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Fondul Social European

Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020

Axa prioritară: Incluziunea socială și combaterea sărăciei.
Prioritatea de investiții: 4.2- Reducerea numărului de comunități marginalizate (non-romă) aflate în risc de sărăcie și excluziune socială, prin
implementarea de măsuri integrate
Titlul proiectului: „INCLUZIUNE – Implementarea de măsuri integrate în comunitatea marginalizată delimitată din orașul Măcin,
pentru incluziunea socială a membrilor acesteia și pentru reducerea sărăciei”
Contract de finanțare nr. 4480/22.05.2018
Cod SMIS: 114715

A.1.7. “A doua sansa”- Implementarea unui program integrat de tip “A doua Sansa” pentru copii si
adulti care au abandonat scoala si doresc sa isi finalizeze educatia obligatorie

Revision 1 (2 ore)
~ Present Simple and Continuous ~

 Read the text carefully:

Jack is a guitarist in a local band. He usually practices with his partners four times a
week, and they have gigs every Friday and Saturday night. That gives them two days off per
Jack likes his routine a lot, but this week he’s doing something different. He’s taking care of
his grandfather, who is sick. He is cooking for him and doing the house chores. He’s also
giving him his medicines in the correct time. His grandfather takes medicines at 5 and 11
am, and at 5 and 11 pm. He’s sleeping there too, in case his grandfather needs anything
during the night. He really loves his grandfather, so it’s not hard for him at all. He’s enjoying
his time there, listening to his grandfather’s old stories and playing old songs in his guitar for
Jack’s mother is traveling. She left U$ 500 for Jack and his grandfather’s expenses.
In two weeks time, his mother is coming back from her trip and Jack will be free to play
the guitar again.

1) Match the question words with their possible answers.

a) Who? ( ) Two days a week.
b) What? ( ) Because his mother is away.
c) How many? ( ) Jack.
d) Where? ( ) U$ 500.
e) Why? ( ) At his grandfather’s house.
f) What time? ( ) Two weeks.
g) How much? ( ) The guitar.
h) How long? ( ) At 5 and 11 am and pm.
Fondul Social European
Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020
Axa prioritară: Incluziunea socială și combaterea sărăciei.
Prioritatea de investiții: 4.2- Reducerea numărului de comunități marginalizate (non-romă) aflate în risc de sărăcie și excluziune socială, prin
implementarea de măsuri integrate
Titlul proiectului: „INCLUZIUNE – Implementarea de măsuri integrate în comunitatea marginalizată delimitată din orașul Măcin,
pentru incluziunea socială a membrilor acesteia și pentru reducerea sărăciei”
Contract de finanțare nr. 4480/22.05.2018
Cod SMIS: 114715

2) Ask questions about the text using the question words in exercise 1.
a) __What is the text about?_____
The text is about Jack.
b) ______________________________________
He plays the guitar.
c) ______________________________________
He has two days off a week.
d) ______________________________________
He’s staying at his grandfather’s house.
e) ______________________________________
Because his mother, who usually takes care of this grandfather, is traveling.
f) ______________________________________
He gives his grandfather his medicines at 5 and 11 am, and at 5 and 11 pm.
g) ______________________________________
She left U$ 500 for their expenses.
h) ______________________________________
Jack is going to help his grandfather for two weeks.

3) Put the words in the correct form, then answer the questions, according to the text.
a) is / occupation / Jack’s / what /?
Question: _What is Jack’s occupation? ___
Answer: __ Jack is a guitarist ____
b) usually / what / during / he / does / do / week / the /?
Q: _______________________________________
A: _______________________________________
c) doing / he / this / what / is / week /?
Q: _______________________________________
A: _______________________________________
d) helping / how / Jack / grandfather / his / is /?
Q: _______________________________________
A: _______________________________________

e) sleeping / too / why / there / is / he /?

Fondul Social European
Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020
Axa prioritară: Incluziunea socială și combaterea sărăciei.
Prioritatea de investiții: 4.2- Reducerea numărului de comunități marginalizate (non-romă) aflate în risc de sărăcie și excluziune socială, prin
implementarea de măsuri integrate
Titlul proiectului: „INCLUZIUNE – Implementarea de măsuri integrate în comunitatea marginalizată delimitată din orașul Măcin,
pentru incluziunea socială a membrilor acesteia și pentru reducerea sărăciei”
Contract de finanțare nr. 4480/22.05.2018
Cod SMIS: 114715
Q: _______________________________________
A: _______________________________________
f) usually / care / takes / of / who / Jack’s grandfather /?
Q: _______________________________________
A: _______________________________________
g) this / what / Jack’s mother / doing / week / is /?
Q: _______________________________________
A: _______________________________________

Întocmit, VERIFICAT,
Prof. Gheorghe Liliana Coordonator proiect,
Oprescu Narcis - Doru

Expert implementare si monitorizare,

Tulică Constanţa

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