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020 / THE NOUN

1. Portavionul este o nav construit pentru transportul aparatelor de zbor.
Puntea este suficient de mare
pentru ca fiecare aparat s poat decola si ateriza n sigurant.
2. Cartea lui Charles Darwin Originea speciilor marcheaz un moment
important n dezvoltarea stiintelor
naturii. El a artat c n natur numai cei vigurosi supravietuiesc pentru
buna perpetuare a speciei.
3. Hoinrind prin pdure am ajuns la un luminis unde o cprioar pstea
linistit. Numai atunci mi-am dat
seama ce frumoase si gingase sunt cprioarele.
4. A petrecut minunat n tabra international a studentilor de la Costinesti
unde erau chinezi, japonezi,
portughezi, elvetieni si multi alti studenti. S-a mprietenit cu un chinez
foarte inteligent si politicos.
Chinezii toti sunt deosebit de politicosi.
5. Toate uzinele de gaz din acea tar sunt foarte moderne sau n curs de
modernizare. Aceast uzin de
gaz, desi a fost construit acum saptezeci de ani, este nc n stare bun.
1. The aircraft carrier is a ship built to transport aircraft. The deck is large
enough for each aircraft (to be
able) to take off and land safely .
2. Charles Darwin's book "The Origin of Species" marks an important
moment in the develpoment of
natural sciences. He proved that in nature only the strong survive for the
good perpetuance of their species.
3. Wondering through the woods we got to a clearing where a deer was
grazing quietly. Only then did I
realize how beautiful and fragile deer are.
4. He had a wonderful time in the international students' camp at
Costinesti, where there were also Chinese,
Japanese, Portugese, Swiss and many other students. He made friends
with a very intelligent and polite
Chinese. The Chinese are all extremely polite.
5. All the gas-works in/ from that country are very modern or are being
modernized. This gas-works,
although it was built seventy years ago, is still in good condition.
1. Aceasta este o mobil prea mare ca s intre pe usa aceasta.
2. Am but deja dou cafele.
3. Aveam trei spunuri ieri. Unde sunt?
4. Nu stiu cum reuseste Tom s fluiere cu un fir de iarb.
5. Un rs zgomotos ne-a fcut s ne ntoarcem capul.
6. Cte bucti de zahr vrei n ceai?
7. Spune-i hamalului c avem bagaje grele.
8. L-am rugat s-mi cumpere dou pini, dar a uitat.
9. Ne-a dat un sfat foarte bun.
10. Un fulger strlucitor, urmat de un tunet puternic ne trimise pe toti
imediat n cas.

11. A fost un noroc neasteptat s-i gsim n multimea care iesea de la

12. Cine ne poate da vreo informaie despre persoana disprut.
13. Poti sa desfaci tabla de ciocolata de pe masa.
14. E de ajuns ca un fir de nisip s intre ntr-o scoic pentru a se forma o
15. V dau un sfat: nu lsati niciodata gazul aprins.
16. A treia stire prezentat la televizor a fost foarte interesant.
17. Cea mai frumoas bijuterie a ei era o bros din opt grame de aur si un
18. Garnitura de mobil se va potrivi foarte bine.
19. Sunt obosit. N-am nchis un ochi noaptea trecut.
20. E o ocazie deosebit. Scoate tacmurile din argint.
21. Vrei grtar de porc sau friptur de miel?
22. Nu te pot ajuta. Nu mai am nici un strop de energie
23. Pianistul cnta cu o pasiune iesit din comun.
24. E nevoie de 100 de grame de fain; asta nseamn cam patru linguri
vrfuite de fin.
1. This is a piece of furniture too big to go through this door.
2. I've already had two cups of coffee.
3. We had three bars of soap yesterday/ I counted three bars of soap....
Where are they?
4. I don't know how Tom succeeds in whistling with only a blade of grass. /
can whistle with...
5. A roar of laughter made us all turn our heads.
6. How many lumps of sugar do you want in your tea? / How many lumps
of sugar do you take with your
7. Tell the bell-boy / porter we have some heavy luggage.
8. I asked him to buy me two loaves of bread but he forgot.
9. He gave us some good advice.
10. A bright flash of lightning, followed by a roll of thunder sent us all into
the house.
11. It was a stoke of unexpected luck to find them in the crowd that were
coming out from the show.
12. Who can give us some/ any information about the missing person?
13. You can open the bar of chocolate from / that is on the table.
14. It is enough for a grain of sand to get into an oyster for a pearl to form.
15. I'll give you a piece of advice: never leave the gas burning.
16. The third piece of news presented on TV was very interesting.
17. Her most beautiful piece of jewellry was a diamond broach weighing 8
grams of gold.
18. The set of furniture will fit very well.
19. I'm tired . I haven't had a wink of sleep last night.
20. It's a special occasion. Take out the silver cutlery.
21. Do you want pork steak or roast mutton?
22. I can't help you/ I can't be of any help to you. I don't have even an
ounce of energy left.

23. The pianist performed with/ in a feat of passion.

24. 100 grams of flour are needed. That is about four spoonfuls of flour.
1. Numai timpul ne va arta care din noi are dreptate.
2. Nu este las cel ce are curajul convingerilor sale.
3. A fcut totul din buntate si nu din speranta unei rsplate.
4. Dl. Smith si directorul scolii s-au salutat ca doi regi. Apoi au schimbat
cuvinte politicoase.
5. Sticla se sparge usor.
6. De un timp ncoace nu mai pot citi fr ochelari.
7. Am citit de cteva ori, dar tot n-am putut ntelege.
8. Lucrarea la biologie a fost deosebit de grea.
9. Cred c ceea ce spui ai citit prin ziare.
10. S-a semnat pacea ntre cele dou tri.
11. Dup o pace scurt, a izbucnit din nou rzboiul.
12. N-a avut curajul s-o refuze.
13. O alt calitate a nylon-ului este rezistenta la ap.
14. Nu e ntelept s dai prea mult credit zvonurilor.
15. Operele poetului sunt foarte frumoase.
16. n acest domeniu el are mult experient .
17. ntmplrile prin care a trecut l fac un om cu experient .
18. Cine ti va tine de urt?
19. Cta dobnd primesti pe trei luni?
20. Nu mi-a dat rest de la 100 de dolari.
1. Only time will tell which of us is right.
2. He who has the courage of his own convictions is no coward.
3. He did everything out of kindness not in the hope of a reward.
4. Mr. Smith and the principal of the school greeted each other like kings
and then exchanged politnesses.
5. Glass breaks easily.
6. For some time now I haven't been able to read without my glasses.
7. I read it several times, but I still couldn't understand it.
8. The biology paper was very difficult.
9. I think that what you are saying you have read in the newspapers.
10. Peace was signed between the two countries.
11. After a brief peace, war broke out again.
12. He didn't have the courage to turn her down.
13. Another quality in nylon is its resistance to water.
14. It's not wise to give too much credit to rumours.
15. The works of the poet are very beautiful.
16. In this domain he has a lot of experience.
17. The happenings he has been through make him a man with
18. Who will keep you company?
19. How much interest do you get for three months?
20. He didn't give me any change from a 100 dollar bill.

1.Vaticanul anunt reusita operatiei si c Papa se simte acum bine.

2. Compania va angaja nc sase persoane.
3. Juriul ncearc s cad de acord.
4. O familie care se ceart ntruna nu poate fi fericit .
5. Publicul vrea s stie ce va urma.
6. Sunt prea muli oameni ri pe pmnt.
7. Toate guvernele ncearc s fac ceva pentru a control actele criminale.
8. Lzile de bere sunt pe teras.
9. Musuroiul de furnici este foarte mare.
10. Turma de elefanti se ndreapt ctre ru.
11. Teancul de hrtii se afl pe mas .
12. Se auzi urletul lupilor n deprtare. Sigur erau mai multe haite.
13. Catedra de profesori de englez are cabinetele la etajul trei.
14. Pentru a rezolva problema a fost convocat un grup de experti din toat
15. Multimea de rzvrtiti se npusti asupra castelului.
1. The Vatican announces the success of the opeartion and that the Pope
is feeling fine now.
2. The company will hire six more persons.
3. The jury are trying to agree.
4. A family that are always quarrelling can't be happy.
5. The public wants to know what is next.
6. There are too many bad people on the face of the Earth.
7. All goverments try to do something to control criminal acts.
8. The crates of beer are on the terrace.
9. The colony of ants is very big.
10. The herd of elephants is heading towards the river.
11. The heap of papers is on the table.
12. The roar of the wolves could be heard in the distance. There were
certainly more packs than one.
13. The staff of English teachers have their offices on the third floor.
14. A panel of experts from all over the world was summoned to solve the
15. The mob of rioters rushed into the castle.
1. Apele lacului se scurgeau printr-o cascad spectaculoas.
2. Amndoi au dat din cap a nencredere.
3. Toti am ntmpinat rrsritul soarelui cu inima usoar.
4. A trebuit s schimb trenul la Reading.
5. Nu puteam s-i trimitem acolo mpotriva vointei lor.
6. Strigau ct i tinea gura.
7. Visa la apele albastre ale Mediteranei.
8. Cldurile unei veri nnbusitoare nu preau s aib nici o
influent asupra snttii lui.
9. De dragul lor era n stare s mute si muntii din loc.
10. Ezita ntre sperant si team.
1. The waters of the lake flowed in a spectaculous waterfall.

2. They both shook their heads in disbelief.

3. We all greeted the sunrise light-heartedly / with light hearts.
4. I had to change trains in/at Reading.
5. We couldn't send them their against their will/ wills .
6. They screamed their lungs out. / They were shouting at the top of their
7. He dreamed of the blue waters of the Mediterranean.
8. The heats of the summer didn't seem to have any effect on him.
9. For their sake he would move mountains.
10. He hesitated between hope and fear.
Dup o zi grea de munc se duse s cineze la mtusile sale, domnisoarele
Harrison. Dup cin, asezat
confortabil ntr-un fotoliu lng foc cu ziarul n mn, revzu n minte
chipuri de oameni si mtmplri din
copilrie. Ar fi dorit s fie iarsi copil si s se joace cu roscovanul Pete, fiul
lui Jackson, morarul, care locuia
doar la o arunctur de bt.
Uneori fcea cale de cinci mile pn la ferma bunicilor, dup ou
proaspete, zarzavaturi si fel de fel
de fructe. Ferma, cu ortnii nenumrate, cu vite, turme de oi si roiuri de
albine i-a oferit multe din bucuriile
copilriei. Cu ctelusii si pisicutele se jucau ct pofteau, dar ori de cte ori
voiau s se apropie de bobocii de
gsc, gscanul, printe grijuliu, i alunga. n drum spre cas, intrau la
bcnie si cumprau bomboane de
cinci peni, fiindc bunica niciodat nu uita s-i dea ceva bani de buzunar.
Apoi si aminti cum, ctiva ani mai trziu, sptmni la rnd, a fost ntr-o
situatie critic din cauza acelui
ticlos care se ddea drept prieten, dar care l-a folosit ca pe-o unealt. Asa
i-a trebuit! Singur se vrse n
gura lupului, fiindc nu dduse nici un ban pe sfaturile fratelui su mai
mare. A scpat ca prin minune,
datorit fratelui su, care aflnd vestea proast, a fcut tot posibilul ca s-l
pun la adpost de primejdii.
Tresri auzind vocea mtusii Jane: John drag, poftim ziarul de astzi,
acela e de alaltieri. Cum
poti fi att de distrat? Citesti de mai bine de o or, fr s-ti dai seama ce
After a hard days work he went to have dinner at his aunts , Misses
Harrison/Miss Harrisons.
After dinner seated comfortably in an armchair by the fireplace,
newspaper in hand, he saw in his minds
eye faces of people and events from his childhood.
He wished he were a child again and played with the red-haired Peter, son
of the miller Jackson/miller
Jacksons son, who lived at a stones throw.

Sometimes he would walk five miles to his grandparents farm for fresh
eggs, vegetables and all kinds of
The farm with countless poultry, with cattle, flocks of sheep and swarms of
bees offered him many of his
childhoods happy memories.
They played as much as they liked/to their hearts content with the
puppies and kittens but when they
wanted to get near the little geese/ goslings the gander , a careful parent
would chase them away.
On their way home they would go into/ would stop at the grocers and buy
5 pennies worth of sweets
because grandma never forgot to give them some pocket money.
Then he remembered how several years later weeks on end he found
himself in a critical situation because
of that scoundrel who had pretended to be his friend but had used him as
a cats paw. It served him right!
He alone had stirred up a hornets nest, because he hadnt give a tinker's
curse on his big brothers advice.
He had a narrow escape thanks to his brother who having heard/ on
hearing the bad news did everything
possible/ did his best to put him out of harms way.
He started when he heard his aunt Janes voice: "John dear, here is todays
paper, that one is the daybeforeyesterdays. How can you be so absent-minded. You have been reading for
over an hour without
realizing what you have been reading?".
1. Unde este lupoaica cu puii ei?
2. Psrile din curte mnnc grunte.
3. Rata este urmat de cei cinci pui ai ei n sir indian.
4. n turma aceasta sunt doar trei berbeci si zece miei. Dar e pzit de 15
5. n vizuin e doar tigroaica cu cei doi pui ai ei.
1. Where is the she-wolf with her cubs?
2. The poultry in the courtyard are pecking seeds.
3. The duck is followed by her ducklings in Indian file.
4. In this flock there are just 3 rams and 10 lambs but it is guarded by 15
5. In the den there is just the tigress with her two cubs.
Translate into English using can or be able:
1. Nu-ti poti nici mcar aminti numele strzii pe care locuieste?
2. Puteam sta n cap cnd eram la scoal, dar acum nu mai pot.
3. Cnd se va ridica ceata, sper c vom putea recunoaste locurile.
4. Cnd eram copil nu-i puteam ntelege pe adulti si acum c sunt adult
nu-i mai pot ntelege pe copii.

5. Nu ncerca s te uiti la toate tablourile din expozitie, cnd vei ajunge

acas nu vei putea s-ti mai
amintesti de nici unul.
6. Cnd m-am dus prima data n Anglia puteam citi englezeste, dar nu
puteam vorbi.
7. Poti scrie la masin?Da, dar nu pot stenografia.
8. Sunt prea multe lucruri n valiza. Sunt sigur c nu vei putea s o duci.
De cnd te-ai lovit la spate nu ai
mai putut cra attea lucruri fr s ai dureri.
9. Chiar dac ne-am strduit din rsputeri nu am reusit s ajungem.
10. Se poate s se ajung la temperaturi de peste 40 de grade C.
11. Nu pot s nu m gndesc ce s-ar fi ntmplat dac nu am fi putut
rezolva problema.
12. Vreau s renunt la slujba pe care o am si s m mut n Canada.
Doar nu vorbesti serios?
13. ti vine s crezi ? n sfrsit am fost lsati singuri.
1. Cant you even remember the name of the street he lives in?
2. I could stand on my head when I was in school, but I cant any
longer/Im no longer able to do it /this.
3. When the fog disperses / lifts , I hope we will be able to recognise the
4. When I was a little boy I couldnt understand grown-ups/ I couldnt put
two and two together where
grown-ups were concerned and now that I am a grown-up I cant
understand children.
5. Dont try to look at all the paintings in the exhibition, when you get
home you wont be able to remember
6. When I first went to England, I could read English, but I couldnt speak
7. Can you type? Yes, but I cannot write in shorthand / I cant do it in
8. There are too many things in the suitcase. Im sure that you wont be
able to carry it. Since you hurt your
back you havent been able to carry so many things without feeling pain.
9. Though we tried hard/ We did our best but we couldnt get there.
10. It can get to temperatures over 100 F (one hundred degrees
Fahrenheit/ 40 C (forty degrees centigrade).
11. I cant help wondering what would have happened if we hant been
able to sort out the problem.
12. I want to give up my present job and move to Canada. You cant be
13. Can you believe it? Weve been finally left alone .

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