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Esitura “UNWERSUL FAMILEI ET CON Idminteatr ane: MARGA POPA rector OcTAMAN POPA Decor comercial MIHAELA TUDOR Redactor get DORI IANCU sir br Stave nr 8. sector 5 od 70700 Bucuresti, Romane, BO. Bex 1720 vena 5 5 St General Beret. 90 setor Bucuesh "Soars e009 238 PREFATA iNDRUMARI UTILE ‘Acest manual este conceput in vederea unei famiiarizari rapide cu limba onglows, sau pentra reimprospatarea cunostinjelor de limba engleza de care core ea vorbito, dar rau mai utiizal-o multa vreme. Manualul este. uti $ Penta cel ce. doresc s4 faca o calatorie turstica sau de afacer| in {ar Vorbitoare de limba engleza. [Kicrarea cuprinde situatile de baza stabilte de 0 comisie european speciaizata in studile de limba si sitvajile de dialog in cele mal averse Sbmeni, Majoritatea sint situatii de contacte sociale obignulte. Niunuall este la fel de practic gi pentru elevii din primul an de engleza, oferindule — prin casetole anexate — un contact cu limba vie, cu prone ‘oes tuctura lucrarii veli gasi in toate capitolele patru componente: dia/0g, ‘cum se exprima, exerciti, ascultay! cu atenge. Bialogurile conjin exemple exprimate in forma unei mici convorbir Care este o mostra a felului in care se exprima in englezé o anumita situate: Sertarea unei str’zi, comanda la hotel sau restaurant, ajutor medical et Exist’, apo, in Cum se exprima, reguli gramaticale sau oe, flexiune Exercifile din fiecare capitol urmaresc textul imprimat pe casete si Sint Mette eal tamiiarizeze pe cel ce asculta cu dialogurile, cu partenerul de conversatie, cu pronuntia. ‘Partea intitulat’ Ascultati cu atentie se refera la caseta ny. 4, care conting uncle ‘dialoguri sau. reportaje in care sint folosite vocabule 1 structur neinvatate inca in lec "Ghidul de conversajie aléturat este un indrumar practic, in format de buzunar, usor de luat cu sine. STRUCTURA MANUALULUI! in fiecare din capitole gasiti urmatoarele secfiuni: Dialoguri @ Dialogues Cum se spune e How to say it Exerciti © Exercises i incepind cu capitolul 15: Ascultayi cu atentie « Listen to this > 1. Dialoguri # Dialogues Cuprind exemple de limba vorbita in forma unor scurte convorbiti: Fiecare dialog este un model pentru cum se vorbeste engleza in situatii concrete. Asifel invajati de exemplu intr-unul din capitole cum intrebi pentru a afla drumul corect sau in altul cum se vorbeste despre hobby-uri si interese comune. in prima coloand gasiti traducerea in limba romana a dialogutilor. Cu ajutorul acestei traducert putefi fi mereu siguri ca afi infeles totul corect. La sfirgitul dialogurilor exist, acolo unde este cazul, probleme de gramatic’. 2. Cum se spune * How to say it in aceasta sectiune a fiecdrui capitol intinim expresile tipice, cele mai importante pe care trebuie sa le invajaji pentru a putea transpune in engleza situafii aseman&toare cu cele intilnite in dialoguri. In principiu, aceste expresii sint prezentate sub forma de tabel. Cu ajutorul acestor tabele putefi s& recunoasteti ugor cum un model de constructie sintactica poate sa difere din punet de vedere al continutului De asemenea, veti intiini si probleme de gramatica. 8. Exercitii * Exercises in cadrul fiec&rui capitol intiniti o serie de exerci, Cu ajutorul lor putefi s& folositi structurile invatate in capitol, mai cursiv si mai sigur. (Rezolvarile exercitilor le gasiti pe casete). Casetele contin convorbiri incomplete pentru a va da posibiltatea sA preluafi o parte a dialogului. Sinteti astfel invitati sa conversati direct pe casetd cu parenerul de dialog si pute in felul acesta S& simula{i o convorbire aproape autentic’, iar apoi, cu ajutorul rezolvarilor de Ia sfiqitul cursului, s8 verificati dacéi ati vorbit corect. 4, Ascultati cu atentie * Listen to this Caseta nr. 5 contine 0 serie de exercitii de pronuntie,. relatari si scenete. Aceste exerciti sint in aga fel concepute inctt $8 contina cuvinte, expresii, structuri pe care nu le-afi invatat din manual. Trebule sa va obisnuiti incetul cu incetul c& intr-0 convorbire cu un englez sau intr-o emisiune de televiziune ori de radio limbajul nu este cu gria ales ca in exercitile sau dialogurile din curs. Cu ajutorul acestei casete va exersali capacitatea de a infelege un ‘conginut chiar daca nu cunoasteti fiecare cuvint in parte. GHIDUL DE CONVERSATIE Este atagat cursului gi cuprinde principalele expresii $i cuvinte care sint necesare cind intreprinzi 0 calatorie. Este un indrumar in forma de ghid de buzunar pe care il putefi avea oricind cu dumneavoastra. CUM FOLOSITI MANUALUL? In primul rind, ascutati dialogurile de pe casete pentru a va putea concentra asupra textului englez, far’ a va folosi de manual. La a doua ascultare, citii din manual textele dialogurilor. De cite ori simti nevoia, apasafi 6 pe butonul pauza, opriji caseta si citi caseta si reluali partea dorita! Th al doilea rind, dublati cu voce tare dialogul de pe caset, lectie cu lectie. Opriti banda gi reluati de cite ori este nevoie, daca dori s4 ascultati (© secven{ anume. Urmarii cu atentie preluarea exact a pronuntiel si intonatiei. Cind sintefi sigur c& putefi repeta dialogul, citi din nou cu voce tare din manual. In al trelea rind, axativva pe acele parti din lecti intitulate Cum se exprima. Citii-te cu atentie gi afiati ce Insemneaza. Eventual ascultati din nou dialogurile de pe casete, cuprinzind situalle respective. Gasiti moduri de exprimare si unele reguli gramaticale simple, pentru a va constitui o baz a limbii engleze. ‘in al patrulea rind, folosij’ componenta exerciti din fiecare lectie. in majoritatea cazurilor aveti de-a face cu 0 convorbire. Citi indicafile cu atentie pentru a sti la care parte a exerciliului va refer, Solutile exercitilor le gasiti pe casete. Lucrali exercitile pasaj cu pasaj. — Dati raspunsul cu voce tare. — Ascuttall rspunsul de pe caseta ori utilizati solutile oferite de manual, formulindu-va solutia propre. — Dup’ fiecare solutie, pe caseta este o scurta pauza. Dac acea pauzd nu va este suficienté pentru solutionare, actionafi butonul ,pauza" al casetofonului. Acordaliatentie exprimari_ si intonatiei si cAutali s& le reproducefi Repetaji de cite ori simfifi cd este neceser. in al cincilea rind, asculati inca 0 data dialogurile. Veti remarca faptul c& infelegeji sensurile f4r& nici un efort. Repetati operatia de ce ori este nevoie pentru a infelege si a va exprima corect. Nu va sf! si vorbifi cu voce tare, Este cea mai buna formula de invatare iniste, Dac doriti sa revenitj, derulafi jn partea a doua a manualului, gsifi un grup de scenete al c&ror coninut ‘este astfel dozat inch numarul vocabulelor sa creasca de la prima spre ultima ‘scenela. Este vorba de vocabule pe care inca nu le-afi invajat. Nu va alarmati dac& nu puteti raspunde imediat unei intrebari. Reascultati sceneta de cite ofi este nevoie. Daca socotii necesar, derulati putin caseta inapoi si ascutati din nou, pind ce, cu ajutorul vocabulelor deja invatate, putefi descurca Iucrurile si putefi da rspunsul Nu ultati sf vorbii cu voce tare! ALFABETUL $I UNELE Ni ‘Afabetul englez se compune din 26 de litera, din cate 5 vocale (a & is & U), dou’ semivocale (w, y) si 19 consoane- iiterele alfabetului luate singure 86 pronunfa in modul urmator: a fel] 9 [ail a {en wu i) b [bl h (etl © fou} v (vi c (3 i fal p [pil w [dAbiu) d [ai] i (oe 4 tkul x [oks} ef {kei} + (2a) y [ual t [el fe) s [es) z (zed) m (ern) ti Pronuntarea cuvintelor este destul de dificil in limba englez&. Consoanele se pronunfd aproape toate ca in romaneste, dar vocalele se pronunja foarte ‘A se pronunté 4. “ei” in cuvinte ca: grape {greip] = strugure; name [neim] = nume; paper peipal = hitie. 2 “e” in cuvinte ca: and [end] = si; bad [beed] = rau; flag {[fiaeg] = steag: map (map| = hart. ret respect sunet [as] in mba englez8 este mal mut oh sunet intre “e" gi “a” care se pronunta atl: Geschidem gura ca pentru a pronuna a, un "0" lung (marcat in engleza o:) in cuvinte Cs: Sffol} = tot, tof, toate, toata, ball [boll = mings: ‘small [smol] = mic, mica sey or scurt ca in cuvintele: what [Hot] = 02. 4. aig cavinte ca: climate [kiaimit] = cima; language {leanguigi} = limba; palace [pais] = pala, vilage [vilc] = sat, 5, barimarcat in englezé) ca in cuvintele: after [afta:] = dupa; beggar [bega:] = cergetor. NOTA: Toate vocalele marcate fonetic cu doud puncte{:} reprezinta sunet lungi "E" ge pronunté: Fe Oro cuvinte ca fever [val] = febrs; meter [mt] = met serious {sirids] = serios. 2, {tin vcuvinte ca: bed [bed] = pat: less (les) = ma PoE red {red] = rogu. “8° in cuvinte ca: her (ho) th certain (sétn] = sigur, nerve [ndv] = nery; service [s 4, [rnin cuvinte cat English [ingif] = englez(esc); begin [bigin] = @ incepe; repeat [ripit] = a repeta. NOTA: Semnul f intinit mai sus in cuvintul English {inglif] reproduce sunetul romanesc “s". 5, “at in cuvinte ca better (bet#] = mai bun, member [memba] = membru, never [neva] = niciodaté. “1 90 pronunta: 1. °F in cuvinte ca big = mare, bill = chitant’, fish = peste, milk = lapte, til = pina. Aici nu am folosit transcrierea fonetica, intructt cuvintele se pronunta aproare la fel cum sint scrise. 2. “al” in cuvinte ca: Friday [traidi] = vineri; ice [ais] = ghiafa; knife [naif] = cutit; Lae [lain] = linie; time [taim] = timp. 8. *& lung” (:) in cuvinte ca: bird [b :<] = pastre; dirty [d ti] = murdar; first If st] = primul; gir [g :1] = fata; shirt [f :t] = camaga. "0" 3¢ pronu “0” in cuvinte ca: dog = cline; fog = =a incuia 2, *o:" in cuvinte ca: horse [ho:s] = cal; fork (fo:k] = furculifs; lord [lod] = lord, storm [sto:m] = furtuna. Sint acestea cuvinte in care sunetul “r nu se aude aproape deloc, fiind aproape aspirat de 0. 3. “ou” in cuvinte ca: alone [ foun] = singur; close {kious] = inchis; gold {gould} = aur; moment [moument] = moment; open [oupn] = deschis 4. Ca un fel de’ “a” inchis si scurt, marcat in engiez& cu semnul fonetic A, jn aga fel inc s& se ating cu virful limbii partea posterioaré a cerului gutii; done [dan] = facut, glove (glav] = manus, money [mAni] = bani, sometimes [sAmtaimz] = uneori, tongue {tAng] = limba. “u"lung in cuvinte ca: lose [lu:z] = a pierde; prove [prusv] = a dovedi; two {tu:] = doi; whom{hu:m] = c&ruia, pe cine; whose {hu:z] = a cui. unu, once [wans] = odata. mile; sailor [sell :] = marinar tailor ceatd; frost = ger; hot = fierbinte; lock ene 9 nu se pronunta in cuvinte ca: bacon [beikn] prisoner [prizn ] = prizonier; season [sizn] junc; lesson [lesn] = lectie; anotimp, “U7 ge, pronunt: “u" in cuvinte ca: true {tru fru 2. “iu” in cuvinte ca: duty {djuti [pjupl] = eleva. 3, “a’ inchis spre “a” in cuvinte ca: dust [dst] = majordom, hunger {hAng ] =foamete, shut [ft] [mbreia] = umbrela. 4. "8° lung in cuvinte = sora, purse [p :s] “iin cuvinte ca: business [biznis]_afacere, minute [minit) = minuta. sourt in cuvinte ca: nature [neit :)] = natura; Saturday [set :dei] = adevarat; full [ful] = in; put = a pune, rule datorie; music [mjuzik] = muzic’; pupil praf; butler [bat] = ‘inchide, umbrella furlf :] = blan&; curl [k :] = ondulat; nurse [n :s] city = oras, happy [haspi] = fericit; lady [leidi] = doamna; merry .= vesel, ready [redif = gata; 2, ‘al in cuvinte a: fy [fl] = a zbura; Friday [rail = eu insumi; sky [Ska] = = vineri, myself [maiset} 10 intit CAP. 1 — Meeting People UNIT 1 in acest capitol invatati: © cum sa aflafi numele, adresa si numarul de telefon; ‘88 intrebati cum se pronunté; litera cu litera, un nume sau un cuvint; © sa construifi expresille corespunzatoare. DIALOGURI: AB: Ma numesc Bardy. ‘Anne Bardy. R: Bardy...? Bardy...? Cum se prontinja pe litere? AB: BAR-D-Y R: Da, d-na Bardy. log 2. Felicity (F), a friend (Fr) F: Unde locuii? Fr: in York, F: Ce adresa aveti? Fr: Calea Gari 29, F: Ave telefon? Fr Da. F: Ce numar aveti? Fr: York 659217. Pie Station Road. | = numetul strézil Fr Fr Fr: Fr: Bip af ranma orl foc mama log 1. Anne Bardy (AB), Hotel Receptionist (R) My name is Bardy Anne Bardy. Bardy...? Bardy...? How do you spell it? BARDY Yes, Mrs, Bardy. Where do you live? In York. ‘What is your address? 29 Station Road, ‘Are you on the phone? Yes. What's your number? York 653217. Dialog 3. Winston (W), a friend (Fr) W: Locuiti fa Londra? Fr Da. W: Care este adresa d-voastra? Fr. Newbury Street 194, W: Aveti telefon? Fr: Da. W: Carei numarul? Fr: 8704690. Ww: Fr: Ww: Fr: Ww: Fr: Ww: Fr: Are you living in London? Yes. What's your address? 134 Newbury Street. Are you on the phone? Yes. What's the number? 8704690. 1" {eaP. 1) Intin —— Meeting People [unit +] Dialog 4. Henry Gill (HG), Peter Fuller (PF) Seuzatt ee cred c& va HG: Excuse me. | don't think | know PF: Peter Flr br: Fale Pet Numele meu este Henry Gil HG: My name “stom Pr: Imi are bine de cunostia. PF: How Go * Imi pare bine de cunosiina. PF! How Go you Go? cap. 1] Intilniri — Meeting ©S°r | five in, am staying in. What's your adress? 29 Station Road. ‘Are you living Yes, | am living in. No, | am not living in. Locuiesc 1a Care-i adresa? Station Road 29. Locuitt la. Da/Nu locuiesc la. | | Forma -ing a verbelor exprima o actiune care este in continua Tradus ca atare insearnna .Ce mai tacoj?". Se raspunde cu aceleasi TESS — - a ‘cuvinte care de data aceasta insea an coats 8 ieee amna .Mulfumesc, imi pare bine inreteres »How are you?" (Cap. eon ee CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreaba numele. How to ask for someone's name. Carei |numele | dvs? What's | your] [care este | prenumete | vas | fan Nu cred ca va cunose . auero| surname 1 don't thir "ve rt Numele meu este Anne Bary. My name Aine Baty are hae REA CURENTA ‘SE FOLOSESTE FORMA PRESCURTATA DE| 2. Cum se solicit pronuntarea unui cuvint pe litere. How to ask someon 1e to spell a we How do you spellthat? n° “O"% 3. Cum se intreaba und J locus Hom fat wnere someon ns, P88 locuiti’ " ii Where do you tive? Where are you staying? 12 * | desfagurare in prezent EXERCITI| — EXERCISES Exercitiul 1 Listen on the cassette to how the letters of the alphabet are pronounced and repeat them. Spell these names. Ascultati pe caseta cum se pronunta literole alfabetului si repetati-le. Spuneti pe litere: enmict, Maller, Braun, Str@hm, Ruckser, Kremp, Hardler, Wolkowsky. Katchimsky, Weber. Check your answers with the cas- Cu caseta, veriicati raspunsurile. sette. Now spell your name. Pronuntati pe litere numele dvs. Exercitiul 2. Listen on the cassette to how the Ascultati pe caseté cum sint pro: nunjate numerele si pronuntatie. rumbers are pronunced and repeat them, 4, 2,3, 4 5 6 7, 8, 9 10, 44, 12, 18, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 31, 42, 53, 64, 75, 86, 97 $00, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 108, 110 414, 112, 193, 144, 145, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 TRY, 18, 143, 154, 165, 176, 187, 198, 200, 300, 400, 500 13 [CaP. 1 intiiniri — Meeting People [unm 1 cap. 2] Formule de salut — Greetings [unit 2 Imaginativ c&sintefi una aintre ersoanele de mai jos. Spunetiva fumele pe iitere, precum si adresa si numaru, de telefon. Imagine you are one of these people. Say and spell your name and address and phone number. Dr. Virgil Popescu Geta Radu Costin Sandu 3 Armeneasca st. 2 Kogalniceanu st. 32 Lunga st Bucharest Cluj-Napoca’ Brasov Tel: 90/173846 Tet: 95/182374 Tel: 92/126348 Verificat-va réspunsurile cu caseta ‘Acum spunefi-va pe litre propriul dvs. nume, adresa si numarul de telefon. Exercise 3. Ascultati pe caseta conversatia care urmeaza si réspundeti la intrebari folosind informatie a si b. Un prieten. Salut Unde locuiesti? Tu (Ovs): Un prieten: Carei adresa ta? dvs. Tu (vs)... Un prieten: Aveti (ai) telefon? Tu (Ovs): Un prieten: Ce numar vet Tu (vs. Locuiti in Bournemouth, Larches Avenue, la numarul 31. Telefonul este Bournemouth 29641. Informatia b) Locuiti in York, South View 5, York. Numarul de ' telefon este York 797941 14 ‘Check your answers with the cas- sette. Now give your own name, address and phone number. Listen to the following gapped conversation on the cassette, and answer the questions. Use infor- mation a) and information b) for your answers. A friend: Hello, Where are you staying? You: ... A friend: What's your address? You: ... ‘A friend: Are you on the phone? You ‘A friend: What's the number? You! Information a) You are staying in Bournemouth, at 31, Larches Avenue. The phone number is Bournemouth 29641 Information b) You are staying in York, at 5, South View, York. The phone num: ber is York’ 797941 in acest capitol invaati: ©’ cum se face prezentarca: salutul; © cunoasterea datei de nastere a unei persoane, DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Henry Gill (HG), Agnes Gill (AG), Mr. Anderson (An) HG: Hello, dle Anderson. Bun venit ta Londra. ‘An: Multumesc. HG: Aceasta este sofia mea, Agnes. AG: Bund seara, dle Anderson. Ce mai faceti? AN: Foarte bine, multumesc. HG: Helllo, Mr. Anderson Welcome to London, An: Thank you. HG: This is my wife, Agnes. ‘AG: Good evening, Mr. Anderson. How are you? ‘An: Very well, thank you Dialogue 2 Mrs. Gammon (WG), a neighbour (N) (un vecin) N: Bund dimineata, doamna Gam- mon. Cum va simi in aceasta dimineayz? WG: Foare bine, multumesc. Dar dvs. cum va simfiti? N: Nu prea bine, imi pare rau. Am dormit prost WG: 0, N: Good moming, Mrs. Gammon. How are you this morning? WG:|_ am very well thank you ‘And how are you? N: Not too well. I'm afraid. 1 slept badly. WG: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Dialogue 3 Henry Gill (HG), Peter Fuller (PF), Mr. Anderson (An) HG: Peter, acesta este domnul ‘Anderson. Domnule Anderson, acesta este dl. Fuller. An: Incintat s& va cunose. PF: i eu, deasemenea. HG: Peter, this is Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson, this is Mr. Fuller. ‘An: How do you do? PF: How do you do? 15, cap. 2] Formule de salut — Greetings [unit 2 CUM SE SPUNE * HOW [ou SAY IT: 1. Cum se face introducerea: How to make introductions, | husband wite Peter [Peter _ [ Mrs. Grammon| I i incintat de cunostinga. How do you do. 2. Cum se saluta gi cum se raspunde. How to greet someone. Hello! — Helio! Hello! Salut! Ce mai faceti? How are you? Foarte bine, muttumese. Very well, thank you. Buna seara — Buna seara Good evening — Good evening. Buna dimineata — Buna dimineata. Good morning — Good moming, 3. Cum se intreaba data nasteril How to ask for someone's date of birth Care este data dvs. de nastere? What is your date of birth? / 1 Decembrie, December the first. December 1* j 11 Februarie. February the eleventh, February ! 1 26 Februarie. February twenty sixth. (26). EXERCITI| — EXERCISES Exercise 1 Ascultati pe aceasta caset cum se _Listen on the cassette to how the ronunja lunile gi repetajie. months are pronounced and repeat them, 16 cap. 2] Formule de salut — Greetings [uni 2 January April July October February May ‘August November March June ‘September December Exercise 2 Ascultaji_numerele pe . caseta si repetaji-le. Veti auzi mai inti numerele cardinale gi apoi pe cele Listen to the numbers on the cassette and repeat them. You will hear the cardinal numbers first ordinale. and then the ordinal numbers. One First Sixteen Sixteenth Two Second Seventeen Seventeenth Three Third Eighteen Eighteenth Four Fourth Nineteen Nineteenth Five Fitth Twenty Twentieth Six Sith Twenty-one Twenty-first Seven Seventh Twenty-two Twenty-second Eight Eighth Twenty-three Twenty-third Nine Nineth Twenty-four Twenty-fourth Ten Tenth Twenty-five Twenty fifth Eleven Eleventh ‘Twenty-six Twenty-sixth Twelve Twelth Twenty-seven Twenty-seventh Thirteen Thirteenth Twenty-eight —Twenty-eighth Fourteen Fourteenth Twenty-nine Fifteen Fifteenth Exercise 3 Ascultati pe caseta cum se pronunta anil care urmeaza si repetafi si dvs. Listen to the numbers of the year on the cassette and repeat them, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1931, 1942, 1953, 1964, 1975, 1986, 1933, 1939, 1945, 1956, 1984 Aa BER RTS PSS 2.2 20 mal fooe civrtee nes 9 su 7 cap. 2| Formule de salut — Greetings[unit 2 cap. 3} Nafionalitatea— Nationally ewe! Ey arcise 4 \ scultati pe caseta si completati raspunsurile folosind informatille a) sib), Information a) Helga Stein 3.1.1951 Receptia: Buna dimineata. Care este prenumele dvs., va rog? DVS ronnese Receptia: Dar numele de familie? DVS.rrsene Receptia: Data nasteri? DVS. Recepfia: Muljumesc. Luafi loc. Verificati rspunsurile ascuttind caseta. Listen to the gapped conversation on the cassette and answer the Questions. Use information a) and ). Information b) Fritz Popp 295.1939, Receptionist: Good morning. What is your surname, please? You. Receptionist: And your first name? YOU en Receptionist: Date of birth? YOU rn Receptionist: Thank you. Take a seat, please. Check the answers with the cas- sette. ‘in acest capitol invajati cum se intreal ‘© nationaitate; © origine; ‘© cum se fac declaratile corespunzatoare. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1. Anne Bardy (AB), Hotel Receptionist (R) AB: Buna ziua. ‘AB; Good afternoon. RR: Buna ziua, doamna, R: Good afternoon, madam. ‘AB: Numele meu este Bardy. AB: My name is Bardy. R Da, dna Care este R: Yes, madam. What nationality are Nafionalitatea dvs.? you, please? AB: Sint englezoaica. AB: I'm British. RR: Mullumesc, doamna. RR: Thank you, madam. Dialogue 2. Winston Bell (WB), Felicity (F) WB: Hello. WB: Helio. F:_ Hello. F:_ Hello, WB: De unde sinteti? WB: Where ave you from? F: Sint din Londra. F: I'm from London, WB: De unde anume? WB: Whereabouts? F: Din Richmond. Si dvs.? F: From Richmond. And you? We: Eu sint din Tooting. we: I'm from Tooting. Dialogue 3. Agnes Gill (AG), Peter Fuller (PF) mi, de Fuller, sinteti AG: Tell me, Mrs: Fuller, are you Scot- fish?! PF: Yes. ‘AG: Oh, what part are you from? PF: Din Sterling. PF: From Sterling. ‘AG: Se gaseste in nord sau in sud? AG: Is that north or south? 19 PF: Mm, este nu departe de Edin. tm, PF: Well t's not far trom Edinbourgh AG: A, da. | CUM SE SPUNE « HOW TO Say IT SSS ERNE * HOW TO Say IT 1. Cum se intreabé nationalit tatea, How to ask about natonaltge Care este nationaitar i . ea dvs? = fam — Romanian’ sine 2Netan, — Swiss. | ei — mane, ‘Ate you — Romanian? | — austriac? = Austra Da, sint n Metrane Nu, nu sint. Sint... Nor im No, I'm not. I'm... 2. Cum se intreaba o perso: ani Fo fa Parotid de une provi, Rane == | where [is he [What pat | she [(0f Romania) L 20 es — Nationality (cap. 3] Nationalitatea—Nationality [unit 3 EXERCITI EXERCISES Exercise 1 Ascultati pe caseta cum se pronunta numele unor localtati si zone din Germania: Pronuntaji acum numele _unor locaitaji si zone din Romania Listen on the cassette to how the Germany place and names are pronounced and repeat them. lasi — Cluj — Timisoara — Suceava — Oradea — Satu-Mare, Transilvania, Banat, Romani Acum spunefi c& provenii din aceste locuri. Exerc 2 Now say that you come from these places. Ascultafi conversajia urmatoare: Barbat: Hello. Femeie: Hello Barbat: De unde sinteti? Femeie: Sint din Bristol. Barbat: De unde anume? Femeie: Din Clifton, Pe acelasi model raspundeti si dvs, luind rolul femeii si folosind urmatoarele date: Barbat: Hello. Femeie: Barbat: De unde sintefi? Femeie: . Barbat: De unde anume? Femeie: Pronuntafi acum numele nor locaiitati $i zone din Romania. Bucuresti — Cringasi; Maramures — Cluj —"Manaistur Exercise 3 Prezentati o persoana d-lui Jones. Dys.: Die Jones, aceasta este d-na Boldur, DL Jones: Incintat de cunostings Bun venit in York Acum prezentati un grup de per- Soane d-lyi Jones. Listen to the following conversa- tion: Man: Hello. Woman: Hello. Man: Where are you from? Woman: I'm from Bristol Man: Whereabouts? Woman: From Clifton, Listen to the following conversa- tion on the cassette and say that Yous coma. rom these places: lan: Hello, Woman: Man: Where are you from? Woman: Man: Whereabouts? Woman: Satu-Mare; Bihor — Oradea; You introduce somebody to Mr. Jones. You: Mr. Jones, this is Mrs. Boldur. Mr, Jones: How do you do? Wel- come to York. Now introduce a group of people to Mr. Jones. Or. Schwarz, Fraulein Weiss, Herr Lietz, Frau Weinkauf, Herr Schonleben, Fraulein Jager. Verificati raspunsurile cu caseta, Check your answers with the cas- sette, at ICAP. 4} UNIT 4 Familia — Family in acest capitol invaat: @ cum s& intrebati despre familia interlocutorului; © situatia familiala; \ cum sa formulafi raspunsurile respective. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES (WwW) Are you British? Yes, |.am. I'm from Tooting. What about you? I'm British, too. Well, 'm English. Sintoti englez? Da, sint din Tooting. Dar dvs.? F: w: F: $i eu sint din Marea Britanie. Ei bine, sint englezoaica. W: Esti casatorita, Felicity? F: Nu, nu sint. Dvs. sinteti? Ww: inca casatorit Are you married, Felicity? No, I'm not. Are you? No. I'm single. 7s 7 =2 Nu, nu sir Dialogue 2. Agnes Gill (AG), Peter Fuller (PF) AG: Spuneji-mi, die Fuller, sinteti AG: Tell me, Mr. Fuller, are you here aici cu afaceri? on business? PF: Da. PF: Yes. AG: Este si sofia dvs.? AG: Is your wife with you? PF: Nu, sofia mea este acasa. PF: No, my wife is at home. AG: Aveti copii? ‘AG: Have you got any children? PF: Da, am un béiat si doua fete. PF: Yes, i've got one son and two Dar dvs., dna Gill, aveti copii? daughters. And you, Mrs. Gill? Have you got any children? AG: Da, am o fata, AG: Yes, I've got one daughter. CUM SE SPUNE HOW TO SAY IT 1, Cum se intreaba 0 persoana daca este cisatorité. How to ask if a person is married, 22 cap. 4 Familia — Family [UNIT 4 Sinteti cAsStorit/cAsatorit’? — Da, sint, — Nu, nu sint. Are you married? — Yes, | am. — No, I'm not. ES ene ae Ny ae se Eee Gat aN iin (um a) 2. Cum se intreab& 0 persoané despre membri familiei. How to ask about a person's family. ‘Aveti — copii? Have you got any — children? | — frati? — brothers? — surori? — sisters? ‘copii childen ~ | Hi? frati avefi? How many] brothers| have you ‘surori got? | sisters | r Am un | eopil = a Euan lo | fica we ||, oid fu Vhave a daughter | frate bo) ay fone brother Avem doi copii We've Noi avem | doua | fete wie) ‘trei baiefi trai suroni Eu nu am copii Noi nu aver | frati i eee ssurori we [haven't got_any | brothers 23 Familia — Family EXERCISE 1 Ascultati dialogul de pe caseta. D-na Wison: Buna seara, die Fiebiger. Sinteti aici cu afaceri? D1. Fiebiger: Da, sit D-na Wilson: Este gi familia cu dvs? DI. Fiebiger: Nu, sofia este acasa. La fel si copii D-na Wilson: Citi copii aveti, d-le Fiebiger? D1. Fiebiger: Am un fiu gi o fica. Acum alcaituiji aceeasi conversatie folosind informatie a—d. @) DI Rickert este aici in concediu Cu sotia si doua fice. b) DI Neubert este aici cu afaceri cu sofia. Nu au copii © Dna Denker este aici cu afaceri, Sojul este acasa. Nu au copii 4) DI Wacker este aici cu afaceri, singur. Sofia este acasé cu fiul $i cele doua fice. Verificaji raspunsurile cu caseta. 24 EXERCITI| — EXERCISES Listen to this dialogue on the cas- sette. Mrs. Wilson: Good evening, Mr. Fiebiger. Are you here on’ busi- ness? Mr. Fiebiger: Yes, | am. Mrs, Wilson: Is your family with you? Mr. Fiebiger: No, my wife is at home. So are the children, Mrs, Wilson: How many children have you got, Mr. Fiebiger? Mr. Fiebiger: I've got one son and one daughter. Now do the same conversation. Use information a—d, ‘Mr. Rickert is here on holiday with his wife and two daughters. Mr Neubert is here on business with his wife. They have no children, Mrs Denker is here on business. Her husband is at home. They have no children Mr. Wacker is here on business, alone. His wife is at home, with their son and two daughters. Check your answers with the cas- sette, ICAP. 4 JUNIT 4 EXERCISE 2 a es Ascultati urmatoarea conversatie de pe caseté, Dna Simpson: Buna seara, dle Green...? DI. Green: Da, eu sint. Dna. Simpson: DL Green: Nu, sojia este acasa avind gria de copii Dna. Simpson: DL. Green: Am doi fil gi o fica. Toate intrebarile d-nei Simpson lip- ese. Punefile dvs. Veriticati caseta. FAspunsurile ascultind Listen to this gapped conversation on the cassette. Mrs, Simpson: Good evening, Mr. Green... Mr. Green: Yes, | am. Mrs. Simpson: ... Mr. Green: No, my wife is at hom looking after the children. Mrs, Simpson: Mr. Green: We have two sons and @ daughter. All Mrs's Simpson questions are missing. Ask them, Check your answers with the cas- sette, EXERCISE 3 eS Ascuttati dialogul de pe caseta. intrebare: Sinteti casatorit? Raspuns: Da. Intrebare: Avefi copii? Raspuns: Da, avem un copil ‘Acum alc&tuiti acoeasi conversatie folosind informatiile a—d, a) Aveti cite unul din fiecare, b) Aveti doi baiei ©) Aveti trei fete. ) Aveli trei fete si un baat, Verificati-va réspunsurile cu caseta. Usten to the dialogue on the cassette. Question: Are you married? Answer: Yes. 5 Question: Have you got any children? ‘Answer: Yes, we have got one child. Now do the same conversation. Use information a—d. ) You have got one of each. ) You have got two boys. ©) You have got three daughters. d) You have got three giris and a Check your answers with the cas- sete ICAP. 5; UNIT 5, La _cumparaturi — Shopping ICAP. 5 UNIT 5 La cumparaturi — Shopping jin acest capttol invatatt: cum sa solicitati ceva intr-un magazin; ¢ cum sa intrebati de pret. ‘As: Desigur, dle. Multumesc. Mai As: Certainly, sir. Thank you. Will there doriti ceva? be anything else? HG: Nu, mulfumesc. Asta e tot. Ct’ HG: No, thank you, that's all. How As: costa? Costa 3,80 £ die. much is that? As: That comes to £ 3,80, sir. DIALOGURI — DIALGGUES lalogue 1 Winston (W), Shop Assistant (As) (vinzator) CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se solicita cea ce dorifi intr-un magazin. How to say what you want in a shop. As: V pot ajuta? As: Can | help you? W: Da. As dori Mirror’, vi rog. —-W: Yes. I'd like the Mirror, please, As: Costa’ 22 penny, As: That’ 22 p. W: Si aceste doua reviste. W: And these two magazines. As: Multumesc. Costa 1,30 £. As: Thank you. That's £ 1,30 . Dialogue 2 Felicity (F), Shop Assistant (As) F As: F As: Ma puteti ajuta? F: Da As: A$ dori citeva aspirine, va rog. F $i acele doua agrate de par de Can you help me, please? Yes. ''d like some aspirins, please. And those hair grips over there, a) Doni se acyl “ater?” You want to atract the attention vinzatorului. of the shop assistant. ER pute aia |varog? | [can you nelp |” | pease? Ne ° = Desig Yaomnue | ~—«([Cenainy, a [oa doamna | [ves | macam acolo, Costa 1,70 £. As: £ 1,70 please. Dialogue 3 Henry Gill (HG), Shop Assistant (As) As: HG: As: Ha: As: HG: 26 ‘Va pot ajuta? Da, ag dori niste flor. ‘Am aici nigte frezii frumoase. ‘Sau sint nigte trandafiri frumosi acolo. ‘AS dori cinci trandafir, va roa, Desigur, dle. Mai dorii ceva? Da, ag dori si patru frezii As: Can | help you? HG: Yes. I'd like some flowers. As: I've got some nice freesias here. Or there are some beautiful roses over there. HG: Id like five roses, please As: Certainly, sit. Will there be any- thing else? HG: Yes, I'd like four freesias as well b) Dori obiecte care se pot You want things you can count numéra, [a cove [omar Y ‘(Fate sone wampe | aspirine | | aspirins. flor flowers L leat pestle | postcards, ©) Doriti obiecte care nu se pot numara, You want things you can’t count. 1g don nigio | spun pasta de ding roathpaste tatun IL tobacco I'D LIKE SOME STAMPS. 1D LIKE SOME SOAP. uvintul SOME se foloseste in sensul de NISTE cind este vorba de| obiecte care se pot numara sau nu. In propozitile negative insa ANY. ex. | DON'T WANT ANY STAMPS (nu vreau timbre). 'd like some | soap. se foloseste| 27 ©) Doriti lucruri care se cumpaira la Cantitate sau in ambalaj You want things you buy by the quantity or the container. As dori | un | halba cu bere. © | livre’ (0,454 kg) de mere | kg de banane pahar cu vin sticla cu lapte. pachet de plicuri cutie cu_chibrituri 2. Cum se intreaba pretul How to ask for a price, 'dlke ]a_ | pint of beer. pound of apples. kilo of bananas. glass of wine. bottle of milk packet of envelopes. box of match How much is | that ...? this Ch costa aceea? iE aceasta? 3. Cum spuneti dacd mai dorifi sau nu altceva, How to say you want or don't want anything else. Mai doriti ceva? — Da, ag mai wrea gi Nu, muttumesc, asta e tot. 28 Will there be anything else? Yes, I'd like... as well — No thank you. That's’ all ‘Acum spuneji c& dorfi obiecte Verificativa rspunsurile ascuttind caseta aceste cap. 5] La cumparaturi — Shopping [unr 5] cap. 5] La cumparaturi — Shopping [uni 5 d) Doriti obiecte individuale. You want individual items. EXERCITII EXERCISES ‘As dori [un | sandvis. Vd like Ja | sandwich Exercise 1 . a iam here oe Coat Ascultafi caseta pentru a invaja Listen on the cassette to how revit |__| magazine. Pronunjia, dupa care repetali si dvs, these. things "are pronunced ‘ard ingheyata. an | ice-cream, repeat them. niste sandvisuri — some sandwiches ae apple. niste flori — some fiowers. _ | plic. _| _|envelope. | nigte aspirine — some aspirins ! nigte plicuri — some envelopes. = a re err niste CArti pogtale ilustrate — some picture cards. Bai, al Seas orn para tage chiohon = corte] ates | Substantivul Incepe cu 0 vocald, nigte tiga — some cigarettes Ee i nigte Spun — some soap nigte past de dinti — some toothpaste Now say that you want these things. ‘Check your answers with the cas- sotte. Exercise 2 es Ascultati pronuntia pe caset’ gi repetati si dvs. © halba cu bere © sticla cu vin un pahar cu lapte © ceagcai cu ceai © cutie cu ciocolata ©’ cutie cu suc de portocale © Cutie cu limonad& un kg de mere © livra de pere (0,454 kg) ‘Acum spunefi cA doriti fuera. Verificay-va raspunsurile cu caseta. aceste Listen on the cassette to how these things are pronunced and repeat them. a pint of beer a bottle of wine a glass of milk a cup of tea a box of chocolate a carton of orange juice a can of lemonade a kilo of apples pound of pears Now say that you want these things. Check your answers with the cas- [cap. 5] La cumparaturi — Shopping [unr 5 cap. 6| La cumparaturi — Shopping [unir 6 xercise 3 lata citeva obiecte de care putea sa aveti nevoie ca_turist Cerefite. inghegata ghid de calatorie Qhidul hotelurilor Pieptene erie de par Tuj de buze Verificati-vé réspunsurile ascuttind caseta. Exercise 4 Winston viziteaz& oragul York gi doreste s& cumpere nigte cari Postale. Ati putea pe baza infor- matilor de mai jos SA alcatuli con- versatia pe care 0 va avea intr-un magazin? Cit costa asta? Desigur. de, ‘AS dori niste camti postale ilustrate. Nu, muumesc. Ag dori cinci, va rog. Va pot ajuta, d-le? Aceasta cost 1,25 &. ‘Am aici nigte citi postale. Mai doriti ceva, d-le? Verificativa raspunsurile cu caseta. Here are some things you might Need as a tourist. Ask for them. — ice-cream — guide book — hotel list — comb — hairbrush — lipstick Check your answers with the cas- sette. Winston is visiting York and wants to buy some picture postcards. Can you sort out the conversation he has in a shop? How much is this? Certainty, si I like Some picture postcards. No, thank you, Td like five, please, Can | help you, si That comes to £ 1,25. I've got some nice postcards here, Will there be anything else, sir? Check your answers with the cas- sette, {in acest capitol invatati alte fraze care v-ar putea fi utile la cumparaturi. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Mrs. Gammon (WG), Shop Assistant (As) WG: Aveti unt englezesc? WG: Have you got any English butter? Asi Da, 11 gisiti acolo, As: Yes, you'll find it over there. WG: Aveti si piine neagra? WG: And have you got a brown loaf? As: Imi pare rau, nu avem, Altceva? As: No, sorry, we haven't. Anything else? WG: As dori 0 duzina de oud. Cit WG:I'd like a dozen eggs, please. How costa? much is that? ENGLISH BUTTER ge untul imponat din BROWN LOAF este tul_englezesc Noua Zeelanda sau j rescurtarea de Ia deosebire Dialogue 2 Henry Gill (HG), Barman (Bm) HG: As dori o halba& cu bere. HG: I'd like a pint of beer, please, Bm: John Smith sau Bass? Bm: John Smith's or Bass? HG: Mm, Bass va rog. $i un gin HG: Oh, Bass please. And a gin and tonic. tonic, Bm: O alba. Un gin tonic. Face Bm: One pint. One gin and tonic, 1,90 €, That'll be £ 1,90. a logue 3 Agness Gill (AG), Shop Assistant (As) As: Va pot ajuta? AG: Can | help you? AG: Nu, multumesc. Doar privesc. As: No, thank you, I'm just looking, 31 ew | Se ee CPOE —— VY) Dialogue 4 Agnes Gill (AG), Clerk (Cl) (functionar) AG: Scuzafi-ma, imi puteti da niste informagi?? CR cost un timbru pentru Germania? Ci: Scrisoare sau carte postala? AG: Pentru o scrisoare. Cl O scrisoare pentru Germania cost 19 penny. AG: Va rog, 6 timbre de 19 p. Cl Asta face 1,14 lire, AG: Excuse me. Can you give me some information? How much is a ‘stamp for Germany? Cl, Letter or card? AG: It’s for a letter. lA letter to Germany costs 19 p. AG: Coud | have six 19 p. stamps, please. Cl: That'll be £ 1,14, HY [UNIT 6 cap. 6] La cumparaturi — Shopping [unit 6| 2. Cum se Intreaba la posta. How to ask about postage. EL publog. Lee pee ae cr as ea ene ‘og ea ae, base tale as Dialogue 5 Winston (W), Milton (M). Barman (Bm) Ce beti? © halba de biter. (catre barman) Doua halbe cu biter, va rog. Asta face 1,80 £. lata 2 £, ‘Va multumesc foarte mult, dom- rule, Noroc! Sandtate! EE 8s 5s W: What's yours? M: A pint of bitter, please. W: (to the barman) Two pints of bitter, please. That'll be £ 1,80 please. W: Here's £ 2.00. Bm: Thank you very much, sir. W: Cheers! M: Good health! CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se spune cind nu dori! s& cumparati ceva. How to say you do not want to buy things, Numai privese (muumesc). 32 I'm just looking (thank you). © Jo scrisoare | pt. Romania? Ch costs | 0 carte pt. parle CE? postata pt. Anglia? How much is letter to Romania? a | posteard | to Ec countries? to Britain? | un timbru | 0 carte postal pentru | 0 sorisoare pt Dovese |__| Romania dous) | de 14 penny cinci | de 19 penny | L ftimbre | Could | have | a stamp for] a card tol Romania a letter _| | two 4p. | stamps | five 19p. | EXERCITII — EXERCISES EXERCISE 1 _ Ascultati dialogul de pe caseta (repetatit daca dorit. Clientul: Ma puteti ajuta? Vinzatorul: Desigur. Clientul: Aveti c&mti postale ilustrate? Vinzatorul: Da, le gasiti acolo. Clientut: Aveti si plicuri? Listen to the dialogue on the cassette (repeat it if you want) Customer: Can you help me? Shop Ass: Certainly. Customer: Have you got any pic- ture postcarc s? Shop Ass: Yes, you'll find them over there. Customer: And have you got any envelopes? Ce’ aero Shopping [unit 6} cap. 6] La cumparaturi — Shopping [unit 6 Vinz&torul: Regret, nu avem. Shop Ass: No, sory. We haven't Acum vativa rolul si completati Now take your part in the gapped intrebarile care lipsesc. conversation. Dvs. You: Vinztorul: Desigur. Shop Ass: Certainly Dvs... You: Vinzdtorul: Da, le g&siti acolo. Shop Ass: Yes, you'll find them over there. Dvs.:. You... Vinztorul: Regret, nu ave. Shop Ass: No, sony, we haven't. Bort sa cumparay urmatoarele: a)— You want to buy the following o: a)—c): @) past de dingi — toothpaste aspirine — aspirins b) ciocolata — chocolates pere — pears ©) mere — apples flori — flowers. Veriicajiva raspunsurile ascuttind Check your answers with the cas. caseta sete. EXERCISE 2 aes Dorji S comandati intr-un birt You: want to order the following urmatoarele bauturi: drinks in @ pub: bitter — 0 halba bitter — a pint gin tonic — un pahar gin tonic — a glass bitter — 0,5 halba bitter — 1/2 a pint suc de citrice lager and lime Babycham — o sticta Babycham — a bottle Coca-cola Coca-cola suc de portocale ‘orange juice whisky and soda — a glass Check your answers with the cas- sette, EXERCISE 3 EXERCISE QO in Angia timbrole postale so cumpird astel: — a book of first class stamps; — a book of second class stamps. Acestea sint niste calete cu timbro frst class — pentru expedier! expres $i second class ~~ pentru expedier normale, whisky gi sifon — un pahar Verificati réspunsurile cu caseta. 34 Three 19 p. stamps — trei timbre de 19 penny four 14 p. stamps — patru timbre de 14 penny Desigur se pot solicita timbrele si dupa valoarea lor. — two first class stamps (doua timbre pentru expres) and three second class stamps (trei timbre pentru expediere normals). — ten air mail stamps (zece timbre pentru expediere par- avion). Dori s& cumparaji aceste timbre, Solictatite gi intrebayi de pret. Verificajiva raspunsurile cu caseta, You want to buy these stamps. ‘Ask for them and ask for the price Check your answers with the cas- sotte. CAP. 7| Localitati — Places UNIT 7| In acest capitol invatatl: ¢ 88 vorbiti despre localtai; s& intrebati unde sint situate; © SA intrebati de ele gi de descrierea lor; ¢ S& faceji recomandari in legatura cu ele. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES De unde sinteti? Sint din Coxwold. Unde este ast Este un oragel in Yorkshire. Yorkshire-ul este in nord-estul Angliei, nui aga? Da Ge mai aveti pe acolo? Acolo sint si Dales, si North Yorkshire Moors. Sint si niste sate foarte frumoase. Este Incintator, trebuie s& mergefi acolo. Cum este vremea? i, bine, este schimbatoare. Uneori este frumos. Alteori este umed. Sinteti din Londra? Da, sint din Tooting. Unde este Tooting? Este in sud-estul Londrei. Cum este? Este 0 simpla suburbie. Nimic special @E9 2020E = EOE93 Hello, where are you from? 'm from Coxwold. Where's that? it's a small town in Yorkshire. Yorkshire's in the north east of England, isn't it? Yes. What's it like there? There are the Dales. And the North Yorkshire Moors. And there are some very pretty villages. It's lovely. You should go. Ww: G w: G: Ww: G What's the weather like? Well, it's changeable. Sometimes it's fine. And sometimes it's wet. Are you from London? W: Yes, I'm from Tooting. G: Where's Tooting? W: I's in the south east of London. @ w: os What's it like? It's just a suburb. Nothing special. Dialogue 2 Mrs Gammon (WG), Henry Gill (HG) WG: Sinteti din York, nu-i aga? HG: Da, sintem. WG: Cred ca este un orag frumos. HG: Da, este incintator. WG: Imi amintesc c& este acolo o catedrala minunata. 36 WG: You're from York, aren't you? HG: Yes, we are. WG: It’s a beautiful city, | believe. HG: Yes, it is. It's lovely. WG: There's a wonderful cathedral | remember. CAP. 7| Localitati — Places UNIT 7| HG: Da, Domul HG: Yes, the Minster. WG: Este vreme bun in acest WG:ls the weather nice at this time of anotimp? the year? HG: Da, primavara_este frumos. HG: Yes, it's lovely in the spring. You Trebuie s& mergeti should go. WG: Mi-ar placea. WG:I'd love to. CUM SE SPUNE ¢ HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreab& unde se gisegte o localltate. How to ask where places af Salcombe? | near sents Hampstead? | (Unga) —_| Scotland. London. the Lake District. the Alps. the Midlands. the Thames. the Rhine. the coast (of Scotland). | Where's, (unde este) t's 2. Cum se cere descrierea unei localitati. How to ask for a description of the region. Cum este acolo? ‘What's it like (there)? Cum este zona? What is the country like? mice nice — placut | beautiful beautiful — frumos it's | nat flat — neted “ hilly — colinar hilly mountainous — muntos mountainous wooded — impaidurit Lo wooded, @ beautiful forest a je — mare vg | __latge io There's |__ q ‘old — vechi | cathedral forest — padure lake — lac | an interresting | ol lake 37 CAP. 7 Localitati — Places UNIT 7 CAP. 7 Localitati — Places [UNIT 7] r 5. Manchen este la sud, nisi aga? 5. Munich isin the south, isn't? park 6. Augsburg este in nordul sau 6. Is Augsburg in the north or in the isa river ‘sudul Germani south of Germany? " 2 — — wr — fu _ 7 pes de Kiel, unde este 7. I've heard of Kiel, where is it’ parks ach — strand, plaja 8. Bremen este la nord? & {ts Bremen in the nonh? are tvers [beaches Exercise 2 3. Cum se intreabé despre climé. Ascultati dialogul de pe caset&. Usten to this dialogue on the cas- How to ask about climate, Cum este vremea? Vremea este frumoasa. Vremea este frumoasa? What's the weather like? The weather is fine/nice. Is the weather nice? ok ] | ok | Serna spring — primavara its | hot in | autumn summer — vara autumn — toamna wet ane winter — iar’ L_ winter , snow — z8pada There's (a lot op [SO [| winter mow — ica rain summer alot of "mutt (, i, e) EXERCITI EXERCISES Exercise 1 Dna Gammon este foarte interesat& de Germania, Raspundefi_— la intrebarile ei. Exemplu: Unde este Labeck? Labeck este in nordul Ger- maniei. 1. Am auzit c& sinteti din Passau. Unde este asta? 2. Sinteyi din Hamburg, dle ‘Schmidt, Asta este in’ nordul Germaniei, nu-i aga? 3. Unde este Ulm? 4. Nu am auzit de Oldenburg; unde este acesta? 38 Mrs, Gammon is very interested in Germany. Answer her questions. Example: Where is Labeck? Libeck is in the north of Germany. | hear you're from Passau. Where's that? So you're from Hamburg, Mr. ‘Schmidt. That's in the north of Germany, isn't it? Whereabouts is Ulm? | have not heard of Oldenburg: where is that? Exercise 3 Ascuitafi dialogul de pe caset& Un american: Unde este Wor- cester? DL Wagner: Este in sud-vestul Angliei. Este pe riul Severn, Un american: Cum este? DL Wagner: Este acolo 0 catedrala frumoas’. Trebuie s& mergefi Un american: Mm, poate voi merge intro zi ‘Acum alcatuiti aceeasiconversatie ‘sau_una similar’ cu un american, presupunind c& dvs. afi fost in Urmatoarele localit Listen to this dialogue on the cas- sete. ‘American: Where's Worcester? Mr. Wagner: It's in the south-west of England. t's on the river Severn. “American: What's it like? Mr. Wagner: There is a beautiful cathedral. You should go. ‘American: Mm, perhaps | will one day. Now do the same or a similar conversation with an American, assuming you have been to the following places. 1. York/north east/river Ouse/Minster 2. Edinbourgh/coast/castle Canterbury/south east/cathedral Cambridge/north of London/University . Stratford/Midlands/river Avonitheatre Keswick/north west/ Lake District/mountains Salcombe/south west/sea/beachers Verticativa raspunsurile cu caseta Check your answers with the cas- sette, Mogae ICAP. 8] Cautind drumul — Finding the way UNIT 8) CAP 8] Cautind drumul — Finding the way [UNIT 8 lin acest capitol invata{l: cum sa punefi intrebari in legatura cu drumul. DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Mrs Gamon (WG), Winston (W) WG: Scuzaji-ma. Ma putefi ajuta? Exist in apropiera 0 toaleté pentru femei? W: Da, este acolo. WG: Excuse me. Can you help me? Is there a ladies’ toilet near here? W: Yes, it's over there. Dialogue 2 Anne Bardy (AB), Winston (W) AB: Scuzati-m&, exist in apropiere © cabina telefonica? W: Da. Mergofi drept inainte. Exist © cabind telefonica pe dreapta. AB: La‘ce distanja este? W: Aproximativ 200 iarzi (i iard = 0.9 m) ‘AB: Mulumesc foarte mult. Di AG: Scuzaji-ma, Existé 0 farmacie it re? pe prima strada la stinga. Este vizavi de cinema AG: Mullumesc. ‘AB: Excuse me, is there a phone box (booth) near here? W: Yes. Go along here. There's a phone box (booth) on the right, ‘AB: How far is i? W: About 200 yards. ‘AB: Thank you very much. jogue 3 Agnes Gill (AG), Winston (W) ‘AG: Excuse me, is there a chemist near here? W: Yes. Take the first street on the left. It's opposite the cinema. AG: Thank you. Dialogue 4 Henry Gill (HG), Winston (W) HG: Scuzati-ma. imi puteti_spune care este drumul spre cea mai apropiatd stajie de metrou? W: Da. Mergefi drept inainte. Este pe stinga. HG: Muljumesc. 40 HG: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the nearest tube station? W: Yes.°Go straight on (ahead). It's on the left. HG: Thank you. Dialogue 5 Henry Gill (HG), a woman (Wo) Wo: Scuzati-ma. imi_puteti spune Wo: Excuse me. Can you tell me where unde este Pear Tree Avenue? Pear Tree Avenue is? HG: Nu. Regret. Nu stiu. Nu sint de HG: No. I'm sorry. | don't know. I'm a aici. (Sint strain aici. stranger here. Dialogue 6 Winston (W), a woman (Wo) Wo: Scuzatima. imi puteti spune Wo: Excuse me. Can you tell me the care este dumul spre posta? way to the Post Office? W: Da. Mergeli pind la semafor. W: Yes, Go to the traffic lights. Turn Cotit’ pe Duke Street. Este into Duke Street. It's next to the ling Teatru, theatre. Wo: La ce distanja este? Wo: How far is it? W: " Aproximativ 500 yarzi. (450 m). W: About 500 yards. Wo: Muttumesc, Wo: Thank you. CUM SE SPUNE HOW TO SAY IT 1. Cum se intreaba dac& ceva este prin aproplere. How to ask if something is near. Is there Phone box [near here? | (exist) ja | post office | (in apropiere) | bank J 2. Cum se intreaba drumul, How to ask ask the way. Can you tell me the way to the | Youth Hostel? ] (imi puteti spune care este | theatre? | drumul spre) ‘station? post office? nearest | | tube station? (celcoa toilet? mai apropiat(@) | bank? J a ICAP 8} Cautind drumul — Finding the way [uNIT 8 Station Road Pear Tree Avenue is?| the Health Centre L Can you tell me where (imi_puteti spune unde) [ the comer. Go| along here to | the bridge, | straight on the tatfic lights. comer = col, bridge = pod traffic light = semator first Take the | second (street) on the | left left = sting(a) L third ___ right] right = dreapta | (right) ‘Stonegate Turn | (let) | into | Piccadily to tun = acot, a | | Coney Street imoarce ~~ [next to the post office. its opposite the book shop. | | the cinema. _ on the loft right over there, straight on. next to = fing’ book shop = librarie ‘over there pe aici straight on = drept inainte 3.Cum se intreaba cit de departe se afld locul cdutat. How to ask how far away something is. 200 | metres. How far is| the post office? |About |500 | yards. : jie _ five | minute's walk, ten 42 ICAP 8| Cautind drumul — Finding the way [UNIT 8 EXERCITIL EXERCISES Exercise 1 Ascultai dialogul de pe casetd. Henry:$tiu c& posta e aproape de aici. Sofia: Henry, ne-am ratacit. Voi intreba pe cineva. Scuzati- ma, Imi puteti spune care este drumul spre posta? Imaginativa c& sintefi Henry si une intrebairile necesare pentru a ‘gsi locurile urmatoare. 1, banca 2. biroul obiectelor pierdute 3. teatrul 4. statia 5 6 oficiul de turism podul Exercise 2 Listen to the dialogue on the cas- sete. Henry:| know the post office is near here. Wife: Henry, we're lost! I'l ask some- ‘one. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Post Office? Imagine you are Henry and ask the necessary questions to find these places. 4. the bank 2. the lost property office 3. the theatre 4, the station 5. the tourist office 6. the bridge DI si Dna Jones viziteaz’ Londra pentru prima oaré. Ei au nigte dificultati. Ascuttati dialogul de pe caseta. Dna Jones: Ah, drag’! Trebuie s& gasim 0 toaleta, DI Jones: Scuzati-ma, exista o toalet aproape de aici Imaginativa c& sinteti DI Jones. intrebati ce avefi nevoie. Dna Jones: 1. Trebuie s gasim 0 posta. 2 Trebuie sa gasim 0 Statie de autobuz. Trebuie s& gasim 0 banca. Trebuie s& gsim 0 statie de metrou. Trebuie s& gasim 0 parcare. Trebuie s& gasim 0 cabina telefonica. Trebuie sa gasim 0 farmacie. N on Mr and Mrs Jones are_visiting London for the first time. They are having some difficulties. Listen to the dialogue on the cassette. Mrs Jones: Oh, dear! We must find a toilet Mr Jones: Excuse me, is there a toilet near here? Imagine you are Mr Jones. Ask for what you need. Mrs Jones: 1, We must find a post office. 2, We must find a bus stop. 3. We must find a bank. 4. We must find a tube station. We must find a car park. We must find a phone box. 7. We must find a chemist. [cap 8] Cautind drumul — Finding the way [UNIT @ cap 9] Permisiunea — Permission [unit 9] ‘ | In acest ‘ol invaitagl: Exercise 3 ¢ cum sa core pormetune: lat& cReva raspunsuri_ care vi s-ar putea da cind intrebati de drum. Cititle si g&siti intrebarile care au fost puse. Apoi ascultati conversatia pe caseta. 1A B: O cabinai telefonica? imi pare rau, nu sint de pe aici 2k. B: Micklegate? Da. Treceti. peste pod. Apoi drept inainte. 3A B: Da. Este o stajie de autobuz jin Tanner Row. 4A B: Youth Hotel? Da. Este in Water End, 5A. B: Este o farmacie in Parliament Street, cred. 6A: .. B: Da. Mergeti drept inainte si o luati pe a doua la dreapta. ‘Aceea e Piccadily 7K B: Minster. Da. Mergefi_ pina la semafor $i cotiji la stinga BA. B: Museum Street? Nu, regret, nu sti @> BP BF oR Here are some answers you may be given when asking the way. Read them and work out the questions which were asked. Then listen to the conversation on the cassette, K telephone box? I'm sorry, I'm a stranger here. Micklegate? Yes. Go over the bridge. Then i's straight on Yes. There's a bus stop in Tan- ner Row. The Youth Hoste!? Yes, i's in Water End, A B: Theres a chemist in Pariament Street, | think a B: Yes, Go straight on and take the second on the right. That's Pic- cadily. The Minster? Yes, Go to the traffic lights and turn left. Pr @> Museum Street? No, I'm sorry, | don't know. © cum sa raspundefi la rugaminti: ‘© cum s& intrebaji daca este permis, DIALOGURI — DIALOGUES Dialogue 1 Henry Gill (HG), Winston (W) HG: Scuzafi-ma. (Mai tare) Scuzati- a « ) Scuzati Ww: Da HG: Pot parca aici? W: Nu, de, aici nu aveti voie s& parcati. HG: Pot parca acolo? W: Nici acolo nu avefi voie sa parca. HG: Asta e absolut imposibil HG: Excuse me. (Louder) Excuse me. W: Yes. HG: Can | park here? W: No, sir. You are not allowed to park here, HG: Can | park over there? W: You are not allowed to park over here, either. Dialogue 2 Felicity (F), a neighbour (Ne) F: (batind la usa vecinului) Die ‘Simpson. Ne: Bund, Felicity. Ce s-a intimpiat? F: Priv, Amo pana, Ne: Asta vad. F: Pot imprumuta bicicleta dvs., va fog? Sint in intirziere la serviciu. Ne: in ordine. F: Pot imprumuta gi farul? Ne: Da, in ordine. tata. F: Va’ multumesc foarte mutt F: (knocking on her neighbour's door) Mr Simpson. Ne: Hello, Felicity, what's the matter? F: Look, Ive got a puncture. Ne: So | see. F: Can | borrow your bicycle, please? Vm late for work. Ne: That's all right. F: Can | borrow your bicycle lamp, t00? Ne: Yes, that’s all right. Here it is. Fo Thanks very much. 45

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