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‘Approved For Release 2009/02/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001000660003-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 7 ine of Mie 1 Sections an of ha oe os INFORMATION REPORT ‘or arab oy an sanstrited Denon fe onted Brite ihe recut fs foo raed SBORET/OONTROL ~ U.S, OFFICIALS ONLY THEUNTY INFOMATION 25X1 ‘counrey Rumente nevoRt sumect ‘Sovrenlem, Baca DATE oisTR, 22 April 1953 : NO. OF PAGES 2 DATE OF INFO, REQUIREMENT NO, RD PLACE ACQUIRED REFERENCES 25Xt This is UNEVALUATED Information| (roe Re ee weve 25x1 1s Sovomem, Bacau is a district branch of Sovromlenn, Bucharest. Whereas other Sovronlem’ enterprises fell the tinber and cut 4t, the Bacay branch has no felling areas but is responsible only for a number of saxmills, These are: Three sawmills at Bacau with five frane eave each, one mill et Serderu near Galati vith three savs, one mill at Cosmesti near Tecuch with thr fone saweill at Braiia wth five saws, ‘The enterprise employs 45 o: fand an unknown aunber of workers in the savmills, According to the 1952 plan ‘the eamailis at Bacau were to process a total of 60,000 cubte meters of iumber during the year, 21 first quality tinber is exerted, and the inferior quali tee go to Sorrouconetructia for bullding purposes and to the Sfaturile Popim Lare (city counctla) for Incal work, 2, The Soviets have clained the forests in the Bistrita Valley, including those formerly belonging to Prince Wicolee in Brostend and to Princess Gnice Conan~ esti 4n Conanesti, anotent forest areas vhere there hed been no felling for centuries, The ttenepert of tinber dow the Bistrite by raft 1s mich cheaper for the Soviete than transport from other districts, Logging is carried out on the Bistrite only for Sovronlean, From Varch to October logs are sent domtresa fron Bioms to supply the’Sovreniem mills with nsterial for the le winter. 3 Because ali state enterprises in Rumante have been ordered to establish farms ‘to supply their cantesns, Sovronlesn has acquired farn of 50 hectares, where vegetables and cereale ate grow and where about 1,000 pige as well as cows ‘and other Livestock are kepiy he The Securttate supplies a speoial courier service between Sovronlenn, Bacau and Sovronlenn, Bucharest for the treneniesion of confidential messages, The head of the service, 2 Party monber naned Cohn (fnu), and the general manager, Kelman Sick, are responsible for the messages, vnich apparently contain infor mation on the staff of the company and on production and delivery. [SBORET/OONTROL » U.S, OFFIOTALS ONLY rc 29 (Nam Water Banos ld Wy Fa Daten BPD 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW “Approved For Release 2009/02/24 - ClA-RDP80-008104001000660003-5 _/_ ABproved For Release 2008/02/24 :CIR-RDP80-00810A001000660002-5 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY oz. The sawnill at Conanesti, the largest in Rumania, wae handed over by Sovrom lem to IPEIL, the Ministry of Ferestry's industrial departnent. The following personalit .r0 known: + Cohn (fou), head of the anectal courier servica af Sovretslemn. Para. by Rudich (fnu), technical engineer. c- Kalan Sick (iso calied Kalanan). sozeral manacers ‘SECRET/OONTROL ~ U.S, OFFICIALS ONLY “Approved For Release 2009/02/24 - ClA-RDP80-008104001000660003-5 25K1 25K1

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