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Vrei un job mai bun? Vrei s obinei avansarea mult ateptat? Vrei un viitor mai sigur pentru familia dumneavoastr? Vrei s cltorii fr griji peste hotare? Cursul EUROCOR Englez nivel intermediar este soluia ideal pentru dumneavoastr! Perfecionai-v cunotinele de limba englez! Vorbind cea mai rspndit limb de pe tot mapamondul, v vei simi n largul dvs. ntr-o lume n care, zi de zi, dispar graniele dintre oameni. nvai comod! Primii acas, la oficiul potal sau direct la birou pachetele de curs, pe care le parcurgei cnd vrei! Studiai fr stres, n confortul propriului cmin, n weekenduri, dup program, vara sau iarna... cnd i unde dorii! nvai prin ascultare! Pe lng caietele de curs avei la dispoziie CD-uri nregistrate cu vorbitori nativi. Acestea v vor ajuta s dobndii o pronunie excelent! Putei asculta profesorii englezi n timp ce desfurai alte activiti gtii, facei sport, v plimbai, n pauza de mas, cnd suntei prini n trafic... cnd vrei! Opional, studiai i online! Avei la dispoziie Dicionarul Memoplus! Exerciiile de memorare, testare i autoevaluare din aceast aplicaie pe calculator v ajut s nvai fr efort noile cuvinte. Memorai rapid sau v reamintii peste 1000 de cuvinte. Este att de simplu, ca un joc! Studiul devine o form de relaxare! V vei bucura de o atenie deosebit! Beneficiai de sprijinul unui profesor personal, un specialist cu experien, care poate fi contactat prin coresponden potal sau online. Profitai acum de ansa de a intra n rndul profesionitilor care vorbesc limba englez! Construii-v un viitor mai bun! Mult succes!

LECIA DEMONSTRATIV v ajut s v familiarizai cu materialele i metoda de studiu EUROCOR. Din punctul de vedere al numrului de pagini, aceasta reprezint mai puin de jumtate din coninutul unui caiet de curs. V prezentm cteva seciuni teoretice, exemple, exerciii i un model de tem pentru acas, selectate din diverse lecii, pentru a vedea exact cum sunt structurate caietele.



STRUCTURA LECIILOR Studiul eficient al cursului nostru este garantat de structura unitar a celor 20 de caiete. Informaiile noi sunt prezentate ntr-un mod atractiv, iar procesul de memorare devine simplu i rapid! Caietele se parcurg uor, ntr-un mod relaxat, datorit semnelor grafice special concepute pentru a marca diverse componente ale leciilor. Scenariile unor situaii uzuale v ajut s v perfecionai uor vocabularul. V autoverificai imediat cu ajutorul filtrului rou. Textul scris cu rou se acoper cu filtrul din plastic, tot de culoare roie. Dup rezolvarea exerciiilor propuse, comparai rezultatele dvs. cu textul corect. nregistrrile cu vorbitori nativi disponibile pe CD-urile aferente caietelor de curs v vor facilita nvarea pronuniei corecte. Avei la dispoziie i 4 Caiete de exerciii. n plus fa de caietele de curs i de exerciii, putei consulta i Compendiul de gramatic. PRIMIREA CURSULUI La Eurocor, cursanii aleg unde s primeasc pachetul de curs! Dvs. ce alegei? 1. Acas, la cutia potal (Cutia potal trebuie s aib dimensiunile de minimum 22x30x1 cm.). 2. La serviciu. 3. La oficiul potal de care aparinei (Adresa declarat la nscriere trebuie s fie cea din buletin). CONTUL DE CURSANT Fiecare cursant are propriul cont pe site-ul Aici gsii informaii despre stadiul trimiterii pachetelor de curs, plile efectuate i nregistrate sau calificativele obinute la temele pentru acas. Din contul de cursant se pot accesa i aplicaiile TemeOnline sau PlataOnline. ABSOLVIREA

Odat cu expedierea ultimului pachet de curs prin coresponden, vei primi

i testul de evaluare final. Calificativele obinute pot fi: foarte bine, bine i insuficient (n funcie de punctajul realizat). Odat promovat acest test, vei obine Certificatul de absolvire Eurocor.

Opional, dup absolvirea acestui curs, putei participa la un scurt program de

pregtire fa-n fa, de cteva zile, n urma cruia putei obine Certificatul de absolvire emis mpreun cu Ministerul Muncii i Ministerul Educaiei. Tradus i apostilat, acesta este recunoscut n alte peste 60 de ri, semnatare ale Conveniei de la Haga.



Programa cursului Englez nivel intermediar

Leciile 1-2 Tema: Cltorii Gramatic: Articolul hotrt i articolul nehotrt Leciile 5-6 Tema: Spaiu, astronomie; animale, zoo Gramatic: Substantive (invariabile, substantive indicnd genul, substantive cu aceeai form de singular i plural) Leciile 3-4 Tema: Cltorii Gramatic: Pronumele personale i reflexive Leciile 7-8 Tema: Animale slbatice, animale de cas Gramatic: Genitivul sintetic, poziia unor adjective n propoziie (e.g. ill, sick), formele de comparativ i de superlativ ale adjectivelor neregulate, cteva adverbe Leciile 9-10 Tema: Meserii, profesiuni; cumprturi Gramatic: This i that folosite naintea adjectivelor cu sensul de att de, pronumele relative, folosirea construciilor so, eitheror /neithernor, Question Tags ntrebrile disjunctive Leciile 13-14 Tema: Muzic Gramatic: Verbe modale care exprim permisiunea, posibilitatea, obligativitatea: to be allowed to, to be permitted to, to have to, forma i folosirea verbelor need, dare, used to i a expresiei verbale be used to

Caiet de exerciii I Cuprinde dou lecii ce verific noiunile de vocabular i gramatic nsuite n leciile 1-8.

Leciile 11-12 Tema: Radio i TV Gramatic: Folosirea determinanilor: all, all the, either of, both, diferena dintre every i each, folosirea pronumelor none, nothing, a perifrazelor verbale: to be able to, to be allowed to, a construciei could + have + Past Participle Leciile 15-16 Tema: Religie, biseric Gramatic: have, shall, will, should ca verbe cauzative

Caiet de exerciii II Cuprinde dou lecii ce verific noiunile de vocabular i gramatic nsuite n leciile 9-16.



Leciile 17-18 Tema: Art, literatur Gramatic: Alte utilizri ale verbului modal would Leciile 21-22 Tema: Diferite momente din viaa unui om Gramatic: Structura: for + complement + infinitiv, verbe urmate de Present Participle, Gerund, substantive compuse Caiet de exerciii III Cuprinde dou lecii ce verific noiunile de vocabular i gramatic nsuite n leciile 17-24.

Leciile 19-20 Tema: Medicin Gramatic: Structuri cu complement

Leciile 23-24 Tema: Coresponden, convorbiri telefonice Gramatic: Verbe care cer Gerund i/ sau Infinitive

Leciile 25-26 Tema: Medicin Gramatic: Adjective (substantive / Past Participle cu valoare de adjectiv), diferite tipuri de conjuncii Leciile 29-30 Tema: Matematic, operaii matematice; ziare, reclame i anunuri Gramatic: Perechi de prepoziii care sunt cteodat folosite greit (e.g. during, for), adjective i substantive care au aceeai rdcin Caiet de exerciii IV Cuprinde dou lecii ce verific noiunile de vocabular i gramatic nsuite n leciile 25-32.

Leciile 27-28 Tema: Opinii despre ntmplri i persoane Gramatic: Diferite tipuri de fraze, adjective i substantivele corespunztoare, care au sufixul -ity

Leciile 31-32 Tema: Familie, prieteni Gramatic: Expresii cu prepoziii (e.g. with, for, from)



Cuvintele i expresiile noi au fost marcate special.

Cele mai multe cuvinte din aceast lecie au de-a face cu diverse ocupaii i meserii. Vom nva substantivele noi citindu-le atent, cu voce tare: carpenter painter docker shoemaker plumber postman profession trade tradesman factory worker discharge brush construction > [ka:rpntr] > [peintr] > [dok ]

dulgher, tmplar zugrav, pictor docher cizmar instalator pota profesie, meserie ndeletnicire, bran; comer meseria; negustor muncitor n fabric concediere, disponibilizare perie, pensul construcie

> [[u:meikr] > [plamr] > [pustmEn] > [prfen] > [treid] > [treidzmn] > [fEktri urkr] > [dista:rdj] > [bra] > [knstrak[n]

S le repetm ntr-o alt ordine, pentru a ni le fixa n memorie: factory worker plumber construction shoemaker profession brush carpenter discharge docker painter tradesman trade postman > [fEktri urkr] > [plamr] > [knstrakn] > [[u:meikr] > [prfen] > [bra] > [ka:rpntr] > [dista: dj]

muncitor n fabric instalator construcie cizmar profesie, meserie perie, pensul dulgher, tmplar concediere, disponibilizare docher zugrav, pictor meseria; negustor ndeletnicire, bran; comer pota

> [dokr] > [peintr] > [treidzmn] > [treid] > [pustmEn]

(selecie din Lecia 9, pagina 3)



Urmeaz un dialog n care apar toate cuvintele noi:


Cuvintele noi sunt folosite ulterior n propoziii i dialoguri sugestive.

Laura: Chris: Laura: Chris: Laura: Chris: Laura:

My son has joined the school orchestra. What instrument does he play? In the orchestra he plays the drums, but he can also play the guitar. The conductor says he is the best drummer in school. He can really feel the beat of the music. Thats great! Is he going to be a musician? Thats what he says now, but well see. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a singer. Yes, I remember. You were even in a group, werent you? Yes, I was. Thats how I met my husband. He was the guitarist in our group. Now Im an English teacher, but Im still interested in pop music.

Acum exersai pronunia fiecrei propoziii i reinei traducerea n limba romn: My son has joined the school orchestra. What instrument does he play? In the orchestra he plays the drums, but he can also play the guitar. The conductor says he is the best drummer at school. He can really feel the beat of the music. Thats great! Is he going to be a musician? Thats what he says now, but well see. When I was a teenager I wanted to be a singer. Yes, I remember. You were even in a group, werent you? Yes, I was. Thats how I met my husband. He was the guitarist in our group. > [mai san hEz djoind Dz sku:l orkestr] > [uot instrmnt daz hi: plei] Fiul meu a intrat n orchestra colii. La ce instrument cnt?

> [in Dzi o:rkestr hi: pleiz n orchestr cnt Dz dramz bat hi: kEn olsu la tobe, dar tie plei Dz gita:r] s cnte i la chitar. > [Dz kndaktr sez hi: iz Dz best dramr et sku:l] > [hi: ken rili fi:l Dz bi:t v Dz miu:zik] > [DzEts greit iz hi: guin(g) tu bi: miuzin] > [DzEts uot hi: sez nau bat ui:l si:] > [uen ai uoz ti:neidjr ai uontid tu bi: a singr] > [ies ai rimembr iu: ur ivn in gru:p urnt iu:] > [ies ai uoz DzEts hau ai met mai hazbnd] > [hi: uoz Dz gita:rist in aur gru:p] Dirijorul spune c este cel mai bun baterist din coal. El simte cu adevrat ritmul muzicii. Grozav! Vrea s devin muzician? Aa spune el acum, dar vom mai vedea. Cnd eram adolescent voiam s fiu cntrea. Da, mi amintesc. Ai fost i ntr-o formaie, nu? Da. Aa l-am cunoscut pe soul meu. El era chitaristul formaiei noastre.

(selecie din Lecia 13, pagina 4)



Vom folosi noile cuvinte ntr-un text despre cltoria cu avionul. Citii cu mare atenie:

Textele n care sunt introduse cuvintele noi sugereaz situaii din viaa de zi cu zi.


It was my first flight across the Atlantic Ocean. It took nine hours to travel from New York to London. When I was boarding the plane I saw the cockpit. The door was wide open so I could look at all the instruments. I was a little afraid before take-off. I tried not to think about collisions on the runway and hijackers. A few minutes after take-off all my fear was gone. I had a window seat and could watch the beautiful views. The journey was nice. I once flew by helicopter and it was horrible. Helicopters are so noisy! In London I had to go through customs. I was glad that the customs officer didnt ask me to open my suitcases.

n limba englez, virgula se folosete i la exprimarea numerelor mai mari de 1.000, inclusiv.

S exersm acum pronunia fiecrei propoziii n parte, nvnd i traducerea n limba romn: It was my first flight across the Atlantic Ocean. It took nine hours to travel from New York to London. > [it uoz mai f:rst flait kros Dzi tlEntik un] > [it tuk nain aurz tu trEvl from niu: io:rk tu landn] A fost primul meu zbor peste Oceanul Atlantic. Cltoria de la New York la Londra a durat nou ore.

When I was boarding the plane > [uen ai uoz bo:rdin(g) Dz plein Cnd m-am urcat n avion I saw the cockpit. ai so: Dz kokpit] am vzut cabina pilotului. The door was wide open so I could look at all the instruments. I was a little afraid before take-off. I tried not to think about collisions on the runway and hijackers. A few minutes after take-off all my fear was gone. > [Dz do:r uoz uaid upn su ai ku:d luk Et o:l Dzi instrmnts] > [ai uoz litl freid bifo:r teikof] > [ai traid not tu Tsin(g)k baut klijnz on Dz ranuei End haidjEkrz] > [ fiu: minits aftr teikof o:l mai fir uoz gon] Ua era larg deschis i am putut vedea toat aparatura de bord.

Mi-a fost puin team nainte de decolare. Am ncercat s nu m gndesc la ciocnirile de pe pista de decolare i la piraii aerieni. La cteva minute dup decolare, teama mea dispruse. Am avut loc lng fereastr i am putut vedea priveliti minunate.

I had a window seat and > [ai hEd uindu si:t End could watch the beautiful views. kud uot Dz biu:tifl viu:z]


(selecie din Lecia 4, pagina 24)



n ntrebrile pentru subiect, verbul to do nu este folosit dac acestea nu conin o negaie. Forma verbului de conjugat este, n aceste cazuri, identic celei din propoziia afirmativ, de exemplu: Who visited you there? Which of you wants to stay longer? Cine te-a vizitat acolo? Care dintre voi vrea s mai stea?

Dac ns ntrebarea pentru subiect conine o negaie, forma adecvat a verbului to do este obligatorie, de exemplu: Who didnt enjoy the beautiful weather? Who doesnt want to drink tea? Cine nu s-a bucurat de vremea frumoas? Cine nu vrea s bea ceai?

Regulile gramaticale sau de pronunie sunt reliefate printr-un semn special.

Forma adecvat a verbului to do este folosit n propoziii care ncep cu adverbe sau locuiuni adverbiale cu sens negativ. n acest caz se folosete inversiunea, adic do/did sau alt verb auxiliar apare n faa subiectului, ca n propoziiile interogative. Iat cteva exemple: Only after had I seen it with my own eyes I believed it. Hardly had he seen me when he ran away. Little does he know how hard we tried. Only yesterday did she tell me. Never in my life have I met such a strange man. Doar dup ce am vzut cu ochii mei am crezut asta. De-abia m vzuse, c a i fugit. Nu tie ct de mult ne-am strduit. Abia ieri mi-a spus. Niciodat n viaa mea nu am ntlnit un om att de ciudat.

Traducei acum urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez: Ea nu fumeaz mult. Ei nu ascult acea emisiune. Nu suntem grbii. Nu poi s l repari singur. Nu fi aa de serios! nc nu este nevoie s se mbarce n avion. Acum pot s-l vd? M tem c nu. El merge des n strintate? Sunt bucuroi? Putem intra?

> She doesnt smoke much. > They dont listen to that programme. > We are not in a hurry. > You cant repair it yourself. > Dont be so serious! > They dont have to board the plane yet. > Can I see him now? Im afraid not. > Does he often go abroad? > Are they glad? > May we come in?

(selecie din Lecia 15, pagina 8)



Ai nvat cteva reguli referitoare la verbul to have. Dup cum v amintii, to have este auxiliarul pentru timpurile Present Perfect i Past Perfect, n timp ce to have to exprim obligativitatea sau necesitatea, de exemplu: I havent seen her. She said he had already bought bread. We have to be there at six. Nu am vzut-o. A spus c el cumprase deja pine. Trebuie s fim acolo la ora ase.

Verbul to have urmat de complement direct i de un verb la infinitiv fr to exprim un ordin, o comand. n limba romn, o expresie care red aceast construcie este a pune (pe cineva) s fac ceva; de exemplu: I will have my son go to the market. They will have a mechanic repair the car. He has had him pay for it. l voi pune pe fiul meu s se duc la pia. Ei vor pune un mecanic s repare maina. L-a pus s plteasc pentru asta.

V vei familiariza cu particularitile limbii engleze, semnalate printr-un simbol distinct.

Verbul to have se folosete, de asemenea, pentru situaiile n care comandm cuiva s fac ceva, fr a meniona persoana respectiv. Verbul to have n acest caz este urmat de complementul direct i participiul pasiv. n limba romn pentru situaii similare se folosete expresia a pune (comanda) s se fac ceva, de exemplu: Ill have my car repaired tomorrow. We have the carpet cleaned regularly. He had that door painted last week. Ill have my hair cut tomorrow. Voi pune s mi se repare maina mine. Noi dm periodic covorul la splat. A pus s fie vopsit ua sptmna trecut. M voi tunde mine.

Atenie la diferena de sens dintre propoziiile: Ive repaired my watch. Ive had my watch repaired. Mi-am reparat ceasul (singur). Am pus s mi se repare ceasul. (Mi-am dat ceasul la reparat.)

Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez: Tocmai am chemat pe cineva s-mi repare frigiderul. l vom pune s livreze coletul acesta mine. Ct de des i dai haina la curat? Ar trebui s te tunzi. > Ive just had my fridge repaired. > Well have him deliver this package tomorrow. > How often do you have your coat cleaned? > You should have your hair cut.


(selecie din Lecia 15, pagina 16)




Urmtorul exerciiu v va ajuta s verificai ct de bine v-ai nsuit cunotinele introduse n aceast parte a leciei. Traducei n limba englez: Tatl meu este vduv de cinci ani. Multe muncitoare au fost concediate. Verioara mea s-a cstorit cu un brutar sptmna trecut. Sora mea vrea s devin actri. Invitatele au plecat devreme. Crezi c acest taur este periculos? Aceast iap este foarte rapid. Sora lui este ofer de autobuz. Se spune c numai masculii-canar cnt. Una dintre profesoarele noastre i-a pierdut slujba. O ziarist a vrut s m vad. E bine s ai muli prieteni. Poate s vin cu logodnica lui? Cine este soul acelei scriitoare? > My father has been a widower for five years. > Many women-workers have been fired. > My cousin married a baker last week. > My sister wants to be an actress. > The female guests left early. > Do you think this bull is dangerous? > This mare is very fast. > His sister is a bus-driver. > They say that only cock-canaries sing. > One of our teachers has lost her job. > A woman-journalist wanted to see me. > It is good to have many friends. > Can he bring his fiance? > Who is that writers husband?

S repetm cuvintele nou nvate n aceast lecie. Citii textul de mai jos, care se refer la spaiul cosmic, i traducei-l singuri: SPACE Man has always been interested in space and has always wanted to find out whether there was life on other planets. The first artificial Earth satellite was put into orbit in 1957. Four years later the first astronaut was sent into space in a spacecraft. In 1969 the first astronauts landed on the moon. In the early 1980s Americans built the first space shuttle. A space shuttle is launched as a rocket and it re-enters the Earths atmosphere and lands like an aeroplane.

Iat traducerea textului n limba romn:


V autoevaluai rapid rezolvnd exerciii de traducere cu filtrul rou.

Omul a fost ntotdeauna interesat de spaiul cosmic i a vrut mereu s tie dac exist via i pe alte planete. Primul satelit artificial al Pmntului a fost plasat pe orbit n 1957. Patru ani mai trziu, primul cosmonaut a fost trimis n spaiul cosmic cu o nav spaial. n 1969, primii cosmonaui au aterizat pe Lun. La nceputul anilor 80, americanii au construit prima navet spaial. Naveta spaial este lansat ca o rachet i se ntoarce n atmosfera terestr, ateriznd ca un avion.

(selecie din Lecia 5, pagina 9)




n urmtorul exerciiu vom recapitula materia prezentat n cadrul leciei 29. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:

Exerciiile de traducere cu filtrul rou, marcate special, v ajut s reinei totul mai uor.

Lui i-ar plcea s rmn aici pentru nc un an. Ea a crezut c cineva se ascunde sub pat. n aceast lun au avut loc multe edine. Persoanele importante au parte de puin intimitate. Lampa de pe mas nu ofer lumin suficient. Nici nu i imaginezi gravitatea problemei. Acei oameni ipocrii pretind c sunt mai buni dect sunt n realitate. Nu este mare diferen ntre cele dou tablouri. Erau tratai ca nite oameni de rnd. Sntatea lui nu mai este aa cum a fost. Printre alte lucruri, sunt interesat de literatur. Cine poate cunoate profunzimea sentimentelor altei persoane? Mine se ateapt vnturi puternice. Traducei urmtorul dialog n limba englez: Chris: Laura: Care este ziarul tu preferat, Laura? Todays News. Are civa reporteri excepionali. Acest ziar este att de interesant de obicei, nct l citesc de la un capt la altul, lsnd deoparte doar anunurile.

> He would like to stay here for another year. > She thought that somebody was hiding under the bed. > There have been frequent meetings this month. > Famous people enjoy little privacy. > The lamp on the table doesnt give enough light. > You have no idea of the urgency of the matter. > Those hypocritical people pretend to to be better than they are. > There is no much difference between the two pictures. > They were treated like ordinary people. > His health is not what it used to be. > Among other things Im interested in literature. > Who knows the depth of another persons emotions? > Strong winds are expected tomorrow.

> Which is your favourite newspaper, Laura? > Todays News. It has some excellent reporters. This paper is usually so interesting that I read it from beginning to end omitting only the advertisements.


De fapt, acesta este ziarul pe care > Actually, it is the newspaper I enjoy mi place s-l citesc n fiecare zi. reading every day as well. It has Beneficiaz de cel mai mare tiraj the biggest circulation of all the dintre toate cotidianele, nu-i aa? daily newspapers, doesnt it?


(selecie din Lecia 29, pagina 18)





n acest exerciiu vom repeta pluralul substantivelor. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez, acordnd maxim atenie substantivelor cu form de plural neregulat: S-a ntmplat acum cinci ani. Acolo sunt multe fabrici? Multe autobuze aveau ntrziere. Am vizitat biserici vechi. Aceste birouri sunt noi. Casele sunt prea mici. Avem nevoie de patru brbai pentru aceast activitate. Cine sunt aceste femei? M dor picioarele. Dinii ei sunt foarte albi. i plac gtele? Sub podea sunt oareci. Ei mnnc dou pini pe zi. Crile sunt pe rafturi. Ai pstrat cele dou jumti? Au czut toate frunzele. Putem s venim cu soiile? ase persoane i-au pierdut viaa. S folosim cuitele. i plac aceti cartofi? Aceste roii sunt nc verzi. Acei copii sunt ai ei. n ferm exist boi. Cprioarele sunt animale frumoase. Oile sunt crescute pentru ln. Salariile noastre vor crete. Coninutul acestei sticle este periculos. n ara dumneavoastr se cultiv ovz? Profitul nu este suficient. De unde are toate aceste bogii? > It happened five years ago. > Are there many factories there? > Many buses were late. > We visited old churches. > These offices are new. > The houses are too small. > We need four men to do the job. > Who are those women? > My feet hurt. > Her teeth are very white. > Do you like geese? > There are mice under the floor. > They eat two loaves of bread a day. > The books are on the shelves. > Have you kept the two halves? > All the leaves have fallen. > Can we bring our wives? > Six people lost their lives. > Lets use (the) knives. > How do you like these potatoes? > These tomatoes are still green. > Those children are hers. > There are oxen in the farm. > Deer are beautiful animals. > Sheep are kept for their wool. > Our wages will be raised. > The contents of this bottle are dangerous. > Are oats grown in your country? > The proceeds are not sufficient. > Where have these riches come from?

(selecie din Lecia 5, pagina 2)




Recapitulrile finale sintetizeaz aspectele cele mai importante din fiecare lecie.

RECAPITULAREA LECIEI 30 30.1 Prepoziiile till i as far as: till as far as He waited till the sunset. He travelled with me as far as Cluj. 30.2 Prepoziiile in i into: in into n nuntru, n interior El a stat n hotel toat dup-amiaza. El a fugit n strad. pn (despre timp) pn (la); El a ateptat pn a apus soarele. El a cltorit pn la Cluj.

He stayed in the hotel all afternoon. He ran into the street. 30.3 Prepoziiile against, towards i by: against towards by They were against it. We grew more and more excited against his arrival. The rain started towards evening. She started walking towards me. I will be ready by Thursday.

mpotriva; fa de spre, ctre; fa de de (ctre); pn Ei au fost mpotriva acestui lucru. Eram din ce n ce mai entuziasmai de venirea lui. Ploaia a nceput spre sear. Ea s-a ndreptat spre mine. Voi fi gata pn joi.

30.4 Adjectivele i substantivele corespunztoare lor: horrible squalid horror squalor candid vigorous candour vigour

30.5 Prepoziiile folosite mpreun cu anumite verbe, schimbndu-le sensul: I saw her across the street. Try to throw the rope across. cealalt. Sunlight fell through the window. Did they let you through? 30.6 Adjective terminate n -ible: plausible legible susceptible tangible Am vzut-o pe partea cealalt a strzii. ncearc s arunci frnghia pe partea Lumina soarelui btea prin fereastr. Te-au lsat s treci?

accessible feasible


(selecie din Lecia 30, pagina 36)




Avei la dispoziie i o seciune de vocabular, ce sintetizeaz cuvintele folosite n cele 2 lecii.

to address to address to to adorn to announce to to arrive at art art gallery artist artistic to ascribe to author to be mistaken candid chapter cloakroom to communicate to to confide to to consider to consist of constructive to contain contemporary contrary critic to criticize criticism to dedicate to to describe to to develop to discuss to enlarge extinde to entrust to to exhibit exhibition expert to explain to fairy-tale > [tu dres] > [tu dres tu] > [tu do: n]

a adresa a adresa (cuiva) a mpodobi, a nfrumusea a anuna, a comunica a ajunge la, a sosi la art galerie de art artist artistic a atribui (cuiva) autor, scriitor a grei, a se nela candid, pur, sincer capitol garderob a comunica (cuiva) a ncredina (cuiva) a considera, a se gndi la a se compune/alctui din constructiv a conine, a cuprinde contemporan contrar critic (persoan) a critica critic, critici a dedica (cuiva) a descrie (cuiva) a dezvolta, a developa a discuta a (se) mri, a (se) lrgi, a se a ncredina (cuiva) a expune, a arta expoziie expert a explica (cuiva) poveste,basm

> [tu nauns tu] > [tu raiv Et] > [a: t]
r r

> [a: t gElri] > [a: tist]


> [a: tistik]


> [tu skraib tu] > [o:T ]

s r

> [tu bi: misteikn] > [kEndid] > [t[Ept ]


> [klukrum] > [tu kmiu:nikeit tu] > [tu knfaid tu] > [tu konsid ]

> [tu knsist v] > [knstraktiv] > [tu kntein] > [kntemprri] > [kontrri] > [kritik] > [tu kritisaiz] > [kritisizm] > [tu dedikeit tu] > [tu diskraib tu] > [tu divelp] > [tu diskas] > [tu inla: dj]

> [tu intrast tu] > [tu igzibit] > [eksibi[n] > [eksp t]

> [tu iksplein tu] > [feiri teil]

(selecie din Lecia 18, pagina 38)




3. The voyage across the Atlantic Ocean took them five days. 4. Where will all the actresses be accommodated? 5. Next week our zoo will receive ten donkeys from a zoo in Africa. 6. I am sorry, but your answer is not complete. 7. A man like himself will not easily resign himself to such a loss. 8. Dont worry. Ill see to the puppies. 9. I did some shopping on my return. 10. My uncle Jack has a bull farm. He keeps fifty horses and thirty mares.

Exercise 4

V relaxai ntr-un mod util rezolvnd problemele diverse din Caietele de exerciii. n plus, de aceast dat cerinele exerciiilor sunt n limba englez.

Read the adjectives and decide if they have a positive or negative value:
adjective careless cruel content cunning helpful boring instructive kind foolish incorrect precious playful positive negative

Exercise 5
Choose the right synonym of the word or expression given below: 1. as a rule a. usually b. always c. rarely 2. by rail a. by plane b. by train c. by ship

(selecie din din Caiet de exerciii I, pagina 4)




Exercise 18 Make up one-sentence advertisements from 4 travel agencies using the given words and expressions. Do not change the form of the given words:

Grafica amuzant nlesnete parcurgerea Caietelor de exerciii.

1. offers you for so much sunshine only such low prices in a wonderful Sunshine Travel Agency holiday destination ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 2. for weekend trips in Europe special prices to all capital cities only now ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 3. beautiful hot weather travelling enjoy in the middle of winter to a tropical country ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 4. travelling special fares together for families in Europe ....................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................

(selecie din Caiet de exerciii I, pagina 12)




Exercise 20 Listen to the dialogue and decide if the sentences below are true or false.
1. Aunt Jane was badly injured in a car accident. 2. She is staying in hospital. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........

Gsii i exerciii interactive, care se rezolv ascultnd CD-urile nregistrate cu vorbitori nativi.

3. She hasnt regained consciousness yet. 4. She has some problems with her memory. 5. She cant remember the accident. 6. Doctors say that she wont be paralysed. 7. There were three victims of the accident. 8. The accident was caused by a drunken car driver. 9. The accident took place near a school. 10. One person was killed in the accident.

Exercise 21 Read the dialogue and choose the correct word from the list below to complete the sentences. Then answer the questions:
Kate: Tom: Kate: Tom: Kate: Tom: Kate: Tom: Kate: Tom: Kate: How was Johns ..................., Tom? Dont even ................... it. Im not going to any more parties with the same ................... again. Why? Who was there? Simon and his new ..................., Mary and Bill and Anne. First Bill ................... on some politicians. Well, you know hes keen on ................... . Then Simon ................... Mary. Its true that Simon often ................... people. Mary ................... out crying and Bill asked Simon to ................... to her. Then Anne ................... of her childrens .................... . What kind of achievements? They are the most ................... children I know! I suppose youre right. But you know, every mother is ................... of her children. And finally John talked for an hour about his medical ................... . Well, now I understand why you didnt have a good ................... at the party.


(selecie din Caiet de exerciii IV, pagina 12)




La finalul Caietelor de exerciii se afl rspunsurile acestora.

Exercise 1
1. c. 2. e. 3. d. 4. a. 5. b. 6. h. 7. j. 8. i. 9. g. 10. f. to redeem to move forward to employ to erase to turn up virtuous bright evil net heaven to damn to move backwards to discharge to record to turn down sinful dark good gross hell

Exercise 2
adjective worn out distorted valuable obsolete reasonable graceful ignorant creative virtuous obscure X X X X X X X X positive negative X X

Exercise 3
1. You can buy cigarettes at a tobacconists. 2. You can buy medicine at a chemists. 3. You can buy writing-materials at a stationers. 4. You can buy books at a booksellers.


(selecie din Caiet de exerciii II, pagina 22)




Temele, pe care le gsii att n caietele de curs ct i n cele de exerciii, v ajut s v verificai cunotinele.


A. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba romn: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I feel none the better after sleeping so long. One who doesnt like other people cannot like himself. I havent been able to find this street. She says she has paid, but she hasnt. I could have heard it if I had turned on my radio earlier. None of the witnesses knew which direction he had come from.


Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Trebuie s munceti ca s trieti. Poi s te duci, dac te ntorci nainte de (ora) unsprezece. Ei i-au vndut casetofonul. Tata a spus c ne mai putem juca o jumtate de or. Vom putea obine informaiile necesare. Ce ascunzi la spate?


Alegei sinonimul corect (cuvntul cu acelai sens) sau definiia corect a urmtoarelor cuvinte: 1. Illegiblemeans: a) very ill b) difficult or not possible to read c) out of order 2. To record means: a) to tape b) to write c) to report 3. Captivating means: a) catching b) continuous c) exciting 5. 4. A turntable means: a) a part of a radio set b) a part of a TV set c) a part of a record player To request means: a) to ask (for) b) to repeat c) to refuse


(selecie din Lecia 12, pagina 39)




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Temele se pot rezolva pe formularele speciale inserate n caiet (dac se trimit spre corectare prin pot) sau online, n contul de cursant de pe site-ul Un profesor personal v ndrum pe toat durata studiului.


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