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Perfec\ionarea resurselor umane din lnvatamantul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a perfo rmantei ~i profes ionalizarii
carierei didactice


Cuprinsul tezei de doctorat

Contextul cercetarii, importanta actualitatea ~i relevanta temei abordate
Structura lucrarii
Specificul metodologic al cercetarii
Obiectivele cercetarii
lpotezele cercetarii
Descrierea metodei de cercetare
Contribufii personale
Utilitatea tezei de doctorat
Noutatea tezei de doctorat
Perfectionarea resurselor umane din 'invatamiintul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a performantei ~i profesionalizarii
carierei didactice


1. I Rolul ~i irnportanta Resurselor umane In raport cu performantele organizatiei 9
1.2. Strategii ~ i politici In domeniul Resurselor umane I
I .2. 1. Strategii In domeniul resurselor umane I
1.2.2 Politici in domeniul resurselor umane l
1.2.3 .Cerinte ale politicilor din domeniul res urselor umane 1
1.3. Evaluarea performantelor Resurselor umane cerinte a le unui proces corect de apreciere in raport cu I
performantele organizatiei 9
1.3. 1. Rolul evaluarii performantelor I
1.3.2. Etapele procesului de evaluare a performantelor angajatilor 2
1.3.3. Surse de erori lntiilnite in evaluarea resurselor umane 2
1.3 .4 Metode ~i tehnici de evaluare a perfonnantelor resurse lor umane 2
I .4. Pregatirea profesionala. Strategii de formare ~i perfectionare a resurselor umane 3
1.4.1. Rolul ~i irnportanta perfectionarii resurselor umane in cadrul organizatiei 3
1.4.2. Instruirea ~i perfectionarea pe baza de competente 3
1.5. C oncluzii capitol 3
2. I Standardizarea carierei resurselor umane dintr-o organizatie 3
2. I .1. Standarde profesionale - terminologie 3
2. 1.2. Competenta - definire, structura, clasificare 4
2. 1.3. Importanta ~i rolul standardelor/competentelor profesionale 4
2.2 Profesionalizarea carierei la nivel de organizatie 4
2.3. Perfonnanta in cariera a res urselor umane - deziderat pentru o organizatie competitiva 4
2.4. Organizatia care lnvata - o noua provocare a secolului XXl 5
2.4. I . Definirea ~i caracteristicile Organizatiei care lnvata 5
2.4.2. Cerintele organizationale pentru o organizatie care lnvata 5
2 .4.3. Managementul performantei la nivel de organizatie 6
2.5. lnvatarea permanenta, dimensiune majora a atingerii perfonnante i 6
2.6. Concl uz ii capitol 6
Perfec\ionarea resurselor umane din lnvatamiintul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a perfonnan\ei ~i profesionalizarii
carierei didactice


3.1 Prezentarea sistemului educational din lnvatamantul preuniversitar din Romania 7
3.2 Prezentarea sistemului educational din lnvatamantul preuniversitar dinjudetul Dambovita 8
3.2.1. Reteaua ~colara 8
3.2.2. Resursele umane 8
3.3. Concluzii capitol 8
4.1 . Considerente teoretice privind metodologia cercetarii impactului programelor de perfectionare din invatamantul 8
preuniversitar romanesc asupra cre~terii performantei ~ i profesionalizarii carierei didactice 8
4 .2. Obiectivele ~i ipoteza cercetarii 8
4.3. Metodologia cercetarii 9
4 .3. 1. Metode ~i tehnici de cercetare 9
4.3.2. E~antionare participanti ~i continuturi 9
4.3.3. Etape ~i subetape ale cercetarii 9
4.3 .4. A~teptari ~i rezultate 9
4.4. Cercetarea experimentala 9
4.4.1. Aplicarea de chestionare 9
4.4.2. Colectarea ~i analiza datelor 9
4.4.4. Interpretarea rezultatelor ~i verificarea ipotezelor 9
4.5. Concluzii capitol 2
5. 1. Analiza SWOT privind situatia perfectioniirii cadrelor didactice din judetul Dambovita 2
5.2. Model de evaluare a factorilor de influenta asupra procesului de perfectionare a cadrelor didactice din judetul 2
Dambovita 3
5.3. Plan de masuri pentru cre~terea impactului perfectionarii asupra performantei ~i profesionalizarii carierei 2
didactice 4
Concluzii capitol 2
Bibliografie 2
Perfectionarea resurselor umane din lnvatamiintul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a performantei ~i profes ionalizarii
carierei didactice

Lista tabele 2
Lista figuri 2
Anexe 2
Perfec\ionarea resurselor umane din 'inva\amantul preuni versitar - factor de crestere a performantei ~i profesionalizari i
carierei didactice


Perfecfionare, performanfa, profesiona/izare, cariera didactica, inviifiimant preuniversitar

Perfec(ionarea resurselor umane din lnvi'l(ami\ntul preuni versitar - factor de cre~tere a performantei ~i profesionali zarii
carierei didactice

Contextul cercetarii, importanta, actualitatea ~i relevanta temei abordate

Performanta unei organizatii depinde in mare masura de calitatea resurselor umane

proprii, pentru ca, a~a cum subliniaza multe cercetari ill domeniu, renumele ~i pozitia
organizatiei, vis - a - vis de concurenti, este ~i rezultatul investitiei in capitalul uman 1•
Perfectionarea unui angajat este un proces de lunga durata care acopera lntreaga sa
cariera2 . Aceasta presupune dobandirea de noi cuno~tinte ~i abilitati atat in calificarea pe care
o persoana o poseda deja, cat ~i atunci cand este vorba de o policalificare sau recalificare.
Oamenii sunt o resursa importanta, eel mai valoros activ 3 pentru orice tip de
organizatie, indiferent de domeniul de activitate. Ace~tia asigura supravietuirea, progresul ~i

reu~ita, pe o piata competitionala aflata intr-o continua schimbare. Fara angajatii care se
perfectioneaza pentru a ~tii ce, cand ~i cum trebuie sa actioneze, este foarte greu ca o
organizatie sa-~i atinga obiectivele. Organizatiile traiesc prin oameni, ace~tia le dezvolta, le
mentin pe piata, le inchid pentru a se adapta noilor cerinte ale societatii4 •
in contextul celor amintite mai sus, problema ~tiintifica care a fost supusa analizei,
prin prezenta teza de doctorat, este reprezentata de starea invatamantului preuniversitar, liceu,
prin prisma perfectionarii resurselor umane, ca factor de cre~tere a performantei ~i

profesionalizarii carierei didactice, fapt care se reflecta in procesul instructiv - educativ, dar ~i

asupra imaginii ~i pozitiei organizatiei.

Problematica ridicata de perfectionarea cadrelor didactice din invatamantul
preuniversitar, liceu, din judetul Dambovita a dat na~tere urmatoarelor intrebari:
~ exista preocupare in randul cadrelor didactice din invatamantul preuniversitar, liceu,
pentru performanta in cariera?
~ exista o stransa legatura intre performanta in cariera, reputatia profesionala ~1

renumele organizatiilor din mediul preuniversitar?

~ au survenit modificari in cariera didactica in urma finalizarii programelor de
perfectionare absolvite de catre cadrele didactice din invatamantul preuniversitar
dambovitean, in ultimii 5 ani?
~ s-au imbunatatit performantele elevilor ca urmare a programelor de perfectionare
absolvite de catre cadrele didactice din invatamantul preuniversitar, in ultimii 5 ani?
Structura tezei
Vorbind despre Perfectionarea resurselor umane din invatamantul preuniversitar ca ~i

' Covrig ~erba n, Managementul Resurselor umane, tezll doctoral, Universi1a1ea Polilehnica Bucuresti, 2007, p 5
Badescu A, Mirc i C, Bogre G, Managementul Resurselor umane. Manualul profesionistului, Timi~oara, 2008, p 75
Maican, D., Managementul Resurselor 11111ane, Editura Casa Corpului Didactic, Slatina - Olt, 200 I, p.81
' Popa L, Filip R., Management interna/ional, Editura Economica, 200 1, p I 0
Perfec\ionarea resurselor umane din lnviitiimantul preuniversitar - factor de crestere a performan\ei si profesionaliziirii
carierei didactice

factor de cre$tere a performantei $i profesionalizarii carierei didactice, aceasta teza de doctorat

este stmcturata in cinci capitole. Primul capitol sintetizeaza notiuni teoretice, relevante
pentru tema de cercetare aleasa. in cadrul acestuia prezentam Rolul $i importanta resurselor
umane in raport cu performantele organizatiei. Este evidentiata unicitatea resurselor umane5
in sensul realizarii $i augmentarii celorlalte resurse care contribuie la des!a$urarea activitatii
organizatiei. Obiectivele organizatiilor seating prin oameni, prin efortul, experienta, pasiunea
$i atitudinea !or fata de munca $i valori 6. Ace$tia creeaza $i consuma resurse, uneori cu
intluente negative asupra ecosistemelor. Calitatea resursei umane este cea care duce
organizatia catre succes $i performanta 7; nu numai calitatea produselor sau serviciilor este
reprezentativa pentru mentinerea pe piata a unei organizatii ci $i valorile, trasaturile $i
conditia angajatilor sai.
Cel de al doilea capitol aduce in discutie in primul rand, standardizarea $1
profesionalizarea carierei, dar $i atingerea performantei angajatilor care lucreaza intr-o
organizatie competitiva8 .
Standardul ocupational pentru profesia Profesor gimnaziu - liceu9 define$te profesorul
ca fiind cadrul didactic care se adreseaza elevilor cu varste cuprinse intre 10 $i 18 ani $i care
face dovada unor calitati $i abilitati speciale. Profesorul este eel care formeaza deprinderi de
munca intelectuala $i ajuta elevul sa se descopere pe sine, sa se valorizeze $i sa-$i corecteze
gre$elile. Societatea actuala are a$teptari mari de la cadrul didactic 10. Acesta este expert in una
sau doua discipline de specialitate 11 , i$i actualizeaza continuu cuno$tintele pentru furnizarea
unui continut educational corespunzator perioadei economice $i sociale actuale, detine
competente pedagogice care sa sustina formarea unor capacitati umane de inalt nivel,
motivate sa invete, sa fie creative $i cooperante. Pentru cadrele didactice din Romania
standardele au existat dintotdeauna sub forma de legi, metodologii, programe, etc. Totu$i
acestea nu asigura un program coerent $i transparent de formare $i dezvoltare profesionala
continua pentru profesori.
Performanta inalta reprezinta baza succesului in orice post, in orice pozitie pe scara
ierarhica intr-o organizatie. Obtinerea acesteia in orice domeniu de activitate conduce la
aprecierea echipei de management, la ca$tigarea respectului colegilor $i al subordonatilor $i

Balogh P., Managementul Resurselor umane, Prouniversitaria, 2013 , pl 9
Puiu A., Management, Anali=e ~i studii comparative, Editura lndependen\a Economica, 20 16, p 172
Manolescu A., Managementul ReS11rselor Umane, Ed. a patra. Editura Economicl\, 2003, p 16
Ganescu C., Cultura organi=a/ionalii ~i competitivitatea, Editura Universitara, Bucure~ti, 2011, p 16
Standard ocupa\ional, ocupa)ia: profesor gimnaziu - liceu, Consiliul pentru standarde ocupa\ionale ~i cercetare, Bucure~ti, 1999
Popescu C., Surcel (Georgescu) R., Improving pe1formances of teaching staff in order to obtain the status of permanent teacher in pre-
university education, Proceeding of the I 0th International Management Conference, 20 16, Bucharest
Badescu G., Negru-Sub\iricll 0 ., Angi D., Ivan C., Profesor in Romania, Friedrich Elbert Stiftung, 2017, p 17
Perfecponarea resurselor umane din inva\amantul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a performan\ei ~i profesionalizarii
carierei didactice

atrage atentia asupra potentialului inalt al oricarui individ. In general este indicat ca un angajat
sa detina un plan de dezvoltare profesionala pe masura ce apar noi $anse $i oportunitati.
Salariatul trebuie sa fie tot timpul pregatit pentru a face fata noilor provocari de dezvoltare
profesionala. In acela$i timp echipa de management trebuie sa fie capabila sa adopte o
atitudine adecvata atat fata de plafonarile carierei personale cat $i fata de aceea a
subordonatilor lor. Pe parcursul dezvoltarii sale profesionale, angajatul trebuie sa ramana
activ, sa se gandeasca serios catre imbunatatirea propriei performante.
Pentru multe organizatii performanta resurselor umane reprezinta echivalentul
atingerii anumitor obiective cantitative, masurate in termeni de rezultate. Daca in urma cu
multi ani, performanta resurselor umane constituia o activitate bazata pe valori $i bun-simt,
provocarile societatii modeme vizeaza adoptarea unei strategii organizationale coerente in
ceea ce prive$te imbunatatirea performantei angajatului. Acesta trebuie sa-$i cunoasca
prioritatile, actiunile curente $i obiectivele acestora, dar mai ales trebuie sa $tie cum poate
influenta performanta proprie pe cea a colectivului din care face parte $i, implicit pe cea a
organizatiei. Performanta in cariera trebuie privita atat comportamental dar $i prin prisma
rezultatelor obtinute odata cu trecerea timpului. Cu scopul de a asigura performanta in cariera
a propriilor angajati, marile companii concep $i implementeaza programe care sa asigure
valorificarea maxima a potentialului uman $i competitivitate pentru organizatie. in Romania,
multe organizatii insa, considera ca performanta in cariera este responsabilitatea angajatului.
Acesta este stapan pe propria dezvoltare profesionala $i de el depinde obtinerea unui post
compatibil cu pregatirea, competentele, abilitatile $i valorile proprii.
Perfectionarea cadrelor didactice pentru o mai buna adaptare la provocarile societatii
bazate pe cunoa$tere, necesita existenta unui nivel de excelenta care sa perrnita alinierea la
rigorile nivelului de performanta $i educatie european $i international. Orientarea catre o
societate bazata pe cunoa$tere presupune transpunerea in practica a conceptului de invatare pe
tot parcursul vietii, dezvoltarea unei atitudini pozitive pentru invatare, cre$terea calitatii
ofertei de educatie $i formare profesionala $i a relevantei acesteia in raport cu abilitatile,
cuno$tintele $i nevoile de integrare sociala.
Al treilea capitol plaseaza cercetarea empirica, realizata prin aplicarea unui chestionar
pe un e$antion reprezentativ, intr-un context care reprezinta sistemul educational actual in
Romania $i Europa, dar $i In judetul Dambovita.
Perfectionarea resurselor umane din lnva\amantul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a performaniei ~ i profesionalizarii
carierei didactice

Capitolul patru i~i propune sa raspunda la intrebarea de cercetare, declarata inca din titlul
tezei de doctorat.

Scopuf cercetarii
Prin intermediul acestei cercetari s-a realizat colectarea, prelucrarea ~i analiza datelor
relevante pentru elaborarea unor recomandari legate de performanta in cariera ca rezultat al
perfectionarii cadrelor didactice din invatamantul preuniversitar, liceu ~i optimizarea pozitiei
liceelor in mediul local.
intrebarile pilon ale prezentului studiu sunt:
./ exista preocupare in randul cadrelor didactice din invatamantul preuniversitar
pentru performanta in cariera?
./ exista o stransa legatura intre performanta in cariera, reputatia profesionala ~i
renumele organizatiilor din mediul preuniversitar?
./ au survenit modificari in cariera didactica in urma finalizarii programelor de
perfectionare absolvite de catre cadrele didactice din invatamantul
preuniversitar dambovitean in ultimii 5 ani?
./ s-au imbunatatit performantele elevilor ca urmare a programelor de
perfectionare absolvite de catre cadrele didactice din invatamantul
preuniversitar in ultimii 5 ani?
Problema ~tiintifica care a fost supusa analizei este reprezentata de starea
lnvatamantului preuniversitar, liceu, prin prisma perfectionarii resurselor umane, ca factor de
cre~tere a performantei ~i profesionalizarii carierei didactice, fapt care se reflecta in procesul
instructiv - educativ, dar ~i asupra imaginii ~i pozitiei organizatiei.
Obiectivuf central urmarit Perfecfionarea cadre/or didactice din mediul
preuniversita1~ liceu, din judeful Dambovifa, factor de crefjtere a performanfei fji
profesionalizarii carierei didactice.
Acest obiectiv se structureaza In patru obiective secundare:
Obiectivul secundar 1: Identificarea perceptiei celor intervievati asupra modelului de
profesionalizare a carierei didactice
Obiectivul secundar 2:Corelarea performantei In cariera cu rezultatele obtinute ~i

pozitionarea in cadrul organizatiei

Obiectivul secundar 3:Identificarea cauzelor care due la scaderea performantei
cadrelor didactice pe parcursul stadialitatii carierei
Perfectionarea resurselor umane din invi"l(amantul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a performantei ~i profesionalizarii
carierei didactice

Obiectivul secundar 4:Identificarea unor solutii de motivare a cadrului didactic

pentru atingerea performantei in cariera
Hl: Profesionalizarea carierei didactice depa~e~te stadiul de vocatie (are la baza
dezvoltarea de competente pe parcursul drumului Formare initiala - Formare profesionala
H2: Exista o stransa legatura intre performanta cadrelor didactice, rezultatele elevilor
~i renumele organizatiei.
H3:Rata de participare la programele de perfectionare este influentata de vfusta,
mediul de rezidenta, sexul, aria curriculara, vechimea in munca, statut, grad de maturitate
H4: Managementul ~colii influenteaza planul de dezvoltare profesionala a cadrului
HS: Perfectionarea cadrelor didactice are un impact ridicat asupra activitatii la clasa.
Prin aplicarea unui chestionar pe un numar de 303 cadre didactice (e~antion reprezentativ
pentru profesorii de liceu din judetul Dfunbovita) care i~i desra~oara activitatea in licee
teoretice (62), tehnologice (131 ), vocationale (23), colegii (87), s-a dorit identificarea
importantei profesionalizarii carierei didactice, ca ~i rezultat al acumularilor pe parcursul
formare initiala - formare profesionala continua (8 intrebari) ~i analiza cre~terii performantei
cadrelor didactice prin perfectionarea resurselor umane (19 intrebari). Totodata am urmarit ~i

modul in care perfectionarea resurselor umane contribuie la imbunatatirea imaginii

organizatiei de invatamant. Trebuie mentionat ca prezenta cercetare a fost realizata dupa
modelul de cercetare analitic 12, bazat pe implicarea experientelor ~i ipotezelor care sa sustina
tema aleasa. Finalitatea cercetarii urmare~te identificarea unui plan de masuri cu perspective
largi asupra problemei asumate, ~i nume perfectionarea resurselor umane

Ultimul capitol, eel de al cinci-lea, prezinta o analiza a sistemului de perfectionare a

resurselor umane, dupa incheierea proiectelor care au avut la baza Fondurile europene in
invatamantul preuniversitar, din judetul Dambovita, un model de evaluare a factorilor de
influenta asupra procesului de perfectionare a cadrelor didactice, din invatamantul
preuniversitar Dambovitean ~i un plan de masuri pentru cre~terea impactului programelor de
perfectionare asupra activitatii la clasa, a cadrului didactic.

Ristea A. L., loan-Franc V., Popescu C., Metodica in cercetarea :piinfifica, Editura Expert, 201 7, p 83
Niculescu M., Managementul ~i epistemologia cercetarii ~tiin\ifice, suport de curs, proiect Predex, 2011
Perfectionarea resurselor umane din 'invatamiintul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a performantei ~i profes ionalizarii
carierei didactice

Contributii personale
I. Contributii teoretice concretizate in prezentarea perfectionara a resurselor
umane la nivel de organizatie
./ Identificarea ~i studierea celor mai importante surse bibliografice referitoare la
perfectionarea resurselor umane
./ Sistematizarea bibliografiei ~i corelarea dintre perfectionare, performanta ~i
profesionalizarea carierei resursei umane
./ Precizarea politicilor ~i strategiilor de resurse umane aplicate intr-o organizatie
pentru care investitia in oameni este importante
./ Evaluarea resurselor umane ~i racordarea intereselor acestora la cele ale
./ Precizarea strategiilor de formare ~i perfectionare a resurselor umane in cadrul
unei organizatii
./ Prezentarea terminologiei de specialitate in ceea ce prive~te conceptul de
standard ~l competenta; prec1zarea rolului ~l importantei
standardelor/competentelor profesionale in ceea ce prive~te evolutia in cariera
./ Abordarea profesionalizarii carierei ca ~i design de dezvoltare a resurselor
umane, atat in plan profesional cat ~i personal
./ Prezentarea invatarea permanenta, invatare pe tot parcursul vietii ca ~i
dimensiune majora a atingerii performantei in cadrul unei organizatii
II. Contributii privind studiul particularitatilor invatamantului dambovitean in
contextual invatamantului preuniversitar romanesc
./ Studiul ~i crearea unei imagini de ansamblu asupra contextului educational in
care i~i desra~oara activitatea cadrele didactice intervievate
./ Analiza retelei de invatamant din judetul Dambovita
./ Prezentarea sistemului de invatamant preuniversitar din judetul Dambovita,
liceu, prin prisma cadreIor didactice incadrate in anul ~colar 201 7 - 2018
III. Contributii privind cercetarea perfectionarii resurselor umane ca ~i factor de
cre~tere a performantei ~i profesionalizarii carierei didactice
./ Identificarea metodologiei de cercetare in ceea ce prive~te impactul
programelor de perfectionare a resurselor umane asupra performantei ~i a
profesionalizarii carierei didactice
Perfectionarea resurselor umane din lnvatamantul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a performan\ei si profesionalizarii
carierei didactice

./ Stabilirea e~antionului , a marimii ~i reprezentativitatii acestuia, in functie de

colectivitatea cercetata
./ Proiectarea, elaborarea, prepilotarea ~i aplicarea chestionarului, ca ~1

instrument principal de colectare a datelor analizate

./ Valorizarea informatiilor obtinute, validarea chestionarelor, prelucrarea,
analiza ~i interpretarea rezultatelor
./ Identificarea legaturii dintre perfectionarea cadrelor didactice ~i caracteristicile
personale ale profesorului
./ Analiza ~i validarea/invalidarea ipotezelor legate de perfectionarea resurselor
umane, cadre didactice, liceu
IV. Contributii privind elaborarea unui model de evaluare a factorilor de
influenta asupra procesului de perfectionare a cadrelor didactice din invatamantul
preuniversitar, liceu
./ Realizarea unei analize SWOT a situatiei perfectionarii cadrelor didactice din
judetul Dambovita
./ Elaborarea unui model de evaluare a factorilor care influenteaza procesul de
perfectionare a cadrelor didactice
./ Prezentarea unui plan de masuri aplicabile in vederea cre~terii impactului
perfectionarii asupra performantei ~i profesionalizarii carierei didactice

Limitele cercetarii
Cercetarea ~tiintifica intreprinsa a fost ingreunata de confruntarea cu anumite
impedimente precum:
./ Culegerea ingreunata a datelor existente in bazele statistice ale INS, ISJ, MEN
- datele nu sunt in totalitate publice in formula prezentata in cercetare; a fost
necesar consum de timp suplimentar pentru creionarea situatiei la nivelul
anului ~colar 2017 - 2018, rapoartele se publica de cele mai multe ori la
incheierea anului ~colar

./ Consumul de resurse material ~i timp foarte mare, in momentul aplicarii

chestionarelor catre e~antionul prestabilit (volum mare hartie, deplasare in
organizatie, identificarea respondentului ~i acceptul pentru participare la
Perfeciionarea resurselor umane din invaiamantul preuniversitar - factor de crestere a performantei ~i profesionalizarii
carierei didactice

./ lnformatiile colectate apartin in totalitate respondentilor, parerile proprii pot fi

uneori subiective, stari emotionale ~i trairi personale din timpul programelor de
perfectionare ~i-ar putea pune amprenta asupra raspunsurilor date
./ Orizontul limitat al cercetarii realizate numai in judetul Dfunbovita din cauza
resurselor !imitate (timp, aplicarea ~i colectarea realizata de catre autor)
./ Caracterul static al cercetarii empirice raportandu-ne la momentul analizei
perfectionarii cadrelor didactice.

Directii viitoare de cercetare

Pomind de la limitele cercetarii, aratate mai sus, este de la sine inteles ca cele
prezentate sunt perfectibile ~i, in acest caz ne propunem ca ~i directii viitoare de cercetare:
./ Utilizarea ~i a altor metode de investigare/analiza care sa restranga gradul de
subiectivitate a cercetarii intreprinse
./ Extinderea orizontului de cercetare catre piata fumizorilor de formare ~i de ce
nu la nivel regional
./ Aprofundarea legaturii dintre perfectionarea cadrelor didactice din
invatamantul preuniversitar ~i rezultatele obtinute la clasa, la examenele
nationale ~i la olimpiade ~i concursuri ~colare

./ Cercetare empirica dinamica pentru a surprinde evolutia in timp a

modificarilor survenite in urma perfectionarii cadrelor didactice din
invatamantul preuniversitar.
lntegrarea noilor tehnologii in procesul de educatie ~i cre~terea implicarii in actiuni
colaborative due la dezvoltarea competentelor cadrelor didactice din invatamantul
preuniversitar, mai ales a celor referitoare la adaptarea demersului didactic, capacitatea de
inovare ~i organizarea activitatilor educative, in concordanta cu cerintele pietei muncii.
Rolul traditional de emitator de informatie este desuet pentru cadrul didactic. Apar noi roluri
ale profesorului modem: persoana resursa, instructor ~i calauzitor catre documentare ~i

informare, sustinator al transdisciplinaritatii, expert al situatiilor de invatare prezentate

elevilor, cercetator cu valente de inovare in didactica disciplinei, evaluator al progresului
de invatare al fiecarui elev, responsabil ~i organizator al relatiilor interumane care se stabilesc
in mediul ~colar sau intermediar al relatiilor cu comunitatea.
In contextul economic ~i social actual, cadrele didactice nu se pot plafona ~i nu se pot
multumi cu rezultate mediocre, ci din contra, i~i vor ,,dezvolta constant capacitatea de a
genera rezultatele dorite" ~i se vor adapta continuu la generatiile noi de elevi.
Perfectionarea resurselor umane din invatamiintul preuniversitar - factor de c re~tere a performan\ei ~i profes ionalizarii
carierei didactice

Cu deosebita onoare, aduc multumiri doamnei prof. uruv. dr. Constanta Popescu,
pentru indrumarea ~tiintifica, pentru evolutia de parcurs in dezvoltarea mea profesionala. Mi-a
fost alaturi pe durata celor trei ani, atat ca ~i coordonator al tezei de doctorat, cat ~i

colaborator la articolele remarcabile sustinute la conferintele internationale sau publicate in

revistele de specialitate.
Recuno~tinta mea se indreapta asupra doamnei prof. univ. dr. Ana Lucia Ristea pentru
orientarea metodologica ~i suport in realizarea cercetarii empirice.
Nu in ultirnul rand, adresez multumiri colectivului de cadre didactice din cadrul ~colii

Doctorale a Universitatii Valahia, pentru sustinerea acordata, din punct de vedere ~tiintific ~i

metodologic, in vederea finalizarii pregatirii doctorale.

Perfectionarea resurselor umane din tnva\l'nniintul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a performan(ei ~i profesionalizarii
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1. education/euryd ice/documents/ key data series/ 15 1RO. pdf

2. Eurydi ce/showPresentation?pu

3. http://www.ciitl .pk/pl/abrc/ Proceed in gs/ A l1%20papers/Supportive%20 Learn ingo/o20 Enviro n

ment%20-%20%20A%20 Basic%20lngred ient%20of0/o20 Learnin g%200rganizatio n%20(sa lman%20
shab ir).pdf

4. http://www.congresu led ucatie les/ fi les/SToma %20 D Potolea.pdf

5. t/files/ fi% C8%99 iere/Mini ster/20 l6/strategii/Strategie%20LLL%20( 1).

Perfectionarea resurselor umane din lnva(amiintul preuniversitar - factor de cre~tere a perfonnan(ei ~i profesionalizarii
carierei didactice

6. 0. 17763/haer.56.3.trrl 473235232320

8. performantei

9. load pdf.php?idr=2202

10. 20 15 Ianuarie 2016 [Nr 18 1)
11. http://www.oecd- oad/87 I 403 I e.pdf?expires= 1503 93 7686&id=id&accname=guest&checksu
m=85F40 I FD387BCB26403 I E42438E44046

12. I 6/ 12/ghid-eval-cp.pdf

13. 18770428 150 I 592X
14. https://dexonl
15. Harvey Go lub,
16. 1feca7 d-57f6-48c3-99aa-

17. https://pub Iication-detai 1/-/publication/36bde79d-63 51-489a-9986-

d0 I 9efb2e72c/language-ro
19. les/fisiere%20articole/Strategia%20privind%20reducerea%20parasiri
Curriculum vitae 1

lnformatii personale
Telefon 0724261967
Fax 0245/217687
E-mail I
Nationalitate romana
Data na§terii 15.10.1966
Locul de munca
Experienta profesionala '
Perioada Din septembrie 1990 §i pana in prezent profesor titular la Colegiul Economic ,,Ion Ghica" Targovi§te
Functia sau postul ocupat Profesor economist
Activitati §i responsabilitati principale I Coordonarea activita\ii de predare-invatare la elevi, realizarea materialelor de invatare, evaluarea
activita\ii didactice, aplicarea reformei VET in IPT, adaptarea procesului de predare invatare la noile
metode de invatare - centrate pe elev, utilizarea calculatorului in activitatea de predare, indrumarea
I elevilor in diferite activitati curriculare/extracurriculare, coordonator al firmelor de exercitiu, formator,
mentor, responsabil comisii de lucru, membru al Expe~ilor in Management Educa\ional
Numele §i adresa angajatorului Camera de Comert si lndustrie Dambovita
Perioada 16.02.2018 - 16.0Y.2018 ' .
Func\ia sau postul ocupat Expert identificare ~i selec\ie GT
Activitati §i responsabilitati principale 1 ldentificarea ~i selec\ie GT in cadrul POCU/82/317/Cresterea ocuparii prin sus\inerea intreprinderilor cu
Numele §i adresa angajatorului Colegiul Economic ,,Ion Ghica" Targovi§te
Perioada , 1.03.2015 - 10.12.2015
Functia sau postul ocupat 1 Responsabil Proiect POSDRU175/2.1/S/149602, proiect cu titlul JNVATA CU NOi SA DEVIi
Activitati §i responsabilitati principale Monitorizare activita\i tehnice, financiare, administrative ~i opera\ionale, monitorizare indeplinire
obiective, indicatori, activita\i, transmiterea raportarilor periodice ~i clarificarilor, etc.
Numele §i adresa angajatorului Asocia\ia EuroBraila
Tipul activitatii sau sectorul de activitate Management
Perioada 1.08.2014 - 31 .10.2015
Functia sau postul ocupat Coordonator Expe~i Firme de exerci\iu - POSDRU/161/2.1/G/138176
,,Practica ~i consilierea ~colara - lnstrumente eficiente pentru orientarea in cariera a tinerilor"
Activitati §i responsabilitati principale Coordonare, organizare, planificare, desfa~urare activitate firma de exerci\iu, coordonare, organizare,
desfa~urare evenimente speciale in FE (Promovare metoda, networking, targuri, Zilele U~ilor
deschise), elaborare materiale, monitorizare ~i evaluare activitate expe~i, validare documenta\ie de
Numele §i adresa angajatorului lnspectoratul $colar Jude\ean Caras Severin
Tipul activita\ii sau sectorul de activitate Educatie

Curriculum vitae Data: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Perioada i lanuarie 2013 - aprilie 2013

Func\ia sau postul ocupat Formator- POSDRU/87/1.3/S/63698 "FORMAREA CONTINUA A PROFESORILOR

Activitii\i §i responsabilitii\i principale Pregatirea deruliirii sesiunilor de formare, pregiitirea materialelor pentru stagiile de formare, accesarea
platformei on - line, analiza CDL, evaluarea sesiunilor de formare
Numele §i adresa angajatorului ' Universitatea Andrei 9aguna - Constanta
Tipul activitii\ii sau sectorul de activitate . Educa\ie
Perioada 2011 - 2012
Func(ia sau postul ocupat Formator in cadrul proiectului POSDRU/57/1.3/S/33440 - Formarea cadrelor didactice din IPT pentru
Activitii\i §i responsabilitii\i principale extinderea metodei inovative de invii\are firma de exerci\iu
Pregatirea deruliirii sesiunilor de formare, pregiitirea materialelor pentru stagiile 1,11,111 de formare a
cadrelor didactive pentru aplicarea metodei inovative firma de exerci\iu, organizarea stagiului 1,11,111 de
formare, evaluarea participan\ilor.
Numele §i adresa angajatorului CNDIPT
Tipul activita\ii sau sectorul de activitate Educa\ie §i formare
Perioada ; 14.12.2011-31.10.2013
Func\ia sau postul ocupat .Expert Intern intreprinderi Simulate- POSDRU/9012.1/S/58123- ,De la teorie la practicii prin intreprinderea
simulatii" •
Activitii\i §i responsabilitii\i principale Sprijinirea §i coordonarea activita\ii lntreprinderilor Simulate, monitorizarea activitii\ii ELIS, elaborarea
.de prezentari in cadrul seminariilor de analizii func\ionaliilnetworking, participare activatformare in cadrul
seminariilor de analizii func\ionaliilnetworking
Numele §i adresa angajatorului OSB Consulting GmbH Austria Sucursala Romania
Tipul activitii\ii sau sectorul de activitate , Formare

Perioada · 2010 - 2012

Func\ia sau postul ocupat ! Specialist in domeniul calitii\ii - POSDRU/90/2.1/S/62215 -
Programul Opera\ional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 - 2013 - "Parteneriat
activ pentru o integrare reu9ita pe pia\a muncii"
Activita\i §i responsabilita\i principale asigura conducerea operativa, planificarea §i execu\ia intregii activitii\i a managementului calitii\ii
activitii\ilor de formare in cadrul proiectului, analizeazii §i avizeazii din punct de vedere a cerin(elor de
: asigurare a calilii!ii privind activilii!ile de formare in cadrul proiectu/ui, \ine eviden\a rapoartelor de
• ac\iuni intocmite in cadrul proiectului privind asigurarea managementului calitii\ii activitii\ilor de
formare, admite sau respinge activitii\ile de formare in cadrul proiectului, e/aboreazii §i aplicii
documentele privind asigurarea managementului calilii!ii activitiiji/or de formare.
Numele §i adresa angajatorului Colegiul Tehnic .,Matei Corvin" Hunedoara
Tipul activitii\ii sau sectorul de activitate • Educa\ie

Perioada 2008 - 2018

Func\ia sau postul ocupat • Monitor calitate §i autor subiecte examen de Bacalaureatmtularizare/Definitivat - discipline
' tehnologice, profil Servicii (COMERT)
Activitii\i §i responsabilitii\i principale elaborarea §i verificarea variantelor de subiecte pentru examennul de
BacalaureaUTitularizare/Definitivat - discipline tehnologice - profil SERVICll (COMERT)
Numele §i adresa angajatorului : CENTRUL NATIONAL DE EVALUARE $1 EXAMINARE (CNEE)
• Str. General Berthelot nr. 26, sector 1, Bucure§ti
Tipul activitii\ii sau sectorul de activitate · Educa\ie - evaluare

Perioada _
2003 2010
Func\ia sau postul ocupat ' Responsabil Asigurarea Calitii\ii
Activitii\i §i responsabilita\i principale , monitorizare internii, elaborarea raportului procesului de auto-evaluare a unita\ilor de inva\amant
profesional §i tehnic §i transmiterea la ISJ, elaborarea planului de imbunata\ire a calita\ii in unita\ile
de inva\amant profesional §i tehnic §i transmiterea lui la ISJ, elaborarea §i monitorizarea aplicarii
procedurilor de lucru la nivel de §Coala.

Curriculum vitae ' Data: 22.07. 2018

GeorgescuAntoaneta Roxana

Numele §i adresa angajatorului ' Colegiul Economic ,,Ion Ghica" Targovi§le
Tipul activitii\ii sau sectorul de activitate Educa\ie

2010 panii in prezent

Func\ia sau postul ocupat Responsabil Aria Curricularii ,, Tehnologii"
Activitii\i §i responsabilitii\i principale : Coordonarea activitii\ii Ariei curriculare Tehnologii - activitatea de predare-invatare- evaluare la nivel
' de Arie curricularii
Numele §i adresa angajatorului , Colegiul Economic ,,Ion Ghica" Targovi§te
Tipul activitii\ii sau sectorul de activitate Educa\ie

Perioada Oecembrie 2006 - noiembrie 2007

Func\ia sau postul ocupat Expert local/Formator - Proiectul de modernizare a invii\iimantului profesional §i tehnic Phare TVET RO
2004/016-772.04, 03
Activitii\i §i responsabilitii\i principale discutarea principiilor educa\iei bazate pe competen\e, pregiitirea participan\jlor pentru a sus\ine o
dezvoltare ulterioarii a activitii\ilor de invii\are eficientii centrate pe elev in contextul iPT romanesc,
pregiitirea participan\ilor pentru a sus\ine producerea unor instrumente de evaluare valide pentru
calificiirile din iPT, pregiitirea participan\ilor pentru sus\inerea dezvoltiirii modulelor de COL, oferirea
unei in\elegeri mai profunde a caracterului practic de introducere a educa\iei centrate pe elev in
dezvoltarea §i expunerea modulelor de COL.

Numele §i adresa angajatorului i WYG INTERNATIONAL LTD

Tipul activitii\ii sau sectorul de activitate Educa\ie - formare
Perioada lanuarie 2004-noiembrie 2004
Func\ia sau postul ocupat , Formator in proiectul Phare 2004/016-772."dezvoltarea resurselor umane Energiile
i neconven\ionale garan\ia dezvoltiirii durabile

Activita\i §i responsabilitii\i principale • Elaborare de curriculum §i suport de curs. Lectorate cu formabili

Numele §i adresa angajatorului ' ACANT SA TARGOVISTE
Tipul activitii\ii sau sectorul de activitate Formare adul\i
Perioada lanuarie 2004-noiembrie 2004
Func\ia sau postul ocupat : Formator in proiectul Phare 2004/016-772.04.02.D1.01.320"dezvoltarea resurselor umane Energiile
i neconven\ionale garan\ia dezvoltiirii durabile

Activitii\i §i responsabilitii\i principale : Elaborare de curriculum §i suport de curs. Lectorate cu formabili

Numele §i adresa angajatorului Biandra SA TARGOVISTE
Tipul activitii\ii sau sectorul de activitate ! Formare - adul\i

Curriculum vitae Data: 22,07,2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Perioada : 31.03. 2002-11.2012
Func\ia sau postul ocupat ' Formator in Proiectul Phare no. RO 2002-000- 586., Component "Programul de Coeziune
Economica §i Sociala Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane" cu titlul Centrul de formare profesionala continua
Forma Valahia.
Activita\i §i responsabilita\i principale Realizare suport curs, formare, diseminare
Numele §i adresa angajatorului MONDO GRUP VALAHIA TARGOVISTE
Tipul activitii\ii sau sectorul de activitate Formare adul\i

Perioada · 2002
Func\ia sau postul ocupat : Formator in Proiectul Phare no. RO 2002-000- 586., Component "Programul de
Coeziune Economica §i Sociala Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane" "Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane
. Ceres Pucioasa".
Activita\i §i responsabilita\i principale
Realizare suport curs, formare, diseminare
Hotel Ceres Pucioasa
Numele §i adresa angajatorului
Tipul activita\ii sau sectorul de activitate Formare adul\i

Educatie ~i formare
Perioada Octombrie 2015 - prezent
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta doctorand
Disciplinele principale studiate I Management
competen\e profesionale dobandite .
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant IOSUD MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITATEA VALAHIA TARGOVl$TE
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau : ISCED 8
interna\ionala ·

Perioada i decembrie 2014 - iunie 2015

Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta : Atestat de formare continua
Disciplinele principale studiate I : Fundamente psihopedagogice ale utilizarii TIC in formarea continua a cadrelor didactice din aria
competen\e profesionale dobandite curriculara Matematica 9i 9tiin\e/Tehnologii 9i aplicapi multimedia 9i hypermedia in educa\ia
moderna/Aplica\ii ale web 2.0 in aria curriculara Matematica 9i 9tiin\e/lstrumenta\ie virtuala 9i software
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant Universitatea Valahia Targovi9te
I furnizorului de formare ,
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau : Atestat de formare continua
Perioada mai - iunie 2014
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Facilitator pentru inva\are permanenta in 9coala/ Adeverin\a nr. 5161/24.06.2014 - 20 Credite
Disciplinele principale studiate I inva;area perrnanentii. Definiri conceptuale, abordari practice/ $coala care inva;a - criterii de evaluare
competen\e profesionale dobandite · a organizatiei din perspectiva LLU Facilitator versus profesor. Competente specifice/ Rolurile
facilitatorului in ~coala. Bune practici ~i experien;e. Facilitarea cu ajutorul noilor tehnologii/ Proiectul
de dezvoltare institutionala a ~colii ca instrument de inovare/. Elaborarea ofertei de activitati
extra~colare. ~coa/a aftfel: sa §Iii mai mu/le, sil fii mai bun/ Elaborarea ofertei curriculare a ~colii.
, Curriculumul la decizia ~colii/ centrul de inva;are permanenta. Nevoi specifice de inva;are la nivelul
' comunitatii/ Lucrul in echipa: procesul de formare a unei echipe, strategii de lucru in echipa/ Rolul
§COlii in dezvoltarea comunita\ii. Strategii de facilitare a relatiei ~coala - comunitate - parin\i
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant lnstitutul de $tiin\e ale educa\iei
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Dezvoltare profesionala in concordan\a cu Politicile 9i strategiile MEN
interna\ionala '
Perioada · lanuarie - februarie 2013
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic- SERIA F/Nr. 0000778 - 12 credite

Curriculum vitae : Data: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

//-/ , I
Disciplinele principale studiate I . Componentele Curriculum - ului na\ional. Rela\ia dintre programa §Colara ~i programa pentru
competen\e profesionale dobandite : evaluarelexamene na\ionale. Tipologia ltemilor. Rela\ia dintre metoda ~i instrumentul de
: evaluare.npologia baremelor de corectare.Analiza ~i interpretarea rezultatelor evaluarii.Deontologie in
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant CNDIPT
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare continua
Perioada Mai - iunie 2013
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua - Formator - Profesor evaluator de competen\e profesionale -18 Credite
Disciplinele principale studiate I Formator - Realizarea unui program de formare. Componentele Curriculum - ului na\ional. Rela\ia
competen\e profesionale dobiindite dintre programa eycolara eyi programa pentru evaluare/examene na\ionale. Tipologia ltemilor. Rela\ia
dintre metoda eyi instrumentul de evaluare.npologia baremelor de corectare.Analiza eyi interpretarea
rezultatelor evaluarii.Deontologie in evaluare.
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant CNDIPT
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare continua
Perioada lunie
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Adeverin\a nr. 1318102.09.2013
Disciplinele principale studiate I . Elaborare subiecte Examen na\ional de acordare a definitivarii in inva\amant
competen\e profesionale dobandite COMERTIMARKETING
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant MEN/CNEE
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Adeverin\a
interna\ionala ,
Perioada • lunie
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Adeverin\a nr. 1318102.09.2013
Disciplinele principale studiate I Elaborare subiecte eyi bareme de corectare Concurs de ocupare a posturilorlcatedrelor declarate
competen\e profesionale dobandite . vacantelrezervate in inva\amantul preuniversitar - COMERT
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant ! MEN/CNEE
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Adeverin\a
Perioada . 24-27.01.2013123-24.02.2013
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic - Nr. 0000778/Seria F - 12 Credite
Disciplinele principale studiate I Evaluarea - parte integranta a strategiei didacticelproiectarea §i organizarea evaluarii in
competen\e profesionale dobiindite IPT/realizarea §i aplicarea/administrarea instrumentelorlprobelor de evaluare in IPT/asigurarea
. calita\ii procesului de evaluare/Evaluarea finala
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant MENICNDIPT
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau . Atestat de formare continua
Perioada ' octombrie 2012- ianuarie 2013
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta . Adeverin\a-554163876128.10.2013
Disciplinele principale studiate I Marketing educa\ional - POSDRU/8511. 1/S/63876 - Optim e-Manager! - 16 Credite
competen\e profesionale dobiindite
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant CCD - Dambovi\a/MEN
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare continua
Curriculum vitae , Data: 22.07. 2018
Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana ,

Perioada '. lulie - septembrie - 2012
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta , Adeverin\a - 554163876128.10.2013
Disciplinele principale studiate I Managementul financiar pentru unita\ile de inva\amant preuniversitar - POSDRU/85/1.1/S/63876 -
competen\e profesionale dobandite : Optim e-Manager! - 16 Credite
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant , CCD - Dambovi\a/MEN
I furnizorului de formare '
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare continua
Perioada Noiembrie - decembrie 2011
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Adeverinaa - 554163876128.10.2013
Disciplinele principale studiate I Managementul calita\ii - POSDRU/85/1.1/S/63876 - Optim e-Manager! - 18 Credite
competen\e profesionale dobandite .
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant ' CCD - Dambovi\a/MEN
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare continua
Perioada lunie - 2012
Disciplinele principale studiate I ' Educa\ie antreprenoriala - 25 Credite
competen\e profesionale dobandite
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant ASE BUCURESTI
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare continua
interna\ionala :
Perioada : 7.04-12.04.2010
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta • Certificat de absolvire/Seria G/Nr. 00039779
Disciplinele principale studiate I Planificarea §i organizarea evaluariilcunoa§lerea tehnicilor de evaluare in procesul
competen\e profesionale dobiindite comunicarii/efectuarea evaluarii/elaborarea instrumentelor de evaluare/inregistrarea §i raportarea
rezultatelor evaluariilanalizarea informa\iilor §i luarea deciziei privind competen\e/verificarea interna a
, proceselor de evaluarelverificarea externa a proceselor de evaluarelabordarea sistemica a procesului
: de evaluare
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant INFO EDUCATIA SRL
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Certificat de absolvire

interna\ionala •
Perioada lulie 2010

Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta , Adeverin\a formare profesionala

Disciplinele principale studiate I utilizarea TIC in cadrul situa\iilor educative
competen\e profesionale dobandite , metode, procedee §i strategii de predarelinva\arelevaluare
· inva\are pentru societatea cunoa§lerii
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant ' SIVECO ROMANIA SA
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua

Perioada noiembrie 2009 -februarie 2010

Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Adeverin\a formare profesionala
Disciplinele principale studiate I utilizarea instrumentelor IT&C
competen\e profesionale dobandite utilizarea metodelor interactive de predare-inva\arelpredarea centrata pe elev
formare psio-pedagogica §i metodica pentru activitatea de baza.
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant ' SIVECO ROMANIA SA
Curriculum vitae Data: 22.07. 2018
Georges cu Antoaneta Roxana :

Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau ! Atestat de formare Continua
interna\ionala '
Perioada · Mai - 2009

Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de forrnare Continuii/Program Na\ional de dezvoltare a competen\elor de evaluare a cadrelor
didactice DeCeE- Nr.0091570/Seria E-15 Credite
Disciplinele principale studiate I 'componentele curriculum - ului na\ional, Rela\ia dintre curriculum §i evaluare. Conceptele fundamentale
competen\e profesionale dobandite ale evaluarii na\ionale. Scopul evaluarii educa\ionale. Standardele §i criteriile de acordare a
notelor./Rela\ia dintre programa §Colara §i programa pentru evaluari/examene na\ionale/Proiectarea
itemilormpologia itemilor/Rela\ia dintre metoda §i instrumentul de evaluare/Matricea de
specifica\i/Tipologia baremelor de corectare/Analiza §i interpretarea rezultatelor evaluarii/Elemente de
deontologie in procesul evaluarii/Stereotipii in evaluare.
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant . MECTS/Centrul Na\ional pentru Curriculum §i Evaluare in inva\amantul Preuniversitar
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
Perioada 25-26.05. 2009

Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic

Disciplinele principale studiate I I;valuarea materialelor de inva\are pentru tranzi\ia de la §COala la locul de munca
competen\e profesionale dobandite Revizuirea §i evaluarea materialelor de inva\are elaborate in cadrul Proiectului PHARE TVET RO -
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant PHARE TVET RO - 2006/018-
I furnizorului de formare ' CNDIPT
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
Perioada · 30. - 31. 03 - 2009
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic
Disciplinele principale studiate I Formare pentru administrarea re\elelor de tip Internet §i extranet pentru promovarea pachetelor
competen\e profesionale dobandite electronice de inva\are
Configurarea re\elelor ad-hoc folosind echipamentele livrate in cadrul Proiectului Phare 2006
Definirea protocoalelor §i standardelor pentru re\ele wireless §i Internet
. Definirea standardelor privind securitatea re\elelor wireless
Configurarea conexiunii Bluetooth
Configurarea web server-ului Mac OS Apache
Configurarea mediului de dezvoltare MAMP
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant ; CNDIPT I PHARE TVET RO - 2006/018-
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
interna\ionala ·
Perioada 23-24.03.2009
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta ' Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic
Disciplinele principale studiate I • Revizuirea §i elaborarea calificarilor in IPT
competen\e profesionale dobandite Elaborarea curriculum-ului pentru calificarile revizuite
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant CNDIPT/ PHARE TVET R0-2006/018-
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
Perioada 26-27.10.2009
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic
Disciplinele principale studiate I Formare de formatori pentru implementarea §i utilizarea inva\amantului deschis la distan\a in IPT
competen\e profesionale dobandite
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant CNDIPT/ PHARE TVET RO- 2006/018-
I furnizorului de formare

Curriculum vitae Data: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana :

Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau ! Atestat de formare Continua
interna\ionala ;
Perioada 18-20.02.2009
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic
Disciplinele principale studiate I , Dezvoltarea de curriculum pentru calificari din IPT
competen\e profesionale dobiindite '
Numele ~i tipul institu\iei de inva\amiint
I furnizorului de formare CNDIPT/ PHARE TVET RO - 2006/018-
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
interna\ionala ·
Perioada 10. -11. 11. 2008
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic
Disciplinele principale studiate I Revizuirea si elaborarea calificarilor in IPT Nivel 1, 2, 3 in vederea revalidarii de catre Comitetele
competen\e profesionale dobiindite sectoriale
Numele ~i tipul institu\iei de inva\amiint
I furnizorului de formare MECT/CNDIPT/ PHARE TVET RO 2006/018-
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
Perioada 30.10.2008
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Certificat de participare- ,,Modalita~ de extindere a marcii de calitate"

Disciplinele principale studiate I Stabilirea unei re\ele regionale de inva\amiint economic

competen\e profesionale dobiindite
Numele ~i tipul institu\iei de inva\amiint I Kulturkontakt Austria/ biroul - K - education Bucuresti
furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau , postuniversitar
Perioada , 10-11.10.2008
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Certificat de participare
Disciplinele principale studiate I Elaborare materiale 2/Elaborare materiale 1/Concept de curs 1/Concept de curs 2
competen\e profesionale dobiindite 11 unitati ale programului
Numele ~i tipul institu\iei de inva\amiint Kulturkontakt Austria/ biroul - K - education Bucuresti
I furnizorului de formare ·
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau postuniversitar
interna\ionala '
Perioada 14-15.04.2008
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta , Certificat de participare
Disciplinele principale studiate I Elaborare materiale /4 unitati ale programului

competen\e profesionale dobiindite

Numele ~i tipul institu\iei de inva\amiint Kulturkontakt Austria/ biroul - K - education Bucuresti
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
interna\ionala ,
Perioada , 14.- 15. 04. 2008
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic PHARE TVET RO 2005/017-
Disciplinele principale studiate I Dezvoltare de materiale auxiliare de inva\are
cornpeten\e profesionale dobiindite ldentificarea rela\iilor posibile intre SPP, curriculum ~i materialele auxiliare de inva\are
lntegrarea adecvata a materialelor auxiliare de inva\are in proiectul didactic
Proiectarea/elaborarea materialelor auxiliare de inva\are adecvate situa\iilor de inva\are organizate in
stagiile de pregatire practica la locul de munca
Proiectarea/elaborarea materialelor auxiliare de inva\are pentru elevii cu CES
ldentificarea modalita\ilor de imbunata\ire a calita\ii materialelor de inva\are
Numele ~i tipul institu\iei de inva\amiint . CNDIPT
I furnizorului de formare :
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
interna\ionala ,
Perioada · 19. - 20.03. 2008
Curriculum vitae Data: 22.07. 2018
Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta 1 Certificat de participare - TRAFA FORMAREAADULTILOR
Disciplinele principale studiate I : Elaborare materiale 1
competen(e profesionale dobandite ! 11 unita\i ale programului

Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant i Kulturkontakt Austria/ biroul - K - education Bucuresti

I furnizorului de formare i

Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua

Perioada 8-10. 12. 2007
Califtcarea I diploma ob\inuta Certiftcat de participare - TRAFA FORMAREAADULTILOR
Disciplinele principale studiate I , Orientare catre client - 11 unita\i ale programului
competen\e profesionale dobandite ,
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant Kulturkontakt Austria/ biroul - K - education Bucuresti
I furnizorului de formare ·
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
Califtcarea I diploma ob\inuta · Formator- Certificat de absolvire
Disciplinele principale studiate I Pregatirea formarii
competen\e profesionale dobandite Realizarea activita\ilor de formare
Evaluarea participan\ilor la formare
. Aplicarea metodelor §i tehnicilor speciale de formare
' Marketingul formarii
Proiectarea programelor deformare
' Organizarea programelor §i stagiilor de formare
Evaluarea, revizuirea si asigurarea calita\ii programelor §i stagiilor de formare
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant SC INFOEDUCATIA SRL
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
interna\ionala ;
Perioada • 28. - 30 . 04 2007
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Certificat de participare- TRAFA FORMAREAADULTILOR
Disciplinele principale studiate I 11 unitati ale programului TRAFA- FORMAREAADULTILOR
competen\e profesionale dobandite
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant Kulturkontakt Austria/ biroul - K - education Bucuresti
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasiftcarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
Perioada 25 - 27 aprilie 2007
Califtcarea I diploma ob\inuta ' Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic
Disciplinele principale studiate I Evaluarea nevoilor de revizuire a califtcarilor profesionale
competen\e profesionale dobandite ·
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant MEC/CNDIPT
I furnizorului de formare Phare TVET RO 2004/016 -772.04.01
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
Perioada 23-25.02.2007
Califtcarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic - Expert local
Disciplinele principale studiate I instruirea centrata pe elev, curriculum in dezvoltare locala, evaluarea competen\elor
competen\e profesionale dobandite
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant MEC/CNDIPT- Phare TVET RO 2004/016 -772.04.01
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasiftcarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua
Perioada 6.04 - 8.04. 2006
Califtcarea I diploma ob\inuta : Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic

Curriculum vitae Data: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Disciplinele principale studiate I ' Aplicarea instrumentelor de asigurarea calita\ii in IPT
competen\e profesionale dobandite
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant · MEC/CNDIPT
I furnizorului de !ormare · Phare VET RO 2003

Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua


Perioada 3-5.04.2006
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de !ormare continua a personalului didactic
Disciplinele principale studiate I Elaborarea SPP
competen\e profesionale dobandite Elaborare curriculum
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant MEC/CNDIPT/ Phare VET RO 2003
I furnizorului de formare
Perioada Mai - iunie 2006
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Adeverin\a Nr 13/19.06.2006
Disciplinele principale studiate I Autocunoa§tere §i dezvoltare personala/Comunicare §i abibita\i sociale/Managementul informa\iei §i
competen\e profesionale dobandite al inva\arii/Planificarea carierei/Calitatea stilului de via\a
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant CCD - Dambovi\a
I furnizorului de formare

Curriculum vitae Data: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana
Perioada octombrie 2004 - octombrie 2005
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic
Disciplinele principale studiate I Elaborarea SPP - scrierea SPP
competen\e profesionale dobandite Elaborare curriculum - scrierea curriculum
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant MEC/CNDIPT
I furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Atestat de formare Continua

Perioada mai 2003 - septembrie 2004

Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta . Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic
Disciplinele principale studiate I
competen\e profesionale dobandite Curs de formare pentru exper\ii in dezvoltarea curriculum-ului
Elaborare curriculum - scrierea SPP
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant Elaborare de curriculum - scrierea programei
I furnizorului de formare MEC/CNDIPT
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau
interna\ionala Atestat de formare Continua

Perioada 29.11-1.12. 2002

Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Certifikat
Disciplinele principale studiate I lntroducere in problematica firmei de exercitiu - 5 secvente ale programului
competen\e profesionale dobandite

Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant Kulturkontakt Austria, Ministerul Educatiei si Cerectarii, ROCT, Colegiul Economic Theodor
I fumizorului de formare Costescu - Drobeta Turnu Severin
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau postuniversitar
Perioada ianuarie - decembrie 2000
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Certificat
Disciplinele principale studiate I Autor de curriculum - Phare RO 9602 - 05 TTQM - Componenta educa\ionala
competente profesionale dobandite 1
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant ! CNDIPT
furnizorului de formare ·
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau Certificat
Perioada · septembrie 1995 - decembrie 1998
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Certificat

Disciplinele principale studiate I elaborare SPP/elaborare curricula/elaborare portofolii metodologice/cursuri de formare specializata
competen\e profesionale dobandite CNDIPT
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant I Certificat
furnizorului de formare
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau 1986 _1990
interna\ionala Economist - specializarea Comer\
Calificarea I diploma ob\inuta Merceologie
Disciplinele principale studiate I Marketing
competen\e profesionale dobandite Limba germana
Economia intreprinderii
Economia comer\ului
Economie mondiala
Comer\ interna\ional
ASE - Bucure§ti - Facultatea de Comer\
Numele §i tipul institu\iei de inva\amant I
furnizorului de formare ISCED 7
Nivelul in clasificarea na\ionala sau ·
Curriculum vitae Data: 22.07. 2018
Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Aptitudini §i competente
persona le

Limba(i) matema(e) romana

Limba(i) straina(e) cunoscuta(e)

Nivel european (*)
Limba germana lntelegere Vorbire Serie re
Limba engleza Ascultare Citire Participare Discurs oral Exprimare scrisa
5 I C2 5 I C2 5 I C2 5 I C2 4 I C1
5 I C1 4 I C1 4 I C1 4 I C1 4 I C1
(•) Nivelul Cadrului EuroQ!lan Comun de Referinta Pentru Limbi Straine
Competente ~i abilitati sociale
Lucru in echipa - Proiecte Phare, KulturKontakt, Comenius, Erasmus+, Examene de absolvire, etc.
Rezolvare de probleme in situatii date
Gandire critica
Competente ~i aptitudini Membru al Expe~ilor in Management Educa\ional - 5557/22.11.2013
organizatorice Membru Consiliul Consultativ al ISJ Dambovi\a
Coordonator Centru de Resurse retele parteneriale - pentru Regiunile Sud Muntenia, Centru, Vest
Coordonator Centru de Resurse - Sud Muntenia - Firma de exercitiu
Membru Consiliu de Administratie al Colegiului Economic Ion Ghica
Coordonator Cerc Pedagogic - 2014 pana in prezent
Responsabil Aria Curriculara .Tehnologii"
Responsabil Asigurarea calitatii
Coordonator Proiect Erasmus + Yes Europe
Coordonator Proiect Erasmus + Europa acasa!
Coordonator Proiect Comenius .EuroBacDiploma"
Coordonator Proiect Comenius •Values of my life"
Coordonator Proiect Comenius - 08-PM- 528-DB-AT ••Schuler E Portfolio""
Coordonator firme de exercitiu
Coordonator SNAC 2012 - 2013/2017-2018
Metodist - Come~
Formator local (CCD)- Program formare continua - Formarea cadrelor didactice de specialitate care
predau la ~coala profesionla
Formator local (CCD)- Program formare continua - Consilierea ~i orientarea cadrelor didactice
Formator national Asigurarea calitatii
Formator na\ional firma de exerci\iu
Formator na\ional competen\e profesionale
Formator - Programe de formare adul\i
Membru Comisia Na\ionala Evaluare Marca de Calitate/Business plan/Evenimente speciale la nivel de
Membru Comisia Na\ionala de Specialitate - invatamant profesional, liceal - filiera tehnologica ~i
postliceal pentru domeniul finante, administratie, comert ~i servicii
Specialist in domeniul calitatii - POSDRU/90/2.1/S/62215 -
Programul Operational Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 - 2013 - "Parteneriat activ
pentru o integrare reu~ita pe pia\a muncii"
Formator local (CCD):
- Consiliere ~i orientare ~colara
- Formarea profesorilor debutan\i din IPT
Vicepre~edinte grup de lucru pentru control managerial intern
Curriculum vitae Coordonator Comisie pentru parteneriate ~i retele ~colare Data: 22.07. 2018
Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana Coordonator Comisia pentru intocmirea schemelor orare
Coordonator grup pentru participarea la Targurile internationale ale firmelor de exercitiu: Praga,
IA/ Salzburg, Timi~oara, Barcelona, Bucure~ti
coordonator firme de exercitiu:FE Neffertity Style, FE Deco Style, FE XP Advertising, FE Florart, FE
Teleprest, FE Adonna Glam, FE Patricia Design, FE Paper Design
Curriculum vitae Data: 22.07. 2018
Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana
Comoetente si aotitudini tehnice -
Competen\e §i aptitudini de ECDL
utilizare a calculatorului COMUNICARE ON-LINE,
Configurare conexiune Bluetooth
Utilizare program Mac -Apple
Competen\e §i aptitudini atistice Organizarea Balului Bobocilor/majoratului
Promovarea imaginii firmelor de exerci\iu
Amenajarea standurilor firmelor de exerci\iu
Pavoazarea ColeQiului Economic Ion Ghica
Alie competen\e §i aptitudini Profesorul anului 2010 - Diploma de excelen\a - aria curriculara Tehnologii
Diploma Gheorghe Lazar clasa a II a
Specialist pentru monitorizare furnizori de formare profesionala
Autor manua/e §Co/are:
Clasa a X a - SAM I Comerj Clasa a X a SAM - IP/Comert
Clasa a XI a - Organizarea resurselor umane
Clasa a XI a -Asigurari
Clasa a XII a - Negocierea tranzac\iilor
Clasa a XII a - Finantarea afacerii
Autor auxiliare curriculare:
Clasa a XI I a - Neaocierea afacerii
Autor CDL - clasa a IX a /clasa a X al clasa a XI a
Autor SPP:
Nivel Ill, Comert
Comerciant - vanzator/ recep\ioner - distribuitor
Nivel IV
Tehnician in activita~ economice
Tehnician in achizi\ii §i contractari
Tehnician in administra\ie
Asistent manaaer
Autor curriculum
Nivel Ill - Comerciant - vanzator/ recep\ioner - distribuitor
Nivel IV
Tehnician in activita\i economice
Tehnician in achizi\ii §i contractari
Tehnician in administra\ie
Nivel V
Asistent manaaer
Autor Ghid metodologic pentru activitatea firmelor de exerci\iu -POSDRU/57/1.3/S/33440-Adeverin\a
Autor Ghid pentru aplicarea metodelor interculturale- ISBN 978-973-0-24780-0
Articole publicate 1. "The Impact of Standardization on Growth of Performances of Human Resources within an
Organization" - LUMEN Proceedings, Proceedings Volume: Risk in Contemporary Economy, Volume 1,
Issue 1, ISBN: 978-973-166-496-51e-ISBN:978-973-166-483-5, October 2017, la§i, pp. 217-225
2. ,,Human Resources· Performance in Career-A Goal for a Competitive Organization" -
Management in the Economic Paradigm of the XXlst Century" November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST,
ROMANIA, pp. 863-870
3. ,,The Impact of the Training Programmes Over the Teacher's
Performance and Professionalism in the Pre-University Education"- The European Proceedings of
Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, elSSN:2357-1330, WLC 2016 - World LUMEN Congress.
Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty 20161 LUMEN 15th Anniversary Edition
"Challenges of Modern Management", November 3rd-4th, 2016, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA pp. 135-143
STRATEGll MANAGERIALE, Universitatea ,,Constantin Brancoveanu" Pitesti Anul X, nr. V (34) / 2017,
Curriculum vitae Data: 22.07. 2018
Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana ,

pp. 620-627, ISSN 2392 - 8123 ISSN-L 1844 - 668X
6. ,,Career professionalization, petiormance and sustainability in an
organization" - Revista Economia Contemporana, Vol. 2, Nr. 2 /2017, ISSN 2537 - 4222, ISSN-L 2537 -
4222, Revista cotata EconPapers (RePEC), IDEAS, BASE, SCIPIO, OAJI, Pite§ti, pp. 152-161
7. The National System of Training Teaching Staff in the Secondary
Education System in Romania - International Review of Theories and Applied Studies in Performance
Management), Volume 6 Issue 4, 2015 , ISSN-L 2067-9440 / ISSN 2344-4924, Revista cotata CNCSIS -
tip B+, EBSCO, DOAJ, CABELL'S,.RePEc,ProQuest, INDEXCOPERNICUS, pp. 91-100
Proceedings - publicat la editura REDIVIVA din Milano ( in colec\ia
«Generazioni e diritti», ISBN -978- 88 - 97908-29-6
9. ,,lmprovementofTeaching Staff in Pre-university Education and Challenges of the Knowledge
Society" -Valahian Journal of Economic Studies Volume 8 (22), Issue 3, 2017, ISSN-L 2067-9440 /ISSN
Society in the Context of the Recent Economic and Social Changes" - 2nd Edition, 2017
11. "Career Evolution, Result of Developing Professional Competencies" - International
Conference "Eurooean Economy and Digital Society in the Current Geooolitical Context" (EEDS 2017)
Permis(e) de conducere
lnforma\ii suplimentare Referinte:
prof. dr. POPESCU CONSTANTA- Director DSLS la Universitatea "Valahia" din Targoviste
prof. dr. ILIE SUZANA CAMELIA- Director Colegiul Economic Ion Ghica
MIHAELA $TEFANESCU - Centrul Na\ional de Dezvoltare a inva\amantului Profesional §i Tehnic,
Ministerul educatiei, cercetarii si tineretului (CNDIPT\

Curriculum vitae ' Data: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Proceedings ISi

Constanta J.,,The Impact of LUMEN Proceedings, Proceedings Volume: Risk in
Popescu Standardization on Contemporary Economy, Volume 1, Issue 1, ISBN: 978-973-
Antoaneta Growth of 166-496-51e-ISBN:978-973-166-483-5, October 2017, Ia~i,
Roxana Pelformances of pp. 217-225,
(Georgescu) Human Resources content/uploads/2017/1 l/RCE 2017 217-225.pdf
Surcel within an


Popescu Resources' MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE "The Role of Management
Antoaneta Pelformance in in the Economic Paradigm of the XXIst Century" November
Roxana Career - A Goal 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA, pp. 863-870,
(Georgescu) for a Competitive /pdf/4 19.pdf
Surcel Organization"

Constanta 3.,,The Impact of the TheEuropean Proceedings ofSocial&Behavioural Sciences
Popescu Training EpSBS, eISSN:2357-1330, WLC 2016 - World LUMEN
Antoaneta Programmes Over Congress. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty
Roxana the Teacher's 2016 I LUMEN 15th Anniversary Edition,
(Georgescu) Performance and uk/files
Surcel Professionalism in /images/upload/WLC2016FA098F .pdf
the Pre-University


Antoaneta OF TEACHING "Challenges of Modern Management", November 3rd-4th,
Roxana STAFF IN ORDER 2016, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA pp. 135-143,
(Georgescu) TO OBTAIN
Reviste BDI

Constanta ORGANIZATION -A Universitatea ,,Constantin
Surcel NEW CHALLENGE IN Brancoveanu" Pite~ti Anul X, nr. V
(Georgescu), PRE-UNIVERSITY (34) I 2017, pp. 620-627, ISSN 2392 -
Antoaneta Roxana EDUCATION 8123
ISSN- L 1844-668X,
u.documents/54495246/pdf categorie
3DBrexit impacts on tourism.pdf

Revista Economia Contemporana, Vol. 2, Nr.

Constanta POPESCU, 2.,,Career 2 /2017, ISSN 2537 - 4222, ISSN-L 2537 -
Antoaneta Roxana professionalization, 4222, Revista cotata EconPapers (RePEC),
SURCEL performance and IDEAS, BASE, SCIPIO, OAJI, Pite~ti, pp.
sustainability in an 152-161,
organization" site/artic
ale/article 603386e l 7e7a94f6ecf9de48c78de

Valahian Journal of Economic Studies (An

Roxana (SURCEL) 3.,, Improvement of International Review of Theories and Applied
GEORGESCU Teaching Staff in Pre- Studies in Performance Management),
university Education and Volume 8 Issue 3, 2017, ISSN 2067 - 9440,
Challenges of the Revista cotata CNCSIS - tip B+, EBSCO,
Knowledge Society" DOAJ, CABELL'S,.RePEc,ProQuest, issue3/ 11. %

Antoaneta Roxana Valahian Journal of Economic Studies (An

SURCEL, 4.,,The National System of International Review of Theories and Applied
Constanta POPESCU Training Teaching Staff Studies in Performance Management),
in the Secondary Volume 6 Issue 4, 2015 , JSSN-L 2067-9440 I
Education System in
Romania" ISSN 2344-4924, Revista cotata CNCSIS -
tip B+, EBSCO, DOAJ ,
http ://www.v l 5/ issue4/J 1.%
2020 l 5%20dragoi preda.pdf

Antoaneta Roxana 5.,, PERMANENT in curs de pubbcare Analele academiei

SURCEL, LEARNING oamenilor de stiinta, nr 1/2018

Antoaneta Roxana Economic Insights - Trends and Challenges,
SURCEL, 6.,, Career Evolution, Vol. VI (LXIX), No.3, 2017, pp. 69-76, ISSN
Constanta POPESCU Result ofDeveloping 2284-8584
Competencies" 3/7 .Popescu Surcel.pdf, revista cotata
CABELL'S, Ulrich's,

Surcel (Georgescu) 1. MANAGEMENTUL Conference Proceedings - publicat la
Antoaneta Roxana PERFORMANTEI editura REDIVIV A din Milano
iNTR-0 ( in
ORGANIZATIE CARE colectia «Generazioni e diritti»
ISBN - 978 - 88 - 97908-29-6




Improvement of Human Resources in Pre-University Educat ion - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.


Table of Contents
Context of Research, Importance, Topicality and Relevance of the Theme Approached
Structure of the Paper
Methodological Specificity of the Research
Objectives of the Research
Hypotheses of the Research
Description of the Research Method
Personal Contributions
Usability of PhD Thesis
Novelty of the PhD Thesis
Improvement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.


I. I Ro le and Importance of Human Resources in relation to Organisational Performances 9
1.2. Strategies and Policies in the field of Human Resources 11
1.2.1. Strategies in the field of Human Resources 12
1.2.2 Policies in the field of Human Resources 15
1.2.3.Policy Requirements in the field of Human Resources 17
1.3. Assessment of Human Resources Performances, Requirements of an Accurate Evaluation Process in 19
relation to Organisational Performances
1.3.1. Role of Performance Assessment 19
1.3.2. Stages in the Process of Assessing Employees' Perfonnances 21
1.3.3. Sources of Errors in relation to Assessing Human Resources 22
1.3.4 Methods and Techniques used in Assessment of Human Resources ' Perfonnances 25
1.4. Vocational Training. Strategies to Train and Develop Human Resources 30
1.4.1. Role and Importance of Improving Human Resources within the Organisation 30
1.4.2. Competency-based Training and Development 33
1.5. Chapter Conclusions 36
2.1 Standardising Human Resources within an Organisation 39
2. 1.1. Professional Standards - Terminology 39
2.1.2. Competency - Definition, Structure, Classification 40
2.1.3. Importance and Role of Professional Standards/Competencies 42
2.2 Career Professionalisation at Organisational Level 44
2.3. Career Performance of Human Resources - Desideratum for a Competitive Organisation 47
2.4. The Leaming Organisation - A New Challenge in the 21 51 Century 51
2.4. 1. Definition and Characteristics of the Leaming Organisation 51
2.4.2. Organisational Requirements for a Leaming Organisation 53
2.4.3. Performance Management at Organisational Level 60
2.5 Permanent Leaming, Major Dimension in Reaching Performance 68
2.6. Chapter Conclusions 69
3. 1 Presentation of Pre-university Education System in Romania 70
3.2 Presentation of Pre-university Education System in Dambovita County 81
3.2.1. School Network 81
3.2.2. Human Resources 83
3.3. Chapter Conclusions 86
4.1. Theoretical Considerations regarding the Methodology of the Research on the lmpact of the 88
Development Programmes in the Romanian Pre-university Education on the Perfonnance Increase and
Professionalisation of the Didactic Career
4.2. Research Objectives and Hypothesis 88
4.3. Research Methodology 90
4.3. 1. Research Methods and Techniques 90
4.3.2. Sampling Participants and Contents 91
4.3.3. Research Stages and Sub-stages 94
4.3.4. Expectations and Results 95
4.4. Experimental Research 96
4.4.1. Questionnaires 96
4.4.2. Data Collection and Analysis 96
4.4.4. Interpretation of Results and Verification of Hypotheses 97
Improvement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.

4.5 . Chapter Conclusions 231

5.1 . SWOT Analysis on Status of the Development of Teaching Staff in Dambovita County 236
5.2. Model to Assess the Influencing Factors on the Process of Development of Teaching Staff in 238
Dambovita County
5.3. Action Plan to Increase Impact of Development on Performance and Professionalisation of 244
Didactic Career Plan
Chapter Conclusions 247
Bibliography 254
List of Tables 266
List of Figures 273
Annexes 279
Improvement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.


Development, performance, professionalisation, didactic career, pre-university education

Improvement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Profess ionali sation of
Didactic Career.

Context of Research, Importance, Topicality and Relevance of the Theme Approached

The performance of an organisation depends to a large extent on the quality of its own
human resources, due to the fact that, as many researches in this field point out, the reputation
and the position of the organisation in relation to competition is also the consequence of
investing in human capital 1•
Development of an employee is a long-term process which carries on throughout
his/her entire career2 . It involves acquisition of new knowledge and skills both in one's
current qualification and in relation to cross-training or retraining.
People are an important resource, the most valuable asset3 for all and any organisation,
regardless of the field in which they operate. They ensure survival, progress and success, on
an ever changing competitive market. Without employees who train so as to know what, when
and how to act, it is difficult for an organisation to meet its objectives. Organisations live
through people. People develop them, maintain them on the market, shut them down in order
to adapt to new market requirements4 •
In the light of the above, the scientific issue subjected to analysis in this PhD thesis is
represented by the condition of the pre-university, high-school education, in terms of human
resources development as a factor of performance increase and professionalisation of the
didactic career, fact which is reflected in the instructive-educative process and also on the
image and position of the organisation.
The issue on development of teaching staff in pre-university, high school education in
Dambovita County, generated the following questions:
./ is there concern among teachers in pre-university, high school education, with regard
to career-related performance?
./ are career performance, professional reputation and fame of organisations m pre-
university environment closely related?
./ has didactic career changed as a consequence of development programmes completed
by pre-university education teaching staff in Dambovita over the past five years?
./ have pupils' performances improved based on development programmes completed by
teachers in pre-university education over the past five years?
Structure of the Paper
With reference to Development of hun1an resources in pre-university education as a

Covrig Serban, Human Resources Management, PhD Thesis, Polytechnic University in Bucharest, 2007, p 5
Badescu A, Mirci C, Bogre G, Human Resources Management. Man ual of the Professional, Timi~oara, 2008, p 75
Mai can, D., Human Resources Management, Casa Corpului Didactic Publishing House, Slatina - Olt, 2001, p.8 1
, Popa I., Filip R., !nrernational Management, Economica Publishing House, 200 1, p 10
lmprovement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.

factor for performance increase and professionalisation of the didactic career, this PhD thesis
is structured in five chapters. The first chapter summarises theoretical notions which are
relevant for the research theme chosen. We are presenting in this chapter the Role and the
importance of human resources in relation to organisational performances. The uniqueness of
human resources is highlighted5 in order to obtain and argue the other resources which
contribute to the activity conducted by the organisation. The objectives of the organisations
are reached through people, through their effort, experience, passion and attitude towards
work and values6. They are the ones creating and consuming human resources, sometimes
with negative influences on ecosystems. The quality of the human resource leads the
organisation to success and performance 7; in order to maintain an organisation on the market,
quality products and services, on the one hand, and values, characteristics and status of the
employees, on the other hand, are of paramount importance.
The second chapter firstly raises the issue of standardisation and professionalisation
of the career and also performance reached by the employees working in a competitive
organisation 8.
The occupational standard for the profession Secondary - Post-secondary/High school
Teacher9 defines the teacher as the staff addressing pupils of ages between 10 and 18 years
who have proven their special skills and abilities. The teacher is the one who forms
intellectual work skills and helps the pupil to discover himself/herself, value and correct
his/her mistakes. The current society has great expectations from the teacher 10 . The teacher is
an expert in one or two subjects 11 , constantly updates his/her knowledge so as to provide an
educational content in line with the present economic and social time, possesses teaching
skills which contribute to formation of a high-level human capacity, motivated to learn, be
creative and synergistic. Standards have always existed for teaching staff in Romania. They
have shaped up as laws, methodologies, programmes, etc. Nevertheless, they do not provide
teachers with a coherent and transparent lifelong training and development programme.
High performance represents the foundation of a successful position in the
organisational hierarchy. Reaching such performance in any field of activity leads to being
valued by the management team, gaining the colleagues and subordinates' respect and draws

Balogh P., Human Resources Managemenl, Prouniversitaria, 20 13, p 19
Puiu A., Managemenl, Compara1ive Analyses and S111dies, lndependenJa Economic:!, Publishing House 2016, p 172
Manolescu A, Human Resources Managemenl, 4'" edition. Economic:! Publishing House, 2003, pl 6
Ganescu C., Organisalional Cu/lure and Compeliliveness, Universitarll Publishing House, Bucharest, 20 11 , p 16
Occupational standard, occupation: secondary - post-secondary/high school teacher,, Council for Occupational Standards and Research,
Bucharest, 1999
' Popescu C., Surcel (Georgescu) R., Improving Performances of Teaching Slaff in Order 10 Ob1ain 1he Sia/Us of Permanenl Teacher in Pre-
universily Educalion, Proceeding of the I0th International Management Conference, 201 6, Bucharest
Badescu G., Negru-Subtiricll 0., Angi D., Ivan C., Teacher in Romania, Friedrich Elbert Stiftung, 2017, p 17
Improvement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.

attention to the high potential of all and any individual. It is generally recommendable for an
employee to have a professional development plan at hand when new changes and
opportunities arise. The employee should be ready at all times to face up to new professional
development challenges. The management team should also be able to adopt a suitable
attitude both in terms of both personal career limits and the limits of their subordinates.
Throughout his/her professional development, the employee should be active at all times. In
addition, he/she should seriously consider how to improve his/her performance.
To many organisations, the performance of the human resources represents the
equivalent of reaching certain quantitative objectives, measured in accordance with actual
results. In a remote past, the performance of the human resources was represented by an
activity based on values and common sense. However, the challenges of the modem society
aim to adopt a coherent organisational strategy with respect to improvement of the
performances of the employee who should know his/her priorities and related current actions
and objectives. In particular, the employee should know how his/her own performance can
influence the performance of the team to which he/she belongs and implicitly the performance
of the organisation. The career performance has to be viewed both in terms of behaviour and
the actual results throughout time. In order to ensure career performance for the staff, large
corporations conceive and implement programmes so as to maximize the human potential and
guarantee the competitiveness for the organisation. In Romania, many organisations consider
however that the career performance is the employee's responsibility. He/she is the master of
his/her own vocational development and getting a position which is compatible with his/her
education, skills, abilities and values depends exclusively on the employee.
The development of the staff towards a better adaptation to the challenges of the
knowledge society requires a level of excellence which should allow alignment with the
rigours of the European and international performance and education level. Orientation
towards a knowledge society implies putting the concept of lifelong learning into practice,
developing a positive attitude to learning, increasing the quality of the offers on education and
vocational training and its relevance in relation to the skills, knowledge and needs for social
The third chapter places empiric research, conducted on the basis of a questionnaire
used on a significant sample, in a context which represents the current education system in
Romania, Europe and also in Dfunbovita County. The Romanian pre-university education
system is described in terms of organisation, financing, access to a system and learning
results. The standards of the didactic profession and the access requirements for the didactic
lmprovement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.

career are also presented. As for Dfunbovita, presentation is made of the state and private high
school education establishments, for the study year 2017-2018. The chapter highlights the
characteristics of the human resources which carry out their activity in high schools of
Dfunbovita County (full-time, retired, hourly teachers, associates).
The fourth chapter is intended to answer the research question stated in the very title of
PhD thesis.
Goal oftlte Research
This research was used to collect, take over, process and analyse the relevant data
which are to be transposed in recommendations regarding career performance as a result of
pre-university, high school teachers' development and to optimise the position of high schools
in the local area.
The pillar questions of this study:
../ is there concern among teachers in pre-university, high school education, with regard
to career-related performance?
../ are career performance, professional reputation and fame of organisations m pre-
university environment closely related?
../ has didactic career changed as a consequence of development programmes completed
by pre-university education teaching staff in Dambovita over the past five years?
../ have pupils' performances improved based on development programmes completed by
pre-university education teachers over the past five years?
The scientific issue subjected to analysis in this PhD thesis is represented by the
condition of the pre-university, high-school education, in terms of human resources
development as a factor of performance increase and professionalisation of the didactic
career, fact which is reflected in the instructive-educative process and also on the image and
position of the organisation.
The main objective pursued is Development of teaching staff in the pre-university,
high school education in Ddmbovifa County, factor of performance increase and
professionalisation ofdidactic career.
This objective is structured in four secondary objectives:
Secondary objective 1: Identifying the perception of the teachers interviewed with
regard to the model to professionalise the didactic career
Secondary objective 2: Correlating the career performance with actual results and
positioning within the organisation
lmprovement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance lncrease and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.

Secondary objective 3: Identifying causes entailing decrease m performance of

teaching staff throughout their career
Secondary objective 4: Identifying some solutions to motivate the teacher to reach
performance in his/her career
Hl: Professonalisation of the didactic career goes beyond the vocation stage (it is
based on the development of skills through the Initial Training - Lifelong Vocational Learning
H2: There is a close relationship between performance of teaching staff, pupils' results
and reputation of the organisation.
H3: The attendance rate for these development programmes is influenced by age,
residential area, gender, degree of didactic maturity.
H4: The school management influences the teacher's vocational development plan.
HS: Development of teaching staff has a high impact on the classroom activities.
The questionnaire used on a number of 303 teachers (significant sample for the high
school teachers in Dambovita) who teach in academic high schools (62), technological
schools (131 ), vocational high schools (23), colleges (87), is intended to identify the
importance of making the didactic career professional, as a consequence of the acquisitions
throughout the initial training - lifelong vocational learning (8 questions) and analysis of the
increase in the teachers' performance through development of human resources ( 19
questions). Additionally, we aimed at how the development of human resources contributes to
a better image of the education establishment. One must mention that this research was
conducted in line with the analytical research model 12 , based on using experiences and
hypotheses to support the theme chosen. The goal of the research is to identify an action plan
oflarge perspectives regarding the issue assumed, i.e. development of human resources 13 .
The fifth and final chapter presents an analysis on the human resources development
system, following completion of the projects which underlay European Funds in pre-
university education, in Dambovita County, a model on assessment of factors which influence
the development process for teaching staff in the pre-university education of Dambovita
County and an action plan to increase the impact of development programmes on the activity
canied out in class by the teacher.

Ristea A.L., loan-Franc V., Popescu C., Methods in Scientific Research, Expert Publishing House, 20 17, p 83
Niculescu M., Management and Epislemology of the Scienlific Research, Textbook de curs, Predex Project, 20 11
lmprovement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.

Personal Contributions
I. Theoretical contributions materialised in the presentation of the human
resources development at organisational level
./ Identifying and studying the most important bibliographic sources on the
development of human resources
./ Systematising and correlating development, performance and
professionalisation of the didactic career
./ Stating the human resources policies and strategies implemented m an
organisation for which it is important to invest in people
./ Assessing human resources and aligning them with the interests of the
./ Stating the human resources training and development strategies within an
./ Presenting the special terminology with reference to the concept of standard
and competency; stating the role and importance of the professional
standards/competencies in relation to the career evolution
./ Approaching the career professionalisation as a design intended to develop
human resources, both personally and professionally
./ Presenting the permanent learning, lifelong learning as the major dimension for
reaching performance within competitive organisations
II. Contributions regarding the features of the education in Dambovita County in
the context of the Romanian pre-university education
./ Studying and creating an overview of the educational context in which the
teachers interviewed carry out their activity
./ Analysing the education network in Dfunbovita County
./ Presenting the pre-university, high school education system m Dambovita
County, from the perspective of the teaching staff in the school year 2017 -
III. Contributions on the research regarding the human resources development
as a factor of performance increase and professionalisation of the didactic career
./ Identifying the research methodology with reference to the impact of the
human resources development programmes on the performance and
professionalisation of the didactic career
Improvement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.

../ Setting the sample, the sample size and the representativeness, in relation to
the team studied
../ Designing, preparing, pre-piloting and applying the questionnaire as the main
instrument for collection of data analysed
../ Valuing the information collected, validating questionnaires, processing,
analysing and interpreting results
../ Identifying the connection between development of teaching staff and personal
characteristics of the teacher
../ Analysing and validating/invalidating the hypotheses on development of
human resources, teaching staff, high school
IV. Contributions on elaborating a model for assessment of the influencing
factors on the development process relating to teaching staff in pre-university, high
school education
../ Conducting a SWOT analysis of the development of teaching staff m
Dambovita County
../ Preparing a model for assessment of the factors influencing the development
process applicable to teaching staff
../ Presenting an action plan to increase the impact of the development on the
performance and professionalisation of the didactic career

Limits of the Research

The scientific research conducted was hindered by certain shortcomings such as:
../ The slow process of collecting the data available in the statistic databases of
the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the County School Inspectorate (ISJ),
the Ministry of National Education (MEN) - these data are not completely
public in the research formula; it was time-consuming to outline the status for
the school year 2017 - 2018 and additional time was therefore required; the
reports are most times published at the end of the school year
../ Very high consumption of material resources and time when usmg the
questionnaires by the sample preset (large volume of paper, activity in the field
- at the organisation, identification of the respondent and his/her consent on
participation to the research)
Improvement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.

./ The information collected belong entirely to the respondents, personal opinions

may be sometimes subjective, emotional states and personal feelings
experienced during the development programmes may have an impact on the
responses provided
./ The limited horizon of the research conducted in Dfunbovita County alone,
due to limited resources (time, application and collection by the author)
./ Static nature of the empirical research relating to the time of the analysis on the
development of the teaching staff.

Future Research Directions

Starting from the limits of the research indicated above, it is obvious that the aspects
presented are perfectible and, in this case, the future research directions that we are
considering are:
./ Using other study/research methods to narrow down the degree of subjectivity
of the research conducted
./ Expanding the horizon towards the market of training providers, including the
regional level
./ Deepening the connection between development of teaching staff in pre-
university education and results in class, at national examinations, Olympics
and school competitions
./ Dynamic empirical research in order to see the evolution through time of the
changes occurred as a result of the development of teaching staff in the pre-
university education.
The integration of new technologies into the education process and the increase of the
involvement in collaborative actions entail development of skills of teaching staff in pre-
university education, in particular the skills related to the adaptation of the didactic approach
and organisation of educative activities, in accordance with the requirements of the labour
The traditional role of conveyor of information in relation to a teacher is obsolete. New
roles of the modem teacher are emerging: person-resource, instructor and guide, supporter of
tranddisciplinarity, expert of learning situations presented to pupils, researcher with
innovative valences in the didactics of the subject taught in class, assessor of the learning
progress of each pupil, coordinator and organiser of human relations in the school
environment and intermediary of the relations with the community.
lmprovement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.

In the current economic and social context, the teaching staff find it difficult to come
to a standstill and cannot be satisfied with mediocre results. On the contrary, they will
"constantly develop their capacity to generate the results targeted" and will be continually
adapting to new generations of pupils.

It gives me great honour to express my thanks to Ms Constanta Popescu Professor

PhD, for her scientific guidance and the evolution throughout my professional development.
She supported me for three years, both in her capacity of PhD Thesis Coordinator and
collaborator for the remarkable articles presented in international conferences and published
in specialised magazines.
I also extend my gratitude to Ms Ana Maria Lucia Professor PhD, for the
methodological orientation and support towards conducting the empirical research.
Last but not least, I express my many thanks to the team of professors within the
Doctoral School of Valahia University, for their support in scientific and methodological
terms and with regard to completion of the doctoral training.
Improvement of Human Resources in Pre-University Education - Factor of Performance Increase and Professionalisation of
Didactic Career.

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8. Ordinul nr. 4476/2016 privind aprobarea standardelor profesionale de formare continua pentru functia
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Curriculum vitae
Euro pass

Personal Information
Telephone 0724261967
Fax 0245/217687
Nationality Romanian
DateofBirth 15.10.1966
Job applied for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

Work experience
Period September 1990 - present- tenure teacher within "Ion Ghica" Economic High School in Targovi~te
Occupation or position held Teacher economist
Main activities and responsibilities Coordinating teaching-learning activities carried out with pupils, preparing learning materials, assessing
didactic activity, implementing VET reform in Professional Technical Education (IPT), adapting the
teaching-learning process to new pupil-focused learning methods, using computer in teaching
activities, assisting pupils in different curricular/extracurricular activities, coordinator of training
companies, trainer, mentor, head of working committees, member of Experts in Educational
Employer's name and address Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dambovi\a
Period 16.02.2018-16.07.2018
Occupation or position held
Expert in identification and selection of target groups (GT)
Main activities and responsibilities Target group identification and selection within the framework of POCU/82/317/lncrease of employment
as a result of support provided to enterprises operating in the sector
Employer's name and address "Ion Ghica" Economic High School Targovi~te
Period 1.03.2015-10.12.2015
Occupation or position held Project manager of POSDRU175/2.1/S/149602, entitled "LEARN WITH US HOW TO BECOME AN
Main activities and responsibilities Monitoring technical, financial, administrative and operational activities, monitoring achievement of
objectives and indicators, monitoring performance of activities, sending periodical reports and
clarifications, etc.
Employer's name and address EuroBraila Association
Type of business or sector Management

Period 1.08.2014-31 .10.2015

Occupation or position held Coordinator of Experts in Training Firms- POSDRU/161/2.1/G/138176
"School Practice and Counselling - Efficient instruments to provide young people with career
Main activities and responsibilities Coordinating, organising , planning, activity performed within training firms, coordinating, organising,
special events relating to Training Firms/FE (Fostering methods, networking, fairs, Open Days),
preparing materials, monitoring and assessing experts' activities, validating special documentation
Employer's name and address School Inspectorate of Caras Severin County
Type of business or sector Education

Curriculum vitae Date: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Period ! January 2013 -April 2013

Occupation or position held . Trainer- POSDRU/87/1.3/S/63698 "LIFELONG LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS
Main activities and responsibilities Preparing training sessions, preparing internship materials, accessing online platform, analysing Local
Development Curriculum, assessing training sessions
Employer's name and address , Andrei $aguna University- Constanta
Type of business or sector ~ Education
Period i 2011 - 2012
Occupation or position held Trainer for POSDRU/57/1.3/S/33440
Main activities and responsibilities Training teacher staff in Professional Technical Education to extend the training firm as innovative
learning method
Preparing training sessions, preparing materials for teachers' internships I, II and Ill to implement the
innovative method of training firm, organising internships 1,11,111, assessing participants
Employer's name and address National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT)
Type of business or sector Education and training

Period · 14.12.2011 - 31.10.2013

Occupation or position held Simulation Company Internal Expert - POSDRU/90/2.1/S/58123 - "From Theory to Practice through
Simulation Enterprise"
Main activities and responsibilities Supporting and coordinating the activity Simulation Enterprises, monitoring activity of Simulation
Enterprise Local Expert, preparing presentations within the framework of functional analysis
seminars/networking, active participation/training within functional analysis seminars/networking
Employer's name and address OSB Consulting GmbH Austria Romania Branch
Type of business or secto( Training
Period . 2010 - 2012
Occupation or position held Quality Specialist - POSDRU/90/2.1/S/62215 - Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources
'Development SOP HRD 2007 - 2013 - "Active Partnership for a Successful Integration on the Labour
Main activities and responsibilities Operative management, planning and execution of all quality management activities relating to project-

related training, analyses and advises on quality requirements relating to the project, keeps records of
action reports prepared in relation to the project regarding assurance of quality management in relation
to training activities carried out, accepts or rejects training activities carried out in relation to the project,
prepares and implements documents on quality management assurance relating to training activities
Employer's name and address :"Matei Corvin" Technical High School Hunedoara
Type of business or sector Education

Period 2008 - 2018

Occupation or position held ! Quality monitor and author of tests for high school leaving examination/tenure/permanent teacher
certification - technological subjects, major Services (COMMERCE)
Main activities and responsibilities Preparing and checking test models for high school leaving examination/tenure/permanent teacher
certification - technological subjects, major Services (COMMERCE)
26 General Berthelot St., sector 1, Bucharest
Type of business or sector Education - assessment

Period i 2003 - 2010

Occupation or position held Quality Assurance Manager
Main activities and responsibilities ·internal monitoring, preparing self-assessment process report on vocational and technical
establishments and sending reports to the County School Inspectorate (ISJ), preparing quality
improvement plan for vocational and technical establishments and sending such report to the County
School Inspectorate (ISJ), preparing and monitoring implementation of working procedures within
Employer's name and address ·"Ion Ghica" Economic High School in Targovi~te

Curriculum vitae Dale: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Type of business or sector Education
Period '2010 - present
Occupation or position held ' In charge of Curricular Area "Technologies"
Main activities and responsibilities Coordinating the activity Curricular Area Technologies - teaching - learning - assessing activities in
relation to the Curricular Area
Employer's name and address "Ion Ghica" Economic High School in Targovi~te
Type of business or sector Education

Period December 2006 - November 2007

Occupation or position held Local expert/Trainer - Project on modernising professional technical education Phare TVET RO
Main activities and responsibilities Discussing principles of skill-based education, preparing participants to support development of efficient
pupil-oriented learning activities in the context of Romanian professional technical education (iPT),
preparing participants to support production of valid assessment instruments for qualifications in
professional technical education (iPT), preparing participants to support Local Development Curriculum
modules (CDL), providing a profound understanding of the practical nature regarding introduction of
pupil-oriented education in development and presentation of Local Development Curriculum modules
Employer's name and address WYG INTERNATIONAL LTD
Type of business or sector Education - training
Period .January 2004 - November 2004
Occupation or position held Trainer for Phare 2004/016-772. Project "Human Resources Development
Non-Conventional Energy Guarantee of Sustainable Development"
Main activities and responsibilities Preparing curriculum and textbooks, meeting the trainable
Employer's name and address 'ACANT Joint-Stock TARGOVISTE
Type of business or sector Training for adults
Period . January 2004 - November 2004
Occupation or position held 'Trainer in Phare 2004/016-772. Project "Human Resources Development
Non-Conventional Energy Guarantee of Sustainable Development"
Main activities and responsibilities Preparing curriculum and textbooks, meeting the trainable
Employer's name and address Biandra Joint-Stock TARGOVISTE
Type of business or secto~ Training for adults

Curriculum vitae Date: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Period '31.03.2002-11.2012
Occupation or position held Trainer in Phare no. RO 2002-000- 586. Project, Component "Economic and Social
:Cohesion Programme Human Resources Development" entitled Centre for Lifelong Professional
:Training Forma Valahia.
Main activities and responsibilities ·Preparing textbook, training, dissemination
Employer's name and address MONDO GRUP VALAHIA TARGOVISTE
Type of business or sector Training for adults

Period 2002
Occupation or position held ·Trainer in Phare no. RO 2002-000- 586. Project, Component "Economic and Social
Cohesion Programme Human Resources Development" "Human Resources Development Ceres
Main activities and responsibilities
·Preparing textbook, training, dissemination
Employer's name and address Ce'.e? Hotel in Pucioasa
Type of business or sector Trammg for adults

Education and Training ·

Period October 2015 - present
Qualification awarded PhD student candidate
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Management
Education or training organisation's
Level in national or international ! •

classification ISCED 8

Period December 2014 -June 2015

Qualification awarded ,Lifelong learning certificate
Main subjects covered I skills acquired 'Psycho-pedagogical fundamentals on using JCT in teaching staff's lifelong learning for Mathematics
and Sciencesrrechnologies and multimedia applications and hypermedia in modern education/Web 2.0
·applications for Mathematics and SciencesNirtual instrumentation and education software
Education or training organisation's Valahia University in Targovi~te
name and address
Level in national or international 'Lifelong learning certificate
Period ! May-June 2014
Qualification awarded Facilitator for lifelong learning in school/ Certificate no. 5161124.06.2014 - 20 Credits
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Permanent learning. Conceptual definitions, practical approaches/ The learning school - organisation
assessment criteria from the lifelong learning perspective I Facilitator versus teacher. Specific skills/
Facilitator's roles in school. Good practices and experiences. Facilitation through new technologies/
Project for an institutional development of school as innovation instrument I Preparing the offer on
extracurricular activities. The A/tie/ School: Know More, Be Better/ Preparing the school extracurricular
offer. The curriculum to the school's decision I permanent learning centre. Specific learning needs of the
community/ Team work: team building process, team work strategies/ The role of school in developing
the community. Strategies to facilitate the school - community- parents relation
Education or training organisation's Institute of Education Sciences
name and address
Level in national or international 1 Professional improvement in line with the Policies and Strategies of the Ministry of National Education
classification (MEN)
Period ·January - February 2013
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff-SERIES F/No. 0000778 - 12 credits
Main subjects covered I skills acquired .National Curriculum Components. Relationship between school curriculum and assessment
.curriculum/national examinations. Item typology. Relationship between method and assessment
.instrument. Typology of assessment standards. Analysis and interpretation of assessment results.
Assessment deontology

Curriculum vitae Date: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana
Education or training organisation's National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT)
name and address
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period :May-June 2013
Qualification awarded Lifelong learning certificate - Trainer - Teacher assessor of professional skills - 18 Credits
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Trainer - Preparing a training programme. National curriculum components. Relationship between
school curriculum and assessment curriculum/national examinations. Item typology. Relationship
between method and assessment instrument. Typology of assessment standards. Analysis and
interpretation of assessment results. Assessment deontology.
Education or training organisation's National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT)
name and address
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period June
Qualification awarded Certificate no. 1318/02.09.2013
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Preparing tests for National Permanent Teacher Certification Examinations
name and address EXAMINATIONS (CNEE)
Level in national or international Certificate
Period June
Qualification awarded Certificate no. 1318/02.09.2013
Main subjects covered I skills acquired ' Preparing tests and assessment standards. Employment contests and vacant chairs/pre-university
. chairs contests - COMMERCE
name and address EXAMINATIONS (CNEE)
Level in national or international Certificate
Period 24-27.01.2013/23-24.02.2013
Qualification awarded , Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff- No. 0000778/Seria F - 12 Credits
Main subjects covered I skills acquired ! Assessment - integral part of the didactic strategy/designing and organising assessment in
Professional Technical Education (IPT) I preparing and implementing/managing instruments/tests in
!PT/quality assurance for the assessmenUfinal assessment
Education or training organisation's Ministry of National Education (MEN) I National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and
name and address Training Development (CNDIPT)
Level in national or international ; Lifelong learning certificate
Period . October 2012 - January 2013
Qualification awarded Certificate - 554/63876/28.10.2013
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Educational Marketing - POSDRU/85/1.1/S/63876- Optimal e-Manager! - 16 Credits

Education or training organisation's . Teaching Staff Resource Centre (CCD)- Dambovi\a/Ministry of National Education (MEN)
name and address
Level in national or international . Lifelong learning certificate
Period July- September - 2012
Qualification awarded Certificate-554/63876/28.10.2013

Curriculum vitae Date: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana ·

Main subjects covered I skills acquired : Financial management for pre-university education establishments - POSDRU/85/1. 1/S/63876 -
Optimal e-Manager! - 16 Credits
Education or training organisation's Teaching Staff Resource Centre (CCD) - Dambovi\a/Ministry of National Education (MEN)
name and address
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period ' November- December 2011
Qualification awarded Certificate-554/63876/28.10.2013
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Quality management - POSDRU/85/1. 1/S/63876 - Optimal e-Manager! - 18 Credits

Education or training organisation's Teaching Staff Resource Centre (CCD) - Dambovi\a/Ministry of National Education (MEN)
name and address
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period June - 2012
Main subjects covered I skills acquired ·Entrepreneurial education - 25 Credits
Education or training organisation's . University of Economic Studies (ASE) BUCHAREST
name and address
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period 7.04-12.04.2010
Qualification awarded Graduate certificate/Series G/Nr. 00039779
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Planning and organising assessment/mastering the assessment techniques in communication
· process/assessing/preparing assessment instruments/recording and reporting assessment
· results/information analysis and decision-making process in relation to skills/internal audit of
assessment processes/external audit of assessment processes/systemic approach of assessment
Education or training organisation's INFO EDUCATIA Ltd
name and address
Level in national or international ' Graduate certificate
Period July 2010
Qualification awarded , Lifelong learning certificate
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Use of ICT in education
' teaching/learning/assessing methods, procedures and strategies
, learning for knowledge society
Education or training organisation's SIVECO ROMANIA Joint-Stock
Level in national or international i Lifelong learning certificate

Period November 2009 - February 2010

Qualification awarded Lifelong learning certificate
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Use of ICT instruments
Use of interactive teaching - learning methods/pupil-oriented teaching
Psycho-pedagogical training and methods for main activity
Education or training organisation's SIVECO ROMANIA Joint-Stock
Level in national or international . Lifelong learning certificate
Period May - 2009
Curriculum vitae Date: 22.07, 2018
Georges cu Antoaneta Roxana ·

Qualification awarded Lifelong learning certificate/National Programme to Develop Assessment Skills of Teaching Staff DeCeE
- No. 0091570/Seria E - 15 Credits
Main subjects covered I skills acquired National curriculum components, Relationship between curriculum and assessment. Fundamental
concepts of national assessment. Objective of educational assessment. Standards and criteria for
grading pupils/Relationship between school curriculum and assessmenUnational examinations
curriculum/Designing items/Item typology/Relationship between method and assessment
instrumenUSpecification matrix/Typology of assessment standards/Analysis and interpretation of
assessment results/Deontological elements in relation to assessment process/Assessment stereotypes.
Education or training organisation's Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport (MECTS) I National Centre for Curriculum and
name and address Assessment in Pre-university Education
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period 25-26.05. 2009

Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff

Main subjects covered I skills acquired Assessing learning materials for the transition from school to work place
Reviewing and assessing learning materials prepared for the PHARE TVET RO Project - 2006/018-
Education or training organisation's PHARE TVET RO- 2006/018-
name and address National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT)
Level in national or international : Lifelong learning certificate
Period 30. - 31. 03 - 2009
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Training for management of Internet and extranet networks to foster the electronic learning
· packages
, Configuring ad-hoc networks with equipment delivered for the Phare Project 2006
Defining protocols and standards for wireless networks and Internet
Defining standards for security of wireless networks
Configuring Bluetooth connexion
Configuring Mac OS Apache website server
; Configuring MAMP development environment
Education or training organisation's ' National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development CNDIPT I
name and address ' PHARE TVET RO - 2006/018-
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period , 23-24.03.2009
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff
Main subjects covered I skills acquired i Reviewing and preparing qualifications in Professional Technical Education (IPT)
Preparing curriculum for qualifications reviewed
Education or training organisation's National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT) I
name and address PHARE TVET RO - 2006/018-
Level in national or international : Lifelong learning certificate
Period ' 26-27.10.2009
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Training the trainers for implementation and use of open distance education in the Professional
Technical Education (IPT)
Education or training organisation's :National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT) I PHARE
name and address TVET RO - 2006/018-
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period 18-20.02.2009
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff
Curriculum vitae Date: 22.07. 2018
Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Main subjects covered I skills acquired ! Designing curriculum for qualification in Professional Technical Education (IPT)

Education or training organisation's 'National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT) I
name and address 'PHARE TVET RO - 2006/018-
Level in national or international : Lifelong learning certificate
classification '
Period 10. -11. 11. 2008
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Reviewing and preparing qualifications in Professional Technical Education Level 1, 2, 3 for
validation by the Sectoral Committees
Education or training organisation's Ministry of Education, Research and Youth (MECT) I National Centre for Technical and Vocational
name and address Education and Training Development (CNDIPT) I PHARE TVET RO 2006/018-
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period 30.10.2008
Qualification awarded Certificate of attendance - "Methods to Expand the Quality Seal"

Main subjects covered I skills acquired Establishing a regional network in the economic education
Education or training organisation's name Kulturkontakt Austria/ office - K - education Bucharest
and address.
Level in national or international Postgraduate
Period 10-11.10. 2008
Qualification awarded Certificate of attendance
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Preparing materials 2/Preparing materials 1/Designing textbook 1/ Designing textbook 2
11 units of programme
Education or training organisation's Kulturkontakt Austria/ office - K - education Bucharest
name and address ·
Level in national or international Postgraduate
Period 14 -15.04.2008
Qualification awarded Certificate of attendance
Main subjects covered I skills acquired . Preparing materials /4 units of programme
Education or training organisation's . Kulturkontakt Austria/ office - K - education Bucharest
name and address i

Level in national or international . Lifelong learning certificate

Period 14. -15. 04. 2008
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff- PHARE TVET RO 2005/017-553./
Main subjects covered I skills acquired . Designing auxiliary learning materials
. Identifying possible relationships between vocational training standards (SPP), curriculum and
auxiliary learning materials
· Suitable integration of auxiliary learning materials in the didactic design
Designing/preparing auxiliary materials appropriate for learning situations organised in internships at
: workplace
Designing/preparing auxiliary learning materials for children with special educational needs
Identifying ways to improve quality of learning materials
Education or training organisation's National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT)
name and address
Level in national or international ; Lifelong learning certificate
Period . 19. -20.03. 2008
Qualification awarded Certificate of attendance - TRAINING THE ADULTS - TRAFA Programme
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Preparing materials 1
11 units of programme
Education or training organisation's , KulturkontaktAustria/ office - K- education Bucharest
name and address i

Curriculum vitae . Date: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Level in national or international i Lifelong learning certificate
classification ;
Period I 8. -10. 12. 2007
Qualification awarded ' Certificate of attendance- TRAINING THE ADULTS - TRAFA Programme
Main subjects covered I skills acquired ; Customer orientation - 11 units of programme

Education or training organisation's · Kulturkontakt Austrial office - K - education Bucharest

name and address
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period 12.11 - 29.11. 2007
Qualification awarded Trainer - Graduate certificate
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Preparing training
Conducting training activities
. Assessing participants
Implementing special training methods and techniques
· Training marketing
Designing training programmes
Organising programmes and traineeships
Assessing, reviewing and assuring quality of programmes and traineeships
Education or training organisation's SC INFOEDUCATIA Ltd
name and address
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period , 28. - 30. 04 2007
Qualification awarded Certificate of attendance - TRAINING THE ADULTS - TRAFA Programme
Main subjects covered I skills acquired 11 units ofTRAFA Project- TRAINING THE ADULTS

Education or training organisation's Kulturkontakt Austrial office - K - education Bucharest

name and address
Level in national or international ' Lifelong learning certificate
Period 25 - 27 April 2007
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Assessing needs to review professional qualifications

Education or training organisation's Ministry of Education (MEC) I National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
name and address · Development (CNDIPT) Phare TVET RO 20041016 -772.04.01
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period 23-25.02.2007
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff - Expert local
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Pupil-oriented training, curriculum in local development, assessment of skills
Education or training organisation's Ministry of Education (MEC) I National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
name and address · Development (CNDIPT)- Phare TVET RO 20041016 -772.04.01
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period 6.04 - 8.04. 2006
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Implementation of instruments for quality assurance in Professional Technical Education (IPT)
Education or training organisation's ,Ministry of Education (MEC) I National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
name and address 'Development (CNDIPT) - Phare VET RO 2003
Level in national or international ' Lifelong learning certificate

Period 3-5.04.2006
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff

Cuniculum vitae Date: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Main subjects covered I skills acquired Preparing vocational training standards (SPP)
Preparing curriculum
Education or training organisation's Ministry of Education (MEG) I National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
name and address Development (CNDIPT) I Phare VET RO 2003
Period May- June 2006
Qualification awarded . Certificate No.13119.06.2006
Main subjects covered I skills acquired • Self-knowledge and personal developmenUCommunication and social skills/Management of
information and learning /Career planning/Lifestyle and quality of life
Education or training organisation's Teaching Staff Resource Centre (CCD) - Dambovi\a
name and address

Curriculum vitae Date: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Period October 2004 - October 2005
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff
Main subjects covered I skills Preparing vocational training standards (SPP) - writing vocational training standards (SPP)
acquired Preparing curriculum - writing curriculum
Education or training organisation's Ministry of Education (MEG) I National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
name and addressDevelopment (CNDIPT)
Level in national or international Lifelong learning certificate
Period : May 2003 - September 2004
Qualification awarded Certificate of lifelong learning for teaching staff
Main subjects covered I skills Training for Experts in Curriculum Design
acquired Designing the curriculum- writing vocational training standards (SPP)
Preparing curriculum - writing curriculum
Education or training organisation's Ministry of Education (MEG) I National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
name and addressDevelopment (CNDIPT)
Level in national or international
classification Lifelong learning certificate

Period 29.11 - 1.12. 2002

Qualification awarded Certifikat
Main subjects covered I skills : Introduction to training firm issues - 5 sequences of the programme
acquired KulturkontaktAustria, Ministry of Education and Research, Romanian Coordination ofTraining
Education or training organisation's Firms (ROCT), Theodor Costescu Economic High School - Drobeta Turnu Severin
name and address
Level in national or international Postgraduate
Period January- December 2000
Qualification awarded , Certificate
Main subjects covered I skills acquired : Curriculum author - Phare RO 9602 - 05 TIQM - Education component

Education or training organisation's name National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT)
and address
Level in national or international Certificate
Period . September 1995 - December 1998
Qualification awarded Certificate
Main subjects covered I skills acquired Preparing vocational training standards (SPP) I preparing curricula/preparing methodological
portfolios/specialised training
Education or training organisation's name National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (CNDIPT)
and address
Level in national or international Certificate
Period 1986 - 1990
Qualification awarded Economist - major Commerce
Main subjects covered I skills Science of Commodities
acquired : - Marketing
German Language
Business economics
Economics ofTrading
International Economics
International Trading
Education or training organisation's name University of Economic Studies (ASE) BUCHAREST - Faculty of Commerce
and address
Level in national or international ISCED 7

Curriculum vitae , Date: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana

Personal skills

Mother tongue(s) Romanian

Other language(s)
European level(*)
German language Understand in!:! Speaking WritinQ
English language Listening Reading Spoken Spoken Writing
interaction production
s I C2 s I C2 s I C2 s I C2 4 I C1
s I C1 4 I C1 4 I C1 4 I C1 4 I C1
(•) Common Euro12ean Framework of Reference for LaD.Qu119es
Communication skills
Team work- Projects Phare, KulturKontakt, Comenius, Erasmus+, Graduate Examinations etc.
Solving problems in given situations
Critical thinking
Organisational I managerial skills Member of Experts in Educational Management - 5557122.11 .2013
Member of Consultative Council of Dambovita County School Inspectorate (ISJ)
Coordinator of Centre for Partnership Network Resources - for South, Central and Western Muntenia
Coordinator of Centre for Resources - South Muntenia- Training Firm
Member of "Ion Ghica" Economic High School Board
Coordinator of Pedagogical Activities - 2014 to present
Manager of Curriculum Area "Technologies"
Quality Assurance Manager
Coordinator of Erasmus Project + Yes Europe
Coordinator of Erasmus Project + Europa Home!
Coordinator of Comenius "EuroBacDiploma" Project
Coordinator of Comenius "Values of my life" Project
Coordinator of Comenius Project - 08-PM- 528-DB-AT ,,Schuler E Portfolio""
Coordinator of training firms
Coordinator of SNAC 2012 - 2013/2017-2018
Methodologist - Commerce
Local trainer Teaching Staff Resource Centre (CCD) - Lifelong learning programme - Training teaching
staff who teach in vocational schools
Local trainer Teaching Staff Resource Centre (CCD) - Lifelong learning programme - Counselling and
orienting beginning teachers
National trainer - quality assurance
National trainer - training firm
National trainer - vocational skills
Member of National Committee for Assessing Seal of Quality/Business plan/ Training firm/Simulation
enterprise-related special events
Member of National Commission on Subjects - vocational, high school education -technological and
post-secondary education for finance, administration, commerce and services
Quality Specialist - POSDRU/90/2.1/S/62215 - Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources
Development 2007 - 2013 - "Active Partnership for a Successful Integration on the Labour Market"
Local trainer Teaching Staff Resource Centre (CCD):
- School counselling and orientation
- Training beginning teachers in Professional Technical Education
Vice-president of working group for internal managerial control
Coordinator of Commission for Partnerships and School Networks
Coordinator of Commission for Study Schedules
Coordinator of the Group for Participation of Training Firms to International Fairs: Prague, Salzburg,
Timi~oa ra, Barcelona, Bucharest

Curriculumvitae Coordinator of Training Firms/FE:FE Neffertity Style, FE Deco Style, FE XP Advertising, ~tf:~~~. ~~
Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana Teleprest, FE Adonna Glam, FE Patricia Design, FE Paper Design · · ·
Curriculum vitae i Date: 22.07. 2018
Georgescu Antoanela Roxana

Job-related skills .

Digital skills ECOL

Bluetooth connexion configuration
Use of Mac -Apple programme
Artistic skills Planning School Proms/ 18• Birthday Parties
Fostering image of training firms
Setting up stands of training firms
Decorating "Ion Ghica" Economic Hiah School
Other skills Teacher of the Year 2010 - Certificate of Excellence - Curricular Area Technologies
Gheorghe Lazar Diploma 2°' Year
Specialist in monitoring vocational training providers
Authors of textbooks:
10• Year-School of Arts and Crafts (SAM) I Commerce 11• Year ·School of Arts and Crafts (SAM)-
11• Year - Organising human resources
11• Year - Insurances
12• Year- Negotiating Transactions
12• Year - Business Financing
Author of auxiliary curricular materials:
12• Year - Business Negotiation
Author of Local Develooment Curriculum - 9•, 10• and 11 •Year
Author of Vocational Training Standards (SPP):
Level Ill, Commerce
Tradesman I Salesman - Distributor
Level IV
Technician in economic activities
Technician in purchases and contracting
Technician in administration
Assistant Manager
Author of curriculum
Level Ill. Tradesman - Salesman/ Receptionist- Distributor
Level IV
Technician in economic activities
Technician in purchases and contracting
Technician in administration
Level V
Assistant Manager
Author of Methodological Guide on Activities of Training Firms - POSDRU/57/1.3/S/33440 - Certificate
Author of Guide on Implementation of lntercultural Methods - ISBN 978-973-0-24780-0
Articles published 1. "The Impact of Standardisation on Growth of Performances of Human Resources within an
Organization" · LUMEN Proceedings, Proceedings Volume: Risk in Contemporary Economy, Volume 1,
Issue 1, ISBN: 978-973-166-496-51e-ISBN:978-973-166-483-5, October 2017, la§i, pages 217-225
2. "Human Resources' Performance in Career-A Goal for a Competitive Organization" -
Management in the Economic Paradigm of the 21" Century" November 2nd-4th, 2017, BUCHAREST,
ROMAN IA, pages 863-870
3. "The Impact of the Training Programmes Over the Teacher's
Performance and Professionalism in the Pre-University Education"· The European Proceedings of
Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, elSSN: 2357-1330, WLC 2016 • World LUMEN Congress.
Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty 20161LUMEN15th Anniversary Edition
"Challenges of Modern Management", November 3rd-4th, 2016, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA p. 135-143
Curriculum vitae Date: 22.07. 2018
Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana
MANAGERIAL STRATEGIES, "Constantin Brancoveanu" University in Pite~ti, 10th Year, no. V (34) I
2017, pages 620-627, ISSN 2392 - 8123 ISSN-L 1844 - 668X
6. "Career Professionalisation, Performance and Sustainability in an
Organization" - Revista Economia Contemporana, Vol. 2, No. 2 /2017, ISSN 2537 - 4222, ISSN-L 2537 -
4222, EconPapers rated Magazine (RePEC), IDEAS, BASE, SCIPIO, OAJI, Pite~ti, pages 152-161
7. The National System of Training Teaching Staff in the Secondary
Education System in Romania - International Review of Theories and Applied Studies in Performance
Management), Volume 6 Issue 4, 2015, ISSN-L 2067-9440 / ISSN 2344-4924, CNCSIS rated Magazine
-type B+, EBSCO, DOAJ, CABELL'S, RePEc, ProQuest, INDEXCOPERNICUS, pages 91-100
Proceedings - published by REDIVIVA in Milan ( in collection «Generazioni e
diritti», ISBN - 978-88- 97908-29-6
9. "Improvement of Teaching Staff in Pre-university Education and Challenges of the Knowledge
Society" - Valahian Journal of Economic Studies Volume 8 (22), Issue 3, 2017, ISSN-L 2067-9440 /ISSN
Society in the Context of the Recent Economic and Social Changes" - 2nd Edition , 2017
11. "Career Evolution, Result of Developing Professional Competencies" - International
Conference "European Economy and Diqital Society in the Current Geopolitical Context" (EEDS 2017)
Driving license
Other information References:
Professor POPESCU CONSTANTA PhD- Head of DSLS in "Valahia" University of Targoviste
Professor ILIE SUZANA CAMELIA PhD - Head of "Ion Ghica" Economic High School
MIHAELA $TEFANESCU - National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Development, Ministry of Education, Research and Youth (CNDIPT)

Curriculum vitae Date: 22.07. 2018

Georgescu Antoaneta Roxana


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