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Femeile au jucat un rol important n procesele de

schimbare social din Frana secolului XVIII.

Revoltele care izbucneau n Frana pe timpul
foametei erau conduse n mod tradiional de ctre
Multe femei au luptat cot la cot cu brbaii lor pe
baricade n timpul Revoluiei Franceze. Totui,
dorina lor de a fi considerate egalele brbailor nu s-
a mplinit. Femeile au rmas n afara drepturilor
Puinele succese repurtate de femei pe timpul
Revoluiei Franceze n domeniile educaie i dreptul
familiei au fost limitate de iacobini ncepnd cu
1793. Ei au interzis asociaiile de femei i au restrns
prin lege activitile femeilor la nivelul propriului
cmin. Aceast politic restrictiv a fost continuat
i n timpul domniei lui Napolon I, fiind nregistrat
i n "Code Napolon" (1804), astfel nct de abia la
Revoluia de la 1848 a mai putut fi vorba din nou
despre o micare a femeilor.
Asociaiile femeilor aprute n aceast perioad
criticau ndeosebi legile cstoriei i ncercau s
impun cu ajutorul petiiilor dreptul de vot pentru
sexul slab. n aceast perioad a aprut i o micare
feminist proletar deosebit de puternic, aflat sub
influena socialitilor timpurii Charles Fourier i
Flora Tristan. Restauraia ce a urmat Revoluiei de la
1848 nu a fost att de puternic nct s submineze
ntru totul micarea feminist. Succesele s-au lsat
ns ateptate.
Acesta a fost contextul istoric n care scriitoarea
Olympe de Gouges a formulat "Declaraia
drepturilor femeii i ale cetencei". Documentul
este inspirat puternic din "Declaraia drepturilor
omului i ale ceteanului", proclamat n anul 1789.
Ceea ce este revoluionar n coninuturile acestei
Declaraii este implicarea consecvent a femeii n
formulrile i articolele legii:
"Femeia are dreptul s urce pe eafod. La fel, ea
trebuie s aib dreptul s se urce la tribun pentru a
Women played an important role in the process of
social change in the eighteenth century in France. The
riots that broke out in France during 1789 were
traditionally led by women.
Many women fought alongside their men on the
barricades during the French Revolution. However,
their desire to be considered equal to men was not
The few successes scored by women during the French
Revolution in fields such as education and family rights
were limited by Jacobins from 1793. They have banned
women's associations and women's activities. This
restrictive policy was continued during the reign of
Napoleon I, as recorded in "Code Napoleon" (1804), so
only in the Revolution of 1848 we could speak again
about a women's movement.
Women's associations, emerged in this particular
period, criticized the marriage laws and tried to impose
with petitions the right to vote for woman. This was the
historical context in which the writer Olympe de
Gouges elaborated the "Declaration of the Rights of
Women and Female Citizens." The document was
inspired from the "Declaration of Human Rights and
Citizen", proclaimed in 1789. What was revolutionary
in this program was the major involvement of woman:
"Women have the right to ascend the scaffold. They
must be allowed to climb the podium to address the
crowd." Article XV: Female population, that carries
equal contribution of men has the right to ask any
public instance account on how they spent the money.

se adresa mulimii."
Ea a trimis aceast declaraie Adunrii Generale spre
ratificare. Declaraia a trezit interes att n Frana ct
i n strintate. n plus, ea a mai elaborat i un
"Contract social ntre brbat i femeie" (analog
textului lui Rousseau, "Contrat Social"). De Gouges
dorea s nlocuiasc cstoria cu un contract bazat
pe drepturi egale. n ceea ce o privea, femeia era
deosebit de important prin simplul fapt c acesteia
i revenea sarcina de a nate copii. De aceea, ea a
atribuit femeii ca mam drepturi speciale. Cu aceste
idei revoluionare ea a contestat concepiile lui
Rousseau i ale adepilor lui, precum i ale
conductorilor Revoluiei. Pentru c acetia
consideraser c rolul biologic al femeii o excludea
pe aceasta n mod automat de la orice activitate
politic public.
Olympe de Gouges a fost executat de regimul
revoluionar al terorii n anul 1793. n acelai an,
Adunarea General a scos n afara legii cluburile
femeilor aprute dup Revoluie, emind i o lege
care le interzicea acestora s se ntruneasc. Din
cauza faptului ca femeile formasera mai multe
partide in functie de dorintele lor, nu au putut sa se
uneasca in vederea realizarii scopului lor comun .
Aa au euat toate speranele lor de a fi considerate
egalele brbailor. "Declaraia drepturilor femeii i
ale cetencei" a zcut mult vreme neobservat prin
arhive, nefiind inclus pe lista oficial a
documentelor vremii. De abia odat cu apariia
micrii feministe ea a fost redescoperit i
confirmat n statutul ei de document istoric unic i
Frana:. Lupta femeilor franceze a fost una din cele
mai de durat. Chiar dac Frana fusese prima ar
european care introdusese principiul dreptului
universal i egal de vot pentru brbai, ea a
recunoscut femeilor drepturi depline de vot de abia
n anul 1944. De abia n anii 1980 au fost nlturate
i ultimile articole discriminatoare din dreptul civil.

She sent this declaration to the General Assembly for
ratification. The act awakened interest both in France
and abroad. In addition, she elaborated a "Social
Contract between man and woman" (analogous to
Rousseau's text, "The Social Contract"). De Gouges
wanted to replace marriage with a contract based on
equal rights. As far as she was concerned, women were
extremely important because it was for thmr to give
birth. Therefore she attributed women special rights.
With these revolutionary ideas she questioned the
views of Rousseau, of his followers and the leaders of
the Revolution, because they had considered that the
biological role of a woman automatically excluded her
from any public political activity.

Olympe de Gouges was executed by the revolutionary
regime of terror in 1793. In the same year, the General
Assembly outlawed women clubs emerged after the
revolution, issuing a law that forbade them to meet.
Because women had formed several parties according
to their wishes could not unite in order to achieve their
common goal. So they all failed their hopes of being
considered equal to men. "Declaration of the Rights of
Women and Female Citizens' for a long time lain
unnoticed in the archives, not being incorporated in the
official list of documents of the time. Only with the
emergence of the feminist movement it has been
rediscovered and confirmed in its status as unique and
valuable historical document.
France:. French women's struggle was one of
the most enduring. Even if France was the first
European country which had introduced the
principle of universal and equal voting rights to
men, it admitted women full voting rights only
by 1944. Only by 1980 were removed the last
discriminating articles from the civil law.

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