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Ben Shen Sufletele Entitilor viscerale -Tipuri de energie mentala (manifestari psiho-emotionale) asociate viscerelor/elementelor /Les Ben Shen

ou Cin !mes "egetatives/ Ben Shen# the $ive %s&chical-Emotional %hases

'Las-ti sufletul trupului( %o) (i sufletul spiritului ( )un) s *m+rti(e,e lini(tea -nittii(Tao). Lao T,u/ Tao Te Ching 01

Acest subiect este abordat in corespondenta cu fiecare element/faza de miscare in articolul: 2Elementul ascuns in Legea celor cinci miscari-Elementul ascuns/The )idden Element/ El elemento oculto/ L3elemento nascosto/ 4ie ver+orgene Element 2 Cuprins/Content 05 6ntroducere 75 Sufletele Entitilor viscerale !ctiviti psihice

Shen ( sh8n schen chenn)- Spiritul/ sufletul spiritual/ 6nteligena9 con(tiena/ discernamantul9 +ucuria9 C-6S9 CS-T$9 $oc %o ( p: po p;ai pro) <Sufletul animal muritor(!nima)9 viata vegetativa/ instinctul celular/ inconstientul9 tristetea %-6= >i ( &? i)<@intea/ reflecia/ gandirea/ raiunea(emisfera stanga)/ memoria/ concentrarea9 S%-S Ahi ( ,h? tschi tche)-"ointa/ intentia/ capacitatea de deci,ie9 hotarare/ determinare/ B-" !pa< Binichi/ $rica )un ( hCn hun hounn roun)- sufletul eteric(!nimus)9 @emorie ereditara/ perceptia/ imaginatia(emisfera dreapta)9 furia/mania $-"B D5 @anifestari psiho-emotionale si onirice asociate viscerelor/elementelor !pa< Binichi - Ahe (Tche/ "ointa) < $rica $oc- 6nima - Shen (Chenn/ 6nteligenta glo+ala) < Bucurie Lemn - $icat - )un (Boun/ @emorie ereditara) < $urie @etal - %laman - %o (%ro/ 6nstinct celular) < Tristete %amant < Splina %ancreas - >i (6/ Beflectie) < =riEi $ocul Eteric mi7/ Etheric $ire/ $eu Fth8ri ue/ $uego et8rico/ $uoco eterico/ G5 Ta+el referitor la semnificaia psiho-emoional a meridianelor G505 Tipuri de insomnie conform Shen Ben/T&pes of insomnia according to the Ben Shen H5 =losar I5 @od de pre,entare a caracterelor din lim+a chine,a /%resentation mode for Chinese characters used in this article J5 Bi+liografie

05 6ntroducere n medicina !i in "#ndirea chinez$% psihicul !i or"anele corpului sunt str#ns le"ate. Asa cum e&ist$ o ener"ie 'ital$ specific$ pentru fiecare or"an% e&ist$% de asemenea% o ener"ie mental$ caracteristic$% care eman$ de la fiecare or"an% definind astfel ceea ce chinezii numesc (cele cinci entiti viscerale( !i care sunt numite de catre unii autori din )ccident (cele cinci suflete vegetative.( *$ ne reamintim de componenta mental$ subtil$ a fiec$rei maladii si a fiec$rui remediu homeopatic. Energia mentala se formeaza din momentul conceptiei prin unirea celor dou$ capitaluri ener"etice si informationale+ener"ii ancestrale, 'enite de la tat$+cer, !i mam$+p$mant,. Aceast$ ener"ie mental$ este ulterior "$zduit$ -n principal -n creier !i intre.inut$% pe de o parte% prin cele cinci sim.uri ale fiintei umane% care permit hranirea informationala prin relatia sa cu mediul incon/urator si cu cel social% !i pe de alt$ parte% de catre esenta pur$ a ener"iei alimentare !i respiratorii% care asi"ura sustinerea ener"etica si materiala. 0ilozofii !i taoistii chinezi consider$ c$ ener"ia mental$ trebuie s$ fie purificat$ -n cursul 'ie.ii pentru a aduce fiin.a uman$ la senin$tatea spiritului !i la -n.elepciune+cunoastere nemi/locit$1 functionare holo"rafic$1 acces la puterile di'ine sau la capacitatile directe de cunoastere si de actiune,. 2ner"ia mental$ este alcatuit$ din cinci cate"orii% care se afl$ in corespondent$ cu cele cinci lo/i ener"etice ale or"anelor pline si "oale+zan"/fu,sau cu cele cinci mi!c$ri+wu &in",% care stau la temelia fiziolo"iei din 3edicina 4raditional$ 5hinez$ +453,.

4radi.ia chinez$ recunoa!te atat faza de e&isten.$ localizat$ a psihicului in corp ener"etic sau material+post celest$,% cat si o faz$ independent$ sau separat$ de corp+eliberat$1 precelest$% faza de e&isten.$ delocalizat$% holo"rafic$% di'in$,. nflorirea 'ietii localizate in corpuri subtile+ener"etice, a precedat aparitia fazei de e&isten.$ localizat$ a psihicului in corp material. nflorirea fazei de e&isten.$ localizat$ a psihicului in corp material ca urmare a practicii trezirii sau eliberarii+mo6sha, conduce la tranzitia% transmutatia sau metamorfoza corpului material prin aparitia corpului de diamant% di'in% nemuritor% in care se manifesta delocalizarea% eliberarea% si incetarea limitarilor datorate prizonieratului in cuirasa corpurilor "rosiere% muritoare+ener"etice1 materiale,. n lipsa infloririi +realiz$rii menirii fiintelor umane, se reia faza de e&isten.$ localizat$ in corp ener"etic+fantome1 zei, si se face o noua tentati'a de eliberare prin intrarea in faza de e&isten.$ localizat$ in corp material+sin"ura forma de e&isten.$ localizat$ unde se manifesta puntea /os7sus/ cuantic7macroscopic/materie7 camp/localizat7delocalizat,. n faza de e&isten.$ localizat$ nu e&ist$ aparent nici o separare -ntre corp !i minte+particula si unda, !i nu se manifest$ nici un e'eniment care s$ confirme o faz$ de e&isten.$ de "enul unui spirit sau suflet ale carui manifest$ri ar fi independente% separate% imateriale% intan"ibile !i spirituale% decat in mod accidental + e&periente de calatorie in afara corpului/)ut )f 8od9 2&perience in cursul anesteziei% a transei sau a 2&perientei din :ro&imitatea 3ortii/;ear <eath 2&perience, %entru @edicina Traditionala Chine,a(TC@) corpul fizic !i psihicul sunt e&presii la diferite ni'eluri ale aceluia!i continuum ener"etic si informational1 astfel% planul mental este atat mai =an" +luminos1 ceresc% solar1 emisi'1 psihoacti'/radioacti', dec#t planul fizic+pamantul,% cat si mai 9in+ lunar1 subtil1 recepti', dec#t 5erul% ceea ce face din fiinta umana puntea dintre cer si pamant% desi ambele +corpul fizic !i psihicul, pro'in de la aceea!i ener"ie primar$. 0antomele +"ui, sunt continuari ca entitati 9in ale celor decedati +faza de e&isten.$ localizat$ in corp ener"etic, in timp ce zeii si unii nemuritori sunt inca entitati localizate/prizoniere in corpuri% care isi iau si componenta 9an"+tot o faza de e&isten.$ localizat$ in corp ener"etic,% ca urmare a practicii alchimiei interne+nei dan, 'edeti: 4espre cartea @agul din Kava - 6nvataturile unui autentic nemuritor taoist de Losta 4anaos http#//MMM5docuter5com/vieMer5aspN documentidO0PPHDJIG77GcPQ7Q7fdI1+c07QH1G10JHR4espre-cartea-@aguldin-Kava---6nvataturile-unui-autentic-ne http#//MMM5docstoc5com/docs/HH1IJIII/4espre-cartea-lui-Losta-4anaos-@agul-din-Kava http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/G0QHJ1I7/@agul-4in-Kava n aceste condi.ii putem -n.ele"e c$ in fa,a locali,at toate manifest$rile mentale !i emo.ionale sunt in interdependen.$ cu di'ersele or"ane !i c$ putem e&tinde aplicarea le"ilor de interac.iune ale celor cinci elemente/miscari si -n domeniul 'ie.ii psihice. 4rebuie mai intai s$ distin"em cele cinci entit$.i 'iscerale sau entit$.i psihice% care sunt asociate celor cinci or"ane in modul in care undele sunt asociate fiecarei particule sau sufletele sunt asociate fiecarei fiinte 'ii. >n or"anism pluricelular este ca un or"anism colecti' inalt inte"rat + roi% colonie% furnicar% stup,% care in loc de o sin"ura matca/re"ina+creierul,% ar a'ea sase lideri +in traditia taoista: di'initati, care pot "u'erna in armonie sau in anarhie. n conformitate cu definirea taoista entit$.ile 'iscerale sunt ( diferitele acti'it$.i ( mentale asociate fiecarui or"an dar !i manifestari ori continuari ale acti'itatii or"anelor in plan psiho7afecti' si informational1 'ia.a psihica este inerenta fiecarui or"an sau entitati 'ii% asa cum a fost descoperit si in cazul plantelor1 de pilda di"estia informatiilor este asociata celei materiale a stomacului+*,% intestinului subtire+ *, si intestinului "ros+ ?,. 4ermenii care desemneaza aceste entit$.i sunt dificil de tradus !i se utilizeaza -n "eneral% numele lor chinezesc. n tabelul de mai /os% am pus -n parantez$ un termen in limba roman$ + cat !i fosta transcriptie 202), pentru a da o idee despre ce desemneaz$ aceste concepte ale entit$.ilor 'iscerale. Aceast$ traducere este totusi foarte restricti'$ in raport cu semnificatia de caracterului chinezesc/ideo"ramei !i nu trebuie s$ fie luat$ decat ca o $oc( huS) - C(Cord/6nima -6S(6ntestin Su+ire)9 CS(Circulaie SeT/%ericard)T$(Trei $ocare)9 Shen ( sh8n)# Spiritul/ 6nelegerea9 con(tiena/ discernmUnt- Bucurie

%amant( tV) < S%(Splina %ancreas)-S(Stomac)- >i ( &?)# Beflecia/ gUndirea/ invare9 ideaie9 memoria/ raiunea(emisfera stUng)/ concentrarea < =riEi @etal ( EWn) - %(%lmUn)-6=(6ntestin =ros)9 %o ( p:)# 6nstinct9 Sufletul animal muritor(!nima) 9 6nstinct celular9 instinct de conservare9 viaa vegetativ/ incon(tientul < Tristee/ nevoi viscerale/ pulsiuni/ miscri ale Xi/Chi/Li ( insoe(te respiraia/ mi(carea de intrare-ie(ire a Xi in relatie cu Esena-King (i Energia-Xi ) Lemn( mY) - $($icat)-"B("e,ic +iliar)- )un ( hCn)# CuraE/ sufletul eteric(!nimus)9 sufletul vi,ionar9 @emorie ereditar/ percepia/ imaginaia(emisfera dreapt)9 softMare < $urie/mUnie9 inteligena/ sensi+ilitate/ temperament/ creativitate !pa( shuZ )< B(Binichi)-"("e,ic urinar)- Ahi ( ,h?)# "oina9 capacitatea de deci,ie/ hotrare/ determinare/ intenie < $rica/ dorine/ aspiraii/ emoii9 re,istena/ credina in elul ales9 continuitate

<up$ ce sunt recunoscute aceste prime corespondente dintre cele cinci miscari si cele cinci acti'it$.i psihice/ entit$ti 'iscerale putem s$ aplic$m le"ile celor cinci elemente !i s$ descoperim un num$r de interac.iuni care sunt necunoscute pentru medicina si psiholo"ia din )ccident. 3anifest$rile psihice pot fi benefice% in calitate de acte de desc$rcare +furia sau mania% atunci c#nd ficatul este atacat ener"etic,1 ac.iunile asupra or"anelor pot re"lementa tulburarile psihice+-n caz de triste.e/depresie% trebuie s$ ne re"ulariz$m ener"ia pl$m#nilor,1 atitudinile mentale pot conduce la alte stari +bucuria controleaza triste.ea% care la randul ei controleaza furia/mania% etc.,. Aceste cate'a e&emple arat$ bo"$.ia in'$.$turilor pe care le putem afla din modelelele conceptuale folosite in @edicina Traditional Chine, (TC@) si a tuturor factorilor descri!i -n le"ea celor cinci misc$ri +cicluri de "enerare !i de distru"ere a celor cinci elemente/misc$ri% cicluri sezoniere% orare% etc,% implicate de asemenea% si la ni'el psihic. Adesea% o actiune adec'at$ la ni'elul or"anelor poate -mbun$t$.i foarte mult starea psihic$% tot asa cum si o stare psihic$ echilibrat$ actioneaz$ asupra maladiilor or"anismului +lucru redescoperit azi de catre medicina psihosomatic$, <in nefericire medicina din )ccident este -nc$ foarte refractar$ la astfel de concepte precum cele de cupla/ materie7informatie+somatic7psihic,% iar medicii care trateaz$ psihicul !i medicii care trateaz$ corpul continu$ s$ lucreze separat% ambele "rupuri continuand sa i"nore marile le"i uni'ersale.

Sufletele entitilor viscerale9 !ctiviti psihice

Shen Ben sunt cele 5inci 0aze+elemente/misc$ri, sau aspecte ale psihicului% emo.ii sau manifest$ri mentale. 0iecare din cele 5inci 0aze se refer$ la un or"an tezaur @an" +or"an =in,% la un punct de asentiment al or"anului +@an" *hu,% la o mentalitate psihic$ !i la un punct de asentiment mental :unctul *hu +situat la 1%5 cun lateral de punctul de asentiment al or"anului 7@an" *hu,% dup$ cum urmeaz$:
Faza/Element/Miscare Punct Organ Zang Punct asentiment (Shu) Zang Mentalitate Punct de asentiment (Shu) Foc Pamant Metal Apa Lemn C (Cord/Inima) SP(Splina Pancreas) P (Plmn) R(Rinichi) F(Ficat) V1 V!" V1# V!# V1$ Shen &i Po (hi *%n Spirit%l 'ndirea Instinct%l Voin)a C%ra+%l V,, V,V,! V ! V,.


5iclul *hen" A shen"1 B de "enez$% sau de promo'are+matern1 =in , / 59cle dCen"endrement D *hen" + =in,/ 4he :romotion 59cle 5iclul Ee A 6eF 6oB de dominare% distru"ere sau control +patern1 =an",/ 59cle de contrGle D Ee +=an", /4he 5ontrol 59cle *hen 'rea s$ se deschid$ p#n$ la :o/*hen wants to open up to :o :o 'rea s$ se deschid$ p#n$ la Hun/:o wants to open up to Hun Hun 'rea s$ deschid$ p#n$ la =i/Hun wants to open up to =i =i 'rea s$ deschid$ p#n$ la @hi/=i wants to open up to @hi @hi 'rea s$ deschid$ p#n$ la *hen/@hi wants to open up to *hen Iela.iile de mai sus func.ioneaz$ de7a lun"ul rutei Eo +a se 'edea dia"rama de mai sus,. /4he abo'e relationships operate alon" the Eo route +see dia"ram abo'e,.

Shen ( sh8n shen7 schen chenn)

Shen (Chenn) - Spiritul/ sufletul spiritual/ 6nteligena9 con(tiena/ discernamantul C-6S9 CS-T$9 $oc 2ste psihicul director al constientei% al -n.ele"erii. Aceasta prezent$ a constientei este calitatea care face din om un animal superior. 2ste% de asemenea noble.ea sentimentelor% deschiderea spiritului !i a inimii% iubirea de aproape. :entru a realiza un bun *hen% e ne'oie de deschidere pentru a urma le"ile naturii !i pentru a se conforma cu ritmurile biolo"ice ale uni'ersului. n simbolismul taoist la casa lui -n *hen este inima% iar buna func.ionare a ener"iei inimii este esen.ial$ pentru 'ia.a intelectual$ !i pentru echilibrul dintre ra.iune !i emo.ii.

n medicina% un dezechilibru al *hen poate e&acerba emoti'itatea care de'enind e&cesi'a% pro'oac$ stari necontrolate de e& sentimentala/emotionala !i 'ulnerabilitate la maladii. Jis7K7'is de stresul de zi cu zi% o astfel de stare conduce acela!i timp la tulbur$ri de somn% la palpitatii% an&ietate% an"oase >nul dintre punctele simptomatice pentru a atenua aceste probleme +-n caz de emotii sau de trac -nainte de un e&amen de e&emplu, este de CJ% %oarta spiritului% care ar trebui s$ fie calmat prin masa/ de mai multe ori pe zi% prin presiune si miscare circular$ u!oar$ timp de dou$7trei minute. Shen($ire %hase/ C/CS) *hen belon"s mainl9 to the 0ire :hase but *hen itself is di'ided in 0i'e :hases: the 8en *hen. ;e"ati'e emotions are =an" and positi'e emotions are =in. 4he9 are both necessar9 to feed *hen is the power and spirit of life. t has =in and =an" aspects. =uan +)ri"inal, *hen is =in% the passi'e form% the di'ine form% the hi"her self. *hih *hen is =an"% the acti'e form% the emotions and the blood of li'in". ntuition is a part of *hen% the incarnation of the mental part of the bod9. *hen relates to H4 and :5. Lhen H4 Mi is pure% :5 obe9s *hen. Lhen H4 Mi is wea6% :5 obe9s the needs of the bod9% resultin" in a lust for e&citement and stimulatin" acti'ities. *hen and the 0ire :hase in'ol'e lo'e7relationships. Lhen *hen is in balance% lo'e7 relationships are also in balance. 8od9 "rowth is 'er9 fast in pubert9. *hen "rowth cannot 6eep pace with rapid bod9 "rowth. 4hus% man9 problems arise with relationships and emotions in pubert9% especiall9 problems between parents and pubescent children. Shen gloom& self-dou+t discouragement despair depression (empt&) hopelessness SorroM Shoc[ ETtreme Eo& Self-confidence Ko& )appiness ver& eTcited/ rec[lessness restlessness/ cheerlessness

nervousness concern h&steria

To help in Shen pro+lems# *tren"then *hen b9 learnin" to meditate% ha'in" the correct bod9 attitude%wal6in" and standin" up strai"ht. >se JFF7*hentan" +*pirit Hall, or J157Ninshu +5 *hu,. >se 50574on"li +5onnectin" Oi% Ouo7:assa"e point, to help with se'ere problems with relationships% h9steria% unhappiness% fear for other people. >se 50P7*henmen +*pirit ?ate% *hu7*tream/=uan/2arth/*on7*edation point, to rela& people with insomnia and palpitations . >se 50Q7*haochon" +Oesser 4horou"hfare% Rin"7Lell/Lood/3other74onification point, to tonif9 people with low spirits .

"edeti amplasarea punctului CJ-%oarta spiritului/ in# !tlas de !cupunctura de @irahorian/@anual ET de depanare a masinii umane http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/70HDJGJG/!cupunctura-!tlas

sh8n shen7 schen shin B# spirit% spiritual1 <umnezeu1 zeu% idol1 suflet% minte%
inteli"ent$1 'italitate% fort$1 shen shSn esprit. <e la +, shT (altar( si shUn fonetic1 ( cer tiVn 1camp de cinabru superior shKn" dVntiWn1 E# god% deit9% spirit% mind% e&pressio% loo61 intelli"ence1 consciousness1 4he concept of *hin+, has the 'alue of the self

archet9pe as whole ps9cheXs president principle. *henY hea'enl9% bri"ht% ethereal% e&pandin"% "oin"% centrifu"al% life1 contrar ?ui1 4wo 3eanin"s )f Z*hen[: 1, *hen indicates the acti'it9 of thin6in"% consciousness% insi"ht% emotional life and memor9% all of which depend on the Heart. translate this as (3ind(. 2, *hen indicates the comple& of all fi'e mental7spiritual aspects of a human bein"% i.e. the 3ind itself% the
Hun% the :o% the =i and the @hi. translate this as (*pirit(. =# =ott% ?\tter% =ottheit% "\ttlich% ]bernat]rlich% unfehlbar% wir6sam% Oebens6raft% =eist% "eisti"% ?eister 1 apare prima data in : I57 9 *piritul A(*hen(1 in lb. s6rt: (5hit(1 lit.: 5onstiinta Absolut$B se refer$ la realitatea informationala sursa% la matricea holo"rafica suport% la codul "enetic al uni'ersului% care se manifest$ holo"rafic -n fiecare fra"ment al uni'ersului% inclusi' in noi insine A'edeti: cap.FPB. $# shen shSn esprit. <e +, shT (autel( et shUn phonetic.(2sprit% spirituel1 dieu1 #me% pensSe% intelli"ence1 'italitS% force( DEarl"ren1 ciel tiVn1 champ de cinabre supSrieur shKn" dVntiWn.

Oe *hen: :artie "auche +*hi, : un autel dCo^ sCSl_'e la fumSe. 5lef des rituels% de la rS'Slation% des si"nes% de lCinfluence cSleste. 3ontrer% manifester. :artie droite +*hen, : +plusieurs interprStation possibles, soit des 'olutes de fumSe pro'enant dCun sacrifice +e&pression de la dS'otion `ui sCSl_'e 'ers les di'initSs, ou un tourbillon de foudre au milieu des nua"es +manifestation des puissances cSlestes, 1 soit deu& mains `ui sCopposent pour tendre une corde +alternance% adaptation, ou ceindre une ceinture. nformer% communi`uer.Oe *hen est le reflet de la 'italitS% de la conscience et des cin` amotions. Oa 'i'acitS du *hen se note dans lCSclat re"ard et en particulier dans celui de la pupille le /our et dans les rb'es la nuit. *hen est la relation K soi dCabord% puis K lCautre et enfin lCuni'ers. Oe *hen reprSsente lcacti'itS mentale de lcbtre humain% la manifestation de la 'ie. 2*:I 4% ensemble des fonctions ps9chi`ues et spirituelles. 5onscience or"anisatrice% dCessence cSleste% sCe&primant dans lCensemble des fonctions de lCor"anisme% lui permettant de communi`uer et dCbtre en permanente adaptation a'ec son en'ironnement. d ;ourrir le *hen est la t#che suprbme% nourrir le 5orps est utile% `uoi`ue secondaire e Huan" <i. Oa tradition indi`ue `ue le terme *hen peut a'oir diffSrents sens et% pour les sa"es chinois% il est% au moins% utilisS dans deu& conte&tes diffSrents. :remi_rement% *hen indi`ue lcensemble des facultSs mentales `ui sont en relation a'ec la fonction du 5fur et de son mSridien associS. <ans ce sens lK% le *hen correspond K lcesprit.

<eu&i_mement% *hen scutilise aussi pour S'o`uer toute la sph_re des aspects Smotionnels% mentau& et spirituels de lcbtre humain +`ue nous allons e&plicitS ci7 apr_s,. <ans ce sens% il ncest pas seulement associS au 5fur% mais il en"lobe tous les phSnom_nes Smotionnels% mentau& et spirituels associSs K tous les autres 'isc_res +de nature 9in,. l en"lobe les (ames( +faute dCune traduction plus correcte, `ue lCon 'a e&pliciter ci7apr_s+'oir: Hun si :o,. <Capr_s la mSdecine traditionnelle chinoise% le *hen +lCesprit, re"roupe en lui : lCame SthSrSe +Hun,% lcame corporelle +:o,% la 'olontS +@hi,% la pensSe +=i, et lCidSation. Oe *hen ren'oie K lcensemble des aspects mentau& et spirituels de lcbtre humain : cela correspond plus prScisSment K la 'ie pou'ant sCe&primer au ni'eau du corps et du domaine spirituel. 5hacun des 5 'isc_res =in est associS K un aspect mental prScis+'edeti: Hun si :o,.
<ans les Scrits de mSdecine traditionnelle chinoise% nous dScou'rons ce `ue lCon appelle% au/ourdChui% les (entitSs ps9chi`ues ( +en relation a'ec les or"anes,.

4he ZOin" *hu( in chapter 8 sa9s: (Oife comes about throu"h the 2ssence1 when the two 2ssences Aof mother and fatherB unite% the9 form the 3ind(. @han" Rie 8in sa9s: (4he two 2ssences% one =in% one =an"% form life1 the 2ssences of mother and father unite to form the 3ind(. 4herefore the 3ind of a newl97 concei'ed bein" comes from the :re7natal 2ssences of its mother and father. After birth% its :re7natal 2ssence is stored in the Eidne9s and it pro'ides the biolo"ical foundation for the 3ind. 4he life and 3ind of a newborn bab9% howe'er% also depend on the nourishment from its own :ost7natal 2ssence. 4he (*piritual A&is( in chapter 30 sa9s: (Lhen the *tomach and ntestines are coordinated the 5 =in or"ans are peaceful% 8lood is harmonized and mental acti'it9 is stable. 4he 3ind deri'es from the refined essence of water and food.(. 4hus the 3ind draws its basis and nourishment from the :re7natal 2ssence stored in the Eidne9s and the :ost7natal 2ssence produced b9 Oun"s% *tomach and *pleen. Hence the 4hree 4reasures: 4hese 4hree 4reasures represent three different states of condensation of Mi% the 2ssence bein" the densest% Mi the more rarefied% and the 3ind the most subtle and non7material. 4he acti'it9 of the 3ind relies on the 2ssence and Mi as its fundamental basis. Hence the 2ssence is said to be the (foundation of the bod9 and the root of the 3ind(. 4hus if 2ssence and Mi are stron" and flourishin" the 3ind will be happ9% balanced and alert. f 2ssence and Mi are depleted% the 3ind will suffer and ma9 become unhapp9% depressed% an&ious% or clouded. @han" Rie 8in sa9s: ( f the 2ssence is stron"% Mi flourishes1 if Mi flourishes% the 3ind is whole(. *hen +of Heart, s the Mi that:1.0orms life +but also with :o and Hun, from the union of the Rin" of the parents 2.Allows the indi'idual to be conscious of his or her self13.:ermits the cohesion of 'arious parts of our ps9che and emotions1F.<efines us as indi'iduals15.0eels and assesses the emotions 16. s responsible for perceptions and senses 1P. s responsible

for thin6in"% memor9% intelli"ence. Lisdom% ideas1 8.<etermines consciousness1Q.Allows insi"ht1 10. s responsible for perception and co"nition1 11. <etermines sleep112.?o'erns the 5 senses +si"ht% hearin"% smellin"% taste% touch,

>i (

>i (6) <@intea/ reflecia/ gandirea/ raiunea(emisfera stanga)/ memoria/ concentrarea9 S%-S %amant 2ste ener"ia mental$ corespunz$toare reflec.iei% "#ndirii% capacitatii de concentrare. Acesta ener"ie mental$ este un re"ulator ma/or de *hen. =i este memoria trecutului% cu"etare de idei. 0$c#nd parte din elementului :amant 7 *plina :ancreas +:i'otul central al celor cinci elemente,% =i este ener"ia mental$ care stabilizeaza si readuce in centru si temelia sau iz'orul de tact !i in comportament. n medicina% noi trebuie s$ luam -n considerare dere"larea =i -n cazul -n care se manifesta o "ri/a obsesi'a sau o rume"are e&cesi'a a ideilor% -nt#lnita -n st$ri depresi'e% -n cazul -n care e&ist$ an&ietate% "anduri obsesi'e% pierderi de memorie. Oa copiii mici apare des lipsa de instabilitatea mentala. 5a "hid% un punct simptomatic pentru a armoniza =i este S%Q- @asina terestra1 se e&ercita o presiune circular$ bland$ timp de cinci minute% o dat$ sau de dou$ ori pe s$pt$m#n$.

&? i)

Jedeti amplasarea punctului *:87 3asina terestra +punct sensibil presiune, in !tlasul de !cupunctura la adresa indicata mai sus sau in 8iblio"rafie >i (Earth %hase/ S%) "o'erns personal opinions% thou"hts% obsession% 6nowled"e translatin" into words% and learnin" (b9 heart( +b9 rote,. =i relates to 2arth and *:. A stron" =i can ta6e o'er a wea6 *hen +re'erse7*hen" route,. 0or e&ample% a 'er9 intelli"ent person ma9 be able to 'erbalize 6nowled"e% but ma9 find it difficult to translate that 6nowled"e into practical action. ;e"ati'e remar6s indicate a wea6 *hen or =i% but can also indicate a stron" =i: intelli"ence and 6nowled"e can blur 'ision/insi"ht. =i
lack of concentration forgetful Sym!athy "onsideration Pity #ostalgia worry a out muse worry out in the

mind O$erconcern difficulty with gi$ing and recei$ing affection

o session

To help in >i pro+lems# 4o help =i% tal6 to people who will listen. *timulate =i b9 writin"% ma6in" music% sin"in"% dancin"% doin" rh9thmical acti'ities. >se JFQ7=ishe +4hou"ht Home, or J207:ishu +*: *hu,. >se *:0374aibai +*upreme Lhite% *hu7*tream/=uan/2arth/Hour point, to stren"then memor9. >se *:057*han"`iu +*han" Hill% Rin"7Ii'er/3etal/*on7*edation point, to sedate =i and reduce worr9 and obsession. >se *:027<adu +?reat 3etropolis% =in"7*prin"/0ire/3other74onification point, to stimulate. =i and enhance intuition and 'erbal release of what is botherin" one.

&? i iB# "andire% intelect% ideatie1 splina7pancreas pi splina% E# thin6in"1 $## intellect% pensSe% la capacitS dcidSation% mSmorisation% rate pancreas 'edeti: b^ 9T une&pectedl9 1 unawareness 1unpreparedness 9T sens 1 intention1 dSsir1 9T shT conscience / se rendre compte de / btre conscient de 9T zhT 'olontS dK 9T inattentif 1 distrait dS 9T infatuS 1 satisfait de soi 1 transportS de /oie 1 fier de / satisfait de lig 9T btre attentif &hn 9T sentiment / affection / intention / idSe 9iu 9T K dessein / e&pr_s / a'oir lcintention de / 'ouloir zh^ 9T faire attention `iWn 9T shj A2;B unconscious ! wg 9T shT inconscient / acte+mou'ement,inconscient 9iu 9T shT conscious "# zT /uS conscient 9iu 9T shT conscious $%& b^ &kn" rSn shT s9ncope ' w^ comprendre / rSaliser / btre conscient 9T shT conscience / se rendre compte de / btre conscient de "# zT /uS conscient ! wg 9T shT inconscient 1 acte+mou'ement,inconscient

%o ( p: po pro)

%o (%ro) <Sufletul animal muritor(!nima)9 viata vegetativa/ instinctul celular/ inconstientul9 %-6= @etal 2ste domeniul incon!tientului !i subcon!tientului% al 'ie.ii instincti'e% al 'ie.ii 'e"etati'e% al refle&elor impulsi'e. )r"anul corespunz$tor este plamanul% care comand$ schimburile ener"etice respiratorii +sistemul pl$m#ni !i piele,. >n bloca/ sau o refulare psiholo"ica +a"resiune interiora nee&primata% sentimentul de a fi asuprit ..., trait pentru o perioad$ de 'ia.$ poate sa se manifeste mai t#rziu sub forma de tulbur$ri psihosomatice% ca de e&emplu in cazul unor tipuri de astm% eczeme% urticarie% sindrom de colon iritabil. n acupunctura% tratamentul consta in a reechilibra cuplul format din or"an plin/'iscer+zan"/fu,% adica dintre :laman si ntestin ?ros. Jedeti amplasarea punctelor de tonificare si de dispersie ale meridianelor :laman si ntestin ?ros in !tlasul de !cupunctura la adresa indicata mai sus sau in 8iblio"rafie

%o (@etal %hase/ L-) comes from our mother +2arth,. t is a =in aspect. :o houses all the automatic s9stems and instincts. t is the wa9 to sur'i'e. 4he instinct de'elops ri"ht after conception. 2'er9thin" that can breathe has :o. 4his :hase is alwa9s part of the bod9. :o ma6es one introspecti'e. :o
low s!irited o!!ression hea$y hearted $ery sensiti$e% self& !ity Frankness Sadness stoic% arrogance 'ccessi le (rief to )isengage Sorrow yourself *ealousy

egoism miserly

To help in %o pro+lems# Oearn low abdominal breathin"1 in meditation% this banishes stra9 thou"hts and ma6es one open to *hen. <o e&ercises to impro'e breathin"1 5hinese people train their breathin" in order to endure pain. >se JF27:ohu +*oul <oor, or J1370eishu +O> *hu, >se :0P7Oie`ue +8ro6en *e`uence% Ouo7:assa"e point, to stimulate e&tro'ersion >se :0575hize +2lbow 3arsh% He7*ea/Later/*on7*edation point, to sedate :o in people with for e&ample sadness due to an e&cess situation. >se :0Q74ai9uan +?reat Ab9ss% *hu7*tream/=uan/2arth/3other74onification point, to stimulate :o1 this stimulates intro'ersion or introspection1 appearances become less important

p: poG po pro #B# suflet1 spirit1 omul are doua suflete Hun+, si :o+,+'edeti cap 10 din 4ao 4e 5hin",1 anima% spirit animal% suflet1 din toat$ inima1 animator1minte% cu"et%

ratiune1 a7si rec$p$ta cunostinta1 a7si 'eni -n fire1 form$% -nfltisare1 -n'elis1 chip1 E# soul% 'i"our% spirit% the part of human soul which dies% the dar6 part of the moon1 =#die tierische *eele im 3enschen% die stirbt1 der dun6le 4eil der 3ondscheibe1 015D9 $## 2n mSdecine
traditionnelle 5hinoise +et dans ces applications% comme le *hiatsu et lCacupuncture, il nCest

pas tou/ours simple de comprendre ce `ue lCon appelle les entitSs ps9chi`ues comme Shen/ )un et %o

Ahi (

Ahi (Tche)-"oina/ intentia/ capacitatea de deci,ie9 hotarare/ determinare/ B-" !pa< Binichi/ $rica 2ste entitatea 'iscerala a 'oin.ei care produce% a dorin.ei de a realiza un act% deci de a -ndeplini. 2ste ener"ia mental$ le"at$ de t$ria de caracter +aminti.i7'$ fraza popular$ (a a'ea rinichi solizi(,. @he are re!edin.a -n rinichi 7 ap$% care controleaza simultan rezer'a de ener"ie ancestrala si ener"ia fundamental$. ) slabiciune ener"etica din partea rinichiului poate pune -n e'iden.$ manifestari psihice% cum ar fi nelinistea% an&ietatea% frica% teama% lipsa de 'oin.$% absenta interesului sau a dorintei+materiale sau se&uale,% idei de :unct simptomatic pentru a reda Join.a Ahi (Tche) este BH-6,vorul de apa care se maseaza bilateral timp de 5 minute e&ercitand o presiune circular$ bland$ par pression circulaire douce le matin pendant cin` minutes% cela des deu& cGtSs simultanSment. Jedeti amplasarea punctului BH-6,vorul de apa +punct sensibil presiune, in !tlasul de !cupunctura la adresa indicata mai sus sau in 8iblio"rafie

,h? tschi tche)

,h? 9 ,hiG tschi tche B# 'oint$1 hot$rare1 determinare% intentie1 scop1 tint$1 a n$zui% ambitie+uneori: a scrie% -nre"istrare% amintire1 document% anale% inscriptie,1 a&a shen-&i,hi+rinichi1 aspiratii1 fermitate1 rezistenta% continuitate% memorie,1 E#Mill% determination% dri'e% ambition% aspiration% "oal% tar"et % purpose% intent% records% annals% histor9% description% mar6% fonts% si"n1 0: 'olontS% dStermination% ob/ectif% but% lcambition% annuaires% de lchistoire% ecrits% description1 ( zhT `T ambition / idSal 1 ) zhT 9uKn dSsir / aspiration1=#\ille% 2ntschlum% 4at6raft% 2hr"eiz% *treben% @iel% @wec6% Absicht% Kahr+]cher% ?eschichte% Aufzeichnun"en% *chriften% 8eschreibun"1 apare prima data in D5G79

Ahi (\ater %hase/ L6) is part of =uan`i +2ssential ener"9,1 it houses willpower and corresponds with ideals and "oals. 4he more one enforces onecs will on another person% the wea6er @hi becomes in the enforcer. @hi wants to open up towards the *hen *hen is open =i is the need to 'erbalize @hi
feeling su!erior reckless Fear +ill!ower shyness

Fear ,rust unattaina le ,error )etermination inferiority afraid of !anic !ho ia

distrust sus!icion !aranoia

To help in Ahi pro+lems# *elf7for"i'eness and pra9er increase faith and stren"then @hi. >se J527@hishi +Lill 5hamber, or J237*henshu +E *hu,. >se I0F7<azhon" +?reat ?oblet% Ouo7:assa"e point, to reduce unhappiness% phobia and fear1 it brin"s out ener"9 and opens up possibilities. >se I017=on"`uan +?ushin" *prin"% Rin"7Lell/Lood/*on7*edation point, to sedate @hi and stren"then willpower. >se I0P70uliu +Ieco'er 0low% Rin"7Ii'er/3etal/3other74onification point, to tonif9 @hi in people with % for e&ample sh9ness due to a deficienc9 situation.

)un ( hCn hun hounn roun)

)un (Boun) - sufletul eteric(!nimus)9 @emorie ereditara/ perceptia/ imaginatia(emisfera dreapta)9 $-"B9 Lemn 2l reprezint$ percep.ia faptelor% sortarea sau trierea informa.iilor percepute 5hinezii il numesc (sufletul spiritual(. Hun +Ioun, "estioneaza de asemenea% domeniul intui.iei !i al ima"ina.iei% al capacitatii de a comunica cu ceilal.i. Aceasta ener"ie mentala "u'erneaza 'isele din timpul somnului% -n care ficatul elementul ficat7lemn al creierului prelucreaz$ informa.iile colectate -n timpul zilei. :rin urmare% toate tulbur$rile de somn !i ale 'iselor +cosmaruri% terori nocturne,% lipsa de tonus% spasmofilie% anumite tulburari de personalitate +ne'roze% schizofrenie% comportament isteric% .., sunt par.ial cauzate de tulburari ale func.ionarii lo/ii ener"etice a ficat7lemn. :entru a calma un e&ces al manifestarii Hun trebuie s$ dispersam punctul $D- @area intersectie prin presiune puternic$ circular$% timp de cinci minute% seara inainte de culcare. Jedeti amplasarea punctului $D- @area intersectie +punct sensibil presiune, in !tlasul de !cupunctura la adresa indicata mai sus sau in 8iblio"rafie

hCn hun7 hun hounn roun I: suflet1 spirit1 omul are doua suflete Hun+, si :o+, +'edeti cap 10 din 4ao 4e 5hin",1 2: 5onsiderin" each purpose of Hun+, and :o+,%

Hun+, has a intention of inte"ratin" the unconscious flu& into consciousness while :o+, has a tendenc9 toward instinct to secure a bod9. 4he Hun ma9 e'en lea'e the bod9: some 5hinese idiomatic e&pressions confirm this. 0or e&ample% fan hun +literall9 (Hun returnin"(, means Zto come bac6 to life[% as after bein" in a trance durin" which the soul lea'es the bod9. Hun fei po san +literall9 (hun fl9in"% po scattered(, means (to be scared out of onecs wits( or also (to be struc6 dumb(% e.". b9 lo'e. 0: #me 1 esprit1 OChomme a deu& #mes. OCune matSrielle :o/pCai% issue du sperme% est produite
dCabord. OCautre aSrienne Hun/hounn% nCest produite `uCapr_s la naissance% peu K peu% par condensation interne dCune partie de lCair respirS1 * "uk hgn fantGme / lar'e / re'enant / spectre / zombi / fantGme1 + ljn" hgn #me

)un (\ood %hase/ L") is a =an" aspect1 it comes mainl9 from the father. t arri'es three da9s after birth1 after death% it returns to the "reat all. Hun is stored in OJ1 it "i'es coura"e% the (will to li'e(% the will disco'er the world. Lhen Hun does not feed *hen% one can be afraid to ma6e decisions% or can become suicidal. Hun alwa9s wishes to chan"e e'er9thin". +:o wants to lea'e e'er9thin" as it is,. A wea6 Hun ma9 manifest as out7of7bod9 e&periences or sensations durin" sleep or wa6efulness. <ru"s +especiall9 abuse of alcohol% h9pnotics% sedati'es and narcotics, can dri'e Hun from the bod91 one feels disassociated or floatin"1 onecs lin6s to the earth and material thin"s are wea6 and uncertain. Hun
irritation Frustration 'sserti$eness grudge 'ggression Selfconsciousness 'nger -es!onsi ility hostility itterness feeling of guilt self&disa!!ro$al

lack of moti$ation oredom% a!athy% de!ression

To help in )un pro+lems# *tren"then Hun b9 personal achie'ements% such as winnin" a sports7"ame or finishin" an essa9. >se 8OFP7Hunmen +5oura"e ?ate, or 8O187?anshu +OJ *hu,. >se ?8257Rin"men +5apital ?ate% E 3u7Alarm point, to help people who are unsatisfied but reall9 do not 6now the reason. >se OJ027Nin"/ian +3o'in" 8etween% =in"7*prin"/0ire/*on7*edation point, to sedate Hun in people with depression% suicidal attempts or no interest in life. >se OJ087Mu`uan +He7*ea/Later/3other74onification point, to tonif9 Hun in people with for e&ample feelin" of "uilt% due to a deficienc9 situation.

"echiul caracter pentru =ui * g^i/ _ld character for gui

"edeti in =losar pentru caracterul =ui * g^i
Head of dead person without a bod91 *wirlin" mo'ement of the Z"host[ of dead person in the realm of spirits. 4he Hun enters the bod9 3 da9s after birth and is imparted b9 the father. 2thereal in nature% after death it sur'i'es the bod9 and flows bac6 to (Hea'en( +4ian,. 4he fact that the Hun is imparted b9 the father after that is si"nificant as it is s9mbolical of the social% relational nature of the Hun +as opposed to the :o,. 4he Hun is responsible for relationships and our relatin" to the other people in the famil9 and societ9. 4he ceremon9 durin" which the father imparted the Hun and the name to the bab9 three da9s after birth is therefore s9mbolical of the fact that% throu"h this ceremon9% the bab9 was assi"ned his or her place in the famil9 and societ9. 4he Hun corresponds to our indi'idualit9% but an indi'idualit9 within the famil9 and societ9. 4he Hun can be described as that part of the *oul +as opposed to 5orporeal *oul, which at death lea'es the bod9% carr9in" with it an appearance of ph9sical form. 0rom this point of 'iew therefore% the soul has an independent e&istence /ust li6e in the ancient ?ree67 Ioman ci'ilization and durin" the 3iddle A"es. 4he combination of the two characters for (cloud( and Z"host( in the character for Hun con'e9s the idea of its nature: it is li6e a spirit/"host but it is =an" and ethereal in nature. 4here are three t9pes of Hun: A 'e"etati'e one called *huan" Oin" (5lear Oin"[, common to plants% animals and human bein"s 2. An animal one called 4ai ?uan" +Z8rilliant Oi"ht[, common to animals and human bein"s 3.A human one called =ou Rin" +(<ar6 Rin"[, found onl9 in human bein"s. Lhen describin" the Hun% the theme of Zmo'ement(% (swirlin"(% (wanderin"(% etc. is e'er present. 4he old form of the 5hinese radical within the word hun depicts the swirlin" mo'ement of the soul of a dead person in the realm of spirit. 4he Hun pro'ides mo'ement to the ps9che in man9 wa9s: mo'ement of the soul out of the bod9 as in dreamin"% mo'ement out of onecs e'er9da9 life as in life dreams and ideas% mo'ement towards the others in human relationships% mo'ement in terms of plans% pro/ects. 2&cessi'e mo'ement of the ps9che out of itself ma9 result in mental illness. 0 ) SLEE% !`4 4BE!@6`= 4he Hun influences sleep and dreamin". f the Hun is well rooted in the Oi'er +Oi'er78lood or Oi'er7=in,% sleep is normal and sound and without too man9 dreams. f Oi'er7=in or Oi'er78lood is deficient% the Hun is depri'ed of its residence and wanders off at ni"ht% causin" a restless sleep with man9 tirin" dreams. f Oi'er7=in is se'erel9 depleted% the 2thereal *oul ma9 e'en lea'e the bod9 temporaril9 at ni"ht durin" or /ust before sleep. 4an" @on" Hai sa9s: (At ni"ht durin" sleep the Hun returns to the Oi'er1 if the Hun is not peaceful there are a lot of dreams(. albae. n case of the Hun wanderin" at ni"ht and causin" too much dreamin" it is necessar9 to nourish Oi'er7 8lood and Oi'er7=in with sour and astrin"ent herbs such as 3u Oi 5oncha )streae% Oon" 5hi <ens <raconis% *uan @ao Ien *emen @iziphi spinosae or 8ai *hao Iadi& :aeoniae. 4here is an interestin" correlation between the astrin"ent and absorbin" `ualit9 of such herbs on a ph9sical le'el and their use in calmin" the *hen and (absorbin"( the Hun to draw it bac6 into the Oi'er. 4he (4reatise of the ?olden 0lower( in chapter 2 sa9s: ( n the da9time the Hun is in the e9es and at ni"ht in the Oi'er. Lhen it is in the e9es we can see. Lhen it is in the Oi'er we dream(. And also: Z<reams constitute the wanderin" of the Hun in the Q Hea'ens and Q 2arths. Lhen one wa6es up one feels obscure and confused AbecauseB one is constrained b9 the :o[.

4he Hun influences dreamin" at ni"ht and Zlife7dreams[ in our awa6e state. 4hus when the Hun is in the e9es we ha'e e&ternal 'isualization1 when it is in the Oi'er we ha'e internal 'isualization as in dreams to the borders of consciousness +which the 5hinese described as the ZQ Hea'ens and Q 2arths,. 4he Hun *oul is rooted in the Oi'er and in particular Oi'er7 =in +which includes Oi'er78lood,. f Oi'er7=in is depleted% the 2thereal *oul is depri'ed of its residence and becomes rootless. 4his can result in insomnia% fear and a lac6 of a sense of direction in life. 4he Hun% depri'ed of its residence% wanders without aim. 4he Hun ma9 e'en lea'e the bod9: some 5hinese idiomatic e&pressions confirm this. 0or e&ample% fan hun +literall9 (Hun returnin"(, means Zto come bac6 to life[% as after bein" in a trance durin" which the soul lea'es the bod9. Hun fei po san +literall9 (hun fl9in"% po scattered(, means (to be scared out of onecs wits( or also (to be struc6 dumb(% e.". b9 lo'e. T)E ET)EBE!L S_-L ()-`) 7) !SS6STS T)E S)E` 6` @E`T!L !CT6"6T6ES 4he Hun assists the 3ind in its mental acti'ities. 4he (0i'e75hannel Ii"hteousness[ +4an" d9nast9,% sa9s: (Enowled"e is dependent on the sharpness of the Hun[. 4he Hun pro'ides the 3ind% which is responsible for rational thin6in"% with intuition and inspiration. t also "i'es the 3ind Zmo'ement[ in the sense that it allows the 3ind the capacit9 of insi"ht and introspection as well as the abilit9 to pro/ect outwards and relate to other people. 4his capacit9 for mo'ement and outward pro/ection is closel9 related to the Oi'er7Mi `ualit9 of `uic6 and free mo'ement. 4he words cmo'ement(% (comin" and "oin"(% (swimmin"Z% Zwanderin"[ are often used in connection with the Hun. 4he free flow of Oi'er7Mi is the ph9sical e`ui'alent of the HunCs capacit9 for smooth mo'ement and Zcomin" and "oin"[. 4he Hun is alwa9s described as the Zcomin" and "oin" of the *hen[ +sui shen wan" lai wei zhi hun, or% to put it differentl9% Zwhat follows the *hen in its comin" and "oin" is the Hun[. )n ps9chic le'el% this means that the Hun pro'ides the *hen +3ind, with Zmo'ement[ in the sense of intuition% inspiration% mo'ement towards others% relationships% creati'it9% dreamin" +in the sense of life dreams,% plannin"% ima"ination% pro/ects% s9mbols% archet9pes. 4he Hun "i'es the *hen the necessar9 ps9chic tension of Lood. 4he *hen without the Hun would be li6e a powerful computer without a software. D) B!L!`CE _$ E@_T6_`S 4he Hun maintains a normal balance between e&citation and restraint of the emotional life% under the leadership of the Heart and the 3ind. 4he Hun pre'ents the emotions from becomin" e&cessi'e and therefore turnin" into causes of disease. 4his re"ulator9 function of the Hun is closel9 related to the balance between Oi'er78lood +the =in part of the Oi'er, and Oi'er7Mi +the =an" part of the Oi'er,. Oi'er7 8lood and Oi'er7Mi need to be harmonized and Oi'er78lood must root Oi'er7Mi to pre'ent it from becomin" sta"nant or rebellin" upwards. )n a mental7emotional le'el% Oi'er78lood needs to root the Hun thus allowin" a balanced emotional life. 4his balance on a mental7emotional le'el corresponds to the Oi'er function of bein" a Zre"ulatin" and harmonizin"[ or"an. 5hapter Q of the Z*imple Muestions[ sa9s: Z4he Oi'er has a re"ulatin" function% it houses the Hun...[. f Oi'er78lood is deficient there will be fear and an&iet91 if Oi'er7=an" is in e&cess there will be an"er. 4he (*piritual A&is( in chapter 8 sa9s: Z f the Oi'er is deficient there will be fear1 if it is in e&cess there will be an"er[. Hun Z"oin" too much[% emotional% an"er% a"itation Hun not Z"oin"[ enou"h% not in touch with emotions% sta"nation G ) E>ES !`4 S6=)T 4he Hun is in relation with the e9es and si"ht. 4an" @on" Hai sa9s: (Lhen the Hun wanders to the e9es% the9 can see(. 4he (4reatise of the ?olden 0lower( in chapter 2 sa9s: ( n the da9time the Hun is in the e9es and at ni"ht in the Oi'er. Lhen it is in the e9es we can see. Lhen it is in the Oi'er we dream(. 4his connection with the e9es can be easil9 related to the rootin" of the Hun in Oi'er78lood as Oi'er7 8lood nourishes the e9es. )n a mental le'el% the Hun "i'es us Z'ision[ and insi"ht. H) C_-B!=E 4he Hun is related to coura"e or cowardice and for this reason the Oi'er is sometimes called the (resolute or"an(. 4an" @on" Hai sa9s: (Lhen the Hun is not stron"% the person is timid[. 4he (stren"th( of the 2thereal *oul in this connection deri'es from Oi'er78lood. f Oi'er78lood is abundant% the person is fearless and is able to face up to lifecs difficulties. f Oi'er78lood is deficient and the Hun is

ditherin"% the person lac6s coura"e% cannot face up to difficulties or ma6in" decisions% and is easil9 discoura"ed. I) %L!``6`= 4he Hun *oul influences our capacit9 for plannin" our life and "i'in" it a sense of direction. A lac6 of direction in life and a sense of spiritual confusion ma9 be compared to the wanderin" of the Hun alone in space and time. f the Oi'er is flourishin" the Hun *oul is firml9 rooted and can help us to plan our life with 'ision% wisdom and creati'it9. f Oi'er78lood +or Oi'er7=in, is deficient% the Hun *oul is not rooted and we lac6 a sense of direction and 'ision in life. f Oi'er78lood and Oi'er7Mi are deficient the Hun lac6s mo'ement and there is also a lac6 of a sense of direction in life. J) BEL!T6_`S)6% \6T) S)E` 4he Hun and the 3ind are closel9 connected and both parta6e in our mental7emotional life. 4he Hun is the (comin" and "oin"( of the 3ind. 4his means that% throu"h the Hun% the 3ind can pro/ect outwards to the e&ternal world and to other people and can also turn inwards to recei'e the intuition% inspiration% ideas% s9mbols% ima"ination% archet9pes% dreams and ima"es deri'in" from the unconscious. 4he HunCs world is a subterranean world% an undifferentiated sea% it is the world also of "ui. 4he Hun is the "ui of the 3indcs emotional7spiritual life. 4hus if Oi'er78lood is abundant and the Hun firm% there will be a health9 flow from it to the 3ind pro'idin" it with inspiration% creati'it9% 'ision. f the HunCs Zmo'ement[ is lac6in" it lac6s inspiration% 'ision% creati'it9% etc. and the person ma9 be depressed% without aim or dreams% inspiration% 'ision. 4he 3ind Z"athers[ the Hun. 4hus% on the one hand% the Hun brin"s mo'ement to the 3ind% and on the other hand% the 3ind pro'ides some control and inte"ration. f the 3ind is stron" and the Hun properl9 ("athered(% there will be harmon9 between the two and the person has calm 'ision% insi"ht and wisdom. f the 3ind is wea6 and fails to restrain the Hun +or if the Hun is o'eracti'e,% this ma9 be too restless and onl9 brin" confusion and chaos to the 3ind% ma6in" the person scattered and unsettled. 4his can be obser'ed in some people who are alwa9s full of ideas% dreams and pro/ects none of which e'er comes to fruition because of the chaotic state of the 3ind which is therefore unable to restrain the Hun. )n the other hand% if the 3ind o'ercontrols +or if the HunCs mo'ement is lac6in",% the person lac6s 'ision% ima"ination% creati'it9 and will be depressed. Accordin" to Run" the unconscious is compensator9 to consciousness. He said: (4he ps9che is a self7 re"ulatin" s9stem that maintains itself in e`uilibrium...2'er9 process that "oes too far immediatel9 and ine'itabl9 calls forth a compensator9 acti'it9.[ 4his compensator9 relationshipbetween the unconscious and consciousness resembles the balancin" relationship between the Hun and the 3ind. 4he 3ind discriminates and differentiates% whereas the Hun is li6e an undifferentiated sea which flows around% under and abo'e the 3ind% erodin" certain parts and depositin" fresh ones. 4he ps9che as a whole% i.e. the sum total of 3ind% Hun% :o% =i and @hi% contains all possibilities% whereas the 3ind can onl9 wor6 with one possibilit9 at a time. t is no wonder that in m9ths and fair9 tales the unconscious is often s9mbolized b9 the sea. 4he Hun is an underwater world and a total immersion of the 3ind in it means insanit9. n m9ths and fair9 tales the unconscious is often s9mbolized b9 the sea +see also 5hristian baptism and the partin" of the waters b9 ?od,. 4he Hun is an underwater world and a total immersion of the 3ind in it means insanit9. 4he Hun is li6e an ocean that is the source of archet9pes% s9mbols% ideas% ima"es: the 3ind draws from this sea throu"h the intermediar9 of the Hun. 4he material comin" forth is controlled and inte"rated b9 the 3ind% one at a time.

T)6`=S T)!T S)_\ T)E !CT6"6T>_$ T)E )-`

05 !BT Artistic inspiration deri'es from the Hun% not the 3ind. 4he Hun is the source from which sprin" forth creati'it9 and inspiration. 75 C)6L4BE` 0rom the a"e of about 2 to about P% children li'e in the world of the Hun% a world of wild ima"ination and fantas9 where inanimate ob/ects come to life. 8eha'iours that arenormal in children would be mental illness in adults. D5 4BE!@S

Lh9 do dreams spea6 to us in such a s9mbolic wa9n Lh9 could our unconscious simpl9 spea6 to us in a rational wa9% in the lan"ua"e of the 3indn 8ecause the ps9chicmaterial of dreams comes from the Hun% not the 3ind and such is the lan"ua"e of the Hun. G5 =-64E4 4!> 4BE!@S 4he9 are a techni`ue used in ps9chotherap9 whereb9 the therapist sets a certain scene for the client who is as6ed to ima"ine himself or herself in that scene and to proceed as if in a dream. 4he aim of this e&ercise is to b97pass the critical anal9sis of the *hen and brin" forth ps9cholo"ical material from the Hun +unconscious, as it happens in dreams Run" described this techni`ue: ZLe learn to sit and simpl9 obser'e a fra"ment of a dream without an9 attempt to "uide% control or interfere with it. 4he aim is to allow the ima"e to come to life of its own autonomous ps9chic ener"9 AYHunB% our e"o AY*henB lettin" "o of all e&pectations% presuppositions% or interpretations. After a certain period of practice and initial coachin" b9 the therapist% this inner ima"e will start to mo'e in some wa9 and our obser'in" e"o A*henB learns to participate in the stor9 'er9 much li6e a dream[. H5 C_@! n coma% the 3ind is completel9 de'oid of residence and it therefore cannot function at all% and 9et the person is not dead. 4his means that there are other mental aspects at pla9% and these are the Hun and the :o. 4hus% for death to occur% not onl9 must the 3ind die% but the Hun must lea'e the bod9 and the :o return to 2arth. I5 SLEE%-\!LL6`= n sleep7wal6in"% 3ind is inacti'e but the Hun is acti'e: the Hun wanders at ni"ht and leads to sleep wal6in". n fact% the point 8O7FP Hunmen +the <oor of the Hun, was used for sleep7wal6in".

@anifestari psiho-emotionale si onirice asociate viscerelor/elementelor e&tras partial din# Elementul ascuns in Legea celor cinci miscari-Elementul ascuns/The )idden Element/ El elemento oculto/ L3elemento nascosto/ 4ie ver+orgene Element !pa< Binichi - Ahe (Tche/ "ointa) < $rica 05 !pa a shuZ9 shuiDb !c ua/ !gua/ Eau/ \ater/ \asser/ "ann/ "atten/ cdef/ ghij/ klm/ nnnn _rgan te,aur (,ang9 organ >in,: Iinichi +I, A, shenFB _rgan cavitar(fu9 organ >ang,: Jezica urinara+J,: A-. pan"2 "uan"11Apan"2B:'ezica1. A"uan"1B : 'ezica1 Energie# sediu >uan Xi+ener"ie ancestrala% "enetica% ereditara1 Mi inascut, si Lei Mi 1 Rin" Mi+ener"ie ereditara% esenta% (samanta( necesara perpetuarii speciei% procreatiei, comandata prin 3in" 3en +<3F, locul de concentrare al ener"iei ancestrale Componenta(instanta) psihica: a,hiGb Ahi voina9 dorina de a tri @hi 'ointa dorinta de a tri1 e&ecutia intentie dar si intentia in e&ecutie% 'ointa e&ercitata sub controlul /udec$tii+trecerea la actiune fara Hun/ >i 7"andire creati'a si

%o7instinct de conser'are duce la actiuni sinucigase,1 I hraneste 'ointa% determinarea% hotararea% intentia1 will% intent 9iF tu21 @hi forta care anima cele trei sectiuni ale psihicului +=i7"andire creati'a1 Hun1 :o7 instinct de conser'are, care permite *hen sa se manifeste1 a&a *hao =in+I75, alcatuita din 5+receptacol,7I +stocare, arata cupla/ul *hen7@hi1 5 Ymiscare catre >nitate+>nu,1 IYmiscare catre multiplicitate1 =i7@hi elemente achizitionate care cori/eaza Hun7:o ereditarul sau inascutul1 @anifestari ale B- Ahi(emotii9 sentimente)# frica% "emete $unctie# ocoleste obstacolele si a/un"e la destinatie1 siretlic1 oportunism1 "aseste clipa prielnica1 Temperament B# Iinichiul I comanda facultatea de decizie1 I7Iinichiul in deficit conduce la indecizie% indoiala nu stie ce sa alea"a +cere sfaturi, Ase face tonificare in IPB1 IoIinichiul in e&ces conduce la hiperdecizie% autoritarism% totalitarism% lipsa de respect pentru opiniile celorlalti Ase face dispersie in I2B. Temperament "# Jezica urinara J comanda 'ointa% hotararea% rabdarea% perse'erenta . J7Jezica urinara in deficit conduce la nerabdare%lipsa continuitate%lipsa poftei de 'iata1 persoana nestatornica% e&teriorizata care abandoneaza ceea ce a inceput% nu din descura/are% ci pentru ca7i lipseste poftaAse face tonificare in J6PB. JoJezica urinara in e&ces conduce la indar/ire% la preocupare sau la in"ri/orare obsesi'a%la incapatanare% la lipsa de obiecti'itate% de detasare sau de e"alitate mentala1 prea perse'erent1 nu suporta sa fie intrerupt1 Ase face dispersie in J65 B. "iata onirica B-" (vise)# deficit+'id, I7J :+senilitate% pierderea 'ointei de a trai%depresiune,:se 'iseaza pe 'apor1inec1 se 'iseaza iarna ascunzandu7se de in apa terorizat%depresiune+se tonifica @hi:J23%62% <3F1 I331 I31 03%81J8F0,1 "iata onirica B I7Iinichiul in deficit: 'iseaza ca se ineaca1'isuri triste%melancolice1se simte urmarit1 IoIinichiul in e&ces: 'iseaza coloana 'ertebrala separata de corp1se sufoca in 'is1a"itat1 preocuparile sau "ri/ile diurne continua in cursul 'isurilor1 "iata onirica " J7Jezica urinara in deficit : 'iseaza calatorii% e&peditii% 'oia/e1 JoJezica urinara in e&ces: are 'ise a"itate% erotice+erectii e&cesi'e in cursul 'isului,1 senzatie de arsura la ni'elul de"etului mic de la picior1 $oc- 6nima - Shen (Chenn/ 6nteligenta glo+ala) < Bucurie 75 $oca huS huoDb o $ire/ $eu/ $uoco/ $uego/ $euer/ Eld/ pqdrs/ tuvwx/ yz / / _rgan te,aur (,ang9 organ >in,: 6nima Tin{ (C) 6mparatul-organ intern care nu are legaturi directe cu eTteriorul decat prin intermediul $ocului ministerial a%ericard/Circulatie-SeT CS)b _rgan cavitar(fu9 organ >ang,: 6ntestin Su+tire(6S) /0 TiaoDchang7 %ericardul 1 Tin0 +ao0 6nteleptul corpului: sistemul nervos organovegetativ9 Circulatie-seT Trei $ocare 2 3 san{ Eiao{ Energie# =in" Mi +ener"ie alimentara,o=on" Mi%Nue+san"e, Componenta psihica(instanta informationala)# Shen ashen7b Shen ashen7b constienta1 inteli"enta "lobala+/udecata% stocare procesare informatii,1 spirit 'ital1 comanda Hun70icat% :o7:laman%=i7*plina7:ancreas% @hi7Iinichi

*hen1 *piritul1 ramane dupa moarte+de aici cultul stramosilor,1 ?od1 unusual1 m9sterious1 soul1 spirit1 di'ine essence1 li'el91 spiritual bein"1 Sen,atii: entuziasm1 ener"ic1 e&citat1 Emotii(sentiment)# bucuria si rasul sunt manifestari ale 57*hen $unctie# con'enienta% intele"ere Temperament C# nima 5 comanda simtul umanitar+empatia, si conser'a ener"ia psihica1 persoana cu spirit de initiati'a+leader,%cura/oasa% indrazneta% acti'a1+conditionarea sociala actioneaza in sensul castrarii acestor capacitatilor empatice de lider1 stupul nu are ne'oie de mai multe matci, C- 6nima in deficit conduce la raceala mentala%indiferenta%fri"iditate la lipsa milei1 persoana rece%detasata%indiferenta%pasi'a%spectatorAaceste persoane 'ad moartea semenilor%ca si cum ar pri'i un filmB1 persoana depresi'a%melancolica fricoasa%an&ioasa%fara memorie%nesi"ura%care are ne'oie de mult somn+se refu"iaza in somn cand intalneste o situatie stressanta,1cauta "ustul amar+tutun%cafea% ceai,1 ofteaza sau ra"aie des1 pentru imbolna'irea 5 din cauza interna+psihica,se trateaza meridianul 5 Ase face tonificare in 5QB 1 C| 6nima in eTces conduce la hipersensibilitate%prea sensibil%inpresionabil% nu suporta sa 'ada suferinta altora1persoana traumatizata%socata Ase face dispersie in 5PB. Temperament 6S# ntestin *ubtire * comanda 'italitatea 6S- 6ntestin Su+tire in deficit : hiperfati"abilitate% oboseste repede1 calm1 auster1 asculta pe ceilalti1 Ase face tonificare in *3B. 6S| 6ntestin Su+tire in eTces# persoana infati"abila%neobosita1 are senzatia ca repausul il epuizeazaAse face dispersie in * 8 B. "iata onirica C-6S(vise)# deficit(vid) C-6S# "iata onirica C C- 6nima in deficit# 'iseaza foc% munti%'arfuri% 'ulcani%fum1"eme in somn 1 C| 6nima in eTces# rade%canta si petrece in 'is1 are o buna memorie a 'iselor1 "iata onirica 6S 6S- 6ntestin Su+tire in deficit# con'ulsii in somn+opistotomus,'iseaza mari orase%a"lomerari umane1 6S| 6ntestin Su+tire in eTces# 'iseaza ca este permanent acti'1 Lemn - $icat - )un (Boun/ @emorie ereditara) < $urie

D5 Lemna mY muG b Legno/ Bois/ \ood/ @adera/ }~/ )ol,/ d

_rgan >in: 0ficat 4 "an1 _rgan >ang: J87Jezica 8iliara 5 dan3 Energie# Componenta(instanta) psihica# Hun Ahun2B 1 suflet% memoria inconstienta a mecanismelor ereditare de aparare1 inconstientul colecti'1 raspunde de ma"inatie si de temperament Ae&ces: melancolieYbila nea"ra1 manie% furieB1 Sen,atii# proaspat%fericit%a'enturos%indraznet1 2motii+sentiment,:furia%stri"atul sunt manifestari ale 0 7Hun $unctie Lemn# indrazneala% cura/ Temperament $# 0icatul 0 comanda re'endicarea1 $- $icatul in deficit conduce la inhibare%timiditate%lipsa ima"inatie si creati'itate1frica de oameni1persoana care duce o 'iata usuratica1descura/at in cursul actiunii pe care o abandoneaza fara re"rete1Ase face tonificare in 08B. 1 $| $icatul in eTces conduce la nemultumire%insatisfactie%suparari%in'idie sau "elozie patolo"ica%re"rete%traire in trecut Ase face dispersie in 02B. 4emperament J8: Jezica 8iliara J8 comanda indrazneala "B- "e,ica Biliara in deficit conduce la trac%descura/are%frica de a7si re'endica propriile drepturi%lipsa indrazneala1tendinta de sinucidere%frica de 'iolenta%insecuritate+fizica%profesionala, persoana descura/ata inainte de a incepe un lucru dar il faceAse face tonificare in J8 F3B. "B| "e,ica Biliara in eTces conduce la combati'itate%indrazneala%tupeu1ima"inatie deliranta1suspina frec'ent1frica de urmaritori inchipuiti1'iolenta e&trema+cauta uciderea, Ase face dispersie in J8 38 B. "iata onirica $-"B (vise)# deficit+'id, :7 ?:

"iata onirica $ $- $icatul in deficit# 'iseaza paduri imense1 doarme cu "ambele flectate1sufera de crampe musculare nocturne+carcei,1 $| $icatul in eTces# 'iseaza ca se cearta sau ca este furios1 Jiata onirica J8 "B- "e,ica Biliara in deficit# 'iseaza caderi% le'itatie ne"ati'a1 'iseaza procese% batalii% lupte% sinucideri1 "B| "e,ica Biliara in eTces# insomnie cu a"itatie1 'iseaza ca este urmarit1 tipa sau stri"a in 'is1 'iseaza competitii% intreceri @etal - %laman - %o (%ro/ 6nstinct celular) < Tristete

G5 @etala EWn Ein0 chin b @etal/ @8tal/ @etall/ f/ v@etal _rgan >in# %lamanA6 feiGbnotat# % _rgan >ang# 6ntestinul gros 0AdaG chang7b9 notat# 6=

!nimal sim+ol# tigrul al+ $unctie# circumspectie Energie#Tian Xi(energia cereasca9 aer)/>ong Xi Componenta (instanta) psihica (mentala) asociata# apoGb 9 soul9 %o instinct primitiv9programul de de,voltare a organelor/instinctul celular/memoria !4`/apare dupa )un la nastere odata cu primul strigat9 corpul si de,voltarea copilului este guvernata de )un(memoria inconstienta) si %o inconstient(instinct)9 guvernea,a memoria/concentrarea/meditatia si contemplatia9starea in care omul renunta la control si se lasa modelat de Cerb Sen,atii# concentrat/ focali,at/ intens9 Emotii(sentiment)#supararea9tristetea /plansul sunt manifestari ale %- %o Temperament %# %lamanul % comanda trairea sau implicarea afectiva9 %-%lamanul in deficit conduce la lipsa motivatii si de energie in sustinerea propriilor proiecte 9 persoana de,interesata/stearsa/apatica/dependenta de energia afectiva investita de ceilalti-vampir energetic 9nu suporta singuratatea(se simte i,olat sau negliEat afectiv) ase face tonificare in %Pb5 9 o % %lamanul in eTces conduce la agresivitate/separare sau i,olare9singuratate secundara datorata comportamentului agresiv ase face dispersie in %0b5 Temperament 6=# 6ntestinul gros 6= comanda riguro,itatea/scrupulo,itatea/o+sesia eTactitudinii/ duritatea5 6=- 6ntestinul gros in deficit conduce la toleranta eTcesiva/la indolenta/nepasare/iresponsa+ilitate (fuge de orice responsa+ilitate9nu-si asuma sarcini) lenevire9 ase face tonificare in 6= 00b5 6=| 6ntestinul gros in eTces conduce la intransigenta/intoleranta/cen,ura9persoana nelinistita/framantata care se sufoca in familie2gentil cu altii dar odios acasa29nu suporta inactivitatea ase face dispersie in 6= 7 b5 "iata onirica %-6= (vise)# deficit(vid) %-6=# "iata onirica % 7 % %lamanul in deficit# visea,a ca ,+oara9 visea,a lucruri grotesti9 o % %lamanul in eTces# vise premonitorii9 sen,atia ca se detasea,a de corpse separa de coloana verte+rala9 plange in vis9 nelinistit9 "iata onirica 6= 6=- 6ntestinul gros in deficit # visea,a cantece sau canta in vis9 fuge de responsa+ilitati9 6=| 6ntestinul gros in eTces# insomnie cronica9 vise in care are capul mare9 visea,a ca lucrea,a in continuare la proiectele sale9

%amant < Splina %ancreas - >i (6/ Beflectie) < =riEi H5 %amant a tV tuDb Terra/ Terre/ Tierra/ Earth/ Erde/ / =ea/ / =aia/ / Tellure
_rgan >in# S% Splina-%ancreas 7 api7b splina/ i,vorul de energie sau Soarele _mului _rgan >ang# S -Stomac 8 aMeiGb $unctie# administrare Energie# >ing Xi(energie alimentara) Componenta (instanta) psihica# >i ideatie9refleTie/memorie constienta9 raspunde de concentrare si de +una functionare a ratiuniiasplina-pancreasul hraneste creierulb Sen,atii# confort/securitate/siguranta Emotii(sentiment)# ingriEorarea9 eTcesul de concentrare/gandire9 reflectia/ cantatul sunt manifestari ale S%- >i Temperament S%# Splina-%ancreasul(S%) comanda capacitatea de concentrare aEi7 ,hong0b9 S%-Splina-%ancreasul in deficit conduce la lipsa sau dispersarea atentiei/ persoana distrata/apatica ase face tonificare in S%7b5 9 o S% Splina-%ancreasul in eTces conduce la o+sesie/fiTatie ase face dispersie in S%Hb5 Temperament S# Stomacul(S) comanda viata spirituala/meditatia/a+sor+tia concentrativa9persoana vi,ionara9 comanda individualismul/apararea propriului teritoriu/instictul de autoconservare5 S- Stomacul in deficit conduce la autonegliEare/nevoie de apro+are/dependenta sociala9nu poate suporta singuratatea9 cauta aglomeratiile9se su+estimea,a(are sen,atia ca toti ceilalti ii sunt superiori) ase face tonificare in SG0b5 S| Stomacul in eTces conduce la aversiune sociala/independenta/i,olare/hiperprotectie(fo+ii)9 dorinta de a tipa9fuge de lume9evita aglomeratiile9este satul de tot9mi,antropie9se supraestimea,a(are sen,atia ca toti ceilalti ii sunt inferiori) a se face dispersie in SGH b5 "iata onirica S%-S (vise)# deficit(vid) S%-S# "iata onirica S% 7 S% Splina-%ancreasul in deficit# visea,a vreme ploioasa /furtuni/a+isuri(hauri)9frica de viitor(ca nu are +ani) o S% Splina-%ancreasul in eTces# canta in vis9este vesel9sen,atia de corp foarte greu9aude cantece9o+sedat de o singura idee(griEa)9 "iata onirica S S- Stomacul in deficit# visea,a ca se odihneste9 visea,a ospaturi sau ca mananca la o masa a+undenta9se simte parasit9 S| Stomacul in eTces# are vise in care cauta dulciuri9frica de foc in vis9cosmaruri in care cauta sa urce cat mai sus9 visea,a ca se de,+raca pentru a fugi9

$ocul Eteric mi7/ Etheric $ire/ $eu Fth8ri ue/ $uego et8rico/ $uoco eterico/ therische $euer
_rgan >in# CS Circulatie-SeT sau %ericard(Stapanul 6nimii) _rgan >ang# T$ Trei $ocare

$unctie# administrare9 comanda relatiile cu eTteriorul ale inimii-tratea,a afectarea inimii de pertur+atii eTterne(alte dimensiuni)9 Temperament %ericardul CS comanda pofta de viata9dorinte/placeri/atractii 9atasari9 CS - %ericardul in deficit conduce la lipsa poftei de viata si a dorintelor9anoreTie digestiva si seTuala9nu este neputincios ci ii lipseste pofta de a reali,a ase face tonificare in CSPb 9 o CS %ericardul in eTces conduce la prea multe dorinte/atasari(+ulemie)9persoana frustata care compensea,a prin dependente/vicii9rade fara incetare/agitatie psiho-motorie9ase face dispersie in CSJ/Ib5 Temperament T$# Trei $ocare T$ comanda capacitatea de adaptare/responsa+ilitatea T$ - Trei $ocare in deficit # vulnera+ilitate al agresiuni eTterne9persoana care nu-si asuma responsa+ilitatea- persoana suscepti+ila(da vina pe altii-nu acumulea,a contrarietati sau tensiuni9traieste in paradigma2tu2)9 persoana plictisita/careia totul i se pare efort (devine lenesa)9 ase face tonificare in T$D/H9 T$GOpunct i,vor9 T$HO punct Lo9Centrala energetica05B-_e =enito-rinar9 75S%->ong 49 D5%/C Bespirator/ Circulator T$ | Trei $ocare in eTces# persoana care se autoagresea,a(prea responsa+ila9 autoculpa+ili,are)9 traieste in paradigma 2eu2 deformata (persoana care se crede responsa+ila pentru fenomene aflate in afara sferei sale de influenta)9 persoana incordata/ crispata/ irita+ila care eTplodea,a9 acumulea,a stress 2pana se umple paharul2 ase face dispersie in T$ 01 b5 "iata onirica CS-T$(vise)# deficit(vid) C-6S# "iata onirica CS CS - %ericardul in deficit# cosmaruri9 terori nocturne9 angoase9 frica9 o CS %ericardul in eTces# rade/ canta si petrece in vis9 "iata onirica 6S T$ - Trei $ocare in deficit #convulsii in somn(opistotomus)visea,a mari orase/aglomerari umane9 T$ | Trei $ocare in eTces# visea,a ca este permanent activ9 Componenta (instanta) psihica# Sen,atii# Emotii(sentiment)#

G5Ta+el referitor la semnificaia psiho-emoional a meridianelor @eridian Temperament (Emoii) Comportament (%ulsiuni) 6ncredere in sine Emoie >in +7,: Oips$ de -ncredere 77p ;u dore!te s$ ias$ din care incarcereaz$1 nu d$ drumul la ata!$ri/ dependen.e/capturi, 77p ;u dore!te schimbarea/modificarea 77p Iefuz$ transformarea $-$icat Emoie >ang +7, : 2&ces de -ncredere 77p 3ereu nemultumit/nefericit 77p +or"oliu7aro"an.$ 7 cusur"iu 7 preten.ios, Emoie >in +o, : accept/primesc schimbarea cu bucurie !i compasiune.

! cere/ a reclama/ a solicita %ulsiune >in (-) : 4imid 7 *e descura/eaz$ u!or/repede/subit :ulsiune >ang (-): A"resi' 7 in'idios %ulsiune >in (|): Am capacitatea s$ ies din fuziune+s$ m$ deta!ez1 s$ dau drumul, pentru a m$ elibera din incarcerare/fuziune !i confuzie. %ulsiune >ang (|): 2u nu ezit s$ cer ceea ce 'reau% a'and -n acela!i timp o atitudine de respect fa.$ de mine !i fa.$ de ceilal.i.

"B-"e,ic +iliar

Emoie >ang +o, : ;u mai am -ncredere in mine !i in creati'itatea mea. $uria/mUnia (i ranchiuna 6ndr,neal Emoie >in +7, : Ieprimarea furiei sale% a resentimentelor/ranchiunii %ulsiune >in (-) : Oipsa de indrazneala1 0u"e de confruntare% indecizie %ulsiune >ang (-): combati'itate% -ndr$zneal$ e&cesi'$ Emoie >ang +7, : Ie'an!ard% %ulsiune >in (|) : 5omparati' cu ceea r$zbunator% caut$ s$ se ce sunt -n acest% eu fac cele mai bune razbune% pentru a desc$rca ale"eri. mania %ulsiune >ang (|) : <ecid s$ iau decizii Emoie >in +o, : ;u m$ accept pentru a m$ elibera de deciziile care m$ a!a cum sunt cu furiile !i infurie. resentimentele mele.

Emoie >ang +o, : 2&prim furiile mele. `ervo,itate 4orin Emoie >in +7, : 2&citatie interioar$ %ulsiune >in (-) : Anore&ie CSEmoie >ang +7, : sterie / %ulsiune >ang (-) : 8ulimie Circulatie A" %ulsiune >in (|) : Accept/sunt de acord SeT/%ericar Emoie >in +o, : 3$ respect -n s$7mi urmez dorin.ele !i s$ eliberez d pl$cerea de a tr$i pasiunea mea pasiunea mea. Emoie >ang +o, : 3$ %ulsiune >ang (|) : 5analizez pasiunea e&prim/'orbesc cu pasiune mea f$r$ e&ces% -n ceea ce pri'e!te respect#ndu7i -n acela!i timp pe respectul fa.$ de mine !i fa.$ de ceilal.i. ceilal.i. !dapta+ilitate 6ncordare permanenta Emoie >in (-) : Ii"id% fra"il/casant/infle&ibil Emoie >ang (-) : 5ontrol Emoie >in (|) : Accept/sunt de acord s$ fiu mai moale% mai suplu !i mai fle&ibil. Emoie >ang (|) : Accept/sunt de acord sa dau drumul. oc afectiv (nedigerat) Emoie >in (-) : 8loca/ afecti' Emoie >ang (-) : Rupuit de 'iu Emoie >in (|) : 2u m$ respect din ce in ce mai mult. Emoie >ang (|) : Am din ce in ce mai mult respect pentru semenii mei. oc emoional (neasimilat) %ulsiune >in (-) : *usceptibilitate +'ulnerabilitate/reacti'itate la influen.a e&tern$1 de a suferi la influen.a a"en.ilor e&terni sau interni, %ulsiune >ang (-) : 5rispare/incordare %ulsiune >in (|) : *unt -ntr7o ac.iune /ust$/echitabil$ !i echilibrat$. %ulsiune >ang (|) : Am dat drumul% imi !tiu limitele !i le respect pe ale altora. 6u+ire adevrat/ iertare %ulsiune >in (-) : Iece% distant %ulsiune >ang (-) : *ensibilitate% afecti'itate% e&cesi'$ %ulsiune >in (|) : m$ iert !i m$ stimez din ce in ce mai mult. %ulsiune >ang (|) : iert !i stimez din ce in ce mai mult pe ceilal.i. "italitate %ulsiune >in (-) : Auster% obosit %ulsiune >ang (-) : Hiper7acti'/neobosit %ulsiune >in (|) : 3$ eliberez de 'echile mele emo.ii. %ulsiune >ang (|) : nte"rez/di"er cu inteli"en.$ e&perien.ele emo.ionale ale 'ie.ii. Concentrare/ reflecie %ulsiune >in (-) : Iisipit1 dispersat1 impr$stiat+ii pas$ de tot, %ulsiune >ang (-) : dee fi&$% obsesie %ulsiune >in (|) : *unt in si"uran.$% m$ pot rela&a. Am -ncredere -n 'ia.$. %ulsiune >ang (|) : ;u mai am ne'oie s$ controlez/cenzurez totul% cu mintea

T$-Trei $ocare

C-Cord/ 6nima

Emoie >in (-) : 8loca/ emo.ional 77p Oips$ de 'oin.$ 6S-6ntestin Emoie >ang (-) : Ieacti'itate% Su+.ire emoti'itate% e&cesi'$ Emoie >in (|) : *unt de acord s$ m$ deschid la emo.iile mele Emoie >ang +o, : 4emperez emo.iile pe care al.ii m$ fac s$ le tr$iesc/simt. S%-Splina Beflecie %ancreas Emoie >in (-) : ?ri/i% nelini!te% an&ietate% depresie cu sentimentul de a fi ratat/de a fi pierdut totul Emoie >ang (-) : A" intelectual$ !i mental$ +a aler"a ca un descreierat,

Emoie >in (|) : Am incredere% optimism mea. 5aut echilibrul !i Emoie >ang (|) : 5ump$tare cump$tarea/m$sur$ -n toate. !i modestie/smerenie %erfectionism !ctiune fortata/ rigiditate 6ndividualism Emoie >in (-) : 0rustrare% %ulsiune >in (-) : Asistat% dependent nemul.umire/ 77p Oips$ de cura/+determinare1 permanent$ personalitate1 stomac1 "ut, Emoie >ang (-) : 2&i"en.$ %ulsiune >ang (-) : 3izantrop% 77p *e'er% dificil% ri"id e"ocentric Emoie >in (|) : *unt mul.umit %ulsiune >in (|) : 2u fac cele mai bine de mine !i m$ eliberez de din ceea ce pot face la ora actual$. dependen.a fa.$ de opiniile sau %ulsiune >ang (|) : *unt fericit !i fa.$ de recunoa!terea celorlal.i. mul.umit cu ceea ce am !i m$ pot "#ndi Emoie >ang (|) : *unt tot din ce -n ce mai mult la ceilal.i. mai fle&ibil/f$r$ form$ 6nchidere in sine/imtroversiune / Tristee Emoie afectiv Emoie >in (-) : )presiune% in$bu!ire Emoie >ang (-) : *anta/ afecti' Emoie >in (|) : 3odestie% toleran.$ Emotie >ang (|) : ncredere% sinceritate Sensi+ilitate emotiona %ulsiune >in (-) : <ependen.$ afecti'$ %ulsiune >ang (-) : ritabilitate afecti'$ %ulsiune >in (|) : 3$ deschid din ce in ce mai mult c$tre ceilal.i. %ulsiune >ang (|) : *unt din ce in ce mai umil/$ !i mai tolerant/$ $ermitate %ulsiune >in (-) : permisi'itate/la&ism: toleran.$ e&cesi'$. lipsa de limite %ulsiune >ang (-) : ntransi"en.$ : prea mult$ fermitate %ulsiune >in (|) : 3$ eliberez cu entuziasm de emo.iile din trecut. 0ac loc/imbra.i!ez schimbarea. %ulsiune >ang (|) : 3$ deschid la 'ia.$ !i c$tre ceilal.i. $acultate de trecere la actiune %ulsiune >in (-) : ndecizie% inac.iune %ulsiune >ang (-) : Autoritarism %ulsiune >in (|) : m$ realizez -n ac.iune/ceea ce fac/produc. %ulsiune >ang (|) : Ac.ionez -n bucurie !i discern$m#nt. 3$ -mplinesc. "oluntarism %ulsiune >in (-) : Jeleitar 1 dorin.e%



77p <ificulta.i/probleme cu di"erarea emo.iilor din trecut Emoie >in (-) : < 6=-6ntestin capricioas$ +Y ipohondru, =ros Emoie >ang (-) : Ianchiunos% muncitor s#r"uincios Emoie >in (|) : rela&at1 d$ drumul Emoie >ang (|) : ?enerozitate% bun$tate $rici/ temeri/ angoase profunde Emoie >in (-) : Oa!% fricos% Emoie >ang (-) : :aranoic+crede c$ are dreptate indiferent de realitate, Emoie >in (|) : Join.$% maturitate Emoie >ang (|) : <iscern$m#nt% in.elepciune !ta(are 77p <ificultate de a ne "oli de


"-"e,ic urinar

preten.ii% ambi.ii +ne/ustificate1 distructi'e 1 nesus.inute de 'oin.$ !i competen.$7amatorism% suficien.$% superficialitate1 tr$ie!te in paradi"ma amintirile profunde din cauza (al.ii sunt de 'in$(, credin.elor implantate %ulsiune >ang (-) : mer"e pan$ la Emoie >in (-) : 5onformist cap$t Emoie >ang (-) : 2&centric 77p inc$p$.#nare% maniac Emoie >in (|) : ndependent %ulsiune >in (|) : !i ia 'ia.a -n m#inile Emoie >ang (|) : Autonom sale !i i!i asum$ responsabilatea+schimbarea uni'ersului incepe cu propria schimbare,. %ulsiune >ang (|) : 3$ eliberez de 'echile credin.e.

Tipuri de insomnie conform Shen Ben/T&pes of insomnia according to the Ben Shen Lhen *hen is out of balance one cannot sleep because of e&treme /o9 +passin" a 'er9 difficult e&am etc, restlessness ner'ousness e&citement +ne&t da9 is onecs birthda9 or weddin"7da9, Lhen =i is out of balance one cannot sleep because of worr9in" about +for e&ample, onecs children nostal"ia worr9in" in the mind +about learnin" somethin" b9 heart, Lhen :o is out of balance one cannot sleep because of "rief due to berea'ement or termination of a deep relationship sadness o'er "ettin" older thin6in" in en'9 or /ealous9 of someone else self7pit9 Lhen @hi is out of balance one cannot sleep because one is afraid of the dar6 one is afraid of the un6nown one is afraid of ne'er wa6in" up a"ain one is afraid of ha'in" ni"htmares Lhen Hun is out of balance one cannot sleep because of an"er% frustration% irritation +for e&ample about onecs wor6 or mana"er, hostilit9 feelin" of "uilt self7deprecation% poor self7ima"e% self7disappro'al +did somethin" reall9 stupid toda9, 6n de,echili+rele de Shen Ben/ pre,entate mai sus/ se pot folosi punctele Shu mentale sau punctele Shu asociate organelor Aang (de )/ dup cum urmea,#/ 6n im+alances of the Ben Shen/ as discussed a+ove/ one ma& use the @ental Shu or their !ssociated Aang (_rgan) Shu %oints as folloMs#
For !ro lems of Mental Shu Point 'ssociated Zang

the Shen (Fire Psyche) Shentan/ V,, Spirit *all V,-

(Organ) Shu Point 0insh% *1 Sh% Pish% SP Sh% Feish% L5 Sh% Shensh% 7I Sh% 'ansh% LV Sh%


.i (Earth Psyche) &ishe Re2lection A3ode Po (Metal Psyche) Poh% So%l 4oor Zhi (+ater Psyche) /un (+ood Psyche) (hishi 6ill Cham3er *%nmen Co%ra/e 'ate




V !




H5 =losar *
g^i gu guiD 6ui1 [uei 6oueq# I: spirit1 duh% umbr$% n$luc$% fantom$ +de la cu'antul "rec: a apare1 aparitie,1 *hentu si =ul] pazeau poarta spiritelor si a fantomelor +*9 "ui men,1 sarbatoarea fantomelor +*: "ui /ie,1 apare in: I150G9 E#ghost% spirit% apparition% stealth9% surrepititious% sinister plot% dirt9 tric6% cle'er% smart% `uic61 ?uiY earthl9% dar6% corporeal% contractin"% returnin"% centripetal% death14he "ui +as well as the )un, needs to be inte"rated in the ps9che to pre'ent dis7association% splittin" of contents of the ps9che. ;eurosis% ps9chosis% mania% etc. consist in dis7association of dar6 contents of the ps9che. Lhen this happens% the "ui are percei'ed as e&ternal a"ents% e'il spirits possessin" the ps9che while the9 are actuall9 a product of the ps9che itself. As Run" sa9s: Z f tendencies towards dis7 association were not inherent in the human ps9che% parts would ha'e ne'er split off: in other words% neither spirits nor "ods would e'er ha'e come to e&ist[. 4hus we should learn to reco"nize the ps9chic forces s9mbolized b9 "ui and not wait until our moods ma6e clear to us in the most painful wa9 that we +i.e. the 3ind, are not the onl9 master of our house. +?uiY*hadow,. 4raditionall9% "hosts needed food offerin"s dail9 to be appeased: this is s9mbolical of the need to come to terms with and inte"rate the dar6 side of the ps9che. =#der =eist% die sterbliche *eele% *eele der Jerstorbenen% ?eist% ?espenst% Teufel% bud: <rmonen% teuflisch% *chur6e% ;ame des 23. der 28 *ternbilder%'erstohlen% heimlich%erschlichen% unecht% 6lu"% "eschic6t% raffiniert% schnell1 0:ombre esprit fantGme1
t is important to see "ui% Hun and :o as a continuum of ps9chic forces: as the 5hinese characters clearl9 show% Hun and :o pertain to the world of "ui% of spirits. n fact% the character for Hun is made of the radical Z"ui[ with Zclouds[ +9un, on the left: the character for Zcloud[ "i'es the Hun its =an"% ethereal nature. 4he character for :o is made of the radical Z"ui[ with Zwhite[ +bai, on the left: this character :o+, stands for the risin" moon and it "i'es this word and the :o its =in% corporeal nature. 4herefore% as it is clear from the 5hinese characters for Hun and :o% "ui is an inte"ral part of the 2thereal and 5orporeal *ouls5 4he phonetic similarit9 between the word "ui meanin" Zspirit[ and "ui meanin" Zto return[ is not casual. 4he "host 7 "ui 7 is a dead person who returns as a "host. ZIeturnin"[ has also the meanin" of to Z con'er"e% to come to"ether[ indicatin" the centripetal% contractin" mo'ement of a "ui. 4he Lu Nin" <a =i sa9s: Z?ui are those that return. Ancient people called dead persons sthose who returnC[. Lan" 5hon" +2P7100 A<, said: ZLhen a person dies% his spirit ascends to Hea'en and his flesh and bones return to 2arth. 4o be an earthl9 "ui means to be a hea'enl9 shen means to e&pand. Lhen the e&pansion reaches its limit% it ends and be"ins a"ain. A

person is born of "ui and at death returns to them. =in and =an" are called "ui7shen. After people die% the9 are also called "ui7shen[. 4he comin" into bein" of a separate e&istence% of a li'in" bod9% ta6es place with the forces of separation in nature% i.e. the "ui are centripetal powers hun"r9 for life: these powers loo6 for the fra"mentation into Zpieces[ of separate e&istence. 4he phonetic connection between "ui +"hosts, and "ui +pieces, is not coincidental. 4he dar6 powers of "ui are inherent with *hen and the9 constantl9 oppose it at e'er9 turn to re"ain their freedom of action. 4he "ui stri'e towards fra"mentation% Zpieces[% centripetal% the shen stri'e towards e&pansion% wholeness. Howe'er% this tension% this opposition is relati'e and is a source of d9namism. t "enerates opposition% desires% conflicts% but it is also the moti'e force of transformation and metamorphosis of the *pirit. Lan" 5hon" said: ZMi produces a person /ust as water becomes ice. As water freezes into ice% so Mi coa"ulates to form a person. Lhen ice melts% it becomes water. Lhen a person dies% he becomes a "ui spirit a"ain. He is called "ui /ust as melted ice chan"es its name to water. As people see that its name has chan"ed% the9 sa9 it has consciousness% can assume ph9sical form% and can hurt people. 8ut the9 ha'e no basis for sa9in" so[. @hu Ni +111371200, said: Z s e&pansion shen and contraction "uin 4he teacher drew a circle on the des6 with his hand and pointed to its centre and said: :rinciple AOiB is li6e a circle. Lithin it there is differentiation li6e this. All cases of material force AMiB which is comin" forth belon" to =an" and are shen. All cases of material force which is returnin" to its ori"in belon" to =in and are "ui. n the da9% forenoon is shen% afternoon is "ui. n the month% from the 3rd da9 onward is shen1 after the 16th da9 it is "ui. 4he sun is shen and the moon is "ui. :lants "rowin" are shen% plants deca9in" are "ui. A person from childhood to maturit9 is shen% while a person in his declinin" 9ears and old a"e is "ui. n breathin"% breath "oin" out is shen% breath comin" in is "ui.[ 4his passa"e clearl9 shows the important 'iew accordin" to which "ui is s9non9mous with a centripetal% contracti'e mo'ement and shen with a centrifu"al% e&pansi'e mo'ement. 4his has important implications in ps9cholo"9. ?ui is often presented as the counter7pole of shen. *hen pertains to Hea'en and is the Hea'enl9 spirit1 "ui pertains to 2arth and is the 2arthl9 spirit. n other words% the9 are the two polarities of utmost =an" and utmost =in in the world of spirit and in our ps9che. 4his polarit9 was alwa9s considered relati'e in 5hinese thin6in". t basicall9 si"nifies the tension% conflicts and contradictions between the subtle% dar6% centripetal% contractin" ps9chic forces of "ui and the subtle% bri"ht% centrifu"al% e&pansi'e ps9chic forces of shen. 4his polarit9 is made up of the two poles of =in and =an" in the human ps9che and their interpla9 animates our ps9che. Hence "ui is an inte"ral part of the human ps9che: it represents the centripetal% separatin"% desire force see6in" to separate itself and which must be nourished +li6e one feeds hun"r9 pretas,. n essence% "ui can be seen as the *hadow within our ps9che. @han" 5ai said: Z?ui and shen are the spontaneous acti'it9 of =in and =an"...the realit9 of "ui and shen does not "o be9ond these two fundamental elements...if =in and =an" do not e&ist% the )ne cannot be re'ealed. Iealit9 and unrealit9% motion and rest% inte"ration and disinte"ration are two different substances. n the final anal9sis% howe'er% the9 are one[. Also: ZLhen a thin" first comes into e&istence% material force AMiB comes "raduall9 into it to enrich its 'italit9. As it reaches its maturit9% Mi "raduall9 re'erts to where it came from% wanders off and disperses. ts comin" means shen because it is e&pandin"1 its re'ersion means "ui because it is returnin"[. 4he concept of "ui in 5hinese philosoph9 and culture has important implications in 5hinese medicine. ?ui is an important complement to *hen% Hun% :o% =i and @hi in the 5hinese 'iew of the ps9che. 4he old picto"ram for "ui depicts the bod9less head of a dead person in its swirlin" mo'ement in the world of spirit. t therefore indicates the spirit of a dead person. nitiall9% there was no e'il connotation to this term% i.e. the spirits of dead people were neither bene'olent nor male'olent. After the introduction of 8uddhism into 5hina% the word was used to indicate demons or pretas. <urin" the *han" d9nast9 +1P5171112 85, and earlier% the influence of spirits dominated life and medicine. n medicine% the main cause of disease was attac6 b9 e'il spirits. 4he 'ocabular9 of acupuncture is a testimon9 of this. Lith the @hou d9nast9 +11127FP6 85, and especiall9 later durin" the Larrin" *tates :eriod there is the be"innin" of humanism which reached its ape& durin" the Han and% later on% durin" the *on"7=uan and 3in" d9nasties. <urin" the *han" d9nast9 the influence of "ui spirits on man6ind had been almost total% for no important thin"s could be done without first see6in" their appro'al. <urin" the @hou d9nast9% the "ui were ta6en into account but the9 did not dominate life. 4he 8oo6 of Iites sa9s: Z4he people of *han" honour spiritual bein"s% ser'e them and put them ahead of ceremonies...the people of @hou honour ceremonies...the9 ser'e the spiritual bein"s "ui but 6eep them at a distance. 4he9 remain near to man6ind and lo9al to him.[

Les gui :our comprendre ce `ue sont les "ui +prononcer d6oueqe,% le mieu& est de se tourner 'ers le dictionnaire frantais de la lan"ue chinoise de lC nstitut Iicci% au caract_re concernS nu 2832: Ame sensiti'e +dSsincarnSe% apr_s la mort,1 manes des morts1 fantGme1 re'enant1 spectre. 2sprit insatisfait +nocif si on ne lCapaise pas,1 "Snie1 esprit mau'ais1 dSmon1 diable. <iaboli`ue1 dSmonia`ue. nfluence occulte nSfaste. :ernicieu& sournois1 perfide. 3alin1 rusS1 roublard1 malicieu&. Oa lan"ue chinoise fourmille dCe&pressions a'ec le mot "ui en rSfSrence a des situations ou des personna"es pas clairs. >n btre diaboli`ue% fourbe% sournois est appelS d"ui "ui sui suie% un feu follet d"ui huoe +littSralement: desprit feue,% un racontar d"ui huae% mais le premier sens du mot "ui est dre'enante% dfantGmee. <Cailleurs% la sorcellerie se dit en chinois d"ui taoe% le 'oie des "ui v Muand on sait la peur 'iscSrale `ue les 5hinois Sprou'ent depuis lCaube de leur ci'ilisation pour les re'enants% on ne sera pas StonnS de trou'er% dans les ou'ra"es dCacupuncture% des points concernant les patholo"ies liSes au& "ui. *elon Rac`ues Oa'ier% lCori"ine mbme de cette mSdecine remonterait K la cro9ance ancestrale selon la`uelle les maladies sont causSes par des esprits malfaisants `ui iraient se lo"er +au/ourdChui on dirait ds`uattere, dans des endroits bien particulier du corps humain. Oe nom chinois dSsi"nant un point dCacupuncture nCest7il pas &ue+;,% terme `ui si"nifie aussi: ("rotte(% (trou(% (terrier(n <onc la lS"ende raconte `uCun chasseur aurait StS accidentellement blessS au pied par une fl_che. l alla consulter le mSdecin du 'illa"e% `ui Stait aussi chaman% pour `uCil lui retire le morceau insSrS dans son pied et le panse a'ec des herbes pour prS'enir une hSmorra"ie. >ne fois le soin terminS% le malade se l_'e% marche% puis se met K faire des bonds et K "ambader /o9eusement% le sourire au& l_'res. 0ace K lCStonnement de son "uSrisseur% il e&pli`ue: dRe crois `ue cette fl_che de'ait btre une arme ma"i`ue% car elle a bel et bien tuS un Eoueq `ui sCStait installS dans ma /ambe et me tourmentait. RCa'ais depuis plusieurs /ours une douleur ai"uw `ui sCStendait depuis les reins /us`uCK la rS"ion de ma blessure% et `ui me rendait tout mou'ement e&trbmement pSnible. l a cependant fallu `ue /Caille K la chasse% car nous nCa'ions plus de 'iande% et ce me fut un 'Sritable supplice. Re bSnis celui `ui mCen'o9a accidentellement cette fl_che% car il a fait une 'ictime de choi& en e&Scutant ce dSmon. Re ne ressens plus du tout cette 'iolente douleur `ui mCStait intolSrable.e Muant au& "ui% 'Sritables intrus `ui% de temps K autre% perturbent ce rSseau% ils Staient S"alement 'isibles K ces sa"es de mbme `ue certains Studiants et ma-tres de 4ai/i Muan sont capables de les 'oir au/ourdChui. <Cailleurs% le 4ai/i Muan nCest7il pas parfois appelS dla bo&e des "uienvvv 3ais de nos /ours% cela ne fait pas tr_s sSrieu& de croire au& dSmons% au& re'enants et K toute ces superstitions `ui nous 'iennent de la nuit des temps. *i lCon souhaite `ue lCacupuncture soit reconnue par lCSlite scientifi`ue% ne serait7il pas souhaitable de trou'er une dSfinition plus SlaborSe% plus rationnelle des "ui n <ans son ou'ra"e sur la ps9cholo"ie dans la mSdecine chinoise% lCacupuncteur <aniel Oaurent associe les "ui +Eoueq, K des dclichSse% des ima"es mentales porteuses de mSmoire `ui dse branchent de faton `uasi permanente dans un circuit corporel et se comportent comme une entitS indSpendante possSdant une force de commandement compulsi'e tant sur le plan somati`ue `ue comportemental.e >n peu plus loin il prScise: d2n effet% ces clichSs a"issent comme des su""estions positi'es telles `uCon les e&pSrimente en h9pnose% mais plus puissantes car il sC9 trou'e de la douleur. *i lCun de ces clichSs est rSacti'S par lCen'ironnement +ce `ui de'ient stress pour lCindi'idu concernS,% il se branche plus ou moins en permanence% dictant un comportement particulier pour lCindi'idu. 5e clichS rSacti'S 77 pendant toute la pSriode dCaction 77 de'ient un Eoueq. Oa ps9chanal9se `ui essaie de faire re'enir K la conscience des incidents inconscients est une tentati'e ps9chothSrapeuti`ue de libSrer les Eoueq. 5Cest malheureusement en "SnSral un Schec% car la ps9chanal9se sCarrbte K la mise en S'idence des incidents a9ant re7stimulS la force de commandement compulsi'e dCun Eoueq +ou dCune cha-ne de Eoueq,. 3ais tant `ue le Eoueq lui7mbme nCa pas StS effacS% cCest7K7dire rSintS"rS% reclassS correctement et consciemment +x,% le Eoueq demeure et il ne peut 9 a'oir au mieu& apr_s ce t9pe de traitement% `uCune amSlioration passa"_re.e 5eu& `ui ne sauraient se contenter dCune e&plication ma"i`ue concernant les phSnom_nes de possession apprScieront syrement ce raisonnement plus drationnele. ?> A;< A5>:>;54>I2

<emonic medicine% i.e. the belief that illnesses were due to ne"ati'e influences from spirits whom we ha'e displeased and that treatment depended on e&orcisms and incantations to rid the bod9 of such spirits% is indeed probabl9 the ori"in of acupuncture. 2&orcists and shamans used to run throu"h the streets "esturin" and fendin" the air with spears and arrows to rid the inhabitants of e'il spirits. t is `uite concei'able that the step between fendin" the air with the spear and piercin" the bod9 to rid it of spirits is a 'er9 short one. *pirits and "hosts used to reside in holes or ca'es1 the 5hinese word for acupuncture point is &ue which actuall9 means (hole ( or (ca'e(. 4his is another possible lin6 between demonic medicine and acupuncture% i.e. the acupuncture points where the holes where the spirits resided causin" illness and re`uirin" piercin" of the s6in to be eliminated. *ome of the acupuncture terminolo"9 also would support the connection with demonic medicine. 0or e&ample% the term &ie `i +usuall9 translated as Zpatho"enic factor[, literall9 means (e'il Mi( and it e'ol'ed from the term &ie "ui% i.e. Ze'il spirit[. Lith the transition from demonic to natural medicine that occurred durin" the Larrin" *tates :eriod% diseases were not caused b9 Ze'il spirits[ an9 lon"er but b9 Ze'il Mi[. 4he term @hon" 0en" +meanin" Lind7stro6e, also su""ests a demonic influence as zhon" su""ests an arrow hittin" the tar"et: "i'en the sudden collapse of a person sufferin" a stro6e% it would ha'e been eas9 to attribute that to bein" hit b9 the Zarrow[ of an e'il spirit. 4he term Ri for Zillness[ also bears testimon9 of the demonic thin6in" in medicine. 4his character is composed of the radicals for Zbed[ and Zarrow[: its ori"inal meanin" was that of a Zperson who is bedridden because of in/ur9 b9 third parties with an arrow[. ZArrow[ here is a s9mbol of bein" Zhit[ b9 an e'il spirit. n subse`uent centuries% demonic medicine became to be inte"rated seamlessl9 with natural medicine. 0or e&ample% some doctors maintained that% e'en when illnesses was caused b9 a demonic influence% this attac6 itself was made possible b9 a pre7e&istin" or"anic imbalance. Nu 5hun 0u +15P0, said a pre7e&istin" wea6ness in the personCs Mi made an attac6 b9 an e'il spirit possible and he ad'ocated combinin" herbal therap9 with incantation in a 'er9 interestin" passa"e: Z f these two methods of treatment are combined Aherbal therap9 and incantationB% inner and outer are for"ed into a whole producin" a prompt cure of the illness. An9one who en"a"es an e&orcist and a'oids the application of dru"s will be unable to eliminate his illness% for a principle is lac6in" that could brin" about a cure. He who ta6es onl9 dru"s and does not call upon an e&orcist to dri'e out e&istin" doubts% will be cured% but relief will be achie'ed slowl9. 5onse`uentl9 the inner and outer must be treated to"ether1 onl9 in this wa9 is rapid success possible.[

4he classification of Zinner[ and Zouter[ methods of treatment +herbal dru"s and e&orcisms respecti'el9, is interestin" and his ad'ocatin" a combination of these two methods is si"nificant: it is temptin" to substitute Zps9chotherapist[ for Ze&orcist[ and infer that Nu 5hun" 0u ad'ocated combinin" a ph9sical therap9 such as herbal medicines with ps9chotherap9. t is also interestin" to note the difference in outcome when each therap9 is used: if one recurs onl9 to an e&orcist he or she Zwill be unable to eliminate the illness[% whereas it one recurs to a herbalist% he or she Zwill be cured[. 4H2 ;22<O ;? 324H)< ; 5A*2 )0 2N42I;AO ;JA* ); )0 ?> <>2 4) 4H2 O)** )0 *H2; 0I)3 ;)I3AO O)5A4 ); )0 4H2 12 )I?A;* Oei Rin" b9 @han" Rie 8in% 5hapter F3% p. 1018. @han" Rie 8in carried the inte"ration of demonic with natural medicine a step further in the Oei Rin"% 162F.Huan" <i as6s: ZLhen the bod9 is wea6 *hen escapes and loses it normal location% it allows the e&ternal in'asion of "ui leadin" to earl9 death. How can we 6eep the bod9 intactn would li6e to 6now the needlin" methods for such a condition.[ 4o 6eep the bod9 intact and 6eep the *hen intact. Lhen *hen is intact% &ie cannot in'ade the bod9. 4he combination of wea6 bod9 and in'asion of &ie% ma9 cause earl9 death. Lhen the coordination of the *hen of the 12 or"ans is lost% to pre'ent in'asions of e&ternal factors +&ie,% needle the =uan point of rele'ant channel. nsert needle% retain for 3 breaths% then insert another fen and retain for one breath% withdraw needle slowl9. 2&cept for the :ericardium in which case use Oao"on" :78. @han" Rie 8in carried the inte"ration of demonic with natural medicine a step further in the Oei Rin"% 162F. He sa9s that demons do e&ist but the9 are creations of the human mind due to an inner imbalance. He e'en correlated the colour in which the demon appears to the patient with a 572lement imbalance% i.e. if the 2arth element is% wea6% the patient will see "reen demons +because "reen is the colour of Lood which o'eracts on 2arth,. f Oi'er is deficient%

the 2thereal *oul has no residence and it escapes Zswim[ awa9 and the bod9 is in'aded b9 white "ui. 0irst use J8F0 and then *hu point of Oi'er +?anshu, at the same time as sa9in" an incantation. f the Heart is deficient% the 2mperor and 3inister 0ire do not perform normal functions% bod9 is in'aded b9 blac6 "ui. >se =uan point of 40% 407F and J715 Ninshu. *: Nu% "reen "ui% use *7F2 and J720 :ishu. : Nu% red "ui% use ?7F and J713 0eishu. I Nu% 9ellow "ui% use J76F and J723 *henshu.

"edeti/see# Shen/ )un and %o in Chinese @edicine

Oes 13 :oints ?ui 4raditionnellement% il 9 a treize points "ui sur le corps humain `ui% selon certains auteurs% seraient les treize points ori"inau& de lCacupuncture. 5Cest le mSdecin taoqste *un *imiao +5817682,% alchimiste de surcro-t% `ui% dans son Mian/in" fan" +:rescriptions 'alant mille once dCor, Scri'it une )de pour la pi`yre des treize points "ui. Joici ces points +et S"alement leur nom usuel,: :alais des "ui +"ui "on",1 Ien zhon" +<3 26, :ersuasion des "ui +"ui &in,1 5hao shan" +: 11, 0orteresse des "ui +"ui lei,1 =in bai +*: 1, 5fur des "ui +"ui &iu,1 <a lin" +5* P, 5hemin des "ui +"ui lu,1 *hen mai +J6, )reiller des "ui +"ui zhen,1 0en" fu +<3 16, Oit des "ui +"ui chuan",1 Ria che +* 6, 3archS des "ui +"ui shi,1 5hen" /ian" +I3 2F, 5a'erne des "ui +"ui 6u,1 Oao "on" +5* 8, Hall des "ui +"ui tan",1 *han" &in" +<3 23, 5ache des "ui +"ui can",1 Hui 9in +I3 1, 0onctionnaire des "ui +"ui chen,1 Mu chi + ? 11, *ceau des "ui +"ui fen",1 Hai `uan +sous le frein de la lan"ue,

I5 @od de pre,entare a caracterelor din lim+a chine,a /%resentation mode for Chinese characters / @ode de pr8sentation des caractres chinois utilis8 / $ormat f]r chinesische Schrift,eichen /$ormato per i caratteri cinesi usati 1. 5aracter traditionalasimplificatB in lb. chineza : A(B

2. trascriptii transliterari/romanizari:pin9in `iFAnumarul indica tonulB1 Lade7?iles: chCi1 202): tsci1 6hi1 3. pronuntare/ pronunciation/ prononciation/ Aussprache: 6i F. traducere in lb. romana: B: translation into the 2n"lish lan"ua"e: E: traduction dans la lan"ue frantaise: $:1 zbersetzun" in die deutsche *prache: =1 I: ;umerele folosite dup$ termenii transliterati -n pin9in au rol de tonuri: 2: :in9in tones are indicated b9 numbers 175% as follows: 0::in9in tons sont indi`uSs par les numSros 175% comme suit: ?::in9in74\ne sind mit ;ummern 175% wie fol"t: a1YV 1 a2Y W1 a3Y$1 aFYK1 a0Ya5YaAton neutralB a1YV 1 a2Y W1 a3Y$1 aFYK VW{K e1Y U1 e2YS1 e3Y |1 eFY _1 i1Y h1 i2Y j1 i3Y k1 iFYT1 o1Y }1 o2Y~1 o3Yi1 oFY1 u1Y 1 u2Y g1 u3Y 1 uFY^1 1Yle'el tone% 2Yrisin" tone% 3Ymid7risin" tone% FYfallin" tone% 5Yneutral tone/1 Y A Bton haut S"al +macron, 1 2 Y A B4on montant +accent ai"u,% 3 Y AB 4on descendant lS"_rement puis remontant +Hatche6 ou caron, 1 F Y AB 4on descendant et bref +accent "ra'e,1 5 Y ton neutre/1 Y 4on oben "leich1 2 Y <ein 8etra" +mit A6ut,1 3 Y 4on leicht abwrrts und dann zur]c6 +oder Hatche6 5aron,1 F Y 4on abwrrts und 6urz +?ra'is7A6zent,1 5 Y neutral 4on1

semne diacritice -n lb. rom#n$% francez$ % italian$ si spaniol$ : # $ K taSb_w q j - T G \g ^ ] - ! .

J5 Bi+liografie vedeti cartile si articolele pu+licate pe# /see pu+lished +oo[s# http#//MMM5scri+d5com/@6B!)_B6!` http#//MMM5scri+d5com/essen,adivina http#//MMM5scri+d5com/CampCina+ru !tlas de !cupunctura de @irahorian/@anual ET pt depanarea masinii umane http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/70HDJGJG/!cupunctura-!tlas

Categorii de puncte de acupunctura/!cupuncture %oints Chart/$amilles de points d3acupunctures http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/GI1PJGHH Legea celor cinci miscari(elemente) Elementul ascuns/The )idden Element/ El elemento oculto/ L3elemento nascosto/ 4ie ver+orgene Element http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/70HDIQD1/ Cele opt meridiane curioase sau eTtraordinare(miraculoase9 ancestrale) The Eight ETtraordinar& Xi "essels Les @erveilleuT "aisseauT (material util in trecerea la functionarea precelesta/holografica/em+rionara care apare dupa tre,ire/ 'a doua nastere.) Tehnici de reanimare (<= Luatsu9 Lappo) / Techni ues de r8animation Besuscitation Techni ues /T8cnica de reanimacin/ \ieder+ele+ungsmethode +material util in artele martiale si in situatii de ur"enta, 'edeti in Categorii de puncte de acupunctura/!cupuncture %oints Chart/$amilles de points d3acupunctures http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/GI1PJGHH Constienta /!Mareness de !nthon& de @ello traducere de 4an @irahorian http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/DIHPJHDQ/Constienta-!Mareness-!nthon&-de@ello http#//MMM5docuter5com/vieMer5aspN documentidODHJP010G7GcJcaI0cacDQ007QD7DJG1G http#//MMM5docstoc5com/docs/HH1IJHD7/Constienta-!Mareness-de-!nthon&de-@ello-traducere-de-4an-@irahorian 4espre cartea @agul din Kava - 6nvataturile unui autentic nemuritor taoist de Losta 4anaos http#//MMM5docuter5com/vieMer5aspN documentidO0PPHDJIG77GcPQ7Q7fdI1+c07QH1G10JHR4espre-cartea-@aguldin-Kava---6nvataturile-unui-autentic-ne http#//MMM5docstoc5com/docs/HH1IJIII/4espre-cartea-lui-Losta-4anaos-@agul-din-Kava http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/G0QHJ1I7/@agul-4in-Kava X6 @!=E` 711H'iewer.aspn documentidY35F8PQ3F1Fb5f600f3bQ3c126F5F1P11 73A?2;7:I2@2;4AI272005 6storia X6 @!=E` in %re,entarea @etodei de BelaTare %ilotata Creata de @irahorian http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/D1JD0D7P/ X6 @!=E` %BEAE`T!BE 711I http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/7HIIIJGD/X6-@!=E`-%BEAE`T!BE-711I
Centrele-energetice-subtile(chakra, tantian; tanden)in-diferite-traditii-spirituale/Subtle energy centers in various spiritual traditions on Earth: Chakra, antien !espre energia "itala(Chi, #i, $i, %rana, &ana, 'rgon) in diferite traditii si cateva erori co(une/Co((on errors on subtle vital energy %rana, Chi, #i, $i, &ana, 'rgone 734c8b13b40504c1284182 64

http#//MMM5+io-therapie-holisti ue5com/signification5html http://www.bio7therapie7holisti`

http://www.di" optionYcomcontenttas6Y'iewidYP3F temidY68 Cele cinci tipuri de energie mental sau de manifestri psiho-emoionale asociate viscerelor/elementelor9 Cele cinci 2suflete vegetative29 Cele cinci 2entiti/diviniti viscerale2 n medicina !i in "#ndirea chinez$% psihicul !i or"anele corpului sunt str#ns le"ate. Asa cum e&ist$ o ener"ie 'ital$ specific$ pentru fiecare or"an% e&ist$% de asemenea% o ener"ie mental$ caracteristic$% care eman$ de la fiecare or"an% definind astfel ceea ce chinezii numesc (cele cinci entiti/diviniti viscerale( !i care sunt numite de c$tre unii autori din )ccident (cele cinci suflete vegetative.( Comentariu-la-@isterul--mmo-de-@irahorian http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/70HDJJHQ/Comentariu-la-@isterul--mmo-de@irahorian
Cheia sanatatii- @etoda Luhne si a +ailor derivative http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/DPIH071H/@irahorian-Cheia-Sanatatii-@etoda-Luhne-SiBaile-4erivative http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/G17QHD01/Cheia-Sanatatii-@etoda-Luhne-eliminariituturor-maladiilor http#//MMM5scri+d5com/doc/G17QQ1Q7/Cheia-Sanatatii-@etoda-Luhne--cigasulmaladiilor-4isease-Liller

$oc( huS) - C(Cord/6nima -6S(6ntestin Su+ire)9 CS(Circulaie SeT/%ericard)T$(Trei $ocare)9 Shen ( sh8n)# Spiritul/ 6nelegerea9 con(tiena/ discernmUnt- Bucurie %amant( tV) < S%(Splina %ancreas)-S(Stomac)- >i ( &?)# Beflecia/ gUndirea/ invare9 ideaie9 memoria/ raiunea(emisfera stUng)/ concentrarea < =riEi @etal ( EWn) - %(%lmUn)-6=(6ntestin =ros)9 %o ( p:)# Sufletul animal muritor(!nima) 9 6nstinct celular9 instinct de conservare9 viaa vegetativ/ incon(tientul < Tristee/ nevoi viscerale/ pulsiuni/ miscri ale Xi/Chi/Li ( insoe(te respiraia/ mi(carea de intrare-ie(ire a Xi in relatie cu EsenaKing (i Energia-Xi ) Lemn( mY) - $($icat)-"B("e,ic +iliar)- )un ( hCn)# Suflet eteric(!nimus)9 @emorie ereditar/ percepia/ imaginaia(emisfera dreapt)9 softMare < $urie/mUnie9 inteligena/ sensi+ilitate/ temperament/ creativitate !pa( shuZ )< B(Binichi)-"("e,ic urinar)- Ahi ( ,h?)# "oina9 capacitatea de deci,ie/ hotrare/ determinare/ intentie) < $rica/ dorine/ aspiraii/ emoii9 re,istenta/ continuitate Jitalitatea depinde de calitatea *piritului +*hen,% a 2ner"iei subtile +Mi , !i a 2sen.ei+Rin" , si de men.inerea echilibrului in cadrul trinit$.ii Energie+Mi , /SUnge+Nue >,/$luide ale corpului +Rin =e ?@,7 pe care se intemeiaz$ func.ionarea intern$ a corpului. 2&tinderea manifest$rilor psihice depinde calitatea 2sen.ei+Rin" ,% a *#n"elui+Nue >, !i a Oichidelor or"anice +Rin =e ?@,% care cele cinci or"ane 9in !i 9an" +@an"7 0u, Aor"anele 9in pline/tezaur +zan"1 A,% or"anele 9an"% 'iscerele sau or"anele ca'itare +fu1 B,B !Ta central a reali,rii Shen >i Ahi *hen + con!tien.a, =i + concentrarea, @hi + determinarea1 for.a de realizare,

Oes Ben Shen ou cin` ames 'S"Stati'es Ben Shen# the $ive %s&chical-Emotional %hases http://med7'etacupuncture.or"/en"lish/articles/benshen.html Shen/ )un and %o in Chinese @edicine http://www.mar9land7acupuncture.or"/2*henHun.doc Shen/ )un and %o in Chinese @edicine http://www.mar9land7acupuncture.or"/2*henHun.doc

Les 8motions en m8decine chinoise #"eYemotion 2;4 42* J *52IAO2* 24 5)3:)I4232;4 :*=5H)O)? M>2"eneralites1.htm Au reins correspond lcentitS 'iscSrale @hi +Iicci 821 : aspirations% ambition% idSal, Au foie correspond lcentitS 'iscSrale Hun +Iicci 2286 : principe 'ital% d9namisme, Au coeur correspond lcentitS 'iscSrale *hen ++Iicci F31P : 'italitS% entrain% allant, A la rate correspond lcentitS 'iscSrale =i +Iicci 22F8 : intention% dessein% 'ouloir, Au& poumons correspond lcentitS 'iscSrale :o +Iicci F1F8 : animation de lc 2tre, 5ette thSorie est loin dcbtre rScente puis`ue dans le ( 4raitS du 3a-tre 4ranscendant de ;an Hoa (% @huan"zi +4chouan" 4seu,% au chapitre 1Q e&pli`ue on ne peut plus clairement : ( Muand lcesprit 'ital se disperse 'ers lce&tSrieur +2&c_s de :etit =in/mStal, et ne peut se recentrer lchomme perd son coura"e. Muand lcesprit 'ital accumulS dans le haut du corps +e&c_s de =an"/0eu, ne peut pas redescendre% lchomme de'ient irascible. Muand lcesprit 'ital accumulS dans le bas du corps +e&c_s de =in/2au, ne peut pas remonter% lchomme de'ient oublieu&. Muand lcesprit 'ital accumulS dans le centre ne peut monter ni descendre alors lchomme se sent malade.... (. l ne sca"it pourtant pas dcun te&te mSdical mais dcun "rand classi`ue. )n note S"alement `ucil sca"it du ( 59cle dc nsulte ( ou ( 59cle des barbares ou con`uSrants( 3Stal +Hache,% 0eu + ncendie,% 2au + nondation, 4erre +occupation, pour re'enir au 8ois +con`ubte,. Oe 3Stal +tristesse, est fondu par le 0eu +/oie,1 la /oie +0eu, est Steinte par la peur +2au,1 la peur +2au, est absorbSe par la rSfle&ion +4erre,% la rSfle&ion +4erre, est dominSe par la col_re +8ois,. 0u`ihen. 2&traordinar9"/libros/libro1.php @an"fu. )r"ans and 8owels"/libros/libro1.php Mi/in" 8amai. *pecial 3eridians"/libros/libro1.php present the aet9molo"ical concept of special meridians and "i'e a detailed anatomical description of these with the purpose of e&plainin" throu"h its ori"in its routes and its connections the function of which `i/in" bamai fulfills. How% as there are ei"ht e&traordinar9 ones between them% there are two which form part of the ordinar9 or principal networ6 of meridian Oes 4rois 4rSsors *an 8ao http://chineeternelle.' O2 *H2; http://chineeternelle.' )r"anes et 'isc_res en mSdecine chinoise 7 4A8O2 <2* 3A4 2I2* http:///eanpierre/'iscor"medchin.htm /un" :o et Hun http://shiatsu.""anima.htm 4aoist 3odels of Hun and :o% :art )ne

Cin !mes "egetatives a&e centrale shen 9i zhi

Hun% po and other obscurities po7and7other7obscurities/ Oin"7*hu 5hapter 8 Oin" *hu 5hapter 8% 8en *hen"*hu8Hrt ntro*umMs *pirit as the 0undamental of ;eedlin"22 8en *hen 224his 5hapter discusses the importance of mental states in acupuncture treatment% particularl9 the spirit% which should be obser'ed closel9 in clinical dia"nosis and treatment. 4he relationships between the method of re/u'enatin" life and mental states are also discussed in detail. 3ental states include pure essence% the spirit% the soul% the stren"th% the sentiment% the will% the thou"ht% the wisdom% and the deliberation. n addition% it also stresses the relationship between chan"e in se'en emotions and fi'e 'iscera. As this 5hapter focuses on one sentence% ( Acupuncture should be% first and foremost% based upon the spirit% ( it is entitled% 4he *pirit as the 8asis of Acupuncture. 3ind +&in,% intention +9i,% will +zhi,% deliberation +si,% plannin" +lu,% decision +zhi,. http://www.indiadi'ine.or"/audar9a/a9ur'eda7health7wellbein"/110P3Q27translations7 nei7/in"7lin"7shu787henr97lu7n"u9en7'an7n"hi.html Les sept sentiments ( i ing)"res/O9on05/`i7`in".htm 6nstances %s&chi ues http://www.acupuncture7a`uitaine.or"/ 3?/pdf/sem.ps9.pdf 2sprits et entitSs ps9cho'iscSrales L3aTe central (Sh8n - >i - Ahi)"ieesprits.asp &5 PS."/0SME
http#//MMM5digitoMorld5com/indeT5phpN optionOcomcontentRtas[OvieMRidOIHR6temidOD0

2n mSdecine chinoise et dans le mode de pensSe chinois en "SnSral% le ps9chisme et les or"anes du corps sont Stroitement liSs. 5omme il e&iste une Sner"ie 'itale spScifi`ue K cha`ue or"ane% il e&iste aussi une Sner"ie mentale caractSristi`ue Smanant de cha`ue or"ane% dSfinissant ainsi ce `ue les 5hinois appellent les d cin` entitSs 'iscSrales e et certains auteurs occidentau& les d cin` #mes 'S"Stati'es e. OcSner"ie mentale se forme d_s la conception par lcunion des deu& capitau& Sner"Sti`ues +Sner"ies ancestrales, 'enant du p_re et de la m_re. 5ette Sner"ie mentale 'a se lo"er essentiellement dans le cer'eau1 elle sera entretenue% dcune part% par les cin` sens de lhomme% `ui permettent sa relation a'ec le milieu en'ironnant et social 1 dcautre part% par la partie pure de lcSner"ie alimentaire et respiratoire. Oes philosophes et taoqstes chinois consid_rent `ue lcSner"ie mentale doit btre purifiSe au cours de la 'ie pour amener lcbtre humain K une sa"esse et sSrSnitS de lcesprit. OcSner"ie mentale comporte donc cin` catS"ories `ui scaccordent au& cin` lo"es Sner"Sti`ues dcor"anes% au& cin` mou'ements `ui sont le support de la ph9siolo"ie chinoise : 7 7 7 7 7 le le le le le Shen % ou lcintelli"ence et le conscient 1 >i % ou la pensSe et la mSmoire% la raison 1 %o % ou la 'ie 'S"Stati'e% lcinconscient 1 Ahe % ou la 'olontS% lcesprit de dScision 1 )un % ou la perception% lcima"ination.

LE S)E` 5cest le ps9chi`ue directeur de conscience% de la rapiditS de comprShension.

5cest la `ualitS ps9chi`ue `ui fait de lchomme lcanimal supSrieur. 5cest aussi la noblesse des sentiments% lcou'erture de lcesprit et du coeur% lcamour du prochain. :our par'enir K a'oir un bon *hen% il con'ient de sui're les lois de la nature et de se conformer au& r9thmes biolo"i`ues de lcuni'ers. <ans le s9mbolisme taoqste% le *hen a son lo"is dans. le coeur % le bon fonctionnement de lcSner"ie du coeur Stant indispensable K la 'ie intellectuelle et K lcS`uilibre de la raison et des Smotions. 2n mSdecine% un dSsS`uilibrec du *hen peut e&acerber une Smoti'itS `ui de'ient e&cessi'e% pro'o`uer des sentiments dce&citation incontrGlSe% de 'ulnSrabilitS. Jis7K7 'is des stress `uotidiens% dS'eloppant par la mbme occasion des troubles du sommeil% des palpitations cardia`ues% des an"oisses... Ocun des points s9mptomati`ues pour attSnuer ces troubles + en cas de trac a'ant un e&amen par e&emple, est le J C% la :orte de lcesprit% `ucil con'ient de calmer en massant plusieurs fois par /our par pression circulaire douce pendant deu& K trois minutes.

J C/ %orte de l3esprit5 *ur le pli du poi"net + droit ou "auche, dans un creu& sensible K cGtS dcun petit os rond +le pisiforme,. LE >6 5cest lcSner"ie mentale correspondant K la rSfle&ion% K la pensSe. 2lle est lcun des "rands rS"ulateurs du *hen. Oe =i% ccest la mSmoire du passS% la co"itation des idSes. 0aisant partie de lcSlSment terre 7 rate +pi'ot central des cin` SlSments,% le =i est lcSner"ie mentale stabilisante% ccest la notion d tact et mesure e du comportement. 2n mSdecine% on doit considSrer le =i lors`ucil 9 a rumination e&cessi'e des idSes `ue lcon rencontre dans les Stats dSpressifs% lors`ucil 9 a an&iStS% idSes obsessionnelles% pertes de mSmoire. 5hez les /eunes enfants% ccest le man`ue de rSfle&ion% lcinstabilitS ps9chi`ue. A titre indicatif% 'oici un point s9mptomati`ue pour harmoniser le =i : par pression circulaire douce% une ou deu& fois par semaine pendant cin` minutes.

Q S%/ @achine terrestre. *ur la face intSrieure de la /ambe + droite ou "auche, K `uatre doi"ts au7dessous de lcan"le de lcos du tibia. :oint sensible K la pression. LE %_ 5cest le domaine de lcinconscient et du subconscient% de la 'ie instincti'e% de la 'ie 'S"Stati'e% du rSfle&e impulsif. Ocor"ane correspondant est le poumon% `ui commande les Schan"es Sner"Sti`ues

respiratoires +s9st_me pulmonaire et peau,. >n bloca"e ou un refoulement ps9cholo"i`ue +a"ressi'itS intSrieure non e&primSe% sentiment dca'oir StS opprimS..., 'Scu pendant une pSriode donnSe de la 'ie peut se manifester ultSrieurement par des troubles dcordre ps9chosomati`ue% ce `ui est le cas de certains asthmes% eczSmas% urticaires% colopathie fonctionnelle% par e&emple. 2n acupuncture% le traitement consistera K rSS`uilibrer le couple or"ane entrailles poumon "ros intestin. LE A)E 5cest lcentitS 'iscSrale de la 'olontS productrice% du dSsir de rSaliser un acte% donc dcentreprendre. 5cest lcSner"ie mentale liSe K la force de caract_re +retenez lce&pression populaire d a'oir les reins solides ,. Oe @he rSside dans les reins 7 eau% `ui contrGlent en mbme temps la rSser'e de lcSner"ie ancestrale% lcSner"ie fondamentale. >ne faiblesse Sner"Sti`ue de leur part peut rS'Sler des manifestations ps9chi`ues telles `ue lcin`uiStude% la peur% le man`ue de 'olontS% dcintSrbt% les idSes de persScution% lcabsence de dSsir +matSriel ou se&uel,. :our se donner de la 'olontS% tonifier le point H Bn par pression circulaire douce le matin pendant cin` minutes% cela des deu& cGtSs simultanSment.

HBn/ Source de l3 eau5 *ur la face interne de lcos du talon% le calcanSum. :oint sensible K la pression. LE )-` l reprSsente la perception des faits% le tri des informations pertues. Oes 5hinois lcappellent cd #me spirituelle e. 5cest aussi le domaine de lcintuition et de lcima"ination% de la facultS de communication a'ec les autres. 5ette Sner"ie mentale diri"e les rb'es durant le sommeil% pendant le`uel lcSlSment foie7bois du cer'eau traite les informations pertues dans la /ournSe. :ar consS`uent% tous les troubles du sommeil et des rb'es +cauchemars% terreurs nocturnes,% le man`ue de tonus% la spasmophilie% certains troubles de la personnalitS +nS'roses% schizophrSnie% comportement h9stSri`ue1 .., sont imputables en partie au mau'ais fonctionnement de la lo"e Sner"Sti`ue foie7bois. :our calmer un e&c_s de manifestation Hun% il faut disperser le point D$ par pression circulaire forte le soir pendant cin` minutes.

D$/ =rand Carrefour *ur le dos du pied% dans la dSpression entre les tendons du premier et du deu&i_me orteil.

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