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Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr.




Mirela Mazilu, Prof. Dr, Centrul Universitar Mirela Mazilu, Prof. PhD, the
Dr. Tr. Severin University Centre Dr. Tr. Severin

Abstract: Abstract:
Abordată din punct de vedere economic şi Approached from an economic and financial
financiar, globalizarea poate fi definită drept point of view, globalisation can be defined as
întărirea şi lărgirea legăturilor dintre strengthening and widening the connections
economiile naţionale pe piaţa globală a between the national economies on the global
bunurilor, serviciilor şi mai ales a market of goods, services and especially the
capitalurilor.Globalizarea a devenit un proces capitals. Globalisation has become an
obiectiv, implacabil, care se desfăşoară cu o implacable objective process, which often
viteză adeseori ameţitoare, cuprinzând în sfera unfolds at a very high speed, comprising the
sa cvasitotalitatea statelor lumii. Sub aspect quasi-total of the world's states in its sphere.
strict economic, al eficienţei alocării şi Under a strictly economic aspect, of the
utilizării resurselor, globalizarea economică efficiency of allocation and use of the
apare ca un fenomen raţional, de natură să resources, the economic globalisation occurs
furnizeze un volum mai mare de bunuri şi as a rational phenomenon, which supplies a
servicii cu resurse tot mai puţine.Globalizarea larger volume of goods and services with less
economică presupune, aşadar, în esenţă, and less resources. The economic
globalizarea procesului de creare a producţiei globalisation, thus, means the globalisation of
interne brute ale statelor lumii. the process of creating the gross internal
Cuvinte cheie: globalizare, capital economic, production of the world's states.
eficienţă, servicii. Key words: globalisation, economic capital,
efficiency, services.


Introducere The commercial and economic factors which

have influenced the depth of the globalisation
Factorii economico-comerciali care au process of world economy are:
influenţat adâncirea procesului de globalizare a • The liberalisation of services trading
economiei mondiale sunt: especially in the field of telecommunications,
• Liberalizarea comerţului cu servicii în special insurances and banking, constituted the
în domeniul telecomunicaţiilor, asigurărilor şi dominant trend of the '70s in USA, continuing
bancar, a constituit tendinţa dominantă a in the '80s in the Great Britain and
anilor’70 în SUA, fiind continuată în anii ’80 subsequently in the European Union and Japan.
în Marea Britanie şi ulterior în Uniunea The trend continues up to the present,
Europeană şi Japonia. Tendinţa continuă şi în including the Central and Eastern European
prezent, incluzând şi ţările Europei Centrale şi countries, among which Romania as well.
de Est, printre care şi România. • The liberalisation of the capital markets as a
• Liberalizarea pieţelor de capital ca urmare a consequence of the gradual elimination of
eliminării treptate a obstacolelor impuse obstacles imposed by the circulation of
circulaţiei devizelor şi a capitalului, reprezintă estimations and capital represents a favourable
un pas favorabil în vederea formării unor pieţe step in the constitution of the global financial
financiare globale. Această mobilitate a markets. This mobility of the capital reduces
capitalului reduce riscul repatrierii capitalului the risk of capital repatriation, especially in the

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010
Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010

în special în cazul companiilor transnaţionale case of the cross-national companies, and

şi înregistrează, totodată, o reducere a records, at the same time, a reduction of the
costurilor în condiţii normale. costs under normal conditions.
• Liberalizarea investiţiilor străine directe. • The liberalisation of the foreign direct
Începând cu anii ’70, interesul comun al investments
umanităţii de prezervare (apărare) a mediului Starting with the '70s, the common interest of
înconjurător s-a concretizat prin apariţia unor humanity for the preservation (protection) of
concepte, cu vocaţie globală: bunurile comune the environment has translated into the
ale umanităţii, dezvoltarea durabilă şi appearance of some concepts, with global
securitatea ecologică, care au constituit noi calling: common goods of humanity, the
factori ce au dinamizat procesul de globalizare sustainable development and ecological
a economiei mondiale. security, constituting new factors which have
• Bunurile comune ale umanităţii sunt spaţii accelerated the process of world economy
cum ar fi oceanele, fondurile marine, care din globalisation.
diverse motive nu sunt susceptibile a fi divizate • The common goods of humanity are spaces
şi nici nu cad sub incidenţa suveranităţii like the oceans, the marine funds, which are
statelor. Cu excepţia oceanelor, nici unul din not susceptible for division from various
aceste bunuri comune nu au fost polizate, reasons and do not fall under the incidence of
deoarece este relativ faptul că oamenii posedă states sovereignty. Except for the oceans, none
capacităţi tehnice de exploatare şi deteriorare. of these common goods are politicized,
Dezvoltarea durabilă este definită drept because it is a relative fact that people possess
dezvoltarea care răspunde nevoilor prezente, the technical abilities of exploitation and
fără a compromite capacitatea generaţiilor deterioration.
viitoare de a-şi satisface nevoile. The sustainable development is defined as the
Dezvoltarea durabilă e concepută în vederea development that answers to the current needs,
reconcilierii dintre economie şi mediul without compromising the ability of the future
înconjurător, ca o nouă cale de dezvoltare care generations to satisfy the needs.
să susţină progresul uman nu numai în câteva The sustainable development is constituted in
locuri şi pentru câţiva ani, ci pe întreaga order to reconcile the economy with the
planetă şi pentru un viitor apropiat. environment, as a new way of development
• Securitatea ecologică este una dintre which supports the human progress not only in
dimensiunile fundamentale ale securităţii several places and for several years, but for the
globale.Globalizarea este definită prin whole planet and for the near future.
interdependenţa economiei dintre state, ca • The ecological security is one of the
urmare a creşterii coeficientului de dependenţă fundamental dimensions of the global security.
faţă de economia mondială. Globalisation is defined through the
• Globalizarea este concepută ca proces al interdependence of the economy among states,
diminuării taxelor vamale, al renunţării la as a consequence of the growth of the
politica vamală şi la restricţiile de circulaţie a dependence coefficient related to the world
mărfurilor, serviciilor, tehnologiilor şi economy.
capitalurilor, pe măsura dezvoltării Globalisation is conceived as a process of
schimburilor economice internaţionale1. (fig.1) reduction of customs taxes, of giving up the
customs policy and the restrictions of the
merchandise, services, technologies and
capitals circulation, in proportion with the
development of the international economic
Fig.1. Metamorfozele globalizării trades.
Globalisation is considered as a factor that
determines the reduction of the role of the
national government as a result of the

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010
Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010

extension of the international investment

capital action and of the cross-national
companies9. (fig.1)

Fig.1. The metamorphoses of globalization

Globalizarea este considerată ca factor ce

determină diminuarea rolului guvernului
naţional ca urmare a extinderii acţiunii
capitalului investiţional internaţional şi a
societăţilor transnaţionale.
-Globalizarea este apreciată drept proces de
administrare a lumii către forţe transnaţionale. Globalisation is considered a process of
Cercetătorii români, susţinători ai ultimelor administration of the world by cross-national
două concepţii, le completează cu ideea că forces. The Romanian researchers, supporters
statul continuă să aibă un rol important, of the last two concepts, complete them with
invocând exemplul Franţei şi Marii Britanii. the idea that the state continues to have an
important role, invoking the example of France
În raportul Dezvoltării Mondiale editat de and Great Britain.
Banca Mondială în anul 2000 se apreciază că Within the report on the World
în economia mondială au loc două procese Development published by the World Bank in
paralele: globalizarea şi descentralizarea. 2000,
• globalizarea constă în transnaţionalizarea the experts considered that in the world
până la supranaţionalizare cu deosebire în economy two parallel processes took place:
domeniile comerţului, finanţelor şi globalisation and decentralisation.
tehnologiilor de vârf; • globalisation consists of the cross-
• descentralizarea constă în transmiterea de nationalisation up to the over-nationalisation,
către guvernul naţional către comunităţile especially in the fields of trading, finances and
locale a tot mai multe atribuţii administrative, technologies;
sociale, educaţionale, bugetare şi în • decentralisation consists of the transmission
consecinţă, rolul statului naţional se va limita by the national government to the local
la diplomaţie, armată, adoptarea legislaţiei communities of more and more administrative,
interne. social, educational, budget attributions and,
În ultimele decenii ale secolului XX am asistat consequently, the role of the national state
la dezvoltarea procesului de adâncire a shall be limited to diplomacy, army, the
diviziunii internaţionale a muncii şi adoption of internal legislation.
specializare organologică care a generat During the last few decades of the 20th
comerţul cu subansamble. century, we took part in the development of the
Totodată s-a remarcat faptul că sporirea process of deepening the international division
comerţului exterior şi mondial devansează of labour and organisational specialisation
creşterea producţiei mondiale. Astfel, datorită which generated the sub-assemblies trading.
acestor tendinţe are loc o creştere a At the same time, the fact that the growth of
coeficientului de dependenţă a economiilor the external and world trading exceeds the
naţionale faţă de economia mondială şi o growth of the world production was noticed.

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010
Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010

ascensiune importantă a pieţei externe, fapt ce Thus, due to these trends, the growth of the
obligă statele să adopte măsuri de liberalizare a dependence coefficient of the world economies
comerţului exterior, ajungându-se până la related to the world economy and an important
desfiinţarea taxelor vamale: ascending of the external market take place,
• Liberalizarea mişcării internaţionale a fact which forces the states to adopt
mărfurilor, capitalurilor, serviciilor, liberalisation measures of the external trading,
persoanelor, forţei de muncă şi a tehnologiilor, having as a result the abrogation of the
conduce la dispariţia graniţelor comerciale , nu customs taxes;
însă şi a graniţelor naţionale. • The liberalisation of the international
• Se remarcă ca proces obiectiv adoptarea de movement of the merchandise, capitals,
reglementări comune de către state – acorduri , services, persons, labour force and
tratate, convenţii privind eliminarea dublei technologies, leads to the disappearance of the
impuneri, regimul favorabil al investiţiilor trading borders, but not to the disappearance of
externe, acordarea clauzei naţiunii celei mai the national borders.
favorizate. • We notice as an objective process the
• Înfiinţarea unor instituţii şi organisme adoption of common regulations between the
internaţionale comune cu atribuţii la scară states - agreements, treaties, conventions on
mondială, regională sau subregională – publice the elimination of the double taxation, the
şi private. favourable regime of external investments, the
În legătură cu fenomenul de Globalizarea s-au granting of the most favoured nation clause.
structurat doua opinii opuse: una care susţine • The constitution of some institutions and
acest proces, iar alta care se opune. common international bodies with world,
Susţinătorii globalizării pun accentul în regional and sub-regional scale attributions -
principal pe avantajele generate de procesul de public and private.
mondializare: Related to the Globalisation1810 phenomenon,
• reducerea costurilor de producţie datorită two opposing opinions have appeared: one
economiei de scară; which supports this process, and another one
• accelerarea tranzacţiilor schimburilor care se which opposes it.
realizează aproape în timpii comunicaţi – fax, The supporters of globalisation mainly focus
internet, etc.; on the advantages generated by this process:
• creşterea vitezei de derulare a operaţiunilor • the reduction of the production costs due to
comerciale, financiare şi tehnologice; the scale economy;
• extinderea puternică a pieţelor şi crearea de • the acceleration of the transactions and
noi pieţe independente de anumite surse sau exchanges that occur almost during the
zone tradiţionale. communicated terms – fax, internet, etc.;
• the increase of the unfolding speed of the
În consecinţă are loc o creştere a eficienţei trading, financial and technological operations;
întregii activităţi economice la nivel planetar • the powerful extension of the markets and the
ca urmare a mişcării libere a capitalurilor, creation of new independent markets from
investiţiilor, tehnologiilor şi forţei de muncă certain sources or traditional areas.
spre domeniile şi zonele mai profitabile. As a consequence, a growth of the
Oponenţii globalizării invocă şi uneori efficiency of the entire economic activity at the
absolutizează consecinţele negative: world level takes place as a result of the free
• desfiinţarea naţiunii şi statului naţional; movement of the capitals, investments,
• reducerea locurilor de muncă în ţările în curs technologies and labour force towards the
de dezvoltare sau cu un nivel mai redus al more profitable fields and areas. The
productivităţii muncii; opponents of globalisation invoke and
• specializarea unor state în activităţi de sometimes focus only on the negative
producţie generatoare de poluare şi care consequences:
necesită un consum mare de muncă, materii • the abolition of the nation and of the national

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010
Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010

prime şi energie; state;

• adâncirea decalajelor economice ( în prezent • the reduction of the work places in the
258 de persoane deţin o bogăţie egală cu cea developing countries or in the countries with a
posedată de 2,5 miliarde de oameni – aproape reduced level of work productivity;
½ din populaţia Terrei). De asemenea, se • the specialisation of some states in
menţionează pericolele privind desfiinţarea production activities generating pollution and
unor ramuri, falimentarea unor bănci, which need a larger consumption of labour,
destabilizarea vieţii economice, inclusiv a unor raw materials and energy;
state. • the deepening of the economic differences (at
the moment 258 persons have a wealth equal
BIBLIOGRAFIE with the one possessed by 2.5 billion people –
almost ½ of Terra's population). Also, they
1. Angelescu A., Ponoran I., Ciobotaru V., - mention the dangers regarding the closing of
The Environment and the Sustainable some branches, the bankruptcy of some banks,
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6. Mazilu M. E., Globalisation where?, implementation of de environment politics,
publicat în European Research Studies brings opportunities to promote the
Journal,Vol.XIII,issue1,2010,pag.189-210 environment objectives through the
Greece,ISSN:1108-2976. The ERS Journal economical politics reorientation (especially
has been evaluated and accepted by JEL and those of fiscal nature), as directly protecting
it is included in SSRN and the EconLit, the the environment’s qualities instruments and
electronic indexing and abstracting service that need to be taken into consideration at the
of the American Economic Association. The accomplishment of a lasting economical
ERS Journal has started to be distributed by development from which the population will
EBSCO Publishing , MA USA, benefit.
8. Mazilu M., Marinescu R., Should We Be 21. Angelescu A., Ponoran I., Ciobotaru
Afraid of Globalisation or Not, Workshop V., - The Environment and the Sustainable
International, 24-25 November, Romanian- Development, A.S.E. Publishing House,
American University, Bucharest, 2007 Bucharest, 1999
9. Mazilu M., The Globalization, the 22. Aur N.S. – The World Economic
Environment and Economic Security on the Geography. Terra –Resources and
Perspective of the European Integration, Industrialization, Sitech Publishing House,
published in Journal of Environmental 2002.
Protection and Ecology, Official Journal of 23. Bonnefous Ed. – Man or Nature, Politic
the Balkan Environmental Association book Publishing House, Bucharest, 1976.

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010
Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010

1, vol. 9, No.1, 2008, No.1099/23.10.2006, 24. Brown L. – Global Problems of

ISSN:1311-5065, p .159-167, SBC Humanity, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1996
esults.cgi?PC=MASTER&ISSN=13115065 25. Hans – Peter Martin, Harald Schumann,
10. Mazilu M., Ispas R., Marinescu R., The Trap of Globalisation: An Attack at
Lasting Economical Development – Democracy and Welfare, "Economică"
Globalization – Environment – Tourism in Publishing House, 1999
the Perspective of the European Integration, 26. Mazilu M. E., Globalisation where?,
article defended in Third Pan Hellenic publicat în European Research Studies
Conference, International Conference on Journal,Vol.XIII,issue1,2010,pag.189-210
International Political Economy on The Greece,ISSN:1108-2976. The ERS Journal
International Economy in the 21st Century: has been evaluated and accepted by JEL and
Towards Globalization or Regionalization?, it is included in SSRN and the EconLit, the
organized by The Institute of International electronic indexing and abstracting service
Economic Relations, Athens, 16-18 May of the American Economic Association. The
2008, Athens, Greece and published on ERS Journal has started to be distributed by
11. EBSCO Publishing , MA USA,
%20Conference/ISPAS-MAZILU- 27.
MARINESCU- 28. Mazilu M., Marinescu R., Should We
%20LASTING%20ECONOMIC%20DEV Be Afraid of Globalisation or Not,
ELOPMENT-GLOBALISATION- Workshop International, 24-25 November,
%20TOURISM%20IN%20THE%20OUTL Romanian-American University, Bucharest,
OOK%20 OF%20 2007
EUROPEAN%20INTEGRATION.pdf 29. Mazilu M., The Globalization, the
12. Mazilu M., Ciobanu M., The Impact of Environment and Economic Security on the
European Integration on the National Perspective of the European Integration,
Environment on Quality, article published published in Journal of Environmental
in Proceedings of XXI International Protection and Ecology, Official Journal of
Serbian Symposium on Mineral Mining, the Balkan Environmental Association book
ISBN 978-86-80987-63-7, COBISS.SR-ID 1, vol. 9, No.1, 2008, No.1099/23.10.2006,
152797196, pg.244-249, University of ISSN:1311-5065, p .159-167, SBC
Belgrade, 2008.
13. Ciobanu M., Ciobanu V.M., Mazilu M., esults.cgi?PC=MASTER&ISSN=13115065
Global Warming, Decisive Factor of 30. Mazilu M., Ispas R., Marinescu R.,
Uniformity Seasons, published in vol. Lasting Economical Development –
Abstract Book, Global Conference on Globalization – Environment – Tourism in
Global Warming 2008, organized by The the Perspective of the European Integration,
Scientific and Technological research article defended in Third Pan Hellenic
Council of Turkey, 6-10 July 2008, Conference, International Conference on
Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN 978-605-89885-0- International Political Economy on The
7, pg. 131 and in vol. Conference International Economy in the 21st Century:
Proceedings, pg. 1073-1083, ISBN 978- Towards Globalization or Regionalization?,
605-89885-0-7,, organized by The Institute of International Abstract-book- Economic Relations, Athens, 16-18 May
GCGW08.pdf 2008, Athens, Greece and published on
14. Mitroi M., - Eco-development, the 31.
Imperative of the Third Millennium, in %20Conference/ISPAS-MAZILU-
Tribuna Economică magazine, nr. 48, MARINESCU-
Bucharest, 2002 %20LASTING%20ECONOMIC%20DEV
15. Mazilu M.,Ciobanu M., The Globalisation, ELOPMENT-GLOBALISATION-

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010
Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010

the Environment and economic security on %20TOURISM%20IN%20THE%20OUTL

the perspective of the European OOK%20 OF%20
Integration, published in Journal of EUROPEAN%20INTEGRATION.pdf
Environmental Protection and Ecology, 32. Mazilu M., Ciobanu M., The Impact of
book 1, vol. 9, No.4 2008,
European Integration on the National
No.1099/23.10.2006,ISSN:1311-5065,p Environment on Quality, article published
.159- in Proceedings of XXI International
167,SBC. Serbian Symposium on Mineral Mining,
ont08_9_1.html ISBN 978-86-80987-63-7, COBISS.SR-ID
16. 152797196, pg.244-249, University of
bin/jrnlst/jlresults.cgi?PC=MASTER&ISS Belgrade, 2008.
N=1311-5065 33. Ciobanu M., Ciobanu V.M., Mazilu M.,
17. Mazilu M., Excellency or Chaotic Global Warming, Decisive Factor of
Globalization in Tourism? The Journal of Uniformity Seasons, published in vol.
the Faculty of Economics - Economic 2 Abstract Book, Global Conference on
(2008) University of Oradea, Faculty of Global Warming 2008, organized by The
Economics Issue (Month): 1 (May) Pages: Scientific and Technological research
609-703 Council of Turkey, 6-10 July 2008, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN 978-605-89885-0-
/2008/v2-economy-and-business- 7, pg. 131 and in vol. Conference
administration/127.pdf Proceedings, pg. 1073-1083, ISBN 978- 605-89885-0-7,,
18. Mazilu M., The Dynamics and Abstract-book-
Manifestations of Globalisation, published GCGW08.pdf
in European Research Studies Journal, 34. Mitroi M., - Eco-development, the
Volume XI, Issue 3, 2008 Greece, Imperative of the Third Millennium, in
pag.ISSN:1108-2976. The ERS Journal has Tribuna Economică magazine, nr. 48,
been evaluated and accepted by JEL and it Bucharest, 2002
is included in SSRN and the EconLit, the
35. Mazilu M.,Ciobanu M., The Globalisation,
electronic indexing and abstracting servicethe Environment and economic security on
of the American Economic Association. the perspective of the European
The ERS Journal has started to be Integration, published in Journal of
distributed by EBSCO Publishing , MA Environmental Protection and Ecology,
USA book 1, vol. 9, No.4 2008,
19. Mazilu M., Marinescu R., The Economic No.1099/23.10.2006,ISSN:1311-5065,p
Development and Globalisation from the .159-
European Integration Perspective,
published in the supplement of the ont08_9_1.html
Theoretical and Applied Economy
Magazine, the International Conference bin/jrnlst/jlresults.cgi?PC=MASTER&ISS
Romania in the European Union. The N=1311-5065
Quality of the Integration. Growth. 37. Mazilu M., Excellency or Chaotic
Competence Employment, vol. 3, on the site Globalization in Tourism? The Journal of
the Faculty of Economics - Economic 2 (2008) University of Oradea, Faculty of
n_23nov_2007_ro_vol3.pdf, Economics Issue (Month): 1 (May) Pages:
20. Postelnicu Gh., Postelnicu C., - 609-703
Globalisation of Economy, Economic
Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000. /2008/v2-economy-and-business-

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010
Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010
38. Mazilu M., The Dynamics and
Manifestations of Globalisation, published
in European Research Studies Journal,
Volume XI, Issue 3, 2008 Greece,
pag.ISSN:1108-2976. The ERS Journal has
been evaluated and accepted by JEL and it
is included in SSRN and the EconLit, the
electronic indexing and abstracting service
of the American Economic Association.
The ERS Journal has started to be
distributed by EBSCO Publishing , MA
39. Mazilu M., Marinescu R., The Economic
Development and Globalisation from the
European Integration Perspective,
published in the supplement of the
Theoretical and Applied Economy
Magazine, the International Conference
Romania in the European Union. The
Quality of the Integration. Growth.
Competence Employment, vol. 3, on the site
40. Postelnicu Gh., Postelnicu C., -
Globalisation of Economy, Economic
Publishing House, Bucharest, 2000.

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 4/2010

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