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Camelia Neagu

- suport de curs -



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Camelia Neagu

Limba engleză 3
Editura Universităţii „Nicolae Titulescu”

Calea Văcăreşti, nr. 185, sector 4, Bucureşti

Tel./fax: 0213309032/0213308606

ISBN: 978-606-751-582-4
INTRODUCERE ................................................................................................................................................ 7
OBIECTIVELE CURSULUI ............................................................................................................................. 7
COMPETENȚE ................................................................................................................................................. 7
RESURSE ŞI MIJLOACE DE LUCRU ............................................................................................................. 8
STRUCTURA CURSULUI ............................................................................................................................... 9
TEME DE CONTROL ....................................................................................................................................... 9
CERINŢE PRELIMINARE PENTRU PARCURGEREA CURSULUI ........................................................... 10
DURATA MEDIE DE STUDIU INDIVIDUAL .............................................................................................. 10
EVALUAREA ................................................................................................................................................. 10
BIBLIOGRAFIE: ............................................................................................................................................. 11
UNIT 1: THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION ................................................................................... 12
1.1. INTRODUCERE ....................................................................................................................................... 12
1.2. OBIECTIVE .............................................................................................................................................. 12
1.3. CONŢINUT............................................................................................................................................... 12
1.4. DEZVOLTARE APTITUDINILOR ......................................................................................................... 14
1.5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM... ............................................................................................................................. 15
1.6. REZUMAT ................................................................................................................................................ 15
1.7. TEST ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
1.8. BIBLIOGRAFIE ....................................................................................................................................... 16
UNIT 2: FUTURE FORMS .......................................................................................................................... 17
2.1. INTRODUCERE ....................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2. OBIECTIVE .............................................................................................................................................. 17
2.3. CONŢINUT............................................................................................................................................... 17
2.4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR....................................................................................................... 22
2.5. SĂ NE REAMINITIM... ............................................................................................................................ 23
2.6. REZUMAT ................................................................................................................................................ 23
2.7. TEST ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.8. BIBLIOGRAFIE ....................................................................................................................................... 24
UNIT 3: THE CONSTITUTION AS SUPREME LAW .............................................................................. 25
3.1. INTRODUCERE ....................................................................................................................................... 25
3.2. OBIECTIVE .............................................................................................................................................. 25
3.3. CONŢINUT............................................................................................................................................... 25
3.4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR....................................................................................................... 27
3.5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM... ............................................................................................................................. 27
3.6. REZUMAT ................................................................................................................................................ 27
3.7. TEST ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.8. TEMA DE CONTROL 1 ........................................................................................................................... 28
3.9. BIBLIOGRAFIE ....................................................................................................................................... 29
UNIT 4: THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES ..................................................................................................... 30
4.1. INTRODUCERE ....................................................................................................................................... 30
4.2. OBIECTIVE .............................................................................................................................................. 30
4.3. CONȚINUT............................................................................................................................................... 30
4.4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR....................................................................................................... 32
4.5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM... ............................................................................................................................. 33
4.6. REZUMAT ................................................................................................................................................ 33
4.7. TEST ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.8. BIBLIOGRAFIE ....................................................................................................................................... 34
UNIT 5: THE LEGAL SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES .................................................................... 35
5.1. INTRODUCERE ....................................................................................................................................... 35

5.2. OBIECTIVE .............................................................................................................................................. 35
5.3. CONȚINUT............................................................................................................................................... 35
5.4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR....................................................................................................... 38
5.5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM... ............................................................................................................................. 39
5.6. REZUMAT ................................................................................................................................................ 39
5.7. TEST ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
5.8. BIBLIOGRAFIE ....................................................................................................................................... 40
UNIT 6: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ..................................................................................................... 41
6.1. INTRODUCERE ....................................................................................................................................... 41
6.2. OBIECTIVE .............................................................................................................................................. 41
6.3. CONȚINUT............................................................................................................................................... 41
6.4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR....................................................................................................... 44
6.5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM... ............................................................................................................................. 45
6.6. REZUMAT ................................................................................................................................................ 45
6.7. TEST ......................................................................................................................................................... 45
6.8. TEMA DE CONTROL 2 ........................................................................................................................... 46
6.9. BIBLIOGRAFIE ....................................................................................................................................... 46
LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS .................................................................................................................. 47


Coordonator curs: lect.univ.dr. Camelia NEAGU


Limba engleză 3 se adresează în principal studenţilor din anul al II-lea, semestrul I,

din cadrul sistemului de Învăţământ la Distanţă (ID) al Universităţii „Nicolae Titulescu”,
Facultatea de Drept, cu un nivel mediu de cunoaştere a limbii engleze şi doreşte să le ofere
acestora posibilitatea de a recapitula cunoştinţele acumulate şi de a-şi însuşi noi elemente –
noţiuni avansate din limbajul juridic. De asemenea, cursul îşi propune dezvoltarea unor
strategii care să conducă la autonomia studenţilor în învăţare, prin conştientizarea nevoilor
personale, efort individual şi autoevaluare permanentă.
Cursul este structurat în 6 unităţi de învăţare. Textele sunt însoţite de exerciţii, care au
rolul de a facilita procesul de înţelegere şi de a favoriza acumularea lexicală.


Obiectivele cursului sunt:

1. să formeze deprinderilor necesare pentru a folosi limba engleză în mod flexibil şi eficient
atât în scopuri sociale cât şi profesionale
2. să îmbogăţească vocabularul studenţilor prin achiziţia de termeni juridici în limba engleză.
3. să crească încrederea studenţilor în capacităţile personale de îndeplinirea sarcinilor
comunicative în limba engleză


Competenţele pe care trebuie să le dobândească studenţii se înscriu în precizările

oferite de Cadrul European Comun de Referinţă pentru Limbi: Învăţare, Predare, Evaluare
(2001). Astfel, nivelul pe care îl au studenţii la începutul acestui curs ar trebui să fie B1 sau
B2, şi ne dorim ca nivelul atins la finalizare (sfârşitul anului al II-lea = patru semestre de
studiu) să fie B2+ sau chiar C1.

Competenţele de comunicare lingvistică pe care studentul le poate dobândi cuprinde

următoarele componente:

1. Competenţa lingvistică generală: să se exprime clar şi fără a lăsa impresia că

este nevoit să restrângă ceea ce vrea să spună;
a. competenţa lexicală: să stăpânească o gamă bogată de vocabular pentru subiectele
legate de domeniul juridic şi subiectele cele mai generale;
b. competenţa gramaticală: să menţină un control gramatical bun, să nu facă greşeli care
să conducă la neînţelegeri;
c. competenţa fonologică: pronunţie şi intonaţie fireşti;
d. competenţa ortografică: să producă un text scris coerent, clar şi inteligibil ce respectă
regulile curente de dispunere în pagină şi de organizare.

2. Competenţa sociolingvistică: să se exprime cu siguranţă, simplu şi politicos într-

un registru oficial şi neoficial potrivit cu situaţia şi persoanele în cauză.

3. Competenţa pragmatică:

a. competenţa discursivă:
- să poată face o descriere sau alcătui un discurs clar dezvoltând şi argumentând
punctele importante cu ajutorul detaliilor şi al exemplelor semnificative;
- să poată interveni într-o discuţie într-o manieră adecvată;
- să poată utiliza cu eficacitate o varietate de cuvinte de legătură pentru a marca clar
legăturile dintre idei.

b. competenţa funcţională:
- să poată comunica cu spontaneitate, demonstrând adeseori o remarcabilă uşurinţă şi o
facilitate de exprimare chiar şi în enunţurile complexe şi destul de lungi;
- să poată transmite o informaţie amănunţită în mod fiabil.


Propunem utilizarea următoarelor resursele si mijloacele de lucru:

 prezentul curs practic de limba engleză;
 o gramatică a limbii engleze, pentru referinţe (să poată fi consultată la nevoie1);
 un dicţionar general englez-român, român englez;
 un dicţionar juridic englez-român / român-englez2

De asemenea, sugerăm şi folosirea resurselor digitale online (e.g., pentru clarificarea unor termeni şi concepte
specific limbajului juridic; student pentru explicaţii privind regulile
specific limbii engleze; pentru traduceri).

Sugerăm următoarele variante posibile:
 Fleischhack, Eric; Schwarz, Hellmut (2009) – English Grammar, Bucureşti: ALL Educational
 Vince, Michael (2008) - Macmillan English Grammar In Context Student's Book – Intermediate,
London: Macmillan
 Preda, Ioan; Leviţchi, Leon (2008) – Gramatica limbii engleze, Bucureşti: Gramar
 Docherty, Vincent; Brough, Sonia (2009) – Gramatica standard a limbii engleze, Bucureşti:
Sugerăm următoarele variante posibile:
 Dicţionar dicţionar juridic englez-român / român-englez, (2008), Bucureşti: C.H.Beck
 Dicţionar dicţionar juridic englez-român / român-englez, (2009), Bucureşti: Lumina Lex


Cursul pentru semestrul I este compus din 6 unităţi de învăţare, după cum urmează:
1. Unitatea de învăţare 1 – THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION
2. Unitatea de învăţare 2 – FUTURE FORMS
3. Unitatea de învăţare 3 – THE CONSTITUTION AS SUPREME LAW
4. Unitatea de învăţare 4 – THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES
5. Unitatea de învăţare 5 – THE LEGAL SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES
6. Unitatea de învăţare 6 – CONDITIONAL CLAUSES

Fiecare unitate este alcătuită din:

1. INTRODUCERE – se oferă o scurtă descriere a conţinutului unităţii de învăţare.

2. OBIECTIVE – reprezintă ceea ce studenţii trebuie să atingă prin parcurgerea unităţii
respective (aceste obiective sunt stabilite pentru a coordona procesul de învăţare,
pentru a-i motiva pe studenţi să-şi însuşească conţinutul şi de asemenea pentru a-i
ajuta să se autoevalueze).
3. CONȚINUT – această secțiune include fie explicații cu privire la regulile specific
limbii engleze, fie un text care conține informaţii despre SUA.
4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR – include activităţi menite să dezvolte
competenţele lexicale și de traducere, necesare exprimării corecte în domeniul juridic.
5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM – punctează principalele aspecte furnizate în unitate până la
momentul respectiv.
6. REZUMAT – în această secțiune se oferă o sinteză a principalelor puncte dezbătute în
cadrul unităţii de învăţare, făcându-se legătura cu următoarele unităţi de învăţare.
7. TEST – rezolvările vor fi dezbătute în cadrul tutorialelor

Cheia exerciţiilor este postată pe platforma eLis.


Acest curs conține și 2 TEME DE CONTROL:


Write a documented paper about the steps that a law graduate must take in
Romania until he/she can be a lawyer, in comparison with the USA.


Write a short paper (between 450-500 words), giving details on the conditions
depending on which a judge may remit a penalty for an imprisoned person, according to
legal provisions in Romania.

Rezolvarea celor două teme de control reprezintă 30% din nota finală.
Prima temă de control trebuie rezolvată şi încărcată pe platforma eLis, o săptămână înainte de
prima întâlnire tutorială prevăzută în orar, iar cea de-a doua temă, cu o săptămână înainte de
cea de-a doua întâlnire tutorială prevăzută în orar.


Este necesar un nivel cel puţin mediu de limba engleză pentru parcurgerea acestui curs (de
exemplu obţinerea cel puţin a calificativului B1 la examenul de bacalaureat sau al unui
calificativ similar).


90 minute pentru fiecare unitate.


La sfârşitul semestrului, studentul va primi o nota care va fi compusă din:

1. 70% evaluarea finală, care va avea loc în sesiunea de examene, sub formă scrisă.
2. 30% evaluarea pe parcurs, prin notarea celor două teme de control obligatorii.

Examenul scris de la sfârşitul semestrului I va evalua competenţele lingvistice,

sociolingvistice şi pragmatice dobândite prin parcurgerea unităţilor de învăţare 1-6 şi va avea
o durată de 60 de minute.

Structura examenului scris poate fi următoarea:

1. Un text şi şase întrebări. Trebuie să citiţi textul şi să alegeţi varianta corectă de răspuns
(A, B, C sau D).
2. Un text cu 15 spaţii goale. Fiecare spaţiu gol reprezintă un cuvânt sau o expresie.
Trebuie să citiţi textul şi să alegeţi cuvântul sau expresia potrivită (A, B, C sau D).
3. Opinia cu privire la o afirmaţie dată. Trebuie să redactaţi un text (200-240 de cuvinte)
cu argumente susţinând sau combatând ideea prezentată.

4. Traducerea unui text de 60-70 de cuvinte, preluat dintr-o text asemănător ca tematică
celor incluse în acest manual.
5. Retroversiunea a 5 propoziţii/fraze care să conţină structuri gramaticale sau funcţii ale
limbii revizuite în cadrul unităţilor din semestrul I.


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti: Editura
2. Dracsineanu, Cătălin; Haraga, Radu (2012). Manual de limba engleză pentru
profesionişti. Iaşi: Editura Polirom
3. Fleischhack, Eric; Schwarz, Hellmut (2009) – English Grammar. Practice Book,
Bucureşti: ALL Educational
4. Seidl, Jennifer; Schwarz, Hellmut (2012). English Grammar, Bucureşti: ALL
5. Walenn, Jeremy (2009). English for law in higher education studies. London: Garnet



1.1. Introducere
1.2. Obiective
1.3. Conţinut
1.4. Dezvoltare lexicală
1.5. Să ne reaminitim
1.6. Rezumat
1.7. Test
1.8. Bibliografie


În această unitate de învățare, veți studia câteva date istorice generale cu privire la
Constituția SUA. Totodată, studenții vor afla informații privind principiile
fundamentale care stau la baza Constituției SUA.


După studierea acestei unități, studentul trebuie să fie capabil:

 să ofere informații cu caracter general cu privire la istoricul Constituției
 să ofere informații cu caracter general cu privire la principalele prevederi ale
Constituției Americii.

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 de minute.



The Constitution of the United States sets forth the nation’s fundamental laws. It
establishes the form of the national government and defines the rights and liberties of
the American people. The Constitution was written to organise a strong national
government for the American States. Previously, the nation’s leaders had established a
national government under the Articles of Confederation. But the Articles granted
independence to each state. They also lacked the authority to make the states work
together to solve national problems.

After the states won independence, they had to enforce law and order, collect taxes,

pay a large public debt, and regulate trade among themselves. Leading statesmen, such
as George Hamilton and Alexander Hamilton, began to discuss the creation of a strong
national government under a new constitution.

A convention was called by Congress in 1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation.

But a majority of the delegates at the convention decided instead to write a new plan of
government – the Constitution of the United States.

The Constitution they framed was ratified by all the States within a few years, but with
considerable opposition, which is still in force. The Constitution defines clearly the
functions and the powers of the national government. In addition, it establishes
protection for the rights of the states and of every individual.

The Constitution consists of a preamble, seven articles and 27 amendments. It sets up a

federal system by dividing powers between national and state governments. It also
establishes a balanced national government by dividing authority among three
independent branches – the executive, the legislative and the judicial. The power is
shared in such a way that each branch has a certain authority over the others, a system
called checks and balances.

The executive branch enforces the law, the legislative branch makes the law and the
judicial branch explains the law. The executive branch is represented by the President,
the legislative branch by Congress and the judicial branch by the Supreme Court.

Federal powers listed in the Constitution include the right to collect taxes, declare war
and regulate trade. In addition, the national government had implied powers (those
reasonably suggested by the Constitution). The implied powers enable the government
to respond to the changing needs of the nation.
For example, Congress has no delegated power to print money.

There are some powers that the Constitution does not give to the national government
or to the states. These reserved powers belong to the people or to other states.

State powers include the right to legislate on divorce, marriage and public schools.
Powers reserved for the people include the right to own property and to be tried by a

In some cases, the national and state governments have concurrent powers – that is,
both levels of the government may act. The national government has the supreme
authority in case of a conflict.

The Supreme Court has the final authority to explain the Constitution. It can set aside
any law – federal, state or local – that conflicts with any part of the Constitution.

The first 10 amendments known as the Bill of Rights were proposed on September,
1789, and ratified on December, 1791. Originally, the amendments applied only to the
federal government. But the 14th Amendment declares that no state can deprive any
person of life, liberty or property without “due process of law”. The Supreme Court
has interpreted those words to mean that most of the Bill of Rights applies to the states
as well.

I. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

1. The 27 amendments to the American Constitution are known under the name of The
Bill of Rights.
2. Federal powers enable the government to respond to the changing needs of the
3. The Articles of Confederation did not grant independence to each state.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the constitution of the U.S. set forth?

2. Does the U.S. have a written Constitution?
3. What had the nation’s leaders established?
4. For what purpose did they draw up an entirely new Constitution?
5. What does the Constitution clearly define?
6. What are the three branches sharing power under the Constitution?
7. What does each of them represent?
8. What do they mean by implied and reserved powers?
9. Who has the final authority to explain the Constitution?
10. What are the first ten amendments known as and what basic rights do they set


I. Fill in the blanks in the text using the words and expressions in the list below.

restatements e) dissenting opinion

advisory opinions f) justices
opinions of (or for) the court g) binding
concurring opinion h) case law

In the USA the (1) _______ of the Supreme Court deliver ruling also called
(2)_______. They are the opinions of the majority of the court (or the majority
opinions). The Court may also render a minority opinion in the decision of a law case,
in which some justice disagree with the majority opinion and explain why. This ruling
is called a (3) ______.
Some justices may agree with the majority opinion on the legal decision taken,
yet they might want to express diverging points of view on minor issues. This ruling is
called a (4)__________.
Some State Supreme Courts in the United States may deliver (5)_______ on a
point of law, a statute, a treaty etc. These opinions are merely persuasive, they are not
(6) _____.
Practitioners of the law, judges and law teachers have been working (within a
private organisation called the American Law Institute) on a systematic compilation of
(7) _______ in such areas as the Law of Contracts, Torts, Property etc. The name of

this compilation is (8) ________.

II. Translate the following text into Romanian:

“The Bill of Rights or the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution and
the Bill of Rights in the various states constitutions are in whole or in large part made
up of statements, common law rights, which are inborn, inherent and inalienable and
not granted by any Government, according to Anglo-Saxon and American theory.
Thus, the American Governments, national or state, are merely added protection to the
common law rights, which citizens already possess”.
(Adapted from “Concise Dictionary of American History”)

III. Translate the following text into Romanian:

“The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that
Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States
is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the
Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment
shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and
enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party
convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and
Punishment, according to Law.”
(The Constitution of the USA)


Constituția SUA este legea fundamental a Statelor Unite ale Americii. Legea
supremă a SUA este cadrul legal pentru buna organizare a Guvernului SUA.
Constituția SUA reglementează relațiile dintre guvernul federal și fiecare stat
American, precum și dintre guvernul federal și cetățenii americani.


Constituția SUA a fost adoptată în data de 17 septembrie 1787.

Înainte de a exista o Constituție Americană, statele americane erau guvernate în
conformitate cu prevederile Articolelor Confederației (the Articles of Confederation).
În 1787, Articolele Confederației au fost înlocuite de textul complex al Constituției

Vom continua să aflăm informaţii despre SUA şi în următoarele unităţi ale acestui

1.7. TEST

I. Make sentences of your own using the antonyms of the following words:

limited, silence, true, serious, permanent, relative.

II. Write a short composition (one paragraph) using the following words:

lawyer, pleading, justice court, to lie, truth, accord, fact, exact, regarding, reality


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Dracsineanu, Cătălin; Haraga, Radu (2012). Manual de limba engleză pentru
profesionişti. Iaşi: Editura Polirom
3. Walenn, Jeremy (2009). English for law in higher education studies. London:
Garnet Publishing.



2.1. Introducere
2.2. Obiective
2.3. Conţinut
2.4. Dezvoltare abilităţilor de traducere
2.5. Să ne reaminitim
2.6. Rezumat
2.7. Test
2.8. Bibliografie


În această unitate de învățare, studenții vor dobândi noțiunile de bază privind

folosirea corectă a formelor de viitor în limba engleză.


După studierea acestei unități, studentul trebuie să fie capabil:

 să folosească în mod corect formele de viitor existente în engleză
 să sesizeze diferențele de nuanță dintre formele de viitor simplu, perfect,
continuu și perfect continuu
 să identifice situațiile de folosire a timpului prezent (simplu și continuu) pentru
exprimarea viitorului, inclusiv în cadrul subordonatelor de condiție/de timp.

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 minute.


There are several ways of expressing the future in English. The forms are listed below
and will be dealt with in order in which they are given.

1. The Simple Present

2. Will + infinitive, used for intention
3. The Present Continuous
4. The be going to form
5. The “Future Simple” will/shall + infinitive
6. The Future Continuous
7. The Future Perfect Simple
8. The Future Perfect Continuous

1. The SIMPLE PRESENT used for the future

This tense can be used with a time expression for a definite future arrangement:
The students start classes on October.
I leave tonight.
Our new branch opens next week.
My plane leaves at six.

2. WILL + INFINITIVE used for intention

When we say that a form expresses future with intention we mean that it expresses a
future action, which will be undertaken by the speaker in accordance with his/her
wishes. Will + infinitive and the be going to form can be used in this way.

Will + infinitive is used to express intention at the moment of decision.

eg. The phone is ringing. I’ll answer it.

Mary (looking at a pile of letters): I’ll answer them tonight.
Paul (who is getting fat and tired of paying parking fines): I know what to do.
I’ll sell my car and buy a bike.

For unpremeditated actions as above, we must use will (contracted to ‘ll). But note that
if after his/her decision the speaker mentions the action again, he/she will not use will,
but be going to or the present continuous.

For example:

 Mary could say: I’m going to answer these letters tonight. (She hasn’t made
any arrangement with anybody);
 Paul, similarly, could say: I’m selling the car.

3. The PRESENT CONTINUOUS as a future form

a. The present continuous can express a definite arrangement in the near future:

I’m taking an exam in September. → It implies that I have entered for it.

Bob and Bill are meeting tonight.→ It implies that they have arranged this.

b. But with verbs of movement from one place to another, e.g. arrive, come, drive,
fly, go, leave, start, travel, verbs indicating position, e.g. stay, remain and the
verbs do and have (food or drink), the present continuous tense can be used
more widely. It can express a decision or plan without any definite


What are you doing next Saturday? I’m going to the seaside.
I’m not doing anything. I’m staying at home.
I’m going to write letters.

c. This method of expressing the future cannot be used with verbs which are not
normally used in the continuous tenses. These verbs should be used into future

I’m meeting him tonight but I shall know him tonight.

They are coming tomorrow but they will be here tomorrow.
We’ll think it over.

4. GOING TO. Form: the Present Continuous of the verb to go + the full
I’m going to buy a new car.
Is he going to lecture in English?
She is not going to be there.

 GOING TO used for intention expresses the subject’s intention to perform a

certain future action. This intention is always premeditated and there is usually
also idea that some preparation for the action has already been made. Be going
to can be used for the near future with a time of expression:
e.g. I am meeting Tom at the station at six becomes
I am going to meet Tom at the station at six.

This form can also be used with time clauses when we wish to emphasise the
subject’s intention:
e.g. He is going to be a lawyer when he grows up.
What are you going to do when you get your degree?

 GOING TO used for prediction can express the speaker’s feeling of certainty.
The action is expected to happen in the near or immediate future:

e.g. Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain.

Listen to the wind. We’re going to have a terrible thunderstorm.

It can be used in this way after such verbs as be sure/afraid, believe, think:
e.g. How pale that woman is! I/m sure/believe/I think she is going to faint.


will/shall + infinitive
There is no future tense in modern English but for convenience we often use the term
“future simple” to describe the form above.

I will/shall work (I’ll) We shall work (we’ll)
You will work (you’ll) You will work (you’ll)He/she/it
will work (he’ll/she’ll/it’ll) They will work (they’ll)

I shall/will not work (I shan’t/won’t) We shall not work (we shan’t)

You will not work (you won’t) You will not work (you won’t)
He/she/it will not work (he, she, it won’t) They will not work (they won’t)

Shall I work? Shall we work?
Will you work? Will you work?
Will he, she, it work? Will they work?

Negative interrogative
Will not/won’t you work? Etc

 WILL is used to express intention:

I will wait you = I intend to wait you.

 SHALL is used when there is no intention, i.e. for actions where the subject’s
wishes are not involved:
I shall be 25 next week.
We shall know the results next month.
I am sure I shan’t lose my way.

SHALL, used above, is still found in formal English, but is no longer common
in conversation. Instead we normally use WILL:
I will be 25 next week.
We will know the results next week.
I am sure I won’t lose my way.

SHALL, however, is still used in the interrogative, in questions tags, in

suggestions, in requests for orders or instructions:
Let’s go, shall we?
Shall we take a taxi?
What shall we do with your mail?

 SHALL for determination. Sometimes public speakers feel that to express

determination they need a “heavier” word (not will) and so they say SHALL:
We shall fight and win.

Shall can be also used in ordinary conversation:

I shall be there, I promise you.


 To express the speaker’s opinion, assumptions, speculations about the
future, after such verbs as assume, be afraid, be/feel sure, believe, doubt,
expect, hope, know, suppose, think, wonder:
I’m sure he’ll come back.
I suppose he’ll sell the house.
They’ll probably wait for us.

 It is used for habitual actions which we assume will take place:

Spring will come again.
People will make plans.

Birds will build nests.


Form: the future simple of to be + present participle

Affirmative Negative
I/we will/shall be working I/we will/shall not be working
He/she/it/you/they will be working He/she/it/you/they will not be working

Interrogative Negative interrogative

Shall/will I/we be working? Won’t he/she/it/they be working? etc.
Will he/she/it/you/they be working?

 It is normally used with a point in time and expresses an action which starts
before that time and probably continues after it.
e.g. On Saturday there are no classes. The students will not be sitting in the classroom.
They will be doing other things. This time tomorrow they will be sitting in the cinema.



Will/shall + perfect infinitive
It is normally used with a time expression beginning with by: by then, by that time, by
the 24th.
e.g. By the end of next month he will have been here for ten years.
By the end of the year I’ll have saved ₤ 600.


Form: Will/shall have been + present participle

It is used for a continuous action:

e.g. By the end of the month he will have been working here for ten years.

I. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

1. This time tomorrow the judge will have passed the sentence.
2. By the end of the year the court will deliver at least 1,000 judgments.
3. The prosecutor will read the report on this case after he will collect all the necessary

II. Use the be going to form in the following sentences:
1. You (miss) your train.
2. What you (do) with this room? I (paint) the walls in black and white stripes.
3. Look at the clouds. It (rain).
4. He (grow) a beard when he leaves school.
5. I have seen the play. Now I (read) the book.
6. I don’t like this macaroni. I (not finish) it.
7. We (make) a lot of money out of this.
8. They (try) him for manslaughter when he comes out of hospital.
9. I (stop) here for a moment to get some petrol.
10. I’ve lent you my car once. I (not do) it again.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or the future simple
using the present continuous where possible:

1. I am sure that I (recognize) him.

2. They (lay) the foundation next week.
3. He (not write) to you unless you write to him.
4. I (believe) it when I see it.
5. You pay and I (owe) you the money.
6. I’ve left the light on. It (matter?)
7. I (have) my car repainted next week.
8. You (understand) when you are older.
9. There (be) a big meeting here tomorrow.
10. If he doesn’t work hard he (not pass) his exam.


I. Translate into English using a future form:

1. Vei veni la concert în seara aceasta? Dacă vei veni, ne vom întâlni acolo.
2. Patronii vor începe negocierile de îndată ce oamenii se vor întoarce la lucru.
3. Veţi semna contractul mâine, nu-i aşa?
4. Ce ai de gând sa faci cu toţi banii aceştia? Îi cheltui sau îi depui la bancă.
5. Mă întreb dacă îţi va povesti şi despre afacerea pe care o are de încheiat.
6. Voi fi foarte încântat să-mi povesteşti despre excursia făcută.
7. Am să te anunţ de îndată ce voi vorbi cu directorul.
8. Când ai de gând să termini ce ai de făcut?
9. Ce ai de gând să faci după ce vei termina şcoala?
10. Voi încerca să-l contactez mâine.

II. Insert the right future form of the verbs given in the brackets:

1. We … (to have) a meeting on 15th October. Nobody can be absent.

2. According to the program, the conference … (start) at 9 am.
3. If the candidate answers correctly, he … (be enrolled) in the practical exam.
4. As soon as the competition … (start), no candidate may use the phone.
5. When we graduate, we … (to be able) to apply for such a position.


 Pentru a folosi corect formele de viitor în limba engleză, vorbitorul trebuie

să rețină că, în această limbă, intenția și planificarea/aranjamentul viitor se
exprimă prin forme speciale: going to, respectiv prezentul continuu al
verbului de conjugat.
 Pe de altă parte, spre deosebire de limba română, în engleză avem și o
formă de viitor continuu (future continuous) și o formă de viitor perfect
continuu (future perfect continuous).


În limba engleză, viitorul se poate exprima în mai multe moduri, depinzând de intenția
vorbitorului de a comunica un simplu eveniment viitor (shall/will+short infinitive), o
intenție viitoare (going to), o acțiune din viitorul apropiat (going to+ infinitive, to be to
+ infinitive), o acțiune viitoare care este parte a unui program oficial (prezentul
simplu), un aranjament viitor/o programare viitoare (prezentul continuu), o acțiune
viitoare care se va fi încheiat înainte de un moment viitor sau de altă acțiune viitoare
(shall/will+have+past participle).

Vom continua recapitularea principalelor reguli de folosire a limbii engleze în

următoarele unităţi ale acestui manual.

2.7. TEST

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous tense:

1. When you next see me, I (wear) my new dress.

2. I (wait) for you when you come out.
3. We have to do night duty here. I (do) mine next week.
4. This time next month I (sit) on a beach.
5. He (use) the car this afternoon.
6. It’s a serious injury but he (walk) again in six weeks.
7. We’d better go out tomorrow because Mary (practise) the piano all day.
8. It won’t be easy to get out of the country. The police (watch) all the ports.
9. Stand there, they (change) the guard in a minute and you’ll get a good view.
10. We (take off) in a few minutes. Please, fasten your safety belts.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect tense:

1. In a fortnight’s time we (take) our exam.

2. I (accomplish) this task in twenty minutes.
3. By the end of the term I (read) all twelve volumes.
4. If we don’t hurry the sun (rise) before we reach the top.
5. By the time we get to the party everything (be) eaten.
6. The train (leave) before we reach the station.
7. By next winter they (build) four houses in that field.

8. On 21 October they (be) married for twenty-five years.
9. After this performance I (see) Hamlet twenty-five times.
10. If I continue with my diet I (lose) 10 kilos by the end of the month.


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Fleischhack, Eric; Schwarz, Hellmut (2009) – English Grammar. Practice Book,
Bucureşti: ALL Educational
3. Seidl, Jennifer; Schwarz, Hellmut (2012). English Grammar, Bucureşti: ALL



3.1. Introducere
3.2. Obiective
3.3. Conţinut
3.4. Dezvoltare lexicală
3.5. Să ne reaminitim
3.6. Rezumat
3.7. Test
3.8. Temă de control 1
3.9. Bibliografie


După parcurgerea acestei unităţi, veţi dobândi noţiuni de bază privind principiile
generale ale Constituției SUA cu privire la guvernarea statului american. În textul
studiat se fac referiri la principiul separării și împărţirii puterilor în statul american
(principiul cunoscut sub numele de a system of checks and balances), precum și la
rolul și atribuțiile președintelui și vicepreședintelui SUA. Totodată, textul conține
informații generale cu privire la instanțele americane federale și de stat.


După studierea acestei unități, studentul trebuie să fie capabil să sesizeze

diferențele semnificative existente în ceea ce privește modul de separare și împărțire a
celor trei mari puteri în SUA, sesizând particularitățile acestui sistem prin comparație
cu România.

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 minute.



The U.S. Constitution calls itself the “supreme law of the land”. The Constitution is the
central instrument of American government. For 200 years it has guided the evolution
of governmental institutions and has provided the basis for political stability,
individual freedom, economic growth, and social progress.

The three main branches of government – executive, legislative, juridical – are separate
and distinct from one another. The powers given to each are balanced by the powers of

the other two. Each branch serves as a check on potential excesses of the others.

The President represents the country as Head of State but also has real political power.
Elections for President are held every four years and no President may own office for
more than two terms.

Presidential candidates are chosen by the political parties either through primaries
(direct elections) or at state conventions or caucuses (meetings of party
representatives), depending on the State.

The Vice President is also elected for a term of four years. He takes the place of the
President in case a substitute is needed. The Vice President acts as presiding officer of
the Senate without a vote except in case of a tie.

Congress meets once a year in December and continues in session for several months.
It consists of two houses: the Senate or the Upper House (to which each state elects
two senators for a period of six years) and the House of Representatives or the lower
house, which is composed of representatives elected for a term of two years. The
number of Representatives from each state is in proportion to the population.

A bill introduced into Congress must be passed by both Houses and signed by the
President before it can become law. The President has power to veto undesirable
legislation. Bills must not conflict with the constitution.

The Courts. Federal judges are appointed by the President and finally confirmed by the
Senate. The Supreme Court, which is the highest court, has the power to judge whether
a law passed by the government conforms to the constitution. The constitution does
make provision for the removal of a public official from office, in case of extreme
misconduct, by the process of impeachment.

Article II, Section 4 reads: “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the
United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of,
treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors”. As set forth in the
Constitution, the House of Representatives must bring charges of misconduct by voting
a bill of impeachment. The accused official is then tried in the Senate, with the chief
justice of the Supreme Court presiding at the trial. The next amendments deal with the
system of justice.

I. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

1. In the USA elections for President are held every 5 years and no President may own
office for more than one term.
2. The Vice President cannot vote in case of a tie.
3. The process of impeachment refers to thr removal from office of a public prosecutor.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Which are the three main branches of government?

2. What does the President represent?
3. Does the President have any political power?
4. How many terms may a President hold office?
5. Who chooses presidential candidates?
6. Who takes the place of the President in special situations?
7. Does the Vice President have the right to vote in the Senate?
8. Which are the Houses of the Congress?
9. When can bills become law?
10. Who appoints federal judges?
11. What power has the Supreme Court concerning the President?
12. What power has the Supreme Court concerning a law passed by the


Translate the following texts into Romanian:

A. Things are, of course, very different indeed in the United States. Law and politics
are interwoven in a great many ways. Generally, it is widely recognized that law – and
especially constitutional law is in its very essence and nature highly political. This is
the main reason that the appointment of Supreme Court justices is such a political
process, and why Presidents look for judges with whom they are in basic political
agreement. Lawyers swarm all over the political scene in the United States.

B. Many of America’s presidents have been lawyers or trained as lawyers. For many
decades, about half the members of both houses of the US Congress have been lawyers
and lawyers still hold about 40% of the seats in Congress. State legislatures have for
long been dominated by lawyers, though this has been changing for some time.
Similarly, lawyers are to be found all over the administration, not only in legal
capacities, but also as heads and directors of government agencies and other similar
bodies. Many of these persons move to, or from the bench.


De mai bine de 200 de ani, Constituția Americană a reprezentat cadrul legal

pentru guvernarea statului și buna organizare și funcționare a instituțiilor acestuia.
Conform prevederilor Constituției Americane, Statul este organizat potrivit
principiului separației și echilibrului puterilor – puterea legislativă, executivă și


 Președintelui SUA este numit pentru un mandat de 4 ani.

 O persoană aflată în postul de Președinte al SUA poate avea cel mult două

 Puterea politică a Președintelui SUA este deosebit de mare întrucât Șeful
Statului este și Șeful Executivului.
 Vicepreședintele SUA este și Președintele Senatului.
 Vicepreședintele SUA este obligat să își exercite dreptul de vot în Senat în
cazul în care există egalitate de voturi.
 proiectele de lege (bills) devin legi după ce sunt aprobate de cele două camere
ale Congresului (Senatul și Camera Reprezentanților) și promulgate de
Președintele SUA.
 Curtea Supremă se exprimă asupra constituționalității/neconstituționalității
legilor/tratatelor etc.
 Orice înalt demnitar poate fi demis din funcție prin procedura de impeachment
dacă este găsit vinovat.

Vom continua să aflăm informaţii despre SUA şi în următoarele unităţi ale acestui

3.7. TEST

I. Make sentences choosing 5 of the following words:

reversible ↔ irreversible
abolishment ↔ enforcement
natural ↔ unnatural
to carry out ↔ to cease
legal ↔ illegal

II. Use the following words and expressions in the blank spaces below:

drugs murders larceny

crime handguns auto thefts
rape burglar watch

1. When Americans are asked what they consider to be the most important
problems, they mention ________ first.
2. Inside the Americans’ houses there are many electronic ______ devices.
3. The escalating murder rate has been attributed to the _______.
4. _______ and _______ are almost always reported, whereas _______ and
______ may remain silent.
5. Many communities across USA have started their own campaigns against
6. Citizens participate in neighborhood _______ programs and organize groups to
patrol the streets.


Write a documented paper about the steps that a law graduate must take
in Romania until he/she can be a lawyer, in comparison with the USA.

Această temă de control trebuie încăcată în contul dumneavoastră, pe platforma
eLis, la rubrica TEME ONLINE, cu o săptămână înainte de primul tutorial.

Tema de control 1 reprezintă 15% din nota dumneavoastră finală.


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Dracsineanu, Cătălin; Haraga, Radu (2012). Manual de limba engleză pentru
profesionişti. Iaşi: Editura Polirom
3. Walenn, Jeremy (2009). English for law in higher education studies. London:
Garnet Publishing.



4.1. Introducere
4.2. Obiective
4.3. Conţinut
4.4. Dezvoltare lexicală
4.5. Să ne reaminitim
4.6. Rezumat
4.7. Test
4.8. Bibliografie


În această unitate de învățare, studenții vor recapitula noţiunile de bază privind

folosirea corectă a concordanței timpurilor în limba engleză.


După studierea acestei unități, studentul trebuie să fie capabil:

 să folosească în mod corect concordanța timpurilor în limba engleză,
semnalând diferențele existente între engleză şi română
 să evite folosirea greșită a timpurilor în fraze, respectând regulile de
concordanță studiate.

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 minute.



A sentence can contain a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.

On the next page you will have examples containing the right tenses used in the
main and subordinate clauses:


I. PRESENT TENSE Any tense used in the subordinate clause.

she will finally confess.
e.g. The judge thinks I’ve never been in that area.
I’ve just told her THAT I wasn’t there when the crime occurred.

PRESENT (used for simultaneous actions in

previous action in future)

e.g. I shall post the letter WHEN I go to the Post Office.

The clerk will weigh the parcel AFTER
he has wrapped it.

III. PAST TENSE PAST TENSE (used for simultaneous

actions in past)
PAST PERFECT TENSE (used for actions
that happened before another action in past)

e.g. I worked so hard THAT I was already tired.

He saw THAT he had made a mistake.

I hoped he would finish the report by tomorrow.

I. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

1. The witness declared that he has not seen the alleged criminal at the crime scene
2. You swore that you will say only the truth and nothing but the truth.
3. As soon as we will receive the data from the laboratory, we will know the DNA of
the offender.

II. Change the verbs in the main clause into the past tense. Make all the necessary

1. Everybody is sure that, after his father’s return, he will not lag behind and will study
much better.
2. I know that they have already been in the mountains.
3. She is going to find out whether other people want to spend their holidays in the
4. She says she bought this useful dictionary two days ago.
5. I don’t think they have already come back from the railway station.
6. It is sure it is going to rain.
7. They say they will ring up when they reach Constanta.
8. I don’t think we have ever met before.
9. George says he will not come to the appointment.
10. She says that she will go for a walk after she has finished her homework.


I. Put the verbs in the correct tense, considering the explanations given earlier in
this unit:

1. They asked me where you (to be), and I told them you (to go) for a walk along the
2. They said they (to wait) till you (to come) back.
3. She was born here and before she met me, she (to leave) never the place.
4. We were doing what we could to help them but they (to listen to) never us.
5. I wanted to ask him what (to happen) but I knew beforehand what answer he (to
6. Tom (to know) Mary a long time before he finally (to get) married.
7. When we (to go) to see them last night, they (to do) grammar exercises; they (to say)
they (to do) that since six o’clock.
8. You never (to understand) what I (to explain) to you! Why you (not to listen) while I
(speak) to you?
9. I never (to read) a book that (to interest) me so much as the one I (to read) last week.
10. By the end of last year he (to read) four Shakespeare plays , and by next year he (to
read) two more. I (not see) him since last week, but I (to believe) he (to write) on essay
on King Lear at present.

II. Translate into English:

1.Eu cred că ea nu se va întoarce în ţară până la sfârşitul lunii august.

2. Mi-a spus ieri că a vrut să trimită părinţilor săi o scrisoare recomandată.
3. Mi-a spus că i-a plăcut cartea pe care i-am împrumutat-o şi i-o va da şi soţului ei ca
s-o citească.
4. Spune că are de gând să facă o excursie în Spania dar pentru moment nu are banii
5. Directorul ne-a comunicat că nu intenţionează să anuleze întrunirea de la ora două.
6. A sperat că te va putea vedea astăzi dar n-a ştiut că vei întârzia aşa de mult şi nu te-a
mai putut aştepta.

7. Mi-a spus că n-a fost niciodată în China dar acum s-a hotărât să meargă acolo pentru
o lună.
8. După ce se va întoarce de la cursurile de vară, sper că va termina şi articolul pentru
9. Nu şi-a putut aminti unde îşi pusese ochelarii.
10. Nu-mi imaginez ce va spune când o să-i dau aceste veşti neplăcute.
11. Ai de gând s-o aştepţi până se întoarce?
12. Traducerea era deja terminată când a venit colegul meu de birou să i-o ducă

III. Translate into Romanian:

1. They have been trying for ages to settle this matter.

2. The prisoner hoped that his lawyer would find a solution for him to be released
3. As a young man, he used to be kind-hearted, considerate and helpful.
4. This time tomorrow we will be solving the semester test paper.
5. We could have avoided the crash, if we had driven slowlier.


În limba engleză, concordanța timpurilor ne ajută să folosim în mod corect timpurile

dintr-o frază. Necunoașterea regulilor concordanței timpurilor atrage după sine erori
mari în vorbire.


Conform regulilor concordanței timpurilor, timpul din propoziția principală

dictează timpul din propoziția secundară după cum urmează:
 dacă predicatul propoziției principale este la prezent, atunci în secundară se
poate folosi orice timp cerut de context;
 dacă predicatul propoziției principale este la trecut, atunci în secundară se pot
folosi numai timpuri trecute (trecut simplu – pentru a arăta faptul că acțiunea
din principală se petrece în același timp cu acțiunea din secundară; trecutul
perfect – pentru a exprima anterioritatea față de acțiunea din principală; viitorul
în trecut – pentru a indica faptul că acțiunea din secundară urmează celei din
 dacă predicatul propoziției principale este la viitor, atunci în secundară putem
folosi fie timpuri prezente, fie forme de trecut, dar nu de viitor (această regulă
se referă la subordonatele de timp și condiție).

Vom continua recapitularea principalelor reguli de folosire a limbii engleze în

următoarele unităţi ale acestui manual.

4.7. TEST

I. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense according to the rules of the
sequence of tenses.

1. A café in England (to be) a place where light meals but not beer, wine etc. may be
2. So far no agreement (to reach) by the committee of our company.
3. I am confident such mistakes (to avoid) in the future.
4. This method (to use) for many years, it (to be improved).
5. She (to say) that these old buildings soon (pull down).
6. Solar eruptions (to notice) at astronomical stations for many years.
7. Since 1973 this phenomenon (to study) by scientists all over the world.
8. He (to tell) me that he always (to have) trouble with his car these days.
9. I (to do) some last-minute shopping before I went to the airport.
10. The letter (to arrive) while I (to have) breakfast.

II. Complete with the appropriate verb:

1. The writer____ a few lines, but we didn’t understand a word.

a) reads; b) read; c) is reading; d) reading
2. Tom lent me a book. I ____ a book from Tom.
a) lent; b) borrowed; c) took; d) stole
3. John is in Italy. How long _________ there?
a) is he; b) has he been; c) has he; d) was he
4. He drops in on everyone in the street. He _____ everyone.
a) shouts at; b) calls; c) cries out as; d) visits
5. The thieves wanted to ____ the diamonds.
a) rob; b) steal; c) take from; d) take to
6. I looked for my bag. I ____ it.
a) tried to look after; b) tried to look at; c) tried to find; d) tried to see
7. Our bookcase is kept in the living room. That’s where we ___ it
a) kept; b) have kept; c) are keeping; d) keep
8. I will enjoy my stay here. It will ____me.
a) amuse; b) enjoy; c) laugh at; d) please
9. She ___ out of the window and saw it was raining.
a) looked; b) saw; c) remarked; d) watched
10. “No parking” means ______
a) don’t leave your car here; b) without parking; c) don’t stop; d) there’s no room to
park here.


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Fleischhack, Eric; Schwarz, Hellmut (2009) – English Grammar. Practice Book,
Bucureşti: ALL Educational
3. Seidl, Jennifer; Schwarz, Hellmut (2012). English Grammar, Bucureşti: ALL



5.1. Introducere
5.2. Obiective
5.3. Conţinut
5.4. Dezvoltare lexicală și traducere
5.5. Să ne reaminitim
5.6. Rezumat
5.7. Test
5.8. Bibliografie


După parcurgerea acestei unităţi, veţi dobândi noţiuni de bază privind sistemul judiciar


După studierea acestei unități, studentul trebuie să fie capabil:

 să enumere tipurile de instanțe judecătorești din SUA;
 să sesizeze diferențele generale existente între sistemul judiciar american și cel
 să folosească în mod corect termenii de specialitate studiați în această unitate
de învățare.

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 de minute.



“The judiciary is the safeguard of our liberty and of our property under the Constitution” – Charles
Evans Hughes, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Speech at New York, 1907.

This third branch of the government consists of a system of courts spread throughout
the country, headed by the Supreme Court of the U.S.

From the beginning has evolved the present structure: the Supreme Court, 13 courts of
appeal, 94 district courts and two courts of special jurisdiction.

The Supreme Court is the highest court of the United States and cannot be appealed to
any other court. Congress has the power to fix the number of judges sitting on the
Court. The nine Supreme Court judges, who are appointed by the President and
approved by the Senate, can be removed from the office only by impeachment. There
is no requirement that judges be lawyers, although, in fact, all federal judges and
Supreme Court justices have been members of the bar.

The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices.
The Chief justice is the executive officer of the Court but, in deciding cases, has only
one vote, as do the associate justices.

A significant amount of the work of the Supreme Court consists of determining

whether legislation or executive acts conform to the Constitution.

FEDERAL AND STATE COURTS. There are two kinds of courts in the U.S.

1. Federal courts which are established by the U.S. government. There are some 1.500
federal court judges who are appointed for life by the President. About one million
cases are brought each year in federal courts. About 80% of these cases are bankruptcy
filings and approximately 10% are minor criminal cases.
2. State Courts are established by a state or by a county or city within the State. There
are almost 30.000 state court judges. The cases individual citizens are most likely to be
involved in include robberies, traffic violations, broken contracts and family disputes.
State judges hold office for ten years and are usually elected, or confirmed in office by


There are three types of federal courts: District courts, Courts of Appeal, the Supreme

DISTRICT COURTS. Congress has divided the country into 94 federal judicial
districts, each with its own U.S. district court. These are federal courts where cases are
tried, witnesses testify and juries serve.

COURTS OF APPEAL Congress has grouped the districts into 12 regions called
circuits, each with a court of appeals. There is also a federal circuit, which covers the
entire county. If a person loses a trial in district court, that person can appeal the case
to the court of appeals to see if the district court judge applied the law correctly. The
courts of appeals also review cases decided by some federal agencies, such as the
National Labor Relation Board.

THE SUPREME COURT in Washington D.C. is the most famous federal court.
Cases from court of appeals in each circuit and from the state supreme courts can be
appealed to the Supreme Court.


 JURISDICTION refers to the kind of cases a court is authorized to hear.

Federal court jurisdiction is limited to the kinds of cases listed in the

Constitution (Article III, Section 2). Federal Courts hear cases involving the
Constitution, laws passed by congress, cases in which the United States is a
party, cases involving foreign diplomats and some special kind of cases, such
as incidents at sea and bankruptcy cases. Federal courts also hear cases that are
based on state laws but involve parties from different states.

 CIVIL CASES. A party, in a civil case, can be a person or a corporation, but,

in either situation, a civil involves a claim by one party (the plaintiff) that
another party (the defendant) failed to carry out a legal duty (the duty not to
harm others through carelessness or the duty to honor the terms of a contract).
In case the defendant failed to carry out a legal duty, the court may order the
defendant to pay compensation to the plaintiff to make up for the harm. Most
federal court cases are civil cases, such as equal employment claims, claims
for benefits, and suits against companies that may have violated federal
antitrust laws.

 CRIMINAL CASES. In a criminal case, a party (the defendant) is accused of

committing a crime – an action considered to be harmful to society as a whole,
not just to a specific person. Most crimes concern matters that the constitution
leaves to the states. Federal criminal laws, for example, deal with robbing
banks, importing drugs illegally into the country, or using the U.S. mail to
swindle consumers.
In our next unit we shall discuss about bringing a case, even if it is civil or
criminal, in federal court.

I. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

1. The American Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and nine associate justices.
2. The Supreme Court judges, who are appointed by the president and approved by the
Senate, can be removed from the office by an ordinary procedure.
3. Most federal court cases are criminal cases.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the structure of the judiciary in the USA?

2. Which is the highest court of the United States?
3. How many Supreme Courts judges are there in the US and by whom are they
4. Which are the two kinds of courts in the US?
5. How long do federal judges hold office?
6. What cases do state judges hear?
7. Which are the types of federal courts?
8. What do district courts hear?
9. When can a person appeal a case?
10. What does a civil case involve?
11. What is the defendant accused of in a criminal case?
12. Give examples of federal criminal laws.


I. A contract of employment comes into existence as soon as a job offer is accepted

whether that offer is oral or in writing. It is easier for both parties if the offer of
employment is in writing to prevent disputes at a later date.

Below is an extract from a skeleton contract of employment for a full time employee.
Complete the text using the words/phrases listed in the box:

commencing salary, date of commencement, duties and responsibilities, grievance,

holiday entitlement, position, probationary service, terms and conditions,
exhaustive, pension

1. You have been appointed to the position of administrative assistant.

2. Your______ will be as detailed in the attached job description, but this Job
Description should not be regarded as exclusive or ________. There will be other
occasional duties and requirements associated with your appointment.
3. Your specific ________________ of your continuous service with this company is
1st January 2018.
4. Your specific _____ are contained in the Employees’ Handbook issued by the
company, as well as, in existing collective agreements negotiated by the company.
5. Confirmation of your appointment will be subject to your satisfactory completion of
3 months___________.
6. Your ___________ is $ 20,000 per annum, paid monthly. Overtime is not payable.
7. Your ________ entitlement is 30 days in any calendar year.
8. Your position with regard to ________ is set out in the explanatory booklet attached.
9. If you have a ____________ relating to your employment, you should refer to the
complaints procedure outlined in the booklet attached.

III. Translate the following text into Romanian:

Mapp vs. Ohio case (1961)

”Suspicious that Dollree Mapp might be hiding a person suspected in a bombing, the
police went to her home in Cleveland, Ohio. They knocked on her door and demanded
entrance, but Mapp refused to let them in because they did not have a warrant. After
observing her house for several hours, the police forced their way into Mapp's house,
holding up a piece of paper when Mapp demanded to see their search warrant. As a
result of their search, the police found a trunk containing pornographic materials. They
arrested Mapp and charged her with violating an Ohio law against the possession of
obscene materials. At the trial the police officers did not show Mapp and her attorney
the alleged search warrant or explain why they refused to do so. Nevertheless, the court
found Mapp guilty and sentenced her to jail. After losing an appeal to the Ohio
Supreme Court, Mapp took her case to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court determined
that evidence obtained through a search that violates the Fourth Amendment is
inadmissible in state courts.”
(the text is a summary of the Mapp vs. Ohio Case, 1961, as presented by


În Statele Unite ale Americii există o Curte Supremă de Justiție, 13 curți de

apel, 94 de curți de district și două curți cu jurisdicție specială.
Curtea Supremă are 9 judecători (Președintele Curții Supreme și 8 judecători
asociați), numiți de Președinte și aprobați de Senat, care nu pot fi demiși din funcție
decât prin procedura de impeachment.
Numărul judecătorilor din Curtea Supremă de Justiție este stabilit de Senat.


Sistemul judiciar din SUA are trei grade de jurisdicție. La baza acestuia se află
tribunalele de primă instanță, urmate de curți de apel și curtea supremă.
În SUA, numărul judecătorilor federali este de 1 500. Aceștia sunt numiți de
președinte și aprobați de Senat și se bucură de inamovibilitate (life tenure). Anual,
intanțele federale judecă aproximativ un milion de cazuri (majoritatea fiind cazuri de
În SUA, numărul judecătorilor din tribunalele statale este de 30 000. Acești
judecători dețin un mandat de 10 ani.
Sistemul judiciar federal este structurat pe trei niveluri:
 curțile de district (în cadrul cărora se judecă atât cauze civile, comerciale,
administrative, cât și penale),
 curțile federale de apel, ale căror hotărâri nu pot fi atacate decât la Curtea
Supremă de Justiție a SUA,
 - Curtea Supremă de Justiție a SUA (compusă din președinte și 8 judecători

În semestrul următor vom continua să aflăm și alte informații despre sistemul juridic

5.7. TEST

I. Fill in the blanks with the missing words:

disputants conciliation employment conditions settlement employers

arbitrators arbitration providing legislation ensuring
associations employees negotiating (X2) demanding

1. Britain’s trade unions are voluntary ____ of ___ to protect their interests.
2. They do this by ______ wages and other terms of employment with _____
organizations but also by ______ and influencing _______ and by _______ certain
3. As regards the _____ of disputes, the _____ may call in independent conciliators or
____________, either by some special ________ or by asking the Secretary of State
for ________ some help.
4. The role of the State is limited to providing a __________ and _________ service
and to __________ minimum wages for employees.

II. Use the following words and phrases in sentences of your own:

1. to appeal
2. to be removed from the office
3. to be impeached
4. bankruptcy filings
5. robberies
6. traffic violations
7. broken contracts
8. family disputes
9. to apply the law correctly
10. the plaintiff/ the defendant


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Dracsineanu, Cătălin; Haraga, Radu (2012). Manual de limba engleză pentru
profesionişti. Iaşi: Editura Polirom
3. Walenn, Jeremy (2009). English for law in higher education studies. London:
Garnet Publishing.



6.1. Introducere
6.2. Obiective
6.3. Conţinut
6.4. Dezvoltare lexicală și traducere
6.5. Să ne reaminitim
6.6. Rezumat
6.7. Test
6.8. Temă de control 2
6.9. Bibliografie


În limba engleză putem vorbi despre condiționale de tip 0, de tipul 1, 2 și 3.

Condiționala de tipul 0 mai este cunoscută și sub numele de condiționala falsă, întrucât
aceasta nu exprimă o condiție de care depinde realizarea acțiunii din principală, ci este
mai mult o constatare a unei realități date. În schimb, așa cum vom vedea în această
unitate de învățare, condiționalele de tipul 1, 2 și 3 exprimă condiții reale/imaginare,
prezente/viitoare/trecute, de care depinde realizarea acțiunii din propoziția principală.


După studierea acestei unități, studentul trebuie să fie capabil:

 să enumere tipurile de condiționale existente în limba engleză, semnalând
diferențele existente între engleză şi română (insistând asupra traducerii lor
corecte în română)
 să folosească în mod corect timpurile în propoziția principală și în secundara de
 să folosească în mod corect formele de condițional mixt.

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 minute.



Conditional sentences have two parts: the main clause and the if – clause.
The if- clause may be also introduced by even if (chiar dacă), whether, unless (dacă

nu), otherwise (altfel), provided (that) (cu condiţia ca), supposing/suppose
(presupunând că), in case (în cazul că), if only (numai dacă).
There are three kinds of conditional sentences. Each kind contains a different pair of

Main clause IF Subordinate clause

Future Tense
Present Tense Present Tense
He will get there in time he catches the bus.

Va ajunge acolo la timp dacă va prinde autobuzul.

You can translate this article if you know English well.

Poţi traduce acest articol dacă ştii engleza bine.

Present Conditional Tense Past Tense
Would + infinitive (to be = were)
(could, might)

I would tell the police someone tried to blackmail me.

Aş spune la poliţie dacă cineva m-ar şantaja.

You could translate this article if you knew English well.

Ai putea traduce acest articol dacă ai şti engleza bine.

I would go to that party if I were you.

Aş merge la acea petrecere dacă aş fi în locul tău.

Past Conditional Tense Past Perfect Tense
Would + have + past participle had + past participle

I would have gone there if you had come with me.

Aş fi mers acolo dacă ai fi venit cu mine.

He could have got a job if he had had a diploma.

Ar fi obţinut o slujbă dacă ar fi avut o diplomă.


Unless + affirmative verbs

Unless you start at once you’ll be late.
(Dacă nu pleci imediat, vei întârzia.)

We must be back before midnight; otherwise we’ll be locked out.
(Trebuie să ne întoarcem până la miezul nopţii; altminteri vom rămâne pe

Provided (that)
You can camp here provided you leave no mess.
(Puteţi campa aici cu condiţia să nu lăsaţi murdar.)

In case
I’ll come tomorrow in case Ann wants me.
(Voi veni mâine dacă Ann va vrea.)

If only
a) if only + present tense (expresses hope)
If only he comes in time
(Dacă ar veni la timp.)

b) if only + past/past perfect (expresses regret)

If only he didn’t smoke!
(Dacă n-ar mai fuma, ar fi foarte bine.)

You must go tomorrow whether you are ready or not.
(Trebuie să vii mâine chiar dacă eşti gata sau nu.)

If + were and inversion of subject and auxiliary

If I were you, I wouldn’t wait a bit.

(Dacă aş fi în locul tău, n-aş aştepta de loc).
Were I Tom, I would refuse.
(Dacă aş fi în locul lui Tom, aş refuza.)

I. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

1. The driver had not paid this huge fine if he had complied with the traffic rules.
2. The Supreme Court judges would have been removed from office if he has been
found guilty of traffic pending.
3. The drug dealer stayed longer in prison unless he had cooperated with the police.

II. Put the verbs in the brackets in the right tense:

1. If I ………….. (be) more experienced, I'd help you with this case.
2. If we'd seen the author of the crime, we … (testify) now.
3. If we … (meet) him tomorrow, we'll talk to him about the new clue we have in this
difficult case.
4. He would have been found guilty if the lawyer … (not find) the discriminating
5. If you make this statement, you … (make) a lot of enemies.
6. If I hadn't studied, I … (not have a chance) to pass the exam.
7. I wouldn't go to the university by bus if I … (have) a driving license.
8. I … (not go) to London unless I get a cheap flight.
9. We'd be stupid if we … (inform) him about our secret.
10. The court clerk wouldn’t have been able to write down all the words uttered by the
offender if the latter … (not be ask) to speak louder and more slowly.


I. Mixed types. Finish these sentences, using the correct tenses

1. If he had taken my advice, now he ____________

2. We would send for the doctor if _________
3. If we leave before breakfast, we might _________
4. He would lend it to you if you ___________
5. If you had asked permission, now you _________
6. Her life might be saved if she _____
7. If Tom rings while I’m out, would you __________?
8. If she had practiced more, she _______________
9. Unless you study hard, how ______________
10. I’d wear a warm coat now if _________.

II. Translate into English paying attention to the rules of if-clauses:

1. Nimeni nu va şti niciodată dacă acesta este sau nu adevărul.

2. Chiar dacă era ora 10 a.m., John dormea încă în ciuda zgomotului din stradă.
3. Dacă l-aş fi văzut în timpul şederii sale aici, ar fi fost o ocazie bună să-i amintesc de
promisiunea pe care a făcut-o cândva.
4. S-a schimbat atât de mult în ultimul timp încât nu l-aş fi recunoscut dacă nu mi-ai fi
spus tu cine este.
5. Sunt sigură că nu s-ar fi dat jos din pat dacă ar fi fost atât de bolnav.
6. Dacă ar fi vorba de oricine altcineva aş fi de acord cu tine, dar după cum ştii, de la
Tom te poţi aştepta la orice.
7. Dacă nu vei putea să mă găseşti la birou, încearcă să telefonezi către prânz la
numărul acesta.
8. Aş vrea să te interesezi la Facultate dacă va mai avea loc un examen de admitere în
toamnă; m-am hotărât să încerc dar nu ştiu dacă nu este prea târziu.
9. Chiar dacă va veni la întâlnirea de mâine, eu cred că va fi prea târziu.
10. Crezi că va vorbi cu mine câteva minute dacă va veni la vară în România? Ar fi
foarte folositor pentru lucrarea mea.


În limba engleză, există trei tipuri de subordonate condiționale, la care se

adaugă și subordonata condițională de tip 0, care, de fapt, exprimă o condiție falsă.
Este vorba de situațiile în care vorbitorul exprimă un enunț pe care îl consideră un
adevăr general valabil: If a policeman notices that you excced the speed limit, you pay
a fine. Condiționala de tip 0 se recunoaște ușor atât dacă ținem cont de faptul că ea
exprimă un adevăr general valabil despre o persoană/societate, cât și de faptul că ea
permite substituirea conjuncției subordonatoare if cu whenever:
If/whenever a policeman notices that you excced the speed limit, you pay a fine.
Condiționalele de tipul I, II și III pot fi înțelese ușor dacă vorbitorul de limba
română este atent la faptul că fiecare din aceste condiționale reprezintă o condiție reală
(prezentă/din viitorul apropiat) sau imaginară (din prezent/viitorul apropiat –
condiționalul II sau din trecut – condiționalul III).


 Condiționalul I exprimă o condiție reală, prezentă/viitoare:

If I study, I will pass the exam.
(Dacă studiez, voi trece examenul.)

 Condiționalul II exprimă o condiție imaginară, prezentă sau viitoare:

If I had a Polish nationality, I could/would vote in Poland.
(Dacă aș avea cetățenie poloneză, aș putea vota/aș vota în Polonia.)

 Condiționalul III exprimă o condiție imaginară din trecut:

If I had been there yesterday, I would have been on your side.
(Dacă aș fi fost ieri acolo, aș fi fost de partea ta.)


Vom continua recapitularea principalelor reguli ale limbii engleze în manualul din
semestrul următor.

6.7. TEST

I. TYPE 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses:

1. If I see him I (give) him a lift.

2. If I find your passport I (telephone) you at once.
3. If he (read) in bad light he will ruin his eyes.
4. Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked.
5. She will be absolutely furious if she (hear) about this.
6. If he (go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says.
7. Unless I have a quiet room I (not to be able) to do any work.
8. Unless you are more careful you (have) an accident.
9. If he (like) the house, will he buy it?

10. Unless he (sell) more he won’t get much commission.

II. TYPE 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses:

1. If I (know) his address I’d give it to you.

2. I shouldn’t drink wine if I (be) you.
3. More tourists would come to this county if it (have) a better climate.
4. What would you do if you (find) a burglar in your house?
5. If he knew that it was dangerous he (not come).
6. I (be) ruined if I bought her everything she asked for.
7. I’d go and see him more often if he (live) on a bus route.
8. If you (paint) the walls white the room would be much brighter.
9. He might get fat if he (stop) smoking.
10. If I were sent to prison you (visit) me?

III. TYPE 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses:

1. If I (know) that you were coming I’d have baked a cake.

2. If I (realize) what a bad driver you were I wouldn’t have come with you.
3. If I (try) again I think that I would have succeeded.
4. If she had listened to my directions she (not turn) down the wrong street.
5. If you had told me that he never paid his debts I (not lend) him the money.
6. If he had asked you, you (accept)?
7. I wouldn’t have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes.
8. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red I (stop).
9. If you (speak) more slowly he might have understood you.
10. She had a headache; otherwise she (come) with us.


Write a short paper (between 450-500 words), giving details on the

conditions depending on which a judge may remit a penalty for an imprisoned
person, according to legal provisions in Romania.

Această temă de control trebuie încăcată în contul dumneavoastră, pe platforma

eLis, la rubrica TEME ONLINE, cu o săptămână înainte de cel de-al doilea tutorial.

Tema de control 2 reprezintă 15% din nota dumneavoastră finală.


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Fleischhack, Eric; Schwarz, Hellmut (2009) – English Grammar. Practice
Book, Bucureşti: ALL Educational
3. Seidl, Jennifer; Schwarz, Hellmut (2012). English Grammar, Bucureşti: ALL


to arise arose arisen a se ridica
to awake awoke/awaked awaked a se trezi
to be was/were been a fi
to bear bore borne a purta
born a naşte
to beat beat beaten a bate
to become became become a deveni
to begin began begun a începe
to bend bent bent a îndoi
to bid bid bid a ruga
to bind bound bound a lega
to bite bit bitten a muşca
to bleed bled bled a sângera
to blow blew blown a sufla
to break broke broken a sparge
to breed bred bred a creşte
a educa
to bring brought brought a aduce
to build built built a clădi
to burn burnt burnt a arde
to burst burst burst a crăpa
to buy bought bought a cumpăra
to cast cast cast a arunca
to catch caught caught a prinde
to choose chose chosen a alege
to come came come a veni
to cost cost cost a costa
to creep crept crept a se târî
to cut cut cut a tăia
to know knew known a şti
to lay laid laid a pune
to lead led led a conduce
to leave left left a lăsa
to lend lent lent a împrumuta
to let let let a lăsa
to lie lay lain a zăcea
to lose lost lost a pierde
to make made made a face
to mean meant meant a însemna
to meet met met a întâlni
to pay paid paid a plăti
to put put put a pune
to read read read a citi
to ride rode ridden a călări

to ring rang rung a suna
to rise rose risen a răsări
to run ran run a alerga
to say said said a spune
to see saw seen a vedea
to seek sought sought a căuta
to sell sold sold a vinde
to send sent sent a trimite
to set set set a pune
to shake shook shaken a scutura
to shoot shot shot a împuşca
to show showed shown a arăta
to shrink shrank shrunk a se strânge
to shut shut shut a închide
to sing sang sung a cânta
to sink sank sunk a se scufunda
to sit sat sat a şedea
to sleep slept slept a dormi
to speak spoke spoken a vorbi
to spend spent spent a cheltui
to spring sprang sprung a izvorî
to stand stood stood a sta
to steal stole stolen a fura
to stick stuck stuck a lipi
to strike struck struck a lovi
to swear swore sworn a jura
to sweep swept swept a mătura
to swim swam swum a înota
to take took taken a lua
to teach taught taught a învăţa
to tear tore torn a rupe
to tell told told a spune
to think thought thought a se gândi
to throw threw thrown a arunca
to understand understood understood a înţelege
to wake woke woken a se trezi
to wear wore worn a purta
to weep wept wept a plânge
to win won won a câştiga
to wind wound wound a răsuci
to write wrote written a scrie


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