Sunteți pe pagina 1din 9

[20:54:29] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.

7 {FFFFFF}Started
[20:54:32] Connecting to
[20:54:33] Connected. Joining the game...
[20:54:41] Ad by Price21 (phone: {FFFFFF}-699{00D900}): Vand Stalion 1337 zile R V
S1 PF VP N-Blue=500kkk
[20:54:42] Connected to {B9C9BF}B-HOOD RPG | Battlepass (week: 7/8) [2x Payday]
[20:54:44] Ad by wsopp (phone: {FFFFFF}-835{00D900}): V:NRG-500 [P] [VP] [S2/4] [R]
[PF] [N Green] [SR Green] [370D] sms -835 off
[20:54:45] Parola incorecta! Mai ai la dispozitie 2 incercari.
[20:54:45] (( Crate: Aerul opened a {77ff00}Premium Crate{A9C4E4} and won
$500.000.000. ))
[20:54:48] (( onni completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4} (day:
1). ))
[20:54:54] Welcome back, BlueREV!
[20:54:54] (PIN): {FFFFFF}Pentru a avea acces la cont trebuie sa introduci codul
tau PIN!
[20:54:54] Audio stream:
[20:54:54] {6bcf00}Daily Job: {FFFFFF}Job-ul zilei de astazi este Farmer. Vei
obtine cu 10% mai multi bani muncind la acesta.
[20:54:54] {6bcf00}Lucky Wheel: {FFFFFF}Foloseste (/spin) pentru a folosi FREE
[20:54:58] (PIN): {FFFFFF}Apasa pe butonul deasupra textului
'{D7FFB3}ENTER{FFFFFF}' pentru a te loga.
[20:54:58] Codul PIN introdus de tine este unul valid, acum beneficiezi de acces la
contul tau.
[20:55:19] Ad by NechiforST (custom: {FFFFFF}kamikaze{00D900}): vand colectia mask
1 2 3 4 5 7 astept sms
[20:55:22] * Newbie ALINDUMI92: cate pp uri pot cumpara cu 1kkk?
[20:55:22] * Helper Zeptan: Nu stim cu exactitate deoarece pretul acestora este
decis de catre vanzator.
[20:55:31] (( Crate: Alweex opened a {77ff00}Premium Crate V3{A9C4E4} and won 49
Loyalty Points. ))
[20:55:36] * Newbie Alex.Doomer: are beneficii skinul worker la payday?
[20:55:36] * Helper Zeptan: Nu, acel skin ofera beneficii doar la job-uri.
[20:55:42] {03961c}Roll: {FFFFFF}Ai castigat 1000 de credite la casino.
[20:55:43] Ad by IULiANMAURCINSEPTAR (id: {FFFFFF}382{00D900}): Vand Blade V R PF
1022days / 100kkk repede!
[20:55:48] (( Crate: C_Jay opened a {77ff00}Premium Crate V3{A9C4E4} and won Mythic
Voucher. ))
[20:55:50] Eroare: Ai nevoie de 250 spin points pentru a putea da spin.
[20:55:51] Eroare: Ai nevoie de 250 spin points pentru a putea da spin.
[20:55:51] Eroare: Ai nevoie de 250 spin points pentru a putea da spin.
[20:55:54] * Newbie FizzGaming: Cum pot sa desenez si eu pe peretele altui clan?
[20:55:54] * Helper Zeptan: Foloseste comanda [/clanduty] pentru a te pune la
datorie, apoi du-te la un turf al altui clan si foloseste com
[20:55:54] ... anda [...]
[20:55:54] * Helper Zeptan: [...] [/spray] cand te afli langa graffiti.
[20:55:54] Ad by Drax. (id: {FFFFFF}566{00D900}): Vand 250pp - 200kk fix !!
[20:55:57] Ad by abStracT. (custom: {FFFFFF}VTR{00D900}): V Infernus VP R S2 N:Blue
PF SR:All 1.37k zile/Infernus VP R S1 N:Pink PF SR:All
[20:55:57] ... 1.37k zile
[20:55:58] Ad by CAPlTANU (custom: {FFFFFF}dvg{00D900}): Cumpar multe pp-uri
50pp=30kkk! /sms dvg
[20:56:01] (( Crate: jsNKIA opened a {D84507}Halloween Crate{A9C4E4} and won 3
hidden colors. ))
[20:56:01] ----
[20:56:01] BlueREV (107) | Playing hours: 174.77 | Warns: 0/3 | Cash: $102.898.681
| Bank: $9.023.996.700
[20:56:01] Account:{FFFFFF} Level: 40 | Respect Points: 214/120 | Phone: 861 |
Phone Credit: 2051
[20:56:01] Account:{FFFFFF} Premium Points: 35 | Premium Account: Plus | VIP: Plus
| Reborn: No | Legend: No
[20:56:01] Faction:{FFFFFF} None | Faction Punish: 0/50
[20:56:01] General:{FFFFFF} Rob: 20/10 | Escape: 52/20 | Freq: #69 khz | Crates: 0
| Vouchers: 0 | Job Boost: 60%
[20:56:01] General:{FFFFFF} Drugs: 10123 | Heroin: 0 | Materials: 35991 | Hiddens:
19 | Fireworks: 0 | Casino Credits: 1000
[20:56:01] General:{FFFFFF} BPoints: 2197 | Gift Points: 549 | Quest Points: 8 |
Loyalty Points: 13 | Spin Points: 90/250
[20:56:01] Properties:{FFFFFF} Vehicles: 9/9 | Rent: 385
[20:56:01] ----
[20:56:08] Ad by LaRkinn (id: {FFFFFF}448{00D900}): /vc Vand Turismo RVPF , Sultan
RVPF , NRG-500 RVPF / skin pv2 id 179 / devil mask / hal
[20:56:08] ... loween hat
[20:56:09] Ad by Oance (custom: {FFFFFF}Oance{00D900}): cumpar 200 pp
[20:56:17] Ai nevoie de o ora jucata in ultimele 7 zile pentru a putea primi un
cadou iar tu ai 0.51 ore.
[20:56:18] * Newbie Keops@RoyaL: cum pun mask? beneficii?
[20:56:18] * Helper Zeptan: Poti pune un mask prin comanda [/accs - Put It], insa
aceste accesorii nu ofera beneficii.
[20:56:20] Ad by Mariian (custom: {FFFFFF}MRNN{00D900}): Vand 1k pp | Cumpar 2
skinuri Christmas
[20:56:30] * Taxi Driver XRay_ is now on duty for $500.000/km, use [/service taxi].
[20:56:31] ---- BlueREV's licenses (reborn 0) ----
[20:56:31] Drivers licence: Suspended (1 hours)
[20:56:31] Flying licence: Passed (70 hours)
[20:56:31] Boat licence: Passed (70 hours)
[20:56:31] Weapon licence: Not Passed
[20:56:31] ------------
[20:56:34] (( Crate: AnuscaMT opened a {ff0c0c}Transcendent Crate{A9C4E4} and won
$39.969.125. ))
[20:56:35] * Uber Driver S7efan is now on duty for $1.000.000/km, use [/service
[20:56:36] Acum dormi!
[20:56:36] Recomandare: Daca doresti sa lasi jocul in bara, iti recomandam sa apesi
intai tasta ESC pentru a nu aparea probleme.
[21:01:06] (( Crate: jsNKIA opened a {D84507}Halloween Crate{A9C4E4} and won Romero
(full). ))
[21:01:06] (( Crate: raul1275 opened a {77ff00}Premium Crate V3{A9C4E4} and won
Legendary Voucher. ))
[21:01:06] (( Offik0 completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 1). ))
[21:01:06] Kick: [K]darius@ftw was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without /sleep for
more than 30 minutes.
[21:01:06] Ad by .A.C.A.B (id: {FFFFFF}528{00D900}): Vand Romero 23zile Tag>[FULL]
P:700kkk - Sultan 9zile [H][V][R][PF] P:400kkk - Freeway
[21:01:06] ... 321zile [P][R][V] P:200kkk
[21:01:06] Ad by yasumasa (custom: {FFFFFF}yasu{00D900}): Recrutez in clanul [B] 2
jucatori activi, [clan full] [giveaways] [staff].
[21:01:06] Ad by Kallek (id: {FFFFFF}607{00D900}): Cumpar skin Christmas
[21:01:06] * Newbie alexunny: ce misiuni au deelay la week 7?
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: Misiunea 4 are delay 10 minute la Week 7.
[21:01:06] (( Giftbox: Codrut192 a castigat un Bandito din giftbox. ))
[21:01:06] Ad by DenisRBT (id: {FFFFFF}77{00D900}): Vand Turismo R VP S1 Neon Pink
PF 113 Days x2 hidd Nos x5 , Roti Mega , Car stereo!
[21:01:06] (( Crate: sttifyKIA opened a {ffc849}Mythic Crate{A9C4E4} and won
$19.324.535. ))
[21:01:06] (( Dudu_r16 completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 1). ))
[21:01:06] * Newbie den4k: benefici skin pv2
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: Skin-ul 'Premium V2' iti ofera 60# job boost,
350.000$/PayDay, 3 Respect Points, +100 Pet Points si 20 bPoints.
[21:01:06] Ad by .georgik (custom: {FFFFFF}cadavru{00D900}): Vand romero full /
Vand sultan H V+ R PF S2 neon blue
[21:01:06] * Newbie FizzGaming: Ce inseamna DM?
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: 'DeathMatch' este atunci cand omori sau ataci un player
si primesti jail.
[21:01:06] SMS from pSoriN ({FFFFFF}22{FFFF00}): Salut, boss! Clanul .bTk. te cauta
pentru ca tu sa faci parte din el! 50JB, Discord, etc!
[21:01:06] Ad by cHop. (custom: {FFFFFF}Chop{00D900}): Vand Clan PVL 150JB 25
Masini Semi CHQ LV ID 25 Super Zona
[21:01:06] Ad by MATEY15 (id: {FFFFFF}696{00D900}): vand rockstar guitar 35kkk call
[21:01:06] (( Cristian_CG completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween
Quest{A9C4E4} (day: 6). ))
[21:01:06] * Newbie floriniuga12: cum dau jos palaria de mos craciun ?
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: Tasteaza comanda [/accs - Remove It] pentru a da jos
acel accesoriu.
[21:01:06] * Newbie Edward85: iau payday daca am desync?
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: Da, iei Payday chiar daca ai desync.
[21:01:06] AdmPanel: IonutLx69 a primit mute de la Meloty pentru 30 minute, motiv:
Limbaj vulgar. [action:#98476]
[21:01:06] * Newbie Dumy88: cum imi pun casca in cap?
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: Iti poti pune casca prin comanda [/ph] sau [/puthelmet]
daca te afli pe o motocicleta / bicicleta / Quad / Kart
[21:01:06] ... .
[21:01:06] Ad by Nicu875476 (custom: {FFFFFF}BMWMPOWER{00D900}): [OC] recruteaza!
Minim nivel 20 sau factiune! Clan full, chq LV, salarii,
[21:01:06] ... masini full! Evenimente si Giveaways!
[21:01:06] * Newbie McGregor4k: ce da skin christmas
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: Skin-ul Christmas iti ofera 100 'BPoints', 100 'Gift-
Points' la PayDay daca ai minim 1800 secunde si 50# job bo
[21:01:06] ... ost.
[21:01:06] * Newbie FizzGaming: Ce este sau ce inseamna Vortex pe server?
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: Acela este numele unui vehicul de pe server.
[21:01:06] Ad by wsopp (id: {FFFFFF}371{00D900}): V:NRG-500 [P] [VP] [S2/4] [R]
[PF] [N Green] [SR Green] [370D] sms -835 off
[21:01:06] Ad by Pergo (id: {FFFFFF}470{00D900}): Clanul 20CM Records recruteaza
membri de orice level, Giveaway Turismo cu sisteme, sms!
[21:01:06] Ad by Ciumasu21 (id: {FFFFFF}698{00D900}): Vand VIP Ticket,Premium
Fuel,Neon Pink/White,NRG stock(fac trade si pe huntley)
[21:01:06] Ad by Sharky29 (custom: {FFFFFF}mfy{00D900}): Vand skin halloween red
[21:01:06] * Newbie richnugger: ce iti da la spin lvl 4
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: La nivel 4 poti primi Cement Truck, Purple Laser,
1.000.000 materiale, Tanker, VIP Ticket, 'Custom House Ticket
[21:01:06] ... ' [...]
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: [...] Utility Van, 'Premium V2 Crate', Rare Laser,
Leviathan, Vehicle Slot si bani.
[21:01:06] (( ApolloSGA completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 4). ))
[21:01:06] Ad by CAPlTANU (custom: {FFFFFF}dvg{00D900}): Cumpar multe pp-uri
50pp=30kkk! /sms dvg
[21:01:06] Kick: NH.ghost94 was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without /sleep for
more than 30 minutes.
[21:01:06] (( DaNiVzX1 completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 1). ))
[21:01:06] Ad by Mariian (custom: {FFFFFF}MRNN{00D900}): Vand 1k pp | Cumpar 2
skinuri Christmas
[21:01:06] Your paycheck has arrived; please visit the bank to withdraw your money.
[21:01:06] Ai primit 0.01 ore jucate (1 minute).
[21:01:06] Ai primit la acest payday mai multi bani si mai multe RP-uri deoarece e
primul tau payday de astazi!
[21:01:06] (+) loiality points was modified: +1 (total: 14).
[21:01:06] {28be4b}� BATTLEPASS:{FFFFFF} Obtine un total de 69 puncte premium
jucandu-te pe server {ffe187}(9/69) {28be4b}�
[21:01:06] Ai primit 1 loiality points, 3 respect points & 1x premium points
deoarece detii un skin summer 23.
[21:01:06] Pet Benefits: You got $250.000!
[21:01:06] Paycheck: $1.001.740 | Bank Balance: $ | Bank interest:
$94.710 | Tax: $1.000
[21:01:06] Rent: $4.000.000 | Total earnings: $94.710 | Referal bonus: $0
[21:01:06] * Newbie FaNe: De ce am nev sa folosesc comanda /witdrawm ?
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: Poti folosi aceasta comanda incepand cu uprgade-ul VIP
[21:01:06] Kick: [K].Heisenberg was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without /sleep
for more than 30 minutes.
[21:01:06] Ad by costi47 (id: {FFFFFF}181{00D900}): cumpar casa/biz
[21:01:06] Kick: Mr.DariusRo780 was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK with wanted.
[21:01:06] * Newbie Edi1243: ce ofera skinul summer 214?
[21:01:06] * Helper Zeptan: Skin-ul 'Summer' iti ofera 50# armura, 50# job-boost,
$250.000 si 2 puncte de respect in plus la Payday.
[21:01:06] Kick: [MAS]duplei was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without /sleep for
more than 30 minutes.
[21:01:06] Ad by monkeyy (custom: {FFFFFF}monk{00D900}): Vand Police Armour, Skin
Hallowen Red, Skin Worker, vand 100pp
[21:01:06] (( Knave completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 6). ))
[21:01:06] Ad by gidayat (id: {FFFFFF}294{00D900}): Vand FCR-900 1800days 1.2k km
id-30k V R PF sms 51916
[21:01:06] Ad by C_Jay (custom: {FFFFFF}jay{00D900}): /vc Cumpar Nrg Premium
[21:01:06] (( Crate: ALEXUTZU45. opened a {ff0c0c}Transcendent Crate{A9C4E4} and
won $19.346.949. ))
[21:01:06] Ad by .georgik (custom: {FFFFFF}cadavru{00D900}): Vand romero full /
Vand sultan H V+ R PF S2 neon blue
[21:01:06] (( Crate: MrFoxy_ opened a {77ff00}Premium Crate V3{A9C4E4} and won
Legendary Voucher. ))
[21:01:10] Bine ai revenit!
[21:01:11] Kick: [eW]Best4ever was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without /sleep for
more than 30 minutes.
[21:01:19] Ad by JustRazvy (id: {FFFFFF}476{00D900}): Cumpar Meverik Stock
[21:01:21] * ECSIK puts on his helmet.
[21:01:21] * ECSIK starts the engine of his BF-400.
[21:01:21] Ad by RoBiCaa.Jr (id: {FFFFFF}392{00D900}): Vand Stallion [VP][R][S1][N-
blue][PF],1400 zile, pret 550kkk!
[21:01:22] {0317fc}BlueREV: {FFFFFF}s]
[21:01:25] Ad by Kallek (id: {FFFFFF}607{00D900}): Cumpar skin Christmas
[21:01:27] Ad by Hollod (custom: {FFFFFF}Holod{00D900}): vand BF Injection 1900z V
R PF S1 /Hot B 1410z V R PF / Monster 870z V R PF S1 / C
[21:01:27] ... lub 1725z V R PF/ NRG 675z V R PF S1
[21:01:29] * Newbie B4PE: s-a dat bonusu pt 900 on?
[21:01:29] * Helper Zeptan: Acel bonus nu a fost acordat.
[21:01:32] Kick: [eB]DarknessHabibi was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without
/sleep for more than 30 minutes.
[21:01:34] Your BMX has been spawned.
[21:01:36] This BMX (ID 365438) is owned by BlueREV | Age: 698 days | Odometer:
25.50 km | Insurance: $69930000 (4 points) | Colors: 211,15
[21:01:36] ... 5
[21:01:38] * Newbie Ruskky: cand a fost ultimul eveniment lucky fisher
[21:01:38] * Helper _Cristinel: Acesta a fost ieri, aproximativ de la ora 19:00
pana la ora 20:00.
[21:01:39] Ad by RIZZ@SAMSAR (custom: {FFFFFF}HATERE{00D900}): vand sultan 1400d
[Full]+paintjob /Uranus 1662d [Full] fara [sr-red] /Turi
[21:01:39] ... smo 1400d [Full] fara [Sr-red] /Bullet [Full]
[21:01:47] This BMX (ID 365438) is owned by BlueREV | Age: 698 days | Odometer:
25.59 km | Insurance: $69930000 (4 points) | Colors: 211,15
[21:01:47] ... 5
[21:01:47] Ad by DenisRBT (id: {FFFFFF}77{00D900}): Vand Turismo R VP S1 Neon Pink
PF 113 Days x2 hidd Nos x5 , Roti Mega , Car stereo!
[21:01:59] * Newbie FizzGaming: Ce este un Speeder?
[21:01:59] * Helper Zeptan: 'Speeder' este numele unei barci.
[21:01:59] Ad by EPIFANIO (custom: {FFFFFF}Epi{00D900}): News Reporters este in
cautare de noi membri activi si devotati! Aplicatii deschis
[21:01:59] ... e pe [/panel].
[21:02:05] * Taxi Driver XRay_ is now on duty for $500.000/km, use [/service taxi].
[21:02:07] Ad by Mihai_MK (custom: {FFFFFF}MMK{00D900}): Vand Picador [V][R] 32
Days - Astept oferte.
[21:02:17] Audio stream:
[21:02:17] * BlueREV asculta acum Radio B-HOOD.
[21:02:17] Kick: [kA]Baki. was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without /sleep for
more than 30 minutes.
[21:02:18] Ad by []Alexutzu[] (custom: {FFFFFF}Echo{00D900}): Vand Raindance [R]
[V] 376 zile Top 3 legit, 2 activ, astept oferte !
[21:02:20] (( Crate: costi47 opened a {D84507}Halloween Crate{A9C4E4} and won Devil
Mask. ))
[21:02:31] * Newbie qRaven: beneficii skin 5 years
[21:02:31] * Helper _Cristinel: Skin-ul 5 Years iti ofera 5 puncte premium la
primul payday, iar la urmatoarele ofera 100 BPoints, [...]
[21:02:31] * Helper _Cristinel: [...] 10 Loyalty Points, 3 Premium Points daca ai
3333 secunde jucate sau 50 BPoints, 3 Loyalty Points, [..
[21:02:31] ... .]
[21:02:36] Ad by qRaven (id: {FFFFFF}327{00D900}): Vand 50 PP
[21:02:42] * Newbie McGregor4k: de ce nu mai merge gangsta manele
[21:02:42] * Helper Zeptan: Probabil acel post de radio este momentan oprit,
incearca din nou mai tarziu.
[21:03:05] Ad by Nicu875476 (custom: {FFFFFF}BMWMPOWER{00D900}): [OC] recruteaza!
Minim nivel 20 sau factiune! Clan full, chq LV, salarii,
[21:03:05] ... masini full! Evenimente si Giveaways!
[21:03:06] * Taxi Driver XRay_ is now on duty for $500.000/km, use [/service taxi].
[21:03:07] Eroare: Permisul ti-a fost confiscat recent, nu-l poti lua inca!
[21:03:09] * Newbie leean.: merge pokeru?,mmmmm
[21:03:09] * Helper Zeptan: Acel sistem este activ, insa mesele de poker intampina
niste probleme tehnice care urmeaza a fi rezolvate.
[21:03:09] Ad by Cristian_CG (id: {FFFFFF}203{00D900}): vand sultan[P][V][R][PF] -
70kk neg
[21:03:11] (( raul1275 completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 1). ))
[21:03:11] Ad by yasumasa (custom: {FFFFFF}yasu{00D900}): Recrutez in clanul [B] 2
jucatori activi, [clan full] [giveaways] [staff].
[21:03:14] ---- BlueREV's licenses (reborn 0) ----
[21:03:14] Drivers licence: Suspended (1 hours)
[21:03:14] Flying licence: Passed (69 hours)
[21:03:14] Boat licence: Passed (69 hours)
[21:03:14] Weapon licence: Not Passed
[21:03:14] ------------
[21:03:18] Audio stream:
[21:03:18] This BMX (ID 365438) is owned by BlueREV | Age: 698 days | Odometer:
25.93 km | Insurance: $69930000 (4 points) | Colors: 211,15
[21:03:18] ... 5
[21:03:21] * Newbie FizzGaming: Ce masini pica din Transcendent Crate?
[21:03:21] * Helper Zeptan: Din acel crate nu iti poate pica masini.
[21:03:23] Ad by wsopp (id: {FFFFFF}371{00D900}): V:NRG-500 [P] [VP] [S2/4] [R]
[PF] [N Green] [SR Green] [370D] sms -835 off
[21:03:42] Offline: WoIf was jailed by Meloty for 15 minutes, reason: DM.
[21:03:43] (( Crate: rollz opened a {7556ff}Vehicle Crate{A9C4E4} and won
Sanchez. ))
[21:03:50] Kick: whiteofficial[DeV] was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without
/sleep for more than 30 minutes.
[21:03:53] (( Crate: abStracT. opened a {ffc849}Mythic Crate{A9C4E4} and won
$33.466.779. ))
[21:03:57] Ad by blaisukY (custom: {FFFFFF}tancul{00D900}): /vc Vand skin Girl,
Special, Worker (ID: 16), Halloween Red si 2x Police Armour
[21:03:57] ... !
[21:04:00] Ad by TEOKAYO110 (id: {FFFFFF}226{00D900}): vand turismo stok fast
[21:04:07] Ad by londra (custom: {FFFFFF}box{00D900}): vand 1k pp
[21:04:09] (( Crate: Baxy3 opened a {ff0c0c}Transcendent Crate{A9C4E4} and won
$42.195.004. ))
[21:04:10] (( Crate: HotDark opened a {ffc849}Mythic Crate{A9C4E4} and won
$49.163.619. ))
[21:04:13] (( Crate: abStracT. opened a {ff0c0c}Transcendent Crate{A9C4E4} and won
$66.024.855. ))
[21:04:13] Ad by B4PE (id: {FFFFFF}484{00D900}): Vand hot a stock, hot c V R PF,
devil mask si sanchez x1 1035 zile!
[21:04:27] Kick: [cP]Razvy696 was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without /sleep for
more than 30 minutes.
[21:04:27] * Uber Driver Itoshi_Rin is now on duty for $1.000.000/km, use [/service
[21:04:32] (( Crate: AlexXx. opened a {77ff00}Premium Crate V3{A9C4E4} and won
Legendary Voucher. ))
[21:04:33] * Newbie fhaabyi: cum pot lua cati mai multi bani la payday/
[21:04:33] * Helper Zeptan: Poti sa primesti mai multi bani la Payday din dobanda,
daca ai depozitati multi bani in banca si [...]
[21:04:33] * Helper Zeptan: [...] limitele la Payday Upgrade deblocate la Primarie.
[21:04:40] Ad by ElcTr0 (custom: {FFFFFF}Electroz{00D900}): /vc Vand Infernus P
Full 300d 1k km
[21:04:43] * Newbie Sweet[]Madonna[]: ce da la lvl 30?
[21:04:43] * Helper Zeptan: Daca ai un referal setat sau 'Reborn 1-5', la nivel 30
vei primi 20 de 'Puncte Premium'.
[21:04:47] (( alexPAStilafemeilor completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween
Quest{A9C4E4} (day: 1). ))
[21:04:52] * Newbie FizzGaming: Cat costa un Premium Crate?
[21:04:52] * Helper Zeptan: 'Premium Crate' costa 350 Premium Points.
[21:04:56] Ad by Mariian (custom: {FFFFFF}MRNN{00D900}): Vand 1k pp | Cumpar 2
skinuri Christmas
[21:05:04] * Newbie Freakaz0id: cel mai bun skin?
[21:05:04] * Helper Zeptan: Personal cred ca cel mai bun skin este 'Summer 23'.
[21:05:13] Ad by NechiforST (custom: {FFFFFF}kamikaze{00D900}): vand hot a full
vand mask 1-200kkk mask 2- 120kkk mask 3-150kkk mask 4 90kk
[21:05:13] ... k mask 5 120kkk mask 7 120kkk
[21:05:17] * Newbie XSGamer_YV: cat face infernus p r
[21:05:17] * Helper Zeptan: Pretul acestuia este decis de catre vanzator.
[21:05:18] (( _.razvann completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 6). ))
[21:05:19] * Newbie alexunny: am castigat de 2 ori la slot machine, dc nu mi s a
pus bp?
[21:05:19] * Helper _Cristinel: Probabil nu ai castigat suma pariata x 25.
[21:05:19] Kick: Mr.Michael.cristian was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without
/sleep for more than 30 minutes.
[21:05:21] (( JuNy completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4} (day:
25). ))
[21:05:27] * Uber Driver Itoshi_Rin is now on duty for $1.000.000/km, use [/service
[21:05:29] * Newbie Cristian_CG: cum fac arme la arm dealer
[21:05:29] * Helper Zeptan: Tasteaza comanda [/creategun] pentru a face arme.
[21:05:34] (( Lowek699 completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 1). ))
[21:05:35] * Newbie ionutwyx: bro am laser orange si nu am primit nimic la payday
[21:05:35] * Helper _Cristinel: Laserul Orange iti injumatateste timpul de a sta in
[21:05:50] Ad by cHop. (custom: {FFFFFF}Chop{00D900}): Vand Elegy P FuLL 165D Top /
FBI Rancher P #20 FuLL / FBI Truck #25 P FuLL
[21:06:00] Ad by ApolloSGA (custom: {FFFFFF}SGA{00D900}): [R] recruteaza lvl 20+
sau factiune, staff, clan full, giveaways zilnice
[21:06:02] (( Crate: DonPablo26 opened a {D84507}Halloween Crate{A9C4E4} and won 3
hidden colors. ))
[21:06:02] Ai primit tarnacopul deoarece te-ai apropiat de zona in care poti mina.
[21:06:08] Ai parasit zona din care poti mina iar tarnacopul ti-a fost retras.
[21:06:10] Ad by .georgik (custom: {FFFFFF}cadavru{00D900}): Vand romero full /
Vand sultan H V+ R PF S2 neon blue
[21:06:13] Ad by RIZZ@SAMSAR (custom: {FFFFFF}HATERE{00D900}): vand sultan 1400d
[Full]+paintjob /Uranus 1662d [Full] fara [sr-red] /Turi
[21:06:13] ... smo 1400d [Full] fara [Sr-red] /Bullet [Full]
[21:06:18] * Newbie Freakaz0id: ce da hallo red?
[21:06:18] * Helper Zeptan: Skin-ul 'Halloween Red' iti ofera 2 Premium Points per
Payday daca ai peste 1801 secunde jucate.
[21:06:26] Ad by Kallek (id: {FFFFFF}607{00D900}): Cumpar skin Christmas
[21:06:32] Audio stream:
[21:06:32] * BlueREV asculta acum Pro FM Romania.
[21:06:32] Ad by Hollod (custom: {FFFFFF}Holod{00D900}): vand BF Injection 1900z V
R PF S1 /Hot B 1410z V R PF / Monster 870z V R PF S1 / C
[21:06:32] ... lub 1725z V R PF/ NRG 675z V R PF S1
[21:06:33] (( ELCAPiTANANDREI completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween
Quest{A9C4E4} (day: 1). ))
[21:06:40] (( ReMMo completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 3). ))
[21:06:42] Audio stream:
[21:06:42] This BMX (ID 365438) is owned by BlueREV | Age: 698 days | Odometer:
27.57 km | Insurance: $69940000 (3 points) | Colors: 211,15
[21:06:42] ... 5
[21:06:48] (( Crate: Razvan2207 opened a {77ff00}Premium Crate V3{A9C4E4} and won
Mythic Voucher. ))
[21:06:53] Ad by CAPlTANU (custom: {FFFFFF}dvg{00D900}): Cumpar multe pp-uri
50pp=30kkk! /sms dvg
[21:07:05] Ad by xDeepT (id: {FFFFFF}265{00D900}): Cumpar Sultan H cu orice dar sa
coste 200kkk =) !!!
[21:07:06] (( Crate: marius_bz13 opened a {77ff00}Premium Crate V3{A9C4E4} and won
Epic Voucher. ))
[21:07:10] (( Crate: qMihnea opened a {00ffee}Workers Crate{A9C4E4} and won 100%
job boost - 30 minutes. ))
[21:07:17] (( anto@sunttrist completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween
Quest{A9C4E4} (day: 3). ))
[21:07:19] Ad by wsopp (id: {FFFFFF}371{00D900}): V:NRG-500 [P] [VP] [S2/4] [R]
[PF] [N Green] [SR Green] [370D] sms -835 off
[21:07:19] * Newbie MamaligaDeAur: De cand au voie politisti sa iti dea amenda cand
mergi pe nisip?
[21:07:19] * Helper _Cristinel: Conform regulamentului acel lucru se considera
'Condus neregulamentar'.
[21:07:34] (( Babyyfv completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 1). ))
[21:07:35] (( Crate: qMihnea opened a {ff0c0c}Transcendent Crate{A9C4E4} and won
$47.922.233. ))
[21:07:36] * Newbie dunhill2003: cum se pornesc luminile?
[21:07:36] * Helper Zeptan: Daca te referi la luminile unui vehicul, foloseste
comanda [/lights] sau apasa tasta 'Ctrl'.
[21:07:36] Ad by Mihai_MK (custom: {FFFFFF}MMK{00D900}): Vand Picador [V][R] 32
Days - Astept oferte.
[21:07:36] (( Termopan completed successfully the {b5652b}Halloween Quest{A9C4E4}
(day: 2). ))
[21:07:45] * Newbie FizzGaming: La ce ma ajuta un skin premium?
[21:07:45] * Helper Zeptan: Skin-ul 'Premium' iti ofera 60# job boost,
350.000$/PayDay, 3 Respect Points, +100 Pet Points si 20 bPoints.
[21:07:48] * Newbie @Paco@: ce se intampla cand primestio o cheie la spin si ce
poti sa faci cu ea?
[21:07:48] * Helper _Cristinel: Sistemul de spin contine 4 nivele, avansarea in
nivel se face prin obtinerea cheilor. [...]
[21:07:48] * Helper _Cristinel: [...] La fiecare 4 chei obtinute vei avansa in
[21:07:51] Ad by blaisukY (custom: {FFFFFF}tancul{00D900}): /vc Vand skin Girl,
Worker (ID: 16), Halloween Red si 2x Police Armour!
[21:08:12] * Newbie NicolasHMS7: cum vad ce neoane am
[21:08:12] * Helper _Cristinel: Poti vedea ce tickete de neoane ai folosind comanda
[21:08:13] AdmPanel: Chelo. a primit mute de la Meloty pentru 150 minute, motiv:
Limbaj vulgar. [action:#98477]
[21:08:13] AdmPanel: Chelo. received a warn from Meloty, motiv: Limbaj vulgar
[action: 98478]
[21:08:14] (( Crate: qMihnea opened a {ff0c0c}Transcendent Crate{A9C4E4} and won
$95.360.307. ))
[21:08:23] {0317fc}BlueREV: {FFFFFF}69,940,000
[21:08:24] Ad by abStracT. (custom: {FFFFFF}VTR{00D900}): V Infernus VP R S2 N:Blue
PF SR:All 1.37k zile/Infernus VP R S1 N:Pink PF SR:All
[21:08:24] ... 1.37k zile
[21:08:27] Kick: [cP]MRcamouflagez1 was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without
/sleep for more than 30 minutes.
[21:08:32] Kick: [Zr]Dr@gosGB was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without /sleep for
more than 30 minutes.
[21:08:41] Ad by Nicu875476 (custom: {FFFFFF}BMWMPOWER{00D900}): [OC] recruteaza!
Minim nivel 20 sau factiune! Clan full, chq LV, salarii,
[21:08:41] ... masini full! Evenimente si Giveaways!
[21:08:46] News: The Race Arena has started with 3/20 players in map Bandito
[21:08:53] Ad by Mariian (custom: {FFFFFF}MRNN{00D900}): Vand 1k pp | Cumpar 2
skinuri Christmas
[21:08:58] SERVER: Unknown command.
[21:09:01] -- Job Goal --
[21:09:01] >> Ai participat cu $26.794.772 la acest job goal.
[21:09:01] >> Vei primi 2000 b-points la finalizarea acestui goal.
[21:09:01] ----
[21:09:04] Ad by valoaremaxima (custom: {FFFFFF}ValoareM{00D900}): Recrutez
jucatori cu factiune in clanu [B] clan top 1 / staff / kanterin
[21:09:04] ... ka
[21:09:14] * Newbie LeoGoldG: cum fac cel mai rapid lvl 5
[21:09:14] * Helper Zeptan: Poti avansa in level cand ai minimul de Respect Points
si orele pe care le cere acel nivel. [...]
[21:09:14] * Helper Zeptan: [...] Poti face Respect Points si ore prin activitatea
ta pe server, quest-uri zilnice, speciale sau job-uri.
[21:09:15] Ad by londra (custom: {FFFFFF}box{00D900}): vand 1k pp
[21:09:20] Ad by qCasu (id: {FFFFFF}685{00D900}): Vand Infernus VP P V R PF
S[4/4] !
[21:09:24] (( Crate: KGS opened a {ff0c0c}Transcendent Crate{A9C4E4} and won Skin
124. ))
[21:09:33] * Newbie FizzGaming: Beneficii skin Summer?
[21:09:33] * Helper xEasT: Skin-ul 'Summer' iti ofera 50# armura, 50# job-boost,
$250.000 si 2 puncte de respect in plus la Payday.
[21:09:37] Kick: [R]YCB was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK without /sleep for more
than 30 minutes.
[21:09:37] You resigned from the Miner job. Now you're unemployed.
[21:09:37] Your new job is now Farmer. Use (/help > 'Jobs') to see commands.
[21:09:40] Ad by costi47 (id: {FFFFFF}181{00D900}): cumpar bizz/ casa vw
[21:09:41] Server closed the connection.

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