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CUPRINS Alfabetul limbii engleze 3 Vocalele limbii engleze 4 Consoanele limbii engleze 5 Substantivul ... A!ticolul " P!

gleze 5 Substantivul ... A!ticolul " P!e#ozitia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $3 Con%unctia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... &$ A've!bul ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... &3 A'e%ectivul ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3( Nume!alul ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3) P!onumele ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 43 Ve!bul ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4*


Alfabetului Limbii Engleze +ngleza foloseste un alfabet latin cu lite!ele cunoscute si in alte limbi st!aine 'e o!igine in'o,eu!o#eana 'a! cunoaste g!u#u!i 'e lite!e ca!e se #!onunta 'ife!it. -e e.em#lu/ 0t10 este g!u#ul cel mai cunoscut. Ceea ce este mai inte!esant in alfabetul englez este ca a'esea 020 si 030 'evin vocale si astfel inte!vin sc1imba!ile necesa!e 4a!ticolul ne1ota!at 0a0 se t!ansfo!ma in 0an0 'aca cuvintele ince# cu una 'int!e aceste lite!e5. +ngleza este o limba tonala in ca!e intonatia este im#o!tanta. -e aceea/ a'esea/ vocea a%uta sa t!ansmita i!onia sau su!#!iza/ afi!matia sau inte!ogatia. S#!e e.em#lu/ int!eba!ea #oate fi fo!mata cu a%uto!ul inve!siunii subiectului cu au.ilia!ul ve!bului 'a! e.ista si #osibilitatea mentine!ii afi!matiei si a sc1imba!ii intonatiei. -iac!iticele a#a! 'estul 'e !a! in limba engleza/ in s#ecial in cuvintele im#!mutate 4a##li6u7/ attac17/ c!8#e/ 7lite5 si #!onuntia lo! este i'entica cu cea 'in limba 'in ca!e #!ovin/ in ma!e #a!te 'in f!anceza. Litera a b c ' e f g 1 i % > l m n o # 6 ! s t u v 3 . 2 z !ranscriere fonetica :ei< :bi;< :si;< :'i;< :i;< :ef< :'%i;< :eitc1< :ai< :gei< :>ei< :el< :em< :en< :ou< :#i;< :>%u;< :a;< :es< :ti;< :%u;< :vi;< :?'abl%u;< :e>s< :3ai< :ze'<

Vocalele Limbii Engleze (the voewls) 9imba engleza a!e $& vocale/ lungi 4mai lungi 'ecat in limba !omana/ #e ca!e le in'icam in t!ansc!ie!ea fonemica #!in 'oua #uncte :;<5/ si scu!te 4mai scu!te 'ecat in limba !omana5; a scu!t/ int!e 0a0 ante!io! si 0o0/ e..; nut [nat] nuca a: mai lunga 'ecat vocala !omaneasca/ u!mata 'e obicei 'e 0!0 4ca!e nu se #!onunta/ 'oa! 'aca u!mato!ul cuvant inca#e cu o vocala=5/ e..; arm [a;m] brat, car [ca:] masina

[a] a cu ba!cuta 'easu#!a/ e scu!t/ si intalnit in silabe neaccentuate/ e..; a pen [ a pen] un stilou, at home [at haum] acasa/ after [a:fta] upa/ Englan [inglan ] Anglia

[a: ] a cu ba!cuta 'easu#!a/ #!elungit si #!onuntat #!int!e 'inti/ int!,un zambet la!g/ e..; girl [ga;l] fata, learn [la;n] a invata [ae] este un sunet inte!me'ia! int!e 0e0 si 0a0/ #!onuntat cu gu!a foa!te mult 'esc1isa/ e..; A nn [aen] Ana, has [haez] (el, ea) are e simila! cu vocala !omaneasca/ e..; men [men] barbati, man" [meni] multi, multe i scu!t/ int!e 0i0 si 0e0 it [it] el, ea 4#ent!u substantive ce 'enumesc obiecte/ animale si notiuni abst!acte5/ e.; big [big] mare i: vocala lunga/ intalnita in e.clamatiile 'in limba !omana=/ e.; be [bi;] a fi, see [si;] a ve ea o inte!me'ia!a int!e o si a/ e.; og [ og] caine, not [not] nu (a verb) o: lung/ int!e 0u0 si 0o0/ e.; all [o;l] toti, toate, oor [ o;] usa u scu!t/ int!e 0u0 si 0o0/ e.; goo [gu ] bun u: lung/ e.; "ou [iu;] tu, voi, o [ u;] a face

#onsoanele Lmbii Egleze Unele consoane englezesti sunt 'eosebite 'e cele 'in limba !omana; a. u!mate 'e as#i!atie/ 'e un 010 uso!/ can' sunt folosite la ince#utul cuvintelo! $ come [cham] a veni ('e !egula/ 0e0,ul 'in #ozitie finala nu se citeste%) p #en [phen] stilou t ten [then] zece b. alveola!e@ va!ful limbii se s#!i%ina #e alveolele incisivilo! su#e!io!i 'i [ i ] facut t ten [ten] zece n not [not] nu c. inte!'entale/ tine va!ful limbii int!e 'inti si !osteste 0s0 4consoana su!'a5 sau 0z0 4consoana sono!a5 [&s&] t1an$ [0s0aenc] multumesc [&z&] then [0z0en] atunci '. 0l0 vela!/ #ozitie finala A 0l0 cla!/ a#a!e inainte 'e vocale tell [tel] a povesti li$e [laic] a place e. 0n0 vela! A 0n0 cla! sun [san] soare English [inglish] englez f. 0!0 f!icativ/ nu se #!onunta in #ozitie finala/ 'ecat 'aca u!mato!ul cuvant ince#e cu o vocala 'en!" g. 0s0,ul 'int!e 'oua vocale/ sau uneo!i cel aflat la sfa!situl cuvantului se #!onunta 0z0 please [pli:z] va rog (a'u,ti aminte ca 0e0 final/ 'u#a consoana/ nu se citeste%) his [hiz] al lui 1. 0s10 a!e ca ec1ivalent 0s10,ul !omanesc; s1ogun Englis1 [inglis1] englez i. 0ts0 in'entic cu 0ts0,ul !omanesc nuts [nats] nuci

(ubstantivul (the noun) )elul substantivelor Substantivele Bn limba engleza se #ot Bm#a!ti Bn #at!u catego!ii; substantive comune; cat, girl, lamp substantive proprii; England, London, Mr Smith, Mary substantive abstracte; beauty, love, courage, fear, joy substantive colective; crowd, group, team *enul Substantive 'e genul masculin sunt fiintele si animalele 'e se. masculin; Ex.: man, boy, lion, dog Substantivele 'e genul feminin sunt fiintele si animalele 'e se. feminin; Ex.: woman, girl, cat, giraffe Substantive 'e genul neutru sunt luc!u!ile/ #lantele/ animale sau fiinte al ca!o! se. nu este cunoscut 4#!onume; itAt1e25; Ex.: world, peace, house, mouse, baby E+ceptii: tarile, navele, ,n ma-oritatea cazurilor si autovehiculele sau alte vehicule sunt e genul feminin. Substantivele 'e genul comun sunt o #a!ticula!itate a limbii engleze. Substantivele ca!e int!a Bn aceasta catego!ie au aceeasi fo!ma #ent!u ambele se.e; +..; c1il' 4co#il/ co#ila5/ coo> 4bucata!/ bucata!easa5/ teac1e! 4#!ofeso!/ #!ofesoa!a5. Unele substantive au fo!me 'ife!ite #ent!u genul masculin si cel feminin; Ex.: boy girl, husband wife, brother sister, father mother, son daughter, uncle aunt, dog bitch, bull cow, !ing "ueen /umarul Numa!ul este fo!ma #e ca!e o ia un substantiv #ent!u a a!ata ca ne !efe!im la unul sau mai multe obiecte sau fiinte. Singula!ul coinci'e cu fo!ma 'e baza a unui substantiv; dog, girl, wife, world, storm Plu!alul substantivelo! se fo!meaza #!in a'auga!ea unui s la fo!ma 'e singula!; Ex.: cat#s$cats, day#s$days, world#s$worlds Plu!alul substantivelo! teminate Bn ch, o, sh, s, + se fo!meaza a'augCn' es la singula!. Ex.: church#es$churches, bush#es$bushes, class#es$classes, potato#es$potatoes, bush#es$bushes, box#es$boxes 0luralul neregulat Substantive te!minate Bn consoana1" fac #lu!alul Bn ies; Ex.: company companies, factory factories, baby babies Unele substantive te!minate Bn o fac #lu!al #!in a'auga!ea unui s. Ex.: soprano sopranos, piano pianos, photo photos Unele substantive te!minate Bn f sau fe vo! sufe!i la #lu!al sc1imba!ea Bn ves. Ex.: leaf leaves, half halves, wife wives, life lives, self selves, wolf % wolves E+ceptii: roof - roofs, handkerchief - handkerchiefs, gulf - gulfs, wharf - wharfs/ wharves CCteva substantive fo!meaza #lu!alul #!in sc1imba!ea unei vocale inte!ne Ex.: foot feet, man men, tooth teeth Plu!alul substantivului child este children. Unele substantive !amCn i'entice la #lu!al +..; aircraft, deer, series, sheep, species, fish

0luralul substantivelor compuse Dn cazul substantivelo! com#use numai ultimul cuvCnt va t!ece la #lu!al. +..; boy friends, brea! ins, travel agents +.ce#tii; substantivele com#use al ca!o! #!im element este man sau woman vo! #!imi semnul #lu!alului #ent!u ambele substantive com#onente. +..; men drivers, women teachers, men servants Dn cazul substantivelo! com#use fo!mate 'in const!uctii 'e genul substantiv E #!e#ozitie A a've!b E substantiv/ substantivul 'e baza va #!imi semnul #lu!alului. +..; sisters in law, passers by, men of war, hangers on, loo!ers on, runners up Ab!evie!ile sau initialele vo! fo!ma #lu!alul #!in a'auga!ea unui s +..; M&s 'Members of &arliament(, )*&s 'very important persons( (ubstantivele unice (uncountable nouns) Sunt substantive ca!e nu se #ot numa!a 4uncountable5 'eoa!ece !e#!ezinta fie unicate/ obiecte #ute!nic in'ivi'ualizate/ notiuni abst!acte. /ume e substante; bread, coffee, gold, paper, cloth, glass, oil, stone, wood Abstractiuni; earth, paradise, nature, the present, advice, death, help, information, news, beauty, experience, horror, !nowledge, friendship, theory, literature Alte substantive; baggage, damage, shopping, reading, luggage, par!ing, weather Substantivele unice sunt Bntot'eana la singula! si vo! lua un ve!b la singula!; +..; +his coffee is cold. +he weather was dreadful. Nu sunt #!ece'ate 'e a,an@ #ent!u a e.#!ima o unitate 'in aceste substantive se foloseste; some, any, no, a little, bit, piece of, slice of, etc. +..; * do not want any help. * need some information. +his slice of bread is hard. +he piece of advice you gave me helped. Nota: 2ulte intre substantivele unice pot avea si sensuri care se pot numara, astfel evenin substantive comune si comport3n u4se ca atare (primes a5an la singular, pot avea plural). (ens 6nic 5 (ens #omun -er hair is blac!. 4Pa!ul ei este neg!u.5 She found a hair in the mil!. 4A gasit un fi! 'e #a! Bn la#te.5 +heir house was made of wood. 4Casa lo! este 'in lemn.5 .e picnic!ed in the woods. 4Am me!s la #icnic Bn #a'u!e.5 7.8. )orma posesiva Se a'auga 9s la fo!ma 'e singula! a substantivelo! ca!e nu se te!mina Bn s; Ex.: a child/s voice, the people/s choice, a horse/s mouth, women/s clothes Vom folosi 'oa! a#ost!oful 495 cu fo!mele 'e #lu!al ale substantivelo! ca!e se te!mina Bn s. Ex.: a boys/ school, the 0ohnsons/ residence Numele #!o#!ii te!minate Bn s vo! #!imi fie 'oa! a#ost!of 495/ fie 9s Ex.: Mr 0ones/s , Mr 0ones/ car, 1eats/s , 1eats/ poems Dn cazul substantivelo! com#use si a titlu!ilo! ultimul cuvCnt va #!imi 9s Ex.: My father in law/s guitar, -enry the Eighth/s wives 9s se foloseste si 'u#a initiale sau ab!evie!i. +..; +he 2E3/s assistant, the &M/s speech Fo!ma #osesiva se foloseste Bn gene!al cCn' vo!bim 'e oameni/ animale/ ta!i. Se foloseste 'e asemenea Bn u!matoa!ele cazu!i; Dn e.#!esii tem#o!ale

+..; yesterday/s newspaper, in five years/ time, ten minutes/ brea! Dn e.#!esii const!uite 'u#a mo'elul bani 1 worth +..; ten dollars/ worth of bananas, a shilling/s worth of stamps Dn alte e.#!esii uzuale; +..; for heaven/s sa!e, a winter/s day, the water/s edge, the plane/s wings, the train/s departure Dn cazul anumito! substantive folosite la #osesiv/ este uzuala omisiunea substantivului u!mato! atunci cCn' sensul comunica!ii este cla! 4magazine/ bi!ou!i/ oficii/ casa/ locuinta5. +..; Gou can buy this at the ba!er/s 'shop(. Mary bought her tic!ets at the travel agent/s 'office(. +he !ids went to 4obby/s 'house(. I'eea 'e #osesie se #oate e.#!ima si cu a%uto!ul const!uctiei of1substantiv. Aceasta const!uctie se foloseste mai ales #ent!u luc!u!i sau fiinte umane sau animale atunci can' acestea sunt u!mate 'e o #!o#ozitie subo!'onata. +..; the walls of the town, the roof of the church, the !eys of the house * too! the advice of the girl * met on the bus and went to buy the boo!.

Articolul (the article) Pent!u ca un substantiv sa ca#ete Bnteles Bnt!,o #!o#ozitie oa!eca!e/ acesta t!ebuie sa fie Bnsotit 'e un 'ete!minant substantival. Cel mai 'es folosit 'ete!minant substantival este articolul. A!ticolele se #ot clasifica 'u#a cum u!meaza; A!ticolul 1ota!Ct , the A!ticolul ne1ota!Ct , a / an A!ticolul ze!o 4fo!ma im#licita sau nee.#!imata5 A!ticolele sunt fo!me inva!iabile/ a'ica nu se sc1imba Bn functie 'e numa!ul sau genul substantivului si se aseaza Bn fata substantivului 'ete!minat. Articolul hotar3t (the) se foloseste; $. inaintea unui substantiv singula! numa!abil sau nenuma!abil sau a unui substantiv #lu!al numa!abil #ent!u a face o noua !efe!i!e la ceva ce a fost 'e%a sau la ca!e s,a facut 'e%a aluzie; -e wanted to go to the ban! to change some money, but all the ban!s were on stri!e. 5ave had a nasty accident when he was young. 1ou can still see the scar. 5o you remember the fun we had when we were at school together6 &. #ent!u a face !efe!i!e la cineva sau ceva anume; +he 7merican economy is suffering at the moment. +he people * wor! with are very friendly. * don8t li!e the president of that company. 3. in fata unui substantiv !e#!ezentan' o anume #e!soana sau un luc!u sau un g!u# 'e #e!soane sau luc!u!i; * don8t feel well. 2an you call the doctor6 '$ medicul personal( +he !ids aren8t at home. '$ proprii tai copii( 2an you pass me the butter, please6 '$ untul de pe aceasta masa( Shall * drive the car6 '$ aceasta masina( Maria 2allas sang so beautifully that the audience threw flowers onto the stage. '$ publicul care o urmarea a aruncat flori pe scena pe care canta ea( 4. cu !efe!i!e la ceva unic in mo' absolut; +he sun rises in the East and sets in the .est. +he weather at the 9orth &ole is very cold. +he &resident of the :nited States visited the &ope last May. 5. in fata a'%ectivelo! #ent!u a face !efe!i!e la un anumit g!u# sau clasa 'e oameni. In acest caz NU este nevoie 'e substantiv; 3nly the strong survive. '$ oamenii puternici in general( +he "uestion of the unemployed came up again. ;obin -ood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. . in fata unui substantiv la singula! #ent!u a se !efe!i la un anume g!u# 'e oameni/ animale sau obiecte; +he *ndian elephant is smaller than the 7frican elephant. +he dolphin is said to be a very intelligent animal. -enry <ord invented the automobile. +he customer is always right. *. inaintea uno! substantive #!o#!ii #ent!u a 'enumi zone geog!afice/ nume 'e ma!i si !au!i/ lantu!i muntoase/ g!u#u!i 'e insule/ nume la #lu!al 'e ta!i si 'ese!tu!i; the Middle East, the 9orth of England, the *vory 2oast


the 7tlantic, the Mediterranean Sea, the English 2hannel, the ;iver +hames, the Straits of =ibraltar the -imalayas, the 7lps, the 2arpathians the -awaiian *slands, the <al!lands the :nited States of 7merica, the 9etherlands, the &hilippines the 7ri>ona 5esert, the Mojave 5esert NHIA; !'E nu se foloseste cu nume 'e munti izolati. 4en 9evis is t1e 1ig1est mountain in Scotlan'. !'E nu se foloseste cu nume 'e lacu!i. La!e Superior, La!e )ictoria, La!e 3ntario ). in fata numelo! 'e inst!uente muzicale; ;achmaninov began to play the piano when he was only ? years old. +he guitar has always been my favourite instrument. ". in fata uno! a'%ective J nationalitati cu !efe!i!e la oameni 'int!,o anumita ta!a. Aici se foloseste un ve!b la #lu!al; +he Swiss have decided not to join the E:. +he Spanish are doing very well in this year8s 3lympics. NHIA; In anumite cazu!i/ se #ot folosi numai substantive la #lu!al. +he Ke!mans 3e!e u#set about losing t1e LL II. +he Ame!icans 1oste' t1e $""4 Lo!l' Football C1am#ions1i#. $(. inaintea a'%ectivelo! su#e!lative si a nume!alelo! o!'inale; 9eil 7rmstrong was the first man to wal! on the moon. Laura is the most beautiful in my class. +hat is the silliest thing * have ever heard. NHIA; Uneo!i nume!alele o!i'inale #ot fi folosite fa!a !'E atunci can' se face !efe!i!e la o!'inea in ca!e se #et!ec evenimentele. M!en'an came first a' Colin second at $(( mete!s. Le 3ent to Nan1attan first/ t1en on to M!oo>l2n. Articolul nehotar3t (a / an). Se foloseste a Bnaintea substantivelo! ca!e Bnce# cu o consoana si an Bnaintea substantivelo! ca!e Bnce# cu o vocala 4a, e, i, o, u5. Articolul nehotar3t se foloseste; $. inaintea unui substantiv #ent!u a ne !efe!i la ceva sau cineva #ent!u #!ima 'ata; *8ve received a postcard from a friend of mine in the :S. 7fter months of searching, my brother found a job. +he 0ac!sons live in a bungalow. &. #ent!u a e.#!ima ce este ceva sau cineva/ inclusiv slu%be sau #!ofesii; My neighbour is a sociologist and his wife is an architect. 0enny doesn8t eat meat@ she8s a vegetarian. +here is a man at the door who says he is a detective. +hat was a !ind thing to say. 3. 'u#a ve!bul be sau alte ve!bele co#ulative/ can' 'u#a ele u!meaza locutiuni #!e#ozitionala sau #!o#ozitii !elative ca!e ofe!a mai multa info!matie 'es#!e cineva sau ceva; * read an interesting article about pollution in yesterday8s paper. 0ac!8s son is a talented artist. -e studied law at :niversity and became a judge. * bought a painting that reminded me of my childhood home. 0ohn Smith wrote an interesting article on Education in the A+imes8 yesterday.


4. cu unele e.#!esii nume!ice insemnan' OunuP sau su e.#!esii ale #!etului/ vitezei/ !a#o!tului si cantitatii; 7 hundred guests were invited. &etrol costs B C.DE a litre in England. -e8s cra>y driving at CFE !ilometres an hour. 1ou must ta!e this medicine four times a day if you want to get better. +here was a great deal of noise coming form the house next door. 5. cu substantive numa!abile la singula! #ent!u a 'a 'efinitii/ a face afi!matii gene!ale/ e.clamatii sau can' ne e.#!imam 'o!inte; 7 thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms. 7 house built of stone is stronger than a house built of wood. 7n apple a day !eeps the doctor away. 'proverb( .owG .hat a pretty girl wal!ed by just now. *8d li!e a nice cool glass of beer. Articolul a / an si one $. Atunci cCn' nume!i sau maso!i tim#ul/ 'istanta/ g!eutatea/ etc. se #oate folosi fie aAan fie one #ent!u singula!; Ex.: a , one pound, a , one million pounds 1ou can ta!e an, one hour for lunch. &. -a! aAan si one nu Bnseamna Bntot'eauna acelasi luc!u; Ex.: 7 box is no good. '.e need a crate not a box(. 3ne box is no good, we need two boxes. Articolul zero. Nu se foloseste a!ticol Bn u!matoa!ele cazu!i; $. in fata substantivelo! nenuma!abile sau numa!abile la #lu!al can' se face o afi!matie gene!ala 4a'esea #!ece'ate 'e 'ete!minanti ca; some, any, a piece of, a lot of etc.5; .ater "uenches thirst on a hot day. &ollution in big cities is very worrying. 5ogs ma!e good companions. +here is some luggage to be ta!en upstairs. *s there any bread in the !itchen6 &. in fata substativelo! abst!acte can' sunt folosite in mo' gene!ic; beaut2/ 1a##iness/ fea!/ 1o#e/ >no3le'ge/ intelligence etc.@ cu e.ce#tia cazu!ilo! can' sunt folosite cu sens mai bine s#ecificat; Hnowledge comes to us through our senses. 57;: She got the job because she has a !nowledge of English. 4eauty is in the eye of the beholder. 57;: .hat a beautyG 3. in fata substantivelo! #!o#!ii/ nume 'e #e!soane si numele unei com#anii/ cu e.ce#tia situatiilo! can' se vo!beste 'e familie ca un tot; -e wor!s for Microsoft. -elen and =eorge &ar!er are coming to dinner tonight. 57;: +he &ar!ers are coming to dinner tonight. 4. #ent!u a vo!bi 'es#!e s#o!tu!i/ in fata numelo! 'e ec1i#e etc; -e loves football and supports Manchester :td. 5. inaintea meselo! zilei; .here did you have brea!fast , lunch , dinner6 . inaintea cuvintelo! home, church, university, prison, hospital, market etc. atunci can' ele !e#!ezinta o institutie sau o i'ee gene!ala. !'E se foloseste totusi atunci can' se face o !efe!i!e s#eciala la locul !es#ectiv;


7l 2apone was arrested and put in prison for tax evasion. 'ne referim nu la o anumita inchisoare, ci la institutie( -is mother went to the prison once a wee! to visit him. 'aici ne referim la acea inchisoare unde se afla 7l 2apone( My mother goes to church every Sunday. 'biserica in sensul de institutie, serviciu religios( She sometimes goes to the church near the ;oyal &alace. 'acea biserica anume(. 3ur :niversity is CDE years old. 'institutia universitatii( Emma and 4en often go to the university to tal! to their professor. 'la o universitate anume, in cladirea ei(


0repozitia 7. 0repozitia e loc 4 se foloseste cu verbe statice; to beAto sta2Ato e.istAto stan'/ etc. in J in/ la/ #ent!u spatii mari +.; I live in Muc1a!est. at J in/ la/ #ent!u spatii re use +.; I live at Sinaia. within J in ca rul, pentru suprafete restranse +.; A lot of 3o!'s 1ave been sai' 3it1in t1ese 3alls. against J !ezemat +.; I1e man is against t1e 3all. J im#ot!iva +.; Le a!e against t1em. on J #e 4#ozitia #e o su#!afata5 +.; I1e boo> is on t1e table. Pent!u a#!o#ie!e; ime'iata; ne+t to/ close to/ besi e a#!o#ie!e; near/ near b"/ b" Pozitia #e ve!ticala; over J 'easu#!a un er J 'e'esubt 4fara raportare la un punct fi+5 above J 'easu#!a below J 'e'esubt 4cu raportare la un punct fi+5 +.; above ze!o/ belo3 t1e 3ate! level un erneath J #unctul cel mai 'e %os on top of J #unctul cel mai 'e sus (prin atingere) +.; I1e g!een boo> is un'e!neat1. 4este cea mai 'e %os ca!te5 Pozitia #e o!izontala; in front of J in fata behin J in s#ate 4#ent!u lucruri #ent!u a in'ica pozitia5 +.; I1e t!ee is in f!ont of t1e 1ouse. after J 'u#a before J inainte 4#ent!u oameni/ #ent!u a in'ica or inea5 +.; IQm befo!e 2ou at t1e 6ueue. between J int!e & among J #!int!e 4mai mult 'e &5 :. 0repozitia e miscare 4 se foloseste numai cu verbe e miscare to J la/ cat!e 4## atinge!ea #unctului5 +.; I go to sc1ool. towar s J la/ cat!e 4nu ## atinge!ea #unctului5 +.; I go towards office. ;nto J in 4## #at!un'e!ea int!,un s#atiu5 +.; Put t1e bag into t1e 1ouse. <nto J #e 4## misca!ea #e o su#!afata o!izontala@se #une OonP'aca sta5I1e cat is !unning onto t1e floo!. along J 'e,a lungul 4## misca!ea #e o su#!afata #lana si lunga5 +.; IQm 3al>ing along t1e beec1. through J #!in 4## traversare si patrun ere5 +.; I 3al> through t1e #a!>. across J traversare (nu si patrun ere) +.; I !un across t1e st!eet. about J #!in 4a!ata o misca!e ne'efinita5 +.; I 3al> about to3n 4#!in o!as/ fa!a un tel #!ecis5 aroun J in %u!ul 4## o misca!e ci!cula!a5 +.; I 'ance around t1e fi!e. out of J ## iesi!ea 'int!,un volum +.; Ket out of m2 1ouse. off J ## 'es#!in'e!ea 'e o su#!afata +.; I1e #lane ta>es off. up4an 4 own J in sus si in %os #e un #lan ve!tical +.; I1e c1il'!en !un u#,an','o3n t1e stai!s.


from J 'e la/ 'e #e/ 'in +.; Ia>e it from m2 bag. past J langa (pp apropierea ime iata prin miscare5 +.; I '!ive #ast t1e unive!sit2 4si nu near the universityG/ #t ca sunt in misca!e5

=. 0repozitia e timp in J #ent!u ani/ lunile anului/ anotimpuri/ perioa e ale vietii 4in m2 c1il'1oo'5/ in anumite momente ale zilei 4in t1e mo!ning/ in t1e afte!noon/ in t1e evening5 at J #ent!u ora 4at $( oQcloc>5/ in anumite momente ale zilei 4at noon/ at mi''a2/ at mi'nig1t/ at 'us>5/ #ent!u varsta 4at t1e age of $55/ mesele zilei 4at lunc1 time5/ cu wee$4 en 4at t1e 3ee>,en'5 si in sarbatori 4at C1!istmas5 on J cu zilele saptamanii 4on Sun'a25/ ata 4on t1e $5t1 of Rune5 si sarbatorile 4on C1!istmas 'a2 J can' este vo!ba 'e ziua 'e C!aciun/ nu 'e toata #e!ioa'a5 before si after J inainte si 'u#a/ cu raportare la un punct fi+ b" J nu mai ta!ziu 'e +.; I!2 to a!!ive b2 ten. uring J in tim#ul over J in timpul, ar pe perioa e scurte +.; Rea' it ove! t1e 3ee>,en'. throughout 5 althrough J 'e,a lungul/ 'a! #e o #!ioa'a lunga 'e tim# +.; Alt1!oug1 t1e 2ea!s. >. ?iferentiere intre prepozitii in time on time cu ceva tim# inainte la fi. in the en at the en finall2/ in cele 'in u!ma la ca#atul 4u!meaza un substantiv5 in with #ent!u ceva cu ca!e esti imb!acat #ent!u o t!asatu!a fizica +.; A 3oman in t!ouse!s. A 3oman 3it1 long 1ai!. as li$e #ent!u !ol/ functie/ #ozitie #ent!u com#a!atie +.; I 3o!> as a teac1e!. +.; I tal> li>e a teac1e!. 4I am a teac1e!5 4I am an enginee!5 on about in legatu!a cu/ folosit aca'emic 'es#!e +.; Kive me a boo> on +conomics. +.; 9etQs tal> about se.. ue to owing to 'ato!ita 4'oa! 'u#a Oto beP5 'ato!ita 4!estul inafa!a 'e Oto beP5 +.; N2 success is 'ue to 1e!. +.; H3ing to m2 3o!> I succee'e'. over across ## t!ave!sa!ea #este un obstacol t!ave!sa!e #e %os +.; IQm ove! t1e ocean. 4cu avionul5 +.; IQm ac!oss t1e ocean. 4cu ba!ca5 espite in spite of 'u#a u!meaza C- 4nicio'ata sub.5 'u#a u!meaza genitiv +.; -es#ite t1e ba' 3eat1e! I left. +.; In s#ite of t1e ba' 3eat1e! I left. ma e of J !ecunosc mate!ialul +.; ma'e of gol' ma e from J 'e'uc ceva elemente +.; t1e ca>e is ma'e f!om cocoa ma e with J !ecunosc $ element +.; a c1ocolate ma'e 3it1 mil> 4'a! la#tele nu este elementul 'e baza5 in J in t1e mo!ning/ in t1e afte!noon/ in t1e evening at J at 'a3n/ at mi'nig1t


on J pentru orice moment al zilei atunci can e+ista un atribut +.; In t1e mo!ning 'a! Hn a fine 'a2 At nig1t 'a! Hn a starry nig1t

8. 0entru mi-loace e locomotie b" J cu o!ice mi%loc 'e t!ans#o!t/ 'aca nu este eterminat +.; b2 ca!/ b2 bus/ b2 #lane 4'a! on footG5 in J #ent!u autovehicule/ 'aca sunt eterminate +.; in my father8s ca!/ in t1e ca! that you bought me on J #ent!u toate celelalte in afara e autovehicule aca sunt eterminate +.; on my father8s #lane/ on t1e tubeAsub3a2Aun'e!g!oun' @. E+presii cu 0repoziAii 0repozitia About 4'es#!e5 E+presii

About t1e to3n,#!in o!aS About si. oTcloc>,Bn %u!ul o!ei Sase A %ou!ne2 about t1e 3o!l',o cUlUto!ie #!in lume About m2 1ea','easu#!a ca#ului meu About all,mai #!esus 'e o!ice/Bn #!imul !Cn' Ac!oss 4'e,a cu!meziSul sau 'e,a Io 3al> ac!oss t1e st!eet,a t!ave!sa st!a'a latul5 Ac!oss t1e !oa',#este '!um Afte! 4'u#U5 Afte! 'a!>,'u#U lUsa!ea Bntune!icului Afte! b!ea>fast,'u#U micul 'e%un Afte! five oTcloc>,'u#U o!a cinci -a2 afte! 'a2,zi 'e zi/zi 'u#U zi Iime afte! time,'eseo!i/foa!te a'esea Afte! t1eat,'u#U aceea I1e 'a2 afte! tomo!!o3,#oimCine Against,Bm#ot!ivU/cont!a Against t1e la3s,Bm#ot!iva legilo! A !ace against time,o cu!sU cont!a c!onomet!u Io lean against a 3all,a se s#!i%ini 'e un #e!ete Along,'e,a lungul Along a valle2,'e.a lungul unei vUi Along t1e sea s1o!e,'e,a lungul VU!mului Among,Bnt!e Among us,Bnt!e noi4cCn' este vo!ba 'e 3 sau mai multe #e!soane5 Among 1is f!ien's,#!int!e4Bnt!e5 #!ietenii lui Among t1e most im#o!tant !easons,#!int!e cele A!oun',Bm#!e%u! A t!i# a!oun' t1e cont!2,o cUlUto!ie #!in Va!U Io sit a!oun' t1e table,a Se'ea Bn %u!ul mesei I 3ill come a!oun' ten,o sU vin #e la zece 4Bn %u! 'e o!a zece5 At Jla At noon,la #!Cnz At 'a2 b!ea>,la !evU!satul zo!ilo! At sunset,la a#usul soa!elui/la asfinVit At !on'om,la intCm#la!e At 3o!>,la luc!u At t1e 'oo!,la uSU At t1e beginning,la Bnce#ut At t1e en',la sfC!Sit At t1e same time,Bn acelaSi tim# At t1e age of,la vC!sta 'e At fi!st,la Bnce#ut $5

At last,la sfC!Sit/Bn cele 'in u!mU At full s#ee',la vitezU ma.imU/cu toatU viteza At fi!st sig1t,la #!ima ve'e!e At 31at timeW,la ce o!UW At once,ime'iat At least,cel #uVin At m2 'is#osal,la 'is#oziVia mea M2fo!e,Bnainte M2fo!e m2 e2es,Bnaintea oc1ilo! mei M2fo!e one aTcloc>,Bnainte 'e o!a unu Io sail b2fo!e t1e 3in',a naviga cu vCntul Bn s#ate Me1in'4bi1ain'5,Bn s#ate Me1in' t1e clou's,Bn s#atele no!ilo! Io 1i'e be1in' t1e 'oo!,a se ascun'e Bn s#atele uSii Melo34bilou5,sub Io st!i>e belo3 t1e belt,a lovi sub centu!U Melo3 sea level,sub nivelul mU!ii Melo3 t1e g!oun',sub #UmCnt Melo3 t1e ave!age,sub nivelul me'iu Meneat1,sub/mai %os 'e Meneat1 oneTs 'ignit2,sub 'emnitatea cuiva Mesi'es,Bn afa!U 'e Xe 1as t3o ca!s besi'es t1is,el a!e 'ouU maSini Bn afa!U 'e aceasta Met3een,Bnt!e/ se foloseSte cCn' este Met3een t1e t3o 3o!l' 3a!s,Bnt!e cele 'ouU !Uzboaie mon'iale vo!ba 'e 'ouU elemente sau 'ouU An un'e!stan'ing bet3een us,o BnVelege!e Bnt!e noi #e!soane Me2on','incolo 'e Me2on' 'oubt4'eaut5,fU!U Bn'oialU Me2on' t1e sea,'incolo 'e ma!e Me2on' limits,#este limitU M2,'e/'e cUt!e/#!in Io o#en b2 fo!ce,a 'esc1i'e cu fo!Va Io t!avel b2 t!ain,a cUlUto!i cu t!enul Io go b2 ca!,a me!ge cu maSina -a2 b2 'a2,zi 'e zi Ste# b2 ste#,#as cu #as -!o# b2 '!o#,st!o# cu st!o# Piece b2 #iece,bucatU cu bucatU Hne b2 one,unul cCte unul I3o b2 t3o,'oi cCte 'oi Io lea!n b2 1ea!t,a BnvUVa #e 'e !ost Io go b2 t1e #ost,office,a t!ece #e lCngU #oStU M2 fo!ce of ci!cunstances,#!in fo!Va Bm#!e%u!U!ilo! Io slee# si'e b2 si'e,a 'o!mi unul lCngU altul Fo!,#ent!u Koo' fo! foo',comestibil Io leave fo! sc1ool,a #leca la ScoalU Io loo> fo! 1el#,a cUuta a%uto! Io c!2 fo! 1el#,a st!iga 'u#U a%uto! Fo! a time,un tim#/#ent!u un tim# Io go fo! a 3al>,a me!ge la #limba!e Io !ea' fo! #leasu!e,a citi 'e #lUce!e L1at is t1is goo' fo!W,la ce este bun UstaW Fo! all t1e 3o!l',#ent!u nimic Bn lume Io 1ave a taste fo! a!t,a avea gust a!tistic Fo! t1is !eason,#ent!u4'in5 acest motiv Fo! t1e sa>e of #eace,Bn numele #Ucii +noug14inag15 fo! t1e #!esent,suficient 'eocam'atU $

F!om,'in/'e la



ITm so!!2 fo! 2ou,Bmi #a!e !Uu 'e tine4#ent!u tine5 F!om fi!st to last,'e la #!imul la ultimul F!om 1eaven to ea!t1,'e la ce! la #UmCnt F!om ba'4bea'5 to 3o!se,'in ce Bn ce mai !Uu F!om #lace to #lace,'in cCn' Bn cCn' F!om mo!ning to nig1t,'e 'imineaVa #CnU sea!a 9ig1t f!om t1e sun,luminU 'e la soa!e A man f!ee f!om ca!e,un om libe! 'e g!i%i A man f!om t1e count!2,un om 'e la Va!U Io be fa! f!om 1ome,a fi 'e#a!te 'e casU F!om t1eat #oint of vie3,'in #unctul acela 'e ve'e!e F!om m2 #oint of vie3,'in #unctul meu 'e ve'e!e Io be !elease' f!om #!isom,a fi elibe!at 'in Bnc1isoa!e Seen f!om above,vUzut 'e sus Seen f!om belo34bilou5,vUzut 'e 'e'esubt Hn m2 3a2 f!om PiteSti to Muc1a!est,Bn '!umul meu 'e la M Io tell one t1ing f!om anot1e!,a 'eosebi un luc!u 'e celUlalt In t1e mo!ning,'imineaVa In t1e s1a'e4Sei'5,la umb!U In t1e en',la final In t1e ga!'en,Bn g!U'inU In 1eaven,Bn ce! In s#!ing,#!imUva!a In summe!,va!a In fall,toamna In 3inte!,ia!na Io be in 'ange!4'einge!5,a fi Bn #e!icol Io lie4lai5 in be',a sta Bntins Bn #at Io live in t1e count!2,a sta la Va!U In ou! centu!i4auU! sentu!i5, In all seasons,Bn toate anotim#u!ile In m2 2out1,Bn tine!eVea mea In 1is memo!2,Bn memo!ia lui +a!l2 in t1e mo!ning,'imineaVa 'ev!eme In t1e #ast,Bn t!ecut In t1e futu!e4fiuciU!5,Bn viito! In come %ust in time,a veni la tim# Io >ee#4>i#5in min'4main'5,a Vine minte -one in 1aste,fUcut Bn g!abU Io #ut in min',a,Si #une Bn gCn' Io #ut in o!'e!,a #une Bn o!'ine In gene!al,Bn gene!al Io 3o!> in vain,a munci Bn za'a! Io be in #ain,a fi Bn'u!e!at Io s#ea> in #ublic,a vo!bi Bn #ublic Io ta>e in 1an',a lua Bn mCnU Io lea' into e!!o!,a 'uce Bn e!oa!e Io get into 'ifficulties,a 'a 'e g!eutUVi Io fall into t1e !ive!,a cU'ea Bn !Cu4lac5 Io bu!st into tea!s,a izbucni Bn lac!imi


Insi'e,BnUunt!u Nea!,lCngU Hf,'e

Hff,'e#a!te 'e Hn,#e


Io get into t!ouble,a 'a 'e bucluc/belea/necaz Io #ou! 3alte! into a glass,a tu!na a#U Bn #a1a! Insi'e t1e !oom,BnUunt!ul came!ei Xis is insi'e,el e BnUunt!u Nea! t1e sea s1o!e,lCngU VU!m Nea! at 1an',la Bn'emCnU/a#!oa#e Nea! 2ou,lCngU tine A c!o3n of gol',o co!oanU 'e au! A floc> of s1ee#,o tu!mU 'e oi Xa!' of 1ea!ing41i!ing5,su!'/ta!e 'e u!ec1i A boo> of #!ove!bs,o ca!te 'e #!ove!be I1e fo!ce of t1e 3in',fo!Va vCntului A #lace of 1onou!,Bn loc 'e onoa!e A man of ma!>,un om Bnsemnat4im#o!tant5 A man of no im#o!tance,un om oa!eca!e4fU!U im#o!tanVU5 Io 3ea! a'!ess of sil>,a #u!ta o !oc1ie 'e mUtase 9ove of a mot1e!,iubi!e 'e mamU Naste! of t1e 1ouse,stU#Cnul casei A #iece of #a#e!,o bucatU 'e 1C!tie A f!ien' of mine,un #!ieten 'e,al meu I1e events of late,evenimentele 'in ultimul tim# In 'a2s of ol',Bn zilele 'e mult a#use Hf cou!se,bineCnVeles/cu sigu!anVU/sigu! cU 'a Yee# off t1e g!ass,nu cUlcaVi #e ia!bU Io be off 'ut2,a fi libe!/a nu fi la se!viciu Io fall off t1e 1o!se,a cU'ea 'e #e cal Io be on 'ut2,a fi 'e se!viciu Io sit on t1e g!ass,a sta #e ia!bU Some goo's4gu'z5on sale,niSte mU!fu!i 'e vUnza!e Xaus on fi!e,o casU Bn flUcU!i Io go on foot,a me!ge #e %os Hn a beautiful 'a2,Bnt!,o zi f!umoasU Hn suc1 a 'a2,Bnt!,o astfel 'e zi Hn t1is occasion4oc1ei%en5,cu aceastU ocazie Hn ce!tain con'itions,cu anumite con'iVii Io stan' on ti# toe,a sta Bn vC!ful #icioa!elo! Io be on lan',a fi #e uscat Hn t1e 31ole,Bn ansamblu/Bn gene!al/Bn ma!e Hn an ave!age,Bn me'ie Io be on 1oli'a2,a fi Bn vacanVU Io sit on a c1ai!,a sta #e un scaun Io #a2 on 'eman',a #lUti la ce!e!e Io #a2 on t1e s#ot,a #lUti #e loc Hn t1e celing,#e tavan Hn a 'ese!t islan'4ailUn'5,#e o insulU #ustie Hn t1e #oint of,a fi #e #unctul 'e a Hve! t1e !oc>s,#este stCnci Io be 1ea' ove! 1eels in love,a fi Bn'!Ugostit lulea Io sta2 some31e!e4samue!5 ove! nig1t,a sta un'eva #este noa#te Io be famous all ove! t1e 3o!l',a fi celeb!u4cunoscut 5Bn toatU Va!a $)


Roun',Bn %u!ul Since,'e/'e la I1!oug1,#!in

I1!oug1 31omW,#!in cine Iill,#CnU/#CnU la Io,la/cUt!e


U#,Bn susul/cUt!e

Io coo> ove! t1e fi!e,a gUti la foc Io t!emble all ove!,a t!emu!a 'in toate mU'ula!ele/a t!emu!a tot Past 1is com#!e1ension,#este #ute!ea lui 'e a BnVelege Io be #ast 3o!>,a nu mai #utea munci/a nu mai #utea sU munceascU Io be #ast 'ange!4'einge!5,a fi Bn afa!a #e!icolului Xave #ast one,unu Si %umUtate It is #ast five oTcloc>,este t!ecut 'e o!a cinci A !oun' table,o masU !otun'U A !oun' #eg in a s6ua!e 1ole,#ot!ivit ca nuca Bn #e!ete Roun' t1e 3o!l',Bn %u!ul lumii Since fou! oTcloc>,'e la o!a #at!u I 1avenTt seen 1im since,nu l,am mai vUzut 'e atunci Io go t1!oug1 t1ic> an' t1in,a t!ece #!in foc Si a#U I1!oug1 t1e 3oo',#!in #U'u!e Io at t1!oug1 fea!,a acViona 'e f!icU All t1!oug1 t1e nig1t,toatU noa#tea/tot tim#ul no#Vii Io go t1!oug1 life,a t!ece #!in viaVU I1!oug1out t1is count!2,'e,a lungul Si 'e,a latul acestei VU!i I1!oug1out ou! 1oli'a2s,#e tot #a!cu!sul vacanVei noast!e/tot tim#ul vacanVei noast!e Io be u# lill late,a se culca tC!ziu/a nu se culca 'ev!eme Iill 'eat1 'o us #a!t,#CnU ce moa!tea ne va 'es#U!Vi Io go to be',a me!ge la culca!e Io ta>e to 3ife,a lua 'e soVie4nevastU5 F!om en' to en','e la ca# la ca# F!om 1an' to mout1,'e la mCnU #CnU la gu!U Io come to an en',a lua sfC!Sit Io finis1,a te!mina/a se te!mina Io be 3et to t1e s>in,a fi u' #CnU la #iele Io count u# to ten,a numU!a #CnU la zece F!om time to time,'in cCn' Bn cCn'/'in tim# Bn tim# Io 'ance to t1e musics,a 'ansa 'u#U muzicU I 'onTt 3ant to=,nu v!eau Un'e! loc> an' >e2,sub c1eie/sub #azU Un'e! t1e t!ee,sub co#ac Io s3im un'e! 3ate!,a Bnota sub a#U Io be un'e! a!ms,a fi sub a!me Io be un'e! a vo34veau5,a fi sub un %u!UmCnt/a fi legat #!in %u!UmCnt Io be un'e! sentence of 'eat1,a fi con'amnat la moa!te Un'e! 31at con'itionsW,Bn ce con'iVii Un'e! t1ese con'itions,Bn aceste con'iVii In un'e! ten minutes,Bn mai #uVin 'e $( minute Io be un'e! age,a fi mino! Io be un'e! t!eatement,a fi sub Bng!i%i!e me'icalU a fi Bn t!atament Un'e! m2 feet,sub tUl#ile4#icioa!ele5 mele I1e ball !olle' un'e!neat1 a table,mingea s,a !ostogolit sub o masU I1e u#s an' 'o3ns of life,u!cuSu!ile Si cobo!CSu!ile vieVii/geutUVile vieVii Io !un u# t1e 1ill,a ale!ga #e 'eal Bn sus Io 3al> u# a 1ill,a u!ca un 'eal $"

Until,#CnU la/#CnU Bn U#on, Lit1in,Bn/BnUunt!ul/nu mai tC!ziu 'e


La>e u#=,t!ezeSte,te/scoalU,te Until t1e en' of life,#CnU la sfC!Situl vieVii Io !efuse u#on t1e #!inci#le,a !efuza 'in #!inci#iu U#on t1e to# of t1e 1ill,Bn vC!ful 'ealului U#on ou! 3o!',#e cuvCntul nost!u Io >ee# 3it1in 'oo!s,a Vine Bn casU Lit1in t1e la3,Bn limita legii Lit1in a 3ee>,Bn mai #uVin 'e o sU#tUmCnU Lit1in ou! !oom,Bn inte!io!ul came!ei noast!e Io be 3it1out 1el#,a fi fU!U 'e a%uto! Io come 3it1out 'ela2,a veni fU!U BntC!zCie!e Io esca#e 3it1out 'amage,a scU#a nevUtUmat Io come 3it1out fail,a veni sigu!4neg!eSit5 Io come 3it1out 'oubt,a veni fU!U Bn'oialU It goes 3it1aut sa2ng4seing5,se BnVelege 'e la sine I 3ill leave 3it1aut 1im,o sU #lec fU!U el


#on-unctia A. ?upa aspect $. Sim#le; but, if, and. &. Com#use; however, unless, otherwise. 3. -e legatu!a; asIas, bothIand, eitherIor, neitherInor, not onlyIbut also, whetherIor . 4. 9ocutiuni; as well as, as if 4'e #a!ca5/ as though 4'e #a!ca(, for instance, that8s why, so long as 4atata tim# cat5. B. ?upa functie 7. ?e coor onare a5 JandK , ca!e leaga , #!o#ozitii int!e ele , #a!ti 'e vo!bi!e 'e acelasi fel +.; I go an' sta2 t1e!e fo! a 3ee> b5 Jas well asK +.; I 3o!> in a sc1ool as well as at 1ome. c5 JneitherInorK +.; I am neither in t1e >itc1en nor in t1e bat1!oom. '5 Jnot onlyIbut alsoIK +.; I am not only intelligent but also #!ett2. e5 Jas wellK +.; Xe is calm an' goo' as well. f5 JeitherIorK +.; I1e2 a!e either b!ot1e! an' siste! or 1usban' an' 3ife. g5 JfurthermoreK 4cu atat mai mult5 +.; I s#ea> +nglis1/ furthermore I 3oo' li>e to visit +nglan'. 15 con%unctii a've!sative; but, while, whereas 4#e cata v!eme/ tinan' seama 'e5 J cont!asteaza cu #!o#ozitia #!inci#ala. +.; I am tall but fat. I am tal>ing while 2ou a!e !ig1ting. >5 con%unctii 'is%unctive; or, else, or else 4o!i/ cu alte cuvinte5/ otherwise 4altfel5. +.; Loul' 2ou #!efe! coffee or teaW Please #ut 2ou! coat else 2ou get 31et. 9ea!n 2ou! lesson ot1e!3ise 2ou fail. i5 con%unctiile concluzive; conse"uently, on that account, so, then, that is why 4iata 'e ce5/ therefore 4'e aceea5. +.; I 1avenQt sle#t therefore,that is why I am ti!e'. %5 con%unctii e.#licative; for example, for instance, namely, that is to say. +.; Hnl2 one f!ien' of mine left Romania/ namely +la. I li>e 'o a lot of t1in>s fo! !ea'ing/ 'ancing/ :. ?e subor onare J acelea ca!e int!o'uc o #!o#ozitie secun'a!a. Unele 'int!e ele sunt s#ecializate #e anumite ti#u!i 'e #!o#ozitii. +.; #t. concesive; through, although 4'esi5 #t. con'itionale; if #t. com#a!ative; as if 4'e #a!ca5/ as though #t. #!e'icative sau #t. subiective/ com#letive 'i!ecte/ att!ibutive

(ubor onate pre icative C intro use prin; a5 JwhatK +.; I1e 6uestion is what I must !ea'.


b5 JwhoK , +.; I1e 6uestion is who is 1e. c5 JwhereK +.; I1e 6uestion is were I go. '5 JwhenK +.; I1e 6uestion is when I can come. e5 whatever, whoever, that, why %

(ubor onate subiective C intro use prin: a5 JthatK +.; It is necessa!2 that 2ou s1oul' un'e!stan' t1is !ule. b5 JwhatK +.; It 'oesnQt matte! what 2ou believe. c5 JwhoK +.; It 1asnQt be 'eci'e' who is t1e lea'e! of t1e team. '5 31ic1/ 31oeve!/ 31ateve!/ 31ic1eve!/ 31en/ 1o3/ 312/ 31e!e/ if/ 31et1e!. (ubor onate completive irecte 4cele cu fo!ma 'e com#lement5; if, that, whether, whatever, whoever, wherever, why, whichever. +.; S1e sa' t1at s1e 3as ti!e'. I 'onQt >no3 if 2ou leave Romania. I 'onQt >no3 31oeve! 3antQs m2 'og. I 'o 31ateve! 2ou 3ant me to 'o. I ma2 ta>e 31ateve! boo> 2ou 3ant. (ubor onate in irecte J int!o'use #!in; to whom, to what, to anyone, whoever. +.; I ma2 give t1e flo3e!s to whom 2ou 3ant. Gou inte!#!et whatever s1e sa2s. (ubor onate prepozitionale J int!o'use #!in; who, whom, whoever, whichever, how aca sunt prece ate e o prepoziitie. +.; Gou 'e#en' on what I sa2. Gou must a##!ove' of whatever s1e sa2s. (ubor onate atributive J int!o'use #!in; whose, which, whom, were, why, when, that. +.; I1is is t1e 3oman who loves me. I1is is t1e man whose 3ife is #!ett2. I1is is t1e bo2 whom I g!eete'.

(ubor onate a verbiale J int!o'use #!in; as, li!e, much as, how, in the manner, as if, as though, just. +.; No one s#ea>s li!e 2ou 'o. I1e2 acte' much as I tol' t1em. 4!es#ectan' ma%o!itatea celo! s#use 'e mine5

(ubor onate con itionale J int!o'use #!in; if, on condition that, only if. +.; I s1all come soon if,on condition that I fin' m2 #ass#o!t.


A verbul

A've!bele sunt cuvinte ca!e ne s#un mai multe 'es#!e cum , unde, cLnd, cLt de frecvent sau Mn ce mNsura a!e loc o actiune. )unctia a verbelor Astfel/ a've!bele 'ete!mina Bn gene!al ve!be; +..; +he bus moved slowly. 4cumW5 * am going home tomorrow. 4cCn'W5 A've!bele #ot 'ete!mina; a'%ective; 1ou loo! absolutely fabulousG a've!be; She played the violin extremely well. 1ou/re spea!ing too "uietly. #!o#ozitii int!egi; &erhaps we/ll see you again next year. In gene!al a've!bul este te!minat in Ol2P/ 'a! nu tot ce a!e Ol2P este a've!b. -e !egula se fo!meaza 'in a -ectiv 1 Dl"E. 2o ificari ortografice: $. 'aca a'%ectivul se te!mina in DeE/ acesta se #ast!eaza Del"E +.; nice J nicel2 +.ce#tii; ue C ul" ( atorat) true C trul" whole C wholl" &. 'aca a'%ectivul se te!mina in DleE/ se t!ansfo!ma OeP in O2PA Dl"E +.; ca#able J ca#abl2 3. 'aca a'%ectivul se te!mina in DllE/ se a'auga 'oa! Dll"E +.; full J full2 4. 'aca a'%ectivul se te!mina in DicE/ se a'auga Dall"E +.; automatic J automaticall2 5. 'aca a'%ectivul se te!mina in D"E/ in'ife!ent 'aca este #!ece'at 'e vocala sau 'e consoana/ se t!ansfo!ma in OiP si se a'auga Dil"E +.; #!ett2 J #!ettil2 ga2 J gail2 +.ce#tii; sh" C sh"l" wr" C wr"l" co" C co"l" (sfios) . a'%ectivul Ogoo'P face a've!bul O3ellP /<!A: ca sa ve!ific 9,u!ile unui a've!b/ il 'esfac in a'%ectiv E l2 +.; usuall2 Z usual E l2 bitte!l2 Z bitte! E l2 a3full2 Z a3ful E l2 A 7. :. =. 4. 8. verbe care au : forme cu acelasi inteles (oricare in ele este corect) bright F brightl" soun F soun l" fair F fairl" tight F tightl" 'sunt echivalente( ear F earl"


@. ea F ea l" G. cheap F cheapl" +.; I1e sun s1ines b!ig1t A b!ig1tl2. /<!A: fo!ma in Ol2P se va #!efe!a totusi can' a've!bul 'ete!mina un a'%ectiv +.; Xe is 'ea'l2 tired. 4si nu Ohe is dead tiredK5. A've!bul cheap se va folosi in loc 'e cheaply 'oa! #ent!u a ca!acte!iza activitati come!ciale 4to bu2/ to sell/ to get5 +.; S1e boug1t it c1ea#. 'a! Le t!avele' c1ea#l2. A verbe cu : forme cu : intelesuri iferite clean Z com#let cleanl2 Z int!,o manie!a cu!ata clea! Z e.act clea!l2 Z int!,o manie!a cla!a close Z a#!o#iat closel2 Z in'ea#!oa#e 'ee# Z a'anc 'ee#l2 Z #!ofun' 'i!ect Z 'i!ect 'i!ectl2 Z ime'iat 'ue Z s#!e 4la busola5 'ul2 Z #unctual +.; I1e2 3ent 'ue Sout1.

eas2 Z uso! +.; Ia>e it eas2= easil2 Z int!,o manie!a le%e!a f!ee Z g!atis f!eel2 Z #e sleau/ 'esc1is full Z com#let full2 Z #e sca!a la!ga/ int!,o manie!a e.tinsa 1a!' Z g!eu 1a!'l2 Z 'e,abia/ cu g!eu/ a#!oa#e 'eloc 1ig1 Z sus 1ig1l2 Z foa!te %ust Z tocmai %ustl2 Z asa cum se cuvine late Z ta!ziu latel2 Z in ultima v!eme


la!ge Z e.tins la!gel2 Z #e sca!a la!ga most Z ma%o!itatea mostl2 Z cu #!eca'e!e nea! Z langa nea!l2 Z a#!oa#e ca #!ett2 Z foa!te #!ettil2 Z int!,o manie!a '!aguta !ig1t Z e.act !ig1tl2 Z cu #!ecizie/ cla! s1a!# Z fi. s1a!#l2 Z int!,o manie!a taioasa s1o!t Z b!usc s1o!tl2 Z ime'iat A verbe si a -ective cu aceeasi forma si inteles fast fa! ea!l2 ali>e alone #ast

solo st!aig1t ne.t little outsi'e

/<!A: 'aca a -ectivul se termina in Dl"E, el 'evine a verb #!in cont!uctia in a 1 a - 1 manner Xe is a f!ien'l2 #e!son. a'% Xe s#ea>s to me in a f!ien'l2 3a2 A manne!. a'v co3a!' Z las 4substantiv5 co3a!'l2 Z las 4a'%ectiv5 in a co3a!'l2 manne! Z cu lasitate 4a've!b5 *ra ele e comparatie , se const!uiesc astfel; 'aca a -ectivul si a verbul au aceeasi forma/ se com#o!ta ca un a -ectiv scurt 4g!a'ele se fac cu DerE si DestP5 +.; I !un fast A not so fast as A as fast as A faste! t1an A t1e fastest of all A ve!2 fast 'aca a verbul se obtine 'in a -ectiv 1 l"/ face g!a'ele 'e com#a!atie ca un a -ectiv lung 4cu OmoreP si Othe mostP5 +.;


+.; Xe !uns 6uic>l2 A less 6uic>l2 t1an A as 6uic>l2 as A mo!e 6uic>l2 t1an A t1e most 6uic>l2 of all A ve!2 6uic>l2 #omparatia regulata well C bette! J t1e best ba l" J 3o!se J t1e 3o!st much J mo!e J t1e most far J fa!t1e! J t1e fa!t1est J fu!t1e! J t1e fu!t1est near J nea!e! J t1e ne.t little J less J t1e least late J late! J t1e last #lasificarea a verbelor $. A've!be 'e mo' &. A've!be 'e loc si 'i!ectie 3. A've!be 'e tim#/ 'u!ata si f!ecventa 4. A've!be 'e #!obabilitate 5. A've!be 'e g!a' A verbe e mo A've!bele 'e mo' ne a!ata cum/ in ce mo' a!e loc o actiune. +le se aseaza in #!o#ozitie 'u#a ve!b sau 'u#a com#lementul acestuia. fairl" J foarte, ar nu e+traor inar". Fai!l2 se cu#leaza intot'eauna cu a'%ectivul la g!a'ul #ozitiv. +.; Gou! sto!2 is fai!l2 inte!esting. Huite J este mai #ute!nic 'ecat fai!l2. Se foloseste can' v!eau sa fac o apreciere favorabila. +.; I1is ca! is 6uite c1ea#. /<!A : can se refera la a -ective sau a verbe care nu au gra e e comparatie, DHuiteE capata sensul e absolut, complet, e4a reptul. +.; Gou! '!ess is 6uite uni6ue. rather J se foloseste can' am 'e facut o apreciere nefavorabila si sensul este F foarte, neasteptat e. Se foloseste numai cu ca!acte!istici negative. Poate fi prece at si urmat 'e articolul DaE +.; I1is ca! is !at1e! e.#ensive. +.; I1is is a !at1e! 'ifficult e.e!cise. I1is is !at1e! a 'ifficult e.e!cise. prett" J foarte (familiar, intre prieteni) +.; IQm #!ett2 ti!e'. ver" J +ste cel mai cunoscut si se cu#leaza cu o!ice 4#ozitiv/ com#a!ativ sau su#e!lativ5 +.; I 'o m2 ve!2 best. Xe is ve!2 muc1 faste! t1an I am. much 5 a lot Z se cu#leaza cu comparativul +.; Xe is muc1 faste! t1an I am. b" far Z se cu#leaza cu superlativul +.; Xe is b2 fa! t1e fastest of all.


too J se cu#leaza cu pozitivul +.; Xe is too fast. enough J se cu#leaza cu #ozitivul/ 'a! se aseaza 'u#a el +.; Xe is fast enoug1 fo! a c1am#ion. so J se cu#leaza , cu much, many, little, few 1 substantiv , cu a -ectiv 5 a verb la pozitiv +.; It is so difficult. I 1ave so many f!ien's A so much mone2. I1e!e is so little time left. such J u!mat 'e , substantiv numarabil la sg prece at e DaE , e constructia a -ectiv 1 substantiv la pl +.; Xe is suc1 a man. I1e2 a!e suc1 interesting persons.

A verbe e loc si irectie Ne a!ata un'e a!e loc actiunea ve!bului. Se aseaza in gene!al 'u#a ve!bul #!inci#al sau com#lementul sau. +.; -u#a ve!b; * loo!ed everywhere. 0ohn loo!ed ...away, up, down, around... */m going ...home, out, bac!... -u#a com#lement; +hey built a house nearby. She too! the child outside. A. Here / there. Cu ve!be 'e misca!e/ here e.#!ima i'eea 'e Bns#!eA cu A Bm#!euna cu vo!bito!ul/ ia! there cont!a!iul/ 'e#a!te/ fa!a #a!tici#a!ea vo!bito!ului; +..; 2ome here 4Z s#!e mine5 *t/s in here 4Z vino im#!euna cu mine sa vezi5 &ut it there 4Z 'e#a!te 'e mine5 *t/s in there 4Z 'u,te singu! sa vezi5 +.#!esii cu here/ there; down here, down there, over here, over there, under here, under there, up here, up there. B. A verbele e loc terminate ,n -wards , e.#!ima i'eea 'e misca!e Bnt!,o anumita 'i!ectie; +..; bac!wards, forwards, downwards, upwards, inwards, outwards, northwards, southwards, eastwards, westwards, homewards, onwards. 2ats don/t usually wal! bac!wards. +he ship sailed westwards. ?e retinut% !owar s este prepozitie, nu a verb, astfel ,nc3t va fi ,ntot eauna urmat e un substantiv sau pronume: +..; -e wal!ed towards the car. She ran towards me. #. A verbe care e+prima at3t locul c3t si irectia; ahead, abroad, overseas, uphill, downhill, sideways, indoors, outdoors. A verbe e timp, urata si frecventa A!ata can' a avut loc o actiune 'a! si 'u!ata sau f!ecventa actiunii. CCn'; today, yesterday, later, now, last year -u!ata/ #ent!u cCt tim#; all day, not long, for a while, since last year &*

CCt 'e f!ecvent; sometimes, fre"uently, never, often, yearly -e obicei/ a've!bele 'e tim# se aseaza la sfC!situl #!o#ozitiei sau emfatic/ la Bnce#utul ei; +..; 3ne of my children wrote to me yesterday. Later the boy understood the story. A've!bele ca!e in'ica 'u!ata se aseaza la sfa!situl #!o#ozitiei; +..; S1e stayed in the house all day. My mother lived in <rance for a year. A verbele e frecventa e.#!ima f!ecventa unei actiuni si se aseaza 'e obicei in fata ve!bului #!inci#al/ 'a! 'u#a ve!bele au.ilia!e 4cum a! fi be, have, may, must5; * often eat vegetarian food. 4in fata ve!bului #!inci#al5 1ou must always fasten your seat belt. 4'u#a ve!bul au.ilia! must5 * have never forgotten my first !iss. 4'u#a ve!bul au.ilia! 1ave si in fata ve!bului #!inci#al fo!gotten5 Unele a've!be 'e f!ecventa e.#!ima !egula!itatea inci'entei unei actiuni si se #laseaza la sfa!situl #!e#ozitiei; +his maga>ine is published monthly. -e visits his mother once a wee!. A've!be 'e fecventa; fre"uently, generally, normally, occasionally, often, regularly, sometimes, usually. ?e retinut% Yet se foloseste in propozitii interogative sau negative. -ave you finished your wor! yet6 9o, not yet. +hey haven/t met him yet. till e+prima i eea e continuitate. (e foloseste in propozitii pozitive sau interogative. * am still hungry. 5o you still wor! for the 4426 A verbe e timp usuale: ago J se foloseste can' raportarea se face fata e un moment prezent Ex: * saw her one hour ago. /<!A% aca raportarea se face fata e un moment trecut, in loc e ago se pune before Ex: * told her that * had met her one hour before. for J a!ata urata unei actiuni fara a prezenta momentul e inceput si sfarsit al actiunii. +ste s#ecific #!ezentului #e!fect sim#lu si continuu si t!ecutului #e!fect continuu. Ex: * haven8t met her for two years. /<!A% se poate intalni si cu timpul trecut Ex: * was a student for two years '*8m no longer a student(. /<!A% pentru perioa e lungi e timp (for ages, for centuries) A!E/!;E% nu se pune DforE upa verbele: to last to ta$e to wait to spen to sta" Ex: *8ve been waiting ten minutes, 'si nu *8ve been waiting for ten minutes(. *t lasts five seconds, 'si nu it lasts for five seconds(. since J a!ata inceputul perioa ei fara a preciza urata si momentul final. +ste s#ecific #!ezentului #e!fect sim#lu si continuu si t!ecutului continuu. &)

Ex: * haven8t met her since Monday. A verbe e siguranta si probabilitate Acestea e.#!ima cat 'e sigu! este vo!bito!ul 'e actiunea sau evenimentul #e ca!e il !elateaza; certainly, definitely, probably, undoubtedly, surely, maybe, obviously, perhaps, possibly, really. Se aseaza in #!o#ozitie int!e ve!bul au.ilia! si ve!bul #!inci#al. Ex.: -e has certainly forgotten the meeting. Pent!u o fo!mula!e emfatica sau o !eliefa!e a afi!matiilo!/ se aseaza Bn 'ebutul f!azei; +..; !ndoubtedly, .inston 2hurchill was a great politician. ?e retinut% urely asezat la inceputul propozitiei inseamna ca vorbitorul este convins e a evarul unei afirmatii, ar incearca sa obtina o confirmare; Surely you/ve got a bicycle6 A verbe e gra Aceastea e.#!ima intensitatea sau g!a'ul 'e in'e#lini!e a actiunii unui ve!b/ a'%ectiv sau a've!b; almost, nearly, "uite, just, too, enough, hardly, scarcely, completely, very, extremely. 9ocul lo! in #!o#ozitie este fie in fata a'%ectivului sau a've!bului #e ca!e il 'ete!mina/ fie in fata ve!bului #!inci#al; +..; +he water was extremely cold. -e was "ust leaving. She has almost finished. #nough, very, too Enough inseamna 0#ana la #unctul necesa! #ent!u a...0 si se #laseaza 'u#a a'%ectiv sau a've!b; *s your coffee hot enough6 4a'%ectiv5 -e didn/t wor! hard enough. 4a've!b5 +oo Z 0mai mult 'ecat este necesa! #ent!u...0 si se aseaza in fata a'%ectivului sau a've!bului; +his coffee is too hot. 4a'%ective5 -e wor!s too hard. 4a've!b5 )ery inta!este sensul unui a'%ectiv sau a've!b si se aseaza in fata acesto!a; +he girl was very beautiful. 4a'%ectiv5 -e wor!ed very "uic!ly. 4a've!b5 ?e retinut% E+ista o iferenta importanta intre too si very: $ery e+prima un fapt: He speaks very %uickly& 'oo sugereaza e+istenta unei probleme: He speaks too %uickly (for me to understand). Alte a've!be asemanatoa!e lui very; extremely, especially, particularly, pretty, rather, "uite, fairly, rather, not especially, not particularly. Locutiuni a verbiale subst 1 after 1 subst 'a2 afte! 'a2 2ea! afte! 2ea! mont1 afte! mont1 uring J u!mat intot'eauna 'e substantiv. A nu se confun'a cu 31ile 4in tim# ce5/ ca!e #!esu#une actiuni #a!alele. -u!ing #oate fi inlocuit cu OinP 'aca se !efe!a la #e!ioa'e 'e tim# Ex: during my life $ in my life from I to J #oate fi inlocuit cu till/ 'a! nicio'ata cu until/ #ent!u ca until nu #!esu#une cunoaste!ea momentului 'e sfa!sit al actiunii +.; * wor! until * die. 'nu stiu cand( &"

* get up at O o8cloc! and wor! till CE o8cloc!. /<!A% until nu poate fi cuprins in e+presia from I to in loc e DtoE


A -ectivul (the a -ective) )orma a -ectivului A'%ectivele sunt inva!iabile. +le nu Bsi sc1imba fo!ma Bn functie 'e gen sau numa!. +..; 7 hot potato, some hot potatoes. Pent!u a sublinia sau accentua sensul unui a'%ectiv se #ot folosi very, really; +..; 7 very hot potato, some really hot potatoes. 0ozitia a -ectivului -e obicei a'%ectivul se aseaza Bn fata substantivului 'ete!minat; +..; 7 good movie. -u#a ve!be au.ilia!e ca to be, to become, to seem, to loo!, to taste, to appear, to feel, to !eep, to ma!e, to smell, to sound, to turn, etc; +..; +he movie is good. 1ou seem upset. +his cheese tastes different. -u#a substantiv Bn e.#!esii fi.e; +..; the &rincess ;oyal, the &resident elect, the court martial CCteva a'%ective/ ca 'e e.em#lu chief, main, poor 4Zunfortunate5 stau numai Bn fata substantivului 'ete!minat; +..; +his is the main purpose of the meeting. +hat poor woman was living in a garage. Altele #ot sta numai 'u#a un ve!b au.ilia!; asleep, upset, awa!e, afraid, ali!e, alive, alone, annoyed, ill, well, sorry +..; -e/s asleep. */m alone. Unele a'%ective Bsi sc1imba sensul Bn functie 'e #ozitia #e ca!e o ocu#a. A'%ectivele involved, present, concerned au sens 'ife!it 'aca sunt #lasate Bn fata substantivului sau 'u#a acesta. +..; +hese are the people involved , concerned. 'the people who have something to do with the matter( +hey had an involved discussion on the matter. 'detailed, complex( * am a concerned mother. 'worried, anxious( +he list of the students present is outside, on the door. 'students who were there( +he present status of the matter re"uires urgent attention. 'current( )unctiile a -ectivului A'%ectivul ne s#une mai multe 'es#!e calitatile substantivul 'ete!minat. Pot e.#!ima; Sentimente sau calitati; +..; +hey ma!e an original couple. She is a single mother. Nationalitatea sau o!iginea; +..; ;icardo is Spanish. -is mother is 7rgentinean and his father is 2anadian. * bought him a Swiss watch for 2hristmas. -ife!ite ca!acte!istici ale unui obiect; +..; +he table is long.

+he steel tray was a gift. VC!sta; +..; My hat is too old. * will buy another one. -e is still very young, almost a boy.

-imensiuni/ ma!ime si masu!i; +..; P=one with the .indP is a very long film. +hat boy is too tall. Culoa!ea; +..; * have a red jac!et to go with my new white s!irt. Nate!ie A mate!ial; +..; -e wore a cotton shirt. *t was a silver tray, not a steel tray. Fo!ma; +..; 7 rectangular envelope. 7 round table. Ru'ecati/ #a!e!i sau o#inii; +..; =rammar is fascinating. +he show was entertaining. <r inea a -ectivelor Atunci cCn' se folosesc 'oua sau mai multe a'%ective #ent!u a 'esc!ie acelasi substantiv/ o!'inea lo! 'e#in'e 'e functiile acesto!a. +.ista mai multe va!iante/ 'a! cea mai obisnuita o!'ine este; ValueAo#inion/ Size/ AgeAIem#e!atu!e/ S1a#e/ Colou!/ H!igin/ Nate!ial ValueAo#inion delicious, lovely, charming Size AgeAIem#e!atu!e S1a#e Colou! H!igin small, huge, tiny old, hot, young, little round, s"uare, rectangular red, blonde, blac! Swedish, )ictorian, 2hinese

Nate!ial plastic, wooden, silver +.; a green round plastic buc!et an elegant little <rench cloc! a small round wooden table *ra ele e comparatie $. #ozitiv Z a'%ectivul nu se sc1imba &. com#a!ative; a. 'e infe!io!itate b. 'e egalitate c. 'e su#e!io!itate 3. su#e!lative; a. !elative b. absolut Com#a!ativ 'e infe!io!itate

a'% scu!te 4mono si bisilabice5 se fo!meaza 'in; not soAnot as E a'% E as Ex: +his room is not so big as the bedroom. +his room is not as big as the bedroom. a'% lungi se fo!meaza; less E a'% E t1an Ex: +he chair is less comfortable than the bed. Com#a!ativ 'e egalitate Atat #t a'% scu!te cat si #t lungi; as E a'% E as. Ex: +he bed is as good as the chair. I'eea 'e egalitate mai #oate fi suge!ata si #!in const!uctia; t1e same E subst E as /<!A% as si nu li!e === Ex: +his room is the same si>e as the other one. Sc1imba!e 'e valoa!e g!amaticala A -ectiv (ubstantiv big/ small size 4masu!a5 long/ s1o!t lengt1 4lungime5 b!oa'/ na!!o3 b!ea't1 4la!gime #t ceva conc!et5 3i'e/ na!!o3 3i't1 4la!gime #t ceva abst!act5 1ig1/ lo3 1eig1t 4inaltime5 'ee#/ s1allo3 'e#t1 4a'ancime5 1eav2/ lig1t 3eig1t 4g!eutate5 st!ong/ 3ea> st!engt1 4#ute!e5..etc. Const!uctii cu com#a!ativul 'e egalitate; as b!ave as a lion as blin' as a bat as blac> as coal as bus2 as a bee as cool as a cucumbe! as clea! as 'a2lig1t as '!2 as a bone as eas2 as AMC as f!es1 as a 'ais2 as 1ai!2 as a go!illa as ma' as a 1atte! 4#ala!ie!5 as #oo! as a c1u!c1,mouse as silent as a g!ave as 3ise as Solomon as soft as sil> as smoot1 as g!ass as gentle as a lamb.etc. Com#a!ativul 'e su#e!io!itate a'% scu!te; a'% E e! E t1an. No'ifica!i o!tog!afice; 'aca a'% se te!mina in OeP/ se a'auga 'oa! O!P Ex: nice % nicer 'aca a'% se te!mina in O2P #!ece'at 'e consoana/ se t!ansfo!ma O2P in Oie!P Ex: pretty % prettier E+ceptii: sh" C sh"er sl" C sl"er

wr" C wr"er (stramb) 'aca a'% se te!mina in consoana #!ece'ata 'e vocala/ 'ublez consoana finala Ex: big % bigger #t a'% lungi; mo!e E a'% E t1an Ex: +he boo! is more interesting than the movie. A'% #!ovenite 'in latina sunt u!mate 'e OtoP si nu 'e Ot1anP Ex: -e is superior to me. Su#e!lativul !elativ a'% scu!te; t1e E a'% Eest Ex: large % the largest silly % the silliest a'% lungi; t1e mostE a'% Ex: +his is the most expensive thing. A!E/!;E% upa superlativ urmeaza prepozitiile DofE sau DinE Ex: -e is the best of all,the best in my group. A!E/!;E% aca se face comparatie intre : elemente, comparativul implica superlativul: the 1 comparativ Ex: 4etween you and me, * am the older. Su#e!lativul absolut ve!2 E a'% ve!2 #oate fi inlocuit cu; e.t!emel2 e.ce#tionall2 t!emen'ousl2 a3full2 A!E/!;E% nu toate a - au gra e comparatie, unele efinesc i eea e unitate (own, complete, proper, perfect, marvelous, ma+imum, minimum). Altele au sufi+e si prefi+e: e+tra C large over C crow e super C fine ultra C short priceless Com#a!atia ne!egulata goo' J bette! J t1e best ba' J 3o!se J t1e 3o!st ill J 3o!se J t1e 3o!st man2 J mo!e J t1e most muc1 J mo!e J t1e most little J less J t1e least nea! J nea!e! J t1e nea!est 4cel mai a#!o#iat5@ ne.t 4u!mato!ul5 fa! J fa!t1e! J t1e fa!t1est 4in s#atiu5 fa! J fu!t1e! J t1e fu!t1est 4in tim#5 late J late! J t1e latest@ t1e last 4ultimul5@ t1e latte! 4ult 'in &5. -int!e &/ #!imul este Ot1e fo!me!P/ nu Ot1e fi!stP. u# J u##e! J t1e u#most

in J inne! J t1e inmost out J oute! J t1e outmost fo!e J fo!me! J t1e fo!emost ol' J ol'e! J t1e ol'est ol' J el'e! J t1e el'est 4'oa! at!ibutiv/ #t memb!ii aceleiasi familii5 Ex: My elder brother is older than me. 'fratele meu mai mare( #onstructii a -ectivale $5 cu mult mai Z muc1A a lot E com#a!ativ Ex: *t is much warmer today , a lot warmer today &5 'e 'e#a!te cel mai Z b2 fa! E su#e!lativ Ex: +his is by far the hottest day of the year. 35 'in ce in ce mai Z com# E an' E com# Ex: *t is warmer and warmer A!E/!;E% pt a - lungi se repeta oar DmoreE Ex: *t is more and more interesting. 45 cu cat mai/ cu atat mai 4t1e E com#a!ativ t1e E com#a!ativ5 A!E/!;E% E+presia e obligatoriu sa se repete i entic si verbul Dto beE lipseste: Ex: +he more, the better 'cu cat mai mare, cu atat mai bine( A!E/!;E% 2ai multe a -ective care etermina acelasi substantiv se espart prin virgula. ?aca nu apare virgula intre ele atunci cel care nu este urmat e virgula este a verb. A!E/!;E% <r inea a -ectivelor care etermina un substantiv va tine cont e cele subiective (primele e+puse) si e cele obiective (ime iat langa substantiv). A!E/!;E% 6n a -ectiv poate sa etermine si un verb. Verbul va fi obligatoriu Dto beE sau orice alt verb e perceptie care poate fi inlocuit cu Dto beE. Ex: * am intelligent -e loo!s happy sau -e is happy. A -ectivul emonstrativ anuleza a!ticolul substantivului inva!iabil ca fo!ma 4NAF5 se aseaza in fata substantivului #e ca!e il 'ete!mina 'aca nu 'ete!mina un substantiv 'evine #!onume 'emonst!ativ Ex: JthisP J aceasta/ acesta 4singula! a#!o#ie!e5 JtheseK J acestea/ acestia 4#lu!al a#!o#ie!e5 ambele me!g cu JhereK. JthatK J acela/ aceea 4singula! 'e#a!ta!e5 JthoseK J acelea/ aceia 4#lu!al 'e#a!ta!e5 ambele me!g cu OthereK. /<!A% ;n epartarea in spatiu presupune si in epartarea in timp. ?eci *that+ si *those+ se vor cupla cu trecutul. +.; I1is boo! is goo'. 4t1is Z a'%ectiv/ boo> Z substantiv5 I1is is a goo' boo>. 4t1is Z #!onume5 A -ectivul posesiv inva!iabil ca fo!ma si numa! anuleaza a!ticolul substantivului se aseaza in fata substantivului #e ca!e,l 'ete!mina fo!me; my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their

Ex: My boo!. A -ectivul interogativ #ozitie initiala in #!o#ozitie inva!iabil ca fo!ma anuleaza a!ticolul 'ete!mina un substantiv fo!me; what, which, whose, how much, how many. -ife!enta; what.,which .hich #!esu#une selectie 'int!,un numa! limitat. Ex: .hich boy is your best friend6 .hat nu #!esu#une selectie. Ex: .hat days of the wee! do you !now6 -ife!enta how much , how many -ow much #!esu#une cantitatea si se foloseste #ent!u substantive nenuma!abile. Ex: -ow much money do you want6 -ow many inseamna numa! si se foloseste la substantive numa!abile. Ex: -ow many boo!s do you want6 A -ectivul relativ #ozitie me'iana int!o'uce o #!o#ozitie secun'a!a inva!iabil 'ete!mina un substantiv anulan'u,i a!ticolul fo!me; whatever 4fa!a selectie5/ whichever 4selectie 'in numa! limitat5/ whose 4a/ al/ ai/ ale cui5. +.; Gou ma2 ta>e $A 31ateve! boo>s 2ou 3ant &A. A -ectivul nehotarat (<2E 4unii/ niste/ v!eo/ cativa5 , Utiliza!e; $. In #!o#ozitia enuntiativa u!mat 'e substantiv nenuma!abil sau numa!abil la #lu!al. Ex: * have some money , friends. &. In #!o#ozitia inte!ogativa in ca!e se face o afi!matie sau o invitatie. Ex: .ould you li!e some coffee6 3. In #!o#ozitia in ca!e stiu sigu! ca #!imesc !as#uns #ozitiv. Ex: Mother, can you give me some money6 4. In #!o#ozitia inte!ogativa in ca!e int!eba!ea nu se !efe!a la OsomeP. Ex: .hy are there so many people in some 'so many( restaurants6 5. In #!o#ozitia negativa al ca!ui sens este afi!mativ. Ex: * never go home without buying some chocolate. . Can' #oate fi inlocuito!ul lui OcertainP. Ex: 2ertain people,some people believe they are the best. A/J 4 este inlocuito!ul lui OsomeP in; $. P!o#ozitia inte!ogativa la ca!e nu stiu ce !as#uns voi #!imi. Ex: *s there any mil! left6

&. In #!o#ozitia enuntiativa 'a! cu sensul 'e oricine, oricare, orice. Ex: 7ny boo! is good for you. 3. In #!o#ozitia ca!e contine un a've!b negativ 'e genul; hardly, barely, scarcely 4'e abia/ cu g!eu/ 'eloc5. Ex: * hardly eat any bread 'nu mananc paine aproape deloc( 4. In #!o#ozitia ca!e contine OifP. 4if Z ince!titu'ine5 Ex: *f you find any boo!s, buy them. 5. In #!o#ozitia ca!e contine o e.#!esie 'e in'oiala; maybe, perhaps. Ex: * doubt there are any good films in town. . In #!o#ozitia negativa in ca!e ve!bul este negat. Ex: * haven8t any friends here. /< 4 Se foloseste numai in #!o#ozitia negativa in ca!e ve!bul este la afi!mativ. Ex: * have no friends here. EVEKJ 4fa!a #a!ticula!iza!e5 Ex: Every day * go to my office. 'nu ma duc chiar in fiecare >i( EA#' J 4cu #a!ticula!iza!e5 Ex: Each person has a name. 'fiecare, particulari>are( E;!'EK J 4fieca!e 'in 'oi5 /E;!'EK J 4nici unul 'in 'oi5 A!E/!;E% ?upa each, every, either sau neither rmeaza substantiv numarabil la singular iar acor ul cu verbul se face la singular. +.#!esii cu every si each +ac1 ot1e! Z unul #e altul 4## !eci#!ocitate5 +ve!2 bitAinc1 Z fieca!e bucatica +ve!2 !ig1t Z tot '!e#tul +ve!2 no3 an' t1an Z 'in can' in can' +ve!2 ot1e! 'a2 Z alte!nativ +ve!2 so often Z la inte!val !egulat 'e tim# fa!a a sti e.act can'. (6#' 4astfel5 , U!mat 'e substantiv numa!abil la #lu!al sau nenuma!abil. Ex: * have such friends,information. (6#' A 4 U!mat 'e substantiv numa!abil la singula!. Ex: +his is such a man of honor. ALL 4 U!mat 'e substantiv nenuma!abil sau numa!abil la #lu!al. Ex: 7ll boo!s,information must be used. L'<LE 4 U!mat 'e substantiv numa!abil la singula!. Ex: * li!e the whole boo!. /<!A% Pt #e!ioa'e 'e tim# se #oate folosi si OwholeP si OallP Ex: *8m home all the morning, the whole morning. 'whole este cotat ca fiind mai puternic(

!'E <!'EK 4 U!mat 'e substantiv numa!abil la singula! sau #lu!al. Ex: +he other child,children can swim. +.#!esia OI1e ot1e! 'a2P Z some 'a2s ago/ ce!e obligato!iu t!ecutul. Ex: * was there the other day. '7m fost acolo acum cateva >ile( <!'EK 1 U!mat 'e substantiv numa!abil la #lu!al. Ex: =ive me other examples. E -aca e #!ece'at 'e OnoP #oate fi u!mat si 'e numa!abil la singula!. Ex: 9o other man is as good as you are. A/<!'EK E substantiv la singula! 4'iffe!ent/ in a''ition5 Ex: .ould you li!e another drin!6 $ vrei inca unul 'suplimentar( sau un altul 'diferit(6 B<!' E substantiv numa!abil la #lu!al 4#t. 'oi5 Ex: * li!e both !ids Q acordul in plural 4oth are intelligent. (EVEKAL (mai multi int!,un numa! ne'efinit5 E substantiv numa!abil la #lu!al. Ex: .e spent several days there. 2<(! 4ma%o!itatea5 E substantiv numa!abil la #lu!al sau nenuma!abil. Ex: Most boo!s,information can be read easily. E/<6*' A!E/!;E% -aca e u!mat 'e substantiv nenuma!abil sau numa!abil la #lu!al a!e #ozitie mobila. Ex: * have enough money,money enough to be happy. A!E/!;E% -aca e u!mat 'e substantiv numa!abil la singula! se aseaza 'u#a el. Ex: -e is man enough to understand me.

/umeralul 7. /umeralul car inal 4 a!ata numa!ul/ cantitatea Nume!alul ze!o $5 ze!o Z #ent!u calcul matematic si #ent!u e.#!ima!ea tem#e!atu!ii Ex: *t8s ten degrees above >ero. &5 love Z ze!o #ent!u e.#!ima!ea sco!ului la tenis 4$5,( Z fifteen,love5 35 nil Z 4not1ing5 Z ze!o #ent!u e.#!ima!ea sco!ului la fotbal 45 naug1t Z ze!o can' face #a!te 'in #a!tea zecimala a unui numa! 55 o1 Z ze!o #ent!u nume!e 'e telefon -e la $ la $& avem fo!me 'istincte -e la $3 la $" avem 4nume!al sim#lu E OteenP5/ la ca!e accentul ca'e #e sufi. si OiP,ul este lung. -e la &( la "( avem 4nume!al ca!'inal E Ot2P5/ ca!e este scu!t si cu accentul #e #!ima silaba. Ex: ?E $ forty 'nu mai are JuKG( Nume!alele com#use se sc!iu cu c!atima Ex: ?R $ forty two Hne 1un'!e' Z $(( , Ca nume!al nu #oate avea #lu!al/ 'a! a!e ca substantiv. +ste substantiv can'; a5 este u!mat 'e OofP; Ex: hundreds of pages b5 nu 'ete!mina alt substantiv; Ex: hundreds are here Nume!alul com#us #este suta se sc!ie cu #!e#ozitia Oan'P la englezi si fa!a la ame!icani. Ex: RCE $ two hundred and ten Hne t1ousan' Z $/((( , Aceleasi !eguli ca la suta. Hne million Z $/(((/((( , Fa!a OsP la IH+F9/ 'a! este co!ect si cu OsP 4& millions5 in engleza. Hne billion Z $/(((/(((/((( , Ame!icanii zic milliard. Utiliza!ea nume!alului ca!'inal; $5 #ent!u e.#!ima!ea tem#e!atu!ii 4cu ve!bul Oto beP5 &5 #ent!u calcule matematice; A''ition 4to a'' Z a a'una5 & E 3 Z 5 t3o #lusAan' t1!ee isAa!eAe6uals five 4aco!'ul se face in sg si in #l5 Subt!action 4to subt!act Z a sca'ea5 5 J 3 Z & five minusAta>e a3a2 is t3o 4aco!'ul se face 'oa! in sg5 Nulti#lication 4to multi#l2 Z a inmulti5 &.3Z t3o multi#lie' b2 t1!eeAt3ice t1!eeA3 times & isAa!eAe6uals si. 4aco!'ul se face in sg si in #l5 -ivision 4to 'ivi'e Z a im#a!ti5 ; 3 Z & si. 'ivi'e' b2 t1!ee is t3o 4aco!'ul se face 'oa! in sg5 O!emin'e!P Z !est Root Z !a'ical , cube !oot Z !a'ical 'e o!'inul 3 , s6ua!e !oot Z !a'ical 'e o!'inul &

Po3e! Z #ute!e No!e t1an Z [ 9ess t1an Z \ +6ual to Z egal Une6ual to Z 'ife!it 'e Pa!allel to Z #a!alel Pe!#en'icula! to Z #e!#en'icula! Angle Z ung1i Rig1t angle Z ung1i '!e#t St!aig1t angle Z ung1i 'e $)( g!a'e Ci!cle angle Z ung1i 'e 3 ( g!a'e +ven Z #a! H'' Z im#a! 35 #ent!u e.#!ima!ea unitatii moneta!e; coin Z mone'a billAnote Z bancnota nic>el Z 5 centi 'ime Z $( centi 6ua!te! of a 'olla! Z &5 centi 1alf of a 'olla! Z 5( centi 45 #ent!u unitati 'e masu!a J la tim#ul #ot!ivit 4can' #!imim I&(5 === 55 #ent!u e.#!ima!ea anilo!; se citesc cif!ele & cate &/ ia! anii fo!mati 'in mai #utin 'e 4 cif!e se citesc ca un nume!al. /<!A% zero nu se citeste in ca rul acestor > cifre ale anilor Ex: CFES $ nineteen seven , e!a noast!a 4e.n.5 Z a.d. 4ante 'omini5 sau in the year of Lord , inaintea e!ei noast!e Z b.c. 4befo!e C1!ist5 5 #ent!u e.#!ima!ea nume!elo! zecimale 4O'ecimal f!actionsP5/ int!egul se citeste ca ata!e/ #unct in loc 'e vi!gula/ ia! #a!tea zecimala cif!a cu cif!a Ex: RE.ET $ twenty point naught three /<!A% aca intregul este M7, nu se citeste Ex: E.C $ point one *5 #ent!u e.#!ima!ea va!stei 4cu ve!bul Oto beP5 Ex: *8m twenty 'years old( , *8m twenty years of age. sau *8m aged twenty. A#!o.ima!ea va!stei se face cu; almost/ about 4a!oun'5/ ove!/ un'e! Ex: *8m in my twenties 'am doua>eci si( *8m mid twenty 'RD ani( )5 #ent!u e.#!ima!ea nume!elo! 'e telefon to 'ial Z a fo!ma un numa! figu!e Z cif!a

slot Z o!ificiu #ent!u ban boot1 Z cabina telefonica !eceive! Z !ece#to! long,'istance call Z convo!bi!e la 'istanta call collecto! Z convo!bi!e cu ta.a inve!sa o#e!ato! Z cent!alista e.tension Z inte!io! to be t1!oug1 Z a avea legatu!a to 1ang on Z a !amane #e fi! to 1ang u# Z a inc1i'e Nume!ele 'e telefon se citesc cif!a cu cif!a cu e.ce#tia cif!ei !e#etate 'aca este la ince#utul sau la sfa!situl numa!ului. Regula nu se a#lica #ent!u ze!o. +.; &&3*(( J 'ouble t3o/ 3/ */ o1/ o1 "5 #ent!u e.#!ima!ea o!ei; , fo!mal , info!mal Ex: .hat8s the time6 .hat time is it6 .hat8s the time by your watch6 My watch is fast $ ceasul meu e inainte My watch is slow $ ceasul meu e in urma My watch is wrong $ ceasul meu nu merge bine My watch is bro!en $ ceasul meu e stricat face Z ca'!an belt Z cu!elusa 1an' Z limba 'e ceas 4minutes 1an'/ secon's 1an'5 Pent!u o!a e.acta; a5 ItQs seven oQcloc> s1a!# PNAAN b5 ((.(( Z mi'nig1t $&.(( Z mi''a2 c5 ItQs 1alf #ast 4e si %umate5 '5 ItQs a 6ua!te! #astAto 4e si un sfe!tA fa!a un sfe!t5 e5 ItQs ten minutes #astAto 4e siAfa!a zece5 H!a oficiala; ();(( Z o1 eig1t 1un'!e' 1ou!s &3;&4 Z t3ent2 t1!ee t3ent2 fou! /umerale speciale: cou#le Z & 4#t oameni si #t tim#5@ cou#le of minutes Z & minute #ai! Z & #e!ec1e 4#t imb!acaminte/ incaltaminte/ unelte cu st!uctu!i #a!alele5 +.; a #ai! of s1oes 2o>e Z team Z & #ent!u animale +.; a 2o>e of cattle Z & vite a team of o.en Z & boi b!ace Z & #ent!u vanat +.; I 1ave b!ace 'uc> 4am & !ate salbatice5 sco!e Z &( 1alf a sco!e Z $(

'ozen Z $& g!oss Z $44 4$& 'uzini5 :. /umeralul or inal Se fo!meaza 'in; t1e E nume!al ca!'inal E t1 E+ceptii: the first (primul) the secon (al oilea) the thir (al treilea) 1 toate celelalte numerale compuse care contin una in aceste e+ceptii (:7, ::, :=, =7, =:, ==, I 7N7, 7N:, 7NN7, 7NN:, etc) P!escu!ta!i; $st/ &n'/ 3!'/ 4t1/ &$st/ &&n'/ etc. /<!A% DthE se aplica oar ultimei cifre % No'ifica!i o!tog!afice; five J t1e fift1 eig1t J t1e eig1t1 nine J t1e nint1 t3elve J t1e t3elft1 t3ent2 J t1e t3entiet1 4E toate cele te!minate in Ot2P5 Utiliza!ea nume!alului o!'inal; $5 e.#!ima!ea 'atei 4in & fo!me5 a5 lunaAziAan b5 ziAlunaAan &5 e.#!ima!ea o!'inii int!,o insi!ui!e Ex: -enry the eighth the first floor the second .orld .ar 35 #ent!u nume!alul f!actiona! 4common f!actionAvulga! f!action5 nume!ato! Z numa!ato!ul 4ca!'inal5 'enominato! Z numito!ul 4o!'inal5 Ex: C,T $ one third /<!A% aca numaratorul O 7, numitorul va fi in plural Ex: R,T $ two thirds Int!egul Z t1e 31ole F!actia #e $(( Z #e! cent P!ocenta% Z #e!centage /umeralul istributiv , A!ata 'ist!ibutia luc!u!ilo!; Hne b2 one Z unul cate unul I3o at a time Z & o'ata M2 t3os A in t3os Z cate &

/umeralul a verbial , A!ata 'e cate o!i se !e#eta o actiune; once Z o 'ata t3ice Z 'e & o!i 3 times 4 times/ etc. /<!A% nu e+ista Dtwice moreE, ci Dtwice as much asE F e : ori mai mult /umeralul multiplicativ , A!ata 'e cate o!i c!este o cantitate; 'ouble Z t3ofol' Z in'oit 4'e & o!i5 tenfol' Z inzecit

0ronumele )unctia pronumelui P!onumele sunt cuvinte li#site 'e inteles 'e sine statato!. +le nu 'enumesc si nu a!acte!izeaza nimic/ functia lo! fiin' aceea 'e a inlocui un substantiv/ facan' astfel !efe!i!e la o i'ee/ obiect sau actiune mentionate ante!io! sau cunoscuta 'e cat!e inte!locuto!. +..; 0ohn did all the wor!. He did all the wor!. ,ho did all the wor!6 )orma pronumelui P!onumele au fo!me s#ecifice in functie 'e; /umar; singula! , this@ #lu!al J these #az; Nominativ , she@ Kenitiv , hers@ -ativ , to her@ Acuzativ J her *en; masculin , he@ Feminin , she@ neut!u , it P!onumele #ot fi sim#le 4you, which, many5 sau com#use 4everybody, whatever, no one5. #lasificarea pronumelor $. Pe!sonale &. Refle.ive 3. Ne1ota!ate 4. -emonst!ative 5. Relative . -e Bnta!i!e *. Inte!ogative ). Reci#!oce 0ronumele personale /ominativ *enitiv ?ativ Acuzativ I 2ou (ingular 1e s1e it 3e 0lural 2ou t1e2 mine 2ou!s 1is 1e!s its ou!s 2ou!s t1ei!s 4to5 me 4to5 2ou 4to5 1im 4to5 1e! 4to5 it 4to5 us 4to5 2ou 4to5 t1em me 2ou 1im 1e! it us 2ou t1em

A!E/!;E% ; se scrie intot eauna cu ma-uscula. -ts (pronume) nu are apostrof. -t.s vine e la it is sau it has% )orme arhaice si poetice: #e!s. II sg. , thou, thine, 'to( thee You / 'hey impersonal , #utem folosi aceste 'oua #!onume #ent!u a vo!bi 'es#!e oameni in gene!al. Ex.: You have to drive on the other side of the road in =reat 4ritain. 'hey say she/s very clever. -t , #oate in'e#lini o se!ie 'e functii 'e ma!e im#o!tanta; -t impersonal 4in e.#!esii im#e!sonale tem#o!ale/ e.#!iman' sta!ea v!emii/ 'istante sau in cont!uctii #asive5 +..; *t/s S o/cloc!.

*t was spring. *s it Monday6 -ow hot it isG -ow far is it to the station6 -t demostrativ +..; .ho is it6 *t/s the postman. *t/s the children. 0ronumele refle+ive Acestea insotesc un ve!b si se !efe!a la subiect. Se folosesc atunci can' subiectul si com#lementul 'i!ect se !efe!a la aceeasi #e!soana. Fo!me; (ingular; myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself 0lural; ourselves, yourselves, themselves +..; * wanted to do it myself but he insisted on helping me. he fell off the ladder and injured herself. 0ronumele nehotarate Some, any, every se #ot combina cu one, body, thing #ent!u a obtine #!onumele ne1ota!ate; anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something, everyone, everybody, everything. No #oate fo!ma im#!euna cu body sau one #!onumele; nobody, no one. /<!A% Atat in engleza britanica cat si in cea americana, pronumele nehotarate anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody, no-one sunt in punct e ve ere gramatical la singular si trebuie folosite cu un verb la singular. Alte pronume nehotarate: enough, few, fewer, less, little, many, much, several, more, most, all, both, every, each, any, either, neither, none, some. ?e retinut% ?aca acestea forme prece a un substantiv nu mai sunt pronume, ci eterminanti substantivali. +..; <ew will be chosen@ fewer will finish, Little is expected. 0ronumele emonstrativ P!onumele 'emost!ative; this, these, that, those, such #ot functiona atat ca #!onume/ cat si ca 'ete!minanti substantivali. +..; +hat is incredibleG 4!efe!!ing to somet1ing 2ou %ust sa35 * will never forget this. 4!efe!!ing to a !ecent e.#e!ience5 Such is my belief. 4!efe!!ing to an e.#lanation %ust ma'e5 +his si these suge!eaza i'eea 'e a#!o#ie!e tem#o!ala sau s#atiala/ #e can' that si those suge!eaza i'eea 'e 'e#a!ta!e. +..; +hese 'panca!es sitting here now on my plate( are delicious. +hose 'panca!es that * had yesterday morning( were even better. +his 'boo! in my hand( is well written@ that 'boo! that */m pointing to, over there, on the table( is trash. Aceasta i'ee 'e 'e#a!ta!e se #oate t!ansfo!ma c1ia! in 'is#!et sau inst!aina!e afectiva; +..; 7re you going to wear these6 '+hey are awful. * do not li!e them at all.( 2an you belive * would have bought that6 0ronumele relative P!onumele !elativ face !efe!i!e la un substantiv sau inlocuito! substantival mentionat in conte.tul ate!io! 4antece'ent5 si leaga #!o#ozitia sau g!u#ul 'e cuvinte ca!e e.#lica sau 'a mai multe 'etalii 'es#!e substantivul antece'ent 'e #!o#ozitia continan' substantivul 'ete!minat. P!onumele !elative sunt ; who, whoever, which, that.

+..; +he student who studies hardest usually does the best. Alege!ea co!ecta 'int!e which si that se insc!ie #!int!e cele mai f!ecvente nelamu!i!i ale stu'entilo! la limba engleza. In gene!al/ which se foloseste #ent!u a int!o'uce #!o#ozitii ca!e au natu!a 'e #a!anteze/ e.#licatii su#limenta!e 'a! ca!e #ot fi inlatu!ate sau omise fa!a a sc1imba intelesul f!azei. -in acest motiv #!o#ozitiile int!o'use #!in which sunt in gene!al int!e vi!gule. -in cont!a #!o#ozitiile int!o'use 'e that sunt consi'e!ate in'is#ensabile sensului f!azei si nu se vo! #une int!e vi!gule. .ho si fo!mele sale se !efe!a la #e!soane/ which se !efe!a la luc!u!i/ ia! that #oate face !efe!i!e la ambele. +..; +he man who hijac!ed the plane wanted to get to 2uba +he couple who live next door have the radio on all night. +he team that won the championship received a great reception. +his is the program which won the pri>e. .e/ll plant new trees to replace those which fell. 0ronumele e intarire Insoteste substantive sau #!onume #e!sonale #ent!u a le sublinia. Ca fo!ma sunt i'entice cu #!onumele !efle.ive; (ingular; myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself 0lural; ourselves, yourselves, themselves +..; * myself don/t !now the answer. Mary did all this herself. Mary herself did all this. E+presii: by myself Z singu!/ 'e unul singu! +..; * wor!ed by myself. 0ronumele interogativ P!onumele inte!ogative int!o'uc int!eba!i/ #!o#ozitii inte!ogative 'i!ecte sau in'i!ecte. )orme; who6 what6 which6 whose6 'to( whom6 +..; ,ho said that6 ,hose are those boo!s6 * do not remember to whom * gave my sweater. ,hat happened6 ,hat/s the weather li!e6 0ronumele reciproce )orme; each other si one another. Se folosesc #ent!u a e.#!ima !elatii 'e !eci#!ocitate int!e fiinte/ i'ei/ luc!u!i. +..; *f 4ob gave 7licia a boo! for 2hristmas and 7licia gave 4ob a boo! for 2hristmas, we can say that they gave each other boo!s. My mother and * give each other a hard time. +hey borrowed each other/s ideas. ?e retinut% #ach other se refera la oua obiecte, pe can one another face referire la mai mult e oua obiecte sau fiinte. +..; +he scientists in this lab often use one another/s e"uipment. -oc!ey players hit one another "uite fre"uently. 0ronumele D;!E C functii: $. P!onume #e!sonal/ #e!soana a t!eia sg./gen neut!u J folosit #ent!u obiecte Si noViuni abst!acte/ ne#e!sonificate/ animale ne#e!sonificate Si cU!o!a nu li se cunosc se.ul sau sunt luate Bn sens gene!ic. Ex: -ere is a boo!. *t is very interesting.

-ow ould is your baby6 *t is five months ould. &. P!onume #e!sonal,folosit #ent!u a in'ica; a. +impul dupN calendar sau ceas ; It is si. oTcloc> on t1e 4t1 of Feb!ua!2. b. Scurgerea timpului: It is getting la>e Jse face tC!ziu c. Starea atmosfericN; It is getting 'a!> Jse Bntune!iceSte@ ItTs !at1e! clou'2 Jmai 'eg!abU e Bno!at '. <enomene meteorologice Ui naturale; It is !aining cats an' 'ogs J#louU cu gUleata4to!enVial5@ It t1un'e!s JtunU@ It lig1tens Jfulge!U@ It is ten 'eg!ees above ze!o Jsunt E$(] f. 5istanVele: ItTsnea!l2 ten >ilomet!es to Albota,sunt a#!oa#e $( >m #CnU la Albota. g. Starea lucrurilor Mn general; ItTs o> sau itTs all !ig1t= 3. P!onume 'emonst!ativ 4ec1ivalent cu I1at sau L1ic1 !sfe!in'u,se la ceva vUzut sau menVionat Bnainte5 +. ; -e expressed his sympathies %Ui a pre>entat condoleanVele *t was nice of him 'to do that( %drNguV din partea lui 'sN facN asta( 4. P!onume int!o'uctiv a. Int!o'uctiv antici#ativ , a!e !olul 'e a int!o'uce #!o#o2iVia #!int!,un subiect fo!mal 'eoa!ece subiectul !eal este 'e#lasat 'u#U numele #!e'icativ #ent!u a,l scoate Bn evi'enVU. Ex: *tAs nice to see ,seeing such a garden %este o plNcere sN ve>i o asmenea grNdinN. Subiectul real se #oate e.#!ima #!in; Infinitivul lung JTto seeT Const!ucVii ge!umviale H #!o#oziVie subiectivU/'e obicei int!o'usU #!in con%uncVia I1at. b. Int!o'uctiv 'e BntU!i!e sau sublinie!e avCn' !olul 'e a sublinia foa!te #ute!nic sau 'e a scoate Bn evi'enVU o!ica!e #a!te a #!o#oziViei cu e.ce#Via #!e'icatului. Ex: *tAs &eter who,that solved all the problems. &eter este cel care a re>olvat toate problemele. 5. P!onume nesemnificativ Jfolosit ca/ com#lement 'i!ect fo!mal mai ales al uno! ve!be int!anzitive. Acest ti# 'e #!onume a#a!e f!ecvent Bn engleza vo!bitU. Ex: Shall we cab it to the station 6 %SN luNm taxiul pLnN la staVie. 9o,*A would rather foot it. %9u,prefer sN merg pe jos.

Verbul (the verb) A. Verbele au+iliare 4to be, to o, to have5 Sunt ve!be 'eosebit 'e #ute!nice Au fo!me 'istincte #t. #!ezent si t!ecut Int!a in alcatui!ea alto! tim#u!i ve!bale; to be la toate fo!mele 'e continuu to have la toate tim#u!ile #e!fecte Nu,si #ot fo!ma #a!tici#iul ne'efinit 4fo!ma in OingP5 cu e.ce#tia situatiei can' ve!bul Oto 1aveP #ie!'e sensul 'e a avea/ a #ose'a si int!a in alcatui!ea alocutiunilo! verbale 'to have a bath, to have a shower, to have a rest, to have tal!, to have a wal!, to have lunch5. Isi fac singu!e inte!ogativul #!in inve!sa!ea cu subiectul Isi fac negativul #!in a'auga!ea negatiei OnotP Isi fac singu!e int!eba!ea 'is%unctiva si !as#unsul scu!t Ex: -e has a car. -asn8t he6 1es, he has. I!ecutul ve!belo! au.ilia!e^ Pt. to be J was la #e!s I si a II,a singula!/ were #t. toate celelalte Pt. to have J had

M+ J LAS J M++N Utiliza!e; $. #ent!u const!ui!ea tim#u!ilo! continue si a fo!mei #asive; I1e ol' man is ta!ing an afte!noon na#. I1e b!i'ge was destroyed b2 t1e ea!t16ua>e. &. #ent!u a e.#!ima e.istenta/ sta!ea fizica sau mentala sau alte info!matii 'es#!e o #e!soana sau un luc!u; -!. Ro1nson is a 'entist. Xe is calm an' #atient. 3. #ent!u a e.#!ima va!sta; I1e bab2 is t3o mont1s ol'. Xo3 ol' are 2ouW 4. BE !< 1 ;/);/;!;V; #ent!u a 'a o!'ineAinst!uctiuni sau #ent!u a comunica un #lan; Gou are to finish 2ou! 1ome3o!> befo!e 'inne!. 4Z Gou must finis15 I1e c1ai!man is to give 1is annual s#eec1 tomo!!o3. 4Z Xe #lans to give5 5. BE AB<6! !< 1 ;/);/;!;V; #ent!u a in'ica viito!ul ime'iat; Neg is about to leave. 4Z Neg is on t1e #oint of leaving.5 . !'EKE 1 BE 1 (6B(!A/!;V; #ent!u a in'ica e.istenta unei fiinte sau a unui luc!u; +here are t3o #ieces of ca!e left in t1e f!i'ge. +here is a person outsi'e t1e 'oo!.

-H J -I- J -HN+ Utiliza!e; ?< se foloseste atat ca ve!b au.ilia! cat si ca ve!b #!o#!iu,zis. A. ?< ca ve!b au.ilia!; $. #ent!u a fo!ma negativul si inte!ogativul #!ezentului sim#lu so t!ecutului sim#lu; I1e >itten doesn8t #la2 3it1 st!ange!s. 5id t1e2 go to t1e o#e!a 2este!'a2W &. #ent!u a evita !e#eta!ea aceluiasi ve!b sau aceleiasi e.#!esii; N2 com#an2 ma'e a #!ofit last 2ea! but IMN did not.

Na!2 t2#e' t1at lette! ve!2 ba'l2. S1e ce!tainl2 did= 3. #ent!u a sublinia un afi!mativ sau im#e!ativ; 5o eat 2ou! vegetables= GouQ!e 3!ong; I did #a2 2ou= M. ?< ca ve!b #!o#!iu,zis J a!e sensul gene!al 'e a 'uce la bun sfa!sit/ a !ealiza/ a e.ecuta/ a a'minist!a/ a #une in #!actica; Stu'ents s1oul' do t1e e.e!cises at t1e en' of eac1 unit. Xe al3a2s does t1e %ob 3ell. I1e office cle!> did t1e t!ansaction 2este!'a2. /<!A: A nu se confun a ?< cu 2APE% Verbul 2APE are sensul general e a crea, a pro uce, a construi, a cauza, a face sa fie sau a prepara. Com#a!ati; to 'o someone a favou! to ma>e a f!ien' to 'o oneQs best to ma>e t1e be' to 'o goo' to ma>e mone2 to 'o t1e 'is1es to ma>e a !ule to 'o t1e s1o##ing to ma>e a mista>e to 'o oneQs 1ome3o!> to ma>e a mess to 'o a c!oss3o!' #uzzle to ma>e a living to 'o oneQs 'ut2 to ma>e fun of someone to 'o 3ellAba'l2 to ma>e oneself at 1ome

XAV+ J XA- J XAUtiliza!e; 'AVE se foloseste atat ca ve!b au.ilia! cat si ca ve!b #!o#!iu,zis. A. 'AVE ca ve!b au.ilia!; $. #ent!u a fo!ma alte tim#u!i; &resent perfect: I have 3o!>e'. &ast perfect: I had 3o!>e'. <uture perfect: I will have 3o!>e'. &ast conditional: I would have 3o!>e'. &. 'A? BE!!EK 1 ;/);/;!;V fara !< 4s1o!t INFINIIIV+5; I1e2 had better study 1a!' f!om t1e fi!st 'a2 of sc1ool. 4It 3oul' be a goo' i'ea if t1e2 stu'ie' 1a!' f!om5 GouQd better go 1ome. 4It 3oul' be a goo' i'ea if 2ou 3ent 1ome.5 3. ; L</Q! 'AVE 1 #<20LE2E/! 1 4;/*; I won8t have t1at dog slee#ing on m2 be'= 4I 3onQt #e!mit t1at 'og to slee# on m2 be'=5 M. 'AVE ca ve!b #!o#!iu,zis; $. #osesia; Anne al3a2s has a col'. Anne doesn8t al3a2s have a col'. 5oes Anne al3a2s have a col'W Can' 'AVE este u!mat 'e KHI/ se inta!este sensul #osesiv. -ebbieQs got a lovel2 voice. -ave 2ou got a com#ute!W

&. a manca/ a bea sau a o!ganiza; I1e t3ins usuall2 have 'inne! ea!l2. N2 aunt Na!2 doesn8t have coffee often. Hu! neig1bou!s had a coc>tail #a!t2 last 3ee>. 3. 'AVE 1 #<20LE2E/! 1 0A(! 0AK!;#;0LE; N!s. Rile2 had 1e! house painted. 4N!s. Rile2 got someone to #aint 1e! 1ouse.5 N2 best f!ien' has 1is hair trimmed eve!2 F!i'a2. 4N2 best f!ien' 1as someone to cut 1is 1ai! eve!2 F!i'a2.5 B. Verbele mo ale Ve!be #ute!nice Au fo!me 'istincte #t. #!ezent si t!ecut Nu au infinitiv lung 4a'ica cu to in fata5 Ex: * can 'fara to( go Nu #e!mit 'u#a ele ve!be la infinitiv lung Nu a#a! nicio'ata singu!e/ cu e.ce#tia !as#unsului scu!t Nu #ot avea fo!ma in OingP Nu isi #ot fo!ma toate tim#u!ile Au inlocuito!i Isi fac inte!ogativul #!in inve!sa!e cu subiectul Isi fac negativul #!in a'auga!ea negatiei OnotP Isi fac singu!e int!eba!ea 'is%uncta si !as#unsul scu!t #A/ Utiliza!e; $. #ent!u a ce!e/ a aco!'a sau a !efuza #e!misiunea/ simila! cu may/ 'a! mai #utin fo!mal; Gou can '!ive at seventeen in t1e UY. 2an I bo!!o3 2ou! #en/ #leaseW IQve left mine at 1ome. Gou cannot go 1unting out of season. /<!A: forme alternative: Jou are permitted / are allowed to / may rive ar seventeen in the 6P. A!E/!;E: la negativ, could si might au sensuri iferite. +.; Yen could not be buil'ing t1e 1ouse b2 1imself. 4It is im#ossible/ it is too muc1 3o!>.5 Yen might not be buil'ing t1e1ouse b2 1imself. 4Xe is buil'ing t1e 1ouse 1imself/ 1e #!obabl2 1as 1el#.5 &. #ent!u a face !efe!i!e la #!obabilitate/ #osibilitate sau im#osibilitate in #!ezent/ in t!ecut sau la con'itional; 9oo>/ t1e!eQs #lent2 of sno3/ 3e can go s>iing to'a2. 9etQs t!2 1is office/ 1e could be t1e!e. Mill cannot '!ive fo! a fe3 3ee>s/ 1eQs b!o>en 1is leg. 3. #ent!u a face !efe!i!e la abilitate sau in'emana!e in #!ezent/ in t!ecut sau la con'itional; S1e is a g!eat sec!eta!2@ s1e can t2#e ninet2 3o!'s a minute. 2an 2ou s#ea> +nglis1W Iim is 1o#eless. Xe can8t even f!2 an' egg. If 1e stu'ie' 1a!'e!/ 1e could #ass t1e

NHIA; #ent!u alte tim#u!i/ se foloseste be able to; S1e will be able to , has been able to t2#e $(( 3o!'s a minute. 4. coul 1 ;/);/;!;V perfect/ #ent!u a se !efe!i la o actiune ca!e nu a avut loc; Gou could have hurt 2ou! bac> lifting t1at 1eav2 table. I could have driven 2ou to t1e ai!#o!t/ but I 'i'nQt 1ave m2 ca!. can' nu stim 'aca actiunea s,a #et!ecut sau nu; Xave 2ou seen m2 umb!ellaW -a' could have ta!en it. /<!A: forme alternative: Gou might have hurt 2ou! bac> lifting t1at 1eav2 table. Gou would #!obabl2 have hurt 2ou! bac> lifting t1at 1eav2 table. Inlocuito!i; to be able to/ to be capable to 2AJ Utiliza!e; $. cu !efe!i!e la evenimente sau actiuni #osibile sau #!obabile in #!ezent/ a'esea cu sens 'e viito!. /ight #oate fi folosit #ent!u a sublinia o foa!te !e'usa #osibilitate; I1e!eQs a blac> clou' above us. It may !ain. Alice may get ang!2 if 2ou tell 1e!. If 2ou t!2 1a!' enoug1/ 2ou might convince 1im to come. si cu fo!ma continua; Call me afte! eig1t I may be wor!ing 1a!' late tonig1t. Ale. sa2s 1e might be going on 1oli'a2 3it1out 1is #a!ents t1is 2ea!. NHIA; fo!mele alte!native sunt; Maybe it 3il !ain. It is li!ely to !ain. Maybe Alice 3ill get ang!2 if 2ou tell 1e!. Alice is li!ely to get ang!2 if 2ou tell 1e!. &. #ent!u a ce!e/ a ofe!i sau a !efuza #e!misiunea #oliticos; May I o#en t1e 3in'o3W It is ve!2 1ot in t1is office. Gou may go in to see t1e 'octo! no3. Gou may not smo>e in m2 ca!. NHIA; fo!me alte!native; 7m * allowed to o#en t1e 3in'o3W 1ou are not permitted to smo>e in m2 ca!. 2an I o#en t1e 3in'o3W 4can #oate fi si el folosit/ 'a! este consi'e!at mai #utin #oliticos5 3. cu well #ent!u a in'ica o foa!te ma!e #!obabilitate; I t1in> it may well !ain to'a2/ loo> at t1ose blac> clou's. I1e Kove!nment may well 'eci'e to !aise t1e #!ice of gas again. NHIA; fo!me alte!native; I t1in> it is very li!ely to !ain to'a2. I1e Kove!nment is very li!ely to 'eic'e to !aise t1e #!ice of gas. AI+NII+; may / might as well a!e alt sens; I1e!e is not1ing inte!esting on IV t1is evening/ I may , might as well 1ave an ea!l2 nig1t. 4Z -in moment ce nu este nimic inte!esant la IV/ e mai bine sa ma 'uc 'ev!eme la culca!e.5

4. cu o const!uctie #e!fecta #ent!u a face !efe!i!e la o #!esu#une!e in t!ecut; Mill isnQt at 1is office/ 1e may have gone 1ome ea!l2. M!ian might not have been >ille' b2 Sall2. 5. cu o const!uctie #e!fecta #ent!u a face !efe!i!e la ceva ca!e s,a! fi #utut #et!ece in t!ecut/ 'a! nu s,a #et!ecut@ se #oate folosi numai might; Gou might have burnt 2ou! 1an' 31ile ta>ing t1at 1ot t!a2 out of t1e oven 4but 2ou 'i'nQt5. A lot of #eo#le/ 31o might have been save'/ 'ie' 31en t1e Iitanic san>. . +.#!ima!ea unei inte!'ictii +.; Peo#le ma2 not b!ing 'ogs into t1e 1otel. *. +.#!ima!ea unei u!a!i +.; Na2 all 2ou! '!eams come t!ue. ). -u#a ve!bele Jto hopeK si Jto trustK +.; * hope 2ou may fin' tic>ets fo! t1e cinema. ". 9a fo!ma negativa a!e 'oa! fo!ma Omay notK 4nu e.ista fo!ma cont!asa ma2nQt5 $(. 9a t!ecut a!e fo!ma ma2 have#participiu trecut si OmightK J mai ales #t con'itional. $$. Inlocuito!i; Jto be allowed toK/ Jto be permitted toK 26(! $. Z t!ebuie/ a!ata obligativitatea +.; I must go no3. &. A!ata o 'e'uctie logica +.; As s1e left at fou! s1e must be at 1ome no3. 3. Negativ; mustn8t 4nu t!ebuie5/ needn8t 4nu este necesa!5. 4. I!ecut; must # have E #a!tici#iu t!ecut si had to. 5. Inlocuito!i; to have to, to be obliged to, to be compelled to 4toate Z a fi obligat5 . -ife!enta 'int!e must si have to. Must Z[ a!ata obligativitatea 'in #unctul meu 'e ve'e!e@ -ave to Z[ a!ata obligativitatea im#usa 'e altii. +.; I must go no3. I have to 3ea! unifo!m. /EE? $. A!e & valo!i; 4a5 ve!b le.ical/ 4b5 ve!b mo'al. 4a5 Ve!b le.ical , este un ve!b !egulat +.; I need a ne3 ca!. -o I need a ne3 ca!W 4b5 Ve!b mo'al J se foloseste numai in #!o#ozitii inte!ogative si negative. +.; 9eed s1e get u# ea!l2W S1e needn8t go t1e!e. Atentie% !otusi *need+ se poate intalni si in afirmative ca mo al C propozitii in care e+ista e regula never, hardly, barely, scarcely +.; Xe hardly need mention 1is name. &. +.ista & const!uctii cu JneedK consi'e!ate a!1aice. a5 Nust nee's +.; I must nee's see 2ou! teac1e!.

b5 Nee's must J suge!eaza i'eea 'e sa!casm +.; S1e nee's must b!ing me no3 31en I 1ave <6*'! !< $. A!ata obligativitatea mo!ala 'e a,si face 'ato!ia +.; I oug1t to go 4nu a!e acelasi nuanta cu OmustP5 &. -aca e u!mat 'e have si ve!b la #a!tici#iul t!ecut e.#!ima o 'ato!ie ca!e s,a in'e#linit +.; Gou oug1t to have waited till & oQcloc>. 3. Nu a!e fo!ma 'e sine statatoa!e 'e t!ecut. Se fo!meaza; oug1t E 1ave E #a!tici#iu t!ecut E to +.; Hug1t 1ave invite' to %oin t1e #a!t2. 4. Negativ; Joughtn8tK ('<6L? 4 +ste mai moale ca ought to $. A!ata o 'ato!ie ca !ecoman'a!e/ e cel mai slab 'in cele ca!e Z t!ebuie +.; Gou s1oul' !ea' t1is boo>. &. Pt e.#!ima!ea su#ozitiei +.; Fo! 1is age 1e s1oul' be talle!. 3. Folosit 'aca e #!ece'at 'e ve!be ca; to suggest, to propose, to insist, to recommend, to advice +.; I suggest t1at 2ou s1oul' lea!n +nglis1. 4. Folosit can' este #!ece'at 'e o const!uctie im#e!sonala; it is important, necessary, natural, better +.; It is im#o!tant t1at 2ou s1oul' un'e!stan'. 5. Folosit 'u#a const!uctii ca; so that, in order that, for fear that, lest 4ca sa nu5. +.; I got u# ea!l2 fo! fea! t1atA lestA so t1at I s1oul' a!!ive in time. . -u#a ve!be 'e sta!i emotionale; to feel sorry for, to be delighted, to be annoyed 4uimit5. +.; I feel so!!2 t1at 1e s1oul' go bac>. Imi #a!e !au ca t!ebuie sa se intoa!ca. *. -u#a e.#!esiile; don8t !now why, can8t thin! why, see no reason wh2 +.; I 'onQt >no3 312 2ou s1oul' as> me t1at. L<6L? $. Folosit #t. o ce!e!e #oliticoasa +.; Loul' 2ou give me 2ou! tel. numbe!W &. U!mat 'e li!e ca sa aiba inteles mai #oliticos +.; I 3oul' li>e to meet 2ou. 3. Poate fi u!mat 'e JratherP sau OsoonerK #ent!u a e.#!ima #!efe!inta +.; I 3oul' !at1e! slee# t1an go fo! a 3al>. 4. Pt. a e.#!ima un obicei/ actiune !e#etata in t!ecut +.; I 3oul' meet 2ou 31eneve! I c!osse' t1e !oa'. 5. Pt a e.#!ima #!obabilitatea +.; I1e man 3oul' be 1is neig1bo!. 6(E? !< $. A!ata un obicei t!ecut +.; I use' to visit m2 g!an' #a!ents 31en I 3as c1il'. &. A nu se confun'a cu Oto be use' toP ca!e ce!e 'u#a ea ve!bul in OingP +.; I am use' to getting u# ea!l2. 4sunt obisnuit cu sculatul 'e 'imineata5 ?AKE

$. A!e & valo!i; 4a5 mo'ala@ 4b5 le.icala. 4a5 Valoa!ea mo'ala J in #!o#ozitii negative si inte!ogative. +.; -a!e 2ou sa2 t1isW 4in'!aznesti sa s#ui asta5 I 'a!enQt go t1e!e 4nu in'!aznesc sa me!g acolo5 4b5 valoa!e ca ve!b le.ical in #!o#ozitii afi!mative fiin' ve!b !egulat. +.; I 'a!e to as> 2ou about m2 'og. * dare say Z I su##ose I 'a!e sa2 I 3ill invite t1em to 'inne!. * daresay Z I acce#t I 'a!esa2 2ou a!e !ig1t again. /<!A% 0t a e+prima in ignarea se foloseste e+presia: *How dare you+ +.; Xo3 'a!e 2ou come so lateW #. Verbe le+icale No'u!ile #!e'icative 4#ot sa fie #!e'icat in #!o#ozitie5; a5 in'icativ b5 con'itional c5 sub%onctiv '5 im#e!ativ 4$5 a5 b5 c5 No'u!ile ne#!e'icative; infinitivul #a!tici#iul ge!un'

2<?6L ;/?;#A!;V A!e 3 tim#u!i; , #!ezent , t!ecut , viito! P!ezentul a!e 4 as#ecte; , Sim#lu , Continuu , Pe!fect , Pe!fect continuu

0KERE/!6L (;20L6 $. -esemneaza o actiune !e#etata ce 'evine o obisnuinta &. A've!be s#ecifice; usually, often, always, every, never +.; +ve!2 'a2 I go to m2 office. 3. -esemneaza un a'eva! unive!sal valabil/ o lege +.. Fis1 s3im. 4. Cu valoa!e 'e viito! can' actiunea 'e#in'e 'e un #!og!am. +.; I1e t!ain a!!ives tonig1t.

5. Pt actiuni #as cu #as 4inst!uctiuni 'e utiliza!e/ in'icatii !egizo!ale/ comenta!ii s#o!tive5 . In na!atiune +.; I1e bo2 ente!s t1e !oom/ ta>es t1e ball an' goes out. *. Pt actiuni ca!e/ 'esi se 'esfasoa!a in momentul vo!bi!ii/ nu au 'u!ata 4ve!be non'u!ative5; to start, to end, to finish, to stop, to "uite, to cancel, to !ill, to die, to shoot. ). Cu ve!be 'e #e!ce#tie senzo!iala; to see, to hear, to taste, to smell, to sound, to feel etc. ". Cu ve!be 'e #e!ce#tie mentala: to thin!, to reali>e, to remember, to forget, to remind, to suppose. $(. Cu ve!be 'e #e!ce#tie afectiva; to li!e, to enjoy, to hate, to disli!e. $$. Se fo!meaza 'in subiect E ve!b la infinitiv scu!t @ #ent!u #e!s III sg se a'auga OsP $&. No'ifica!i o!tog!afice la #e!soana a III,a; a5 -aca ve!bul se te!mina in JsK, JssK, JshK, JchK, JtchK, JxK, J>K sau JoK se a'auga OesP +.; to go Z[ goes 3as1 Z[ 3as1es b5 -aca ve!bul se te!mina in O2P #!ece'at 'e consoana se t!ansfo!ma O2P in OiP si se a'auga OesP. +.; c!2 Z[ c!ies $3. Inte!ogativul 'oA'oes E subiect E ve!b la infinitiv scu!t +.; S1e c!ies a lot. -oes s1e c!2 a lotW $3. Negativ subiect E 'onQtA'oesnQt E ve!b la infinitiv scu!t +.; S1e 'oesnQt c!2. 0KERE/!6L #</!;/66 $. -esemneaza o actiune ce se 'esfasoa!a in momentul vo!bi!ii 4in t1is ve!2 momentAno3A!ig1t no35 +.; I am s#ea>ing no3. &. Se foloseste in 'esc!ie!i +.; I1e sun is s1inning. 3. Cu valoa!e 'e viito! can' actiunea 'e#in'e 'e subiect +.; I am leaving soon. 4. Pt. actiuni #!ezente #a!alele in 'esfasu!a!e 431en/ 31ile5. +.; L1ile I am tal>ing 1e is slee#ing. 5. Pent!u actiuni ca!e/ 'esi nu se 'esfasoa!a in momentul vo!bi!ii/ constituie o !u#e!e 'e !itm. +.; +ve!2 'a2 I get u# at */ but on Sun'a2 I am getting u# at ". . Pt. actiuni !e#etate ca!e ma ene!veaza

+.; 'a!

S1e al3a2s eats f!uits befo!e sou#. 4constata!e obisnuita5 S1e is al3a2s eating f!uits befo!e sou#. 4ene!va!e5

*. Se fo!meaza 'in subiect E ve!bul to be E ve!b in OingP. 4se con%uga 'oa! Oto beP5 Ve!bul in OingP Z #a!tici#iu #!ezent si a!e u!matoa!ele mo'ifica!i o!tog!afice.; a5 -aca ve!bul se te!mina in OeP acesta ca'e inaintea lui OingP +.; to 'ance Z[ 'ancing b5 Ve!bele te!minate in OieP t!ansfo!ma OieP in O2P +.; to lie Z[ l2ing c5 ve!bele te!minate in consoana #!ece'ata 'e vocala moale 'ubleaza consoana finala +.; to sit Z[ sitting % Sufi.ul OingP nu afecteaza O2P si OiP final al ve!bului +.; to #la2 Z[ #la2ing to s>i Z[ s>iing ). Inte!ogativul , se fo!meaza #!in inve!sa!ea au.ilia!ului cu subiectul +.; Am I slee#ingW ". Negativul , se fo!meaza #!in a'auga!ea negatiei OnotP la ve!bul Oto beP +.; I am not '!in>ing. 0KERE/!6L 0EK)E#! $5 'esemneaza o actiune t!ecuta/ ca!e fie tocmai s,a inc1eiat/ fie ca se 'esfasoa!a int!,un tim# 'esc1is/ ne'ete!minat. S#!e 'eosebi!e 'e t!ecut/ ca!e 'esemneaza tot o actiune t!ecuta/ la #!ezent #e!fect momentul inc1eie!ii actiunii nu t!ebuie sa fie cunoscut +.; I sa3 1e! 2este!'a2. 4stiu can' Z[ t!ecut5 'a! I 1ave seen 1e! latel2. 4nu stiu can' Z[ #!ezent #e!fect5 +.; -i' 2ou see OKone 3it1 t1e 3in'PW 4nu mai #oti sa,l vezi5 'a! Xave 2ou seen OAme!ican PiePW 4mai #oti sa,l vezi5 % 'e multe o!i la o int!eba!e in #!ezent #e!fect !as#unsul vine in t!ecut 'aca #!ecizez momentul can' a avut loc actiunea +.; Xave 2ou met 1e!W Ges/ I 1ave. I met 1e! an 1ou! ago. 4!as#unsul t!ebuie sa contina O1aveP,ul 'in int!eba!e/ 'a! t!ebuie sa #!ecizez momentul/ si atunci int!a #e t!ecut5. Se fo!meaza 'in 1ave A 1as E ve!b III 4#a!tici#iu t!ecut5

Ve!bele se im#a!t in; , !egulate 4a5 , ne!egulate 4b5 (a) Verbele regulate Au fo!ma II si fo!ma III i'entice/ se fo!meaza cu sufi.ul Oe'P a'augata la fo!ma infinitivului scu!t No'ifica!i o!tog!afice; $5 'aca ve!bul se te!mina in OeP/ a'auga 'oa! O'P &5 'aca ve!bul se te!mina in O2P #!ece'at 'e consoana/ t!ansfo!ma 2 in i si a'auga Oe'P +.; c!2 J c!ie' 35 'aca ve!bul se te!mina in OlP/ il 'ubleaza me!eu +.; t!avel J t!avelle' cancel J cancelle' 45 'aca ve!bul se te!mina in OicP/ a'auga O>e'P +.; #anic J #anic>e' 55 'aca ve!bul se te!mina in consoana #!ece'ata 'e vocala moale 4vocala int!e & consoane5/ 'ubleaza consoana si a'auga Oe'P +.; to sto# J sto##e' (b) Verbele neregulate Au fo!ma II si fo!ma III 'ife!ite. A've!bele s#ecifice #!ezentului #e!fect Int!e cele & ve!be 4au.ilia! si ve!b5 avem , a've!be 'e f!ecventa 'efinita; 4often/ sel'om/ eve!/ neve!/ usuall2/ sometimes5 , a've!be 'e f!ecventa in'efinita; 4%ust/ !ecentl2/ al!ea'25 +.; I 1ave just met 1e!. "et J se aseaza 'oa! #e finalul #!o#ozitiei si numai in #!o#ozitii inte!ogative si negative. In inte!ogative a!e sensul 'e O'e%aP; +.; -ave 2ou met 1e! 2etW 4'aca a! t!ebui t!ans#usa in #!o#ozitie afi!mativa/ O2etP a! 'eveni Oal!ea'2P5 Z[ I 1ave al!ea'2 met 1e!. In negativa a!e sensul 'e OincaP; +.; I haven8t met 1e! 2et. for J tim# 'e 4a!ata 'u!ata actiunii/ fa!a a #!eciza momentul 'e ince#ut si 'e final5. In #!o#ozitie a!e #ozitie a#!oa#e finala. +.; I 1avenQt met 1e! fo! & 2ea!s. since J ince#an' 'in 4a!ata momentul 'e ince#ut/ fa!a a #!eciza 'u!ata sau momentul 'e final5. Pozitia este s#!e finalul #!o#ozitiei. +.; I 1avenQt met 2ou since Non'a2. % 'u#a OsinceK u!meaza intot'eauna t!ecut 'aca mai u!meaza o #!o#ozitie

+.; I 1avenQt met 1e! since I came. 4este o actiune mai t!ecuta 'ecat cea cu intalni!ea5 Pe #ozitia finala mai avem a'v 'e tim# 'esc1is 4lately/ today/ this year A month A wee!5. % #!ezentul #e!fect co!es#un'e in !omana t!ecutului 4#e!fectul com#us5 +.; A nins Z It 1as sno3e' 4nu stiu can'5 'a! A nins acum o o!a Z It sno3e' an 1ou! ago. Inte!ogativul J avan' in const!uctie au.ilia!ul Oto beP/ se obtine #!in inve!sia acestuia cu subiectul +.; Xas it sno3e'W Negativul J #!in a'auga!ea negatiei OnotP la au.ilia!ul O1aveP +.; It 1asnQt sno3e'. 0KERE/! 0EK)E#! #</!;/66 , co!es#un'e in !omana #!ezentului +.; Ninge 'e & zile. 4ninge Z #!ezent@ de R >ile Z actiunea a ince#ut in t!ecut si continua #ana in #!ezent5 1ave A 1as E been E V,ing , 'esemneaza o actiune t!ecuta ca!e s,a 'esfasu!at necontenit si ca!e fie tocmai s,a inc1eiat/ fie se 'esfasoa!a int!,un tim# ne'ete!minat +.; It 1as been sno3ing fo! & 'a2s. % se foloseste 'oa! cu ve!be 'u!ative J ca!e au o 'u!ata 'e actiune 4nu #oti sa s#ui ca moa!e 'e & o!e5 % se foloseste cu ve!be meteo % a!e ca!acte! subiectiv 4nu #ot s#une 'es#!e altul ca 'oa!me 'e & o!e5 % cu; to wor! to live to study nu se #oate folosi fo!ma continua 'ecat 'aca #!ecizez anumite con'itii +.; NU % J I 1ave been 3o!>ing all m2 life. 4ve!b e.istential Z #leonasm5 -A J I 1ave been 3o!>ing in t1is com#an2 all m2 life. % 'aca #!ecizez 'e cate o!i s,a 'esfasu!at o actiune/ nu mai #ot folosi fo!ma continua/ #ent!u ca #!actic se f!agmenteaza actiunea. +.; Citesc ca!tea asta 'e can' am venit 4nu stiu 'e cate o!i5 I 1ave been !ea'ing t1is boo> since I came. 'a! Am citit ca!tea asta 'e & o!i 'e can' am venit. I 1ave !ea' t1is boo> t3ice since I came. 4am ince#ut/ am te!minat/ ia! am ince#ut/ etc.5 A've!be s#ecifice J sunt 'e continuitate 4since si for5

Inte!ogativul si negativul J cu au.ilia!ul O1aveP !KE#6!6L Iim#ul t!ecut a!e 4 fo!me;

, sim#lu 4I5 , continuu 4II5 , #e!fect 4III5 , #e!fect continuu 4IV5

;. !recutul simplu Fo!ma; ve!bul la fo!ma II $5 'esemneaza o actiune t!ecuta/ !e#etata/ 'evenita obisnuinta 4in !omana co!es#un'e cu #e!fectul com#us5 +.; I use' to visit m2 g!an'#a!ents last 2ea!. &5 'esemneaza o actiune la ca!e momentul inc1eie!ii ei este bine #!ecizat A've!be s#ecifice J 2este!'a2/ t1e 'a2 befo!e 2este!'a2/ 3 'a2s ago/ last 2ea! A mont1/ t1e ot1e! 'a2/ 31en/ etc. +.; I visite' t1em 2este!'a2. 35 a!e valoa!e 'e #!ezent la t!ece!ea 'e la vo!bi!ea 'i!ecta la vo!bi!ea in'i!ecta +.; S1e sai'/ OI 3ant to 3inP. 'evine S1e tol' me t1at s1e 3ante' to 3in. 4Vi!gula a!e valoa!e 'e & #uncte inainte 'e cuvintele cuiva si nu e.ista linie 'e 'ialog/ ci g1ilimelele 'e sus5. Inte!ogativ J -i' E 4S5 E V infinitiv scu!t +.; -i' 2ou 3atc1 IVW Negativ J 4S5 E 'i'nQt E V infinitiv scu!t +.; I 'i'nQt 3atc1 IV. ;;. !recutul continuu Co!es#un'e im#e!fectului in !omana 4vo!beam/ sc!iam/ citeam5 Fo!ma; 3as A 3e!e E V,ing

$5 'esemneaza o actiune t!ecuta ce se 'esfasoa!a int!,un anumit moment bine 'efinit sau int!,un moment t!ecut !a#o!tat momentului vo!bi!ii 4ie!i #e v!emea asta Z t1is time 2este!'a25 +.; I 3as 3!iting t1is time 2este!'a2 A 2este!'a2 at 5 oQcloc>. &5 se foloseste in 'esc!ie!ile #e t!ecut +.; I1at 'a2 t1e 3in' 3as blo3ing 1a!'. % #ent!u na!atiune se foloseste t!ecutul sim#lu.

+.; I1e c1il' got t1e ball an' #ut it into t1e bo.. 35 'esemneaza actiunile t!ecute #a!alele in 'esfasu!a!e 4cu O31enP si O31ileP5 +.; L1ile I 3as tal>ing/ 2ou came. 45 'esemneaza o actiune t!ecuta/ !e#etata/ ca!e ma ene!va +.; Xe 3as always as>ing me to 1el# 1im= Inte!ogativul si negativul J #!in au.ilia!ul Oto beP +.; Las I 'ancing 31en 2ou cameW ;;;. !recutul perfect Co!es#un'e in !omana cu mai mult ca #e!fectul 4cantasem/ vo!bisem/ citisem5. Fo!ma; 1a' E ve!b III

$5 'esemneaza o actiune t!ecuta/ inc1eiata inaintea unei alte actiuni t!ecute +.; H vazusem inainte sa #lece Z 4inainte am vazut,o si 'u#a aceea a #lecat5 I 1a' seen 1e! befo!e s1e left. &5 'esemneaza o actiune t!ecuta/ inc1eiata inaintea unui moment t!ecut +.; H vazusem inainte 'e $")". I 1a' seen 1e! befo!e $")". 35 este s#ecifica const!uctiilo! cu hardly/ barely/ scarcely/ no sooner/ mai ales in inve!sie. +.; I 1a' met 1e! befo!e s1e left. cu inve!sie 'evine -ardly 1a' I met 1e! 31en s1e left. A'v s#ecifice J after/ before/ hardly/ barely/ scarcely/ just/ already/ by the time, for, since +.; I 1a' just invite' 1e! to 'inne! 31en 2ou a!!ive'. Inte!ogativul si negativul J cu au.ilia!ul O1a'P ;V. !recut perfect continuu Fo!ma; 1a' E been E V,ing -esemneaza o actiune t!ecuta 'esfasu!ata necontenit si inc1eiata inaintea unei alte actiuni t!ecute sau al unui moment t!ecut +.; I 1a' been 3aiting fo! 2ou & 1ou!s befo!e 2ou came. A've!be s#ecifice J for/ since/ after si before % nu se foloseste 'ecat cu ve!be 'u!ative/ a!e ca!acte! subiectiv 'oa! can' actiunea a!e o s#ecificatie 'e genul +.; I 1a' been living in this house fo! 5 2ea!s befo!e 3e move'. % 'aca #!ecizez 'e cate o!i s,a 'esfasu!at o actiune/ nu se mai #oate folosi fo!ma continua

Inte!ogativul si negativul J cu au.ilia!ul O1a'P V;;!<K6L Viitorul simplu Fo!ma; s1all 4I sg/ #l5 A 3ill E V infinitiv scu!t 4in SUA J will la toate #e!soanele5 P!escu!ta!e; Tll +.; GouQll be 1ome soon. $5 'esemneaza o actiune viitoa!e ce se va 'esfasu!a int!,un moment bine 'efinit A've!be s#ecifice J tomorrow/ the day after tomorrow/ next / the following &5 'esemneaza o actiune viitoa!e 'esfasu!ata in mo' !e#etat/ 'evenita obisnuinta A've!be s#ecifice J al3a2s/ usuall2/ often +.; I s1all al3a2s t1in> of 2ou. % 'aca in #!o#ozitia #!inci#ala am viito!/ in secun'a!a nu #ot avea 'ecat #!ezent. Acest #!ezent #oate sa fie; a5 sim#lu J 'aca 'e#in'e 'e un #!og!am +.; I s1all come 31en t1e t!ain a!!ives. b5 continuu J 'aca 'e#in'e 'e subiect +.; I s1all come 31en I am fin'ing t1e tic>et. c5 #!ezent #e!fect J can' actiunea este ante!ioa!a momentului viito! +.; I s1all come 31en I 1ave save' enoug1 mone2. % #!o#ozitiile secun'a!a int!o'use #!in tem#o!ale 4when/ while/ before/ after/ as soon as/ till/ until/ etc.5 si if/ nu #ot sa contina viito! si contin #!ezent. Inte!ogativul J #!in inve!sia au.ilia!ului s1all A 3ill +.; Lill 2ou ta>e t1is ca!W Negativul J s1all E not Z s1anQt 3ill E not Z 3onQt

Viitorul continuu Fo!ma; s1all A 3ill E be E V,ing $5 'esemneaza o actiune viitoa!e ce se va 'esfasu!a int!,un moment viito! !a#o!tat momentului vo!bi!ii sau int!,un moment viito! !a#o!tat momentului #!ecizat 4tomo!!o3 t1is time A tomo!!o3 bet3een 3 an' 55. &5 actiuni viitoa!e in 'esfasu!a!e 4#a!alele5 J 31en/ 31ile +.; L1ile IQm 3atc1ing IV 2ou 3ill be slee#ing. % atentie/ nu #ot avea viito! in ambele 4when si while nu #e!mit viito!5 Inte!ogativul si negativul J cu au.ilia!ul viito! Os1all A 3illP

Viitorul e intentie Fo!ma; to be going to E V infinitiv scu!t 4se con%uga 'oa! ve!bul Oto beP5 $5 'esemneaza intentia 4am 'e gan' sa/ intentionez sa5/ o actiune viitoa!e ce u!meaza sa aiba loc int!,un moment viito! a#!o#iat +.; I t1in> itQs going to !ain. % nu se #oate folosi cu ve!bul Oto goP si Oto comeP/ ci cu Oto leaveP si Oto !etu!nP Inte!ogativul si negativul J cu au.ilia!ul Oto beP

Viitorul apropiat -esemneaza o actiune viitoa!e ce se va 'esfasu!a 'ato!ita unei #o!unci/ o!'in/ !ugaminte/ sau int!,un moment ime'iat u!mato!. A!e & fo!me; a5 to be to E V infinitiv scu!t 4folosit #t o!'ine/ comenzi5 +.; Gou a!e to !ea' t1e boo> befo!e mi'nig1t. b5 to be about to E V infinitiv scu!t 4Z a fi #e #unctul 'e a5 +.; Xe is about to c!2. Inte!ogativul si negativul J cu au.ilia!ul Oto beP Viitorul in trecut Fo!ma; s1oul' A 3oul' E V infinitiv scu!t +ste un tim# sintetic ca!e nu #oate sa a#a!a in #!o#ozitia #!inci#ala/ ci in secun'a!a atunci can' in #!o#ozitia #!inci#ala am un ve!b la tim#ul t!ecut si v!eau sa suge!ez o actiune ulte!ioa!a acelui moment t!ecut. +.; I,am s#us ca ma voi 'uce la film. 4t!ecut5 viito! 4in !om5 I tol' 1e! t1at I s1oul' go to t1e movie. % 'aca actiunea ce u!meaza sa se 'esfasoa!e in #!o#ozitia secun'a!a a!e 'u!ata/ voi folosi fo!ma continua Z[ s1oul' A 3oul' E be E V,ing +.; I tol' 1im t1at I s1oul' be 3aiting fo! 1im. Celelalte fo!me 'e viito! in t!ecut 4viito! 'e intentie in t!ecut A viito! a#!o#iat in t!ecut5 a#a! can' am un ve!b la t!ecut in #!inci#ala/ ia! in secun'a!a t!ebuie sa suge!ez o actiune ulte!ioa!a. In acest caz ve!bul Oto beP a#a!e la t!ecut. +.; I,am s#us ca am 'e gan' sa cum#a! masina. I tol' 1im t1at I 3as going to bu2 t1e ca!.

Viitorul perfect Fo!ma; s1all A 3ill E 1ave E ve!b III +ste o actiune viitoa!e 'esfasu!ata int!,un moment viito! ante!io! ince#ut. +.; Pana la sfa!situl anului voi fi invatat toate ve!bele. 4ince# sa invat mai 'e mult si #ana la momentul viito! 'e !e#e!/ actiunea va fi te!minata5. I s1all 1ave lea!ne' all t1e ve!bs b2 t1e en' of t1e 2ea!. % 'aca e.ista actiune cu 'esfasu!a!e necontenita/ folosesc o fo!ma continua s1all A 3ill E 1ave E been E V,ing +.; Ie voi fi aste#tat & o!e #ana la sfa!situl zilei. I s1all 1ave been 3aiting fo! 2ou & 1ou!s b2 t1e en' of t1e 'a2. )iitorul perfect si viitorul perfect continuu nu se folosesc decat in vorbire 'nu le intalnim in +3E<L decat la listening GGG( Inte!ogativul si negativul J cu au.ilia!ul #</?;!;</AL6L A!e 3 fo!me; 7) viitor 4con'itie !eala/ #osibil 'e !ealizat in viito!5 In #!inci#ala J con itional viitor (shall 5 will 1 V inf scurt) In secun'a!a J prezent simplu 4'aca 'e#in'e 'e un #!og!am5 +.; I s1all come if t1e #lane lan's on time. J prezent continuu 4'aca actiunea 'e#in'e 'e mine5 +.; I s1all come if I am 'esi!ing t1is. J prezent perfect 4'aca actiunea este ante!ioa!a5 +.; I s1all come if I 1ave 'one m2 1ome3o!>. Acest con'itional co!es#un'e !egulii 'e la viito! 4viito! in #!inci#ala J #!ezent in secun'a!a5/ 'ife!enta constan' in fa#tul ca am con%unctia OifP. :) prezent 4actiune i!eala/ 'a! #osibil 'e !ealizat in #!ezent sau viito!5 In #!inci#ala J con itional prezent (shoul 5 woul 1 V inf scurt) In secun'a!a J sub-onctiv trecut 5 trecut simplu 4'ife!enta sub% J t!ecut este ca Oto beP a!e la sub%. fo!ma i'entica were5 +.; As veni 'aca as avea tim#. I s1oul' come if I 1a' time. -aca as fi in locul tau as citi ca!tea. If I 3e!e 2ou I s1oul' !ea' t1e boo>. =) trecut 4actiune i!eala si im#osibil 'e !ealizat/ tine 'e un moment t!ecut5 In #!inci#ala J con itional perfect (shoul 5 woul 1 have 1 V ;;;) In secun'a!a J sub-onctiv trecut perfect 5 trecut perfect +.; N,as fi 'us acolo 'aca as fi stiut a'!esa. I s1oul' 1ave gone t1e!e if I 1a' >no3n t1e a''!ess. % JifK #oate fi omis #ent!u cazu!ile & si 3. Hmisiunea se face #!in a'uce!ea #!o#ozitiei secun'a!e in fata si inve!sia subiectului cu #!e'icatul.

0entru con itionalul :: I s1oul' go t1e!e if I 1a' time. devine Xa' I time s1oul' I go t1e!e. 0entru con itionalul =: I s1oul' 1ave gone t1e!e if I 1a' >no3n t1e a''!ess. devine Xa' I >no3n t1e a''!ess I s1oul' 1ave gone t1e!e. % 'aca in con'itionalul & nu am un ve!b au.ilia! sau mo'al ca!e sa #oata face inve!sia cu subiectul/ ma voi folosi 'e JshouldK. +.; I s1oul' go t1e!e if I >ne3 t1e a''!ess. devine S1oul' I >no3 t1e a''!ess/ I s1oul' go t1e!e. % 4este singu!a 'ata can' avem & 'e Os1oul'P5 ;f #oate fi inlocuit #!in alte e.#!esii ca; unless but fo! in case so long as #!ovi'ing t1at #!ovi'e' t1at su##osing t1at su##ose t1at unless 4Z'aca nu5 , se foloseste #t #!o#ozitii negative +.; I s1oul'nQt go t1e!e if I 'i'nQt >no3 t1e a''!ess. I s1oul'nQt go t1e!e unless I >ne3 t1e a''!ess. but for J se foloseste atunci can' in #!o#ozitia secun'a!a am ve!bul Oto beP cu valoa!e 'e #!e'icat ve!bal la sensul negativ 4il 2 a5. Mut fo! nu se #oate folosi 'ecat #ent!u con'itionalul & si 3. +. con'it. &; I s1oul' go fo! a 3al> if it 3e!enQt fo! t1e !ain. #!e' ve!bal neg 4ut for t1e !ain/ I s1oul' go fo! a 3al>. +. con'it. 3; I s1oul' 1ave invite' t1em if it 1a'nQt been t1ei! c1oice. #!e' ve!bal neg 4ut for t1ei! c1ioce/ I s1oul' 1ave invite' t1em. in case J se foloseste numai cu con'itional viito! +.; I s1all !etu!n if I fin' t1e tic>et. *n case I fin' t1e tic>et I s1all !etu!n.

so 5 as long as J se foloseste can' suge!ez i'eea 'e !est!ictiona!e


I s1all give 2ou t1e boo> if 2ou ta>e ca!e of it. So ,as long as 2ou ta>e ca!e of t1e boo>/ I s1all give it to 2ou.

provi ing that 5 provi e that J tot #ent!u !est!ictie supposing that 5 suppose that J 4#!esu#unan' ca5

(6BS</#!;V6L Sub%onctivul a!e & fo!me;

, sintetic 4$5 , analitic 4&5

a5 #!ezent b5 t!ecut 4sim#lu si #e!fect5

7.a) (ub-onctivul sintetic prezent I'entic ca fo!ma cu infinitivul scu!t@ foa!te folosit in engleza ame!icana $5 se foloseste in u!a!i +.; Na2 all 2ou! '!eams come t!ue. 9ong live t1e _ueen. &5 la in%u!atu!i +.; -amn 2ou= Cu!se t1is !ain= Ko' bless 2ou= 35 in #!o#ozitii secun'a!e int!o'use #!in Ot1atP 'aca in #!inci#ala am o 'o!inta/ o obligatie/ o necesitate; to suggest to !ecommen' to o!'e! to 'eman' to u!ge +.; I u!ge' t1at s1e sit 'o3n. 45 in #!o#ozitii ca!e contin u!matoa!e@e e.#!esii im#e!sonale; it is necessa!2 it is essential it is im#o!tant +.; It is im#ossible t1at 1e a!!ive in time. 7.b) (ub-onctivul sintetic trecut (implu +ste fo!ma a II,a a ve!bului/ numai ca ve!bul Oto beP a!e me!eu fo!ma O3e!eP. Utiliza!e; $5 in #!o#ozitiile con'itionalului & +.; I s1oul' ta>e it if I 3e!e 2ou. &5 'u#a ve!bul O3is1P +.; I wish 2ou 3e!e 1e!e.

35 'u#a const!uctiile itQs time itQs 1ig1 time as if as t1oug1 even if even t1oug1 3oul' !at1e! 3oul' soone! su##ose t1at +.; *t8s time 2ou 3ent t1e!e. I would rather 'i'nQt go t1e!e. I tal> as if I 'i'nQt >no3 2ou. 0erfect I'entic ca fo!ma cu t!ecutul #e!fect 41a' E ve!b III5 Utiliza!e; $5 in con'itionalul 3 +.; Gou 3oul' 1ave invite' t1em if 2ou 1a' foun' enoug1 s#ace. &5 'u#a ve!bul O3is1P atunci can' actiunea este t!ecuta si !eg!etata 4sensul #!o#ozitiei t!ebuie se fie negativ5 +.; I wish I 1a'nQt sai' t1at. :. (ub-onctivul analitic Se fo!meaza 'int!,un ve!b mo'al 4s1oul' A 3oul' A mig1t A coul'5 E V infinitiv scu!t. +l a luat oa!ecum locul sub%onctivului sintetic #!ezent@ este intalnit atat in #!o#ozitia #!inci#ala/ cat si in cea secun'a!a. Fo!ma s1all E V infinitiv scu!t , se foloseste in #!inci#ala cu sensul 'e Ov!eiWP +.; S1all I 1el# 2ouW 4sa te a%utW5 , se foloseste in secun'a!a cu sensul 'e Ot!ebuieP +.; I 1ave 'eci'e' t1at t1e2 s1all 1el# 1e!. Fo!ma s1oul' E V infinitiv scu!t , se foloseste in #!inci#ala cu sensul 'e O'aca e necesa!P +.; L12 s1oul' 2ou come so ea!l2W , se foloseste in secun'a!a 'u#a; a) e.#!esiile im#e!sonale; it is im#o!tant it is necessa!2 it is essential +.; *t is necessary t1at 2ou s1oul' un'e!stan' t1e #!oblem. b) in #!o#ozitiile ca!e contin const!uctiile; fo! fea! t1at 4'e teama ca5

lest 4ca sa nu5 in case +.; I got u# ea!l2 lest I s1oul' miss t1e t!ain. c) cu u!matoa!ele ve!be; to 'eman' to comman' to suggest to !ecommen' to !e6uest to insist +.; I insisted t1at 2ou s1oul' lea!n t1is lesson. ) atunci can' sunt int!o'use 'e; alt1oug1 31ateve! t1oug1 +.; .hatever s1e s1oul' sa2 'onQt inte!!u#t 1e!. Fo!ma ma2 A mig1t E V infinitiv scu!t $5 se foloseste can' se e.#!ima o u!a!e +.; Na2 2ou! '!eams come t!ue= &5 in sub%onctive int!o'use #!in; it is li>el2 it is #!obable it is #ossible +.; *t is possible t1at t1e2 mig1t invite us to 'inne!. 35 in #!o#ozitii int!o'use #!in; so t1at t1at in o!'e! t1at +.; I #ut t1e #e!fume in f!ont of 2ou so that 2ou mig1t smell it. Fo!ma 3oul' E V infinitiv scu!t , se foloseste 'u#a O3is1P +.; I wish 2ou 3oul' call on 2ou. 4to call on Z a vizita5 Fo!ma coul' E V infinitiv scu!t , se foloseste #ent!u a e.#!ima o ce!titu'ine +.; Le stu'ie' a lot so t1at 3e coul' #ass IH+F9. 0A((;VE V<;#E (?;A!ERA 0A(;VA) , in 'iateza activa/ subiectul face actiunea , in 'iateza #asiva/ actiunea facuta 'e subiect se !e#e!cuteaza asu#!a acestuia Subiectul 'in 'iateza activa 'evine com#lement 'e agent/ ia! C- 'in 'iateza activa 'evine subiect in #asiva. +.; $5 I 3!ite t1e lette!. S C-

&5 I1e lette! is 3!itten b2 me. S

C agent

-iateza #asiva #!esu#une un ve!b Oto beP/ ia! ve!bul 'e baza va fi la fo!ma; V III E b2 E C agent % o #!o#ozitie ca!e a!e atat C- cat si CI a!e & fo!me 'e #asiv/ fieca!e com#lement 'evenin' #e !an' subiect +.; I give 1im m2 boo>. CI C'evine I1e boo> is given to 1im b2 me. S Xe is given t1e boo> b2 me. S As#ectul si tim#ul #!e'icatului 'in activa se mentin in #asiva. % com#lementul 'e agent #oate sa li#seasca 'aca este un #!onume +.; I !ea' t1e boo>. I1e boo> is !ea' 4b2 me5. J #oate sa li#seasca % 'aca subiectul este im#e!sonal 4somebo'2 A someone5/ el #oate 'e asemenea sa li#seasca -IAI+`A ACIIVA -IAI+`A PASIVA

$5 I eat an egg. An egg is eaten. &5 I am eating an egg. An egg is being eaten. 35 I 1ave eaten an egg. An egg 1as been eaten. 45 I 1ave been eating an egg. , 55 I ate an egg. An egg 3as eaten. 5 I 3as eating an egg. An egg 3as being eaten. *5 I 1a' eaten an egg. An egg 1a' been eaten. )5 I 1a' been eating an egg. , "5 I s1all eat an egg. An egg 3ill be eaten. $(5 IQm going to eat an egg. An egg is going to be eaten. $$5 I am to eat an egg. An egg is to be eaten. $&5 IQm about to eat an egg. An egg is about to be eaten. $35 I s1oul' eat an egg. an egg 3oul' be eaten. $45 I s1all 1ave eaten an egg. An egg 3ill 1ave been eaten. % atentie la #!e#ozitiile ca!e se aseaza la final 4vo! !ezulta & #!e#ozitii una 'u#a alta5 +.; I1e2 sent fo! t1e 'octo!. I1e 'octo! 3as sent fo! b2 t1em. +ve!2bo'2 laug1e' at 1im. Xe 3as laug1e' at b2 eve!2bo'2. % anumite ve!be 4to eat/ to feel/ to 3ea!/ to 3as1/ to sell/ to !ea'/ to #e!fo!m5 nu #ot avea fo!ma #asiva can' v!ei sa s#ui ca sunt 'e foa!te buna calitate A se van' singu!e A se #oa!ta singu!e/ etc. +.; I1ese boo>s sol' 6uic>l2. 4si nu have been sold5

I1e s1oes 3o!e comfo!tabl2. 4si nu have been worn5 % ve!bul Oto g!o3P nu #oate avea sens 'e 'iateza #asiva #ent!u ca este 'e la sine #<KE(0</?E/!A !;206K;L<K $5 'aca in #!inci#ala avem prezent/ in secun'a!a #utem avea orice +.; I >no3 s1e is A 3ill be A 3as 1e!e. &5 'aca in #!inci#ala avem viitor/ in secun'a!a avem prezent a5 sim#lu J 'aca 'e#in'e 'e un #!og!am b5 continuu J 'aca 'e#in'e 'e subiect c5 #e!fect J 'aca a ince#ut int!,un moment ante!io! 35 'aca in #!inci#ala avem trecut/ in secun'a!a avem 3 !a#o!tu!i; a5 simultaneitate 4actiuni #a!alele5 Z[ in secun'a!a avem trecut +.; L1ile I 3as 'ancing/ 1e too> m2 1an'. b5 ante!io!itate Z[ in secun'a!a avem past perfect +.; I tol' 1im I 1a' met 1e! befo!e. c5 #oste!io!itate Z[ in secun'a!a avem future in the past +.; I tol' 1im I s1oul' go t1e!e. % #t a'eva!u!i unive!sal valabile nu se !es#ecta !egula cu t!ecutul +.; Xe tol' me t1at t1e sun !ises f!om +ast. Verbe neregulate 4 Lista verbelor ;nfinitiv !recut 0articipiu trecut !ra ucere to abi'e abo'e abo'e a aste#ta/ a sta/ a locui to a!ise a!ose a!isen a se !i'ica to a3a>e a3o>e a3o>e a se t!ezi to be 3as/ 3e!e been a fi to bea! bo!e bo!n a se naste to beat beat beaten a bate to become became become a 'eveni to begin began begun a ice#e to be1ol' be1el' be1el' a za!i/ a ve'ea to ben' bent bent a i'oi to beseec1 besoug1t besoug1t a im#lo!a to bea! bo!e bo!n a se naste to bet bet bet a #a!ia to bi' ba'e bi''en a ofe!i/ a licita to bin' boun' boun' a lega to bite bit bitten a musca to blee' ble' ble' a sange!a to bless blest blest a binecuvanta to blo3 ble3 blo3n a sufla to b!ea> b!o>e b!o>en a s#a!ge to b!ee' b!e' b!e' a c!este

to b!ing to b!oa'cast to bu!n to bu!st to bu2 to can to cast to catc1 to c1oose to cleave to cling to come to cost to c!ee# to cut to 'eal to 'ig to 'o to '!a3 to '!eam to '!in> to '!ive to '3ell to eat to fall to fee' to feel to fig1t to fin' to fl2 to fo!bi' to fo!ecast to fo!esee to fo!etell to fo!get to fo!give to fo!go fo!sa>e to f!eeze to get to give to go to g!in' to g!o3

b!oug1t b!oug1t a a'uce b!oa'cast b!oa'cast a t!ansmite #!in !a'io bu!nt 4bu!ne'5 bu!nt 4bu!ne'5 a a!'e bu!st bu!st a izbucni boug1t boug1t a cum#a!a coul' been able to a #utea/ a fi #osibil cast cast a a!unca caug1t caug1t a #!in'e c1ose c1osen a alege cleft cleft a 'es#ica clung clung a se li#i came come a veni cost cost a costa c!e#t c!e#t a se ta!a cut cut a taia 'ealt 'ealt a se ocu#a/ a t!ata aface!i 'ug 'ug a sa#a 'i' 'one a face '!e3 '!a3n a 'esena '!eamt 4'!eame'5 '!eamt 4'!eame'5 a visa '!an> '!un> a bea '!ove '!iven a con'uce masina '3elt '3elt a locui/ a !amane/ a insista ate eaten a manca fell fallen a ca'ea fe' fe' a 1!ani felt felt a simti foug1t foug1t a lu#ta foun' foun' a gasi fle3 flo3n a zbu!a fo!ba'e fo!bi''en a inte!zice fo!ecast fo!ecast a #!eve'ea fo!esa3 fo!eseen a #!eve'ea fo!etol' fo!etol' a #!ezice fo!got fo!gotten a uita fo!gave fo!given a ie!ta a !enunta la/ fo!3ent fo!gone a 'a uita!ii fo!soo> fo!sa>en a #a!asi f!oze f!ozen a ig1eta got got a #!imi gave given a 'a 3ent gone a me!ge g!oun' g!oun' a macina g!e3 g!o3n a c!este

to 1ang to 1ave to 1ea! to 1i'e to 1it to 1ol' to 1u!t to >ee# to >neel to >nit to >no3 to la2 to lea' to lean to lea!n to leave to len' to let to lie to lig1t to lose to ma>e to mean to meet to misgive to mislea' to mista>e to out'o to ove!come to ove!'o to #a2 to #ut to !ea' to !en' to !i'e to !ing to !ise to !un to sa2 to see to see> to sell to sen' to set to se3

1ung 41ange'5 1a' 1ea!' 1i' 1it 1el' 1u!t >e#t >nelt >nit >ne3 lai' le' leant lea!nt 4lea!ne'5 left lent let la2 lit lost ma'e meant met misgave misle' mistoo> out'i' ove!came ove!'i' #ai' #ut !ea' !ent !o'e !ang !ose !an sai' sa3 soug1t sol' sent set se3e'

1ung 41ange'5 1a' 1ea!' 1i''en 1it 1el' 1u!t >e#t >nelt >nit >no3n lai' le' leant lea!nt 4lea!ne'5 left lent let lain lit lost ma'e meant met misgiven misle' mista>en out'one ove!come ove!'one #ai' #ut !ea' !ent !i''en !ung !isen !un sai' seen soug1t sol' sent set se3n 4se3e'5

a s#anzu!a a avea a auzi a ascun'e a lovi a tine a !ani a #ast!a a igenunc1ia a t!icota a sti/ a cunoaste a aseza a con'uce a se s#!i%ini 'e a ivata a lasa/ a #a!asi a Bm#!umuta 4cuiva5 a #e!mite a fi culcat a a#!in'e a #ie!'e a face a isemna a italni a ins#i!a neic!e'e!e a in'uce i e!oa!e a itelege g!esit a it!ece a ivinge a face e.ces a #lati a #une a citi a sfasia/ a !u#e a cala!i a suna a se !i'ica a ale!ga a s#une a ve'ea a cauta a vin'e a t!imite a fi.a/ a !egla a coase

to s1a>e to s1ave to s1e' to s1ine to s1oe to s1oot to s1o3 to s1!in> to s1ut to sing to sin> to sit to sla2 to slee# to sli'e to sling to slit to smell to smite to so3 to s#ea> to s#ee' to s#ell to s#en' to s#ill to s#in to s#it to s#lit to s#oil to s#!ea' to s#!ing to stan' to steal to stic> to sting to stin> to st!i>e to st!ing to st!ive

s1oo> s1ave' s1e' s1one s1o' s1ot s1o3e' s1!an> s1ut sang san> sat sle3 sle#t sli' slung slit smelt 4smelle'5 smote so3e' s#o>e s#e' s#elt 4s#elle'5 s#ent s#ilt s#un s#at s#lit s#oilt s#!ea' s#!ang stoo' stole stuc> stung stan> st!uc> st!ung st!ove

s1a>en s1aven s1e' s1one s1o' s1ot s1o3n s1!un> s1ut sung sun> sat slain sle#t sli' slung slit smelt 4smelle'5 smitten so3n s#o>en s#e' s#elt 4s#elle'5 s#ent s#ilt s#un s#at s#lit s#oilt s#!ea' s#!ung sto'' stolen stuc> stung stun> st!uc> st!ung st!iven

a scutu!a/ a clatina a se ba!bie!i a va!sa 4lac!imi5 a st!aluci a icalta/ a #otcovi a Bm#usca a a!ata a se st!ange a ic1i'e a canta a se scufun'a a sta 4#e scaun5 a uci'e a 'o!mi a aluneca a azva!li a c!a#a/ a 'es#ica a mi!osi a lovi a semana a vo!bi a accele!a/ a goni a #!onunta lite!a cu lite!a a #et!ece/ a c1eltui a va!sa a toa!ce/ a se !oti a scui#a a 'es#ica a st!ica a itin'e a sa!i/ a tasni a sta i #icioa!e a fu!a a ifige/ a se li#i a ite#a a mi!osi u!at a lovi a isi!a/ a ico!'a a se st!a'ui

to s3ea! s3o!e to s3ee# s3e#t to s3im s3am to s3ing s3ung to ta>e too> to teac1 taug1t to tea! to!e to tell tol' to t1in> t1oug1t to t1!o3 t1!e3 to t1!ust t1!ust to t!ea' t!o' to un'e!lie un'e!la2 to un'e!stan' un'e!stoo' to u#set u#set to 3a>e 3o>e to 3ea! 3o!e to 3eave 3ove to 3et 3et to 3in 3on to 3in' 3oun' to 3!ing to 3!ite 3!ung 3!ote

s3o!n s3e#t s3um s3ung ta>en taug1t to!n tol' t1oug1t t1!o3n t1!ust t!o''en un'e!lain un'e!stoo' u#set 3o>en 3o!n 3oven 3et 3on 3oun' 3!ung 3!itten

a %u!a a matu!a a inota a se legana a lua a ivata/ a #!e'a a !u#e/ a sfasia a s#une a gan'i/ a c!e'e a a!unca a Bmb!anci a calca a sustine a itelge a su#a!a a se t!ezi a #u!ta a tese a u'a a castiga a se !asuci a f!ange/ a smulge a sc!ie

VEKBE #6 0KE0<R;T;; Io accuse of,a acuza 'e Io ag!ee 3it1,a fi 'e aco!' cu Io ag!ee on,a fi 'e aco!' asu#!a Io a#ologize fo!,a.Si ce!e ie!ta!e #ent!u Io a##!ove of somet1ing,a a#!oba ceva Io a!!ive at,a a%unge la Io as> fo! somet1ing,a ce!e ceva Io be accustome' to somet1ing,a fi familia! cu ceva Io be ac6uainte' 3it1,a cunoaSte/a fi obiSnuit cu Io be af!ei' of somet1ing,a se teme 'e ceva Io be af!ei' of somebo'2,a se teme 'e cineva Io be ang!2 3it1 somebo'2,a fi su#U!at #e cineva Io be an.ious about somet1ing,a fi Bng!i%o!at 'e ceva Io be astonis1e' at,a fi uimit4uluit5 'e Io be a3a!e of J a,Si 'a seama 'e/a fi conStient 'e Io be c1a!acte!istic of,a fi ca!acte!istic #ent!u Io be close to,a fi a#!oa#e 'e/a fi alUtu!i 'e Io be confi'ent of,a fi Bnc!ezUto! Bn Io be c!au2 about,a fi nebun 'u#U Io be c!uel to,a fi c!u' cu/a fi !Uu faVU 'e/a fi c!u' faVU 'e

Io be 'e#en'ent on A u#on,a fi 'e#en'ent 'e Io be 'e#!ive'4'i#!aiv5 of,a fi li#sit 'e/a fi 'e#ose'at 'e Io be 'iffe!ent4'if!ent5f!om,a fi 'ife!it 'e Io be fon' of,a fi legat 'e Io be goo' at,a fi bun la/a se #!ice#e la Io be goo'4>in'5to,a fi amabil cu Io be g!ateful to,a fi !ecunoscUto! faVU 'e Io be in'ignant at,a fi in'ignat 'e Io be of o#inia on t1at,a fi 'e #U!e!e cU Io be bent on Au#on,a fi 1otU!Ct sU Io be on t1e move,a fi Bn miSca!e Io be im#!esse' b2,a fi im#!esionat 'e Io be in'e#en'ent of,a fi in'e#en'ent 'e Io be in'iffe!ent to,a fi in'ife!ent faVU 'e Io be intent on,a fi absolvit 'e Io be inte!este' in,a fi inte!esat 'e Iu be %ealous of,a fi gelos #e Io be #atient 3it1,a fi !Ub'Uto! cu Io be #olite to,a fi #oliticos4civilizat5cu Io be #!eoccu#ie' b2,a fi #!eocu#at 'e Io be #!ou' of,a fi mCn'!u4U5 'e Io be satisfie' 3it1,a fi mulVumit cu4'e5 Io be sate' 3it1,a fi sUtul4'ezgustat5'e Io be seize' 3it1,a fi #!ins 'e Io be simila! to,a fi asmUnUto! cu Io be so!!2 fo!,a,I #U!ea !Uu #ent!u/a,Si ce!e scuze Io be su#e!io! to,a fi su#e!io! Io be su!#!ise' at,a fi su!#!ins 'e Io be t2#ical of,a fi ca!acte!istic #ent!u Io beg fo!,a ce!Si/a im#lo!a Io begin b2,a Bnce#e #!in Io belong to,a a#a!Vine Io be3a!e of,a se fe!i 'e/a se #Uzi Io boast of,a se lUu'a cu/a se fUli cu Io bo!!o3 f!om,a Bm#!umuta 'e la Io call fo!,a ce!e/a necesita Io call on somebo'2,a vizita #e cineva Io call at a #lace,a t!ece #!int!,un loc Io ca!e fo!,a Vine la/a,I #lUcea Io com#a!e 3it14to5,a com#a!a cu Io com#lain of,a se #lCnge4vUita5'e Io conceal f!om,a se ascun'e 'e Io cong!atulate on,a felicita #ent!u Io cont!ibute to,a cont!ibui la Io count A!el2 on u#on,a se bizui Abaza #e Io cu!e of,a vin'eca 'e Io 'eal 3it1,a se ocu#a 'e 4cu5 Io 'efen' f!om,a a#U!a 'e

Io 'e#en' on4u#on'5,a 'e#in'e 'e Io 'ie of,a mu!i 'e Io 'iffe! f!om,a 'ife!i 'e Io 'o 3it1aut,a face fU!U/a se li#si 'e Io 'oubt of Ja se Bn'oi 'e Io emba!> on Ja #a!tici#a la/a o #o!ni Bnt!,o 'i!ecVie Io esca#e f!om,a scU#a 'e Io fee'on,a 1!Uni cu Io fill 3it1,a um#le cu Io fo!givefo!,a ie!ta #ent!u Io glanceat,a a!unca o #!ivi!e la Io go to,a me!ge la/a se 'uce la Io go in fo!,a se #!ezenta la Io 1o#e fo!,a s#e!a la Io in'ulge in,a se 'e'a la/a se com#lace Bn/a Bn'emna sU Io insist on,a insista asu#!a Io inte!fe!e in Ja inte!veni4amesteca5 Bn Io int!u'eon,a 'e!an%a/atulbu!a Io >noc> at,a bate la Io laug1 at,a !C'e 'e Io laug13it1 %o2,a !C'e 'e bucu!ie Io leavefo!,a #leca la Io len' to somebo'2,a 'a Bm#!umut cuiva Io live on,a t!Ui 'in/a t!Ui cu Io long fo!,a tCn%i 'u#U Io loo> at,a #!ivi la Io loo> afte!,a avea g!i%U 'e/a Bng!i%i 'e Io loo> fo!,a cUuta Io loo> into,a e.amina Io loo> li>e,a semUna cu Io loo> on,a consi'e!a Io loo> to,a se Bng!i%i 'e Io meet 3it1,a BntCm#ina Io mista>e fo!,a confun'a cu/a lua '!e#t Io move f!omto,a se muta ' Io ob%ect to,a obiecta asu#!a4Bm#ot!iva5 Io #a!t 3it1,a se 'es#U!Vi 'e Io #a!tici#ate in,a #a!tici#a la Io #ass fo!,a t!ece '!e#t Io #ee# at,a #!ivi #e fu!iS la Io #ine fo!,a tCn%i 'u#U Io #la2 at,a se %uca 'e,a Io #!event f!om,a Bm#ie'ica sU/a o#!i sU Io #!ofit b2 somet1ing,a #!ofita 'e ceva Io #!otect f!om,a #!ote%a 'e/a a#U!a 'e Io #!ovi'e 3it1,a Bnzest!a cu Io #ull at,a t!age la Io #ut in #!actice,a #une Bn #!acticU

Io !ecove! f!om J a,Si !eveni 'u#U/a se face bine 'u#U Io !efe! to,a se !efe!i la Io !ef!ain f!om,a se abVine 'e la Io !emin' somebo'2 of somet1ing,a aminti cuiva 'e ceva Io !eso!t to somebo'2,a se a'!esa cuiva/a a#ela la cineva Io !eti!e f!om,a se !et!age 'in Io !e#!oac1 somebo'2 of somet1ing,a !e#!oSa cuiva ceva Io !us1 at somet1ing,a se !e#ezi la ceva Io see to,a se Bng!i%i 'e/a se ocu#a 'e Io sen' fo!,a t!imite 'u#U Io se#a!ate f!om,a se#a!a 'e Io smell of,a mi!osi a Io stan' fo! J a !e#!ezenta/a lua a#U!a!ea Io sta!e at,a se uita fi. la/a #!ivi fi. la Io sta!t fo!,a #o!ni cUt!e4s#!e5 Io subst!act f!om,a scU'ea 'in Io succee' in in,a !euSi sU Io su##l2 3it1,a a#!oviziona cu Io ta>e into account,a lua Bn seamU Io ta>e into consi'e!ation,a lua Bn consi'e!aVie Io taste of,a avea gust 'e Io tell f!om,a 'eosebi 'e Io t1in> about4of5,a se gCn'i la Io t!ansfo!m4c1ange5 into,a t!ansfo!ma4sc1imba5Bn Io t1!eaten 3it1,a ameninVa cu Io t!anslate f!ominto,a t!a'uce 'in Bn Io 3ait fo! somebo'2,a aSte#ta #e cineva Io 3o!!2 about J a,Si face g!i%i Bn #!ivinVa

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