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{15}{122}Pacea a fost restaurata in Iuda.

{125}{218}Si Babilonienii nu au distrus|Cetatea ta.

{287}{347}Vezi, nu trebuie sa-i asculti|Pe acei oameni nebuni
{350}{407}that think of themselves|as prophets.
{1303}{1414}- E timpul sa ne intoarcem la Ierusalim.|- Poate noul rege va asculta.
{1414}{1474}King Zedekiah|should feel secure now,
{1477}{1516}it should be safe|for us to go.
{1519}{1600}- Voi merge singur.|- Dar de ce?
{1603}{1681}Pentru ca e randul meu sa-mi|Asum riscul,
{1681}{1786}si nu vreau ca amandoi sa suferim|aceeasi soarta deodata.
{1897}{1960}Singura noastra speranta,
{1963}{2056}singura speranta pentru poporul |este in Egipt!
{2058}{2115}Nu! Domnul meu...
{2118}{2184}Nu-ti dai seama ca|Egyptu-i la pamant?
{2187}{2265}Rotile lumii sant in mainile|regelui Babilonului.
{2265}{2331}Cred ca-ar trebui sa trimitem |ambasadori
{2331}{2412}pentru a cere mila,|ca tributul sa fie micsorat.
{2415}{2469}Uita de tribut, domnul meu.
{2472}{2541}Daca vrei sa fii liber trebuie|Sa te unesti cu Egiptul.
{2544}{2667}Nebuchadnetar e departe iar.|Nu ne va cer tribut.
{2667}{2775}Va accepta cateva teritorii,|Unde-si va pune oameni.
{2901}{3012}think we will cease|paying tribute to Babylon.
{3045}{3158}We can take advantage of the fact|Babylon thinks we're its ally.
{3233}{3302}Maine voi trimite un mesajer|la pharaoh
{3305}{3353}to sound out whether|they would help us.
{3353}{3416}So now you're a party|with Egypt!
{3419}{3494}Well, we have to see|if it's less risky
{3497}{3575}to trust Egypt or Babylon.
{3578}{3632}Daca vrei sa fii liber...
{3635}{3722}nu conteaza Egiptul sau Babilonul
{3725}{3764}intoarce-te la Dumnezeu!
{3830}{3902}Tu cine esti?
{3905}{3974}E fiul lui Hilkia.
{4037}{4144}Deci tu esti prorocul mincinos|Am auzit de tine.
{4147}{4207}Numele meu este Ieremia.
{4210}{4315}Si spun doar adevarul pe care|Dumnezeu mi-l descopera.
{4315}{4411}Dumnezeu ti-a spus sa te faci|De ras in fata acestei curti?
{4411}{4534}Ca sa areti ca trebuie sa acceptam |suprematia Babilonului,
{4534}{4612}sau Ierusalimul|va fi distrus.
{4669}{4771}The yoke of slavery is upon you,
{4774}{4819}and you must concede.
{5106}{5190}l could kill you where you stand|for this message of treason.
{5193}{5256}Thus says the Lord:
{5259}{5304}''For lo,
{5307}{5397}l am calling all the tribes|of the kingdoms of the north,
{5400}{5502}and l will utter My judgments|against all the cities of Judah,
{5505}{5604}for all their wickedness|in forsaking Me.''
{5604}{5694}The army of Babylon approaches|to carry out God's plan.
{5697}{5790}Armata ta e gata regele meu.
{5793}{5874}Egyptul e puternic iar si va fii|De partea noastra in lupta.
{5874}{5991}lf you would turn to God|instead of your generals,
{5994}{6107}you would hear Him say:|''Deceive not yourselves.
{6107}{6182}Pharaoh's army,|which has come forth to help you,
{6182}{6239}shall return to Egypt.
{6242}{6344}Si Babilonul va veni sa lupte |Iar in potriva acestei cetati,
{6344}{6428}- si-o va lua, si-o va arde.''|- Asta-i blasfemie!
{6431}{6506}Dumnezeu si-a intors fata impotriva|Acestei cetati!
{6509}{6611}And He shall destroy it|with fire unless you repent!
{7018}{7117}Eu sunt Hanania!
{7120}{7210}Asa vorbeste Domnul:
{7213}{7363}''This is how l will break|the yoke of Babylon.''
{7522}{7606}Thus says|the Lord God of lsrael:
{7759}{7837}''This is how l will break
{7840}{7915}the yoke of King Nebuchadnezzar|of Babylon
{7918}{7998}from the neck of all nations,
{8001}{8067}within two years.''
{8415}{8547}God has spoken|through His prophet--
{8673}{8751}Nu Dumnezeu te-a trimis!
{8853}{8931}You have broken wooden bars...
{8934}{9035}only to forge iron bars|in place of them.
{9131}{9227}You have made this people|trust in a lie.
{9230}{9329}Within a year,|you will be dead.
{9332}{9458}He has blasphemed!|Blasphemer!
{9458}{9521}Si tu...
{9608}{9767}tu vei fi un sclav in Babilon.
{9770}{9797}Seize him!
{10492}{10564}Thus says the Lord:
{10639}{10723}l am bringing on Judah...
{10726}{10810}and all the inhabitants|of Jerusalem
{10813}{10918}all the evil l have pronounced|against them,
{10921}{11058}because l've spoken to them|and they have not listened.
{11061}{11124}l have called to them,
{11127}{11199}and they have not answered.''
{11712}{11811}Esti un prost...
{11814}{11871}un prost.
{13195}{13297}Babilonienii! Babilonienii!
{13300}{13393}Armata Babiloniana se va reantoarce!
{13561}{13639}Armata Babiloniana se va intoarce!
{13714}{13795}Profetia ta era adevarata.
{13795}{13867}Armata Babiloniana se intoarce.
{13867}{13944}Cat de departe e armata Babiloniana?
{13944}{14040}- Distanta de cinci zile.|- Nu e timp de pierdut.
{14043}{14091}Spune aceasta.
{14094}{14151}Cand amata lor va ajunge,
{14151}{14238}toti sa iasa afara si sa se predea.
{14238}{14319}Aceasta-i voia Domnului.|Sa se predea lor,
{14319}{14391}si vietile lor vor fii salvate.
{14394}{14451}Ce pot sa fac pentru tine,|Ieremia?
{14451}{14502}Ai grija.
{14502}{14616}lt appears our pleas fall|on deaf ears and hardened hearts.
{14664}{14763}A hardened heart can become|a dangerous weapon.
{14766}{14847}He said it would come|to pass, and it has.
{14850}{14904}The Egyptians are mounting|a counterattack
{14907}{14969}that will deter|the Babylonians.
{14972}{15080}But Jeremiah's words inflame|the people with false concerns.
{15083}{15155}All of what you say|is based on your belief
{15158}{15233}that Jeremiah|is a false prophet.
{15236}{15296}Dar daca te inseli...
{15299}{15368}Why would God send|a prophet from the wilderness
{15368}{15461}when you are surrounded|by schooled priests?
{15464}{15563}De ce si-ar distruge El poporul Lui?
{15566}{15665}De ce te-ar acuze El pe tine|De nedreptate?
{15833}{15899}you believe this man,|do you not?
{15931}{16009}l remain unsure,|Your Majesty,
{16012}{16111}but there's a growing number|of citizens who...
{16114}{16174}don't share my doubts.
{16321}{16366}Regele meu...
{16522}{16615}but you must not fight|the Babylonians.
{16618}{16729}lt is Jeremiah's prophecy.|You must lay down your swords,
{16732}{16801}you must open|your hearts to Babylon,
{16804}{16932}for only by surrender|can we implement God's will.
{17871}{17975}lf God finds my rule unjust,
{17978}{18047}then l must act|to beg His mercy.
{18086}{18155}l am declaring all|of the slaves of lsrael
{18155}{18215}free as of this moment.
{18218}{18293}( uproar )
{18608}{18710}Maiestatea voastra face o mare gresala.
{18713}{18788}Multi oameni depind de sclavi...
{18791}{18872}Nu ti-am cerut parerea,|generale Shapan!
{18875}{18970}lt shall be done,|and it shall be done immediately!
{19045}{19117}daca armata Babilonului ajunge,
{19120}{19216}Dumnezeu va gasi cetatea |Fara sclavi.
{19216}{19273}Ai inteles?
{19630}{19753}He finally makes a decision,|and this is the decision he makes.
{19753}{19873}A guard reports the king|freed Jeremiah this morning.
{19876}{19983}- What?|- He's shaken the king's confidence.
{19986}{20073}imagineaza-ti ce ar putea|face tarii noastre.
{20076}{20196}Acest profet nu este |De la Dumnezeu
{20199}{20268}e trimis de Babilon.
{20502}{20550}- Ieremia!|- Shhh!
{20873}{20909}Regele a eliberat sclavii.
{20975}{21071}Esti liber sa te intorci|acasa, la familia ta.
{21521}{21629}But what prompted|this change of heart?
{21632}{21734}That is between God|and the king.
{21734}{21809}There are those who would say|it's because of your preaching.
{21812}{21997}You see? Your words have even|reached us here in Bahurim.
{22000}{22075}Vom pleca maine,foarte dimineata.
{22150}{22225}Mi-e frica...
{22228}{22300}Mi-e frica|Nu pot sa vin cu tine.
{22366}{22420}De ce?
{22423}{22546}l don't mean to doubt|your concerns in any way, but...
{22549}{22648}if you go to the king, and tell him|your mission is fulfilled...
{22804}{22920}lt is God l serve,|not the king.
{23097}{23202}Ieremia, you have|implemented God's will,
{23205}{23262}the king|has freed the slaves.
{23265}{23367}Surely, this must make|a difference.
{23370}{23442}All of Juda|will celebrate,
{23442}{23577}and those who seek you harm|now will have no cause to do so.
{23580}{23667}We can still have|a life together.
{24113}{24203}We've got so much|to give to each other.
{24620}{24671}Nu! Nu!
{26736}{26855}- How did you...?|- Shhh. Rest, rest.
{26858}{26954}My cousin was able|to arrange this.
{26957}{27017}Trebuie sa pleci.
{27020}{27095}Uite,ti-am adus ceva|De mancare.
{27167}{27284}- Voi ramane cu tine.|- Nu.
{27284}{27377}Trebuie sa pleci cu familia|din Ierusalim.
{27380}{27500}Mandria regelui va|ifuria Babilonienii.
{27503}{27617}Dumnezeu va lucra prin ei|La distrugerea cetatii.
{27620}{27710}Dar de ce ar face El asa ceva?
{27713}{27823}He has to tear it down before|He can build it up once again.
{27880}{28018}Go.|Gather your family.
{28021}{28111}Incepe o noua viata.
{28111}{28255}Domnul va fii cu tine,|Si El te va binecuvanta.
{28324}{28447}Nu pot sa te parasesc.|Te iubesc, Ieremia.
{28447}{28528}Si eu te iubesc.
{28528}{28639}Dar Dumnezeu mi-a spus ca nu putem|Avea totdeauna
{28642}{28714}cea ce ne dorim in lumea asta.
{28732}{28833}De ce Dumnezeu mi-a aratat iubirea|Ta si nu-mi permite s-o am,
{28836}{29007}Nu stiu...|Dar stiu ca-i voia Lui.
{29010}{29112}Nu pot sa plec . Voi ramane .
{29115}{29217}- Trebuie sa pleci.|- Voi ramane eu.
{29337}{29388}Seize her.
{29460}{29532}The king has come|to his senses.
{29535}{29610}He's reversed his decision|about slavery.
{29613}{29709}Because Babylon's turned back?|They will return.
{29712}{29801}Do not interfere, Jeremiah.
{29804}{29873}The king has served|his God,
{29876}{29957}now he has to serve|his people.
{29960}{30119}He has always shown a particular|interest in the daughter of Eliakim.
{30119}{30179}l think he'll be glad|when he hears
{30182}{30275}you have been kind enough|to bring her to him.
{30389}{30455}- Nu! Lasati-o sa plece!|- Opritio!
{30458}{30491}- Dute inapoi!|- Judith!
{30799}{30874}Nu, nu!
{31318}{31390}Nu! Nu!
{31392}{31424}Nu! Nu!
{32345}{32407}thou hast deceived me!
{32470}{32665}Thou art stronger than l,|and has prevailed!
{32791}{32866}N-am sa mai vorbesc despre Tine,
{32938}{33028}sau sa vorbesc in numele Tau.
{34080}{34152}Unde sunt egiptenii tai acum?
{34155}{34209}Avem tri sau patru luni,
{34209}{34266}poate chiar un an.
{34269}{34364}Ne va da timp sa apelam la pharaoh.
{34367}{34442}''Marele Nebucadnetar va fi|multumit cu ceva teritorii
{34445}{34508}unde pot pune o gangizoana''?
{34778}{34823}Domnul meu...?
{35569}{35626}Domnul meu...
{37095}{37149}Cine este acolo?
{37430}{37502}Trebuie sa te intreb...
{37505}{37565}Daca ai vreun cuvant din partea |Domnului.
{37808}{37871}Nu-mi incerca rabdarea.
{37874}{37970}Cu ce te-am suparat...
{37970}{38054}prin asta va trebui sa ma|arunci in inchisoare?
{38057}{38162}Ai spus cuvinte care au starnit|Fouie in popor.
{38165}{38243}Eu spun adevarul.
{38246}{38288}Unde-ti sunt profetii acum...
{38291}{38419}cine a spus ca Babilonul nu va |veni imporiva ta sau acetui pamant?
{38422}{38518}Eu nu te-am chemai aici|Ca sa ma judeci.
{38521}{38611}Eu te-am chemat aici pentru|a-mi spune ce voia Domnului.
{38698}{38782}Nu mai am nimic de spus.
{38881}{38992}cine a profetit ca Egiptenii|se vor intoarce , si au facuto?
{38992}{39064}Tu... Cine a profetit moartea|Lui Hanania
{39067}{39115}dupa ce a zdrobit jugul de pe |gatul tau,
{39118}{39220}si cine a murit dupa un an|precum ai spus tu?
{39265}{39336}cine a profetit ca armata |Babilioniana va ataca,
{39336}{39399}si cine a asediat orasul tau|asa cum au facut ei
{39402}{39471}in ultimii doi ani?
{39534}{39645} ''marele profet,''
{39648}{39768}numai am mimic de spus?
{39771}{39864}Ai ocazia sa-L multumesi|Pe Dumnezeu...
{39948}{40020}dar nu ai destul curaj
{40020}{40083}sa sustii cea ce stii ca este|adevarat.
{40236}{40299}O, iarta-ma, Doamne.
{40412}{40502}Doar atat ti-a mai ramas?
{40505}{40640}The ability to grovel|at the feet of your king?
{40643}{40709}Daca vrei raspunsuri,
{40790}{40868}intoarce-te la Dumnezeu.
{40976}{41069}Dul pe acest... om,
{41072}{41165}acest ''profet''|din fata mea.
{41168}{41231}Dute , pleaca!
{41767}{41839}Astfel a prorocit Domnezeu,
{41842}{41959}''voi da aceasta cetate in mainile|lui Nebuchadnezzar,
{41962}{42121}Si imparatul Bablonului,|O va stapani.
{42124}{42253}Si Bablonienii vor da foc|Cestui loc,
{42256}{42393}pentru ca copii lui Israel|Mi-au intors spatele.''
{42603}{42666}- Acest om trebuie sa moara.|- Nu!
{42669}{42747}Este un profet,stapanul meu.
{42750}{42855}Este un tradator, domnul meu.|Tradatorii trebuie sa moara.
{42858}{43005}nu este nimic altceva de vorbit|decat de acest profet?
{43008}{43095}Ce-i cu apararea Ierusalimului?
{43098}{43233}This concerns the defense|of our city, Lord King.
{43236}{43322}En a descurajat soldatii astfel|Facand sa piara aceasta cetate.
{43325}{43433}More desert every night.
{43436}{43553}There was a time when l valued|your counsel, General Shapan.
{43556}{43619}Si acum, stapanul meu?
{43622}{43682}Pe cine vei alege|Pentru a opri bablonienii
{43685}{43757}who threaten our city|from without?
{43757}{43874}Discontent amongst|our people from within.
{44042}{44135}Nu dati poporului...
{44135}{44237}nici o motivatie sa actioneze|prosteste, domnul meu.
{44554}{44623}''And l will gather them...
{44626}{44758}out of all the countries whither|l have driven them in Mine anger,
{44761}{44902}and l will bring them|again into this place,
{44902}{44992}and l will cause them|to dwell safely.''
{45040}{45109}Faceti loc, faceti loc!
{45112}{45163}Tu, vino cu mine.
{45516}{45633}''And l will make|an everlasting covenant,
{45636}{45687}si ei vor fii poporul meu.''
{45837}{45921}Speak this treason no more!
{45921}{46023}Asa vorbeste Domnul:
{46026}{46209}''Behold, l will make thee a terror|to thyself and to all thy
{46209}{46301}si ei vor muri de sabiile|dusmanilor lor
{46304}{46355}and thine eyes|shall behold it.''
{46544}{46721}Dumnezeu a promis |ca-ti va cruta viata
{46724}{46838}daca te vei preda babilonienilor.
{46841}{46943}lt is not treason|to follow the will of God!
{46946}{47042}lt is sin not to!
{47042}{47096}Asculta de Dumnezeul tau!
{47314}{47410}Oricine va incerca sa se predea...
{47470}{47545}va fii omorat.
{48396}{48480}Preach what you want|down there...
{49559}{49634}Maiestatea voastra?
{49637}{49754}- Da , ce este?|- E vorba despre profetul Ieremia.
{49934}{50012}Chiar si aici?
{50015}{50081}Cine esti tu?
{50081}{50183}Eu sunt Ebed-Melech,|a lowly eunuch,maiestatea voastra.
{50239}{50374}''Ebed-Melech'' inseamna|''slujitorul regelui.''
{50377}{50440}Te slujesc bucuros, domnul meu.
{50440}{50494}You're one of the few who do.
{50569}{50641}Ce stii tu de Ieremia?
{50644}{50734}I-am urmarit pe general si|Oamenii lui.
{50734}{50806}L-au aruncat pe Ieremia intr-o|fantana.
{50809}{50896}El va murii acolo.
{51046}{51130}Daca va muri,mania lui Dumnezeu|Va veni asupra noastra.
{51130}{51187}Has it not already?!
{51249}{51384}l could have you beheaded,|yet you persist.
{51384}{51432}De ce?
{51609}{51741}How is it that you,|my eunuch,
{51744}{51849}hear the voice of God|to confirm your faith in this man,
{51852}{52002}while l,|King of Judah,
{52005}{52062}implora pe Dumnezeu pentru|un semn--
{52065}{52110}un cuvant--
{52173}{52226}inca n-aud nimic?
{52442}{52481}Pull him up.
{52544}{52610}Have him taken|to the court of the guard.
{52688}{52799}Si sa nu spui la nimeni |Ce am discutat...
{52802}{52877}sau vei muri.
{53141}{53206}esti bine?
{53851}{53914}Vreau sa te mai rog inca ceva.
{54324}{54414}l have granted you this audience,|but it will be your last.
{54414}{54531}What is of such importance|that you risk your life to see me?
{54534}{54639}Obey, l beseech thee, the voice|of the Lord which l speak unto thee
{54639}{54711}si viata ta va fii scapata.
{54714}{54765}si cetatea nu va fii arsa.
{54768}{54864}So now you're speaking|for the Lord again.
{54867}{54939}Well, never mind,|our armies are prepared.
{54939}{55005}Cum poti continua sa mintesti
{55008}{55065}pe tine insuti si pe poporul tau?
{55068}{55137}Truth is in the eye|of the beholder.
{55140}{55250}The Word of the Lord which|l speak to thee is the truth.
{55295}{55424}The Word of the Lord which|you asked me to seek is silence!
{55424}{55478}Daca Dumnezeu are ceva sa-mi spuna,
{55481}{55577}de ce nu te trimite pe tine|sa-mi spui?
{55580}{55646}Why would the Lord|speak to you...
{55649}{55706}unless you've committed|your life to Him?
{55709}{55751}l have.
{55982}{56093}Atunci in loc sa construiesti|Dumnezei falsi,
{56141}{56254}fa din viata ta o traire |penru Dumnezeu.
{56299}{56386}Asa vrea poporul meu.
{56389}{56569}Tu esti rege!|Ei se uita la tine ca la un lider.
{56569}{56701}Your pursuit of your own pleasure,|wealth and power
{56704}{56851}ai invatap poporul sa aiba |incredere in falsii D-zei.
{56854}{56914}I-ai facut sa creada
{56917}{57061}ca singurul Dumnezeu nu este|de ajuns!
{57064}{57240}Ai distrus imparatia pe care|Dumnezeu ne-a promiso!
{57570}{57681}lt is you who have|scattered God's flock!
{57747}{57861}You have not attended to them,
{57864}{57963}so God will attend to you|for your evil.
{58397}{58517}Salveaza-ma, Ieremia!
{58520}{58577}Eu nu pot.
{58697}{58823}Dumnezeu te va salva daca|Te vei preda babilonului.
{58823}{58910}Oamenii mei se vor intoarce|Impotriva mea daca o fac.
{58913}{59027}- Ma vor ucide.|- Nu,asta nu se va intampla.
{59027}{59125}Vei trai...
{59128}{59197}dar ca un sclav.
{59425}{59533}Eu nu voi trai niciodata|Ca un sclav.
{59536}{59647}Tu esti un sclav chiar si-acum.
{59836}{59893}- Duceti-l inapoi in celula lui.|- Da,domnul meu.
{60001}{60070}See that he's not harmed!
{60924}{61008}E timpul, prietene,
{61011}{61083}sa ne pregatim pentru sfarsitul|muncii noastre...
{61086}{61142}si pentru un nou inceput.
{61736}{61805}Ieremia,|Ne-ai chemat?
{61805}{61853}As dori...
{61856}{61931}for you to witness|a business transaction.
{61961}{62027}The city is under siege|and starving,
{62030}{62101}and you're making|business transactions?
{62293}{62383}Acesta este Hanamel,|my cousin.
{62659}{62713}Am avut un vis--
{62770}{62887}Dumnezeu mi-a spus sa zic,
{62890}{63007}''Buy My field that is at Anathoth.
{63010}{63084}Buy it for yourself, Jeremiah.''
{63354}{63432}You preach that the city|is about to fall and yet
{63435}{63522}you buy land as if|nothing is happening?
{63555}{63624}Thus saith the Lord:
{63657}{63750}''l will gather|the remnant of My flock
{63753}{63816}out of all the countries|whither l have driven them,
{63819}{63864}and behold,
{63864}{63969}Voi face un legamant nou cu|Casa lui Israel.
{63972}{64103}Dar acesta,|Il voi scrie in inimile lor,
{64103}{64181}si eu voi fii Dumnezeul lor,
{64184}{64241}si ei vor fii poporul Meu.''
{65039}{65143}Domnul meu,zidurile au fost|daramate. We must flee.
{65455}{65515}Adumi fii mei.
{66345}{66396}- Pleaca.|- Multumesc.
{67406}{67442}Haideti!Haideti! fiii mei!
{67544}{67613}Asteapta, domnul meu!
{67646}{67706}Inconjurati regele!|Inconjurati regele!
{67868}{67910}Lasa-ti jos armele!
{69615}{69711}( jeering )
{70391}{70487}You do not bow|to your conqueror?
{70487}{70565}We bow only|for the one true God.
{70568}{70676}Dumnezeul tau te-a pus aici!
{70727}{70832}in order to please your God...
{70835}{70937}for l do not wish|to anger any god,
{70937}{71014}no matter how minor,
{71014}{71083}Sentinta ta este moartea.
{71083}{71185}Sunt sigur ca aceasta e cea |Doreste Dumnezeul tau.
{71188}{71257}Mai ai vre-un cuvant de spus?
{71605}{71749}Vorbeste odata.|Ca ne grabim.
{71752}{71869}Inteleg ca este un profet in|Cetatea ta...
{71872}{71971}cine ti-a spus ca asa se va intampla.
{72003}{72108}Ieremia, da!|Acesta este acela.
{72165}{72258}Ce ti-a spus despre viitorul tau?
{72261}{72336}A spus ca nu voi muri de mana ta.
{72339}{72411}Chiar asa?
{72414}{72528}Atunci,trebuie sa te tinem|In viata.
{72642}{72723}Si cine-s acesti tineri frumosi...
{72726}{72816}care au incercat sa scapa|impreuna cu tine?
{72819}{72864}Fiii mei.
{73265}{73358}Acesta este ultimul lucru|Pe care il vei mai vedea.
{73571}{73631}asa cum Dumnezeul tau ti-a spus.
{74143}{74260}( keening and cheers )
{74686}{74758}Garzi! Garzi!|Garzi!
{75183}{75234}Tu esti Ieremia?
{75267}{75366}Eu sunt Nebuzaradan,|Capitanul garzii Babiloniene.
{75369}{75426}De unde ma stii?
{75429}{75525}Toti soldatii Babilonieni au|Auzit de Ieremia.
{75528}{75657}Regele, Nebuchadnezzar,|mi-a poruncit sa te eliberez.
{77197}{77257}( speaking Babylonian )
{78816}{78882}Templul va fii reconstruit...
{78989}{79049}si apoi va fii construit din nou
{79052}{79118}in inimile oamenilor.

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