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Camelia Chiril Veronica Melca



Editura Independena Economic
Piteti, 2010

Adaptare pentru studenii de la Frecven Redus:
Andreea Stroie

ISBN: 978-606-502-062-7

Editura Independena Economic 2010
Piteti, Calea Bascovului nr. 2A
Tel./Fax: 0248/21.64.27

Editur acreditat de ctre C.N.C.S.I.S.

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fr permisiunea scris a Editurii.

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei
Essential english : noiuni fundamentale de limba englez : curs
aplicativ / Camelia Chiril, Veronica Melca. - Piteti : Independena
Economic, 2010
ISBN 978-606-502-062-7
I. Melca, Veronica


I. INFORMAII GENERALE.....................................................................................7

a) Date de identificare a cursului..........................................................................7
b) Condiionri i cunostine anterioare.............................................................7
c) Descrierea cursului ..............................................................................................7
d) Competene..............................................................................................................9
e) Organizarea modulelor n cadrul cursului....................................................9
f) Formatul i tipul activitilor implicate de curs..........................................9
g) Materiale bibliografice......................................................................................10
h) Materiale i instrumente necesare pentru curs .........................................10
i) Calendarul cursului.............................................................................................10
j) Politica de evaluare i notare ...........................................................................10
k) Elemente de deontologie academic............................................................11
l) Strategii de studiu recomandate......................................................................11

II. SUPORTUL DE CURS PROPRIU-ZIS..........................................................12

Modulul A (Seciunea A)................................................................................................12

Unit 1
INTRODUCING AND GREETING PEOPLE..................................13
Vocabulary focus...........................................................................13
GRAMMAR FOCUS....................................................................16

Unit 2
FAMILY LIFE....................................................................................20
Vocabulary focus...........................................................................20
GRAMMAR FOCUS....................................................................22

Unit 3
Vocabulary focus...........................................................................28
GRAMMAR FOCUS....................................................................30

Unit 4
OUR HOUSE.......................................................................................35
Vocabulary focus...........................................................................36
GRAMMAR FOCUS....................................................................38

Unit 5
A DAY IN MY LIFE........................................................................... 43
Vocabulary focus........................................................................... 43
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................... 46

Unit 6
THE WEATHER FORECAST .......................................................... 49
Vocabulary focus........................................................................... 49
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................... 53

Unit 7
JOBS AND CAREERS ....................................................................... 57
Vocabulary focus........................................................................... 58
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................... 60

Unit 8
AT THE RESTAURANT.................................................................... 64
Vocabulary focus........................................................................... 65
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................... 68

Unit 9
LOOKING FOR ACCOMMODATION............................................ 72
Vocabulary focus........................................................................... 73
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................... 75

Unit 10
A STRANGER IN THE CITY ........................................................... 78
Vocabulary focus........................................................................... 78
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................... 79

Unit 11
MEANS OF TRANSPORT................................................................. 84
Vocabulary focus........................................................................... 85
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................... 89

Unit 12
OPENING AN ACCOUNT................................................................. 93
Vocabulary focus........................................................................... 94
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................... 96

Modulul B (Seciunea B) ............................................................................................. 100

Unit 1
THE CUSTOMS SERVICE ............................................................. 101
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 101
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 103

Unit 2
ROMANIAN HOLIDAYS AND TRADITIONS.............................. 107
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 108
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 109

Unit 3
A BIRTHDAY PARTY..................................................................... 114
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 114
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 116

Unit 4
POSTAL AND TELEPHONE SERVICES...................................... 119
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 120
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 122

Unit 5
ABOUT HEALTH............................................................................. 125
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 125
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 128

Unit 6
EDUCATION.................................................................................... 131
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 132
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 135

Unit 7
ART AND MUSEUMS...................................................................... 140
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 140
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 143

Unit 8
LETS GO SHOPPING..................................................................... 146
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 147
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 150
Unit 9
TELEVISION OR INTERNET?...................................................... 153
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 153
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 155

Unit 10
SPORTS AND LEISURE ................................................................. 159
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 159
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 161

Unit 11
NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES ............................................... 166
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 166
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 169

Unit 12
LAW AND GOVERNMENT............................................................ 173
Vocabulary focus......................................................................... 173
GRAMMAR FOCUS.................................................................. 175

LISTA VERBELOR NEREGULATE................................................. 179


a) Date de identificare a cursului

semestrul I, II nr. credite 2
a. formativ
(DF - fundamental, DS - specialitate, DC-
DC Categoria
b. opionalitate
(DO - obligatorie, DA - la alegere, DF - facultativ)
C/SI S/L/P Numrul orelor de
activiti didactice - 56
Asist. univ. drd. Camelia Chiril
Asist. univ. Veronica Melca
Asist. univ. Andreea Stroie


b) Condiionri i cunostine anterioare
Cursul de Noiuni fundamentale de limba englez (Essential
English) ajut studenii s descopere tainele limbii engleze, indiferent de
nivelul cunotinelor dobndite n liceu i i familiarizeaz cu teme de
comunicare cu caracter general i cunotine gramaticale necesare n
conversaiile uzuale.

c) Descrierea cursului
Cursul se adreseaz studenilor din anul I, interesai de nsuirea limbii
engleze si urmrete rezolvarea unor cerine privind verificarea
cunotinelor lexicale, gramaticale, precum i formarea competenelor de
exprimare oral sau scris.
Cursul conine texte, dialoguri, vocabular tematic, expresii utile,
explicaii gramaticale n limba romn precum i exerciii i teste pentru
consolidarea lexicului i a structurilor gramaticale prezentate n cadrul
fiecrei lecii.
Leciile sunt structurate astfel:
A Vocabulary Focus conine teme de comunicare i exerciii
pentru fixarea vocabularului prezentat n cadrul unit-ului respectiv;
B Grammar Focus conine probleme de gramatic i exerciii
corespunztoare pentru consolidarea cunotinelor gramaticale.

Modulul A (Seciunea A)

Modulul B (Seciunea B)

d) Competene
Scopul acestui curs este ca studenii s neleag structurile gramaticale
ale limbii engleze i acetia sunt ncurajai s le pun n practic printr-o
varietate de activiti utile i plcute. Studenii vor avea abilitatea de a folosi
noile structuri att n scris, ct i oral, n dialoguri situaionale, vor fi
capabili s utilizeze numeroase cuvinte i expresii n tipare adecvate ale
activitilor cotidiene.

e) Organizarea modulelor n cadrul cursului
Cursul este structurat n 2 module, fiecare cuprinznd 12 lecii
organizate n jurul unei anumite teme.
La sfritul cursului, este prezentat o list cu cele mai uzuale verbe neregulate.

f) Formatul i tipul activitilor implicate de curs
Cursul presupune activiti variate, pornind de la lecturarea textului iniial
al fiecrei lecii cu voce tare, traducerea acestuia i notarea i explicarea
cuvintelor i expresiilor noi. Un ajutor n acest sens, este vocabularul aflat la
finalul fiecrui text. Pentru fixarea cunotinelor, studenii au la dispoziie o
seciune de ntrebri legate de text, la care ei trebuie s rspund, formulnd
propoziii/fraze complete. Ulterior, pentru aprofundarea lexicului specific,
studenii rezolv exerciiile dedicate acestui scop. Urmeaz seciunea teoretic
ce prezint cte o noiune gramatical, exerciii n care studenii o pun n
practic, iar apoi se ajunge la un ultim exerciiu-tem, ce presupune traducerea
n limba englez a unor propoziii/fraze coninnd structura gramatical
studiat. Opional, se poate recurge la sarcini precum compuneri, dialoguri,
opinii scrise despre tema leciei.

g) Materiale bibliografice
- de baz: C.Chiril, V.Melca - Essential English, Editura
Independena Economic, Piteti, 2006
- facultative: Dicionar Englez-Romn, Romn-Englez (orice ediie)
- Mihai Zdrenghea, Anca Greere - A Practical English Grammar
with Exercises, Editura Clusium, Cluj-Napoca, 1999

h) Materiale i instrumente necesare pentru curs
Pentru desfurarea n condiii optime a activitii de seminar, este
necesar suportul de curs, dicionare Romn-Englez i Englez-Romn, la
anumite seminarii studenii avnd posibilitatea de a lucra dup material
video sau audio, ceea ce i ajut i mai mult la nsuirea noilor cunotine.

i) Calendarul cursului
Studentului la forma de nvmnt Frecven redus i se ofer pentru
studiu individual suportul de curs (manualul), seminariile desfurndu-se la
sediul Universitii Constantin Brncoveanu, dup un orar stabilit i oferit
studentului la nceputul anului universitar/semestrului. Seminarul de limba
englez se desfoar o dat la sfritul fiecrei sptmni, timp de 14
sptmni pe semestru, exceptnd, bineneles, srbtorile legale, dac este
cazul. Un seminar are o durat de 90 minute.

j) Politica de evaluare i notare
Evaluarea studenilor se va realiza prin verificare pe parcurs urmat
de proba de verificare ntr-unul din ultimele seminarii ale primului
semestru, respectiv prin examen scris si oral n sesiunea de examene, dup
cel de-al doilea semestru.
Forma de evaluare: Verificare pe parcurs (Prob
de verificare)

notei finale
- activitatea din timpul semestrului 100%
- teste i lucrri de control pe parcursul
- rspunsuri n cadrul seminarului 20%
- notarea activitilor aplicative (proiecte,
lucrri practice etc.)
din timpul
- teme de control (studiu individual) 20%

Forma de evaluare: Examen

- examenul Stabilirea
notei finale
- activitatea din timpul semestrului 60%
- teste i lucrri de control pe parcursul
- rspunsuri n cadrul seminarului 10%
- notarea activitilor aplicative (proiecte,
lucrri practice etc.)
din timpul
- teme de control (studiu individual) 5%

k) Elemente de deontologie academic
Se vor avea n vedere urmtoarele detalii de natur organizatoric:
orice tentativ de fraud sau fraud depistat va fi sancionat
conform reglementrilor n vigoare;
rezultatele finale vor fi puse la dispoziia studenilor prin comunicare
direct dup corectarea lucrrilor i prin afiare la sediul Universitii
Constantin Brncoveanu, n maxim 48 ore dupa examen;
contestaiile pot fi adresate n maxim 24 ore de la afiarea rezultatelor,
iar soluionarea lor nu va depi 48 ore de la momentul depunerii.

l) Strategii de studiu recomandate
Schema modului de lucru recomandat de cadrele didactice care
funcioneaz la aceast disciplin pentru parcurgerea cursului este urmtoarea:

1. Parcurgei cu atenie leciile cursului, bibliografia obligatorie i
informaiile suplimentare furnizate la orele de seminar;

2. Acordai o atenie sporit vocabularului nou;

3. Realizai temele propuse la seminar pentru a pune n practic noiunile


Modulul A (Seciunea A)
Prima seciune cuprinde 12 lecii (units). Structurate asemntor, n
funcie de tema propus pentru dezbatere, leciile ofer studenilor
posibilitatea de a se familiariza cu limbajul folosit n situaii cotidiene i de
a-i nsui noi noiuni de gramatic, ce pun bazele cunotinelor ulterioare.

-nsuirea lexicului specific;
-nsuirea noiunilor elementare de gramatic;
-Formarea aptitudinilor de comunicare n limba englez general, oral i scris;
-Formarea deprinderilor de lecturare i traducere n i din limba strain.

Fond de timp
28 ore activitate de seminar (14 seminarii), la care se adaug
seminariile dedicate recapitulrii i verificrii cunotinelor acumulate.

Ritmul de studiu
Leciile respect programa analitic. Ritmul de studiu vizeaz, n
general, o lecie pe sptmn, existnd ns i posibilitatea ca o parte a unei
lecii mai ample s necesite timp alocat i n cadrul unui seminar ulterior.

Cuvinte cheie
introduce, colleagues, university, family, friends, appearance, describe,
house, room, live, life, meet, season, month, weather, graduate, job, earn, go
out, eat out, restaurant, course, bill of fare, bill, visit, accomodation, hotel,
hotel staff, city, street, map, travel, trip, tour, passenger, transportation,
luggage, business, money, to, save, bank, account, interest etc.

Recomandri privind studiul
Se recomand lecturarea leciilor propuse pentru asimilarea noiunilor
cheie, participarea la discuiile din timpul seminarului, rezolvarea
exerciiilor. Se recomand, de asemenea, nsuirea noiunilor de teorie
expuse la seminar i a vocabularului specific fiecrei lecii dup fiecare
seminar, acest tip de asimilare gradual fiind mai eficient.
Unit 1
Hello. Let me introduce myself. My name is Scott Pratt. I am your
new colleague. I am a student at this university. We study together starting
this semester.
Hi. Nice to meet you. I am Mike. My surname is Myers. Let me
introduce the other students to you. This is Lisa Brown, Jeffrey OConnor, Carol
Smith and Robert Spencer. They are our group colleagues. They are all
We are all pleased to meet you. Welcome to our university, Scott.
Thank you very much.
And this is my brother, Pete.
Hi, Scott. Nice to meet you.
How do you do?
Where are you from, Scott?
I'm from Connecticut.
Connecticut, which part?
Hartford, the capital.
I see. Ok, now lets go to classes. See you later, guys.

Vocabul ary focus

surname = nume de familie
colleague = coleg
freshman = boboc, student n anul I
to introduce = a face cunotin, a prezenta
Let me introduce myself. My name is= D-mi voie s m prezint.
Numele meu este
Pleased to meet you. / Nice to meet you.= mi face plcere s te cunosc.
How do you do? = ncntat / mi pare bine de cunotin.
Let me introduce ... to you. = D- mi voie s-i prezint pe ... .
This is ... (prenumele persoanei) = El/Ea este ... (informal, ntre prieteni,
Please, introduce me to your friend. = Te rog s m prezini
prietenului/prietenei tale.
What's your name? = Cum te cheam?
Where are you from? = De unde eti?

Formule de salut i alte expresii:
Cnd v ntlnii cu cineva, formula de salut folosit este: Hi, Hello,
How are you?.
Formulele de desprire sunt: Goodbye, Bye, See you soon, Take
care! (informal).
Cnd cineva merge la culcare, i spunei: Sleep well, Sleep tight; nu se
va spune niciodat Good night. Aceasta este o formul de desprire.
Cnd cerei ceva, este bine ca rugmintea s fie nsoit de cuvntul
please. Cele mai uzuale formule de mulumire sunt: Thank you,
Thanks, Thank you very much, I appreciate it. Formule de rspuns la
mulumiri sunt: You're welcome, It's all right, No problem, Don't
mention it. Nu se va rspunde niciodat cu With pleasure, ntruct
aceast formul nu exist n limba englez.
Cnd cineva urmeaz s susin un examen, se spune: Good luck!, iar
n limbajul informal se poate spune: Break a leg!.
Cnd cineva strnut, se spune: Bless you!
Pentru a felicita pe cineva, se folosete cuvntul Congratulations!. La
ziua de natere se folosete: Happy birthday!.
De Crciun se spune Merry Christmas!, de Anul nou se spune A
Happy New Year!, iar de Pate se spune Happy Easter!.

I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. What is the name of the new student?
2. What is Mikes surname?
3. Who are Lisa, Jeffrey, Carol and Robert?
4. Who else does Mike introduce to Scott?
5. What do the students ask Scott?
6. Where do the students go?

II. Completai spaiile libere cu cuvintele corespunztoare: tomorrow,
are, thanks, is, from, name, am, from
Example: Hello. My name .. is .. Peter. What's your .. name ..?
My name is Janet. Where are you .... Peter ?
I'm from Seattle. Where are you from?
I'm .... Madrid.
Are you American?
Yes, I .... . Are you Spanish?
Yes I am.
Goodbye, Janet. See you ....!
Bye, Peter. Have a nice day.
Thanks, you too!
III. Robert i Carol sunt colegi. Ei se ntlnesc pe strad. Robert folosete
formule greite. Corectai-l!
Example: Carol: Hi, Robert.
Robert: Good morning. Correct: Hi/Hello!

Carol: It's my birthday today.
Robert: Congratulations!
Carol: Thank you.
Robert: Bless you.
Carol: Bye.
Robert: Thanks.

IV. Descoperii ara sau naionalitatea n funcie de indiciile oferite:
Countries Nationalities
Italy Italian
France French
England English
Russia Russian
Romania Romanian
Germany German
Holland Dutch
Japan Japanese
China Chinese
America American
Spain Spanish
Example: They love drinking vodka. --- Russians
Its largest city is Berlin. --- Germany

1. Their capital city is Paris.
2. Country where people eat paella and watch corridas.
3. They grow tulips and have windmills.
4. Asian people who are very good at making electronic equipment.
5. Bill Clinton was their former president.
6. They eat spaghetti and pizza.
7. They love talking about the weather and their queen.
8. This Asian country has most popular wall in the world.


- timpul prezent -

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ

I am (Im) = Eu sunt
You are (Youre) = Tu eti
He is (Hes) = El este
She is (Shes) = Ea este
It is (Its) = El/Ea este
We are (Were) = Noi
You are (Youre) = Voi
They are (Theyre) =
Ei/Ele sunt

I am not = Eu nu sunt
You are not = Tu nu eti
He is not = El nu este
She is not = Ea nu este
It is not = El/Ea nu este
We are not = Noi nu
You are not = Voi nu
They are not = Ei/Ele nu

Am I? = Sunt eu?
Are you? = Eti tu?
Is he? = Este el?
Is she? = Este ea?
Is it? = Este el/ea?
Are we? = Suntem noi?
Are you? = Suntei voi?
Are they? = Sunt ei/ele?

V. Completai cu forma corect a verbului to be:
Example: I .. am .. tired. (afirmativ)
You .. are not .. handsome. (negativ)

1. He ..... short, he .... tall. (afirmativ, negativ)
2. ... she a friendly person? (interogativ)
3. It .... cold today. (negativ)
4. We .... busy today. (negativ)
5. You .... all students. (afirmativ)
6. ... they beautiful? (interogativ)

VI. Trecei urmtoarele propoziii la negativ i interogativ:
Example: Jack is our new colleague./ Jack is not our new colleague./ Is
Jack our new colleague?
I am always happy. / I am not always happy. / Am I always happy?

1. She is from Madrid.
2. We are at home.
3. They are at the theatre.
4. My friend is a good student.
5. You are my best friend.
6. He is good at playing tennis.
7. The students are in the library.
8. This book is an English book.
VII. Facei propoziii afirmative/negative cu ajutorul verbului a fi:
Example: Paris / the capital of France --- Paris is the capital of France.
I / interested in football --- I am not interested in football.

1. I / hungry
2. it / warm
3. Rome / in Spain
4. I / afraid of dogs
5. my hands / cold
6. Canada /a big country
7. the Amazon / in Africa
8. diamonds / cheap
9. motor racing /a dangerous sport
10. cats / big animals


A. Articolul hotrt - THE
se folosete att cu substantive la singular ct i la plural: the book =
cartea, the books = crile.
nsoete un substantiv care a fost menionat anterior: The boy in my class
is good at Maths. Comparai: a boy (any boy) / the boy (that specific boy)
se pune n faa substantivelor unice, ca de exemplu: the Earth, the
Sun, the White House, the theory of relativity, the Bible.
se folosete atunci cnd substantivul este precedat de o prepoziie.
Exemplu: at the theatre, in the garden, to the cinema etc. Excepii: at
home, go home, go to bed.
nu se folosete cu substantive nenumrabile atunci cnd ne referim la
generaliti: Coffee is a popular drink. Comparai: The coffee in my
cup is too hot to drink.
se folosete cu: nume de ruri, oceane i mri (the Nile, the Pacific,
the Sea of Japan); puncte pe glob (the Equator, the North Pole);
puncte cardinale (the North, the East); toate formele de relief:
deerturi, pduri, golfuri i peninsule (the Sahara, the Persian Gulf,
the Black Forest, the Iberian Peninsula); lanuri muntoase (the Alps,
the Carpathians); toate instituiile importante din ora: cinema,
teatru, restaurant, hotel excepie fac gara i aeroportul (the Sofitel
Hotel, Kennedy Airport); nume de ziare (The Times), nu i de
reviste (Cosmopolitan); nume de vapoare (The Titanic).
se folosete cu substantive provenite din adjective: the poor, the rich.
se folosete cu nume de instrumente precedate de play: I play the piano.
se folosete cu nume de instituii de nvmnt dac sunt precedate
de of: The University of Cambridge sau Cambridge University.
se folosete cu momentele zilei: in the morning, in the afternoon, in
the evening; excepie fac: at dawn, at noon, at midday, at night, at
midnight, at dusk.

ALTE EXCEPII (the nu se folosete cu):
nume de ri, exceptnd the Netherlands i the USA (Italy, Mexico, Bolivia).
nume de orae sau state (Paris, Seoul, Texas), exceptnd the Hague.
nume de strzi (Washington Blvd., Main Street, 5th Avenue).
nume de lacuri, exceptnd the Great Lakes (Lake Titicaca, Lake Erie).
nume de vrfuri muntoase (Mount Everest, Mount Fuji).
nume de continente (Asia, Europe), exceptnd the Arctic.
nume de insule, exceptnd the Hebrides sau the Canary Islands (Easter
Island, Maui, Key West).

B. Articolul nehotrt A / AN

A = un, o (se pune n faa unui substantiv care ncepe cu o consoan)
An = un, o (se pune n faa unui substantiv care ncepe cu o vocal)
se folosete numai cu substantive la singular: a boy, an elephant;
pentru plural se folosete some: some girls.
se folosete pentru a introduce un substantiv pentru prima dat n text:
This is a book.
se folosete ca nlocuitor al lui one: a hundred dollars.
se folosete numai cu substantive care se pot numra: I have an apple.
Substantivele nume de materie (wine, sugar, meat, bread, etc.), precum i
substantivele abstracte (time, weather, happiness, courage etc.) nu se pot
numra i primesc deci articol zero (): I need sugar and oil to make a cake.
se pune n faa substantivelor care exprim meserii i ocupaii: She is a teacher.

w i y sunt semiconsoane i se comport ca i consoanele la nceput de
cuvnt, deci vor primi determinani de consoane: a year, a window.
Litera h la nceputul unor cuvinte mprumutate din limba francez nu se
pronun: hour, heir, honour. Cuvintele care ncep cu aceste sunete
primesc articolul nehotrt an: He is an hour late. Se pune a atunci
cnd h se pronun: He is a hero.
Cuvntul care ncepe cu litera u va primi a i nu an dac u formeaz
singur o silab: a u-ni-ver-si-ty, a u-ni-form; diferit de an um-bre-lla.
Aceeai regul pentru cuvintele care ncep cu e: A European Country.

VIII. Completai cu a/an:
Example: There is English book on your desk.
He is drinking ..a.. cup of coffee.

1. She's reading .... old magazine.
2. They've got .... idea.
3. The woman is .... teacher.
4. London has got ..... airport.
5. This is .... expensive bike.
6. Look! There's .... bird flying.
7. My father is ..... honest person.
8. This is .... exercise for you.
9. This man is .... hero.
10. My friend wants to be .... astronaut.

IX. Completai spaiile cu the unde este necesar. Punei acolo unde nu
este nevoie de articol:
Example: I enjoyed __ party in __ London. --- I enjoyed the party in London.
Hi John,
I arrived in ____ USA last Monday. I left ____ Rome, flew over
_____ Alps and made a quick stop in _____ London. There I went shopping
in _____ Harrods, visited ____ Tower and enjoyed a sunny afternoon in
____ Hyde Park. On the following day I left for _____ New York. _____
time on board wasn't boring as there were two films to watch on _____ TV.
_____ people on _____ plane were all _____ Italians. Before I landed at
_____ JFK airport, I saw ____ Statue of Liberty. ____ hotel I stayed in was
on _____ corner of ____ 42nd Street and ____ 5th Avenue. I don't like
_____ hotels very much, but I didn't have _____ time to rent an apartment.
Please say hello to Peter and Mandy.

X. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Este ea acas? Nu, ea nu este acas. Ea este n parc. 2. Numele meu
de familie este Georgescu, iar prenumele este Sabrina. 3. Suntem bucuroi
s te cunoatem. 4. John este noul nostru coleg. 5. El este o persoan onest.
6. New York este un ora mare. 7. Crile sunt pe mas. 8. Te rog s m
prezini prietenului tu. 9. Pierre este din Frana, iar Susan este americanc.
10. Sunt muli studeni n grupa noastr. 11. Unde este colegul tu, Tom? 12.
Este el un bun student? 13. Acesta este bulevardul Victory. 14. Ea este
student n aceast universitate. 15. Jeff, colegul meu, este acas.
Unit 2
Jack is my best friend. He is 33 years old. He is married to Alice who
is 31 years old. She is his wife and he is her husband. They are very nice
people. They have a daughter and a son. Their son's name is Henry and their
daughter's name is Lisa.
Jack and Alice live next to Alice's parents, Harry and Marjorie. Harry
is Alice's father and Marjorie is her mother. Harry is Jack's father-in-law and
Marjorie is his mother-in-law. Henry is Harry's grandson and Lisa is
Marjorie's granddaughter. Henry and Lisa say that they have the best
grandparents in the world.
Alice has a sister and a brother. Her sister's name is Mary and her
brother's name is Frank. Frank has two children, David and Sherrie, who are
Henry and Lisas cousins. Sherrie is Alice's niece and David is Alice's
nephew. Alice is their aunt and Jack is their uncle.
Jacks parents live in the country. The kids love to spend their holidays
with them. They also have a dog, Spot, and a cat, Whiskers. They are good
friends with the pets.

Vocabulary focus

married = cstorit
wife = soie
husband = so
people = oameni
father-in-law = socru
mother-in-law = soacr
grandson = nepot (de bunici)
granddaughter = nepoat (de bunici)
grandparents = bunici
uncle = unchi
aunt = mtu
brother = frate
sister = sor
cousin = vr, verioar
niece = nepoat (de unchi)
nephew = nepot (de unchi)
brother-in-law = cumnat
sister-in-law = cumnat
relatives/relations = rude
to be an only child = a fi singur la prini

I. Spunei dac urmtoarele propoziii sunt adevrate sau false:
1. Jack is my brother.
2. Marjorie is his mother.
3. David has a sister.
4. His sister's name is Anne.
5. Henry and David are cousins.
6. Alice is Sherries aunt.
7. The cats name is Spot.
8. Alice has three nephews.
9. Whiskers is the name of the dog.
10. Henry and Lisas grandparents live in the country.

II. Completai spaiile:
Example: Your husbands parents are your ..parents-in-law.. .
1. Your sisters daughter is your . .
2. Your uncles children are your . .
3. His sons children are his . .
4. My daughters daughter is my . .
5. His wifes sister is his . .

III. Completai tabelul cu opusul membrilor de familie:

IV. Completai paragraful de mai jos folosind posesivele urmtoare:
my, your, his, her, son's, daughters, Jack's, their:
Example: Jack is married to Alice. She is ..his.. wife and he is ..her.. husband.

They have a daughter and a son. The .............. name is Henry and the
................. name is Lisa. They live next to Alice's parents, Harry and
Marjorie. Harry is Alice's father and Marjorie is .................. mother. Harry
is Jack's father-in-law and Marjorie is ................. mother-in-law. Henry is
................. grandson and Lisa is ............. granddaughter. Alice has a sister
and a brother. ................. sister's name is Mary and ............... brothers name
is Frank. Frank has two children, David and Sherrie. Sherrie is Alice's niece
and David is Alice's nephew. Alice is ..................... aunt and Jack is
................... uncle.


- timpul prezent -

Face parte din categoria verbelor auxiliare i, alturi de verbul to
be, formeaz interogativul prin inversarea subiectului cu predicatul, iar
negativul prin simpla adugare a negaiei not.
Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ
I have = Eu am
You have = Tu ai
He has = El are
She has = Ea are
It has = El/Ea are
We have = Noi avem
You have = Voi avei
They have= Ei/Ele au

I have not (havent) = Eu
nu am
You have not = Tu nu ai
He has not (hasnt) = El nu
She has not = Ea nu are
It has not = El/Ea nu are
We have not = Noi nu
You have not = Voi nu
They have not = Ei/Ele nu
Have I? = Am eu?
Have you? = Ai tu?
Has he? = Are el?
Has she? = Are ea?
Has it? = Are el/ea?
Have we? = Avem
Have you? = Avei
Have they? = Au
Verbul have se folosete n unele expresii, pierzndu-i sensul de a avea:
have breakfast/lunch/dinner = a servi micul dejun/ prnzul/ cina
have a break = a lua o pauz
have a class = a avea o or (ex. de englez)
have a cup of coffee/tea = a servi o ceac de cafea/ ceai
have a party = a da o petrecere
have a cold = a fi rcit

V. Completai cu forma corect a verbului to have:
Example: I ..have.. a new car. (afirmativ)
I hope you ..have not.. a rude attitude all the time. (negativ)

1. ..... he an English dictionary? (interogativ)
2. Your wife ..... short hair, she .... long hair. (afirmativ, negativ)
3. My house is big but it .... many balconies. (negativ)
4. We .... a busy schedule today. (negativ)
5. You .... many colleagues in your group. (afirmativ)
6. ..... they good marks at English? (interogativ)

VI. Trecei urmtoarele propoziii la negativ i interogativ:
Example: We have a new colleague. / We have not a new colleague. / Have
we a new colleague?
I have a lot of money. / I have not a lot of money. / Have I a lot of money?

1. She has a rich husband.
2. You have a big house.
3. They have a lot of work to do.
4. Her friend has an expensive watch.
5. You have a large family.
6. My brother-in-law has a good job.
7. Their children have a nice room.
8. The English textbook has 24 units.

The Noun
n limba englez, substantivele pot fi numrabile (countable nouns) sau
nenumrabile (uncountable nouns). Substantivele numrabile pot fi precedate
de articolul nehotrt a/an i admit forma de plural. Substantivele
nenumrabile nu accept a/an i nu au form de plural.

A. Pluralul substantivelor numrabile
1. n general pluralul se formeaz prin adugarea lui -s: book-books,
chair-chairs, boy-boys, house-houses.
2. Se adaug - es la substantivele care la singular se termin n: - s, -
ss, - z, - x, - ch, -tch, sh: bus-buses, class-classes, buzz-buzzes, box-boxes,
church-churches, watch-watches, brush-brushes.
3. Se adaug - es la substantivele care la singular se termin n consoan
+ o: tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes.
substantivele terminate la singular n -o (precedat de o vocal):
radio-radios, studio-studios.
substantivele provenite din prescurtri: photo-photos, kilo-kilos.
substantivele provenite din alte limbi primesc doar -s: fresco-frescos,
urmtoarele substantive au forme duble (n -os i -oes): cargo,
buffalo, motto, volcano, zero.
4. Substantivele care la singular se termin n consoan + y schimb aceast
terminaie n -ies: lady-ladies, city-cities, baby-babies, family-families.
substantivele proprii-nume de familie la plural: the Kennedys.
substantivele care la singular se termin n vocal + y primesc la
plural -s: boy-boys, toy-toys, key-keys.
5. Substantivele care la singular se termin n -f sau -fe schimb la plural
aceste terminaii n -ves: half-halves, life-lives, wife-wives, wolf-wolves,
Excepii: cliff, safe, gulf, roof, proof, chief, handkerchief, belief + s
6. Exist substantive cu plural neregulat: man-men, woman-women,
child-children, foot-feet, goose-geese, tooth-teeth, mouse-mice, louse-lice,
die-dice, ox-oxen, brother-brethren.
7. Unele substantive strine absorbite de limba englez i-au pstrat
formele originale de plural: analysis-analyses, criterion-criteria, basis-bases,
crisis-crises, datum-data, phenomenon-phenomena.
8. Exist substantive care au aceeai form la singular i la plural: sheep-
sheep, fish-fish, fruit-fruit, species-species, deer-deer, means-means, series-series.

Substantive precum fish, fruit etc. folosite cu pluralul fishes, fruits
desemneaz specii/feluri diferite.
B. Pluralul substantivelor nenumrabile
Substantivele nenumrabile au fie doar form de singular, fie doar form
de plural.
1) Substantivele invariabile la singular au numai form de singular i se
acord, de regul, cu un verb la singular. Acestea sunt:
substantive nenumrabile concrete: bread, butter, food, gold, silver.
substantive nenumrabile abstracte: advice, money, homework,
information, news, luggage, knowledge (se pot numra cu ajutorul
lui: a piece of).
nume de tiine, sporturi sau jocuri: politics, mathematics, physics,
statistics, gymnastics, athletics, billiards, cards, bowls.
2) Substantivele invariabile la plural au numai form de plural i se
acord, de regul, cu un verb la plural. Acestea sunt:
substantive care denumesc obiecte formate din 2 pri egale (unelte sau
articole de mbrcminte): binoculars, compasses, glasses, scales,
scissors, spectacles, tongs, jeans, overalls, trousers, pyjamas, shorts (se
pot numra cu ajutorul lui: a pair of).
alte substantive folosite numai la plural: customs, goods, savings,
outskirts, wages, spirits, damages, particulars.
Pluralul substantivelor compuse
1. n general pluralul substantivelor compuse se formeaz prin adugarea
lui -s la ultimul element: grown-up grown-ups, toothbrush-toothbrushes, race-
car race-cars.
2. Substantivele compuse dintr-un alt substantiv i o construcie
prepoziional adaug -s la primul element: sister-in-law sisters-in-law,
passer-by passers-by.
3. Dac primul element al substantivelor compuse este man sau
woman, pluralul se formeaz prin schimbarea ambelor elemente: woman
driver women drivers, businessman businessmen.

Cazul genitiv
Cazul genitiv al substantivelor exprim ideea de posesiune. n limba
englez, cazul genitiv este marcat dup cum urmeaz:
a) genitivul sintetic: se adaug s la forma de singular a substantivului
sau la substantivele cu forme neregulate de plural atunci cnd posesorul este
o persoan, un animal, o ar, o organizaie etc.: my friends name = numele
prietenului meu, Lesleys answer = rspunsul lui Lesley, a birds nest =
cuibul unei psri, Africas oil reserves = rezervele de petrol ale Africii.
Dac substantivul se termin deja n -s, atunci marca genitivului
apare doar sub form de apostrof: the Browns' house = casa familiei
Brown, Charles Dickens books = crile lui Charles Dickens, the
drivers attention = atenia oferilor.
A nu se confunda marca genitivului cu forma contractat s a
verbelor: Johns a good boy. = John e biat bun. Johns book is
good. = Cartea lui John este bun..
b) genitivul analitic: se formeaz cu ajutorul prepoziiei of i se folosete
cu substantive nume de obiecte, denumiri geografice, sau cnd dorim s
subliniem un nume propriu: the title of the book = titlul crii, the Gulf of
Mexico = Golful Mexicului, the sonnets of William Shakespeare = sonetele
lui William Shakespeare.

VII. Dai forma de plural a fiecrui substantiv:
Example: dictionary - dictionaries
hero - heroes

piano, leaf, wish, play, woman, jeans, quiz, means, cameraman, shelf, mouse,
house, theory, match, policewoman, mother-in-law, news, woman doctor,
student, radio, fish, knife, victory, negro, child, sportsman, photo, scissors.

VIII. Traducei n limba englez fiind ateni la utilizarea genitivului:
mainile brbailor, mirosul florilor, mingea copiilor, cartea surorii mele, piesele
lui Shakespeare, casa soului tu, lucrarea lui Max, prietenii biatului, ferestrele
casei, diplomaia lui John Major, vizita rudelor sale, echipa de fotbal a Angliei,
studenii acestei grupe, casa bunicilor mei, mncarea leului.

IX. Identificai i corectai greelile din propoziiile urmtoare:
Example: For more informations please write to Mr Smith. --- Correct: information

1. All my money are in my wallet.
2. What time are the news on BBC?
3. The fishermen has caught two beautiful fishes.
4. The room are always clean.
5. This is my luggages.
6. Who are those businessman?
7. She needs a new jeans.
8. The childrens dictionary are on the desks.
9. Mathematics are an important science.

X. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Eu sunt nepotul unui mare om politic. El este deci bunicul meu.
2. Aceast tnr este fiica fratelui meu, adic nepoata mea.
3. Cumnatul nostru este economist, iar soia sa este profesoar.
4. Mtua mea vrea un inel cu diamante de la soul ei.
5. Socrii ei locuiesc la ar mpreun cu nepoii lor.
6. Este bine s ne cunoatem toate rudele.
7. Tatl meu are 4 frai i 2 surori, ceea ce nseamn c are de
asemenea 4 cumnate i 2 cumnai.
8. Fratele tatlui tu este unchiul tu; el are 2 fete care sunt verioarele tale.
9. Pentru mtua mea, Elisabeth, eu i fratele meu suntem nepoata,
respectiv nepotul ei.
10. Ei sunt so i soie, deci sunt un cuplu.

Unit 3

My next door neighbour, Jeffrey OConnor, has a very unusual
appearance. He has long hair with a parting in the middle, a long beard and
usually wears an old pair of jeans and a stripped shirt.
His clothes are not very suitable for working in a bank, but that is what he
does! Unless he undresses when he gets to work and changes his clothes!
His clothes are usually filthy and Im sure he never washes them. All his
clothes look old and worn-out.
The funny thing is that his son is very elegant. He is a tall young man, his hair
is short and neat, he is always shaved and he never wears casual clothes, only
fine quality suits, the latest styles, even on an informal occasion.

I have to ask you a favour. Could you pick my brother and his wife up from
the airport tomorrow at 11 a.m.? Im afraid I cant leave work.
Certainly. What do they look like?
Well he's tall with dark brown hair. He's got a thick moustache and wears
glasses. He's usually quite suntanned and he's in his mid-thirties. His wife
has long curly fair hair and blue eyes. She is a slim lady. They are a good-
looking couple.
And what are they like?
Well he's pretty easy-going, good sense of humour but he's a bit shy with
people at first. His wife is pleasant and friendly.
Thanks. I owe you one.

Sue, can you describe your seminar room?
The seminar room is bright, large and clean. The walls are white. The
ceiling is also white. The floor is light brown.
What can you tell me about the objects in the room?
The desks are rectangular. They are made of wood. There are many books
on the desks. They are made of paper. My bag is made of leather. It is an
expensive bag, you know.
Thank you, Sue. Thats enough.
Vocabulary focus

appearance = nfiare
parting = crare
middle = mijloc
suitable = potrivit, corespunztor
unless = dac nu
filthy = murdar
worn-out = ponosit, uzat
neat = ngrijit, ordonat
to shave = a se brbieri
the latest = ultimul, cel mai recent
to pick up = a lua, a culege
alone = singur
moustache = musta
to wear = a purta
curly = crlionat
fair = blond
glasses = ochelari
suntanned = bronzat
slim = slab
good-looking = artos
easy-going = comod
sense of humour = simul
shy = timid
pleasant = plcut
friendly = prietenos
to describe = a descrie
bright = luminos, strlucitor
large = mare
clean = curat
dirty = murdar

Describing objects

Colours Size Material Shape
narrow plastic
dark blue
light blue

Describing people

Height Age Body-build Eyes
of medium height




beautiful (women)
handsome (men)
pretty (girls)


Alte expresii folosite n descrierea oamenilor/obiectelor:
What is like?/ What does look like? = Cum arat ? (numele persoanei)
What is it like?/ What does it look like? = Cum arat (obiectul)?
What size is it? = Ce mrime are?
What shape is it? = Ce form are?
What is it made of? = Din ce este fcut?
What colour is it? = Ce culoare are?
to like/to love = a plcea
to dislike/to hate = a displcea

I. Spunei dac urmtoarele propoziii sunt adevrate sau false:
1. Jeffrey OConnor has a common appearance.
2. Jeffrey always wears an old pair of jeans and a stripped shirt.
3. He works in a shop.
4. He washes his clothes every day; they are always clean.
5. Jeffreys son is very elegant.
6. He wears casual clothes even on a formal occasion.
II. Introducei cuvntul potrivit n spaiile libere:
Example: Shes got blonde . Hes got very pale ..face/complexion..

1. Theyve both got curly .... . 2. I would say he was of medium .... . 3. Her
brother has got blue ..... 4. The girls in our university are very .... . 5. Old
women have .... faces. 6. What .... is his beard? Its black. 7. My ring is
made of .... . 8. Her T-shirt is made of .... . 9. Our house is made of .... . 10.
Her hair is not curly, its .... . 11. You like people, you are very .... . 12.
What .... is this table? Its square. 13. How is this room? The room is ...., it
isnt dark. 14. What shape is the Earth? It is . . 15. Your shoes are made
of . . 16. Furniture is generally made of . . 17. The colour of the sky is
. blue. 18. Is your ring made of . or of .?

III. Gsii antonimele urmtoarelor adjective: ugly, plump, square-faced,
neat, short, brunette, narrow, small, white, young, dark, high.
Example: ugly beautiful; plump slim

IV. Spunei care dintre urmtoarele cuvinte reprezint caliti (+) i care
defecte (): generous, shy, patient, ambitious, conceited, selfish, brave, hard-
working, reliable, proud, cheerful, nervous, kind, polite, lazy, honest, modest,
calm, silly, rude, clever, miserable, friendly.

V. Descriei un prieten (nume, nlime, vrst, greutate, nfiare,


- Adjectivul -

n limba englez adjectivele stau naintea substantivelor sau dup verbul
to be i nu se acord n gen, numr i caz cu substantivele pe care le determin:
The interesting book is on the table. = Cartea interesant este pe mas. The
book is interesting. = Cartea este interesant.
Formele pe care le iau adjectivele pentru a marca deosebirile dintre ele
se numesc grade de comparaie. Gradele de comparaie sunt: gradul pozitiv,
gradul comparativ i gradul superlativ. Comparaia adjectivelor (i a
adverbelor) poate fi regulat sau neregulat.

Gradele de comparaie ale adjectivelor
The degrees of comparison

A. Comparaia regulat (the regular comparison)
n funcie de numrul de silabe coninut (monosilabice sau
plurisilabice), adjectivele respect anumite reguli de formare a comparaiei.
Adjectivele monosilabice formeaz gradul comparativ astfel: adjectiv la
gradul pozitiv + terminaia (e)r, iar gradul superlativ: the + adjectiv la gradul
pozitiv + terminaia (e)st: long longer the longest.
Reguli ortografice:
1. adjectivele terminate n consoan precedat de o vocal scurt
dubleaz consoana final: big bigger the biggest.
2. la adjectivele terminate n -y precedat de o vocal, -y rmne
3. la adjectivele terminate n -y precedat de o consoan, -y se va
transforma n ie: happy happier the happiest.

Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ
the hottest
the highest
the largest
the easiest
Adjectivele plurisilabice formeaz gradul comparativ astfel: more +
adjectiv la gradul pozitiv, iar gradul superlativ: the most + adjectiv la gradul
pozitiv: sensitive more sensitive the most sensitive.

Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ
more beautiful
more interesting
more terrible
more difficult
the most beautiful
the most interesting
the most terrible
the most difficult

B. Comparaia neregulat (the irregular comparison)
Unele adjective au la comparativ i superlativ forme neregulate pstrate
din etape ndeprtate ale dezvoltrii limbii engleze.

Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ
good = bun better = mai bun the best = cel mai bun
bad /ill = ru/ bolnav worse = mai ru/ mai
the worst = cel mai ru/cel
mai bolnav
much =mult
many = muli
more = mai mult/muli

the most = cel mai mult
the most = cei mai muli
little = puin less = mai puin the least = cel mai puin
far = departe

farther = mai departe
further = n plus,
adiional, suplimentar
the farthest = cel mai
departe (pt. distan)
the furthest = cel mai
deprtat(pt. spaiu i timp)
late = trziu/recent

later = mai trziu
the latter = cel de al
doilea (din doi)

the last = ultimul (dintr-o
the latest = ultimul (cel mai
old = btrn; vechi

older = mai btrn; mai
elder = mai n vrst
(despre persoane din
aceeai familie)
the oldest = cel mai vechi;
cel mai btrn
the eldest =cel mai n
vrst (despre persoane
din aceeai familie)
near = apropiat

nearer = mai apropiat

the nearest = cel mai
the next = urmtorul

Comparativul poate fi reprezentat prin: comparativul de
superioritate (greater = mai mare, more honest = mai cinstit, better = mai
bun), comparativul de inferioritate (not so/as clear as = nu att de clar
precum, less interesting = mai puin interesant), comparativul de egalitate
(as good as = la fel de bun ca).
Att comparativul de superioritate ct i comparativul de inferioritate
pot fi urmate de prepoziia than = dect, ca: She is nicer than her sister.
Construcia din ce n ce mai..., tot mai... se red n limba englez
prin comparativ + and + comparativ: Its better and better. = Este din ce n
ce mai bine. He becomes more and more objective = El devine tot mai
obiectiv pe zi ce trece.
Construcia cu ct...+ comparativ, cu att...+ comparativ se red n
limba englez prin repetarea comparativului precedat de the (adeseori verbul
nefiind exprimat): The deeper the well, the colder the water. = Cu ct e mai
adnc fntna, cu att e mai rece apa. (proverb)
Superlativul poate fi reprezentat prin: superlativul relativ (the
longest = cel mai lung, the most popular = cel mai cunoscut) sau
superlativul absolut format cu ajutorul adverbelor: very, extremely,
perfectly, awfully, incredibly, highly, really, remarkably, terribly + adjectiv
la gradul pozitiv: There are extremely low temperatures at the Poles. = Sunt
temperaturi extrem de sczute la poli.
VI. Punei la comparativ i superlativ urmtoarele adjective:
Example: sleepy sleepier than, as sleepy as, not so sleepy as, less
sleepy than, the sleepiest of, very sleepy

respectful, thin, tall, dry, short, clear, charming, pretty, boring, great,
correct, pleasant, small, important, rude, fascinating, dark, young, ugly.

VII. Completai propoziiile de mai jos cu adjectivele din paranteze puse la
gradul comparativ de superioritate:
Example: She's much ..younger.. than her husband. (young)
Today it's ..warmer.. than yesterday. (warm)

1. The vegetables in this shop are .... than the ones in the market. (fresh)
2. This new TV programme is much .... than the old one. (funny)
3. Ms Jones is a .... teacher than Mr Smith. (good)
4. You have a .... life than I have. (busy)
5. She's much .... than her sister. (kind)
6. The second book is .... than the first. (interesting)
7. The students ask .... questions than they did before. (intelligent)
8. The exam today was .... than last year's exam. (difficult)

VIII. Corectai greelile din propoziiile de mai jos:
Example: This was the goodest holiday of my life. --- Correct: the best
The exercise you gave me is difficulter than this exercise. --- Correct: more difficult

1. Louise is more older than me.
2. Mary is more young than Tom.
3. The food in the cafe is remarkably best this week.
4.1 think English is easy to learn than Russian.
5.Hellen is happiest person I know.
6. Anne is a good swimmer than me.
7. 10
January was the cold day of this winter.
8.. The Marriot hotel is most expensive than the Minerva hotel.

IX. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Rio de Janeiro este mai vechi dect Brasil.
2. Regina Elisabeta este cea mai bogat persoana din Marea Britanie.
3. Fratele meu mai mare este mai nalt dect mine.
4. Care este cea mai popular marc de main?
5. Este parautismul cel mai periculos sport?
6. Vaticanul este cel mai mic stat din lume.
7. Nilul este cel mai lung fluviu din lume.
8. Ultima sa carte are un succes din ce n ce mai mare.
9. Cu ct nvm mai mult, cu att tim mai multe.
10. Care este cel mai nalt munte din lume?
11. Ea devine din ce n ce mai palid cnd aude veti proaste.
12. Ultima pies a lui Shakespeare a fost The Tempest.
13. Poi s-mi spui drumul ctre cel mai apropiat muzeu?
14. Prietenul meu are mai puini bani dect mine.
15. Care juctor este cel mai vechi din echip?
16. Aceast materie devine din ce n ce mai interesant.
17. Trebuie s citesc aceste dou poezii i s o nv pe ultima.
18. Noua ta hain e cu mult mai frumoas dect cea veche.
Unit 4
We live in a big yellow house near the main road. Our house has eight
windows and two balconies that overlook a big garden. On the ground floor
there are a long hall, a staircase, a kitchen, a living-room with many
paintings on the walls, a dining-room where we have all our meals, a
bathroom, a computer room with lots of books in a big bookcase and a
garage. On the first floor there are two bedrooms and a nursery room, a
bathroom and a small toilet. On the second floor there is an attic which has
all kinds of old furniture: some chairs, a night table, a cupboard, a lamp,
several shelves, a chest of drawers and many boxes with toys.
In front of the house there are a flower garden and a swimming-pool
and a large green fountain with fish. Behind the house there is a vegetable
garden and a small orchard. We have a large basement too, where we keep
some provisions and various tools.

It's Saturday morning and something is happening next door.
Steve, what's all that noise outside?
Just a minute, I'll have a look... Oh! The new next door neighbours are
moving in.
Oh, it's amazing how quickly the houses are selling round here. The
Browns only put it on sale a month ago.
Where did they move to?
I think they told me they were buying a smaller house in the South.
Sounds good. I hope the new neighbours are nice.
Well, I was speaking with Mrs. Brown last week. She told me they were a
young couple with two daughters. They liked the house because it is near a
good school.
Hmm. Maybe we'd better pop next door and say hello.
Yes, and maybe we make friends with our new neighbours.

Vocabulary focus
floor = etaj
staircase = scar interioar
kitchen = buctrie
living-room = living
dining-room = camer unde se
servete masa
bedroom = dormitor
nursery room = camera copilului
bathroom = baie
attic = podul casei
wall = perete, zid
bookcase = bibliotec (mobilier)
fountain = fntn artezian
orchard = livad
garden = grdin
swimming-pool = piscin
basement = pivni, subsol
tools = unelte
furniture = mobil
chair = scaun
table = mas
cupboard = dulap
shelf = raft
chest of drawers = comod
box = cutie
neighbour = vecin
on sale = de vnzare
to move = a (se) muta
noise = zgomot, glgie
to pop = a aprea, a se ivi
to make friends = a se mprieteni
to sell = a vinde

I. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. Where do we live?
2. How many windows and balconies has the house?
3. What rooms are on the ground floor?
4. What rooms are on the first floor?
5. Where is the attic?
6. What do we have in the attic?
7. What is in front of the house?
8. What is behind the house?
9. Where do we keep provisions and tools?
10. Comment upon: There is no place like home.

II. Completai propoziiile cu urmtoarele cuvinte:
neighbours, move, door, windows, room, ceiling, wall, floor, house, have
Example: The White ..House.. is the home of the American president.

1. There are a lot of pictures on the .. .
2. This room is very bright because its . are very big.
3. People must lock the . before leaving home.
4. There are some crystal lamps hanging from the . of the ballroom..
5. Our new . are very nice people.
6. We . a vegetable garden at the back of the house.
7. We must clean the . before unfolding the carpet.
8. The nursery . is beautifully decorated.
9. They . into a new flat next week.
III. Denumii camera (folosii dicionarul):
Example: A room under the roof of a house where people store various
things = ..attic..
1. The area of a house below the ground floor = ....
2. A storage space below the house where wines are usually stored = ....
3. A room where people eat = ....
4. The entrance passage to a house = ....
5. A small room used for the storage of food or kitchen and dining items = ....
6. A room where people work = ....
7. A room where guests sleep = ....
8. A room designated for storage of gardening tools or building materials = ....
IV. Gsii definiia potrivit fiecrui aparat de uz casnic i apoi
completai propoziiile de mai jos:
1. dishwasher a. a device used to toast bread, esp. by exposure to heat
2. fan b. an appliance used to suck up dust and dirt,
usually from carpets and floors
3. radiator c. a device with a flat metal base that is heated and
used to smooth clothing
4. refrigerator d. a device used to provide heat (either electric or
gas) to cook food
5. washing machine e. a device for creating a current of air or a breeze
6. stove f. an apparatus generating heat
7. toaster g. a device for creating a current of air or a breeze
8. vacuum cleaner h. an appliance for maintaining foods at a low
temperature or producing ice
9. dryer i. a domestic device that washes dishes
10. iron j. a home appliance for washing laundry
1. My .... is almost empty, I only have some cheese and a bottle of beer in it.
2. I think I need a .... which can cook four pieces of bread at the same time.
3. Put the pan on the .... and cook the eggs for two minutes.
4. Could you bring the ..... and clean the livingroom?
5. It's so hot today! I wish we had a ..... .
6. Brrr! It's so cold in here! Turn up the .... .
7. There's nothing like a .... to make cleaning up after dinner easy.
8. I really need a good .... to press your shirts.
9. Darling, where's the ....? I've just taken a shower and I need to dry my hair.
10. Put all your dirty clothes in the .... before it starts running.
Prepoziii de loc i direcie
Prepoziie Traducere Exemplu
deasupra There is a picture above my bed.
de-a curmeziul,
There isn't a bridge across the river.
after dup The cat ran after the dog.
along de-a lungul They walk along the beach.
printre (mai mult de
I like being among people.
around/round n jurul We're sitting around the campfire.
I study economics at university.
Open your books at page 10.
behind/at the
back of
n spatele
Our house is behind/at the back of the
King Valley is 16 metres below sea
beside / next to lng, alturi de My house is beside/next to yours.
between ntre 2
My house is between the shop and the
by/near lng He lives in the house by/near the river.
close to aproape de Our house is close to the supermarket.
down jos He came down the hill.
for pentru The present is for you.
de la
din partea
Do you come from Tokyo?
I havent received any news from
in front of n faa The car is in front of the supermarket.
nuntrul, n
You must stay inside the house.
in/into n
They play in the street.
You must not go into the castle.
off de pe The cat jumped off the roof.
on pe The shop is on the left.
opposite vis-a-vis Our house is opposite the supermarket.
out of n afar The cat jumped out of the window.
outside n exteriorul, n There is a person outside the house.
Prepoziie Traducere Exemplu
peste The cat jumped over the wall.
pe lng Go past the post office.
through prin You shouldn't walk through the forest.
This is the way to the airport.
Can you come to me?
towards ctre, spre They walk towards the forest.
sub The cat is under the table.
up sus He went up the hill.
within la distan de I live within a mile of the town.
with cu He lives with his parents.
cu raportare la un punct fix
indic aflarea/ staionarea ntr-un loc
fr raportare la un punct fix
indic apropierea imediat prin micare
indic deplasarea spre un loc

Prepoziii de timp
Prepoziie Traducere Exemplu
(months, year, seasons,
part of the day,

in July; in September
in 1985; in 1999
in summer; in the summer of 99
in the morning; in the afternoon; in
the evening; in a minute; in two
(part of the day, time of
day, age, holidays,
fixed phrases)
at night; at 6 o'clock; at lunch time;
at noon; at the weekend; at the age
of 40
at Christmas; at Easter
at the same time
(days of the week, date,
special holidays, a
special part of a day)
pe, de
on Sunday; on Friday
on the 25th of December
on Easter Sunday; on my birthday
on the morning of July the 14th
about cam, pe la They arrive at about 6 oclock.
after dup after school
cu ... X timp
n urm
6 years ago
Prepoziie Traducere Exemplu
before nainte de before Christmas
between ntre between Monday and Friday
pn la, nu
mai trziu de
by Thursday; by tomorrow
We finish the job by 9 oclock.
n timpul, n
during the holidays
We read something during the break.
for de ... x timp
for three weeks
We have lived in this house for 5
from ... to
from... till/until

de ... pn
from Monday to Wednesday
from Monday until/till Wednesday
past dup 23 minutes past 6 (6:23)
since de, din
since Monday
I havent talked to her since last
till/until pn
till tomorrow
until tomorrow
to pn la 23 minutes to 6 (5:37)
up to pn la
up to 6 hours a day
They work up to 28 days a month.
n cadrul,
pn n
within a day
The project must be completed
within a week.

V. Alege prepoziia corect din variantele date:
Example: I'm Peter and I live (1) Germany.
..2... summer I like to travel ..3.. Italy, because ..4.. the weather and the
people there. Last summer I took a plane ..5.. Munich to Rome. ..6.. the
airport we went to our hotel ..7.. bus. We stopped ..8.. a small restaurant for
a quick meal. The driver parked the bus ..9.. the restaurant. Nobody could
find the bus and the driver, so we waited ..10.. the restaurant ..11.. one hour.
The driver was walking ..12.. the small park ..13.. the restaurant which we
didn't know. But finally my holidays were great. We sat ..14.. campfires and
went dancing ..15.. the early morning.
1.a. on b. at c. in
2.a. in b. during c. at
3.a. after b. to c. towards
4.a. by b. from c. of
5.a. from b. over c. against
6.a. from b. on c. after
7.a. by b. with c. on
8.a. between b. up c. at
9.a. behind b. over c. below
10.a. outside b. down c. on
11.a. for b. in c. through
12.a. across b. through c. off
13.a. near b. over c. round
14.a. over b. at c. round
15.a. for b. against c. till

VI. Paragraful de mai jos conine ase prepoziii greite. Gsii-le i corectai-le:
I want to go at a party in Saturday. Susans birthday is on Thursday but
she wants to have the party through the weekend. She wants to have a
barbecue during her garden. I think the party is a good time to
celebration, dancing and meeting our friends. That is why I love going
round parties all the time!

VII. Completai cu forma corect a verbului a fi:
Example : I live in a new apartment building. It a good place to live.
The neighborhood very quiet, and it not too far from the place I work.

My neighbours . very friendly. In the apartment down the hall there
. two girls. One . tall and has red hair; the other one . not as tall.
They . both very attractive. I . lucky to have such pretty neighbors. A
very pleasant woman . in the apartment across the hall. She and her
husband . very good cooks. I . usually hungry when I come home at
night, and the smell of their cooking . very attractive. Their son lives with
them. All of them . very fat.
I . curious about the people who live downstairs. I . sure that the
husband . American, but I dont think that his wife . . Perhaps she .
from Venezuela, or maybe she Colombian. I . not sure. We . always
friendly and speak when we meet. I . going to invite them to dinner
sometime, but my apartment . not really settled yet, since I . still
unpacking my things and putting them away. When you . just arriving in
a new place, you . never sure where anything . . Nevertheless, I .
quite happy in my new home.

VIII. Completai textul de mai jos cu prepoziiile: in, on, at, near
Example: My office is very pleasant and comfortable. Its ..on.. the third
floor a tall building downtown. My name has been neatly printed ..on..
a metal sign and mounted ..on.. my office door.

Inside, there are some bookshelves, a desk, and a small table. The desk
is .... a very large window. From the window I can look down .... the streets.
I can see people walking .... and out of the buildings .... mine and waiting ....
the streets. I have a large, comfortable chair .... my desk, and another chair
.... the bookcase for visitors. I try to keep my books really well-arranged ....
their proper order .... the shelves. .... my desk there are various objects
including a telephone and my typewriter. I keep my files and papers .... a
large drawer, and pens, paper clips, and other smaller drawer. My desk
always looks quite messy since there are always books and papers .... it. ....
the wall three is a bulletin board. I keep a calendar .... it so that wont forget
my appointments. I always try to be .... time for my appointments.
.... one of the drawers of my desk I keep some food. I usually eat lunch
.... my desk because there are no inexpensive restaurants .... my office
building. .... those days when I have to eat .... my office, I open my desk
drawer promptly .... one oclock and take out something to eat. I put some
hot water .... a cup and make some instant soup, and perhaps eat some
cheese and crackers. When my friends come .... they laugh. They call me
the man .... a hurry because I cant take time .... those busy days to eat
lunch with them .... one of the fancy restaurants .... our building.

IX. Descriei casa n care locuii, folosind ct mai multe prepoziii.

X. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Hai s ne ntlnim n faa universitii.
2. l vd pe fratele meu de Crciun n fiecare an.
3. Ei merg n Frana vara aceasta.
4. Eu locuiesc cu sora mea.
5. Sunt multe flori n spatele casei.
6. Bulgaria este lng Romnia.
7. Noi venim de la coal.
8. Dicionarul este pe mas, iar scaunul este n spatele uii.
9. Sunt multe camere n aceast cas.
10. Voi locuii la o distan de 300 m de universitate.
Unit 5
Every morning I wake up at seven oclock. I get up, go to the
bathroom, take a shower and brush my teeth. Then I get dressed, go to the
kitchen and have breakfast. I usually have toast, butter, jam, cereals with milk
and I drink a cup of coffee. After that I go to university. I have classes until two
o'clock. At the university I meet all my friends. We study a lot of interesting
things, such as mathematics, computer science, marketing. We study
foreign languages, too. English is compulsory. After classes I go for a walk or
I meet my friends in a cafe for a coffeee or for a chat.
Sometimes I go to the library to study or I go home and have lunch.
In the evening I study, I watch TV, or I go out with my friends. I go to sleep
at about eleven o'clock in the evening. This is a usual day of my life.

Telling the time
A day has 24 hours. The moments of the day are: morning, noon,
afternoon, evening, midnight, and night. An hour has 60 minutes and a
minute has 60 seconds. There are 30 minutes in a half an hour and 15
minutes in a quarter of an hour. There are two periods in a day: a.m. (ante
meridian or in the morning) and p.m. (post meridian or in the afternoon).
Excuse me, can you tell me the time?
Yes, of course. Its quarter to five.
Thank you. Tell me, please, what time does the English class start today?
I think the English class starts at five oclock.
And when do we have our Marketing class?
We have our Marketing class at half past six.

Vocabulary focus
lot of = o mulime de
also = de asemenea
compulsory = obligatoriu
foreign language = limb strin
to get dressed = a se mbrca
to brush = a peria
to go for a walk = a merge la
to go out = a iei n ora
to go to sleep = a merge la culcare
to have classes = a avea cursuri
computer science = informatic
to take a shower = a face du
to wake up = a se trezi
breakfast = micul dejun
lunch = prnz, dejun
dinner = cina

Exprimarea orei:
half = jumtate
quarter = sfert
past = dup
to = pn la
midnight = miezul nopii (0.00)
midday = miezul zilei (12.00)
What's the time? / What time is it? = Ct este ora?
Whats the time by your watch? = Ct este ora dup ceasul tu?
My watch is fast. = Ceasul meu este nainte.
My watch is slow/ broken = Ceasul meu este n urm/stricat.
My watch is wrong. = Ceasul meu nu merge bine.
face = cadran
hand = limba de ceas (minute hand, hour hand)
It's ..... = Este ora. ....
n limba englez minutele se aeaz de obicei naintea orei: It's twenty
minutes past nine. = Este ora 9:20. sau It's nine twenty. = Este 9:20.
It's two minutes to six. = Este 5:58.
Its quarter to seven. = Este 6:45.
Its seven oclock sharp pm/am. = Este ora 7 fix.
Its half past = Este i jumtate.
Its a quarter past/to = Este i un sfert/ fr un sfert.
Orele se exprim de regul cu numerale de la l la 12. Orele de la 12 noaptea
la 12 ziua sunt nsoite de abrevierea a.m., iar cele de la 12 ziua la 12 noaptea
sunt nsoite de abrevierea p.m. Exemplu: Its 10 p.m. = Este ora 22.
year = an
decade = deceniu
century = secol
millenium = mileniu
I. What time do you...
1. get up in the morning?
2. have breakfast?
3. leave home?
4. go back home?
5. have dinner?
6. go to bed in the evening?

II. Completai spaiile libere cu cuvintele corespunztoare: time, watch,
number, have, nine, o clock, indicate, sandglass
Example: Whats your telephone ..number...?

1. It is three eight double four .... oh seven. 2. What . do you have lunch
every day? 3. I . lunch at 1 p.m.. 4. A . is an instrument that uses
sand to measure or . time. 5. A . is a small portable timepiece worn on
the wrist or carried in the pocket.

III. Alegei rspunsul corect:
1. 5:15 a. fifty minutes past four
2. 1:30 b. twenty minutes past three
3. 2:00 c. ten minutes past twelve
4. 7:45 d. half past one
5. 6:00 e. quarter to seven
6. 12:10 f. six o'clock
7. 4:50 g. two o'clock
8. 3:20 h. quarter past five

IV. Ct este ceasul?

V. Rspundei la ntrebri:
Example: How many seconds are there in two minutes?
There are 120 seconds in two minutes.

1. How many days are there in a week?
2. How many minutes are there in half an hour?
3. How many quarters of an hour are there in three hours?
4. How many hours are there in a day?
5. How many years are there in a decade/century/millennium?



The cardinal numeral The ordinal numeral
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
21 twenty one
22 twenty two
30 thirty
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 one hundred
101 one hundred and one
154 one hundred and fifty-four
500 five hundred
1,000 one thousand
1,000,000 one million
the first
the second
the third
the fourth
the fifth
the sixth
the seventh
the eighth
the ninth
the tenth
the eleventh
the twelfth
the thirteenth
the fourteenth
the fifteenth
the sixteenth
the seventeenth
the eighteenth
the nineteenth
the twentieth
the twenty-first
the twenty-second
the thirtieth
the fortieth
the fiftieth
the sixtieth
the seventieth
the eightieth
the ninetieth
the hundredth
the hundred and first
the hundred and fifty-fourth
the five hundredth
the thousandth
the millionth

Numeralul cardinal exprim cantitatea, iar numeralul ordinal
exprim ordinea.
Numeralul ordinal este ntotdeauna precedat de articolul the.
n cazul numeralelor compuse, numai ultima cifr este un numeral
ordinal: 235
the two hundred and thirty-fifth.
Anii se citesc: 1980 one thousand nine hundred and eighty n stilul
oficial; i 1980 nineteen eighty n engleza vorbit.
n locul punctului se folosete virgula. Astfel ceea ce scriem n
romn 1.000 - n englez scriem 1,000; iar dac n romn avem 1,7
- n englez scriem 1.7 = one point seven.
De la patru n sus, numeralul ordinal se formeaz din numeralul
cardinal + th (dar atenie ca -y se nlocuiete ci -ieth ).
Numeralul zero se citete: zero = pentru calcul matematic i pentru
exprimarea temperaturii (Its ten degrees above zero.), love = pentru
exprimarea scorului la tenis (15-0 = fifteen-love), nil = (nothing) =
pentru exprimarea scorului la fotbal, naught = cnd face parte din
partea zecimal a unui numr, oh = pentru numerele de telefon.
Numerele de telefon se citesc cifr cu cifr cu excepia cifrei
repetate. Regula nu se aplic pentru zero: 223700 double two,
three, seven, oh, oh.
Numeralul multiplicativ n limba englez: once = o dat; twice = de
dou ori; de la trei n sus, numeralele multiplicative se formeaz din
cel cardinal + times: three times = de trei ori, four times = de patru ori.
Numeralul fracional: one whole = un ntreg (o unitate), one half = o
jumtate (1/2), one third = o treime (1/3), one quarter = un sfert/o
ptrime (1/4), one tenth = o zecime (1/10).
Se folosete double = dublu atunci cnd redm numere de telefon:
double four = de 2 ori patru.
Numerale speciale: couple = 2 (pt. oameni i timp): couple of minutes =
2 minute, score = 20, half a score = 10, dozen = 12.

VI. Completai spaiile cu numeralele potrivite: twenty-nine, eleven,
three, twenty thousand, the first, seven, twenty-eight, second, two, first
Example: I have ..two.. computers at home: one for me and one is for my sister.
My ..first.. impression is that he is very good at English.

1. .... is my lucky number.
2. They invite me to .... interview next week.
3. I need .... euros to buy a car for my wife.
4. Each football team consists of .... players.
5. This is your .... chance; this time you must keep your promise.
6. We want to buy .... kilos of apples.
7. February has ..... days in a leap year.
8. Four times seven are .... .

VII. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Romnia are o populaie de 22. 193. 581 locuitori. 2. Numrul nostru
de telefon este 6788231. 3. Fratele meu este nscut n 1988. 4. Eu am 28 de
ani, iar vrul meu are 34. 5. Al doilea student de acolo este prietenul meu. 6.
Este a treia oar anul acesta cnd noi mergem n Frana. 7. Merg la
universitate de cinci ori pe sptmn. 8. Am 476 euro la banc. 9. Al 14-lea
etaj este n flcri. 10. A 23-a cas de pe strada noastr nu are grdin.

Unit 6
The year is divided into four definite seasons. Spring lasts
approximately from March to May and is a gentle, sunny season when
flowers start blooming and trees burst into leaf. In spring a mild breeze is
blowing, the sky is clear, the sun comes out and the weather is getting
warmer and warmer.
The summer months, June, July and August have long hot days. In
summer the weather is fine, there is heat, the sun shines brightly and there
are no clouds in the sky; but sometimes there are short rains called showers
or storms with thunder and lightning.
Autumn, from September to November, is the season of falling leaves,
of gradual preparation for winter. The autumn weather is cool. It is also
cloudy, rainy and foggy. The wind blows hard and it rains heavily.
Winter from December to February is the season of bright sparkling cold snow.
When winter sets in, the weather is very cold. It snows a lot and there is frost.

A Television Weather Forecast
The weather tonight will be fine in most places, but this fine weather
will gradually deteriorate during the course of the night and clouds will have
reached most places by about 6 a.m., with rain coming from the west during
the course of the morning.
The outlook for the rest of the day: quite warm, the rain will develop
into isolated showers. There will be one or two sunny intervals, which will
give way towards sunset to high, thick clouds, without any rain.
Tonight there will be normal temperatures for this time of the year in
most parts of the country. Temperatures tomorrow will be slightly above
average. And if it rains the rain, then remember: April showers bring May
flowers. Goodnight.

Vocabulary focus
season = anotimp
spring = primvar
summer = var
autumn = toamn
winter = iarn
climate = clim
weather = vreme
thunder = tunet
lightning = fulger
to fall = a cdea
cool = rcoros
cloudy = nnorat
rainy = polios
fog = cea
to last = a dura
sunny = nsorit
to bloom = a nflori
to burst into leaf = a nfrunzi
mild = blnd, slab
breeze = briz
hot = cald, fierbinte
fine/fair weather = vreme frumoas
heat = cldur, ari
clear = senin
sun = soare
to shine = a strluci
bright(ly) = strlucitor, luminos
rain = ploaie
shower = avers, ploaie de var
storm = furtun
foggy = ceos
to blow = a sulfa, a bate (despre vnt)
to rain heavily = a ploua mult
sparkling = scnteietor
cold = rece; frig
snow = zpad
to set in = a ncepe, a veni (despre
un anotimp)
to snow = a ninge
frost = ger, nghe
weather forecast/weather
report = buletin meteorologic
cloud = nor
sunset = apusul soarelui
temperature = temperatur

Alte expresii folosite pentru a descrie vremea:
Whats the weather like = Cum e vremea?
Isnt lovely weather today? = Nu-i aa c vremea e frumoas azi?
What an awful day, isnt it? = Ce zi urt, nu-i aa?
Whats the outlook for today? = Ce vreme se anun pentru azi?
Ten degrees below/above freezing point. = Zece grade sub/peste zero.
dawn = zorii zilei
morning = diminea
noon = amiaz, prnz
afternoon = dup-amiaz
evening = sear
night = noapte
bad weather = vreme urt
dark = ntunecat
Its windy. = Bate vntul.
Its snowy. = St s ning.
The days of the week: Sunday (duminic), Monday (luni), Tuesday
(mari), Wednesday (miercuri), Thursday (joi), Friday (vineri),
Saturday (smbt).
The months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December.
Scrierea datei n limba englez
n limba englez, data se exprim cu ajutorul numeralului ordinal sau
cardinal. Exist mai multe posibiliti de scriere a datei n funcie de
limbajul folosit (formal sau informal) sau diferenele de limb (British
English sau American English):

British English: ziua/luna/anul American English: luna/ziua/anul
the 14th of March, 1999 March the 14th, 1999
14th March 1999 March 14th, 1999
14 March 1999 March 14, 1999
14/3/1999 3/14/1999
14/3/99 3/14/99

Stilul european de scriere a datei n limba englez este: 21
of May 2003
What date is it today? = Ce dat este astzi?
What day is it today? = Ce zi este astzi?
Today is Sunday. = Astzi este duminic.
On Monday I'll go to Braov. = Luni voi merge la Braov.
When is your birthday? = Cnd este ziua ta de natere?
Its on the 29
of December. = Ziua mea de natere este pe 29 decembrie.
44 B.C. (Before Christ) = 44 nainte de Cristos, 44 naintea erei noastre
A.D. 105 - A.D. one hundred oh five (A.D. = Anno Domini = in the
year of Lord) = 105 era noastr/105 dup Cristos.

I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. What are the four seasons?
2. What are the spring months?
3. What is the weather like in spring?
4. What are the summer months?
5. What is the weather like in summer?
6. What are the autumn months?
7. What is the weather like in autumn?
8. What are the winter months?
9. What is the weather like in winter?
10. During what parts of the day do these events happen?
The sun is rising.
The sun has set.
The sun is shining brightly.
Darkness has fallen.
The stars twinkle in the sky.
There is dew on the grass.
11. What are the days of the week?
12. Which is your favourite season? Why?

II. Completai propoziiile:

Example: Information about tomorrows weather is called the forecast.. .
When the temperature is below zero we say that ..its
freezing.. .

1. If the weather gets worse, it .
2. Frozen ground or air is called ....
3. A short fall of rain is called a .
4. In winter it often ....
5. When the sun is not shining we say that its.
6. An arch containing the colours of the spectrum formed in
the sky after rain is a ....
7. A .... is a flash of bright light produced by natural
electricity in the sky.
8. When the sun is shining we say that the weather is ....
a. its freezing
b. lightning
c. frost
d. rainbow
e. cloudy
f. deteriorates
g. fine
h. shower
i. snows

III. Propoziiile urmtoare descriu o ploaie de var. Punei-le n
ordinea corect:
1. Large raindrops begin to fall.
2. The sky is overcast with heavy clouds.
3. It lightens again and thunders.
4. Suddenly there is a flash of lightning.
5. The sky clears up.
6. The sun shines brightly again.
7. The black clouds move away.
8. The raindrops sparkle on the grass.
9. Fortunately the shower does not last long.
10. The rainbow appears above the horizon.
11. The air is moist and fresh after the rain.


n limba englez exist 2 tipuri de pronume personale:
subject pronouns (pronumele personal subiect)
object pronouns (pronumele personal complement)

Persoana 1 I
Persoana 1 we
Persoana 2 you
Persoana 2 you
Persoana 3 he/she/it
Persoana 3 they

Pronumele I se scrie cu majuscul indiferent de locul ocupat n
propoziie: She studies literature but I study marketing.
Pronumele it face referire la obiecte, animale, locuri, noiuni abstracte, or,
dat, vreme: We visited Paris. It was very crowded. It is very cold today.
Pronumele they are aceeai form pentru masculin, feminin i neutru plural.
Pronumele personal n cazul dativ este precedat de prepoziia to atunci
cnd urmeaz un substantiv sau un pronume n cazul acuzativ: Give him
the bike! Give the bike to him!
n limba englez nu exist pronume de politee. You poate nsemna att
tu, voi, ct i dumneata, dumneavoastr. La fel he, she pot nsemna el, ea
sau dumnealui, dumneaei.
Subiectul este de regul exprimat deoarece verbul englez are puine
desinene care s marcheze persoana i numrul (excepie face verbul to
be): I read the paper every morning. You play chess.


Pronumele posesiv este, de fapt, genitivul pronumelui personal, innd locul
unui substantiv n cazul genitiv: This textbook is Marys. This textbook is hers.

Pronumele posesiv

Persoana 1 mine Persoana 1 ours
Persoana 2 yours Persoana 2 yours
Persoana 3 his/hers/its Persoana 3 theirs
Adjectivul posesiv este folosit pentru a arta posesiunea i rspunde la
ntrebarea whose? = a/al/ai/ale cui?: Whose book is this? Its my book.

Adjectivul posesiv

Persoana 1 my Persoana 1 our
Persoana 2 your Persoana 2 your
Persoana 3 his/her/its Persoana 3 their

Prezena adjectivelor posesive n limba englez este obligatorie n faa
substantivelor care denumesc pri ale corpului, articole de
mbrcminte etc., spre deosebire de limba romn: He put his hat on. =
i-a pus plria. We see with our eyes. = Vedem cu ochii. My mother is
tall. = Mama este nalt.
Pronumele posesiv precedat de prepoziia of se folosete n expresii
precum: a friend of mine, a book of yours.

IV. Completai spaiile goale cu pronumele personale de mai jos:
It We You She I They He You

Example: ..I.. am a student.
.... are at home. .... is my best friend. .... is a good architect. .... is an
interesting book. .... are at the faculty. ..... are in your office now. .... are
very glad to be here with us.

V. nlocuii cuvintele subliniate cu pronumele personale potrivite:
Example: Jane gives some money to John. --- She gives some money to him.
My brother and I tell a story to our sister.--- We tell a story to her.

1.Susan and James must show Mr. Brown the way out.
2.Henry gave a CD to me and my friend.
3.Give this bone to the dog.
4.Arnold offered my kids some chocolate.
5.Give Tom a cookie from the table.
6.Jeremy bought some flowers for Rebecca.

VI. Completai spaiile cu pronumele personale i posesive corespunztoare:
a. Example: It belongs to me, it's ..mine..
It belongs to my father, it's ..his..
1. It belongs to her, it's ... 2. It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it's .... 3.
It belongs to me and my wife, it's .... 4. It belongs to my mother, it's ....
5. It belongs to him, it's .... 6. It belongs to you, it's .... 7. It belongs to
the dog, it's .... 8. It belongs to them, it's .... .
b. Example: I want to see her, but ..she.. doesnt want to see .
1. They like to learn with me, but .... dont like to learn with ... 2. She
wants to talk to him, but ... doesn't want to talk to ... 3. We want to visit
them, but ... don't want to visit ... 4. He wants to play with us, but ...
don't want to play with ... 5. They wish to meet her, but ... doesn't wish
to meet ... 6. I like to compete with them, but ... don't like to compete
with ... 7. You prefer to listen to her, but ... doesn't prefer to listen to ...

c. Example: John and Mary are twins. Yesterday it was ..their.. birthday.
... uncle gave them lots of presents: a doll, a drum, a bicycle, an airplane and
a puppy. The doll and the drum belong to Mary. They are all.... . The bicycle
and the airplane belong to John. They are all ... . The puppy belongs to both
of them. It is ... . Yes, said Mary , It is ... , half .... and half ..... .

VII. Completai spaiile cu adjectivele posesive corespunztoare:
Example: Do you like ..your.. job?
I know Mr. Jones but I don't know ..his.. wife.

1. I fell down and hurt ... leg. 2. We invited all ... friends to the party. 3.
The children are doing ... homework. 4. The town has lost ... only cinema! 5.
Mary put ... arms around the child. 6. Tom is going out with ... friends this
evening. 7. I want to phone Ann. Do you know ... number? 8. They live in
Washington, but ... son lives in London. 9. Did you enjoy ... holiday in
Turkey? 10. Paris is famous for ... Eiffel Tower.

VIII. Punei ntrebrile corespunztoare avnd n vedere c propoziiile
urmtoare reprezint rspunsurile:
1. The weather is fine.
2. Its snowing.
3. There is a cold wind blowing before the rain.
4. My birthday is on the 31
of March.
5. Well have a warm day today.
6. I think the weather deteriorates tomorrow.
7. Kids make snowmen in winter.
8. I like summer best.

IX. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:
1. Manualul tu este vechi dar al nostru este nou.
2. Acesta nu este calculatorul tu, este al ei.
3. Maina mea este parcat lng a lor.
4. D-mi notiele tale, te rog.
5. Vremea este rece toamna.
6. n ara noastr soarele strlucete puternic toat vara.
7. Anotimpul ei preferat este primvara; care este al tu?
8. n ce dat suntem astzi? Astzi este 23 Noiembrie 2006.
9. Sunt temperaturile mai ridicate n iunie sau n iulie?
10. Ziua ei de natere este ntr-o zi de toamn dar nu mi amintesc data exact.

Unit 7
When Paul graduated from university he applied for a job in the
accounting department of a local company. They gave him a job as a
trainee. He was very proud of himself. He didnt earn much at first but they
gave him a lot of training and sent him on training courses.
Paul worked hard at the company and his prospects looked good. After
his first year he got a good pay rise, and after two years he was promoted.
After four years he had a big salary, his overtime work was paid and he was
in charge of the accounting department with five other employees working
under his authority.
By the time Paul was 30, however, he decided he wanted a new
challenge. He was keen to work abroad, so he resigned from his company
and started looking for a new job with a bigger company. After a couple of
months he managed to find a job with an international company which
involved a lot of travel. He was very excited about the new job and at first
he really enjoyed travelling, but after six months Paul started to dislike the
constant moving around. He hated living in hotels, and he never really made
any friends in the new company. Unfortunately his work was not
satisfactory either and finally he was fired a year later.
After that, Paul found things much more difficult. He was unemployed
for over a year. He had to sell his car and move out of his new house. He
had to accept a part-time job on a fruit and vegetable stall in a market.
To his surprise, Paul liked the market. He made lots of friends there
and enjoyed working out in the open air. After two years, he took control of
the stall. Two years later, he opened a second stall, and after ten years he
had fifteen stalls. Last year Paul retired at the age of 55, a very rich man.

Hi Doris. Nice to see you again. How are you?
Not bad, thanks. And you?
Oh, I can't complain. I just started a new job last week.
Really? What are you doing, Phil?
I work in the police force. I am a police officer.
And what exactly do you do there?
I am responsible for maintaining law and order in the southern part of our city.
Thats interesting.
What about you? Where do you work?
I work for a company which produces furniture. I am a secretary.
Do you have a busy schedule?
I am always busy. I work at a computer, write letters and reports, make
phone calls to retailers, send invoices to customers, arrange meetings and a
lot of other things. But the bad thing is that I make little money and the
chances of getting a raise soon are slim.
Wow! You haven't gotten a raise for how many years now?
It's been three years! The company keeps losing money and they can't
afford to give anyone a raise.
That's too bad. Did you ever think of working somewhere else?
Yeah. In fact, I have an interview next Monday.
Good luck!

Vocabulary focus

career = carier
to apply for = a aplica, a solicita
accounting = contabilitate
trainee = angajat tnr
training = pregtire
prospects = perspective
pay rise = mrire salarial
to promote = a promova
salary/wage = salariu
overtime = peste program
employee = angajat
to be in charge of = a fi responsabil
challenge = provocare
under authority = n subordine
to be keen on = a fi dornic s
to resign = a demisiona
to look for = a cuta
unfortunately = din nefericire
unemployed = omer
stall = stand
to take control of = a prelua
to retire = a se pensiona
to be paid = a fi pltit
to earn = a ctiga (bani)
raise = cretere salarial
to have slim chances = a avea
puine anse
Good luck! = Succes! Mult noroc!

Expresii folosite n carier:
to employ = a angaja
employer = angajator
to do shiftwork = a lucra n schimburi
profession = profesie
trade = meserie
What is your occupation? = Cu ce te ocupi?
I am on on rest leave/on sick leave/on maternity leave. = Sunt n
concediu de odihn/concediu medical/concediu de maternitate.
to take a vacation = a-i lua concediu
What do you earn a month? = Ct ctigi pe lun?
What is your salary/wage? = Ct ai salariu?
Are you paid by the day/by the week/by the month? = Eti pltit cu
ziua/cu sptmna/cu luna?
What is your yearly income? = Care este venitul tu anual?
to be on duty = a fi de serviciu
to have a day off = a avea o zi liber
to fire/to sack/to dismiss = a concedia
to make redundant = a disponibiliza
to take early retirement = a se pensiona mai devreme
to take on a job = a se angaja
to work in a team = a lucra n echip

I. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. What job did Paul apply for after his graduation?
2. What was Pauls evolution within the company?
3. Why did Paul resign from the company?
4. Was Paul excited about the new job?
5. What happened to Pauls career later on?
6. Why was Paul fired from the company?
7. What did Paul do during the time he was unemployed?
8. What job was Paul forced to take on?
9. Why did Paul like his new job?
10. When did Paul retire?

II. Ce sunt eu? Gsii rspunsurile corecte:
Example: I operate various documents on the computer. = computer operator
I treat people when they are ill. = doctor

1. I design buildings.
2. I represent people with legal problems.
3. I control the financial situation of companies.
4. I teach in a university.
5. I buy and sell stocks on the stock market.
6. I plan the buildings of roads, bridges, machines, etc.
7. I work in the accounting department.
8. I repair all types of cars.

III. Potrivii explicaiile cu termenii referitori la angajare:
1. to dismiss a. person employed
2. employer b. the people who work for a firm
3. employee c. to dismiss because of not being needed any longer
4. to recruit d. period of absence from work (for a woman)
when having a baby
5. interview e. the people who work for a firm or a particular
department; employees
6. to take on f. to remove or discharge from employment; to
sack; to fire
6. staff g. advance warning of intention to resign
7. promotion h. to give up a job
8. maternity leave i. advancement in rank or position
9. personnel j. an oral examination of an applicant for a job
10. to resign k. to look for and employ personnel
11. notice l. to employ; to hire
12. make redundant m. person or firm who employs people

Pronumele reflexiv (The Reflexive Pronoun)

Singular Plural
myself = m
yourself = te
himself = se
herself =se
itself = se
ourselves = ne
yourselves = v
themselves = se

* oneself = se (nedefinit)

Cu ajutorul pronumelor reflexive se formeaz diateza reflexiv a
verbelor: I enjoy myself. = Eu m distrez. He considers himself happy. = El
se consider fericit.
Expresia by oneself/yourself/etc subliniaz faptul c o aciune este
fcut de subiect fr ajutorul altcuiva: She made the cake by herself. = A
fcut prjitura singur.
Verbelor reflexive din limba romn nu le corespund ntotdeauna verbe
reflexive n limba englez: I wonder. = Eu m mir. He feels better. = El se
simte mai bine. She remembers everything. = Ea i amintete totul. They
washed and went out. = Ei s-au splat i au ieit.

Pronumele emfatic/de ntrire (The Emphatic Pronoun)

Singular Plural
myself = eu nsumi, personal, chiar eu
yourself = tu nsui, personal, chiar tu
himself = el nsui, personal, chiar el
herself = ea nsi, personal, chiar ea
itself = el nsui, ea nsi, personal,
chiar el/ea
ourselves = noi nine, nsene,
chiar noi
yourselves = voi niv, nsev,
chiar voi
themselves = ei nii, ele nsele,
chiar ei/ele
Pronumele de ntrire are form identic cu pronumele reflexiv: I must
do it myself. = Trebuie s-o fac eu nsumi. The scientist himself answered all
our questions. = Omul de tiin nsui ne-a rspuns la toate ntrebrile.
Pronumele de ntrire este aezat fie imediat dup cuvntul pe care l
ntrete, fie la sfritul propoziiei: I myself made this cake. = Eu nsmi
am fcut aceast prjitur. She told me the news herself. = Ea nsi mi-a
dat vetile.
Pronumele demonstrativ (The Demonstrative Pronoun)
Singular Plural
Apropiere this = acesta, aceasta these = acetia, acestea
Deprtare that = acela, aceea those = aceia, acelea
This i these se folosesc numai pentru a desemna ceva din imediata
apropiere a vorbitorului, att n timp ct i n spaiu: Whos that? (= over
there) This is George speaking. (=here)
Formula de prezentare a unei persoane sau a mai multor persoane este
This is: This is Linda. This is Mr and Mrs Baker.
Pronumele reciproc (The Reciprocal Pronoun)

Exist dou pronume reciproce n limba englez:
each other = unul pe cellalt (folosit cnd facem referire la dou
persoane): The two neighbours help each other. = Cei doi vecini se ajut
unul pe cellalt.
one another = unul pe cellalt (folosit de regul cnd facem referire la
minimum trei persoane): The three brothers help one another. = Cei trei
frai se ajut unul pe cellalt.

Pronumele interogativ (The Interrogative Pronoun)
Nominativ Genitiv Dativ Acuzativ
who = cine?

whose? = al, a,
ai, ale cui?
(to) whom? = cui? whom? = pe cine?
what = ce, care? - - -
which = care? - - which? = pe care?
Dup who i what folosite ca subiecte nu se folosete forma interogativ a
auxiliarului do: Who knows the answer? What happened yesterday?
Pronumele which implic selecia dintr-un numr de persoane sau
obiecte: Which is shorter, Betty or Jane? Which book do you prefer?

Pronumele relativ (The Relative Pronoun)

Exist trei pronume relative n limba englez:
who = care (pentru persoane): This is the person who pays a lot for that job.
which = care (pentru obiecte): I live in a house which was built in 1976.
that = care (pentru persoane i obiecte): I know the woman that is in
front of your house. Say a word that rhymes with toy.

IV. Inserai pronumele de ntrire sau reflexive corecte:
Example: Shes very selfish, she thinks of ..herself.. only.

1. Nobody helped him; he repaired the bike .... . 2. Whats the matter with
you? You havent been ...... for some time. 3. You must buy ...... a new
dress. 4. She does the cooking .... herself to save money. 5. Aunt Ann told
me the story ...... , so of course I believe it. 6. Peter sat at the table and
helped ...... to the cake. 7. This is a machine that works by .... . 8. Jim is
sitting all by .... in a corner. 9. She stood admiring .... in front of the mirror.
10. She washed the windows herself. 11. They think ...... superior to all their
fellow students. 12. Youll have to remind ...... to do it. 13. Who invited
him to the party? Nobody. He invited ...... to the party. 14. If one wants a
thing done, one must best do it .... .

V. Inserai pronumele reciproce corecte:
Example: The two girls greeted ..each other... .
At the party the people invited had to pass the plates to another.. .

1. I travelled with that lady from Paris to Calais and when we reached the
sea we really began to know ...... . 2. If all the students of the group help ......
they will pass the exams getting good marks. 3. It was a good team, all were
very proud of ..... . 4. Hearing the story the two children looked at ......
astonished. 5. The two engineers quarrelled with ...... and then they came to
the same conclusion. 6. The two colleagues invited ...... to work hard for
the examination. 7. The children were playing hide and seek looking for .....
. 8. After failing in the exam, the two students comforted ...... .

VI. Inserai pronumele demonstrative corecte:
Example: I dont like this dress, give me ..that.. blue one.
..This.. is what he answered.

1. .... is your cake and .... is mine. 2. I like .... blouses more than the blouses
over there. 3. I don't want this purse. I want .... big black one. 4. .... is my
favourite subject. 5. These girls are not our colleagues but ..... are. 6. .... is
the first Japanese restaurant Ive been in. 7. .. was a good idea. 8. . over
there are your books.

VII. Inserai pronumele interogative sau relative corecte:
Example: ..Who.. could he be?
Do you know ..which.. of the two brothers is younger?

1. She doesnt remember ...... you married. 2. The girl .... told me this was
one of your students. 3. ...... of you heard Peter play at yesterdays concert?
4. ...... of the two T.V. sets did you finally buy? 5. ...... is the best student in
your group? 6. I can tell you ..... I would like to read: Virginia Woolf. 7.
. was that noise? 8. He planted some flowers . bloom every year. 9.
...... river flows through London? 10. I must buy the child a toy . helps
him learn colours. 11. The road .... leads to their house is very narrow. 12.
.... are you talking about? 13. Tell me, ...... languages can you speak?

VIII. Completai spaiile cu unul dintre pronumele urmtoare:
themselves, whom, each other, these, yourself, himself, yourself, who, one
another, myself, ourselves, itself, myself, what, those

Example: I do the homework all by ..myself.. .

1. We can easily lose .... in the forest. 2. They understand .... . 3. Margaret,
can you cook dinner ..... tonight? 4. .... are you talking about? 5. George cut
.... while he was shaving. 6. The plane flies by .... . 7. When they met, they
embraced .... . 8. I teach .... to speak Italian. 9. .... did you see at the
conference? 10. .... is at the door? 11. Those cars are ours and .... are theirs.
12. These are men and .... are women. 13. Did you .... decorate the living-
room? 14. They .... take pride in their achievements.

Unit 8
Eating out
Going out to eat is a real pleasure. People like going out to have a
picnic with their family or have a bite at a place like McDonalds, some
steak at Kentucky Fried Chicken or a delicious pizza at Pizza Hut. Its
funnier to eat out than stay in the kitchen and cook for hours!
Restaurants can be simple lunching or dining places with simple
food served in simple settings at low prices, or expensive establishments
serving refined food and wines in a formal setting. Standardly customers sit
at tables and a waiter/waitress brings the menu/the bill-of-fare, takes the
order and brings the food.
When eating in a restaurant you have three courses: a starter (a
soup), a main course (steak or chicken) and a dessert (cake or ice-cream).
You usually have an appetizer/hors doeuvre (boiled eggs or sausages) for
breakfast. You may also ask the bartender to bring you a drink before the
meal (gin and tonic) or a coffee after the meal. When you pay the bill, you
have to leave a tip for the waiter.

At the Restaurant
Mr. Parker: Could we have a menu, please? Thank you. What
shall we have: the table dhte or the la carte? Im
so hungry...
Mrs. Parker: Lets have the three-course meal for the fixed price.
What is it?
Mr. Parker: First course is soup.
Mrs. Parker: What about the main course?
Mr. Parker: Here, let me have a look. Main course: choice of fried
fillet of cod and mashed potatoes, or roast beef and
rice and vegetables salad.
Mrs.Parker: Well, Ill take the roast and a cabbage salad. What
about you?
Mr. Parker: The same.
Waitress: Are you ready to order, or do you need a little more
Mr. Parker: We are ready. Well have one roast well-done and one
underdone with rice and two cabbage salads.
Waitress: Good. Ill make sure the chef prepares it just the way
you like it. Anything to drink?
Mrs.Parker: Just water, please.
Mr. Parker: I think Ill have some dry white wine.
Waitress: Would you like to order the sweet now?
Mrs.Parker: Let me see. Ice-cream or apple-pie? The apple-pie
will do for me.
Mr. Parker: Ill have ice-cream. What flavours have you got?
Waitress: Vanilla, strawberry, raspberry.
Mr. Parker: Id like vanilla, please.
Waitress: Can I get you anything else? All right then. I'll be
back with your meals shortly.

Vocabulary focus

to eat out = a mnca n ora
to have a bite/a snack = a lua o
steak = friptur
to cook = a gti
setting = decor, locaie
food = mncare
expensive = scump
establishment = locaie
to serve = a servi
refined = rafinat
wine = vin
customer = client
waiter/waitress = chelner/chelneri
menu/bill-of-fare = meniu
course = fel de mncare
starter = primul fel
main course = felul principal
appetizer/hors doeuvre = aperitiv
bartender = barman
mashed potatoes = piure de cartofi
drink = butur
to pay the bill = a achita nota
to leave a tip = a lsa baci
table dhte = meniu fix
la carte = meniu la alegere
to be hungry = a-i fi foame
to be thirsty = a-i fi sete
meal = mas
fried fillet of cod = file de cod
roast beef = friptur de vit
rice = orez
vegetables salad = salat de
cabbage = varz
well-done = bine fcut
underdone = n snge
chef = buctar
dry wine = vin sec
ice-cream = ngheat
apple-pie = plcint cu mere
flavour = arom


Appetizers Soups & Grills Dessert
Sausages Chicken soup Chocolate cake
Tomato Noodle soup Apple-pie
Herring Vegetable soup Pudding
Caviare Grills Stewed fruit
Cucumber Beefsteak Cakes
Olives Roast chicken Tart
Butter Lamb chop Ice-cream
Cheese Mutton chop Strawberries
Ham Pork chop Fruit salad
Boiled eggs Mixed grill
Bacon Stewed meat
Vegetables salad Cod fillet


Soft drinks Alcoholic drinks
Lemonade Beer
Orange juice Wine
Still water Champagne
Mineral water Brandy
Tea Whisky
Coffee Liqueur
* There are several ways of cooking food: to boil (in water), to fry (in oil or
butter above the heat), to grill (under the heat), to roast (in the oven using oil), to
stew (to boil with vegetables in the same pot) or to bake (in the oven without oil).

I. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. Do you usually eat at home / at a fast-food / in a restaurant / at a
snack bar?
2. On what occasions do people eat out? Is it customary to mark
important events in a restaurant?
3. What courses can you have in a restaurant?
4. What does a waiter/waitress do?
5. What do you appreciate most when you have dinner at a restaurant:
the taste of the food / the politeness of the staff / the interior
decorations / the price / the unusual courses?
6. According to your opinion, what types of food taste salty / spicy /
sweet / bitter / fresh / tasty / sour / greasy?
7. How can food be cooked?
8. Is it common in your country to give the waiter a tip?
9. Which of these do you normally find on the table in a restaurant: salt
/ vinegar / pepper / mustard / oil / napkins / other spices?
10. Do you think people should drink alcohol: at each meal / only at
parties / never?
11. The main reason for a diet should be: to lose weight / to keep fit / to
save money?
12. Which of these is a key to a successful party: a good wine / a tasty
dessert / appetizing hors doeuvres?

II. Punei propoziiile de mai jos n ordinea corect, astfel nct s
realizai un dialog:
a) Small, please. And a tuna fish sandwich and some crisps, please.
b) OK. Here you are. Is that it? So, that comes to $3.85 altogether.
c) Thank you.
d) Do you take sugar?
e) Hello. Can I help you?
f) Yes, two please.
g) No, a plain one.
h) Yes, Id like a cup of coffee.
i) Cheese and onion crisps?
j) Small or big coffee?

III. V plac, v displac, sau nu putei s tolerai urmtoarele alimente. Folosii
verbele urmtoare pentru a forma propoziii: to like, to dislike, to hate
Example: I like carrots, but I hate hamburgers.

chicken soup

IV. Denumii urmtoarele:
the man who serves you in a restaurant =
the list of dishes to be ordered in a restaurant =
sweet food served at the end of a meal =
the man who serves drinks in a bar =
juice made of oranges =
a drink taken before going to bed =
the first part of a meal =
a meal for a fixed price =
meat cooked very quickly and still red =
money paid to the waiter =

- Pronume i Adjective Nehotrte -

se folosete n propoziii afirmative, traducndu-se prin: ceva, nite,
puin/, unii, unele, civa, cteva: There is some bread on the table. There are
some books in the schoolbag.
se pune n faa unor substantive nenumrabile: some water, some tea,
some coffee.
se pune n faa unor substantive la plural: some children, some people,
some students.
se combin cu body, -one, -thing pentru a forma pronume nehotrte.

se folosete n propoziii afirmative, traducndu-se prin: toi, toate: Every
word of it is true. I give him every penny.
se combin cu body, -one, -thing pentru a forma pronume nehotrte.

se folosete n propoziii afirmative, avnd sensul de orice, oricine.
se folosete n propoziii interogative, avnd sensul de ceva, cineva.
se folosete n propoziii negative, avnd sensul de ceva, vreo, vreun:
Were there any children in the park? There weren't any children in the park.
se pune n faa unor substantive nenumrabile: any weather, any student
se pune n faa unor substantive numrabile, fie la singular, fie la plural:
Any person can do that. Discuss any problems with your teacher.
se combin cu body, -one, -thing pentru a forma pronume nehotrte.
se folosete n faa unui substantiv, atunci cnd verbul este la afirmativ,
avnd sensul de nici un, nici o: There is no letter from her. He makes no mistakes.
se combin cu -body, -one, -thing pentru a forma pronume nehotrte.
n limba englez nu se admit dou negaii ntr-o propoziie; dac
verbul este la negativ, adjectivele i adverbele vor fi la afirmativ i
invers: We had no time to lose. There are no shops open after 8
oclock. There aren't any shops open after 8 oclock.

someone (cineva)
something (ceva)
everybody (toi,
everyone (toi,
everything (totul)
anybody (oricine)
anything (orice)
nobody (nimeni)
no one (nimeni)
nothing (nimic)

Alte expresii care exprim cantitatea (unele se folosesc cu substantive
numrabile, altele cu substantive nenumrabile):
each (fiecare luat n parte): each book
either (fiecare din doi): either book
both (ambele, ambii): both books
a couple of (dou): a couple of books
several (cteva, mai multe): several books
much (mult, mult): much sugar
many (multe, muli): many books
a little (puin ceva, nu puin): a little sugar
little (puin, aproape deloc): little sugar
a few (puini, civa, cteva, nu puine): a few books
few (puini, puine, aproape deloc): few books
a great deal of (o mare cantitate de): a great deal of sugar
a lot of (o mulime de): a lot of books
not any (nici un): not any book
lots of (o mulime de): lots of books / lots of sugar
plenty of (o mulime de): plenty of books / plenty of sugar
most (majoritatea): most books / most of sugar
all (toi, toate): all books / all sugar

V. Completai propoziiile cu some, any, no i compuii lor:
Example: Would you like ..some.. more coffee? No, thanks, I want
..nothing.. more.
I must tell you ..something.. about that girl. You neednt tell me
..anything.. . I know her very well.

1. ...... can translate that into English.
2. I cant buy it. I have hardly ...... money.
3. Have you ...... money to lend me?
4. I heard a knock; is there ...... at the door?
5. If I find ...... of these volumes in the library Ill borrow them.
6. She hasnt ...... friends here, yet.
7. ....can make him give up the experiments he began ...... years ago.
8. ...... told me what to do under the circumstances.
9. ...... way or other, well overcome these difficulties.
10. In ...... case, you mustnt forget to do that.
11. Are there ...... letters for me.
12. Have you ...... objection to my going there?
13. Dont waste ...... time. It will take you ...... time to get through all
that work.
14. If ...... calls, say Im out.
15. I see you want ...... more groceries. Are you expecting ...... for the
16. He hopes to be a writer ...... day.
17. Cant ...... be done to help him? I think it can or should be.
18. Call ...... day you like. Theres always ...... in to receive you.

VI. Completai cu much sau many, fcnd modificrile necesare la plural:
Example: furniture --- much furniture
desk --- many desks


VII. Completai propoziiile cu few, a few, little, a little:
Example: After Susan tasted the soup, she added ..a little.. salt.
I dont like a lot of salt in my food. I add ..little.. salt to it.

1. I like music. I like to listen to........ music before I go to bed.
2. I have to go to the post office because I have .... letters to mail.
3. We got there quickly because there was .... traffic.
4. Because the family is poor the children have .... clothes.
5. 7. .... days ago I met a very interesting person.
6. I was hungry, so I ate .... nuts.
7. His parents take good care of him and he has .... problems in life.
8. My friend came from France .... months ago.

VIII. Completai propoziiile cu expresii care exprim cantitatea:
Example: ..Everything.. he wants is money.
You may buy ..either.. of the two cars.

a. I only found . money in the wallet..
b. You only have tea but I have . .
c. Can you see . on the street?
d. I see . at this late hour.
e. I have done . for them.
f. . helped me to fix my watch.
g. Are you going to buy .?
h. You must ask . .

IX. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Am puini prieteni.
2. Majoritatea crilor au cuprins.
3. Chinezii mnnc mult orez.
4. Majoritatea oamenilor dorm ntre 6-8 ore n fiecare noapte.
5. Multe din aceste scaune nu sunt confortabile.
6. Majoritatea mobilei este veche.
7. Am foarte puini bani.
8. Tom este foarte fericit deoarece a economisit ceva bani.
9. D-mi voie s-i dau un sfat.
10. A mnca nite friptur.
11. Ei i plac toate fructele.
12. Beau ambele buturi.

Unit 9
When you decide to visit a city and spend a few days there, looking
for accommodation must be one of your priorities. You can choose among
the numerous lodging facilities that suit all preferences and travel budgets.
Whether youre looking for affordable accommodation, you can find
some really nice places to stay: a motel, a youth hostel, a small inn, a B&B
(Bed & Breakfast), or a chalet. You can also look for a camp site where you
can pitch a tent or park a caravan.
In case you prefer luxury accommodation with easy access to all
amenities and tourist attractions, you can choose a five-star hotel, an all-
inclusive resort hotel or a super luxury penthouse that provide the best
comfort to the guests during their stay.
You can ask for a single, a double room, a suite, full board, half
board or B&B.
A stay in a hotel
We stayed in the Carlton Hotel for three nights in July, but I booked
our room three months in advance because it was the middle of the tourist
season. When we arrived, we checked in at reception, then the porter carried
our suitcases up to our room and I gave him a small tip - about 50 eurocents,
I think. The hotel staff were very friendly, we had a very nice chambermaid
and the room was very comfortable. The only problem that we had, in fact,
was with the shower which didnt work very well.

Receptionist: Good evening sir. Can I help you?
Visitor: Good evening. Id like a room for two nights.
Receptionist: Single or double?
Visitor: Single, please.
Receptionist: Have you booked a room?
Visitor: No, Im afraid not. I didnt know I would be coming until this
Receptionist: Ill see what we have, sir. We are quite full at present. Now,
let me see yes, I can offer you a room on the sixth floor. Room 623. The
price is $85 per night, including breakfast.
Visitor: Has it got a private bathroom?
Receptionist: No, it hasnt but there is a bathroom down the hall.
Visitor: Well, I dont think I really need a private bathroom. All I want is a
quiet room away from the noise of traffic.
Receptionist: This room is very quiet, sir. Its on the top floor, and it
overlooks a back street.
Visitor: Good. Ill check in right now.
Receptionist: Will you sign the register, please. Are you here on business, sir?
Visitor: Partly business and partly pleasure. Oh, Id like to be called in the
morning at seven oclock.
Receptionist: All right, sir.

Vocabulary focus
accommodation = cazare
to lodge = a gzdui
lodging facility = condiii de cazare
to suit = a se potrivi
affordable = convenabil (ca pre)
hostel = cmin studenesc
inn = han
B&B/guest house = pensiune
(cazare i mic dejun)
chalet = caban
camp site = loc de campare
to pitch a tent = a aeza cortul
caravan = rulot
luxury accommodation = cazare de lux
amenities = faciliti, condiii
resort hotel = hotel ntr-o staiune
penthouse = mansard, apartament luxos
pe terasa unui bloc nalt
guest = vizitator, musafir
stay = edere
single room = camer cu un singur pat

double room = camer dubl
suite = apartament
full board = cu pensiune complet
half board = demipensiune
to book a room = a rezerva o camer
tourist season = sezon turistic
to check in = a se caza
to check out = a preda camera
reception = recepie
reception clerk/receptionist =
porter = hamal
suitcase = geamantan
tip = baci
hotel staff = personalul hotelului
chambermaid = camerist
comfortable = confortabil
to overlook = a avea vedere ctre
to sign the register = a se
nscrie n registru

Alte expresii:
Could I book a room for next Monday? = A putea rezerva o camer
pentru luni?
Could I have an early morning call at 7 a.m., please? = Ai putea s m
trezii la 7 dimineaa?
Could you put it on my bill, please? = l putei trece pe nota mea de plat?
Could I pay my bill? = A putea s mi achit nota de plat?
Could you order/call a taxi for me to go to the airport? = Ai putea s
chemai un taxi s m duc la aeroport?
Are you fully booked next week? = Sunt toate camerele rezervate
sptmna viitoare?
Rooms are serviced daily. = Se face curenie zilnic n camere.
Is breakfast/dinner included? = Este micul dejun/cina inclus n pre?

I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. What is one of your priorities when visiting a city?
2. What affordable accommodation can you mention?
3. What luxury accommodation can you mention?
4. What types of rooms can you book in a hotel?
5. What is the responsability of a porter?
6. Who takes care of registration in a hotel?
7. What kind of accommodation do you stay in?
8. Do you generally book your room in advance?

II. Aranjai propoziiile de mai jos n ordine logic:
1. I paid my bill.
2. I checked in at reception.
3. I checked out.
4. I went up to my room.
5. I had an early morning call at 7 oclock.
6. I booked a room at the hotel.
7. I went out for dinner in a local restaurant.
8. I arrived at the hotel.
9. I had breakfast.
10. I tipped the porter who carried my suitcase upstairs.

III. Gsii definiia corect:
1. resort hotel a. a place where people can pitch a tent
2. inn b. a building, normally constructed in wood, suitable
generally as holiday accomodation rather than as a
permanent residence due to the lack of amenities
3. youth hostel c. a type of hotel normally situated on a highway
which provides lodging and parking and in which the
rooms are usually accessible from an outdoor parking
4. motel d. a hotel situated at a tourist resort (by the sea or in
the mountains). Clientele mainly consist of people on
holiday who stay a longer period
5. camp site e. an old country establishment for the lodging and
entertaining of travellers
6. chalet f. an inexpensive accommodation, typically used by
younger travellers or students
IV. Care sunt diferenele dintre urmtorii termeni:
a motel a hostel
to check in to check out
a double room a single room
full board half board
a porter a chambermaid
to book a room to cancel a room

- adverbul -
Clasificarea adverbelor:
Adverbe de timp (Adverbs of time): before, now, after, today, late
(trziu), lately (recent), last (ultim, trecut), lastly (la urm), tomorrow, yet
(nc), n propoziii negative.
Adverbe de frecven (Adverbs of frequency): often, never, rarely,
sometimes (uneori), always, daily (zilnic), occasionally (ocazional), usually
(de obicei), twice.
Adverbe de loc (Adverbs of place): here, there, inside, outside, near, everywhere
Adverbe de mod (Adverbs of manner): carefully, well, badly, fluently.
Formarea adverbelor:
n general, adverbele de mod se formeaz adugndu-se sufixul -ly unui
adjectiv sau substantiv: distinct distinctly (distinct), day daily (zilnic)
Unele adverbe au aceeai form ca i adjectivele respective:
A fast train Un tren accelerat / He runs fast El alearg repede
He had a hard time I-a fost greu / He works hard Lucreaz din greu
Adverbe cu dou forme diferite:
hard (din greu) - hardly (de-abia);
near (aproape, adv. de loc) - nearly (aproape, adv. de mod);
late (trziu) - lately (recent);
last (la urm) - lastly (n sfrit);
pretty (cam, destul de) - prettily (drgu).
Not ortografic:
Adverbele care deriv din cuvinte terminate n -y schimb pe -y n -i
naintea sufixului -ly: happy happily, gay gaily
Adverbele care deriv din adjective terminate n -e l pierd pe -e
naintea sufixului ly: true truly, noble nobly, simple simply
Adverbele care deriv din adjective terminate n -ll primesc numai -
y: full fully (complet)
Adverbele derivate din adjective terminate n -ic primesc -ally:
economic - economically
Comparaia regulat a adverbelor:
Adverbele monosilabice primesc -er la comparativ i est la
superlativ: fast faster fastest
Adverbele polisilabice primesc more la comparativ i most la
superlativ: beautifully more beautifully most beautifully
Comparaia neregulat a adverbelor:
well better the best
badly; ill worse the worst
much more the most
little less the least
near nearer the nearest
far farther (further) the farthest, furthest
late later the latest, last.

V. Formai adverbe din urmtoarele adjective: right, clear, ready, quick,
pretty, heavy, near, usual, careful, real, flat, slow, extreme, entire, sure.
Example: right rightly; clear clearly

VI. Completai propoziiile cu forma corect a adverbului:
Example: He was driving his car very slowly (slow).
He would do it more easily (easy) if he had more experience.

1. I have (hard) had time to rest this week.
2. He works (hard).
3. She (scarce) knew what to say.
4. He is (pretty) clever.
5. I have had some good news of (late).
6. He waited (silent) for the man to finish what he had to say.
7. I want you to get home (safe).
8. She (full) agrees with you.

VII. Scriei comparativul i superlativul urmtoarelor adverbe: often,
seldom, hardly, carefully, badly, fast, little, ill, near, well.
Example: often more often (the) most often

VIII. Alegei varianta corect:
Example: You are an excellent cook. The food tastes (good/well).
It was a lovely day with birds singing and the sun shining (bright; brightly).

1. I hate taking this medicine. It tastes (bitter/bitterly).
2. I dont think he is ill. His voice sounds (merry/merrily).
3. It rains (heavy/heavily).
4. It is (near, nearly) five oclock.
5. You must work (hard, hardly) for your exams.
6. He spoke so (quick/quickly) that I could (hard/hardly) follow him.
7. When did you (last/lastly) see him?
8. I forgot about her birthday (complete/completely).

IX. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Azi ne cazm la un hotel de 4 stele la Londra.
2. mi place foarte mult s cltoresc.
3. Ea vorbete englez fluent.
4. l ntlnesc ocazional pe strad.
5. Nu m mai gndeam deoarece era prea trziu s prind telefericul.
6. Din fericire, am gsit camere fr s facem rezervare dinainte.
7. Abia putea conduce, att era de obosit.
8. El ntotdeauna vine primul i pleac ultimul.
9. Pur i simplu nu mi amintesc unde este cel mai apropiat motel.
10. Chiar adineauri l-am vzut la televizor. Este cazat la Marriott.
11. ntotdeauna ne amintim cu plcere de acele zile minunate de vacan.
12. La Londra plou des.

Unit 10
It is very difficult to be a stranger in a city - you dont know your
way around the city and you have to ask people to help you. Sometimes,
even if you have a map it is difficult to get to the place you want.
Some people love walking through the streets of a city, taking a turn here,
a side street there, guessing at where theyre going to end up. Getting lost can
be a real adventure and theres always something interesting to see. When you
need to find a particular place, you should ask somebody to help you.

Asking for directions
Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to Downing College on Regent Street?
Im sorry, Im a stranger here myself.
So, not wanting to waste time, I start walking, hoping to find somebody else
to help me.
Excuse me, how do I get to Downing College?
All you have to do is walk along Station Road; at the end of it, turn right
on Hills Road. Walk straight ahead on Hills Road and right in front of you,
at the sixth intersection, is Regent Street. Go along Regent Street, there, on
the left, is the college, you cant miss it!

Giving directions
Excuse me. How far is the nearest university in this city?
It is not far, its just round the corner.
Go straight on and turn right at the corner. The university is on your left
next to the caf.
Take the first turning to the left.
At the next intersection turn to the right.

Vocabulary focus
stranger = strin
way = drum, cale
street = strad
road = drum
side street = strad lateral
map = hart
to take a turn = a vira
turning = viraj, cotitur
to guess = a ghici
to end up = a ajunge
to get lost = a se pierde
direction = direcie
left = stnga
right = dreapta
straight ahead = drept nainte
to wander = a hoinri
I. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. Why is it difficult to be a stranger in a city?
2. Do you usually use a map to find the right way in a city?
3. Do you like wandering through the streets of a city?
4. What formula do you use when asking for directions?
5. What formula do you use when giving directions?
6. Do you usually lose your way in a city? What do you do in that case?

II. Completai spaiile cu prepoziiile potrivite:
Example: How do we get the Tower of London? Im not sure
how get there.

Oh, well ask someone the way.
Excuse me, can you tell us where the Tower of London is?
The Tower of London is . the River Thames . Tower Bridge.
Oh, I see. And how can we get there?
You have to go . Hill Street, then turn right and its just the corner.

III. Aranjai cele dou coloane astfel nct s formai propoziii logice:
1. In a city there is ....
2. If you lose your way in a city ....
3. Instead of going straight ahead ....
4. How do I get ....
5. Excuse me, does this bus ....
6. Turn right on Regent Street, ....
7. Will you kindly tell me ....
8. At the traffic lights, take ....
a) he turned left on Victory Road.
b) to the university?
c) then go along Hill Road.
d) go to the British Museum?
e) the way to the Romanian
f) a lot of traffic.
g) the first left and go straight on.
h) you can ask a policeman.


- Timpul prezent aspectul comun -

Timpul verbului este categoria gramatical prin care se precizeaz
momentul desfurrii aciunii. Aspectul exprim gradul de ndeplinire a
aciunii. n limba englez, aspectul comun exprim o aciune general, o
aciune terminat sau o aciune de scurt durat.

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ Interogativ-
I go I dont go Do I go? Dont I go?
You go You dont go Do you go? Dont you go?
He/she/it goes He/she/it doesnt
Does he/she/it
Doesnt he/she/it
We go We dont go Do we go? Dont we go?
You go You dont go Do you go? Dont you go?
They go They dont go Do they go? Dont they go?

Timpul prezent simplu este identic ca form cu infinitivul scurt, la toate
persoanele singular i plural, cu excepia persoanei a III-a singular
(he/she/it) care adaug (e)s: She likes to wander around the city. = i place
s hoinreasc prin ora.
Forma negativ, interogativ i interogativ-negativ se realizeaz cu
ajutorul auxiliarului do/does (+not): Do you study English? = Studiai limba
englez? She doesnt come to visit you today. = Ea nu vine s te viziteze azi.

Modificri ortografice la persoana a III-a:
a) dac verbul se termin n s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z sau -o se adaug es:
to go goes, to wash washes, to cross crosses etc.
b) dac verbul se termin n -y precedat de o consoan, -y se transform
n -i i se adaug -es: to cry cries, to study studies, to try tries etc.
c) la forma interogativ i negativ verbul are forma de infinitiv scurt,
terminaia -es o preia auxiliarul do care ajut la formarea
- do/does + S + verb la infinitiv scurt: She cries a lot. Does she cry a lot?
- S + dont/doesnt + verb la infinitiv scurt: She doesnt cry.

Forme contrase:
I dont go, he doesnt go etc. (negativ)
Dont I go?, doesnt he go? etc. (interogativ-negativ)

ntrebuinare: timpul prezent simplu se folosete n urmtoarele situaii:
pentru a desemna o aciune obinuit, repetat: Every day I go to my
office. = Merg la birou zilnic. He usually watches TV in the evening. = El
se uit de obicei la televizor seara.
pentru a desemna un adevr universal valabil, o lege: Fish swim. =
Petii noat.
pentru a desemna o actiune cu valoare de viitor cnd aciunea depinde
de un program: The train arrives tonight. = Trenul va sosi disear.
Tomorrow is Saturday. = Mine este smbt.
pentru a desemna o aciune care exprim instructiuni de utilizare,
indicaii regizorale, comentarii sportive: The player hits the ball and scores.
= Juctorul lovete mingea i marcheaz. Read safety directions before
opening the bottle. = Citii instruciunile nainte de a deschide sticla.

Markere de timp:
usually, often, always, every, never, ever, rarely, seldom, regularly, sometimes
on Mondays, in summer, every day, once a week/month/year

IV. Conjugai urmtoarele verbe la Present Tense Simple (afirmativ, negativ,
interogativ, interogativ-negativ): to study, to be, to live, to have, to cross.

V. Punei verbele urmtoare la forma corect pentru a completa propoziiile:
believe / apologise / eat / flow / go / grow / make / rise / tell / translate
Example: The earth ..goes.. round the sun. (affirmative)

1. Rice . in Britain. (negative)
2. The sun . in the east. (affirmative)
3. Bees . honey. (affirmative)
4. Vegetarians . meat. (negative)
5. An atheist . in God. (negative)
6. An interpreter . from one language into another. (affirmative)
7. A liar is someone who . the truth. (negative)
8. The River Amazon . into the Atlantic Ocean. (affirmative)
9. Liz . for her rude behaviour. (affirmative)

VI. Completai scrisoarea; punei verbele din paranteze la Present
Tense Simple:
Example: Hi everybody! I'm Sue. I like habits and routines. I always (to do) the same things and at the same time.

For example, I always (to drink) .... two glasses of milk in the morning and I
usually (to arrive) .... at school at twenty five past eight. I often (to wear) ....
jeans and T-shirts. I (to love) .... pop music. I also (to love) .... plants. I (to
have) .... a beautiful garden.
I (to live) .... with my parents and my brother, Tom. He is very
different from me. He never (to arrive) .... on time for lunch. He (to like) ....
new clothes and fashion, and he (not to listen) .... to pop music. He (to play)
.... hard rock in a group called "Metal Bananas". We (to be) .... in an English
club called The Happy Gang. We (to go) .... to the club on Saturdays.

VII. Completai propoziiile conform exemplului:
Example: Jane/to read a book
Jane reads a book.
1. Johnny and Danny/to swim in the lake
2. Tom/to collect stamps
3. You/to sing songs in the bathroom
4. Julie/to work in the garden
5. I/to stay at home tonight
6. Tina and Kate/to open the windows
7. Adam/to speak French and German
8. His sister/to like lemonade
9. We/to listen to music
10. My father/to clean the car every Saturday
VIII. Alegei varianta corect:
Example: Tom .. chocolate ice cream
dont doesnt
I .. dont.. understand my friends sometimes.
dont doesn't

1. Dr Watson .... smoke cigars, he smokes his pipe.
dont doesn't
2. We .... like classical music very much.
doesnt don't
3. Your friends .... eat much meat.
doesnt don't
4. .... Mr Hill live in New York?
Do Does
5. Some children .... like vegetables.
doesnt don't
6. She .... remember anything of the accident.
dont doesn't

IX. Traducei n limba englez:
1. El trece pe la biroul meu n fiecare luni dimineaa.
2. De obicei i ia vacan iarna pentru c i place s schieze.
3. Dunrea curge prin mai multe ri.
4. Aceast sticl conine alcool.
5. Lumina cltorete mai rapid dect sunetul.
6. Multor oameni nu le place s hoinreasc prin ora.
7. Nu m mic de aici pn cnd nu te vei ntoarce.
8. El sper s se mute la New York la anul.
9. Ai grij de copil ct eu sunt plecat.
10. l vd pe George pe strad. Spune-i s intre.
11. Dac l voi ntlni i voi spune exact ce gndesc despre el.
12. Plecm din Londra marea aceasta la 10 i sosim la Paris la 12.
Unit 11
People like to travel and experience new places. Whether its a
romantic weekend trip to Paris, a tour through Europe, or a visiting trip to
the Great Wall of China, your travel agent invariably asks you: What
means of transport do you prefer?
Transportation may take place via air, water, rail, road or highway,
using planes, ships, trains, trucks, subways, buses, cars and motorbikes as
means of transport.
Driving a car in the city is a difficult sport. Jams, drivers never
speeding up only slowing down and going bumper-to-bumper, numberless
pedestrian crossings, impossible parking, blocked crossroads, countless
traffic lights, never-ending construction, and the constant traffic congestion
can make a trip downtown more than frustrating. To avoid the busy city
traffic, use the ring-streets.
Driving your own car in the city is not always the best idea. The high
price of gasoline and the car maintenance costs should be taken into
consideration, too.
Travelling by bus
Generally, buses should run every ten minutes, but during the rush hour
they are not very punctual. People wait at the bus stop for half an hour and when
more buses come together they discover that the buses are full up and nobody can
get on. On other occasions, the bus is too early and they miss it.
Travelling by train
Passenger trains run in all directions. Trains are frequent, you can get a
ticket for an immediate departure and they generally run on time, though you
shouldnt take arrival times for granted all the time (in some train stations
passengers can consult the timetable which shows the times of arrival and
departure, the railroad routes or the platform number). Sometimes trains may be
overcrowded. When a train is due in or out you may hear announcements like
these: The train is due to arrive at platform 4 is the 9.06 to Bucharest. or The
8.48 train to London is due out from platform 3.
Trains are made up of: the engine, the dining-car, the sleeping-car, the
postal van, the luggage van and the passengers carriage.
Flying is no longer a luxury and air transportation is no longer
reserved only for managers, stars and successful business people. Today
airlines give everyone the possibility to fly by offering attractive flight costs
to and from different destinations. Airplanes land and take off at the right
time. Sometimes they may be delayed by fog or other bad weather
Air passengers must get to the airport at least one hour before the take-
off, that is the check-in time. There they have their tickets and passports
checked and their luggage inspected. An air-hostess waits for them at the
gate and takes them to the runway where the plane is ready to take off. After
the passengers board the flight she assists them in fastening their seat belts
and having a smooth flight. Travelling by air is absolutely the most
comfortable and the fastest means of transport.
The most relaxing and expensive means of transport is sailing.
Generally, going on a cruise means that you board a cruise ship, have your
own compartment, have a meal three times a day, stop in the most attractive
towns and places along the way, have a few hours or whole days to make a
tour or walk around by your own.

Vocabulary focus

means = mijloc, mijloace
to travel (by) = a cltori (cu)
travel = cltorie
traveller = cltor
trip = excursie
travel agent = agent de turism
invariably = fr excepie, nencetat
railway = cale ferat
road = drum, osea
highway = autostrad
(air)plane = avion
ship = vapor, vas
train = tren
truck = camion
subway/underground = metrou
bus = autobuz
car = main
full up = plin pn la refuz
to get on = a (se) urca
to get off = a cobor
to miss the bus = a pierde autobuzul
to catch the bus = a prinde autobuzul
passenger train = tren de pasageri
ticket = bilet
departure = plecare
arrival = sosire
train station/railway station = gar
timetable = mersul trenurilor
platform = peron
overcrowded = supraaglomerat
to be due in/out = a urma s intre/s
ias din gar
to arrive = a sosi
to depart = a pleca
motorbike = motociclet
bicycle/bike = biciclet
to drive = a conduce
driver = ofer
jam = ambuteiaj, blocaj
to speed up = a accelera
to slow down = a ncetini
bumper-to-bumper = bar la bar
numberless = nenumrat
pedestrian crossing = trecere de pietoni
pedestrian = pieton
parking = parcare
blocked = blocat
crossroad = intersecie
countless = nenumrat
traffic lights = semafor
never-ending = nesfrit
traffic congestion = blocaj n traffic
downtown = n centru
to avoid = a evita
busy traffic = trafic aglomerat
ring-street/ring-road = osea de centur
car maintenance = ntreinerea mainii
to take into consideration = a lua n
to run = a circula
rush hour = or de vrf
bus stop = staia de autobus
to be made up of = a fi format din
engine = locomotiv
dining-car = vagon-restaurant
sleeping-car = vagon de dormit
postal van = vagon potal
luggage van = vagon de bagaje
passengers carriage = vagon de
to fly = a zbura
airline = linie aerian
flight = zbor
to land = a ateriza
to take off = a decola
to be delayed by = a fi ntrziat de
passenger = pasager
to fasten the seat belt = a pune
centura de siguran
airport = aeroport
take-off = decolare
check-in = control
air-hostess/stewardess = stewardesa
runway = pist
to board = a se mbarca
to travel by air/by plane = a cltori
cu avionul
to sail = a naviga
cruise = croazier

to fly
air fare
to take
to get on/to board
to get off/to

engine driver
to drive
to catch/take
to get on
to get off
railway station

bus driver
to drive
to catch/take
to get on
to get off
bus station/stop

to sail
to take
to embark
to disembark

to ride
to go on (my)
to get on
to get off
to drive
to go by
to get in
to get out
to drive
to take
to get in
to get out
taxi rank

I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. What means of transport can you mention?
2. What obstacles can you meet when driving a car in the city?
3. Do you usually drive your car in the city?
4. What disadvantages are there when taking the bus?
5. What announcements can you hear in a railway station?
6. What are trains made up of?
7. What do airlines provide?
8. What should passengers do when arriving at the airport?
9. What does going on a cruise mean?
10. What is your favourite means of transport? Motivate your choice.

II. Subliniai varianta corect:
Example: You must not drive/ride a motorbike without wearing a helmet.
She told him to get in/get on the car and fasten the seat belt.

1. Bus fares/tickets are getting more expensive.
2. Trains to the airport travel/run every half hour.
3. The pilot couldnt drive/fly the plane in such bad weather.
4. Have a look at the train schedule/timetable to find out when the next
one arrives.
5. We were late so we had to take/catch a taxi.
6. I left my house late and I lost/missed the bus.
7. The train has not arrived yet; they wait in the waiting-room/at the
inquiry office.
8. The ticket-collector checks the travellers tickets/passports.

III. Completai spaiile cu cuvintele corecte: sail, passengers, full up, by
air, platform, bus stop, parked, takes off, flight, due.
Example: Our train leaves from ..platform.. 7.
When I got to the .. bus stop.., two buses arrived.

1. I couldnt get on the first bus because it was .... .
2. I think the next train is .... to arrive in about ten minutes.
3. We apologise to .... for the late arrival of the 8.52 train to Oxford.
4. Ive always had a good .... with American Airlines.
5. Today many people prefer travelling .... .
6. Passengers board the plane and then it .... .
7. We .... on the Titanic. It will dock in New York at 6 p.m.
8. He backed the car into the drive and .... in front of the house.

IV. Care sunt diferenele dintre urmtoarele expresii:
1. a railway station an airport
2. an inquiry office a booking office
3. a chauffeur a driver
4. a goods train a passenger train
5. a smoker a non-smoker
6. a passenger a pedestrian
7. an air hostess a pilot
8. to sail to fly
9. a journey a cruise
10. a road a railway

V. Gsii definiia corect:
1. The place where you can get information about departures and
arrivals of trains, planes, ships =
2. A place where travel-tickets are sold =
3. The bags and suitcases a traveller takes with him =
4. A trip by train (bus, car etc.) from one place to another =
5. A place where trains stop =
6. The place from which people get on a train =
7. The place where you sit in a compartment =
8. A compartment reserved for people who dont smoke =
9. A carriage where you can eat during the journey =
10. Straps fastened to the sides of a seat in an aircraft =
11. The person responsible for passengers comfort during air travel =
12. A place where airplanes take off =


- Timpul prezent aspectul continuu -

Spre deosebire de limba romn, verbul din limba englez mai cunoate
o categorie gramatical: cea a aspectului (comun/simplu sau continuu). Ea
se adaug celorlalte categorii morfologice ale verbului pe care le cunoate i
limba romn, i anume: modul, timpul, persoana, numrul, diateza.
Aspectul este categoria morfologic a verbului care arat dac aciunea
verbului se afl n desfurare ntr-un anumit moment sau nu.
Aspectul continuu al verbului exprim aciuni de durat sau n
desfurare, deci aciuni neterminate. Aspect continuu au numai verbele
principale iar la prezent aceste aciuni neterminate se efectueaz de regul n
momentul vorbirii.
Verbele statice nu se pot folosi la aspectul continuu:
verbe care exprim gndirea: to believe, to know, to notice, to
remember, to forget, to recognize, to understand, to realize,to seem,
to think etc.
verbe care exprim sentimente, emoii sau verbe de percepie: to
love, to like, to hate, to dislike, to want, to prefer, to feel, to taste, to
smell, to hear etc.

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ Interogativ-
I am reading I am not reading Am I reading? Am I not reading?
You are reading You are not
Are you reading? Are you not
He/she is reading He/she is not
Is he/she reading? Isnt he/she
We are reading We are not
Are we reading? Are we not
You are reading You are not
Are you reading? Are you not
They are reading They are not
Are they reading? Are they not

Formare: timpul prezent, aspectul continuu se formeaz din timpul
pezent simplu al verbului auxiliar to be i participiul prezent al verbului de
conjugat (V-ing) S + am/are/is + V-ing: I am working = Eu muncesc.
(acum) Are you having fun? = Te distrezi?
Reguli de ortografie legate de adugarea terminaiei ing:
1. Dac verbul se termin la infinitiv n e, cnd se adaug terminaia -
ing, litera e dispare: to come coming, to take taking, to make making.
a) verbul to be: to be - being
b) cnd verbul se termin la infinitiv n doi de e: to see seeing,
to agree agreeing.
2. Dac verbul se termin la infinitiv n litera y, indiferent dac este
precedat de o vocal sau de o consoan, cnd se adaug terminaia -ing,
litera y rmne neschimbat: to buy buying, to stay staying, to fly
flying, to study studying.
3. Dac verbul se termin la infinitiv n grupul de litere ie, cnd se
adaug terminaia -ing, grupul ie se transform n y: to lie lying, to tie
tying, to die dying (to dye dyeing!).
4. Consoana final a infinitivului se dubleaz dac vocala care o
precede este scurt i accentuat: to begin beginning, to admit admitting,
to run running, to sit sitting.
Corespondentul acestui timp n limba romn este prezentul sau
viitorul, n funcie de context: She is leaving now. = Ea pleac acum. We are
leaving tomorrow. = Noi plecm mine.

Forme contrase:
Im reading, hes reading, etc. (afirmativ)
arent you reading?, isnt he reading? etc. (interogativ-negativ)

ntrebuinare: timpul prezent, aspectul continuu exprim:
o aciune n desfurare n momentul vorbirii: Listen! She is singing.
= Ascult! Ea cnt. Please don't make so much noise. I'm working. = Te
rog s nu mai faci aa mult zgomot. Lucrez.
o aciune temporar: I usually go to school by bus, but today I am
walking. = De obicei merg la coal cu autobuzul, dar astzi merg pe jos.
o aciune care se repet prea des i deranjeaz vorbitorul: You are
always forgetting your books at home. = ntotdeauna uitai crile acas.
o aciune viitoare planificat din prezent: We are going to Greece
next summer. = Mergem n Grecia vara viitoare.

Markere de timp:
now, right now, at this moment
today, this week/month/etc
always, forever, all the time, continually

VI. Dai forma de Present Tense Continuous a urmtoarelor verbe, la
afirmativ, negativ, interogativ si interogativ-negativ: to go, to sleep, to
walk, to eat, to ask.

VII. Punei verbele din urmtoarele propoziii la negativ i interogativ:
Example: He is teaching Maths this year./ He is not teaching Maths this
year./ Is he teaching Maths this year?

1. She is going to a concert on Sunday.
2. The students are learning new words now.
3. I am drinking coffee at this moment.
4. Somebody is knocking at the door.
5. You are always saying bad things about her.
6. We are studying for the exam.
7. Catherine wants to go to Italy, so she is learning Italian.

VIII. Completai propoziiile cu verbe la forma de Present Tense
Continuous: come / get / happen / look / make / start / stay / study / try /
work / listen
Example: You ..are working..hard today. Yes, I have a lot to do.

1. I . for Christine. Do you know where she is?
2. Anybody . to the radio or can I turn it off?
3. It . dark. Shall I turn on the light?
4. They haven't got a place to live. They . with their friends until
they find one.
5. Are you ready, Ann? Yes, I. .
6. Have you got an umbrella? It . to rain.
7. You . a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? I . to concentrate.
8. Why are all these people here? What .?
9. She . German.

IX. Alegei varianta corect:
Example: I'm hungry. I want/Im wanting something to eat.

1. Do you understand what Im meaning/I mean?
2. Are you seeing/Do you see that man over there?
3. This cake smells/is smelling nice.
4. I think/I'm thinking this is your key. Am I right?
5. George says he's 80 years old but nobody is believing/believes him.

X. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Cltorii cu avionul sau cu autocarul cnd plecai n vacan? 2. Mersul
trenurilor afiat n gri indic plecrile i sosirile acestora. 3. Mergem ntr-o
croazier pe Marea Mediteran vara viitoare. 4. Oamenii de afaceri consider c
transportul mrfurilor pe calea ferat este convenabil. 5. Pasagerii i pregtesc
acum biletele i paapoartele pentru control i urc n avion. 6. Dac te afli ntr-o
intersecie i i s-a oprit motorul, trebuie s ceri ajutorul celorlali oferi. 7. Muli
oameni de pe acest aeroport ateapt aterizarea avionului de la Londra. 8. Astzi
este duminic. Autobuzele circul la fiecare 30 de minute. 9. Nu sunt multe
treceri de pietoni n oraul nostru. 10. Copiilor le place s mearg cu bicicleta. 11.
Stewardesa anun pasagerii c avionul are o ntrziere de 10 minute din cauza
ceii. 12. De regul cltoresc cu autobuzul n ora dar astzi merg cu maina.
Unit 12
I get my money by working for it. Some of us work at businesses or for the
government. Some even have their own businesses. I work and get an income.
I usually spend the money I make on the things I need (like food and
utilities) or on the things I want (like computer games or going out). If I
decide to save money, I put it in a piggy bank or in a bank account.
Today I have decided to make a deposit and to open a savings account at a
bank. To open a savings account, I have to fill out an application. The bank needs
some identification documents like my birth certificate, passport or my identity
card. Then I provide the bank with money with which to open the account. I will
be given an account number as well as an ATM card if I choose that option. They
also offer me the possibility of opening a current account. But current accounts
generally do not generate much interest, they only allow you me to withdraw
money from the account whenever I want. Savings accounts earn interest.
Interest is extra money the bank pays you for keeping your money in their bank.
So, here I am, waiting in a queue at the bank, instead of going for a
walk in the park. I have been waiting for twenty-five minutes and I have
already started to be impatient. The bank is open from nine to five, but it is
almost closing time. I hope I can solve my problem before that. I want to
buy a new car and I need a larger sum of money. The only way I can do
that is by having a savings account because the interest is bigger. So, even
if I would like to be in the park, I have to stay and solve the problem.

Clerk: Good morning.
Client: Good morning. I want to open an account.
Clerk: What kind of account would you like to open, please?
Client: I'd like to open a savings account.
Clerk: OK. Here's the form you have to fill in.
Client: I want to deposit 500.
Clerk: If you open a savings account the interest is 6%. You can also have the
interest transferred on a credit card.
Client: Oh, that is great. What do I have to do for that?
Clerk: All you have to do is fill in another form, sign here and here.
Client: When can I get the card?
Clerk: We can send you the credit card in ten days.
Client: Thank you very much.
Clerk: You're welcome. Have a nice day.
Client: You too. Good-bye.
Vocabulary focus
to work = a munci
to spend = a cheltui
utilities = utiliti
to save money = a economisi bani
piggy-bank = puculi
bank account = cont bancar
savings account = cont de economii
current account = cont curent
to make a deposit = a face o depunere
to open an account = a deschide un cont
to fill out = a completa
application = cerere
identity card = carte de identitate
interest = dobnd
to withdraw money = a retrage bani
to wait in a queue = a atepta la coad
impatient = nerbdtor
closing time = ora nchiderii

Alte expresii folosite n sistemul financiar:
financial system = sistem financiar
to finance = a finana
to loan = a acorda un mprumut
loan = mprumut
depositor = deponent
currency = moned
investment = investiie
overdraft = descoperire de cont
to borrow = a lua cu mprumut
to lend-lent-lent = a da cu mprumut
to pay-paid-paid = a plti
payment = plat
to pay cash/by credit card = a plti n numerar/cu cardul de credit
a rise/a fall in interest rates = o cretere/scdere a dobnzilor
high/low interest rate = dobnd mare/mic
high/low tax = impozit mare/mic
economic stability = stabilitate economic
a healthy/strong economy = economie stabil
an economy in recession = economie instabil
to make a profit = a face profit
to make a loss = a avea pierderi
to break even = a avea venituri egale cu cheltuielile
turnover = cifr de afaceri
debt = datorie
inflation = inflaie

I. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. How do you get your money?
2. What do you spend your money on?
3. Do you save money? How do you do that?
4. Where can you make a deposit or open an account?
5. What do you do to open a savings account?
6. What is the difference between a savings account and a current account?
7. What is interest?
8. Have you ever borrowed money from a bank?
9. Have you ever lent money to a friend when he needed?
10. Do you usually save money?

II. Completai spaiile cu prepoziiile potrivite:
Example: I spend a lot of money ..on.. food and house keeping.
They live a small house which they bought three years ago.

1. I have recently put some money .... my savings account.
2. Yesterday I withdrew 200 .... my bank account.
3. He has been working .... this bank for 15 years.
4. Lets go .... the bank to open a new account.
5. He has spent 120 .... books so far.
6. I paid 12,000 dollars .... my new car.
7. I must borrow some money .... a friend.
8. The girl has lent her dictionary .... her colleague.

III. Potrivii cuvintele din coloana A cu definiiile din coloana B:
1. deposit
2. loan
3. savings account
4. to withdraw
5. interest
6. to be broke
7. debt
8. to borrow
9. to lend
10. to save
a. sum of money deposited in the bank for a
longer period of time
b. to receive something from someone (often money)
with the intention of giving it back after a period of time
c. to keep something, esp. money, for use in the future
d. to give something to someone for a short period
of time, expecting it to be given back
e. to take out money from your bank account
f. a sum of money placed in the bank
g. a percent from the money you have deposited in
the bank and which you get from the bank
h. money or goods owed by one person to another
i. money you can borrow from a bank to start a business
j. to have no money

IV. Completai spaiile libere cu cuvintele corespunztoare: payments,
withdrawals, job, to open, bank account, access, customers, banks, allows,
Example: Banks have different requirements for permitting customers to
have credit facilities on their accounts. Some banks like to know that ..
customers.. can manage their account correctly before they offer them an
account with credit facilities.

So, they suggest that the customer should use a basic .... first. This is an
account which .... you to have your salary paid into it and to make essential
.... such as bills.
The bank also gives you a credit card which lets you make .... from
automated teller machines. However, a basic bank account does not give
you .... to overdrafts or other credit facilities.
When you are planning .... a bank account, it may be helpful to the bank
if you can .... with you documents which show that money is paid into your
account regularly. For example, you could take a pay slip from your ....
showing how much you earn. This may help some .... to decide which of
their accounts are best for you.


- Perfectul prezent aspectul comun -

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ Interogativ-
I have gone I have not gone Have I gone? Have I not gone?
You have
You havent gone Have you gone? Have you not
He/she/it has
He/she/it has not
Has he/she/it
Has he/she/it not
We have gone We have not gone Have we gone? Have we not
You have
You have not gone Have you gone? Have you not
They have
They have not
Have they gone? Have they not

Formare: S + have/has + V3
Timpul perfect prezent simplu se formeaz din prezentul simplu al
verbului to have i participiul trecut (V3) al verbului de conjugat: I have just
finished my project. = Tocmai mi-am terminat proiectul.
Corespondentul su n limba romn este fie prezentul, fie perfectul
compus n funcie de context.

n funcie de forma pe care o au verbele la timpul trecut, aspectul comun
(past tense simple V
) sau la participiul trecut (past participle V
), ele se
mpart n dou categorii: verbe regulate i verbe neregulate.
Verbele regulate formeaz participiul trecut prin adugarea terminaiei
(e)d la forma de infinitiv scurt a verbului: work worked.
Dac verbul este neregulat, forma de participiu trecut trebuie nvat
din lista verbelor neregulate (prezentat la sfritul acestui curs) care indic
formele de baz.

Forme contrase:
I havent gone, he hasnt gone etc. (negativ)
Havent I gone?, hasnt he gone? etc. (interogativ-negativ)

ntrebuinare: timpul perfect prezent simplu este un timp de relaie. El
arat o legtur ntre trecut i momentul prezent i se folosete n
urmtoarele situaii:
este folosit pentru a exprima o aciune nceput n trecut care continu
pn n prezent. Cu acest sens se folosesc de obicei prepoziiile since = din,
ncepnd din i for = de, timp de: I havent seen John for two months. = Nu
l-am vzut pe John de dou luni. I havent seen John since September. = Nu
l-am vzut pe John din septembrie.
este folosit pentru a exprima o aciune trecut, efectuat ntr-o
perioad de timp neterminat. n acest caz, folosirea lui este nsoit de
adverbe precum: today, this week, this month, this year: I have seen two
films this week. = Am vzut dou filme sptmna aceasta.
este folosit pentru a exprima o actiune trecut, terminat, care are
rezultate n prezent sau care, dintr-un motiv sau altul, intereseaz n prezent:
Have you seen Hamlet? = Ai vazut Hamlet? I have lost my umbrella. I must
buy a new one. = Mi-am pierdut umbrela. Trebuie s-mi cumpr una noua.

Trebuie precizat faptul c dac se menioneaz momentul trecut n
care a avut loc aciunea, atunci trebuie s folosim trecutul simplu: I lost my
umbrella yesterday. I must buy a new one.
De asemenea, dac se pune o ntrebare referitoare la trecut care ncepe
cu when, nu se poate folosi timpul perfect prezent simplu, ntruct when
reprezint un moment precizat n trecut: When did you see Hamlet? I saw it
last week.

Markere de timp:
Timpul perfect prezent simplu se folosete cu adverbe de timp
neprecizat care leag trecutul de prezent:
Adverbe de timp neprecizat care se aeaz ntre auxiliar i verb: often,
never, ever, sometimes, seldom, always, already, just: Have you ever been
to England? = Ai fost vreodat n Anglia? No, I have never been to England.
Yes, I have often been to England.
Adverbe de timp neprecizat care stau la sfritul propoziiei: so far,
lately, yet (n propoziii negative): He hasnt returned home yet. = El nu s-a
ntors nc acas. I havent seen him lately. = Nu l-am vzut n ultimul timp.

V. Conjugai urmtoarele verbe la Present Perfect Simple, afirmativ,
negativ, interogativ si interogativ-negativ: to work, to clean, to write, to
become, to finish.

VI. Folosii Present Perfect Simple n locul infinitivelor din paranteze:
Example: Where you (be)? --- Where have you been?
I (be) to the market. --- I have been to the market.

1. You (water) the flowers? 2. He just (leave) home. 3. I (lend) him some
money today. 4. I (wait) in a queue at the bank. 5. Would you like a cake?
No, thank you, I just (have) one. 6. I already (open) an account. 7. He (not
come) home yet. 8. How long you (live) here? I (live) here for one year. 9. I
(buy) a new house. You must come and see it. 10. You ever (borrow) money
from him? 11. You (pay) the telephone bill?

VII. Completai scrisoarea folosind cuvintele date; punei verbele la
Present Perfect Simple:
Example: Dear Chris,
Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.
(I/graduate/university). I have graduated from university.

My mother/take/her driving license. My father/buy/ a new car for her.
My sister/start/a new job. My brother/give up/smoking. Charles and
Sarah/go/to Brazil. Suzanne/have/a baby.

VIII. Traducei n limba englez folosind Present Perfect Simple:
1. M-am gndit adesea s-mi retrag toi banii de la banc. 2. Economia rii a
devenit mai stabil n ultimul timp. 3. El a completat deja dou formulare
pentru a-i deschide dou conturi la aceast banc. 4. i-ai deschis un cont
de economii sau un cont curent de curnd? 5. Noi am mprumutat 2.000 de
euro de la banc pn acum. 6. De cnd banca mi-a aprobat creditul atept
cu nerbdare s mi cumpr o main nou. 7. La ce te-ai uitat? Am urmrit
tirile de la televizor. 8. I-ai mprumutat vreodat bani fratelui tu? 9. Ai
vzut dobnda bancar de azi? 10. Au economisit ele vreun ban pn acum?
11. i-a dat banca cardul de credit deja? Da, tocmai l-am luat de la banc.
12. Noi nu am pltit nc toate cumprturile pentru Crciun.

Modulul B (Seciunea B)
A doua seciune cuprinde, de asemenea, 12 lecii (units). Structurate
asemntor, n funcie de tema propus pentru dezbatere, leciile ofer
studenilor posibilitatea de a se familiariza cu limbajul folosit n situaii
cotidiene i de a-i nsui noi noiuni de gramatic, ce pun bazele
cunotinelor ulterioare.

- nsuirea lexicului specific;
- nsuirea noiunilor de gramatic;
- Formarea aptitudinilor de comunicare n limba englez general, oral i scris;
- Formarea deprinderilor de lecturare i traducere n i din limba strain.

Fond de timp
28 ore activitate de seminar (14 seminarii), la care se adaug
seminariile dedicate recapitulrii i verificrii cunotinelor acumulate.

Ritmul de studiu
Leciile respect programa analitic. Ritmul de studiu vizeaz, n
general, o lecie pe sptmn, existnd ns i posibilitatea ca o parte a unei
lecii mai ample s necesite timp alocat i n cadrul unui seminar ulterior.

Cuvinte cheie
customs, goods, officer, liable, duty, tradition, holiday, culture, festival,
celebration, symbol, guest, party, to invite, to have fun, present, post office,
letter, parcel, sender, addressee, telephone, operator, number, health, illness, to
suffer, diet, education, to study, subject, student, mark, degree, to graduate, art,
work of art, museum, theatre, cinema, opera, fiction, shop, shopper, to go
shopping, bargain, to buy, to supply, department store, supermarket, society,
information, mass media, television, Internet, broadcast, leisure, sports, sports
lover, to play, popular, news, newspaper reader, magazine, headline, law,
government, crime, court, to preside, proceeding

Recomandri privind studiul
Se recomand lecturarea leciilor propuse pentru asimilarea noiunilor
cheie, participarea la discuiile din timpul seminarului, rezolvarea
exerciiilor. Se recomand, de asemenea, nsuirea noiunilor de teorie
expuse la seminar i a vocabularului specific fiecrei lecii dup fiecare
seminar, acest tip de asimilare gradual fiind mai eficient.
Unit 1
The Customs Service manages the security of a country's borders and
assists people and cargo to move in and out of the country. It works closely
with the Department of Home Affairs and the Department of National
Defense, to detect illegal movement of goods and people across the border.
The customs officers check the travellers passports and luggage. They
are responsible for protecting the community by intercepting illegal goods,
such as drugs and weapons, and apprehending those who illegally try to
enter the country, such as terrorists. The Customs Service uses sophisticated
techniques to target high-risk aircraft, vessels, cargo and postal items.
The Customs Service prohibits the export or the import of certain
goods. Such prohibited and restricted goods are: drugs, weapons,
explosives, toxic substances, counterfeit items, secret documents, objects
belonging to the national patrimony, precious metals and stones etc.
In some cases, goods of great value fall under customs restrictions and
they are liable to duty. Of course personal effects are duty-free, as well as
drinks and cigarettes in small quantities.

Officer, I dont understand all the Customs Regulations Code. Can you
help me?
Sure. What can I do for you?
I intend to travel abroad very soon. Can you give some tips?
Well, you should have the passport and the documents of the means of
conveyance ready for the customs clearance, you must declare amounts of
10 000 or more in foreign or Romanian currency, you must beware of
buying souvenirs made out of animal or plant material as they may be
prohibited, you must declare all food and electronic items you bring to your
country or any item on the prohibited article list. And you must avoid taking
abroad medicines that are not for your personal use or for the use of
someone travelling with you because it is illegal.
Is that right? I didnt know it. Thanks. You illuminated me.
Youre welcome.
Vocabulary focus

border = grani
cargo = ncrctur, transport
closely = ndeaproape
Department of Home Affairs =
Ministerul Afacerilor Interne
Department of National Defense =
vessel = vas, vapor
to prohibit = a interzice
counterfeit = contrafcut
to belong = a aparine
value = valoare
to be liable to duty = a fi supus taxei vamale
Ministerul Aprrii Naionale
to detect = a detecta
movement = micare, mutare
customs officer = vame
goods = bunuri, mrfuri
drugs = droguri
weapons = arme
to apprehend = a reine, a aresta
to target = a detecta
aircraft = avion
personal effects = obiecte personale
duty-free = scutit de taxe vamale
to travel abroad = a cltori n strintate
tips = indicii, indicaii
customs clearance = control vamal
to beware of = a se feri de
to avoid = a evita
to illuminate = a lmuri

Alte expresii folosite n sistemul vamal:
to fall under customs restrictions = a cdea sub incidena restriciilor vamale
customs office = birou/oficiu vamal
customs duties = taxe vamale
customs bodies = organe vamale
duty = tax vamal
to clear through the customs = a trece de controlul vamal, a fi vmuit
prohibited article list = lista cu articole interzise
to check = a verifica, a controla
customs declaration = declaraie vamal
foreign currency = moned strin
to confiscate = a confisca
Customs Regulations Code = Codul Procedurilor Vamale

I. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. What does the Customs Service manage and assist?
2. Whom does the Customs Service work closely with?
3. Who does the passports and luggage checking at the customs office?
4. What are the customs officers responsible for?
5. Enumerate some prohibited and restricted goods.
6. What goods are liable to duty?
7. What items are duty-free?
8. What must you prepare for the customs clearance?
9. What must you declare at the customs office?
10. Must you avoid taking abroad medicines?

II. Gsii cuvintele greite i corectai-le:
Example: Narcotics are duty-free. --- Correct: Narcotics are prohibited
and restricted goods.

1. I need my passport for the customs office.
2. The customs system examines passports and checks luggage.
3. It is allowed to take out of the country objects belonging to the
4. Personal effects are liable to duty.
5. You need an identity card when you travel abroad.
6. It is legal to bring explosives into the country.
7. Goods of small value fall under customs restrictions.

III. Construii propoziii cu urmtoarele cuvinte:
to travel abroad, across the border, customs office, prohibited items,
passport, duty-free.

IV. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Serviciul Vamal stopeaz traficul ilicit de mrfuri i obiecte.
2. O activitate vamal important este perceperea taxelor de import/export.
3. Vameii trebuie s cunoasc Codul Procedurilor Vamale.
4. Produsele comerciale sunt de regul supuse taxei vamale.
5. Combaterea fraudelor este una din sarcinile principale a organelor vamale.
6. Exist anumite produse interzise de a fi introduse sau scoase din ar
cum ar fi: droguri, arme, sume mari de bani, documente secrete etc.


- Perfectul prezent aspectul continuu -

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ Interogativ-
I have been
I have not been
Have I been
Have I not been
You have been
You havent been
Have you been
Have you not been
He/she/it has
been working
He/she/it has not
been working
Has he/she/it
been working?
Has he/she/it not
been working?
We have been
We have not been
Have we been
Have we not been
You have been
You have not been
Have you been
Have you not been
They have
been working
They have not
been working
Have they been
Have they not
been working?

Formare: S + have/has + been + V-ing
Timpul perfect prezent continuu se formeaz din prezentul prefect al
verbului to be i participiul prezent (V-ing) al verbului de conjugat: I have
been playing the piano since I was five. = Cnt la pian de cnd aveam 5 ani.
Corespondentul su n limba romn este fie prezentul, fie perfectul
compus n funcie de context.

Forme contrase:
I havent been working, he hasnt been working etc. (negativ)
Havent I been working?, hasnt he been working? etc. (interogativ-negativ)

ntrebuinare: timpul perfect prezent continuu subliniaz ideea de
durat, de desfurare continu a aciunilor sau strilor. Acest timp se
folosete n urmtoarele situaii:
este folosit pentru a exprima o aciune nceput n trecut i
continund n prezent: I have been waiting for him since 8 oclock. = l
atept de la ora 8. She has been learning English for two months. = S-a
apucat s nvee limba englez de 2 luni. Youve been shopping all day,
arent you tired? = Ai fcut cumprturi toat ziua nu eti obosit?
este folosit pentru a exprima o aciune care se termin n trecut i are
efecte n prezent: He is so dirty! He has been playing football. = Este att de
murdar! A jucat fotbal.
este folosit pentru a exprima o aciune repetat, vorbitorul exprimnd
un repro, indignare, iritare etc.: How often have I been telling you not to do
this? = De cte ori i-am spus s nu faci acest lucru? Who has been stealing
my wallet? = Cine mi-a furat portofelul?

Att prefectul prezent continuu ct i prezentul simplu sau continuu se
folosesc atunci cnd o aciune care a nceput n trecut continu i n prezent.
Folosind ns perfectul prezent continuu, se pune accentul pe ideea de pn
acum: I help him with his German lessons every two weeks. Ive been
helping him with his German lessons every two weeks but I think Ill make
it every Monday from now on.

Markere de timp:
how long: How long have you been learning English?
for (este urmat de o perioad de timp): She has been working here
for twenty years.
since (este urmat de momentul n care a nceput aciunea): We have
been living here since 1990.
V. Conjugai urmtoarele verbe la Present Perfect Continuous,
afirmativ, negative, interogativ, interogativ-negativ: to travel, to learn, to
watch, to walk, to think.

VI. Folosii Present Perfect Simple sau Present Perfect Continuous n
locul infinitivelor din paranteze:
Example: He has been fishing (fish) for two hours but he has caught
(catch) nothing yet.

1. We (know) each other for several years. 2. The radio (play) since 7 a.m.
Im tired of it. 3. I (shop) all day and I want to have a rest now. 4. How long
you (wear) glasses? 5. I (cook) all the morning. 6. How many dishes you
(cook)? 7. Why you (be) in the garden so long? 8. I (water) the flowers. 9.
He (sleep) for 10 hours now. Its time we woke him up. 10. I (ask) you to
clean your room for two days. When are you going to do it? 11. Ever since
that woman came to work here, she (try) to make trouble. 12. You look
really great! (You, exercise) at the fitness center ? 13. Frank, where have
you been? We (wait) for you since 1 p.m.. 14. They (work) over an
important project for 3 months.

VII. Identificai greelile din propoziiile de mai jos i corectai-le:
Example: He have never been to England before. --- Correct: He has never
been to England before.

1. We have been done our homework for two hours.
2. My brother painted his house for two weeks and he hasn't finished yet.
3. The water has boiling for two hours.
4. I never have understood how they could be friends.
5. The Smiths are on a safari. They have been drive through Africa for
the past two weeks.

VIII. Facei propoziii folosind indiciile date:
Example: Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it.
He/read/for two hours. --- He has been reading for two hours.

1. Sue is travelling round Europe right now. She began her tour three weeks ago.
She/travel/for three months
2. Jimmy is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten
years old.
Jim/play tennis/since he was ten
3. When they left college, Mary and Sarah started doing business
together in the fashion industry. They still do business.
Mary and Sarah/do business/since they left college
IX. Traducei n limba englez folosind Present Perfect Continuous:
1. Ei lucreaz la vam de doi ani. 2. Ateptm s trecem de controlul
vamal de ieri. 3. Activitatea vamal este oprit de dou ore i nu s-a reluat
nc. 4. Vama percepe taxe pentru aceste produse de mai bine de trei ani. 5.
El este un vame bun dar se gndete s se pensioneze de vreo cteva luni.
6. Ei cltoresc n strintate de 6 ani aa c au nceput s cunoasc toi
vameii. 7. Studiez Codul Procedurilor Vamale de o sptmn deoarece
doresc s m angajez la Autoritatea Naional a Vmilor. 8. De ct timp
lucreaz el la vam? 9. Am verificat documente toat dimineaa. 10. Ei
ncearc de cteva ore s gseasc articole interzise n bagajele voastre.

Unit 2
Romania is a country with a long and complicated history. It also has a
variety of customs, traditions and holidays. Some of the holidays are
celebrated throughout the whole country; others are designated for specific
regions of the country. There are festivals to celebrate important occasions
and holidays in colourful costumes and with the joyful folk music that is
purely Romanian. The tradition of expressing good wishes, singing or
dancing is present in most Romanian holidays.
In Romania, people have preserved almost all customs and traditions
as an important component of culture. Hardly a week goes by without a
religious or secular festival somewhere in Romania. Some of the best,
however, take place at Christmas, New Year's Eve or Easter.
The Christmas celebration starts with a six-week fast prior to the
holiday. On December 6, St. Nicholas brings small gifts to the young
children who have polished their shoes. Christmas carols, traditional food
and decorated trees are part of the Christmas traditions. Christmas Eve is
reserved for decorating the tree, to be followed by the Christmas Eve dinner.
This dinner is usually celebrated within the family. Christmas carols are
sung and Santa is expected to leave presents under the tree; families with
small children receive a visit from Santa in person. Christmas Day is
celebrated with friends and family.
New Year's Eve is an occasion for night-long parties. The first day of
the new year is celebrated through songs and dances that symbolize the
desire for a prosperous new year as characterized by fair weather, good
money, health and happiness. The well-wishers are expected during the
afternoon of New Year's Eve; they extend wishes for a happy life and
prosperity in the coming year.
Other traditions include: the singing of carols as organized by young men
or children, the plow, the goat dance, the mask play, the walking of the star etc.
The celebration of the Christening of Jesus occurs on January 6,
considered to be the coldest day of the year.
Easter is another important celebration in Romania. The traditional
food (lamb, cheese cake, coloured eggs) makes an appearance in every
Easter dinner. The egg as a symbol represents the miracle of creation.
During Easter, a midnight Mass takes place with a remarkable candle
procession as part of the ceremony. Easter Eve is marked by total fasting
and the first Easter meal takes place the night following the Mass.
In addition to the Easter celebration, there are other spring celebrations
such as the celebration of Mrior (a day when gifts such as small objects,
plants, shells, flowers, animals, snowmen or tools - as well as a red and
white ribbon symbolizing life and purity - are given to young girls and
women), the Flowers Sunday (a special celebration for all those who have
names associated with flowers), Aprils Fools Day (celebrated on April 1
is a day for jokes and tricks).

Vocabulary focus
holiday = srbtoare
tradition = tradiie
custom = obicei
joyful = vesel, voios
folk music = muzic popular
to express = a exprima
good wishes = urri de bine
singing = cntece
dancing = dansuri
to preserve = a pstra
hardly = de-abia, cu greu
to go by = a trece
Christmas = Crciunul
New Year = Anul Nou
eve = ajun
Easter = Patele
fast = post
prior to = nainte de
gift/present = cadou, dar
to polish = a lustrui
carol = colind
to decorate = a mpodobi
Santa = Mo Crciun
to expect = a atepta
to receive = a primi
desire = dorin
prosperous = prosper
health = sntate
happiness = fericire
well-wisher = colindtor
the coming year = anul care vine
the plow = pluguorul
the goat dance = dansul caprei
mask = masc
the walking of the star = mersul cu steaua
christening = botez
Jesus= Isus
to occur = a se ntmpla
lamb = miel
cheese cake = pasc
coloured eggs = ou vopsite
miracle = miracol
mass = slujb
candle = lumnare
procession = procesiune
total fasting = post negru
shell = scoic
tool = unealt, instrument
ribbon = panglic
Flowers Sunday = Duminica Floriilor
Aprils Fools Day = Ziua Pclelilor
joke = glum
trick = pcleal

I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. Is Romania a country with a large variety of traditions and holidays?
2. What tradition is present in most Romanian holidays?
3. What are the Christmas-related customs?
4. What are the Easter-related customs?
5. What spring celebrations can you mention?
6. Can you describe a Romanian holiday?

II. Completai spaiile libere cu urmtoarele cuvinte: of, synonymous,
holidays, celebrate, off, proclaimed, religious, the rest, usually, Thanksgiving.
Example: People in every culture celebrate ..holidays.. .

Although the word holiday literally means holy day, most American
holidays are not ., but commemorative. In the United States, the word
holiday is . with celebration.
There are no federal (national) holidays in the United States. The
following ten holidays are . by the federal government: New Year's Day,
Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence
Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, .... Day, Christmas Day.
Federal holidays are observed according to the legislation ....
individual states. Cities and towns can decide not to .... a federal legal
holiday at all. However, the majority of the states (and the cities and towns
within them) .... choose the date or day celebrated by .... of the nation. The
closing of local government offices and businesses vary. Whether citizens
have the day .... from work or not depends on local decisions.

III. Gsii numele fiecrei srbtori:
Example: Notable day when jokes or tricks are played on friends or
relatives = Aprils Fools Day
- Celebration of the Resurrection of Christ =
- Winter holiday when children clean their shoes or boots to receive
presents =
- Holiday celebrating the Birth of Christ =
- Holiday associated with romantic love =
- Celebration for all those bearing flowers names =


- Timpul trecut aspectul comun -

To be was/were been

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ Interogativ-Negativ
I was I was not Was I? Was I not?
You were You were not Were you? Were you not?
He/she/it was He/she/it was not Was he/she/it? Was he/she/it not?
We were We were not Were we? Were we not?
You were You were not Were you? Were you not?
They were They were not Were they? Were they not?

The students were satisfied with their results. = Studenii au fost mulumii
de rezultatele lor. They were not interested in your proposal. = Ei nu au fost
interesai de propunerea voastr. Where was she yesterday? = Unde a fost ea
ieri? Wasn't he your best friend? = Nu a fost el cel mai bun prieten al tu?

To have had had

Affirmativ Negativ Interogativ Interogativ-Negativ
I had I had not Had I? Had I not?
You had You had not Had you? Had you not?
He/she/it had He/she/it had not Had he/she/it? Had he/she/it not?
We had We had not Had we? Had we not?
You had You had not Had you? Had you not?
They had They had not Had they? Had they not?

We had a good time at the mountain last summer. = Ne-am distrat bine vara
trecut la munte. They hadnt English classes last Friday. = Ei nu au avut
or de englez vinerea trecut. Had you breakfast yesterday morning? = Ai
luat micul dejun ieri diminea? Had he a car two years ago? = A avut el
main acum doi ani?

To work worked worked

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ Interogativ-Negativ
I worked I didnt work Did I work? Didnt I work?
You worked You didnt work Did you work? Didnt you work?
He worked He didnt work Did he work? Didnt he work?
We worked We didnt work Did we work? Didnt we work?
You worked You didnt work Did you work? Didnt you work?
They worked They didnt work Did they work? Didnt they work?

n funcie de forma pe care o au verbele la timpul trecut, aspectul comun
(Past Tense simple - V
) sau la participiul trecut (past participle - V
), ele se
mpart n dou categorii: verbe regulate i verbe neregulate.
Verbele regulate formeaz trecutul simplu prin adugarea terminaiei
(e)d la forma de infinitiv scurt a verbului: I listened to the concert last night.
= Am ascultat concertul asear.
Verbele neregulate au forme diferite la infinitiv, Past Tense i participiul trecut,
forme care trebuie nvate din lista verbelor neregulate (prezentat la sfritul acestui
curs) care indic formele de baz ale verbului: V
infinitiv, V
- Past Tense, V

participiu trecut: to speak spoke spoken = a vorbi a vorbit vorbit.
Forma negativ, interogativ i interogativ-negativ se realizeaz cu
ajutorul lui did (+not): Did you celebrate Christmas with your whole family
last year? = Ai srbtorit Crciunul cu toat familia anul trecut? My sister
didnt come last year. = Sora mea nu a venit anul trecut.
Forma afirmativ: S + V

Forma negativ: S + Did Not/Didnt + V (infinitivul scurt)
Forma interogativ: Did + S + V (infinitivul scurt)
Forma interogativ-negativ: Didnt + S + V (infinitivul scurt)

Corespondentul su n limba romn este perfectul compus, perfectul
simplu, sau imperfectul, n funcie de context: She usually left her English
textbook at home. = De regul i uita manualul de englez acas.

Forme contrase:
I didnt go, he didnt go, etc. (negativ)
Didnt I go?, didnt he go? etc. (interogativ-negativ)

ntrebuinare: timpul trecut, aspectul comun exprim o aciune care a
avut loc pe axa trecutului. Se folosete pentru:
aciuni care au avut loc i s-au ncheiat ntr-un moment clar precizat
din trecut: France won the World Cup in 1998. = Frana a ctigat Cupa
Mondial n 1998.
o serie de aciuni terminate: The girl walked out of the house, got into the
car and drove off. = Fata a ieit din cas, s-a suit n main i a plecat.
aciuni repetate n trecut: I often visited him. = l vizitam adesea.
Markere de timp:
two days ago, ten minutes ago, a long time ago
last week, last night, last summer
in 1990
when, what time, how long ago
IV. Dai forma de Past tense Simple a urmtoarelor verbe: to arrive, to
come, to build, to understand, to be, to want, to start, to lose, to ask, to see.
Example: to arrive arrived
To come came
V. Punei verbele din urmtoarele propoziii la Past Tense Simple:
Example: I sleep until 9 oclock. I slept until 9 oclock.
He meets John on Sundays. He met John on Sundays.

1. You speak English well.
2. You drink too much.
3. You ask too many questions.
4. I play football.
5. I have two umbrellas.
6. I like drinking coffee in the morning.
7. That sounds interesting.
8. Mom always makes cakes.
VI. Punei verbele din urmtoarele propoziii la negativ i interogativ:
Example: He thought about you. / He did not think about you. / Did he
think about you?
1. They drank all the wine last night. 2. I hated him. 3. He changed his
password. 4. I sold my car. 5. We worked very hard. 6. He came home late.
7. I enjoyed travelling. 8. He translated the text.
VII. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri conform exemplului:
Example: Did the concert begin on time?
Yes, the concert began on time.
1. Did Mr. Jones lose his wallet?
2. Did Mrs. Jones go to the supermarket?
3. Did they come early?
4. Did you drink tea every day?
5. Did the student learn English?
6. Did he run quickly in the rain?
7. Did it cost a lot?
8. Did the students do their work?
9. Did you find your book?
10. Did you write the letter?
VIII. Gsii varianta corect:
Example: ..Weren't.. they in the house when you called?
A. Wasn't B. Weren't C. Were being D. Was been
It ..wasn't.. a nice day to go out for a walk.
A. weren't B. wasn't C. was being not D. was not being

1. Yesterday, he .... all day at the office.
A. works B. worked C. is working D. work
2. .... she answer the telephone when you called?
A. Did B. Do C. Is D. are
3. He .... his car in time to avoid the accident.
A. didn't stop B. don't stop C. not stopped D. not doing stop
4. She .... to the bank to deposit a cheque.
A. go B. gone C. went D. going
5. We .... orange juice when we needed refreshment.
A. drinks B. drunk C. drank D. dronk
6. They .... sandwiches on their picnic last Saturday.
A. eats B. ate C. eated D. eaten
7. I .... some work home from the office.
A. taken B. takes C. token D. took
8. The child .... a bicycle until he had an accident.
A. rid B. ride C. ridden D. rode

IX. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Noi am srbtorit Crciunul cu familia anul trecut.
2. Ai dormit bine noaptea trecut?
3. Ieri nu am mers la universitate.
4. Am mncat pasc anul trecut de Pate.
5. Duminica trecut prietenii mei au jucat fotbal.
6. Ei au deschis manualele de englez.
7. Cnd te-ai ntors de la munte?
8. Cnd ai cumprat acest televizor?
9. Ieri mi-am pierdut actele.
10. Unde i-ai petrecut concediul vara trecut?
11. Ieri am luat micul dejun i apoi am plecat la servici.
12. Acum dou zile am czut i mi-am rupt piciorul.
13. Sptmna trecut am fost bolnav i nu am mers la cursuri.
14. El a avut primul examen acum trei zile.
15. Cine a ctigat meciul alaltieri?
16. Acum 2 ani am petrecut Crciunul singur.
17. Cti ani a durat ca s construiasc podul?
18. I-am recunoscut faa, dar nu mi-am amintit numele lui.
19. Ieri sora mea a lucrat dou ore peste program.
20. Azi am terminat cursul si am nceput s lucrez singur la proiect.

Unit 3
Last Saturday I celebrated my 21
anniversary and I had a beautiful
birthday party with lots of guests. I sent birthday invitations to all my
friends, colleagues and family: "Im turning 21! Help me throw a
memorable party, Saturday, September 30! Please drop in between the hours
of 7 p.m. to 8 p.m."
When people arrived at my house I was at the door, receiving my
guests. All of them brought presents. I was wearing a red dress. I decorated
the house with candles, flowers and balloons. The ambiance was great.
There were about 26 people who were having a good time. Some of them
were dancing, others were talking or telling jokes. There was plenty of food, for
all tastes: all kinds of salads, steaks, tasty appetizers, fruit, and dessert. We had
liqueur, beer, wine and soft drinks for those who didn't want to drink alcohol. It
was a nice evening, because I could meet all my friends, hear the latest news
about our colleagues and have fun. I had a camera ready for those "spur of the
moment" shots that create lasting memories.
While I was dancing with my friend, Andrew, the birthday cake was
brought in by my mother. It was a big chocolate cake with the words Happy
Birthday on it. The guests sang Happy Birthday and we drank champagne.
We stayed until dawn. It was a memorable party. I was very happy.

Hello Kay. It's Dan. I just received the invitation to your birthday
party. Thanks for inviting me.
Can you make it?
Well, let's see. It's next Saturday night, 7:00 pm. Right?
That's right. I hope you can come?
It would be my pleasure. Can I bring anything?
Just yourself.
Ok, I'll be there with bells on. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks.
See you then.
Vocabulary focus

party = petrecere
to celebrate = a srbtori, a celebra
guest = musafir, invitat
to turn 21 = a mplini 21
to throw/have a party = a da o petrecere
soft drinks = buturi rcoritoare
meet = a ntlni
to have fun = a se distra
camera = aparat de fotografiat
spur = impuls
to drop in = a trece (pe la cineva)
to arrive = a sosi
to receive = a primi
present = cadou
to have a good time = a se distra
some = unii, unele
others = alii, altele
tasty = gustos
appetizer = aperitiv
shot = instantaneu (foto)
lasting = durabil
memories = amintiri
cake = tort, prjitur
to bring = a aduce
Happy Birthday! = La Muli Ani!
champagne = ampanie
to stay = a sta
dawn = zori
happy = fericit

I. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. What did I celebrate last Saturday?
2. Whom did I send birthday invitations to?
3. What did I write on the birthday invitations?
4. What did the guests bring?
5. What was I wearing?
6. Where there many people at the party?
7. How did I decorate the house?
8. What were the people at the party doing?
9. What food and drinks were at the party?
10. What did I have a camera for?
11. What birthday cake did my mother bring in?
12. How was the party?

II. Gsii definiia corect:
1. birthday a. to furnish with something ornamental
2. party b. amusement, enjoyment, entertainment
3. invitation c. a gift
4. guest d. an anniversary of the day on which a person
was born
5. present e. an occasion on which people gather together
for entertainment
6. cake f. a white sparkling wine made in France
7. champagne g. an often formal request to be present or
8. greeting card h. a sweet baked food, usually used for special
9. to decorate i. a person who comes for a visit
10. fun j. a card with a personal message given on
special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas
or other holidays
III. Completai spaiile libere cu cuvintele corespunztoare:
guest, playing, time, party, talking, invitations, photo, and
Example: Last year, a few weeks before Christmas we had a Christmas .. party.. .

I made the .... on the computer. We invited all of our family .... friends. First
we had dinner. Then, while the kids were .... games or decorating their
gingerbread houses and the adults were . or playing cards, the carolers
were walking past our house and singing Christmas songs. Everyone was
having a great .... ! I took a .... of them and I sent it out to each .... in a
Happy New Year card. They all were very glad to see it.


- Timpul trecut aspectul continuu -

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ
I was working I was not
Was I
Was I not
You were
You were not
Were you
Were you not
He/she/it was
He/she/it was not
Was he/she/it
Was he/she/it not
We were
We were not
Were we
Were we not
You were
You were not
Were you
Were you not
They were
They were not
Were they
Were they not

Formare: timpul trecut, aspectul continuu se formeaz din timpul trecut
simplu al verbului auxiliar to be i participiul prezent al verbului de
conjugat (V-ing) S + was/were + V-ing: I was working = Eu munceam.
You were driving. = Tu conduceai. Corespondentul su n limba romn
este imperfectul.
n ceea ce privete verbele care nu se pot folosi la forma continu, se
pstreaz aceleai reguli ca i la timpul prezent, aspectul continuu.

Forme contrase:
I wasnt working, you werent working etc. (negativ)
wasnt I working?, werent you working? etc. (interogativ-negativ)
este folosit pentru a exprima o aciune n desfurare ntr-un anumit
moment n trecut: I was doing my homework at 5 oclock yesterday.
este folosit pentru a accentua faptul c o aciune s-a desfurat n trecut pe
o perioad mai lung de timp: The baby was crying all day yesterday.
este folosit mpreun cu trecutul simplu pentru a exprima o aciune n
desfurare n trecut care este ntrerupt de o alt aciune din trecut. Aceste
dou aciuni sunt legate de regul prin when sau while: When the guests
arrived I was still sleeping.
este folosit pentru a exprima dou sau mai multe aciuni simultane n
trecut: They were eating while I was drinking a glass of wine.
este folosit cu adverbul always pentru a exprima o aciune repetat n
trecut care deranjeaz vorbitorul: Victor was always ringing me up at night.

Markere de timp:
this time yesterday/last week
all day yesterday
from 9 to 11 ;
between 10 and 12 .
when, during, while, as etc.
I was studying for my exam yesterday evening.
I was having breakfast at seven o'clock this morning.
What were you doing between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. yesterday?

IV. Dai formele de baz ale urmtoarelor verbe i apoi conjugai-le la
timpul trecut, aspectul continuu, forma afirmativ, negativ i
interogativ: to go, to look, to listen, to eat, to come.
Example: to go went gone
I/he/she/it/we/you/they went
I/he/she/it/we/you/they did not go
Did I/he/she/it/we/you/they go?

V. Punei verbele din paranteze la past tense continuous:
Example: What (do) ..were you doing.. this time last night?

a) 1. The children were frightened because it (get) . dark. 2. It was a fine
winter day and the roads were crowded because a lot of people (rush) . to the
mountains. 3. A: What (do) .yesterday at 8 oclock? B: I (have) .
dinner with my family. 4. He usually wears shoes but when I saw him
yesterday he (wear) . boots. 5. There was nobody in the car but the engine
(run) . . 6. It (rain). so heavily that I got soaked. 7. Susan (stand) . in the
bus stop when it started to rain. 8. Where you (live) . when you got married?
b) When I walked into the office, several people (type) ...., some (talk) .... on
the phones, the boss (yell) .... directions, and customers (wait) .... to be helped.
One customer (yell) .... at a secretary; others (complain) .... about the bad service.

VI. Gsii i corectai greelile din propoziiile de mai jos:
Example: I was study at that university this time last year. --- Correct: I was
studying at that university this time last year.

1. Mary and Tom was doing their homework at this time yesterday afternoon.
2. He going to a party at 9 oclock last night.
3. All the guests were dance when I brought in the cake.
4. What were I reading yesterday when I phoned you?
5. The child was have spaghetti for dinner yesterday.

VII. Punei verbele din paranteze la past tense simple sau past tense
continuous, n funcie de situaie:
Example: Last night, while I (do) ..was doing.. my homework, Angela called.

She said she (call) .... me on her cell phone from her literature
classroom. She said that the professor was at the front of the hall lecturing
while she (talk) .... to me. I couldn't believe she (make) .... a phone call
during the lecture. I asked what was going on.
She said her literature professor was so boring that several of the students
(sleep) .... in class. Some of the students (talk) .... about their plans for the weekend
and the student next to her (draw) .... a picture of a clown. When Angela (tell) ....
me she was not satisfied with the class, I (mention) .... that my biology professor
was quite good and (suggest) .... that she could switch to my class.
While we were talking, I (hear) .... her professor yell, "Miss, are you making
a phone call?" Suddenly, the line went dead. I (hang) .... up the phone and went to
the kitchen to make dinner. As I (cut) .... vegetables for a salad, the phone rang
again. It (be) .... Angela, but this time she wasn't sitting in class.

VIII. Traducei n limba englez propoziiile de mai jos:
1. n timp ce ele decorau sala pentru petrecere, a nceput s plou. 2. Invitaii
dansau, mncau i se distrau. 3. De ce m-ai ntrerupt? Aveam o conversaie foarte
interesant cu profesorul meu. 4. Cnd l-am auzit la u m-am dus s deschid, dar
nu l-am recunoscut pentru c purta ochelari. 5. n timp ce mergeam pe strad am
auzit o main n spatele nostru. 6. El se uita la televizor cnd a sunat telefonul. 7.
Sheila i-a dat seama c mergea n direcia greit. 8. Brbatul acela purta haine
obinuite i eu m ntrebam dac este poliist sau detectiv particular. 9. Ea
ntotdeuna inventa poveti pentru copiii ei cnd era tnr. 10. Profesorul scria pe
tabl n timp ce studenii din spate se strecurau afar din sal.

IX. Scriei o compunere intitulat: A cool party.
Unit 4
Post offices are facilities where the public can purchase stamps or
envelopes to send ordinary mail, urgent and valuable mail (correspondence
or merchandise), postcards, telegrams, money orders and parcels, draw State
pensions, make telephone calls, renew the television or the radio licence,
collect printed mater or pay different bills.
Letters. Generally letters are collected from pillar-faxes and taken to a
Head Post-Office where they are sorted. There are standard letters or
registered letters. Then they are carried to their destination and the postman
delivers them. The letters whose addressees are unknown are either returned
to the senders or carried to the dead-letter office. Compensation is offered in
case of loss or damage. If you want your letter to arrive more quickly than
by ordinary post you can also send it by air mail.
If you send parcels you must weigh the package and buy the
appropriate stamps for it. If you send a money order you must fill in a form
in which you write the payees name and address, the senders name and
address and the amount of money to be sent.
Postage represents the postal fee that is paid for posting something.
Telephone. When you are not a telephone subscriber, you must buy a
phone card and go to a call-box. You can make local calls or long-distance
calls. But how do you use the phone? You pick up the receiver, put the card
in the slot, wait for the dial tone, and dial the number.
If you dial 0 an operator answers you and puts you through to your
correspondent, but you must not forget to tell him your number figure by
figure and remember that the figure 0 (naught) is read as the letter o.

May I use your phone? I need to make a call.
Is that a local call?
Yes, Im going to call up a friend here in the city. But I dont know her
phone number.
Look it up in the phone book.
Here it is! Let me dial the number the line is busy.
Well, hang up and try again in a few minutes.
Hello. Can I speak with Karen, please?
Hi Karen. I called you a few minutes ago, but your line was busy.
Yeah. Kathy was on the phone.

Vocabulary focus

post/mail = pot, scrisori
postoffice/mail-office = oficiu potal
postman/mailman = pota
to post = a trimite, a expedia prin pot
Head-office = pot central
stamp = timbru
envelope = plic
letter = scrisoare
standard/ordinary letter = scrisoare obinuit
registered letter = scrisoare recomandat
to buy stamps / postcards /
envelopes = a cumpra timbre/cri
to send letters/telegrams/money
orders/parcels = a trimite
scrisori/telegrame/ordine de plat/colete
to draw a State pension = a lua pensia
to make telephone calls = a da telefoane
to renew a television/radio licence =
a rennoi abonamentul TV/radio
printed matter = ziare si reviste
to collect mail = a ridica
letter box = cutie potal
pillar box = cutie de scrisori
to sort = a sorta
to carry = a duce
to deliver = a distribui
to reach/to arrive at = a ajunge
sender = expeditor
addressee = destinatar
loss = pierdere
damage = stricciune
by air mail = prin pota aerian,
par avion
to weigh the package = a cntri pachetul
postage = tax potal
fee = tax
subscriber = abonat
phone card = cartel telefonic
call-box/phone-box = cabin
local call = apel urban
long-distance call = apel interurban
to pick up the receiver = a ridica
to put the card in the slot = a pune
cartela n telefon
to wait for the dial tone = a
atepta tonul
to dial the number = a forma numrul
to connect/to put through = a face legtura
figure = cifr

Alte expresii folosite n serviciile potale i telefonie:
to stamp a letter = a timbra o scrisoare
parcel post = mesagerie
counter = ghieu
to call/to phone/to ring up/to make a call = a da telefon
to disconnect/to cut off = a ntrerupe legtura
to hang up the receiver = a pune receptorul n furc
to pick up the receiver = a ridica receptorul
the line is free/clear = firul este liber
hold the line, please = rmnei la telefon, v rog
the phone is out of order = telefonul este deranjat
the phone is dead = telefonul nu are ton
to ring up Inquiries = a suna la Informaii
wrong number = numr greit
to look up a number = a cuta un numr
phone book/directory = carte de telefon
receiver = receptor
operator = centralist
extension = numr de interior

I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. What are post offices?
2. What types of letters can you mention?
3. Who delivers the letters?
4. What happens to the letters whose addressees are unknown?
5. How can you send a letter more quickly?
6. What must you do when you send parcels?
7. What details must be filled in on a postal order form?
8. What is postage?
9. What types of calls can you make?
10. How can you make a local telephone call from a public telephone box?
11. What do you do if the line is busy?
12. Do you ever send letters or postcards to your friends/relatives?
13. Who uses the telephone most in your family? Why?
14. Do you have a mobile phone? Which are the advantages and the
disadvantages in using mobile phones?

II. Completai urmtoarele propoziii cu cuvintele corespunztoare:
a) post-office, postman, letter, pillar-boxes, parcel, money order
b) line, calling, through, wrong number, directory, receiver

Example: In order to send a ..letter.. you have to go to the . .

a) 1. In big cities . are emptied several times a day. 2. When you send a
. you must weigh it and buy stamps for it. 3. If you want to send a .
you first ask for a form. 4. The . delivers and sends letter and other
mail items.
b)1. If the line is busy hang up the .... and dial again later. 2. Who shall I
say is .... ? 3. Im afraid youre got the .... . 4. Hold the ... , please. Ill put
you .... . 5. When you dont know somebodys telephone number, you can
look it up in the .... .
III. Gsii antonimele urmtoarelor cuvinte i expresii: to pick up the
receiver, to disconnect, the line is clear, the right number, local call, to
collect, addressee, by ordinary mail.
Example: to pick up the receiver to hang up the receiver

IV. Realizai scurte dialoguri folosind expresiile:
1. Can I speak to...............?
2. Speaking.
3. Just a moment, please. Ill put you through.
4. Hang up the receiver and dial again.
5. Please forgive me troubling you.
6. Hold the line.


- Mai-mult-ca-perfectul aspectul comun -

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ
I had gone I had not gone Had I gone? Hadnt I gone?
You had gone You had not gone Had you gone? Hadnt you gone?
He/she had gone He/she hadnt
Had he/she
Hadnt he/she
We had gone We hadnt gone Had we gone? Hadnt we gone?
You had gone You hadnt gone Had you gone? Hadnt you gone?
They had gone They hadnt gone Had they gone? Hadnt they gone?

Formare: S + had + V3
Timpul mai-mult-ca-perfect, aspectul comun se formeaz din trecutul
simplu al verbului to have i participiul trecut (V3) al verbului de conjugat: I
had read the book before he saw the film. = Citise cartea nainte s vd filmul.
Corespondentul su n limba romn este mai-mult-ca-perfectul sau, n
unele cazuri, perfectul compus sau imperfectul.

Forme contrase:
I hadnt gone, he hadnt gone etc. (negativ)
Hadnt I gone?, hadnt he gone? etc. (interogativ-negativ)

ntrebuinare: timpul mai-mult-ca-perfect, aspectul comun este folosit
pentru a exprima:
o aciune trecut, ncheiat naintea unei alte aciuni din trecut
exprimat adesea printr-un trecut simplu: They had never been there before.
= Ei nu mai fuseser niciodat acolo. Didnt he tell you that I had been in
vacation? = Nu i-a spus c am fost n concediu?
o aciune din trecut, anterioar fa de un alt moment din trecut dar
continund i n acel moment (n acest caz corespondentul romnesc este
imperfectul): He had been reading for an hour when his brother came in.

Markere de timp:
for, since: He had entered the room for two minutes when the teacher
came in. He had lived there since 1997 when I met him.
just, already, as soon as, when, after, before: He had just got into the
house when it started to rain.
locuiuni adverbiale de timp: by + past time: by the end of the week =
pn la sfritul sptmnii, by Sunday = pn duminic, by that time =
pn la acea or etc.: By the end of last week, I had already drawn up the
report. = Pn la sfritul sptmnii trecute redactasem deja referatul. I had

V. Dai formele de baz ale urmtoarelor verbe: to write; to get; to drive;
to find; to park; to run; to do; to work; to hold; to have. Conjugai apoi
aceste verbe la Past Perfect Simple, forma afirmativ, interogativ,
Example: to write wrote - written
Conjugai apoi aceste verbe la Past Perfect Simple, forma afirmativ,
interogativ, negativ.

VI. Traducei n limba romn fiind ateni la folosirea timpului verbal:
1. When he had finished his work, he went to the cinema.
2. As soon as he had unpacked his suitcases he left to the hotel.
3. He had just left the room when the telephone rang.
4. After she had finished the shopping, she went to a snack-bar
5. By the time we come, they had already finished the experiment.
6. Once we had agreed the procedure, we set to work immediately.
VII. Schimbai urmtoarele propoziii conform exemplului:
Example: Nick says he has just visited the Art Museum.
Nick said he had just visited the Art Museum.
1. The clerk says he has just sorted the letters. 2. Mary says she has just
translated an article from Romanian into English. 3. John says he has written
his homework. 4. He says he has just come back. 5. She says she has never sent
a postcard. 6. Ann says she has just delivered a telegram. 8. He says he has seen
many places of interest in London. 9. Jane says she has just met Tom in front of
the post-office. 10. They say that they have weighed all the parcels.

VIII. Folosii Past Perfect Simple:
Example: He had learnt (learn) to swim before he was six years old.
He wondered why I had not visited (not to visit) him before.
1. As soon as he (finish) sticking the stamps on the envelope, he dropped the
letter into the pillar-box. 2. After we (make) the call, we continued our
work. 3. I thought you (meet) the postman yesterday. 4. He said he (be
away) on a journey for some weeks. 5. She (tell) him that she had no time to
send him postcards or love letters. 6. I (live) in Bucharest before I moved
here. 7. When she arrived at the post-office, it already (be) close. 8. We
didn't want to come to the cinema because we already (see) the film.

IX. Traducei n limba englez:
1. O ateptasem n faa oficiului potal timp de un sfert de or cnd, n
sfrit, a venit. 2. Locuisem la Cluj timp de doi ani nainte s m mut la
Bucureti. 3. Lucrasem la pot timp de un an nainte de a ncepe s predau
la universitate. 5. Nick i-a spus potaului c a luat-o pe o strad greit. 6.
L-am ntrebat dac a expediat deja coletul. 7. Mi-a spus c tocmai dduse un
telefon. 8. I-am spus c uitasem numrul Mariei de telefon. 9. Dup ce a
mers la pot s trimit scrisorile, s-a ntors acas. 10. De ndat ce
recomandatele au sosit, au fost trimise la pota central.

Unit 5
Health is priceless. When English people meet together, they usually ask
one another questions about health: How are you? How do you feel this
morning? Do you feel better this evening? How are you getting on?
The word healthy means good health, but it is also possible to speak of
poor, uncertain, feeble health. Wholesome food and regular way of life
contribute to good health. Various illness affect mankind. Some are mild and
can be cured they are curable. Others are serious, and some of them incurable.
Children sometimes have measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever,
headache or toothache. People otherwise quite healthy are liable to catch
cold if they sit in a draught. Sometimes they may also suffer from periodic
attacks of indigestion. When we are not feeling well, we go to our GP
(General Practitioner) to tell him our trouble. He gives us a tonic (pick-me-
up) or prescribes a special diet. He may also order his patient to go to bed or
hospital immediately.
In most countries there is a special government department which is
concerned only with the health of people. This is generally called the
Ministry of Health.

Whats the matter with you?
I feel sick. I feel like I think Ive got a cold.
Do you run a high temperature?
Yes. I also have a terrible headache, a sore throat and a running nose.
Poor you! What are you taking?
Nothing so far.
You should see a doctor right away. He will decide what medicines you
must take and he will write you a prescription if theres the case.
Youre right. I think Ill do that. Thanks.

Vocabulary focus

health = sntate
healthy = sntos
good health = sntate bun
bad/poor health = sntate ubred
feeble, uncertain health = sntate precar
wholesome = hrnitor, nutritiv
liable to = pasibil de
to catch a cold = a rci
to sit in a draught = a sta n curent
to suffer from = a suferi de
to feel well = a se simi bine
to feel unwell = a nu se simi bine
illness = boal
mild disease = boal uoar
serious disease = boal grav
to cure = a vindeca
curable disease = boal curabil
incurable disease = boal incurabil
measles = pojar
whooping cough = tuse convulsiv
scarlet fever = febr mare
toothache = durere de dini
headache = durere de cap
general practitioner (GP) = medic generalist
pick-me-up = tonic
to prescribe = a prescrie
Ministry of Health = Ministerul Sntii
to run a high temperature = a avea
temperatur mare
to have a running nose = a-i curge nasul
prescription = reet

Alte expresii folosite n sntate:
patient = pacient
in-patient = bolnav internat
out-patient = bolnav ambulatoriu
physician = doctor, persoan autorizat s practice medicina
pediatrician = pediatru
neurologist = neurolog
oculist / oftalmologist = specialist de ochi
surgeon = chirurg
chemist = farmacist
medicine = medicament, medicin
pain-killer = calmant
sick/ill = bolnav
common/ chronic disease = boal obinuit/cronic
infectious/contagious disease = boal infecioas /contagioas
respiratory/pulmonary/digestive disease = boal respiratorie /
pulmonar /digestiv
ache = durere (se folosete n expresii precum: to have a
pain = durere (se folosete cu alte pri ale corpului: a pain in my
chest, a pain in my leg)
painful = dureros
painless = nedureros

I. Rspundei la ntrebrile urmtoare:
1. What do you mean by being healthy?
2. What questions do English people ask when they meet together?
3. What is the difference between good and poor health?
4. Which factor do you consider important in keeping in good health:
wholesome food, a lot of rest, regular meals, recreation, plenty of
exercise, medicines?
5. What type of illnesses can you mention?
6. What diseases are most common with children? Which of them did
you suffer in a childhood?
7. What do people usually do when they dont feel very well? Put the
following actions in the right order: feel unwell / go to the surgery /
be examined by a GP / make an appointment / go to the chemists /
get a prescription
8. What does the doctor prescribe for you if you are run down?
9. Are visitors allowed in hospitals at any time or are there fixed hours
to visit the patients?
10. What can you get at the chemists?

II. Alctuii propoziii folosind expresiile din coloanele A i B, innd
cont de sensul acestora:
Example: If you need an X-ray, you go to .. an X-
ray specialist
.. .
If you have a toothache, you consult ....
If something gets into your eyes, you go to see ....
If your nerves are out of order you consult ....
If your little sister has a high temperature, you call ....
a nerve specialist
an X-ray specialist

a dentist
a childrens doctor
an oculist

III. Completai urmtoarele propoziii cu cuvintele corespunztoare:
stitches, unconscious, see a doctor, blood tests, pain, ambulance

Example: We were playing football when John fell down, hit his head and
knocked himself unconscious. We called an ..ambulance.. .

But John was still . when it arrived. He was taken to hospital where they
kept him for two days for . . When John injured himself, I jumped for the
ball and collided with another player. I had a cut on my head and I went to
hospital for five . . The other player tried to get up but he couldnt move.
He had a terrible . in his leg. But fortunately for him, the other players
helped him go and . .


Mai-mult-ca-perfectul, aspectul continuu

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ
I had been writing I hadnt been
Had I been
Hadnt I been
You had been
You hadnt been
Had you been
Hadnt you been
He/she had been
He/she hadnt
been writing
Had he/she been
Hadnt he/she
been writing?
We had been
We hadnt been
Had we been
Hadnt we been
You had been
You hadnt been
Had you been
Hadnt you been
They had been
They hadnt been
Had they been
Hadnt they been

Formare: timpul mai-mult-ca-perfect, aspectul continuu se formeaz
din mai-mult-ca-perfectul verbului auxiliar to be i participiul nehotrt al
verbului de conjugat. S + had been + V3: I had been working for three
hours when you came = Eu munceam de trei ore cnd tu ai venit.
Corespondentul su n limba romn este imperfectul.

Forme contrase:
Id been writing (afirmativ)
I hadnt been writing (negativ)
Hadnt you been working? (interogativ-negativ)

ntrebuinare: timpul mai-mult-ca-perfect, aspectul continuu este
folosit pentru a exprima:
o aciune de durat care a fost n curs de desfurare n trecut i s-a ncheiat
cu puin nainte fa de un moment trecut: I had just been sending the next text
when I heard the bell. = Tocmai citeam noul textul cnd am auzit soneria.
o aciune de durat n curs de desfurare care a nceput naintea unui
moment din trecut i continua i n acel moment: This time yesterday I had been
writing my homework for half an hour. = Ieri pe vremea aceasta mi scriam
temele de o jumtate de or.
o aciune trecut, exprimat printr-un verb la timpul trecut, aspectul
comun: When I got home she had been watching the TV programme for one
hour. = Cnd am ajuns acas, ea urmrea programul TV de o or.

Markere de timp:
for/since: How long have you been writing for the results before they
were posted up? = Ct timp ai ateptat rezultatele nainte de s fie afiate?
when, before, after, etc.
this time yesterday = ieri pe vremea asta; this time last month = luna
trecut pe vremea asta, etc.

IV. Dai formele de baz ale urmtoarelor verbe: to grow; to arrange; to
keep; to visit; to drive; to do; to tell; to chase; to walk; to cut; to feed.
Example: to grow grew - grown

V. Formai timpul mai-mult-ca-perfect aspectul continuu pentru
verbele din exerciiul IV i apoi conjugai-le la Past Perfect Continuous,
forma afirmativ, negativ i interogativ.

VI. Traducei n limba romn, fiind ateni la modul de folosire al
timpului mai-mult-ca-perfect aspectul continuu:
1. I had been working as a journalist for some years before he published his
first novel. 2. How long had you been living in London when you began your
studies at the Medical School? 3. When I got to the conference, the first lecturer
had already been speaking for half an hour. 4. Our English friends had been
staying in Paris for two weeks by the time we met them. 5. His nomination for
championship was the chance he had long been writing for. 6. When the nurse
came in the ward John had been sleeping for some hours.

VII. Schimbai urmtoarele propoziii conform exemplului:
Example: This time yesterday he was translating an article.
This time yesterday, he had been translating an article for half an hour.

1. This time yesterday we were getting about the city.
2. This time yesterday they were travelling by motor coach.
3. This time yesterday she was protecting in the language laboratory.
4. This time yesterday he was playing chess.
5. This time yesterday Mary was doing her morning exercises.
6. This time yesterday mother was cooking.
7. This time yesterday they were visiting a museum.
8. This time yesterday John was walking in the garden.
9. This time yesterday our manager was attending a conference.
10. This time yesterday the nurse was taking blood tests.
VIII. Punei verbele din parantez la timpul cerut de sens:
Example: When the hospital stay was over, my father had been staying
(stay) there for two weeks.
1. The doctor (write) prescriptions for some minutes when a new patient came in.
2. When I (meet) him he (work) in the hospital for three years. 3. The patient
(take) medicines ever since the doctor (prescribe) them. 4. We (wait) in front of
the polyclinics for more than half an hour but there was still no sign of a doctor.
5. He (cough) for two days when I took him to the doctor.

IX. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Ieri pe vremea aceasta, Ana vorbea cu doctorul de un sfert de or. 2.
Lusesem multe calmante timp de dou sptmni cnd doctorul mi le-a
interzis cu desvrire. 3. Cnd am ajuns acas mi-a spus c lua medicamente
de ieri deoarece era foarte rcit. 4. Mergeam de 10 minute prin spital cnd m-
am ntlnit cu chirurgul. 5. Farmacistul citea o reet de ceva timp cnd a
sunat telefonul. 6. Sptmna trecut pe vremea asta asistenta mi fcea
analize de dou ore. 7. Pacienii fceau tratamentul de 5 minute cnd a
nceput furtuna. 8. Era n spital de cteva zile de cteva zile cnd prietenii au
venit s-l viziteze. 9. M durea capul de cteva zile cnd am ajuns la doctor.
10. Iarna trecut a rcit de dou ori.

Unit 6
Studying at university
Higher education is not just a simple word. Its about continuing your
education, learning new things, being in charge of your choices and getting
to where you want to be in the future - whatever stage you're at, whatever
age you are.
You can take a higher education course at a university. At the moment,
approximately 30% of young adults go to university. Attending university lets
you experience a rich cultural and social scene and meet a variety of people,
while studying the subjects you like. Going into higher education can also lead
to a better paid job, a greater choice of job, higher future earning.
In case you decide to get a place at university, you must first take a
test if you want to get a free tuition. Students at university are called
undergraduates while they are studying for their first degree. Most
university courses last three years, but other courses, such as medicine, may
be longer. During this period students say that they are doing/studying
economics or doing/studying for a degree in economics, for example. If
students obtain good marks in their exams they can get a scholarship.
After three or more academic years of study, students graduate and
receive a degree. Students are then called graduates.
Attending postgraduate courses
When you complete your first degree, you are a graduate. But students
want to attend a second course. These students are then postgraduates. There
are two possible postgraduate degrees: Master's degree and Doctorate. In
general, people attend these courses to study in great detail (often to find new
information) a certain subject; we usually say that they are doing research.
School vs. university
At school, you have teachers and lessons, at university, you have lecturers
and lectures. When a lecturer gives a lecture, the students listen and take notes,
but do not usually say much, except to ask occasional questions.

Charlie, you graduate highschool soon.
Yes, dad.
You know, yesterday I spoke with the Dean for the university. He was my
classmate. He is going to interview all the applicants for admission next month.
I see.
And he agreed to fit you into his schedule.
But I may not want to go
Its one of the best universities in the country. I studied engineering there.
Your grandfather went to the Engineering School there.
I dont know what to say. I think I need more time to think about it.
Lets meet with the Dean at the University Club tomorrow. It doesnt mean
youre going there.
In that case, I go. Dad, growing up means making my own decision, doesnt it?
I know its sudden, but its a great opportunity.
I know you and mum saved money for my college tuition, but I really
consider that it should be my decision.
We want you to go to college, thats it.
Vocabulary focus

higher education = nvmnt superior
to be in charge of = a se ocupa de
future = viitor
stage = etap
course = curs
to attend = a frecventa, a participa
subject = materie, obiect de studiu
to lead to = a duce la
a choice of = o varietate de
earning = ctig
to take a test = a da un test
free = gratuity
tuition = colarizare
undergraduates = studeni
graduates = absolveni
degree = diplom, licen
to last = a dura
scholarship = burs
academic year of study = an universitar
to graduate = a absolvi
postgraduate course = curs postuniversitar
research = cercetare
lecturer = lector, confereniar
lecture = curs
to take notes = a lua notie
to learn = a nva

Expresii folosite n nvmntul superior:
to take an exam, to sit in for an exam, to do an exam = a da un examen
to resit an exam = a da o restan
to pass an exam, to do well in an exam = a trece un examen
to fail/miss an exam, to do badly in an exam = a pica un examen
to attend classes/lectures = a participa la cursuri
to skip classes/lectures = a lipsi de la cursuri
to be expelled from the university = a fi exmatriculat din universitate
continuous assessment =evaluare pe parcurs
a first/second year student = student n anul I/II
dean = decan
faculty = facultate
lecture rooms/halls = sli de curs
full-time students = studeni la zi
part-time students = studeni la frecven redus
professor = profesor universitar
graduation = absolvire

I. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. What does higher education mean?
2. What are the advantages of attending university?
3. In what case can you get a free tuition?
4. What name do we give students during the years of study?
5. What can good students get?
6. What happens to students at the end of the years of study?
7. What do you call students when they have completed their first degree?
8. What are the two possible postgraduate degrees?
9. What do you call the study of one subject in great detail?
10. What do you call the talks that students go to while they are at university?

II. Citii urmtoarele propoziii. Spunei ce studiaz fiecare persoan:
Example: We have to know every bone in a persons body = Anatomy

1. Im concentrated on the modernist style and the work of James Joyce.
2. Were going to study Freud and Jung this term.
3. I learn how to promote a favorable relationship between a company
and its customers.
4. I read some chapters about managers last week.
5. You must know this case its one of the most famous in the history of justice.
6. We usually take notes on state and local government agencies that
administer public programs.
7. I am reading a book on mental processes and behaviour for my exam.
8. I must learn how to calculate and prepare financial reports for a business.

III. Gsii definiia corect:
1. lecture a. a person who has received a degree from a university
2. tuition b. a discipline, a branch of knowledge
3. scholarship c. an award conferred by a university to a student
who has satisfactorily completed a course of study
4. graduate d. a search for knowledge, a detailed study
5. subject e. a fee paid for teaching, especially for higher education
6. research f. a university student who has not yet received a first degree
7. degree g. teaching by giving a discourse on some subject,
typically to a class
8. undergraduate h. money given to a student on the basis of
academic merit

IV. Corectai propoziiile urmtoare nlocuind expresiile greite:
Example: I cant come out. Im studying. Im passing an exam tomorrow.
Correct: Im sitting in for an exam tomorrow.

1. You can study various careers at this university.
2. I got good notes in my continuous assessment last semester.
3. She is a professor in a primary school.
4. He gave an interesting 60-minute conference on management.
5. Theres no problem if you fail the exam. You can pass it.
6. I like this subject so I never attend classes.

V. Citii i traducei textul urmtor; completai spaiile libere cu
expresiile urmtoare: students, degree, are funded, facilities, study, to
choose, stand for, terminology, transfer, to start.

Larry: Tina, I am trying to fill out this job application and they want to
know about my educational history. It's a little confusing because I
don't understand the .. terminology.. they are using. They are using
words such as college, junior college, major, minor, B.A., B.S.,
Masters and Ph.D.. I have heard these words, but I don't really
understand the system.
Tina: In America, all students basically study the same thing until they
reach high school. After high school, students have the choice ....
working or go to college.
Larry: What is the difference between a college and a university?
Tina: In the U.S., there isn't a big difference between the two. Colleges
tend to be smaller schools and universities are usually larger
schools with more .... .
Larry: What are junior colleges?
Tina: Colleges and universities in the United States are extremely
expensive. Even schools which .... by the government can cost
thousands of dollars a year. Most states have created junior
colleges, which are inexpensive schools where students can
complete the first two years of their education. Afterwards, students
can .... to a normal college or university.
Larry: How long do students usually study to get their .... ?
Tina: Usually, it takes four years to get a B.S. or a B.A. American .... try
to complete their studies as soon as possible because each
additional year can cost a lot of money.
Larry: What do B.S. and B.A. .... ?
Tina: B.S. means Bachelor of Science and B.A. means Bachelor of Arts.
Larry: What does the expression to major mean?
Tina: The area of study which we specialize in is called a major. We are
also allowed .... a secondary area of study called a minor. For
example, I majored in biology and minored in Japanese.
Larry: What other kinds of degrees are there in the U.S.?
Tina: After getting a B.S. or a B.A., students can continue studying and
receive a Masters, which usually requires an additional two years of
.... . And of course, the highest degree is called a Ph.D.
Larry: Is a Ph.D. the same as a Doctorate?
Tina: Yes, they are the same thing, although most Americans use the
expression Ph.D.


- Timpul viitor aspectul comun -

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ
I shall write
You will write
He will write
She will write
It will write
We shall write
You will write
They will write
I shall not write
You will not write
He will not write
She will not write
It will not write
We shall not write
You will not write
They will not write
Shall I write?
Will you write?
Will he write?
Will she write?
Will it write?
Shall we write?
Will you write?
Will they write?

Formare: timpul viitor simplu (future tense simple) se formeaz din
verbele auxiliare shall (pentru persoana I singular i plural) i will (pentru
persoanele a II-a i a III-a singular i plural) + infinitivul scurt al verbului de
conjugat: I shall go there. = Eu voi merge acolo. You will write a book. =
Tu vei scrie o carte.

Forme contrase:
Ill write, youll write (afirmativ)
I shant write, you wont write, etc (negativ)

ntrebuinare: timpul viitor simplu este folosit pentru a exprima:
aciune viitoare fa de momentul vorbirii: Next year I shall spend my
holidays in the mountains. = La anul mi voi petrece vacana la munte.
o aciune viitoare neplanificat: Shell be pleased to see you. = i va
plcea s te vad.

Markere de timp:
adverbe sau locuiuni adverbiale referitoare la viitor: tommorow
(mine), the day after tommorow (poimine), next week (sptmna
viitoare), next Monday (lunea viitoare), next month (luna viitoare), next
spring (primvara viitoare), next year (anul viitor), soon (n curnd)etc.

Nu se folosete niciodat timpul viitor n:
propoziii temporale, viitorul fiind nlocuit cu:
a) prezentul, dac cele dou aciuni sunt simultane: Well decide on
it when father comes. = Vom hotr asupra acestui lucru cnd va veni tata.
b) Present perfect dac aciunea din propoziia secundar este
anterioar fa de aciunea din propoziia principal: We shall leave only
after we have prepared everything. = Vom pleca numai dup ce vom fi
pregtit totul.
propoziiile condiionale, viitorul fiind nlocuit de timpul prezent:
Youll catch cold if you bathe on such weather. = Vei rci dac vei face baie
pe o asemenea vreme.
Alte mijloace de exprimare a viitorului:
be about to + infinitiv = a fi pe punctul de: I am about to leave. =
Sunt pe punctul de a pleca.
be to + infinitiv = a urma s: We are to move house soon. = Urmeaz
s ne mutm n curnd.
be going to + infinitiv = a inteniona s: I am going to buy a new car.
= Intenionez s mi iau o main nou.

- Timpul viitor aspectul continuu -

Formare: timpul viitor, aspectul continuu se formeaz din timpul viitor
al verbului to be + participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat.

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ
I shall be writing
You will be writing
He will be writing
She will be writing
It will be writing
We shall be writing
You will be writing
They will be writing
I shall not be writing
You will not be writing
He will not be writing
She will not be writing
It will not be writing
We shall not be writing
You will not be writing
They will not be writing
Shall I be writing?
Will you be writing?
Will he be writing?
Will she be writing?
Will it be writing?
Shall we be writing?
Will you be writing?
Will they be writing?

Forme contrase:
Ill be writing, youll be writing (afirmativ)
I shant be writing, you wont be writing, etc (negativ)

ntrebuinare: timpul viitor, aspectul continuu este folosit pentru a
exprima o aciune de durat n curs de desfurare n viitor. Caracterul
progresiv al aciunii reiese dac o raportm la:
un anumit moment din viitor: This time tomorrow I shall be writing a
letter. = Mine pe vremea aceasta voi scrie o scrisoare.
aciune viitoare momentan, exprimat printr-un verb la timpul
prezent, aspect comun: When you come back home, I shall be reading a
book. = Cnd te vei ntoarce acas, eu voi citi o carte.
alt aciune de durat n curs de desfurare n viitor. n propoziia
principal se folosete timpul viitor, aspectul continuu, iar n propoziia
temporal se folosete timpul prezent, aspectul continuu: While I am listening
to the weather report, he will be travelling to Cluj. = n timp ce eu voi asculta
buletinul meteo, el va cltori spre Cluj.
Markere de timp: at 5 oclock, at noon (la amiaz), this time next
Monday (lunea viitoare pe vremea asta), all day tomorrow (toat ziua
mine), all the week through (pe parcursul ntregii sptmni), from one to
three (de la unu la trei), etc.

VI. Trecei urmtoarele propoziii la viitorul simplu:
Example: We spend our week-end in the country.
We shall spend our week-end in the country.

1. They dont enjoy themselves when they go to cinema.
2. We are busy working or studying.
3. There are many things we can do them.
4. We must take the fishing rods.
5. I can learn to speak English.
6. We bathe if the weather is fine.
7. We invite a lot of friends to join us next holidays.
8. I catch the seven-thirty plane and I am in Paris by nine oclock.

VII. nlocuii verbul din parantez cu timpul corespunztor:
Example: He will be able to play football when he feels (to feel) better.

1. She will buy the book when the shops (to be) open.
2. You will see the village if you (to get) to the top of the mountain.
3. You will be able to speak English better after you (to study) more.
4. If it (to rain) we shall not spend this week-end out of town.
5. He will go swimming if the weather (to be) fine.
6. When Jack (to arrive)?
7. They will discuss about it as soon as you (to come) back.
8. I (to meet) her at the Opera House tonight.

VIII. Folosii be going to cu verbele din paranteze:
Example: You are going to miss (miss) the class if you dont hurry.
The old stove is going to explode (explode).

1. That man with the tomato in his hand (throw) it at the singer.
2. The man in the helicopter (try) to rescue the man in the water.
3. Those swans (eat) all our sandwiches.
4. The Lord Mayor is standing up. He (make) a speech.
5. I (stop) here for a moment to get some petrol.
6. What we (do) if we miss the train?
7. Ive lent you my car once. I (not do) it again.
8. I have seen the play. Now I (read) the book.

IX. nlocuii infinitivul din parantez cu timpul corespunztor, astfel
nct s exprimai o aciune viitoare:
Example: Tomorrow morning at 7 oclock he will be having (to have) breakfast.

1. It (to rain) when we (to get) to the cinema. 2. While we (to study) they (to
walk) in the park. 3. He (not to travel) to Timioara at 4 oclock tomorrow.
4. While he (to fish) she (to pick) flowers. 5. On Sunday, the children (to
play) all day long. 6. This time next year, we (to travel) about the country. 7.
If you sit in the draught you (to catch) a cold. 8. If you (to look) after the
luggage, I will buy the tickets. 9. We (to be not) able to manage this job
very well. 10. I cant understand this letter. I (to call) my son. He (to
translate) it for you. 11. Ive come out of money. Never mind, I (to
lend) you some. How much do you want? 12. We (to stay) in London for two
months. 13. You (to complete) your doctoral thesis this year? 14. They (to
graduate) university soon.

X. Traducei n limba englez:
1. La ce universitate v vei nscrie anul viitor?
2. Dac trecei toate examenele, vom merge la munte.
3. Dup ce ncep cursurile, nimeni nu va mai intra n universitate.
4. Profesorul le va spune s se pregteasc pentru examenul de
Economie Mondial.
5. Noua noastr materie de studiu se va numi Marketing.
6. Taxa lor de colarizare va fi de 100 dolari pe semestru.
7. Decanul nostru ne spune c aceasta va fi o universitate renumit;
absolvenii si sunt foarte bine pregtii.
8. Noi vom frecventa acest curs ntruct este foarte interesant.
9. Bursa aceasta va fi a ei dac va lua note bune.
10. Profesorii notri fac cercetare pentru doctorat.
11. El va pica toate examenele vara aceasta dac nu se pregtete.
12. Sunt pe punctul de a fi exmatriculat din universitate.
13. Intenionm s obinem o burs ct de curnd.
14. Cnd tu vei fi acas eu voi da un test la englez.

Unit 7
Humans have been creating art since prehistoric times.
But what is art? Art may be defined as peoples use of skill and
imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects. It is the expression of
creativity. A painting hanging in a museum, Greek painted pottery,
medieval manuscripts, or a sculpture in a park is clearly art.
Arts generally refer to various types of art. There are fine arts such as
painting, classical music, and sculpture. Visual arts include drawing,
painting, and photography. The decorative arts are generally defined as
ornamental and functional works in ceramic, wood, glass, metal, or textile.
Examples of decorative arts are furniture making, interior decoration,
ceramics, and glass blowing. The performing arts include theatre, cinema,
opera, dance and magic. The language arts are based in the use of language
and include fiction writing, poetry, and play-writing.
The oldest or most remarkable works of art are exhibited in museums
or art galleries. These institutions collect, preserve, interpret, and exhibit
objects having scientific, historical or artistic value for purposes of study,
education or enjoyment.

Im interested in visiting Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in London.
Have you seen it?
Yes. Its great. I know all its history. Madame Tussaud opened her first
exhibition of waxworks in 1770, and attracted a large audience. She created
her first wax exhibit, of Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire, in 1777. Other
famous persons she modelled at that time include Jean-Jacques Rousseau
and Benjamin Franklin.
Hold on. I dont want you to tell me the entire history, please. Ive just told
you that I want to see the museum myself.
Well, then you must know that the wax figures there include historical and
royal figures, film stars, sports stars and famous murderers. You really need
to take a camera with you.
Thanks. Ill do that.

Vocabulary focus

to create = a crea
art = art
to define = a defini
skill = ndemnare
theatre = teatrul
dance = dansul
magic = magia
language arts = arte lingvistice
imagination = imaginaie
pottery = olrie, ceramic
painted = pictat
manuscript = manuscris
fine arts = arte plastice /frumoase
painting = pictur
photography = fotografia
visual arts = arte vizuale
drawing = desen
decorative arts = arte decorative
furniture making = fabricarea mobilei
glass blowing = fabricarea sticlei
performing arts = arte
fiction writing = literatura
poetry = poezia
play-writing = dramaturgia
work of art = oper de art
to exhibit = a expune
museum = muzeu
art gallery = galerie de art
to collect = a strnge, a aduna
to preserve = a pstra
to interpret = a interpreta
to be interested in = a fi interesat de
wax = cear
exhibition = expoziie
exhibit = exponat

Alte expresii folosite n art:
national gallery = galerie naional de art
art collection = colecie de art
ancient remains = vestigii istorice
oil painting = tablou, pictur n ulei
landscape = peisaj
still life = natur moart
portrait = portret
water colours = acuarel
statue = statue
masterpiece = capodoper
reproduction = reproducere
to be on view = a fi expus
Opening Hours = Deschis ntre orele
Free admission = Intrare liber
Do not touch exhibits = Nu atingei obiectele expuse
Whats on at the cinema/theatre? = Ce ruleaz la cinema/teatru?

I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. What is art?
2. What are fine arts?
3. What are visual arts?
4. What are decorative arts?
5. What are performing arts?
6. What are language arts?
7. Where are the oldest and most remarkable works of art exhibited?
8. What is a museum?
9. Most museums provide guides for their visitors. Do you like to listen
to the explanations of a guide in a museum or do you like to wonder
around by yourself?
10. What can be the reasons for visiting exhibitions?
You are interested in art.
It is your special field.
You are waiting for a friend and he is late.
Your friends have told you it is interesting.
11. Do you have a favourite painter/sculptor?
12. What arts are you interested in?

II. Gsii definiia(a/e) pentru fiecare expresie (1-5):
1. museum
2. gallery
3. collection
4. exhibit
5. exhibition

a) room or building for the display of works of art
b) a temporary display of works of art or of goods for
c) a building in which objects illustrating art, history,
science, etc. are displayed
d) a group of objects that have been collected and
belong together an object shown
e) an object shown publicly in a museum

III. Completai spaiile libere cu cuvintele corespunztoare:
garden, consumer of art, work of art, beauty, expression, painting

The human mind finds artistic .. beauty.. in almost everything - be it the
tone of a song, notes of a flute, sweeping grace of a dance, arrangement of a
...., words of a story, drama of a play, colours of a ...., curves of a sculpture,
or glory of a monument.
The .... of art forms is appreciated by all. Art carries meaning and the ....
should understand the symbols, emotions and thoughts it evokes, the social
and cultural environment of its construction, socio-political class of the
artist, and the intended audience for the .... .


Condiionalul Prezent
Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ
I should write
You would write
He would write
She would write
It would write
We should write
You would write
They would write
I should not write
You would not write
He would not write
She would not write
It would not write
We should not write
You would not write
They would not write
Should I write?
Would you write?
Would he write?
Would she write?
Would it write?
Should we write?
Would you write?
Would they write?
Formare: Timpul condiional prezent se formeaz din verbele auxiliare
should (pers. I singular i plural) i would (pers. II i III, singular i plural) +
infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat S + should/would + infinitiv scurt: I
should like to visit British Museum. = A dori s vizitez British Museum.
Forme contrase:
Id write, youd write (afirmativ)
I shouldnt write, you wouldnt write (negativ)

ntrebuinare: Timpul condiional prezent se folosete pentru a exprima o
aciune sau o stare a crei realizare depinde de ndeplinirea unei condiii: I should
finish the job if you helped me. = A termina treaba dac m-ai ajuta.

Condiionalul Trecut

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ
I should have written
You would have written
He would have written
She would have written
It would have written
We should have written
You would have written
They would have
I should not have written
You would not have
He would not have
She would not have
It would not have written
We should not have
You would not have
They would not have
Should I have written?
Would you have written?
Would he have written?
Would she have written?
Would it have written?
Should we have written?
Would you have written?
Would they have
Formare: Timpul condiional trecut se formeaz din verbele auxiliare
should (pers. I singular i plural) i would (pers. II i III singular i plural) +
infinitivul perfect scurt al verbului de conjugat S + should/would + have
+ V3: I should have come in time if I had not missed the bus. = A fi venit
la timp dac n-a fi pierdut autobuzul.

Forme contrase:
Id write, youd write (afirmativ)
I shouldnt write, you wouldnt write (negativ)

ntrebuinare: Timpul condiional trecut este folosit pentru a exprima o
aciune sau o stare a crei realizare a depins de ndeplinirea unei condiii: I
should have answered the question if I had known the answer. = A fi
rspuns la ntrebare dac a fi tiut rspunsul.
Not: Cnd verbele care exprim o dorin (to like, to want, to wish)
sunt folosite la condiional, condiia poate fi omis: I should have liked to
meet him. = A fi dorit s fac cunotin cu el. Hed want to get rid of her. =
Ar vrea s scape de ea.

IV. Dai formele de baz ale urmtoarelor verbe: to leave, to go, to set,
to eat, to take, to let, to choose, to try, to think, to drink, to meet, to come.
Example: to leave left - left

V. Dai interogativul i negativul urmtoarelor propoziii:
Example: I should go for a walk tonight./ I should not go for a walk
tonight./ Should I go for a walk tonight?

1. He would buy the statue.
2. She would have liked to sell that painting.
3. We would like to listen to music.
4. They would spend money on old coins.

VI. Completai spaiile cu timpul condiional cerut de sens:
Example: I would visit (visit) my friends but they are not at home.

1. We (like) to meet your teacher.
2. He (open) the meeting but he has to wait for his secretary.
3. What you (do) if you had been there when the accident happened?
4. If people were a little more tolerant our world (be) a better place.
5. If I won some money I (go) on a round-the-world-tour next year.
6. If they had waited for another month, they probably (get) a better
price for their house.
VII. Traducei n limba englez:
1. A picta un peisaj marin dar nu am albastru.
2. A fi ascultat explicaiile ghidului dar nu tiu limba francez.
3. Ar fi fost mai bine s vizitm British Museum n loc s stm n parc.
4. A vrea s cumpr bilete acum, se poate?
5. Ne-am fi dus s vizitm expoziia, dar era nchis la ora aceea.
6. Ar fi venit la Londra, dar avea prea mult de lucru.
7. i-a mprumuta catalogul, dar nu este al meu.
8. Ar fi fcut un tur al oraului, dar erau prea obosii.
9. I-am fi pus i alte ntrebri dar era grbit s plece.
10. A vizita galeria de art dar nu sunt exponate acolo.

Unit 8
For most people gazing around stores or going shopping has become
a leisure activity.
There are different types of shoppers. For example, men go shopping
with the aim of getting what they need. They dont spend money on things
that they never planned to buy, whereas for women each purchase is a
triumph. Women are real bargain hunters; they always take an offer too
good to miss even if they never really needed the item.
Another difference is that women tend to be surprised when asked for
money at the checkout, fumbling around in bags and purses for ages,
whereas men have the exact money in the hands of the cashier before they'd
even had a chance to ask for it!
Shops and shopping
Shops sell a wide range of goods. There are some shops where we buy
things to eat, others where we buy things to wear or things needed for the house.
When we want to buy food we go to the butchers to buy meat
products, to the grocers to buy flour, rice or sugar, to the bakers to buy
bread and cakes, to the dairy to buy milk, cheese and eggs, to the
greengrocers to buy fruits and vegetables.
When looking for clothing we go to a boutique to buy fashionable
clothes, to the ready-made clothes department selling everyday clothes
(suits, coats, trousers, dresses, T-shirts, skirts and blouses) or to the
footwear department to buy shoes, sandals, slippers or boots.
Other shopkeepers supply articles for various uses. There is, for example, the
bookseller, who sells books and magazines; the newsagent, who sells newspapers;
the tobacconist, who sells tobacco, cigarettes and cigars; the stationers, who sells
notepaper, pencils, pens and ballpoints; the jewellers, who sells rings, bracelets,
earrings, and necklaces; the chemists where you can buy medicines; the
perfumery and cosmetics department where you can buy soap, cream, toothpaste,
shampoo, lipstick, mascara, eye-shadow or perfumes.
Some other important shops are: the china and glassware shop, the
flower shop and the domestic appliances department.
If we have no time to go shopping we go to a department store which
sells almost everything (furniture, clothes, electrical appliances, toys,
jewellery etc.) or to the supermarket for food or household goods.

Where have you been John?
Well, I was doing the shopping, as you asked me. I got a leg of lamb from
the butchers and bacon and eggs from the grocers. After I left the grocers
I went to the ironmongers for the new door-handle I needed.
That was all right then.
Yes, but when I put the things Id bought from the ironmongers into the
You put them on top of the eggs.
I looked into the bag and took out the two Id broken, but I was so upset I
put my hand to my head.
And got egg all over your hair.
So, I went to the barbers and had a shampoo.

Vocabulary focus

shop/store = magazin
shopping = cumprturi
shopper = cumprtor
to gaze = a se uita
leisure = timp liber
to buy = a cumpra
to sell = a vinde
purchase = cumprturi
hunter = vntor
bargain = chilipir
offer = ofert
item = produs
checkout = achitarea notei de plat
to fumble = a scotoci, a cuta
bag = geant, plas
purse = poet
cashier = casier
goods/merchandise = marf, produse
to wear = a purta
the butchers = mcelrie
meat = carne
the grocers = magazin alimentar
flour = fina
rice = orez
sugar = zahr
the bakers = brutrie
bread = pine
shopkeeper = comerciant
the bookshop = librrie
magazine = revist
the newsagents = stand de ziare
newspaper = ziar
the tobacconists = tutungerie
tobacco = tutun
cigarettes = igri
cigar = trabuc
the stationers = papetrie
pen = stilou
ballpoint = creion
the jewellers = magazine de bijuterii
ring = inel
bracelet = brar
earrings = cercei
necklace = colier
the chemists = farmacie
medicines = medicamente
the perfumery & cosmetics
department = raionul de
parfumuri i cosmetice
soap = spun
cream = crem
toothpaste = past de dini
shampoo = ampon
lipstick = ruj de buze
the dairy = magazin de lactate
cheese = brnz
eggs = ou
the greengrocers = magazin de
legume i fructe
vegetables = legume
clothing = mbrcminte
boutique = magazin de haine de lux
fashionable = la mod
department = raion
the ready-made clothes department =
raionul de confecii
suit = costum
coat = hain
trousers = pantaloni
dress = rochie
T-shirt = tricou
skirt = fust
blouse = bluz
the footwear department = raionul de
shoes = pantofi
sandals = sandale
slippers = papuci
boots = cizme, ghete
mascara = rimel
eye-shadow = fard
perfume = parfum
the china and glassware shop =
magazine de porelanuri i sticlrie
the flower shop = florrie
the domestic appliances department
= raion de produse electrocasnice
department store = magazin universal
furniture = mobilier
toy = jucrie
household goods = articole de menaj
the ironmongers = magazine de
articole de fierrie
barbers = frizerie
market = pia
shop window = vitrin
to go window-shopping = a se uita
prin vitrine
shop assistant/salesman/woman =

I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. Do you like to go shopping?
2. Are men different from women when they go shopping?
3. Do women pay for their shopping right away?
4. Do you go shopping only when you need something or whenever
you have money on you? Give your reasons.
5. What do shops sell?
6. Enumerate your favourite shops.
7. What is a shopkeeper?
8. What is a department store?
9. What is a supermarket?
10. Which of the following characteristics of supermarkets do you
consider most important? Why?
a wide range of goods
frozen foods
ready-packed foods
ready-bottled drinks
II. De la ce magazine cumprai urmtoarele produse?
bread rolls; onion; dictionary; cheese; chocolate; sausages; rice; oranges;
washing-machines; rings; cameras; pens.
Example: bread rolls bakers
III. Completai spaiile libere cu cuvintele corespunztoare:
a) cosmetic, restaurants, department store, street, famous
b) let, sure, a pair of, thanks, shelf, help
Example: a) Oxford Street is probably the most ..famous.. shopping ..street.. in
London and is divided into two parts, east and west. The busiest section part of
Oxford Street runs from Oxford Circus to Marble Arch. It is here that most
department stores are grouped, the biggest being Selfridges, the second largest . in
London. The large food hall, ., kitchenware and . departments are very popular.

b) Karen walks into a shoe shop. She wants to buy .... new shoes for herself.
May I . you?
Yes. Do you have these shoes in size seven?
I'm not .. If you can't find them on the ., they may be out of stock. But
. me look in the stockroom.
. . I'd like to try on a pair if you have them.
I'll be right back.
IV. Explicai diferenele dintre urmtorii termeni:
a shop a department store
at the grocers at the greengrocers
ready-to-wear clothes clothes made-to-measure (tailor-made)
a stationers a bookshop
a market a supermarket
a department a counter
winter wear summer wear
boutique clothes department
V. Definii urmtoarele servicii:
1. You can repair your refrigerator or TV set at..
everyday repairs shop.. .
2. You can have a short clip or you can be shaved at .
3. You can take your jacket to be cleaned and pressed to .
4. You can have your shoes repaired at .
5. You can get your hair cut, as well as styled,
dyed or permed at ....
6. You can buy a camera at ....
7. You can adjust the size of a coat at ....
8. You can replace the lens of your glasses at .
a) the cobblers
b) the opticians
c) the hairstylist
d) the tailors
e) the photographers
f) the dry cleaners
g) the barbers
h) everyday repairs shop


Sequence of Tenses in If Clauses

Propoziia subordonat condiional (conditional clause sau if clause)
reprezint condiia nfptuirii/ndeplinirii aciunii din propoziia principal
(main clause).
Propoziia subordonat condiional poate fi introdus prin urmtoarele conjuncii:
if = dac
even if = chiar dac
on condition that = cu condiia c
in case = n cazul cnd
providing/provided (that) = cu condiia c
suppose/supposing (that) = presupunnd c
unless + verb la afirmativ = dac nu, cu condiia s nu

Exist trei tipuri de subordonate condiionale, clasificate n raport cu
posibilitatea realizrii/ ndeplinirii aciunii din propoziia principal respectiv.
a) Subordonata condiional tip I condiie real i posibil, iar verbul
din regenta sa este la viitor: I will buy a new dress if I find something to suit
me.= mi voi cumpra o rochie nou dac voi gsi ceva s mi se potriveasc.
Remind him to buy cheese in case he forgets. = Amintete-i s cumpere
brnz n caz c uit.
Din exemplele de mai sus se vede c aciunea din condiional probabil/
posibil se va ndeplini.
b) Subordonata condiional tip II condiie ireal i improbabil, dar
nu imposibil. Verbul este la modul condiional, timpul prezent, iar n
regent verbul este modul subjonctiv, timpul prezent: I would buy a new
dress if I found something to suit me. = Mi-a cumpra o rochie nou dac a
gsi ceva s mi se potriveasc.
n aceast situaie condiia devine probabil. n acest caz aciunea din
regent pare mai degrab s nu se realizeze sau presupunerea din regent
pare s fie n contradicie cu realitatea ori faptele cunoscute.
Not: n acest caz verbul to be are forma were la toate persoanele.
c) Subordonata condiional tip III condiie imposibil. n situaia
aceasta verbul din regent este la condiional trecut/perfect, iar cel din
regent este la modul subjonctiv perfect. Condiiile sunt trecute, sunt deci
imposibil de ndeplinit: I should have bought a new dress if I had found
something to suit me. = Mi-a fi cumprat o rochie nou dac a fi gsit ceva
care s mi se potriveasc.
Cnd if este omis este necesar inversiunea dintre subiect i predicat. Acest lucru
se ntmpl cnd verbul din propoziia condiional este: have, be, could, should: Were I
in your position, I should buy that dress. = S fi fost n locul tu, a cumpra rochia aceea.
Had he needed a new pair of shoes, he would have gone to the footwear store. = S fi
avut el nevoie de o pereche nou de pantofi, ar fi mers la magazinul de nclminte.
A nu se confunda subordonata condiional cu subordonata completiv
direct introdus prin if: I dont know if he will come. = Nu tiu dac va veni.
Propoziia principal Subordonata condiional
Tip I viitor


Tip II condiional prezent
(would + V1)
if subjonctiv prezent (identic ca
form cu past tense V2)
Tip III condiional trecut
(would have + V3)
if subjonctiv trecut ((identic ca
form cu past perfect tense had
+ V3)
VI. Dai formele de baz ale urmtoarelor verbe: to buy, to go out, to
insist, to wear, to walk, to match, to know, to think, to cut, to do.
Example: to buy- bought - bought
VII. nlocuii infinitivul din parantez cu timpul corespunztor:
Example: He would have bought (to buy) the shirt, if they had had (to
have) it in his size.
1. The skirt (to fit) her perfectly, if it (to be) a little wider. 2. If they (to get
in) some new overcoats, she (can) find her size. 3. I (to buy) the blouse, if it
(to match) my brown skirt. 4. If I (to be) you, I (not to buy) that coat. 5. She
(to try on) the dress, if it (to be) her size. 6. I (to wear) the new dress
tonight, if I (to go) to the theatre. 7. The skirt (to be altered), if it (to be) too
tight. 8. If they (to offer) me a job as a saleswoman I (not to take) it.

VIII. Completai propoziiile:
1. I would have enjoyed the party much more if .
2. If you had taken my advice .
3. I would buy this dress if .
4. I would wear this new suit supposing that .
5. We shall go to the bakers if .
6. He will buy me a diamond ring if .
7. Had I been a shopkeeper, I .
8. I shall not go to the market unless .
9. We go shopping together if .
10. He wouldn't have any money if ....
IX. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Ce-ai fi cumprat dac magazinul ar fi fost deschis?
2. Nu a fi purtat aceast rochie dac ar fi fost demodate.
3. i-ar cumpra un parfum dac ar gsi unul s-i plac.
4. Dac se va duce n Canada va purta jacheta cea nou.
5. Dac culoarea i-ar fi venit bine, a fi sftuit-o s-i cumpere rochia aceea.
6. Dac voi avea bani m voi duce la Londra la cumprturi.
7. Dac a fi tiut unde e brutria a fi cumprat pine.
8. Dac ar avea timp ar merge cu noi la farmacie.
9. Dac a fi tiut dinainte prerea ta nu mi-a fi cumprat aceti pantaloni.
10. A merge la cumprturi dac a avea bani.

Unit 9
Todays society has been transformed by means of communication
and the available information through mass media.
Television is a major industry in most nations, which makes popular
entertainment, news and educational programmes be broadcast directly into
peoples homes. Television is everywhere and it occupies a large portion of
peoples time. There are probably hundreds of local and national TV stations,
which operate all over the world. Almost all households have at least one TV set.
TV stations are organized according to their format which appeals to a
certain segment of the audience. There are music programmes, talk-shows
or news which attract viewers interested in getting various information such
as: politics, economy, sports, weather etc.
But nowadays the Internet has become an ambitious challenger to TV.
Some people say that the Internet has become extremely important in
their everyday lives and that its success is due to its flexibility. It provides
access to all the other mass media: television, newspapers, magazines, and
radio. With the help of the Internet, people all over the world communicate
with one another effectively and inexpensively. It also offers instant online
services such as: shopping, paying bills, and banking.
How is the Internet different from television?
The Internet is not a broadcast medium where users sit back and
watch, but an interactive medium. People search information online, they
comment on it and they share it with others. They cant do that on the TV.
With TV, people sit back and watch. The information comes to them. TV
programmes engage people only as passive consumers.
Another evident difference is that television provides a limited number of
information as compared to the Internet which provides unlimited information
and rapid access to millions of resources worldwide. By using the Internet people
can make quick decisions regarding what car to buy, what major financial
decision to make, what school to choose, how to find a job, where to look for a
new place to live etc., things that a TV channel rarely offers.

Vocabulary focus

means of communication = mijloace
de comunicare
available = disponibil
television = televiziunea
with the help of = cu ajutorul
effectively = eficient
inexpensively = ieftin
medium = mijloc
entertainment = divertisment
news = tiri
to broadcast = a transmite
household = cas, gospodrie
TV set = televizor
to appeal to = a se adresa
audience = audien, public, spectatori
viewer = spectator
challenger = competitor
to provide = a oferi, a furniza
media = mijloace
to search = a cuta
to share = a mpri
to engage = a angaja, a angrena
consumer = consumator
as compared to = n comparaie cu
worldwide = din lumea ntreag
to make a decision = a lua o decizie
quick = rapid
to look for = a cuta

Alte expresii folosite n mass media:
broadcast = transmisiune
TV programme = program tv
news presenter = prezentator de tiri
weathercaster = prezentator tiri meteo
sportscaster = prezentator tiri sportive
producer = productor
reporter = reporter
to interview = a intervieva
to be on the air = a transmite (la radio)
to turn on/off - switch on/off = a porni/a opri (un aparat)
to turn up/down the volume = a da volumul tare/ncet
to listen to = a asculta
to watch = a urmri (la televizor)
to turn over to another channel = a schimba canalul
cable television = televiziune prin cablu
computer network = reea de calculatoare
Internet provider = furnizor de Internet

I. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. What is television?
2. How many TV stations are there all over the world?
3. How are TV stations organized?
4. What type of programmes do TV channels provide?
5. Which is the nowadays challenger to television?
6. Why is the Internet important in peoples everyday lives?
7. What instant online services does the Internet provide?
8. Which are the differences between the Internet and television?
9. What kind of TV programmes do you watch?
10. What is your opinion regarding the impact of the Internet today?
II. Gsii definiia corect:
1. documentary a. a serialized daytime program usually
dealing with sentimentalized family matters
broadcast on television
2. soap opera b. animated TV programs for kids
3. weather forecast c. a TV show with a variety of acts, including
dance, music and comedy skits
4. cartoons d. a TV program with common people or
celebrities, sometimes as part of a team,
playing a game or answering quiz questions,
for points or prizes.
5. talk show e. a TV advertisement, spot or message,
presented between programmes, which is paid
for by an advertiser
6. quiz show f. a prediction of weather conditions expected
within a certain area for a specified time
7. commercial g. a TV program that explores a subject (about
a person or an event) in a way the public
expects to be real
8. variety show h. a TV program where well-known people
discuss various topics put forth by a talk show host

III. V uitai la televizor cu un prieten. Ce i-ai spune n situaiile
descrise mai jos?

Example: I want to watch a programme on TV. Could you turn the TV on?

I cant hear the programme very well. Could you . ?
I want to watch a different programme. Could you . ?
Now its too loud for me. Could you . ?
I like to watch the news. Could you . ?
I dont want to watch TV anymore. Could you . ?


Sequence of Tenses

Corespondena (concordana) timpurilor reprezint acordul obligatoriu al
timpului verbului din subordonat cu timpul verbului din propoziia principal.
n limba englez timpul verbului din subordonat trebuie s se subordoneze
timpului verbului din propoziia principal. Cu alte cuvinte timpurile verbelor
din propoziiile principale dicteaz folosirea anumitor timpuri n subordonatele
lor. Exist n acest sens trei reguli de cunoscut i aplicat.
Regula I: Dac n propoziia principal verbul este la Present Tense sau
Present Perfect Tense n subordonat se poate folosi orice timp.
Regula II: Dac n propoziia principal verbul este la trecut n
subordonat el trebuie s fie la unul din cele trei timpuri trecute ale limbii
engleze: Past Perfect, Past Tense, Future in the Past.
Regula III: Dac verbul din regent este la viitor n subordonatele
condiionale i temporale, el trebuie s fie la Present Tense sau Present Perfect
Tense, iar dac subordonata este completiv direct verbul va fi la viitor.

Propoziia Principal

I. verbul este la prezent
We all know that = Noi toi tim c

verbul poate fi la orice timp
he had come = venise
he came = a venit
he will come = el va veni
he would come = el ar veni
he would have come = el ar fi venit
II. verbul este la trecut
He did not know that = El nu a
tiut c
verbul trebuie s fie la trecut
she had come = ea venise
she came = ea a venit simultaneitate
she would come = va veni
III. verbul este la viitor
I shall tell you the truth if/when =
i voi spune adevrul dac /cnd

I shall see what = Voi vedea ce
a) verbul s fie la Present sau
Present Perfect n subordonatele
condiionale i temporale
you give/have given me the book. =
mi vei da cartea.
b) verbul va fi la orice timp n
subordonata completiv direct
I shall do. = voi face.

EXCEPII (cazuri n care nu se aplic regulile de concordan a timpurilor):
Cnd n subordonat se exprim un adevr tiinific/general valabil:
Everybody knew that gold is a metal. = Toat lumea tia c aurul este metal.
I told you that water boils at 100
C. = i-am spus c apa fierbe la 100
Cnd propoziia secundar este atributiv: You will see the man who
wrote that book. = l vei vedea pe omul care a scris cartea aceea. I saw the
girl who will play the piano. = Am vzut fata care va cnta la pian.
Cnd propoziia secundar este comparativ: Tomorrow I shall work
more than I worked yesterday. = Mine voi munci mai mult dect am
muncit ieri. Last year I worked more than I have done this year. = Anul
trecut am muncit mai mult dect anul acesta.

IV. Dai formele de baz ale urmtoarelor verbe: to make; to broadcast;
to appeal; to attract, to get, to communicate.
Example: to make made - made

V. Traducei n limba englez:
Ar trebui s-l scrie. Trebuie s-l scrie. A putut s-l scrie. Se poate s-l fi
scris. Probabil c l-a scris. Ar fi putut s-l scrie. Poate s-l scrie. Va putea
s-l scrie. Ar putea s-l scrie. Va trebui s-l scrie. S-ar putea s-l scrie. Ar fi
trebuit s-l scrie. Nu era nevoie s-l scrie. Nu i s-a permis s-l scrie.

VI. Punei verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, respectnd toate
regulile de concordan a timpurilor:
Example: It was clear they would talk (talk) business again.
When I finish (finish) the book, I will lend it to you.

1. I believed you (be) at the seaside.
2. He just (leave) home when he came across John.
3. He hoped he (finish) reading the book in two days.
4. I will pay my debts after I (receive) my salary.
5. Yesterday I bought a new umbrella because I (lose) my old one.
6. He promised he (drive) me home.
7. I was not sure if you (speak) English.
8. After I (hear) the news, I congratulated him.
9. You will get a shock when you (see) the mess in that room.
10. He was sure he (pass) the exam and he promised he (give) a party afterwards.

VII. Punei verbele din paranteze la timpul corect, innd seama de
excepiile de la concordana timpurilor:
Example: I didnt know at what temperature this metal melts (melt).
1. The teacher told the pupils what the capital of Mexico (be).
2. I wasnt aware German (be) such a difficult language.
3. Last year you spoke English less fluently than you (do) now.
4. Last night I (read) the book which you (read) now.
5. Last night I met the couple who soon (move) next door to me.
6. Last year I earned more money than I (earn) in the next five years.
7. The book I (read) in the last few days was lent to me by John.
8. I found out that yoga (be) a very useful practice.
VIII. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:
1. Mi-am amintit c l cunoscusem pe prezentatorul tirilor sportive
acum un an.
2. Nu am stat acas s m uit la meci pentru c nu tiam cnd va ncepe.
3. Ei au spus c internetul ofer mai multe informaii dect televiziunea.
4. tiam c lucrezi n televiziune.
5. Era foarte suprat c nu tia cum s dea volumul televizorului mai mic.
6. I-am promis c i voi scrie un email cnd voi ajunge la Londra.
7. Reporterul i-a dat seama c nu va putea s intervieveze acea persoan.
8. Am ntlnit persoana care prezint tirile pe canalul 5.
9. i voi spune adevrul dup ce l voi afla eu nsmi.
10. Voi ctiga un premiu dup ce voi participa la aceast emisiune-concurs.
Unit 10
Leisure refers to your free time when you are not occupied with work
or household duties or other activities that you are obliged to do. Leisure
activities are very important for relaxation.
Sports are in general peoples favourite pastime; they play cards or
various games, take part in physical activities, such as sports, attend
sporting events as spectators, go to the gym, or go for a walk.
The British have always been a nation of sports lovers, and their
interest in all type of sport is as great today as it has ever been.
Many people consider cricket to be the most typical English sport. But
this is undoubtedly football. Cricket and football, however, are the two most
popular sports in Britain; and there are many others.
In the summer lawn tennis comes next in importance to cricket. In all
the parks there are public courts where tennis may be played on payment for
an hour and more. There are also various sports clubs.
Swimming is very popular too and there are many public swimming pools.
Rowing and canoeing are practised less because there are not so many facilities.
Golf becomes increasingly popular. Athletics is growing all the time.
Winter sports such as skiing are generally impossible in Britain
(except Scotland) owing to the unsuitable climate, but more and more
people spend winter holiday on the Continent.

Whats your favourite sport, Bob?
Soccer or regular?
I prefer soccer. I play it now and then, like most of us, Ive become a
spectator rather than a participant. What about you? Do you play football?
Im afraid not. My favourite game is cricket.
Do you watch the Test Matches between England and the other countries?
Yes, I watch them on TV like everybody else.
Watching sport has become a world-wide pastime.
Vocabulary focus

leisure = timp liber
sport lover = iubitor de sport
outdoor games = jocuri n aer liber
indoor games = jocuri de interior
undoubtedly = fra ndoial
soccer/football = fotbal
gymnastics = gimnastic
athletics = atletism
wrestling = lupte
boxing = box
to participate = a participa
to go in for sport = a face sport
rugby/rugger = rugbi
lawn tennis = tenis de cmp
golf = golf
volleyball = volei
handball = handbal
chess = ah
cards = (joc de) cri
winter sports = sporturi de iarn
summer sports = sporturi de var
skiing = ski
skating = patinaj
rowing = canotaj academic
conoeing = canotaj (caiac)
swimming = not
riding = clrie
hunting = vntoare
to play = a juca
game = joc
to train = a se antrena
to score = a marca
to win = a ctiga
to beat = a bate
to cheer = a aclama, a ovaiona
football pool = pariuri la fotbal
gambling = jocuri de noroc
betting = pariuri (curse cai)
Test Matches = meciuri
internaionale de cricket
to win/to lose by points = a
ctiga/a pierde cu puncte
to hold a record = a deine un record
training camp = cantonament
I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. How do you spend your leisure time?
2. What is the most typical English sport?
3. What sports are practiced in the summer?
4. Do the British practice any winter sports?
5. Which of the following outdoor games are more popular in our country:
football, rugby, badminton, ice-hockey or lawn tennis?
6. Which of the following indoor games do you like to play: volleyball,
basketball, handball, table tennis or chess?
7. What is the most popular sport in Romania?
8. Why do most people enjoy watching sporting events?
9. Is it better to watch sport on television or to be present at the event?
10. Does it depend on the sport being watched?
II. Corectai propoziiile dup ce citii datele de mai jos:
Sport Place Equipment
athletics track T-shirt, shorts, running shoes or spikes
swimming pool swimming costume (women) or trunks (men)
motor racing track crash helmet
boxing ring shorts, gloves
skiing slopes sticks, ski suit, ski booths
tennis court racket, T-shirt, shorts, tennis shoes
football pitch ball, T-shirt, shorts, trainers
golf course clubs, golf suit
Example: You need sticks to play tennis. - Correct: You need rackets
to play tennis.

1. Athletes wear gloves.
2. Tennis is played on a pitch.
3. Boxers wear rackets.
4. Women wear trunks for swimming.
5. Golf is played on a track.
6. Football players need ski suits.
7. Swimmers wear crash helmets.
8. You need a ball to practice golf.
9. Football is played in the pool.

III. Traducei propoziiile de mai jos:
1. Ce competiii sportive au loc la sfritul acestei luni?
2. Sportivii romni obin rezultate remarcabile la gimnastic, tenis de
cmp i fotbal.
3. n Romnia golful nu este un sport practicat de muli oameni.
4. Echipa noastr a ctigat la trei puncte diferen.
5. Ea deine recordul la sritura n lungime.
6. Cte goluri ai marcat n acest sezon?
7. Lui i place s participe la cursele de maini.
8. Persoanele care urmresc un meci reprezint publicul.
9. tii cnd este campionatul de box?
10. Care sunt cele mai populare sporturi n Anglia?



Verbele modale can-could, may-might, must etc. exprim modalitatea, adic
atitudinea vorbitorului fa de coninutul propoziiei respective (n sensul c el
consider acest coninut ca fiind necesar, probabil, posibil, de dorit, obligatoriu etc.).
Ele sunt numite i verbe modale defective datorit faptului c nu pot fi
conjugate la toate modurile i timpurile, nu primesc -s la persoana a III-a
singular a indicativului prezent (He must come. = El trebuie s vin.), sunt
urmate de infinitivul scurt (cu excepia lui have to = a trebui, ought to = a se
cuveni), formeaz negativul cu not, iar interogativul prin inversiune.
Forme contrase: cant, couldnt, mustnt, mightnt.

Exprim capacitatea fizic, intelectul, moral i este echivalentul lui
to be able to: He can lift the box. = El poate ridica cutia.
Exprim ndoiala, nesigurana (n negativ sau interogativ)
posibilitatea: It cannot be true. = Nu poate fi adevrat. Can be this your
room? = Poate fi acesta camera ta?

Exprim permisiunea: May I smoke in the lounge? = Pot fuma n hol?
La forma negativ exprim interdicia: You may not sing in the hotel. =
Nu ai voie s cni n hotel.
Exprim posibilitatea: You may book a room. = E posibil s reii o camer.
Exprim admonestare; sfat. n acest caz se folosete might: They might
leave by the plane. = Ar putea s plece cu avionul.
Pentru formarea celorlalte timpuri se folosete to be allowed to/ to be
permitted to: She will be allowed to leave at 12. = I se va permite s plece la ora 12.

Exprim datoria, obligaia, necesitatea: He must go to the school. = El
trebuie s mearg la coal.
Exprim (la negativ) interdicia: They must not sing in the hotel. = E
interzis s cnte n hotel.
Exprim posibilitatea, fiind echivalent cu probably, evidently: He must be
at the swimming pool. = Trebuie s fie la bazinul de not.
Pentru formarea celorlalte timpuri se folosesc: to have to, to be
compelled to: We have to leave the hotel. = Trebuie s prsim hotelul.
ntre must i have to exist urmtoarea deosebire: must exprim o
obligaie/necesitate pornit din partea subiectului (I must go to bed because I
am very sleepy. = Trebuie s merg la culcare pentru c mi este foarte
somn.) Have to exprim o obligaie impus subiectului din afar, deci o
obligaie extern (You have to be there at eight o'clock. = Tu trebuie s fii
acolo la ora opt.)

Exprim o necesitate: You need to have the car repaired. = E nevoie s i
repari maina.
Absena necesitii se red prin neednt (nu e nevoie): Must he rent a
car? No, he neednt. = Trebuie s nchirieze o main? Nu, nu e nevoie.

Ought to
Exprim o obligaie, o datorie moral, un sfat: They ought to be on time.
= S-ar s cuveni s fie punctuali.

Exprim o necesitate, constrngere sau o obligativitate. Se folosete la
persoana a II-a i a III-a: He shall leave by 12 oclock. = Va pleca pn la ora 12.
Exprim cererea unui sfat, a unei sugestii: Shall we leave the key? = S
lsm cheia?
Exprim o promisiune: The manager shall settle the complaint. =
Directorul va rezolva plngerea.

Exprim un sfat, sugestie: You should pay out the bill. = Trebuie s
achii nota.
Exprim o datorie, o obligaie moral: He should take care of his child.
= Trebuie s aib grij de copilul lui.
Exprim o posibilitate, probabilitate: They should be at the swimming
pool now. = Ar trebui s fie la bazinul de not acum.
Exprim o mirare: How should I know? = De unde s tiu?
Exprim un repro: You should have warned the clerk. = Trebuia s fi
avertizat funcionarul.

Exprim o dorin (voin), o promisiune sau o hotrre (este folosit la
toate persoanele singular i plural): I will help them. = i voi ajuta (vreau, am de
gnd s o fac).
Exprim o rugminte la persoana a II-a singular i plural: Will you wait
for me, please. = Fii bun i ateapt-m.
Exprim o aciune obinuit, repetat, o aciune inevitabil: She will walk
to school every morning. = Obinuiete s mearg la coal n fiecare diminea.
Exprim o supoziie: That will be the book you are looking for. = Aceasta
bnuiesc e cartea pe care o caui.

Se folosete la toate persoanele.
Exprim o dorin, o intenie: I would tell you, but you wouldnt let me. =
i-a spune dar nu mi dai voie.
Exprim o invitaie: Would you join us? = Vrei s vii cu noi?
Exprim o rugminte: Would you kindly shut the door? = Fii buni i
nchidei ua aceea.
Exprim o aciune repetat n trecut: He would go to mountains every
winter. = Obinuia s mearg la munte n fiecare iarn.

IV. nlocuii spaiile libere cu can, may, could care exprim permisiunea:
Example: When I was a little boy, I ..could.. understand grown-ups.

o . I borrow your car on Sunday? Im afraid you . .
o He . leave till five oclock.
o Each student . take only one book home.
o . I wait till next week? Yes, of course you . .
o We were told that on Sunday we . stay in bed till nine.
o You . park here. Look at the No parking sign.
o . you lend me twenty dollars? No, I . .
o . you even remember the name of the street?
o . I have another cup of coffee, please?

V. Completai spaiile cu verbul must la timpurile i la formele cerute de sens:
Example: I ..must.. write to my father today.
Farmers ..must.. wake up early in the morning to feed the animals.

1. They . hurry, its only six.
2. If he buys a car he . learn to drive.
3. You . smoke in the nursery.
4. You . be punctual tonight. Everybody will be late.
5. When he changes his job, he . more to another town.
6. You . come in your car, you can use mine.
7. If it rains, we . take a taxi.
8. You . take your umbrella, it isnt going to rain.

VI. Completai spaiile libere cu ought to, must, have to, should:
Example: As the others insist on it, you ..should.. do as they say.

1. You . go to Predeal. You look very tired.
2. You . your work before going on holiday. I know . .
3. You . take these pills tree times a day as the doctor has told you.
4. You . smoke cigars, they will ruin your health.
5. You . stop drinking, or else you will get drunk.

VII. Completai spaiile libere cu will sau would:
Example: You ..will.. not leave now.
I ..will.. keep my promise.

1. He . probably be present.
2. . you need a dictionary.
3. I . attend the conference if I had the opportunity.
4. I . follow a course in marketing to find a job.
5. She . not take the job as it wasnt very demanding.
6. She . play the piano when she was young.

VIII. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Unde a putea juca fotbal? 2. Trebuie s v art schiurile mele. 3. Ar
trebui s fii mai atent. 4. Poate c patineaz. 5. S nu uii biletele de la
campionat acas. 6. S-ar cuveni s ne spunei ct de mult pariai. 7. S
pariez pe Lucky? 8. Ai putea s mi spunei ct e scorul? 9. E nevoie s
facei egal ca s mai jucai un meci acas. 10. S terminm meciul sau s
mai jucm? 11. Nu ai voie s vorbesti cu ceilali spectatori n timpul
meciului. 12. Trebuie s iei medicamentele prescrise de doctorul echipei. 13.
S v nsoesc n cantonamente? 14. A czut pe terenul de fotbal ; ar trebui
s-l duci la doctor. 15. Echipa trebuie s ctige jocul acesta. 16. Mai bine ai
sta acas pn te simi mai bine. 17.Vrei s repetai ntrebarea? 18. S
rspund la telefon? 19. mi pare ru, nu s-ar fi cuvenit s spun asta. 20.
Trebuie s m duc acolo chiar acum? Nu, nu este nevoie.

Unit 11
Newspapers are a powerful means of spreading news and
information. Around 520 million newspaper copies of about 10,000
newspaper titles are published in the world every day.
Newspapers impart information on politics, finance and economics, on arts
and theatre, science and culture, they specialize in commercial news, industrial
advertising, they carry TV programmes, information about the weather etc.
The British are the greatest newspaper readers in the world. There are
daily papers published daily from Monday to Saturday. There are also
weekly and monthly papers. Some newspapers are tabloids (The Mirror),
others are called broadsheets (The Times). In general, the tabloids represent
the popular press and have a smaller format with large headlines and stories
about film stars, violent crimes and the royal family; the broadsheets represent
the quality press with long articles about home news, foreign news, business
news, sport news etc.
Nearly all papers pay special attention to the reporting of sport. The
evening papers (The Evening News and The Evening Standard in London)
are often bought, because people want to know the winner of a race, or to
get a good tip for the football pools.
The Sunday papers are not Sunday editions of the daily papers. They
provide, in addition to the news, interesting articles on music, drama, the
cinema, newly-published books and gardening. The Observer and The Sunday
Times have a high standing and many of the best critics write for them.
Magazines are weekly or monthly publications. A journal is the name
usually given to an academic magazine (a scientific journal, a medical
journal). A comic is a magazine, usually for children or teenagers, with lots
of picture stories and cartoons. Many magazines write about fashion, food,
the bringing up of children.
Bold headlines and a variety of photographs are features of the British press.

Vocabulary focus

publication = publicaie
(news)paper = ziar
to spread = a rspndi, a transmite
news = tiri, informaii
copy = exemplar
to impart = a comunica, a face
article = articol
home news = tiri interne
foreign news = tiri externe
to pay attention = a acorda atenie
in addition = n plus
gardening = grdinrit
to specialize in = a se specializa
advertising = publicitate
reader = cititor
to publish = a publica
daily paper = cotidian
weekly paper = ziar sptmnal
monthly paper = ziar lunar
tabloid = ziar de scandal
broadsheet = ziar de format mare
headline = titlu de articol
high standing = reputaie bun
magazine = revist
journal = jurnal
comic = revist de benzi desenate
fashion = mod
the bringing up of children =
creterea copiilor
bold = ngroat
photograph = fotografie
feature = caracteristic, trstur

Alte expresii folosite n pres:
column = coloan
section = rubric
leading article = editorial
supplement = supliment
humorous drawing = caricatur
advertisement = reclam
crosswords = rebus
journalist = ziarist
correspondent = corespondent
reporter = reporter
critic = critic
newsagent = vnztor de ziare
to issue = a edita
to appear/to come out = a aprea
to subscribe = a se abona
to inform = a informa
to give an acount of = a relata
to print = a tipri
circulation = tiraj

I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. What are newspapers?
2. Are you a great reader of periodical newspapers?
3. What kind of publications can you mention?
4. Where do you usually get your newspaper: at the post-office, at the news-
stand/kiosk, from street sellers or take out a subscription and receive it at home?
5. Name some local or national newspaper or magazines. What does
each of them specialize in?
finance and economics
arts and theatre
science and culture
sports news
6. Why do you read newspapers?
to see the sports results
to keep in touch with current/world affairs
to keep yourself informed about future entertainments
7. Do you read every section of the newspaper? Which sections of the
newspaper are you interested in?
the front page news and the headlines
the leading articles
the advertisements
the weather forecast
the sports news
the business news
the TV and radio programmes
the womens page and the crosswords
the job page and the readers letters
8. What is a journal?
9. What is a comic?

II. Completai spaiile libere cu cuvintele corespunztoare: offices,
institutions, major stories, British, position, newspapers, issued.

Example: Fleet Street is a famous London street, home of most national
daily and Sunday .. newspapers.., up until the 1980s.
The first newspaper, The Daily Courant, was .... from Fleet Street in
1702. Although most of the newspapers left their .... in Fleet Street, the
street's name continues to be used as a synonym for the .... national press.
Fleet Street is on the north side of the river Thames. Journalists made the
most of Fleet Street's convenient location near the City and Westminster, where
most .... originated. It is also close to many major British ., the Bank of
England, the Stock Exchange, the Houses of Parliament and the Law Courts.
Fleet Street has thus an excellent . to keep an eye on the thing.

III. Exprimai urmtoarele ntr-un singur cuvnt:
Example: printed publication usually issued everyday, containing news = newspaper
1. the main article in a newspaper
2. a line at the top of an article, containing the title
3. a person who writes news, articles, reports, etc. for a newspaper
4. drawings dealing with current events in an amusing way
5. a small format newspaper dealing with subjects such as sport, television
actors, and shocking crime stories
6. a place in the street where you can buy newspapers and magazines
7. a person who buys a newspaper, a magazine etc. regularly

IV. Traducei n limba englez:
1. There are no newspapers published on Sunday in my country.
2. A supplement is a magazine that comes out as an addition to a newspaper.
3. The largest circulation is The Sun.
4. The article has been badly edited.
5. The BBC World Service has the largest news agency.
6. According to The Guardian, the missing girl was found last night.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Vorbirea direct este redarea ntocmai a spuselor cuiva. Vorbirea indirect
reproduce coninutul a ceea ce spune cineva ntr-o mprejurare dat. Trecerea
de la vorbirea direct la cea indirect se face cu unele modificri:
I. Propoziii enuniative:
Verbul to say din propoziia principal, urmat de un complement
indirect se nlocuiete cu verbul to tell:
He said to the reporter I need a good article.
He told the reporter (that) he needed a good article. = I-a spus
reporterului c are nevoie de un articol bun.
Verbul to say din propoziia principal, rmne neschimbat dac nu
este urmat de un complement indirect.
He said I want a newspaper.
He said (that) he wanted a newspaper. = A spus c vrea un ziar.
Propoziia secundar se introduce prin conjuncia that, care poate fi omis.
Timpul verbului din propoziia secundar depinde de timpul verbului din
propoziia principal, n conformitate cu regulile concordanei timpurilor.
Dac verbul din propoziia principal este la un timp trecut,
pronumele, adjectivele i adverbele se nlocuiesc dup cum urmeaz:
this that tomorrow the next day
these those ago - before
today that day next week the next week
yesterday the day before here there
now then
I said to her: I shall read the magazine tomorrow.
I told her that I should read the magazine the next day. = I-am spus c
voi citi revista mine.

II. Propoziii interogative:
Verbul to say din propoziia principal se nlocuiete cu verbele: to ask
(a ntreba), to inquire (a se interesa), to wonder (a se ntreba), to want to
know (a vrea s tie).
He said: How much does this paper cost?
He asked me how much that paper cost. = M-a ntrebat ct cost acel ziar.
Propoziia se introduce prin if (dac), whether (dac da sau nu) n
cazul ntrebrilor generale i prin conjunciile when (cnd), where (unde),
how (cum) etc. n cazul ntrebrilor speciale:
He said: Will you read this article?
He asked if I should read that article. = M-a ntrebat dac voi citi
articolul acesta.
He said: Who delivered the paper?
He inquired who had delivered the paper.= A ntrebat cine a livrat ziarul.
Dac verbul propoziiei principale este la un timp trecut, verbul
propoziiei secundare se folosete la timpul impus de regulile concordanei
timpurilor iar pronumele, adjectivele i adverbele se nlocuiesc ca n cazul
propoziiilor enuniative.

III. Propoziii imperative:
Verbul to say din propoziia principal se nlocuiete cu verbul to tell
(a spune ceva cuiva), to order (a ordona), to command (a comanda), to ask
(a cere), to beg (a ruga), to advise (a sftui):
He said: Finish the article please!
He asked me to finish the article. = M-a rugat s termin articolul.
Verbul la imperativ din propoziia secundar se nlocuiete n vorbirea
indirect cu infinitivul lung (forma afirmativ sau negativ):
He said: Dont sell the magazine at this price!
He advises me not to sell the magazine at that price. = M-a sftuit s nu
vnd revista la preul acela.

V. Dai formele de baz ale urmtoarelor verbe: to use, to take, to be, to
have, to get, to feed, to do, to make, to say, to write, to issue.
Example: to use-used-used-using

VI. Trecei urmtoarele propoziii de la vorbirea direct la vorbirea indirect:
Example: My brother said: I dont want you to speak to this person again.
My brother said that he didnt want me to speak to that person again.
1. Father said: You may always count on my help.
2. His friends said: I can give you my cousins address.
3. The little boy said again: My name is Bill.
4. The teacher said Bring with you an exercise book next time, to
write a paper.
5. They said: We need to learn two foreign languages in school.
6. Judy said: I cant come to the party this Friday.
7. The journalist said: I'm working in London now.
8. Tom said: New York is nicer than Moscow.

VII. Trecei urmtoarele comenzi la vorbirea indirect (verbul
introductiv este la trecut):
Example: He said: Come in!
He told/asked/ordered me to come in.

1. Dont drive so fast!
2. Open the door, please!
3. Read the text, please!
4. Write me a letter when you get to England!
5. Dont cross the street on a red light!
6. Be careful with my books!
7. Dont smoke so much!
8. Take this pill!
9. Dont interrupt me when I am speaking!
10. Ring me up when you arrive home!
VIII. Trecei verbul din propoziia principal la timpul trecut. Facei
toate modificrile necesare:
Example: I know the weather will change. I knew the weather would change.
I dont think they have already arrived. I didnt think they had already arrived.

1. It is sure it is going to rain.
2. He says he will leave the newspaper office after six.
3. She says she has just delivered the magazine.
4. I think he is writing in the next room.
5. They say they like to travel.
6. She says she bought this paper two days ago.

IX. Completai propoziiile cu verbul to say sau to tell la forma corect:
Example: Ann ..said.. goodbye to me and left. about your holiday. Did you have a nice time?

1. Don't just stand there! . something!
2. I wonder where Sue is. She . she would be here at 8 o'clock.
3. Jack . me that he was fed up with his job.
4. The doctor . that I should rest for at least a week.
5. Don't . anybody what I . . It's a secret just between us.
6. Did she . you what happened? No, she didn't . anything to me.
7. George couldn't help me. He . me to ask Kate.
8. They never me the truth.

X. Traducei n limba englez i apoi transformai n vorbire indirect:
1. I-am spus Mariei: i cunoatem de zece ani, sunt cei mai buni ziariti
de la Sunday Times. 2. George mi-a spus: Lucrez la aceast editur de 4
ani. 3. Ghidul le-a spus turitilor: V voi da toate informaiile necesare
despre Fleet Street mine. 4. M-a ntrebat: i place s citeti reviste? 5. I-
am rspuns: Da, mi place foarte mult. Am citit deja dou astzi. 6. L-am
ntrebat: Ce ai de gnd s scrii acum? 7. M-a ntrebat: De cnd nvei
engleza? 8. Am ntrebat-o: Le-ai spus totul despre noul articol? 9. I-am
ntrebat: V ducei adesea la teatru? 10. I-am ntrebat: Cnd ai publicat
acest articol? 11. I-am spus: Du-te la redacie ! 12. Mi-a spus: Nu citi
att de repede! 13. I-am spus: Cumpr un ziar de la chioc. 14. Le-am
spus: Citii The Observer i spunei-mi ce scrie n articolul de fond.
Unit 12
The body that makes the laws in Britain is called Parliament, and this
legislative body consists of two houses: the House of Lords and the House
of Commons. The laws that the Parliament makes have to be interpreted,
and this is the job of the courts of law (or courts of justice).
There are two distinct members of the English legal profession: the
barrister and the solicitor. A person will consult a solicitor if he needs the
assistance of the law for a minor problem: a dispute with his neighbour, a
divorce, selling a property, making his will, setting up a business etc. If he
has more serious or difficult problem which obliges him to appear in a civil
or criminal court of law or to sue someone, then he has to resort to the
services of a barrister. A barrister, and not a solicitor, will represent him in
court and plead his case. Participating in a trial, a barrister may be counsel
for the plaintiff (Counsel for the Prosecution) or counsel for the defendant
(Counsel for the Defence). The court is presided over by a judge. His
functions are to conduct the proceedings, to make the summing-up to the
jury, to interpret the law and to pass the sentence.
All serious crimes are tried in a criminal court before a jury.
According to the English law, a person accused of a crime must be supposed
innocent until his guilt has been proved. Witnesses are brought to the court
on the initiative of the parties. Before a witness goes in the witness box he is
required to swear on oath.

What type of government is there in the UK?
Well, in the UK, we have a monarchy; the state is run by a queen.
Now, what can you tell me about the political system in the UK?
Elections are held every five years. When a political party wins a majority
of seats in an election, they become the government of the country, their
leader becomes Prime Minister and they are in power.
And what are the policies of the government?
The government must have various policies to run the country; the
economic policy and the foreign policy are the most important.

Vocabulary focus

law = lege
body = corp, organ
to make laws = a face legi
Parliament = Parlament
to make the summing-up = a face
jury = juriu
to pass the sentence = a da sentina
The House of Commons = Camera
The House of Lords = Camera Lorzilor
court of justice/court of law/court = tribunal
lawyer = avocat; jurist
solicitor = avocat consultant
barrister = avocat pledant
property = proprietate
will = tratament
to set up a business = a ncepe o afacere
to sue = a da n judecat
to resort to = a recurge la
to represent = a reprezenta
to plead a case = a pleda ntr-un proces
trial = judecat, proces
plaintiff = reclamant
defendant = prt; inculpat
counsel for the defence = avocat al aprrii
counsel for the prosecution =
avocat al acuzrii
judge = judector
to preside = a prezida
to conduct the proceedings = a
conduce dezbaterile
to try = a judeca
to be accused of = a fi acuzat de
crime = infraciune
criminal = delincvent
guilt = vinovie
to prove = a dovedi
witness = martor
witness box = boxa martorilor
to swear an oath = a depune jurmnt
monarchy = monarhie
to run = a conduce
queen = regin
elections = alegeri
elections are held = alegerile au loc
political party = partid politic
to win the elections = a ctiga alegerile
to lose the elections = a pierde alegerile
seat = loc n parlament
leader = conductor
Prime Minister = Primul Ministru
to be in power = a fi la putere
policy = politic (program)
politics = politic (tiina)

Alte expresii folosite n justiie:
murderer = criminal
thief = ho
prisoner = prizonier
civil case = proces civil
criminal case = proces penal
procedure = procedur
hearing = audiere
to accuse somebody of something = a acuza pe cineva
to charge somebody with something = a acuza pe cineva de ceva
to bring to court/to sue = a intenta aciune
to rule = a decide, a dispune
to be summoned = a fi convocat
to plead guilty = a-i recunoate vina
to convict = a condamna
I. Rspundei la ntrebri:
1. What is the British Parliament?
2. What are the two Houses of the Parliament?
3. What body interprets the laws that the Parliament makes?
4. What are the two distinct members of the English legal profession?
5. When will a person consult a solicitor?
6. When does a person appeal to the services of a barrister?
7. Who presides over the court of England?
8. What are the judges functions?
9. How long is the accused supposed innocents?
10. What is the role of a witness?

II. Gsii definiia(a-j) pentru fiecare cuvnt (1-10):

1. monarchy
2. republic
3. democracy
4. dictatorship
5. politician
6. ministry
7. cabinet
8. to vote
9. seats
10. foreign policy

a) a committee of the most important ministers in
the government
b) someone for whom politics is a career
c) to choose in a formal way, e.g. by marking a
ballot paper
d) a state ruled by a king or a queen
e) a system of government in which leaders are
chosen by the people
f) official positions in parliament
g) a system of government in which one person has
total power
h) actions taken by the government in other parts of
the world
i) a state governed by the representatives (chosen
by the people) and a president
j) a department of state headed by a minister


Passive Voice

Diateza exprim o relaie de sens gramatical ntre subiect i predicat.
Diateza pasiv arat c aciunea este suferit de subiectul gramatical: The
candidate was appointed on the same day. = Candidatul a fost numit n
funcie n aceeai zi.
Orice timp al verbului la diateza pasiv se formeaz din timpul corespunztor
al verbului auxiliar to be + participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat:
Present Tense - I am asked = eu sunt ntrebat
- He is asked = el este ntrebat

Present Perfect Tense - I have been asked = eu am fost ntrebat
- He has been asked = el a fost ntrebat

Past Tense - I was asked = am fost ntrebat /
eram ntrebat
- He was asked = el a fost ntrebat

Past Perfect Tense - I had been asked = fusesem ntrebat
- He had been asked = el fusese ntrebat

Future Tense - I shall be asked = voi fi ntrebat
- He will be asked = el va fi ntrebat

Verbul este folosit la diateza pasiv:
cnd nu se cunoate subiectul logic al propoziiei, cnd acesta este evident
sau lipsit de importan: Its closing time. People are kindly asked to leave the
court. = Este ora nchiderii. Oamenii sunt rugai s prseasc tribunalul.
cnd complementul prezint mai mult interes dect subiectul logic:
The accused was given several attenuating circumstances.= Acuzatului i-au
fost date mai multe circumstane atenuante.
cnd din anumite motive, vorbitorul nu dorete s menioneze subiectul
logic: The sentence has already been passed. = Sentina s-a dat deja.

n limba englez exist cteva verbe intranzitive folosite la diateza
activ dar avnd un neles pasiv (denumite Passivals): to read (a se citi), to
sell (a se vinde), to flood (a fi inundat) etc.: The newspapers sold rapidly. =
Ziarele s-au vndut repede.

Reguli de trecere de la diateza activ la diateza pasiv
Pentru a trece o propoziie din diateza activ n diateza pasiv se fac
urmtoarele modificri:
Complementul (direct, indirect sau prepoziional) devine subiect n
propoziia pasiv iar subiectul propoziiei active devine complement de agent n
propoziia pasiv, introdus prin prepoziia by, complement ce poate fi omis.
Verbul din propoziia activ se trece la diateza pasiv pstrndu-se
timpul neschimbat, predicatul se acord n numr i persoan cu noul subiect.
Unei propoziii cu dou complimente directe sau cu un compliment
direct i unul indirect i corespund dou propoziii pasive:
The judge gave the verdict. = Judectorul a dat verdictul.
The verdict was given by the judge. = Verdictul a fost dat de judector.
The police officer has handed in some papers to the accused. = Poliistul
a nmnat nite acte acuzatului.
Some papers were handed in to the accused by the police officer. = Nite
acte au fost nmnate acuzatului de ctre poliist.
The accused was handed in some papers by the police officer. =
Acuzatului i s-au nmnat nite acte de ctre poliist.

III. Dai interogativul i negativul urmtoarelor propoziii:
Example: The verdict will be given tomorrow./ Will the verdict be given
tomorrow?/ The verdict will not be given tomorrow.

1. We had been asked a lot of questions before you came.
2. The judge was accused of bribery.
3. The witness has been recommended to swear on oath.
4. Capital punishment was introduced for some crimes.
5. Elections are held every four or five years.
6. The president was elected two years ago.

IV. nlocuii infinitivul din parantez cu timpul corect la diateza pasiv:
Example: These documents (to find) at the district court.
These documents have been found at the district court.

1. As we entered the House of Commons we (to meet) by the chairman.
2. The sentence (to sign) by the jury.
3. The meeting (not to hold) yesterday.
4. The suspect always (to visit) by many people.
5. The thief (to hear) tomorrow.
6. The will (to write) two years ago.
7. Most seats (to win) by the party in power last year.
8. Laws (to interpret) by the courts of justice.

V. Traducei n limba englez: mi s-a cerut; ni se vor trimite; mi se va
rspunde; i se trimit; mi se dduser; i s-au artat; mi s-a spus; i se va
explica; li se vor cere; i s-a rspuns; ni se vorbise; li se va plti.

VI. Trecei urmtoarele propoziii de la diateza activ la diateza pasiv:
Example : They did not speak about his proposals at the meeting. His
proposals were not spoken about at the meeting.

1. Many critics have commented on his new book.
2. People refer to him as a good specialist.
3. People often ask for this magazine.
4. Somebody must deal with this problem.
5. They have not gone into all details.
6. She hadnt finished her homework.
7. The jury passed the sentence.
8. The defendant hired a counsel for the defence.

VII. Traducei n limba romn:
1. This subject will be talked over tomorrow.
2. Your proposal will be carefully gone into.
3. Scientific research is looked upon noe as synonymous to progress.
4. His proposal remains to be approved of by the committee.
5. He is not well spoken of.
6. These data are not exact enough to be depended upon.
7. While I was in hospital, my flat was being painted.
8. In this office punctuality is insisted on.
9. English is spoken all over the world.
10. I was recommended a very good doctor.

VIII. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Scandalurile de mit au fost descoperite de ctre agenii poliiei
2. Houl a fost mpucat pentru c nu s-a oprit la somaia (warning)
3. Probele au fost trimise la laborator de procuratur.
4. Legile sunt fcute de Parlament.
5. Evenimentul a fost comentat de toate ziarele.
6. Scrisoarea va fi pus la pot ct mai curnd posibil.
7. Li se vor da instruciuni detaliate n privina procesului.
8. Ni s-a cerut s-i intentm aciune.


Past Tense
to arise arose arisen arising a se ridica, a se urca, a se ivi, a
to awake awoke awake awaking a se trezi, a se detepta
to be was/were been being a fi, a se afla, a se gsi
to bear bore born bearing a purta, a duce, a transporta, a cra
to beat beat beaten beating a bate, a lovi
to become became become becoming a deveni, a ajunge, a se potrivi
to begin began begun beginning a ncepe, a debuta, a porni
to bend bent bent/bended bending a (se) ndoi, a se ncovoia, a se
to bid bid/bade bid/bidden bidding a ruga, a implora; a porunci, a
ordona, a licita
to bind bound bound binding a (se) lega, a se uni, a consolida
to bite bit bit/bitten biting a muca, a ciupi, a apuca
to bleed bled bled bleeding a sngera
to blend blent/blende
blent/blended blending a (se) amesteca, a (se) combina, (se)
to blow to blew blown blowing a bate, a sufla, a adia
to break broke broken breaking a (se) rupe, a sparge
to breed bred bred breeding a crete, a cultiva, a educa
to bring brought brought bringing a aduce
broadcast broadcast broadcastin
a difuza, a rspndi, a transmite
to build built built building a construe, a zidi
to burn burnt/
burnt burning a arde
to burst burst burst bursting a izbucni, a plesni, a crpa
to buy bought bought buying a cumpra, a corupe, a mitui
to cast cast cast casting a arunca
to catch caught caught catching a (se) prinde, a (se) apuca
to choose chose chosen choosing a alege, a selecta
to come came come coming a veni, a sosi
to cost cost cost costing a costa,, a fixa preul
to creep crept crept creeping a (se) tr, a (se) furia
to cut cut cut cutting a tia, a reteza, a despica
to dig dug dug digging a spa
to do did done doing a face, a executa, a nfptui
to draw drew drawn drawing a desena, a trasa
Past Tense
to dream dreamt dreamed/
dreaming a visa, a crede
to drink drank drunk drinking a bea, a sorbi
to drive drove driven driving a conduce maina; a circula
to dwell dwelt dwelt dwelling a locui, a tri, a domicilia
to eat ate eaten eating a mnca, a servi masa
to fall fell fallen falling a cdea, a se prbui
to feed fed fed feeding a (se) hrni, a alimenta, a nutri
to feel felt felt feeling a simi, a percepe
to fight fought fought fighting a (se) lupta, a (se) bate, a purta rzboi
to find found found finding a gsi, a da de, a descoperi
to flee fled fled fleeing a fugi; a se refugia
to fly flew flown flying a zbura, a trece n zbor
to forbid forbade forbidden forbidding a interzice, a nu ngdui
to forecast forecast(ed) forecast(ed) forecasting a prevedea; a calcula dinainte
to forget forgot forgotten forgetting a uita; a neglija, a omite
to forgive forgave forgiven forgiving a ierta
to forsake forsook forsaken forsaking a prsi, a abandona
to freeze froze frozen freezing a nghea, a degera, a se congela
to get got/gotten got/gotten getting a cpta, a obine, a dobndi
to give gave given giving a da, a drui
to go went gone going a merge, a pleca, a se deplasa
to grind ground ground grinding a mcina, a rni, a pisa
to grow grew grown growing a crete, a spori, a se maturiza
to hang hung/hanged hung/hanged hanging a aga, a atrna
to have had had having a avea
to hear heard heard hearing a auzi, a audia, a asculta
to hide hid hid/hidden hidding a (se) ascunde, a piti
to hit hit hit hitting a lovi, a nimeri, a bate, a atinge
to hold held held holding a ine, a pstra, a deine
to hurt hurt hurt hurting a rni, a leza, a strica
to keep kept kept keeping a pstra; a respecta
to kneel knelt/ kneeled knelt/kneeled kneeling a ngenunchea, a se aeza n genunchi
to knit knit/ knitted knit/knitted knitting a croeta, a tricota
to know knew known knowing a ti , a cunoate
to lay laid laid laying a pune, a aeza, a ntinde
to lead led led leading a duce, a conduce, a ghida
to lean leant/ leaned leant/leaned leaning a se rezema, a se sprijini a se nclina
to leap leapt/ leaped leapt/leaped leaping a sri
to learn learnt/ learned learnt/ learned learning a nva, a studia
to leave left left leaving a lsa, a abandona, a prsi
Past Tense
to lend lent lent lending a da cu mprumut, a mprumuta
(cuiva), a nchiria
to let let let letting a lsa, a permite
to lie lay lain lying a sta ntins, a zcea
to lose lost lost losing a pierde
to make made made making a fabrica, a face, a construi
to mean meant meant meaning a nsemna; a vrea s spun
to meet met met meeting a (se) ntlni; a ntmpina
to melt melted melted /molten melting a se topi, a se dizolva
to mow mowed mowed/ mown mowing a cosi, a secera, a tunde, a cosi
to overcast overcast overcast overcasting a ntuneca; a nchide
to overcome overcame overcome overcoming a nvinge, a birui
to pay paid paid paying a plti, a achita
to put put put putting a aeza, a pune
to read read read reading a citi
to ride rode ridden riding a clri (calul/ bicicleta)
to ring rang rung ringing a suna
to rise rose risen rising a se ridica, a se nla
to run ran run running a fugi, a alerga, a conduce
to saw sawed sawn/sawed sawing a tia cu ferstrul
to say said said saying a zice, a spune, a afirma
to see saw seen seeing a vedea
to seek sought sought seeking a cuta, a explora, a solicita
to sell sold sold selling a vinde, a desface mrfuri
to send sent sent sending a expedia, a trimite
to set set set setting a pune, a aeza
to sew sewed sewn sewing a coase
to shake shook shaken shaking a scutura, a zgudui, a agita
to shed shed shed shedding a vrsa (lacrimi)
to shine shone shone shining a strluci, a luci
to shoot shot shot shooting a trage (n), a mpuca
to show showed shown/showed showing a arta, a indica, a aprea, a se ivi
to shrink shrank shrunk shrinking a se scurta, a se micora, a intra la ap
to shut shut shut shutting a (se) nchide
to sing sang sung singing a cnta
to sink sank sunk sinking a se scufunda
to sit sat sat sitting a edea, a sta jos
to sleep slept slept sleeping a dormi, a adormi
to slide slid slid sliding a aluneca, a se da pe ghea, a se strecura
to smell smelt smelt smelling a mirosi, a adulmeca
to sow sowed sown/sowed sowing a semna, a nsmna
to speak spoke spoken speaking a vorbi, a gri, a rosti
Past Tense
to speed sped/ speeded sped/speeded speeding a accelera, a merge cu vitez, a se grbi
to spell spelt spelt spelling a ortografia, a rosti un cuvnt liter cu liter
to spend spent spent spending a cheltui, a consuma, a epuiza; a
petrece timpul
to spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled spilling a (se) vrsa
to spin spun/span spun spinning a toarce, a rsuci, a nvrti
to spit spat/spit spat/spit spitting a scuipa
to split split split spiting a (se) scinda, a (se) diviza
to spoil spoilt /spoiled spoilt/spoiled spoiling a strica, a deteriora; a prda, a jefui
to spread spread spread spreading a ntinde, a desfura, a desface, a
lungi, a mprtia
to spring sprang sprung springing a sri
to stand stood stood standing a sta n picioare, a se ine drept
to steal stole stolen stealing a fura, a terpeli
to stick stuck stuck sticking a nfige, a nepa, a introduce; a (se)
lipi, a adera
to sting stung stung stinging a mpunge, a nepa
to stink stank/stunk stunk stinking a mirosi urt, a duhni
to strike struck struck/ stricken striking a (se) lovi/izbi, a (se) ciocni, a bate
to string strung strung stringing a lega cu sfoar; a ntinde coarda, a
nira pe a
to strive strove striven striving a se strdui, a se lupta; a tinde, a nzui
to swear swore sworn swearing a jura, a depune jurmntul; a njura
to sweep swept swept sweeping a mtura, a terge praful
to swell swelled swollen/ swelled swelling a umfla, a mri
to swim swam swum swimming a nota
to swing swung swung swinging a se legna, a se balansa, a se roti
to take took taken taking a lua, a mprumuta
to teach taught taught teaching a nva pe cineva, a instrui, a preda
to tear tore torn tearing a rupe, a sfia, a distruge, a smulge
to tell told told telling a spune, a povesti, a exprima
to think thought thought thinking a (se) gndi, a crede, a imagina
to throw threw thrown throwing a (se) arunca, a lansa, a azvrli
to thrust thrust thrust thrusting a mplnta, a vr, a ndesa
to tread trod trodden/trod treading a clca, a pi
to unbend unbent unbent unbending a (se) ntinde, a se relaxa
to unbind unbound unbound unbinding a dezlega, a desface, a desprinde, a elibera
to undergo underwent undergone undergoing a suferi, a ndura, a trece prin
to undersell undersold undersold underselling a vinde mai ieftin, a vinde sub preul
de cost
understood understood understanding a nelege/pricepe, a sesiza
Past Tense
to undertake undertook undertaken undertaking a ntreprinde, a lua asupra sa, a-i asuma
to undo undid undone undoing a anula, a desface, a distruge
to upset upset upset upsetting a (se) rsturna, a dezorganiza, a afecta
to wake woke woken waking a (se) trezi, a se detepta
to wear wore worn wearing a purta, a fi mbrcat cu; a se uza, a ponosi
to weave wove woven/wove weaving a ese, a mpleti; a se amesteca
to wed wedded wedded/wed wedding a (se) cstori, a lua n cstorie
to weep wept wept weeping a plnge, a vrsa lacrimi
to win won won winning a ctiga, a reui; a ajunge la
to wind wound wound winding a erpui, a (se) rsuci
to withdraw withdrew withdrawn withdrawing a retrage, a retracta, a lua napoi
to withhold withheld withheld withholding a reine de la, a interzice ceva
to withstand withstood withstood withstanding a se mpotrivi, a rezista
to write wrote written writing a scrie, a redacta


Au mai aprut:
Elemente de sociologie
Popa Valentin, Bucur Viorela
Istoria statului i dreptului romnesc
Stoica Ion
Business English - Limba engleza pentru afaceri
Scurtu Lidia, Bursugiu Mihaela, Chiu Ramona, Stroie Andreea
Istoria relaiilor internaionale
Buican Mariana
Bazele merceologiei
Antonescu Eugenia, Voicu Luminita-Oana
Ecologie i protecia mediului
Scurtu Ion (coord.), Sima Cristiana
Lets do tourism
Chiu Ramona, Stroe Andreea
Dezvoltare uman
ranu Georgela (coord.), Corche Lcrmioara
Managementul i evaluarea proiectelor n asistena social
Popa Valentin, Marica Cristina
Communiquer en franais
Mihai Constantin, Pepenel Madelaine, uvec Daniela
Communication en affaires en franais - cours applicatif
Mihai Constantin, uvec Daniela, Savu Maria-Monica, Pepenel Madelaine
Correspondance daffaires en franais - cours applicatif
Mihai Constantin, uvec Daniela, Savu Maria-Monica, Pepenel Madelaine

n pregtire:
Asistena social a familiei i copilului
Cimpoaie Simona, Iordache Mihaela
Drima Eduard, Toma Mirabela, Susanu Neaga
Teorii i metode n asistena social
Neamu George, Lixandroaia Marcel
Politici de incluziune social
Susanu Neaga
Principii i standarde n consilierea victimelor
Cimpoaie Simona
Mrfuri i tehnologii alimentare; securitatea consumatorului
Srbu Alexandrina, Voicu Luminia, Neacu Luminia
Cultur i civilizaie contemporan
Eana Ramona
Limba englez (Drept, Administraie public)
Popoac-Giuran Anca

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