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JOCUL-CONC Proiectele Educaționale Cangurul se desfăşoară sub Înaltul Patronaj

al Majestății Sale Margareta, Custodele Coroanei române


Inspectoratul Şcolar
Judeţean Dolj

Concursul Internațional de
Cang u r u l L i n g v i s t
Matematică Aplicată Cangurul
clasa pregătitoare și clasele I–XII Engleza
Cangurașul Explorator c la s e le I -X I I
clasa pregătitoare și clasele I–IV

Concursul se regăsește la poziția 38 în Anexa 2.B. – Lista competițiilor

Poveștile Cangurului
naționale pe discipline școlare și proiecte educative cu participarea elevilor
români, în anul școlar 2021-2022, aprobată prin OMEC nr. 3066/27.01.2022.

clasa pregătitoare și clasele I–IV

Tel.: 0212434014, 0786355215, 0746238667, 0758044825, 0746238707, 0756.712798, 0723313131
Site web:; Organizator: Sponsor: Cu sprijinul: Parteneri media:
Facebook: Concursurile Cangurul și Comunitatea Cangurul.
Itemi concurs:
Ionuț Capeneață
Alexandru Fâciu REGULAMENT
Arhiva Cangurul
Organizator: Institutul pentru Dezvoltarea Evaluării în Educație (IDEE).
Selecție itemi: Concursul Cangurul Lingvist își propune să atragă elevii în studiul limbii engleze și să testeze
Carmen Maria Ralea cunoștințele de limbă și civilizație, intuiția, logica, viteza de reacție.
VISITING MY FRIEND .................................. 4
Alexandru Fâciu Pot participa elevii din clasele I-XII care nu sunt vorbitori nativi de limba engleză sau care nu
au frecventat o școală în limba engleză mai mult de doi ani.
Redactor: Mihaela Spătăreanu Sunt propuse elevilor 6 niveluri de competenţe. Fiecare elev, indiferent de clasă, poate să aleagă
STORY nivelul la care consideră că va obţine cel mai bun punctaj.
Tehnoredactare: Gabriela Stan
ANY PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED ............. 10
Ilustraţii nivelurile 1. Nivelul Start (pre-A1, conform Cadrului European Comun de Referinţă pentru Limbi) se
Start și Story: Anita Ionescu adresează în special elevilor din clasele I-II. Testul conţine 24 de itemi. Pentru acest nivel, premiile
se vor acorda astfel: PREMIUL I (21-24 de puncte), PREMIUL II (17-20 de puncte) şi PREMIUL
JOEY clasele a V/VI III (13-16 puncte).
LEVEL A1-A2 ................................................ 19
2. Nivelul Story (A1) se adresează în special claselor III-IV. Testul conţine 30 de itemi. Pentru
acest nivel, premiile se vor acorda astfel: PREMIUL I (26-30 de puncte), PREMIUL II (21-25 de
puncte) şi PREMIUL III (16-20 puncte).
© 2022 – Editura SIGMA EDUCAȚIONAL WALLABY La nivelurile Start și Story, fiecare răspuns corect valorează 1 punct, iar răspunsurile greșite
Nicio parte a acestei lucrări nu poate fi reprodusă VII/VIII nu sunt penalizate.
LEVEL A2-B1 ................................................ 27
fără acordul Editurii SIGMA EDUCAȚIONAL.
Testele Joey, Wallaby, Grey Kangaroo şi Red Kangaroo sunt compuse din câte 50 de itemi,
dintre care se punctează cel mult 40 de itemi, primii la care s-a răspuns corect sau greşit.
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României
Cangurul lingvist - Engleză : clasele I-XII : februarie
GREY KANGAROO 3.  Nivelul Joey (A1-A2) se adresează în special claselor V-VI. Cei care aleg acest nivel au
2022 : organizator Institutul pentru Dezvoltarea IX/X
LEVEL B1-B2 ................................................ 34 5 puncte din oficiu.
Evaluării în Educaţie. - Bucureşti : Sigma Educa-
tional, 4.  Nivelul Wallaby (A2-B1) se adresează în special elevilor din clasele VII-VIII. Cei care aleg
2022 nivelul Wallaby primesc 10 de puncte din oficiu.
ISBN 978-606-9048-55-9 RED KANGAROO 5.  Nivelul Grey Kangaroo (B1-B2) se adresează în special elevilor din clasele IX-X. Cei care
811.111 XI/XII
Level B2-C1 . ................................................... 40 aleg acest nivel au 15 de puncte din oficiu.
6.  Nivelul Red Kangaroo (B2-C1) se adresează în special elevilor din clasele XI-XII. Cei care
aleg acest nivel au 20 de puncte din oficiu.
Fiecare răspuns corect valorează 1 punct. Se pierd 0,25 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns incorect.
Editura SIGMA EDUCAȚIONAL Bifând Sigur se obţin 1,25 puncte pentru un răspuns corect, dar se pierd 0,70 puncte pentru un
Sediul central: răspuns greşit.
Str. G-ral Berthelot nr. 38, sector 1, București, cod 010169 Timpul efectiv de rezolvare a testului este de 60 de minute din momentul primirii subiectelor.
Tel.: 0 21-315.39.70; 021-243.40.36; 021-243.40.35
0746.238.667; 0756.712.798; 0723.313.131 Pentru a participa la concurs, fiecare elev va folosi un cod de participare unic, format din cinci
E-mail:;; cifre și patru litere (de exemplu: 12345-ABCD). Cu ajutorul acestui cod, elevul poate susține
Web:; concursul și pe platforma, accesând ulterior rezultatul obținut și analiza
lucrării sale. Instrucțiunile pentru folosirea platformei vor fi afișate pe
Distribuție: Organizatorul IDEE poate aduce modificări punctuale și bine justificate acestui regulament.
Cangurul lingvist – Engleză

Clasele I-XII

Institutul pentru Dezvoltarea Evaluării în Educaţie

Cu sprijinul:

u c a țio n

Parteneri media:

București, 2022
Start (pre-A1)


Tom is visiting his friend Milly.

My house is yellow.
What a beautiful Look, over there!
village, Milly!
Where’s your house?


1. What are Tom and Milly doing?
A) They are sleeping. B) They are talking. C) They are writing. D) They are drawing.

2. Tom and Milly are … .

A) in a village B) in the forest C) in a city D) at school

3. What’s the weather like?

A) It’s snowing. B) It’s cloudy. C) It’s sunny. D) It’s raining.

4. Lilly is wearing a pink … .

A) B) C) D)

t-shirt dress hat skirt

5. Tom has got blue … .

A) B) C) D)

shorts shoes trousers shirt

6. There are ... brown dogs in the picture.

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

7. In the picture there’s one cat. What’s its colour?

A) B) C) D)

green grey orange black

8. Look at the picture again. Which is Milly’s house?

A) B) C) D)


Tom is in Milly’s room.

I love


9. Tom and Milly are … .
A) reading B) drawing C) playing computer games D) watching cartoons

10. Tom is drawing … .

A) B) C) D)

a car a cat a doll a bird

11. There s ... on the wall.
A) B) C) D)

a clock a mirror a picture a kite

12. What colour is the chair?

A) B) C) D)

red blue brown pink

13. The kite is … .

A) red and black B) yellow and green C) green and purple D) red and yellow

14. In the picture there are … .

A) B) C) D)

three teddy bears four dolls three books two tables

15. The computer is ... the desk.

A) on B) in C) up D) under

16. There’s … under the desk.

A) B) C) D)

a cat a flower a hat a computer


Tom and Milly are playing in the garden.

Look, Milly!
I’ve got a
pink ball.


17. What are they doing?
A) Tom and Milly are drawing. B) Tom and Milly are playing.
C) Tom and Milly are watching TV. D) Tom and Milly are reading.

18. Tom is playing with … .
A) B) C) D)

a cat a ball a doll a dog

19. Milly is playing with … .

A) B) C) D)

a doll a flower a teddy bear a bird

20. The bird is … .

A) running B) sleeping C) eating D) singing

21. The dog is … .

A) eating B) singing C) playing D) sleeping

22. Tom is … .
A) B) C) D)

happy sad crying scared

23. The … is sleeping.

A) B) C) D)

dog bird cat squirrel

24. The ball is … .

A) B) C) D)

blue pink red white


Adapted from Ion Creangă
It is winter! Jack lives with his wife Nora and his mother-in-law Lena. Jack and
Nora have a baby boy. One day, after Jack leaves home, Nora bathes the baby
and puts him in the bed by the stove. The baby falls asleep… His mother sees

a block of salt on one shelf of the stove and begins to cry.

Oh, dear, you

are so right!
The boy will die!

Woe, woe! My baby! My baby

will die! If the cat climbs up there,
it will throw the block straight onto
my baby’s head and kill him!

And they both begin to cry …and cry…and cry.

1. What season is it in the story?
A) spring B) summer C) autumn D) winter
2. Choose the correct sentence.
A) Jack is Lena’s brother. B) Nora is Jack’s sister.
C) Jack is Nora’s husband. D) Lena is Nora’s aunt.
3. Look at the picture! Who’s in the room?
A) A man, two women and a baby. B) A man, a woman, a baby and a dog.
C) Two women, a baby and a cat. D) A man, an old woman, and a hen.
4. Why are the women crying?
A) The baby’s sleeping and they want to wake him up.
B) Jack is not at home and they miss him.
C) Maybe the block of salt will fall onto the baby’s head.
D) They want to scare the cat.
Suddenly Jack enters the door, hungry and tired. Catching their breath, the
women begin to tell him about the danger the child is in. The little boy wakes
up and he begins to cry. There is so much noise in the room!

Gee! I’ve seen so many fools

in my life, but never like you
two. Stop crying and move
the baby away from the stove!

And Jack leaves the house without saying good bye, angry and bitter.

5. When Jack arrives home, he is hungry and tired. So he needs …

A) food and rest. B) to drink water and rest.
C) to eat and drink something. D) a hot tea, to warm up.

6. What does the man tell the women?

A) To move the cat. B) To stop crying.
C) To cook dinner. D) To leave the house.

7. Why does the man leave the house?

A) He has no work to do. B) He wants to have fun.
C) He has little money. D) He is angry and unhappy.

8. Look at the picture and find the odd one out!

A) cow B) dog C) cat D) sheep
While walking without knowing where to, Jack stops. He can’t believe his eyes.
A man, named Peter, is holding an empty clay pot with its opening facing the
sun. After a while, he quickly runs into his house, then comes back, puts the pot
facing the sun again, and so on…

Hello, good man!


What are you doing here?

I’m trying to carry
some sunlight into
my house!

9. Peter’s house has no …

A) door B) windows C) roof D) walls

10. The fence of the house is made of …

A) straw B) paper C) wood D) glass

11. Peter is trying to carry some … into the house.

A) water B) sunlight C) grains D) snow

12. Look at the picture! The two men are wearing … on their heads.
A) pots B) hats C) gloves D) helmets
Jack asks Peter to bring an axe. Then he breaks a wall of the house to make a
window. Now the sun can get inside.

It’s a miracle,
good man!
Thank you!
I’m glad to
be of help!

“Another fool” says Jack to himself and leaves.

13. Look at the picture above! What does Peter have in his hand?
A) a bag B) an axe C) a bottle D) a knife

14. What does Jack do to help the man?

A) He gives him a pot. B) He cuts a window into a wall.
C) He carries sunlight into the house. D) He brings an axe.

15. Find the false sentence.

A) Jack helps Peter. B) There’s a cat at the window.
C) Peter is not grateful. D) Peter brings an axe.

16. Jack is wearing a … coat.

A) pink B) blue C) green D) yellow
After a while Jack reaches another village and stops at a house. The man of
that house, named Bill, is a wheelwright. He has made a wagon inside the
house and now he can’t take it out. He pulls and pulls, but all is in vain. The
wagon is wider than the door.
So Jack helps Bill to take the wagon apart and take the pieces out one by one.

Thank you very much, good

man. Just think about it! I was I’m glad to be of
going to knock down the house help! Stay healthy!
because of that wagon…

“More and more fools” says Jack to himself as he is leaving.

17. A wheelwright usually makes or repairs …

A) cars B) wooden wheels C) houses D) shoes

18. Bill cannot take the wagon out of the house because …
A) the door is wider than the wagon B) the wagon has no wheels
C) the wagon is wider than the door D) he doesn’t want to

19. How does Jack help Bill?

A) He destroys the house. B) He takes the wagon into the house.
C) He breaks the door. D) He takes the wagon out of the house piece by piece.

20. The opposite of “knock down” is …

A) crush B) break C) build D) destroy
Jack keeps walking for hours when he suddenly sees another man. His name
is Charlie. He has a pitchfork in his hand. He wants to throw some walnuts into
the attic of the house and all is in vain. Charlie thinks the fork is not good.

Put the walnuts in this

basket, take it on your
Thank you, man, shoulder and climb
for helping me! it nicely into the attic;
the fork is for straw
and hay, not for nuts.

Soon the work is done. So Jack doesn’t stay here any longer and leaves, counting
another fool.

21. Look at the picture! There are … nuts on the ground.

A) many B) lots C) much D) a lot

22. A pitchfork is usually used to lift …

A) hay B) nuts C) wood D) vegetables

23. Look at the picture! Jack is holding …

A) a pitchfork B) a stick C) a basket D) a bottle

24. What is an attic?

A) the room under the ground floor of a building
B) the room at the top of a building
C) the place where you keep animals
D) the room where people usually sleep


Jack walks and walks until he meets another whose name is Leo. There is
hay on the roof of the barn and the man is on top of it. His cow has a rope
around its neck. Leo’s pulling the rope really hard to get the cow up on the barn.
The cow is in pain... . The man gets tired.
So Jack helps him with a piece of advice.

Wait a minute, man,

you’re hurting the cow! Well, this animal is
Take the hay down and hungry and it doesn’t

give it to your cow! want to come up on this

barn to eat some hay!
I don’t understand why!

The man takes Jack’s advice and the cow escapes alive.

25. A barn is a place where people usually …

A) eat dinner B) grow vegetables C) plant trees D) store things

26. Why is Leo confused?

A) The cow doesn’t want to climb up to the roof.
B) The cow doesn’t eat hay.
C) The cow has a rope around its neck.
D) A stranger helps him.

27. Choose the true sentence about Jack.

A) He’s a selfish man. B) He helps people in need.
C) He doesn’t care about the cow. D) He never gives advice.
Jack decides to go back home. He realizes that his wife and mother-in-law are
smarter than those fools. When he arrives home, his wife greets him at the door!

Come in, son, and Oh, dear! Welcome

home! Are you It’s good to
close the door!
hungry? There’s warm see you all
It’s cold outside!
soup on the stove. and it’s good
to be home.

28. Put the events in order, according to the story.
1. Jack meets a man who wants to carry nuts with a pitchfork.
2. Jack meets a man who has a wagon inside his house.
3. Jack meets a man who wants to carry sunlight with a pot.
A) 2/ 3/ 1 B) 3/ 2/ 1 C) 3/ 1/ 2 D) 2/ 1/ 3

29. Look at the women in the picture! They are …

A) tired B) angry C) happy D) scared

30. The story Any problem can be solved is adapted after …

A) Petre Ispirescu B) Lewis Carroll
C) Ion Creangă D) Brothers Grimm
Joey (A1-A2)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. For each question (1-5), read and choose the correct answer.

1. What does the notice say?


Please purchase tickets from the A) You cannot buy a ticket on the bus.
ticket machines on the platform You cannot pay the driver using banknotes.
or pay by card on the bus. C) You need to buy tickets in advance.
The driver will not accept cash.

To: Th
 e members of the Sport What will happen if you forget about your membership fee?
A) You can never be a member of the Sport Club again.
From: The secretary
B) You will not be able to play tennis at the Club.

Please make sure you have

C) Your membership will be renewed automatically.
paid your membership fee by
the end of this month or you
won’t be able to use the gym
or the tennis court.

3. Tommy,
What does Simone want Tommy to know?
Sorry for the late notice, but I
A) that she won’t be able to take part in the competition
cannot join you for the tango
contest tonight. I sprained my B) that she is in pain
ankle this morning and I am C) that she will come to tango lessons next week
afraid I won’t be able to move
around too much in the next
couple of weeks.

ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE What do students have to do?
THEIR BADGES ON THEM A) ask for a new badge
B) leave their badge at reception
TO RECEPTION TO GET A C) go to reception if they have left their badges at home

FREE LEAFLETS OF What does the notice say?
A) You can pick up free leaflets at the student office.
B) You can read the leaflets on the notice board.
C)STUDENT OFFICE You can take the leaflets posted on the board.


II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10)
so that the meaning stays the same.

6. I have been on holiday for a week.

I ….. on holiday a week ago.
A) went B) have been C) have gone

7. My parents don’t allow me to buy products online.

My parents don’t let ..… products online.
A) me to buy B) me buy C) me buying

8. I think she made me late for school intentionally.

I think she made me late for school ..… .
A) on purpose B) in purpose C) with purpose

9. My daily routine includes 30 minutes of jogging.

I ….. for a 30-minute run every day.
A) go B) take C) make

10. This is where my parents sleep.
This is my ….. bedroom.
A) parent B) parent’s C) parents’

III. Read the sentences. For each space (11-20), choose the correct answer.
11. You’d better ….. out! If you are not careful, you might fall and break something.
A) watch B) stay C) leave

12. The Smiths are very ….. of their new car.

A) pleased B) fond C) happy

13. Right now I am ….. on my bed reading your letter.

A) seating B) sitting C) set

14. My public speaking coach has ….. me to be more confident.

A) made B) encouraged C) said

15. I would like us to talk about our fight and ….. up.
A) do B) stay C) make

16. Hot chocolate was once drunk only ….. the rich.
A) to B) by C) from

17. In some private schools, students have to ….. very high fees.
A) pay B) cost C) charge
18. Children should be free to make ….. own decisions.
A) there B) their C) many
19. He is one year younger ….. most of his classmates.
A) then B) that C) than

20. Putting Manuka honey on a burn makes it ….. more quickly.

A) heal B) hill C) heel

IV. Read the text. For each question (21-25), choose the correct answer.

Talkative trees
They might seem like they are indifferent to what is going on around them, standing tall and
silent, but trees actually communicate with each other. Forest ecologists have been studying how
trees use fungi ‒ organisms that include mushrooms but can also be microscopic, like dust ‒ to
share resources and send chemical messages to other trees. If you are a mother you will naturally
recognize your children and try to protect and support them. Trees do the same thing
by making room for their baby-trees, which they recognize as their own.
However, when the tree close to them is not related to them, they
will be competitive and try to get as much light and food from

the environment, without caring if the other trees suffer. Are you
surprised by how smart trees can be? There’s more! Acacia trees
can warn each other of danger. When enemy animals like antelopes
start to munch on its leaves, the tree starts to produce a substance in higher levels than
normal. This substance is toxic to animals. The acacia tree which is being attacked by
an antelope will then start producing a cloud of gas that travels through the air. When
it reaches other trees, these too will know they need to start producing the substance
that is bad for antelopes. Next time you are hiking in a forest, try to look more closely.
You might actually catch a few trees having a conversation!

21. Fungi are used by trees to ….. .

A) kill other plants B) send substances to each other C) make sounds

22. If two trees are part of the same family, they will ….. .
A) compete with each other B) support each other C) suffocate each other
23. A mother tree will ….. .
A) create space for its baby tree
B) put its branches around its baby tree
C) not know which tree is their baby

24. Antelopes are the enemies of acacia trees because ….. .

A) they eat their leaves B) they poison the trees C) they sleep under the trees

25. Acacia trees produce a special gas in order to ….. .

A) distract enemies
B) send messages to other trees
C) communicate with humans


V. Read the following descriptions of after-school clubs for young people. For each question (26-30),
choose the club that would be suitable for each teenager.

Good Will Drama Club

Our drama club gives young ones a chance to let their creativity shine. We put on three plays a year
– during winter holidays, in early spring and during the summer break. We also offer scriptwriting
tutorials for those who wish to develop their writing skills. Classes are held twice a week.

Biking Club
We are here for those who enjoy biking. Our facilities are a dream come true, with most amazing
ramps. We can provide for beginners who want to learn how to handle basic biking techniques
but also for the more advanced bikers who want to take their hobby a step further. We are open
Wednesdays to Fridays.

Computer Club
We will teach you about so many things you can do on your computer – things you have no idea
are possible: how to use apps for school projects and how to get even more creative in the process.
We will also teach you how to edit photos and short films. We meet on Mondays.

Graphic Books and Comics Club
We will give you a chance to play and experiment with art. Creating your very own graphic book
will improve both your drawing and your storytelling. There is one condition, though. You must be
good at drawing!

Dance to Stay Fit Club

We will teach you the most modern forms of dance. This will not only keep you entertained
but it will also keep you in shape! You will have so much fun while learning new moves! We meet
on Modays.

26. S
 andra is a very busy girl and her free time is so precious. She is interested in taking up a hobby
that is fun but at the same time involves some exercise. Sandra should join ….. .
A) Good Will Drama Club
B) Biking Club
C) Computer Club
D) Graphic Books and Comics Club
E) Dance to Stay Fit Club

27. George is a backgammon enthusiast. He already belongs to the board games club. He would
really like to take up something which is more active. Unfortunately, Mondays are out of the
question for him. George should join ..… .
A) Good Will Drama Club
B) Biking Club
C) Computer Club
D) Graphic Books and Comics Club
E) Dance to Stay Fit Club


28. Leila is a very creative young girl. She just loves drawing and everyone says she is really good
at it. She would like her talent to help her get better at writing stories. Leila should join ..… .
A) Good Will Drama Club
B) Biking Club
C) Computer Club
D) Graphic Books and Comics Club
E) Dance to Stay Fit Club

29. John would like to be a writer one day. His dream is to write for the cinema or for theatre companies.
John should join ..… .
A) Good Will Drama Club
B) Biking Club
C) Computer Club
D) Graphic Books and Comics Club
E) Dance to Stay Fit Club

30. Mike just loves his PC. His great passion is video games. His mom would like him to spend his

time doing some more homework. Mike should join ..… .

A) Good Will Drama Club
B) Biking Club
C) Computer Club
D) Graphic Books and Comics Club
E) Dance to Stay Fit Club

VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.

31. What’s the name of the magician who lived in King Arthur’s court?
A) Melvin B) Mervin C) Mario D) Merlin E) Marvin

32. What is a jack-o’-lantern made of?

A) pumpkin B) melon C) cucumber
D) banana E) apple

33. What animal is Walt Disney’s Dumbo?

A) a deer B) a rabbit C) an elephant
D) a donkey E) a monkey

34. In texting abbreviation, what does BFF stand for?

A) Buff Fit Fella
B) Bye For Five
C) Boy Friend Furious
D) Best Friends Forever
E) Before Friends Fight


35. In children’s stories, how many wishes are usually granted by a genie or fairy?
A) one B) two C) three D) four E) five

36. Unscramble the letters in each “pie” segment below, then find the missing letter that completes
each word. The missing letter is the same for each word.

A) A
B) N C
C) M ?
D) B L L
E) Y W

37. Susan is younger than Sam but older than Tom. Tom is younger than Susan and Sam. Alice is
younger than Tom but older then Bill. Who is the youngest?
A) Sam B) Bill C) Tom D) Susan E) Alice

38. Which of these sports has an arbitrator officially called an “umpire”?
A) soccer B) rugby C) basketball D) tennis E) boxing

39. What is the name of the head teacher in Roald Dahl’s Matilda?
A) Mrs. Phelps B) Miss Honey C) Miss Plimsoll
D) Miss Trunchbull E) Mrs Wormwood

40. How long does it take for the minute hand to move from 6 to 5 on a clock?
A) 55 minutes B) 50 minutes C) 5 minutes D) 65 minutes E) 60 minutes

41. … of the Guard – also known as Guard Mounting – is the iconic ceremony which is seen by
millions of people each year at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle.
A) The Exchanging B) The Greeting C) The Knighting
D) The Changing E) The Moving

 nited Nations Universal Children’s Day was established in 1954

42. U
and is celebrated on ... each year.
A) March 8th B) November 20th
C) September 15th D) June 1st
E) January 23 rd

43. Which of these does not appear in the Chinese zodiac?

A) the bear B) the rabbit C) the dragon D) the dog E) the rat

44. “Soda” and “pop” are general words for … .

A) candy B) food C) music
D) fizzy drinks E) alcoholic drinks
45. In what sea creatures are pearls found?
A) oysters B) crabs C) tortoises D) lobsters E) eels

46. What are the three natural rights in the US Declaration of Independence?
A) Equality, freedom and property.
B) Life, liberty and the pursuit of knowledge.
C) Liberty, equality and fraternity.
D) Freedom, money and power.
E) Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

47. A is twice greater than B. C is half of B. Which statements is true?

A) A is five times greater than C.
B) A is three times greater than C.
C) Twice of C is equal to half of A.
D) Both A and C are equal.
E) Both B and C are equal.

48. Who plays the role of Indiana Jones, the archaeologist and adventurer, in the famous 1981 pro-
A) Russell Crowe B) Morgan Freeman C) Harrison Ford
D) Mel Gibson E) Sean Connery

49. Which of these words can be typed on a single row of a standard UK ‘QWERTY’ keyboard?
A) cheese B) pork C) salad D) juice apple

50. Choose the false statement about the UK.

A) The biggest city of the UK is London.
B) The official currency of the UK is the British pound.
C) The UK consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
D) The UK’s highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland.
E) The UK’s national anthem is “God Save Us”.


Wallaby (A2-B1)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. For each question (1-5), read and choose the correct answer.

1. A) You can take flights to all international destinations

Terminal 4
from Terminal 4.
This terminal serves only flights
B) If you wish to fly to Canadian destinations, you should
within Canada. For European
look for the blue sign.
destinations, please follow
the blue signs for Terminal 5. C) If you wish to fly to Europe, you should go to a
different terminal.

CELL PHONES ARE NOT A) You must not use your cell phone anywhere inside
PERMITTED IN THIS the building.
SPECIAL AREA. PLEASE GO B) You must not use your cell phone in this part of the
WISH TO MAKE A CALL. C) Using your cell phone in the lobby is forbidden.

3. A) You must eat right before taking a teaspoon of honey.
Take a teaspoon of honey
every eight hours on an B) You can eat once you’ve taken a teaspoon of honey.
empty stomach. C) You should take a teaspoon of honey eight times a day.

4. Rent a Bike! A) Only groups of 4 can rent bikes here.

B) Only groups of 4 can rent helmets here.
There will be no extra charge for
helmets for groups of at least 4. C) Groups of 4 can use helmets for free when renting
bikes here.

DRAMA CLASSES A) You can register for drama classes no later than
IF YOU WISH TO SIGN December 10.
UP FOR DRAMA CLASSES, B) Drama classes will begin on December 10.
SCHOOL LIBRARY AND C) Drama classes will be held in the school library.


II. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (6-10)
so that the meaning stays the same.

6. You can find this flower only in this part of the world.
This flower ….. only in this part of the world.
A) can be found B) can be finding C) can found

7. This animal prefers to live on its own.

This animal would ….. itself.
A) rather live on B) sooner live on C) rather live by

8. You must bring at least four pencils.

You must bring ….. four pencils.
A) no less than B) no fewer than C) no more than

9. There are more performances in September than in August.

In August there are ….. in September.
A) more performances than B) not as many performances as
C) quite as many performances as

10. We got to the airport two hours before departure.

We ….. the airport two hours before departure.
A) got at B) reached to C) arrived at

III. Read the text. For each question (11-15), choose the correct answer.

The ‘La Casa de Papel’/‘Money Heist’ Phenomenon

With so many streaming services nowadays, the number of TV shows is increasing at
a very rapid pace. The American and British series are still dominating the landscape and
make up the majority of the content on these platforms, but giant studios such as Netflix
or Amazon Prime have started looking at ways to expand even further. And what better
way to do that than to shift your focus on some original content from other countries?
The so-called Spanish ‘telenovelas’ have been around for over two decades now and have
always been a big hit with the national audience. However, they have never really made it out
of Spain, with some minor exceptions here and there. The main issue? The language barrier.
While English is universally known and people have grown accustomed to hearing it in movies
and shows, Spanish, popular as it may be, is miles away from being even close to English when
it comes to how many people speak or understand it. But what if a show is so well-marketed
and it becomes so popular that the language is no longer a problem? That’s the question to
which Netflix found the best solution with none other than ‘La Casa de Papel’/‘Money Heist’.
The show tells the story of a group of outcasts picked one by one by a genius mastermind who
comes with an irresistible offer: to rob a bank. Sounds quite familiar, doesn’t it? ‘Ocean’s 11’
and ‘The Italian Job’ have already tackled this theme. But how is the Netflix series different?
The bank robbery is more than meets the eye. It is actually a statement. ‘To rise up against the
system is reckless and idealistic – it’s Don Quixote!’ said Alex Pina, the creator of the series.
Netflix saw the opportunity of turning this well-crafted yet rather unknown series into something
greater. And so they did. ‘La Casa de Papel’/‘Money Heist’ is now one of the most popular series
around the world and the most popular non-English series ever. With the fifth and last season soon to
premiere, new viewing records are expected to be broken by this now cultural phenomenon!


11. Streaming platforms ….. .
A) have started offering less British and American content
B) have shifted their focus away from TV series
C) still offer mostly British and American content

12. According to the writer, telenovelas ….. .

A) are only now beginning to enjoy great popularity in their native country
B) have always been popular in their native country
C) are no longer appreciated in their native country

13. “La Casa de Papel” has ….. .

A) failed to pass the language test and never made it to Netflix
B) managed to prove that a show can be highly successful irrespective of language
C) been forced to switch to a different language to meet international demands

14. The plot in “La casa de Papel” ….. .

A) is based on already popular topics
B) deals with content which is entirely original
C) makes the show too difficult to follow

15. Producers have ….. .

A) decided to release a final season because viewers no longer show an interest in the series
B) anticipated that the final season will have more viewers than ever
C) announced that the last season will no longer be aired

IV. Read the sentences. For each space (16-20), choose the correct answer.
16. There is ….. an ongoing debate on whether or not kids should be using tablets.
A) currently
B) previously
C) recently
17. If you join the club you will be ….. how to write a good review.
A) learnt
B) taught
C) said
18. I prepared that dish ….. you were watching the game.
A) since
B) before
C) while

19. This will be a welcome break from your daily ….. .

A) routine
B) custom
C) habit

20. If you are not too ….. on romantic comedies then this film is not for you.
A) keen B) fond C) interested


V. Read the text. For each space (21-30), choose the best answer.

The Many Spider-Men

Everybody ….. (21) familiar with superheroes nowadays, with tens of movies and TV shows
premiering almost every week. One of the most recognizable figures is none ….. (22) than Spider-
Man, the teenage wall-crawler who has entered the hearts of fans everywhere ever since his
first appearance in 1962. Created by the great Stan Lee, he now serves ….. (23) Marvel’s poster
boy and is currently portrayed by the rising star Tom Holland. But that wasn’t always the case.
Throughout the years, many actors ….. (24) taken on the mantle of the web-slinger in various
adaptations, both on the big and the small screen. Starting with 1967, many animated adaptations
had been produced, ….. (25) multiple actors dubbing the voice of ‘Spidey’. That all changed in
2002 when Tobey Maguire was cast as Peter Parker/ Spider-Man in the first live action take on
the superhero’s story. He enjoyed quite a lot of success and even ….. (26) this day many, more
nostalgic people who grew up with Maguire’s films, still see him as the perfect Spider-Man.
A few years after the initial trilogy ended, Andrew Garfield ….. (27) in and was chosen to
portray the angsty high-school student turned superhero. With a darker mood and a totally
different spin to the character, Garfield only lasted 2 years as Spider-Man, before the hero took a
well-deserving break from the spotlight. Eventually, a fellow British actor joined the group,
as Tom Holland, the youngest of the three actors, was chosen by Disney as the one to keep the
….. (28) going. And so he did. He has now appeared in five films as the ‘web-head’ and doesn’t
seem to stop anytime soon. Even though the three actors who portrayed Spider-Man couldn’t
be ….. (29) different, they have shaped up the past, the present and most ….. (30) the future of

this beloved superhero who is certainly here to stay.

21. A) is B) was C) are D) were

22. A) rather B) another C) other D) either

23. A) as B) for C) in D) of

24. A) has B) are C) had D) have

25. A) when B) with C) if D) for

26. A) in B) to C) up D) at

27. A) stepped B) spotted C) stopped D) stole

28. A) legality B) liberty C) lethargy D) legacy

29. A) the B) more C) a D) few

30. A) lovely B) unlike C) likely D) lively


VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.

31. What is a double decker?

A) a big sandwich B) a large cup of tea C) a bus with two levels
D) a two-storey house E) a long train

32. Which of these is regarded as a national symbol of Canada?

A) the maple leaf B) the fig leaf C) the fern leaf
D) the tea leaf E) the oak leaf

33. A controversial situation which is awkward to deal with is often referred to as a ‘hot …’.
A) leek B) onion C) potato
D) tomato E) cucumber

34. Choose the name of Hermione’s cat in the “Harry Potter” series of books and movies.
A) Snowball B) Cinnamon C) Ginger D) Crookshanks E) Granger

35. Who was the first cartoon character to be given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
A) Donald Duck B) Winnie the Pooh C) Popeye
D) Bugs Bunny E) Mickey Mouse

36. In which ocean is the island of Madagascar located?

A) the Pacific Ocean B) the Atlantic Ocean C) the Indian Ocean
D) the Arctic Ocean E) the Southern Ocean

37. What is the capital of New Zealand?

A) Queenstown B) Auckland C) Canberra D) Nelson E) Wellington

38. A tower is a group of …
A) sheep B) wolves C) lions D) giraffes E) wales

39. Which of the following is not a British landmark?

A) Big Ben B) Stonehenge
C) Roman Baths D) Hadrian’s Wall
E) Times Square

40. What is the main ingredient of hummus?

A) rice B) peas C) chickpeas
D) lentils E) beans

41. “Stationery” refers to ….

A) a type of spacecraft B) a parked vehicle C) consumable office supplies
D) the area around a railway terminus E) the stage of an illness

42. What can you find in a manual?

A) grammar exercises B) poems C) short stories
D) instructions E) equations
43. What name is traditionally given to the party held for a woman who is expecting a baby?
A) a baby drizzle B) a baby downpur C) a baby deluge
D) a baby shower E) a baby boom


44. What is a bank holiday?
A) a family celebration B) a festival C) the celebration of a saint
D) a public holiday E) a holiday for bankers

45. Covent Garden is the name for .......... in London.

A) a famous art gallery B) a famous tea house C) a famous opera house
D) a famous museum E) a famous park

46. MISERABLE means:

A) weary B) dirty C) very unhappy D) ugly E) tight-fisted

47. What country has the most natural lakes?

A) Scotland
B) Canada
C) the Netherlands
D) China
E) Australia

48. Match the following sounds with their cause:

1. scream a. with enthusiasm
2. gasp b. with contempt
3. cheer c. with surprise
4. moan d. with pain
5. snort e. with terror

A) 1e/ 2c/ 3a/ 4d/ 5b B) 1d/ 2b/ 3a/ 4e/ 5c C) 1c/ 2e/ 3b/ 4a/ 5d
D) 1e/ 2b/ 3a/ 4c/ 5d E) 1d/ 2e/ 3a/ 4c/ 5b

49. Read the short dialogue below and choose the correct meaning of the phrase in bold.
Sam: How many doughnuts should I buy?
Mom: You should get a baker’s dozen.
A) 10 B) 8 C) 9 D) 13 E) 12

50. Europe is separated from Africa by …. .

A) the Mediterranean Sea
B) the Black Sea
C) the Dead Sea
D) the Red Sea
E) the Barents Sea


Grey Kangaroo (B1-B2)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. R
 ead the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (1-5)
so that the meaning stays the same.
1. The three kids didn’t pay any attention to the warning sign.
The three kids ….. the warning sign.
A) didn’t take no notice of
B) took some notice of
C) took no notice of
2. There was not enough food to feed everyone.
There was ..... to feed everyone.
A) too little food B) too few food C) too much food
3. Silvia wanted to be an actress, so she left her job as a TV host.
Silvia ….. become an actress.
A) gave up being a TV host with a view to B) gave up being a TV host so as to
C) gave up being a TV host and to
4. ‘Can I use this printer, Max?’ asked Pete.
Pete asked Max ….. printer.
A) if he can use that B) if he could use that C) if he can use this
5. The flying time to Dubai is about six hours.
It ….. to Dubai.
A) makes about six hours to fly B) is about six hours to fly
C) takes about six hours to fly

Grey Kangaroo
II. For each question (6-10), read and choose the best answer.
6. Do you think he is a party animal?
A) Doubt it! Sloths are quite quiet. B) I guess so. Bats don’t sleep at night.
C) Oh, no. He is a very quiet person.
7. Where can I park my car?
A) Try the lot across the street. B) Maybe upstairs in the attic. C) In the cellar.
8. What kind of hours do you keep?
A) The early bird gets the worm. B) Those which are handmade.
C) The pricey kind.
9. Will that be cash or credit card?
A) Let me dig my Visa out of my bag. B) It just might. C) Sure, let me just take out a loan.
10. You could try going to a flea market.
A) Fleas are difficult to get rid of. B) Used items are not my thing.
C) Fleas cost an arm and a leg these days.

III. Read the text. For each question (11-15), choose the correct answer.
The Ultimate Antagonist
‘A protagonist and his/her story can only be as intellectually fascinating and emotionally
compelling as the forces of antagonism make them’. That is one of the key points of Robert McKee’s
‘Story’, often considered the best book about how to write a good screenplay. So what exactly makes a
good antagonist?
Firstly, based on McKee’s argument, the villain of the story should be powerful. The more powerful,
the harder the struggle for the hero. And the harder the struggle, the more compelling the story. By
creating an antagonist who is exceptionally good at attacking the protagonist’s greatest weakness,
the writer puts the hero of the story in various dire, life or death situations. For instance, if much of
their power comes from their physical strength and their ways of intimidating, by putting the hero in
a context where these traits are nullified, their own power becomes nothing more than a weakness.
Most heroes go by a moral code or have a certain reason for doing what they do. Either to protect
a loved one or to save somebody or simply to maintain the order. Thus, the more chaos an antagonist
produces, the more it upsets the established order and forces the hero to test his limits. When showing
the world that the hero’s own moral code may sometimes prove to be his own weakness, the antagonist
gains the upper hand. A hero can only be as good as he chooses to be, whereas the villain is often
characterised by how much the hero allows him to develop and elaborate his plans.
The ultimate antagonist pressures the protagonist into making difficult choices, often having to
choose the lesser evil. Being evil just for the sake of being evil is the first sign of a poorly-written ‘bad
guy’. However, if he or she is intelligent enough to access the personal and often hidden parts of the
hero in order to succeed into tricking them into making the wrong choice, it shows just how great a
villain can be built.
In the end, how exactly do we know a certain antagonist is the right one for the hero? The answer
is quite simple: you make them compete for the same goal. By doing so, the two come in direct
conflict and have to face each other again and again throughout the story. For example, if the two
characters envision the same thing in two very different ways that instantly makes them enemies, thus
creating conflict.
Grey Kangaroo

Even though when we see a film or read a book we may not instantly realise why we find it so
interesting and original, by looking into how the relationship between the hero and the villain is
constructed we may find the answer. And ironically, that often starts from the antagonist himself.

11. According to Robert McKee, the protagonist ….. .

A) has to be more intelligent than the antagonist
B) has to be the main focus of the story in order for it to be compelling
C) needs a balanced force of antagonism to make their story good
12. An antagonist’s power comes from ….. .
A) their physical strength alone
B) their means of exploring the hero’s weaknesses
C) putting the hero in a situation where they are stronger
13. According to the writer, in order to gain the upper hand, the antagonist ….. .
A) must find the protagonist’s moral code and exploit it
B) must push their own limits
C) has to deal with a loved one’s weakness
14. To be able to write a convincing villain, one must ….. .
A) make them force the hero into making tough decisions
B) provide direct access to some of their hidden aspects
C) dig deep into one’s personal past
15. In the fifth paragraph, the writer suggests that the hero and the villain ….. .
A) should always fight throughout the story
B) have to agree upon a certain thing
C) must have a common objective

IV. Read the text. For each space (16-25), choose the best answer.

The Incredible Story of Marcus Willis

There have been many examples in the last few years of total unknowns who manage to achieve
overnight fame. However, in a sport like tennis, such examples are rare, as a result of the long, difficult
practice it takes to make your name up the rankings. But what if I told you that there is one player
who seemed to literally not exist one week, and then made it all to Center Court Wimbledon the next,
to take ….. (16) who else but the great Roger Federer? Meet Marcus Willis, a British tennis player
who ….. (17) up the sport at the age of 9, winning various tournaments and managing to rank 15 in
the juniors table worldwide. ….. (18) his great talent, he had the reputation of slacking off and not
taking his promising career too seriously. His rebellious nature and lack of effort eventually led to his
….. (19) sent home from the juniors Australian Open tournament in 2008. He slowly started to play
less and less and struggled with injuries and inconsistencies while approaching adulthood. Marcus
also fell ……. (20) of shape due to a lack of practice and gained quite a significant amount of weight
in the process. After tearing his hamstring, he decided to fully give up tennis and accept a teaching
position in Philadelphia. That is, until he met a girl… Marcus met his future wife at a concert and the
two fell in love immediately. She managed to ….. (21) him out of giving up on his dream of becoming
a profes­sional tennis player and give it another go. And so he did. Marcus started training more and
more and taking part in minor tournaments across the UK, doing his best to ….. (22) ends meet in the
process. In 2016, Marcus participated in an event called the ‘LTA Wimbledon Wildcard Play Offs

Grey Kangaroo
2016’. In this tournament, two lucky British players out of sixteen would be given the chance to enter
the Wimbledon Qualifying Round. No one could anticipate what would happen next. Despite initially
not even being able to play in the main draw, Marcus managed to win all three qualifying matches and
….. (23) himself a trip to the Grand Slam. There, in the first round, he faced and defeated a player who
was ranked 99 in the world, while he was ranked only 721.
Just like that, an unknown British player’s name was everywhere
‒ news outlets worldwide wanted to know the story of this man
who seemed to emerge out of nowhere straight ….. (24) the great
stage of tennis. With a bit of luck, he managed to win all his
qualifying matches and went all the way to actually facing
Roger Federer in the third round. The fairytale would
end there, however, with Marcus losing in straight sets
against the Swiss champion. At the end of it all, Marcus
had ….. (25) a career-high ranking of 441 and still, to
this day, holds the record for the best winning streak at
Wimbledon. Not bad for someone who had wanted to
give up tennis just a few months before, right?
16. A) by B) at C) on D) against

17. A) made B) took C) seized D) got

18. A) However B) In spite C) Despite D) Although

19. A) being B) be C) was D) been

20. A) off B) down C) out D) kind

21. A) speak B) change C) tell D) talk

22. A) make B) take C) do D) have

23. A) gained B) earned C) won D) bought

24. A) from B) at C) back D) to

25. A) achieved B) arrived C) completed D) done

V. For each sentence (26-30), choose the correctly-spelled word to complete each gap.

26. We actually meet up ….. for a drink.

A) ocasionally
B) occasionally
C) ocasionaly
D) occasionaly

27. I do not do it for a living; I am an ….. programmer.

A) amateur B) amatuer
C) amature D) ammature
Grey Kangaroo

28. You will have to sweep the floors yourself. The ….. cleaner needs mending.
A) vaccum B) vaccuum C) vacume D) vacuum

29. Good personal ….. is important for maintaining both physical and mental health.
A) hygiene B) hygene C) hygine D) higiene

30. He called for an end to ….. against his department.

A) agression B) aggression C) aggretion D) aggresion

VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.
31. This is a lovely old city with narrow , … streets, situated in a mountainous region .
A) winding B) rolling C) curling D) waving E) twisting

32. “The Scarlet Letter” is a novel written by ... .

A) Herman Melville B) Nathaniel Hawthorne
C) Jack London D) John Steinbeck E) Mark Twain
33. It was such a funny story that we laughed our heads … .
A) off B) of C) to
D) at E) on

34. What was the name of the band led by Jim Morrison?
A) The Doors B) The Windows C) The Floors
D) The Ceilings E) The Walls

35. Anyone is accepted at this college ............. of race, sex and religion.
A) devoid B) deprived C) depending D) considering E) irrespective

36. When someone feels peckish, … .

A) they are a bit hungry B) they are feeling sleepy C) they’ve had too much to eat
D) they’re in a lousy mood E) they feel nervous

37. A cobbler makes and repairs … .

A) wheels B) roads C) windows D) shoes E) tyres

38. ‘Wuthering Heights’ was written by … .

A) Charlotte Brontë B) Jane Austen C) Virginia Woolf
D) Emily Brontë E) Emily Dickinson

39. Which of these phrases refers to a brief success?

A) a blaze in the pot B) a spark in the tub C) a flare in the jug
D) a flash in the pan E) a pain in the neck

40. Which of the following men does not have a chemical element named after him?
A) Albert Einstein B) Niels Bohr C) Isaac Newton
D) Enrico Fermi E) Alfred Nobel

41. Which of these means a speech in a play where a character talks to themselves rather than to other

Grey Kangaroo
A) interlude B) revue C) soliloquy D) chorus E) tirade

42. A character named Ralph is elected leader of a group of boys at the beginning of which book?
A) Lord of the Flies B) A Clockwork Orange C) The Jungle Book
D) Brave New World E) The Catcher in the Rye
43. If you want to make traditional pesto, which herb do you need?
A) rosemary B) thyme C) sage D) basil E) oregano

44. Which is the next number in the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ___?

A) 10 B) 11 C) 13 D) 15 E) 9

45. What is the name of the main antagonist in the Shakespearean play Othello?
A) Iago B) Cassio C) Brabanzio D) Desdemona E) Montano

46. Who is the only musician ever to have been awarded the Nobel prize for literature?
A) John Lennon B) Bob Dylan C) Leonard Cohen
D) Aretha Franklin E) Freddie Mercury
47. Which country was the first to give women the right to vote, in 1893?
A) Canada B) Australia C) New Zealand D) Norway E) the USA

48. What did the Romans call present day Scotland?

A) Caledonia B) Geatland C) Calzedonia D) Hadrian’s Wall E) Eire

49. “Criteria” is the plural, what is the singular?

A) criterio B) criterius C) criteriae D) criterion E) criterium

50. What is the first name of Madame Tussaud, who founded a wax museum in London?
A) Marie B) Antonette C) Yvette D) Brigitte E) Amélie
Grey Kangaroo

Red Kangaroo (B2-C1)
Rezolvă, la alegere, maximum 40 de itemi!

I. Read the first sentence. For the second sentence, choose the best answer for each gap (1-5)
so that the meaning stays the same.

1. They have been working on the new road for two months now.
The new road ….. for two months now.
A) has been under construction B) has been in construction C) has been constructing

2. I was able to learn a few words in Spanish when I was on holiday last summer.
I was able to ….. a bit of Spanish when I was on holiday last summer.
A) pick out B) pick down C) pick up

3. I think we should forget our past differences and rebuild our friendship.
I think we should ….. and rebuild our friendship.
A) turn over a new leaf B) turn over a fresh leaf C) turn in a new page

4. If you want to build a house on this land it has to follow the regulations.
If you want to build a house on this land it has to be ….. the regulations.
A) in spite of B) in accordance with C) in following of

5. We were soon dancing to the music played by the band.

The band soon ….. to their music.
A) had us all dancing B) had us all danced C) had us dance

II. For each sentence (6-10), choose the right answer to define the phrase in italics.
6. Unfortunately, there are many places where resources are thin on the ground.
A) plentiful B) scarce C) paramount
Red Kangaroo

7. It would be a good idea to dispose of all those papers.

A) acquire B) get hold of C) throw away

8. This article will spark off a fierce debate.

A) trigger B) calm down C) neutralize

9. This process is part and parcel of the entire plan.

A) a necessary feature B) an extra feature C) a redundant feature

10. I searched my bag and couldn’t find my wallet.

A) hit off B) picked out C) rooted around in
III. Read the text. For each question (11-15), choose the correct answer.

The Science of Sleep

Where do we go when we hit the pillow, switch off and plunge into sleep? The question has
befuddled philosophers, scientists and psychologists for centuries. Why do we need sleep and
what happens to our minds, bodies and deep psyche during the night? Perched on the frontiers of
consciousness, the interdisciplinary science of sleep has been a series of shots in the dark for a
long time. Although sleep is an integral part of all animal life, we owe our understanding of our
slumbering parallel lives to only a few moments of discovery in the 20th century and many gaps
still need to be filled.
During sleep, consciousness is dimmed, we enter a state close to paralysis, with only our eyes
making quick movements behind our eyelids, the cells inside our ears pricking up as if to catch
some mysterious revelation. We sometimes dream of flying or falling or being stark naked and
then we come back to everyday life with faint scraps of dream life. One thing that is not in doubt
is that our chances of survival without food or drink are higher than if we were deprived of sleep,
with the record standing at eleven consecutive days.
The omnipresent blue light given off by proliferating screens is the fiercest adversary of
our much needed nightly rest, which is why we sleep on average two hours less than our ancestors
did a century ago. When we do manage to get a good night’s sleep, an increasingly more rare
occurrence in our floodlit, caffeine-saturated, 24/7 society, we cycle four or five times through
5 stages of sleep, each playing its own role in regulating our bodies, moods and minds. Stage one
is the shallow end of sleep, not lasting more than five minutes. Then our brain starts sparkling
with electricity. The half-second sparks are called spindles and as they ripple through our cortex
they announce the beginning of stage two. These bursts of energy in our brain are responsible for
preserving and fixating information that is new to us. They are more frequent, neurologists claim,
when we are in the process of mastering something new and are linked to increased efficiency in
performing new tasks.
It is in the next two stages that we succumb to sleep, entering a state that proves poets have
been right all along in comparing sleep to death. We enter a coma-like phase of sleep where
there are no dreams, our bodies have a higher pain threshold and a general restorative process is
underway. Although this lasts a mere thirty minutes, this is most likely when we truly recharge our
batteries. And it is good that we do, as we then plunge into the mysterious and highly demanding
Red Kangaroo

realm of REM, the famous rapid-eye movement stage of sleep. Charted as recently as 1953, REM
is a nearly psychotic state in which the brain is hyperactive and our dreams are vivid flights of
fancy. The dreams in stage two of sleep are mere preludes to what happens during REM. This is
such an intense experience, key to mood-regulation and memory consolidation, that it is not at
all surprising that it has received most attention from artists and scientists alike. However, most
scientists would agree that our wildest dreams are down to the random firing of neurons and that
only retrospectively, in our waking hours, do we imbue them with higher meaning.
With such complex goings-on during what is mistakenly thought to be our most unproductive
state, sleep might well be what makes life possible.


11. Our understanding of sleep is ….. .
A) fairly recent
B) primeval
C) what makes us human
D) now complete

12. According to the text, the quality of sleep is affected by ….. .

A) the Internet B) our use of technology
C) eating late at night D) current events

13. Spindles help with our ….. .

A) long-term memory B) emotions
C) intelligence levels D) learning processes

14. In stages 3 and 4 we are less likely to ….. .

A) rest properly B) feel anything
C) snore D) remember our dreams

15. There is general agreement among scientists that ….. .

A) REM sleep is dangerous B) dreams do not mean anything in themselves
C) REM can lead to burn-out D) we only dream during REM

IV. For each group of sentences (16-20), choose the word which can be used in all three gaps.
16. • The former manager was reluctant to hand over ….. to the deputy in her absence.
• Fuels would have been used if nuclear ….. hadn’t been chosen.
• Security was given the ….. to break up gatherings of five or more.
A) power B) force C) strength D) energy

17. • Demand for travel items is very ….. because of the pandemic.
• The spokesperson put forward a rather ….. argument for closing local shops.
• This coffee’s way too …..; I will order a cup of espresso.
A) strong B) limited C) weak D) low

18. I have absolutely no intention of changing my …..; don’t even bother.

• After all these years, I think I would have been offered a better ….. in the firm.
• Our financial ….. is better than it’s ever been.
Red Kangaroo

A) mind B) situation C) opinion D) position

19. • The ruling party should try to end conflicts between its conservative and liberal ….. .
• It has been agreed that the ….. for the aircraft would be made in Europe.
• The building consists of a main block with two smaller ….. on each side.
A) wings B) sides C) satellites D) branches

20. • Will you join me for a ….. of golf tomorrow?

• We are meeting tomorrow for another ….. of negotiations.
• Our apartment building is near the end of the postman’s ….. so it will be a while until he gets here.
A) turn B) party C) session D) round
V. Read the text. For each question (21-30), choose the best answer.

Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall is the world’s most famous primatologist and an inspiration to women scientists
all over the world. When she ….. (21) her career, nobody thought ….. (22) of her. When young
Jane Goodall ….. (23) foot in the forest of Gombe, the world did not know much about chim-
panzees, ….. (24) their deep connection to humans. Jane went ….. (25) her research in unor­
thodox ways. She saw herself not so much as a researcher but as a neighbour and next of kin of
the chimps. Jane Goodall’s ….. (26) discovery that chimpanzees produced and effectively used
tools is thought to be a landmark in contemporary science. The world of science has never
looked ….. (27) from then and her understanding of chimpanzees continues to
influence the work of many young researchers today. Perhaps the
most significant realization that Goodall brought
to us is the fact that chimpanzees have ….. (28) per­
sonalities and need to be understood as individuals
with their own motivations, moods and personalities.
After establishing herself as a(n) ….. (29) primato­
logist, Dr. Goodall left the jungle to become
an ….. (30) for animal rights, fighting for environ­
mental causes across the world. After she managed
to open the minds of chimpanzees to us humans,
today she is opening our hearts to the pressing
environmental crisis we are facing.

21. A) initiated B) introduced C) invented D) started

22. A) much B) a lot C) many D) high

23. A) set B) lay C) put D) tread

24. A) not to mention B) let alone C) not to say D) leave alone

25. A) with B) about C) through D) in

Red Kangaroo

26. A) world-shattering B) earth-rocking C) life-changing D) world-changing

27. A) back B) out C) up D) down

28. A) distinguished B) definite C) distinct D) definitive

29. A) utmost B) foremost C) first D) furthermore

30. A) defender B) advocate C) employee D) protector


VI. For questions 31-50, read and choose the best answer.
31. Writer’s block refers to … .
A) a group of buildings where lots of writers live
B) an area where writers live
C) a story written in block capitals
D) a writer’s temporary loss of ability to write
E) all the books written by a writer
32. Which Shakespearean play features the line “Neither a borrower nor a lender be”?
A) Hamlet B) Macbeth C) Othello
D The Merchant of Venice E) The Tempest
33. When a person is rudely ignored, he is said to be getting … .
A) something off their chest B) the warm toe C) the hot knee
D) the cold shoulder E) green fingers
34. What was the only painting sold by Vincent van Gogh during his lifetime?
A) Sunflowers B) The Starry Night C) The Red Vineyard
D) The Yellow House E) Poppies
35. Which of the following is a real author name and not a pen name?
A) Lewis Carroll B) William Golding C) George Orwell
D) George Eliot E) Mark Twain
36. Who was not a member of The Beatles?
A) George Harrison B) Paul McCartney C) Jim Morrison
D) Ringo Starr E) John Lennon

37. Where did Noah’s Ark come to rest after the flood? On … .
A) Mount Athos B) Mount Tabor C) Mount Olympus
D) Mount Etna E) Mount Ararat

38. In Greek mythology, Hades is the God of … .

A) love B) wine and festivals C) the sea
D) the sky E) the underworld
39. Which of these foods was invented in Australia?
A) Vegemite B) Pizza C) Sushi D) Haggis E) Churros
40. When did the Beatles begin their British Invasion? In…
Red Kangaroo

A) 1953 B) 1975 C) 1964 D) 1980 E) 1992

41. Yellowstone National Park is in which of the following states?
A) Nevada B) Ohio C) Wyoming D) California E) Georgia

42. What is the number that is 10 more than one-tenth of one-quarter of one-half of 8,000?
A) 210 B) 100 C) 1000 D) 110 E) 2000

43. Which of the scrambled words below is the odd one out? The difference has nothing to do with
vowels, consonants or syllables.
44. Every June, there is a public celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday, called … .
A) Bonfire Night
B) Swan Upping
C) Changing of the Guard
D) Trooping the Colour
E) Remembrance Day

45. What is Japanese sake made from?

A) seaweed B) rice C) raw fish
D) wasabi E) ginger

46. Who is known as “The Waltz King”?

A) Johannes Brahms B) Ludwig van Beethoven C) Johan Sebastian Bach
D) Johann Strauss, Jr E) Robert Schumann

47. The seventh astrological sign in the zodiac is based on a object held by Themis, the/ a(n) …
A) goat B) archer C) scales
D) fish E) lion

48. The Anglican Church was founded by ... .

A) King John
B) Henry VIII
C) Richard III
D) Queen Victoria
E) George III

49. Match the two columns:

1. over- a. print
2. de- b. lawful
3. re- c. assign
4. un- d. rated
5. under- e. frost
A) 1e/ 2d/ 3c/ 4a/ 5b B) 1e/ 2b/ 3c/ 4a/ 5d C) 1d/ 2e/ 3c/ 4b/ 5a
D) 1d/ 2e/ 3a/ 4c/ 5b E) 1d/ 2b/ 3e/ 4a/ 5c

50. Which of these words means “passionate”?

A) assertive B) accent C) adherent D) ardent E) astute
Red Kangaroo


Itemi concurs:
Ionuț Capeneață
Alexandru Fâciu REGULAMENT
Arhiva Cangurul
Organizator: Institutul pentru Dezvoltarea Evaluării în Educație (IDEE).
Selecție itemi: Concursul Cangurul Lingvist își propune să atragă elevii în studiul limbii engleze și să testeze
Carmen Maria Ralea cunoștințele de limbă și civilizație, intuiția, logica, viteza de reacție.
VISITING MY FRIEND .................................. 4
Alexandru Fâciu Pot participa elevii din clasele I-XII care nu sunt vorbitori nativi de limba engleză sau care nu
au frecventat o școală în limba engleză mai mult de doi ani.
Redactor: Mihaela Spătăreanu Sunt propuse elevilor 6 niveluri de competenţe. Fiecare elev, indiferent de clasă, poate să aleagă
STORY nivelul la care consideră că va obţine cel mai bun punctaj.
Tehnoredactare: Gabriela Stan
ANY PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED ............. 10
Ilustraţii nivelurile 1. Nivelul Start (pre-A1, conform Cadrului European Comun de Referinţă pentru Limbi) se
Start și Story: Anita Ionescu adresează în special elevilor din clasele I-II. Testul conţine 24 de itemi. Pentru acest nivel, premiile
se vor acorda astfel: PREMIUL I (21-24 de puncte), PREMIUL II (17-20 de puncte) şi PREMIUL
JOEY III (13-16 puncte).
LEVEL A1-A2 ................................................ 19
2. Nivelul Story (A1) se adresează în special claselor III-IV. Testul conţine 30 de itemi. Pentru
acest nivel, premiile se vor acorda astfel: PREMIUL I (26-30 de puncte), PREMIUL II (21-25 de
puncte) şi PREMIUL III (16-20 puncte).
© 2022 – Editura SIGMA EDUCAȚIONAL WALLABY La nivelurile Start și Story, fiecare răspuns corect valorează 1 punct, iar răspunsurile greșite
Nicio parte a acestei lucrări nu poate fi reprodusă LEVEL A2-B1 ................................................ 27 nu sunt penalizate.
fără acordul Editurii SIGMA EDUCAȚIONAL.
Testele Joey, Wallaby, Grey Kangaroo şi Red Kangaroo sunt compuse din câte 50 de itemi,
dintre care se punctează cel mult 40 de itemi, primii la care s-a răspuns corect sau greşit.
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României
Cangurul lingvist - Engleză : clasele I-XII : februarie
GREY KANGAROO 3.  Nivelul Joey (A1-A2) se adresează în special claselor V-VI. Cei care aleg acest nivel au
2022 : organizator Institutul pentru Dezvoltarea LEVEL B1-B2 ................................................ 34 5 puncte din oficiu.
Evaluării în Educaţie. - Bucureşti : Sigma Educa-
tional, 4.  Nivelul Wallaby (A2-B1) se adresează în special elevilor din clasele VII-VIII. Cei care aleg
2022 nivelul Wallaby primesc 10 de puncte din oficiu.
ISBN 978-606-9048-55-9 RED KANGAROO 5.  Nivelul Grey Kangaroo (B1-B2) se adresează în special elevilor din clasele IX-X. Cei care
811.111 Level B2-C1 . ................................................... 40 aleg acest nivel au 15 de puncte din oficiu.
6.  Nivelul Red Kangaroo (B2-C1) se adresează în special elevilor din clasele XI-XII. Cei care
aleg acest nivel au 20 de puncte din oficiu.
Fiecare răspuns corect valorează 1 punct. Se pierd 0,25 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns incorect.
Editura SIGMA EDUCAȚIONAL Bifând Sigur se obţin 1,25 puncte pentru un răspuns corect, dar se pierd 0,70 puncte pentru un
Sediul central: răspuns greşit.
Str. G-ral Berthelot nr. 38, sector 1, București, cod 010169 Timpul efectiv de rezolvare a testului este de 60 de minute din momentul primirii subiectelor.
Tel.: 0 21-315.39.70; 021-243.40.36; 021-243.40.35
0746.238.667; 0756.712.798; 0723.313.131 Pentru a participa la concurs, fiecare elev va folosi un cod de participare unic, format din cinci
E-mail:;; cifre și patru litere (de exemplu: 12345-ABCD). Cu ajutorul acestui cod, elevul poate susține
Web:; concursul și pe platforma, accesând ulterior rezultatul obținut și analiza
lucrării sale. Instrucțiunile pentru folosirea platformei vor fi afișate pe
Distribuție: Organizatorul IDEE poate aduce modificări punctuale și bine justificate acestui regulament.
JOCUL-CONC Proiectele Educaționale Cangurul se desfăşoară sub Înaltul Patronaj
al Majestății Sale Margareta, Custodele Coroanei române


Inspectoratul Şcolar
Judeţean Dolj

Concursul Internațional de
Cang u r u l L i n g v i s t
Matematică Aplicată Cangurul
clasa pregătitoare și clasele I–XII Engleza
Cangurașul Explorator c la s e le I -X I I
clasa pregătitoare și clasele I–IV

Concursul se regăsește la poziția 38 în Anexa 2.B. – Lista competițiilor

Poveștile Cangurului
naționale pe discipline școlare și proiecte educative cu participarea elevilor
români, în anul școlar 2021-2022, aprobată prin OMEC nr. 3066/27.01.2022.

clasa pregătitoare și clasele I–IV

Tel.: 0212434014, 0786355215, 0746238667, 0758044825, 0746238707, 0756.712798, 0723313131
Site web:; Organizator: Sponsor: Cu sprijinul: Parteneri media:
Facebook: Concursurile Cangurul și Comunitatea Cangurul.

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