat? thing for an upset stomach? Ph: Despre ce este vorba exact? Ph: What's the matter exactly? F: Am 0 usoara diarcee si am oF: I've got a touch of diarrhoea. And afurisité de durere de cap. I've got a nasty headache. Ph: Cind a inceput? Ph: When did this start? F: A inceput in timpul nopti F: it started during the night. Ph: Va voi da ceva impotriva Ph: il give you something for the diareei diarthoea, F: Multumesc. F: Thank you Ph: Si ali face bine s& cumparaji Ph: And you had better buy some higte aspirine contra durerii de aspirins for the headache. cap. F: Gite trebuie s& iau? F: How many should | take? Ph:_Instructiunile sint pe flacon. __Ph: The instructions are on the bottle, [Ge Ht RET: fi ce oko Este 0 expresio des intiinita n Anglia Este 0 forma de a recomanda| * | unet persoane sa facd un anume lucru, Dialogue 2 Winston (W), Doctor (Dr) Dr: Deci, care este problema? Dr: Now then, what's the trouble? W: Cred ca mi-am luxat glezna. —_W: | think I've sprained my ankle. Dr: inteleg. Va doare? Dr: | see. Are you in pain? W: Da, e foarte dureros W: It is very painful, yes. Dr: Cum afi descri-o? Dr: How would you describe it? W: Ma doare cind merg. W: It hurts when | walk Dr: infeleg. Sora vi va pune o Dr: | see. The nurse will put a com- compresa. press on it. W: Multumesc. Ww: Thank you Or: Trebuie s& staji in pat cReva Dr: You must stay in bed for a couple zile. Si fara fotbal deioc. of days. And no more football W: Nu, deloc. W: No, doctor. 123 CAP. 24] Boala — Illness UNIT 24 CAP. 24 Boala — Illness UNIT 24 CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT durere de cap, | headache, 1. La doctor durere de ureche. earache. | At the doctor Am |un_ | durere de dinti Ive got! a | toothache. a) Cum se spune ca sinteji boinav. a) How to say you are ill. ae | eye | eas Care este | problema? ‘stomac deranjat. upset stomach boinav necazut? | raceal. cola, bolnav (cu voma) | Iam ill = Sint bolnav. What's the trouble? | ee | | cough. Tam sick = Mi-e rau ‘matt temperatura. | temperature. (fever) unwell = indispus faim Teginat sabi |_| durere de gt. |} |__| sore throat. | sick gripa. | the flu. | feel ill diaree. 7 diarrhoea, Ma simt | unwell co ——— faint durerea in gt the sore throat | Cind | a inceput | durerea When did] the pain | an? b) Cum se descriu simptomele. b) How to describe symptoms. aceasta this | | Va doare ceva? HAVE YOU GOT A PAIN? — th capul - Tread ; noaptea trecuta last night, dintele | tooth A inceput | ieri It stated. | yesterday. spatele — acum 3 zile J 3 days ago. pieptul ma doare My | chest hunts, WHEN DID THIS START? = Cind a inceput? | IT STARTED LAST NIGHT = A inceput noaptea trecuta. bratul ire ae | aay cee a * | Aceasta este 0 forma a trecutului simplu (Simple Past Tense) care se degetul | finger | formeaza ia verbele regulate adaugind terminatia -ed forme de infiniti. | Acest timp exprima o acjiune incheiata in trecut. Formele interogative| h stomacul | stomac si negative ale verbplor se formeaz’ cu verbul DO care. aici glezna | leg functioneazé ca auniliar. | | Prezent Trecut ae ive | Spectacoiu incepe adesoa later a inceput ia ora 10 piciorul | | e degetul de tal [toe [Ro erow ten aims w 860. Yesterday it started at 10.00 picior 124 Incepe spectacolul ta ora 9? i A inceput ieri spectacotul la 9? | Does the show start at 9.00? Did the show stat at 9.00 yester- Da incepe/Nu, nu incepe. Da, a inceputNu, x Yes, Sooahio, t doesnt. Yes, it didiNo, i ( | ope Gind a inceput? __When does it stan’? When did i start? 125 CAP. 24) Boala — Illness UNIT 24) ICAP. 24) Boala — Illness UNIT 24 2. La farmacie. At the pharmacy. To curere in gt? a sore throat? Aveti ceva pt.| un stomac deranjat?|| Have you got| un upset stomach? oes? anything for | the flu? larthoea? | EXERCITII — EXERCISES j diaree? EXERCISE 1 ‘Spuneti c& va dor urmatoarele parti Say the following parts of your ale corpului body hurt, 4. capul 6. braqul 4, your head 6, your arm 2. piciorul 7, stomacul 2. your leg 7. your stomach 3. gamba 8 urechea 3. your foot 8. your ear 4, mina 9. genunchiul 4. your hand _9. your knee: 5 spatele 10. dintele 5. your back — 10. your tooth Daca doriti, ascuati pe caseta cum you want to, listen to the pronun- se pronunta. ciation on the cassette first. EXERCISE 2 Ce spuneti daca: What would you say if: 1. Aveti 0 durere de dinti? 2. Afi mincat prea mute cirege? 3. Afi baut prea mult vin (hangover) 4. Tusit. 5. Aveti 0 durere de ureche? 6. Aveti temperatura? 7. 8 8 . Vali luxat glezna? Aveti diaree? . Ali C&izut pe genunchi? Verificati-va rspunsurile cu caseta. Check your answers with the cas- sette. 126 EXERCISE 3 Jucati rolul pacientului in dialogul urmator’ Alcatuili partea pacientului Si citii partea doctorului. Ascuttati modelul pe casetd, Patient 1. Greet the doctor. (Galutafi doctorul) 3. Say you have a sore throat. (Spunefi c& va doare gitul) 5. Say it started two days ago. (Spuneti ca a inceput acum dous zile) ‘Acum ascultati conversatia de pe ‘caseta si luafi rolul pacientului, com- Blatind spate gose. a. Aveti o durere de spate de trei ‘s&ptaimini. b. Avefi diaree de ier. ©. Tusiti de 0 saptaimina. di. Aveti temperatura de 2 zile, Play the role of the patient in the following dialogue. Make up the part of the patient and read the art of the doctor. Listen to the ‘model on the cassette. Doctor Now, then, what's the trouble? (Atunci carei necazul?) When did it star? (Cind a inceput?) . Iwill give you something for the sore throat. (Va voi da ceva de durere in gt) Now listen to the gapped conver- sation on the cassette and take the role of the patient. You have had a bad back for three weeks. You have had diarthoea since yesterday. . You have had a cough for a week. 1. You have had a temperature for 2 days. ICAP. 25) Concediul — Holidays UNIT 25) CAP. 25 Concediul — Holidays —_ [unit 25 iin acest capitol invajat! s& vorbitl despre planurlle dvs de vacant. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Peter Fuller (PF), Henry Gill (HG) PF: Mergi in concediu in acest an? HG: Da, voi merge in Franta. PF: Vei sta la hotel? HG: Nu, vom lua 0 rulota. PF: Asta € o idee bund Veti sta in nord? Ori mergeti in sud? HG: Dac& vremea va fi bun’ vom sta in Bretagne. Dar dac& nu va fi, vom merge pe Coasta de Azur. PF: Bine, sper sa aveli o vreme buna. HG: Mullumesc. Les vacances, les vacances! PF: Are you going on a holiday this year? HG: Yes, 'm going to France. PF: Are you going to stay in a hotel? HG: No, we're going to take the caravan, PF: That's a good idea. Are you going to stay in the North? Or go South? HG: if the weather's good, we're going to stay in Brittany. But i its not, we're going to go to the Cote d'Azur. PF: Well, [hope you have a good time. HG: Thanks. Les vacances, les vacan- ces! PR: Er, yos._ PF: Ei, da. AMINO, YM NOT iF THE WEATHER 1S GOOD, were GOING To... AP ara intotdeauna 0 conditie Dialogue 2 Anne Bardy (AB), Travel Agent (TA) TA: Bund ziua. : Buna ziva. Va pot ajuta? Da, doresc sa merg la Paris. Da, doamna. Pentru cit timp? ‘A, numai pentru citeva zie. Mergeti cu trenul i cu vehicul cu pema de aer? Ori mergeti cu avionul? 128 TA: Good afternoon, ‘AB. Good afternoon. TA: Can | help you? AB: Yes, | want to go to Paris. TA: Yes, madam. For how long? ‘AB: Oh, just for a few days. TA: Ate you going by train and hovercraft? Or are you going to fly? AB: El bine, dacd nu este prea AB: Well, if it's not too expensive, I'm ‘scump, voi merge cu avionul going to fly. TA: Da, doamna, calatoria dus- TA: Yes, madam, The retum fare to intors ta Paris cu avionul costa Paris by air is £ 110. 110 lire AB: Cit costé cu trenul si cu AB: What does it cost by trains and vehicolul cu pera de aer? hovercraft? TA: Cu trenul si cu vehicolul cu TA: By train and hovercraft it costs pema de aer costa aproximatv about £ 70. 70 ire, AB: Atunci voi merge cu trenul AB: I'l go by train then. TA: Da, doamna. Calatorie placuta. TA: Yes, madam. | hope you have a good journey. AB: Muitumesc. ‘AB: Thank you. CUM SE SPUNE * HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreaba in legatura cu proiectele. How to ask about plans, el intentioneaza_ CIE) jea s& mergeti |in sud | | ‘8 jucati | fotbal Timiine? | | [sips ons in Roménia | anul acesta? ] at home se you | stay | in Romania | wis year? going to [go | south 7 to Exter play | football ea co aver! wnat 22 | are el | intenjia sa an | Whats he | going to do?| ee face? | | Py _she | 129 cap. 25] Concediul — Holidays [unit 25) cap. 25] Concediul — Holidays [unit 25 eu | intentionez sa] stam acasa | stay at home EXERCISE 2 El | intenfioneaz’ | mergem In] | He is | going tol go to France| Ascuttal!dialogul de pe casetd. Apoi ‘Listen tothe dialogue on the bs She | play tennis discutati despre planurile dvs. in cassette. Then talk about your | Ea intentionam 8) jueam tenis | | Wore ist tons legatura cu concediul, Rolul A este holiday plans. Tho cassette has 2 Noi | ea inregistrat_ pe caseté. in spatilo recording of the role A, with gaps | | libere dvs. urmeaz’ s& introduceti for you to insert Role B. Lot prieteni rolul B. —_ — Role A Role B. 1. Where ate you going on holiday 2. Say where you are going. e bund __ intentionez this year? D358 eayear eras] [earl | sa merg | {Unde reraet jin concediu anul —(Spuneti unde mergeti) J as [ scump | in Franta Tino) | [the weather is good eae \" ic not too | hot expensive | to France | to go 3. How long are you going to stay? (Cit intentionati s& stati?) 5. Are you going alone? (Mergeti singur(@)?) 7. How are you going to travel? (Cum veti catatori?) 9. What are you going to do when you are on holiday? (Ce intentionati s& faceti in con- cediu?) 4. Say how long you intend to stay. (Spuneti cit timp veti sta.) 6. Say who are going with. (Spuneji cu cine mergetiy 8 Say how you intend to travel. (Spuneti cum veti calatori) 10Say what you intend to do on holiday. (Spunefi ce intentionati s& faceti in concediu.) —— _I EXERCITI| — EXERCISES EXERCISE 1 lata citeva miloace de transport: a merge cu. avionul trenul vaporul magina Urmeaza s& viziati aceste locun. Urmeaz’ s& calatorii cu. miloacele de transport de mai jos. Here are some means of travelling: go by plane train boat car You are going to visit these places. You are going to travel by the transport given below. Example:London — plane Anul_ viitor intenfionez s& vizitez Londra. Intentionez s& merg cu avionul. ‘Acum este rindul dvs. 1. London — plane 2. Iceland — boat 3. Paris — car 4. Rome — car 130 Next year I'm going to visit Lon- don. I'm going to travel by piane. Now t's your turn, 5. Vienna — train 6. Bornholm — boat 7. Copenhagen — train 8. Cairo — plane. Ascultati cu atentie — Listen to this Pentru acest capitol caseta confine o scurta sceneta de ascutat. Ascultati tot textul de atitea ori pina cind, pe baza informatilor objinute, veti putea réspunde la intreban. — De ce sint nemulumiti locuitorii din Coventry? — Este Godiva de aceeasi pairere cu sotul ei in privinta impozitelor? — Ce face Godiva la 10.06.1061? 131 — Invitations UNIT 26 © 8 discutati despre o invitatie; @ SA formulafi o invitajie in mod politicos. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Felicity (F), Winston (W) F: 87629407 F: 8762940. W: Alo, tu esti, Felicity? W: Hil Is that you, Felicity? F: Da. Buna, Winston, F: Yes. Hello, Winston, W: Felicity, ce faci mine seara? —_ W: ‘Felicity, what are you doing tomor- row evening? F: Milne? Sa vad. Nimic. F: Tomorrow. Let me see. Nothing. W: E un concert de muzica folk la W: There's a concert of folk music at Town Hall. Tiar placea sa the Town Hall. Would you like to mergi? go? F: Ar fi frumos, Multumesc foarte F: That would be lovely. Thanks very mutt. much, W: Ne intiinim ta 7,30. W: ll meet you at 7.30 F: Bine, unde? F: O.K. Where? W: La intrarea in Town Hall W: At the Town Hall entrance. F: OK. La intrarea in Town Hall la F: O.K. At the Town Hall entrance at 7.30. Astept cu nerabdare. La 7.30. Ill ]ook forward to that. Good revedere. bye. W: La revedere, Pe miine. W: Goodbye. See you tomorrow, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TOMORROW EVENING? — Ce faci mine| ‘seara? jin engleza se foloseste foarte mult forma prezentulul progresiv a verbelor in cazul unel actiuni considerata ca stabil in cadrul unui Program vitor. Dialogue 2 Anne Bardy (AB), Constance (C) ‘AB: York 7388112 ‘AB: York 7388112 C: Alo, Anne, tu esti? C:. Hi, there, Anne! Is that you? AB: Cine e la telefon? ‘AB: Who's that speaking? C:_ Sint eu, Constance. C:_ It's me, Constance. AB: A, Constance, ce bine ci te AB: Well, Constance, how nice to hear aud. Unde esti? from you. Where are you? 132 CAP. 26| Invitatii — Invitations UNIT 26 ©: Sint in York acum, cu Hugo. EI C: I'm in York right now, with Hugo. este aici cu afaceri. He's here on business. ‘AB: E minunat. Ce mai faceli? AB: That's marvellous. How are you both? C:_ Sintem bine. Cc: We're fine. ‘AB: Constance, ce faci miine AB: Constance, what are you doing seara? tomorrow evening? C: Milne? S& vad. Nimic, de ce? C: Tomorrow? Let me see. Nothing. Why? ‘AB: E un spectacol cu .Hamiet” la AB: There's a perforn ance of Hamlet” teatrul Royal. Trar”plécea sé at the Royal Theatre, Would you mergi? like to go? C: Afi frumos. Multumesc foarte C: That would be lovely. Thanks very mutt much. ‘AB; Ne vedem mine la teatru la 7. AB: I'll meet you at the theatre at 7 o'clock, C: Un moment. Ma tem c&nu pot C: Wait a minute. I'm afraid we can't merge. Ma intlinesc cu nigte go. I'm going to meet some friends prieteni de-ai lui Hugo. of Hugo's. AB: O, este intr-adevar pacat. Poate AB: Well, that’s a real pity. Some other altacata. time, perhaps. C: Da, alta data Atunci, fa C: Yes, some other time. Good bye, revedere. then, AB: La revedere, C: Good bye. CUM SE SPUNE HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreaba 0 persoand daca este liberd sa primeasca o invitatie. How to ask if somebody is free to accept an invitation | Ce intentionati sa faceti| mine? Ave treaba | asta sears? ee Sinteti ocupat — Co aveli de Sinteti liber [What are you doing | tomorrow? | doing anything | this evening? Nothing (Why)? ‘Are you | busy | at the weekend? | — What do you have in ke mind? 133, CAP. 26) Invitatii — Invitations [UNIT 26 CAP. 26] Invitatii — Invitations [UNIT 26] 2. Cum se exprima ce ati dori #8 facet}. How to say what you wish to do. —— 7 Concert — Ar fi frumos Este un | film ta | Town Va muttumese foarte mutt reprezentatie cu Hamiet| _| Hall ——— — concert That would be lovely. There’ thi here's | film a oo rer aoe Performance of Hamlet Theatre |__| 3. Cum va exprimati cind nu puteti merge. How to say you can't go. cocupat sint Mie teama ca indisponibil i — Ce pacat! ee eee Poate altadata. trebuie | s& merg la Bristol nu pot | s merg Lost vin busy 1m % nat free. What a pity! an engagement, | — Some cther time per- 'm afraid | | havel °° ®7089! haps. 10 go to Bristol | cant] 9° LL come 134 EXERCITII| — EXERCISES EXERCISE 1 SES SSS Sint trei puncte de plecare marcate There are three starting points, cu un asterisc. Urmérti sgetile gi marked with an asterisk. Follow vedeti cite conversafii putefi alot the arrows and see how many conversations you can make up. *S& mergem la o cafen Da, hai, Cind? Ce-ar fi diseara? *Sa mergem la cinema? Vai, nu, nu la cafeneal [> iesim la un Mie teama c& nu] restaurant, | —|sint liber) Mio teama ca sint|_[ Ce pacat. ‘ocupat(a) —_vineri.[~) Ce-ar fi vineri? Ce-ar fi simbata? ‘Ar fi frumos CO Da, e in regua, Unde sa ne intilnim? La intrare Poti sama iei? Cind? Cind ne intiinim? T_ in regula. La ce ora? | [Sa spunem ca inainte de 8. a erdbdare. ‘in fata la cinema. 135 CAP. 26| Invitatii — Invitations UNIT 26 *Let's go to a pub. ‘Yes, let's. When? | eeu this T Shall we cinema? go to a ‘Oh, no, not to a pub!| ——-[*Let’s go out to Vm afraid I'm not Saturday? arestaurant. | —| tree. —————— ] Tm afraid tim busy|_[ What a pity. on Friday. How about Friday’ What about Yes, that's O.K. ‘At the entrance. ‘Could you pick me up?| [red In front of the cinema | __“[ When shall we meet? .K_ What time? Let's just say . before 8 Vm looking forward} to th EXERCISE 2 Prietenul(na) dvs. va telefoneazs pentru a va invita s& iesij. Cea ce Spune el/ea e inregistrat pe caset’. Ce spuneti dvs.? 136 Your friend is telephoning to ask you to go out. What your friend Says is recorded on the cassette, What do you say? ICAP. 26| — Invitations UNIT 26 Prietenul: Ce faci mine seara? Dvs: Prietenul: E un concert de muzica folk la Town Hall. Vrei sa mergi? Dvs: Prietenul: Ne intiinim ta 7,30 Dvs: Prietenul: La intrare la Town Hall Dvs: - Prietonul: La revedere, Dvs: Refaceti conversatia. De data aceas- ta prietenul(na) va invita s& mergeti la dans. Refaceti conversatia De aceasta data dansul este la Hammersmith Palais, Refaceti conversatia. De data ace: ta__prietenula) va sugereaza intinirea la ora 8. Refaceti conversatia. De data aceas- ta_prietenula) va sugereaza intiinirea la stafia de metrou Ham- mersmith, Your friend: What are you doing tomorrow evening? You: ee Your friend: There's a concert of folk music at the Town Hall. Would you like to go? You: ' Your friend: I'l meet you at 7.30, You: Your friend: At’ the Town Hall entrance. You: Your friend: Good bye. You: Do the conversation again, This time your friend asks you to go to a dance. Do the conversation again. This time the dance is at the Hammersmith Palais. Do the conversation again. This time your friend suggests meeting at 8 O'clock. Do the conversation again, This time your friend suggests meeting at Ham- mersmith Underground Station. UNIT 27| — Meetings |CAP. 27] intiiniri — Meetings UNIT 27 «8a propunef!o Indie unel persoane; © 88 fixafi data gi locul intinia DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Winston (W), Jerry (J) c Bine, la 1. Se joacd 0 piesé bund la teatu Ai vrea sa mergi? AB; Mie team’ c& nu sint liberd. les in orag cu Jim. M-a invitat fa cina, C: Sper s& ai o seara placuta. C: OK. 1 o'clock, There's a good play on at the theatre. Would you like to go? ‘AB: I'm afraid I'm not free. I'm going ‘out with Jim. He's asked me to dinner. C: I hope you have a nice time. Dialogue 3 Mrs Gammon (WG), Eleanor (El) El 878.5961. WG: Tu esti, Eleanor? El 878.5961. WG: How are you? WG ls that you, Eleanor? Et Da, Winifred. Buna. Et Yes. Hello, Winifred, WG: Ce’ mai faci? Et Foarte bine, mutumesc. Dar El: m very well, thanks. And you. W: Buna, Jerry W: Hello, Jerry. J: (Scofindu-si gapea gi stergindu- J" (taking off his helmet and mopping i fruntea) his brow). W: Ai avut 0 zi buna? W: Good day? J: Nu prea rea, Multumesc Dom- J: Not bad. Thank God it’s Friday. nului c& e vineri. W: Esti liber mine? W: Are you off tomorrow? J:- Da, pind la 8. J: Yes. Till 8 o'clock W: Ce-ai zice s jucam tenis? W: What about playing tennis? J: Mine? J: Tomorrow? W: Da W: Yes J: OK La ce ora? J: O.K. What time? W: Ge zici de 10,30? W: How about 10.30? J: La 10,30. OK. J: 10.90. OK. W: $8 ne intiinim la club? W: Shall we meet at the Club? Js Da, OK. J Yes. OK. [GOOD DAY = prescunare do. pa Re Toa ay? aa ‘Was ita ee AT THE ¢ Dialogue 2 Arne Bardy (AB), Constance (C) AB: Constance, miine sint curse de AB: Constance, it's York races tomor- cai in York. Mergen? row. Shall we go? C: Tu si cu mine? C: You and me? AB: Da, numai noi doud. ‘AB: Yes, just the two of us. C: Bine, unde ne intinim? C: OK, where shall we meet? AB: Sa ne intiInim la mine acasa? AB: Shall we meet at my place? Then Apoi [vam autobuzul. we can get the bus. C: Eo idee buna. La ce ori si C: That's good idea. What time shall vin? | come? AB: 0, vino pe la 1. AB: Oh, come about 1 o'clock 138 tu? WG: Da, ma simt foarte bine. E 0 zi WG: Yes, I'm feeling very well. It's a frumoas’, nu? lovely day, isn't i? El Da, este EL_ Yes, it WG: Mergem la o plimbare pe WG:Shall we go for a walk on the paliste? common? El A, este o idee buna. Da Miar El: On, that is a good idea. Yes. | plicea s& merg la 0 plimbare. would like to go for a walk. What La ce ora ne intiinim? time shall we meet? WG: Peste 20 de minute? WG: What about in 20 minutes? El: Da, in regula Peste 20 de El: Yes, all right. In 20 minutes. minute. WG: Ne intiInim pe paiiste. | WG:I'l see you on the common, El Da. Peste 20 de minute. ii El Yes, in 20 minutes, Thank you for mutlumesc pentru invitatie. inviting me. WG: E in regula. Pe curind, WG: That's all right. Ill see you soon. Et. Da, peste 20 de minute Ek Yes, in 20 minutes, WG: Atunci, la revedere. WG: Goodbye, then, El La revedere. El Goodbye. : ‘COMMON = NE cee sais en Fao Fe 1 | unde ‘se reuneau cetéjeni. in prevent aceste spajii verzi au fost © | wansformate in Ara potoere, PLL SEE YOU = Po cunt : 139 (cap. 27] intiiniri — Meetings UNIT 27 CAP. 27 IntiIniri — Meetings UNIT 27 CUM SE SPUNE * HOW TO say IT Tirmest you | | 20 minutes That’ ox if an hour | — That 7 1.Cum se fixeazi o intiinire. {10_| half an hour Thats al ght No, That's (a bit) How to make an appointment or a date | shall we meet | at |two o'clock? appointment = intinire oficiata 5,30 date = intinie intre prieteni ea ] @ Cum se propune © acjiune in a. How to propose to do something . — 1a 630 nu oer La ce oF8 $& ne intinim? nl es 7 — Este un concen There's a | concert What time shall we meet? ine = . o piesa |™ play on_| tomorrow Cum se propune locul intinii. _. How to propose the place. ‘S& merger, oe 'S8 te intinesc [in faja teatrului? Ai dori si mergi? Mie tema cd nu sint liber(2). Ne putem intiinij la club? | — Da, jn regula. = oh th i Unde este asta? [shal we Oh, that's a good idea la mineftine acasa? Would you Ike tol go? — I'm afraid. 'm not free — a en Shall | mest you| infront ofthe theave? == [eae] Sie |e oy ‘coara? rmylyour fa? 'S that? mergem fa 0 plimbare | “°2" Lo v _| Where's that Co-ar fi oq] CSM tenis: — Unde ne intiinim? — La club. Where shall we meet? — At the e-ar mergem la 0 plimbare | ""® ao tennis Shall we Play tonight? EXERCITI| — EXERCISES 90 for a walk laying tennis EXERCISE 1 What about eee tomorrow? going for a walk _| b. Cum se propune ora/data la care b. How to propose a time. urmeaz 88 aib& loc actiunea Te infilnese Este in regula. Poste 20 minute | — Nu, este (putin) prea devremertz intr-o jumatate de ordi ‘S& ne intitnim| ta ora 2 ora 5,30 140 Imaginati-va c& cineva va i ce ord trebuie SA va Propuneti o or’ potrivita Example: Prietenul: La ce ora ne intinim? Dvs: Te intiinesc la ora 10. ‘Spuneji ca va veti intiini prietenul ta urmatoarele ore. a. 11.00 ©. 12.30 b. 18:17. 4. 19.30 Imagine someone asks you what time you should meet. Suggest an appropriate time. Friend: What time shall we meet? You: I'll meet you at 10 o'clock. Say you will meet your friend at the following times. fe. 14.45 g. 16.00 £19.45 A. 20.00 141 CAP. 27 Intilniri — Meetings UNIT 27 CAP. 27/ Intilniri — Meetings UNIT 27 EXERCISE 2 Ascultati_cu_atentie Listen to this Imaginati-va_c& cineva va intreaba unde s& va intinifi, Propunegi un loc corespunzaitor. Imagine someone asks you where you should meet. Suggest an appropriate place. Example: Friend: Where shall we meet? You: Can we meet at the Theatre? ‘Spuneti c& va veti intiini prietenul in urmatoarele locuri Say you will mest your friend in the following places. a) cinema ») station ©) bus stop @) pub e) comer of King Street ) Betty's catté and Pariiament Street EXERCISE 3 Aceasti conversatie este inregistrata pe caseta. Ascuttafi-o cu atentie. Peter: Faci ceva mine? Jane: Nimic. De ce? Peter: E un film bun la Odeon. Vrei s& mergi? vane: Ar fi framos. Unde ne intinin? Peter: Ne puter infin la Plough? vane: Nu sint sigur unde este asta. Peter: Este la capaitul Colchester Road colt cu Straight Road. Jane: in regula. La ce ord ne ininim? Poter: La 7.30. Jane: Bine. Ne vedem atunci. Acum alc&tuiji conversafi_similare folosind urmatoarele informati ‘This conversation is recorded on the Cassette. Listen to it carefully. Peter: Are_you doing anything tomor- row? vane: Nothing. Why? Peter: There's a good fim at the Odeon. Would you lke to go? Jane: That would be lovely. Where shall we meet? Peter: Can we meet at the Plough? Jane: I'm not sure where that is. Peter: it's at the end of the Col chester Road at the comer of Straight Road. vane: OK. What time shall we meet? Poter: At 7.30. Jane: I'l see you then. Now do similar conversations using the following information: a) Odeon — Burry Street/Breakspear Road — 20.00 b) Post Office — West Road — 17.30 ) Number 22 bus stop — Crown Lane — 18.00 d) Marks & Spencer — Damask Lane/Crichlade Street — 19.00 @) Entrance to St. Margaret’ Hospital — Highworth Road — 15.00 142 Ascuttati relatarea de cite ori dori si refineli informatiile pe baza c&rora s-au alcatuit intrebairile: THE LOCH NESS MONSTER. Unde traieste monstrul? Care este porecia monstrului? Cine este in final monstrul, dup& opinia studentilor de la Birmingham? Exista el intr-adevar? car. 28] imbracamintea — Clothes UNIT 28) ICAP. 28 imbracamintea — Clothes UNIT 28) in acest capitol invatati cum sa formulafi cererile dvs. legate de cumpararea unor obiecte de imbracaminte si a unor cadouri. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Anne Bardy (AB), Shop Assistant (As) As: Va pot fi de folos? As: Can | help you? ‘AB: Da, caut 0 pereche de manugi. AB: Yes, I'm looking for a pair of Gloves. ‘As: Da, doamna, ce masura? ‘As: Yes, madam. What size? AB: Am masura 7. AB: | take size 7. Asi lata citeva de masura 7. ‘As: Here are some in size 7. AB: , nu. Doresc ceva de piele. AB: Oh, no. | want something in leather, As: Da, doamna, lata citeva manusi As: Yes, madame. Here are some de piele masura 7. leather gloves in size 7 AB: Pot sa le incerc? ‘AB: Can | try them on? As. Desigur, doamna ‘As: Of course, madam. AB! Cred c astea mi se potrivesc, AB: | think | need this sort of thing, but dar 0 masura mai mare a larger size. As: Da, doamna. lata masura 7". As: Yes, madam. Here's a size 7". AB: Da, sint foarte frumoase. Avefi AB: Yes, they are very nice. Have you aceeasi masura, dar albastre? got this size, but in blue? As: imi pare foarte réu, nu avem de As: I'm very sorry, madam. We haven't culoare albastra, got them in blue AB: Inteleg. Mullumesc, atunci le AB: | see. Thank you. I'll leave it then. las. La revedere. Goodbye. As: La revedere, doamna, ‘As: Goodbye, madam. ‘Caut 0 pereche de) | sociane rons Pancor ctoves | mnusi. * | TO LOOK FOR = a cauta a pair ot gloves pereche de manus @ pair of shoes;o pereche de _pantofi a pair of trousers, 0 pereche de pantaioni @ pair of tights: 0 pereche de colangi Dialogue 2 Henry Gill (HG), Shop Assistant (As) HG: Good afternoon. HG: Buna ziua, As: Good afternoon, sir. As: Buna ziua, domnule, 144 HG: Caut ceva pentru sofia mea. ‘As: Da, domnule. V-ati gindit ta ceva? HG: Ea are deja o mutime de bijuteri ‘As: Ce ziceti de 0 sticla cu partum? HG: Ce-mi recomandati? As: Tropical Sunset” este foarte Popular in momentul acesta. Pot s&1 incerc? Da, domnule. (mirosind) Mmm, imi place. Cit costa? As: 5 lire uncia (28,35 gr), dom- nule. HG: lau 0 stiola de 0 uncie. As: Da, domnule, Mulfumesc. HG: As: HG: As: HG: As: Ha: As: HG: As: Ha: As: I'm looking for something for my wite, Yes, sir. Have you anything in ming? She already has a lot of jewellery. How about a bottle of perfume, sir. What do you recommend? ‘Tropical Sunset is very popular at the moment, sir. Can | try it? Yes, si (sniffing) Mmm. 1 like that. How much is it? £5 an ounce, sir. Hl take an ounce bottle. Yes, sit. Thank you. 1. Cum se solicité un object de | © rochie? ‘Aveti | un pulovar? © cravat? ] ? © pereche de | Partot L | cotangi2 How to ask for an article of clothing. Have you got a dress? pullover? tie? pair of | shoes? tights? 2. Cum deseriet! ceea ce doriti. How to describe what you want, Ce culoare cutati? What colour | are you looking for? Ce masura Vai trebuie? What size | need? Ce material doriqi? What material! do you _| want? 145 imbracamintea — Clothes 3. Cum se cere ceva difertt, How to ask for something different. Cred ca imi trebuie © masura mai mare?| Aveti acest model} dar| albastru? verde? a nylon? _ matase? Tthink (need — [this sort TT... | smatier. | a size ut | * 87° targer. Have you got blue. |in | green. nylon. L te sik 4, Cum se solicita o sugestie. How to ask when you need advice. | sofia mea Caut ceva pentru un copilag un cadou © tina L un_doma 146 CR costa? Nu cred 8 WVo voi tua iVo tas. Ma uit numai CAP. 26] UNIT 28 cap. 28] imbracdmintea — Clothes [unit 2s - rogu. red. my wife. galben. yellow. , ‘something a Daby. I'm looking for for Ceva albastru inchis. ‘Something in | dark blue. im tooking for present " | a young git de fina, wool L _ a gentleman. L de piele. leather. Alte propozitii utilizate la cumpa- ‘Some other shopping phrases. retur. press 34 4 take 3 Pot Sa Incerc? Can | try i? imi trebuie | masura 36 | need size 36 Pot s8 We/ii incero? Can | try itthem on? ve Wofife iau. Tl take it/them. ree soi | want 38_ Puteti s& iVo/ivle impachetati? Would you wrap it, please? How much is it? How much are they? don't think I'll take it HH teave it. 1'm just looking. EXERCI EXERCISES Exercise 1 Imaginati-va ca sinteti un om de afaceri care viziteazé Londra. in Oxford Street ati gasit un boutique foarte frumos. Vinzatoarea va ofera mai mute obiecte iar dv. intrebati care este preful fiecdruia. Deoarece va ginditi la un cadou pentru sojia dv., cumparati numai acele obiecte care se potrivesc. Nu cumparati nimic pentru dv. laté dou modele de conversatie. Ele sint pe casetd. Exempie: Vinz&toare: lat o fust& foarte frumoasa. Dv.: Cit costa? Vinzdtoarea: 12,50 £. Dv.: 0 au Imagine you are a businessman \isiting London. You have found a nice boutique in Oxford Street. The sales girl offers you a number of things and you ask the price of them. “However, since you are thinking of a present for your wite you only buy those things which are suitable for your wife. You dont buy anything for yourself Here are two model conversations. They are on the cassette, too. Sales Girl: Here is a very nice skirt. You:How much is it? Sales Girl; © 12.50. You:t'll have it. 147 ICAP. 28] imbracamintea — Clothes UNIT 28 car. 28] imbracamintea — Clothes UNIT 28 Vinzatoarea: Cravata asta este foarte frumoasa Dv.: Ct costa? Vinzatoarea: 6 £. Dv.: Nu, mutumesc. N-o iau ‘Acum alcatuiti conversatii similare, Vinzatoarea: 1. Va place aceasta fusta? 2. Aceasté cravat este foarte frumoasa, 3. lat 0 pereche de gosete frumoase, 4. Va pot propune acest colier? 5. Va place aceasta vesta? 6. Ce spuneti de aceasa bluz’ de matase? 7. lata 0 Camas foarte frumoasa. 8. Ce spuneti de aceasta rochie? 9. Ce spunefi de niste cercei? 10. lata 0 pereche de butoni foarte frumosi Exercise 2 Sales Girl: This tie is very nice. You:How much is it? Sales Girl: € 6.00. You:No, thank you. I'l leave it Now do similar conversations, Sales Girl: 1. Do you like this skit? 2.This tie is very nice, 3.Here is a nice pair of socks. 4.Can | suggest this necklace? 5.Do you like this waistcoat? 6. What about this silk blouse? 7. Here is a very nice shin. 8. What about this dress? ‘98. What about some earrings? 10. Here is a very nice pair of cul links. aero Studiafi acest mode! de conversatie cu atentie. Este deasemeni pe caseta Vinz&toarea: VA pot fi de folos? Glientul: Caut_un pulovatr Vinzdtoarea: Ce masura va trebuie? Clientul: imi trebuie masura 40. Vinz&toarea: Ca material cautati? Glientul: Lina. Vinzéitoarea: Ce culoare doriti? Clientut: Albastru deschis. VinzStoarea: Acesta este foarte elegant. Clientul: Da. imi place. Ct costa? 148 Study this model conversation carefully. It is on the cassette too. Sales Girl: Cant | help you? Client: | am looking for a pullover. Sales Girl; What size do you need? Client: | need size 40. Sales Girl: What material are you looking for? Client: Wool Sales Git: Which colour do you want? nt: Light blue. Sales’ Girt: This one. is very elegant. Client: Yes, | ike that. How much does it cost? lata citeva obiecte de imbricaminte pe care dori sa le cumpSrafi. Lua Va rolul in conversatia de pe caseta 4. O fusta din bumbac-rosu inchis- masura 14, Nu uitaii $8 intrebati pretul 2, O bluza de matase-masura 16 cu uante de roz. 3. 0 cravat de matase, 4. Un costum (fusta gi bluza) frumos $i elegant-ina purd.gri sau verde- masura 16, Exercise 3 Here are some clothes you want to buy. Take your part in the gapped conversation. AA skirt made of cotton-dark red-size 14, Don't forget to ask for the price. A silk blouse-size 16 a nice shade of pink, A silk tie, A nice elegant suit (skirt and jaket)- Pure wool-grey or yreen size 16. Imaginati-va ca sinteti o clienta intr- un boutique. Cumparati o pereche de pantaloni. Putefi s& va sustineti rolul in conversatie? Pe caset este imprimat rolul vinzatoarei. Luati rolul lientei Imagine you are a lady customer in a boutique. You're buying a pair of trousers. Can you provide your side of the conversation? There is a gapped conversation on the cassette, too. Vinzatoarea Sales Girt Clienta = Customer Bundi seara, vi pot fi Good aftemoon, Cutafi 0 pereche de de folos? can | help you? —_pantaioni Da, doamna. Ce —_Yes, madam, masura? What size? Masura 26. Ce culoare cautati? What color are you looking for? Rogu sau maro, lata o pereche de pan- Here is a very taloni ogi foarte nice pair of red frumosi. trousers. Nu va plac. Ce spuneti de aceasta What about this V4_ plac, doriti_ s+ pereche maro? brown pair? probati. Desigur, doamna. Certainly, madam. Cabina ‘de proba este The changing acolo. room is over Prea mici — ceva mai there. mati? ‘S& ma uit. Nu, imi pare I'l just look. No, foarte rau, doamna. I'm very sory Este singura masuré madam. That is maro pe care o avem. the only size we Mutumifi si Va luati hhave in brown. mas bun, 149 cap. 29] Telefonul — Telephoning [unit 29) cap. 29] Telefonul — Telephoning [unit 29) tovat i: 1G: Good! 32 ee ae Pas roe apace ao DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogues 1 Anne Bardy (AB), a voice (V) AB: Alo. V: Alo. AB: Pot vorbi cu dl. Phillips, va 10g? V: DI. Phillips. Cred c& aveji_un numa gresit AB: Este 794713? V:_ Nu, aici este 794715. AB: Scuzafi-ma c& v-am deranjat. V:_ Nu face nimic. La revedere, AB: La revedere. AB: Hello V: Hello AB: Can | speak to Mr. Philips, please? V: Mr. Philips? | think you must have wrong number. AB: Is that 794713? V:_ No. This is 794715, AB: I'm sorry to have troubled you. V:_ That's quite allright. Goodbye. AB: Goodbye Dialogue 2 Henry Gill (HG), a voice (V) V:__ Alo, aici John Smith, HG: Peter Smith este acolo? V: Un moment va fog. Mi-e team’ 8 nu aste aici pantry mament HG: refi s& preluati un mesaj pentru el. V:__ Da, desigur. HG: Vreji 5&1 spunefi s4 sune pe Henry Gill cind se intoarce? V: Henry Gill Tl voi ruga sa faca acest lucru. HG: Muitumesc. V: In reguta. 150 V:_ Hello, John Smith speaking, HG: Is Peter Smith there, please? V: Just a moment, please. No, I'm aftaid he's not here at the’ mo- ment. HG: Would you take a message for him, please? V:_ Yes, of course. HG: Would you ask him to phone Henry Gill when he gets in? V: Henry Gill. Yes, I'll ask him to do that. HG: Thanks. Vs That's quite all right. Dialogue 3 Winston (W), Jim (J) Aici Jim French. La telefon Winston Bell, Pot vorbi cu Milton Cine? Pot vorbi cu Mitton Brown? Milton nu: aici. E intr-adevar suparator. Imi pare rau. Nu pot face nimic. Shes 5 Pot lasa un mesaj? Un moment. Vreji s&-i spunefi lui Mitton s& ma sune? Din partea cui? Winston Bell. Puteti spune pe litere, va rog? Win-s-t-o-n B-e-H, $i ce numar aveti? Numarul meu este 8725963. OK. fi voi spune lui Mitton s& va telefoneze. Va muljumesc foarte mutt. La W: revedere. La revedere. SESESE5 E55 S53 SS535 S5 esesese = Jim French speaking. This is Winston Bell here. Can | speak to Milton? Who? Can | speak to Mitton Brown? Mitton isn’t in. That's really annoying I'm very sorry. | can't do anything about it. Can | leave a message? Just a moment. Will you ask Mitton to phone me? Who is that speaking, please? This is Winston Bell speaking. Can you spell that, please? Wein-st-o-n Bet. And what's your number? My number is 8725963. OK I'l ask Mitton to phone you. ‘Thank you very much. Goodbye. 4. Cum se spune cine sintefi. __How to say who you are. CUM SE SPUNE * HOW TO SAY IT mi Smith) p iki a| Alo, aici e Jemnes onaty Hello (this is) ares) ‘speaking | il iaortese ia anes on svn 151 cap. 20] Telefonul — Telephoning [unit 29) cap. 29] Telefonul — Telephoning [unit 29) 2, Cum solicitati sa vorbiji cu cineva. How to ask to speak to someone, Un moment, va rog, Dr. Jones —Regret. Nu este aici. Puteti suna mai tirziu? _LMrs. Green_| Va r09?] Nu e nici un Mr... aici, Aveti un numar gresit. [Pot vorbi cu] l Just a moment please. ———,——, — Lam sorry ... is not in Dr. Jones Can you phone again later? Me, Green| P2286? There is no Mr... here. You have a wrong number. [ Can] May} | SP2ak to 3. Cum se las& un mesaj. How to leave a message. econ sage Vreti s& preluati ; ___Da, desigur. Pot lisa un mesaj va rog?] ~ Numai o clipe. Would you take — Yes, of course. a message please?) ~ Just a moment. n i leave sai spuneti | lui Vreti va rog lui Mitton cores ei — | tet Would you please ask ba voi ‘spune Yeo, mH fiver that. ] cere s&, 8S I | ask him/her. 152 EXERCITII — EXERCISES Making Telephone Calls {in the following exercises we will ask you to make various telephone calls to the numbers given. Try to do them, perhaps with a partner. ‘Then check your answers with the cassette. Sunati la telefon jin exercitile urmatoare vei fi solictati $4 alcatuiti diferite conver- safii telefonice cu numerele date, Poate incercati cu un partener. Apoi veriicaji-va rspunsurile cu caseta. Exercise 1 Featherstone, G. — Tyres Recreation Road... Pickering 74136 Sunati fa firma Featherstone Tyres. Prezentativa, spuneti c& doriti s& vorbiti cu dl. Smith Ecercise 2 Shaver and Electric Repair Centre 4. Mount Parade... Harrogate 506745 ‘Sunati firma Shaver and Electric Repair Centre. Intrebati dac& numarul este corect. Prezentafi-v. Spuneti c& dorifi sA vorbiti cu dl. Brown. Aflati cA nu este acolo. Dori sai lasati un mesaj Exercise 3 Bryan Stroker, Plumbing & Heating Engineer, Domestic and Commercial 7, Noth Lane, Haxby.... York 768598 Sunati pe dl. Stroker, tinichigiul. Prezentajiva. intrebafi dac& avefi numarul coract. Ati grasit $i carati scuze Exercise 4 Row Opticians (Ophtalmic Opticians) Victor Grove, Ripon... Ripon 3484 ‘Sunati la optician. intrebati dac4 aveti numérul corect. Prezentati-va. Doriti s4 vorbiti cu Mr. Green. Nu este acolo. Vefi suna mai fiz. 153 ICAP. 29) Telefonul — Telephoning UNIT 29 Obiecte pierdute — Loss UNIT 30 Exercise 5 vYames Johnstone, Auctioneers, Valuers & Estate Agents. ‘The Square, Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire... Boroughbridge 322882 ‘Sunafi la Mr. Johnstone. intrebati dac& aveti numarul corect. Prezentati-va. Nu este acolo. Rugafi si va sune el mai tirziu, Daji-va’ numarul de telefon. Primiti telefon fn exercitile care urmeaza veti primi citeva telefoane. Fiti atenji la rolul dvs. Daca doriji, puteti prelua am- Receiving Telephone Calls {in the following exercises you will receive some telephone calls. Concentrate on your part. But if In acest capitol invat; 88 reclamati o pierdere sau un fur; ¢ 88 spuneti unde gi cind s-a inimplat; @ SA faceli o descriere a obiectului disparut DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogues 1 Anne Bardy (AB), Lost Property Office Attendant (At) bele roluri. Verificaji-va réspunsurile cu caseta. you want, you can take both parts as well. Check your answers with the cassette. Exercise 6 Suna telefonul. Va prezentati, Persoana doreste s& vorbeasca cu Mr. Smith, Dar Mr. Smith nu este acolo. intrebafi persoana dac& doreste s& lase un mesa. Exercise 7 ‘Suna telefonul. Va prezentati i intrebati cine este la telefon. Persoana doreste 58 vorbeasca cu Mary Mitchell Mary Michell nu este acolo gi rugai sa sune mai tzu, Exercise 8 Suna telefonul, Va prezentati si spuneti numarul dvs. de telefon. Persoana doreste sd vorbeasca cu Mr. Miller pe care nu 7l cunoastefi. Presupuneti ca are un numar gresit. Spuneji din nou numarul dvs. de telefon si aratafi persoanci e& nu are numarul bun. Ascultati cu_atentie * Listen to this Ascultafi textul integral al casetei si rspundeti la intrebair, Daca este necesar, de mai mute ori THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN Unde traieste Yeti? Care este dovada existenjei tui Yeti? Cum se numesc bastinasii din acea regiune? 154 ‘AB: M& puteti ajuta? ‘AB: Can you help me, please? At: Da, domnigoara. At: Yes, Miss? AB: Mi-am pierdut geamantanul. AB: I've lost my suitcase. At Cum arata? At: What's it like? AB: Este din piele. AB: It’s made of leather. At Da. Ce culoare are? At: Yes. What colour # it? AB: Este albastru, AB: It is blue. A E nou? At. Is it new? AB: Da, Este nou-nout. $i are fer- AB: Yes, it's brand new. And it's got a moar. zip. At: Acesta este? At: Is this it? ‘AB: ©, da, VA mulfumesc foarte AB: Oh, yes. Thank you very much, mutt. Dialogue 2 Henry Gill (HG), Waiter (Wa) HG: Scuzaii-ma. Mi aparatul de fotografiat. m —uitat HG: ‘Oh, excuse me. I've forgotten my camera. Wa: Ce fel de aparat este? Wa: What sort of camera is it? HG: Un Leica vechi HG: I's an old Leica Wa: Are etui? Wa: Has it got a case? HG: Da, are un etui din piele. HG: Yes, it's got a leather case. Wa: Ce’ culoare are? Wa: What colour is it? HG: Este maro, HG: I's brown. Wa: Acesta este? Wa: Is this it? HG: 0, da. VA mullumesc foarte HG: Oh, yes. Thank you very much, mutt, Dialogue 3 Mrs Gammon (WG), Sergeant Bradbury (SB) WG oarte ingrjoraty: Die palist. WG: (very worried); Oh, Constabe, SB: Sergent, dna. Sergent Brad- SB: bury. Sergeant, madam. Sergeant Brad- bury. 155, Obiecte pierdute — Loss UNIT 30) Obiecte pierdute — Loss UNIT 30 WG: imi pare rau, sergent. Miam WG:I'm sory, sergeant. I've lost my ICAP. 30 pierdut ciinele. SB: Ciinle dvs, d-n&? Cum i cheama? WG: Bosun. Se numegte Bosun. SB: WG: SB: we: SB: we: SB: we Multi ciini se numesc Bosun, dna. Ce fel de cine este? E un pudel. Un pudel negru. ‘Avem mai mutfi pudeli aici, doamna. Dar Bosun vine cind il chem. Muti cfini vin cind sint chemati, doamna. Dar numai Bosun al meu vine ‘chem eu. jin regula, dna. (chemin): Bosun, Bosun. lata ‘mukumesc, sergent. 109. SB: Your dog, madam. What's its name? WG: Bosun. He's called Bosun, SB: Lots of dogs are called Bosun, madam. What sort of dog is he? WG: He's a poodle. A black poodle. SB: We've got several poodies, madam. WG: But Bosun comes when I call him. ‘SB: Most dogs come when you call them, madam. WG: But only my Bosun comes when | call him. SB: All right, madam. WG (calling): Bosun! Bosun! There he 1s, Oh thank you, Sergeant. CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se aduce la cunogtinta o plerdere sau un furt. How to report a loss or a theft aparatul foto am | pierdut (" iter agaportul luat valza Cineva mia furat cheile punga cecurile de calatorie ' fost camera forgotten_| my | passport taken | our | suitcase Someone has stolen keys | purse | | traveter's cheques | 2. Cum aritat! unde af! plerdut oblectul. How to say where you lost something. pus pa [ie Unde) lagi vazut ultima oara| | Where did you last see j them? te-ati | piersut J tose__ | 157 cap. 30] Obiecte pierdute — Loss [unit 30 cap. 30] Obiecte pierdute — Loss [unit 39] sat restaurant. Virsta Culoare Masur Forma Eu| bam | vazut utima oar& |!2 | metrou Este | nou nous(e) | alb(e) mare() sour) (i) Noi| le-am| avast pe| plaj Sint | modern(e) maro mic(®) () lung () masi___| cam vechi(e) rotund(@) (2) (@) rat(s) () (6) ieft the restaurant = | | ast saw tin |the tube ‘Age Colour Size Shape Wel nad them| on] the beach Ws brand new | white ‘arge short the table They're modem brown small long , fairly old round 3. Cum arétat! cind afl plerdut oblectul, r How to say when you have lost something, aad pierdut valiza dvs? EXERCITII — EXERCISES | ‘ Cind ati _| vazut ultima oaral punga dvs? - Exercise 1 | lose suitcase? . he following thi When did you! last see | your Base Spunet) 08 stl plerdut umétoaréle Say you have fost the folowing things: — 1. pagaport — passport 5. carnetul cu cecuri de volaj — book Eu am vazut Jacesta ier of traveller's cheques. ’ 2. valiza — suitcase 6 umbrela — umbrella | scum 10 3, legatura cu chei — bunch of 7. bricheta — cigarette lighter. LNoi_|.am pierdut_| aceasta _| saptamina trecuta keys. — 4. punga — purse 8 coasul de mina — wrist watch 1 [saw it yestersay a had 10 minutes ago ete [We _| ost them last week Studiati conversatile care urmeaza. ‘Study the following conversations. ~ - Sint inregistrate pe caseta. They are recorded on the cas- 4. Cum facet! descrierea oblectulul plerdut. sete 4 How to daseribe what you have’ lost Dye: Seuratima mam perdut You:Excusa me, | lost my suitcase, ; — valiza acesta? it? ] Funcfionarul: O putefi descrie? Clerk; Can you describe it? Puteli descrie | aceasta? Can you describe | them? Dva: E nou’. You:tt’s new. Funcjionarul: Unde afi pierdut-o? Clerk: Where did you lose it? ____| aparatul foto? the camera? Dvs.: in metrou. You: In the tube. — Funcjionarul: Este aceasta? Clerk: fs this t? Este T piele 1 i's. leather. Dvs.: Oh, da. Este. Muljumesc. You:Oh yes, it is. Thank you. | miam — pierdut You:Excuse me. I've lost my glasses. in cauciuc made of | rubber. Sint argint They'e silver, Funcfionarut: Ti puteti descrie? Clerk: Can you describe them? 158 159 cap. 30] Obiecte pierdute — Loss [unit 30 cap. 30] Obiecte pierdute — Loss [unit 30] Dvs.: Sint noi. You: They're new. Functionarul: Unde i-afi pierdut? Clerk: Where did you lose them? LONDON TRANSPORT LOST PROPERTY Dvs.: in autobuzul nr. 14, You: In the number 14 bus. po nae Acestia sint ochelarii Clerk: Are these your glasses? ‘Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday vs Dvs.:Oh da. Ei sint. Multumese. You:Oh yes. They are. Thank you. Item found Handbag Carrier bag umbrella ‘Wrist watch Luafi-va rolul in conversatii similare, Take your part in similar conversations, presupunind c afi pierdut urm&- assuming that you have lost the follow- Colour coal ee) Ck ad ere ae Aproximate Old New New New — umbrela — nou’ — autobuz 73 umbrella — new-no, 73 bus age — portofel — nou nout — toalet’a wallet — brand new — toilet Contents Passport Bottle of wine poseta — piele — cafenea handbag — leather — café Dark glasses Six eggs — punga — continind permis de purse — containing driving licence ‘Small change Loaf of bread conducere gi cheile masinii — and car keys — bus no. 14 House keys autobuz nr. 14 ‘Wallet — Rucsac — ochelari, bani, cheile Rucksack — glasses, money, car | maginii — pe plaje. keys on the beach Where found Tate gallery Outside King's Men's toilet — Ochelari de soare — nou noufi ‘Sunglasses — brand new — in the Mark's Cross Royal Hotel — {a coafor hairdresser's ‘Spencer's — Pereche de m&nusi — piele al- Pair of gloves — blue leather — bastra — la restaurant Exercise 3 in the restaurant BIROU DE OBIECTE PIE IERDUTE DIN LONDRA Luni Marti Mierouri voi Obiectul geanta sacoga umbreta ceas de mina gasit Culoare maro alba neagra aur Virsta aproximativa. veche nous nou nou Contine: Pasaport ——sticla. cu vin ochelari de 6 oud culoare © pine inchis& cchelle casei marunig portofe! Unde a fost Tate Gallery Afara la King's Toaleta gasit Mark's Cross biirbatilor de ‘Spencer's la Royal Hotel 160 Ascuttati urméitoarea conversatie pe Listen to the following conversation on the cassette, Look at the information caset&. Informatiile de mai sus le vei folosi la alc&tuirea unei conversafi ‘dupa modelul celei de pe casetd. Functionarul: Va pot ajuta, va rog? Dvs.: Da, mi-am pierdut valiza. Functionarul: Ce culoare are? Dvs.: Este maro. Functionarul: Este noua? Dvs.: Da, este nou nouta. Functionarul: imi puteti spune ce contine. Dvs.. Conjine toate hainele mele. Funotionarut: imi puteti spune unde ati pierdut-o. Dvs.: La muzeul figurilor de ceara — Madame Tussaud, Funofionarul: Asta este? Dvs.: Oh da, va muljumesc foarte mutt. given have tion, Clerk You: Clerk You: Clerk You: Clerk You: Clerk: You: Clerk: You: ‘above. Decide what thing you lost, and complete the conversa- Can | help you, please? Yes, I've lost my suitcase. What colour is it? it's brown. is it new? Yes, it's brand new. Can you tell me what's in it? All my clothes are in it Can you tell me where you lost it? ‘At Madame Tussaud's. Is this it? ‘Oh, yes, thank you very much, 161 CAP. 31 Serviciile — Services UNIT 31 CAP. 31 Serviciile — Services [UNIT 31 in acest capitol invajatl sa duceti oblecte ta reparat sau la curdjat. 2.Cum descrieti defectele. How to descriebe general faults. ‘acesta? What's wrong | with it? Ce s.a intimplat DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES trrimplat | avogtia?_| | what's the matter them? — E spar. — It’s broken. = Nu'mai funcjioneazes = doesn't go any more. Dialoy 1 Felicity (F), Shop Assistant (As) — Nu functioneaz’. — it doesn't work, = Face un 2gomot cludat = it makes a funny noise. F: Buna dimineata. F: Good morning i caren pas iat resvateeonaed As: Buna dimineaja. As: Good morning. 3. Cum ee ti ba cind va fl gata operatia. F: As cal au reparaji acest F: a like to have this radio repaired, eatea poranee Sometiry i bet As: a vad? Ce s-a intimplat As: a a) it? What's the matter Poate fil acesta | gata mine? Can youl it tomorrow? F: Face un 2gomot straniu, F: l'makes a funny noise Pot fi | acestia| pe ta 5 pave | them] ready by} S o'clock? As: De unde lati cump&rat? ‘As: Where did you buy it? i F: Lam cumparat de aici. F: | bought it here. witoare? weak? ‘Asi Aveli certficatul de garanyie? As: Have you got the quarantoo? Nu mi-e teama c4 nu-| am. F: No, I'm afraid | haven't. As: Voi face tot posibilul. Dar nu As: I'll do my best, but | can't promise EXERCITI| — EXERCISES ot promite nimic. anything, EXERCITI — EXERCISES F: In regul&. il putefi repara pina F: All ight. Can you have it ready by Exercise 1 saptamina viitoare? next week? lercise As: Ni romite, Fac tot As: | can't promise, I'll do my best pesibhat G ana ae Propozitilie urmatoare au fost ames- These senteces seem to have got F: Cit credeti ca va costa? F: How much do you think it'll cost? tecate. Le puteti pune in ordine? mixed up. Can you sort them out? The ‘As: Nu stiu exact. Intre 6 £ si 7 £. As: | don't know exactly. Between £ 6 ‘Traducerea lor vi poate ajuta. translation might help you. F: ©, bine. in regula. CUM SE SPUNE and £ 7, Oh dear. All right. HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se solicit reparatul sau curdjatul unor oblecte. How to ask for things to be cleaned or mended. biuza | As dori | curefe | aparatul foto] | sa mise} coase | pantalonii repare | antofi radioul my | shirt Yd like to} this | camera | cleaned have | these | trousers} mended| | shoes. | repaired | | radio 162 1. Ag dori sA mi se developeze mi se repare costumul mi se tale pantofi, mi se calce filmu. mi se coase parul. mi se calce céimasa. 88 acordaze acast BEEBEEE. gee sages Sa 8 & Exercise 2 1. I'd like to have my piano developed. I'd like to have my suit repaired. 2 3. I'd like to have my shoes cut. 4, Id like to have this film ironed. 5. I'd like to have my hair mended. 6. I'd like to have my shirt pressed 7. 'd like to have this radio tuned. ‘ASi avut un accident in drumul spre cast si ali cazut de pe bicicleta Toate ‘hainele vi sint _murdare gi toate obiectele fragile vi s-au spart. Refacoti tot ce afi pierdut. Mergeti in diverse magazine. Ce spunefi? You had an accident on the way home and fell off your bicycle. All your clothes are dirty and all your break- ables are broken. You have to set about restoring the damage. You go to the various shops. What do you say? 163 , Servi ICAP. 31 ile — Services UNIT 31 Serviciile — Services CAP. 31 UNIT 31 1, Haina mea e foarte murdara. Ag dori s& fie curatats. 2. Ceasul meu este spart. Ag dori. 2 3, Paldria mea s-a murdarit. Ag dori. 4, Aparatul meu foto este stricat. 5. Camaga mea este murdara. 6. Pantalonii mei sint sifonati Exercise 3 1. My coat is very dirty. I'd like to have it cleaned. My watch is broken. I'd like to have it . My hat has got dirt on it. I'd like... My shirt is dirty. 2 3. 4, My camera is damaged. é My trousers are all creased. Imaginati-va c&_sinteti o persoan& foarte comoda. Prietenul dvs. Amold este 0 persoand foarte activa si face singur anumite lucruri. Ovs. ins& doriti ca alii s& fac& pentru dvs. Example: Arnold: Imagine that you are a very lazy person indeed. Your friend Amold is very active and does things himseif. You want to have everything done for you. I'm going to wash my car. You: I'd like to have the car washed. Ascuttati caseta pentru a afla co urmeaza s& fac& Amold. Apoi dvs. vefi spune c& dori si vi se fac aceleagi lucruri in felul dvs, comod. ‘Amold: Intentionez s&-mi spl masina. Intenfionez sa curat ferestrele. Intentionez sami spal c&masa. Intentionez s& fac ordine in bucatarie. Intentionez s& fac patul Intentionez sa calc pantalonii. Intentionez s&-mi fac pantofi. Intentionez s8-mi peri! costumul Intentionez sa-mi repar masina de tuns iarba. Intentionez S8 repar siguranta. Listen to the cassette to see what Amold is going to do. You can then get the same things done in your lazy way. | am going to wash the car. | am going to clean the windows | am going to wash my shirt. | am going to tidy up the kitchen, {am going to make the bed. | am going to press the trousers. | am going to clean my shoes. | am going to. brush my suit I am going to repair my lawnmower. | am going to mend the fuse. Ascultati cu _atentie isten to thi Ascultati radio-reportajul si incercati ca pe baza informatilor obinute s& raspundeti la intrebari. WOMEN AT WORK. 1. Dup& p&rerea d-lui Brown si a d-nei Gammon femeile pot ocupa aceleagi functii ca barbatii? 164 2. Ce masuri sint prevazute in Employment Protection Act” 3, Care este parerea d-lui Davidson in problema divorturilor de azi? societatea CAP. 32 Accidente — Accidents UNIT 32] ICAP. 32 Accidente — Accidents UNIT 32: in acest capitol invajat! © s& anunfati un accident; ‘© S& descrieti un accident DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Winston (W), @ man (M), a woman (Wo) _ W:Sinteti goferul acestei masini domnule? M: Da. W: Sintefi soferul acestel_ masini doamna? Wo: Da. W: imi puteti spune ce sa pat? Wo: Conduceam —de-a__lungul Strand’-ului si am vazut un baiat care traversa pe zebra. W: Ge facea el? Wo: El traversa drumul, Am frinat W: Asta 2ste tot, doamna? Wo: Ei bine, acest om conducea in urma mea si m-a.izbit. Mergea prea repede. M: (indignat) Nu @ adevarat. Mer- geam destul de incet Dialogue 2 Winston (W), a man (M W: imi puteti spre ce s-a intimpiat, domnute? M:Da. Mergeam = de-a_lungul .Strand"-ului W:Cit de repede mergeati? M:Rulam —destul de —_incet Aproximativ 25 mile pe ora W:Erati in urma masini acestei doamne? M: Da. Ea era in fata, in stinga mea. W: Are you the driver of this car, sir? M: Yes. W: Are you the driver of this car, madam? Wo: Yes, | am. W: Can you tell me what happened? Wo: | was driving along the Strand and | saw a boy on the zebra crossing W: What was he doing? Wo: He was crossing the road. | braked. W: Is that all, madam? Wo: Well, this man was driving behind me, and hit me. He was travelling too fast M: (indignantly) That's not true. | was going quite slowly, ) W:Can you tell me what happened, sir? a woman (Wo) _ M:Yes. | was driving along the Strand. W:How fast were you going, sir? M:1 was going quite siowly, About 25 miles an hour. W:Were you following this lady's car? M: Yes. She was in front of me, on my lett BS 82 = 0: = Conduceati aproape de ea? W: Nu, ea era destul de departe M de’ mine. Ch de departe? Ww: Aproximativ 30 pind la 40 M: picioare (1 foot = 30 cm). Nu este adevarat, domnule Wo: ofiter. El conducea foarte aproape de mine. Scuzali-ma, doamna. Vorbesc W: cu domnul acesta : Da, desigur. Wo: Ce’ s.a intimplat atunci, dom. W: ‘ule? Aceasta doamna a virat brusc M. la dreapta. Am frinat cit am putut de repede, dar am izbit-o. Were you driving near her? No, she was quite far away from me. How far? About 30 to 40 feet. That's not true, officer. He was driving near me. Excuse me, madam. I'm speaking to this gentleman, Yes, of course. What happened then, sir? This lady swerved to the right suddenly. | breaked as quickly as possible, but | hit her. CUM SE SPUNE @ HOW TO SAY IT | HOW TO REPORT AN ACCIDENT || Cind anuntati un accident trebuie $4 relatati ce sa intimplat. Mai inti ‘| relatati ce afi facut dvs, sau cealalta persoana pina la un anumit | punct. La timpul prezent veti folosi prezentul progresiv, forma | corespunzatoare exist si | Progressive): | WAS DRIVING ALONG THE STRAND | Lwas | YOu WERE | HE/SHE WAS. WE WERE DRIVING ALONG THE STRAND TYOU WERE [PROSSING THE STRAND (THEY WERE ‘in cazul cind relatati c& ceva s-a intimpiat in timp ce dvs. sdvirgeati ‘© actiune, {glosifi trecutul simpiu. ex.Conduceam de-a lungul ‘Strand-ului si am_ fost | vit, | El traversa strada gi am | frat. recut, Trecutul progresiv (Past | was driving along the Strand and.| was hit. He was crossing the road and U breaked. 167 cap. 32] Accidente — Accidents UNIT 32) 1. Cum spunefi unde erati si ce faceati cind s-a intimplat accidentul. How to say where you were and what you were doing when the accident happened. | atjon the zebra crossing Eu] cram] pe zebras ' EI | era | pe trotuar He | was| on the pavement Ea mergeam dea iungul || She| | going along... | [eonduceam la coful eu.| | atving round the corner of Noi | intorceam acest | autobuz traversam acestui | masina £1 | ajungeam acestei | bicileta urmaream conduceam in spatele| we | | tuming into... car. were | crossing that | bus, They overtaking | bicycle, following | driving behind _ 2. Cum se relateazi ce s-a intimplat (brusc). How to say what (suddenly) happened, Unio | masina | a traversat strada Acest | om a oprit (brusc) Aceast’| autobuz | a venit de dupa col Bist | a virat fa dreapta, A oar | ] crossed the street | That | man | (suddenly) | stopped bus came round the comer boy | tumed right 168 cap. 32] Accidente — Accidents [unit 32| EXERCITII — EXERCISES Exercise 1 Imaginajiva ca trebuie si imagine that you have to answer a rspundefiintrebairilor unui polit, rivind locul unde ati fost cind a avut loc accidentul, Folosiji urmétoarele informa Exemple: Cliton Road — trotuar Eram pe trotuar pe Cifton Road Eram la coul dintre Clifton Road si New Street ) Ealing Road/Northwich Road ) Broad Street — pavement ©) High Street/Graven Gardens d)Wagon Road — pavement policeman’s questions about where you were when an accident happened, Use the followin Examples: Cliton Road — pavement | was on the pavement in Clifton Road. | was at the comer of Citton Road and New Street. e) Old Church RoadWellington Avenue ) Victoria Road —pavement Exercise 2 ‘Acum dvs, calétorti cu masina Exemple: Newton Road New. Viram din High Street in Craven Gardens a) Albion Street ») Ballards Lane/Nether Street ©) Hamspark Road ) Witton Avenue 8) Common Hall Lane/New Road f) Goldhawk Road/King Street Now you were travelling in a car. Examples: Newton Road | was driving along Newton Road 1_was tuming from High Street into Craven Gardens. Exercise 3 Pe casetd este imprimat rolul poits- tului in je. Studia cu atentie intrebaiile lui pentru a putea formula rspunsurile dvs., apoi com- Pletati spatile goale de pe caset’. On the cassette you will hear the policeman’s part of the conversation. Study his questions carefully in order to work out what you wish to say. Then speak your part in the gaps on the cassette. 169 cap. 32} Accidente — Accidents [unit 22 cap. 33] Vacante — Holidays UNIT 33 Poitistul Policeman Dvs. — you Ce se intimpla aici? What’ going on Erafi pe trotuar . here? imi putei spune unde Can you tell me eraji cind s-a produs where you were accidentul? when the acc dent happened? Unde mergeati? Where were you Mergeafi la gar going? Ce sa intimplat? What happened? Un biciclist a venit de ‘dupa cot Ce s.a intimplat apo!? What happened —_-Magina I-a résturnat pe then? biciolist Ce fel de maging era? What sort of car Un Porsche rogu was it? ati vazut numarul? Did you see the Din paicate nu number? Ascultati cu ate! isten to thi Ascultati acest reportaj de atitea ori pind cind veli putea raspunde la urmatoarele intrebari. TRISTAN DA CUNHA Cine au fost primii locuitori ai insulei Tristan da Cunha? Ce are Maria impotriva traiului in Anglia? ‘Cum este clima in insulele Tristan da Cunha? In acest capitol invijati e& relatetl despre cum afi petrecut concediul: DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Mrs Gammon (WG), Eleanor (E) WG: Eleanor, draga mea, Ai avut un WG: Eleanor, my dear. Did you have a concediu placur? nice holiday? E:__ Nu prea bun E: Not very good. WG: Vai, draga. WG: Oh, deat. E:_ Vremea a fost ingrozitoare. E: The weather was awful! WG: imi pare rau. WG: Oh, I'm sorry E: Camera de la hotel a fost teribil_ E: The hotel room was terribly noisy. de zgomotoasa. WG: Vai, ce pacat! WG: Oh, that is a pity. Am avut 0 camer dubla, nu E: And I had a double room, not a una cu un pat. single room. WG: Vai, vai. WG: Dear, dear. E: Si prejul a fost int-adevar prea E: And the price was really too high. fidicat. WG: Vai, vail WG: Dear, oh dear. E: Si a fost ceva gi cu litul Si E: And there was something wrong Scarile erau prea abrupte. with the lit, And the stairs were 50 steep. WG: Oh, imi pare rau. E:_ Oh, 'm sony, E: i ceilagi oaspefi nu au fost WG: And the other guests weren't very prea politicosi friendly. WG: Vai drag, ce pacat. Acum bea WG: Oh, dear. That is a pity. Now have © ceagcai cu catea site vei simti a nice cup of coffee and then mai bine. you'll feel better. E: Mulumesc. E: Thank you. Dialogue 2 Winston (W), Felicity (F) W: Ai avut un concediu frumos, W: Did you have a good holiday, Felicity? Feiicty? F: Da, a fost splendid, F: Yes, it was great W: Hotelul a fost bun? W: Was that hotel good? F: Da, am avut 0 camera superba, F: Yes, we had a super room with a cu balcon, balcony. W: Ai avut o priveliste frumoasa? W: Was there a good view? F: Da, am avut vedere la mare. F: Yes, we had a view of the sea. 171 CAP. 33] Vacante — Holidays [unit 33 CAP. 33 Vacante — Holidays UNIT 33] W: Felicity, arti minunat. Si att de W: Felicity, you look wonderfull And c. Cum descrieti vremea c, How to describe the weather. bronzat&, A fost vreme buna? so brown! Was the weather good? — —— F: Mulumesc. Am avut o vreme F: Thank you. We had very good cu soare i Gd) foarte buna. weather. had | she Soarele a fost foarte fierbinte? W: Was the sun very hot? am avut | averse | niciodatl never snowers Da, a fost. La amiazd era prea F: Yes, it was. At midday, it was Noi| n-am avut | ploaie | abia We | hardly ever rain ae sometimes too hot. | vint | uneori sometimes wind Dar mincarea? W: What about the food? | Mincarea a fost excelenta. $i F: The food was excellent and very furtuna | adesea often ‘storm foare iefting. cheap. costa fog zapada I snow CUM SE SPUNE * HOW TO SAY IT 4. Cum se spun toate impreuni —_d. How to sum it up. 1. Cum se relateaza despre concediul de anul trecut. Mincareal foarte ieftin(a) food very cheap How to tell about last year's holiday. me aa a a. Cum se spune unde afi fost. a. How to say where you went. Hotelul | a fost | cam scump(@) e meee em - Camera excelent(a) The| room | was| excellent In Alpi Alps. Vremea (destul) de bun(a) weather| (fairly) good Eu pe coast ' to the | coast. ru (rea) bad am fost | in zona lacurilor went Lake District. I ingrozitor(oare) _| | awful Noi in Italia we to Italy. L fn Franta L France. EXERCITII — EXERCISES b, Cum descrieti locul unde ati fost _b. How to describe your accomodation. C 7 Exercise 1 Eu tun hotel (frumos)} |! (nice) hotel Imaginativa c& ati fost in Imagine you went to the following am stat la | 0 pensiune istayed |bed & breakfast place. urmatoarele {ri countries. Noi un camping jwe|" 2 |campsite. . Example: Italy | pe cont propria (salt catering apartment.) Am fost tala aa went to italy b. Greece — Grecia Eu ‘semi pensiune 1 half board ©. Spain — Spania am avut| pensiune complet’ had full board & Wales — Tara Gator Noi © priveliste frumoasa| | We | a nice view f. Denmark — Danemarca balcor . g. The Pyrenees — muntii Pirinei ~ bil a a balcony h. Yougostavia — Jugoslavia 72 173 ICAP. 33} Vacante — Holidays UNIT 33) ICAP. 33 UNIT 33 Vacante — Holidays Exercise 2 $i vremea? A fost neschimbata, Example: ‘And the weather? It didn’t change at all, A fost furtuna in fiecare zi. We had storm every day. a) Ziinic a fost soare. ») Zilnic a plouat. aa batut vintul a fost ceata. a nins. Ex Ascultati pe caseté conversatia in care lipsesc intebarile puse de Winston. Le puteti formula? Winston:Ai avut un concediu placut Felicity? Felicity: Da, a fost grozav. Winston... Felicity: Da, am avut o camera grozavé cu balcon. Winston. Felicity: Da am avut vedere la mare. Winston... Felicity: Multumesc, am avut 0 vreme foarte bund. Winston: Felicity: Mincarea a fost excelent’ i foarte ieftina. Exercise 4 Veti auzi pe caseta ceva intrebari privind utima vacanta de vara. Presupuneti c& sinteti una din per- soanele de mai jos i raspundeti la intrebari 1. Unde afi fost anul trecut in con- cediu? 2. Unde afi stat? (locuit) 174 Listen to the gapped conversation on the cassette. Can you ask Winston's ‘questions? Winston: Did you have a good holiday Felicity? Felicity: Yes, it was great. Winston: . Felicity: Yes, we had a super room with a balcony. Winston: .. Felicity: Yes, we had a view of the sea. Winston... Felicity: Thank you, we had a very good weather Winston: Felicity: The food was excellent and very cheap. On the cassette you will hear some questions about your last summer holiday. Assume that you are the people indicated below, and give the answers to the questions which they would give, 1. Where did you go on holiday Jast year? 2. Where did you stay? 3. What was the weather like? 4. What was the food like? 3. Cum a fost vremea? 4. Cum a fost mincarea? a) Mr Wilson — Italia — camping — cald — excelent. b) Mrs Shaw — Scotia — hotel — averse — destul de bine. ©) Mr and Mrs Sanderson — Grecia — pe cont propriu — apartament — soare — ieftin 6) Mrs Best — Suedia — Camping — ploaie — scump cap. 34] Micul dejun — Breakfast [unit 34 cap. 34] Micul dejun — Breakfast [unit 34] {in acest capitol invajati: . EXERCITH EXERCISES © sa cunoastefi unele particularitati ale micului dejun englezesc: © s alctuifi un mic dejun $i s& cunoasteti unde sint alimentele. Exercise 1 DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue Peter (P), Rosemary (R) P: Ai pus ceainicul la incalzit? R: Da, desigur. Apa aproape fierbe. Vrei catea sau ceal? Mi-e teama ca nu prea este catea, P: Nui nimic. Oricum prefer ceaiul R: Si nici bucati de zahar nu mai sint P: Atunci jl voi bea numai cu lapte. Mir plicea un veritabil- mic dojun, R:Si asta vei c&pata. Daca Pregatesti piinea prajté eu voi face costita cu cirnatii. Che feli doresti? P: Doua, te rog. $i doi cirnayi. Mm, hu pare si fie nici marmelada. Ai ceva gem? R: Da, pottim, P: Daca nu te super, imi dai laptele, te 10g? R: Nu prea mai este in sticla asta. Voi deschide ata. P: Nu te deranja, fac eu, P: R: P: Have you put the kettle on? Yes, of course, the water's nearly boiling. Would you like coffe or tea? There isnt much coffee left, I'm afraid, Never mind. I'd prefer tea, anyway. ‘And there aren't many sugar lumps left either. : VI just take it with milk, then. I'd like a real breakfast. : That's just what you'll get. if you prepare the toast, I'll do the bacon and sausages. How many slices would you like? Two, please. And two sausages. Hm, there doesn't seem to be much left of the marmelade. Have you got any jam? Oh, yes. Here you are. Would you mind passing the milk, please dear? There isn't much left in this bottle. Vil open another. : Don't bother, I'l do it mysett. 176 Tie ‘Anglia produsele lactate so cumpara de la Mptar — taikman, Ascuttati propozitile de pe casetd si repetati-le, compl much, many, a lot of. 1. Nu mai este ceai 2. CR apa este in ceainic? 3. Nu, dar nu conteaz’. 4. Citi cimati ai cumpairat? 5. Nu, numai sase. 6. Nu'e lume pe strada, dar cineva ne-a furat laptele, 7. Ctte sticle cu lapte ati comandat? Am — comandat cinci _sticle deoarece nu mai am lapte deloc. 8. Asta va costa bani, Exercise 2 Unde este... — indicind pozitia P: Unde este laptele? Nu-| gaisesc. Ri Este in dulap, pe raftul de sus. Repetati réspunsul, va rog ‘Acum dati dvs. instructiuni, folosind solutile date. Verificati raspunsurile cu caseta 1. Unde este marmelada? Solutia: dulap, raft mijloc. 2. Unde sint cutitele? Solutia: sertar dreapta, dulap. 3. Ai lingurite de ceai? Solutia: da, fing& cutie. 4, Unde fii farfurile? 1d ‘spatiile goale cu |. There isn't ... tea let. How ... water is in the kettle? Not... but never mind, How ... sausages have you bought? Not... only six. There aren't... people in the street, but someone must have stollen our milk 7. How ... bottles of milk did you order? | ordered five bottles because there isn't... milk left. 8, That'll cost ... money, Where is...? — indicating position. P: Where's the sugar? | can't find it Ri it's in the cupboard, on the top shel Repeat the answer, please. Now you give the instructions, using the clues. Check your answers with the cassette. 1.Where is the marmelade? Clues:cupboard, middle shett 2.Where are the knives? Clues: right-hand drawer, cupboard. 3,Have you got any teaspoons? ‘Clues: yes, next to knives. ‘4.Where do you keep the plates? 7 ICAP. 34) Micul dejun — Breakfast UNIT 34) ICAP. 35) Interviu_pentru_obtinerea UNIT 35] | Solujia: dulap, raftul din fund, mixer. 5. Mai sint plicuri de ceai? Solutia: coljul din stinga sus, dulap. 6. Unde fii cestile gi farfurioarele? Solutia: dulap, raft in fund, ‘Acum ginditi-va ta propria dvs. bucatarie. Raspunsurile de pe banda sint numai exemple. Unde sint furcultele? ‘A mai rimas brinz’? imi poti spune unde ai pus laptele? Unde este tigaia? Clues: cupborad, bottom shelf food processor. 5.Are there any more tea-bags? Clues: top left-hand corner, cup- board. 6.Where do you keep the cups and the saucers? Clues: cupboard, bottom shelf Now think of your own kitchen. The answers on the tape are only ex- amples. 7.Where are the forks? there any cheese left? 9.Can you tell me where you've put the mik? 10. Where is the frying-pan? unei_slujbe Job interview DIALOG — DIALOGUE Dialogue Alan (A), Personne! Manager (PM) PM: Buna dimnineata, dle... A: Richards. PM: Da, dle Richards. Va rog, tuati loc. Die Richards, am cererea dvs. in fat, ag dori s& intreb citeva chestiuni generale mai inti, dac& nu va suparati A. in reguea. PM: Am numai initialele dvs. aici, imi utefi spune numele complet? A: Alan Richards, PM: Din cerere vad c& locuiti in Cheltenham, dle Richards. A: Da, ne-am mutat acolo de 3 ani. PM: $i sinteti casatorit? A: Da, sint casatorit de 10 ani si avem doi copii PM: $i acum ag dori s& va intreb ceva despre experienta dvs. in profesie. De cind lucrati la ac- tualul dvs patron? A: Am lucrat la Ancova trei ani de cind ne-am mutat la Chetten- ham. PM: Si de ce cautati 0 noua slujba? A: Am lucrat fa un proiect de relati ublice timp de doi ani dar nu mai vad nici 0 perspectiva de promovare in actuala mea intreprinderé. PM: Atunci cdutafi 0 respon- sabiltate mai mare? PM: Good morning, Mr. ebm. A Richards, : PM: Yes, Mr Richards, please have a seat. Mr Ricllards, I've got your application form here in front of me and I'd like to ask you a few general questions, first f you don't mind. A: That's all right PM: I've only got your initials here, could you tell me your full name? ‘Alan Richards. | can see from your application form, Mr Richards, that you live in Cheltenham. ‘A: Yes, we moved there three years ago. : And you're married? Yes, I've been married for ten years now, and we have two children. ind now I'd like to ask you a bit about your work experience so far. How long have you been working with your present employer? ‘A; T've been working with Ancova for 3 years now, ever since we moved to Chenennam. PM: And why are you looking for a new job? ‘A: T've been involved in a public-rela- tions project for two years, but | don't see any further prospects for promotion within my present com- pany. PM: So, "you're looking for more responsability, then? 179 ICAP. 35 Interviu_ pentru obtinerea UNIT 35) unei slujbe — Job interview A: Da, aga este $i sper s& capat mai" multé " experienta in domeniu! relatior publice. PM: Spuneti-mi mai mult despre acest proiect al _relatillor publice. A: Va fi nevoie s& organizez con- ferinfe de pres, campanii Publicitare, si scriu $i s& traduc materiale publicitare. PM: Da, pare foarte interesant si sint sigur c& firma noastra va va oferi sansa pe care o aut A: Imi pare foarte bine s& aud asta. imi puteti spune mai multe in ceea ce priveste pozitia? PM: Da, desigur. A: Yes, that's right, and | hope to get more experience on the PR side. PM: And this project, tell me a bit more, about it, ‘A: [ve had to organize press-con- ferences, plan publicity cam- paigns, write and translate adver- tising brochures. PM: Oh, ‘that sounds very interesting and I'm sure our company would offer you the chance you are looking for. A: I'm very pleased to hear that. Could you tell me a little more about the position? PM: Yes, of course. = | Retiitte FOR since: EXERCITH EXERCISES Rugéim raspundeti caseté folosind si since Raspunsurile de "pe banda sint numai exemple. 1. De cind lucrati ta actualui dvs. patron? Locuiti de mult in actualul dvs. apartament? Va mutati foarte des? Sintegi c&satorit(@)? ‘Avefi vreun animal de casa? Nu mai aveti masin&? De cind mergi(t) pe acea bicioleta? Nose w 180 Please answer the questions on the cassette, using .for" and since". The answers on the tape are only ex amples. 1. How long have you been working with your present employer? . Have you lived in your present flat for a long time? Do you move very often? ‘Are you married? Have you got a pet? Haven't you got a car anymore? How long have you been riding that bicycle? Ngee V ICAP. 36) Treburi_gospodaresti UNIT 36) — Housework DIALOG — DIALOGUE Dialogue Rosemary (R), Peter (P), their daughter Jill (J) can? Nu, inca, mama, am inceput cu ferestrale. A, deci curetiferestrele, nus asa? Da gut din partea ta, drag’, eu voi spala intre timp vasele Puh, aceste ferestre sint intr- adevar murdare, daca le-ai fi curajat mai des, ar fi fost cu mutt mai ugor de curatat de data aceasta, R: Stiu, dar abia am timp sa fac ‘gospodiiria. J: Mm, aspiratorul nu functioneaza. PS BS B R: Stiu, Daca tata il ducea la reparat luna trecutaé, acum ar fi fost acasé. Dar el a insistat sail repare singur. J: $i bineinfeles n-a reusit R: Aga este, stii cum e tata. ce-ar fi SA ma ajuti sa rufele’ J: Atunei s% [stim aspiratorul? R: Da, numai daca vrei s8_ duci carpetele in gradina sai le scuturi. Jilin regull, dar masina de spalat ‘nu a terminat inca. Astfel ca am ‘inca timp s& sterg praful de pe raftul cu c&rji inainte de a te ajuta la rufe. R: $i eu voi Curaja pantofil a s 2S 2 ‘Ai sters praful de pe raftul cu R: Have you already dusted the book- shett, Jil? Not yet, mummy, | started with the windows. : Ah, So you're cleaning the windows first, aren't you? Yes. : That's nice of you, dear. I'll do the dishes in the meantime. Pun, these windows are really dirty, if you'd cleaned them more often, would have been a lot easier to clean them this time. know, but I've hardly any time to do the’ housework. Mum, the vacuum cleaner doesn't work. I know. if Dad had taken it to be repaired last month it would have been back by now. But he insisted on repairing it himsott ‘And of course he never got around it : Yeah, you know that Dad's like well, ‘what about helping me hang out the whashing instead? I: Shall we just leave the vacuum cleaning now? : Yes, riot unless you want to take the carpets out into the garden and beat them. Allright, but the washing machine hasn't finished yet. So I've just got time to dust the bookshelf before | help you with the washing. And I'l polish the shoes. 181 | ICAP. 36] Treburi_gospodaresti UNIT 36| ICAP. 36) Treburi_gospodaresti UNIT 36) — Housework Bund ziua tuturor. }; Bundi ziua, tata. An, nu! Mama si cu mine am lucrat ore intregi $i abia_am terminat de sters dusumeaua. Uité-te la asta! Dac {i stergeai picioarele inainte de a intra, nu ai fi murd&rit dugumeaua. , imi pare rau, nu m-am gindit. Da, $i dacd duceai aspiratorul la feparat sau il reparai tu ins carpetele ar fi fost de asemenea aspirate. P: OK Imi pare ru. Promit c& il voi in mine. P: Hello, everybody. J: Hi, Dad, Oh, no! Mum and | have been working for hours and we have just finished mopping the floor! Just look at that! if you'd wiped your feet before you came in you wouldn't have dirtied the floor. P: Oh, I'm sorry, | didn't think. R: Yes, and if you'd taken the vacuum cleaner to be repaired or repaired it yourself, the carpets would have been done, too. P: OK, I'm sorry. | promise I'l take it to the shop tomorrow. 5 a i ae | Exercise 1 Veti gsi mai jos un numar de incomplete. _Completarile partea dreapta, dar intr-o ordine inversata. Incercaji s& g&siti perechile corecte si apoi spuneji cu Voce tare intreaga fraz8. Veriicati rAspunsurile cu caseta In your book you will find a couple of incomplete senteces. The appropriate endings are opposite but in the wrong order. Try to find the correct match and then say the whole sentence. Check your answers with the cassette. 1. Dacd siar fi ..dac& Mary arfi 1. if he had ..if Mary had facut pantofii.. consultat_ cartea cleaned his consulted the de bucate. shoes. cook book. 2, Dacd siar fi fi curajat 2. it he had sold ..1 would clean Vindut’ —‘masina ferestrele. anul trecut.. 3. Dack ar fi insistat pe cursul stile de limbi straine. 182 ar fi asculat 3, if he had his car last year... the windows. he would have worked through heard the news. the language course — Housework 4, Dacd ag fiavut ..daci s-ar 5, Dac Joe ar fi ascultat radioul.. fi fost murdard, 6. Budinca ar fi fi invijat 0 6. The pudding avut un gust mai bun... mutime. 7. Pantofi ar fi ..dac& ag fi gasit 7. The shoes fost lustruif... _peria. 8. El siar fi luat fi obfinut 8. He would have 1000 de lire mai taken an um. thousand pounds © umbrel.. mut pe ea. Exercise 2 ‘Acum spunefi ce s-ar fi intimplat. Raspunsurile de pe caseta sint numa propuneri. 1. Daca ag fi stiut ca ieri a fost ziua de nastere a lui Rose-Mary.. Daca as fi vazut oferta special. Daca ag fi stiut cd restaurantul era deschis. Daca as fi stiut c& postasit sint in greva.. 5, Daca ag fi stiut c& Judy si cu vill au facut toat gospodaria. 6 Dac’ miag fi amintit titlul fil muti... 7. Daca” mba fl spus ca mag- netofonul tau a fost stricat... 8. Daca nu as fi fost att de ocupat... a op Exercise 3 ‘Acum formulati_conditi_ imposibile rspunsurile de pe casetd sint ‘fumai propuneri. 1. Ag fi mincat friptura daca... fi timp... asteptat s& ploud. .podeaua nu ar jar listen to the wouldn't be dirty 4. if | had had ..if he — had time. expected it to rain. 5. if Joe had the floor radio.. again. =e would have have been tasted leamed a lot. better. wif | had found would have been the brush. polished... he'd have got a brelia, ‘more for it. Now you say what would have hap- pened. The answers on the tape are only suggestions. 1. If had know that it was Rose-Mary’s birthday yesterday. 2. If had seen the special offer. 3. if | had known that the restaurant ‘was open. 4. If | had known that the postmen were on strike... 5, If Thad known that Judy and vill had done all the housework. 6. If | had remembered the tile of the film... 7, yOu had tokd me that your recorder was broken. 8. If | hadn't been so busy... Now you formulate the impossible con- dition; the answers on the tape are only suggestions. 1. | would have eaten the steak it. 183 CAP. 36] Treburi_gospodaresti UNIT 36| cap.37] In gradina — Gardening _ [unit 37/ — Housework 2. Ag fi luat autobuzul daca. 2. | would have taken the bus it. DIALOG — DIALOGUE 3. ss i jucat badminton daca.. 3. | would have played badminton it. 4 curatat casa daca... 4. | would have cleaned the house if... 5. Ag fi raspuns la telefon daca... 5. L would have answered the phone Dialogue Rosemary (R), Peter (P) i. R: Trebuie s& facem ceva cu R: We have to do something about 6. Ag fi curijat pantofi dack.. 6. | would have cleaned my shoes i. ; scar 7 7. | would have known the meaning of gradina ni peace aca TT rele iets Ir ‘AS fi cunoscut infelesul cuvintului daca. As fi stiut mai mult despre fara daca. the word if... | would have known about the county it. am petrece mai mutt timp in ea, ar aréta intr-adevar cu mutt mai bine. P: Da, cred c& ai dreptate, draga. Deci, de ce s& nu facem putin gradinarit in aceasta dupa- amiaza? R: Dac& cosesti gazonul, eu ma voi ocupa de buruie P: In regula, mai inti voi cosi gazonul si apoi voi tunde gar- dul. R: Si eu voi merge la magazin s& cumpar seminte si bulb P: Da, dar grabeste-te. Daca pleci acum, vei fi inapoi pentru masa de prinz. ‘more time on it, it would really look a lot better. P: Yes, | think you're right, dear. So, why don't we do some’ gardening this afternoon? Rif you mow the lawn first, | shall do the weeding P: All right, Fil mow the lawn first and then’T'l'cut the hedge. R: And Ill go to the garden-centre and buy some seeds and bulbs. P: Yes, but hurry! if you leave now, youll be back for lunch. EXERCITI| — EXERCISES Exercise 1 Exprimati condi, probabile urmind ‘exemplul anterior si verificati raspun- sufile cu caseta. Raspunsurile de fa numerele 4—6 pot fi diferite de ale dvs. 1, Daca mine e 0 zi frumoasé ma voi duce Ia inot. 2. Daca Mary vine acasa devreme, ea ne va vizita asta seara. 3. Dac& Marea Britanie este prea scumpa, voi petrece vacanta in Portugalia, Express probable conditions following the example overleaf and check your answers with the cassette. Your answers to numbers 4—6 may differ from the examples on the tape. 1. If it’s a nice day tomorrow |... for a swim. 2. If Mary is home early, she ... us tonight. 3. If Great Britain is too expensive, | .. my holiday in Portugal. 185 CAP. 37] in _gradina — Gardening UNIT 37 ICAP. 38) Avem musafiri — Guests UNIT 38 4. Daca se strica televizorul 5. Daca este inchisa cafeneaua 6. Daca intirziu la serviciu Exercise 2 the television breaks down. the pub is closed... 4 5. 6. If | am late to work. Exprimati acum condi improbabile folosind —timpul_—trecut— gi conditionalul. Din nou, réspunsurile dvs, pentru numerele 4—6 pot diferi de cele de pe caseta. Observali c& would este adesea prescurat. 1. Dac am pleca la 8 am sosi inainte de amiaza. 2, Dac ne-am cumpara_o masina de tuns iarba, lucrul in gradina ar fi mai usor. 3, Dac& am planta floarea soarelui soarele ar straluci intotdeauna in gradina noastra. 4. Daca ag cistiga un millon de lire la loterie. 5. Daca micas pierde serviciul... 6. Dac& mi s-ar strica magina pe autostrada.. Now express improbable conditions using the past tense and the condition- al. Again your answers to numbers 4—6 differ from the examples on the tape. Please note that would is often abreviated | would = I'd 1. If we left at eight, we... before noon, 2. If we bought a lawnmower, garden- ing ... easier. 3. If we planted sunflower, the sun always ... in our garden, 4. If | won a million pounds in the lottery. . IF Jost my job, if my car broke down on the motor- way. In acest captol invijay! unele funcjluni ale verbelor modale ajutétoa DIALOG — DIALOGUE jogue Rosemary (A), Peter (P), their nephew Brian(B) R 8: R: B: R P: : Bund, Brian, vad. : Bund, métus’ Rosemary. Bun venit la Cheltenham. : E nemaipomenit c& voi sta aici in urmatoarele doua saptami : Este placerea noastra. Am 0 mulime de idei_ privind cea ce am putea face impreund. ‘Am putea urmari un meci de cricket sau am putea juca golf. Ce-ai_ spune sé mergem la curse? Ti-ar plicea? B: Este nemaipomenit. Suna foarte frumos. : Sau am putea chiar s& mergem la Gloucester sé vizitam catedrala. : Hai sus si arat camera. imi pare bine ca te 22 ORE BD 2 : OK, S8-mi aduc sus sacoga? Nu, las-o, jo aduc eu mai tirziu ; Mullumesc, nu trebuie s& te deranjezi, m& descurc eu. Deci iat&ne. Astai camera ta, Brian. ©, este incintatoare. : Da, ‘dar este putin neaerisit aici, poate ar trebui si deschid o fereastré. Cred c& putin aer proaspat nu strica. B: Ce fel de pom este acesta? Aproape te poti catara in el de aici P: Nu, nu trebuie s& faci asa ceva. Nu tii co i s-a intimplat varului tu anul trecut? 2» 3 2D DB DD D @ 2D ‘Oh, hi Brian, nice’to see you. Hi aunt Rosemary. :: Welcome to Cheltenham. Hi, it's great that | can stay for the next two weeks. : Oh, i's our pleasure. Oh, I've already got lots of ideas of things we could do toghether. We could watch a cricket match or play golf. Or how about visiting the race course, would you like that? ‘Ah, that’s fantastic, that sounds super. Or we could even go to Gloucester and visit the cathedral. Come on up, I'll show you your room, : OK, shall | bring my bag up? No, just leave ®t. Ill carry it up for you later. : Oh thank you, but you needn't bother, | can manage. So, here we are. This is your room then, Brian. : Oh, t's lovely. Yes, but it's a bit stuffy in here, perhaps | should open a window. | think a bit fresh air can't do any harm. : What kind of tree is that? You could almost climb onto it from here. No, you musn't do that. Do you know what happened to your cousin fast year? 187 cap. 33] Avem musafiri — Guests UNIT 38) cap. 33) Avem musafiri — Guests UNIT 38} B: Nu, co? P: Cind s-a caférat in acest copac una din crengi s-a rupt gi el a cazut i sia luxat glezna. el lat& paturile pentru pat, ‘douai prosoape si un sZipun. Baia este alaturi, Este toata a ta deoarece noi 0 folosim pe cea de la parter. B: Multumesc. R: Cina este la 7,30, deci dac& doresti s& te racoresti putin, ne veder jos. B: Nu cred c& va dura mut, deci ag putea cobori putin mai tiriu, daca e bine asa P: Bine. Ce-ar fi 82 ne intiinim? Voi fi pe undeva prin gradina. B: Da, ar fi placut. R: B: : Deci simtete ca acasi si ne vedem mai tirziu. : Da, multumesc. B: No, what? P: When he climbed onto that tree one of the branches broke off and he fell and sprained his ankle. B: Oh, really? Well, | promise | won't imb onto it R: Well, here are the blankets for your bed, two towels and a bar of soap. The bathroom is next door. You'll have it all to yourself because we use the one downstairs. B: Thanks. R: Dinner’s at 7.30 so it you want to freshen up a bit we'll see you downstairs. B:| don't think I'l need that long, so | might come down a bit earlier it that’s all right. P: Fine. Why don't you join me? I'l be outside in the garden somewhere. B: Yes, that would be nice. R: So just make yourself at home and 8: il see you later. Yes, Thanks. in text spune Peter o& are o mukime de idei in legitura cu ce ar putea SB fac, De ex. We could watch a cricket match’. Pentru a propune astfel_ de ideiputeti—folosi urmatoarele constructi: a) Am putea merge.../S8 privim/s& juc&m sau b) intrebarea: Tar plcea s& mergem../s8 Privinys& jucam... 168 In the text Peter says he has a lot of ideas of things they could do, for example:_.We could watch a cricket match". To suggest such ideas you Could use the following structures: @) We could go.../watch/play...or ) the question: Would you like to go.../watch.../play... inui_ musafir de-al constructie: a): 1. s& joace rugby 2. 8a joace tenis de masa 3.88 urmreasca 0 intrecere de canotaj 4. sa mearga la patinaj 5.8 urmareasc&. un meci de crichet ‘Acum folositi constructile b): 6. s joace voleibal 7. sa urmareasca la tv meciul de hochei pe gheala 8. si mearga fa un tumir de tenis 9. s& joace bedminton 10. 8 mearga la inot Exercise 2 Verbele auxiiare can, may, could, might se pot folosi pentru a cere 0 permisiune. Can este mai putin oficial iar might este foarte oficial. Acum cereti per- misiunea incepind cu cel mai putin oficial pentru nr. 1 si sfirgind cu cel mai oficial la nr. 4 Repetati apoi aceeasi procedura de la § la 8 Solicitati permisiunea s&: 8 folositi baia 8 fumati (induntru) Vveniti devreme 8 folositi magina 8 Va jucal! in grading 8 V8 Litati la tv ‘84 capatafi o bautura 8 faceti un dug Now you suggest sports to a visitor of yours, using first structure a); rugby table-tennis the rowing-contest 4.90 skating a cricket match Now use structure b) 6 play volleyball the ice-hockey on tv 8.go to a tennis tournament badminton 10. go swimming The following auxiliaries: can, may, could, might can also be used to ask permission to do something. Can is the least formal, and might is the most formal. Now you ask permis- sion starting with the least formal in no. 1 and ending with the most formal in no. 4. Then repeat this process begin- ning with no. 5. Ask permission to: . use the bathroom . smoke (in here) |. come early use your car . play in the garden watch tv get a drink . have a shower 189 ICAP. 39) Ajutoare la copii UNIT 39 ICAP. 39) Ajutoare la copii UNIT 39 — Babysitting In acest capitol invatatl e4 folosi{i cuvintele SOME, ANY, ONE. DIALOG — DIALOGUE Dialogue Alan (A), Judy (J), Linda (L) A: Vrei s& deschizi usa, te rog? J: Desigur. Bund ziua Trebuie si fi, L: Linda. Sint Linda, babysitter pe care ati solicitat-o la telefon. J: Da, aga m-am gindit si eu. intra. Ei, bine, Linda, aréti mai. tinara deo mi-am imaginat. Ai 16 ani, nui aga? L: Da, desigur. Dar am deja o Oarecare experienté in ingrijrea copillor. Mai intii acasa si apoi la Prieteniip&rintilor mei, pind cind ineva mi-a sugerat c& ag putea incepe s& cistig ceva bani din aceasta, J: A, da, infeleg. Caroll doarme in patutul ei acum si ceaiul ei este intr-o sticla pe care am pus-o in cuptorul cu microunde. Daca se trezeste, fi dai drumul pentru o jumatate de minut gi s-a incalzit L: In regula, nivi 0 problema. Vad © avefi aici un scaun pe rotile. E prea mare deja pentru carut? J: Da, are gase luni acum sie putin prea grea pentru acesta, dar daca se trezeste poli 5-0 pui in scaunul cu rotie $0 poti impinge putin. 7 L: Da, cred ca fi va placea acest lucru, De obicei le place J: , da, intr-adevar ii place foarte mult. Acolo sint $i niste scutece. 190 A: a rr Could you open the door, please? Of course. Good afternoon. You must be... Linda, I'm Linda, the babysitter you telephoned for.. Yes, | thought so. Come on in. Well, Linda, you took a lot younger than I thought, You are 16, aren't you? : Yes, of course | am. And I've already got some experience looking after Dabies. First at home and then for friends of my parents, until some- body suggested that |'start earning a little money with it : Ah, | see, Well, Caroll is sleeping in her cot right now, and her tea is in a bottle. which’ Ive put in a microwave. i she wakes up, you could tum it on for half a minute and heat it up. All right, no problem. | see you've got a pushchair there. She's too old for tha pram than? Yes, she's six months old now and a bit too heavy for that, but if she wakes up, you can always put her in the pushchair and wheel her around a litle. Yes, | thought she might like that They ususally do. Oh, yes, she's really fond of that. And there are some nappies over there. — Babysitting L: A, da, bine. Sint si prosoape? J: Da, desigur, in dreapta scutecelor. Este gi o slici de ulei pentru sugari deschis’ in sertar gi inca una pe rat acolo. Crema este finga acesta. L: Bine. Si cind credeti c& veniti ‘inapoi? Mama mea doreste ca eu sa fiu acasa inainte de miezul opti J: Bine, noi vom fi inapoi_pe la ora 41 sau cel tirziu 11,15. Sotul meu te poate duce dupa aceea acasa, deci sigur vei fi acasd pe la ora 12. L: 0, ce dragut din partea dum. neavoastra. J: A, iat ca vine. Acesta este soful meu, Alan. Ea e Linda, babysit- tera noastra. A: imi pare bine c& te cunose, Linda. L: $i mie imi pare bine. A: Cred ca ar trebui sa mergem, draga. J: Da, vin, Linda, al tot ce ii trebuie? L: Da, mulumese, totul va fi bine. J: Serveste-te cu tot ce doresti din frigider — sint si ceva biscuiti pe masa acolo. Te pofi uita la TV sau citi, simte-te ca acasa. L: Bine, mai intii voi termina temele cu conditia s&_nu se trezeasca Caroll, Mai tirziu poate ma voi vita la TV. J: In regula, ne vedem mai tii, Linda. Pa. L Ah, yes, good. Are there any towels anywhere? Yes, of course, right next to the nappies. And there’s an open bottle for babies and another one on the shelf over there. The cream is right ext to it. L: Fine, and when do you think you will be back? My mother woulkd like me to be home before midnight. J: Well, we should be back around 11 or quarter past at the latest. My husband can take you home after- wards, so you'll definitely be home by 12 o'dlock. L: Oh, that’s kind of you J: Ab, here he comes, this is my husband, Alan. This is Linda, our Babysitter. A; Pleased to meet you, Linda. L: Nice to meet you, too. A:1 think we should be going, dear. 4: Yes, I'm coming. Well, Linda, have you got everything you need? L: Yes, thank you, everything will be fine J: Help yourself to anything you like from the fridge, and there are some crisps on the table over there. You can watch TV or read. just make yourself at home. L: Well, 've got to finish my homework first, provided that Caroll doesn't wake up. Later on | might watch some TV. J: Allright then, See you later, Linda Bye. 191 Ajutoare la cop UNIT 39 — Babysitting EXERCITII — EXERCISES Exercise 1 Completati spatile goale pentru a raspunde la cele 5 intrebari neutre si apoi la celelalte 3 la care asteptati raspunsuri pozitive. ‘A mai ramas ceai? ‘Au spus ceva despre accident? ‘Are cineva vreo intrebare? Este cineva acas&? ‘Scuzati-ma aveti niste ulei pentru sugari? AS putea avea ceva de mincare? Dorese copii niste dulciuri? Doresti nigte suc? oaepe Exercise 2 Fill in the gaps to ask five neutral questions first and then three to which you expect a positive answer. 1. Is there... tea left? 2, Did they say ... about the accident? 3. Has... got any question? 4. Is... at home? 5. Excuse me, have you got... baby oll? 6. Could | have ... to eat? 7. Would the kids like... sweets? 8 Would you like ... juice? Veji_ascuta pe banda citeva propoziti in care sint folosite cuvin- tele SOME si ANY. Schimbati-ie in opusele lor. 1. Sint nigte portocale pe masa acolo, 2. Este nigte crema in baie. 3. Sint nigte scutece pe scrin. 4, Nu mai este ulei pentru sugari 192 You will hear some sentences on the tape with SOME and ANY. Change them into the opposite. 1.There are some oranges on the table over there. 2, There's some cream in the bathroom. 8, There are some napies on the chest of drowers. 4, There isn't any baby-cil left CAP. 39] Ajutoare la_copii UNIT 39] 5. Nu e nimeni ta birou. 6. Nu am vazut pe nimeni 7. Peter a plantat citeva flori noi in gradina lui. Am petrecut niste timp ta Paris. 2 — Babysitting ‘There isn't anybody in the office. haven't seen anyone. Peter has planted some new flowers in this garden. 8 I've spent some time in Paris. Noe another one on the Exercise 3 ‘Traduceti urmatoarele fraze. ‘Am numai o carte de bucate In duiap este numai o ceapa, ‘Acest frigider nu functioneaza, ag putea avea unul nou? Translated the following sentences. Acest restaurant nu este prea bun, dar stiu unul mai bun. ‘Acest c&rucior de copil este verde, dar noi avem unul albastru. Televizorul lui Peter este foarte vechi, dar Alan are unul nou, celelalte sint in locuinja noua. alte sint pe balcon Renovari — Renovating UNIT 40) ICAP. 40) Renovari — Renovating UNIT 40) CAP, 40] jin acest capitol invatatl de-a lungul acestui curs. folositi unele prepozitil pe care te-af! intilnit DIALOG — DIALOGUE Dialogue Alan (A) Judy (J) Peter (P) J: E cineva la usa, Alan. Vrei s8 te duci? Sigur. A. salut Peter. : Salut, “Alan, lata cum am promis. A; Este intr-adevar grozav ca ai Venit aici s& ne ajuti la renova. e> P: Ei bine, stiu c& este mereu foarte bine daca cineva iti dio mina de ajutor cind faci renovari. A: Da, gi sint attea de facut. Cosarul a Spus c& e 0 caramida desprinsé in gemineu si o tigla sparta pe acoperis. P: Bine, as incerca sa 0 fixez daca vrei J: ©, Peer, nu te superi nui aga? P: Bine, Judy, S& vad ce pot face. ‘Cum ajung acolo sus? J: Mergi sus la etaj, apoi urci pe scart’ pina la pod si apoi pe acoperis. Poti arunca tiglele vechi n curtea din spate. Altfel ar putea cadea pe trandafiri, sau mai tau, pe oamenii care trec prin fata case. P: In regula, Voi fi atent. A. Bine. inire timp vom incepe sa zugravim camera de 21, Mai inti vom tapeta peretele din dreapta Si_apol vom vopsi peretele din stinga P: Vad-ca al cumparat $1 un covor. 194 vi 2 RP There's someone at the door, Alan. Would you mind going? : Sure. Oh, hi Peter. Hi, Alan, here | am keeping my promise, That's really great that you have come over to help us with the renovations. Well, I know it's always nice if somebody gives you a hand when you're renovating, Yes, and there is plenty to do. The chimney sweep said there was a brick loosen on the chimney and a broken tile on the roof. Well, | could try and fix that if you want, Oh, Peter, you wouldn't mind, would you? : OK Judy. Ill see what | can do. How do | get up there? I: You go upstairs, and then up the ladder through the loft, and out onto the roof. You can throw the old tiles into the backyard. Otherwise you might drop them on the roses, or worse, on people passing by in front of the house. Ok. fil be careful Well, in the meantime we'll start redecorating the living-room, First we'll paper the wali on the right and then welll paint the wall on the left And | see you've bought a wall-to- wall carpet as well J: Da, @ aproape de dou ori mai mare deck cel vechi. $i este J: ©, da, balustrada este destul de puternica, ‘A: In ordine. Pensula, rota, vop- seaua, tapetul si adezivul, cufitul $i masa. Toate sint gata, ‘Si incepem atunci. P: OK, sint pe acoperis. J; Noi sintem induntru. Fil atont s& nu cazi P: Numi purtati de gris. J: Yes, it’s about twice as big as the old ‘one, And it's quite heavy. P: And youve laid all that weight against the banister? J: Oh yes, the banister's strong ‘enough. ALOK. Paintbrush, roller, paint, wallpaper and paste, knife and table. Everything ready. Let's get started then. P: OK. I'm on the roo. J: And we're in here. Be careful, don't fall P: No, don't worry about me. EXERCI EXERCISES Pind acum ati intinit si folosit o mulime de cuvinte mici care fac legatura intre obiecte. _Aceste cuvinte precum at, in, on, behind, in front of, about, around, against ‘se numesc prepoziti, Ascultaji textul de pe caseté si inlocuiti spatille goale cu prepozifile cores- Punzaitoare. 1. Alan gi Judy cuttvé trandafiri casa. 2.€ 0 caramid’ desprinsa _. gemineu si 0 figla sparta. acoperigul casei. 3. Peter poate arunca tiglele vechi. curtea din spate, 4 Gurtea din spate este ... casei 5. Pentru a ajunge ...acoperis trebuie sa ajungi... pod. 6. Cind vii inapo: la parter ott vedea covorul cel nou care se spryina ... balustrada. 7. Este 0 gradina mare... casei, aga inoit copii nu mai trebue sa se joace ... strada 8. Sint copaci care crese ... casei In the whole course you have used many small words to link things up. These words such as at, in, on, behind, in front of, about, around, against are called prepositions. Listen to the text on the tape and then fill in the gaps using the correct prepositions. 1. Alan and Judy are growing roses... the house. 2. There is a brick loose... the chimney and a broken tile... the roof... the house. 3. Peter can throw the old tiles ... the backyard. 4. Tho backyard is 5. In order t0 get . go ... the loft 6. When you come back downstairs, you can see that the new carpet is feaning .. the balustrade 7. There is a big garden... the house, $0 that the children don't have to play ... the street, 8 There are trees growing all. the house the house. the roof you must 195 ‘TEXTE DE ASCULTAT Not you again {Units 15—20) Characters Merete Brammer Andrew Fothergil ‘Scene One King's Cross Travel Centre ‘Andrew: | want a single to York, please. Glerk: "Yes, sic. First or second class? ‘Andrew: Oh, Second Class, please. Clerk: Smoking or non-smoking, sir? ‘Andrew: Non-smoker. How much is that? Clerk: £ 25, sir ‘Andrew: Will you take a cheque? Gierk: Yes, that's all right, sir. Have you got a bank card? Ancrew: Of course I've got a bank card, Who shall | make It out to? Clerk: British Rail, sir. & 25. Andraw: (Slowy) &h February... Bish Ral. © 25. (Hands over cheque) Is that a Clerk: Yas, sit. Can | see your bank card, please? ‘Andrew: Yes, here you are, What time does the next train leave? Glerk: The next train to York, si, Is at 10 o'clock, Gere" No, sit The 10 otlock goes straight through to York Ancrew: What tine does tare? na MOU tere Into York 11.38, i ‘Andrew: Thank you very much, Scene Two Merete: Excuse me, Gierk: "Yes, madam. Merete: | should like a return ticket to York, please. Clerk: "Yes, madam, Are you travelling First or Second Ciass? Moreto: Second Class. Clerk: Yes, madam. Do you require a smoker or @ non-smoker? Merete: Oh, | don't smoke. ° Glerk:Non-smoker Merete: How much will that be? Clerk: One Second-Ciass Return from King’s Cross to York is £ 45, madam Merete: (counting) Ten, twenty, thirty, fony, tity ier: Fifty pounds. Thank you very much, madam, Five pounds change. One, two, three, four, five Merete: Thank you very much. Can you tell me what time the train arrives in York? Gierk: "Yes, madam. The 10 o'clock arrives in York at 11.58, Merete: Do | have to change anywhere? Clerk: "No, madam, the train goes through direct, Merete: Thank you very much. Clerk: Thank you, madam 196 Merete: ‘Andrew: Merete: Andrew, Merete: Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete: ‘Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete: ‘Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete: Merete: Andrew: Merete: ‘Andrew. Merete: Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete. Andrew: Merete Andrew: Merete. Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete: ‘Andrew: Morete: Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete. Andrew: Scene Three Excuse me, is this seat free? Yes, | think it is fro. Must | have a seat reservation? No. There is no ticket in the seat I'm sure you can sit there, Thank you very much, ‘Are you travelling far? ‘Yes, 1'm going to York. How interesting. So am |. | lve in York. This is my first visi | do hope you enjoy your visi. ‘Thank you very much. | am sure | shall [hope you don't mind my asking. You are not British, are you? No, I'm not ‘Are you by any chance Scandinavian? 'm Danish. What part of Danmark are you from? 'm from Copenhagen, ‘An, yes, Copenhagen. Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen. That's right There is that lovely garden in Copenhagen, isn't there? ‘An, you must mean Tivol Yes, that's right. Tivoli, And of course there is the Litle Mermaid, Yes, indeed. The Mermaid. Tell me, where do you come from? Oh, I'm British. Were you born in York? No, | was born in London but | work in York, | work at the University. ‘Oh, how interesting, T nope you won't mind my asking, What is your name? My name is Brammer. Merete Brammer. is that a Danish name? Yes, i is, Now you must tell me your name. ‘Oh, my name is Fothergil Andrew Fothergil, How do you do? How do you do? ‘Are you travelling to York on business? Yes, | am. What sort of business are you in, if | may ask? I'm an architect. Oh, now very interesting. What brings you to York? There Is an international conference for architects. Do you build vary modern buildings? Yes. Sometimes | design very modem buildings but | am also interested in conserving old buildings. Tat is why Tm coming 10 York. Yes, of course, We have a lot of old buildings in York, The Minster and so on, ‘That's quite right, but you also have an Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies — that's where Im going. They are having a conference in the King's Manor about conservation. I'm very interested in that | think i's rather a waste of money — saving old buildings. it would be far better to knock them down and build new ones How can you say that? Aren't you proud of your historic city? I's pleasant enough | suppose. But speaking as a businessman i's a great problem living in a city with archaeological remains and houses ‘vhich have to be preserved. 197 Merete: How do you mean? ‘Andrew: | want 10 bud a new branch of Safeline, the multiple store, but | can't get permission to build Merete: Why not? ‘Andrew: it seems that there are the remains of some Roman emperor's palace ‘underneath the place where | want 1o put my supermarket, Merete: But that is extremely interesting. Surely you want to preserve it Andrew: No, | don't. | shall lose two or three milion pounds if let these damned archaeologists stop me building. Merete: But surely you want to preserve your national hertage. ‘Andrew: | can't say that the Romans are my national heritage. My business is to make money and to make it as quickly as possibie. Merete: Well | am very surprised. | thought the English had a sense of history Andrew: Wail this Englishman has a sense of business and | hope: you will remember this at your conference. Merete: Well | hope you will remember that many tourists come to York in order to ‘admire your national heritage. So perhaps you had better do something to Conserve i. | am sure there are enough supermarkets already in York. Scene Four ‘Andrew: | hope | didn't upset you Merete: What do you mean? ‘Andrew: Well, a litle while ago | was talking a lot about business and profs, Merete: That is quite all gt. Andrew: | hope you don't mind my asking. Are you married? Merete: No, i'm divorced. What about you? Andrew: Well, I'm single, | haven't met the right woman yet, Have you got any ‘children? Merste: Yes, | have. | have a son and a daughter. ‘Andrew: Oh. Would you like @ cup of tea? Merete: Thar you very much, | would prefer coffee, Andrew: Can i buy you a cup of cottes? Merete: No, | wil buy my own coffee ‘Andrew: | insist Merete: Very well then. A cup of cottes, please. ‘Andrew: Two cups of coffee please, miss. With milk and sugar. Would you lke @ biscuit? Merete” No, thank you. | never eat biscuits Andrew What a py. English biscuits are very good. Merete. i'm sure tiey are. All the same, | Just want a cup of cotfee Andrew (To the tea girl) Two cups of coffee and a packet of biscuits, please. How much is that? Teagin: 95 p. si. ‘Andrew: Thank you very much. Here is your cup of coffee. Merete: Thank you very much ‘Andrew: Where do you come trom? Merete: | beg your pardon? Andrew: | just wanted to know wherd you come from. You said earlier that you were Danish and come from Copenhagen. Merete: | come from Frederiksberg, ‘Andrew: Where Is that? Merete: It is a suburb of Copenhagen Andrew: What's it like there? 198 Merete: It is a very pleasant pat of Copenhagen and there is a park with a palace in ‘There are beautiful lakes. ‘Andrew: It sounds very nice. Merete: Yes, itis. its one of the nicest places in Copenhagen. Tell me, have you ‘ever been to Denmark? ‘Andrew: No, | haven’. Morte: What a pity. Excuse me, can you tall me where the toilet is? ‘Andrew: Yes, along the carriage to the end of the corridor and you will find the toilets at the end. Merete: Thank you very much, ‘Scene Five Merete: What's that over there? ‘Andrew: Oh, that’s a power station. Merete: | have already seen three power stations lke that. Are they nuclear power stations? ‘Andrew: No, they're not nuclear. They use coal. We are on the Yorkshire coal field here, Merete: | soe. Ticket ColiectorGan | see your ticket, please? ‘Andrew: Here you are. Ticket Collector{Clips ticket) Thank you sir. May | see your ticket, madam? Merete: | beg your pardon? Ticket CollectorYour ticket, madam, Merete: Ah, yes, here it is, Ticket Collector{Clips ticket) Thank you very much ‘Andrew: Where do you work? Merete: | work in the centre of Copenhagen ‘Andiew: Is it a permanent job? Merete: (shorty) Yes, itis. Andrew: Do you like your work as an architect? Merete: Yes, of course | do. ‘Andrew: Do you work for yourset or are you an employes? Merete: I work with a number of other architects in a team. What do you do? ‘Andrew: | am the manager of the Superline market. Merete” D0 you enjoy your work? Andrew: Yes, it's quite nice. | have tiny women working for me. Merete: Really? Do you enjoy your work? ‘Anarew: Yes,!'do. Supermarket work is very interesting. How long have you been living in Copenhagen? Merete: I've been living there for the last thirty years. Andrew: Do you live in a house? Merete: No, | Ive in a fla Andrew: What sort of flat do you have? Merete: | have a very nice flat in Frederiksberg ‘Andrew: How many rooms has it got? Merete: it has a kitchen and a bathroom and three bedrooms, and then there is a large lounge and a dining room. ‘Andrew: That sounds very large 199 Merete: Andrew: Merete Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Merete: Andrew: ‘Andrew: Merete: Andrew: Andrew: Morete: ‘Andrew: Merete: ‘Andrew: Merete: It is a very nice flat. Where do you live? Until now | have been sharing a flat with another man. But | am tired of that 0 |-am looking for a house. Ist easy to buy a house in York? No, it's quite dificut. The houses are very expensive. | am going to find a room in a hotel for the next two or three weeks, and if | am lucky, | shall find @ sultable house which | might buy. Are you intorested in football? No, I'm afraid not. 'm not very interested in football ‘Ah, what @ pity. | love football, | go to watch York Football Team every ‘Saturday, Really? Do you have any hobbies? Yes, | am very fond of music. In Copenhagen | often go to The Opera and the ‘ballet. Really? ‘Are you interested in music? No, I'm not, At least, not in classical music. But | like pop music. What about you? Do you tke pop music? No, I'm afraid | don't Oh, what a pity. Scene Six Look over there. That is the York College of Arts and Technology. That means we're arriving. Weill be in York soon. Tel me, what do you think | should see while | am in York? | know there is a fine cathedral The Minster. Yes, that's right. The Minster. What else is there that | should see? | think you should see the National Ralway Museum. There are lots of trains land engines there. ‘Thank you very much for the idea. 'm afraid I'm not very interested in railways. {sn't there anything else? /: Well there is the Yorvik museum it you're interested in od things. What is the Yorvik ‘museum? itis @ museum about the Ife of the Vikings when they came to York The Vikings? Of course they came from Denmark. Is that where they came from? . Yes, they did. | must see this museum. Can you tell me where the museum is? No, | don't know. I's somewhere in the middie of York. You had better go ask the Tourist Information Office. Have you seen the museum? No, I'm not interested in that sort of thing. What? You come from York and are not interested in the Vikings. | don't come from York. I just work there. I'm sure it must be very interesting. Perhaps it is | think we're arriving Yes, we are. This is York. have to find a hotel. Do you know a good one? ‘There is the Viking Hotel. You are interested in the Vikings, perhaps you should go thoro. is ft very expensive? Andrew: Merete. Andrew Merete: Clerk Merete: Clerk Merete: Merete: Receptionist: An, yes. You ha Merete: ‘Yes, | believe itis quite expensive. ‘Then | must find something else. Can you give me any advice? ‘Yes, | suggest you go to the Tourist Information Office. Scene Seven Can you help me? | am looking for @ hotel Yes, madam. How long do you want to stay? Just two or three nights What class of hotel are you looking for? | can't afford too much money. May | suggest the Belle Vue Hoter? How much is that? It costs £ 10 a night, bed and breakfast ‘Yes, that sounds very good. Can you reserve me a room in that hotel? Will_you want @ single room or a double room, madam? A single room, of course. ‘Yes, madam, just a moment. (Telephones) Belle Vue Hotel? Have you a single oom for three nights? (To Merete) They have @ room at £ 10 per night bed ‘and breakfast. Will that be allright? Yes, please reserve it for me. What name shail | say, madam? ‘The name is Brammer. Merete Brammer. ‘The name is Brammer. For three nights. © 10 bed and breakfast. Thank you (To Merete) | have reserved the hotel room for you, madam. That will be 50 P. for the telephone call, Here you are. Thank you very much. Scene Eight ‘At the hotel My name is Brammer reserved a room through the Tourist Information Office. ‘That's right Receptionist: It is a single room at £ 10 per night bed and breakfast Merete: That's right Receptionist: Room 23 madam. Here is the key. Angrew: Merete: Haven't we met before? Oh, its you LL OBEY (Unite 21-23) ‘Speaker: We're going to listen to some scenes in the Iife of two Yorkshire families. Tom: Jo: Tom: Tom: Jo: Tom: Jo: Tom: Jo: Tom: Jo: Tom: Jo: Tom: yo: Tom: Jo: Tom: Jo Tom: Alan: Jo: ‘Alan: Jo: Atan: Jo. Alan: Jo: ‘Alan: Jo: 202 ‘There is a vilage called Roebuck-on-the-Moor in North Yorkshire not far from the city of Ripon. in this vilage there is a garage and filing station known 65 Beis and Wing. It is run by John Bills and his sister, Mrs. Katherine Wing John has a daughter called Jo. She is 17. Jo is shor for Joanna. Mrs. Wing hhas two sons. The oldest is Tom, who is aged 22, and the younger called Chris, who is 18. Tom is away studying at London University, but has come {for the Christmas vacation, and wants to have a party. ‘Scene One Hi there, Jo. Tom, i good to sea you. When did you get back? Last night Did you have a nice time in London? ‘Yes, super. | want 10 have a patty That's @ good idea, When do you want to have it? iris and | think Wednesday should be a good evening. Are you free? ‘Yes, | can come on Wednesday. Do you want me to bring anything? Yes. it would be nice Hf you could bring a bottle of wine, and can you make ‘some cakes? ‘Yes, I'll make some jam tarts. ‘That's arranged, then. Come about eight Can | bring my’ new boyfriend? Who's that? His name is Alan Howson, Surely not that Alan Howson with the old motor bike? He's awful. | can't stand him He's a: ght. He's nicer than you think | cant cand him. He always drinks too much, Well he's my boyfriend and | want to bring him. Jo, surely you can come alone. if | can't bring Alan, I'm not coming at all, so there ‘Oh, well, | suppose you must then. ‘Scene two ‘Are you enjoying the party, Jo? On, yes, W's supe: What are you doing tomorrow? I'm not sute, Perhaps | shall go for a walk along the river with Tom and Chi. That's what they'e going to do. Would you like to come? ‘Oh, no, | never walk in the country, | always ride if possible. What? You never go for a walk. You ate lazy. Well, | occasionally walk to work, but | never walk further than necessary. | normally go everywhere on my motor bike, Can you come for a ride with me instead? Oh, | don't know about that. Isnt it dangerous? No, of course i's not dangerous. But | haven't got a helmet. Jo: ‘Alan: John ‘Alan: John ‘Alan: ohn ‘Alan: John Alan: John ‘Alan: John Alan: John Kate Jo: ve got two helmets. | can lend you one of mine. Come on, it will be good fun We Can go to a disco in York. OK. Can we meet at the garage? Certainty. il meet you at 6.30. No, that’s a bit early. How about 7 o'clock? All right. il meet you at 7 o'clock at the garage Scene Three Bills: What time did you get home last night? I'm sony Jo was so late, The motor bike broke down, Bis: What's the matter with #? | think the petrol gauge has gone. We were about three miles from Ripon, and the motor made @ funny noise and then stopped. Bills: What make of motor bike is #? I's an old Honda. Can you get me a new petrol gauge? Bills: Yes, | can get you a new one. How much do you think it will cost? Bills: About £ 10, How long will it take you to get i? Bills: About a wook, | expect ‘Thank you very much, Mr. Bills, and I'm sory that Jo was so late last night, Bis: That’s all right. | understand, Scene Four What's the matter, love? ve got the most’ awful headache ‘And you've got a terrible cough. You are obviously il | fee! toribie It was raining last night, wasn't it? Yes. Did you get very wet? Yes, I did, and it was very cold, Well, | cant stop now. I've got to go to the garage. I'l ask Auntie Kate 10 come and ‘look after you ‘Oh, thanks Dad. (Katherine Wing comes in) What's the matter, love? It hunts here in my chest and I've got a terrible headache. Oh, I'm sony to hear about thal. Let's take your temperature, Here's the mermometer. Now open your moutn and put t unger your Tongue. Don't talk now. Walt until | take the thermometer out, You've got a fever. Your temperature is nearly 103. Now you stay in bed. I'l get the doctor. il bring you 2 cup of tea in a minute, but then | have to go back to the garage. Allright?” Yes, OK, Auntie Kate. Thank you. Scene Five (Gound of telephone dialing) Is that Doctor Jackson's surgery? I's my niece, Jo. ‘She's got a very high temperature and a very bad cough. (Pause) Yes, | think itis serious, She has a pain in her chest. (Pause) Yes, Ive taken her temperature. 203 ls 103. (Pause) Could Doctor Jackson come and see her during the day? (Pause) | shall bo at the garage all day. (Pause) Bills and Wing, Roebuck-on- the-Moor. (Pause) Thank you vary much. I'l expect him later on during the morning. Goodbye. Speaker: Jo recovers. From her fever and her friendship with Alan deepens. ‘The summer comes and they decide to go away on holiday together. Atan: Hollo, is that Keswick 2419? Is that the “Sunny” Camp Site? Telephone Voice: Yes, Alan: | want to book a site for the week of August 7th Telephone Voice: I'm sorry, sir. We're completely booked. ‘Alan: ‘Oh, dear, | see. Thank you. What about the following week beginning August 14th? Telephone Voice: Yes, sit. We have a site for that weak Alan: Good. Would you please reserve it for me? Telephone Voice: Yes, sir. Will you be coming with a tent or a caravan? Aten: A tent Telephone Voice: Yes, I've made a note of that, sir. You'll be coming with a tant. What ‘name is it, please? Alan: ‘The name’ is Howson. H-O-W-S-O-N, Telephone Voice: Will you be coming by public tanspon, sir, or do you have your ‘own vehicle? Alan: | shall be coming by’ motor bike. Telephone Voice: A deposit of © 20 will secure you the site for that week, sir Alan: ‘That's allright. Can you give me the full address? Telephone Voice: The Warden, “Sunny” Camp Site, Keswick, Cumbria. Aten: FW send it off to you today. Telephone Voice: Thank you very much, sir Alan: Goodbye, Telephone Voice: Goodbye. ‘Scene Six « Kate Wing: There you are, Jo. Did you have a nice holiday? Jo: Oh, yes, it was marvellous, Kate: It looks ‘as though you had good weather, Jo: Yes, the weather was wonderful We had sun every day. Kate: ‘That's lovely. How about Alan? Did he enjoy the holiday too? Jo: Yes, we had a wonderful time together, Auntie Kate. And what do you think? I've got some wonderful news to tall you. Kate: You certainly look vary pleased with yourself. You'd better come and sit down and tell me the news. Jo: Alan's asked me to mary him, Auntio Kate. Kate: Well, that's a surprise. How long have you known him? Jo: lve known him since the party, the one we had before Christmas. Kate: That seems a very short time, dear. Jo: Oh, no, it isn't. Not really, Kate: Wel, he is a vary nice boy, | do hope youll be very happy. Jo: ‘h, yes, Auntie Kate, I'm sure we shall. Alan wants to come and talk to Dad about the wedding, Kate: What? You've been talking about the wedding already? do: ‘Oh yes. We've planned everything. There ara just one or two things though that | really have to talk to you and Dad about Jo: Dad, do you think Alan and | could get married at All Saints? 204 John: John: Jo: John: Jo: John: vo: John: Jo: John: Jo: John: Jo: John: Jo: John: Jo: Jo: Alan: Jo: Alan: Jo: ‘Alan: Jo: ‘Alan: Jo: Jo: Jo: That would be nice. What do | have to do? The best thing would be to go and see the vicar and talk to him about it. Doss it matter that | don't go to church anymore? Well, I'm sure that the vicar will want to Rave a talk with you and Alan about the meaning of getting martied. And of course he will remember that YyOu used to sing in the chovr. But many people get married in church who Gon't go regulary. Do you think | can wear a white dress? fm sure you can if you want to. ‘And Tom and Chris can wear full morning dress, Yes, they can if they want to. ‘Alan must give me a gold ring, musn't he? Well, he must give you a ring, but it needn't be a gold one, There's another question I'¢ like to ask you, Daddy. Well, what is it? Come on then, tell me, Must | say: Ill obey? No, you needn't say “obey” these days’ I'm sure that's not absolutely necessary. You'll have to talk to the vicar about i. Why do you ask? Well, | don't want 10 say it, but Alan says | must. Wel that's something you'll have to sort out with him, love, when the time gots a bit nearer. You'd batter think about it ‘Yes, | will (houghtfully) Yes, | will think about i ‘Alan, I've been thinking about the marriage service. Have you, love? What have you been thinking? Well, in the Prayer Book it says that | have 10 say that Ill obey you, Yes, that's right. What about i? Well, | don't want to say “I'l obey’. Why not? | just don’t think its ight. Not these days anyway. Do you mind? Of course | mind. Someone's got to be the head of the family and have the last word, But | think we should agree about things. Well | hope we will agree, but it we don't. You mean that it we don't agree, you will be the one to decide, Well someone has to. Well you had better get used to the idea that I'm not going to say “Ill obey", 80 there, LADY GODIVA (Unit 25) Characters Edwina (wite of Eric) Eric (householder of Coventry) Aelreda (their daughter) Egrin (tax collector) Godiva (wife of Leotric) Leottic (Earl of Mercia) Radio Announcer ‘Tom Ranuif (reporter for Conventry Radio) Eric and Edwina are living in their house in Conventry with their daughter, Aeleda. The year is 1061, the year when the Lady Godiva rode on horseback through the streets Of the town, Scene One Inside Eric's house (Loud knocking on door) Edwina: Eric Edwina: Ackeda: Edwina: Eric Engin Eve: gua: Erie Egrin Asireda: Egnn Enc Egin Aoleda: Godiva Leofric Godiva Leotria Godiva: 206 (frightened) Who's that, Eric? I don't know. Go and look out of the window, Aelreda. i's Egrin, the tax collector, mother. He's got some men with him. (Oh! What shall we do? We have to open the door. (opens the door) In the name of Leofric, Eafi of Mercia, | call upon you pay your taxes. But we paid our taxes’ last month, Last month you paid twenty pieces of sliver. Now you must pay again, another twenty pieces of silver But we have no money. No money! Then you'll have to sell some chickens or some pigs. Please don't make us pay. This gin is strong, youll have to send her out to work. Yes Egrin, | wil Egrin | will retun next week. Then that will be your last chance. if you do not pay, | will take this gil and make her work until the money is paid h, no! (Pause) Scene Two Leottic and Godiva My Lord, My lady Gooiva. You look sad, what is the matter? My lord, i is the people, they are very unhappy. Not taxes again! Every day you say the same. People pay too many taxes. Don't you understand | must have my money! But the people can't pay anymore, my lord Godiva: Leotti: Godiva: My Looftic: Goatva: Leofrc: Godiva: Leotrie: Godiva: ‘An, you're @ woman, you cant understand, We need an army. The French ‘are strong. One day they'l attack us. But my lord. (interrupting) Enough! | have heard enough about taxes, and about the people, lord, | must beseech you, they cannot pay anymore. Godiva,’ this is my last word. You can stop the people paying taxes if you will. My lord, | will do anything. Tell me, what do | have to do? Ride on horseback through the market place on Saturday, at noon, (questioningly) My lord? — naked! (horritied) On! (pause) ‘Scene Three Radio Announcer: This Is the Coventry Local radio station, broadcasting on 104 metres, Tom Ranut Hore is the twelve o'clock news, Saturday 10th June 1061 News has reached us that the people of Coventry are complaining ‘about the heavy taxes, which they must pay. A spokesman for Earl Leoftic said this moming that an’ announcement about future taxes would be made at noon in the market place. We are going over Row to, our reporter in the market place, Tom Ranul ‘This is'Tom Ranuif speaking to you from the first floor window of the town hall here in Conveniry.There must be 5,000 people gathered here this morning to hear a message from Leotric, Ear! of Mercia, about the taxes we shall have to pay. In the distance, | can see @ figure approaching on horseback. (more and more surprised) The crowd are faling silent. Many are turing to face the house behind them... some are bowing their Neads... others are covering their eyes with their caps. The horse is, ‘coming nearer. | can just make out who Is sitting on it. I's our lady Gosiva, wite of Leoftic. Her ong hair is faling over her shoulders. Now | can see more clearly, Oh! Good Lord! How extraordinary, (whistles) She's — she's naked! THE LOCH NESS MONSTER (unit 27) Characters Interviewer (B8C) Mis Mackay John Dixon (ex-student at Birmingham University) Mr Sma 's there a monster in Loch Ness in Scotiand? Many people think so. Many people certainly hope that there is. The people who hope that there is a monster there cal it “Nessie” Interviewer: Mrs Mackay: Interviewer: Mrs Mackay: Interviewer: Mis Mackay: Interviewer: Mrs Mackay: Interviewer: Mrs Mackay: Interviewer: Mrs Mackay: Interviewer: Mis Mackay: Interviewer: Me Smith Interviewer: Mr Smith Interviewer: 208 Loch Ness is in Scotland. itis a lake 96 km long and the water is very deep, and very dark. It is also very, very cold, but strangely, the water ever freezes. Many fish live there, so i's a perfect home for very large water creatures. Many people believe that a large creature does indeed live there. In 1872 and again in 1932 there were reports, They described a very large animal, which looked like a boat, People saw this animal in the water, swimming very fast. In 1933, Mr and Mrs MacKay saw the animal, Mrs MacKay, can you tell us what you saw? Yes, | was with my husband, and we were in the car. We were driving along the road beside Loch Ness, going from Inverness to Glasgow. What did you see? Suddenly, my husband saw an enormous animal in the water What did it 1ook tke? It had a tong neck, and a head which looked lke a snake. Could you see anything else? Yes. it" had big humps on its back Go on Well it also had a very long tail, which was splashing on the water. How long would you say the animal was? I's difficut to say. | should think eight, or perphaps ten metres long How long was it there for? It wasn't there for very long. We saw it for perhaps two or three minutes, then it went under the water, Mr and Mrs MacKay are not the only people to have seen the Monster. Many thousands of people have seen i. So many people have seen it that in fact i's now called “Nessie”. The interesting thing is that all the descriptions are the same, and this is most unusual. Everybody says i's hhatwean seven and ten metres long, and the skin ie a very dark colour It has a jong neck and 2 head like a snake. Unfortunataly, there are no good photographs of it Most people see the Monster when it's in the water, but sometimes it ‘comes on to the land. Mr Smith, | think that you live’ near Loch Ness? Yes, that's right, ‘And is It true that you've seen the Loch Ness Monster? Yes, that's right. It was in 1952. | was with my father in the car and we were coming home at night. Suddenly, we came round a corner, and we aw this.. this thing on the road! Go on. Tell me. What was it like? Me Smith Interviewer: Mr Smith Interviewer: Mr Dixon: Interviewer: Mr Dixon: Interviewer: Mr Dixon Interviewer: John Dixon: Interviewer: John Dixon: interviewer: John Dixon: interviewer: John Dixon: interviewer: ohn Dixon: Interviewer: Well it had a ong neck — several metres. long —— and great big flippers. What did you do? We tured the car round as fast as we could, and we drove away! Scientists are also very interested in “Nessie. In 1973, some students from Birmingham University came to ty and find the Monster. Mr Dixon, in 1972 you were a student at the Birmingham University Yes, thai's right. That was the year we went to tty and find "Nessie" Tell: me what you found. Wel, we had some sonar equipment Can' you tell me quickly what that is? You use sonar equipment for marking pictures using sound waves, Tell me what you saw, Mr Dixon We saw two stiange, large animals, about ten metres long in our sonar beam. Can you tell me how long you saw them for? Yes, we saw them clearly for about ten minutes. They moved very fast Anything else? ‘Yes, they dived very deep. Can you tel me what they looked lke? Yes. You won' believe this, but 10 us they looked like Plesiosaurs Plesiosaurs?... But... but thatt impossible! Plesiosaurs, Yes, | know what you aie going to say. Plesiosaurs became extinct ‘shty-five milion years ago. So, who or what is "Nessie"? Is there only one Monster, or is there a family of Monsters, and can “Nessie be a Plesiosaur? Does this mean that there are some prehistoric monsters sil iving amongst us, in the middle of Scotland? THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN (Unit 29) Characters Narrator Chaieman Shipton Voices Narrator: Chairman: Shipton: Voice: Shipton, Voice: ‘Another voice: Chairman: Shipton Voice: Chairman: Shipton: Lady's voice: Chairman, Shipton 2nd Lady: Shipton: Voice: Shipton Chairman: Shipton: Voice: 210 ‘The scene is the Royal Geographical Society in London, The time is october 1951, ‘Order! Ladies and Gentlemen, order please! Ladies and Gentlemen, | have great pleasure in introducing to you Mr Eric Shipton. Mr Shipton ‘is, as you know, the leader of our expedition to the Himalayas, Several Weeks ago, as you know, he reported by radio that he had found footprints in the snow. These were of such a strange nature, thal we have brought him back from Nepal to report to us here at the Society, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr Shipton, Ladies and Gentlemen, you all know about the Abominable Snowman, the Yet, as he 's called by the Sherpas. There have been reports about the Yeti since the year 1899, when the first footprints were found. Many eople say that it is nothing more than a legend, ‘And so it is! A legend, That is what | thought myset, sir, until tree weeks ago. We were high up on the siopes of Mount Everest in deep snow, when Michael Ward, Sherpa Tensing and myself suddenly saw footprints. I's a hoax. The man is a lar Order! Order, sir. Ladies and Gortiemen, order please! ‘As you well know, the Sherpas believe that the Yeti has the body of an ape and the face ‘of a human, That's a likely story! Please sit, | must ask you to be quit. They believe that it is well over two metres high, and of course, the ‘most interesting feature is its enormous feet. Excusewmne, can | ask a question? Yes, madam. Mr Shipton, you say that the Yeti is over two metres high. No, madam, the Sherpas believe that it is well over two metres high. ‘That is surely bigger than the biggest ape? Itis indeed very large, madam. if itis true. The Sherpas also say that ‘ts body is covered with hair. They think also that it Is very fierce and wild. | wouldnt lke to meet it on a dark night Mr Chaiman, can | ask if the Yeti, as it called, has ever attacked humans? |'m afraid | cannot answer that question, madam. | simply don't know. ‘What | do know is that the Sherpas are very frightened of the Yet (Garcastically) If it exists! AS you say, sit, fit exists, May | continue, Mr Chairman? Yes. Please, cary on, Mr Shipton, we ao all very interested. ‘AS Say, we Saw a line of footprints in the snow. How big were they? Shipton: Voice: Chairman: Shipton: Chaieman: Shipton: Chairman: Shipton: Voice Shipton: Chairman: Shipton: Voice: Shipton: Voice: Shipton. (Chairman: Shipton: We measured them very carefully, and they were well over twelve inches long, ‘Must have been a policeman! Perhaps | could ask a question here, Mr Shipton? When did you find ‘these footprints? It was in the middle of the moming, Mr Chairman, about eleven o'clock as | remember, ‘And was the light good? Was the sun out? ‘Yes, the weather was perfect, Mr Chairman, and the footprints were very clear indeed. Go on, Mr Shipton, tell us some more about these footprints The footprints went on for a good two kilometres, before we lost them in the rocks, ‘Are you saying that these footprints went for two kilometres? There must have been hundreds of prints Yes, sit. That is quite correct. There were hundreds of footprints and we Couid see each of them very clearly, Can you describe them, Mr Shipton? Yes, sir. Each print clearly showed the toes and the heel Did you take any photographs? Yes, sir. We did, and | now nave the pleasure in showing you an enlarged Photograph on’ one of the footprints. A footprint of the Abominabie Snowman, the Himalayan Yet. How far apart were the foot prints? ‘They were one and a half to two metres apart That means that they were made by a very large animal, You are right, Mr Chairman. The animal must have been very large indeed, WOMEN AT WORK Equality in employment (Unit 31) Characters Telephone callers Chairman. Quentin Simpson Joan Bennet Mrs Gammon (Retired teacher) Gillan Morison Rosemary Francis (Bank executive) Mr Davidson Mr Brown (Personnel director for Moss Engineering Ltd) Chairman: Joan Bennet Chairman: Mr Brown: (Chairman: Mrs Gammon: (Chairman: Mrs Gammon: Chairman: Mrs Gammon: 212 Good moming. For the next fiteen minutes we shall be bringing you ‘our reguiar Monday morning phone-in-programme. This week Our topic is “Women at work”. To discuss this topic with me we have Mrs Winifred ‘Gammon, who is a retired teacher having spent many years teaching in a gi'school in North London. Then we have Mrs Rosemary Francis. ‘She began work as a bank clerk, but she tells me that what begun as “just a jOb' soon turned into a career. She Is now a top executive for a Yeading bank, and specializes In loans to industry. Finally, we have Peter Brown, who’ is a personnel director for an engineering firm in the Midlands, and has recently appointed two young women to managerial positions in the company. Now for our first calle. Helio, caller, wil you tell us your name, please? Yes, good moming, Mr Simpson, my name is Joan Bennet, and my Question is: Why is it that so few women get jobs as managers? ‘Thank you very much for that question. Let me repeat it. Why is i that 80 few women get jobs as managers? Mr Brown. fm to say that the most important reason in my opinion is because many people sil think that a woman's most important job is to have children. In the old days, many children died soon after being born, and very few people lived to an old age. Before we had machines, nearly all jobs ware done by human beings, and it was necessary for families to have as many children as possible. Many people saw children as the best, in fact, the only insurance for old age. Of course, these conditions have changed, but human nature changes very slowly Thank you very much, Mrs Gammon, what would you like to say about this subject? What was the caller's name again? Joan Bennet | think that one of reasons why women don't get many top jobs, Mrs Bennet, is because men belive that women are too emotional. Even (today, wien women have more freedom and equally than ever before, there ‘are many men who have stiong prejudices against them. Women are supposed to be emotional, timid, given to panic. They are supposed to gossip a great deal, and they are thought to be ‘catty’ about other People. Above all, one of the reasons, | think, why women don't get many top Jobs is because people think that they are unable to keep a Secret, and that they have no sense of humour. Do you agree with these views, Mrs Gammon? No, | certainly do not. It is quite wrong to attach these characteristics only to women. As'| know from my own experience, men gossip just as much as women do. Chairman: Joan Bennet Chairman: Gilian: Chairman: Mis Francis: Chairman: Mr Brown: Gila: Mr Brown: Chairman: Mr Davidson: (Chairman: Mrs Francis: Thank you very much for those views. | hope that you found them interesting, Mrs Bennet Yes, thank you very much We have another question now. Who is our caller? My name is Gillian Morrison, and | should like to hear something about ‘sex discrimination legislation. Can you tell me what this means in practice, please. Yes, thank you for that question. It's about sex discrimination legislation Rosemary Francis? Yes, one aspect of the Employment Protection Act conceins maternity ‘An employer cannot give @ woman the sack for becoming pregnant. If she has a job which would be dangerous for a pregnant woman, such {as being a radiologist, then her employer must offer her an alternative |b, until the baby is bom. Women also have the right to get their job back, up to twenty-nine weeks after the baby is born. They may not get exactly the same job, but they do have a right to get back to the same employer. Thank you. Have you anything to add, Mr Brown? its Miss Morison, isn't t? Well, Mrs Morrison, actually, I'm sony, Mrs Morrison. | would simply like to add that the Equal Pay ‘Act also ‘says thet women must have the same pay as men, and that women’s work must be given the same value as a man’s job. It also ‘says that women must have the same holidays as men, and must have the same conditions of work, such as shift work, bonuses and luncheon vouchers. | tnink’ we have time for one more shor question, Who is our caller Good moming, Chaiman, my name is Davidson, and | lve in Tunbridge Wols. | just want to say that am very saddened to hear all the comments by the members of your pane. My question is tis fnt rue that ho ‘number of divorces in this country is going up every year? Don' the ‘members of the panel know that there is already a very large number ‘of broken homes, and of children living with only one parent? Aren't the ‘members of the panel aware that juvenile crime is becoming @ very Serious problem in this country? Now the reason for all this Is that far 100 many women are going out to work. There are more married women at work in this country than in any other country in Europe, and this is development which ought to be stopped. | would like 10 ask the panel why they dont come out with the truth {and say that more giris should be prepared to stay at home when they get married and look after their children, This would have the added advantage of reducing unemployment, since many women are taking away tne Jobs that men ougm to be doing. Well, that is a difficut question for us to answer, Mr Davidson, in the remaining few minutes of this programme, but’! wil ask our panel members to reply. Mrs Francis? | think Mr Davidson is talking nonsense, and moreover | think he knows that he is talking nonsense. In this society we are trying to ensure that ‘women are equal to men in every respect. This means that they should bbe free to seek employment, and i means in particular that they should be able to have the jobs which up to now have been cone oniy by men. Why is it that there are so few women bank managers? Why is, 213 Chairman: Mr Brown: Chairman: it that there are harly any women members of Pariament? Why isi that there are 80. few women head teachers. in our ‘comprehensive schools? Does Mr Davidson think that fs because women are incapable Of doing these jobs? Women in our society must be free 10 make their own decisions, Some may wish to stay at home to bring up their chiren. Of course, one possiblity ‘that’ men. of some men at any rato, may wish 10 stay at home and look attr the chicren, whi thei wives go out to work. Other women may wish 10 work at the same time as banging up a young family, and then there fs the possibilty that' some women may Wart "© devote themselves fo a job, and not have a famiy at al. But the most important thing Is that they should be free to make their own choice No, Mr Davidson, you will have to think again Im aid that you wil have to learn to be more up to-date, Tank you Rosemary Is there anything that you would like to say, Mr Brown? This wil have to bo.a shor answer, '™m aad Wel, Rosemary hasnt answered the first part of the caller's question, you know. i seems to me that thore is a case to be answered. None of us can be happy about the lage number of divorces, and none of us can be content to see the large number of broken homes, or the very igh figure for chiidren Iving with one parent. However, | agree with Rosemary, we cannot try 10 80ve ths. problem By ‘discriminating against women in employment ‘Thank you very much. There we have to bring our programme to an fend, Thank you very much for caling Unt next weok, at tho samo tne TRISTAN DA CUNHA (Unit 32) Characters Tristan Da Cunha is one of the loneliest places in the world. It is a group of three tiny island, right in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, and the biggest one is called Tristan, Radio Reporter: Radio Reporter: Mari: Radio Reporter: Maria: Radio Reporter: Maria: Radio Reporter. Maria's father: Radio Reporter: Maria's father: Here today at the Port Of Southampton, the people of Tristan da Cunh are preaparing to return to the tiny Island, Tristan, in the Middle of the South Atlantic. ‘The history of the island is fascinating. A small group of English soldiers ‘came to the island in the year 1816, after the end of the war against Napoleon. They only stayed for a year, however, and they left again in 1817. One particular soldier whose name was Wiliam Glass, decided that he’ would remain on the island with his wife and two children. So. ail the other soldiers sailed away, leaving the Glass family on the tiny island, right in the middle of the’ ocean, Several years later, some sailors, togothor with some women, also ame to live on the island. They came from another island called St Helena which is 1,500 miles to the north. The tiny population settled down and had large families, and the people we are here to see for the last time aro the descendants of those families In 1961, the volcano in the middle of the island began to erupt. The only vilage was in danger, and the entire population of 264 people had to be taken away from the island in fishing boats. They were brought here to England, and they have lived here since that time, Now most af them are to go back to their island. | have with me here @ young woman who will soon be sailing away 10 lve in one of the lonaliest places in the whole world. Maria tell me. How did you like it in England? Well, i's allright. But tts not home, ‘Are you going ta go back with the others to Tristan da Cunha? Yes, | am. Tell’ me, why are you going back to the lonaly island? Don't you lke the ite here? Well, | don't ike the weather very much. | dont like the cold, and the {frost and the snow. We never have any frost on Tristan, ‘Are there any other reasons? Yas. We find it very worring 10 think all the time about money. We on't need money on Tristan What! You don't have any money? Yas, that's right. | have hete also Maria's father. You're going back to Tristan da Cunha 100! Yos, | am. Could you tell us something about the island of Tristan? Well, itis @ small island, and its circular in shape, 215 Radio Reporter: How big is i? Maria's father: It mneasures about six miles across. In the middle there is @ volcano, which is over 6,000 feet high Radio Reporter: That's about 2,000 metres. What's the weather like? Mavia's father: Well, the climare is damp, but mild. There's a lot of rain, but there's never any frost Radio Reporter: Are there any animals on the island? Maria's father: Wel, there are lots of birds which live on the island and the sea is full of fish, and there are many seals, 100, which live on the rocks. Radio Reporter: What do you have to eat? Maria's father: We grow potatoes and apples, and we have lots of cattle and sheep and geese. We also go out and catch lobsters, which are a great delicacy. Radio Reporter: Where do you Ive? Maria's father: There is only ona town. Well, its not really a town, i's only a small village, and its called Edinburgh. Radio Reporter: Tell me, where is the nearest chlization? Maria's father: That's 4 long way away. The nearest mainland is the cape of Good Hope, and that’s 1,800 miles to the east, Radio Reporter: Well, | wish you the very best of luck in your journey back to your island, ‘And 0 the people of Tristan da Cunha are going back to their island, They are taking one doctor and one dentist with them. They are returning to a life of wind and rain and loneliness. They don't want ‘our civiization NOTIUNI DE GRAMATICA ARTICOLUL Artcoll Roti in imba engleza este THE pentru toate genurle, att la singular ft $i la. plural Articolul nehotarft UN, O este A inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu o consoana (@ book) si AN inaintea cuvintelor care incep cu vocala (an inkpot). Este acelasi pentru toate genurile. ‘SUBSTANTIVUL Exista patru genuri: ) genul masculin, cuprinzind substantive care denumesc persoane de sex masculin: boy, husband, king, milkman ) genul feminin, ‘pentru substantive care denumesc persoane de sex feminin: girl, woman, wife, waitress. ©) genul neutru, cuprinzind substantive care denumesc obiecte gi animale: dog, elephant, purse, window. ) genul comun’ (common gender) cuprinzind substantive care au aceeasi forma si pentru feminin si pentru masculin: teacher — profesor, profesoars pupil — elev, eleva’ doctor — doctor, doctorita student — student, studenta, Deosebirea dintre substantivele masculine gi feminine se face in urm&toarele feluri: a. Se intrebuinfeaza cuvinte diferite, de exemplu: Masculin nephew = nepot niece = nepoata fu daughter = fic’ unchi aunt = matus b. Se adauga un sufix: actor — actress; prince — princess; waiter — waitress. . La numele indicind locuitorul unei far, terminate in sh gi ch, genul e indicat cu ajutorul cuvintelor man—woman; a Frenchman — a Frenchlady an Englishman — an Englishwoman Pluralul substantivelor se tormeaz’ de regula adugindu-se terminatia -8, -e6 substantivelor la singural. Acest -8 se pronunja z in afar’ de cazurile ‘cind este precedat de f, k, p, t. Excepti: 1. unele substantive terminate in f sau fe formeaza pluralul schimbind f in v i primind terminatia es (deci ves). 217 Ex: leat — leaves wolf —wolves knife — knives wife — wives 2, Substantivele terminate in y precedat de o consoana formeaza pluralul schimbind pe y in i gi primind -es (deci ies). Ex: baby — babies cherry — cherries dictionary — dictionaries lady — ladies, 3. Substantivele terminate Ex: glass — glasses box — boxes match — matches brush — brushes potato — potatoes 4, Exist substantive care se abat de la toate aceste reguli $i formeaza pluralul jin mod diferit, de obicei prin schimbarea vocalei din radacini: 8, x, ch, sh, 0, z adauga la plural -es: mouse ~~ mice woman — women goose — geese louse — lice tooth — teeth’ child — children foot — feet ox — oxen. man—men ADJECTIVUL Adjectivele calficative care se pun pe linga. substantiv pentru ai ardta insusirea, se aflé de obicei inaintea substantivului pe care il determing, neavind flexiune de gen sau numar. ‘@ new exercise book — un caiet nou Sint cazuri cind se pun in urma substantivului, si anume: a. cind are functie de nume predicativ, adica nu e unit direct cu substantivul i @ despair de acesta prin verbul “a fi" sau aft verb copulativ: (a deveni, a parea, a semana). Ex. The lemmon is yellow — Lamiia este galbena. b. cind adjectivul este insofit de un complement: ex. a glass full of wine = un pahar plin cu vin ¢. cind intr-o propozitie interogativa, format cu auxiliarul a fi, se intreab& daca subiectul are 0 anumita insusire. Ex.: Is that book interesting? Cartea aceea e interesanta? Gradele de comparajie ale aujectivelor in formarea gradelor de comparatie ale adjectivelor se pomeste totdeauna de la POZITIY, de fapt forma de baz a adjectivului, infinita in spefa in dicfionarele explicative Ex: thick = gros Comparativul de superiortate: se formeaz’ de regula prin addugarea sufixului -er, iar superlativul relativ prin adaugarea sufixulul -est adjectivului articulat hotarit. Aceasta regula este valabilé in cazul adjectivelor monosilabice si al nora formate din doua silabe. 218 Positive Comparative of ‘Superiative Superiority thick thicker the thickest easy easier the easiest CComparativul de egalitate se formeaza prin incadrarea adjectivului in coretajia a8..88, Ex: as thick as = la fel de gros ca, tot att de gros ca Comparativul de inferioritate se formeaza folosind corelajia not so (as)... as, sau cu ajutorul adverbului less... than ot as thick as/not so thick as = nu atit de gros ca... less thick than = mai putin gros decit. Articolele cel, cea, cei, cele se traduc in englez& prin THE, la superiativ. — Adjectiveie terminate in -e mut suprima aceasta vocala inaintea terminatilor ser, -est. Ex: ‘large — larger — the largest fine — finer — the finest Adjectivele terminate in -y precedat de 0 consoand, schimba pe y in i inaintea lui -er si -est. Ex: heavy — heavier — the heaviest Daca y este precedat de 0 vocala, atunci ramine neschimbat: Ex: gay — gayer — the gayest (vesel) NOTA: Acest adjectiv este foarte rar folosit in ultimul timp in sensul lui propriu, avind in vedere faptul c& a intrat in raza vulgar a vocabularului. — Adjectivele monosilabice terminate in consoana, 0 dubleaza la comparativ si Superiativ Ex: big — bigger — the biggest — Unele adjective au forme diferite la comparativ si superiativ. buna) good better the best bine weil better the best rau bad worse the worst bolnav il worse the worst mult(a) much more the most mule) many more the most putin litle less the least ADJECTIVELE POSESIVE Se pun intotdeauna inaintea substantivulu My — meu, mea, mei, mele Your — tau, ta, tai, tale His — ui Her — ei Our — nostru, noastra, nostri, noastre Your — vostru, voastra, vostri, voastre Their — lor Ex: my book — cartea mea; your glasses — ochelarit tai; our classroom ‘clas noastra; their teacher — profesorul lor 219 ADJECTIVELE DEMONSTRATIVE singular apropiere wy) ey departare THESE THOSE plural THIS = acosta, aceasta THAT = acela, aceea THESE = acestea, acestia THOSE = acelea, aceia Adjectivele interogative: WHAT = ce, care; WHICH = Au aceleasi forme pentru toate genurile $i numerele, PRONUMELE Pronumele personale Nominativ Acuzativ-Dativ 1 ME —mi-, ma, pe mine, imi You YOU ~ ite, pe tine, ii HE HIM pe el, ji SHE HER —i, -0, pe ea, ji WE US—ne-, pe noi, noua You YOU—v., pe voi, voua THEY THEM —i.,le-, pe ei, lor Pronumele personale corespunzatoare formelor romanesti mii), fiGt), 1, 0, ma, te, ne, va, le se pun intotdeauna in urma verbulul Ex He gives me = el imi da; | thank you = Eu iji muumese (ie) Pronumele reflexive MYSELF = eu insumifinsémi; pe mine insumifinsami YOURSELF = tu insuti/insati; pe tine insujinsati HIMSELF = el insusi/pe el HERSELF = ea insasiipe ea insasi OURSELVES = noi insin YOURSELVES THEMSELVES = ei insisi, ele insele, pe ei insigi, pe ele insele ONESELF = pe sine insusi (nsasi) Ex | shall go there myself = Ma voi duce (chiar) eu insumi acolo Pronumele demonstrative: Sint identice ca forma cu uujectivele demonstratwe, cu. mentunea ca Pronumele inlocuieste substantivul, in timp ce adjectivul sta pe finga acesta, determinindu! A se vedea diferenta: This window is large and clean (adj,) Aceasta fereastra este mare si curata (pron,)That is very diny. Aceea este foarte murdara Pronumele posesive: MINE — al meu, a mea, ale mele, ai mei YOURS — al tau, a ta, ale tale, ai tai HIS — al lui, a lui, ale tui, ai lui 220 HERS —a ei, ale ei, al ei, al ei OURS — a noastra, al nostru, ale noastre, ai nostri YOURS — al vostru, a voastra, ai vostri, ale voastre THEIRS —al lor, a lor, ai lor, ale lor Numerale cardinale gi ordinale Cardinal Ordinal 1 one the first 2 two the second 3 three the third 4 four the fourth 5 five the fifth 6 sk the sixth 7 seven the seventh 8 eight the eighth 9 nine the nineth 10 ten the tenth 11 eleven the eleventh 12 twelve the twelfth 43 thirteen the thiteenth 14 fourteen the fourteenth 15 fifteen the fifteenth 16 sixteen the sixteenth 17 seventeen the seventeenth 18 eighteen the eighteenth, 19 nineteen the nineteenth 20 twenty the twentieth 21 twenty-one the twenty-first 22 twenty-wo the twenty-second 30 thirty the thirtieth’ 40 fourty the fourtieth 50 fifty the fitieth 60 sixty the sixtieth 70 seventy the seventieth 80 eighty the eightieth 90 ninety the ninetieth 100 one (a) hundred the hundreath hundred = suta thousand = mie million = milion billion = miliard VERBUL Verbe regulate: Cele mai multe verbe in limba engleza sint regulate si se conjuga astel: Indicativ prezent: | ask We ask You ask You ask He asks They ask She asks La ingicativul prezent numai persoana a Illa singular primeste un -8, celelalte rAminind neschimbate. in cazul verbelor terminate in ch, sh, #9, x, terminatia la persoana a Illa va fi -e8. Ex: She catches, he dresses. Verbele terminate in y precedat de 0 consoana, schimb& pe y in | si primesc terminatia -es. ° Ex: he coppies. Verbele terminate in 0% primesc de asemenea terminajia -es: Ex: he goes, she does Forma interogativa: Do | ask? Do we ask? Do you ask? Do you ask? Does he ask? Do they ask? Does she ask? Forma negativa: | do not ask. We do not ask You do not ask. He does not ask. ‘She does not ask Forme contrase: «do not = don't does not = doesn't Forma interogariv-negativa: They do not ask. Don't | ask? Don't we ask? Don't you ask? Don't you ask? Doesn't he ask? Don't they ask? Doesn't she ask? Cu exceptia verbelor auxiiare HAVE si BE, toate verbele in limba engleza se conjuga la formele simple interogative si negative cu ajutorul auxiiarulul DO/DOES. Past Tense La Imperfect si Perfect Simplu verbele regulate primesc terminalia -ed: | asked ‘We asked ‘You asked You asked He asked ‘They asked She asked Forma negativa: I did not ask We did not ask. You did not ask He/She did not ask They did not ask Forma contrasa: did not = didn't Forma interogativa: Did | ask? Did we ask? Did you ask? Did you ask? Did he ask? Did they ask? Did she ask? Forma interogativ-negativa: Didn't /you/he/she/we/they ask? Future Tense Viitoru! se exprima cu ajutorul auxiliarelor SHALL/WILL urmate de infintiv: Pentru persoana | singular si plural se foloseste auxiliarul SHALL, iar pentru restul persoanelor se foloseste auxiliarul WILL 222 | shall ask We shall ask You will ask You will ask He will ask They will ask She will ask Forma negativa | shall not (shan't) ask He will not (won't) ask. Forma interogativé: Shall | ask? Will he ask? ‘Mai-mult-ca-perfectul (Past Perfect) se formeaza cu ajutorul auxilarului HAVE la trecut, deci HAD plus participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat: Ex: had asked about that book before you even heard its title. Eu intrebasem de cartea aceea inainte ca tu s& fi afl ttl Conditionalul prezent se formeaza cu ajutoru! auxiliarelor SHOULD/WOULD, urmate de infinitivul verbului de conjugat | should not ask. You would not ask Conditionalul trecut se formeaza de la conditionalul prezent al verbului to have, urmat de participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat Ex: | should have asked; You would have asked. Particjpiul prezent se formeaza adaugind terminajia -Ing la forma de infinitiv a verbului Ex: to ask = a intreba; asking = intrebind La verbele terminate in -e, aceasta vocala se suprima inaintea lui -ing. Ex: to smoke = a fuma; smoking = fumind. Verbele terminate intr-o consoand precedaté de vocala accentuaté, igi dubleaz’ consoana final to sit = a sedea; sitting = sezind Participiul recut se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ed formei de infinitiv a verbului regulat: ask — asked Conjugarea progresiva Cind dorim sa_exprimam 0 actiune prezent’, trecuta sau vittoare in desfasurare, se intrebuinjeaza forma progresiva. Aceasta forma de conjugare Se formeaza din verbul auxiiar to be la timpul respectiv, plus partcipiul prezent al verbului de conjugat (forma -ing) Ex: Iam asking = eu intreb | was asking = eu intrebam Conjugarea verbelor auxiliare to have si to be TO HAVE (a avea) Indicativ prezent I have We have You have He/she has They have Imperfectul si pertectul simplu: I had We had You had He/She had They had Mai-mult-carpertectul: | had had We had had You had had He/She had had They had had Vitorul: 1 shall have You will have Conditionalul prezent: | should have We would have Conditionalul trecut: | should have had We would have had Imperativul: Let me have Let him (her) have Let us have Let them have Participiul prezent: Having Pantcipiul trecut: Had TO BE (a fh) Indicativ prezent: Lam We are You are You are He/She is They are Impertectut: twas We were You were You were He/She was They wore ‘Mai-mult-ca-perfectul: | had been We had been You had been He/She had been They had been Vitor | shall be You will be Conditionalul prezent: | should be ‘ We would be Conditional trecut: | should have been He would have been Let me be Let him/her be Let us be Let them be Participiu! prezent:Being Participiul trecut: Been Imperativul: ADVERBUL: Majoritatea adverbelor se formeazai din adjective, carora li se adaugai terminatia sly asttel: bad — badly general — generally ard — hardly 224 quick — quickly real — really usual — usually Adjectivele terminate in -le schimba terminatia -ly, devenind adverbe. Ex: considerable — considerably probable — probably simple — simply Adjectivele terminate in -y precedat de 0 consoana, schimba pe y in i inaintea terminatiel -ly. Ex: easy — easily happy — hap Unele adjective sint identice cu adverbele: fast = repede, rapid litle = mic, putin Gradele de comparatie La adverbe gradele de comparatie sint aceleagi ca la adjective gi se formeazs jn aceleasi modu. Pozitiv Comparativ Supertativ badly worse the worst far farther the farthest further the furthest late later the latest the last = utimul title less the least well better the best PREPOZITIA: Prepoziile sint cuvinte scurte care fac legatura intre pairjile de ‘baz ale vorbiri. in limba engleza, dupa prepozijie, pronumele care urmeaz’ se pune in cazul acuzativ, iar substantivul primeste articol. (ex. A friend of mine = un prieten de-al meu); before the window = in fata ferestrei; De asemenea, dupa prepozitle AFTER, BEFORE, BY, WITHOUT, IN, OF, TO, WHICH, verbele se pun la participiul prezent: Ex: After giving = dupa ce a dat; without making = fara a face. CITEVA VERBE NEREGULATE ‘Simple Present beat (a bate) begin (a incepe) bring (a aduce) urn (a arde) build (a constr) buy (@ cumpara) catch ( prinde) ‘come (a veri) cut ( t8ia) do (a face) drink ( bea) drive (a sofa) feat (a minca) feel (a sim) find (@ gsi) fly (@ zbura) forget (a uita) ‘get (a obfine) sive (a da) 90 (@ merge) hear (a auz’) keep ‘(a pasta) leave (a pleca) (@ paras) light (@ aprinde) make (a face) meet (a intin) put (a pune) Toad (@ ct) tun (a alerga) say ( spune) ‘360 (a vedea) sell (a vinde) send (a timte) sit (a gedea) sloep (a dorm) speak (a vorb)) spend (a cheltu, @ consuma) spread (a réspindi) steal (a fura) swim (@ inota) take (@ lua) tear (2 sfiia) toll (a spune) think (a gind) throw (@ arunca) Understand (a inelege) 226 beat | begin 1 bring 1 burn 1 bulls | buy | catch He catches Feome out do He does Vatink | ative | eat 1 feet ina ify He flies orget | get | ove go He goes hear | keep | eave | tight | make meet 5 put | read Sun | say 1 s0e 1 sell | send 1st | sleep | speak | spend | spread | steal | swim | take | tear {tel | think row | understang Simple Past, "beat | began | brought 1 burt 1 built | bought | caught | came lout dia | drank | drove ate Het ound ew oa I made I met | put | read Tran | said saw | sod 1 sent 1 sat 1 slept | spoke | spent | spread 1 stole | swam 1 took 1 tore ‘tala | thought | threw wake (trex) wear (a purta) win (a cistiga) whnsraw (a otrage) vito (a sero) Presemt Pertect F've beaten ve begun ve brought ve burnt ve built I've bought ve caught ve come ve cut ve done ve drunk ve driven We eaten ve felt ve found ve flown {ve forgotten ve got ve given lve gone Ive heard Tye read lve run lve said Ive seen Ive sold lve sent lve sat ve slopt I've spoken Ive spent ve spread He stolen ve swum lve taken ve torn ve told ve thought ve thrown | understood I've understood ii raw 24545 | woke I wore I won | withdrew | wrote woken worn ve won ve withdrawn ve wrtten CUPRINS Cap. 1 intinii Cap. 2 Formule de salut Cap. 3 Nationalitatea Cap. 4 Familia Cap. 5 La cumparaturi Cap. 6 La cumparaturi Cap. 7 Localitati Cap. 8 Cautind drumul Cap. 9 Permisiunea Cap. 10 Calatoria Cap. 11 Probleme da exprimare Cap. 12 Profesii Cap. 13 Acasa Cap. 14 In casa Cap. 15 Trenuri si autobuze Cap. 16 Relatii personale Cap. 17 Mici pasiuni Cap. 18. La restaurant Cap. 19 Hoteluri Cap. 20 Instructiuni Cap. 21 Jocuri gi sporturi Cap. 22 Urgente Cap. 23 Defectiuni Cap. 24 Boala Cap. 25 Vacanta Cap. 26 Invitati Cap. 27 intinir Cap. 28 imbracamintea Cap. 29 Telefonul Cap. 30 Obiecte pierdute Cap. 31 Serviciile Cap. 32 Accidente Cap. 33 Concediut Cap. 34 Micul dejun Cap. 35 Interviu pentru serviciu Cap. 36 Treburi gospodaresti Cap. 37 In grading Cap. 38 Avem musatiri Cap. 39 Ajutoare la copii CAP. 40 Renovari Anexe — Texte audio Nu tu mereu (Cap. 15—20) Ma voi supune (Cap. 21—23) Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 1 Meeting People .... 7 2 Greetings . 4 3 Nationality : 15 4 Family ... 18 5 Shopping 22 6 Shopping 27 7 Places 2 32 8 Finding the Way .... 36 9 Permission 4 10 Travel 46 11 Language Problems 52 12 Jobs 57. 43 Home 62 14 Inside the House |.. 67 46 Trains and Buses .. 72 16 Dealing with People 76 47 Interests ........... 82 18 Eating Out 88 19 Hotels 3 20 Regulations - 98 21 Games and Sports . 102 22 Emergencies . 23 Faults . 24 Iiiness 25 Holidays 26 Invitations. 27 Meetings 28 Clothes 29 Telephoning 30 Loss 31 Services 32 Accidents 33 Holidays 34 Breakfast 35 Job Interview 36 Hausework 37 Gardening 38 Guests 39 Babysitting 40 Renovating Not You Again (Units 15—20) Vl Obey (Units 21—23) 229 Lady Godiva (Cap. 25) ‘Monstrul din Long Ness (Cap. 27) Ingrozitorul Om de Zépada (Cap. 29) Femeile si munca (Cap. 31) Tristan da Cuhna (Cap. 32) Cheva verbe neregulate Caseta 1A Caseta 18 Caseta 2A Caseta 28 Caseta 3A Caseta 3B Caseta 4A Caseta 48 Caseta 5A Caseta 58 Caseta 6A Caseta 68 230 CONTINUTUL CELOR SASE CASETE Lady Godiva (Unit 25) The Long Ness Monster (Unit 27) The Abominable Snowman (Unit 29) Women at Work (Unit 31) Tristan da Cuhna (Unit 32) Cap. 1~Cap. 4 Cap. 4—Cap. 9 Cap. 9 —Cap 1s Cap. 15—Cap. 17 Cap. 17—Cap. 22 Cap. 22—Cap. 27 Cap. 27 — Cap. 32 Cap. 33— Cap. 36 Cap. 37 — Cap. 40 Ghid de conversatie Texte de ascultat Texte de ascuttat

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