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CZU 338.48(478) CZU: 338.48(478)


Conf. univ., dr. n econ. Nicolae PLATON,
Assoc. Prof., PhD, Nicolae PLATON
Director al Centrului de Informare
Director of the Tourism Information
i Promovare n Domeniul Turismului
and Promotion Center
din Republica Moldova,
of the Republic of Moldova
Dezvoltarea economiilor individuale ale
statelor lumii, reducerea barierelor comerciale i Development of individual economies of
lrgirea schimburilor economice i culturale countries of the world, reducing trade barriers
internaionale, precum i globalizarea au creat and broadening international economic and
condiii favorabile pentru participarea unui cultural exchanges, as well as globalization have
numr, n continu cretere, de ri i persoane created favorable conditions for the participation
la circulaia turistic. of a growing number of countries and people in
Pretendenii la includerea n circuitul turis- tourism traffic.
tic trebuie s asigure: individualizarea ofertei, Pretenders to be included in the tourism cir-
diversificarea formelor de petrecere a vacanelor cuit should provide: individualization of supply,
pentru turiti, acordarea de faciliti, noi forme de therefore, are focused on the type of holiday they
agrement i, de aceea, se axeaz asupra tipului de want to spend. Thus, countries with tourism
vacan pe care doresc s o petreac. Astfel, rile potential that intend to attract foreign tourists
cu potenial turistic, care intenioneaz s atrag need to know who they are, from which country,
turitii strini, au nevoie s afle cine sunt acetia, age, interests, in order to meet their requirements
din care ri provin, vrsta, interesele, pentru a and requests. In this context, it is argued the role
face fa cerinelor i solicitrilor lor. n acest and need for the creation of Office and Tourism
context, se argumenteaz rolul i necesitatea Information and Promotion Centers in attracting
crerii Biroului i a Centrelor de Informare i
and qualitative service of foreign tourists.
Promovare Turistic n atragerea i deservirea
Key words: tourism industry, tourism area,
calitativ a turitilor strini.
tourism brand, inbound tourism, tourism infor-
Cuvinte-cheie: industrie turistic, zon
mation office, tourism information and promotion
turistic, brand turistic, turism receptor, birou de
informare turistic, centre de informare i pro-
JEL: M1, M21.
movare turistic.
JEL: M1, M21.
Introducere Tourism promotion activity should be a
Activitatea de promovare turistic tre- constant concern for any state that wishes to
buie s fie o preocupare continu a oricrui stat become a demanded tourism destination.

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care i dorete s devin o destinaie turistic Of course, a small state, with limited finan-
solicitat. cial resources as the Republic of Moldova, cannot
Desigur, un stat mic i cu resurse finan- afford to carry out promotional campaigns con-
ciare limitate, cum este Republica Moldova, nu stantly. But the state has to maintain a minimum
i poate permite s desfoare, n permanen, visibility for being permanently in the focus of
campanii de promovare, dar obligativitatea statu- tourists who intend to travel in order to meet new
tului rezid n meninerea unui minimum necesar tourism destinations.
de vizibilitate, pentru a fi permanent n vizorul The experience of developed countries in
turitilor, care intenioneaz s cltoreasc cu terms of tourism show that, as rich is the tourism
scopul de a cunoate noi destinaii turistice. potential of the country, its highlighting cannot
Experiena rilor dezvoltate, din punct de achieve by itself, but only due to a close colla-
vedere turistic, demonstreaz c, orict de bogat ar boration between business and the state in the
fi potenialul turistic al unei ri, punerea n field of tourism promotion.
valoare a acestuia nu se poate realiza de la sine, ci The success and attractiveness of any tou-
numai n urma unei colaborri strnse ntre mediul rism destinations depend directly on the image
de afaceri i stat n materie de promovare turistic. and how the target audience perceives this desti-
Succesul i atractivitatea oricrei destinaii nation either on the basis of previous experience,
turistice depind direct de imaginea i de modul n or as a result of interaction with people who have
care publicul-int percepe aceast destinaie, fie visited it, or based on the messages from the
pe baza experienelor anterioare n cadrul ei, fie process of promoting the destination.
n urma interaciunii cu persoane care au vizitat- At the moment, the problem of low visibi-
o, sau pe baza mesajelor comunicate n procesul lity of the country as an international tourism
de promovare a destinaiei. destination is well known and representation
La momentul actual, este binecunoscut efforts of the Republic of Moldova in interna-
problema vizibilitii reduse a rii, ca destinaie tional exhibitions cannot always face the compe-
turistic pe plan internaional, iar eforturile de tition of other countries.
reprezentare a Republicii Moldova n cadrul In our opinion, this article aims to elucidate
expoziiilor internaionale nu ntotdeauna fac fa the issue of poor visibility of the Republic of Mol-
concurenei pe fondul altor ri. dova, while arguing the need to create Tourism
n opinia noastr, prezentu-l articol are Information Office (TIO) as a public institution
menirea de a elucida problematica vizibilitii and a national network of Tourism Information
reduse a Republicii Moldova, totodat, argumen- and Promotion Centers (TIPC).
tnd necesitatea crerii Biroului de Informare The aim of research
Turistic (BIT), ca instituie public i a unei The development of study on the develop-
reele naionale de Centre de Informare i ment trends of international tourism through the
Promovare Turistic (CIPT). impact of Offices and Tourism Information and
Scopul cercetrii Promotion Centers in attracting foreign tourists.
Realizarea studiului privind tendinele de Problem identification
dezvoltare a turismului internaional prin impac- Republic of Moldovas low visibility, lack
tul pe care l au Birourile i Centrele de Infor- of a promotion program, weak positioning com-
mare i Promovare turistic n atragerea turitilor pared to other tourism destinations.
strini. Recommendations
Identificarea problemei Development and approval by the Central
Vizibilitatea redus a Republicii Moldova, Specialized Public Authority of a national
lipsa unui program de promovare, poziionarea strategy of country promotion.
slab n raport cu alte destinaii turistice. Creation of the self-managed public institu-

38 Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017


Recomandri tion Tourism Information Office. Activity

Elaborarea i aprobarea de ctre Autoritatea of the Tourism Information Office will be
Public Central de Specialitate a unei directed towards the development of do-
Strategii naionale de promovare a rii. mestic and inbound tourism, whose indica-
Crearea instituiei publice, la autogestiune, tors, unlike outbound tourism, present a ne-
Biroul de Informare Turistic. Activi- gative dynamics in the recent years.
tatea Biroului de Informare Turistic Creation of Tourism Information and Promo-
urmeaz a fi direcionat spre dezvoltarea tion Centers in the regions, tourism areas,
turismului intern i receptor, indicatorii districts.
cruia, spre deosebire de turismul emitor, Applied methods
prezint o dinamic negativ n ultimii ani. In order to increase the contribution of
Crearea Centrelor de Informare i Promo- science to the recovery, modernization and boost
vare Turistic la nivel de regiuni, zone the Moldovan tourism, during the preparation of
turistice, raioane. this article, the author used the scientific method,
Metode aplicate which provides the problem identification, hypo-
n scopul creterii contribuiei tiinei la thesis generation, data collection and analysis and
redresarea, modernizarea i dinamizarea turis- draw of conclusions. The scientific format allo-
mului moldovenesc, la elaborarea acestui articol, wed us to study various scientific bibliographic
autorul a utilizat metoda tiinific, ce prevede sources of local and foreign authors.
identificarea problemei, formularea unor ipoteze, Results and discussions
colectarea datelor i analiza lor, precum i formu- Reduced visibility of the Republic of Mol-
larea unor concluzii. Formatul tiinific a permis dova according to international experts is a major
studierea diverselor surse bibliografice ale autori- problem in developing the inbound tourism. The
lor locali i strini. Body of the Specialized Public Administration in
Rezultate i discuii the person of Tourism Agency makes certain
Vizibilitatea redus a Republicii Moldova, efforts in this direction, but in the author's opinion
n opinia experilor internaionali, reprezint o they are ineffective. The issue of creating Tou-
problem major n dezvoltarea turismului recep- rism Information Office as a public institution
tor. Organul Administraiei Publice de Specia- and a national network of Tourism Information
litate, n persoana juridic a Ageniei Turismului, and Promotion Centers (TIPC), has been discus-
depune anumite eforturi n aceast direcie, dar, sed by NGOs from the field of tourism since
n opinia autorului, ele sunt ineficiente. Problema 2014. If in the third sector are some movements in
crerii Biroului de Informare Turistic, drept this direction, then at the state level this problem
instituie public i a unei reele naionale de remains unresolved.
Centre de Informare i Promovare Turistic Through this article, the author tries to raise
(CIPT), este discutat de organizaiile non-guver- attention of the Specialized Public Administration
namentale din domeniul turismului nc din anul Body on this issue, while calling on civil society
2014. Dac, n sectorul asociativ, s-au ntreprins and non-governmental sector in the field of
cteva micri n aceast direcie, atunci, la nivel tourism to engage more actively in the creation
de stat, aceast problem rmne nerezolvat. and operation of the Tourism Information Office
Prin prezentul articol, autorul ncearc s as a state public institution.
sensibilizeze Organul Administraiei Publice de As a result of discussions with agencies on
Specialitate privind aceast problem, totodat, the tourism market of the Republic of Moldova,
chemnd societatea civil i sectorul non-guver- as well as non-governmental sector in the field of
namental din domeniul turismului s se implice tourism, the author has identified and described

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mai activ n crearea i funcionarea Biroului de the activities to be carried out by the Tourism
Informare Turistic n calitate de instituie Information Office, as well as the objectives,
public de stat. organization and functioning.
n urma discuiilor cu agenii pieei turis- International tourism trends
tice din Republica Moldova, precum i cu sec- In order to develop a sustainable strategy for
torul non-guvernamental din domeniul turismu- promotion and information of tourists, it is
lui, autorul a identificat i a descris activitile pe necessary to study their preferences and wishes as
care trebuie s le desfoare Biroul de Infor- a world-wide trend. In this regard, the promotion
mare Turistic, obiectivele urmrite, precum i strategy must be demand-oriented and suppose for
modul de organizare i funcionare. tourism destinations to offer tourists what they
Tendinele turismului internaional want and monitor changes that occur in motiva-
Pentru elaborarea unei strategii durabile tion and satisfaction of the tourism product con-
de promovare i informare a turitilor, este nece- sumption in order to update it.
sar studierea preferinelor i doleanelor acestora The international tourism industry evolves
la nivel de trend mondial. n acest sens, strategia in direct connection with the dynamics of the so-
de promovare trebuie s fie orientat spre cerere ciety, economic development and revenue growth,
i presupune ca destinaiile turistice s ofere ceea being based on the modernization of transport
ce vor turitii i s monitorizeze schimbrile units and communication lines.
ce intervin n motivaia i satisfacia consumu-
Areas with tourism historical architectural
lui produsului turistic respectiv, cu scopul de
and cultural resources, as well as natural areas
a-l actualiza.
with green spaces, based on ecological routes can
Industria turismului, la nivel internaional,
be valorized through tourism.
evolueaz n legtur direct cu procesul de
In our opinion, current trends in tourism, in
dinamizare a societii, dezvoltrii economice i
terms of demand, are the following:
creterii veniturilor, avnd ca suport modernizarea
Most traveling tourists want to practice
mijloacelor de transport i a cilor de comunicaie.
an active rest and get acquainted with the
Prin turism pot fi valorificate att zonele cu
resurse turistice istorico-arhitecturale i culturale, history, culture, architecture and heritage
ct i zonele naturale cu spaii verzi, avnd la baz of the countries they visit.
traseele ecologice. Traveling tourists want to satisfy certain
n opinia noastr, tendinele actuale n tu- interests and hobbies. Thus, starting on
rism, din punct de vedere al cererii, sunt urm- vacation, they visit historical and archi-
toarele: tectural sites, are introduced to the culi-
Majoritatea turitilor, care cltoresc, do- nary traditions of the country, studying
resc s practice o odihn activ i s fac the traditions and customs of the natives.
cunotin cu istoria, cultura, arhitectura i Eco-tourism, religious tourism, cultural
patrimoniul rilor pe care le viziteaz. and the adventure tourism are evolving
Turitii, cltorind, doresc s-i satisfac rapidly as forms of tourism development.
anumite interese i hobby-uri. Astfel, por- The host country should be prepared for
nind n vacan, ei viziteaz aezrile isto- such forms of tourism that would satisfy
rice i arhitectonice, fac cunotin cu the tourists preferences.
tradiiile culinare ale rii, studiaz tradi- Many tourists seek for destinations and
iile i obiceiurile btinailor. new tourism products, yet little exploited.
Ecoturismul, turismul religios, turismul This option creates opportunities for
cultural i cel de aventur evolueaz rapid tourism development in the Republic of
ca forme de dezvoltare turistic. ara- Moldova.

40 Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017


gazd trebuie s fie pregtit pentru ase- Tourists are interested in maintaining and
menea forme de turism, care ar satisface improving their health and that is why
preferinele turitilor. balneary tourism is growing. The bal-
Muli turiti caut destinaii i produse neary resorts must be prepared to meet
turistice noi, nc puin valorificate. Aceast the demands of foreign tourists. It's con-
opiune creeaz oportuniti de dezvoltare cerning the type of accommodation, food,
turistic pentru Republica Moldova. quality of services and medical proce-
Turitii sunt interesai de meninerea i dures.
mbuntirea sntii lor i, de aceea, Tourists prefer shorter holidays, but more
turismul balnear ia amploare. Staiunile frequent during the year. This raises the
balneo-climaterice trebuie s fie pregtite opportunity of developing several types
pentru a face fa cerinelor naintate de of tourism, including extra-seasonal that
turitii strini. Este vorba de condiiile de would provide facilities and activities for
cazare, alimentare, calitatea serviciilor i tourists throughout the year.
procedurilor medicale. Senior-scale tourism is increasing. Many
Turitii prefer vacane mai scurte, dar mai old but active people travel. Some special
frecvente pe parcursul unui an. Apare facilities and services, regardless of the
astfel oportunitatea dezvoltrii mai multor season should be designed for them.
forme de turism, inclusiv extrasezoniere, Tourists are becoming more experienced
care s ofere turitilor faciliti i activiti and sophisticated in their travel habits
pe tot parcursul anului. and await diversification of supply,
Ia amploare senior-turismul. Multe per- quality facilities and services.
soane cu vrst naintat, dar active, cl- Business tourism continues to expand
toresc. Pentru ele urmeaz s fie proiectate and bring benefits to the host country.
anumite faciliti i servicii speciale, Many people, travelling for business, can
indiferent de sezon. be considered as tourists during their stay
Turitii devin din ce n ce mai experimen- in the country.
tai i mai sofisticai n deprinderile lor de Tourists are sensitive to environmental
cltorie i ateapt diversificare de ofert, and social issues. They seek well-desig-
faciliti i servicii de bun calitate. ned unpolluted tourism destinations,
Turismul de afaceri continu s se extind avoiding unfair designed destinations
i poate aduce beneficii rii-gazd. Multe with environmental, political or social
persoane, care cltoresc n scop de afa- issues.
ceri, pot fi considerate turiti pe timpul The tourism industry is increasingly
staionrii lor n ara respectiv. using modern technology. Websites,
Turitii sunt sensibili la problemele de blogs and social media have become an
mediu i la cele sociale. Ei caut destinaii important tool for information and
turistice bine proiectate, nepoluate, evitnd marketing.
destinaiile proiectate incorect i cu pro- The tourism competitiveness of the country
bleme de mediu, politice sau sociale. results from the increase of the products quality,
Industria turismului folosete, din ce n ce coupled with a minimum cost, the degree of popu-
mai mult, tehnologia modern. Paginile larizing and promotion, the level of market
web, blogurile i reelele de socializare au research on consumer-tourists preferences, infra-
devenit un important instrument de infor- structure quality and diversity of the tourism
mare i marketing. natural and anthropogenic potential.

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Competitivitatea turistic a unei ri depinde The Republic of Moldova has tourism areas,
de creterea nivelului calitii produselor, corelat cultural traditions, natural and human resources.
cu un nivel minim al costurilor, de gradul de Thus, in the future, tourism can contribute in
popularizare i promovare a ei, de nivelul cerce- higher proportions to GDP formation and employ-
trilor de pia privind preferinele consumatori- ment. Also, tourism industry can provide new
lor-turiti, de calitatea infrastructurii i de diver- opportunities and developing alternative for nu-
sitatea potenialului turistic natural i antropic. merous areas from the Republic of Moldova.
Republica Moldova dispune de zone turis-
Sales promotion has the aim to convince
tice, tradiii culturale, resurse naturale i antro-
tourists through various arguments, on the advan-
pice. Astfel, turismul, pe viitor, poate contribui,
tages of purchasing tourism services for a par-
n proporii mai mari, la formarea PIB i la
ocuparea forei de munc. De asemenea, industria ticular tourism destination. But, nowadays, acces-
turistic poate oferi noi oportuniti i alternative sing information on data of general interest related
de dezvoltare pentru numeroase zone din to the Republic of Moldova, through specialized
Republica Moldova. tourism information and promotion centers, is
Promovarea vnzrilor are rolul de a con- almost impossible due to the lack of such centers.
vinge turitii, prin diverse argumente, de avanta- Tourist areas do not have a proper network of
jele cumprrii serviciilor turistice pentru o specialized centers, allowing tourists to access the
anumit destinaie turistic. Dar, n etapa actual, information and the promotion and development
accesarea informaiilor privind datele de interes levels of tourism information centers is currently
general referitoare la Republica Moldova, prin extremely low. Thus, the question arises, how can
intermediul unor centre specializate de informare we overcome this situation?
i promovare turistic, este aproape imposibil din In our opinion, the solution is to create Tou-
cauza inexistenei a unor astfel de centre. Zonele
rism Information Office (TIO) as a public insti-
turistice nu dispun de o reea corespunztoare de
tution and a national network of Tourism Infor-
centre specializate, menite s permit accesul
mation and Promotion Centers (TIPC) intended
turitilor la informaie, iar nivelul de promovare i
to promote Moldovan tourism. The creation of
dezvoltare al centrelor de informare turistic, n
prezent, este extrem de redus. Astfel, survine this network will provide the necessary logistics
ntrebarea, cum poate fi depit aceast situaie? to facilitate the exchange of information between
n opinia noastr, soluia const n crearea the tourism sector, tourism information centers
Biroului de Informare Turistic (BIT) ca insti- and tourism areas. The introduction of modern
tuie public i a unei reele naionale de Centre information services and development of an
de Informare i Promovare Turistic (CIPT), unified tourism information system will create
cu scopul promovrii turismului moldovenesc. better conditions for storing information and allow
Crearea acestei reele va oferi cadrul logistic sharing of data on tourism activity for local and
necesar facilitrii schimbului de informaii ntre foreign tourists. Such a system can be expanded
sectorul turistic, turiti i centrele de informare and interconnected with other informational sys-
din zonele turistice. Introducerea serviciilor tems, such as for example on-line booking sys-
moderne de informaii i dezvoltarea unui sistem tem, conferences programs / international cultural
unitar de informare turistic vor crea condiii events, etc.
adecvate pentru stocarea informaiilor i vor
Activity of the Tourism Information Office
permite schimbul de date privind activitatea
(TIO) and Tourism Information and Promotion
turistic pentru turitii autohtoni i strini. Un
Centers (TIPC)
astfel de sistem poate fi extins i interconectat cu
alte sisteme de informare, cum ar fi, de exemplu, In the context of the above mentioned the
sistemul de rezervare online, programe de confe- promotion of tourism image of the Republic of

42 Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017


rine/evenimente culturale internaionale etc. Moldova, information of potential visitors about

Activitatea Biroului de Informare Turis- the anthropogenic and natural heritage of the
tic (BIT) i a Centrelor de Informare i Pro- country, ensuring the tourism market with qua-
movare Turistic (CIPT) litative promotional materials by the public insti-
n contextul celor expuse anterior, pro- tution Tourism Information Office (TIO), as
movarea imaginii turistice a Republicii Moldova, well as Tourism Information and Promotion
informarea potenialilor turiti despre patrimoniul Centers (TIPC).
antropic i natural al rii, asigurrii pieei turis-
The activity of the Office and TIPC should
tice cu materiale promoionale de calitate, poate
be directed mainly towards the development of
fi asigurat de ctre instituia public Biroul de
inbound tourism, whose indicators, unlike
Informare Turistic (BIT), precum i a Cen-
trelor de Informare i Promovare Turistic outbound tourism, show negative dynamics since
(CIPT). the proclamation of the independence of the
Activitatea Biroului i a CIPT-urilor tre- Republic of Moldova in 1991.
buie direcionate, preponderent, spre dezvoltarea As objectives in the activity of the Tourism
turismului receptor, indicatorii cruia, spre Information Office can serve:
deosebire de turismul emitor, prezint o dina- positioning of the countrys tourism brand
mic negativ de la proclamarea Independenei as an element of tourism promotion;
Republicii Moldova n anul 1991. development of domestic and inbound
Ca obiective n activitatea Biroului de tourism by promoting the national tou-
Informare Turistic pot servi:
rism product and economic agents from
poziionarea brandului turistic de ar ca
the tourism industry;
element de promovare turistic;
promoting the tourism industry by pub-
dezvoltarea turismului intern i receptor
lishing and selling of promotional mate-
prin promovarea produsului turistic naio-
nal i a agenilor economici din industria rials;
turismului; development and implementation of new
promovarea industriei turistice prin editarea promotional mechanisms through infor-
i comercializarea materialelor promoionale; mation technologies;
elaborarea i implementarea de noi meca- participation in the implementation of
nisme de promovare prin intermediul state policy documents in the field of
tehnologiilor informaionale; tourism;
participarea la implementarea documen- establishment of partnerships to develop
telor de politici ale statului n domeniul national and international importance
turismului; projects in the field of tourism;
formarea de parteneriate pentru elaborarea organization of tourism events (confe-
proiectelor de importan naional i inter- rences, seminars, exhibitions, informa-
naional n domeniul turismului;
tion tours, tourism fairs etc.);
organizarea evenimentelor turistice (confe-
participation and organization of tourism
rine, seminare, expoziii, tururi informa-
attraction measures (traditional feasts,
ionale, trguri de turism etc.);
participarea i organizarea de msuri cu festivals, contests etc.);
atracie turistic (srbtori tradiionale, organization of activities for planning
festivaluri, concursuri etc.); tourism destinations and tourism visibi-
organizarea aciunilor privind amenajarea lity (including installation of tourism
destinaiilor i vizibilitatea turistic (inclu- signs) etc.;

Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017 43


siv instalarea indicatoarelor turistice) etc.; the exchange of data, information and
realizarea schimbului de date, informaii i publications with associations and similar
publicaii cu asociaii, organisme similare entities from the country and abroad;
de profil din ar i strintate; creation and development of travel appli-
crearea i dezvoltarea aplicaiilor turistice, cations, including IT for the development
inclusiv IT pentru dezvoltarea turismului of inbound tourism;
development and implementation of an
elaborarea i realizarea spotului video-
advertising video spot about the tourism
publicitar de ar n domeniul turismului.
in the country.
Funcionalitatea Centrelor de Informare i
Promovare Turistic va asigura urmtoarele acti- Functionality of Tourism Information and
viti: Promotion Centers will provide the following
a) cooperarea cu BIT n materie de promo- activities:
vare turistic; a) cooperation with TIO in tourism pro-
b) informarea general a turitilor asupra motion;
ofertei turistice i a atraciilor turistice din b) general information for tourists on
zona de amplasare a CIPT-ului; tourism offer and tourist attractions in
c) punerea la dispoziia turitilor a materia- the region of TIPC;
lelor promoionale de informare turistic; c) to provide tourists promotional mate-
d) informarea turitilor despre oferta local de rials and tourism information;
cazare i alimentare; d) to inform tourists about the local
e) informarea turitilor privind transportul
accommodation and food offers;
public de pasageri din zon;
e) to inform tourists of public passenger
f) informarea turitilor despre oportunitile
transport in the area;
de agrement;
g) informarea turitilor n privina posibilit- f) to inform tourists about leisure activi-
ilor de achiziionare a suvenirelor i lucr- ties;
rilor de artizanat; g) to inform tourists about the possibility
h) informarea turitilor n legtur cu privire la to purchase souvenirs and handicraft
posibilitile de rezervare a biletelor de works;
transport, biletelor la manifestri culturale, h) to inform tourists about the possibilities
precum i cu privire la ghizii turistici locali; of booking travel tickets, tickets to
i) consilierea raportat la alegerea diverselor cultural events and on local tour guides;
produse turistice locale, regionale i i) advising on the choice of various local,
naionale; regional and national tourism products;
j) furnizarea de date statistice cu caracter j) provision of statistical data on tourism
turistic persoanelor cointeresate; for the interested persons;
k) oferirea de informaii cu privire la autorit-
k) providing information on the competent
ile competente n soluionarea reclamaii-
authorities in solving complaints regar-
lor, care se nregistreaz pe plan local cu
ding the quality of tourist services that
privire la calitatea serviciilor turistice;
l) organizarea aciunilor ce in de amenajarea are recorded locally;
destinaiilor i vizibilitatea turistic (inclu- l) organization of activities for planning
siv instalarea indicatoarelor turistice) etc. tourism destinations and tourism visi-
Crearea i funcionalitatea Biroului de bility (including installation of tourism
Informare Turistic, la prima etap, trebuie s fie signs) etc.

44 Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017


asigurat de ctre Autoritatea Public Central de Creation and functionality of the Tourism
Specialitate, iar a Centrelor de Informare i Information Office at the first stage must be
Promovare Turistic va ine de organizaiile non- ensured by the Central Specialized Public Autho-
guvernamentale, reprezentani ai businessului rity and functionality of Tourism Information and
turistic, administraia public local de nivel doi. Promotion Centers will belong to non-govern-
Cu toate acestea, crearea unei structuri mental organizations, representatives of tourism
separate de informare i promovare turistic cu
business, the local government of level two.
statut de persoan juridic la nivel de raion, n
However, creation of a separate structure of
condiiile actuale, este imposibil, din cauza
tourism information and promotion with a legal
bugetelor austere. Dar, n opinia noastr, admi-
nistraia public local de nivelul doi, din cadrul person status at the district level, under current
consiliilor raionale, poate lua decizia de includere conditions, is impossible, due to tight budgets. But
n atribuiile funcionale ale specialistului n in our opinion, the local government of level two
probleme de cultur i turism a obligaiilor de of the district councils may decide to include in
serviciu, ce in de informare i promovare turis- the functional responsibilities of the specialist for
tic. Aceast practic ar pune bazele unei dezvol- culture and tourism, the duties related to informa-
tri durabile la nivel de raioane. De asemenea, pot tion and tourism promotion. This practice would
fi create Centre de Informare i Promovare Turis- lay the foundation for sustainable development at
tic pe lng principalele obiective turistice din the district level. Tourism Information and Pro-
ar, care dispun de infrastructur corespunztoare. motion Centers can be also created near the main
Identificarea motivaiei de cltorie tourist attractions in the country, which have ade-
Pentru ca activitatea CIPT-urilor s fie efi-
quate infrastructure.
cient, este necesar cunoaterea punctelor forte i
Identifying the travel motivation
vulnerabile ale zonei turistice n care va fi ampla-
In order to TIPCs activity to be effective it
sat Centrul. Aceast analiz va permite identifica-
rea motivaiei pentru care aceast zon turistic is necessary to know the strengths and weaknesses
urmeaz a fi inclus n circuitul turistic. n afara de of the tourism area where the Center will be
aceasta, trebuie identificat grupul-int de clieni i located. This analysis will identify motivation for
care este ara lor de origine. Pentru aceasta, este which this tourism area should be included in the
necesar realizarea segmentrii pieei turistice, tourism circuit. Besides this, the target group of
inndu-se cont de dou categorii de parametri: customers and their country of origin must be
criteriile demografice i criteriile ce in de factorii identified. For this it is necessary to perform the
motivaionali, care determin comportamentul segmentation of the tourism market, taking into
turistic. Criteriile demografice cuprind informaii account two categories of parameters: demo-
cu privire la: vrsta, genul, originea, religia, pozi- graphic criteria and criteria related to motivational
ia social, profesia, venitul, starea civil etc., ale factors that determine the behavior of tourism.
turistului. Criteriile raportate la comportamentul Demographic criteria include information on: age,
turistic furnizeaz date despre:
gender, origin, religion, social status, profession,
tipul i destinaia cltoriei;
income, marital status etc. of the tourist. Tourist
motivaia sau scopul vizitei;
behavior related criteria provide data on:
dependena turistului fa de destinaie;
Type and destination of the journey;
gradul de fidelitate a turistului fa de
aceast zon. Fidelitatea poate fi generat Motivation or purpose of the visit;
de dou aspecte: nivelul nalt al satisfaciei Dependence of tourist on destination;
obinute de turist n urma experienei The degree of fidelity of tourist to this
anterioare, sau dorina de a minimiza riscul area. Fidelity may come from two

Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017 45


potenial al schimbrii destinaiei, respec- aspects: the high level of tourist satis-
tiv al alegerii unei destinaii necunoscute; faction derived from past experience, or
distana fa de destinaia aleas; desire to minimize the potential risk of a
durata sejurului; change of destination, namely the choice
structura cheltuielilor; of an unknown destination;
tipul de unitate de cazare pentru care s-a Distance to the selected destination;
optat; Length of stay;
mijlocul de transport utilizat; Expenditure structure;
dependena turistului de o anumit dat a Type of accommodation which was
vacanei; chosen;
forma de turism practicat; Means of used transport;
modul de petrecere a timpului liber; Dependence of tourists to some certain
modalitile de informare utilizate; vacation time;
modalitatea de finanare a cltoriei;
Forms of tourism;
frecvena i perioada de realizare a progra-
Leisure activities;
melor de vacan.
Used information methods;
Doar n baza unei analize ample a crite-
riilor legate de comportamentul turistic putei Sources for trip financing;
face anumite planuri de perspectiv i contribui Frequency and timeframe of the holiday
la dezvoltarea CIPT-ului. programs.
Din punct de vedere al destinaiei turistice, Only on the basis of a comprehensive ana-
cel mai important criteriu l constituie scopul lysis of criteria related to tourism behavior we can
vizitei, deoarece se consider c are cel mai mare make some plans for the future and contribute to
aport la valorificarea ofertei destinaiei. Astfel, pe the development of TIPCs.
baza scopului, se pot identifica diverse categorii From the point of view of the tourist desti-
de factori de motivaii care determin cltoriile nation, the most important criterion is the purpose
turitilor. Este esenial ca aceste motive s fie of the visit because it is believed that it has the
cunoscute de angajaii CIPT-ului, ntruct ele greatest contribution to redeeming the destination
reprezint unul din elementele de baz ale offer. Thus, based on this goal, we can identify
segmentrii pieei turistice. different categories of motivating factors that
Amplasarea i coordonarea organizato- determine the travel of tourists. It is essential for
ric a CIPT these reasons to be known by TIPC employees, as
Odat cu crearea CIPT-ului, este ideal ca they represent one of the basic elements of the
Centrul s fie membru al unei asociaii regionale
tourism market segmentation.
sau internaionale de profil. n acest caz, fiind
Location and organizational coordina-
parte integrant a reelei turistice, vei avea acces
tion of TIPC
la informaia cu privire la evoluia turismului n
With the establishment of TIPC, it would be
regiune, noutilor, precum i a ofertelor pres-
ideal for the Center to be a member of a regional
CIPT-ul, n cele mai dese cazuri, poate fi or international profile association. In this case,
primul partener de contact al turitilor, atunci cnd being a part of the tourism network, it will have
ei planific o cltorie n ara, oraul sau regiunea access to information about the evolution of
dumneavoastr. Aici, turitilor trebuie s li se tourism in the region, news and tenders from
ofere idei noi, recomandri i informaii providers.
importante, care le vor suscita curiozitatea i TIPC, in most of cases, can be the first
ederea deosebit de plcut i interesant. contact partner for the tourists when they plan a

46 Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017


Turistul ajuns ntr-o zon necunoscut are trip to the country, city or region. Here tourists
necesitate de a se informa privind oferta turistic. must be offered new ideas, advice and important
Drept urmare, serviciile oferite de CIPT-uri pot information that will arouse curiosity and will
constitui o carte de vizit pentru localitatea, make their stay most enjoyable and interesting.
regiunea sau ara de destinaie, marcnd benefic Tourists arriving in an unfamiliar area are
concediul turistului.
required to be informed on the tourist offer. As a
Turistul poate veni la CIPT cu dorine i
result, the services offered by TIPC may be in the
necesiti diferite. Aflat ntr-un mediu strin, el
form of a business card for the city, region or
caut ajutor, siguran i ospitalitate. Sarcina care
revine CIPT-lui nu este doar de a reprezenta i country of destination, marking positively the
promova destinaia turistic, dar i de a veni n tourists holiday.
ntmpinarea dorinelor potenialului turist. The tourist can come to TIPC with different
CIPT trebuie s fie o unitate de servicii, desires and needs. Being in an alien environment,
care are drept prioritate prezentarea tuturor he seeks for help, safety and hospitality. TIPC
ofertelor de servicii turistice. n sarcina acestuia, does not have only the responsibility to represent
va intra informarea, acordarea de sprijin n and promote the tourist destination, but also to
gsirea de locuri de cazare, promovarea i vn- meet the wishes of tourist potential.
zarea de programe turistice, organizarea de eve- TIPC must be a service unit which priori-
nimente, comercializarea suvenirelor. Orientarea tizes the presentation of all travel offers. Their
ctre client i prestarea de servicii de calitate
tasks will be related to information, support in
trebuie s fie expresia competenei lor. Sunt hot-
finding accommodation, promotion and sale of
rtoare serviciile oferite i prima impresie, deoa-
rece muli dintre turiti asociaz Centrul de Infor- tourist programs, organization of events, sale of
mare i Promovare Turistic cu restul sejurului souvenirs. Customer focus and quality services
pe care-l vor petrece n zon. should be the expression of their competence.
Este important de menionat c, n dezvol- Provided services and first impressions are
tarea oricrui proiect, trebuie s se in cont, n critical, because many tourists associate Tourism
primul rnd, de dorinele localnicilor, ei fiind Information and Promotion Center with the rest of
aceia care trebuie s triasc din turism. Din acest the stay that they will spend in the area.
motiv, ei trebuie implicai la maximum n It is important to note that in developing any
deservirea turistic, iar obiectivele urmrite de project the wishes of local people must be take
CIPT-uri ar trebui incluse n strategia de dez- into account. They are ones who have to live from
voltare local i s se potriveasc cu laitmotivul
tourism. For this reason, they should be involved
turismului din zon. Astfel, prin stabilirea unui
to the maximum in servicing tourists and
laitmotiv turistic local, se poate oferi zonei o
objectives of TIPC should be included in the local
ans de a se poziiona pe pia, prin promovarea
unei identiti proprii. ntr-un astfel de model development strategy and match to the leitmotif of
turistic, se pot stabili formele de turism, care ar tourism in the area. Thus, by establishing a local
trebui dezvoltate i promovate n localitate i care tourism leitmotif, there is a chance for the area to
nu. Spre exemplu, unei localiti din zon i poate position itself on the market by promoting its own
fi specific categoria de turiti care practic identity. In such a tourism model, forms of tourism
turismul activ, n timp ce localitatea nvecinat can be established that should be developed and
are ca punct de atracie a ofertei sale turismul de promoted in the villages. For example, for a loca-
recreere n natur. Un astfel de model trebuie s lity in the area, a category of tourists who practice
stabileasc sfera serviciilor prestate, direciile ce active tourism may be specific, while the neigh-
vizeaz orientarea ctre client i locul pe care-l
boring town has as its point of attraction the
ocup pe piaa local i regional.

Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017 47


Datorit obiectului su de activitate, Cen- tourism recreation in nature. Such a model must
trul de Informare i Promovare Turistic poate fi determine the scope of services, directions aiming
un important furnizor de date informaionale n customer orientation and the place it occupies on
fiecare localitate turistic. Marea majoritate a the local and regional markets.
turitilor viziteaz, mai devreme sau mai trziu, Due to its activity object, the TIPC may be a
CIPT-ul, fie pentru a se informa sau pentru a leading provider of data information in each
beneficia de serviciile prestate de acesta. Orice tourism village. The vast majority of tourists visit
mijloc de informare i promovare trebuie s
sooner or later TIPC for information or to benefit
cuprind indicaii referitoare la adres i la pozi-
from its services. Any means of information and
ionarea oficiului de turism.
promotion should include information on the
n opinia noastr, pentru a putea oferi ser-
address and the positioning of the tourism office.
vicii optime clienilor, amplasarea CIPT-urilor
In our opinion, in order to provide optimal
trebuie s fie corespunztoare. Pentru aceasta,
este necesar respectarea urmtoarelor sugestii: service to customers, location of TIPC must be
CIPT-ul trebuie s dispun o localizare, pe suitable. For this it is necessary to observe the
ct posibil, central, iar distana pn la following suggestions:
principalele obiective turistice din locali- TIPC must have a location as central as
tate nu trebuie s fie foarte mare; possible. Distance to major tourist attrac-
CIPT-ul trebuie s fie uor de gsit i situat tions in the village should not be very
favorabil din punct de vedere al circulaiei. high;
Poate fi situat n centrul localitii sau n TIPC must be easy to find and located
incinta unor obiective turistice importante; favorably in terms of circulation. It can
CIPT-ul trebuie s fie localizat uor i be located in the center or on the pre-
repede. Drumul spre CIPT trebuie semna- mises of major tourist attractions.
lizat din timp cu panouri, indicatoare, TIPC must be located quickly and easily.
planuri ale oraului sau zonei turistice; Road to TIPC must be signaled in
Pentru accesul rapid, trebuie s fie prevzute advance with panels, indicators, plans of
locuri de parcare n fa sau n imediata the city or tourist area;
apropiere a CIPT-ului, inclusiv pentru auto-
For quick access must be provided par-
care. Dac acest lucru nu este posibil, atunci
king places in front or around TIPC,
CIPT-ul ar trebui s se afle la o distan mic
including for buses. If this is not pos-
de mers pe jos de locul de parcare;
sible, then TIPC is supposed to be just a
CIPT-ul trebuie plasat pe traseul mijloa-
short walk from the parking lot;
celor de transport n comun. Muli turiti nu
cltoresc cu maina proprie n localitile TIPC should be placed near public means
pe care nu le cunosc, prefernd s le evite; of transport. Many tourists do not travel
Foarte importante sunt indicatoarele pla- by own car to places they do not know,
sate la intrare n localitate. Aici, trebuie s preferring to avoid them;
nceap semnalizarea CIPT-ului cu pano- Very important are signposts at the
uri i trebuie completat mai departe cu entrance to the village. TIPC should be
inscripii i indicatoare; emphasized with panels and must be
Pentru pietoni, bicicliti i automobiliti, supplemented further with inscriptions
trebuie luate n considerare condiii diferite and signs;
de semnalizare. Mrimea i locurile de am- For pedestrians, cyclists and motorists
plasare ale panourilor trebuie alese cores- there must be considered different signa-

48 Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017


punztor. Chiar dac turistul deviaz de la ling conditions. The size and locations of
drumul direct, el trebuie s ntlneasc, la the panels must be chosen accordingly.
scurt timp, un alt panou care s indice Even if the tourist deviates from the
direcia spre CIPT. direct route, he must soon meet another
Componentele elementare ale conceptului panel indicating the direction to TIPC.
de comportament al consumatorului sunt eviden-
Basic components of the concept of con-
iate de percepia turistului fa de un anumit
sumer behavior are highlighted by the perception
serviciu. Percepia se afl n strns legtur cu
of tourists of a particular service. Perception is
procesul de informare, ce reflect ansamblul de
elemente, prin intermediul crora turitii cunosc closely related to the information that reflects all
produsele turistice. Turistul care se intereseaz de elements through which tourists get to know
localitatea sau regiunea pe care o reprezentai tourism products. Tourists who are interested in
este, de obicei, acela care i propune s clto- the place or region you represent is usually the
reasc spre zona respectiv, pentru o edere mai one who wants to travel to the area for a shorter or
scurt sau mai ndelungat. Pentru a-l informa i longer stay. To inform and guide properly, it is
ndruma corespunztor, este necesar s v docu- necessary to document about the tourist motiva-
mentai despre motivaia turistului, ce anume l tion, what we are interested in him and what is the
intereseaz pe el i care este scopul vizitei sale n purpose of his visit to the area. It is important to
aceast zon. Este important s identificai aceste identify these issues, even if it is not easy.
aspecte, chiar dac nu este uor.
Tourist behavior study is a very important
Studiul comportamentului turistului repre-
tool for the work of staff within TIPC. This
zint o unealt foarte important pentru desfu-
analysis of tourist behavior must be seen through
rarea activitii personalului din cadrul CIPT-
ului. Aceast analiz a comportamentului turistu- the psychological side of it, the way of thinking,
lui trebuie privit prin prisma laturii psihologice motivation, culture, limits in terms of skills know-
a acestuia, privind modul de gndire, motivaia, ledge and information on tourism services they
cultura, limitele n ceea ce privete abilitile de intend to purchase. Personality of the tourist is
cunoatere i informare asupra serviciilor turis- another variable of consumer behavior and con-
tice pe care intenioneaz s le achiziioneze. sists of the different characteristics, beliefs, and
Personalitatea turistului este o alt variabil a customs that define a person and distinguish it
comportamentului consumatorului de servicii from others. Lifestyle is another component of
turistice i este format din ansamblul caracteris- personal factors that influence consumer behavior
ticilor, credinelor, convingerilor i obiceiurilor
and highlights a description of a tourist system
ce definesc o persoan i o deosebesc de cele-
based on interests, ideas, opinions and actions,
lalte. Stilul de via reprezint o alt component
meaning the pattern of consumption which will
a factorilor personali de influen a comporta-
be adopted. Therefore, a member of TIPC must
mentului consumatorului i evideniaz un sistem
de descriere a unui turist plecnd de la interese, be constantly informed, competent and helpful
idei, opinii i aciunile sale, respectiv, de la n satisfying the desires of tourists. The main task
modelul de consum pe care l va adopta. De is to deliver information on the tourist offer of
aceea, colaboratorul unui CIPT trebuie s fie n the area.
permanen informat, competent i amabil, n It is known that to earn a tourist a great
satisfacerea dorinelor turistului. Sarcina princi- effort is required. A satisfied customer influences
pal a sa rezid n a livra informaii cu privire la from 3 to 5 friends, and one, dissatisfied, influen-
oferta turistic a zonei. ces negatively through propaganda between 10

Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017 49


Este cunoscut faptul c, pentru a ctiga and 15 people. Adverse effects on the image of
ncrederea unui turist, este nevoie de mari efor- the tourist area cannot be repaired.
turi. Un client mulumit influeneaz, la rndul These suggestions should be viewed with all
su, de la 3 pn la 5 cunoscui, iar unul nemul- seriousness by all those interested in the deve-
umit influeneaz negativ, prin propagand, ntre lopment of the branch of TIPC. Only in this way
10 i 15 persoane. Efectele negative, odat pro-
we can count for desired results.
duse asupra imaginii zonei turistice, nu se pot
remedia uor.
The Republic of Moldova is about to place
Aceste sugestii trebuie analizate cu toat
seriozitatea de ctre toi cei interesai de dez- itself in a market where competition is rising and
voltarea ramurii Centrelor de Informare i consumers tourists are increasingly more
Promovare Turistic. Numai astfel de aciuni demanding. The tourist is one that leaves money
comune conduc spre obinerea rezultatelor dorite. in the country, thus contributing to its economic
Concluzie development. It is natural that we offer something
Republica Moldova urmeaz s se plaseze in return. Therefore, the service we should pro-
pe o pia n care concurena este n plin vide must match the expectations and the quality
ascensiune, iar consumatorii-turiti sunt din ce n should be so good, that guest will remember with
ce mai pretenioi. Turistul este cel care las bani
pleasure the time spent with us.
n ar, contribuind astfel la dezvoltarea econo-
The image of the country must be respected
mic a acesteia. Este firesc s-i oferim i noi ceva
by everyone involved in tourism, both employees
n schimb. De aceea, serviciul, pe care urmeaz
s-l prestm, trebuie s corespund ateptrilor of the Central Specialized Public Authority that
sale, iar calitatea ar trebui s fie att de bun, establishes strategies for tourism development of
nct oaspetele s-i aminteasc cu plcere de the country and those who stand daily in front of
timpul petrecut la noi. the client, contributing consciously and actively to
De imaginea rii trebuie s se ocupe zilnic the improvement and promotion of the image.
toi cei implicai n turism, att angajaii din For this, in our opinion, it is necessary to:
cadrul Autoritii Publice Centrale de Speciali- determine and define the country's tou-
tate, care stabilesc strategiile de dezvoltare turis- rism identity;
tic a rii, ct i cei care stau zi de zi n faa
continuously promote positive informa-
clientului, contribuind contient i activ la mbu-
tion related to the country's image;
ntirea acestei imagini i la promovarea ei.
Pentru aceasta, n opinia noastr, sunt study trends in international tourism
necesare urmtoarele activiti: promotion;
determinarea i definirea identitii turis- properly plan promotional strategies that
tice a rii; will ensure a sustainable development of
promovarea, n permanen, a informaiei the tourism sector.
pozitive ce ine de imaginea rii;
studierea tendinelor n materie de promo-
vare turistic la nivel internaional;
planificarea corect a strategiilor promo-
ionale, care ar asigura o dezvoltare dura-
bil a sectorului turistic.

50 Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017


Bibliografie / Bibliography:
1. CORO, Monica Maria. Managementul cererii i ofertei turistice. Bucureti: Editura C.H.
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5. BCANU, Bogdan. Management strategic n turism. Concepte i studii de caz. Iai: Editura
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7. PLATON, Nicolae. Strategia de dezvoltare a turismului Turism 2020. Chiinu: Editura
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Revista / Journal ECONOMICA nr.1 (99) 2017 51

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