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Universitatea „Nicolae Titulescu” din București



Lect.univ.dr. CAMELIA NEAGU

Anul universitar 2021-2022

INTRODUCERE............................................................................................................................................ 4
OBIECTIVELE CURSULUI .......................................................................................................................... 4
COMPETENȚE ............................................................................................................................................. 4
RESURSE ŞI MIJLOACE DE LUCRU .......................................................................................................... 5
STRUCTURA CURSULUI ............................................................................................................................ 6
TEME DE CONTROL ................................................................................................................................... 6
CERINŢE PRELIMINARE PENTRU PARCURGEREA CURSULUI ........................................................... 7
DURATA MEDIE DE STUDIU INDIVIDUAL ............................................................................................. 7
EVALUAREA ............................................................................................................................................... 7
BIBLIOGRAFIE: ........................................................................................................................................... 8
UNITATEA 1: VERBUL. EXPRIMAREA PREZENTULUI ......................................................................... 9
(THE VERB. EXPRESSING PRESENT TIME)............................................................................................. 9
1.1. INTRODUCERE ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2. OBIECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................ 9
1.3. CONȚINUT ............................................................................................................................................ 9
1.4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR .................................................................................................... 11
1.5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM... ......................................................................................................................... 12
1.6. REZUMAT............................................................................................................................................ 12
1.7. TEST ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.8. BIBLIOGRAFIE ................................................................................................................................... 13
UNITATEA 2: REGATUL UNIT – MONARHIE CONSTITUŢIONALĂ ................................................. 14
(THE UK - A CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY) ..................................................................................... 14
2.1. INTRODUCERE ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2. OBIECTIVE .......................................................................................................................................... 14
2.3. CONŢINUT .......................................................................................................................................... 14
2.4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR .................................................................................................... 16
2.5. SĂ NE REAMINITIM... ........................................................................................................................ 17
2.6. REZUMAT............................................................................................................................................ 17
2.7. TEST ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.8. BIBLIOGRAFIE ................................................................................................................................... 18
UNITATEA 3: VERBUL. EXPRIMAREA TRECUTULUI I ...................................................................... 19
3.1. INTRODUCERE ................................................................................................................................... 19
3.2. OBIECTIVE .......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3. CONŢINUT .......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.4. DEZVOLTARE APTITUDINILOR ...................................................................................................... 22
3.5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM... ......................................................................................................................... 23
3.6. REZUMAT............................................................................................................................................ 23
3.7. TEST ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.8. BIBLIOGRAFIE ................................................................................................................................... 24
UNITATEA 4: THE SOURCES OF ENGLISH LAW .................................................................................. 25
(IZVOARELE DREPTULUI ANGLO-SAXON) .......................................................................................... 25
4.1. INTRODUCERE ................................................................................................................................... 25
4.2. OBIECTIVE .......................................................................................................................................... 25
4.3. CONȚINUT .......................................................................................................................................... 25
4.4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR .................................................................................................... 26
4.5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM... ......................................................................................................................... 28
4.6. REZUMAT............................................................................................................................................ 28

4.7. TEST ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.8. BIBLIOGRAFIE ................................................................................................................................... 28
(THE VERB. EXPRESSING PAST TIME II - PAST PERFECT) ............................................................... 29
5.1. INTRODUCERE ................................................................................................................................... 29
5.2. OBIECTIVE .......................................................................................................................................... 29
5.3. CONȚINUT .......................................................................................................................................... 29
5.4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR .................................................................................................... 31
5.5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM... ......................................................................................................................... 32
5.6. REZUMAT............................................................................................................................................ 32
5.7. TEST ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.8. BIBLIOGRAFIE ................................................................................................................................... 33
UNITATEA 6: SISTEMUL JUDICIAR ........................................................................................................ 34
(THE JUDICIARY) ........................................................................................................................................ 34
6.1. INTRODUCERE ................................................................................................................................... 34
6.2. OBIECTIVE .......................................................................................................................................... 34
6.3. CONȚINUT .......................................................................................................................................... 34
6.4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR .................................................................................................... 35
6.5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM... ......................................................................................................................... 36
6.6. REZUMAT............................................................................................................................................ 36
6.7. TEST ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.8. TEMA DE CONTROL 2 ........................................................................................................................ 38
6.9. BIBLIOGRAFIE ................................................................................................................................... 38
LISTA VERBELOR NEREGULATE ........................................................................................................... 39


Coordonator curs: lect.univ.dr. Camelia NEAGU


Limba engleză 1 se adresează în principal studenţilor din anul I, semestrul I, din

cadrul sistemului de Învăţământ la Distanţă (ID) al Universităţii „Nicolae Titulescu”,
Facultatea de Drept, cu un nivel mediu de cunoaştere a limbii engleze şi doreşte să le ofere
acestora posibilitatea de a recapitula cunoştinţele acumulate şi de a-şi însuşi noi elemente –
noţiuni generale din limbajul juridic. De asemenea, cursul îşi propune dezvoltarea unor
strategii care să conducă la autonomia studenţilor în învăţare, prin conştientizarea nevoilor
personale, efort individual şi autoevaluare permanentă.
Cursul este structurat în 6 unităţi de învăţare. Textele sunt însoţite de exerciţii, care au
rolul de a facilita procesul de înţelegere şi de a favoriza acumularea lexicală.


Obiectivele cursului sunt:

1. să formeze deprinderilor necesare pentru a folosi limba engleză în mod flexibil şi eficient
atât în scopuri sociale cât şi profesionale
2. să îmbogăţească vocabularul studenţilor prin achiziţia de termeni juridici în limba engleză.
3. să crească încrederea studenţilor în capacităţile personale de îndeplinirea sarcinilor
comunicative în limba engleză


Competenţele pe care trebuie să le dobândească studenţii se înscriu în precizările

oferite de Cadrul European Comun de Referinţă pentru Limbi: Învăţare, Predare, Evaluare
(2001). Astfel, nivelul pe care îl au studenţii la începutul acestui curs ar trebui să fie B1 sau
B2, şi ne dorim ca nivelul atins la finalizare (sfârşitul anului al II-lea = patru semestre de
studiu) să fie B2+ sau chiar C1.

Competenţele de comunicare lingvistică pe care studentul le poate dobândi cuprinde

următoarele componente:

1. Competenţa lingvistică generală: să se exprime clar şi fără a lăsa impresia că

este nevoit să restrângă ceea ce vrea să spună;
a. competenţa lexicală: să stăpânească o gamă bogată de vocabular pentru subiectele
legate de domeniul juridic şi subiectele cele mai generale;
b. competenţa gramaticală: să menţină un control gramatical bun, să nu facă greşeli care
să conducă la neînţelegeri;
c. competenţa fonologică: pronunţie şi intonaţie fireşti;
d. competenţa ortografică: să producă un text scris coerent, clar şi inteligibil ce respectă
regulile curente de dispunere în pagină şi de organizare.

2. Competenţa sociolingvistică: să se exprime cu siguranţă, simplu şi politicos într-

un registru oficial şi neoficial potrivit cu situaţia şi persoanele în cauză.

3. Competenţa pragmatică:

a. competenţa discursivă:
- să poată face o descriere sau alcătui un discurs clar dezvoltând şi argumentând
punctele importante cu ajutorul detaliilor şi al exemplelor semnificative;
- să poată interveni într-o discuţie într-o manieră adecvată;
- să poată utiliza cu eficacitate o varietate de cuvinte de legătură pentru a marca clar
legăturile dintre idei.

b. competenţa funcţională:
- să poată comunica cu spontaneitate, demonstrând adeseori o remarcabilă uşurinţă şi o
facilitate de exprimare chiar şi în enunţurile complexe şi destul de lungi;
- să poată transmite o informaţie amănunţită în mod fiabil.


Propunem utilizarea următoarelor resursele si mijloacele de lucru:

 prezentul curs practic de limba engleză;
 o gramatică a limbii engleze, pentru referinţe (să poată fi consultată la nevoie1);
 un dicţionar general englez-român, român englez;
 un dicţionar juridic englez-român / român-englez2

De asemenea, sugerăm şi folosirea resurselor digitale online (e.g., pentru clarificarea unor termeni şi concepte
specific limbajului juridic; student pentru explicaţii privind regulile
specific limbii engleze; pentru traduceri).

Sugerăm următoarele variante posibile:
 Fleischhack, Eric; Schwarz, Hellmut (2009) – English Grammar, Bucureşti: ALL Educational
 Vince, Michael (2008) - Macmillan English Grammar In Context Student's Book – Intermediate,
London: Macmillan
 Preda, Ioan; Leviţchi, Leon (2008) – Gramatica limbii engleze, Bucureşti: Gramar
 Docherty, Vincent; Brough, Sonia (2009) – Gramatica standard a limbii engleze, Bucureşti:
Sugerăm următoarele variante posibile:
 Dicţionar dicţionar juridic englez-român / român-englez, (2008), Bucureşti: C.H.Beck
 Dicţionar dicţionar juridic englez-român / român-englez, (2009), Bucureşti: Lumina Lex


Cursul pentru semestrul I este compus din 6 unităţi de învăţare, după cum urmează:
3. Unitatea de învăţare 3 – VERBUL. EXPRIMAREA TRECUTULUI I (THE VERB.
6. Unitatea de învăţare 6 - SISTEMUL JUDICIAR (THE JUDICIARY)

Fiecare unitate este alcătuită din:

1. INTRODUCERE – se oferă o scurtă descriere a conţinutului unităţii de învăţare.

2. OBIECTIVE – reprezintă ceea ce studenţii trebuie să atingă prin parcurgerea unităţii
respective (aceste obiective sunt stabilite pentru a coordona procesul de învăţare,
pentru a-i motiva pe studenţi să-şi însuşească conţinutul şi de asemenea pentru a-i
ajuta să se autoevalueze).
3. CONȚINUT – această secțiune include fie explicații cu privire la regulile specific
limbii engleze, fie un text care conține informaţii despre Regatul Unit
4. DEZVOLTAREA APTITUDINILOR – include activităţi menite să dezvolte
competenţele lexicale și de traducere, necesare exprimării corecte în domeniul juridic.
5. SĂ NE REAMINTIM – punctează principalele aspecte furnizate în unitate până la
momentul respectiv.
6. REZUMAT – în această secțiune se oferă o sinteză a principalelor puncte dezbătute în
cadrul unităţii de învăţare, făcându-se legătura cu următoarele unităţi de învăţare.
7. TEST – rezolvările vor fi dezbătute în cadrul tutorialelor

Cheia exerciţiilor este postată pe platforma eLis.


Acest curs conține și 2 TEME DE CONTROL:


Luând în considerare detaliile personale, informaţiile privind educaţia şi experienţa de

viaţă, precum şi competenţele dumneavoastră, redactaţi-vă propriul CV în limba engleză.
Puteţi porni de la modelul oferit de:


Descrieţi (în limba engleză) sistemul de guvernare din România în comparaţie cu cel din
Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord. Urmăriţi în descrierea
dumneavoastră următoarele aspecte:

 șeful statului: numire, funcţii şi puteri relaţia sa cu celelalte organe ale statului;
 puterea legislativă: alcătuire, funcţii şi puteri relaţia sa cu celelalte organe ale statului;
 puterea executivă: alcătuire, funcţii şi puteri relaţia sa cu celelalte organe ale statului.

Număr de cuvinte: 450-500.

Structura propusă:
1. INTRODUCERE – scopul descrierii
2. CUPRINS – comparația dintre cele două sisteme cu evidențierea diferențelor și a
3. Concluzie – opinia dumneavoastră
4. Bibliografie (surse de documentare)

Rezolvarea celor două teme de control reprezintă 30% din nota finală.
Prima temă de control trebuie rezolvată şi încărcată pe platforma Gsuite for Education, la
clasa dedicată disciplinei Limba engleză 1, înainte de prima întâlnire tutorială prevăzută în
orar, iar cea de-a doua temă, înainte de cea de-a doua întâlnire tutorială prevăzută în orar.


Este necesar un nivel cel puţin mediu de limba engleză pentru parcurgerea acestui curs (de
exemplu obţinerea cel puţin a calificativului B1 la examenul de bacalaureat sau al unui
calificativ similar).


90 minute pentru fiecare unitate.


La sfârşitul semestrului studentul va primi o nota care va fi compusă din:

1. 70% evaluarea finală, care va avea loc în sesiunea de examene.

2. 30% evaluarea pe parcurs, prin notarea celor două teme de control obligatorii.

Evaluarea finală presupune rezolvarea a 70 de întrebări de tip grilă, în care va fi nevoie să
utilizați cunoștințele acumulate de voi pe parcursul semestrului I.


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti: Editura
2. Dracsineanu, Cătălin; Haraga, Radu (2012). Manual de limba engleză pentru
profesionişti. Iaşi: Editura Polirom
3. Fleischhack, Eric; Schwarz, Hellmut (2009) – English Grammar. Practice Book,
Bucureşti: ALL Educational
4. Seidl, Jennifer; Schwarz, Hellmut (2012). English Grammar, Bucureşti: ALL
5. Walenn, Jeremy (2009). English for law in higher education studies. London: Garnet



1.1. Introducere
1.2. Obiective
1.3. Conţinut
1.4. Dezvoltare lexicală și traducere
1.5. Să ne reaminitim
1.6. Rezumat
1.7. Test
1.8. Bibliografie


În această unitate de învăţare, se vor revizui două timpuri folosite în mod

frecvent în limba engleză:
 prezentul simplu
 prezentul continuu.


După studierea acestei unităţi de învăţare, studentul trebuie să fie capabil:

 să deprindă folosirea corectă a prezentului simplu şi continuu
 să evite confuziile dintre cele două timpuri, frecvente în cazul vorbitorilor de

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 de minute.



Categoria gramaticală a timpului (Tense) se referă la ordinea evenimentelor în timp,

aşa cum este percepută aceasta de vorbitor. Este foarte important ca vorbitorul să
sesizeze din ce perspectivă este prezentată acțiunea sau, altfel spus, în ce segment de
timp este plasată acțiunea (prezent, trecut sau viitor).


 Timpul prezent simplu (Present Tense Simple). Se foloseşte pentru a exprima:

o acţiuni repetate, cu caracter obişnuit sau permanent; adverbele cu care
este cel mai des întâlnit sunt: usually, frequently, generally, ever, never,
often, seldom; every day/month/week/year; once/twice/three times a
week, etc;
o o stare sau acţiune permanentă.
o adevăruri general valabile.

E.g.: I always teach English.

He works in a bank.
For minor offences, the police normally fine the offender.

 Timpul present continuu (Present Tense Continuous). Se foloseşte pentru a

o acţiuni în desfăşurare în momentul vorbirii; adverbele folosite sunt:
now; at the moment; today.
o acţiuni care reflectă un proces, o dezvoltare, o evoluţie.
o acțiuni viitoare, când intervine voinţa vorbitorului.

Este format din: To be (present) + vb. – ing

E.g.: Look! It is raining.

It is getting dark.
I’m studying, now.
“What are you doing tonight?”
I’m visiting my mother tomorrow.

N.B. Verbe care nu se folosesc la aspectul continuu:

 Verbe care arată percepţii senzoriale:

to feel, to hear, to see, to taste, to smell, to touch, to notice

 Verbe care arată sentimente:

to love, to hate, to wish, to desire, to like, to dislike, to prefer

 Verbe care arată posesia:

to own, to owe, to belong to, to keep, to possess, to hold, to have

DAR: to have se poate folosi la aspectul continuu dacă nu se referă la posesie:

I’m having lunch.

 Verbe care arată procese mentale:

To know, to intend, to believe, to trust, to doubt, to forget, to find, to
mean, to remember, to think, to understand, to expect.

 Verbele modale (can, must, may, shall, will, need, dare).

Corectaţi greşelile din enunţurile de mai jos:

1. The smuggler is thinking that no one has noticed him while crossing the border
with the stolen jewels.
2. The court clerk is hating to work for so many hours in court every day.
3. Do not disturb the manager now, he discusses with the secretary.


I. Mai jos aveţi câteva expresii tipice folosite în limbajul de drept. Ce prepoziţii
folosiţi cu aceste expresii?

1. to accuse someone of something.

2. to be liable … something.
3. to sentence someone … a punishment.
4. to claim damages … something.
5. to be entitled … compensation.
6. to bring a case … someone.
7. to be guilty … an offence.
8. to fine someone … something.
9. to bring an action … somebody.
10. to comply … a decision.

II. Folosiţi aceste expresii în propoziţii alcătuite de dumneavoastră.

III. Traduceţi următorul text în limba română:

“The Law Course at Cambridge is intended to give a grounding in the

principles of law viewed from an academic rather than a vocational perspective. There
are opportunities to study the history of law and to consider the subject in its wider
social context. The emphasis is on principle and technique.
Skills of interpretation and logical reasoning are developed, and students are
encouraged to consider broader questions such as ethical judgement, political liberty
and social control.
Although many undergraduates who read law do so with the intention of
practicing, many do not, preferring instead to go into administration, industrial
management or accountancy. Candidates intending to read law need not to have
studied only particular subject at school. It is as common for undergraduates to have a
scientific or mathematical background at A-level as it is for them to have studied
history or languages.”
(Cambridge University Prospectus, 1988-1989).


Spre deosebire de limba română, verbul englezesc are patru aspecte: simplu,
continuu, perfect şi perfect continuu.
Aspectul continuu al verbului indică faptul că o acţiune este în curs de
desfăşurare la un moment dat, în timp ce aspectul simplu face referire la acţiuni care se
petrec în mod obişnuit şi nu la un moment dat.

În semestrul următor vom recapitula şi alte reguli specifice limbii engleze.


Prezentul simplu se foloseşte pentru a exprima:

 acţiuni repetate, obişnuite;
 adevăruri general-valabile;
 acţiuni viitoare care sunt parte a unui program oficial (a se vedea mersul
trenurilor, de exemplu).

Prezentul continuu se foloseşte pentru a exprima:

 acţiuni care se află în curs de derulare în momentul de faţă;
 acţiuni temporare;
 acţiuni viitoare planificate.

1.7. TEST

I. Puneți verbele date în paranteză la forma corectă, prezentul simplu sau


1. I (to write) a letter now.

2. I (to drink) tea every morning.
3. … you (to understand) me now?
4. I (not to work) today.
5. He always (to work) at home on Saturdays.
6. We (to translate) the lesson now.
7. Where … you (to work) this week? In Bucharest or in New York?
8. What … you (to do) next week?
9. She (to like) swimming.
10. The telephone (to ring) at the moment.

II. Traduceţi în limba engleză:

1. Câte ore de engleză aveţi pe săptămână?

2. Casa aceasta îmi aparţine.
3. Mergeţi la birou în fiecare dimineaţă?
4. In Anglia plouă destul de des.
5. Cresc preţurile. Luna aceasta totul este mai scump.
6. Cine este bărbatul cu care vorbeşte în acest moment?
7. Mergem la teatru sau la opera o dată pe lună.
8. Verişoara mea lucrează la o firmă de publicitate.

9. Când se deschide banca?
10. Îmi vizitez părinţii în fiecare săptămână.
11. Preţul acestei cărţi este foarte mare. Nu-mi permit să mi-o cumpăr.
12. Astăzi lansăm pe piaţă un nou produs.
13. Despre ce discutaţi acum? De ce nu sunteţi atenţi?
14. Calculatorul nu face niciodată greşeli.
15. Săptămâna aceasta lucrez numai după-amiază.


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Fleischhack, Eric; Schwarz, Hellmut (2009) – English Grammar. Practice
Book, Bucureşti: ALL Educational
3. Seidl, Jennifer; Schwarz, Hellmut (2012). English Grammar, Bucureşti: ALL



2.1. Introducere
2.2. Obiective
2.3. Conţinut
2.4. Dezvoltare abilităţilor de traducere
2.5. Să ne reaminitim
2.6. Rezumat
2.7. Test
2.8. Bibliografie


Studiind această unitate de învăţare, veţi dobândi noţiunile de bază privind rolul
şi structura Parlamentului Marii Britanii, rolul Monarhului în conducerea Statului,
atribuţiile Primului Ministru şi ale Cabinetului condus de acesta, precum şi despre
alegerile generale din Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii.


După studierea acestei unităţi, studentul trebuie să fie capabil:

 să ofere informaţii generale despre puterea legislativă din Marea Britanie;

 să precizeze atribuţiile Monarhului Britanic în guvernarea statului;
 să ofere informaţii generale despre puterea executivă din Marea Britanie.

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 minute.



The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional

monarchy and a unitary state, which is made up of Great Britain (England, Scotland
and Wales) and of Northern Ireland. All four countries of the Kingdom are represented
in Parliament at Westminster, which is the supreme legislative authority in the United

The three main powers in the British state are: the legislative power, the executive
power and the judiciary. The legislative power is the power of making, altering or

repealing the laws and it belongs to Parliament.

The Parliament is the legislative body, which is constitutionally composed of the

Monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The judiciary is represented
by the Supreme Court and all the other courts of law in the UK.

The Queen represents the people as the Head of State, but the real power lies in

The House of Commons or the Lower House consists of 650 Members of Parliament
(MPs) who each represent a constituency. They are salaried members elected by
universal adult suffrage. Members of the House of Commons are elected at a General
Election, which must be held every five years, but it is often held at more frequent

The House of Lords or the Upper House has around 1,200 members and is made up of
hereditary and life peers and peeresses, including the law lords appointed to undertake
judicial duties of the House, and the archbishops and bishops of the Church of

The Sovereign formally summons and dissolves Parliament and generally opens new
sessions of Parliament with a speech from the throne. The Queen reigns but does not
The full duration of Parliament is five years. No bill can become law until it has been
sanctioned or “read” three times by both Houses and has finally received the royal
The Constitutional principles, rules and practices of the United Kingdom have never
been codified; they derive from state law, from common law and from the conventions
of the constitution.

General Elections are held every five years, though the Prime Minister may call one
earlier and if a MP dies or retires a by-election is held in her or his constituency. MPs
win their seats in Parliament by a majority vote.

The Party which wins sufficient seats at a General Election to command a majority of
supporters in the House of Commons forms the Government; its leading members are
chosen by the Prime Minister (PM) who forms the Cabinet.
The Party which wins the second largest number of seats becomes the official
Parliament’s main functions are debating, passing legislation and examining the
actions of the Government.

The Speaker of the House of Commons is elected from the members to preside over
the House immediately after each new Parliament is formed. He is required to be
impartial over parliamentary procedure and the traditional guardian of the rights and
privileges of the House of Commons.

The Government consists of the ministers appointed directly by the Crown on the
recommendation of the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister is the Head of the government and presides over meetings of the

Cabinet. He consults and advises the Monarch on government business, supervises
and, to some extent, coordinates the work of the various ministries and departments
and is the principal spokesman for the Government in the House of Commons.

The Cabinet is the nucleus of government; its members consist of a small group of the
most important ministers who are selected by the Prime Minister. The size of the
Cabinet is about 23 and its main function is to determine, control and integrate the
policies of the government for submission to Parliament.

The Lord Chancellor and the Law Officers of the Crown.

The Lord High Chancellor and the Law Officers of Great Britain presides over the
House of Lords both in legislative capacity and as a final court of appeal.

I. Corectaţi greşelile din propoziţiile de mai jos:

a. The Lord Chancellor is the head of the Cabinet of Ministers.

b. Norther Ireland is a part of Great Britain.
c. The Speaker is the head of the House of Lords.

II. Răspundeţi la următoarele întrebări:

1. What does Parliament consist of?

2. What does the Sovereign formally do?
3. Who are the members of the House of Lords?
4. What do the terms peer and peeress mean?
5. What does the House of Commons consist of?
6. At what intervals must a General Election be held?
7. What is the Prime Minister’s first duty?
8. Who becomes the official Opposition?
9. What does the Speaker do during debates in Parliament?
10. What are the criteria that must be take into account in electing the Speaker?


I. Traduceţi în engleză următoarele propoziţii:

1. Camera Comunelor este formată din 630 membrii salariaţi aleşi prin sufragiu
universal de către populaţia adultă.
2. Primul Ministru alege membrii Guvernului din partidul care câştigă majoritatea
locurilor în Parlament.
3. Preşedintele Camerei Comunelor este propus de Guvern după consultări cu
4. În Camera Lorzilor, autoritatea supremă – Lordul Cancelar – are puteri mai mici ca
Preşedintele Camerei Comunelor (The Speaker).
5. Membrii Camerei Comunelor reprezintă autoritatea finală în emiterea legilor.

II. Traduceţi în limba română următorul text:

“Laws can be seen as a set of rules which are meant to govern behavior between
people. Law, the body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions
and legislation, is used to govern society and to control the behavior of its members. In
modern societies, a body with authority, such as a court or the legislature, makes the
law; on the other hand the police must make sure the law is observed. In addition to
enforcement, a body of expert lawyers is needed to apply the law. This is the role of
the judiciary, the body of judges in a particular country”.


- Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii este o monarhie constituţională, ceea ce înseamnă că

Regele/Regina este şeful statului, dar acesta/aceasta nu poate acţiona decât în
limitele impuse de prevederile Constituţiei.
- În Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii, puterea legislativă a statului îi revine exclusiv
- În Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii, Puterea executivă este reprezentată de Primul
Ministru (Şeful Guvernului) şi de Cabinetul de Miniştri (ale cărui şedinţe sunt
prezidate de Primul Ministru).


- Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii este o monarhie constituţională;

- În Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii, Parlamentul este bicameral (the House of Lords
& the House of Commons);
- The Lord Chacellor este Președintele Camerei Lorzilor, în timp ce the Speaker este
Președintele Camerei Comunelor;
- În Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii, alegerile generale se organizează o dată la 5 ani;
- pentru Camera Lorzilor nu se organizează alegeri, membrii acestei camere fiind
aleşi de Monarh la recomandarea Primului Ministru sau a Camerei Lorzilor.

Vom continua să aflăm informaţii despre Regatul Unit şi în următoarele unităţi ale
acestui manual.

2.7. TEST

I. Completaţi spaţiile libere cu cuvintele corespunzătoare:

assent Constitution repealing branches duration

executive that is altering convoke prorogue
power law sanctioned retires both
but earlier held elections constituency

1. The British……. consists of two great ……. , the legislative … and the …. power.
2. The legislative power, ……. the power of making, ………. or ……. the laws,
belongs to Parliament.

3. The Queen alone can …… Parliament or ……. , or dissolve it.
4. The full ….. of an MP`s term of office is 5 years.
5. No bill can become …… until it has been …… or read three times by ….. Houses
and has received the royal ….
6. General ……. are held every five years, …. the Prime Minister may call one…..,
and if a MP dies or …. a by-election is …. in her or his ……

II. Completaţi spaţiile libere cu adverbele potrivite:

annually – mainly – impartially – dangerously – usually – fluently – carefully

1. He was fined because he was driving …..

2. You must cross the road…
3. He speaks English…..
4. An arrested person will … be granted bail if he cannot be brought before the
court within a day.
5. The Pleading competition is held …
6. Criminal law is … concerned with crimes against the community as a whole.
7. Judges must act …


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Dracsineanu, Cătălin; Haraga, Radu (2012). Manual de limba engleză pentru
profesionişti. Iaşi: Editura Polirom
3. Walenn, Jeremy (2009). English for law in higher education studies. London:
Garnet Publishing.



3.1. Introducere
3.2. Obiective
3.3. Conţinut
3.4. Dezvoltare lexicală
3.5. Să ne reaminitim
3.6. Rezumat
3.7. Test
3.8. Tema de control 1
3.9. Bibliografie


În această unitate de învăţare, veţi recapitula trecutul simplu şi trecutul continuu,

două dintre cele cele mai importante timpuri ale limbii engleze.


După studierea acestei unităţi, studentul trebuie să fie capabil:

 să folosească în mod corect trecutul simplu şi continuu
 să evite confuziile care apar în momentul folosirii celor două timpuri, confuzii
frecvente în cazul vorbitorilor de română.

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 de minute.



The Simple Past Tense in regular verbs is formed by adding ed to the infinitive.
Infinitive: to look Simple past: looked

Verbs ending in e add d only:

Infinitive: to love Simple past: loved

Irregular verbs vary in their simple past form:

Infinitive: to see, to speak, to leave, to eat

Past tense: saw spoke left ate

The simple past form of each irregular verb therefore must be learnt.

1. The same form is used for all persons in affirmative even if we have a regular or
irregular verb.
I worked We worked I spoke We spoke
You worked You worked You spoke You spoke
He/she worked They worked He/she spoke They spoke

2. The negative of regular and irregular verbs is formed with:

did + not (didn’t) + the infinitive

I did not work We did not work I did not speak We did not speak
You did not work You did not work You did not speak You did not speak
He/she/it did not work They did not work He/she/it did not speak They did not speak

3. The interrogative of regular and irregular verbs is formed with:

did + subject + infinitive

Did I work? Did we work? Did I speak? Did we speak?

Did you work? Did you work? Did you speak? Did you speak?
Did he/she/it work? Did they work? Did he/she/it speak? Did they speak?

4. Negative interrogative is formed with:

didn’t + subject + infinitive

Didn’t I work? Didn’t we work? Didn’t I speak? Didn’t we speak?

Didn’t you work? Didn’t you work? Didn’t you speak? Didn’t you speak?
Didn’t he/she/it work? Didn’t they work? Didn’t he/she/it speak? Didn’t they speak?

Past Tense is used for the relation of past events:

 It is used for actions completed in the past at a definite time:
e.g. I met him yesterday.
When did you meet him last?
I bought this car in London (here the action took place at a
definite time though this time is not mentioned).
 It is also used for an action whose time is not given but which occupied a
period of time now terminated:
e.g. He worked in that bank for four years (but he doesn’t work there
Did you ever hear Maria Callas sing?
 The simple past is also used for a past habit:
e.g. He always carried an umbrella.
She never drank wine.
 The simple past is used in conditional sentences for the use of the unreal past:
e.g. If I lived near my office I’d be in time for work (but I don’t live
near my office).
If I were you I’d go to see a doctor (but I am not you).


This tense is formed by:

The past tense of the verb to be (was, were) + the present participle (ing)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was speaking I was not speaking Was I speaking?
You were speaking You were not speaking Were you speaking?
He/she/it was speaking He/she/it was not speaking Was he/she/it speaking?
We were speaking We were not speaking Were we speaking?
You were speaking You were not speaking Were you speaking?
They were speaking They were not speaking Were they speaking?

Some of the verbs cannot be used in the continuous tenses:

 Verbs of senses: feel, hear, see, smell, notice, observe, look, taste, as link verbs.
 Verbs expressing feelings and emotions: admire, adore, appreciate, desire,
dislike, fear, hate, like, love, want, wish.
 Verbs of mental activity: agree, believe, assume, expect, forget, know, mean,
recognise, suppose, think, trust.
 Verbs of possession: belong, owe, own, possess.

Main uses of the past continuous tense:

 The past continuous is used for past actions which continued for some time but
whose limits are not known;
 Used without a time expression it can indicate a gradual development;
 Used with a point in time, it expresses an action which began before that time
and probably continued after:
e.g. At eight he was having breakfast.
 Used in descriptions:
e.g. A wood fire was burning, a cat was sleeping in front of it. A girl
was playing the piano.
 It can be also used as a past equivalent of the present continuous:
Direct speech: He said: “I am living in London”.
Indirect speech: He said he was living in London.
 We may also use past continuous for apparently parallel actions:
e.g. Between one and two I was doing the shopping and walking the
o This tense is normally used in this way with a time expression such as
today, last night, in the afternoon, which could either be regarded as
points in time or as periods.
o In questions about how a period was spent, the continuous often appears
more polite than the simple past:
e.g. What were you doing before you came here? Sounds more polite
than: What did you do before you came here?

I. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

1. When we arrived at court, the witness testified so we could listen to his testimony.

2. The muggers hid in the old building when the police officers approached the scene
of the crime.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or past continuous tense:

1. ”I (take) my friend to a murder trial the other day.”

”Who (be) tried?”
”A man called Tom Brown.”
”Was he acquitted?”
”I don’t know. They still (listen) to the evidence when we (leave).”
2. As we (come) here, a policeman (stop) us. He (say) that he (look) for some stolen
property and (ask) if he could search the car.
3. While he (make) his speech, the minister suddenly (feel) faint. But someone (bring)
him a glass of water and after a few minutes he (be able) to continue.
4. The prisoner (escape) by climbing the wall of the garden where he (work). He
(wear) blue overalls and black shoes.
5. I just (write) a cheque when I (remember) that I (have) nothing in the bank.
6. At 3 a.m. Mrs. Pitt (wake) her husband and (say) she (think) that someone (try) to
get into the house.
7. When I last (see) her she (hurry) along the road to the station. I (ask) her where she
(go) and she (say), “London”, but I don’t think she (speak) the truth, because there
(not be) any train for London at that time.
8. The teacher (come) into the classroom unusually early and one of the boys, who
(smoke) a cigarette, (have) no time to put it out. So he (throw) it into the desk and
(hope) for the best.
9. A little later the teacher (notice) that smoke (rise) from this desk.
“You (smoke) when I (come) in?” he (ask).
10. I (be) sorry that I (have to) leave the party early, because I (enjoy) myself.


I. Put the verbs in the following sentences into: a) the negative; b) the

1. They broadcast an appeal for money.

2. The police caught the thief.
3. We heard a terrible noise.
4. His son wrote a novel.
5. I read a chapter of that novel last night.
6. His wife came at 8.00 p.m.
7. The action of the play took place in Italy.
8. She found her watch.
9. I sent it to the laundry.
10. They lent you enough money.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Which optional course did you choose for this semester?

2. Did you lend the English course book to anyone last week?
3. How much did the coursebooks for the 1st year of study cost you?
4. When did this academic year begin?
5. How many options did you have when you decided to become a student at this
6. When did you meet your best friend/colleague?
7. Who did you consult with when you decided to take up studying law?
8. Why did you enrol in our law faculty?


Spre deosebire de limba română, verbul englezesc are patru aspecte: simplu,
continuu, perfect şi perfect continuu.
Aspectul continuu al verbului indică faptul că o acţiune este în curs de
desfăşurare la un moment dat, în timp ce aspectul simplu face referire la acţiuni care se
petrec în mod obişnuit şi nu la un moment dat.


Trecutul simplu este folosit pentru a exprima:

 acţiuni încheiate într-o perioadă de timp trecută;
 acţiuni obişnuite, repetate din trecut (cu adverbe de frecvenţă);
 acţiuni care s-au desfăşurat de-a lungul unei perioade de timp încheiate (cu
prepoziţia for);
 o condiţie ireală (în Condiţionalele de tipul II).

Trecutul continuu este folosit pentru a exprima:

 o acţiune care se afla în continuă desfăşurare la un moment dat în trecut;
 o acţiune aflată în desfăşurare în trecut şi întreruptă de o altă acţiune;
 acţiuni care s-au aflat în desfăşurare în trecut, în acelaşi timp;
 descrierea unor secvenţe din trecut.

În unitățile următoare vom recapitula şi alte reguli specifice limbii engleze.

3.7. TEST

I. Choose the right answer:

1. What did you do when your husband called?

(a) I put the book down.
(b) I was reading a book.
2. What was Tom doing while Bill was fishing?
(a) He sat on the bank and waited.
(b) He was swimming in the river.
3. The door bell (a) rang / (b) was ringing at about eight o’clock. It was Tom.
4. When he (a) was calling / (b) called, I (c) read / (d) was reading a book, but I (e)
put down / (f) was putting down my book, and (g) was going / (h) went to make a

cup of coffee for him.
5. Alice (a) visited / (b) was visiting her mother at that time, and I never know where
(a) she puts anything / (b) does she put anything.
6. First, I (a) wasn’t finding / (b) couldn’t find the coffee and I spent ten minutes
looking (c) at / (d) for it. Then (e) I’ve found / (f) I’d found it / (g) I couldn’t find /
(h) wasn’t finding the coffee-pot.
7. When I (a) went back / (b) was going back into the lounge, it was half past eight.
8. Tom looked (a) at / (b) for the clock. “What (c) did you do / (d) were you doing in
the kitchen all that time?” he asked me. “I (e) made / (f) was making coffee for
you”, I (g) told / (h) said him.

II. Choose the right answer (sometimes two answers are correct; explain):

1. The judge was hearing/heard the testimony when we entered the court room.
2. What was the suspect doing/what did the suspect do when the alarm went on?
3. The jurors were not able to/could not understand the author’s behavior.
4. Fortunately, the barrister has not /had not recorded a lost single case until last week.
5. Since the evidence has been /had been collected, the prosecutors could formulate
their accusation.


Luând în considerare detaliile personale, informaţiile privind educaţia şi

experienţa de viaţă, precum şi competenţele dumneavoastră, redactaţi-vă propriul CV
în limba engleză. Puteţi porni de la modelul oferit de:

Această temă de control trebuie încărcată în contul dumneavoastră, pe

platforma GSuite for Education (pe clasa dedicată disciplinei Limba engleză 1), înainte
de primul tutorial.

Tema de control 1 reprezintă 15% din nota dumneavoastră finală.


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Fleischhack, Eric; Schwarz, Hellmut (2009) – English Grammar. Practice
Book, Bucureşti: ALL Educational
3. Seidl, Jennifer; Schwarz, Hellmut (2012). English Grammar, Bucureşti: ALL



4.1. Introducere
4.2. Obiective
4.3. Conţinut
4.4. Dezvoltare lexicală
4.5. Să ne reaminitim
4.6. Rezumat
4.7. Test
4.8. Bibliografie


În această unitate de învăţare, veţi studia principalele surse ale legislaţiei din
Marea Britanie, dobândind o mai bună înţelegere a câtorva principii fundamentale
specifice pentru dreptul anglo-saxon, cunoscut sub numele de common law.


După studierea acestei unităţi, studentul trebuie să fie capabil să precizeze sursele
principale ale legislaţiei britanice.

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 minute.



From the aspect of their sources, laws are traditionally divided into two main
categories: they may be written or unwritten. The expression “written” law signifies
any law that is formally enacted, whether reduced to writing or not, and the expression
“unwritten” law signifies all unacted law.

In England unwritten law is predominant, for more of their law derives from judicial
precedents than from legislative enactment.

Two principal sources of law are worth to be mentioned: Legislation and Judicial

Legislation is enacted law and it was studied at Constitutional Law (Constitution and

Judicial Precedent is the principle of justice enforced in English law by the rule of
stare decisis (keep to what has been decided previously).
English law is, to a large extent, based on case-law. The rules of common law have
been evolved inductively from decision to decision involving similar facts.

A distinctive feature of the English system is that, because the English judge has power
to make new law, his position in the legal system is central.
The judge may simply be obliged to consider the former decision as part of the
material on which his present could be based or he may be obliged to decide in the
same way as that in which the previous case was decided. In the latter case the
precedent is said to be “binding”. So another feature of the English system is the
doctrine of the binding case.

Cases of “first impression” are based upon facts, which bear no resemblance to the
facts of any previous case.

The administration of justice is not a simple process of matching precedents. The

judges have a field of choice in making their decisions. But they do not exercise their
discretion in an arbitrary way; they rest their judgments upon general principles.

Corectaţi greşelile în enunţurile de mai jos:

1. The common law system is specific for France and Belgium.

2. The judicial precedent does not ensure a homogenous jurisprudence in the UK.
3. Romanian law is primarily based on case-law.


I. Puneţi cuvintele de mai jos în spaţiile libere ale textului:

Common Law Roman Law

Napoleonic Code The Ten Commandments

A. ….. , which evolved in the 8th century BC, was still largely a blend of custom and
interpretation by magistrates of the will of the gods.
B. ….. evolved from the tribal and local laws in England. It began with common
Customs, but over the time it involved the courts in law-making that was responsive to
changes in society. In this way the Anglo-Norman rulers created a system of
centralized courts that operated under a single set of laws that replaced rules laid down
by earlier societies.
C. …. formed the basis of all Israelite legislation. They can also be found in the laws of
other ancient peoples.
D. …. refers to the entire body of French law, contained in five codes dealing with
civil, commercial, and criminal law.

II. Completaţi spatiile libere cu verbele cu particulă separabilă de mai jos:

to break down to look down upon smb.

to put up to go down
to make up for to break up
to cut down to make up (a quarrel)
to turn down

1. You have to … with your new job.

2. I hear prices have already …
3. I’m sorry for being late but my car …
4. Many foreign tourists … at the hotel in Brasov.
5. He has missed for a month, so he has to … for his absence.
6. I don’t like her because she … on people.
7. You have to … your expenses.
8. You cannot … their invitation to dinner.
9. I’m happy that they … their quarrel.
10. School … in June.

III. Translate into Romanian, using, if necessary, a dictionary (you can check
your answers by reading the Romanian Constitution):

Art. 73
(1) Parliament passes constitutional, organic, and ordinary laws.
(2) Constitutional laws shall be pertaining to the revision of the Constitution.
(3) Organic laws shall regulate:
a) the electoral system; the organization and functioning of the Permanent Electoral
b) the organization, functioning, and financing of political parties;
c) the statute of Deputies and Senators, the establishment of their emoluments and
other rights;
d) the organization and holding of referendum;
e) the organization of the Government and of the Supreme Council of National
f) the state of partial or total mobilization of the armed forces and the state of war;
g) the state of siege and emergency;
h) criminal offences, penalties, and the execution thereof;
i) the granting of amnesty or collective pardon;
j) the statute of public servants;
k) the contentious business falling within the competence of administrative courts;
l) the organization and functioning of the Superior Council of Magistracy, the courts of
law, the Public Ministry, and the Court of Audit;
m) the general legal status of property and inheritance;
n) the general organization of education;
o) the organization of local public administration, territory, as well as the general rules
on local autonomy;
p) the general rules covering labour relations, trade unions, employers' associations,
and social protection;
r) the status of national minorities in Romania;

s) the general statutory rules of religious cults;
t) the other fields for which the Constitution stipulates the enactment of organic laws.
(Constitution of Romania)


În sistemul de drept anglo-saxon, dreptul cutumiar este un important izvor al dreptului.


In sistemul de drept anglo-saxon, jurisprudenta (case-law) este un important

izvor de drept. Common-law se constituie din: hotarârile judecatorești, cutume și
tradiții juridice. Judecatorul este un creator al legii, el nu doar interpretează legea.
O cauză poate fi soluţionată pe baza unui precedent judiciar, care a fost
pronunţat cu mult timp în urmă.

Vom continua să aflăm informaţii despre Regatul Unit şi în următoarele unităţi

ale acestui manual.

4.7. TEST

I. Explicați în limba engleză principiul precendentului judiciar (the principle of the

judicial precedent).

II. Alcătuiţi zece propoziţii folosind următorii termeni:

1. to deprive smb. of liberty = a priva pe cineva de libertate

2. to make an appeal = a face recurs
3. to give evidence = a depune mărturie
4. to comply with a decision = a se supune unei hotărâri
5. to impose a fine = a impune o amendă
6. to state the cause = a-şi apăra cauza
7. to punish with imprisonment = a pedepsi cu închisoarea
8. to plead not-guilty = a pleda pentru nevinovăţie
9. to discharge a defendant = a pune în libertate un acuzat
10. to pass a sentence = a pronunţa o sentinţă.


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Dracsineanu, Cătălin; Haraga, Radu (2012). Manual de limba engleză pentru
profesionişti. Iaşi: Editura Polirom
3. Walenn, Jeremy (2009). English for law in higher education studies. London:
Garnet Publishing.



5.1. Introducere
5.2. Obiective
5.3. Conţinut
5.4. Dezvoltare lexicală și traducere
5.5. Să ne reaminitim
5.6. Rezumat
5.7. Test
5.8. Bibliografie


În această unitate de învăţare, vom studia două timpuri: trecutul perfect simplu
(past perfect simple) şi trecutul perfect continuu (past perfect continuous).


După studierea acestei unităţi, studentul trebuie să fie capabil:

 să folosească în mod corect trecutul perfect simplu sesizând particularităţile de
folosire ale acestui timp prin raportare la trecutul simplu;
 să identifice situaţiile de folosire a trecutului perfect simplu în vorbirea curentă;
 să folosească în mod corect trecutul perfect continuu sesizând particularităţile
de folosire ale acestui timp prin raportare la trecutul perfect simplu;
 să identifice situaţiile de folosire a trecutului perfect continuu în vorbirea

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 de minute.



A. Past Perfect Simple is formed with had + the Past Participle:

Affirmative: I had looked We had looked

You had looked You had looked
He/she/it had looked They had looked
Negative: I had not looked/ hadn’t looked We had not looked
You had not looked You had not looked
He/she/it had not looked They had not looked
Interrogative: Had I looked? Had we looked?
Had you looked? Had you looked?
Had he/she/it looked? Had they looked?
Had I not looked? / Hadn’t I looked? Etc.

 Past Perfect Simple is used to show that one action was completed before
another action in the past.
Let us take two examples:
Pedro learned English. – and – He came to England.

Both these actions took place in the past, so we use the Simple Past learned and came.
But suppose we want to show that one of these actions took place before the other one.
Suppose we want to say that Pedro learned English before he came to England. Then
we use the Past Perfect Tense for the action that took place first, and we use the Simple
Past Tense for the other action.

Pedro had learned English before he came to England.

Mrs. Thompson came to tell us she had made the coffee.
After she had chatted for a little time, Mrs. Beck went to see about the dinner.

 Past Perfect Simple can be used with till, until and before to emphasize the
completion of an action.
He did not wait TILL we had finished our meal.
It was a very expensive town. BEFORE we had been here a week we had spent
all our money.
He had stayed in his father’s firm TILL his father died. Then he had started his
own business and was now a very successful man.

B. Past Perfect Continuous is formed with had been + the Present Participle
(V+ING). The form is the same for all persons:

Affirmative: I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they had been working.

Negative: I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they had not/ hadn’t been working

Interrogative: Had I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they been working?

Negative–interrogative: Had I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they not/hadn’t been working?

 It is not used with verbs, which are not used in the continuous forms, except
with want and sometimes wish.
The boy was delighted with his new bike.
He had been wanting one for a long time.

The Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

 When the action began before the time of speaking in the past, and continued
up to that time, or stopped just before it, we can often use either form:
It was now six and he was tired because he had worked since dawn.
It is now six and he was tired because he had been working since dawn.

 A repeated action in the past can sometimes be expressed as a continuous

action by the past perfect continuous:
He had been trying to get her on the phone.

 But there is a difference between a single action in the simple past perfect and
an action in the past perfect continuous:
By six o’clock he had repaired the engine (this job had been completed).
He had been repairing the engine. (it tells us how he had spent the previous
hour/half hour, etc. It does not tell us whether or not the job was completed).

Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

1. When we arrived, the jury already returned the verdict. (we arrived too late)
2. The trial started at 9 a.m. At 11 a.m. the judge was hearing the witnesses’
testimonies for 2 hours.


I. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Noi am locuit la Cluj timp de doi ani înainte de a ne muta la Bucureşti.

2. Ne plimbam prin parc de o jumătate de oră, când i-am întâlnit pe prietenii noştri.
3. Ieri pe vremea aceasta călătoream cu maşina de o oră.
4. Când am ajuns acasă, mi-a arătat traducerea pe care o făcea de la ora 5.
5. A predat franceza timp de un an înainte de a începe să predea engleza.
6. Mi-a spus că tocmai s-a întors de la birou unde a avut o zi obositoare.

II. Read and retell:

“A woman is in a hurry and takes a taxi. The taxi goes at great speed and narrowly
misses some lamp posts, trams and policemen. The woman is frightened and says to
the taxi driver: “Please, be careful! This is the first time I’ve been in a taxi. “That’s all
right, ma’am” answers the taxi driver”. “This is the first time I have driven one”.

III. Change the following sentences, as to the pattern given below:

This time yesterday he was translating an article.
This time yesterday he had been translating an article for half an hour.

1. This time yesterday my grandfather was working in the garden.
2. This time yesterday she was practising in the language laboratory.
3. This time yesterday they were drawing up a report for that case.
4. This time yesterday we were getting about the city.
5. This time yesterday they were travelling by motor coach.
6. This time yesterday she was translating an article from Romanian into English.
7. This time yesterday they were visiting the National Gallery of Art.
8. This time yesterday Mary was doing her morning exercises.
9. This time yesterday the secretary was typing the last page of the report.
10. This time yesterday they were making the arrangements for accommodation.


Trecutul perfect simplu se foloseşte mai ales pentru a exprima anterioritatea

unei acțiuni din trecut faţă de un moment trecut/altă acţiune din trecut.
Trecutul perfect continuu se foloseşte mai ales pentru a preciza de cât timp se
petrecea o acţiune la un moment dat în trecut.

Anul universitar următor vom recapitula şi alte reguli specifice limbii engleze.


 Trecutul perfect simplu exprimă o acţiune care s-a petrecut înainte de altă
acţiune din trecut.
 Trecutul perfect simplu măsoară de când dura/a durat o situaţie/o stare care a
început în trecut şi care a continuat până la un moment dat în trecut.
 Trecutul perfect continuu măsoară de cât timp dura o acţiune propriu-zisă (nu o
stare/situaţie) care a început în trecut şi care a continuat până la un moment dat
în trecut.

5.7. TEST

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Simple or Continuous:

1. He told me that he never (to meet) you.

2. The lights hardly (to go out) when a strange noise was heard.
3. They (to be married) for five years when they finally had a child.
4. As we (not to eat) yet, we all felt very hungry.
5. The policeman wanted to know why she (to come) to that bank.
6. When he got to the airport, the plane already (to arrive).
7. She answered my question after I (to repeat) it four times.
8. At last my secretary handed me the letters she (to type).
9. She told me that they (to see) that film by Friday.
10. Although they (not to see) each other for a long time, Mary bought tickets for the
theatre that evening.

II. Rewrite the sentences, using the Past Simple or Past Perfect form of the verbs
in brackets, as appropriate:

1. We (get down) to business as soon as we (introduce – passive) to each other.
2. Nothing (move-passive) in the room until after the police (take) photographs.
3. None of his teachers (understand) how he (manage) to fail the examination.
4. The results last year (be) better than anyone (expect).
5. I (write) to the suppliers asking why the goods (not to arrive) yet. They (reply)
to say that they already (send – passive).
6. The motorist (discover) to his relief that he (not to take) the wrong road after
7. I (call) at the manager’s office, but (discover) I just (miss) him. He (go) on
8. The scientist suddenly (see) the answer to the problem that (occupy) his mind
for the last two months.
9. Once they (settle) the agenda, the committee (circulate) it to all members of the
10. When Queen Victoria (die) in 1901, she (reign) for over 60 years.


4. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
5. Fleischhack, Eric; Schwarz, Hellmut (2009) – English Grammar. Practice
Book, Bucureşti: ALL Educational
6. Seidl, Jennifer; Schwarz, Hellmut (2012). English Grammar, Bucureşti: ALL



6.1. Introducere
6.2. Obiective
6.3. Conţinut
6.4. Dezvoltare lexicală și traducere
6.5. Să ne reaminitim
6.6. Rezumat
6.7. Test
6.8. Temă de control 2
6.9. Bibliografie


În această unitate de învăţare, veţi studia câteva noţiuni generale privind sistemul
judiciar din Marea Britanie.


După studierea acestei unităţi, studentul trebuie să fie capabil:

 să ofere informaţii generale cu privire la puterea judecătorească din Marea
 să expună modul de ierarhizare a instanţelor de judecată din ţara noastră
(judecătorii – courts of first instance, tribunale-tribunals, curți de apel – courts
of appeal și ICCJ – The High Court of Cassation and Justice, precum și curți cu
jurisdicție special – special courts/courts with special jurisdiction).

Durata medie de parcurgere acestei unităţi de învăţare este de 90 minute.



Responsibility for the administration of the juridical system lies with the Lord
Chancellor and with the Home Secretary, the Secretary of the State for Scotland, and
the Minister of Home Affairs for Northern Ireland.

Judges are appointed by the Crown, on the advice of the Prime Minister. A judge holds
office until he retires, and his judicial independence is guaranteed.

Magistrates are appointed on behalf of the Crown by the Lord Chancellor, the
Secretary of State for Scotland, or the Governor of Northern Ireland.
There is no single body of law in the U.K. There is, however, a similarity between the
separate systems of England and Wales and of Northern Ireland.
A feature common to all systems of law in Britain is that there is no complete code.

The sources of law include Acts of Parliament and subordinate legislation made under
powers conferred by Parliament and a large amount of “unwritten” or common law.

Another feature is the distinction between Criminal law concerned with the wrongs
against community and Civil law concerned with the rights, duties and obligations of
individual members of the community.

Most prosecutions in England and Wales are initiated and conducted by the police.

The police service in Great Britain is linked with the local government and subject to
the influence and control of the Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for
Scotland. In Northern Ireland it is controlled by an Inspector General. In Scotland, the
police make the preliminary investigations but the Public Prosecutor decides whether
or not to prosecute.

Throughout the U.K. it is the law that as soon as anyone is arrested, he must be
charged and brought before the court with the least possible delay. If he cannot be
brought before the court within a day, he will usually be granted bail.

Corectaţi greşelile din enunțurile de mai jos:

1. In the UK magistrates are appointed on behalf of the Crown by the Speaker.

2. Acts of Parliament are not considered sources of law in the UK.
3. The Prime Minister does not have any role in appointing judges in the UK.


I. Daţi echivalentele româneşti la următoarele cuvinte şi expresii apoi alcătuiţi

propoziţii cu ele:

 responsibility lies with;

 to hold office;
 to be concerned with;
 Minister of Home Affairs;
 criminal law;
 civil law;
 on behalf of;
 decisions of the courts;

 to prosecute;
 to be brought before the court;
 to be charged;
 to be granted bail.

II. Alegeţi echivalentele româneşti pentru cuvintele şi expresiile englezeşti:

1. to be entitled to vote a. circumscripţie electorală

2. by-elections b. sufragiu
3. suffrage c. alegeri parţiale
4. to resign d. a avea drept de vot
5. constituency e. a demisiona
6. House of Lords f. Ministru de interne
7. to summon g. Camera Lorzilor
8. archbishop h. a convoca
9. Minister of Home Affairs i. a numi (într-o funcţie)
10. to appoint j. arhiepiscop

III. Traduceţi în română următorul fragment din Constituţia României:

“(1) Justice shall be rendered in the name of the law.
(2) Justice shall be one, impartial, and equal for all.
(3) Judges shall be independent and subject only to the law.”
(The Romanian Constitution)

IV. Traduceţi în engleză următorul fragment din Constituţia României:

“(1) Judecătorii numiţi de Preşedintele României sunt inamovibili, în condiţiile legii.
(2) Propunerile de numire, precum şi promovarea, transferarea şi sancţionarea
judecătorilor sunt de competenţa Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii, în condiţiile
legii sale organice.
(3) Funcţia de judecător este incompatibilă cu orice altă funcţie publică sau privată, cu
excepţia funcţiilor didactice din învăţământul superior.”
(Constituţia României)


Numirea magistraţilor se face în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii de către Monarh, la

recomandarea Primului Ministru. Judecătorii sunt independenţi şi inamovibili


Lordul Cancelar împreună cu Miniştrii de interne ai Angliei, Scoţiei şi Irlandei

de Nord răspund de buna administrare a justiţiei în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii.
Judecătorii numiţi de Coroană, la sugestia Primului Ministru britanic, sunt

independenţi şi inamovibili.
Cercetarea penală este desfăşurată de organele de poliţie judiciară.

Vom continua să aflăm informaţii despre Regatul Unit şi în manualul din semestrul

6.7. TEST

I. Alegeţi cuvântul corect şi completaţi spatiile libere:

1. The … met urgently at 10 Downing Street to decide Government policy on the

economic crisis.

a. civil service b. ministries c. Cabinet of Ministers

2. Generally, a Bill becomes an Act of Parliament when it has received the … of both
Houses of Parliament and the Sovereign.

a. assent b. ratification c. consent d. enactment

3.The President of the House of Lords is called the … .

a. Speaker b. Lord Chancellor c. Prime Minister d. peer

4. The House of Commons consists of 650 Members of Parliament who each represent

a. state b. house c. county d. constituency

5. If an MP dies or retires or is given a peerage a … is held on his or her constituency.

a. by-election b. general election c. electoral roll d. election

6. The three parts of the Parliament are the monarch, lords and … .

a. people b. government c. commons d. bishops

7. No … can become law until it has been sanctioned or “read” three times by both
houses and received the royal assent.

a. bill b. act c. code d. ratification

II. Traduceţi în limba română:

“The Government is formed by the party with majority support in the Commons. The
Queen appoints its leader as Prime Minister. As head of the Government the Prime
Minister appoints about 100 ministers. About 20 ministers make up the Cabinet, the
senior group making the major policy decisions. Ministers are collectively responsible
for government decisions and individually responsible for de decisions adopted by

their own departments. The second largest party forms the official Opposition, with its
own leader and 'shadow cabinet'.”


Descrieţi (în limba engleză), în 450-500 de cuvinte, sistemul de guvernare din

România în comparaţie cu cel din Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de

Urmăriţi în descrierea dumneavoastră următoarele aspecte:

 șeful statului: numire, funcţii şi puteri relaţia sa cu celelalte organe ale statului;
 puterea legislativă: alcătuire, funcţii şi puteri relaţia sa cu celelalte organe ale
 puterea executivă: alcătuire, funcţii şi puteri relaţia sa cu celelalte organe ale

Structura propusă:
1. INTRODUCERE – scopul descrierii
2. CUPRINS – comparația dintre cele două sisteme cu evidențierea diferențelor și a
3. Concluzie – opinia dumneavoastră
4. Bibliografie (surse de documentare)

Această temă de control trebuie încăcată în contul dumneavoastră, pe platforma

GSuite for Education (pe clasa dedicată disciplinei Limba engleză 1), înainte de cel de-
al doilea tutorial.

Tema de control 2 reprezintă 15% din nota dumneavoastră finală.


1. Caraiman, Carmen Daniela (2013). Limba engleza pentru juristi. Bucureşti:

Editura Universitară
2. Dracsineanu, Cătălin; Haraga, Radu (2012). Manual de limba engleză pentru
profesionişti. Iaşi: Editura Polirom
3. Walenn, Jeremy (2009). English for law in higher education studies. London:
Garnet Publishing.


to arise arose arisen a se ridica
to awake awoke/awaked awaked a se trezi
to be was/were been a fi
to bear bore borne a purta
born a naşte
to beat beat beaten a bate
to become became become a deveni
to begin began begun a începe
to bend bent bent a îndoi
to bid bid bid a ruga
to bind bound bound a lega
to bite bit bitten a muşca
to bleed bled bled a sângera
to blow blew blown a sufla
to break broke broken a sparge
to breed bred bred a creşte
a educa
to bring brought brought a aduce
to build built built a clădi
to burn burnt burnt a arde
to burst burst burst a crăpa
to buy bought bought a cumpăra
to cast cast cast a arunca
to catch caught caught a prinde
to choose chose chosen a alege
to come came come a veni
to cost cost cost a costa
to creep crept crept a se târî
to cut cut cut a tăia
to know knew known a şti
to lay laid laid a pune
to lead led led a conduce
to leave left left a lăsa
to lend lent lent a împrumuta
to let let let a lăsa
to lie lay lain a zăcea
to lose lost lost a pierde
to make made made a face
to mean meant meant a însemna
to meet met met a întâlni
to pay paid paid a plăti
to put put put a pune
to read read read a citi

to ride rode ridden a călări
to ring rang rung a suna
to rise rose risen a răsări
to run ran run a alerga
to say said said a spune
to see saw seen a vedea
to seek sought sought a căuta
to sell sold sold a vinde
to send sent sent a trimite
to set set set a pune
to shake shook shaken a scutura
to shoot shot shot a împuşca
to show showed shown a arăta
to shrink shrank shrunk a se strânge
to shut shut shut a închide
to sing sang sung a cânta
to sink sank sunk a se scufunda
to sit sat sat a şedea
to sleep slept slept a dormi
to speak spoke spoken a vorbi
to spend spent spent a cheltui
to spring sprang sprung a izvorî
to stand stood stood a sta
to steal stole stolen a fura
to stick stuck stuck a lipi
to strike struck struck a lovi
to swear swore sworn a jura
to sweep swept swept a mătura
to swim swam swum a înota
to take took taken a lua
to teach taught taught a învăţa
to tear tore torn a rupe
to tell told told a spune
to think thought thought a se gândi
to throw threw thrown a arunca
to understand understood understood a înţelege
to wake woke woken a se trezi
to wear wore worn a purta
to weep wept wept a plânge
to win won won a câştiga
to wind wound wound a răsuci
to write wrote written a scrie


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