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GIS pentru vini-viticultura


Sistemul informatic trebuie dezvoltat tinind cont de urmatoarele:

Sa ofere informatii despre fiecare parcela (cadastrala);

Sa localizeze teritoriul care este cultivat de un singur fermier;
Sa clasifice si sa catalogheze fiecare vie dupa tipul de vin obtinut, relationat
cu pozitia ei pe plan si teren, dupa productia ce se obtine, si dupa parametrii
tipici viticulturii;
Sa realizeze registrele datelor cu privire la proprietari si la administratorii iilor


Toate datele trebuie sa fie organizate in arhive :

"ARHIVA CADASTRU" ( Arhiva continind datele cadastrale)

"ARHIVA REGISTRELOR" ( Arhiva continind registrele)
"ARHIVIA VIILOR (Arhiva continan date specifice vini-viticulturii)

Arhivele pot fi realizate intr-un program simplu de baze de date (Access) utilizind
capacitatea acestuia de a realiza conexiuni (a se vedea Fig. 1 care vizualizeaza
tabelele de atribute.

Figura 1
Masca de achizitie a
datelor, Arhivele sunt
administrate pe baza
relatiilor ce le stabileste
Access in functie de nivelul

Figure 1

Pentru a relationa toate aceste Arhive intr-un GIST trebuie colectate, in diferite faze,
date cartografice si de mediu care descriu teritoriul studiat. Datele referentiate
spatial si datele descriptive sunt date de baza intr-un GIS.
Trebuie transformate in format digital diferitele date cartografice existente:

planuri si harti topografice la diferite scari (scanare si vectorizare);

planuri si harti cadastrale ale teritoriului respectiv (scanare si vectorizare);
planuri si harti pedologice, ale diferitelor proiecte executate in zona;
respectiva si orice alte materiale cartografice utile.

Trebuie stabilit un sistem de COD STANDARD pentru entitatile geometrice utilizabil

in cartografierea digitala. Acesta trebuie structurat pe baza clasificarii obiectelor
pentru a fi diferentiate in cartografiere. Fiecarei entitati i se asigneaza opt cimpuri
digitale: pentru a codifica datele intr-un mod flexibil se vor adopta trei structuri:
primele doua numere sunt categoriile topice ale elementelor iar urmatoarele doua
sunt despre topologia obiectului si alte specificatii ale topologiei obiectului relativ la
Codurile standard definite pentru categorii sunt urmatoarele:
01 cai ferate;
02 drumuri;
03 cladiri;
04 ape;
05 vegetatie;
06 limite administrative;
07 curbe de nivel si orografie;
08 entitate punct;
09 suprafete.
Cartografia trebuie actualizata prin metoda fotointerpretarii. The Cartography has
been updated by the photointerpetation methodology. Fotointerpretarea poate fi un
instrument util pentru identificarea diferitelor ti[puri de culturi (grau, porumb, iarba,
lucerna, etc); inregistrarile fotoaeriene pot fi realizate acum cu ajutorul camerelor
digitale dotate cu CCD si asigurand rezolutii de ordinul 1200 dpi. Un exemplu
elocvent poate fi realizarea planurilor cu utilizarea terenurilor pana la nivel de
parcela si care pot fi realizate prin fotointerpretare.
Pentru a realiza un GIS capabil sa gestioneze o activitate agricola, poate semnifica
construirea structuri de date achizitionate, modele de date suficient de flexibile
pentru a fi aplicate diferitelor realitati, straturi de interogari si analize, pentru a
gestiona date heterogene (raster-vector, date calitative si descriptive sub forma de
atribute sau tabele de atribute, etc.); pe de alta parte inseamna a proiecta
arhitectura conexiunilor dintre diferitele banci de date bazate pe Relational Data
Bank Management Systems si diferite modele GIS in functie de alte scopuri si

Trebuie realizate diferite straturi de informatii geodezice (cartografice,
fotogrammetrice, de teledetectie si cartografice) precum si straturi reprezentative
strict relationate intre ele pentru a creste gradul de cunoastere si pentru a descrie
caracteristicile zonei agricole. Conexiunea cu Arhivele se poate gestiona prin
aplicatia ArcInfo impreuna cu conexiunile SQL la Access Data Bases (Fig. 2).
I. Date geodezice ce trebuie achizitionate :

Cartografiere digitala a planurilor existente;

Restitutie fotogrammetrica, acolo unde exista aerofotografieri recente;
Realizarea de ortofotoplanuri si utilizarea acestora la actualizarea planurilor

Figura 2
conexiunii dintre
ArcInfo Cover
si conexiunea SQL
a Archivelor la

Parcele (Covert1)
Cartografia dxf

inregistrarilor satelitare in actualizarea planurilor si culegerea de alte


II. Gestionarea bidimensionala si tridimensionala a datelor geografice realizata prin


Integrarea materialelor cartografice existente (harti si planuri topografice si

tehnice la diverse scari)
Integrarea datelor cartografice cadastrale existente sau realizate prin
fotogrammetrie si conversia lor in format digital; reconstituirea lor topologica;
Fotointerpretare si harti si planuri de utilizare a solurilor (Fig. 3);

Figura 3
Exemplu de plan continind utilizarea solurilori

Generarea TIN (Retelei triangulare Neregulate) pe baza punctelor obtinute

din stereorestitutie sau pe baza curbelor de nivel vectorizate, generarea
gridului cu 2,5mt X 2,5mt;
Proiectarea Covers (acoperirilor) (parcele cu proprietati cadastrale,
codificarea entitatilor din cartografia digitala (drumuri, constructii) in 3D
MESH (Fig. 4);
Proiectarea ortofotogramelor peste parcele (Fig. 5) si in 3D MESH (Fig. 6).

Figura 4
Proiectarea in Covers (parcele cu informatii cadastrale, entitati codificate din
cartografia digitala drumuri, cladiri, etc) in 3D MESH

Figura 5
Proiectarea Ortofotogramelor peste parcele si harta expunerilor in 3D MESH

Figura 6
Proiectarea ortofotogramelor in 3D MESH impreuna cu parcelele

III. Conexiunea SQL cu prototipul Arhive.

Recunoasterea poligoanelor geometrice parcele cu adnotatiile si clasele lor de
trasaturi si conectarea lor automata la banca de date numerice din Arhive
IV. Settlement of query System and analysis functions made on the GIS model (Fig.
Once realized the prototype inside ArcInfo the further step is to suppose a Network
model to connect different GIS and Data management, built on the GIS WineViticulture Cadastres.
The project is based on the experimentation of Network connection typologies to
create a prototype of wine-viticulture Cadastral to manage agricultural development
planning, D.O.C. (Origin Controlled Denomination Certificate) production and
distributed citizen services.
Each wine-viticular GIS, once structured by the local administrations with
widespread diffusion on the territory, allows to relate the different kinds of species of
wine to the geographical regions and subregions, to access the level of production,
to obtain the training of marketing through geomarketing applies. It becomes an
important instrument to support the decisions in agricultural development planning,
to make market forecast and budget, to project and quantify long term and shortterm investment with high profitability : the last one can become a function of
complex query building project due to find the best location of placements, the best
suitable areas connected to the transportation network capabilities, etc.
Therefore it becomes possible to control and to actively protect the DOC production,
the species and the wine production in order to support controlled production trends
and resources allocation policies.
Data acquisition and Management, correlation between human activity and available
resources, govern of change and forecast are some of the basic topics to guaranty
the quality of a project.
For the High Level Decision Policies its mandatory to use all the geographic
informations derived from the low level management. Its mandatory to use
Geographic information to support, plan and forecast economic trend, economic
development, financial policies of best suitable investment related to the depression
areas, to the natural resources, to the infrastructures of the territory and to the
geographical state of art (thats to say relate perhaps water resources and access,
communication network with technological network, water pipes, etc.). All these
aspect cannot be separately treated, since they are strictly related once to the other
through logical connections which require an effort to build congruent description in

open systems. Therefore for decision makers its important to use organized
information in a suitable GIS Data Bank Organization on Network.
Remote access to Relational Data Bank: the remote access to Relational Data Bank
global positioned using perhaps GIS SW as a client could be an useful approach to
support Economic environmental Data Management in this field of apply.
The Internet holds promise for exponential increases in the efficiency and
effectiveness of the ways in which we obtain, use, and share geographic information
in all its forms (including maps, graphics, text and data).
Many extraordinary systems have already been built, and over the next few years,
an increasing number of GIS application will "go on line".
The geographical spatial temporal information updating is required to avoid the
redundancy and the efforts made to collect data; for this purpose several
client/server Architectures (Fig. 7) can be designed for the data transferring and
remote management: on one side there are Numerical Data Banks Servers (it will be
tested the use of RDBMS, relational Data Banks Model System, such as Oracle and
SQL link methodologies which run on Line) : they can be accessed by a GIS
Software (i.e. ArcInfo used as a client) on the client side, but also by Web Page
through On Line GIS realized by a System query tool (i.e. Map Object Internet Map
Server); and in the other side there are Geographical Data Bank Server to manage
millions of geographic objects with multi-access connections on Network (i.e. SDEESRI, SDO-Oracle).
The research has to improve type of net data handling defined following different
procedures: from GIS Software, such as ArcInfo used as Client to connect to the
Remote Data Bank on different Servers till to the Distributed Geographic Information
System (DGI) on Line to support citizens services through GIS tools developed on
WEB Servers by different Software.
The major developments are improving the interoperability of servers and client
software: SDE Spatial Data Base Engine is an example of software support for
additional data types and new clients. Currently known for its best-inclass retrieval of
spatial shapes in a multi-user environment, SDE is becoming the universal spatial
application server at many organizations world-wide.
The level of data acquisition, surveys and representations, will be more and more
differentiated from the level of the information access. The level of the information
access can be differentiated due to the typologies of users: from the virtual citizen
service windows to the specialised users. Client/Server architecture would be the
core of this "GIS Data Bank Organization on Network". From the segretation of data
procedures, to the public domain access, in any case its necessary to project
network system of GIS (on Internet or Intranet) determining standard procedures,
formats, protocols to make possible the free transmission of data, limiting the
loosing of time and data knowledge and avoiding the duplication of the efforts to
collect data already acquired from everybody else in the fixed rules.
Internet technology applies can be used to give people access to geographic
information in a variety of forms, including maps, images, data sets, analysis
operations, queries and reports. Distributed Geographic Information (DGI) is a term

proposed to refer to this entire field; that is the widespread (perhaps to a larger
audience that would have access using traditional GIS technology) distribution of
geographic information in different forms.
DGI applications range from simple, pre-drawn maps on a Web Page to networkbased collaborative GIS in which GIS users at remote locations share common data
and communicate with one another in real time (not yet widely available). The
technologies being developed to make DGI applications possible include servers
(which store data and applications), and network communications (which control the
flow of information between servers and clients).
The aim is to give users access to the full analysis capabilities of your GIS. This
would allow them to perform complex multi-theme queries, create buffers and
customised maps, perform statistical spatial analysis, and other tasks. This type of
service allows the user to create new data sets from their own analyses without
altering the data you maintain. The data sets the user created could be stored on
your server for their future use or you might offer the option of downloading their
results as a map, report or raw data set.
MapObject Internet Map Server is an extension to the MapObjects package, a
collection of components for building mapping and GIS applications. It can be used
to build a wide variety of dynamic mapping and GIS applications, using any
functionality in Map Objects (which includes a large part of the functionality of

Figure 7
Multithreaded Architectures (many request processed simultaneously)
to support GIS Data Bank Organization on Network
MapObject Internet Map Server is used to create an interactive map browser for the
Wine-viticulture Cadastres GIS, including the Geographic Data (parcels, TIN,
MESH, etc.) and the Alfa-numerical Archives (the properties, the registry, the
production and type of the Wines, etc.) which can be managed in the future on the
different Servers (Oracle Servers, SDE-Servers, SDO-Servers) : when viewing
parcels, the user can plot a particular query and get complete attribute information.
The interactive maps could allow citizens to have information about the agricultural
production area and the widespread farm even the smaller one with the own
characteristics, the prices and the availability of the wine (in function of the annual
most important production, of the sale network (from the mail-order sailing, to the
auction sale, to the cash sale or credit cards modalities).

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