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1. Portretistul fcuse cald n opron. n sob duduia focul. 2.
Potaul este foarte respectat de cei care l cunosc. 3. oferul a
oprit camionul, ca bibilica s poat traversa strada. 4. Sper c
moierul va pune o vorb bun pentru mine. 5. Bombardarea
poziiilor noastre a renceput de mama focului sptmna
trecut. 6. Foametea a lovit n urm cu un an mai multe regiuni.
7. N-auzi c pierzi autocarul? 8. Pn acum nu tim mare lucru
despre alte galaxii. 9. Nu s-au raportat victime dup cutremur.
10. Halterofilul simte efectul narcoticului. 11. Ca s nu mai
lungim vorba, grupul se destrm i se rentoarse la problemele
mult mai importante ale alegerilor. 12. Pentru nimic n lume
nu-i voi mai vorbi porcarului. 13. ntr-o sear, pe cnd sondorul
primea musafiri, camerista intr n salon cu un aer blajin, caremi ddu puin curaj. 14. Totui, conversaia se nchega greu, ca
i cum o sfial ar fi mpiedicat nc pe profesorul de clrie s
aduc vorba despre ceea ce l interesa realmente. 15. Acordorul
de piane cuta ceva de cteva minute i eu nu tiam ce dorete,
aa c am ndrznit s-l ntreb cu ce-l pot servi. 16. Se pare c
chirurgul militar i-a nsuit o chinez bun. 17. Ajutorul pe
care l-au dat orfanilor a fost un sprijin remarcabil. 18. Tot
timpul eful lui Tom i conduce cu severitate angajaii. 19.
Mistreul dormea butean i mi era mil s-l trezesc. 20. Poetul
conveni cu soacra lui c de-acum ncolo nu va mai primi bani de

buzunar de acas; mai mult, va contribui cu 200 de lire la

cheltuielile gospodriei. 21. Ce ar mai fi scrutat ieri
sticletele/poliistul, dac poteca era n ntuneric? 22. Dimineaa,
grnicerul a sunat la numrul indicat de sudor i a convins-o pe
paznic s se ntlneasc cu el, spunndu-i c avea lucruri
importante de transmis. 23. Nu pierde ocazia de a merge n
excursie cu mecanicul de bord. 24. Lumina s-a stins i
preedinta a rmas pe ntuneric. 25. Institutorul a ntins mna.
26. Pariez c nu poi s sari n iaz! 27. Vorbirea e imaginea
minii. 28. Departamentul s-a adresat unei companii pentru
susinere financiar. 29. Rafalele de vnt rmn la aceeai
intensitate a treia zi consecutiv. 30. Familia ologului e nstrit.
31. Rpitorul i petrecea iarna la Roma. 32. Crezi c sunt naiv?
33. Anestezia/Efectul anestezicului trece. 34. Critica noastr s-a
prins de anticar ca apa de gsc. 35. Ar fi mai bine ca tapierul i
cu mine s ne facem nevzui. 36. Guvernatorul a nceput cu
curaj misiunea (dificil) de a mbunti imaginea partidului.
37. Unde ai pus ceainicul? 38. Ca s nu se vad la vecin, au
nlat un gard viu. 39. N-ar trebui s mai comentezi; haiducul
are dreptate. 40. Scara se va drma dac vor mai veni muli.
41. Sudorul s-a ntins pe lada de zestre. 42. Era un lucru demn
de importan. 43. Problema aceasta prezint ntr-adevr multe
aspecte. 44. S-a anunat c microbiologii n-ajunseser la Polul
Nord pn la data stabilit. 45. ntruct nu aveau copii,
nvtorii s-au hotrt s solicite adopia unuia. 46. Clima

blnd, abundena zpezilor confer Carpailor romneti

atributul de excelent gazd a vacanelor de iarn. 47. Vom rde
probabil cu poft desear n legtur cu tot ce s-a ntmplat. 48.
Zmbetul tabului e de parad, fii atent la el. 49. Sorteaz
conopidele acestea. 50. Toat lumea dansa, n afar de chirurg,
care edea pe o lad i btea ritmul cu o pensul.
1. The portraitist had made the shed warm. The fire was roaring
in the stove. 2. The postman is held in high esteem by those who
know him well. 3. The driver stopped the lorry so that the
guinea hen could cross the street. 4. I hope the landlord will put
in a word for me. 5. The bombing of our positions started again
with a vengeance last week. 6. Famine struck several regions last
year. 7. Cant you hear you are missing the coach? 8. As of now
we dont know much about other galaxies. 9. No casualties were
reported after the earthquake. 10. The weight lifter feels the
effect of the narcotic. 11. To make a long story short, the
company broke up, and returned to the more important
concerns of the election. 12. I wont speak to the swineherd
again for all the world. 13. One evening, while the driller was
receiving some guests, the fille de chambre entered the livingroom with a mild face that gave me a little courage. 14.
Nevertheless, the conversation took a long time to start, as
though a certain shyness were still preventing the riding master
from broaching/bringing up the subject that really interested

him. 15. The tuner had been looking for something for a few
minutes and I didnt know what he wanted, so I dared ask him if
I could help. 16. The field surgeon seems to have acquired good
Chinese. 17. Their having helped the orphans was of a
remarkable aid. 18. Toms boss is always cracking the whip over
his employees. 19. The wild boar was dead to the world and it
was a pity to wake him up. 20. The songster came to an
understanding with his mother-in-law that from now on he
would not receive pocket money from home; moreover, he
would contribute 200 to household expenses. 21. What would
the grunter have been peering at yesterday, if the path had been
dark? 22. In the morning, the frontier guard phoned the
number mentioned by the welder and persuaded the wardress
to meet him, telling her that he had important matters to
discuss. 23. Dont miss the opportunity of joining the flight
engineers trip. 24. The lights went out and left the chairwoman
in the dark. 25. The schoolmaster stretched out his hand. 26. I
dare you to jump into the pond! 27. Speech is the picture of the
mind. 28. The department has made an approach for money to
a company. 29. The gales continue unabated for the third day
running. 30. The cripples family are well off. 31. The kidnapper
was spending a winter in Rome. 32. Do you think I was born
yesterday? 33. An(a)esthesia/The an(a)esthetic wears off. 34.
Our criticism was like water off a ducks back to the secondhand
bookseller. 35. The upholsterer and I had better make ourselves

scarce. 36. The governor courageously embarked on the task of

improving the partys image. 37. Where have you put the teapot? 38. For privacy, a hedge had been grown. 39. You
shouldnt/ought not to comment on it any longer/make any
more comments; the outlaw is (in the) right. 40. The stairs will
give way if more people come. 41. The welder stretched himself
on the bottom drawer. 42. That was not a little thing. 43. This
problem is many-sided indeed. 44. The microbiologists were
reported not to have reached the North Pole by the appointed
time. 45. Since the schoolteachers have no children, they
decided to put up for adoption. 46. With their mild climate,
abundant snowfalls

and lovely scenery, the Romanian

Carpathians are the very place for a winter holiday. 47. We shall
probably have a good laugh over the whole business tonight. 48.
The toffs smile is all window dressing, be careful of him. 49.
Sort out these cauliflowers. 50. Everyone was dancing, except
for the flesh tailor, who was sitting on a case and beating the
rhythm with a brush.

1. Mrturisesc c nu nelegeam nimic, dar nici nu bnuiam
ceva ru, pentru c altminteri comis-voiajorul nu mi-ar fi dat si pstrez un aviz, pe care, dei scris n bengalez, l puteam

descifra, sau puteam ruga un prieten indian s mi-l traduc

precis. 2. Potecile artau de parc erau argintate, att erau de
luminoase i sclipitoare. 3. Selecionerul a renunat la a mai
pretinde despgubiri. 4. Este uor de demonstrat c aciunile au
dat gre. 5. Pe scurt, a fost un eec. 6. Luai acest preparat de
patru ori pe zi. 7. Acele mrfuri se vnd bine. 8. Norvegiana se
nrudete cu daneza. 9. mbinarea de fapte reale i ficiune
poate avea drept rezultat un roman foarte bun. 10. Ninge ca i
cum am fi n plin iarn. 11. Flautistul s-a deprins s nu fumeze
niciodat seara. 12. Croitoreasa a avut obiecii serioase la
spusele mele. 13. n ciuda faptului c ne cunoatem de atta
vreme, dermatologul nu a vrut s vorbeasc cu noi. 14.
Cntrete-i cu atenia cuvintele cnd vorbeti cu dulgherul.
15. Scparea jurailor prtinitori/nedrepi a fost aproape o
minune. 16. Cum a plecat librarul de la mare, vremea s-a
schimbat i a nceput s plou. 17. ntruct editorialistul a fost
bolnav attea zile, ar face mai bine s-i pun un fular gros n
jurul gtului. 18 Genistului i displcea s fie pedepsit cnd era
copil. 19. Ar trebui s iubeti lalelele; ele ne nfrumuseeaz
viaa. 20 Turistul/vizitatorul nemncat/srac cu duhul a czut
pe spate. 21. Muncitorul (care cur canalele pentru scurgerea
apei) zpcit/confuz continu n oapt. 22. Chelnerul de la
vagonul restaurant face rezervri pentru cin. 23. Coofana se
simte ru. 24. Cstoria nu-i tot timpul lipsit de griji. 25. E un
noroc. 26. Se poate conta pe fierar. 27. O lad pentru ou a fost

leagnul copilriei mele. 28. Directoarea a pus scrumiera/bolul/

glastra/becul amfora pe bufet/strung/ezlong/ geant de voiaj
ca s nu o/l sparg. 29. Cei doi cardiologi au discutat despre
cazul la care ineau att de mult. 30. De-abia btuse ora trei,
cnd ua s-a deschis brusc i un tip de vreo 50 de ani intr i se
ndrept direct spre standul de cri. 31. Mercenarul iret i-a
luat baioneta i a nceput s-o ridice lent spre umr. 32. Nu i-am
spus pn acum c nu sunt taxiuri noaptea? Doar n-o s pleci la
gar pe jos n miez de noapte? 33. Angajaii au czut de acord s
respecte cu strictee politica dus de companie. 34. Aceast
rubric se ocup de mod. 35. Ca s nu-l ntlneasc pe ursul
polar, foca a ieit n grab. 36. Chelneria are ochelari de cal
privind politica; ea susine acel candidat de ase ani, iar el n-a
ctigat deloc. 37. Sunt sigur c nu-mi va plcea acest gen de
budinc, dar o voi gusta. 38. S presupunem c ranul
necioplit/robust accept. 39. Muli biei practic jocuri n aer
liber. 40. Taie litera aceea! 41. n iarna anului 1939 am petrecut
dou zile i dou nopi de neuitat printre cteva sute de soldai
pe moarte, strni unul n altul sub mantalele lor ptate de
snge pe lespezile unei biserici steti din Italia. 42. i nchipui
c a face una ca asta? 43. Sistemul sclavagist a deczut treptat.
44. Reporterul i-a exprimat dezamgirea c nu a fost invitat.
45. Muzica de la discotec era aa de tare, c-mi iuiau urechile.
46. Dei e tnr, casierul nu e modern. 47. Zilierul n-ar face-o
pentru nimic n lume. 48. Explozia/Soarele l-a orbit pe

leopardul epuizat. 49. Trebuia s se ntmple i nu s-ar putea

face nimic ca s-o salveze pe barz. 50. Ce (anume) s-i spun
1. I confess that I did not understand what was happening, but I
did not suspect foul play, or the outrider wouldnt have given me
for safekeeping a letter of advice, which, although written in
Bengali, I could decode or have translated word for word by an
Indian friend. 2. The paths looked as if they were made of silver,
they were so bright and glistening. 3. The spotter waived his
claim for damages. 4. It is not difficult to show that the actions
have failed their purpose. 5. In short, it was a failure. 6. Take
this mixture four times a day. 7. Those goods sell well. 8.
Norwegian is allied to Danish. 9. A mixture of facts and fiction
may result in a very good novel. 10. It is snowing as if we were
in the middle of winter. 11. The fluteplayer makes (it) a rule of
never smoking in the evening. 12. The dressmaker took great
exception to what I said. 13. Despite the fact we had all known
one another for such a long time, the dermatologist didnt want
to talk to us. 14. Weigh your words carefully when youre talking
to the carpenter. 15. The jug-handled jurymens escape was
nothing short of miraculous. 16. No sooner had the bookseller
left the seaside than the weather changed and it began to rain.
17. Since/As the paragraphist has been/was ill so many days, he
had better put a thick muffler round his neck. 18. The pioneer

resented being punished when he was a child. 19. You

should/ought to love tulips; they beautify our lives. 20. The
dinnerless/barren-spirited rubberneck fell backwards. 21. The
muddle-headed mudlark sunk his voice to a whisper. 22. The
dinner-car steward is taking bookings for dinner. 23. The
magpie feels seedy. 24. Marriage is not always a bed of roses.
25. Its a mercy. 26. The ironsmith can be depended on. 27. An
eggbox was the cot of my infancy. 28. The manageress put the





sideboard/lathe/ lounge chair/hold-all lest she should break it.

29. The two cardiologists talked of the case that lay next to their
hearts. 30. Hardly had it struck three oclock when the door was
pushed/flung open and a fellow/guy of about 50/in his 50s
came in and went straight to the book stall. 31. The fox-like free
lance took his bayonet and began slowly to raise it to his
shoulder. 32. Havent I told you that here arent any cabs
running at night? You wouldnt walk to the station in the middle
of the night. 33. The employees agreed to adhere strictly to the
policy of the company. 34. This column deals with fashion. 35.
To avoid meeting the polar bear, the seal made a swift exit. 36.
The waitress has tunnel vision about politics; shes been
supporting that candidate for six years and hes never won. 37.
Im sure I wont like this kind of pudding, but Ill give it a whirl.
38. Lets suppose the rugged rustic accepted. 39. Many a boy
plays outdoor games. 40. Cross out that letter! 41. In the winter

of 1939 I spent two unforgettable days and nights among a

couple of hundred dying soldiers, huddled together under their
blood-stained great coats on the floor of a village church in Italy.
42. Do you suppose Id do a thing like that? 43. The slave system
gradually fell into decay. 44. The reporter expressed his
disappointment at not having been invited. 45. The disco music
was so loud it made my ears ring. 46. Although the cashier is
young, he is not with it. 47. Nothing in the world would make
the part-time worker do it. 48. The explosion/sunlight blinded
the overwrought leopard. 49. It had to happen and nothing
could be done to save the stork. 50. Whatever shall I tell the
wine cooper?

1. Groparul s-a dovedit a fi un bun pianist. 2. Cortina se ridic.
3. Agenilor de circulaie li s-au artat planurile i li s-au dat
toate explicaiile necesare. 4. Radiologilor le-au mai rmas
cteva bilete ntr-un compartiment de nefumtori, la clasa nti.


nu a






neasemuit/fr pereche se rupe uor. 7. D-mi, te rog, din

budinca aceea. 8. Martorul a negat c tie ceva despre caz, dar
avocatul iste l-a dat de gol. 9. Borfaul l lovi cu sabia pe aurar.
10. ncrezutule! 11. Fericirea asta nu era sortit/menit s

dureze. 12. Aceast fapt merit admiraia tuturor. 13.

Lptreasa era o femeie subire i firav, nfurat n aluri roz,
de o slbiciune trupeasc i mental exagerat. 14. Lctuii lau btut pe ho pn a mrturisit. 15. Ia tot ce doreti. 16. Sora
cea mic a argatului avea rol de spiridu n pantomime. 17.
Mnua sugereaz c sudorul a fost aici. 18. Atenie, se lucreaz
deasupra. 19. Nu v mai pot vedea. 20. Totui, nu este o lectur
dificil. Limbajul personajelor este n general colocvial, cu puin
argou ici i colo. 21. Vila este nconjurat de garduri vii. 22.
Felinarul trebuie c a fost furat, fiindc nu-l vd unde era de
obicei. 23. Membrii familiei sunt aezai n jurul butoiului. 24.
Nu suport s-i bat cineva joc de mine. 25. A dori s-l vd pe
telefonist/ofer/pilot/manipulant/chirurg dac va veni/vine
luna viitoare. 26. Braconierul cura petele de roie. 27. Biatul
pe care l-au ntlnit azi profesorii de muzic este unul dintre cei
mai buni elevi ai colii lor. 28. Vntorul de iepuri era examinat
de dr. Cox n clipa cnd acrobatul a intrat. 29. La cin, n timp
ce blbitul mnca ncet un fursec, colegul su de banc ddu
buzna n grot i i spuse c e trziu i c vor ntrzia la coal.
30. Aceasta este roaba care i-a dat basistului atta btaie de cap.
31. Glumele legistului n-au prins. 32. Dac nu se confirm
primirea lor, acele acte sunt nefolositoare. 33. Au aplicat un al
doilea strat de vopsea pe strachin. 34. Strnepoata mea este un
exemplu excelent pentru restul chiulangiilor. 35. Orict de des a
ncercat, santinela mbrcat n costum de flanel nu a putut

afla adevrul. 36. Lipete-o cu clei. 37. n decursul urmtoarelor

zile, fotoreporterii au primit telefoane din ce n ce mai urgente
de la aeroport, implorndu-ne s ridicm marfa, care se pare c
devenise oarecum suprtoare. 38. A nvat escrocul cocoat n
ultima vreme cu ce ri se nvecineaz Romnia? 39. Bursierului
i s-a prut c vede perdeaua micndu-se. 40. Dup ce ani de
zile a fcut rondul, paznicului (de nchisoare) i s-a dat o slujb la
birou. 41. Orice glum este o smn a seriozitii care crete
n pntecele timpului, afirm P. Keegan n Cealalt insul a lui
John Bull. 42. Anumite verbe englezeti cer doar dativul
prepoziional. 43. Ceramistul a avut o experien neobinuit n
timp ce cltorea prin acel cartier. 44. Delapidatorul nu i-a
vzut rudele de un car de ani. 45. Groparul pe jumtate beat i
iubete sora vitreg. 46. Predicatorul l-a minit pe protopop. 47.
Folosete redingota n starea care e. 48. V mulumesc/V sunt




dumneavoastr. 49. l nedrepteti pe acuarelist dnd crezare

acelei poveti. 50. Camerele au mochet.
1. The grave digger approved himself a good pianist. 2. The
curtains going up. 3. The trackers were shown the plans and
were given all the necessary explanations. 4. The radiologists
have some tickets left in a first-class non-smoker. 5. The donkey
didnt need to go. 6. This peerless silk tears easily. 7. Ill have
some of that pudding, please. 8. The witness denied knowing

anything about the case, but the clever lawyer smoked him out.
9. The cozener struck at the gold beater with a sword. 10. Vain
beast! 11. This happiness could not have lasted. 12. This deed
commands everybodys admiration. 13. The dairy maid was a
thin, white, pink-eyed bundle of shals, of surpassing feebleness,
mental and bodily. 14. The locksmiths beat a confession out of
the thief. 15. Take anything you like. 16. The hinds little sister
did Imps in the Pantomimes. 17. The glove suggests that the
welder was here. 18. Caution! Men working overhead. 19. I cant
see you any longer. 20. However, its not a difficult reading. The
language of the characters is chiefly colloquial, with a bit of
slang here and there. 21. The cottage is surrounded by hedges.
22. The lantern must have been stolen because I cant see it
where it used to be. 23. The family are seated round the cask.
24. I cant bear being laughed at. 25. I should like to see the
operator if he comes next month. 26. The poacher will wash off
the tomato stains. 27. The boy the singing masters met today is
one of the best pupils of their school. 28. The rabbiter was being
examined by Dr. Cox when the acrobat entered. 29. At dinner,
while the stammerer was slowly eating a cookie, his deskmate
burst into the grotto and told him that it was late and that they
would be late for school. 30. This is the wheelbarrow which gave
the bass singer so much trouble. 31. The legists jokes fell flat.
32. Unless acknowledged their receipt, those papers are useless.
33. They put on the dish a second coat. 34. My great

granddaughter sets an excellent example to the rest of the

truants. 35. However often the flannelled sentinel tried, he
couldnt find out the truth. 36. Stick it with glue. 37. During the
following days, the photographers received more and more
urgent calls from the airport begging them to remove the
merchandise which apparently had become somewhat offensive.
38. Has the hump-backed humbugger been learning of late what
countries Romania borders on? 39. The foundationer thought
he saw the curtain move. 40. After years of pounding a beat,
they gave the turnkey a desk job. 41. Any joke is a seed of
seriousness which grows in the womb of time, says P. Keegan in
John Bulls Other Island. 42. Certain English verbs take only a
prepositional dative case. 43. The ceramist had an unusual
experience while travelling in that district. 44. The peculator
hasnt seen his relatives in a week of Sundays. 45. The halfdrunk grave digger is fond of his half sister. 46. The preacher
lied to the rector. 47. Use the cutaway such as it is. 48. I
appreciate your kindness. 49. You wrong the water colourist in
believing that story. 50 The rooms have fitted carpets.

1. Este timpul ca impiegatul s mearg acas. 2. V-a fost greu s
gsii coliba? 3. A vrea s-mi dai asta n scris. 4. Nu-i de mirare

c i-a trebuit att agricultorului. 5. Fochistul vrea s se angajeze

la mine. 6. Nu-mi petrec concediul n nsorita Florida, pentru c
m-a ndeprta prea mult de activitatea mea. 7. Nu v-a sosit
nimic prin pot. 8. Nu are sens/rost s-i pierzi vremea aici. 9.
Personal regret c nu am ocazia s discut cu dumneavoastr
problemele care ne intereseaz pe amndoi. 10. Trebuie s te
pricepi ct de ct ca s nelegi un meci de fotbal american. 11.
Prul slujnicei este ondulat natural. 12. ntotdeauna strungarul
se scuz pentru ntrziere. 13. Nu este ceva de invidiat s duci o
via singuratic. 14. Este o ntruchipare vie a cumnatei mele.
15. Sunt sigur c drumeul te va recunoate cnd te va ntlni.
16. Cardiologul explicase de ce nu putem vedea dect o singur
fa a Lunii. 17. La umr arm! 18. De-ar fi s fie adevrat, m-a
duce. 19. Se zice c proprietarul de lep ar pleca mine. 20.
Fusese toboarul/ aprodul/olarul rguit preschimbat n pitic n
fraged copilrie i nu mai crescuse mai mare nc de atunci?
21. Semna cu o stnc naintat n jurul creia apa clocotete.
22. Prefectului i-a fcut plcere s vorbeasc cu vameul. 23.
Laborantul n-a vrut s spun nici mcar un cuvnt. 24.
Toxicomanul este ncntat (pentru) c soprana a reuit. 25.
Cnd va mai fi/Cnd se va mai nate un al doilea ca el? 26.
Grecul obinuiete s stea ore ntregi la televizor. 27. Savanii,
ca o clas, sunt foarte nclinai s nu fac nimic din ceea ce nu le
place n mod special. 28. eful de echip avea multe bagaje i
sttea n faa cocioabei, ncercnd s gseasc o soluie. 29.

Vntorii sunt cei care trebuie s pun la punct afacerile acelea.

30. Cpitanul s-a ndreptat spre portul urmtor. 31. edina s-a
terminat n cele din urm. 32. Cabanierul nu s-a uitat la bani ca
s ias petrecerea bine. 33. Aurarul ghebos/cocoat precis caut
argumente gritoare n sprijinul teoriei sale, i sunt sigur c le
va gsi dac nu va fi deranjat. 34. Suveranul pontif poart o
coroan tripl numit tiar. 35. Pare s vin ploaia. 36. Nu
conta prerea bulgarului. 37. S-ar zice c aceti scriitori
moderni au o for spiritual care le lipsea pn i celor mai
mari predecesori ai lor. 38. Seminaristul a pronunat rar fiecare
cuvnt pentru studenii lui. 39. Cantonierul obinuia s le spun
controlorilor o anecdot despre nepoata sa, iar ei n-ar fi pierdut
un cuvnt pentru nimic n lume. 40. Acest automobil cu abur,
construit n 1880 de Dimitrie Vldescu, considerat ca
performant n acea vreme, a circulat mult vreme pe strzile
Parisului, dup care a fost adus n ar. 41. Grdinarul a fluierat






ciudat/sucit/cu spirit critic poate face asta singur. 43. O s

numesc pe cineva ca(re) s fac asta. 44. Acest pre nu poate fi
pltit de un om slab i poate ucide. 45. Pn acum mainitii au
mers n multe excursii. 46. Chelneria i-a ptat fusta pregtind
fr or mncarea. 47. Proprietarul lepului era foarte fericit c
pleac la Timioara. 48. Sunt att de bucuroas c ai putut veni.
Noi am sperat i rndul trecut c o s vii. 49. Dan e clei la


geografie. Te atepi s treac examenul? 50. Compozitorul nu

mai putea s aipeasc dup aceea.
1. It is time the official should go home. 2. Did you have much
difficulty in finding the hovel? 3. I wish I could get that in
writing. 4. No wonder the farmer has taken so long. 5. The
stoker wants to enter my service. 6. I do not have my vacation in
sunny Florida because that would take me away from my work.
7. There is no mail for you. 8. Its no use wasting your time here.
9. Personally I am very sorry that there is no opportunity to
discuss with you the problems which are of interest to us both.
10. One has to know beans to understand an American football
game. 11. The sweenys hair is curled naturally. 12. The turner is
always making excuses for being late. 13. Living a lonely life is
not enviable. 14. That is a breathing picture of my sister-in-law.
15. Im sure the wayfarer will recognize you when he meets you.
16. The cardiologist had explained why we can see but one face
of the moon. 17. Carry arms! 18. If it were to be true, I should
go. 19. They say the lighterman will leave tomorrow. 20. Had
the croaky town/court crier/crocker been changed into a dwarf
in early childhood and had he not grown taller ever since? 21. It
was like an outlying rock with the water boiling up, streaming
over. 22. The prefect took delight in talking to the custom-house
officer. 23. The laboratory-assistant wouldnt say a single word.
24. The dope fiend is pleased that the soprano has succeeded.

25. When comes such another? 26. The Greek will watch TV for
hours on end. 27. As a class, scientists are extremely disinclined
to do anything they do not particularly like to do. 28. The
leading hand had a lot of luggage and he was standing outside
the shanty trying to find a solution. 29. It is for the venerers to
settle those affairs. 30. The captain set course for the next port.
31. At last the meeting came to an end. 32. The chalet keeper
spared no expense to make the party a success. 33. The gibbous
gilder must be looking for graphic arguments in favour of his
theory, and I am sure he will find them unless he is disturbed.
34. The Sovereign Pontiff wears a triple crown called tiara. 35. It
looks like rain. 36. The Bulgarians opinion was of no account.
37. One might say that these modern writers have a spiritual
force which even their greatest predecessors lacked. 38. The
seminarist enunciated each word slowly for his students. 39.
The road surveyor would be telling the ticket collectors an
anecdote about his niece, and they would not have missed a
word of it for worlds. 40. This steam car built by Dimitrie
Vldescu, considered as a performance at that time, travelled
along the streets of Paris for a long time and was finally brought
to Romania. 41. The gardener whistled a tune. 42. The quizzical
quisling can do it alone. 43. I shall appoint someone to do it. 44.
This price cannot be paid by a weakling and it can kill. 45. The
motormen have gone on many trips so far. 46. The nippy
stained her skirt through cooking without an apron. 47. The

lighterman was so happy because of his going to Timioara. 48.

Oh, Im so glad you could come along. We were hoping to see
you last time, too. 49. Dan doesnt know beans about
geography; how do you expect him to pass the examination? 50.
The musician never got a wink afterwards.

1. Banca a fost jefuit ast-noapte. 2. Woody Allen i-a nceput
cariera jucnd n teatre/localuri fr renume. 3. De ce se





nemulumit/indispus, dac-i detesta pe acei trei tinerei? 4.

Fumatul ar trebui interzis. 5. Etnologul l supraveghea de la
fereastr pe pomicultor i ciocnea n geam cnd zbovea prea
mult uitndu-se la birjarul care-i esla armsarii. 6. Ofierul a
fost citat pe ordinul de zi pentru vitejie. 7. Stewardesa i-a
apropiat faa de oglind, s vad dac vrei zbrcitur de care-i
amintea de demult sau vreun rid de la ochi dispruse cu
adevrat. 8. Ministrul a avertizat ieri c preul cafelei va crete
foarte curnd. 9. Ciobanii i-au petrecut ntreaga diminea
arznd gazul de poman; pn la amiaz nc nu i-au cumprat
bilete la tren. 10. Vcarii/Negustorii de vite au pus o dormez
suplimentar n nacela prpdit. 11. Cu ct tlharul/







mbunteasc stilul, cu att juca mai prost. 12. Armata a cedat

n faa dumanului. 13. Pensionarul se veteji o dat cu vrsta.
14. Cu ce subiect te piseaz ngrijitorul de cai/catri de la ora
trei? 15. Este mult de mers pe jos? 16. Dac nu m nal
memoria, anul trecut nu a plouat chiar aa de mult n lunile de
primvar. 17. Dac i place fotografia, pot s o mresc. 18.
Aderena unui public deosebit de larg i elogiile amplu
argumentate ale criticii au ratificat reuita filmului. 19. Naul nu
a gsit potrivit s-mi mprumute civa dolari, mi dai tu? 20.
Obrazul subire cu cheltuial se ine. 21. Pasagerul clandestin
mi-a promis c va veni mine. 22. Scnteile intuitive sunt de
obicei urmate de sentimentele de mare fericire, veselie i
uurare. 23. Moartea a luat-o naintea clului. 24. De ndat ce
a vzut-o pe crciumreasa ludroas, subcomisarul pretenios
a rmas tcut, gndindu-se c este mult mai frumoas dect i-o
nchipuise vreodat. 25. Atunci muzicograful profita de rgaz il adpostea de ploaie sub un strat de frunze de palmier fixate cu
bolovani. 26. Un cutremur cumplit a lovit regiunea/s-a abtut
asupra regiunii. 27. Cu nici un chip nu-i voi mprumuta dricul.
28. n zilele n care stresul e insuportabil dresorul vrea s-i ia
cmpii/s dea bir cu fugiii. 29. ntrece orice descriere. 30. Iat
ce-mi place. 31. Disear mergem undeva. 32. A prefera s nu
vii. 33. Ziua era pe sfrite. 34. Cunoatei denumirile tuturor
plantelor din aceast livad? 35. I se frngea inima cnd l vedea
pe decorator. 36. Vielul picat de purici a zcut pe pervaz cinci

zile. 37. Pdureanca cu voce groas a dictat epistola elevului (n

clasa a treia) cu buze groase. 38. Gazelei i va face mare plcere
s-l vad pe leopard. 39. Acesta este sensul depoziiei. 40.
Nudistul ofensat/jignit a rs att de tare c a trebuit s se aeze.
41. Vremea se nclzete. 42. Contraamiralul sttea n pat aa
cum i spusese doctorul. 43. Ce face toat lumea? 44. Castorul a
cerut ajutor. 45. Spltoreasa este n grija doctorului Smith. 46.
Reporterul a dat lovitura convingndu-l pe preedinte s-i dea
un interviu. 47. Fiindc nu cunoteam oraul, am rugat un
necunoscut s-mi arate drumul spre gar. 48. Dac nu studiaz
intens, aproape sigur basistul va pica examenul. 49. I-a cerut
mari eforturi traficantului. 50. mpratul abdicase n mod la de
la tron n favoarea ginerelui su.
1. The bank was robbed last night. 2. Woody Allen began his
career playing the borscht circuit. 3. Why had the grumbly
group captain joined in the talk if he hated those three
youngsters? 4. Smoking should be prohibited. 5. The ethnologist
was watching the orchardman through the window and knocked
on the glass when he stayed there too long, staring at the
cabman while he was brushing his stallions. 6. The office got a
citation for bravery. 7. The air hostess thrust her face close to
the glass, to see whether some long remembered wrinkle or
crows foot had indeed vanished. 8. The minister warned
yesterday of dearer coffee on the way. 9. The shepherd spent the

entire morning spinning their wheels; by noon they still hadnt

been able to buy their train tickets. 10. The drovers put an extra
sofa in the wretched gondola. 11. The more the pass-key man
tried to improve his style, the worse he played. 12. The army
yielded to the enemy. 13. The pensioner faded into age. 14.
What subject has the hostler been harping on since three
oclock? 15. Is it much of a walk? 16. If my memory does not
fail/play tricks on me, it did not rain quite so hard/much in the
spring months last year. 17. If you like the picture, I can make
an enlargement of it. 18. The approval by the general public and
the well-advised eulogies of the critics have confirmed the
success of the film. 19. My godfather was unable to see his way
clear to lending me a couple of dollars, cant you do it? 20. Great
honours are great burdens. 21. The stowaway promised that he
would come tomorrow. 22. Intuitive flashes are usually followed
by feelings of great happiness, exhilaration and relief. 23. Death
anticipated the executioner. 24. As soon as the exacting/finical
undercommissary saw the thresonical innkeeper, he was silent,
thinking that she is much more beautiful than he had ever
imagined. 25. The musicographer would then take advantage of
the respite to shelter it from rain underneath a layer of palm
trees, pinned down with boulders. 26. A severe earthquake
struck the area. 27. No way will I lend you my hearse. 28. On
days when the pressure is unbearable the tamer wants to take to
the woods. 29. It beggars all description. 30. This is what I like.

31. We shall go somewhere tonight. 32. Id rather you didnt

come. 33. The day was well along. 34. Can you name all the
plants in this orchard? 35. It broke her heart to see the
decorator. 36. The flea-bitten calf lay on the sash for five days.
37. The thick-tongued forest dweller dictated the epistle to the
thick-lipped third-grader. 38. It will afford the gazelle great
pleasure to see the pard. 39. The amount of the testimony is
this. 40. The offended nudist laughed so hard (that) he had to sit
down. 41. The weather is getting warmer. 42. The rear-admiral
was keeping in bed as the doctor told him so. 43. What is it that
everybody does? 44. The beaver made an appeal for help. 45.
The laundress is under the charge of Dr. Smith. 46. The reporter
scored a coup in getting the president to agree to an interview.
47. As I didnt know the town, I asked a stranger to show me the
way to the railway station. 48. The bass singer will be in a fair
way to failing in his examination, if he doesnt study hard. 49. It
was a great tax on the dealer/trafficker. 50. The emperor had
abdicated cowardly his throne in favour of his son-in-law.

1. Exportatorul aruncase insectarul prea departe. 2. S-a
terminat cu gluma/joaca. 3. Cazangiul se comport ca i cum ar
fi bolnav mintal. 4. Portreasa urmeaz s se ntoarc n curnd

n ara ei. 5. Sculptorul era, n studenie, harnic ca o albin;

ntotdeauna preda lucrurile din timp. 6. Bibliotecarul i
nchipuie c e Don Juan-ul universitii. 7. Trupele au fost puse
n alert. 8. Cum a putut morsa s fac aa ceva? 9. Arat-i
funcionarului (de la serviciul de asigurri sociale) modul de
funcionare a mainii. 10. Pescarul (amator) a tulit-o peste
grani. 11. Un roman picaresc nu este de prima mn dac nu
conine un personaj pe care s-l poi ndrgi profund. 12. Rabla
ta prindea 160 km/h. 13. Mostrele de sol care sunt acum
analizate ar trebui, dup prerea savanilor, s ne furnizeze
rspunsul. 14. Vorbele radiotelegrafistului au fost nelese
corect. 15. La prima vedere, nuvela se citea uor. 16. D-i
btaie/zor, vine furgoneta. 17. Ducele procopsit nu s-a dus, de
team s nu fie vtmat. 18. La ce i-a aruncat ochii vcarul
burduhnos? 19. Mai doreti o ceac de cacao? 20. Litografii au
organizat o ntrunire. 21. Aici este nevoie de mult ncredere i
curaj pentru a persevera. 22. Azi o s avem o zi ploioas. 23.
Planurile geologului sunt (destul de) departe de inteniile
noastre iniiale. 24. Vestea logodnei geambaului a produs
mult vlv. 25. Geamgiul e aa de ncpnat nct nimeni i
nimic nu-l poate face s se rzgndeasc. 26. Gscanul n-a venit
pn acum. 27. Priscarii vor rmne n Verona i mari. 28.
Este din ce n cea mai cald. 29. Acum toate erau bune, dar pn
atunci eantionul transportat se descompusese n orice caz,
astfel nct nu l-am ridicat. 30. Juraii au czut i s-au lovit. 31.

Preedintele nu ncerc s-l mustre pe punga pentru

ntrerupere, cum i-ar fi cerut datoria. 32. Curca l-a vzut pe
romancierul blond ieind pe ua din fa. 33. Grnicerul a srit,
prea curajos, dar n cea mai profund cut a sufletului era
nspimntat. 34. Grefierul a fost o adevrat pacoste. 35.
Copacii n floare dau farmec grdinii. 36. Inspectorul financiar
(nsrcinat cu descoperirea evazionitilor fiscali) este un
confereniar teribil de plictisitor. 37. Dricarul nu vrea s se duc
nicieri. 38. Rdcina ptrat din aisprezece este patru. 39. Ei
bine, dac acest lucru va pune capt certei, eu voi hotr. 40.
Dac ii la via, pleac! 41. Ce trebuie completat n declaraia
vamal? 42. Scriitoraul n-a putut scpa s nu vin la acest
spectacol, dar este ntr-adevr prea obosit ca s-i fac plcere.
43. Navetitii au recunoscut n mod public meritele menajerei.
44. Pdurarul i gsete alinarea ajutndu-i pe alii. 45. Cred c



uic/coniac/votc/lichior/suc/lapte/cacao/ap gazoas/vin/limonad n aceast diminea. 46. Cer ritos ca ilustratorul

pistruiat s spun adevrul. 47. Ce naiba mai vrei? 48. Nu mai
ndoii colurile paginilor! 49. Acestea sunt lucrurile mele de uz
personal. 50. Acest vas de argil (pentru ap) ar trebui s ne fie
folositor n timpul expediiei.
1. The shipper had thrown the specimen case too far. 2. The
game is up. 3. The boiler maker behaves as if he were mentally

ill. 4. The janitress is to return to her country before long. 5. The

modeller was an eager beaver when he was a student; he always
turned his assignments in early. 6. The librarian imagines
himself to be the greatest make-out artist at the university. 7.
The troops were put on alert. 8. How could the walrus do such a
thing? 9. Show the insurance officer the operation of the
machine. 10. The angler lit out abroad. 11. A picaresque novel
does not come into the first class unless it contains some person
whom one can thoroughly love. 12. Your jalopy was doing
100mph. 13. The samples of soil now being analysed should, in
the opinion of scientists, provide us with the answer. 14. The
wireless telegraphists words were correctly construed. 15. My
off the wall impression was that the short story was easy to read.
16. Get a wiggle on, the delivery car is coming. 17. The
rich/well-to-do duke did not go, for fear that he might be hurt.
18. What has the pot-bellied herdboy just glanced at? 19.
Another cup of cocoa? 20. The lithographers arranged a
meeting. 21. Here, a great deal of faith and courage is needed
for perseverance. 22. We are in for a rainy day. 23. The
geologists plans connect loosely with our original intentions.
24. The news of the copers engagement caused great
excitement. 25. The glazier is so set in his ways that no one can
change his mind about anything 26. The gander has not come as
yet. 27. The hivers will stay in Verona over Tuesday. 28. It is
warmer and warmer. 29. Now this was fine, but by then I knew

the shipment had decomposed any way so I did not collect. 30.
The jurymen fell and hurt themselves. 31. The chairman did not
try to admonish/rebuke the pickpocket for the interruption, as
his duty would have required him to do. 32. The turkey hen saw
the blond fictionist come out of the front door. 33. The frontier
guard jumped, he seemed courageous, but in his heart of hearts
he was rather afraid. 34. The court clerk has been rather a
nuisance. 35. The trees in blossom lend charm to the garden.
36. The T-man is a terribly dull lecturer. 37. The layer-out
doesnt want to go anywhere. 38. The square root of sixteen is
four. 39. Well, if it settles the argument, I will decide. 40. As you
love your life, begone! 41. What must you fill in the customs
form? 42. The quill driver couldnt get out of coming to this
show, but hes actually too tired to enjoy it. 43. The commuters
made a public acknowledgement of the housekeepers merits.
44. The forester finds comfort in helping others. 45. I think I




(water)/wine/lemonade this morning. 46. I openly/categorically
demand that the freckled illustrator tell the truth. 47. Dyou
want jam on it? 48. Dont dog-ear the pages! 49. These are my
personal belongings. 50. This serai ought to be useful during our


1. Vilegiaturistul tremur de frig. 2. Atitudinea ta este cea care
m nnebunete./Ceea ce m nnebunete/m scoate din srite
este atitudinea ta. 3. n loc s rspund la ntrebarea
subinspectoarei, gondolierul ncepu s bat cmpii i s-i
povesteasc despre diferitele cursuri pe care le urma. 4.
Dulgherul candideaz la alegerile de anul acesta. 5. Pe







Ologul/ontorogul senil/ramolit obinuia s se scalde n ru. 7.

Gondolierul adus de spate e hotrt s ajung pe vrful
muntelui, orice s-ar ntmpla. 8. Pune-i paltonul ca s fii gata.
9. S-au luat toate msurile ca s nu mai fie vreun accident. 10.
Dorii s-mi punei scrisoarea aceasta la cutie? 11. nainte ca
topograful s plece din Iai i s vin aici, fosta lui soie i-a spus
c ar face mai bine s-i ia cteva zile libere numai ca s se
odihneasc, fiindc dup aceea va putea lucra mai cu spor. 12.
ntruct pacientul este n vrst, se pot ivi cu uurin
complicaii. 13. Cnd ea a dovedit c nu are dreptate a reuit n
cele din urm s-i taie din aripi. 14. Paznicul locuiete singur.
15. S v conduc. 16. Aceast preocupare unic pentru un scop
nu se datoreaz lipsei de idei. 17. S-ar putea ca sora s-i fi fcut
datoria. 18. V rog s-mi artai un/o halat de cas/costum







Particulele solide s-au lsat la fund n lichid. 20. Primarul a

consimit cu amabilitate s inaugureze noua coal. 21. Pielarii
au reuit s treac prin vam covoarele persane. 22. O armat
duce un rzboi/intr n lupt. 23. Nu se tie la ce se ateapt
nababul. 24. Nu m pot opri s nu gndesc. 25. Vrei s rugai s
intre negustoreasa de pete? 26. Acordorul de piane, care era
foarte nervos i pe care l nspimnta orice incident, ct de
nensemnat, nu tia dac s-i duc planul pn la capt sau nu.
27. Frecvena nu a fost bun n ultima vreme. 28. Aa nu se
poate! Nu e nimic de fcut! 29. M tem c acest an a fost foarte
prost pentru fructe. 30. Vorbele slujnicei erau convingtoare.
31. Autoritile au declarat c cronicarul a fost transportat de
urgen la spital, adugnd c el oprise maina ntr-o mare
intersecie i tocmai a fost izbit din spate de cealalt main,
care venea cu 100 km/h, deoarece oferul ncerca s scape de
poliie, care-l urmrea pentru nclcarea legii circulaiei. 32.
Tarabagiul a gsit un serviciu de ngrijitor la o coal. 33. Pe la
ora cinci am nceput s discutm planurile noastre pentru sear.
34. Unde mai pui c eram i ambiios din fire; isprvile vrului
meu Costel, pe care le auzeam povestite de cnd eram
copilandru, m strneau s art i eu ce pot. 35. ntreaga
discuie prea a fi o furtun ntr-un pahar cu ap. 36. Alt cale
nu exist, trebuie s ne nsoeti n excursie. 37. Pueblo e doar
un orel (de provincie) la sud de Denver. 38. La acest

restaurant eti tratat domnete. 39. Dorii s-i lsai un mesaj,

sau pot s-l rog s v sune el pe dvs.? 40. Nu o pierde din
vedere/scpa din ochi. 41. Negustorul de psri ar veni, dac ar
fi rugat. 42. Se crede c librarii nu sunt din ora. 43. Croitoreasa
studiaz mult pentru examene pentru ca s le treac. 44.
Bursucul pare s fi dormit toat ziua. 45. Guvernul a acordat o
amnistie rebelilor. 46. Iat o idee de week-end la mare, care,
dup zilele ce v-au solicitat intens la conferin, este binevenit
i ispititoare. 47. Televizorul comandat de tine e pe drum. 48.
Dirijorul e o epav din punct de vedere nervos. 49. Subiectul i
predicatul sunt prile principale ale unei propoziii. 50. Cu
grij, copilaul ncerc s fac primul su pas.
1. The holidaymaker is shivering with cold. 2. It is your attitude
that drives me mad. 3. Instead of answering the subinspectresss
question, the gondolier started beating about the bush and
telling her about the various courses he was taking. 4. The
carpenter is standing for election this year. 5. The field workers
head aches. 6. The dotardly dot-and-go-one would/used to
bathe in the river. 7. The crook shouldered gondolier is
determined to reach the mountain top, come hell or high water.
8. Put on your overcoat so as to be ready. 9. All precautions were
taken lest there should be any further accident. 10. Would you
mind posting this letter for me? 11. Before the surveyor left
Jassy to come here, his ex-wife told him he had better take a few

days off only to rest, because he would be able to work more

efficiently afterwards. 12. Since the patient is old, complications
may easily set in. 13. When she proved that he was not right she
finally managed to clip his wings. 14. The wardsman lives by
himself. 15. Let me show you the way. 16. This single
mindedness of purpose is not due to lack of ideas. 17. The nurse
might have attended to her duty. 18. Please show me a dressing






cardigan/muffler/shawl/scarf/kerchief/butterfly tie. 19. The

solids settled down to the bottom of the liquid. 20. The Mayor
kindly condescended to open the new school. 21. The leather
dressers managed to clear the Persian rugs through the
customs. 22. An army conducts war/engages in combat. 23.
There is no knowing what the nabob may expect. 24. I cant help
thinking. 25. Would you please ask the fishwife in? 26. The
tuner, who was very jumpy and frightened by any incident,
however small, hesitated whether or not to carry her plan
through. 27. The attendance hasnt been good lately. 28. That
will never do! Nothing doing! 29. This has been rather a bad
year for fruit, Im afraid. 30. The maid servants words carried
conviction. 31. The authorities declared that the columnist had
been taken urgently to hospital, adding that he had stopped the
car in an important intersection/at a main crossroads and was
just about to roll again when he was smashed into, from behind,

by another car coming at 100 km/h as the driver was trying to

shake off the police, who were chasing him for moving
violations. 32. The retailer found employment as a school caretaker. 33. At about five oclock we began to discuss our
arrangements for the evening. 34. Let alone that/not to mention
the fact that I was ambitious by nature. My cousin Costels
deeds, which I had heard retold ever since I was a boy,
stirred/prompted me to show what I was able to do myself. 35.
The whole discussion seemed to be a storm in a teacup/a
tempest in a teapot. 36. There are no two ways about it, you
have to come with us on the trip. 37. Pueblo is only a whistlestop town south of Denver. 38. They really give you the works at
this restaurant. 39. Would you like to leave him a message, or
can I ask him to call you back? 40. Keep her in view. 41. The
poulterer would come if he were asked. 42. The booksellers are
believed to be away./It is believed that the booksellers are away.
43. The dressmaker studies a lot for her exams in order that she
may pass. 44. The badger seems to have been sleeping all day.
45. The government offered an amnesty to the rebels. 46. A
welcome and enticing idea would be for you to spend the weekend on the Black Sea Coast after the busy days at the conference.
47. The colour T.V. set you ordered is on its way. 48. The
conductor is a nervous wreck. 49. The subject and the predicate
are the principal parts of a sentence. 50. Carefully, the baby
tried to make its first step.

1. Poi fuma aici, dar nu scpa scrum pe jos. 2. Trebuie s
nvm cu toii s nu avem ambiii prea nalte. 3.
Crciumreasa mi-a spus c i pare ru c mi-a pierdut
scrumiera. 4. Servitorul e probabil cam indispus astzi i va lipsi
probabil de la lucru. 5. Dac i-a fi urmat sfatul, n-a fi fcut o
gaf aa de mare. 6. Vremea se ndreapt/se face frumoas. 7.
Mcar dac ai fi venit de ieri! 8. Romanul geologului e
realist/veridic. 9. Prezentatoarea fusese vzut cu trei zile n
urm la biseric i nepoata ei ar fi dat orice s-o poat invita la
nunt. 10. L-ai mai fi ajutat toat ziua pe ucrainean, cnd a
jefuit banca, dac te ntreba dinainte dac eti de acord cu
planul? 11. Inima sus! 12. Sub nici o form nu trebuie s
deschizi strinilor ua. 13. Ar fi trebuit s nu-i mai frngi
minile. 14. Artileristul i-a ncheiat rapid misiunea. 15.
Arlechinul a depus mrturie pentru aprare. 16. Dac e o noapte
de var, dup o zi clduroas, pe terasa restaurantului e plcut
i aerul este primenit de valurile artificiale ale bazinului. 17.
Cartoforul era un om de lume, care simea nevoia unei viei de
un lux ostentativ. 18. Mai bine am pleca, s nu abuzm de
ospitalitatea acordat. 19. Se-nsera i-mi era team c l-am
pierdut/i-am pierdut urma. 20. Croitoreasa poart haine

moderne. 21. Ce zi i convine cel mai bine? 22. mi place s joc

hochei. Joc destul de bine. 23. Astzi se simte primvara. 24.
Pianistul a atins un nivel nalt de cunoatere a limbii poloneze.
25. Mutaiile preconizate sunt tot mai pronunate din punct de





transformrilor sociale. 26. Dulgherii i-au exploatat fr ruine

generozitatea. 27. Zilierul nu mai tia ce s fac. 28. Zoologul a
cltorit spre Paris prin Praga. 29. Notarul/Notarul public tia
c este privit. 30. Dup ce a vizitat muzeul, directorul
ntreprinderii s-a urcat n autobuz i a plecat la motel. 31. Asta e
alt poveste. 32. Bravo!/Bine zis!/Aa e! 33. De ce tnjea
antropologul intuit la pat s-o zreasc pe cosmetician, dac
tia c nu vrea s-l vad? 34. Groparul simi neptura glumei.
35. Dactilografa a fost concediat din cauza slabei activiti
depuse. 36. Croitoreasa citea deseori pn-n zori i nu se putea
duce la coal. 37. Florreasa a prins hrtiile cu o agraf. 38.
Pn la urm, tocilarii somnoroi l-au nfrnt pe zilierul adus de
spate cu propria-i tactic, cerndu-i s i ajute la lecii. 39.
Maestrul de balet slab nzestrat trebuie c-i freac gingia cu
periua de dini, dac l vezi aplecat deasupra chiuvetei de atta
vreme. 40. Zna e tot att de bun pe ct e de frumoas. 41.
Lutarul practic notul. 42. Cine n-a fost de acord cu sudoria?
43. S nu-i nchipui c avem de gnd s stm toat seara la un
film cu cowboy, dragul meu cumnat. 44. Se lfie pisoiul la
soare ori prinde un guzgan? 45. Inaccesibili i ndeprtai de

orice centru urban, triau n regiunea cea mai napoiat a

Europei rsritene. 46. Microbistul a simit o pornire
necontrolat de a-l lovi pe antrenor. 47. Acest ampon l-a
vindecat de mtrea. 48. Ridicai receptorul, introducei fisa,
ateptai tonul, formai numrul. Firul este liber/ocupat. Cine e
la aparat? 49. Flanetarul dorete s profite la maximum de
timpul lui. 50. Medicul a scris un articol despre scderea ratei
(de mbolnviri) la boala aceea.
1. You may smoke here, but dont drop any ash on the floor. 2.
We must all learn not to fly too high. 3. The innkeeper told me
that/she said she was sorry that she had lost my ashtray/she
was sorry for having lost my ashtray. 4. The footman is a little
under the weather today and will probably miss work. 5. Had I
followed his advice, I shouldnt have made such a terrible
blunder. 6. The weather is taking up. 7. If only you had come
yesterday! 8. The geologists novel is true to life. 9. The femcee
had been seen in church three days before and her niece would
have done anything to invite her to the wedding. 10. Would you
have been helping the Ukrainian all day when he robbed the
bank if he had asked you in advance whether you approved of
the plan? 11. Pluck up heart! 12. You must on no account open
the door to strangers. 13. You should have stopped wringing
your hands. 14. The gunner has brought his mission to a speedy
conclusion. 15. The harlequin have evidence for the defence. 16.

After a hot summer day the terrace of the restaurant is a

pleasant spot for an evening meal; the air is cooled by the
artificial waves of the swimming pool. 17. The gambler was a
man of the world, who needed a life of luxurious ostentation. 18.
We had better be leaving, so that we may not wear out our
welcome. 19. Evening was coming and I was afraid I had lost
him. 20. The dressmaker wears with-it clothes. 21. What day
will suit you best? 22. Im fond of playing hockey. I play it
tolerably well. 23. Today feels like spring. 24. The pianist
achieved a high degree of proficiency in Polish. 25. The changes
provided for lay emphasis on higher quality; they are part of the
social transformations. 26. The carpenters exploited her
generosity shamelessly. 27. The day-labourer was at his wits
end. 28. The zoologist travelled to Paris by way of Prague. 29.
The notary/notary public knew he was (being) watched. 30.
After the plant manager had visited the museum, he got on the
(motor)bus and went tot he motel. 31. That is up another street.
32. Hear! Hear! 33. Why did the bedrid(den)/bedfast
anthropologist hunger for the beauticians sight when he knew
she would not see him? 34. The grave digger felt the sting of the
joke. 35. The typist was fired on account of her poor job. 36. The
dressmaker would often read till dawn and could not go to
school. 37. The flower girl held the papers with a clip. 38. The
slumberous swots finally beat the crook shouldered daysman at
his own game, when they asked him to help them with their

homework. 39. The poorly gifted carver and gilder must be

rubbing his gums with the toothbrush if you see him bent over
the sink/wash basin for so long. 40. The fairy is good as she is
beautiful. 41. The fiddler goes in for swimming. 42. Who
disagreed with the woman welder? 43. Dont assume were
going to sit through an evening of cowboys on TV, my dear
brother-in-law! 44. Is the kitten basking in the sun or catching a
rat? 45. Inaccessible and remote from any urban settlement,
they lived in the most backward region of eastern Europe. 46.
The fanatic felt a compulsion to hit the coach. 47. This shampoo
cured his dandruff. 48. Pick up the receiver, drop the coin into
the slot, wait for the signal, dial the number. The line is
clear/engaged. Whos that calling? 49. The organ grinder wishes
to make the most of his time. 50. The physician wrote an article
on that disease lowering its rate.

1. A plouat torenial tot timpul ct am fost la Braov. 2.
Bibliotecarul a numrat brourile primite. 3. Ordinul este nc
n vigoare. 4. Clovnul a reuit s se fac de rs de la prima
apariie n public. 5. De ce vrei s bagi fitil ntre coafez i
depanator? Par s fie fericii mpreun. 6. Avertizeaz-l pe
mainist s nu fac asta. 7. Va corespunde (oare) scopului

dumitale?/Se va potrivi cu scopul ce-l urmreti? 8. Dac a fi

fost de fa, ceea ce nu s-a ntmplat, a fi ntrebat. 9. Primejdia
dezvoltrii autodisciplinei rezid n confundarea mijloacelor cu
scopurile. 10. Cminele pentru tineri ofer locuri de dormit, de
obicei n dormitoare cu mai multe paturi i mese simple sau
faciliti pentru prepararea hranei. 11. Locotenentul s-a pierdut
n pdure. 12. Problema necesit atenie deosebit. 13.
Directorul fluturatec/nechibzuit l-a ntlnit (ntmpltor) pe
giuvaergiul cu privirea ager/cu ochi de vultur ieri pe Calea
Victoriei. 14. Va trebui s fii cu ochii pe chelneria aceasta. 15.
Boala nsoete adesea foametea. 16. n cadrul complexului
hotelier se afl un supermagazin. 17. Comisionarul ar fi vrut ca
ginerele su s nu fi fost cu ei cnd s-a ntmplat accidentul. 18.
Avem pui fript, ficat, friptur de vac, muchi de vac la grtar,
cotlet de miel, porc la grtar. 19. Nepoata agentului fiscal le
spune la revedere noilor si prieteni. 20. Ariciul nu l atepta aa
de curnd/devreme pe bursuc. 21. i dac am juca tenis, pentru
variaie? 22. Poliia a fcut cercetri asupra suspecilor. 23.
Drcitorul e un om de cuvnt. 24. Ce vreme urt! 25. Doctorul
birjarului de noapte a sugerat s plec la mare. 26. Spectacolul
era ntr-adevr excelent; merita s fie vzut. 27. Ornella Muti
este cap de afi. 28. Am fost profund dezamgii de activitatea
colegului nostru. 29. Este important s adaug c slluiete n
mine i un anumit soi de vitejie, care m mboldete s caut
primejdia. 30. Dentistul s-a nelat cnd i-a acuzat soacra c a

spart glastra. 31. Cnd face un exerciiu, pungaul/houl

falit/ruinat/lefter/ajuns la sap de lemn face greeli, orict de
mult ar ncerca s le evite. 32. Bun treab c am rmas pe
punte. 33. Haiducul a propus s ne revedem i ntre noi s-a legat
un soi de prietenie ciudat. 34. Imaginaia depinde aa de mult
de independena gndirii, nct nu este nevoie s mai adugm
ceva aici. 35. S ne oprim la primul parcaj, sunt cam obosit. 36.
Ce trist c ostaul este att de bolnav! 37. Am s m sprijin de
umrul vcarului, cnd am s vin mine de la doctor cu piciorul
n ghips? 38. Explicaia se poate gsi n ceea ce cred eu c
reprezint o lege general a evoluiei ideilor. 39. Inginerii silvici
au dat un exemplu clar de proast conducere. 40. Medievistul
nu ncepe serviciul pn la trei. 41. Vrei s ai grij de guter ct
merge la cumprturi lptreasa ireat? 42. Care dintre
nonagenari a putut azvrli cartuiera cel mai departe? 43.
Negustorul/Fabricantul de uleiuri i-a adus aminte chiar n




mu-zina/frnghia. 44. Chiar presupunnd c ar fi aa. 45. Ce zi
geroas! Sunt cel puin douzeci de grade sub zero. 46. Locul era
mai ru dect crezuse mturtorul. 47. Sosirile i plecrile sunt
afiate la timp. 48. Cosmeticiana nu l-a observat ani de zile pe
arhiepiscop. 49. Drumul se ntinde pe kilometri ntregi. 50.
Floretitii au presrat zgur pe pist.


1. It poured with rain all the time we were in Braov. 2. The

librarian did a count of the booklets received. 3. The ordinance
is still in effect. 4. The clown managed to make a fool of himself
from his first appearance in public. 5. Why do you want to drive
a wedge between the hairdresser and the break-down
mechanic? They seem so happy together. 6. Warn the
motorman against doing it/not to do it. 7. Will this answer your
purpose? 8. If I had been present, as I was not, I should have
asked. 9. The danger in developing self-discipline lies in
mistaking means for ends. 10. Youth hostels provide basic
accommodation usually in dormitories, with simple meals or
self-catering facilities. 11. The lieutenant lost himself in the
forest. 12. The matter requires careful consideration. 13. The
hare-brained head master came across the hawk-eyed jeweller
in Victoria Street yesterday. 14. You will have to watch/keep an
eye on that nippy. 15. Disease is often an accompaniment of
famine. 16. Within the hotel complex there is a supermarket.
17. The linkman wished his son-in-law hadnt been with them
when the accident happened. 18. We have fried chicken, liver,
roast beef, beefsteak, lamb chop, grilled pork. 19. The revenue
authoritys niece is saying her new friends good bye/is saying
good bye to her new friends. 20. The hedgehog didnt expect the
badger so soon. 21. Shall we play tennis for a change? 22. The
police ran a check on the suspects. 23.The hackler is as good as
his word. 24. What nasty weather! 25. The night hawks doctor

suggested that I should go to the seaside. 26. The performance

was really excellent; it was worth seeing. 27. Ornella Muti heads
the cast. 28. We were deeply disappointed by/at/with our
colleagues work. 29. Its important for me to add that there also
lies in me a kind of bravery/dare-devilry that prompts me to
look for danger. 30. The dentist was way off the base when he
accused his mother-in-law of breaking the flower pot. 31. When
the flat-broke flashman does an exercise, he makes mistakes
however hard he tries to avoid them. 32. Good job I had
remained on deck. 33. The robber proposed that we should see
each other again and a kind of odd friendship was born between
us. 34. Imagination depends so much upon independence of
thought that there is little need to add much here. 35. Lets stop
at the first lay-by, I feel rather tired. 36. How sad that the
soldier should be so ill! 37. Shall I be leaning on the neat herds
shoulder tomorrow when I come from the doctor with my leg in
plaster? 38. The explanation might be found in what I consider
to represent a general law of the evolution of ideas. 39. The
forestry experts cited a clear case of bad management. 40. The
medievalist doesnt go on duty until three. 41. Will you look
after the green lizard while the daedal dairymaid goes
shopping? 42. Which of the nonagenarians could throw the
cartridge box farthest? 43. The oilman remembered the very






tower/limeade/light truck/lily/ lime basin/limousine/line. 44.


Even supposing it were so. 45. What a frosty day! It is at least

twenty degrees below zero. 46. The place was worse than the
street sweeper had supposed. 47. The trains arrivals and
departures are posted up in time. 48. For years the beautician
would not notice the archbishop. 49. The road stretches away
for miles. 50. The foilplay expert spread cinders on the track.

1. Tocilarul mai bine ar fi nvat lecia duminic dimineaa. 2.
Costumierilor nu li s-a permis s ia bagaje multe. 3. Un coate
goale/srntoc ca mine nu va fi niciodat acceptat de o fat ce
aparine naltei societi. 4. n ce muzeu se expune pictur
contemporan? 5. Nu eti singurul n situaia de a fi fost ajutat.
6. oferul a trebuit s despgubeasc victima pentru daunele
produse. 7. Mi-ai nelat ncrederea. 8. eriful i roti privirea pe
la cele ase mese la care localnicii jucau cri i domino, i-i
ainti ochii asupra mea. 9. Teroritii au ptruns n caban prin
fora armelor. 10. Echipa noastr era la doar un pas de a ctiga.
10. Casieria a fcut o remarc asupra noii tunsori a
pdurarului. 11. Cum se numete?, ntreb triorul. 12.
Steanca i-a sugerat scamatorului s ncerce o alt pereche de
sandale. 13. Paznicul/Supraveghetorul obosit de drum i-a spus
meteorologului capricios c, a doua zi la acea or, el nu va juca

hochei, deoarece va cltori spre Iai. 14. Ridicai mna dac

dorii s vorbii! 15. Intrarea interzis! 16. Ceremonia de
deschidere va fi transmis n direct la televizor. 17. n cele din
urm, turistul a ieit din camera lui pe la nou. 18. Am
probleme cu birja nc de cnd am cumprat-o. 19. Sunt sigur
c pantofarul ar nelege, dac i-ai explica situaia cum se
cuvine. 20. Filatelistul ar fi dormit toat ziua, dac nu venea fina
lui. 21. Uii de tine (te compori necuviincios). 22. Cabanierul
era sigur c magazionerul i va pune o mulime de ntrebri
dup ce va vedea acest film. 23. Chelneria este o femeie plin
de bun sim i sfaturile ei au fost ntotdeauna sntoase. 24. Iam explicat pescarului care e situaia, ca s nu cread c nu
vreau s l ajut. 25. Cei care se deprind cu efortul fizic maxim
vor fi de asemenea capabili de munc intelectual n ciuda
oboselii. 26. Uit-te la pardesiul meu! E distrus! 27. Conferina
le-a sectuit serios resursele. 28. Nu-mi pot permite o cabriolet
aa scump; e pentru cei nstrii. 29.Aceasta este peste puterea
de nelegere a surugiului. 30. Cndva aici era un cote
spaios/ubred. 31. Aceasta sporete eforturile selecionerului.
32. Comandantul (vasului amiral) nu-i rspunse ofieruluiamiral. 33. Mi se pare c salariatul va accepta oferta. 34. Dup
dou sptmni de discuii furtunoase asupra acordului
comercial, negocierile au ajuns ntr-un punct mort. 35. S-ar
putea ca slujnica s fi avut ca scop acest rezultat. 36. Dac ai
avea cumva bunvoina s mi-o ngduii, m voi/m-a aeza

aici. 37. Poliitii le-au fcut de petrecanie hoilor. 38.

Negustorii de jucrii s-au comportat la fel. 39. Coreeanca are
febr mare. 40. A fi preferat s mor dect s m supun. 41. De
ce s faci asemenea zgomot cu tuba/toba aia a ta? 42.
Egiptologul a stat n Buhui timp de dou sptmni. 43. Fii
bun i telefoneaz-mi. 44. Nu neleg unde vrei s ajungi/unde
bai. 45. Armata romn s-a inut tare pe poziie n timpul
primului/celui de-al doilea rzboi mondial, n pofida tuturor
dificultilor cu care se confrunta. 46. ntr-o zi am fost chemat
n cabinetul primarului, pentru o discuie sincer, prietenoas.
47. Doresc s trimit aceast scrisoare recomandat. 48. Ca s fiu
sincer cu tine, voi scoate n eviden faptele principale. 49.
ntr-o zi am observat c televizorul nu merge. i ce-ai fcut?
50. Adam l-a zmislit pe Cain.
1. The swot had better have learned the lesson on Sunday
morning. 2. The wardrobe keepers were not allowed to take
much luggage. 3. A guy like me, out at elbows, will never be
accepted by the parents of a girl belonging to the high society. 4.
What museum deals with contemporary painting? 5. You arent
the only one to have been helped. 6. The driver had to make
amends to the victim for the damage caused. 7. You have
betrayed my confidence. 8. The sheriff looked round the halfdozen tables at which the natives were playing cards and
dominoes and his eyes rested on me. 9. The terrorists shot their

way into the hut. 10. Our team was only a whisker away from
victory. 10. The booking clerk remarked on the woodmans new
hair style. 11. What, the diddler inquired, is his name? 12.
The village woman suggested the meteorologist that he should
try another pair of sandals. 13. The way-beaten wardsman told
the wayward wax candler that, at that time the next day, he
would not be playing hockey, because he would be travelling to
Jassy. 14. Raise your hands if you wish to speak! 15. No
admittance! 16. The opening ceremony will be covered live by
TV. 17. The globe trotter finally emerged from his room at about
nine. 18. I have had a lot of trouble with my cab ever since I
bought it. 19. Im sure the shoemaker would understand if you
explained the situation properly. 20. The stamp collector would
have been sleeping all day if his goddaughter hadnt come. 21.
You forget yourself. 22. The chalet keeper was sure the
warehouseman would ask him a lot of questions after he had
seen this film. 23. The waitress is a very practical woman/a
woman of remarkable common sense and her advice is usually
sound. 24. I explained to the fisherman what the situation was,
lest he should think I didnt want to help him. 25. Those who
acquire the habit of maximal physical effort will also be able to
do mental work despite fatigue. 26. Look at my top coat! Its
ruined! 27. The conference seriously depleted their resources.
28. I cant afford such an expensive gig; it is for the well-to-do.
29. That is above the hackney coachmans understanding. 30.

There used to be a roomy/rocky roost here. 31. This adds to the

spotters labours. 32. The flag captain did not answer to the flag
officer. 33. As it strikes me the wage earner will accept the offer.
34. After a fortnight of intense talk on the trade agreement, the
negotiations came to a dead end. 35. The maid servant might
have aimed at this result. 36. If you will kindly allow me, I will
sit here. 37. The police gave the robbers the works. 38. The toy
dealers behaved alike. 39. The Korean woman has got a high
temperature. 40. I would rather have died than obeyed. 41. Why
should you make such a noise with that tuba/drum of yours? 42.
The Egyptologist stayed in Buhui for two weeks. 43. Be so kind
as to ring me up. 44. I dont get your drift. 45. The Romanian
army kept their end up during the World War I/II, in spite of all
the difficulties that faced them. 46. One day I was asked into
mayors office for a good heart-to-heart talk. 47. I want to have
this letter registered. 48. To be frank with you, Ill point out the
main facts. 49. One day I noticed that the TV set wasnt
working. So, what did you do about it? 50. Adam begot Cain.

1. Oierii au forat intrarea n cldire. 2. Fr ajutorul
prestidigitatorului erau n aer. 3. Cine l ajut pe maior s taie
sfoara? 4. Dup cum trebuie s tii, este absolut neadevrat. 5.

Plou cu gleata/Toarn. 6. S-o ascund de subdirectoare/

subadministratoare? 7. Sublocotenentul se plimbase prin ora,
privind mai ales ceasurile de pe la colurile bulevardelor, ca i
cum ar fi fost extrem de important pentru el s tie ct e ora. 8.
Cnd cade prima ploaie, atunci e vremea semnatului. 9. Bine,
s atacm fondul problemei, n loc s ne pierdem timpul cu
fleacuri. 10. Contractul este ca i acceptat. 11. Infanteritii au
provocat pierderi grele inamicului. 12. Acordorul de piane bine
mbrcat/gtit/ spilcuit n-a nimerit/a greit inta. 13. Vcarul/
Pstorul a pornit dis-de-diminea s viziteze ruinele Acropolei.
14. Sufrageria mecanicului d spre grdin. 15. Navetistul
tremura, scuturat de un puternic acces de friguri, i asculta
aiurit. 16. Partida s-a ncheiat cu scorul egal de 11. 17. De
fapt, am tiut totdeauna a m desprinde de cele ce fptuisem.
18. Treizeci de voturi pentru. 19. A vrea s v cer scuze n
numele angajatului care v-a servit. El dorete s tii c nu a
fcut-o intenionat. 20. Motelul este complet asigurat mpotriva
incendiilor. 21. Fizicianul german Rntgen fcea experiene cu
descrcri electrice n viduri accentuate. 22. Dar silueta, fcnd
un pas nainte, i se adres grnicerului cu o voce supus. 23. Era
o scrisoare foarte corect, excesiv de politicoas, aa cum se
obinuia pe vremea prinilor notri cnd o doamn se adresa
unui necunoscut. 24. n cele din urm, situaia a fost sub
control. 25. Nu poi mpca i capra, i varza. 26. Sabina i cu
mine tragem n acelai jug de peste 25 de ani. 27. Nu a fost

nevoie ca profesorul de clrie s plteasc pentru ea. 28.

Stucul se ntindea pe dealuri. 29. Ai scris prost numele
girantului. 30. Pe consilierul juridic l trdeaz accentul./
Accentul consilierului juridic arat c e strin. 31. Cinele bun
atac ntotdeauna din fa. 32. A aparinut vreodat termosul
acesta vreuneia din rudele tale? 33. Vei citi oare romanul meu
de mai mult vreme, cnd naa institutorului va veni s-i spun
c nu-i surde ideea de a-l citi i vei reui tu s-o convingi s-l
citeasc? 34. Cred c n-ar fi valabil n faa justiiei. 35. Hai sncercm! 36. Numeroase ntreruperi ale curentului electric au
fost determinate de vntul extrem de violent. 37. Pune doaga n
butie. 38. Lsai-i pe cei care doresc s vin. 39. Descurc-te cu
nelesul, c vorbele se descurc singure. 40. Tarabagiul rmne
la ceea ce a spus. 41. Se pare c ofierul combatant/de front uit.
42. Este o pur absurditate. 43. Vagabondul este foarte robust,
nu se mbolnvete niciodat. 44. Doar n anii 60 muli studeni
americani erau narcomani. 45. Printre numeroii prieteni ai
costumierului se afl civa crora nu le place fotbalul. 46.
Pictorul decorator e nerbdtor s lucreze. 47. Vreau s-l ajut pe





Noteaz-i n agend tot ce zice asasinul/criminalul. 49. Agentul

de poliie (nsrcinat cu supravegherea)/Brigadierul nu are
timp. 50. Printre acetia se afl persoane care susin c nu-l pot
nghii pe Sadoveanu.


1. The shepherds forced an entry into the building. 2. Without

the tricksters help they were up a tree/in a cart. 3. Who helps
the major in cutting the string? 4. As you must know, it is quite
untrue. 5. Its pouring/raining cats and dogs. 6. Shall I conceal it
from the sub-manageress? 7. The second lieutenant had been
walking about town, looking especially at the clocks on the
corners of the avenues, as if it were of greatest importance to
him to know the time. 8. When the first rain falls, then is the
time to sow. 9. Okay, lets get down to bedrock instead of
wasting our time with trifles. 10. The contract is as good as
accepted. 11. The infantrymen inflicted heavy casualties on the
enemy. 12. The dapper tuner missed the mark. 13. The oxherd
set out early in the morning to visit the ruins of the Acropolis.
14. The repairmans dining room looks out on to the garden. 15.
The commuter was violently shaken with fever and listened in a
daze. 16. The game ended in a 11 draw. 17. In fact, Ive always
known hot to detach/disengage myself from what I had already
done. 18. Thirty votes for the affirmative. 19. I would like to
apologize on behalf of the staff member who served you. He
wishes you to know that he did not intend to cause you any
offence. 20. The motel is fully covered against fire. 21. The
German physicist Rntgen was experimenting with electrical
discharges in a high vacuum. 22. But the silhouette, taking a
step forward, addressed the frontier guard in a submissive
voice. 23. It was a very correct, over-polite letter, of the kind

that used to be written in our parents days when a lady

addressed herself to a stranger. 24. The situation was finally
brought under control. 25. You cant have it both ways. 26.
Sabina and I have been drawing in the same yoke for more than
25 years. 27. The riding master didnt need to pay for it. 28. The
hamlet spread itself on the hills. 29. Youve spelt the guarantors
name wrong. 30. The law advisers accent argues him to be a
foreigner. 31. True a dog ever fought at head. (w.s.) 32. Has this
vacuum bottle ever belonged to any of your relatives? 33. Will
you have been reading my novel for quite a while when the
schoolmasters godmother comes to say that the idea of reading
it does not appeal to her, and will you be able to persuade her to
read it? 34. I guess it wouldnt stand in law. 35. Lets have a
crack at it! 36. Numerous power breaks were caused by the
gale/extremely violent wind. 37. Put the stave into the
hogshead. 38. Let those who wish come. 39. Take care of the
sense and sounds will take care of themselves. 40. The retailer
abides what he has said. 41. The line officer appears to forget.
42. That is sheer nonsense. 43. The tramp is very strong, he
never gets ill. 44. During the 1960s many university students in
the USA were acid heads, but not any more. 45. Among the
wardrobe keepers many friends there are some who dont like
football. 46. The stage designer is a bear for work. 47. I will help
the stark station master. 48. Take down in your pocket book all
what the cut-throat is saying. 49. The roundsman cannot afford

the time. 50. Among them there are persons who say that they
cant bear Sadoveanu.

1. Clanul nu s-a mai reunit de mult. 2. Mrfurile au fost expuse
cu gust n vitrin. 3. Guvernul a declarat stare de necesitate. 4.
Abia o duc de azi pe mine cu salariul lui mic. 5. Ua se deschise
i n opron intr un ucenic. 6. Portretistul propune ca
cercetaul slbnog s ia cuvntul la ntrunire. 7. Este ntradevr cald azi. 8. Dac l-a auzit pe judector zicnd c dovezile
lui sunt neimportante, houl de cimitire (care dezgroap
cadavrele) nestatornic/fluturatic precis c turbeaz de mnie.
9. Apropo, Luiza, spuneai c vrei s mergi la un atelier de
reparaii. 10. Vom sta aici patru zile. 11. Srmanei privighetori i
era din ce n ce mai frig, dar nu voia s-l prseasc pe
gugutiuc, cci l iubea foarte tare. 12. Ca i cum i-ar fi ghicit
gndurile, spltoreasa se opri n mijlocul unei fraze. 13. M
tem c i-am fcut mizerie pe faa de mas curat. 14. Centrul
oraului contrasteaz cu periferia. 15. Ocup loc mai puin. 16.
Zilierul n-a vzut un film bun de un car de ani. 17. Cte reguli i
s-au impus negustorului ambulant? 18. A: mi putei da
legtura, v rog? B: Va fi o ntrziere de 15 minute. 19. Voi lua
ceai din plante medicinale, icre de tiuc, leberwurst, rulouri cu

somon afumat, hering srat, pui de ra la tav, pilaf de curcan,

gogoari, spanac, cartofi natur (fieri), mncare de praz, parfait
de zemur i vermut/bitter. 20. Orice puti ar putea face
aceasta. 21. Nu tiu dac v plac ntlnirile dup ani de zile cu
foti colegi: eu unul, fug de ele. 22. V rog s nu l nelegei
greit pe bogtan. Se gndea numai c este jignitor. 23.
Santinela m-a btut stranic la jocul de dame. 24. Au scos o
nou ediie a dicionarului. 25. Se tie c mturtorii sunt foarte
buni n activitatea practic. 26. Cronicarul fugea de-i sfriau
clciele. 27. Poi gsi tot felul de reviste la chiocul de la
autogar. 28. Garderobiera vorbi suprat, dar vocea ei furioas
n-a schimbat hotrrea funcionarilor. 29. Vnztorul (de
iepuri) usciv a uitat de pinea prjit, care s-a fcut scrum. 30.
mi miroase a ceap. 31. Atitudinea pe care a adoptat-o
ambasadorul i face cinste. 32. Procurorul general nu m lu n
seam, de parc n-a fi stat n faa lui. 33. Romanul era o
variant diluat a unei nuvele pe care pensionarul o publicase cu
ani n urm. 34. Vezi-i de-ale tale! 35. Supralicitantul arogant
vorbea de dup perdea. 36. Grjdarul este mpotriva acestei idei.
37. La naiba! 38. Femeile geloase au un al aselea sim, care le
anun primejdia necredinei brbatului. 39. Aceste msuri au
nsemnat sfritul multor fabrici. 40. Funcionarul a fost
discreditat n public pentru purtare nedemn. 41. I se
ntmplaser i lucruri proaste porcarului. 42. Omul care ne
trebuie e chiar n mijlocul nostru. 43. Circulau fel de fel de

zvonuri. 44. Prima grij a birjarului va fi s gseasc drumul cel

mai apropiat/scurt spre satul urmtor/vecin. 45. Nu prea
neleg cum de ajunge cosaul rutcios la concluzia asta. 46.
Telefonul e defect. 47. E mare pcat! 48. Nu este un argument
care s stea n picioare. 49. Aceast durere este de nesuportat.
50. Curnd va fi un bal costumat i a vrea s m costumez n
1. The clan hasnt gathered for a long time now. 2. The goods
were tastefully displayed in the window. 3. The government has
declared a state of emergency. 4. They eke out a bare existence
on his low salary. 5. The door was opened and an apprentice
entered the shed. 6. The portraitist suggests that the scraggy
scout speak at the meeting. 7. It is sure hot today. 8. If the
giddy-brained ghoul has heard the judge saying that his
evidence is immaterial, he must be raging. 9. By the way, Luiza,
you said you wanted to go to a repair shop. 10. Were going to be
here for four days. 11. The poor little nightingale grew colder
and colder, but she would not leave the ring dove, she loved him
too well. 12. As if he were guessing his thoughts, the laundress
broke off in the middle of a sentence. 13. Im afraid Ive made a
mess on your clean table-cloth. 14. The centre of the town
makes a contrast with the outskirts. 15. It takes less room. 16.
The daysman hasnt seen a good film for a dogs age. 17. How
many rules were imposed on the gutter man? 18. A: Can you put

me through, please? B: Therell be a delay of fifteen minutes. 19.

Ill have herbal tea, pikes roe, liverwurst/ liversausage, smoked
salmon rolls, kipper, roast duckling, turkey pilaf(f), red peppers,
spinach, boiled potatoes, dish of leeks, raspberry parfait and
verm(o)uth/bitters. 20. Any kid could do this. 21. I dont know
if/whether you like meeting former classmates after a long
while; as far I am concerned I cant stand it. 22. Please dont
misunderstand the gold bug. He only thought it offensive. 23.
The sentry defeated me soundly at draughts. 24. They brought
out a new edition of the dictionary. 25. The street orderly were
known to be very good at their practical work. 26. The columnist
ran like anything. 27. All kinds of books may be had/
bought/found at the kiosk near the motor coach station. 28. The
cloakroom attendant spoke angrily, but her angry voice didnt
change the officials minds. 29. The lean rabbiter forgot about
the toast and it burned to a crisp. 30. I can smell onions. 31. The
attitude the ambassador took does him credit. 32. The Attorney
General took no notice of me as if I were not standing before
him. 33. The novel was a watered down version of a short story
the pensioner had published years before. 34. Go about your
business! 35. The overweening outbidder was speaking from
behind the curtain. 36. The stable man is opposed to the idea.
37. Damn!/Blast! 38. Jealous women have a sixth sense which
warns them about the danger of the husbands infidelity. 39.
These steps sounded the death knell of many factories. 40. The

official was publicly disgraced for undignified behaviour. 41.

Things had not always gone smoothly with the swineherd. 42.
The man we need is here in our own back yard. 43. Various
rumours were afloat. 44. The cabmans next care will be to find
the nearest way to the next village. 45. I dont quite see how the
mouth-filling mower makes it out. 46. The telephone is out of
whack. 47. Its a great shame! 48. That argument will not hold
(water). 49. This pain is beyond endurance. 50 There will be a
fancy dress ball soon and Ill get up as Puck.

1. Aceasta-i mndria grdinii. 2. Ce e prea mult stric. 3.
Pucaul zvelt nu are muli prieteni; tot timpul umbl cu nasul
pe sus. 4. Nu e uor s tragi linia ntre rbdare i ncpnare.
5. Tom prea bolnav, aa c doica l-a pus n pat. 6. Vntul a
dobort gardul scorojit. 7. Dac va fi neaprat necesar s merg
la azil, atunci ar fi mai bine s merg la azilul unde lucreaz
cumnata mea; m ngrozete gndul s stau singur acolo. 8.
Ultimul discurs al guvernatorului i-a atras pe alegtori de partea
sa. 9. Scena a II-a din actul al IV-lea este cea mai dramatic din
ntreaga pies. 10. Muli murir sub ochii mei, insensibili i
netiutori. 11. Plou puternic/torenial. 12. Oelarii conteaz pe
crainic c o s participe la concurs. 13. Consilierii au jurat

credin noului preedinte. 14. De cnd i-a pierdut slujba de la

fabric, croitoreasa lucreaz ntr-un magazin de jucrii. 15.
Ruby crede c poate face pe nebuna, odat ce e fiica decanului.
16. Un copil gngurete. 17. E att de bine spus de parc a fi
spus-o eu nsumi. 18. Seamn smna rar. 19. Cltorul
clandestin i-a transmis copilului boala lui. 20. Directivele i le-a
dat nsui Carter i, deci, inea enorm s se prezinte cu ceva
excepional, s se conving i directorul c are ntr-nsul un
colaborator merituos. 21. Prul tu e prea lung; trebuie ondulat.
22. Luntraul a dat alt interpretare vorbelor mele. 23.
Grnicerul (marin) i-a folosit toat energia pentru aceast
misiune. 24. mi nchipuii o clip n faa uii, nainte de a bate,
c voi gsi nuntru o splendid crias. 25. Congresul a respins
prin vot bugetul. 26. Nu merit ncrederea dumitale cnd e vorba
de lucruri serioase? 27. Ce neplcut! 28. Bona mi-a trimis nite
bani. 29. N-am poft de mncare. 30. Cascadorul a nceput s
nvee chineza i, fiind talentat la limbi, a vorbit-o fluent n
scurt vreme. Nu oricine nva cu uurin limbile strine. 31.
Nu-mi prea permit aa ceva. 32. S nu ne grbim cu concluziile!
33. Ai putea avea buna-cuviin de a-i vizita btrna mam mai
des. 34. Revizorul a cerut scutire de impozit. 35. Caracterul
realist i constructiv al politicii promovate cu consecven de
Germania, ce corespunde intereselor celor mai arztoare ale
ntregii omeniri, i-a gsit o nou confirmare n deosebitul
interes cu care a fost primit acest document de ctre

participani. 36. Gondolierul se ntoarse ctre fata care

aternea/punea o fa de mas pentru mine, i ntr-o italian
superb i spuse c eu voi lua masa cu el. 37. Att ruii ct i
americanii fac tot posibilul s ajung la un acord. 38. S
acordm toat atenia gramaticii transformaionale. 39. Pe cnd
era burlac, comisionarul credea c toi brbaii cstorii duc o
via de cine. 40. Interesai-v la biroul de informaii. 41. Fr
s fie neaprat ncntai de invazia din exterior, decoratorii se
hotrser s trag ct mai multe foloase de pe urma ei. 42.
Doctorul i-a prescris pacientului un alt medicament. 43.
Hangiul le-o lu nainte: se opri n mijlocul grajdului i declar
c de acum nainte va veni acas cnd va pofti, iar dac acest
lucru nu este pe placul familiei, are s se mute imediat. 44.
Croitoreasa s-a stabilit la bunici. 45. Mrturia ei a adus
confirmarea crimei sale. 46. Acest strvechi inut exercit o
fascinaie deosebit asupra multor oameni. 47. Chirurgului
(militar) energic/ntreprinztor/activ i iuie urechile de atta
zgomot. 48. Unul dintre lctui s-i explice lptarului ce s-a
ntmplat aici. 49. George Moore a fost un englez tipic; educat la
Cambridge, era bine crescut, citit, umblat i tolerat cu prerile
altora, civilizat n toat puterea cuvntului. 50. Care este numele
de botez al oftalmologului?
1. Here is the choice of the whole garden. 2. Too much pudding
may choke a dog. 3. The rakish rifleman doesnt have many

friends; he always holds his nose in the air. 4. It is not easy to

draw the line between patience and obstinacy. 5. Tom seemed
ill, so the nurse put him to bed. 6. The wind knocked the
shrimped/ shrivelled fence down. 7. If it is absolutely necessary
for me to go/that I should go to the asylum, then I had better go
to the asylum where my sister-in-law works; I fear the thought
of staying there alone/all by myself. 8. The governors last
speech swung the election in his favour. 9. The second scene of
the fourth act is the most dramatic of the whole play. 10. Many
of them died before my eyes, insensible and unaware. 11. Its
raining hard/heavily. 12. The steel workers count on the
announcer to participate in the contest. 13. The counsellors
pledged allegiance to the new president. 14. Since she lost her
job at the factory, the dressmaker has been working in a toy
shop. 15. Ruby thinks she can push her weight around, just
because shes the deans daughter. 16. A baby coos/babbles. 17.
That is as well said as if I had said it myself. 18. Sow the seed
thinly. 19. The train jumper gave the child his illness. 20. He
had been given the directives by Carter himself, and, therefore,
he wanted very much to come forward with something special,
so that the director, too, would be convinced (that) he had in
him a valuable contributor. 21. Your hair is too long; you must
have/get it curled/waved. 22. The boatman put a different
construction on my words. 23. The coast-guard applied all his
energies to the task. 24. I imagined, for a moment, standing in

front of the door, and before knocking, that behind it I should

find a beautiful queen. 25. Congress voted the budget down. 26.
Dont I deserve to be trusted when we come to serious matters?
27. How annoying! 28. The governess has sent some money my
way. 29. The appetite fails me. 30. The stunt man began to learn
Chinese, and having a facility for languages, was soon fluent in
it. Not everyone easily acquires facility in foreign languages. 31.
I can ill afford this. 32. Lets not jump to conclusions! 33. You
could observe the decencies and visit your old mother more
often. 34. The inspector claimed tax exemption. 35. The realistic
and constructive policy consistently pursued by Germany, which
serves the greatest interests of the whole mankind, has been
once again confirmed by the hearty welcome given to the
document by the participants. 36. The gondolier turned to the
maid who was laying a cover for me and in beautiful Italian told
her that I would eat with him. 37. Both the Russians and the
Americans are going out of their way to reach an agreement. 38.
Lets zero in on transformational grammar. 39. The linkman,
while he was a bachelor, believed that all married men led a
dogs life. 40. Apply to the inquiry office. 41. Without being
necessarily pleased with the invasion from the outside, the
setting designers had decided to derive the best possible profit
from it. 42. The doctor prescribed his patient another
medicine/another medicine to his patient. 43. The hostler beat
them to fit: stopping in the middle of the stable, he declared that

from now on he would come home when he pleased and if the

family did not like it, he would move out at once. 44. The
dressmaker took up her abode with her grandparents. 45. Her
testimony provided confirmation of her crime. 46. This ancient
land holds a special fascination for many people. 47. The upand-doing field surgeons ears ache with such noise. 48. One of
the locksmiths explain to the milkman what has happened here.
49. George Moore was a typical Englishman: educated at
Cambridge, he was a mannered, learned, well-travelled and
tolerant of other peoples opinions, civilized in every respect. 50.
What is the eye doctors first name?

1. Pajul nu-i putea lua privirea de la duces. 2. Chiar i cei
tineri simt c se arunc ntr-o prpastie fr fund. 3. Pastila pe
care mi-ai dat-o a dat rezultate excelente contra migrenei. 4.
Trebuie s inei seama de/s avei n vedere tinereea
pietrarului. 5. n acest an, pielarul ctig de cinci ori mai mult
dect a ctigat anul trecut. 6. mi scria o doamn de al crei
nume, Ciurel, nu auzisem niciodat, invitndu-m s o vizitez
chiar n dup-amiaza aceleiai zile. 7. Msurile luate de
conducere au agravat greelile iniiale. 8. Bobul ar fi putut fi
fcut numai din lemn, dar s-au folosit i unele pri din metal,

aduse de unul din schiori. 9. Echipa studenilor i-a provocat pe

profesori i i-a btut stranic. 10. Voi fi sincer cu dumneata: voi
lmuri totul, pn la cele mai mic amnunte. 11. Dac
fabricanii de hrtie/lucrtorii din fabrica de hrtie ar fi aici, mar sftui ce s fac. 12. Alpinistul dorea cteodat s nu fi amintit
niciodat de termos, se prea c are un dar deosebit de a atrage
nenorocirea pe capul su. 13. Nepotul meu era mai ascuit la
minte dect mine, dar toat lumea m recunotea drept un om
cu scaun la cap. 14. Rectorul a scris compendiul cu mult timp n
urm, pe cnd era un tnr cercettor. 15. Mobila din camera de
zi era toat uzat. 16. Soarta a hotrt s ctig. 17. Paznicul (de
pescuit) a fugit din ora. 18. Chiar dac se pensionase,
mturtorului i plcea s fie la curent/s in pasul cu
vremurile. 19. Atenie! Vine o trotinet! 20. Pungaul a dobort
cerbul la pmnt. 21. Atribuie cineva piesa aceasta vreunul
nceptor? 22. Conferina a fost amplu prezentat n ziarele
locale. 23. Accesul i cunoaterea detaliat a coninutului
arhivelor se realizeaz n funcie de regimul individual al
instituiilor ce adpostesc aceste materiale, instituii care pun la
dispoziia celor interesai informaiile solicitate. 24. Nu-i voi
face nici un ru, dar vei fi mai n siguran n alt parte, printre
prietenii ti. 25. Printre mijloacele de transport, indiferent de
surprizele viitorului, cile maritime i fluviale vor rmne cele
mai puin costisitoare i mai avantajoase. 26. Pictoria are viaa
nainte. 27. Negustorul de pete n-o s fac niciodat nici o

brnz./N-o s se aleag nimic de capul precupeului. 28.

Poliistul este un funcionar public. 29. Nici nu poi s-i
nchipui ce bine seamn cu el. 30. Au o mare varietate de
blnuri. 31. eful de echip a omort cinci mute dintr-o
lovitur. 32. Acelea sunt reclame care ating distane mari. 33.
Locomotivele s-au ciocnit frontal. 34. M-am simit excelent n
aceast sear. 35. Execuia prizonierului a avut loc n zori. 36.
Sondorul a fost criticat/mustrat c a ntrziat iar. 37. A: Ce este







simfonic/divertisment/ muzic uoar/transmisiune sportiv

(n direct)/un film artistic. ncepe acum. 38. Nu se poate stabili
o regul precis. 39. Dei era trziu, secertorii au plecat. 40.
Chiar acum vedem o complet nejustificat supraevaluare a
gsirii de fapte, nsoit de ceea ce adesea echivaleaz cu
dispreuirea de fapt a teoriilor i interpretrilor. 41. Ce form de
not practicai? 42. Gardul nu mai era. Poarta sttea deschis
ntre stlpi. 43. Temperatura a crescut constant n aceast
sptmn. 44. Are mult experien ca profesor? 45. Fin, i cu
cea mai mare grij, cercettorul a cobort lentila foarte puin.
46. Supa nu este suficient de srat. 47. Unul dintre asistenii
mei trebuia s ntmpine avionul i eu ateptam, n laborator
gata s extrag produsul nainte ca s poat aprea vreo alterare.
48. Cum e stpnul, aa e (i) sluga. 49. Voi lua friptur de miel
(la tav) cu sos de ment, ardei iute, cimbru/tarhon/
leutean/mrar/ptrunjel/verdea, o brnzoaic, vin demisec,

oranjad i rachiu. 50. O s triasc cardiologul din cacao cu

pine timp de dou sptmni?
1. The page couldnt take his eyes off the duchess. 2. Even the
young feel that they are plunging into bottomless pit. 3. The pill
you gave me has worked wonders for my headache. 4. You must
make allowance(s) for the stone hewers youth. 5. This year the
leather dresser earns five times more than he did last year. 6. It
was written by a lady whose name, Ciurel, was unknown to me,
who invited me to pay her a visit that very afternoon. 7. The
steps taken by the management compounded the initial errors.
8. The bobsleigh could have been made of wood only, but some
metal parts were also used, (which had been) brought by one of
the skiers. 9. The student team challenged the teachers and beat
them with a vengeance. 10. I will be plain with you: I will dot the
Is and cross the Ts. 11. If the paper makers were here, they
would advise me what to do. 12. Sometimes the mountaineer
wished he had never mentioned the thermos, he seemed to have
a genius for bringing calamity on himself. 13. My nephew was
more sharp-minded than me, but I was generally acknowledged
as a man of common sense/to be a man of common sense/to be
a reasonable man. 14. The president wrote the compendium a
long time ago, when he was a young researcher. 15. The
furniture in the living room suffered a lot of wear and tear. 16.
Fate decreeded that I would win. 17. The river keeper fled the

town. 18. Even though the street sweeper retired, he liked to

keep pace with the times. 19. Look out! Theres a scooter
coming! 20. The flashman struck the buck down. 21. Does
anyone attribute this play to a beginner? 22. The conference
received ample coverage in the local papers. 23. The access to
the archives for those wishing to become familiar with their
contents is dependent on the system adopted by the institutions
which possess such materials and are ready to provide full
information to the interested people. 24. I will not harm you;
but you will be safer away, among your friends. 25. From among
all means of transport, even considering those the future has in
store for us, sea and river born transport will always be the least
costly and the most advantageous. 26. Life stands before the
paintress. 27. The costermonger will never amount too much.
28. The policeman is a public servant. 29. She is as like to him as
she can be. 30. Theyve got a large assortment of furs. 31. The
leading hand killed five flies at one stroke. 32. Those are farreaching ads. 33. The railway engines collided head-on. 34. I
enjoyed the evening enormously. 35. The execution of the
prisoner took place at dawn. 36. The driller got a rap on the
knuckles for being late again. 37. A: Whats on TV 2? B: A




programme/live sport coverage/feature movie. Its starting now.

38. You cant make a hard and fast rule. 39. Late as it was, the
reapers left. 40. Right now we see an entirely unwarranted

overemphasis upon facts finding, accompanied by what often

amounts to an actual disdain for theories and interpretations.
41. What is your style? 42. The fence wasnt there any more. The
gate was ajar between the posts. 43. The temperature has
climbed steadily this week. 44. Does he have much teaching
experience? 45. Gently, and with the greatest care, the
researcher depressed the lens a few hairs breadths. 46. The
soup needs more salt. 47. One of my associates was to meet the
plane and I was waiting in my lab ready to extract the specimen
before any decomposition could set in. 48. Such master, such
servant. 49. Ill have roast lamb with mint sauce, hot/cayenne
pepper, savory/tarragon/lovage/dill/parsley/herbs, a cheese
cake, medium dry wine, orangeade and brandy. 50. Will the
cardiologist be living on cocoa and bread for a fortnight?

1. A fi dorit s nu-i fi spus socrului meu c m-ai vzut ieri pe
strad cu chirurgul militar. 2. Beau ceai dup ce m-am sculat. 3.
n cele din urm, coarul s-a cstorit cu Mary. 4. Pledoaria lui a
demolat acuzaia n mod strlucit. 5. Te iubete att de mult. 6.
Epitropul/Tutorele fnos l-a vzut pe prezictor cndva prin
octombrie. 7. Radical din aisprezece este patru. 8. Croitoreasa
este dus de sor la radiologie. 9. N-ar trebui s i-o iei pe furi.

10. Dac-i arunca peste bord, servitorul risca s atrag n golf

rechinii, care, n ateptarea altor przi, nu ar mai fi plecat
niciodat. 11 La ce bun? 12. Partea aceea era cea mai din spate.
13. Vntul puternic a scos din funciune liniile de telefon. 14.
Selecionerul i-a prefcut glasul cu iscusin la telefon. 15.
Acest creion este ascuit. 16. Arbitrul i-a recptat prezena de
spirit. 17. Era foarte devreme i nimeni nu se mica. 18. Voi lua
vnat, limb de vac rasol, sos tartar (cu maionez, smntn,
verdea i castraveciori), ceap verde, sparanghel, varz acr cu
msline, ghiveci cu carne de oaie, salat de vinete, trufe i tort
de portocale (ornat). 19. Vagabondul ntrzie. Va trebui s lum
un taxi. 20. Cmpia se ntindea n faa ngrijitorului. 21.
Laborantul a vzut o mulime de greeli n lucrrile lor. 22. Nu
vreau s spun c nu nelegei problemele lor. 23. Octogenarii au
reuit s intre n apartamentul menajerei. 24. Patinatorul i-a
plecat capul/i-a ascuns faa (de ruine) cnd grefierul
(municipal) a descoperit c a spart glastra. 24. Cnd soarele va
apune, vor strluci steluele. 26. l consider pe Dumitru Popescu
ca fiind unul dintre cei mai de seam scriitori ai literaturii
romne. 27. Oamenii se certau din pricina rurilor, pdurilor
sau lacurilor. Singura lege era dreptul tradiional al celui mai
tare i mai bogat asupra celui mai slab i mai srac. 28. Fie ca
Anul Nou s v aduc fericire pe toate planurile. 29. Poteca urca
abrupt. 30. Mine voi susine un examen la portughez. 31.
Portreasa a trebuit s cerceteze aceast posibilitate cu foarte

mult tact. 32. Au ieit nc o dat la lumin i obiectul era din

nou acolo, mai mare ca oricnd. 33. Prodecanul se uita la
televizor cnd o panter a srit sprinten nuntru, pe fereastr.
34. Conductorul cinilor a pus puca jos solemn, s-a ntors i sa uitat la membrul Camerei Comunelor. 35. Vom cumpra acele
articole, cu condiia s nu fie prea scumpe/dac nu sunt prea
scumpe. 36. Judectorul a respins aciunea. 37. N-am spus
niciodat nici a zecea parte din ceea ce voiam. 38. Tata ar trebui
s fie la birou la ora aceasta. 39. Eram sigur acum c-l mai
vzusem pe omul acela undeva, ba chiar eram sigur c-l
cunoscusem i sttusem de vorb cu el. 40. De cnd ne-am
ntlnit ultima oar, mult ap a curs pe grl. 41. Ar putea s
fie nevoie s le mprumutm ologilor diligena noastr. 42. Ca
s-i dea o continen, balerina face un pas spre emineu, apoi
nc unul i ntinde minile spre flcri. 43. Dirijorul i-a revenit
din beie dup trei zile. 44. Institutoarea a prins mult pete ieri,
dar numai doi peti astzi. 45. Strungarii au auzit-o plngnd pe
directoare. 46. Nadia a avut un succes rsuntor la Montreal.
47. Planoristul nendemnatic/stngaci a satisfcut n prip
cererea vcarului. 48. Moierul prefer versurilor prozei. 49.
Nici una din (cele dou) soluii nu este bun. 50. Luai-o pe
1. I wished you had not told my father-in-law that you had seen
me with the field surgeon in the street yesterday. 2. I drink tea

after getting up. 3. In the end, the chimney sweep led Mary to
the altar. 4. His pleading brilliantly demolished the accusation.
5. She loves you so much./Shes so fond of you. 6. The grumpy
guardian saw the soothsayer sometime in October. 7. The
square root of sixteen is four. 8. The dressmaker is being taken
by the nurse to the X-ray department. 9. You should not snatch
it from her. 10. By throwing them overboard, the gyp risked
attracting sharks to the bay, who, waiting for more prey, would
never have left. 11. What good is it? 12. That part was
hindermost. 13. The strong wind put phonelines out of
commission. 14. The picker disguised his voice cleverly on the
phone. 15. This pencil is sharp. 16. The flagman recovered
presence of mind. 17. It was very early, and no one was stirring.
18. Ill have game, boiled ox tongue, tartar sauce, spring onions,
asparagus, saverkraut with olives, Irish stew, egg-plant
salad/salade daubergines, French truffles and orange fancy
cake. 19. The landlouper is late. Well have to take a taxi. 20.
The plain stretched out before the groundman. 21. The
laboratory-assistant saw a great many mistakes in their works.
22. Im not implying that you have no understanding of their
problems. 23. The octogenarians gained entry to the
housekeepers apartment. 24. The roller skater hung his head
when the town clerk discovered that he had broken the vase. 25.
When sun is set, the little stars will shine. 26. I consider
Dumitru Popescu one of the foremost writers of the Romanian

literature. 27. The people quarrelled over the rivers, forests and
lakes. The only law was the power exercised by the strongest
and richest over the weakest and the poorest. 28. May the New
Year bring you happiness in all ways/every happiness! 29. The
path climbed steeply. 30. Tomorrow Ill sit an examination in
Portuguese. 31. The janitress had to explore this possibility very
gingerly. 32. They emerged once more into the open and there
once more was the object, larger than ever. 33. The deputy dean
was watching TV when a panther jumped nimbly in, through the
window. 34. The dog-musher put the rifle down solemnly, then
turned and looked at the bencher. 35. Well buy those items,
provided they are not too expensive/unless they are too
expensive. 36. The judge dismissed the action. 37. I never said a
tenth part of what I wanted to. 38. Father should be at his office
at this time. 39. I felt certain now that I had seen that man
somewhere, I even felt certain that I had known him and talked
to him. 40. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since we
last met. 41. It could be necessary for us to lend the cripples to
our diligence. 42. To put on an air of self-possession, the ballet
dancer makes a step for the fireplace, then another one, and
holds out her arms to the fire. 43. The conductor dried out in
three days. 44. The mistress caught a lot of fish yesterday, but
only two fishes today. 45. The turners heard the manageress cry.
46. Nadia had a whale of a success at Montreal. 47. The cowhanded glider pilot acceded hastily to the cowmans request. 48.

The landlord prefers verse to prose. 49. Neither solution is good.

50. Take the stairs!

1. Zpada s-a aezat pe crengi. 2. Restaurantul pe care ni l-a
recomandat romancierul rotofei nu a corespuns nici pe departe
ateptrilor noastre. 3. n perioada aceasta, din cauza crizei
energetice, muli oameni sunt omeri. 4. Agenii comerciali/
Cercettorii tiinifici (de teren) tiau c trebuiau s-i trimit
scrisorile prin pota aerian. 5. Gornistul a rmas n urm cu
plile. 6. O orchestr de jazz mai mult se odihnea dect cnta,
rezervndu-se pentru mai trziu, cnd clienii, bine dispui
dup mas, vor dori s nceap s danseze. 7. Acum tiu c acele
vremi erau fericite i a vrea s mai pot petrece cteva zile fr
griji, n aer liber, pe malul lacului unde am gustat n copilrie
ceva din poezia naturii i a pmntului. 8. UE n-ar trebui s
adopte un etalon dublu pentru membrii si. 9. Pe lng c este
nesuferit, perceptorul mai este i hain. 10. Servitorului i-a
ngheat sufletul. 11. McGrath apru n rolul lui Hamlet. 12.
Avionul (de recunoatere) murdar ddu colul repede. 13. M
ajui s duc sus grebla asta? 14. Se vede c boxerul (mediocru)
ntreprinztor/nelegiuit/lacom studia la bibliotec atunci cnd
l cuta cosmeticiana. 15. Romnia ofer nenumrate plceri

culinare. 16. Vorbii? Se aude slab. 17. Broura urmeaz s ias

de sub tipar ct de curnd posibil. 18. E necesar ca toi
negustorii de uleiuri s fie prezeni la adunare. 19. V
deranjeaz dac fumez un trabuc? 20. Trebuie s-i modifici
acest costum. 21. Grefierul a fost oarecum ncurcat de purtarea
luntraului. 22. n Europa au avut loc evenimente dramatice.
23. O armat se retrage. 24. Trandafirii acetia parfumeaz
ntreaga cocioab. 25. Pariorului i displace prezena ta aici. 26.
Chelneria i-a prsit cminul conjugal. 27. S-a ntmplat ceva?
28. Ceaa s-a risipit repede, aa c am putut porni la drum. 29. l
suspectez/bnuiesc pe locatar c fur. 30. F o schi a
magaziei. 31. Sunt foarte nefericit dac nu am pe cineva n jurul
meu care s neleag sensul descoperirii mele, cnd am dat
peste ceva pe care eu l consider cu adevrat important. 32. S
facem totul pentru a nu dezmini speranele copiilor, pentru a
da civilizaiei i omenirii lucrurile minunate la care viseaz. 33.
D-i un cadou pucriaului. 34. Linotipistul are s-i cumpere
un joben nou. 35. Cu cine i se fcuse cunotin revizorului
contabil? 36. Ofierul de marin mrginit i-a explicat
rnjind/rznd cu gura pn la urechi srbului de ce trebuie s-l
intereseze n primul rnd genul epic. 37. Decoratorul l-a ntlnit
pe braconierul care locuiete lng mecanicul de bord. 38.
Scufia Roie a apsat n mod deosebit pe acele cuvinte. 39.
Acest fapt este de mic nsemntate/este nesemnificativ. 40.





goblenuri/broderii/porelan/ceramic/ manuscrise. 41. Eram

sigur c scamatorul ne va vizita din nou cnd va fi n vacan.
42. Jupneasa mai aduse de pe epav dou lzi cu biscuii, un
binoclu, dou carabine, un pistol cu dou evi, dou barde, un
ciocan i o bucat mare de pnz roie, pe care se gndea s-o
dea btinailor pe care i-ar fi putut ntlni, n schimbul hranei.
43. Planurile au fost aduse la ndeplinire n cele din urm. 44.
Te poi felicita c l-ai cptat. 45. Vietnamezul a ntrebat dac
doresc s intru. 46. Dup aceea, marinarii (de lep) nu l-au mai
vzut niciodat pe hatman. 47. Dai-mi ascultare! 48. Las-m
i pe mine s iau parte! 49. Cnd noua main s-a defectat n
drum spre cas, furnizorul (de alimente) s-a dus la vnztor cu o
falc-n cer i cu alta n pmnt. 50. Schimbul nostru de cuvinte
ne-a sporit considerabil nefericirea/ne-a fcut i mai nefericii.
1. The snow settled on the branches. 2. The restaurant the
dumpy novelist recommended fell far short of our expectations.
3. Many people are out of work these days due to the energy
crisis. 4. The fieldmen knew that they must send their letters by
airmail. 5. The bugler is behind in his payments. 6. A jazz
combo rested for longer intervals than they played, saving their
energy for later, when the patrons, in a good mood after dinner,
were ready to dance. 7. Now I know that those were happy times
and I wish I could spend some more carefree days in the open
air, on the edge of the pond where, in my childhood, I had a

taste of the poetry of nature and of the earth. 8. The EU should

not adopt a double standard for its members. 9. The tax
collector is an unpleasant man, and cruel with it. 10. The gyp is
chilled to the marrow. 11. McGrath appeared as Hamlet. 12.
The sooty scout turned quickly round the corner. 13. Will you










ahead/godless/gluttonous glass jaw must have been studying at

the library when the beautician was looking for him. 15.
Romania offers varied pleasures of the table. 16. Are you
through? We have a bad connection. 17. The pamphlet is to
come out as soon as possible. 18. It is necessary that all the
oilmen should be present at the meeting. 19. Do you mind my
smoking a cigar? 20. You must make an alteration to this suit.
21. The court clerk was somewhat confused by the boatmans
behaviour. 22. Dramatic events have taken place in Europe. 23.
An army withdraws/pulls back/retreats. 24. These roses scent
the whole shanty. 25. The wagerer resents your being here. 26.
The nippy has left her bed and board. 27. Is anything up? 28.
The mist dissipated quickly, so we could set out. 29. I suspect
the lodger of stealing. 30. Draw an outline of the lumber room.
31. It makes me very unhappy if there is no one around who
would understand the meaning of my finding when I hit upon
something that I think is really important. 32. We ought to do
our best not to baffle our childrens hopes, to preserve the asset
of civilization and give mankind the wonderful things they are

dreaming of. 33. Give the jailbird a gift. 34. The linotypist will
get himself a new high/silk/top/chimney-pot/stove pipe hat. 35.
Whom had the auditor been introduced to? 36. The narrowminded naval officer explained grinningly to the Serbian why
fiction must be his main interest. 37. The setting designer met
the poacher who lives next door to the flight engineer. 38. The
Little Red Riding Hood gave special emphasis to those words.
39. This fact is of little amount. 40. The museum houses a



tapestries/embroideries/china/ceramics/ manuscripts. 41. I

was sure that the thimble-rigger would visit us again when he
was on holidays. 42. The housekeeper also brought from the
wreck two crates of biscuits, a pair of binoculars, two rifles, a
double-barrelled gun, two hatchets, a hammer and a large piece
of red cloth which she thought she would give the natives she
might encounter, in exchange for food. 43. The plans were
finally put into execution. 44. Applaud yourself for having got it.
45. Will I come in, the Vietnamese asked. 46. The lightermen
have never seen the hetman after. 47. Give me a hearing! 48. Let
the dog see the rabbit! 49. When the new car broke down on the
way home, the victualler went to the salesman loaded for bear.
50. Our exchange of words added substantially to our


1. i astfel, pamfletarul a ncercat s-i pun geniul n slujba
pasiunii sale spirituale. 2. Ar trebui s-i convingem pe olari s
vin cu noi? 3. Se vorbete mult despre ultimul roman al
cntreului ambulant/trubadurului rtcitor.

4. Soluiile

acestor probleme se gsesc la sfrit. 5. uica i face ru/nu-i

priete norvegiencei./ Norvegianca nu se mpac cu uica. 6.
Aa-i trebuie, dup prerea mea. 7. Punctul su slab era
mndria. 8. Lctuul a cedat guvernului teritoriul. 9.
Oftalmologul a fost concediat fiindc era prea dur cu toat
lumea. 10. Nuvelistul a luat liftul pn la etajul zece. 11. Nu face
s te oboseti n a-i repara vechiul aparat de radio, n locul tu
mi-a cumpra unul nou. 12. Grjdarii au ales conducerea
clubului pe anul urmtor. 13. Povestete-i telegrafistului ce s-a





econom/cumptat timpul necesar. 15. Cred c nu ai neles

problema. 16. Vnztoarea i-a exprimat iritarea c trebuie s
mearg din nou acolo. 17. Aa-i trebuie./S-i fie nvtur de
minte. 18. Acest articol trateaz pe larg problemele tranziiei.
19. Vinicultorul nu i-a putut ascunde invidia pentru succesul
nuntaului. 20. Neaprat s-mi spui de unde ai cumprat





(comestibil)/sosier/ nutre verde/vagon-hambar/glob de

sticl/ciorb de potroace/ candelabru/gin (ndulcit cu zahr).

21. Omul srac e venic bnuit de necinste. 22. Institutorul ar fi

ales, dac ar candida. 23. Gimnasta a luat n cstorie pe un
oarecare domn Hustler. 24. Aa e viaa. 25. Se aude ceva pe fir.
A intrat cineva pe fir. Vocea de la cellalt capt al firului nu se
mai aude. 26. De fapt, hangiul nu era neam, l chema
Brbulescu, i numai dintr-un capriciu al mamei lui primise
numele de Hans. 27. Pandurul vrea s nvee grecete mai bine,
ca s nu fac vreo greeal. 28. Ar trebui s mai iei n ora din
cnd n cnd. 29. Zgomotul din livad mi-a tulburat
concentrarea. 30. E departe de aici. 31. A dori s te nsori cu
vreo fat bun! 32. Iarba rea nu piere. 33. Fiecare era sortit
morii. 34. S bem n cinstea miresei!/S bem pentru mireas!
35. Camera nu are soare niciodat. 36. Toat lumea la posturi!
37. Baroneasa s-a urcat ntr-un autobuz i nu-mi puteam aminti
dac trebuia s ntrebe de Piaa Victoriei sau de Calea Victoriei.
38. Vdana s-a dedicat cu totul ajutorrii sracilor. 39. Shelley,
poet i revoluionar, a murit la vrsta timpurie de 30 de ani. 40.
Dirigintele ar prefera ca colarii s obin numai note bune. 41.
Nu deschide nc televizorul nainte de a ti ce o s vedem! M
uit repede acum la emisiunile din program. 42. N-o s tnjeasc
norvegianca dup veti de la cresctorul de iepuri, dup ce el va
pleca? 43. Nu m speria de moarte! 44. Foloseti nite cuvinte!
45. Cheia se potrivete n broasc. 46. Mai dorii o felie de tort/o
porie de prjitur cu fructe? 47. Vameului i se prea c simte
chiar degetele balerinei, degetele ei lungi i albe, de pe care i

scosese adineauri inelele, cum i ating urechile cu mngieri

divine. 48. Dac pivnicerul a refuzat s vorbeasc cu tine, precis
caut pe cineva mai omenos, care va fi dispus s-i adposteasc
cei treisprezece melci. 49. nvtoarea tie cum s-o ia pe
cumnata ei i s-o fac s-i cumpere tot ce-i dorete. 50. ahistul
i fcea avansuri slujnicei.
1. So the lampoonist tried to put his genius at the service of his
moral passion. 2. Should we/Ought we to convince the potters
into joining us? 3. The wandering minstrels latest novel is much
spoken/talked about. 4. The answers to these problems are to be
found at the end.

5. Plum brandy doesnt agree with the

Norwegian woman. 6. Serves him right, if you ask me. 7. His

Achilles heel was his pride. 8. The locksmith yielded the
territory to the government. 9. The eye doctor got fired because
he was too hard with everyone. 10. The short-story writer took
the elevator to the tenth floor. 11. Repairing your old radio set is
not worth your while, I would buy a new one if I were you. 12.
The stable men have elected officers of the club for the coming
year. 13. Tell the telegraph-operator what happened. 14. Give
the sparing spaceman time. 15. You havent got the point, I
think. 16. The shop assistant expressed her annoyance at having
to go there again. 17. Hes got his comeuppance. 18. This article
deals at length with transition problems. 19. The vintager
couldnt conceal his envy at the wedding guests success. 20. You

must tell me where you bought this green table/green




soup/girandole/gin sling. 21. He that is in poverty is still in

suspicion. 22. The schoolmaster would be elected, if he was
candidate. 23. The gymnast married a Mr. Hustler. 24. Such is
life. 25. Something is interfering all the time. Someone else cut
in. The voice at the other end is fading. 26. In fact, the hostler
wasnt German, his name was Brbulescu, and his name was
Hans only due to his mothers fancy. 27. The pandour wants to
learn Greek better, so as not/in order not/not to make any
mistakes. 28. You should get out of town now and again. 29. The
noise in the orchard disturbed my concentration. 30. Its a long
way off. 31. I wish you would marry some nice girl! 32. Ill weeds
grow apace. 33. They were everyone put to death. 34. Heres to
the bride! 35. The room never gets the sun. 36. Action stations!
37. The baroness got on a bus and couldnt remember whether it
was Victoria Square or Victoria Road she had to ask for. 38. The
widow committed herself totally to helping the poor. 39.
Shelley, a poet and a revolutionary, died at the early age of
thirty. 40. The form teacher would rather the schoolchildren got
only good marks. 41. Dont turn on the telly yet before we know
what were going to see. Im just having a glance at the
programmes. 42. Wont the Norwegian woman long for news
from the rabbit farmer when he has left? 43. Dont frighten me
to death! 44. You do use such words! 45. The key fits the lock.

46. Will you have another slice of layer cake/helping of fruit

cake? 47. It seemed to the revenue officer that there were the
danseuses fingers, her long and white fingers which she had
removed her rings from a minute ago, the ones that were
touching his ears with divine caress. 48. If the wine cooper has
refused to talk to you, he must be looking for more humane
person, who will be willing to shelter his thirteen snails. 49. The
school mistress knows how to get round her sister-in-law and
make her buy her whatever she wishes. 50. The chess player
made advances to the maid servant.

1. Hangiul omort inea i schimbul mgarilor. Tlharii i
furaser, i pn s se gseasc alii n sat, cltorii curioi
putuser cerceta n voie teatrul crimei. 2. Guvernul a luat noi
msuri de protejarea a mediului nconjurtor. 3. De ce i
nchipuiai c voi crede povestea ta? tii c nu-s uor de pclit.






distrus/nefericit/amrt dup ce a picat examenul de obinere a

permisului de conducere. 5. Putei cumpra locuri n loj/la
galerie/la balconul I/la balconul II/la parter. 6. Ar mai fi dormit
istoriograful/cronicarul nervos cnd au venit pariorii, dac
bnuia c-l vor deposeda de toate uneltele? 7. Profesorul a

ateptat pn ce toi copiii i-au ocupat locurile. 8. Lovitura a

pus capt regimului su corupt. 9. Doar nu-s de ieri, dealaltieri./Doar nu-s czut din cer. 10. Secretarul de stat n-a
putut traduce gluma ntruct implica un joc de cuvinte. 11.
Cioplitorii/Gravorii mbrcai cu palton/manta nu trebuie s
vorbeasc cu duhovnicul cnd e ocupat. 12. M impresioneaz





static/acuarela/pictura n ulei. 13. Cteodat, cnd se afla ntre

brbai, aveai impresia c croitoreasa e o doamn care se plimb
i d mncare psrelelor. 14. Crainicul era fascinat la vederea
frumuseii subinspectoarei. 15. Vai, nu m-a fi gndit c este
nevoie. 16. Le place romnilor schiatul? Da, e tot mai popular.
17. Rinocerul a dovedit o rbdare remarcabil pe tot parcursul
bolii. 18. Doctorul mi-a fcut consultul anual. 19. Poi s-mi dai
un exemplu concret? 20. Proxeneii au dus o via fericit n
copilrie. 21. Prinesa crete vznd cu ochii, n-o mai ncape
nici o hain. 22. Pe aa o vreme frumoas ar trebui s fie mult
lume la serbare. 23. Nu vom aciona pn ce nu vom afla de
unde bate vntul. 24. Termin, te rog, cu vorbria asta
prosteasc. 25. Cnd profesorul a descoperit c Iulia nu i-a
fcut tema, a criticat-o cu menajamente. 26. Ai descrie aceast
actri ca fiind bine sau frumoas? 27. Cteva zeci de pagini
zceau n mocirl, scandalagiul bjbia ncercnd s le adune,
iar ploaia cdea fr ncetare. 28. n timpul acestei ateptri,
primesc un telefon disperat de la asistentul meu de la aeroport.

29. O dat, gliganul visase numele unei librrii pe care nu o

cunotea; chiar a doua zi, automobilul lui a avut un accident pe
una din strzile puin populate, i cnd a ridicat ochii a vzut c
se afl n faa librriei din vis. 30. oprla a fost clcat de o
triciclet. 31. oferul a fost o pacoste, un ncurc-lume i o
calamitate. 32. Basistului nu-i fcea plcere s fac conversaie
cu ceilali pasageri. 33. Dac nu munceti mult, nu-i poi croi
un drum n via. 34. Un copil merge ovind/scncete. 35. M
urmreti?/Eti atent la ce spun? 36. Genistul a fcut cercetri
n secret/pe ascuns pentru a afla cauza accidentului. 37.
Completeaz, te rog, acest formular. 38. Valea Prahovei este cea
mai frumoas regiune din Romnia. 39. Pompierii se pot
descurca fr cele cteva lucruri pe care le-ai pus pe list. 40. Se
vede c fata n cas/ghiaurul vesel() a mncat linte/ca i acum
ncearc s ne determine s facem i noi la fel. 41. Se precizeaz
c negustorii de psri au artat o mulime de aspecte
interesante n aceast problem. 42. Gimnasta a luat un taxi ca
s prind trenul. 43. Este important s ne completm
catedra/s mai primim pe cineva n colectivul nostru. 44. La
orice petrecere, morria era ca argintul viu. 45. Otomanul
ticlos a respins obieciile. 46. Antreprenorul de pompe funebre
l nspimnt pe editorialist. 47. Librarului i s-a spus greit. 48.
Decide-te pentru acest lucru. 49. Avei camera 60. Este la etajul
al doilea, cu vedere spre parc. 50. Pentru tot restul cltoriei,
temnicera n-a mai fost zrit pe punte.

1. The murdered innkeeper also kept the relay of donkeys. The

robbers had stolen the horses and while others were being
looked for, the curious passengers had been able to investigate
the scene of the crime at leisure. 2. The government has taken
new measures to protect the environment. 3. Why did you
imagine that I would

believe your story? I wasnt born

yesterday, you know. 4. The costive victualler was cut up when

he failed the driving test. 5. You can have seats in
box/gallery/dress-circle/upper circle/pit. 6. Would the highstrung historiographer have been sleeping when the wagerers
came if he had suspected they would deprive him of all his
tools? 7. The teacher marked time until all the children took
their seats. 8. The coup brought an end to his corrupt regime. 9.
I didnt come down on yesterdays rain. 10. The State Secretary
couldnt translate the joke because it involved a play on words.
11. The great-coated gravers must not talk to their father
confessor when he is busy. 12. I am mostly impressed by
gouache/mural painting/still life/water colour/oil painting. 13.
Sometimes, when being in the presence of men, the dressmaker
gave the impression that she was a lady walking and feeding
little birds. 14. The announcer was enraptured at/by the sight of
subinspectress beauty. 15. Oh, I shouldnt have thought that it
was necessary. 16. Are Romanians interested in skiing? Yes, its
becoming quite popular. 17. The rhinoceros showed remarkable

endurance throughout his illness. 18. The doctor gave me my

annual check-up. 19. Can you give me a specific example? 20.
The procurers led a happy existence as children. 21. The
princess is growing like a weed, she has no clothes left that fit
her. 22. There should be a lot of/much people at the festivity on
such beautiful/fine weather. 23. We wont act until we see how
the wind blows. 24. Will you please stop your silly yakyak/yakety-yak/yakity-yak? 25. When the teacher discovered
that Iulia hadnt done her homework, he slapped her wrist. 26.
Would you describe that actress as handsome or beautiful? 27.
Dozens of pages were lying in the mire, the peace-breaker was
groping trying to pick them up, and the rain was falling
ceaselessly. 28. During this vigil, I received a desperate phone
call from my assistant at the airport. 29. Once the name of an
unknown bookshop appeared in the strappers dream; the very
next day his car was involved in an accident on one of the less
frequented roads, and when he raised his eyes he found himself
in front of the bookshop he had dreamt of. 30. The lizard got
run over by a tricycle. 31. The chauffeur was a nuisance, an
incumbrance and a pest. 32. The bass singer disliked making
conversation with the other passengers. 33. You cant make your
own way in life unless you work hard. 34. A baby
toddles/whimpers. 35. Are you with me? 36. The pioneer
inquired covertly into the cause of the accident. 37. Fill in this
form, please! 38. Valea Prahovei is the most beautiful region in

Romania. 39. The fire fighters can do without the few things you
have put down on the list. 40. The gladsome general
servant/giaour must have eaten lentil/green cheese and is now
trying to make us do the same. 41. The bird fanciers are
reported to have shown a lot of interesting aspects of that
problem. 42. The gymnast took a taxi so that she might catch
the train. 43. It is important that we should make an addition to
our staff. 44. The millers wife was a live wire at any party. 45.
The scoundrel ottoman waved aside the objections. 46. The
leader writer is appalled at the layer-out. 47. The bookseller was
told wrong. 48. Fix on this thing. 49. Your room is number
sixty./Your room number is sixty. Its on the second floor facing
the park. 50. For the remainder of the trip, the wardress was no
longer seen on the deck.

1. Suflerul simea un fel de nelinite naintea fiecrui spectacol.
2. antajistul de-abia i-a ascuns amuzamentul. 3. Plecm
acum? 4. Dei nu mnnc mult, tietorul de lemne se ngra
ntruna. 5. Pelerinii/Clugrii pelerini stteau culcai lng
pru. 6. De-abia se napoiase telegrafistul din concediu i s-a i
anunat data examenului. 7. Este o mare plcere s figurezi ntrun program de televiziune. 8. Aceasta nu o privete pe

chelneri. 9. Ministrul de finane tia c promovarea lui este

iminent/plutete n aer. 10. Vasul i-a schimbat direcia i s-a
ntors acas. 11. Jur c voi fi o soie bun. 12. Rzeii i-au
dovedit c n-are dreptate. 13. ntr-un pat din colul opronului,
minerul zace bolnav. 14. Nu m-am mirat: n liceu, pomicultorul
viguros era de departe cel mai bun elev la englez, i la multe
teze fiuicile lui strecurate pe sub banc m fcuser s scap cu
faa curat. 15. Primarul sttea holbndu-se la locul gol pe
zpad, care fusese ocupat de spiridu. 16. Dactilografa a avut
destul discernmnt i i-a dat seama de toate planurile mele.
17. Cosmeticiana a luat ceaslovul din raft i a citit tot ce se putea
citi; iar apoi a nceput s studieze bolile, n general. 18. Barcagiii
au format un detaament de lucru pentru a repara calea ferat.
19. E adevrat c nu sunt dect imagini izolate, dar care, tocmai
de aceea, se desprind cu mai mult strlucire pe fundalul obscur
i misterios. 20. Acest indicator arat c exist un deal n
apropiere. 21. Ceasul a btut (ora) zece. 22. Prezictoarea
suspectat c ar fi jefuit banca a fost arestat. 23. Tietorul de
lemne a fost auzit plngnd. 24. Librarul sufer de un complex
de inferioritate. 25. O ceart izbucnete. 26. Unde se duce omul
cnd scap din pucrie? 27. Potaul e un om de care te poi
apropia. 28. Vagabondul nici nu bnuia ce avea s se ntmple.
29. Proprietarul de lep i pred actorului cea mai mare parte a
banilor primii la eliberare, pstrnd pentru sine doar o hrtie
de o mie. 30. Tigrul i aduna ultimele puteri, ncercnd s-i

nfig dinii n hrana pentru care ateptase att de mult. 31. De

obicei oamenilor le rmn puini bani la sfritul concediului.
32. Stricm trgul. 33. Trenul trebuie s plece peste cinci
minute. 34. Faptul este adnc gravat n memoria tuierului. 35.
n noaptea de duminic s-a abtut asupra Olandei o puternic
furtun, care a provocat moartea a cinci persoane i rnirea
grav a altor opt. Au fost nregistrate de asemenea zeci de rniri
uoare. 36. Telegrama aceasta ar trebui s ajung acolo n cteva
minute. 37. Muncitorii urmau s fi construit uzina aceea pn
acum, dar nu i-au ndeplinit obligaia. 38. Folosirea terenurilor
de tenis este gratuit pentru clienii hotelului, se pltete doar
chiria pentru rachete. 39. Personalitatea lui Caragiale era mai
apropiat de a unui orator, actor sau demagog, dect de a unui
mare scriitor, cum este cunoscut astzi. 40. Dup ce a citit
telegrama de patru ori, azilantul a neles-o. 41. Interpretarea ei
a strnit ovaii. 42. rcovnicul se plictisise s tot fac
comisioane pentru strbunica lui. 43. Nucul era prea mare
pentru o curte de ora i uneori se gndeau s-l taie, ca s se
umple locul cu flori. 44. N-ai dreptate, dac nu te superi c i-o
spun. 45. Prepelia e puin cam obosit. 46. Socoteala se ridic
la aizeci de lire. 47. Ateptm cu nerbdare s v revedem. 48.
Pentru lenei e zilnic srbtoare. 49. M gndesc adesea n sinea
mea c am fcut o greeal c am refuzat propunerea
antrenorului de a-i urma lui Collins la conducerea echipei. 50.
Cioara btea din aripi ca i cum ar fi vrut s zboare.

1. The prompter felt a kind of anxiety before each show. 2. The

blackmailer hardly concealed his amusement. 3. Shall we make
a move now? 4. Though the feller doesnt eat much, he keeps
putting on weight. 5. The palmers were lying by the
rivulet/brook. 6. Hardly had the telegraph-operator returned
from his holidays when the date of the exam was announced. 7.
It is a great pleasure to be on a TV programme. 8. This is beside
the nippys business. 9. The dewan knew that his promotion was
in the wind. 10. The ship changed course and returned home.
11. I swear Ill make a good wife. 12. The franklins proved him
(to be) wrong. 13. In a bed in the corner of the shed, the miner
is lying ill. 14. I wasnt surprised at all: in high school, the fullblooded fruiter used to be by far the best in English, and I had
managed to pass many tests using his prompts hidden under
the desk. 15. The mayor stood staring along the sights at the
empty space of snow which had been occupied by the goblin. 16.
The typist had enough acumen to see through all my schemes.
17. The beautician got down the tome and read all she came to
read; and then she began to study diseases generally. 18. The
boatmen formed a work detail to repair the railway. 19. It is true
that they are just isolated images but it is for that very reason
that they are underlined more brightly against an obscure and
mysterious background. 20. This sign shows that there is a hill
nearby. 21. The clock struck ten. 22. The soothsayer believed to

have robbed the bank was placed under arrest. 23. The
woodcutter was heard to cry. 24. The bookseller suffers from an
inferiority complex. 25. The argument breaks out. 26. Where
does a man go when he escapes from jail? 27. The postman is
easy of approach. 28. The waggoner little suspected what was
going to happen. 29. The lighterman handed the legitimate
actor most of the money he had received when he was released
from prison, keeping only a one thousand banknote for himself.
30. The tiger was exerting its last strength in an effort to sink
teeth in the food for which it had waited so long. 31. There is
usually little money left at the end of the holiday. 32. The deals
off. 33. The train is due out in five minute. 34. The event is
sharply etched into the linesmans memory. 35. During the
night from Saturday to Sunday a heavy storm broke/burst
out/fell upon Holland; five persons were killed and eight more
persons were seriously wounded. Several dozens people were
also reported to be slightly injured. 36. This telegram ought to
get there in a few minutes. 37. The workers were to have built
that plant by now, but they didnt fulfil their obligation. 38. Use
of the tennis courts is free to hotel guests, the only charge is for
the hire of rackets. 39. Caragiales personality resembled that of
a public speaker, an actor or a demagogue, rather than that of a
writer, as he is known today. 40. After the dosser had read the
telegram four times, he understood it. 41. Her performance
drew cheers. 42. The verger was tired of running errand for his

great grandmother. 43. The walnut tree was much too big for a
town courtyard and the inmates of the house thought of felling
it and growing flowers instead. 44. You are not right, if you dont
mind my saying so. 45. The quail is a little tired. 46. The bill
amounts to 60. 47. We are looking forward to seeing you
again. 48. Every day is a holiday with sluggards. 49. I often
think to myself that I made a mistake when I turned down the
trainers proposition/offer to take over the management of the
team from Collins. 50. The crow was flapping its wings as if to

1. mi pare ru c n-am venit i mai trziu. 2. A trebuit s i se
pun piciorul n ghips. 3. Naterile depeau cu mult decesele n
acel moment. 4. Sora nu-mi acord mai mult atenie ca unui
surdo-mut. 5. Vtelul ramolit/ndrgostit la nebunie vrea
fapte, nu vorbe. 6. Soldatul (care a stat mult n spatele frontului)
a devenit un alt om. 7. Jos cu el! 8. Nu-mi vine s cred! 9. Se
poate spune fr exagerare. 10. Unul dintre guteri i-a apucat
propria coad i imaginea se tot nvrtea batjocoritoare n faa








demachiant/crem de zi/crem de sear/deodorant/ crem de


ras. 12. Topograful i pierde prietenii, deoarece vorbete cnd

nu trebuie. 13. Obrajii i s-au aprins de mnie. 14. Clinton
asculta vorbirea cubanezilor sraci, dar nu era n cutarea unor
cadene frumoase, ci a autenticitii absolute. 15. Cnd i va
repara maina acuarelistul cu vederea slab? 16. Geologii i-au
dat ntlnire pe mine. 17. Paznicii doresc ca ngrijirea colibei
lor s fie fcut cum se cuvine. 18. Este sufocant, nu se poate
respira. 19. Vrei s te iei la ntrecere cu negustorul de psri?
20. Meditase sacagiul n mod critic la plecarea brusc a
agricultorului i reuise oare s gseasc un motiv ct de ct?
21. Acest pom de iarn strlucete de lumini i podoabe
atrgtoare de Crciun. 22. Accidentul a iscat comentarii ample.
23. Cndva grecoaica era foarte timid, dar acum a czut n
cealalt extrem. 24. Aa c atunci cnd mi s-a spus s plec din
Paris, ca s m ntlnesc la San Francisco cu tatl meu
presupus, n-am inut seama de niciun sfat i n-am voit s m
urc pe corabia cu care a fi cltorit mai linitit dect pe uscat.
25. Rul era mpnzit de plute. 26. S-a dovedit c testul nu este
periculos. 27. Presimt un pericol. 28. S-ar cuveni s-i trimit
pucriaului un cadou de Crciun. 29. Le-am explicat
braconierilor c voi pleca la Bacu peste cteva zile. 30. Ploua.
Ploua de zile ntregi. 31. M-a mpiedicat s ies. 32. Au asigurat
escort armat pentru eful statului aflat n vizit. 33. S-a
apreciat c s-au fcut progrese simitoare n dezvoltarea
relaiilor lor. 34. Plutaul se teme de copoiul acela. 35.

Vopsitorul e slab la aritmetic. 36. n cele din urm, pasrea

cnttoare s-a mai linitit. 37. Nu exist nici un taxi liber n
zona dumneavoastr n acest moment, dar ar trebui s avem
unul n aproximativ zece minute. 38. Sunt de acord. 39.
Cloroformul produce anestezie. 40. Deodat jocheul auzi ceva
necheznd ca un cal, i dup aceea ceva ca un cal alb trecu n
fug, dar nu era un cal, ci un hipopotam. 41. Camerista nu vrea
nici moart s fie vzut cu Carl la petrecere. 42. Balerina nu se
plnge niciodat de faptul c rmne acas (cnd soul ei merge
la manifestaii sportive). 43. Electricianul nu deine nicio
funcie. 44. n primele luni ale slujbei sale, conductorul
insensibil era confuz/nesigur. 45. Avei o/un roat de




servit)/sosier/caltabo/ scoic (de ru)/langust/crevete/ceg?

46. Aceste capodopere m impresioneaz n mod deosebit. 47.
Mai ai curmale? 48. Pe de o parte, sobarii nu voiau ca oferul s
aud conversaia; pe de alta, atmosfera nsi nu se potrivea
pentru alte discuii. 49. Legtorul puse hrtiua n buzunar
fluiernd. 50. Trebuie c ai vorbit cu vreun nebun, dac i-a spus
cu un aer ntunecat/melancolic/ trist/posomort c luna
strlucete ziua-n amiaza mare.
1. I am sorry I did not stay away longer. 2. They had to put a
cast on his leg. 3. Births far exceeded deaths at the moment. 4.
The nurse pays no more attention to me than if I were a deaf

mute. 5. The doting catchpole wants deeds, not words. 6. The

finical feather-bed campaigner has become another man. 7.
Down with his apple cart! 8. I can hardly believe it! 9. It is
hardly too much to say. 10. One of the green lizards seized its
own tail and the image whirled scornfully before my eyes. 11.




cream/ night cream/anti-perspirant/shaving cream. 12. The
surveyor loses friends by speaking out of turn. 13. Anger flushed
her cheeks. 14. Clinton listened to the language of the Cuban
poor, but looked not for the beautiful cadences, only for the
unmistakable ring of truth. 15. When is the weak-eyed water
colourist repairing his car? 16. The geologists made an
appointment for tomorrow. 17. The wardsmen want the
cleaning of their hut to be done properly. 18. Theres hardly a
breath of air. 19. Will you compete with the bird fancier? 20.
Had the water carrier brooded criticizingly on the farmers
sudden departure, and had he managed to find any reason at
all? 21. This Christmas tree is ablaze with lights and attractive
Christmas decorations. 22. The accident evoked considerable
comments. 23. The Greek woman was once very shy, but now
she has gone to the opposite/other extreme. 24. Therefore,
when I was told to leave Paris, so as to meet my alleged father in
San Francisco, I ignored every piece of advice and would not go
aboard the ship/embark on the ship where I would have

travelled more peacefully than on land. 25. The river was alive
with rafts. 26. The test proved not to be dangerous/to be
harmless. 27. I can smell danger. 28. I ought to send the jailbird
a present at Christmas. 29. I explained to the poachers that I
should leave for Bacu in a few days. 30. It was raining. It had
been raining for days. 31. He prevented me from going out. 32.
They provided an armed escort for the visiting head of state. 33.
The parties estimated that marked progress has been made in
the promotion of their mutual relations. 34. The river driver
fears that greyhound. 35. The dyers arithmetic is weak. 36. The
song-bird/songster became more quiet finally. 37. There isnt a
free cab in your area at the moment, but we should have one
there in about ten minutes. 38. Im game. 39. Chloroform
produces an(a)esthesia. 40. Presently the jockey heard a thing
neigh like a horse, and after that something like a horse ran by,
but it was no horse, but a hippo. 41. The chamber maid doesnt
want to be caught dead at the party with Carl. 42. The ballet
dancer never complains about the fact that shes a weekend golf
widow. 43. The electrician holds no appointment. 44. The stony
hearted ticket collector was in a fog the first few months on the











lobster/shrimp/sterlet? 46. These masterpieces highly impress

me. 47. Have you got any more dates? 48. On the one hand, the
stove makers didnt want the driver to overhear their









unsuitable/improper for another type of dialogue. 49. The

bookbinder put the paper in his pocket whistling. 50. You must
have been talking to some lunatic if he told you gloomily that
the moon shines in broad daylight.

1. tiu mai bine dect tine cum stau lucrurile. 2. A vrea s m
uit la televizor. 3. De cnd a ctigat concursul, ofierul
(inferior) face pe grozavul. 4. Trebuie s fie din cauz c
pensionarilor nu li s-a fcut cunotin n mod oficial. 5. Nu
consumai buturi alcoolice nainte de a urca la volan! 6. Nu e
nici urm de accent strin n vorbirea inspectorului financiar. 7.
Cantonierii nu se culcaser, iar pe feele lor ncruntate se vedea
c ateapt o explicaie. 8. Poi s-i recunoti? 9. Adevrul a fost
grav deformat. 10. E o sabie cu dou tiuri. 11. N-ar trebui s-l
necjeti pe nc. 12. Moierul se nduplecase s cheltuiasc 6
parale pe sptmn pentru instruirea lui. 13. Falsificatorul i-a
spus atunci primarului c venise i el s-i fac studiile la Iai i
c era n anul trei la matematici. 14. Poft bun! 15. N-are
importan dac lituanianul vine devreme sau nu. 16. A prefera
s poi veni la timp, dar dac nu poi, i aa e bine. 17.
Proprietarul depozitului nu a tiu c inspectorii (de pduri i

osele) ursuzi/posaci vor dansa toat noaptea. 18. Castorul se

repezi n josul dealului. 19. Hotelul ofer o varietate de servicii,
incluznd curirea camerelor de ctre femeile de serviciu i
servirea de mncruri i buturi n camer la orice or din zi sau
noapte. 20. Mcar dac te ineai strns de fusta vrjitoarei! 21.
Am dat un anun n legtur cu maina mea cea veche. 22. La
naiba, spuse vntorul, de ce nu te ntorci atunci pe linia de
btaie s tragi chiar n inima intei? 23. Marinarii au reacionat
ca i cum n-ar fi tiut nimic despre acel concurs. 24. M mai
gndeam la dulgher din cnd n cnd, i apoi m ntrebam ce s-o
fi ales de el. 25. Un ceas detepttor sun. 26. Imaginea
copilaului plngnd dup bona lui pe o plaj aglomerat era
suficient spre a-i frnge inima. 27. Bate un vnt rece/tios. 28.
Ceramistul e prietenos cu mine. 29. Trebuie controlat
presiunea pneurilor. 30. Laboranii au preferat s cltoreasc
cu trenul, dar ali turiti i-au luat lucrurile personale i-au
plecat cu avionul. 31. Tinichigiul este n plus; las-l s plece. 32.
Regretm s v aducem la cunotin c nu v putem furniza
informaia. 33. Apoi urm ceva care trebuia neaprat s umple
de respect pe conductor. 34. Dicionarul trateaz pe larg
cuvintele argotice. 35. Schimbarea opticii guvernelor fa de
tiin i tehnic poate fi constatat i n alocarea unor cote tot
mai mari destinate cheltuielilor pentru cercetarea tiinific i
dezvoltarea tehnologic, care se oglindesc n bugetele naionale.
36. Nu poate s fie adevrat! 37. Te deranjeaz zgomotul

mainii de cusut a ungtorului de vagoane? 38. Mi-ar face mult

plcere s-l cunosc pe cuitar/negustorul de cuitrie aiurit. 39.
Ce diferen mare de temperatur este astzi. 40. Garajul prea
s nghit trotinetele. 41. Mulimea a ovaionat trecerea
preedintelui. 42. Din cei vreo treizeci de brancardieri care
ateptau la gar ca prietenele lor s soseasc cu trenul de zece
cincizeci i dou, nu erau mai mult de opt sau nou pe peronul
deschis i rece. 43. Scandalagioaicei cherchelite/afumate i-a
aprut acelai stuc n faa ochilor. 44. Ei bine, iat o carte care
te va captiva. Este ceea ce se cheam un roman tiinificofantastic. 45. Eu voi lua un muchi de vac bine ptruns/n
snge, cu mazre. 46. Chinezul zrea trupul zcnd nemicat n
lumina din hol. 47. Piticul e precis foarte curajos, dac a salvat o
prines din ghearele balaurului. 48. Administratorul deine
funcia de preedinte al comitetului. 49. Chiar dac l-a fi
ntlnit pe anticar, nu l-a fi recunoscut. 50. N-ar sens s ncerci
s-i vorbeti baschetbalistului, doarme butean/e obosit
mort/beat mort.
1. Ive been around a lot longer than you have. 2. Id like to be
watching TV. 3. Since he won the contest, the line officer has
been full of himself. 4. It must be because the pensioners have
not been formally introduced. 5. Dont drink any alcoholic
drinks before driving. 6. There is no suggestion of a foreign
accent in the T-mans speech. 7. The linesmen had not gone to

bed yet, and one could see from their scowling faces that they
expected an explanation. 8. Can you tell me one from the other?
9. The truth was badily distorted. 10. It cuts both ways. 11. You
shouldnt/oughtnt to tease/anger the mite/chit. 12. The
agrarian had been at the expense of sixpence a week for his
learning. 13. Then the garbler told the mayor that he had come
to Jassy to study and he was a student reading Maths in the
third year. 14. Enjoy your meal! 15. It makes no difference
whether the Lithuanian comes early or not. 16. Id prefer it if
you could come in time, but if you cant, all well and good. 17.
The warehouseman didnt know that the wayward waywardens
would be dancing all night. 18. The beaver rushed down the hill.
19. The hotel offers a variety of services including maid service
and 24-hour room service. 20. If only you had held tight to the
witchs skirt! 21. I ran an advertisement for my used car. 22.
Then, by golly, said hunter, whynt you go back to the range
and shoot at bulls eye? 23. The sailors reacted as if they had
not known anything about the contest. 24. I had thought of the
carpenter now and then, and then wondered what had become
of him. 25. An alarm clock goes off. 26. The sight of the small
child crying for his governess on a crowded beach was enough to
wring your withers. 27. There is a cold/biting wind blowing. 28.
The ceramist is friendly to me. 29. The pressure in the wheels
must be checked. 30. The laboratory-assistants preferred
travelling by train, but other tourists took their personal

belongings and left by plane. 31. The tinker is one too many, let
him go out. 32. We regret to say that we cannot supply you with
the information. 33. Then something followed which was bound
to fill the coachman with respect. 34. The dictionary gives an
extensive coverage of slang. 35. A change in the governments
standpoints on science and technology may be inferred from the







technological development, as testified to by the national

budgets. 36. It cannot be true! 37. Does the noise of the waggon
greasers sewing machine worry you? 38. I should be very
pleased to meet the daffy cutler. 39. What a great difference
there is in the temperature today. 40. The garage seemed to
swallow the toy scooters up. 41. The crowd cheered as the
President passed by. 42. Of the thirty-some stretcher bearers
who were waiting at the station for their dates to arrive on the
ten-fifty-two, no more than eight or nine were on the cold, open
platform. 43. The moony virago/spitfire came in view of the
same hamlet. 44. Well, here is a book that will carry you away.
Its what we call a science-fiction novel. 45. Ill have a beefsteak
well-done/underdone, with peas. 46. The Chinaman could see
the body lying motionless in the light coming from the lobby.
47. The dwarf must be very gallant if he saved a princess from
the claws of the dragon. 48. The superintendent holds/occupies
the chair of the committee. 49. Even if I had met the


secondhand bookseller, I wouldnt have recognized him. 50. Its

no use trying to talk to basket-baller, he zonked out.

1. Cazangiul era ntotdeauna nengrijit. 2. Doar nu pleci nc! 3.
Prorectorul m-a asigurat c am toate calitile eseniale ale unui
cercettor i c pot, fr ndoial, contribui cu ceva chiar n
domeniul recunoscut i acceptat unanim al endocrinologiei, n
care activasem mai nainte. 4. Se pare c vremea se va ndrepta.
5. Aceste popice n-ar trebui s coste mai mult de cinci dolari. 6.
Juraii vorbeau ntruna. 7. Ca s gseasc enciclopedia,
institutorul trebuie s se duc la bibliotec. 8. Potcovarul era o
bomboan de om. Nu se putea s nu-l admiri. 9. Biatul meu l-a
ndrgit pe noul nostru vecin, care i-a fcut tot felul de jucrii.
10. S-a descotorosit de ea ca s-o moteneasc. 11. Vntorul cu
sprncene negre deschise ua i-l ls pe chiria/locatar s intre
n ur. 12. ase nmulit cu/ori opt fac(e) patruzeci i opt. 13.
Poate c antena sau srma de legtur cu pmntul este scoas
din muf sau este ntrerupt un contact. Uit-te n spatele
aparatului! 14. Nu se vedea nici ipenie de om. 15. Putei s-mi
facei legtura cu Timioara? M tem c am greit numrul. 16.
Nu aceasta e problema. 17. Franklin, dei foarte srac, a reuit
s se impun ca omul cel mai de vaz al timpului su. 18.

Haidei s ne ntlnim n faa Ateneului, da? 19. ngrijitorul de

cini a avut de furc cu colectorul de impozite. 20.
Proprietreasa zise c citea de mai multe ore. 21. Apoi,
restauratorul de tablouri i aminti cum, civa ani mai trziu,
luni la rnd a fost ntr-o situaie foarte critic, din cauza acelui
ticlos care se prefcea c-i este prieten, i care s-a folosit de el
ca de o unealt. 22. Protopopul nu-i va mai scrie. 23. Ai mai
lucra aici, dac-i cereai directorului tu s-i mreasc salariul i
el te refuza? 24. Nu-i arat vrsta./Pare mai tnr. 25. Colegii
rugbistului au adus elogii de un sentimentalism exagerat la
nmormntarea lui. 26. Cum vei vorbi celorlali, aa i se va
vorbi i ie. 27. Lovi-te-ar npasta!/Arz-te-ar focul!/S teajung necazul! 28. Majoritatea descoperirilor care sunt
atribuite ntmplrii sunt de fapt fcute cu ajutorul unei
prodigioase puteri de imaginaie. 29. ncercarea topografului na avut succes. 30. Regret, dar ce spui nu are pur i simplu nici o
legtur cu subiectul pe care-l discutm. 31. Priscarii i-au
rezolvat litigiul fr a se judeca. 32. S-au nlocuit atelierele
modeste cu hale spaioase, prevzute cu poduri rulante i dotate
cu maini de mare performan, inclusiv centre de prelucrare.
33. Cnd mi-am nceput lucrul la birou, n permanen
ncurcam iele, deoarece nu tiam mersul lucrurilor. 34.
Grjdarul bnuia c pifanul/infanteristul trebuie s vin astzi.
35. Subarendaul/subchiriaul e ageamiu n pictur. 36. Dac
scamatorul l-ar vedea acum pe arca, nu l-ar mai recunoate. E

numai o umbr din ce a fost odat. 37. ntr-o sear, mpotriva

obiceiului meu, am but o ceac de cafea neagr i n-am putut
dormi. 38. Ce vreme geroas! 39. La biroul de bagaje i poi
nregistra bagajele i lipi etichetele. 40. Se cultiv orez n Asia.
41. Dup cte am neles, ai s vii imediat. 42. Spahiul (tare)
vrea s tie. 43. M voi apuca de lucru de ndat ce va fi fost
curierul/biatul de serviciu sptos. 44. Povestea trist a
radioamatorului l-a nduioat pe gligan. 45. Mireasa e de
treab/simpatic. 46. Nu trntii ua! 47. Afar de asta, prin
livad te ntlneti de pe acum cu cte o frunz moart care
umbl de colo pn colo. 48. Adresai-v aici. 49. Dup ce a
mers prin ploaie, judectorul a czut la pat, rpus de o rceal
stranic. 50. Marinarul practica sporturile aa cum era
1. The boiler maker was always out at elbows. 2. You arent
going yet, surely! 3. The vicepresident assured me that I
possessed all the essential qualifications of an investigator and
that I could undoubtedly contribute something even to the
generally recognized and accepted field of endocrinology in
which I had been active before. 4. The weather looks like
clearing up. 5. These ninepins ought not to cost more than five
dollars. 6. The jurymen talked and talked. 7. To find/In order to
find that encyclopaedia, the schoolmaster must go to the library.
8. The blacksmith was a dear. One couldnt help admiring him.

9. My son took a fancy to our new neighbor, who had made him
all kinds of toys. 10. He put her out of the way in order to inherit
her property. 11. The dark-browed venerer opened the door and
admitted the roomer into the shed/barn. 12. Six multiplied by
eight/times eight is/are forty-eight. 13. Perhaps the aerial or
ground wire is out of its socket, or a contact is loose. Have a look
at the back of the set! 14. There was not a soul to be seen. 15.
Will you please get me through to Timioara? Im afraid Ive got
the wrong number. 16. Thats neither here not there. 17.
Franklin, though very poor, succeeded in imposing himself as
the first man of his time. 18. Lets meet in front of the
Atheneum, shall we? 19. The dog man ran afoul of the tax
collector. 20. The landlady said she had been reading for hours.
21. Then, the picture restorer remembered how, a few years
later, for months on end, he found himself in a very critical
situation, because of that wicked man who had pretended to be
his friend but had used him as an instrument. 22. The rector will
write to you no more. 23. Would you still be working here if you
had applied to your manager for a rise and he had refused you?
24. He doesnt look his age. 25. The rugby players colleagues
delivered gushing eulogies at his funeral. 26. Speak as you
would be spoken to. 27. Woe betide you! 28. Most of the
discoveries which are attributed to chance, are actually made by
virtue of a prodigious power of imagination. 29. The surveyor
had no success in his attempt. 30. Im sorry, but what you say

has absolutely no bearing upon the subject under discussion.

31. The hivers settled the case out of court. 32. The small shops
have been replaced by roomy bays provided with travelling
cranes and with high performance machines including dataprocessing centres. 33. When I first started to work in the office
I was constantly gumming up the works because I didnt know
the business. 34. The ostler thought (that) the foot slogger must
come today. 35. The sublessee is an amateur at painting. 36. If
the juggler saw the archer now, he wouldnt recognize him any
longer; he is a mere shadow of his former self. 37. One evening,
against my custom, I drank a cup of black coffee and could not
sleep. 38. What freezing weather! 39. At the parcels office you
can have your luggage registered and labelled. 40. Rice is grown
in Asia. 41. I understood you would come at once. 42. The spahi
is anxious to know. 43. I shall get to work as soon as the broadshouldered office boy has been. 44. The hams sad story quite
touched the strapper. 45. The bride is a good sort. 46. Dont
slam/bang the door! 47. Besides, even now you can find, in the
orchard, a dead leaf that is wandering to and fro. 48. Apply
within. 49. After walking in the rain, the bencher had to take to
his bed with a severe cold. 50. The sailor practised sports in the
way he was accustomed to.


1. Ducele cu vederea slab/cu privirea ntunecat, a crui soacr

este bolnav, nu s-a dus la concert. 2. A fi prevenit este a fi
dinainte narmat. 3. Voi lua ceai cu rom, ou umplute picante,
pui n aspic, sup din mruntaie de pasre, pstrv menire,
ra cu portocale, frigrui asortate, sos de friptur, varz acr i
colunai cu carne. 4. Abund inutul n care triete arendaul
n vnat de vreun fel? 5. Ai practicat vreodat un sport? 6.
Biciclistul n-are nici cea mai mic ans. 7. Drumul cotete
brusc la stnga. 8. Birjarul a spart geamul complet. 9. Dac sentmpl s treci/Dac treci cumva din ntmplare prin oraul
nostru, treci neaprat pe la noi. 10. Pe cronicar nu-l intereseaz
nimic n afara muncii lui. 11. Mai dorii smntn? 12. Fie s i
se mplineasc toate visurile! 13. Analiznd starea proast a
bolnavului, doctorul spuse c probele de laborator pe care
tocmai le citise i ddeau curaj. 14. Stai locului/nemicat. 15.
Preferai ou tari sau moi la micul dejun? 16. V rog s-mi dai
o/un lam de ras/perie de pr/lac de unghii/rimel/trus de
pleoape/fond de ten/rou de obraz/pudr compact/ruj de
buze/ap de colonie. 17. Te rog, nu njura servitorii. 18. Uite,
pleac microbuzul! 19. Ocnaul a scos banii din traist. 20.
Ducesei i-au mai rmas urme de frumusee. 21. Radical la a
treia din 27 este 3. 22. edina s-a terminat; nu s-au fcut nici
un fel de propuneri. 23. Negustorul de vite l-a ntrebat pe vcar
la care se referea. 24. Dar cum, probabil, i era cu neputin s o

citeasc n ntregime sub privirile unui strin, cosmeticiana

mpturi scrisoarea i o bg n poet, dup care ncepu s
frunzreasc, absent, celelalte facturi. 25. Figura aceea
(literar) este mult prea cutat. 26. Apreciez mult cuvintele
dumneavoastr amabile de consolare a durerii mele. 27.
Probabil c fachirii lucreaz. 28. Editorul a tiprit cartea n cinci
mii de exemplare. 29. i-ai gsit ca vnztorul s munceasc!
30. Cine altcineva mai vine la petrecerea ofierului (la starea
civil)? 31. Sfatul dumneavoastr va fi urmat ntocmai. 32.
Aceast biseric veche a fost martora multor evenimente istorice
importante. 33. Este util s facem o munc fizic, s renunm
la mncare, s rezistm neclintii la durere, deoarece toate
eforturile ne nva auto-disciplina. 34. Pucaul amei. 35.
Plou torenial/cu gleata. 36. Respectai viteza legal! 37.
Negustorul de haine vechi trebuie s plece la cumprturi
imediat. 38. Cnd apare noua carte a oboistului? 39. n faa
pupitrelor vedem tabla. 40. Etnologul avea de gnd s o roage
pe sopran s-i cnte noua ei sonat data viitoare cnd va veni
la ea. 41. Vntorul dus de nas s-a prpdit de rs. 42. Este ora
buletinului de tiri/actualitilor. 43. Comandantul (grzii)
parlamentului ar trebui s fie mai grijuliu. 44. Vedeta de cinema
se resemn s decapiteze cu dinii vrful igrii, l scuip scrbit
peste balustrad, n mare, i ntinse mna peste mas, dup
chibrituri. 45. Acum c am terminat de corectat acest capitol, s
ne facem bagajele. 46. Obstetricianul e un om cinstit, care nu

urmrete interese/scopuri personale. 47. Avocatul aprrii i-a

ncheiat pledoaria. 48. F-o pentru c-i spun eu. 49. n timp ce
dramaturgul rotofei ncerca, cu curaj, s descuie poarta, cheia se
rupse n broasc. 50. Profesoara de matematic a consacrat un
studiu special acestei probleme.
1. The dull-eyed duke, whose mother-in-law is ill, didnt go to
the concert. 2. To be forewarned is to be forewarmed. 3. Ill have
tea laced with rum, seasoned stuffed eggs, chicken in aspic,
giblet soup, trout menire, duck with orange, mixed grill, brown
gravy, saverkraut/pickled cabbage, and meat dumplings. 4.
Does the country which the land agent inhabit abound in game
of any kind? 5. Did you ever go out for any sports? 6. The cyclist
doesnt have the ghost of a chance. 7. The road makes a sudden
curve to the left. 8. The cabman broke the window well and
truly. 9. Should you be passing through our town, be sure to call
on us. 10. The columnist has no interests outside of his work.
11. Will you have some more cream? 12. May all your dreams
come true! 13. Considering the poor state of the patient, the
doctor said that the laboratory tests he had just read caused him
to take heart. 14. Stand still. 15. Do you prefer hard-boiled or
soft-boiled eggs for breakfast? 16. Please give me a(n)
blade/hair brush/nail varnish/mascara/eye shadow/foundation





cologne. 17. Please, dont swear at the menservant. 18. There


goes the minibus! 19. The jailbird took the money from his
wallet/bag. 20. The duchess has still some traces of beauty. 21.
The cube root of 27 is 3. 22. The meeting is over and no
suggestions have been made. 23. The live stock dealer asked the
cowherd which he meant. 24. But as the beautician probably
couldnt read the whole of it in the presence of a stranger, she
folded the letter up and put it in her handbag, after which she
started looking through the other invoices absent-mindedly. 25.
That image is far-fetched. 26. I deeply appreciate your kind and
consoling words of sympathy in my bereavement. 27. The fakirs
must be working. 28. The publisher printed five thousands
copies of the book. 29. The marketeer work! 30. Who else is
coming to the registrars party? 31. You shall be minutely
obeyed. 32. This old church has seen many great historic
occasions. 33. It is useful to do muscular work, to deprive
oneself of food, to withstand pain unflinchingly, because all of
these efforts teach us self-discipline. 34. The rifleman turned
giddy. 35. Its pouring with rain/down. 36. Dont exceed the
speed limit! 37. The junkman must go shopping this moment.
38. When does the oboe players new book come out? 39. In
front of the desks we see the blackboard. 40. The ethnologist
was going to ask the soprano to play her new sonata the next
time he called. 41. The diddled venerer laughed his head off. 42.
Its time for the news. 43. The sergeant-at-arms ought to be
more careful. 44. The film star resigned himself to biting off the

tip of the cigar, spat it disgustedly over the railing into the sea
and reached across the table for the matches. 45. After we
finished correcting this chapter, lets pack it in. 46. The
obstetrician is a fair man who has no axe to grind. 47. The
defense lawyer rested his case. 48. Do it because I say so. 49.
While the plump playwright was trying pluckily to unlock the
gate, the key broke in the lock. 50. The mathematics mistress
made a special study of this subject.

1. Plou puternic. 2 Din nefericire, pamfletarul n-a avut voie s
vin cu institutorii n excursie. 3. Dicionarul s v fie nelipsit.
Cnd citii, apelai la el mereu. Iar atunci cnd v revedei
manuscrisele, cnd redactai i refacei, cutai n dicionar
fiecare cuvnt de care nu suntei siguri. 4. Cuvintele lui
prietenoase au relaxat atmosfera. 5. Logodna lor a fost anunat
n ziarul local. 6. Wilde era un om de lume, care simea nevoia
unei viei de un lux ostentativ. 7. Copiii mi-au explicat cum pot
s ajung la aeroport. 8. Blbitul cu ochi de vultur a cotit-o
brusc. 9. Dactilografa a nscut un biat. 10. Dac dulul ar fi
aici, n-a mai fi ngrijorat. 11. Faleza coboar abrupt n mare.
12. Nu trebuie s vii. 13. Romnia este o ar nzestrat cu mari
frumusei ale naturii. 14. Beivul are multe provizii n cmar.

15. Vagabondul nu-i poate menine suficient de bine echilibrul

ca s mearg pe biciclet. 16. Nu-l lsa s te calce n picioare;
spune-i prerea ta. 17. Tot timpul Jill face pe nebuna la birou;
ef e soul ei. 18. Pictorul (de panorame) lihnit/mort de foame
nu-i poate permite s-i ia concediu. 19. Nu este elev n clasa
noastr cruia s nu-i plac s nvee spaniola. 20. Acest subiect
necesit o tratare mai ampl. 21. Rana se va vindeca curnd. 22.
Birjarul (de noapte) era nechibzuit n tineree, dar acum s-a
potolit. 23. Se zice c ajutorul de bibliotecar ar fi nfcat tot ce
era pe strung. 24. i-au dezvoltat mult comerul exterior n
ultimii ani. 25. Dac vrei s reueti, ar trebui s pui i tu
umrul. 26. Editorialistul paralizat trebuie s mearg la culcare
acum, deoarece este aproape unsprezece noaptea i are mult de
lucru mine. 27. Mai dorii o porie? 28. Zidarul nesuferit/
scitor/plictisitor a fost prins i percheziionat. 29. Rotarul i-a
fcut o gaur n pardesiu. 30. Pune tava pe tejghea. 31. Am aflat
c v-ai ntors de curnd din Orient i cred c v-ar interesa s
cercetai coleciile adunate de ginerele meu. 32. Am auzit c
sun la u. Vrei s deschizi tu? 33. Epitropul e precis la birou,
completnd formulare, cum face zilnic. 34. Atept cu nerbdare
s-mi spui c ai examinat chestiunea cu grij. 35. S-ar putea s
le fie greu pietrarilor s mearg pe jos o distan att de mare.
36. n primele luni ale celui de-al doilea Rzboi mondial, Codrin
fu trimis de prini, ca mii de ali copii, la adpostul unui sat
ndeprtat. 37. Vulpoiul a reuit s evadeze cnd paznicul era

ntors cu spatele. 38. Jordan a descurajat-o pe Eva privind

planificarea concediului lor. 39. Blnarul a realizat un nou garaj.
40. Acuarelistul era unul dintre prietenii ginerelui su. 41. Asta
a fcut-o pe cosmetician s-i schimbe hotrrea. 42. Gerul a
distrus trandafirii tapierului. 43. Unde ruleaz? Care este
distribuia? 44. Cnd vedea condorii rotindu-se pe deasupra
epavei, pe pirat l chinuia remucarea c nu nmormntase
cretinete cadavrele cpitanului i secundului. 45. Aveau o
team respectuoas fa de profesorul lor. 46. Dei nu tia unde
o s-i petreac noaptea, tapierul i aeza pulover peste
pulover. 47. Croitorul a rmas n ctunul acela cteva zile n
continuare. 48. Juratul este bine cunoscut. 49. Putei vedea n
aceast fotografie turla cea mai de sus a catedralei. 50. Vitele au
luat-o la goan spre ap.






lampooner/ lampoonist wasnt allowed to come on the trip with

the schoolmaster. 3. Never be without a dictionary. When you
read, turn to it constantly. And when you go over your
manuscripts, when you edit and rewrite, look up every word you
are not sure of. 4. His friendly words cleared the air. 5. Their
engagement was announced in the local paper. 6. Wilde was a
man of the world, who needed a life of luxurious ostentation. 7.
The children explained to me how I could reach the airport. 8.
The hawk-eyed stammerer made a sudden turn. 9. The typist

was brought to bed of a boy. 10. Were the mastiff here, I

wouldnt be anxious any longer. 11. The cliff falls into the sea.
12. You neednt come. 13. Romania is a country blessed with
great natural beauty. 14. The drunkard has plenty of stores in
her pantry. 15. The tramp cant maintain enough equilibrium to
ride a bike. 16. Dont let him walk all over you; tell him your
opinion. 17. Jill is always throwing her weight around in the
office, her husband is the manager. 18. The pannum struck
panoramist cant afford to have a holiday. 19. There is no pupil
in our form but likes to learn Spanish. 20. The subject requires
amplification. 21. The wound will soon heal. 22. The night hawk
was reckless in his youth, but now he has settled down. 23. They
say the sub-librarian grabbed everything on the lathe. 24. They
have greatly expanded their foreign trade in recent years. 25. If
you want to succeed, you should pull your own weight. 26. The
paralysed paragraphist must go to bed now since it is almost 11
oclock p.m. and he has a lot of work to do tomorrow. 27. Will
you take another helping? 28. The plaguesome bricklayer was
caught and searched. 29. The wheelwright has torn a hole in his
lightcoat. 30. Set the tray on the counter. 31. I have heard that
you have just returned from the East and I think you might be
interested in examining the collections gathered by my son-inlaw. 32. I heard someone ringing. Will you answer the door? 33.
The guardian must be at his office, filling in forms, as he does
daily. 34. Im looking forward to your telling me youve looked

into the matter carefully. 35. It might be difficult for the stoners
to walk such a long distance. 36. In the first months of the
Second World War, Codrin was sent away by his parents to live
in safety in a remote village. 37. The he-fox made his escape
when the guards back was turned. 38. Jordan poured cold
water on Evas plans for their vacation. 39. The furrier had a
new garage made. 40 The water colourist was a friend of his
son-in-laws. 41. This made the beautician change her mind. 42.
The frost has finished the paper hangers roses. 43. Where is it
on? Who are in the cast? 44. When the cozener saw condors
circling above the wreck, the corsair was tormented by
remorse/had pangs of remorse for not having given the
captains and the first mates bodies a Christian burial. 45. They
stood in awe of their teacher. 46. Although he didnt know
where he would spend the night, the paper hanger kept piling
jumper upon jumper. 47. The renovator remained in that
hamlet a few days longer. 48. The juryman is far-famed. 49. You
may see in this photo the topmost spire of the cathedral. 50. The
cattle stampeded towards the water.

1. Apicultorii de-abia au acoperit cheltuielile conferinei. 2. n
timp ce se construia bobul, a nceput s ning, i stenii s-au

bucurat c va fi pus la ncercare de ndat ce va fi gata. 3. l

cunoteam de douzeci de ani pe plugar. 4. Se ocup
antreprenorul (de pompe funebre) de tine ori se ocup de
problemele altcuiva? 5. Mcelarul tie ce vorbete, fiindc e
expert/are experien. 6. n timpul celui de-al doilea rzboi
mondial, muli copii ai cror prini fuseser ucii triau la voia
ntmplrii. 7. Egiptologul nu m-a luat n seam, nici nu mi-a
vorbit. 8. Poi s m ajui s spl vasele? 9. Ei bine, eunucul tia
c lucreaz peste puteri, c se extenueaz. 10. n magazie ns
zcea pe jumtate ridicat n perne o fetican mioap cu
ochelari foarte groi, cu ram de oel, nclecai pe vrful
nasului. 11. Geambaului i era team c, ntr-o zi, parlagiul va
renuna. 12. Ar trebui s citeti aceast brour. 13. Ai vrea s
vii la noi la cin? 14. Echipat n felul acesta, pucriaul porni cu
mine spre locuina nepoatei sale, unde furm ntmpinai de
trei duli fioroi, crora soacra lui le dduse drumul vzndu-ne
c ne apropiem. 15. Secertorul tia, dar nu mi-ar fi spus, dac
n-a fi insistat. 16. Cu toate c sunt nc destul de departe de
btrnee, amintirile acestea, deosebit de dragi, mi par c vin
dintr-un trecut nespus de ndeprtat. 17. Profesorul a
recomandat ca studenii s nvee pe dinafar imediat toate
verbele neregulate. 18. Se pune mult accent pe studiul limbii la
aceast coal. 19. Familia Murphey i-a invitat noii vecini s
srbtoreasc la ei revelionul. 20. Funcionarii au fost uimii la
vederea statuii/ autoturismului/ cartuului trasor/proiectilului

trasor/suportului pentru prosop. 21. Au intrat cu toii n linite,

unul dup cellalt. 22. Cnd trecei prin vam, dac nu avei
nimic de declarat, mergei prin culoarul verde, iar dac avei
ceva de declarat, mergei prin culoarul rou. 23. Dramaturgul a
adugat cteva rnduri banale, n care nu reui dect s spun
adevrul, i anume c se simte singur. 24. Bate fierul ct e cald.
25. Pn acum nu s-a decis ce s devin. 26. Cine este maistru
principal pe acest antier? 27. Proiectantul alearg trei ture/de
trei ori n jurul pistei n fiecare diminea. 28. n ct timp
ajungem acolo? 29. ncerc s m ndrept ctre ieire. 30. Se zice
c cioclul ar ti. 31. Adolescentul care i-a furat cruciorul este
chiriaul vecinului meu. 32. Custoreasa avea vocea piigiat i
critoare. 33. Dactilografa radia de/rspndea ncredere i
entuziasm. 34. Trebuie s prelucrezi lucrurile pentru tine nsui
mai nti. 35. Avei camere libere? 36. Taximetristul m-a
fulgerat/sgetat/strpuns cu privirea/s-a uitat urt la mine c
am parcat naintea lui. 37. Va fi pltit bogtanul patul pliant
nainte s-i adaugi banii la suma aceea? 38. Vrei s venii la
noi la cin? 39. Doctorul a sftuit-o pe chelneri s fac mai
mult micare. 40. Se vede c gazetarului blajin i s-a spus c e o
petrecere neceremonioas. 41. Numai clar nu este./Nu e ctui
de puin limpede./E departe de a fi limpede. 42. Cucoana
(creia i place s comande fr a face ceva) bondoac a mers n
josul/susul potecii. 43. Oelarul a tras cu arma. 44. Ofierul
combatant are doar cunotine superficiale n legtur cu noile

tendine din lingvistic. 45. Copilia deschise, cu o rbdare prost

ascuns, plicul pe care i l-a nmnat editorialistul, i i arunc
privirea pe prima pagin a unei scrisori lungi. 46. Ieea fum
doar dintr-un singur co. 47. Bncile mici ateapt ca Banca
Naional s dea semnalul. 48. Volumul este prea redus.
Mrete-l! 49. A: Cnd a sosit ziua respectiv, am decis c n nici
un caz nu puteam face acest lucru. B: S o lai pe fiica ta
singur, vrei s spui? A: Da, bineneles. 50. Cosmeticiana
vorbete/vorbea n oapt, ca s nu-i trezeasc nepoica.
1. The apiarists could barely cover the cost of the conference. 2.
While the bobsleigh was being built it started snowing and the
villagers were happy at the idea that it would be put to test as
soon as it was ready. 3. It had been twenty years since I had
known the ploughman. 4. Is the undertaker attending on you or
is he attending to somebody elses problems? 5. The butcher
knows what he is talking about, because he has seen action. 6.
During the Second World War, many children whose parents
had been killed lived by their wits. 7. The Egyptologist did not
take any notice of me, nor speak to me. 8. Can you help me do
the washing-up? 9. Well, the eunuch knew he was overworking,
burning the candle at both ends. 10. But in the warehouse, half
propped in the pillows, there lay a short-sighted flapper with
very thick steel-rimmed spectacles mounted on the tip of her
nose. 11. The coper felt fear that one day the slaughterman

would give it up. 12. You ought to read this stitch book. 13. Will
you join us for supper? 14. Thus attired, the jailbird set out with
me to his nieces house, where we were met by three savage
hounds, which his mother-in-law had set loose on seeing us
approaching. 15. The reaper knew, but he would not have told
me, if I had not insisted. 16. Even if these memories very dear to
me are still far enough from the old age, they seem to be from a
very remote past. 17. The teacher recommended that the
students should learn by heart all the irregular verbs
immediately. 18. They lay great emphasis on language study at
this school. 19. The Murpheys invited their new neighbours to
ring out the old year and ring in the new with them. 20. At the
sight of the statue/touring car/tracer bullet/tracer shell/towel
horse, the officials were amazed. 21. Everyone filed in quietly.
22. When you go through Customs, if you have nothing
(dutiable) to declare, you go through the Green Channel, but if
you have something to declare you go through the Red
Channel. 23. The playwright added a few banal lines in which
the only thing he managed to state was the truth, i.e. that he was
feeling lonely. 24. When the sunne shineth, make hay. 25. As yet
she has not decided what to become. 26. Who is the foreman on
that construction-site? 27. The designer runs three circuits of
the track every morning. 28. How long does it take to get there?
29. I try to make my way to the exit. 30. The undertaker is said
to know. 31. The teen-ager who stole your pram is my

neighbours tenant. 32. The seamstresss voice was squeaky and

squawky. 33. The typist radiated confidence and enthusiasm.
34. You have to work things out for yourself first. 35. Have you
any accommodation? 36. The taxi driver looked daggers at me
for parking before him. 37. Will the oof-bird have paid for the
turn-up bed before you add your money to that sum? 38. Will
you join us for supper? 39. The doctor advised the waitress to
take more exercise. 40. The good-tempered gazetteer must have
been told it would be an informal party. 41. It is anything but
clear. 42. The podgy meddling duchess went down/up the path.
43. The steel worker fired his gun. 44. The line officer has only a
nodding acquaintance with the new trends in linguistics. 45.
The female child opened, with a badly concealed patience, the
envelope the paragraphist has handed to her and cast a glance at
the first page of a long letter. 46. Smoke came out of one
chimney only. 47. The small banks are waiting for the National
Bank to give the cue. 48. The volumes too low. Turn it up! 49.
A: When the day came I decided I just couldnt do it. B: Leaving
your daughter alone, you mean. A: Yes, of course. 50. The
beautician is/was speaking in a whisper for fear (that) she might
wake up her little niece.



1. Broasca estoas a trit pn la adnci btrnei. 2. Li s-a

acordat cu prere de ru dreptul de a-l folosi. 3. Costumul meu e
demodat. 4. Sper c nimeni n-o s adulmece planul nostru de a
ne cstori. 5. Am mult timp la dispoziie. 6. Vechilul a fcut
toat munca n gospodrie. 7. Norii au ntunecat/acoperit cerul
n mod amenintor. 8. Barney i-a sftuit copiii s se lase prad
visurilor i s ncerce s ajung cineva. 9. Oamenii stteau n
cerc, ascultndu-i pe muzicani. 10. Echipa a examinat
amnunit/ temeinic epava. 11 Feticana mi-a spus c a neles
problema i c nu mai are nevoie de alt explicaie. 12. M
doare n cot!/Du-te naibii! 13. Un avion merge de-a lungul
pistei. 14. Probabil c acesta este locul unde piratul a ngropat
comoara x indic locul. 15. Pare inutil ca nvtoarea
ndemnatic s mai ncerce s prind furgoneta de ora
unsprezece. 16. Babornia/Baba habar n-are unde ar putea fi
aghiotanii. 17. La aceste animale coada lipsete complet/este
inexistent. 18. ntr-o camer, dezbrcat de hain i vest,
majordomul o asculta pe slujnic, care-i povestea necazurile.
19. Pentru onor arm! 20. Trebuie s fie soacra ungurului. 21.
Dup ce a fost golit, bidonul a devenit recipient un folositor. 22.
Aceast ilustrat v d o privelite panoramic a metropolei. 23.
Biologul mereu face parad de erudiia sa. 24. Ce fel de om este
actorul de tragedie/tragedianul? 25. Ai fi putut s-i scrii
exerciiile. 26. Dei zgomotul s-a putut auzi clar, bivolului i-a
trebuit mult timp ca s reacioneze. 27. Vrei, pentru Dumnezeu,

s-i fii o mtu mai bun? 28. Am fcut-o special pentru

diriginte. 29. Ei bine, v pot da dou bile, dar n vagoane
diferite. 30. i eu am un mare respect pentru birjar. 31.
Locatarii l-au ales n unanimitate pe administrator. 32. inuse
camionagiul lipsit de griji/nepstor la rudele lui, dei l
prsiser toate cnd avea mai mare nevoie de ele? 33. Cnd
flautistul i spuse c o s-l dea afar, pamfletarul se duse la
dulap i ncepu s-i adune lucrurile. 34. Ei au dorina
prieteneasc de a ne ajuta. 35. Fierarul era suprat de preteniile
nepoatei sale. 36. l sftuiesc pe muncitorul necalificat s-i
ndeplineasc ndatorirea. 37. Voievodul a fcut parad de
generozitate. 38. Cnd Martin era student se nchipuia folosind
cravaa spre a-i controla elevii. 39. Dac s-ar ntmpla s ai
nevoie de nc o hart ca aceasta, d-mi de tire. 40. D-i
mecanicului pofticios o bucic din budinca delicioas. 41. La
picior arm! 42. S iei hotrri de unul singur nu-i uor. 43.
Dac cumva v caut cineva, n timp ce suntei plecat, ce s-i
spun? 44. A fost aa un lunecu pe jos, nct nu ne-am putut
ntoarce dect dup miezul nopii. 45. Teoria Barbarei nu inea.
46. Nu-i nici urm de adevr n ceea ce a spus, n mod nesincer,
instructorul. 47. Unde doarme la noapte vagabondul/hoinarul?
48. Cutatul mnuilor tale a devenit principalul nostru sport de
iarn. 49. Cnd intr n vigoare noua lege? 50. Peter s-a gsit
ntr-o situaie fr ieire cnd tatl su a aflat c nu Mary
minea, ci el.

1. The turtle lived to an old age. 2. The right to use it was

grudgingly conferred on them. 3. My type of suit is on the way
out. 4. I hope no one gets wind of our plan to get married. 5. Ive
got all the time in the world. 6. The bailiff did all the household
chores. 7. The clouds darkened the sky ominously. 8. Barney
advised his children to hitch their wagons to a star and try to be
something great. 9. The people were standing in a circle
listening to the buskers. 10. The team examined the wreckage
thoroughly. 11. The flapper told me she had understood the
problem and that she needed no other explanation. 12. Yours up
yours! 13. An aeroplane taxies along the runway. 14. This must
be the place where the pirate buried the treasure x marks the
spot. 15. It doesnt seem much use for the deft schoolmistress to
try to catch the eleven oclock delivery car/van. 16. The Partlet
knows no more than Adam where the aides-de-camp are. 17. In
these animals the tail is entirely absent. 18. In a room within the
house, the butler, his coat and west off, was listening to the
sweenys account of her troubles. 19. Present arms! 20. Thatll
be the Hungarians mother-in-law, I suppose. 21. Having been
emptied, the can made a useful container. 22. This picture
postcard gives you a birds-eye view of the metropole. 23. The
biologist is always flaunting his erudition. 24. What is the
tragedian like? 25. You might have written the exercises. 26.
Although the noise could be heard clearly, it took the buffalo a

long time to react. 27. Would you to God be a better aunt to

him? 28. I made it specially for the form teacher. 29. Well, I can
let you have two tickets but in different carriages. 30. I too have
a great regard for the coachman. 31. The lodgers chose the
superintendent with one voice. 32. Had the cumberless
drayman cared for all his relatives, although they all left him
when he needed them most? 33. When the fluteplayer
threatened to throw him out, the lampooner went to the
wardrobe and started collecting his things. 34. Theirs is a
friendly desire to help us. 35. The hammerman was annoyed
with his granddaughters claims. 36. I advice the hunky that he
fulfill/should fulfill his task. 37. The voivode made a display of
generosity. 38. When Martin was a student he pictured himself
using a whip and a chair to control his students. 39. Should you
need another copy of this map, just let me know. 40. Give the
lustful machinist a taste of the luscious pudding. 41.
Ground/Order arms! 43. Its not easy to take decisions on ones
own. 43. Should anyone call while you are out, what shall I say?
44. It was so slippery that we couldnt get back till after
midnight. 45. Barbaras theory didnt hold water. 46. There is no
trace of truth in what the instructor said crookedly. 47. Where is
the waygoer sleeping tonight? 48. Hunting your gloves has come
to be our leading winter sport. 49. When does the new law take
effect? 50. Peter found himself nailed to the wall when father
discovered it was he who lied, not Mary.

1. E ciudat c acuarelistul a plecat aa de curnd. 2. Se inuser
discursuri, fusese mas mbelugat pe teras/esplanad i
mijlocitorul/intermediarul (n vnzarea vitelor) primise n sil
numeroase cadouri, mai ales papuci. 3. Vienezul, uitndu-se la
el cu ur, l numi golan i escroc. 4. Subinspectoarea era o
femeie tnr, blond, cu ochi verzi, foarte amabil. 5.
Cenureasa brodeaz florile suferinei pe o rochie lung de
satin. 6. E nevoie de curaj ca s-l nfruni pe director. 7. Norocul
chelneriei e prea mare ca s dureze. 8. Am s v iau pulsul. Am
s v iau temperatura. Respirai adnc. 9. Cutai s v
mbogii fondul lexical ntocmind liste de cuvinte necunoscute
pe care le ntlnii n lecturile dumneavoastr. 10. Faptul de a fi
fost campion nu poate asigura n continuare o medalie de aur.
11. Face parte din meseria mea s-i cunosc pe tineri aa cum
sunt. 12. Trecei-mi mrfurile n cont, bine? 13. Mamaia este o
staiune ncnttoare de pe litoral. 14. Inspectorul (de poliie) a
rezolvat cazul. 15. Teoriile lui Einstein au marcat o nou epoc
n matematic. 16. Am auzit minuni despre mag. 17.
Brbierul/Frizerul a vrut s ia un taxi, dar nu era nici unul. 18.
Are (vreo) importan? 19.

Cronicarul s-a gsit nepotrivit

pentru aceast carier i a recurs la alta. 20. Mobila dresorului a


fost frumos finisat. 21. Soarele abia a apus. 22. Hai s facem
ordine n camer pn se ntoarce magazionerul. 23. oferul
camionului a pierdut controlul volanului. 24. n SUA, se
organizeaz alegeri prezideniale o dat la patru ani. 25. Tocmai
i-am spus forjarului ameit de butur c l-am vzut
alaltieri/alaltsear pe fostul nostru profesor de biologie. 26.
Grefierul a citat primele versuri din poezia sa preferat. 27.
Administratoarea rspunse fr suprare/cu bunvoin c ar fi
fericit s-i trimit un formular de cerere, dar nu-l aude prea
bine. 28. Poi fi acolo pn la ora trei? Dac nu, am s intru. 29.
Chitaristul are o adevrat slbiciune pentru pictura olandez.
30. Am febr. 31. Domnioara Peterson era o zgripuroaic, dar
la orele ei studenii chiar au nvat chimie. 32. Decizia lor ne-a
dat planurile peste cap. 33. Tom Jones s-a nscut din flori. 34.
A fi foarte recunosctor, dac ai vrea s m ajui. 35.
Recrutul/Rcanul ager la minte/cu mintea ager l-a redus la
tcere pe sabotor cu o privire mnioas. 36. Arcaul crede c e
cineva. 37. Cerule!/Doamne-Dumnezeule! 38. Arta const n
formularea ntrebrilor. 39. Dup ce a ntrebat-o pe infirmier
dac mai dorete ceva, secertorul s-a retras strngndu-i foarte
sobru mna i urndu-i grabnic nsntoire. 40. Un moment,
s verific dac au mai rmas locuri. [] Dou locuri la avionul
BE 482 LondraBucureti, cu plecarea din aeroportul Gatwick,
mine diminea la ora 11. 41. Arendaul vedea departe n
viitor. 42. Primul lucru pe care trebuie s vi-l spun este c o

examinare amnunit i analizele arat c nu avei nimic grav

i c avei o condiie fizic foarte bun. 43. Medicamentul i-a
fcut efectul imediat. 44. M-au scos din mini ntrebrile ei









raion/parchetarul bftos, nimeni nu-i va rspunde. 46. Vorbete

rar, te rog, ca s te pot nelege. 47. Nu trebuie s vorbeti
despre propriile


cnd oamenii-s plictisii.


Magazionerul nu-i cere scuze pentru c ntrzie. 49. Pmntul

se mic n cosmos/spaiu. 50. Armistiiul a intrat n vigoare n
aceast diminea.
1. It is strange that the water colourist should have left so soon.
2. Speeches had been delivered, there had been a copious dinner
on the verandah/maidan and the live salesman had received
loathingly countless gifts, especially slippers. 3. Watching him
with hatred, the Viennese called him a tramp and a crook. 4.
The ubinspectress was a very kind, green-eyed, fair-haired,
young woman. 5. Cinderella is embroidering passion-flowers on
a satin gown. 6. It takes courage to oppose the manager. 7. The
nippys luck is too good to last. 8. Ill feel your pulse. Ill take
your temperature. Breathe in deeply. 9. Try to increase your
repertoire of words by making lists of unfamiliar words you
encounter in your reading. 10. His having been a champion
cant ensure a further gold metal. 11. Its part of my job to know
young people as they are. 12. Put the goods down to my

account, will you? 13. Mamaia is a lovely seaside resort. 14. The
inspector cracked the case. 15. Einsteins theories marked a new
epoch in mathematics. 16. I hear wonders of the mage. 17. The
figaro wanted a taxi, but there werent any. 18. Does it matter?
19. The chronicler found himself unfit for this career and betook
himself to another. 20. The tamers furniture has been
beautifully finished. 21. The sun has just set. 22. Lets do the
room till the warehouseman should be back. 23. The driver lost
control of the lorry. 24. In the USA, presidential elections are
held every four years. 25. I have just told the half-gone forger
that I saw our former teacher of biology the day before
yesterday/the night before last. 26. The court clerk quoted the
first verses of his favourite poem. 27. The administrator
answered good-temperedly shed be happy to send him an
application, but she was having trouble hearing him. 28. Can
you be there by three? If not, Ill go in. 29. The guitar player has
a real weakness for Dutch painting. 30. I run a temperature. 31.
Miss Peterson was an old battle axe, but the students in her
class really learned Chemistry. 32. Their decision threw our
plans into confusion. 33. Tom Jones was born out of wedlock.
34. If you would help me, I should appreciate it very much. 35.
The ready-witted raw recruit silenced the rattener with an angry
look. 36. The archer thinks hes a somebody. 37. Bless my soul!
38. The art lies in the formulation of the questions. 39. Having
asked the nurse whether she was in need of anything, the reaper

withdrew shaking her hand very soberly and wishing her a quick
recovery. 40. One moment, and Ill check to see if there are any
seats left. [] Two seats on flight BE 482 LondonBucharest,
leaving Gatwick at 11 tomorrow morning. 41. The land agent
was far-seeing. 42. The first thing I have to tell you is that a
thorough examination and the analysts report show that there
is nothing seriously wrong with you and that you are very fit. 43.
The drug took immediate effect. 44. Her constant questions
drove me up the wall. 45. However often the fluk(e)y floor
walker/floor dresser rings, no one will answer. 46. Speak slowly,
please, so that I may understand you. 47. One must not talk
about ones memories when people are bored. 48. The
warehouseman never apologizes for being late. 49. The Earth
moves through space. 50. The cease-fire has gone into effect this


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