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 Vorbirea directă se referă fie la exprimarea propriilor idei, opinii, sentimente etc., fie
la redarea cu exactitate a ideilor, opiniilor, sentimentelor etc. exprimate de o altă
persoană. În limba engleză, pentru a reproduce întocmai spusele altei persoane, citatul,
încadrat în ghilimele/semnele citării, se introduce prin virgulă, nu prin intermediul
celor două puncte și/sau al liniuței de dialog, cum se întâmplă în limba română:

 She said, “Life is too short to wake up with regrets.” (= Ea a spus: „Viața este prea
scurtă să ne trezim cu regrete.”)
 He always says, ”Follow your intuition!”. (= El mereu spune: „Ascultă-ți intuiția!”.)

 Vorbirea indirectă reprezintă transmiterea sau raportarea ideilor, opiniilor,

sentimentelor etc. altei persoane și presupune o serie de transformări care vizează, cel
mai frecvent, timpurile verbale, pronumele personale și adverbele și locuțiunile
adverbiale de timp și de loc, în special atunci când verbul principal e.g. to admit (a
recunoaște), to announce (a anunța), to answer (a răspunde), to ask (a cere, a întreba),
to assure (a asigura), to confess (a mărturisi), to declare (a declara), to exclaim (a
exclama), to explain (a explica), to implore (a implora), to inform (a informa), to
inquire (a întreba), to promise (a promite), to remark (a remarca), to remind (a
aminti), to reply (a răspunde), to say (a spune), to tell (a spune), to wonder (a se
întreba) etc. se află la un timp al trecutului.
Exemple de transformări din vorbirea directă în vorbirea indirectă
(Direct – Indirect/Reported Speech examples)

 “I am very happy here and now”, she said. => She said (that) she was very happy there and then.
(= „Sunt foarte fericită aici și acum”, a spus ea. => Ea a spus că era foarte fericită acolo și atunci.)
 “I didn’t do my homework yesterday”, the student told his teacher. => The student told his teacher
(that) he hadn’t done his homework the day before/the previous day.
(= „Nu mi-am făcut tema ieri”, i-a spus elevul profesorului. => Elevul i-a spus profesorului că nu își
făcuse tema cu o zi în urmă.)
 “I will show you the portfolio tomorrow”, the teacher promised his students. => The teacher promised
his students (that) he would show them the portfolio the next day/the following day.
(= „Vă voi arăta portofoliul mâine”, le-a promis profesorul elevilor. => Profesorul le-a promis elevilor
că le va arăta portofoliul în ziua următoare.)
Transformări la trecerea din vorbirea directă în vorbirea indirectă
(Direct – Indirect/Reported Speech Changes)

o this (= acesta, aceasta) => that (= acela, aceea)

o these (= aceștia, acestea) => those (= aceia, acelea)
o here (= aici) => there (= acolo)
o now (= acum) => then (= atunci)
o today (= astăzi) => that day (= în ziua aceea)
o tonight (= în noaptea aceasta) => that night (= în noaptea aceea)
o yesterday (= ieri) => the day before/ the previous day (= în ziua anterioară/precedentă)
o last (month) (= luna trecută) => the previous (month)/ the (month) before (= în luna anterioară/precedentă)
o tomorrow (= mâine) => the next day/ the following day (= în ziua următoare)
o next (year) (= anul viitor) => the next (year)/ the following (year) (= în anul următor)
o (five years) ago (= acum 5 ani) => (five years) before (= cu 5 ani înainte)
Transformări ale timpurilor verbale din vorbirea directă în vorbirea indirectă
Vorbire Directă (Direct Speech) Vorbire Indirectă (Indirect/Reported Speech)
Prezentul simplu devine trecut simplu (afirmativ și negativ)
She said, “He goes to the seaside every summer.” She said (that) he went to the seaside every summer.

The children said, “We don’t like horror films.” The children said (that) they didn’t like horror films.

He said “She doesn’t have a brother.” He said (that) she didn’t have a brother.
Prezentul continuu devine trecut continuu (afirmativ și negativ)
He said, “I am helping my deskmate.” He said (that) he was helping his deskmate.

She said, “We are not walking to the station.” She said (that) they were not walking to the station.
Prezentul perfect simplu devine trecut perfect simplu (afirmativ și negativ)
You said, “She has signed the contract.” You said (that) she had signed the contract.

He said, “I have not seen this text message”. He said (that) he had not seen that text message.
Prezentul Perfect Continuu devine trecut perfect continuu (afirmativ și negativ)
She said, “I have been waiting for 25 minutes.” She said (that) she had been waiting for 25 minutes.

He said, “The wind has not been blowing since midnight.” He said (that) the wind had not been blowing since midnight.
Transformări ale timpurilor verbale din vorbirea directă în vorbirea indirectă

Trecutul simplu devine trecut perfect simplu (afirmativ și negativ)

The patient said, “The doctor saved my life.” The patient said (that) the doctor had saved his life.

He said, “I didn’t use your computer.” He said (that) he hadn’t used my computer.

Trecutul continuu devine trecut perfect continuu (afirmativ și negativ)

I said, “You were discussing about my decision.” I said (that) you had been discussing about my decision.

He said, “I was not sleeping.” He said (that) he had not been sleeping.

Trecutul perfect simplu rămâne trecut perfect simplu (afirmativ și negativ)

I said, “He had cheated before.” I said (that) he had cheated before.

He said, “I hadn’t spoken English until then.” He said (that) he hadn’t spoken English until then.

Trecutul perfect continuu rămâne trecut perfect continuu (afirmativ și negativ)

He said, “They had been investigating for 10 days.” He said (that) they had been investigating for 10 days.

She said “I hadn’t been teaching since 2019.” She said (that) she hadn’t been teaching since 2019.
Transformări ale timpurilor verbale din vorbirea directă în vorbirea indirectă

Timpurile viitorului devin viitor-în-trecut: will devine would

He said, “I will (not) become a doctor.” He said (that) he would (not) become a doctor.

She said, “I will (not) be starving.” She said (that) she would (not) be starving.

He said, “I will (not) have finished by 10 o’clock.” He said (that) he would (not) have finished by 10 o’clock.

She said, “You will (not) have been working for 25 years.” She said (that) I would (not) have been working for 25 years.

Verbele modale may, can și must (când exprimă o obligație) devin might, could și had to

He said, “I may be late.” He said (that) he might be late.

She said, “I can draw well.” She said (that) she could draw well.

She said, “You must leave right now.” She said (that) I had to leave right then.
Întrebările indirecte (Direct – Indirect/Reported Questions)

 În cazul interogativului, pe lângă transformările timpurilor verbale, ale formelor

pronominale și ale adverbelor de timp și de loc cerute de context, topica frazei (ordinea
cuvintelor) se modifică, de asemenea. Astfel, atât în cazul întrebărilor deschise
(introduse de un cuvânt interogativ e.g. what (ce), who (cine/pe cine), which (care),
when (când), where (unde), how (cum), why (de ce), how much (cât/ă), how many
(câți/câte) etc.), cât și în cazul întrebărilor închise (“Yes/No” Questions), inversiunea, o
caracteristică a întrebărilor directe, va fi eliminată din structura întrebărilor indirecte:
o “What is your name?” => He asked what my name was.

o “Are you tired?” => He wanted to know if I was tired.

Întrebările indirecte (Direct – Indirect/Reported Questions)

Vorbire Directă (Direct Speech) Vorbire Indirectă (Indirect/Reported Speech)

Prezentul simplu interogativ devine trecut simplu (afirmativ/negativ)
He asked me, “Who are you?” He asked me who I was.

The child asked, “Why don’t you like horror films?” The child asked why I didn’t like horror films.

She asked, “Does he go to the seaside every summer?” She asked if he went to the seaside every summer.
Prezentul continuu interogativ devine trecut continuu (afirmativ/negativ)
He asked me, “What are you doing here?” He wanted to know what I was doing there.

She asked, “Is he waiting for me?” She asked if he was waiting for her.
Prezentul perfect simplu interogativ devine trecut perfect simplu (afirmativ/negativ)
Mary asked me, “How much have you saved?” Mary asked me how much I had saved.

The teacher asked, “Have you done your homework?” The teacher asked if I had done my homework.
Prezentul Perfect Continuu interogativ devine trecut perfect continuu (afirmativ/negativ)
She asked, “How long have you been teaching?” She asked me how long I had been teaching.

I asked him, “Have you been studying all day?” I asked him if he had been studying all day.
Întrebările indirecte (Direct – Indirect/Reported Questions)

Trecutul simplu interogativ devine trecut perfect simplu (afirmativ/negativ)

The woman asked, “What time did Sam leave?” The woman asked what time Sam had left.

He asked, “Did you see her yesterday?” He asked if I had seen her the day before/the previous day.
Trecutul continuu interogativ devine trecut perfect continuu (afirmativ/negativ)
She asked him, “Why were the students complaining ?” She asked him why the students had been complaining.

He asked, “Was it raining?” He asked if it had been raining.

Trecutul perfect simplu interogativ devine trecut perfect simplu (afirmativ/negativ)
I asked, “How often had she run away from home before?” I asked how often she had run away from home before.

He asked me, “Had he ever stolen from you?” He asked if he had ever stolen from me.
Trecutul perfect continuu interogativ devine trecut perfect continuu (afirmativ/negativ)
He asked, “How long had she been training by then?” He asked how long she had been training by then.

She asked “Had you been practising since 9 o’clock?” She asked if I had been practising since 9 o’clock.
Timpurile viitorului la interogativ devin viitor-în-trecut (la afirmativ/negativ): will devine would
He wondered, “What will she say?” He wondered what she would say.

She asked, “Will you be giving a speech then?” She asked if I would be giving a speech then.
Vorbirea indirectă – situații speciale (1)

 Un imperativ direct (afirmativ sau negativ) se transformă în infinitiv la vorbirea

o ”Revise all these lessons for the test”, the teacher advised us. => The teacher advised
us to revise all those lessons for the test. (= „Recapitulați toate aceste lecții pentru
test”, ne-a sfătuit profesorul. => Profesorul ne-a sfătuit să recapitulăm toate acele
lecții pentru test.)
o “Don’t touch the socket!”, I warned the children. => I warned the children not to
touch the socket. (=„Nu atingeți priza!”, i-am avertizat pe copii. => I-am avertizat
pe copii să nu atingă priza.)
Vorbirea indirectă – situații speciale (2)

 Prezentul simplu va rămâne neschimbat atunci când exprimă un adevăr general

(general truth), chiar dacă verbul principal este la timpul trecut:
o “Steel melts at around 1370 degrees C”, the teacher informed the students. => The
teacher informed the students that steel melts at around 1370 degrees C. (=„Oțelul
se topește la aproximativ 1370 grade Celsius.” => Profesorul i-a informat pe elevi că
oțelul se topește la aproximativ 1370 grade Celsius.)
o “Warsaw is the capital of Poland”, the pupil answered. => The pupil answered that
Warsaw is the capital of Poland. (=„Varșovia este capitala Poloniei”, a răspuns
elevul.=> Elevul a răspuns că Varșovia este capitala Poloniei.)
Vorbirea indirectă – situații speciale (3)

 Dacă verbul folosit în propoziția principală/regentă este la un timp al prezentului sau al viitorului,
timpul verbal din propoziţia raportată va rămâne același:
o “If she passes the interview, she will get the scholarship”, the manager says/will say. => The manager
says/will say that if she passes the interview, she will get the scholarship. (=„Dacă va trece proba
interviului, ea va obține bursa”, spune/va spune directorul. => Directorul spune/va spune că dacă va
trece proba interviului, ea va obține bursa.)
 Dacă verbul folosit în propoziția principală este la timpul trecut, timpurile din subordonată vor fi la
trecut sau viitor-în-trecut, în funcție de regulile de transformare a vorbirii directe în vorbirea indirectă:
o “If she passes the interview, she will get the job”, the manager said. => The manager said that if she
passed the interview, she would get the job. (=„Dacă va trece proba interviului, ea va obține bursa”, a
spus directorul. => Directorul a spus că dacă va trece proba interviului, ea va obține bursa.)
Vorbirea indirectă – situații speciale (4)

 Dacă situația despre care se vorbește este încă valabilă sau adevărată în momentul
vorbirii, nu este obligatoriu să schimbăm timpul verbului în trecerea din vorbirea
directă în vorbirea indirectă:
o ”He is 18 years old”, she said. => She said that he is/was 18 years old.
(= „El are 18 ani”, a spus ea. => Ea a spus că el are 18 ani.)
Vorbirea indirectă – situații speciale (5)

 Dacă interogativul este folosit pentru a exprima o ofertă (offer), o cerere (request)
sau o sugestie (suggestion), vom transforma enunțul din vorbirea directă în vorbirea
indirectă prin intermediul unor construcții infinitivale (offered + infinitiv, asked +
infinitiv) sau gerunziale (suggested + VB -ing):
o ”Would you like me to carry your schoolbag?” => He offered to carry my
o ”Can I leave earlier today, please?” => She asked (politely) to leave earlier that day.
o ”Why don't we pay him a visit in hospital?” => He suggested paying him a visit in
Vorbirea indirectă – situații speciale (6)

 În cazul întrebărilor închise (“Yes/No” Questions), putem să folosim nu numai

particula “if” (= dacă) la vorbirea indirectă, ci și construcția “whether… or not”
(= dacă… sau nu):
o ”Can you translate this report?”, she asked. => She asked if I could translate that
report./ She asked whether I could translate that report or not.
o ”Is he a reliable person?”, he wanted to know. => He wanted to know if he was a
reliable person./ He wanted to know whether he was a reliable person or not.

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