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Liceul Teoretic „Mihail Sebastian” Brăila

Profesor de limba engleza: CREŢU ALINA ARȘALUIS


AN ŞCOLAR 2021-2022

CLASA DATA 4 – 5,99 6 – 7,99 8 – 9,99 10
10 12 4 6.69
A IX-A B Filologie – 6.10.2021
intensiv engleză
A IX-A C Științe sociale 5.10.2021 7 10 9 7.16

-elevii au demonstrat înțelegerea unui text ;
-elevii au redactat corect diferite tipuri de texte demonstrând cunoașterea structurii și organizării unor astfel
de texte;
- au demonstrat abilități de comunicare în scris folosind un vocabular adecvat nivelului lor avansat sau

-dificultăți în exprimarea corectă din punct de vedere gramatical;
-dificultăți în recunoașterea și folosirea corectă a timpurilor verbale și a verbelor complexe;
-în redactarea diferitelor tipuri de texte sunt dificultăți privind folosirea conectorilor;
-dificultăți de folosire a unui vocabular adecvat tipului de text ce trebuie redactat.

-consolidarea cunoștințelor de gramatică în special timpurile verbale;
- exersarea redactării unor texte funcționale folosind structura adecvată și un vocabular complex.
Liceul Teoretic ”Mihail Sebastian”, Brăila


Anul școlar 2021-2022- 05.10.2021
Limba engleză
Clasa a IX- a C L1

Numele și prenumele elevului:

Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerințelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acordă 90
de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

I. 1. Read the text below and complete the following tasks.

It was almost midnight when she picked me up in her car and headed for one of the many resorts that ...1…
out of the city, far away from our home. Lou-Anne introduced me to her family who greeted me …2… . The
living we were sitting was not very large: it had a medium size full HD TV and a nice …3…. Gifts
were gathered carefully under a Christmas tree that I could notice in the other room. The living room was
filled with a most delicate aroma, a sign that our hostess was about to bring us some freshly baked cookies.

Lou-Anne’s father wanted to know something abou Turkey, my country, and the …4… that made me come
so far from it. He was listening to me carefully, nodding from time to time.

I. 1. a. Four words have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate word for each gap in the
text. There is one extra word which you do not need to use. Write your answers next to the words below. 8

A. sofa

B. lie

C. events

D. plain

E. warmly

I. 1. b. Match the words in bold in the text to their definition given below. There is one
extradefinition which you do not need to use. 4 points

A. to move your head first downwards then upwards when you agree, approve or understand;

B. to give somebody a lift/a ride;

C. to lift somebody/something up;

D. to go in a particular direction;

E. to put a large number of things on top of each other.

I. 1. c For the following sentences, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to
the text. Tick the right answer. 5 points.

1. When the writer was picked up it was

A. at midnight;  B. some time in the evening;  C. very late; D. early.

2. Lou-Anne’s family was

A. not so happy about the visit; B. very large; C. delighted and polite D. doesn't

3. The TV and the sofa were

A. brand new; B. Christmas presents; C. a mess;  D in the living room.

4. The food seemed to be

A. good; B. awful; C. missing; D. insufficient.                                                                                    

5. Lou-Anne’s father

A. was interested in the story; B. wanted to visit Turkey;

C. didn’t pay attention to the guest, D. listened without a care.

I. 2 Read the text below to fill in the missing information. Write only the missing words next
to the number indicating each blank space. 12 points

My name is Joshua. I am Irish and I …1… in a small town near  …2… sea. In two weeks I am …
3… to be married and my future …4… and I expect to be very happy. We …5… not plan to have a
honeymoon, because we want to spend two weeks to become accostomed to our new way …6…

1……………. ; 2……………. ; 3…………….. ; 4………………; 5……………; 6………………. .

I. 3. Read the sentences below and use the words given in capitals below to form words that fit in
the gaps. The words in capitals are given in the order you need to use them: 10 points

1. After so many successes your present inefficiency is………………….. . BELIEVE

2. I paid all the money before……………………the goods. COLLECT

3. It was very dark and I was ………………… . FRIGHT

4. I can’t see her ……………… . WHERE

5. …………….., he failed the exam. LUCKY

I. 4. Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet. 15 points

1. Laura and Jane started doing their homework at 5 o’clock. Now it’s 5.30.
Laura and Jane ………………………………………………………

2. Brian doesn’t skate as well as Carla.


3. Whose purse is this? asked the policeman.

The policeman asked ………………………………………………………...................

4. The man forced the thief to give his wallet back.  

The thief…………………………………………

5. Do not play computer games before you learn for the test paper.


PARTEA a II-a (36 de puncte)

Read the text below. In one paragraph write your own ending of the story. (7 - 8 lines)

Patrick ,the typical Irishman, had an accident in the street. He was knocked down by a bus and
then he was carried home. His wife put him to bed and a doctor was sent for. When he arrived, he
examined the patient: his head, his chest, his limbs; he listened to his heart and his lungs, but
Patrick did not speak a word. Eventually, he looked up and said ’’ I think he is very bad. I think he  
is dead.’’ 









1 lie; 2 warmly; 3 sofa; 4 events.


A to nod; B to pick up; C -; D to head; E to gather.


1 B; 2 C; 3 D; 4 A; 5 A.


1 live; 2 the; 3 going; 4 wife/husband; 5 do; 6 of.


1 unbelievable; 2 collecting; 3 frightened; 4 anywhere; 5 unluckily.


1…..have been doing their homework since 5 o’clock/for 30 minutes.

2 Carla skates better than Brian./Carla is a better skater than….

3 …..asked whose purse that was.

4 …. was forced to give….

5 If you don't learn for the test paper, you don't play computer games.

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