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Catedra Fiziologia omului i Biofizic

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Regulamentul intern al catedrei la disciplina Fiziologia omului (pentru studenti).

1.Studentii la catedra Fiziologia omului si Biofizica sint obligati sa respecte
normele de conduita, avind un comportament adecvat, cu pastrarea si mentinerea in
buna ordine atat a patrimoniului Universitii cat si al catedrei, respectind
Regulamentul de ordine interioar, regulile elementare de securitate i a tehnicii
2.Distrugerea mobilierului, aparatajului si a instrumentelor, precum si disparitia
acestora, se restituie conform preturilor in vigoare.
3.Absentele la lectiile practice se recupereaza cu permisiunea decanatului,
conform graficului profesorului.
4.Studentii cu absente la lectiile practice nu se admit la totalizare si, respectiv,
la sesiune.
5.Fiecare totalizare poate fi sustinuta de 2 ori pina la urmatoarea totalizare.
Sustinerea notei negative si recuperarea absentelor se efectuiaza pina la totalizarea pe
capitolul urmator, nu mai mult de o singura data. Refuzul de a sustine totalizarea
conform planului de studii se penalizeaza cu micsorarea notei cu 1 punct.
6.Studentii cu absente si cu note negative la totalizari nu se admit la examen.
In ultima saptamina a semestrului (saptamina de atestare) se permite recuperarea la o
7.La sfirsitul fiecarui semestru studentii sustin proba test-control. Testcontrolul poate fi sistinut nu mai mult de 2 ori.
8.Atestarea la finele I semestru poate fi efectuata conditionat cu proba testcontrol pozitiva si o totalizare negativa.
9.Nota medie anuala se calculeaza in baza urmatoarelor criterii:
N.M.A.= Deprinderi practice X 0,1+ Testarea X 0,2 + Totalizari X 0,7
10. Frecventa lectiilor de curs este obligatorie. Absentele la prelegeri se
recupereaza conform regulamentului intern al catedrei.
11.Caietul de procese verbal (cu toate procesele verbale semnate) se prezinta
in ultima saptamina a anului de studii (saptamina deprinderilor practice).

Aprobat la sedinta catedrei din __________Proces verbal N _____

Seful catedrei Fiziologia omului si Biofizica,
profesor universitar


Catedra Fiziologia omului i Biofizic

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Catedra Fiziologia omului i Biofizic

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Statute of the Department of Human Physiology and Biophysics for students

(compartment Physiology)
1. At the Department of Human Physiology and Biophysics all students must
respect the rules of behavior, keep safe the instruments and furniture, follow the
security rules.
2. The broken furniture, instruments and apparatus are repaid according to
current prices.
3. Absences at practical lessons are recovered only with permission from dean
office, according to professors schedule; to be late to lesson is not allowed and is
considered as absence.
4. Students with absences at practical lessons are nod admitted to the tests and
exam session.
5. Each test can be passed 2 times till the next test. The recovery of negative
marks and absences can be done till the next test, just once. The refusal to pass the
test during the time provided by study plan (the lesson for test) will be penalized
with the reduction of mark by 1 point.
6. Students with negative marks and absences at tests are not admitted to the
exam session. Its possible to recover one test during the last week of the half-year.
7. Students have to pass computer test at the end of each half-year. Computer
test can be passed no more then 2 times.
8. Students have to prove practical skills at the end of the year.
9. The student can be admitted to session at the end of the first half-year with
one negative test mark, if computer test mark is positive.
10. The mean annual mark is calculated as follows:
MAN = PSx0,1 + CT x0,2+Tx0,7
PS mark on practical skills
CN mean mark on computer tests
T mean mark on tests
11. Lectures are mandatory; absences at the lectures are recovered according to
the statute of the Department.
Approved at the Department meeting from ________ Protocol Nr______
Chief of the Department of Human Physiology and Biophysics,
V. Vovc

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