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Manuela Florentina STĂICUŢ

Ozana Alexandra STRĂUŢ


ISBN: (10) 973-687-465-6
(13) 978-973-687-465-9
Editura Eurostampa
Timişoara, bd. Revoluţiei nr. 26
Tel./fax: 0256-204816

Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice

Prep. fil. Manuela Florentina STĂICUŢ

Fil. Ozana Alexandra STRĂUŢ


Note de curs pentru uzul studenţilor de la ÎFR

Timişoara 2006


TEMA 1 – FORMULE DE SALUT (UNIT 1 - GREETINGS) .........................................7

1.1. Reading & speaking......................................................................................................7
1.2. Basic vocabulary...........................................................................................................8
1.3. Grammar reference .......................................................................................................9
Teste de evaluare..................................................................................................................9
2.1. Reading & speaking....................................................................................................11
2.2. Basic vocabulary.........................................................................................................12
2.3. Grammar reference .....................................................................................................13
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................13
TEMA 3 – HOBBYURI (UNIT 3 – HOBBIES) ................................................................15
3.1. Reading & speaking....................................................................................................15
3.2. Basic vocabulary.........................................................................................................16
3.3. Grammar reference .....................................................................................................17
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................19
TEMA 4 – CĂLĂTORII (UNIT 4 – TRAVELLING)......................................................21
4.1. Reading & speaking....................................................................................................21
4.2. Basic vocabulary.........................................................................................................22
4.3. Grammar reference .....................................................................................................23
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................24
TEMA 5 – FAMILIA (UNIT 5 - THE FAMILY) .............................................................26
5.1. Reading & speaking....................................................................................................26
5.2. Basic vocabulary.........................................................................................................27
5.3. Grammar reference .....................................................................................................28
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................30
6.1. Reading & speaking....................................................................................................31
6.2. Basic vocabulary.........................................................................................................32
6.3. Grammar reference .....................................................................................................33
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................34
TEMA 7 – LA CUMPĂRĂTURI (UNIT 7 – SHOPPING)..............................................35
7.1. Reading & speaking....................................................................................................35
7.2. Basic vocabulary.........................................................................................................36
7.3. Grammar reference .....................................................................................................37
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................38
8.1. Reading & speaking....................................................................................................39
8.2. Basic vocabulary.........................................................................................................40
8.3. Grammar reference .....................................................................................................41
teste de evaluare .................................................................................................................42
9.1. Reading & speaking....................................................................................................44
9.2. Basic vocabulary.........................................................................................................45
9.3. Grammar reference .....................................................................................................46
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................47
TEMA 10 – EDUCAŢIE ŞI ÎNVĂŢĂMÂNT (UNIT 10 – EDUCATION) ....................49
10.1. Reading & speaking..................................................................................................49
10.2. Basic vocabulary.......................................................................................................50
10.3. Grammar reference ...................................................................................................51

Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................52
TEMA 11- PROFESII (UNIT 11 – PROFESSIONS).......................................................54
11.1. Reading & speaking..................................................................................................54
11.2. Basic vocabulary.......................................................................................................55
11.3. Grammar reference ...................................................................................................57
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................58
TEMA 12 – ÎN ORAŞ (UNIT 12 - GOING OUT).............................................................59
12.1.Reading & speaking...................................................................................................59
12.2. Basic vocabulary.......................................................................................................60
12.3. Grammar reference ...................................................................................................61
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................62
13.1. Reading & speaking..................................................................................................63
13.2. Basic vocabulary.......................................................................................................64
13.3. Grammar reference ...................................................................................................65
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................66
TEMA 14 – CASA & MOBILA (UNIT 14 - HOUSE & FURNITURE) ........................67
14.1. Reading & speaking..................................................................................................68
14.2. Basic vocabulary.......................................................................................................68
14.3. Grammar reference ...................................................................................................69
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................70
15.1. Reading & speaking..................................................................................................71
15.2. Basic vocabulary.......................................................................................................72
15.3. Grammar reference ...................................................................................................73
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................74
BUSINESS INTRODUCTIONS) ........................................................................................76
16.1. Reading & speaking..................................................................................................76
16.2. Basic vocabulary.......................................................................................................77
16.3. Grammar reference ...................................................................................................78
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................78
17.1. Reading & speaking..................................................................................................80
17.2. Basic vocabulary.......................................................................................................81
17.3. Grammar reference ...................................................................................................82
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................82
18.1. Reading & speaking..................................................................................................84
18.2. Basic vocabulary.......................................................................................................85
18.3. Grammar reference ...................................................................................................85
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................86
TEMA 19 – SĂRBĂTORI (UNIT 19 – CELEBRATING) ..............................................88
19.1. Reading & speaking..................................................................................................88
19.2. Basic vocabulary.......................................................................................................89
19.3. Grammar reference ...................................................................................................90
Teste de evaluare................................................................................................................91
TEMA 20 – RECAPITULARE (UNIT 20 - REVISION).................................................93


~ An interesting encounter ~

to be + introductions

1.1. Reading & Speaking
1.2. Basic Vocabulary
1.3. Grammar Reference

Introducerea şi însuşirea următoarelor structuri lexicale:
- principalele formule de salut şi de prezentare;
- informaţii personale legate de vârstă, ocupaţie şi loc natal;
- prezentul verbului “to be” şi utilizarea acestuia în context.

În cadrul acestui lecţii sunt prezentate cele mai uzuale formule de
salut şi de prezentare, precum şi alte cuvinte si expresii folosite în engleza
conversaţională curentă; lecţia mai cuprinde şi formele de prezent ale
verbului “to be”.


Situation: Paul is an American student from New York. He is in

London now. He’s staying at Mark’s house, his best friend from childhood
whom he hasn’t seen for several years. It is Thursday and Mark is giving a
party for Paul’s arrival; he is just starting a conversation with Marissa,
Mark’s neighbour from across the door.

Paul: Hello! My name is Paul. How do you do?

Marissa: How do you do? I’m Marissa. Pleased to meet you. Tell me Paul,
are you here on holiday?
Paul: Well, yes. Mark wrote me a letter two weeks ago and he thought it
would be a great idea to spend my summer holiday at his house.
So, here I am.
Marissa: How nice! Do you like London?
Paul: I do, actually. You know, this is my first time here.
Marissa: Oh, I see. What do you do?
Paul: I’m twenty-four years old. I am still a student.
Marissa: What are you studying?
Paul: Economics. And you? What are you studying?
Marissa: Medicine. I’m twenty-two years old. Where are you from, Paul?

Paul: I’m from Chicago but I’ve established myself in New York. How
about you, Marissa? Are you from London?
Marissa: No, I’m not. I come from Leeds but I moved here last year and I
have to say I love it and…(looking at her watch)…Oh, it’s so late!
I’m afraid I have to go now.
Paul: Leaving so soon?
Marissa: Yes, I have to get up early in the morning.
Paul: Oh, all right then. However, it was a pleasure meeting you. I hope
we’ll spend some time together one day.
Marissa: Yes, that would be great. I enjoyed talking to you, even if it was
for such a short time. Good night, Paul. See you soon!
Paul: Good night, Marissa! See you around!


1. Who is Paul?
2. Where is he now?
3. How old is Paul? Is he a student?
4. Who is Angela?
5. How old is she? What does she do?
6. Where is Paul from?
7. Does he live in New York?
8. Where is Angela from?
9. Does she live in Birmingham?
10. Why does Angela have to leave so soon?


Greetings and introductions

Hello/Hi – Bună/Salut
How do you do? – Bună ziua/Vă salut/Îmi pare bine de cunoştinţă (se
foloseşte doar când întâlnim pe cineva pentru prima oară)
Good morning – Bună dimineaţa (se spune în primele ore ale dimineţii)
Good afternoon – Bună ziua (se spune după ora 12)
Good evening – Bună seara (se spune după ora 6)
Good night – Noapte bună (se spune doar la plecare seara târziu sau când
vrem să mergem la culcare)
Good bye/So long – La revedere
See you (soon)/later/around – La revedere/Pe curând
See you tomorrow – Pe mâine
This is…. – Acesta/Aceasta este…. (se foloseşte când prezentăm pe cineva)
Glad/Pleased/Nice to meet you – Mă bucur să vă cunosc/Încântat de


Verb “to be” – Indicative Present

I am (I’m)
He, she, it is (He’s/she’s/it’s) from
We, you, they are (We’re/you’re/they’re) England

am I
Where is He, she, it from?
are We, you, they

I am not (’m not)
He, she, it is not (isn’t) from
We, you, they are not (aren’t) England


1 Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verb “to be”:

Example: My name…is…John.

a) Where…….you from?
b) I…….from France.
c) Are you from England? Yes,……
d) Is she from Italy? No,…….
e) He……an engineer.
f) They…… home.
g) Anne and Christian…….from Spain.
h) What……her name?
i) You…….from Brazil,…….?
j) She……twenty years old.

2. Complete the following text:

Hello…………Jane Portman and I’m a doctor. I…..35 years old.

I….married. My husband, Jack… architect. I……a daughter.
Her name….Jessica. She……ten years old. We all…… a
beautiful house in London, England. It……such a big house but
we like it.

3 Say whether the following sentences are correct or not:

Example: My name is Laura. (correct)

Her name are Laura (incorrect)

a) We are not from England.

b) She is from France.
c) You are’nt from Japan.
d) They is coming to see you.
e) You are so beautiful.
f) Where are you not from?
g) I have twenty years old.
h) It is a nice house.
i) It isn’t raining.
j) I am happy to see you.

4. Translate into English:

Bună. Mă numesc Diane Stevenson şi am 25 de ani. Sunt profesoară

de istorie. Locuiesc într-un apartament în Los Angeles. Nu este un
apartament foarte spaţios dar este destul de confortabil. Nu sunt căsătorită.
Am o soră şi un frate. Pe sora mea o cheamă Mary iar fratele meu se
numeşte Sam. Sam este medic. El are 35 de ani. Sora mea este încă studentă.
Ea are doar 20 de ani.

5. Practice

Now talk about you. Introduce yourself to the others. Try to give as
much personal information as you can.


~ At the restaurant ~

expressions of quantity + socializing

2.1. Reading & Speaking
2.2. Basic Vocabulary
2.3. Grammar Reference

Însuşirea vocabularului englezesc legat de :
- mâncăruri şi băuturi
- utilizarea expresiilor specifice legate de luarea unei mese la restaurant
şi purtarea unei astfel de conversaţii
- folosirea gramatical corectă a expresiilor cantitative

Această lecţie conţine un dialog legat de luarea unei mese la
restaurant, în care apar structuri şi noţiuni referitoare la mâncăruri şi băuturi
în general, precum şi folosirea corectă a expresiilor cu ajutorul cărora se
exprimă cantitatea, în acest context.


Situation: Still thinking about last night’s party and all the fun they
had, Paul decides to call Marissa and ask her out to dinner at a fancy
restaurant. They talk over the telephone and decide to go to the Royal Inn.
Paul makes a phone call and books a table for two for eight o’clock. In the
evening, he picks Marissa up and they arrive at the restaurant.

Waiter: Good evening Sir, Madam!

Paul: Good evening!
Marissa: Good evening!
Waiter: Do you have a reservation, Sir?
Paul: Yes, I do. It’s a table for two right next to the window.
Waiter: All right then. Follow me, please.

Paul: Waiter, can we have the menu please?
Waiter: Certainly, Sir. Here you are!

Waiter: Do you wish to order now?
Marissa: Do you have any seafood today?

Waiter: No, I’m afraid we don’t have any seafood at the moment.
Marissa: How about some pasta?
Waiter: Yes, we have spaghetti.
Marissa: Great! I’ll have the spaghetti carbonara.
Waiter: How about you, Sir?
Paul: I’ll have the same.
Waiter: Have you decided on the wine, Sir?
Paul: What do you recommend?
Waiter: I’d recommend a dry Riesling.
Paul: We’ll have one bottle, please.
Waiter: Do you care for some dessert?
Marissa: Do you have any tiramisu?
Waiter: Yes, we do Madam.
Marissa: All right then! We’ll have the tiramisu with a coffee to follow.

Paul: Waiter, the bill please!


1. Where does Paul take Marissa out to dinner?

2. Do they have a reservation?
3. What is Marissa’s first choice?
4. What does the waiter answer?
5. What do they finally decide upon?
6. What do they drink afterwards?
7. Do they have dessert?
8. What do they have after dessert?


food = hrană, mâncare

health food = alimentaţie sănătoasă
junk food = alimentaţie nesănătoasă
convenience food = semipreparate
low-cal food = mâncare cu conţinut redus de calorii
pasta = paste
seafood = fructe de mare
coffee = cafea
black/green tea = ceai negru/verde
still mineral water = apă plată
sparkling water = apă minerală acidulată
red/white wine = vin roşu/alb
the wine list = meniul pentru vinuri
menu = meniu
to book/ to reserve a table = a rezerva o masă
reservation = rezervare
to order = a comanda
bill = nota de plată
tip = bacşiş


to socialize = a socializa
to go out = a ieşi (în oraş)
to go on a date = a merge la o întâlnire
to go out with friends = a ieşi cu prietenii


Expressions of quantity

Some is generally used in positive sentences. Any is used in questions and

Examples: Have you got any tomatoes?

There is some milk, but there isn’t any cheese.

Much/many/a lot of
Much and many are generally used in questions and negatives, much with
uncountable nouns and many with countable nouns.

Examples: How much salt have you got?

There aren’t many potatoes on the plate.

A lot of is used in positive sentences, with countable and uncountable


Examples: He’s got a lot of pepper.

There are a lot of carrots in the basket.

A few/a little
A few is used with countable nouns. A little is used with uncountable

Examples: There are a few biscuits on the table.

There’s a little whisky left.


1 Divide into groups.

Use your dictionaries to complete the following lists: food: bread, butter,
meat …, beverages: coffee, tea …, fruit: cherries, strawberries …,
vegetables: tomato, cabbage …

2 Put some or any into each gap:

a. Have you got ______ salt or pepper?

b. We don’t need ______ butter.
c. There are ______ eggs on the table.
d. I want ______ flour because I want to bake a cake.
e. Is there ______milk in the fridge?

3. Put much, many, or a lot of into each gap:

a. Have you got ______ sugar in the bag?

b. We don’t need ______eggs.
c. There are ______ onions in the basket.
d. There is ______ coffee in the coffee-pot.
e. Are there______ olives in your salad?

4. Translate into English:

a. Avem nişte ouă, dar nu avem deloc unt.

b. Sunt câteva lămâi şi multe portocale.
c. Este puţin unt şi multă făină.
d. Nu sunt mulţi struguri şi nu este mult ulei.

5. Practice

You are in a restaurant and you want to have lunch. Imagine and
write down your dialogue with the waiter.


~ What is your favourite pastime? ~

present simple + likes and dislikes

3.1. Reading & Speaking
3.2. Basic Vocabulary
3.3. Grammar Reference

Îmbogăţirea vocabularului de bază cu noţiuni şi expresii legate de:
- descrierea programului zilnic
- exprimarea activităţilor preferate din timpul liber
- utilizarea prezentului simplu în limba engleză şi formarea
deprinderilor legate de folosirea acestuia în vorbire.

Conţinutul acestei lecţii cuprinde vocabularul de bază folosit la:
prezentarea programului zilnic, a hobby-urilor personale şi exprimarea
preferinţelor legate de petrecerea timpului liber.
Majoritatea verbelor şi expresiilor din cadrul acestei lecţii sunt
folosite pentru a indica cât de mult îi place sau displace unei persoane, o
anumită activitate.
În continuare, s-a insistat asupra acelor forme gramaticale legate de
folosirea prezentului simplu.


Situation: Paul and Marissa are having dinner at a restaurant in the

centre of town. They have just finished eating and now they are chatting
over a glass of wine.

Paul: Tell me Marissa, do you have a busy daily schedule?

Marissa: Well, it depends. I usually wake up at 7 o’clock during weekdays,
I shower, eat breakfast and get ready for school until about 8
o’clock. At 9 I hurry to catch the bus, I attend classes, I always eat
my lunch in the park, at 4 o’clock I come back home, I do some
shopping if I have to or I do some cleaning in the house, at 6 I
usually have dinner, and in the evening I either study, watch
television, read, and sometimes I listen to music or go out with my
Paul: Wow, you do so many things in just a single day! I’m impressed!

Marissa: What can I say, I am a very active person and I can’t stand just
sitting down and doing absolutely nothing. Still, I never wake up
before 9 at the weekend.
Paul: I see. And what do you do in your spare time? Tell me some of
your hobbies, things you like or dislike.
Marissa: I love listening to music because it’s very relaxing, going for
walks in the park or reading a good novel before I go to sleep. I am
mad about going to parties or to the cinema with my friends, I
enjoy dancing and jogging whenever I have the time. It gives me
the chance to stay healthy. What else? I also like travelling a lot
but I can’t say I’m a great fan of horror movies and I definitely
hate cold weather. How about you? What is your favourite
Paul: I like many things. I like watching television, playing tennis in the
summer or going to the gym when I have some free time. I am
very keen on taking photos. I think it’s very interesting and I really
enjoy that, but I must admit that I just love travelling. This is my
favourite hobby. I think it’s so exciting. If I had a lot of money, I
would travel all over the world. I want to see new places and meet
interesting people.
Marissa: Oh, it’s already 9 o’clock! I guess time flies when you are having
such a good time. Don’t you agree?
Paul: Of course I do. Let’s stay some more.


1. Does Marissa have a busy daily schedule?

2. What time does she get up in the morning?
3. What time does she come back home?
4. What are some of the activities that she does in the evening?
5. Does Marissa wake up early at the weekends?
6. What are some of Marissa’s hobbies and favourite spare time activities?
7. What does Paul like to do in his free time?
8. Does he like playing football?
9. Does Paul enjoy taking photographs?
10. Do they both enjoy travelling?


daily schedule – programul zilnic

weekdays – zilele din timpul săptămânii
spare/free time – timpul liber
leisure/pastime activities – activităţile pentru petrecerea timpul liber
likes and dislikes – preferinţe şi nonpreferinţe

Hobbies and spare time activities

listening to music – a asculta muzică
going for walks/walking - a face plimbări, a se plimba

reading – a citi
party/cinema (going to) – a merge la petreceri sau la cinematograf
dancing - a dansa
jogging – a face jogging, a alerga
travelling – a călători
watching television – a se uita la televizor
playing tennis – a juca tenis
going to the gym – a face sport, a merge la sala de sport
taking photographs – a face fotografii, a fotografia
painting - a picta
fishing – a pescui
swimming – a înota
cooking - a găti

Characterizing hobbies
interesting – interesant cheap – ieftin
exciting – palpitant, captivant expensive – scump, costisitor
relaxing - relaxant boring (for others) – plictisitor
healthy – sănătos dangerous – periculos, riscant
funny – amuzant enjoyable - plăcut

Expressing likes and dislikes: to be keen on, to be very fond of, to be mad
about, to adore, to love, to like, to enjoy, to be a great fan of, to dislike,
don’t mind, can’t stand, to hate.


The Present Simple Tense

You get up
They at 7.30
She gets up

do You
When They get up?
does She

You do not (don’t)
They get up at
He 7.30
She does not (doesn’t)


The Present Simple Tense has the same form as the short infinitive,
except for the third person singular, in which case adds an –s. We use the
auxiliary DO in order to form the interrogative and the negative form; its
form for the third person singular changes into does.

1. to denote repeated, habitual or permanent actions:

Examples: I go to school every morning.

John usually drives to work
She lives in Spain.

Note: Such actions are usually accompanied by the following adverbs:

always, usually, sometimes, never, rarely, seldom, every day, every week,
every month, every year, once a week, two times a month.

2. to express general truths or facts:

Examples: The sun sets in the West.

Paris is in France.
Windows are made of glass.
The Danube flows into the Black Sea.

3. to indicate actions which are officially planned in the future:

Examples: The train leaves tomorrow at 6.30.

The plane lands on Tuesday at 10.00 P.M.

4. in exclamatory sentences introduced by here or there:

Examples: Here she comes!

There they go!
5. to express a future action:

Examples: Give me a call when you arrive.

He will be very angry if she doesn’t explain the situation.


1. Fill in the blanks with – ‘s’ or – ‘es’ whenever it is necessary:

1. She love_ chocolate.

2. He doesn’t like_ fruits.
3. They go_ to school every day.
4. We go_ to the theatre every week.
5. He usually drink_ coffee before breakfast.
6. She watch_ T.V in the evening.
7. Jennifer never dress_ in grey.
8. She always go_ to see her mother on Sundays.
9. I go_ to the cinema once a week.
10. You don’t start work_ at 8.00.

2. Turn the following sentences into negatives:

1. He drinks a cup of tea.

2. I write poems.
3. Mary goes to the cinema every week.
4. We live in Italy.
5. You visit us every year.
6. They always talk too much.
7. Jack speaks German.
8. Mother often eats fish.
9. My children usually play in the garden.
10. I laugh easily.

3. Translate into English:

1. De obicei, mă duc la şcoală pe jos.

2. Câte limbi străine vorbeşti?
3. El nu locuieşte în Bucureşti.
4. Mama lui bea o ceaşcă de cafea în fiecare dimineaţă.
5. Îţi place să mergi la cinematograf?
6. Verişoara mea cântă la chitară.
7. Ei fac plimbări în parc de două ori pe săptămână.
8. Iată-i că vin!
9. Paul ascultă muzică pop.
10. Ea iubeşte vara.

4. Translate into Romanian:

1. I usually drink a glass of orange juice at breakfast.

2. Do you wash your teeth every morning?
3. Jane lives in a new flat.
4. Mr. Jones likes autumn, but he doesn’t like winter.
5. We read stories before we go to bed.
6. The children run in the park very often.

7. She plays volleyball every Saturday.
8. George wakes up at 8 o’clock on weekdays.
9. What kind of films do they enjoy?
10. What does he usually do in the evening?

5. Practice

1. Describe your favourite hobby.

2. Speak about your daily programme.


~ I’ve never been to India. ~

present perfect simple + nationalities

4.1. Reading & Speaking
4.2. Basic Vocabulary
4.3. Grammar Reference

- cunoaşterea terminologiei specifice călătoriilor
- dobândirea capacităţii de a descrie o ţară străină cu specificul ei
- însuşirea numelor de ţări şi naţionalităţi în limba engleză
- folosirea prezentului perfect simplu

Lecţia urmăreşte atât însuşirea vocabularului legat de călătorii, ţări şi
naţionalităţi, cât şi folosirea, în acest context şi nu numai, a prezentului
perfect simplu.


Situation: Still talking about their hobbies, Paul and Marissa reach
the subject of travelling, which is Marissa’s greatest passion.

Marissa: The hobby I love most is definitely travelling!

Paul: I love to travel too, although I haven’t seen many countries so far.
For instance, I’ve never been to India.
Marissa: India? Oh! I’ve been there twice. It’s a beautiful country. And the
Indians, although very poor, are such lovely, spiritual people.
Paul: What do you think about their culture?
Marissa: Well, I really loved their religious atmosphere, their fine silk and
their spicy food.
Paul: Where else have you been?
Marissa: I’ve been to France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Thailand,
China, Japan and Indonesia.
Paul: So you like exotic places.
Marissa: Yes, I do. I really enjoy observing all these different cultures that
have nothing in common with the European one. What countries
have you visited?
Paul: Well, not as many as you have and not so far away. I’ve only
visited European countries like: France, Germany, Austria,
Switzerland or Hungary. But I’d really love to travel more.

Marissa: Perhaps I’ll take you with me on my next trip.
Paul: That would be great!


1. What is Marissa’s favourite hobby?

2. How many times has she been to India?
3. What does she think about the Indians?
4. What does she love most about their culture?
5. Has Paul travelled anywhere so far?
6. Has he already visited as many exotic places as Marissa?
7. What does he think about travelling?
8. What is Marissa’s suggestion and what does Paul think about it?


to travel = a călători itinerary = itinerar, rută

trip = excursie guide = ghid (persoana şi cartea)
journey = călătorie destination = destinaţie
tour = tur resort = staţiune
tourist = turist customs = vamă
hike = drumeţie passport = paşaport
hiker = drumeţ visa = viză
to go on a hike = a pleca în insurance = asigurare
drumeţie luggage = bagaj
sightseeing = vizită, plimbare, bag = geantă
excursie suitcase = servietă, diplomat

Countries and nationalities:

Afghanistan – Afghan England – English

Albania – Albanian Finland – Finnish
Algeria – Algerian France – French
America – American Germany – German
Angola – Angolan Great Britain – British
Austria – Austrian Greece – Greek
Bahamas – Bahamian Guatemala – Guatemalan
Bangladesh – Bangladeshi Holland – Dutch / Dutchman
Belgium – Belgian Hungary – Hungarian
Bermuda – Bermudan India – Indian
Bulgaria – Bulgarian Iran – Iranian
Canada – Canadian Iraq – Iraqi
Chile – Chilean Israel – Israeli
China – Chinese Italy – Italian
Congo – Congolese Jamaica – Jamaican
Cuba – Cuban Japan – Japanese
Denmark – Danish Korea – Korean
Egypt – Egyptian Mexico – Mexican

Monaco – Monegasque Somalia – Somali
New Zealand – New Zealander Spain – Spanish
Norway – Norwegian Sweden – Swedish
Palestine – Palestinian Switzerland – Swiss
Peru – Peruvian Taiwan – Taiwanese
Poland – Polish Tibet – Tibetan
Portugal – Portuguese Turkey – Turkish
Romania – Romanian Vietnam – Vietnamese
Russia – Russian Zimbabwe – Zimbabwean


Present Perfect Simple

have/has + verb + -ed (past participle)

Affirmative and negative

We ‘ve (have) been
You haven’t to
They Greece.
He ‘s (has) been
She hasn’t to
It Italy.

Have I
we been to the
you United States?
Has he
she been to Spain?

Short answers
‘Have you been to Egypt?’
‘Yes, I have.’ / ‘No, I haven’t.’

‘Has she ever been to Romania?’

‘Yes, she has.’ / ‘No, she hasn’t.’

1. to express an action in the past (an experience, part of someone’s life)

Examples: I have learnt a lot from my journeys to Egypt.

They’ve travelled all over the world.

Note: Ever and never are common with this use:
Have you ever been to Portugal?
My mother has never travelled by plane.

2. to express an action or state which began in the past and continues

to the present

Examples: I’ve known Alice for six years.

How long have you worked as an accountant?

Note: For and since are common with this use:

Examples: We’ve lived in this town for ten years.

I’ve had long hair since I finished school.

3. to express a recent past action with a result in the present

Note: I’ve lost my glasses. (I haven’t got them now.)

My passport’s been stolen. (It isn’t here now.)
Has your mother brought any potatoes? (Are there any
potatoes now?)


1. Write down the nationality corresponding to the indicated


a. Germany - g. Russia -
b. Spain - h. Ireland -
c. France - i. Poland -
d. Romania - j. Turkey -
e. Hungary - k. Japan -
f. Italy - l. Iraq -

2. Complete the following sentences putting the verbs in the

brackets at the present perfect tense:

a. I ________ the Rolling Stones last year. (to see)

b. How long ____ you____ Peter? (to know)
c. We _________ together for over ten years. (to be)
d. ____ you ever ____ India? (to see)
e. Mary’s crying because she ____ just _____ some bad news. (to hear)
f. John’s laughing because someone ____ just ____ him a joke. (to tell)
g. My parents are furious because I ________ the car keys. (to lose)
h. I’m angry because someone ________ my bike. (to steal)

3. Put for or since into each gap:

a. ____ two weeks

b. ____ half an hour
c. ____ August
d. ____ 9.15
e. ____ I was ten
f. ____ a long time
g. ____ 3 March
h. ____ ages
i. ____ the beginning of the term
j. ____ a couple of days

4. Translate into English:

a. Paul nu a fost niciodată în Japonia.

b. Marissa călătoreşte de când era mică.
c. Noi locuim în Londra de şapte ani.
d. A fost el vreodată în Peru?

5. Practice

Write down a short composition (about 10 lines) in which you talk

about a country that you’ve never been to. You’ve learnt a lot about it at
school or on T.V. and you would love to go there.


~ Do you have any brothers or sisters? ~

have/have got + family members

5.1. Reading & Speaking
5.2. Basic Vocabulary
5.3. Grammar Reference

Însuşirea vocabularului care face referire la:
- membrii familiei şi relaţiile dintre aceştia
- utilizarea lui “have” şi “have got”

Această lecţie cuprinde vocabularul de bază folosit la enumerarea
membrilor familiei şi descrierea relaţiilor familiale. S-a pus accent pe
situaţiile de utilizare ale formulărilor: “have” şi “have got”, în limba vorbită.


Situation: Due to the fact that they had such a good time the last
time they went out, Marissa has decided to invite Paul for dinner at her
place. While eating dessert, Marissa ceases the opportunity to show Paul
some photos of her family.

Marissa: Did you enjoy dinner, Paul?

Paul: Of course I did. Everything was absolutely delicious.
Congratulations to the chef! I have to admit you are a great cook.
Marissa: How nice of you to say that. Thank you very much!...(while
opening the photo album)…Now, let me show you some photos of
my family: this is my mother, Sylvia and this is my father, Jack.
They still live in Leeds, but I visit them very often. They have got
a beautiful house there, with a lovely garden in front, with lots of
colourful flowers. Mom loves gardening.
Paul: Oh, I see. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Marissa: Yes, I do. I have got a brother. His name is Peter. He is 28 years
old. I haven’t got any sisters, though.
Paul: Is this Peter in the photo?
Marissa: Yes, this is Peter. He’s married. There’s his wife, Eve. She is so
pretty, don’t you think?
Paul: Yes, I do. And who is this, beside the red car?

Marissa: Well, this is my aunt Greta, my mother’s sister. And do you see
the man in the car? That is my uncle, Nelson. They live just across
the street from my parents.
Paul: Do they have any children?
Marissa: They have got a daughter and a son. Her name is Lily and his
name is John. And finally, these are my best friends, Sarah and her
cousin, Sam.
Paul: Do they live in London?
Marissa: Yes, Sarah has got a flat not far away from here, and her cousin
lives just three blocks from there.
Paul: You have a lovely family, Marissa. These are very beautiful
photos, indeed.
Marissa: I’m very glad to hear that.


1. Who are Sylvia and Jack?

2. Where do Marissa’s parents live?
3. Do they own a house or a flat?
4. Does Marissa have any brothers or sisters?
5. How old is Peter? Whom is he married to?
6. Do Nelson and Greta, Marissa’s uncle and aunt, have children?
7. Do they live in London?
8. Who are Marissa’s best friends?
9. Where does Sarah live? What about Sam?
10. Does Paul like Marissa’s family?


Members of the family:

father/mother – tată, mamă
brother/sister – frate, soră
son/daughter – fiu, fiică
grandfather/grandmother – bunic, bunică
grandson/grand-daughter – nepot, nepoată (de bunici)
uncle/aunt – unchi, mătuşă
cousin - verişor, verişoară
nephew/niece – nepot,nepoată (de unchi)
son-in-law/daughter-in-law – ginere, noră
brother-in-law/sister-in-law - cumnat/cumnată
father-in-law/mother-in-law – socru, soacră
step father/step mother – tată vitreg, mamă vitregă
step brother/step sister – frate vitreg, soră vitregă
godfather/godmother – naş, naşă
godson/god daughter – fin, fină

Family relations
husband/wife – soţ, soţie
parents – părinţi

grandparents - bunici
children – copii
grandchildren - nepoţi
parents-in-law - socri
in-laws - cuscri
godparents – naşi
spouses – soţi
siblings – fraţi


Have and have got


You have
They a house
She has

Do You
They have a house?
Does She


You don’t
have a house

He doesn’t

Have got

You have
got a garden

He has

Have You
They got a garden?
Has She


You haven’t
got a garden

He hasn’t

Have and have got mean the same thing when we talk about possession, but
the form is very different. We often use have got in spoken English. The
past of both have and have got is had.

1. We often use have got/has got instead of have/has alone:
Example: - I have got a new computer. /I have a new computer.
- She has got a toothache. /She has a toothache.

2. We use have for actions:

Example: - Let me have a look at your letter!
- I had breakfast at 9.00.
- She has a shower every morning. (= She takes a
shower- as an action)


1. Complete these sentences with have:

1. Excuse me, ………….. some cigarettes, please?

2. Do you………………. a headache?
3. I don’t……………….. a car.
4. He…………………... any money.
5. Where’s Jennifer? She…………breakfast.
6. They haven’t………….an umbrella.
7. What time does Joe……….dinner?

2. Translate the above sentences into Romanian.

3. Make up sentences with some of the words from the

vocabulary section.

4. Practice

Speak about your family. Try to name as many members as you can.


~ See you tomorrow at noon. ~

the numeral + time expressions

6.1. Reading & Speaking
6.2. Basic Vocabulary
6.3. Grammar Reference

- exprimarea orei în limba engleză
- folosirea expresiilor legate de timp
- stabilirea unui program
- utilizarea corectă a numeralului cardinal şi ordinal, precum şi a
fracţiilor şi procentajelor

Lecţia cuprinde modalităţi de exprimare a orei în limba engleză, de
a stabili un program folosind expresiile legate de timp, precum şi
exprimarea numeralului în limba engleză.


Situation: Our characters are still at Marissa’s house, after dinner.

It’s getting late though, and Paul has to go home. So Marissa walks him out.
He thanks her for a wonderful night and tells her that he wants to see her
again as soon as possible.

Marissa: I hope you enjoyed my dinner. I know I may lack modesty, but I
loved it. And besides, I’ve had a wonderful time.
Paul: Are you kidding? The food was incredibly tasty! And I’ve had a
wonderful time too. In fact, you make me want to have you around
all the time. I really must see you again tomorrow.
Marissa: I’d love to see you too, but I’m afraid I’m busy the whole day.
Paul: Are you sure you can’t find an hour for me in your schedule?
Marissa: I would like to, but I don’t know if I can.
Paul: Well, let’s give it a try! How about 10 o’clock in the morning?
Marissa: That would be impossible. I’ll be at the university.
Paul: O.K. And in the afternoon, are you available around 4.30?
Marissa: Unfortunately, I’m not. I must get to my dance class at a quarter
to 5.
Paul: How about the evening? Are you free then?

Marissa: I’ll have to say no again. I’m visiting my grandmother at the
Paul: It would have been nice…but … if you say you’re so busy…
Marissa: Wait! I have an hour at noon!
Paul: Really? Now this is great news!
Marissa: Could you pick me up? I’ll be at home.
Paul: Of course, Marissa. I would love to.
Marissa: All right then! Good night! See you tomorrow at noon!
Paul: Good night, Marissa! See you!


1. Did Paul and Marissa have a good time at dinner?

2. What does Paul think about Marissa’s food?
3. Does Paul want to see Marissa again?
4. What does he suggest?
5. What does Marissa answer?
6. Is she available in the morning?
7. What is she doing in the evening?
8. When do they decide to meet?


a quarter to ten = 10 fără un sfert a.m. = ante-meridian

ten minutes to five = 5 fără 10 p.m. = post-meridian
a quarter past eight = 8 şi un sfert seven a.m. = ora 7
five minutes past nine = 9 şi 5 seven p.m. = ora 19
twelve thirty = 12 şi jumătate

Time expressions:

What time is it? = Cât e ceasul?

It’s a quarter past five. = Este ora 5 şi un sfert.
after three o’clock = după ora 3
at about one o’clock = cam pe la ora 1
before noon = înainte de prânz
before midnight = înainte de miezul nopţii
nearly five o’clock = aproape ora 5
two hours ago = acum 2 ore
soon = curând
in half an hour = într-o jumătate de oră
in an hour’s time = într-o oră
early = devreme
late = târziu


The numeral

The cardinal numeral:

1 - one 22 - twenty-two
2 - two …
3 - three 30 - thirty
4 - four …
5 - five 37 - thirty-seven
6 - six 40 - forty
7 - seven …
8 - eight 43 - forty-three
9 - nine …
10 - ten 50 - fifty
11 - eleven 60 - sixty
12 - twelve 70 - seventy
13 - thirteen 80 - eighty
14 - fourteen 90 - ninety
15 - fifteen 100 - one hundred
16 - sixteen 101 - a hundred and one
17 - seventeen 112 - a hundred and twelve
18 - eighteen 150 - a hundred and fifty
19 - nineteen 1,000 - one thousand
20 - twenty 100,000 - one hundred thousand
21 - twenty-one 1,000,000,000 - one million

The ordinal numeral:

the first – primul;

the second – al doilea; the thirtieth – al treizecilea;
the third – al treilea; the fortieth – al patruzecilea;
the fourth – al patrulea; the fiftieth – al cincizecilea
the fifth – al cincilea; …
… the eighty-seventh – al optzeci şi
the tenth – al zecelea; şaptelea.
the eleventh – al unsprezecelea;

Fractions and percentages:

a half = o jumătate
a quarter = un sfert
a third = o treime
two thirds = două treimi
10% (ten per cent) = 10 la sută


1. Write down in words the following numbers:

45, 68, 23, 79, 91, 163, 240, 795, 933, 98, 56, 13, 17, 14, 42, 39, 21, 497,
333, 667

2. Transform into ordinals the following numbers:

3, 15, 19, 24, 36, 57, 49, 2, 68, 71, 83, 92, 51, 84, 73, 22, 16, 81, 45, 7

3. Translate into Romanian:

1. We are going to meet tomorrow at 7.30.

2. He wants to be there at about 5 o’clock.
3. Maria’s mother told her to come back home before midnight.
4. I was offered a 20% discount because of my loyalty to the company.

4. Translate into English:

1. Vreau să dorm o jumătate de oră.

2. Ai terminat cartea?
Nu încă.Am citit doar două treimi.
3. 10% dintr-o mie este 100.
4. Am nevoie de un sfert de oră ca să-mi termin treaba.

5. Practice

Write down your schedule for tomorrow.


~ I’m looking for a souvenir…~

this/that/these/those + prices

7.1. Reading & Speaking
7.2. Basic Vocabulary
7.3. Grammar Reference

Însuşirea terminologiei referitoare la:
- efectuarea cumpărăturilor
- exprimarea preţurilor.
- fixarea cunoştinţelor legate de folosirea pronumelor/adjectivelor
demonstrative, “this”, “that”, “these” şi “those”.

Această lecţie include principalele cuvinte şi expresii utile în cadrul
unei conversaţii purtate într-un magazin, folosite la efectuarea
cumpărăturilor cât şi la exprimarea corectă a preţurilor produselor.
În privinţa aspectelor gramaticale, s-au evidenţiat formele şi
folosirea pronumelor şi adjectivelor demonstrative.


Situation: It is Monday afternoon. Paul and Marissa are in town. On

their way to the restaurant they’ve settled to eat lunch, Marissa sees a gift
shop and asks Paul to enter it together, in order to help her choose a nice
souvenir for her best friend, Sarah.

Shop assistant: Good afternoon. May I help you?

Marissa: Yes. I’m looking for a souvenir.
Shop assistant: Can I help you find something?
Marissa: Well, I could use some help. What would you recommend?
Shop assistant: Might I ask who is it for?
Marissa: It’s for my best friend, Sarah. She’s going away for a couple
of months and we’re planning to give her a surprise farewell
Shop assistant: Oh, this is a very special occasion, indeed! What do you
think of this lovely silver ring right here in the glass case in
front of you? Would you like to put it on your finger to see if
it fits?
Marissa: Well, it does look good. How much is it?
Shop assistant: It’s fourteen pounds seventy.

Marissa: It’s not so expensive, either. Paul, what do you think? Do
you like it?
Paul : Certainly. I’m sure Sarah will love it, especially if it comes
from your part.
Shop assistant: Might I suggest matching earrings, and perhaps a bracelet or
a necklace as well?
Marissa: I don’t know what to say… What about that bracelet over
there near the counter? How much does it cost?
Shop assistant: That’s a little bit more expensive. It costs thirty pounds.
Marissa: Hmm…, I am not sure. And these earrings beside the
bracelet you’ve just showed me?
Shop assistant: These are twenty pounds fifty. They look magnificent, don’t
Marissa: Yes, they do. Paul, I can’t seem to make up my mind!
Would you help me, please?
Paul: Let me look around. What about those glass globes in the
shop window?
Marissa: Oh Paul, they are absolutely wonderful! We’ll take one of
Shop assistant: Good choice. That’s twelve pounds ninety. Anything else?
Marissa: No, thank you. That’s all for today. Here you are.


1. Who does Marissa want to buy a souvenir for?

2. Does Marissa want to find a birthday present for Sarah?
3. What does the shop assistant first recommend?
4. How much does the silver ring cost?
5. Do they decide to buy it?
6. Is the bracelet cheap?
7. Are the earrings very expensive?
8. Can Marissa make up her mind easily?
9. Who helps her in the end?
10. Is she content with the present she’s finally bought?


Useful words and expressions

customer – client/clientă
shop assistant/keeper/sales person – vânzător/vânzătoare (într-un magazin)
price – preţ
counter - tejghea
shopping – cumpărături
shopping bag/basket – geantă, sacoşă pentru cumpărături
shopping centre/supermarket – supermarket, supermagazin
shop/store – magazing
gift shop – magazin de cadouri

department store – magazin universal
expensive/dear – scump, costisitor
cheap – ieftin
souvenir – suvenir, amintire
present/gift – cadou
May/Can I help you?- Pot să vă ajut cu ceva?
What can I do for you? – Cu ce vă pot ajuta?/Ce pot face pentru
dumneavoastră?/Ce doriţi?
Can I help you find something? – Vă pot ajuta să găsiţi un produs anume?
I’m looking for … - Caut …
Do you have …? - Aveţi …?
Where can I find…? – Unde pot găsi…?
How much is it?/How much does it cost? – Cât costă?
Anything else? – Altceva?
pound – lira sterlină ( a pound = 100 pence: o liră = 100 penny; “Pence”=


This, that, these, those


Singular Plural

Near This These


Distant That Those



1. The demonstrative pronoun

It usually expresses temporal and spatial relationship between the
objects it stand for and the speaker:
Examples: This is our car.
That is your sister.
These are her books.
Those aren’t your parents.
2. The demonstrative adjective
It determines a noun and indicates the place of the noun in time or
Examples: This ring in my hand looks beautiful.
That coat over there by the window is black.
These shoes in the window cost twenty pounds.
Those paintings on the wall are not so expensive.

- we use this and these to talk about persons and objects that are
near to us.
- we use that and those to talk about persons and objects that are far
from us (that aren’t so near to us).


1. Put this, that, these, those into the gaps:

1. Is…………your sister? Introduce me to her.

2. …………..woman over there is looking at me.
3. How much are……… on that shelf?
4. …………trousers in your hand are so dirty!
5. Look!..........girl is crying!
6. ………….pictures you’re holding, are mine!
7. I don’t know…….boy from across the street.
8. ………book is quite interesting.
9. Do………people near you have an umbrella to borrow?
10. What are………children doing?

2. Translate the above sentences into Romanian.

3. Translate into English:

1. Cine este bătrânul acela de acolo?

2. Prietena mea vrea să viziteze acest muzeu.
3. Ale cui sunt caietele acelea de pe masă?
4. Aceste mere sunt foarte gustoase. Mai vreau să mănânc unul.
5. Acesta este fratele meu, iar acela de lângă uşă este verişorul meu.
6. Acele scaune din capătul sălii sunt stricate.
7. Nu ştiu dacă acest bărbat ştie cum să repare maşina noastră.
8. Aceea este poşeta mea!
9. Aceştia nu sunt ochelarii mei! Cred că i-am pierdut.
10. Acelea sunt florile pe care le-am primit ieri de ziua mea.

4. Imagine you have to buy a birthday present for somebody in

your family. Make up a dialogue in which you decide what to buy.

5. Practice

What would be the perfect present for you? Try to describe it in

more than just a few words.


~ You look lovely in red! ~

the article (definite / indefinite / zero) + colours

8.1. Reading & Speaking
8.2. Basic Vocabulary
8.3. Grammar Reference

- însuşirea vocabularului specific vestimentaţiei şi a celui legat de
- reamintirea termenilor care exprimă culorile şi utilizarea lor în
- folosirea gramatical corectă a articolului

Această lecţie conţine un dialog care urmăreşte însuşirea
vocabularului englezesc legat de îmbrăcăminte şi accesorii, reamintirea
termenilor care exprimă culorile, precum şi folosirea corectă a articolului.


Situation: A week has gone by since Paul and Marissa went

shopping. As she really enjoyed Paul’s company and appreciated his good
taste, Marissa decided to ask him to repeat the experience and go shopping
for clothes this time. So here they are now, at the mall, looking for some
nice outfits.

Marissa: Look at that green dress! Isn’t it nice? I think I’ll try it on.
Paul: You should do that. It looks all right.

Marissa: What do you think?
Paul: It doesn’t look bad, but the colour doesn’t really suit you. Why
don’t you try the red one over there?
Marissa: You’re right. It looks great! Could you please bring it to me?
Paul: Of course! Here you are!

Marissa: Well …What do you think?

Paul: It fits you perfectly. And it’s very fancy. I find it very beautiful.
And you look lovely in red.

Marissa: I’m glad you like it. It’s also very comfortable. I’ll take it.
Paul: I’d really love to pay for it if you agree to go out with me dressed
in it.
Marissa: Thank you, but that isn’t necessary. I’ll wear it anyway just to
please you.

Marissa: Paul! Look at those blue trousers! I think they would look great on
Paul: O.K.! Let’s go and check them out.

Paul: Well?
Marissa: They really suit you. You look very cool!
Paul: If you think so, I’ll take them.
Marissa: O.K.! And after you pay for them, let’s go and find a matching
shirt. And oh! I’d also like to see some accessories to go with my
new dress… Perhaps some earrings, a necklace or a bracelet.


1. Where does Marissa invite Paul and for what purpose?

2. Does Paul like the green dress?
3. What does he think of the red one?
4. On what condition does he offer to pay for the red dress?
5. What does Marissa show Paul?
6. Does she like the way Paul looks in those trousers?
7. What does she suggest to find that would match the trousers?
8. Does Marissa want anything to go with her dress?


clothes = haine panties = chiloţi de damă

dress = rochie bikini = bikini
to wear = a purta bra = sutien
to take off = a da jos swimsuit / bathing suit = costum
coat = haină de baie
jacket = jachetă nightdress = cămaşă de noapte
suit = costum pyjamas = pijamale
tuxedo = smoching dressing gown = capot
blouse = bluză bathrobe = halat de baie
pullover = pulover socks = şosete
shirt = cămaşă shoes = pantofi
T-shirt = tricou boots = cizme
trousers = pantaloni sandals = sandale
jeans = blugi slippers = şlapi
shorts = pantaloni scurţi hat = pălărie
skirt = fustă cap = şapcă
boxers = boxeri

tie = cravată zip = fermoar
bow tie = papion ring = inel
scarf = eşarfă earrings = cercei
gloves = mănuşi bracelet = brăţară
belt = curea necklace = lănţişor
button = nasture, buton

yellow = galben pink = roz
orange = portocaliu white = alb
red = roşu grey = gri
blue = albastru black = negru
green = verde brown = maro
violet / mauve / purple = violet


The article

The indefinite article

We use the indefinite article:

1. with professions:
Examples: I’m a teacher.
He’s an engineer.
2. with some expressions of quantity:
Examples: a pair of boots
a couple of hours
a hundred
three times a week
thirty miles an hour
a little
a few
3. in exclamations with what + a countable noun
Examples: What a lovely day!
What a pity!
What a beautiful dress!

The definite article

We use the definite article:

1. before seas, rivers, hotels, theatres, museums, newspapers etc.
Examples: the Atlantic
the British Museum
the Times
the Ritz

2. if the determined noun is unique:
Examples: the sun
the moon
the Earth
the Queen
the Government
3. with superlative adjectives
Examples: the richest man in the world
the youngest of us all

The zero article

There is no article:

1. before plural and uncountable nouns when we talk about things in

Examples: I like skirts.
I love blue T-shirts.
Cigarettes are not good for you.
2. before countries, towns, streets, languages, magazines, meals,
airports, stations and mountains
Examples: I had breakfast in Glasgow.
I bought Cosmopolitan at Paddington Station.
3. before some places and with some means of transport
Examples: at home
in / to bed
at / to school
at / to work
by bus / plane / car / train
on foot
4. in exclamations with what + an uncountable noun
Examples: What lovely weather!
What loud music!


1. Put a, an or no article before each noun:

______ trousers
______ dress
______ earring
______ belt
______ shoes
______ dressing gown

2. Put the or no article into each gap:

1. These are ______ cheapest shoes I’ve ever seen.

2. I love ______ necklaces.
3. He bought ______ Daily Mirror and ______ Reader’s Digest.
4. She hates ______ gloves.
5. Forget about the dress. ______ skirt looks a lot better.
6. It’s not so cold outside. I’ll leave ______ coat at ______ home.

3. Put a or no article into each gap:

1. What ______ cool T-shirt!

2. What ______ nice day.
3. What ______ deep eyes!
4. What ______ mess!
5. What ______ bad weather!
6. What ______ lovely music!

4. Translate into English:

1. Am cumpărat o pereche nouă de cizme.

2. Ce pălărie frumoasă!
3. Ea are o cămaşă de noapte portocalie.
4. El poartă pijamale albastre.
5. Aş dori să cumpăr o bluză roşie, două fuste verzi, o curea maro şi o
pereche de pantaloni albi.
6. Paul doreşte o cravată gri, care să se asorteze cu costumul negru.

5. Practice

You are out shopping. You want to complete your wardrobe.

Imagine and write down your dialogue with the shop assistant. You are
asking for at least five items.


~ Look! There’s Sarah! ~

the adjective + opposites

9.1. Reading & Speaking
9.2. Basic Vocabulary
9.3. Grammar Reference

- însuşirea cuvintelor şi expresiilor folosite la descrierea unei persoane
- introducerea adjectivului ca parte de vorbire şi folosirea lui corectă în
limba vorbită şi scrisă

Această lecţie conţine cele mai uzuale cuvinte şi expresii
folosite la descrierea unei persoane şi urmăreşte fixarea cunoştintelor
referitoare la forma, poziţionarea şi clasificarea adjectivului.


Situation: Our two main characters, Marissa and Paul, have just
stepped out of a clothing store, and now they are in a hurry to catch the 5
o’clock bus. On their way to the bus stop, Paul has the impression he sees
Sarah, Marissa’s best friend whom he has seen in pictures only, on the other
side of the street.

Marissa: Do you think I can make a quick stop at the bookshop, Paul? I
really need to buy a book I have to use at school.
Paul: I don’t know what to say. There isn’t enough time and we’re
going to miss the 5 o’clock bus if you stay too long.
Marissa: I won’t. I’ll be right back!
Paul : Marissa, wait! Look! There’s Sarah!
Marissa: Sarah?! Where? I don’t see her.
Paul: Right there across the street in front of that big red car. If my
memory serves me right, she’s rather short, thin and she has curly
dark hair. Am I right?
Marissa: Yeah, that’s what she looks like, but I still can’t spot her. There are
too many people there.
Paul: She is right between that tall old man who’s wearing a long black
coat and a big strange looking hat and that young woman with a
short white jacket and straight blonde hair. She also has a little
grey purse in her hand.

Marissa: I think I see her now…it looks like she’s waiting for someone
but… that’s not Sarah! It’s just someone who looks a lot like her!
Paul: Are you sure?
Marissa: Of course I’m sure. Sarah isn’t that short and she doesn’t have
Paul : Oh, I see. My mistake. I really thought it was her.
Marissa: It’s already 6 o’clock! We’ve missed the bus! What are we going
to do now?
Paul: We are going to catch a cab. It’s too cold, wet and cloudy. It’s
also getting dark.
Marissa: All right. I just can’t stand bad weather. I love it when it’s warm,
dry and sunny.


1. What are Marissa and Paul doing?

2. Is there enough time for Marissa to buy the book she needs for
3. Whom does Paul think he sees?
4. Where does Paul see Sarah?
5. What does Sarah look like?
6. Does Sarah have glasses?
7. Is the girl on the street Sarah?
8. Did Paul and Marissa catch the bus?
9. What do they decide to do?
10. What is the weather like?



short, tall/long – scund/scurt, înalt/lung

thin/slender, fat/plump – slab/subţire, gras/rotund, durduliu
old, young/new – bătrân/vechi, tânăr/nou
curly, straight – creţ, drept-întins
dark (haired), fair/blonde (haired) – brunet, blond
little, big – mic, mare
black, white – negru, alb
cold, warm/hot – rece, cald
wet, dry – umed, uscat
cloudy, sunny – înnorat, însorit
bad, good - rău, bun

Describing people

He is very sociable, ambitious and funny.

He is twenty years old, he’s quite tall, about one metre eighty and he’s very

She has curly black hair and blue eyes.
She is rather tall, slender and beautiful.
She has straight blonde hair, green eyes and a lovely smile.
He is wearing dark brown trousers and a light green jumper.
She is wearing a pink skirt and a black shirt.
She is wearing high heels and carrying a little leather purse.


The adjective - is the speech part which describes and modifies nouns; it is
used to give more details or information about the nouns they are associated

Examples: It is a very interesting novel.

Hand me that big brown square box, please!
Her sister is thin, young and pretty.

1. adjectives are always invariable; they don't have a singular and plural
form or a masculine, feminine and neuter form; they never add a final –s;
Example: awful not awfuls

- adjectives are always placed before the noun; they are never situated after
the noun.
Example: an orange dress not a dress orange

2. they can also be placed at the end of a sentence if they describe the
subject of the sentence.
Example: My mother is great.


If we refer to the word-formation, adjectives can be:

- simple: new, cheap, clean
- derived: wonderful, dark-coloured
- composed: downright, manlike

Note: When we use two or more adjectives together, place them in the
following order:

1. Opinion
Example: an interesting book, a boring film

2. Dimension
Example: a little doll, a thick book

3. Age
Example: an old house, a new building

4. Shape
Example: a square box, a round ball

5. Colour
Example: some black shoes, a blue scarf

6. Origin
Example: a French town, a British car

7. Material
Example: a velvet jacket, a plastic glass, a silk dress


1. Write the opposite of the following adjectives:

large: ............................ rich: ..............................

pretty :........................... easy:..............................
happy : .......................... clean: ............................
full: ............................... calm:.............................
interesting: .................... early:.............................

2. Make up sentences with the following words:

- beautiful, handsome, hungry, friendly, favourite, rested, tired, angry, tidy,


3.Translate into Romanian:

1. Last night I met your beautiful sister.

2. It was an amazing event.
3. Do you think he is an intelligent child?
4. My mother is friendly and nice.
5. I want to sit in that old rocking chair.
6. Do you want to buy a new family car?
7. She is tall, thin and she has brown eyes.
8. Dinner smells good.
9. I wish to take a hot bath.
10. This is going to be an interesting journey.

4. Translate into English:

1. Ieri, am găsit o pisica neagră.

2. Acela este un tablou foarte vechi.
3. Nu cred că este o problemă prea dificilă.
4. Nu crezi că este un bărbat arătos?
5. Trandafirii roşii sunt florile mele preferate.
6. El este un om rău şi periculos.

7. Această femeie ţine în mână o cutie mare şi galbenă.
8. Ce zi frumoasă şi însorită! Mergem să ne plimbăm prin parc?
9. Nu suport vremea urîtă şi rece!
10. Cine este acel băiat firav şi tăcut?

5. Practice

How would you describe your best friend? Write at least 10 lines.


~ Don’t disturb me. I’m studying. ~

present continuous + education terminology

10.1. Reading & Speaking
10.2. Basic Vocabulary
10.3. Grammar Reference

- însuşirea terminologiei englezeşti specifice domeniului educaţiei;
- capacitatea de a folosi termenii din domeniul educaţiei în limbajul
- cunoaşterea şi folosirea corespunzătoare a prezentului continuu.

Lecţia are în vedere însuşirea vocabularului englezesc din domeniul
educaţiei şi întrebuinţarea acestuia în limbajul curent; cunoaşterea şi
folosirea gramatical corectă a prezentului continuu.


Situation: Months have gone by. Paul and Marissa have spent a lot
of time together. But now Marissa is busy studying and she cannot go out as
much as she used to. She is preparing for her winter exams. Paul misses her.
He is calling her to ask her out.

Paul: Hello! Marissa? This is Paul speaking.

Marissa: Oh! Hi Paul! How are you?
Paul: Fine, thanks. And you?
Marissa: Could be worse I suppose, but I’m busy studying.
Paul: I was thinking of going out tonight.
Marissa: I’m afraid that’s impossible. I’m preparing for my anatomy exam
on Tuesday.
Paul: Can’t you take a break? Just for a couple of hours.
Marissa: No, I couldn’t do that! I’ve got a lot to learn and I wouldn’t want
to fail my exam.
Paul: Please!!! How about half an hour?
Marissa: I’m sorry. I’ll see you on Tuesday. I’m taking my exam at noon
and I’ll be free in the evening. We can get together then.
Paul: But that means I’d have to wait five more days… And I miss you!
Marissa: I miss you too. But we’ll survive. You’ll see.

Paul: Well, it seems like there’s no way of getting you out of the house
tonight. I guess I’ll call you on Tuesday then.
Marissa: O.K. Paul. We have a deal.
Paul: Bye Marissa! And good luck!
Marissa: Thanks Paul! Bye!

Paul: Hi Marissa! It’s me again.
Marissa: Hi Paul!
Paul: I called to see if you changed your mind about tonight.
Marissa: Oh, Paul! I thought we had a deal! Please don’t disturb me. I’m


1. Why does Paul call Marissa?

2. What is she doing?
3. Does she accept his proposition?
4. Why doesn’t she?
5. When does Marissa tell Paul that they can meet?
6. How many days are there left until then?
7. Does Paul give up on trying to get Marissa out of the house?
8. What does Marissa say when he calls her for the second time?


state school = şcoală de stat

private school = şcoală privată
nursery school / kindergarten = grădiniţă
primary school = şcoala primară
secondary school = şcoala secundară
high school = liceu
college = colegiu
higher education = studii superioare
university = universitate
medical school = facultatea de medicină
commercial / business school = facultate cu profil comercial / economic
subject = obiect de studiu, materie
optional subject = materie facultativă
compulsory subject = materie obligatorie
course = curs
exam = examen
oral exam = examen oral
written exam = examen scris
final exam = examen de absolvire
to prepare for an exam = a se pregăti pentru un examen
to take an exam = a da un examen
to pass an exam = a lua un examen
to fail an exam = a pica un examen

to cheat in an exam = a copia la un examen
credit = credit
graduate = subst.: absolvent
vb.: a absolvi, a încheia studiile
diploma = diplomă
he holds a diploma in economics = el este licenţiat în economie
to learn = a învăţa
to study = a studia
textbook = manual
homework = temă


Present continuous

is + verb + -ing (present participle)

I am studying
He is
She ‘s eating
We are
You ‘re singing

I am not studying
‘m not
He is not
She isn’t eating
We are not
You aren’t singing

What am I studying?
What is she eating?

What are you singing?

Short answers:

‘Are you listening to me?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ / ‘No, I’m not.’

‘Is Marie studying?’ ‘Yes, she is.’ / ‘No, she isn’t.’

We use the present continuous:

1. to talk about an action that is happening now

Examples: He is walking in the park (now).

They can’t go out because they are preparing for tomorrow’s

2. to talk about an action that is happening around now, but not

necessarily at the moment of speaking

Examples: She’s studying Mathematics at the university.

I’m reading a great novel by Hermann Hesse.

3. to express a future action that is already planned

Examples: I’m meeting Jane on Wednesday at 5 o’clock.

She’s starting her poetry classes next week.
What are you doing on Sunday?


1. Put the verbs in brackets at the present continuous tense:

1. What are you (do) ________ on Friday?

2. I (go) ________ to the movies.
3. He (watch) ________ you attentively.
4. They (read) ________ Bernard Shaw this semester.
5. We (listen) ________ to music now.
6. Are you (talk) ________ to me?

2. Transform the sentences from the previous exercise into


3. Translate into Romanian:

1. I hold a diploma in Architecture.

2. I’ve made my decision. I’m going to get higher education.
3. He failed the exam in business English.
4. What optional subjects are you going to follow?

4. Translate into English:

1. Anatomia este o materie obligatorie la facultatea de medicină.

2. Sylvia a trecut examenul la engleză.
3. Câte cursuri aveţi anul acesta?
4. Mike îşi face tema de la pagina 17 din manual (acum).

5. Practice

John wants to cheat at his final exam. Convince him not to. Tell him
how important it is to graduate honestly and underline the fact that he really
shouldn’t risk his diploma. Write at least 10 lines.


~ I’m going to be a doctor. ~

going to (future plans) + professions/jobs

11.1. Reading & Speaking
11.2. Basic Vocabulary
11.3. Grammar Reference

- introducerea şi însuşirea vocabularului referitor la profesii
- exprimarea planurilor de viitor cu ajutorul lui “going to”

Conţinutul lecţiei are în vedere însuşirea vocabularului de bază din
domeniul profesional şi întrebuinţarea în limbajul curent, prin exprimarea
planurilor de viitor.


Situation: Paul and Marissa are visiting Mark and his girlfriend,
Jane. After discussing about several things, they reach the subjects of
professions and future plans.

Jane: Are you still a student, Marissa?

Marissa: Yes, I am.
Jane: What are you studying?
Marissa: Medicine.
Jane: And this is what you’ve always wanted to do?
Marissa: Of course. I’ve never pictured myself doing something else.
Jane: And what are you going to do after you graduate?
Marissa: I’m going to work in a hospital. I’m going to be a doctor. In fact,
I’m going to be a pediatrist. I love working with kids.
Jane: What about you, Paul? What are you studying?
Paul: Economics.
Jane: And what do you intend do to afterwards?
Paul: I intend to work in a multinational bank. I’m going to be a loan
officer and maybe a branch manager some day.
Mark: Well, I’m definitely going to be a painter. I really enjoy spending
time in my studio, painting. I could stay in there for hours.

Marissa: And you, Jane? You haven’t told us what your future career plans
Paul: Mark has just told us you are studying Architecture.
Jane: Yes, and I guess I’m going to be a house decorator. At least, this
is the career I want to pursue.
Mark: Well, I wish you all good luck in achieving your goals!
Jane: It’s nine o’clock. What do you want to do now?
Mark: Grab your coats and let’s all go for a walk downtown. How about
Paul: Sure! … Marissa? Is it fine with you?
Marissa: Certainly. Why not?
Jane: Wonderful! It’s going to be great!


1. Where have Paul and Marissa been invited to?

2. Who is Jane?
3. What are they all discussing about?
4. What is Marissa going to be?
5. Is Paul going to be a lawyer?
6. Where does Paul intend to work?
7. Does Mark enjoy painting?
8. Is Jane going to be a house decorator?
9. Is this the career she wants to pursue?
10. What do they finally decide to do?


Jobs & Professions

accountant/book keeper - contabil
actor/actress - actor, actriţă
architect - arhitect
barman /bartender - barman
businessman /executive – afacerist, om de afaceri, director
carpenter - tâmplar
chef – bucătar şef
civil servant - funcţionar public, de stat
clerk – funcţionar (comercial), contabil, notar
computer operator / programmer – operator, programator
cook – bucătar
dancer – dansator, dansatoare
decorator - decorator
dentist - dentist
designer – designer
director – director, membru în consiliul de administraţie
film director - regizor
doctor/physician – doctor, medic
driver – şofer

economist - economist
editor – redactor (şef)
electrician - electrician
engineer – inginer
chemist/pharmacist – farmacist
fire fighter/fireman - pompier
fisherman - pescar
flight attendant – însoţitoare de zbor, stewardesă
hairdresser – coafor, coafeză, frizer
head master/teacher – director de şcoală, şef de catedră
jeweler - bijutier
journalist – ziarist, jurnalist
judge - judecător
lawyer - avocat
lecturer – conferenţiar
loan officer – ofiţer de credit
manager – director, administrator
branch manager – director de filială
mechanic - mecanic
musician - muzician
news reader / news presenter – prezentator de ştiri
nurse - asistentă
painter/artist - pictor
photographer - fotograf
pilot - pilot
plumber - instalator
police officer/policeman – ofiter de poliţie, poliţist
politician - politician
receptionist - recepţionist
sailor – marinar
salesperson – agent de vânzări
scientist – om de ştiinţă
secretary – secretar
singer – cântăreţ
soldier - soldat
solicitor - jurisconsult
surgeon - chirurg
tailor - croitor
teacher/professor – profesor, profesor universitar
travel agent – agent de turism
waiter/waitress – chelner/chelneriţă
writer – scriitor

airport – aeroport
travel agency – agenţie de voiaj
bank – bancă
bar – bar
dentist’s – cabinet dentar

surgery – cabinet medical
café – cafenea
savings bank – casă de economii
hairdresser’s – coafor
tailor’s – croitorie
dry-cleaner’s – curăţătorie chimică
university, faculty – universitate, facultate
chemist’s/pharmacy – farmacie
railway station – gară
hotel – hotel
motel – motel
museum – muzeu
opera house – operă
police (station) – poliţie
post-office – poştă
restaurant – restaurant
insurance company – companie de asigurări
hospital – spital
school – şcoală
theatre – teatru
tribunal – tribunal


Going to

I am
to be a singer.
You/we/they listen to music.
are going to to study English.
He/She is leave on Saturday.
work in an office.

Compare the following situations:

Now: I am an economist. In the future: I am going to be an economist.

I am in Paris. I am going to be in Paris.

We use going to when we say what we have already decided to do, what we
intend to do in the future.

Examples: I’m going to the seaside next summer.

She’s going to be a lawyer when she graduates.
We are going to the cinema tomorrow.
They are going to buy a television.


1. Translate into Romanian (use your dictionaries):

- fisherman, farmer, undertaker, baker, butcher, construction worker, miner,

astronaut, researcher, gardener, florist, foreman, cashier, surveyor.

2. Make up sentences with at least ten words from the

vocabulary section.

3. Translate into English:

1. Mă duc la o petrecere în seara asta, dar nu ştiu cu ce să mă îmbrac.

2. Uită-te la cer! Cred că va ploua în curând.
3. Nu ştiu ce va face acum.
4. Ea va lucra la o companie italiană.
5. El îşi va cumpara o maşină nouă.
6. Noi vom merge la cinematograf.
7. Săptămâna viitoare plec în Grecia.
8. Intenţionez să-mi reînnoiesc garderoba
9. Robert îşi va zugrăvi biroul în alb.
10. Te uiţi la televizor în seara asta?

4. Practice

What do you do? Write about your job/profession.


~ At the cinema ~

prepositions + the weather

12.1. Reading & Speaking
12.2. Basic Vocabulary
12.3. Grammar Reference

- introducerea vocabularului referitor la ieşirile mondene
- dobândirea capacităţii de a purta o conversaţie legată de acestea şi de a
lansa o invitaţie la o astfel de ieşire
- însuşirea terminologiei şi a expresiilor despre vreme
- cunoaşterea şi folosirea principalelor prepoziţii din limba engleză

Această lecţie îşi propune studierea vocabularului legat de ieşirile
mondene, dar şi a celui referitor la vreme, cât şi întrebuinţarea în limbajul
Din punct de vedere gramatical, se insistă atât asupra cunoaşterii
prepoziţiilor, cât şi asupra utilizării corecte a acestora.


Situation: As Paul’s job interview was a total success, it is only

natural that it should be followed by a celebration. So Paul decides to talk to
Marissa and find a way to celebrate his new job.

Paul: So, what should we do today?

Marissa: Well, I was thinking about going out in the park for a picnic, but
since it’s raining, I guess we’ll have to find something else to do.
Paul: How about going to that new dancing club that opened last week?
Marissa: I don’t know what to say. I don’t really feel like dancing.
Paul: Should we go to the theatre?
Marissa: I’ve checked this week’s programme and there’s nothing in it for
Paul: How about the opera?
Marissa: Sorry! Nothing either.
Paul: Do you want to go some place for dinner then?
Marissa: Not really, I’m afraid. I’m on a diet.
Paul: I’ve got it! We’ll go to the cinema.
Marissa: That sounds good! What film is playing tonight?

Paul: It’s Sweet November.
Marissa: Who’s in the cast?
Paul: Well, I think it’s Charlize Theron and Keanu Reeves.
Marissa: Great! I love them both.
Paul: It’s settled then. We’re going to the cinema. I’ll pick you up at
seven o’clock.
Marissa: O.K.!

At the cinema:

Marissa: Look at the poster Paul! It looks promising, doesn’t it?

Paul: Yes, it does. Let’s go in now!


1. What are Paul and Marissa celebrating?

2. Why can’t they go out for a picnic?
3. Do they go dancing? Why?
4. Do they choose the theatre or the opera?
5. Why doesn’t Marissa want to eat out?
6. What is their final choice?
7. What movie is on?
8. When does Paul pick Marissa up?


Going out
cinema = cinematograf disco = discotecă
at the cinema / the movies = la nightclub = club de noapte
cinematograf. club = club
theatre = teatru bar = bar
opera = operă pub = pub
cast = distribuţie restaurant = restaurant
museum = muzeu casino = cazinou
show = spectacol, reprezentaţie funfair = parc de distracţii
circus = circ races = curse

The weather
nice weather = vreme bună a rainy day = o zi ploioasă
bad weather = vreme rea precipitation = precipitaţii
dreadful weather = vreme storm = furtună
groaznică stormy weather = vreme
a fine day = o zi frumoasă furtunoasă
sun = soare a flash of lightning = un trăsnet
a sunny day = o zi însorită a thunder = un tunet
cloud = nor wind = vânt
cloudy = înnorat the wind is blowing = bate vântul
rain = ploaie snow = zăpadă

it’s snowing = ninge it’s chilly = este răcoare
snowflakes = fulgi de zăpadă it’s cold = este frig
temperature = temperatură it’s freezing = este îngheţat
it’s warm = este cald frost = ger
it’s hot = este foarte cald


Main prepositions and their use:

at: - indicates the place:

We are at the station.
- indicates the time:
She’s coming at 8 o’clock.
- indicates a target:
He threw a rock at me.
- indicates a state:
These are men at work.

by: - signifies near or next to:

The mailbox is by the bus stop.
- indicates the creator of a work:
We’ve seen a play by William Shakespeare.
- indicates a followed rule:
I sorted the items by category.
- indicates the amount of some progression:
Our stock is up by 10%.
- in the formula x by x, indicates a progression, one x after another:
She read the book page by page.
- indicates the means of transport used:
I went to the seaside by train / by bus / by car / by plane etc.

in: - indicates containment:

There is water in the glass.
- indicates the surrounding:
We are in the city walls.

of: - indicates belonging or association:

This is a friend of mine.
- indicates containment:
Please bring me a cup of coffee.
- indicates material:
This furniture is made of wood.

on: - indicates location:

There’s a carpet on the floor.
- indicates the date:
I’ll see you on Friday.

- indicates the subject of something:
This is a book on history.

to: - indicates direction:

I’m going to Rome.
- used after certain adjectives, it indicates a relationship:
Don’t be cruel to me!
This problem is similar to the one we had last week.


1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions:

1. Anna has returned ______ her home town.

2. Are the boys still swimming ______ the pool?
3. The baby spilled the milk ______ the floor.
4. I went home ______ bus.
5. I want a glass _____ milk.
6. I’m reading a novel ______ William Faulkner.

2. Describe each of the four seasons using the words and

expressions in the vocabulary section.

3. Translate into Romanian:

1. This is a very harsh winter. Let’s go in! I’m freezing.

2. It’s raining cats and dogs. I can’t leave without an umbrella.
3. There were thunders and flashes of lightening… It was a terrible storm.
4. Look at that funny snowman that those kids are making!

4. Translate into English:

1. Mâine voi merge la gară cu autobuzul.

2. Copiii studiază un roman de Henry James.
3. Janice va ajunge în Canada sâmbătă la ora 5.
4. Te voi urmări pas cu pas.

5. Practice

You are inviting your girlfriend / boyfriend to the theatre. Write

down your dialogue. Talk about the programme, about the play that you are
going to see, about the actors playing it etc.


~ Are you free for the weekend? ~

modal verbs + making plans

13.1. Reading & Speaking
13.2. Basic Vocabulary
13.3. Grammar Reference

Însuşirea cuvintelor şi expresiilor referitoare la:
- organizarea planurilor şi stabilirea activităţilor pentru petrecerea
timpului liber
- folosirea acestora într-un context adecvat
- introducerea principalelor verbe modale şi cunoaşterea situaţiilor în
care ele sunt utilizate

Această lecţie cuprinde cele mai uzuale cuvinte şi expresii
referitoare la organizarea planurilor şi stabilirea activităţilor pentru
petrecerea timpului liber şi folosirea acestora în conversaţie, într-un context
Textul conţine principalele verbe modale care apar în situaţii de
utilizare diferită.


Situation: It is Thursday afternoon. Paul and Marissa are talking

about their plans for the weekend and they can’t seem to decide what to do.

Paul: Can I ask you something?

Marissa: Of course.
Paul: Are you busy tonight?
Marissa: I have something planned but I could…
Paul: I understand. What about the weekend? Are you free then?
Marissa: I don't have anything scheduled. I'm free all weekend. Why? Do
you want to do something?
Paul: Let’s see…we could go to the cinema. What do you think?
Marissa: Well, we could do that, but we already did that two weeks ago. I
feel like doing something different.
Paul: We may go dancing. Do you feel like it?
Marissa: We might do this on Saturday. You know I love to go dancing.
Paul: And tomorrow? Would you like to go the theatre?

Marissa: That sounds good. And maybe after, we could go bowling.
Paul: I would really enjoy that. So, what time shall I pick you up? Is 6
o’clock all right with you?
Marissa: Well, I don’t know what to say. Maybe we should meet there at
6.30. There is something I really have to do first. Unless…Never
mind. 6 o’clock is fine with me.
Paul: So, it’s all settled. It’s going to be fun, you’ll see.
Marissa: I can’t wait for the weekend to come…


1. Is Marissa free for the weekend?

2. Does Marisa want to go to the cinema?
3. What does she want to do this time?
4. What’s Paul’s second proposition?
5. Does Marissa like to go dancing?
6. What is their plan for Friday?
7. What does Marissa propose to do after the theatre?
8. Do they decide to meet at 7 o’clock?
9. Does Paul offer himself to pick Marissa up?
10. Are they satisfied with the plans they’ve made?


Useful words and expressions

Are you busy tonight? – Eşti ocupat(ă) în seara asta?

Are you free for the weekend? – Eşti liber(ă) în weekend?
What are you doing this Saturday? – Ce faci sâmbăta asta?
I don’t have anything scheduled – Nu am nimic programat/stabilit
I’m free all weekend – Sunt liber(ă) pe toată durata weekend-ului
I'm open tomorrow evening – Sunt liber(ă) mâine seară
Do you want to do something? – Vrei să facem ceva?
Unfortunatelly, I have plans this weekend – Din păcate, mi-am făcut planuri
pentru acest weekend
Sorry, I'm kind of busy tonight – Îmi pare rău, sunt cam ocupat(ă) în seara
Let’s see … we could go to the cinema – Păi, să vedem … am putea să
mergem la cinematograf
We may go dancing – Am putea/putem să mergem la dans
Would you like to go to the theatre? – Ţi-ar plăcea să mergem la teatru?/Ai
vrea/vrei să mergem la teatru?
We could go bowling – Am putea/putem să mergem la bowling
Sounds good – Sună bine/sunt de acord
I would really enjoy that – Mi-ar face mare placere să …


Modal Verbs

The most common modal auxiliaries in English are:

can should
could must
may will
might would


1. Modals form the negative by adding the verb not:

Example: She cannot swim, but she can ride the bike.

2. Modals form the interrogative:

Example: Could you help me, please?

3. Modals don’t add –s at the 3rd person singular, at Present Simple:

Example: He might help us.

4. We always use the short infinitive after modals:

Example: You may sit down.


1. Can/Could

Examples: She can paint. (expressing ability)

Can I ask you something? (asking for permission)
They could mean well. (possibility)

2. May/Might

Examples: May I come in? (permission)

I might take you up on that. (possibility)

3. Shall/Should

Examples: Shall we meet in front of the theatre? (suggestion)

Should we agree with him? (asking for advice)

3. Must

Examples: He really must go now. (strong obligation)

You must clean your room.

4. Will/Would

Examples: Will you give me a hand, please? (polite request)

Would you sign here, please? (polite request – more
conventional than will)


1. Translate into Romanian:

1. The film must be starting any minute.

2. I must leave now.
3. She can help us.
4. Could you bring me my coat, please?
5. You could be right.
6. Might I interfere in your conversation?
7. May I join you?
8. She couldn’t have done that.
9. I would rather go with him.
10. I was not able to convince her she was wrong.

2. Translate into English:

1. El va trebui să plătească pentru ceea ce a făcut.

2. Ştii să vorbeşti englezeşte?
3. Trebuie să vorbesc cu părinţii tăi.
4. Ar trebui să-ţi vizitezi bunicii mai des.
5. Ce vrei să mănânci astăzi?
6. Aş dori să dai muzica mai încet.
7. Poţi să mă ajuţi puţin? Nu sunt în stare să mă descurc singur.
8. Ar trebui să-l asculţi ce spune. Are dreptate.
9. Ea nu poate să conducă.
10. Nu pot să rezolv problema asta fără ajutorul vostru.

3. Make up ten sentences with the modals given above.

4. Practice

Divide into groups. Establish appoitments for tomorrow.


~ Let’s move in together. ~

countable nouns / uncountable nouns

14.1. Reading & Speaking
14.2. Basic Vocabulary
14.3. Grammar Reference

- însuşirea vocabularului referitor la locuinţă şi mobilier
- dobândirea capacităţii de a folosi în limbajul curent aceste noţiuni
- cunoaşterea şi folosirea corectă a substantivelor cu şi fără formă de

Această lecţie urmăreşte familiarizarea cu vocabularul englezesc
legat de locuinţă şi mobilier, de obţinerea capacităţii de utilizare a acestuia
în limbajul curent, avându-se în acelaşi timp în vedere, şi problematica de
ordin gramatical a substantivelor cu şi fără formă de plural.


Situation: Paul and Marissa have been together for several months
now. Their relationship has become more and more stable. Presently, they
are both thinking about moving in together, but none of them has the
courage to say it out loud. This evening, as they are walking home after a
party, while chatting about the food, the drinks, the music, and the people
that were there, Paul approaches the subject.

Paul: Marissa… I was thinking… We’ve been together for a few

months now and… you know… I’ve loved every minute spent
with you.
Marissa: I feel the same.
Paul: Since we’re getting along so well and we see each other almost
every day, why wouldn’t we spend more time together…?
Marissa: More time? But I have my classes at the university and you’re
working now. We’re already spending all of our spare time
Paul: You’re not reading me Marissa! What I was saying actually…
Marissa: Wait! I think I’ve got it!
Paul and Marissa: Let’s move in together!
Paul: This is such a relief! I wasn’t sure you wanted this too.

Marissa: Of course I do!
Paul: Great! Oh! By the way, we need some furniture for our new
Marissa: Let’s just buy a table, a bed, a wardrobe, and a few shelves first
and we’ll worry about the rest later.
Paul: Well, what about a cosy sofa?
Marissa: And a mirror and…


1. Have Paul and Marissa been together for a long time?

2. What’s on their mind?
3. Which one of them finds the courage to open the subject?
4. How does Paul approach the subject?
5. What is Marissa’s reaction?
6. What do they need for their new place?
7. Which are the first items that Marissa suggests to buy?
8. Does Paul have anything to add to that list? What about her?


flat = apartament table = masă

block of flats = bloc de apartamente dining table = masă de sufragerie
studio = garsonieră kitchen table = masă de bucătărie
house = casă bedside table = noptieră
my home / my place = locuinţa mea tablecloth = faţă de masă
floor = etaj chair = scaun
ground floor = parter armchair = fotoliu
first floor = etajul întâi sofa = canapea
third floor = etajul al treilea water closet = WC
loft = mansardă bath = cadă de baie
door = uşă shower = duş
window = fereastră tap = robinet
chimney = coş washbasin / sink = chiuvetă
roof = acoperiş electrical appliances = aparatură
yard = curte electrocasnică
garage = garaj cooker = aragaz
swimming pool = piscină central heating = încălzire centrală
cupboard = dulap lamp = lampă
wardrobe = dulap de haine power point / plug = priză
bed = pat wall / grandfather clock = ceas de
mattress = saltea perete
pillow = pernă alarm clock = ceas deşteptător
sheet = cearşaf mirror = oglindă
blanket = pătură curtains = perdele
shelf = raft blinds = jaluzele
bookcase = bibliotecă carpet = covor
bureau = birou mat = preş

wastepaper basket = coş de hârtii dustbin = tomberon
rubbish bin = găleată de gunoi doorbell = sonerie


Countable nouns

Countable nouns refer to things that we can count. They can take either
singular or plural form.

- concrete nouns
Examples: There are four chairs at my kitchen table.
I bought a new mat for my front door.

- collective nouns
Examples: She attended three classes today.
London is home to several orchestras.

- some proper nouns

Example: There are many Romanians living in Spain.

Uncountable nouns

Uncountable nouns refer to things that we cannot count. They take only
singular form.

- abstract nouns
Example: Her writing shows maturity and intelligence.

- some concrete nouns (when understood in their undivided sense)

Examples: The price of oil has stabilized recently.
May I borrow some rice?

Categories of uncountable nouns:

- abstract: advice, help, information, knowledge, trouble, work,
enjoyment, fun, recreation, relaxation
- material: meat, rice, bread, cake, coffee, ice cream, water, oil,
grass, hair
- generic: fruit, wildlife, equipment, machinery, furniture, mail,
luggage, jewellery, clothing, money
- non-plurals with –s: mathematics, economics, physics, civics,
ethics, news


1. Divide into groups.

Use your dictionaries to find the names of all the rooms in a house.

2. Make up five sentences with countable nouns, and five

sentences with uncountable nouns.

3. Translate into Romanian:

1. I didn’t find the novel on my bureau. I’ll have to look in the bookcase.
2. Would you like to sit on that chair or would you prefer to make yourself
comfortable in the armchair?
3. I’ve just moved to London. I don’t have my own place yet. For the
moment I’ve rented a studio.
4. We are living in a block of flats but we are thinking about moving to a

4. Translate into English:

1. Nu mai trebuie să spăl vasele. Mi-am cumpărat o maşină de spălat vase.

2. Diana locuieşte într-un apartament mare, cu patru camere, un hol, o
bucătărie şi două băi.
3. Covorul tău este murdar. Ar trebui să foloseşti mai des aspiratorul.
4. N-am dormit bine azi noapte. Salteaua a fost prea tare, iar pernele prea

5. Practice

Describe your room. Write at least 20 lines.


~ What did you do yesterday? ~

past simple + past activities

15.1. Reading & Speaking
15.2. Basic Vocabulary
15.3. Grammar Reference

- fixarea cunoştinţelor şi noţiunilor gramaticale legate de forma şi
folosirea trecutului simplu.
- relatarea corectă a unor activităţi cu ajutorul trecutului simplu.

În această lecţie s-a insistat asupra aspectelor şi noţiunilor
gramaticale care fac referire la forma şi utilizarea trecutului simplu, precum
şi relatarea unor activităţi trecute, încheiate, prin intermediul acestui timp


Situation: Marissa and her best friend Sarah haven’t seen each other
for several weeks, due to the fact Sarah was out of town for a business trip.
It is Tuesday morning and the girls are chatting over a cup of coffee. Sarah
is just telling Marissa about the strange happenings from the previous day.

Marissa: Tell me, what did you do yesterday?

Sarah: Well, yesterday I had a rather busy and unusual day from the
moment I woke up in the morning till I got back home late in the
evening. First, there was the phone. It didn’t stop ringing all day. It
seemed like everybody wanted something from me that day. Then,
at around 9 o’clock, my cousin Margaret came to visit me. She
said she wanted to go for a walk in the park.
Marissa: Your cousin? A walk in the park? But she hates doing that.
Sarah: Exactly. She said she wanted to exercise a bit. So, I put my training
suit on, I took the dog and went outside. You know Margaret…she
doesn’t take no for an answer.
Marissa: I certainly know that. Still, I absolutely love her. She’s so funny
and pleasant. So, what happened next?
Sarah: At 12 o’clock I got back home. I was already exhausted. Max
carried me through the entire park. I wasn’t able to keep up with
him. I don’t understand. Max is usually so lazy.
Marissa: And your cousin? What did she do all this time?

Sarah: She sat on the first bench she laid her eyes on, she bought herself a
magazine and she didn’t move the whole time we were there. At 2
o’clock I had to go for my dentist appointment, but when I got there
my dentist told me that I had the wrong day, though I was absolutely
sure it was the right one. Fortunately, somebody cancelled their
appointment at the last moment, so he was able to attend me instead.
Marissa: Go on! I can barely wait to hear what happened next.
Sarah: On my way home I stopped to buy the things I needed to cook
dinner, I took a taxi and right at that moment I remembered I still
had to pick up my coat from the dry-cleaning. Unfortunately, when I
got there, it was already closed. At 8 o clock sharp, I finally got
home and…
Marissa: And what?
Sarah: My coat was there hanging on the hallstand. I was so amazed. I
couldn’t believe my eyes. Right next to the phone, there was a note.
It said: “I know you are very busy, so I thought this might be helpful
for you. See you on Saturday. Love, mother ” …


1. What are Marissa and Sarah talking about?

2. How did Sarah’s day start?
3. Who came to visit Sarah at 9 o’clock?
4. What did Margaret want to do?
5. Does Margaret enjoy going for walks in the park?
6. Where did Sarah have to go at 2 o’clock?
7. Was the dry-cleaning still open when Sarah got there?
8. What time did she get home?
9. What did Sarah see?
10. Who left her the note by the phone?


rather – destul (de), mai degrabă lazy – leneş, comod

busy – ocupat, activ entire – tot, total
unusual – neobişnuit, ieşit din whole – întreg, tot
comun appointment – întâlnire, oră fixată
to seem – a părea (la dentist, etc.)
to exercise – a face mişcare to cancel – a anula
training suit – trening to attend – a asista, a se ocupa de
certainly – fără îndoială, bineînţeles instead – în schimb
pleasant – plăcut barely – abia, doar
exhausted – epuizat, extrem de obosit dry-cleaning – curăţătorie
to keep up – a ţine pasul, a menţine


The Past Simple Tense

We went to the theatre yesterday.

Did We go to the theatre
You yesterday?

We didn’t go to the theatre yesterday.


The normal rule is that regular verbs form their past tense by adding
–ed to the short infinitive and irregular verbs form this tense in different
ways which must be learnt for each verb in part.
We form the interrogative and the negative past of both regular and
irregular verbs with the auxiliary DO (past form - DID) plus the short
infinitive of the verb to be conjugated. (Note: the Simple Past Tense is in
fact also known as the narrative tense).


1. to denote repeated, habitual actions in the past:

Examples: I went to the cinema every week.

My sister ate an orange a day.

2. to express past actions completed at a specified time:

Examples: She wrote two letters yesterday.

He played tennis last month.

3. to denote actions which occupied a length of time now

Examples: My father taught French for ten years.

4. to enumerate a series of actions which are usually part of a


Examples: She opened the door, entered the room and took off her


1. Turn the following sentences from the Present Simple Tense

into the Past Simple Tense:

1. I usually meet him on my way to school.

2. She always wears red.
3. Her children play in the park every afternoon.
4. Paul drinks a cup of tea every morning.
5. They visit their relatives twice a year.
6. She talks too much.
7. He listens to music in the evening
8. Mary eats an apple every day.
9. His aunt never dresses in pink.
10. My family is composed of five members.

2. Turn the following sentences into negatives:

1. I washed my car last week.

2. She went to the seaside two days ago.
3. He left for Venice yesterday.
4. We moved to Prague in 1995.
5. I was born in 1980.
6. My brother drove to school today.
7. They got married in September.
8. You were here last year.
9. I took care of you all this time.
10. He always loved her.

3. Translate the above sentences into Romanian.

4. Translate into English:

1. Am mâncat o prăjitură cu ciocolată ieri.

2. El a primit o scrisoare de cinci pagini de la soţia sa acum două luni.
3. Ai fost la bancă lunea trecută?
4. Piesa a început la ora şapte seara.
5. Bunicul meu a murit în 1993.
6. Shakespeare a scris 154 sonete.
7. Am locuit în San Francisco timp de trei ani.
8. Bărbatul a privit-o, s-a apropiat de ea şi i-a dat florile.
9. M-am ridicat din pat, am coborât scările şi am deschis uşa.
10. El şi-a rupt piciorul ieri la şcoală.

5. Practice

Write about a strange happening in your life. Use Past Simple.


~ How do you do? ~

copula verbs + basic business terminology

16.1. Reading & Speaking
16.2. Basic Vocabulary
16.3. Grammar Reference

- dobândirea vocabularului necesar în a aborda un eventual partener de
afaceri în limba engleză, în vederea stabilirii unui prim contact
- însuşirea unui vocabular de bază din domeniul afacerilor
- întrebuinţarea corectă în limba engleză a verbelor copulative

Lecţia îşi propune o scurtă introducere în limbajul de bază al lumii
afacerilor, având în vedere în primul rând dobândirea abilităţii de a stabili
un prim contact de afaceri. În ceea ce priveşte partea de gramatică, atenţia
noastră se va îndrepta asupra folosirii gramatical corecte a verbelor
copulative în limba engleză.


Situation: Paul is in Venice. He has received an invitation to attend

a conference there. Now he is in the hall with some other participants. They
are having a small break. While having a snack or a coffee, they are
exchanging impressions about the conference.

Jack Coleman: Quite an expert, the last speaker, don’t you think?
Paul: As a matter of fact, I do. I happen to know Mr. Seymour and
I’ve always been impressed with his work.
Jack Coleman: I’ve seen a couple of his books and they all seem interesting,
but the way he speaks on the stage … Well, it’s pretty
amazing! Now I’m impatient to read them all.
Paul: Well, you should do that. All of his research work is quite
Jack Coleman: He really seems passionate about his work. I would really
like to have the opportunity to talk to him and ask him a
few questions.
Paul: I think I might be able to help you. I could introduce you to
Mr. Seymour tonight at the cocktail after the conference.

Jack Coleman: That would be great! Oh, by the way! I don’t believe we’ve
met. I’m Jack Coleman.
Paul: How do you do Mr. Coleman! I’m Paul Blake.
Jack Coleman: How do you do? Please call me Jack.
Paul: Certainly. Do call me Paul. And … here’s my card.
Jack Coleman: Thank you and here’s mine.
Paul: Thank you. Look! They’re all getting inside. The break must
be over.
Jack Coleman: I guess it is. Let’s go in.
Paul: OK. See you in the evening then!
Jack Coleman: Very well. Have a nice day!
Paul: You too, Jack!


1. Where is Paul?
2. On what purpose is he there?
3. Who approaches him?
4. Where do they meet?
5. What do they exchange impressions about?
6. What does Paul suggest?
7. Who introduces himself first?
8. What do they give each other?


to establish / make a business contact = a stabili un contact de afaceri

to do business with … = a face afaceri cu …
businessman = om de afaceri
businesswoman = femeie de afaceri
businesspeople = oameni de afaceri
business partner = partener de afaceri
partnership = parteneriat
customer = client
prospect / prospective customer = potenţial client
supplier = furnizor
holding company = societate-mamă
subsidiary = filială
Board of Directors = Consiliu de administraţie
manager = director, manager
executive = director executiv
shareholders = acţionari
shares = acţiuni
wholesaler = angrosist
retailer = detailist

Common abbreviations in English company names:

plc = public limited company = S.A.

Ltd = limited liability = S.R.L.
Inc. (U.S.A.) = incorporated = corporaţie constituită legal


Copula verbs

Copulas or copula verbs are the verbs that we use to join an adjective with
the subject.

Examples: His intentions seem good.

You look tired.
This cake tastes good.

Some of the most frequent copula verbs are:

appear, be, become, feel, get, go, grow, keep, look, seem, smell, sound,
stay, taste, turn etc.

Examples: This player appears promising.

This conference is interesting.
She is becoming smarter.
The girl’s teddy bear feels so soft.
We’re all getting old.
He’s growing bigger and bigger.
I’m going crazy.
Keep quiet, please.
Your perfume smells nice.
That sounds great!
How can you stay so young?
The moon is turning brighter.

Note: Look carefully at the examples above. You will notice that some of
the copulas were used to express change (become, get, grow, go, turn),
while other copula verbs were used to say that things did not change (keep,


1. Make up 10 sentences using copula verbs.

Two of them must express change, while other two of them will talk about
things that do not change.

2. Make up 10 sentences using the words and expressions in the

vocabulary section.

3. Translate into Romanian:

1. We do a lot of business with Pepsi.

2. This is the main shareholder of the company. He holds 40% of the
3. The chain of commerce basically includes: the producer, the
wholesaler, the retailer and the customer.
4. This issue will be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors.

4. Translate into English:

1. Dorim să stabilim un contact de afaceri cu compania dumneavoastră.

2. La conferinţă au participat oameni de afaceri foarte importanţi.
3. Directorul nostru a luat decizia să deschidem o filială în New York.
4. Dă-mi voie să ţi-l prezint pe David Johnson, unul din cei mai de
încredere parteneri de afaceri ai mei.

5. Practice

Role play:
Situation: You are at a trade fair in London. You work in advertising.
You want to establish a few contacts with prospective customers.
Tasks: 1.You are approaching two different persons. Write down a short
script with one of your colleagues.
2. Play the roles in your script successively: you are approaching
your colleague and vice versa.


~ A telephone conversation ~

Wh- question words + telephone language

17.1. Reading & Speaking
17.2. Basic Vocabulary
17.3. Grammar Reference

- însuşirea principalelor noţiuni şi expresii legate de stabilirea şi fixarea
unei întâlniri de afaceri.
- introducerea limbajului specific folosit în timpul unei conversaţii
telefonice de afaceri.
- fixarea cunoştinţelor referitoare la utilizarea celor mai uzuale cuvinte

Lecţia cuprinde principalele noţiuni şi expresii folosite la stabilirea şi
fixarea unei întâlniri de afaceri, precum şi vocabularul specific unei
conversaţii telefonice de afaceri.
S-a pus accent pe prezentarea şi folosirea corectă într-un context dat,
a celor mai uzuale cuvinte interogative.


Situation: It has been a month since the conference in Venice. Mr.

Jack Coleman calls Paul to make an appointment. They settle for the
following Wednesday at 2 p.m.

Jack Coleman: Hello. Paul? This is Jack Coleman.

Paul: Oh, hello, Jack. I didn’t recognise your voice. How nice to
hear from you again. How are you?
Jack Coleman: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
Paul: I can’t complain. Things are going well.
Jack Coleman: The reason I’m calling is to ask if you are available to
discuss a business matter I’m very interested in.
Paul: Certainly. Could you give me more details?
Jack Coleman: Well, perhaps we could get together to talk about it.
Paul: Of course. I believe I’ll be open some time next week. When would
you like us to meet?
Jack Coleman: Great. Let’s make an appointment. Would Monday at 12.30
be fine with you?

Paul: I’m afraid I can’t make it on Monday. It is an extremely busy
day for me.
Jack Coleman: I see. What about Wednesday, let’s say at 2 p.m.? Are you
free then?
Paul: Let me have a look at my agenda. Yes, Wednesday would be
just perfect. I don’t have anything scheduled that afternoon.
Jack Coleman: O.K. I’ll see you then. I’m glad you’ve agreed to meet me. I
really want your opinion on this.
Paul: Where shall we meet?
Jack Coleman: Maybe the Royal Inn? Is that all right with you?
Paul: Wonderful. Good-bye, Mr. Coleman.
Jack Coleman: Good-bye, Paul.


1. Who does Paul get a call from?

2. Is Mr. Jack Coleman Paul’s employer?
3. What is the reason for Mr. Coleman’s phone call?
4. Does Paul agree to meet with Mr. Coleman?
5. What day does he suggest first?
6. Is Paul available on Monday?
7. Do they settle for Friday morning?
8. Do they change the day of their meeting?
9. What time do they finally agree upon?
10. What place do they decide to meet?


appointment/meeting – întâlnire
agenda/schedule/ – agendă, program
to call/to phone – a telefona
to make/to fix an appointment – a stabili, a fixa o întâlnire
to be available/open/free – a fi disponibil, liber
to get together/to meet – a se întâlni
to schedule – a programa
Hello. This is/It’s… - Bună ziua. Sunt…(urmat de numele persoanei)
How nice to hear from you – Mă bucur/Ce bine îmi pare să vă aud
How are you? - Ce mai faceţi?
I’m fine, thank you – Sunt bine, mulţumesc
And you? – Dumneavoastră?
Are you available/free on…? – Sunteţi liber/disponibil pe…?
I’m afraid I can’t make it on… - Nu cred că ajung.../Nu ne putem întâlni…
What about/How about..(day) – Atunci, ce ziceţi de…?
Is that all right with you? – Sunteţi de acord?/ Vă convine…?
I’ll see you then – Ne vedem la ora stabilită/atunci


Wh- question words

1. Person

Examples: Who is going to cook dinner today?

Who is he talking to?

2. Time

Examples: When did you finish school?

When was she born?

3. Place

Examples: Where are you from?

Where can I find a gas station?

4. Purpose

Examples: Why did they lie to me?

Why don’t you tell me the real reason you are here?

5. Manner

Examples: How do you get back from work?

How can we help him solve this problem?

6. Action/object/idea

Examples: What are you doing with that register?

What’s your job?


1. Translate into Romanian:

1. Who is that man standing there by the elevator? I haven’t seen him here
2. Who is going to attend our clients?
3. What are you talking about? I can’t believe he said such a thing about us.
4. What is the subject of our meeting?

5. Where is the head office of that company located?
6. Where is my briefcase? I can’t seem to find it.
7. When can I schedule my next appointment?
8. When is he going to talk to my business associate? It’s getting very late.
9. Why don’t you finish your project? You only have two days left.
10. How do you know if you’re doing the right thing?

2. Translate into English:

1. Care este capitala Elveţiei?

2. Cine este la telefon? Nu vă aud prea bine.
3. Alo. Pot vorbi cu domnul Morrison, vă rog?
4. Putem amâna întâlnirea noastră până mâine?
5. Cum putem să aflăm dacă el mai este încă în oraş?
6. De ce nu-l rogi pe şeful tău să-ţi dea o zi liberă?
7. Unde îmi sunt ochelarii? Erau aici pe noptieră.
8. Săptămâna asta am foarte mult de lucru.
9. Nu putem să luăm o astfel de decizie la telefon.
10. Trebuie să ne întâlnim joi la ora 3.

3. Make up sentences with the following words and phrases:

calendar, to make a phone call, arrangement, to have a busy schedule, to
cancel a meeting, to leave a message, to dial, tomorrow, to confirm, to be

4. Complete the following phone conversation:

A: Good afternoon. This is John Carter from A&A.

B: ………………………………………………………
A: Could I speak to Mr. Lewis, please?
B: ………………………………………………………
A: Oh, I see. It’s just that I really have to talk to him.
B: ………………………………………………………
A: Yes, please. Tell him I won’t be able to make it on Thursday. I have to
leave town for a couple of days.
B: ……………………………………………………...
A: Yes, thank you very much. I’ll call him later. Good-bye.

5. Practice

Work in pairs. Write down your own dialogue in which you fix a
meeting with a business partner over the telephone.


~A lunchtime appointment ~

the imperative + business communications

18.1. Reading & Speaking
18.2. Basic Vocabulary
18.3. Grammar Reference

- desfăşurarea unei întâlniri de afaceri
- cunoaşterea principalelor forme de comunicare în afaceri
- cunoaşterea şi folosirea corectă în limba engleză a modului imperativ

În cadrul acestui capitol, urmărim modul în care se derulează o
întâlnire de afaceri, având în vedere, în acelaşi timp, enumerarea şi definirea
principalelor forme de comunicare din lumea afacerilor. Secţiunea de
gramatică va face referire la modul imperativ şi folosirea lui corectă în
limba engleză.


Situation: It’s Wednesday, lunchtime. As established previously

over the phone, Jack Coleman and Paul get together. They are at the

Paul: It’s very nice to see you again. How are you?
Jack: I’m very well, thank you. And you?
Paul: Could be worse, I suppose. How’s business?
Jack: Going well, thank you. We’ve just opened a subsidiary in Paris and
I’ve been in charge of the whole project.
Paul: It must have been challenging.
Jack: Yes, that’s true. But it all turned out all right and now the satisfaction
is much greater than the effort.
Paul: I’m happy to hear this.
Jack: Thank you. Listen! I would like to know more about your company.
Perhaps we might start doing some business together sometime. As
for me, I’ll provide all the information you need to know about us.
Paul: That would be interesting.
Jack: I will send you an e-mail or a fax, or even a presentation CD.
Paul: OK. I’ll do the same. And after going through the materials, we can
talk over the phone and make another appointment.

Waiter: May I take your order, gentlemen?
Jack: Yes, thank you. And Paul, let’s forget about business for the moment!
One has to find the time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life …
Paul: You’re right. Let’s focus on our lunch then!


1. What day is it?

2. Who does Paul meet for lunch?
3. What has Jack been doing recently?
4. Is he happy with the results? Why?
5. What does Jack propose?
6. What does Paul think about it?
7. How does Jack decide to send Paul the information?
8. What does Paul suggest?


Here are the most common business communications:

phone call
phone call

The fax is mainly used when a quick written response is required.

The e-mail is the most currently used business communication. It may
contain little, as well as elaborated information, according to the situation.
The letter, although mostly replaced by e-mails nowadays, is generally used
when there is no urgency or when full details are required.
The phone call is also used on a daily basis in business, internally and
externally, mainly to communicate brief information or to make
The memo is an internal business communication generally used to pass
information from one colleague to another.


The imperative

the base form of the verb

do not / don’t + the base form of the verb

do + the base form of the verb

1. to give orders
Examples: Stop smoking in here!
Get out!

2. to give warnings
Examples: Be careful! You might fall.
Watch out! The train is coming!

3. to make informal offers or invitations

Examples: Come visit us sometime.
Have a coffee.

4. emphatic use – common in polite requests, complaints and

Examples: Do sit down.
Do try to be a little nicer to her.
Do forgive me. It was not my intention to offend you.

5. to make suggestions – let’s + the base form of the verb

Examples: Let’s take a seat.
Let’s go out tonight.


1. Translate into Romanian:

a. Stop staring at me like that! You’re making me feel uncomfortable.

b. Finish your meal and let’s go! We’re going to be late for work.
c. Get out of my room this instant!
d. Have a seat. You must be tired after such a long journey.

2. Translate into English:

a. Taci! Nu mai vreau să aud încă o dată povestea asta.

b. Haide să mergem la mare în această vară !
c. Nu te mai juca cu foarfeca, Mike ! E periculos.
d. Ai grijă ! Dacă te joci cu focul, s-ar putea să te arzi.

3. Practice I:

Paul and Jack receive the materials from each other; they both read them
and decide to develop a business relationship. Imagine and write down their
telephone conversation.

4. Practice II:

You are the sales representative for a health care production plant. The plant
has recently developed a new product: a chewable candy for children, rich
in minerals and vitamins.
a. Write a short memo for one of your colleagues, telling him that you
need his collaboration in launching the advertising campaign.
b. Write an e-mail for the plant’s customers, telling them about the new
product that is about to be launched on the market. Describe the
product and mention at least three of its advantages.


~Happy birthday~

If – clauses + holidays

19.1. Reading & Speaking
19.2. Basic Vocabulary
19.3. Grammar Reference

- însuşirea vocabularului referitor la urări şi sărbători în limba engleză
- dobândirea abilităţii de-a utiliza vocabularul englezesc referitor la
sărbători şi sărbătoriri
- exprimarea condiţionalului în limba engleză

Acest ultim capitol se va referi la sărbători şi sărbătoriri, având în
centru aniversarea Marissei. În acest context, studenţii se vor familiariza atât
cu urările şi celebrarea unei zile de naştere, cât şi cu vocabularul englezesc
specific celorlalte tipuri de sărbători şi aniversări. Secţiunea de gramatică va
avea în vedere exprimarea condiţionalului în limba engleză.


Situation: Time has gone by. Paul is busy building a career.

Business is going well. Marissa is about to finish school. Everything goes
all right for their family and friends.
Today is Marissa’s birthday. They’ve just had lunch with her family and
now they’re home in their apartment, preparing for a little party with their
best friends, Mark and Sarah. The doorbell is ringing.

Paul: You’d better get that, Marissa. Your guests must be arriving.
Marissa: OK. Paul. I’m coming!
Sarah: Hi Marissa! Happy birthday!
Mark: Happy birthday!
Marissa: Come in guys! Make yourselves comfortable. Mark, thank you for
the lovely flowers!
Mark: You’re welcome! But prepare yourself because there’s more to
Marissa: I’m happy just to have you here.
Sarah: I’ve got a little something for you too.

Marissa: Thank you! This bracelet is just beautiful! And the book …! Just
what I needed. If you didn’t bring it as a present, I would have
bought it myself. I saw it in a bookshop last week.
Mark: And this is my present for you.
Marissa: What a wonderful carpet! Very exotic.
Mark: I brought it from my last trip to Indonesia. I thought it might look
good in your new apartment.
Marissa: Thank you very much! It’s lovely. Hey! There’s our cook!
Mark: Hi Paul!
Sarah: Hi!
Paul: Hi guys!
Mark: What have you brought us there?
Paul: You’ll have to wait and see. All I’m saying is that it’s spaghetti,
and that it’s incredibly tasty.
Sarah: Mm, sounds good!
Paul: Can I get you anything to drink? We’ve got mineral water, orange
juice, tea, coffee, coke …
Mark: Forget about all that! Bring some alcohol man! We must drink to
your girlfriend’s health, happiness and prosperity!


1. What has Paul been doing lately?

2. How about Marissa?
3. What are they celebrating today?
4. Where does the party take place?
5. Who are Marissa’s guests?
6. What has Mark brought for Marissa?
7. How about Sarah?
8. Who cooked for Marissa’s birthday and what did he cook?
9. What does Paul offer his guests to drink?
10. What does Mark suggest?


holiday = zi de sărbătoare, vacanţă

bank holiday (BE) / legal holiday (AE) = sărbătoare legală

The main holidays:

New Year’s Eve = Ajunul Anului Nou, Revelionul

New Year’s Day = Anul Nou
Easter = Paşti
Good Friday = Vinerea Mare
Easter Sunday = Duminica Paştilor
Easter Monday = a doua zi de Paşti
May Day (BE) / Labor Day (AE) = Ziua Muncii
Whitsun = Rusalii

Independence Day (AE) = Ziua Independenţei
Thanksgiving Day (AE) = Ziua Recunoştinţei
Christmas = Crăciun
Christmas Eve = Ajunul Crăciunului

Celebrations and special occasions:

to celebrate = a sărbători
celebration = sărbătoare, sărbătorire
ceremony = ceremonie
the wedding ceremony = ceremonia nunţii
festivity = festivitate
feast = ospăţ
birthday = zi de naştere
anniversary = aniversare
silver / gold wedding = nunta de argint / aur
baptism = botez
funeral = înmormântare

Good wishes for special occasions:

Merry Christmas! = Crăciun Fericit!

Happy New Year! = An Nou Fericit!
Happy Easter! = Paşte Fericit!
Happy birthday! = La mulţi ani!
Happy anniversary!

Common toasts:

To your health! = În sănătatea ta!

Cheers! = Noroc!
Here’s to you! = Pentru tine!
Here’s to your new home! = Pentru noua ta casă!


If – clauses

The main types of if – clause:

1. to express a probable action in the future

if + the simple present tense + will / can / may / might

Examples: If you wake up before 7.30, you will get to school in time.
I can help you if you want me to.
If you don’t arrive at the exact hour, you may have to wait.
If you don’t take your coat you might catch a cold.

2. if + the simple past tense + would / could / might

2.1. to express a less probable action in the future

Examples: If you took the train as I told you, you would be home by now.
If I saved more money, I could buy that car.
If he studied more, he might pass the exam.

2.2. to express an unreal action in the present

Examples: If I were in your shoes, I would be nicer to him.

If I were rich, I could go on expensive trips around the world.
If she dressed better, she might look prettier.

3. to express an impossible action in the past

if + the past perfect tense + would have / could have / might have

Examples: If it had snowed in the weekend, children would have made

If I hadn’t been at work, I could have gone shopping with you.
I might have told him about the show if I had known about it


1. Make up two conditional sentences of each type, as presented

in the grammar section.

2. Translate into Romanian:

a. If I arrive on time tomorrow, I will go to the concert.

b. I can help you with your project if you come over to my house.
c. I may be a little late if I don’t catch the bus.
d. If he arrives out of the blue, you might be surprised.
e. If you took my advice, you would be a student by now.
f. If he practiced more, he could win the competition.
g. He might be able to convince her if he only tried harder.
h. If I were you, I would talk to the police and tell them everything.
i. If he were taller, he could play basketball a lot better.
j. If you weren’t so selfish, you might have more friends.
k. I would have gone to the seaside last summer if the weather had
been better.
l. If he hadn’t been so busy, he could have come to the party with us.
m. She might have danced with you if you had asked her to.

3. Translate into English:

Nu ştiu de ce sunt oamenii atât de răi. Dacă aş putea, i-aş face pe toţi mai
buni. Dacă aş fi o floare, mi-aş dărui frumuseţea celor trişti. Dacă aş avea
timp, aş face toţi copiii să zâmbească. Dacă aş putea să zbor, aş pluti peste
munţi şi văi să răspândesc mesajul meu de pace. Dacă aş fi fericit, aş cânta.
Dacă aş fi trist, aş cânta … Dacă aş fi mai curajos, aş cuceri munţii ca să fiu
mai aproape de cer.

4. Make up ten sentences using words and expressions from the

vocabulary section.

5. Practice:

Divide into groups. Choose a special event. Write a short script. Play
the roles of hosts and guests according to your script.


Choose the right answer:

1. She … an English teacher.

a. are
b. is
c. am

2. I … 20 years old.
a. have
b. is
c. am

3. You … not from Prague.

a. come
b. am
c. are

4. He is happy to see us, … he?

a. isn’t
b. is
c. not

5. They … here, are they?

a. are
b. were
c. aren’t

6. It is 10 a.m.; you say:

a. hello
b. bye
c. good morning

7. You only say “Good night”:

a. late at night
b. in the evening
c. when you are tired

8. “See you soon” means:

a. Ce mai faceţi?
b. Bună ziua
c. Pe curând

9. “Good-bye” is used:
a. when you arrive
b. when you meet someone
c. when you leave

10. “How do you do” is answered with:
a. hello
b. how do you do
c. bye

11. There is … bread in the cupboard.

a. some
b. any
c. not

12. There aren’t … eggs in the refrigerator.

a. some
b. any
c. twelve

13. How … oranges have you got in your hand?

a. much
b. lot
c. many

14. There isn’t … salt left in the salt cellar.

a. many
b. much
c. so

15. There are … cookies on the table.

a. a few
b. any
c. much

16. I want to drink a glass of …

a. honey
b. water
c. chocolate

17. Could I look at the …, please?

a. menu
b. knife
c. tip

18. The … is so tasty in this restaurant.

a. drinks
b. bill
c. food

19. Don’t eat the … yet. It’s still hot.

a. soup
b. tea
c. butter

20. Let me have a look at the …
a. table
b. wine list
c. window

21. I usually … to school.

a. walk
b. walks
c. walk’s

22. She never … yellow clothes.

a. wear
b. wear’s
c. wears

23. … he like listening to music?

a. does
b. do
c. don’t

24. They … like poetry.

a. doesn’t
b. don’t
c. do’not

25. We often … to the theatre.

a. gone
b. go
c. goes

26. What is your favourite …?

a. hobby
b. hobbies
c. movies

27. Do you … going to the seaside?

a. enjoy
b. loves
c. not like

28. My sister can’t … winter.

a. stand
b. see
c. seek

29. I’m … of playing basketball.

a. a big fan
b. don’t like
c. love

30. What do you do in your …?
a. spare time
b. weekend
c. weekdays

31. I … to Egypt yet.

a. have
b. haven’t been
c. has

32. She has seen this movie … this year.

a. twice
b. never
c. yesterday

33. He … in this company for three years.

a. worked
b. works
c. has worked

34. … you washed your car?

a. Did
b. Have
c. Are

35. John … to China.

a. has gone
b. went
c. is going

36. Swedish people live in:

a. Sweden
b. Switzerland
c. Spain

37. Turkish is the national language of:

a. Taiwan
b. Tibet
c. Turkey

38. Lisbon is the capital of:

a. Spain
b. Portugal
c. Italy

39. British people speak:

a. French
b. English
c. German

40. Polish people live in:
a. Poland
b. France
c. Norway

41. Do you … a pet?

a. has
b. have
c. haven’t

42. Has your sister … any hobbies?

a. got
b. get
c. gets

43. My best friend … a car.

a. haven’t got
b. don’t have
c. doesn’t have

44. My parents … a beautiful house at the countryside.

a. has got
b. have got
c. hasn’t got

45. Don’t bother him. He … a terrible headache.

a. ‘s got
b. got
c. have got

46. My … has five members.

a. family
b. families
c. family’s

47. His little … is five years old.

a. mother
b. father
c. sister

48. Are these your two …?

a. sons
b. son
c. son’s

49. I don’t have any …

a. brothers or sisters
b. brother or sister
c. brothers and sister

50. Her … name is Laura.
a. daughters
b. daughter
c. daughter’s

51. I have just bought … bars of chocolate. Would you like some?
a. to
b. too
c. two

52. Mother usually drinks … cups of coffee a day.

a. three
b. tree
c. trees

53. My grandfather is … years old.

a. sixty
b. sixties
c. sixteen

54. This is the … time he reminds me to close the window.

a. for
b. forth
c. four

55. He was the … to tell me I was wrong.

a. firsts
b. first
c. first’s

56. I waited for … an hour in the rain, but he didn’t show up.
a. half
b. one
c. two

57. We have decided to meet at …

a. none
b. no
c. noon

58. Can you tell me …

a. time is?
b. what time?
c. the time?

59. It is very late. It is almost …

a. midnight
b. midday
c. noon

60. It is … eight o’clock.
a. near
b. nearly
c. nearest

61. What size is … coat over there?

a. this
b. that
c. these

62. Are you comfortable in … shoes?

a. these
b. this
c. that

63. I don’t like … book. I won’t read it anymore.

a. those
b. these
c. this

64. Are … glasses on the table yours?

a. that
b. those
c. this

65. … painting in front of me is very beautiful.

a. this
b. that
c. these

66. How … is that red dress?

a. many
b. more
c. much

67. These gloves cost twenty pounds. They are rather…

a. expensive
b. cheap
c. free

68. Can you tell me the … of those blue trousers?

a. prices
b. prize
c. price

69. This hat is only seven pounds. It is very …

a. dear
b. cheap
c. expensive

70. Hand me that long black skirt from the coat hanger. I can’t see its …
from here.
a. colour
b. price tag
c. length

71. We haven’t got any food left. … cupboard in the kitchen is empty.
a. the
b. a
c. an

72. I want to eat … orange.

a. some
b. a
c. an

73. Give me … pencil, please.

a. a
b. an
c. any

74. He is … funniest friend I’ve ever had.

a. the
b. a
c. an

75. She is … architect

a. the
b. an
c. a

76. It’s very cold outside. Don’t forget your…

a. scarf
b. muffler
c. sandals

77. Have you seen my …? They were here on the table yesterday.
a. slippers
b. gloves
c. shoes

78. He doesn’t like that pair of blue …

a. training suit
b. trousers
c. earrings

79. Could I borrow your …? It’s raining.

a. sun glasses
b. gloves
c. umbrella

80. She looks wonderful in this lovely red …
a. suit
b. gown
c. coat

81. His car is very … . He’ll have to buy a new one.

a. red
b. beautiful
c. old

82. Clarissa is twenty years old. She is so … .

a. young
b. old
c. nice

83. Your … is on the bed.

a. dress red
b. red dress
c. a red dress

84. Your cousin is so nice, kind and … .

a. upset
b. bitter
c. funny

85. Give me that … purse on the chair, please.

a. black and leather
b. black leather
c. leather

86. What are you doing? Why are you … with your sister?
a. fighting
b. fight
c. fights

87. Don’t disturb her! She’s … at the moment.

a. sleeps
b. sleep
c. sleeping

88. Why are you … at me like that? I didn’t do anything wrong.

a. look
b. looks
c. looking

89. What are you … on Saturday? Do you have anything planed?

a. doing
b. do you do
c. do

90. You can’t go out now! It’s … .
a. rains
b. raining
c. rain

91. What do you do? …

a. I’m a teacher.
b. I’m fine, thanks.
c. I’m cooking.

92. … to be a nurse. I like taking care of sick people.

a. I go
b. I’m not going
c. I’m going

93. I love writing novels. My dream is to become a … .

a. plumber
b. sailor
c. writer

94. I have a terrible toothache. I need to go to the … .

a. dentist’s
b. dentist
c. dentists

95. I would like to go for a walk. It’s so … and sunny.

a. cold
b. warm
c. cloudy

96. Bring me that black notebook … the desk.

a. at
b. on
c. to

97. Is there any coffee left … the cup?

a. on
b. in
c. to

98. I don’t feel like going out. It’s too … I guess I’ll wait for the rain to
a. cold and wet
b. hot and sunny
c. dry

99. I’m going … Paris. Are you coming with me?

a. for
b. to
c. in

100. We are meeting Helen … 6 o’clock.
a. at
b. for
c. on

101. You can … the door.

a. open
b. opens
c. to open

102. She … have heard the news.

a. mights
b might
c. might’s

103. He … say such horrible things.

a. must
b. must to
c. mustn’t

104. ... I ask you a question?

a. Can to
b. Can
c. Cannot

105. … she answer that?

a. Should
b. Shoulds

106. Is there any bread left in the …?

a. fridge
b. wardrobe
c. cupboard

107. Let’s buy that lovely blue … for our living room.
a. carpet
b. mirror
c. door

108. I live on the second …

a. flower
b. flour
c. floor

109. Do you live in a house or in a ...?

a. building
b. farm
c. block of flats

110. I’m too … to go out tonight.
a. relaxed
b. exhausted
c. happy
111. She… an entire bar of chocolate yesterday.
a. has eaten
b. ate
c. have eaten
112. He … his leg last week.
a. broke
b. has broken
c. have broken
113. This ice-cream … great.
a. taste
b. taste’s
c. tastes
114. ... kind of food do you most enjoy?
a. Who
b. When
c. What
115. … with me! Now!
a. Don’t come
b. Come
c. Comes
116. If I were you, I … forgive her.
a. will
b. would
c. was
117. If he … tomorrow, we will go the theatre.
a. will come
b. comes
c. coming
118. I guess he’ll send you an …
a. fax
b. e-mail
c. memo
119. Don’t forget to buy a present for Marissa’s …
a. birthday
b. arrival
c. holiday
120. Don’t interrupt them! They are … an appointment.
a. doing
b. fixing
c. taking


1. DUŢESCU, DAN, Engleza fără profesor, Ed. Moldova, Iaşi, 1994

2. EASTWOOD, John, MACKIN, Ronald, A Basic English Grammar,

Oxford University Press, 1993

3. FIELD, JOHN, English Step by Step (Limba Engleză Pas cu Pas),

BBC English, Ed. Coresi, Bucureşti, 1993

4. HOFFMANN, Hans G., HOFMANN MARION, Engleza tematică,

Bucureşti, Ed. Niculescu, 2005

5. LEVIŢCHI, LEON, Gramatica limbii engleze, Ed. Teora, 2001

6. LUPULEASA, RADU, English in Communication, Ed. Polirom,


7. MURPHY, RAYMOND, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge

University Press, 1992

8. PAIDOS, CONSTANTIN, Gramatica limbii engleze, Vol. I, Ed.

Institutul European, Iaşi, 1995

9. SOARS, Liz, John, New Headway, Oxford University Press, 2000

10. SWAN, Michael, Basic English Usage, Oxford University Press,


11. VOLLAIRE, Claude, Gramatica limbii engleze cu exerciţii,

Bucureşti, Ed. Teora, 1999

12. BANTAŞ, ANDREI, Dicţionar englez-român, român-englez, Ed.

Teora, 2004


Engleză, ediţia a II-a revăzută şi îmbunătăţită, Ed. Amarcord,
Timişoara, 1996

14. ***, English for Business and Administration, Cavallioti, 1997

15. ***, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Oxford University

Press, 1991


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