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Lesson no.

Polite Expressions
Romanian V rog / te rog Mulumesc (foarte mult) Cu plcere Noroc Sntate mi pare ru Iertai-m / Iart-m V rog iertai-m / Te rog iart-m Pardon Scuzai-m / Scuz-m Poft bun Mulumim / Mulumesc pentru mas S v fie de bine / S i fie de bine V rog s intrai nuntru / Te rog s intri nuntru Domnul X. * Domnule X. * Doamna X. Doamn X. Domnioara X. Domnioar X. Please (plural/singular) Thank you (very much) You're welcome (with pleasure) Luck (after a sneeze - also used for "cheers!") Health (more polite than "Noroc" for bless you - after a sneeze) I'm sorry Forgive me (plural/singular) Please forgive me (plural/singular) Excuse me (going through a crowd and getting attention) Excuse me (going through a crowd and getting attention) (plural/singular) Bon apptit (After eating) We / I thank you for the meal Hope you enjoyed the meal! (plural/singular) Please come in (plural/singular) used when talking about Mr X. used when speaking to Mr X. used when talking about Mrs X. used when speaking to Mrs X. used when talking about Miss X. used when speaking to Miss X. English

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