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Sala Nicolae Blcescu

Nicolae Blcescu Hall

25 26 Mai 2007, Bucureti

25 26 May 2007, Bucharest





Europenizarea, integrarea i reforma
administraiei publice: Comisia de Concuren a
Greciei vs. Comisiile similare ale SUA i UE

Paper presentations:
Europeanization, Integration and Public
Administration Reform: The case of the Greek
Competition Commission compared to the US and
EU respectively
Harry Stamelos, Greek School of Public
Administration, Athens, Greece
The project will explore the case of the Greek
Competition Commission in the Greek and EU
administration system regarding the operation of the
divisions of the Commission and its powers to
enforce the EU and Greek competition laws in the
Greek legal order and the means which uses to
actually reach the results that the Europeanization and
the integration of the European Commission
demands, especially for public administration reforms
in the network of the National Competition

Harry Stamelos, coala de Administraie Public,

Atena, Grecia
Proiectul va explora cazul Comisiei de Concuren
a Greciei n sistemul administraiei Greciei i n cel
al UE, cu privire la funcionarea directoratelor
Comisiei i la puterile sale de a pune n aplicare
legile concurenei, din Grecia i din UE, n ordinea
de drept din Grecia i mijloacele pe care le
folosete pentru a atinge efectiv rezultatele cerute
Comisia European pentru europeanizare i
integrare, n special pentru reformele administraiei
publice n reeaua Comisiilor Naionale pentru

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


Concuren din fiecare Stat Membru al UE. O

comparaie special va fi ilustrat pentru reeaua
respectiv de autoriti ale statului n SUA i pentru
autoritile federale pentru concuren din SUA
(Comisia Federal pentru Comer, Departamentul
de Justiie) i aspectele administrative interesante
din SUA, similare cu cele din Uniunea European.
Democratizarea administraiei romneti
Ioan Alexandru, SNSPA, Bucureti, Romnia
Din punct de vedere geografic, Romnia a fost
dintotdeauna considerat o ar european. Chiar
mai mult, putem spune fr a grei c ntreaga sa
istorie a fost puternic determinat de evenimente
politico-sociale care se declanau n vestul
continentului propagndu-se inevitabil spre rsrit.
Dinspre apus, veneau noutile tiinifice, culturale,
artistice dar i ideile de libertate, egalitate,
fraternitate i odat cu ele micrile de eliberare
naional i democraia. Dinspre rsrit au venit
mai mult necazuri: nvliri succesive ale
popoarelor migratoare, ttarii, avarii, gepizii, apoi,
cnd abia apucasem n anii de dup primul rzboi
mondial s ne aezm ara la un nivel calitativ
comparabil cu rile din vest, a venit cele de-al
doilea rzboi mondial i odat cu sfritul lui marea
ruptur a Europei, n urma creia, abandonai de
prietenii din vest, am intrat n perimetrul de
jurisdicie a fostei Uniuni Sovietice, ea nsi o
construcie statal autoritar, edificat de comuniti
pe structura fostei Rusii imperiale. A urmat aproape
jumtate de secol de regim totalitar n care, totui, a
supravieuit spiritul european prin literatur i art,
prin rezistena tcut a marilor oameni de tiin
care au ncercat s conserve i s transmit
generaiilor urmtoare ideile europene i nu n
ultimul rnd, prin mpotrivirea fa de propaganda
Am fcut aceast scurt, poate prea scurt
incursiune n istoria noastr pentru a putea nelege
c tot ceea ce se ntmpl dup Revoluia din
decembrie 1989 nu nseamn altceva dect
revenirea Romniei la locul ei firesc i anume n
rndul rilor europene.
n acelai timp, trebuie s spunem c nc
din vechime a existat o diferen semnificativ ntre
nivelurile de dezvoltare economico-social ale

Commissions of every Member State of the EU. A

special comparison will be illustrated to the respective
network of state authorities in the US and the US
federal competition authorities (Federal Trade
Commission, Department of Justice) and the
interesting administrative issues in the US similar to
the ones in the European Union.
Democratization of Romanian Administration
Ioan Alexandru, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania
From the geographical point of view, Romania was
always considered a European country. Even more,
we can say without being mistaken, that its entire
history was strongly determined by political-social
events that were commencing in the West of the
continent, unavoidably spreading towards the East.
From the West came the scientific, cultural, artistic
news, but also the ideas of freedom, equality,
fraternity and, together with them, the national liberty
movements and democracy. From the East came more
troubles: successive conquests of the migrating
populations, then, in the years following the First
World War, when we had just begun setting the
country on a qualitative level comparable to the
Western states, the Second World War came and,
with its end, the large tear across Europe. Abandoned
by the friends in the West, we entered the
jurisdiction perimeter of the former Soviet Union, an
authoritarian state construction, built by the
communists on the structure of former Imperial
Russia. It followed almost half a century of
totalitarian regime, in which, still, the European spirit
survived, through literature and art, through the silent
resistance of the great scientists who tried to preserve
and pass on to the next generations the European
ideas and, not lastly, through the opposition towards
the atheistic propaganda.
I made this short, maybe too short, trip into
our history, in order to understand that everything
happening after the Revolution of December 1989
means that Romania returns to its natural position,
namely, in line with the European countries.
At the same time, we must say that even from
the old times there was a significant difference
between the economic-social development levels of
the Eastern countries, in comparison to the Western
ones, in the sense that the Eastern fell behind.

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.


rilor din rsrit fa de cele din apus n sensul

rmnerii n urm a celor din rsrit.
De aceea, cred c ceea ce trebuie s
constituie miezul preocuprilor noastre n aceast
etap istoric a evoluiei Romniei este ideea de a
gsi modalitile, soluiile i mijloacele prin care s
progresm n toate domeniile astfel nct s
reducem i n perspectiv s anulm decalajele de
orice fel ntre noi i rile din apus.
ntr-un astfel de demers, administraia
public are un rol crucial.
Dar, pentru a putea juca un asemenea rol
determinant n progresul Romniei, administraia
public trebuie mai nti s se schimbe ea nsi.
n opinia mea, aceast schimbare const pe
de o parte n democratizarea administraiei iar pe
de alt parte n modernizarea acesteia. Acestea sunt
cele dou direcii de europenizare a administraiei
publice iar dac prin europenizare nelegem
racordarea i armonizarea structurilor i
procedurilor administrative din rile europene n
condiiile edificrii unei Uniuni Europene, atunci
trebuie s spunem c impactul europenizrii
privete n mai mic sau mai mare msur toate
administraiile publice naionale din rile membre
ale U.E.
n intervenia mea, m voi limita la punerea
n discuie a ctorva idei n legtur cu necesitatea
democratizrii administraiei publice din Romnia,
nu ca sop n sine ci ca o condiie a unei mai bune
funcionri i a creterii randamentului acesteia.
Europenizarea prin prisma ajutorului de preaderare al UE: cazul administraiei publice
Anna Kostrzewa, coala de Economie din
Varovia, Polonia

Therefore, I think that the focus of our

preoccupations in this historical stage of Romanias
development is the idea to find the modalities, the
solutions and the means by which to progress in all
fields, such as to reduce and, in time, to cancel all
types of disparities between us and the Western
In such a work, the public administration has a
crucial role.
But, in order to play such a determining role
in Romanias progress, the public administration must
first change itself.
In my opinion, this change consists, on one
hand, in democratization of the administration and, on
the other hand, its modernization. These are the two
directions of the Europeanization of the public
administration and if by Europeanization we
understand the connecting and harmonizing of the
administrative structures and procedures in the
European countries in the conditions of building an
European Union, then we must say that the impact of
Europeanization refers to a larger or smaller extent
to all national public administrations of the EU
Member States.
In my intervention, I will limit myself to
discussing several ideas regarding the need for
democratization of the public administration in
Romania, not as a purpose in itself, but as a condition
for a better functioning and for increasing its

Consiliul European de la Madrid din decembrie

1995 a informat toate statele care se pregteau de
obinerea calitii de membru al Uniunii Europene
(UE) n legtur cu necesitatea de a-i ajusta
structurile administrative i judiciare pentru a
asigura implementarea acquis-ului comunitar. n
lumina obligaiei de mai sus, dar i recunoscnd ea
nsi semnificaia enorm a structurilor i

The Madrid European Council of December 1995

informed all countries preparing for the membership
in the European Union (EU) about the necessity to
adjust their administrative and judicial structures so
that implementation of the acquis communautaire is
ensured. In light of the aforementioned obligation, but
also recognizing itself a tremendous significance of
the proper administrative structures and mechanisms
for the transformation from the previous political and

Europeanization through the EU pre-accession

assistance: the case of Polish Public
Anna Kostrzewa, Warsaw School of Economics,

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


pentru transformarea vechiului sistem politic i

economic, Polonia a iniiat activiti de reform la
nceputul anilor 1990.
Orice discuie academic cu privire la reforma
administraiei publice n Polonia, dar i n celelalte
state candidate trebuie s fie automat asociat cu
sprijinul din partea Uniunii Europene, furnizat sub
forma cadrului de asisten pre-aderare. Programul
de Construcie Instituional Phare va fi accentuat
n acest context, ntruct acesta a constituit un
instrument-cheie pentru ajustarea gradual a
polonez, nainte de a putea funciona eficient la
nivelul Uniunii Europene.
A prut a fi o sarcin dificil pentru comunitatea
satisfctoare a europenizrii. n cazul Poloniei, s-a
argumentat c se poate face referire la acest
fenomen, iar acesta poate fi examinat n legtur cu
modificarea structural i calitativ n domeniul
administraiei publice, care, la rndul su, va fi
corelat cu conceptele de instituionalizare i
reform public.
n termeni generali, schimbrile facilitate/provocate
de proiectele de Construcie Instituional Phare se
manifest n sfera (i) aproximrii legale care
afecteaz aproape toate aspectele n care poate fi
discutat administraia public, (ii) participrii n
procesul de luare a deciziilor la nivelul UE, (iii)
implementrii i punerii n aplicare a politicilor UE.
Presupunerea principal pare s fie c dei se poate
recunoate un element puternic de condiionalitate
n legtur cu introducerea regulilor cu privire la (i)
protecia intereselor financiare ale UE, (ii)
stabilirea ageniilor/organismelor responsabile
pentru implementarea fondurilor de pre-aderare i a
celor structurale i (iii) aplicare, control,
procedurile de monitorizare i evaluare, datorit
ctorva factori, nu a fost posibil stabilirea i
punerea n funciune a unui model anume de
administraie a UE. Trecnd prin procesul de
aderare la UE i ajungnd la etapa de membru cu
drepturi depline, Polonia
i-a europenizat
administraia, prin pstrarea cadrului propriilor sale
mecanisme, cu rdcini adnci n sistemele
instituionale i politice, n istorie i cultur.

economic system, Poland initiated its reforming

activities in the early 1990s.
Therefore, any academic discussion concerning
public administration reform in Poland but also in
other acceding countries has to be automatically
associated with the European Union support provided
in the framework of the pre-accession assistance.
The Phare Institution Building programme shall be
emphasized in this context as it has constituted a key
instrument of gradual adjustment to the requirements
identified for the Polish administration before it could
operate successfully on the European Union level.
It has appeared to be a difficult task for the academic
community to provide a satisfactory conceptualization
of Europeanisation. Nevertheless, in the case of
Poland, it is argued that this phenomenon can be
referred to and examined in relation to the structural
and qualitative change in the public administration,
which in turn, shall be correlated with the
institutionalisation and public reform concepts.
In general terms, changes facilitated/provoked by the
Phare Institution Building projects manifest
themselves in the sphere of (i) legal approximation
affecting almost all aspects in which public
administration can be discussed, (ii) participation in
the decision making process on the EU level, (iii)
implementation and enforcement of the EU policies.
However, the principal assumption seems to be that
although strong conditionality ingredient can be
recognized in relation to introduction of rules on (i)
protection of the EU financial interests, (ii)
establishment of agencies/bodies responsible for
implementation of pre-accession and structural funds
and (iii) application, control, monitoring and
evaluation procedures, due to several factors, it was
not possible to establish and make operational any
particular model of the EU administration.
Having gone through the EU accession process and
arriving to the full membership stage, Poland has its
administration Europeanised though preserved in its
framework own mechanisms deeply rooted in
institutional and political systems as well as history
and culture.

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.


Romnii, ntre identitate naional i

Ana Rodica Sticulescu Brezeanu, Universitatea
Ovidius, Constana, Romnia

Romanians between National and European

Ana Rodica Sticulescu Brezeanu, University
Ovidius, Constana, Romania

Lucrarea abordeaz n plan conceptual trecerea de

la biografie la identitate, de la identitatea
individual la identitatea local, naional i
Cetenia european implic construcia unui spaiu
public european, aflat abia acum la nceputurile sale
n procesul de construcie european i de formare
identitar, dou ntrebri se profileaz la nivelul
reflexiei: pe de o parte, care sunt valoarea i
pertinena conceptului de identitate i a
posibilitilor punerii sale n opera n dinamica
integrrii europene i, pe de alt parte, prin ce
mijloace este legitimat identitatea european.
Cultura i educaia apar ca element de
transversalitate care poate crea i asigura o relaie
formal cu celelalte segmente ale politicilor
europene. Problematica actual a nclzirii climei
apare ca un factor de prim plan n unificarea
Lucrarea prezint i concluziile unui studiu realizat
n perioada 10-20.12.2006 n cadrul Facultii de
Drept i tiine Administrative din Universitatea
OVIDIUS Constana privind cunotinele despre
Uniunea European nainte de 01.01.2007 n rndul
Europenizarea administraiei publice att
pentru ceteni, ct i pentru funcionarii
publici: cteva dovezi ale ansei aplicrii
marketing-ului n sectorul public
Jos Luis Vazquez Burguete, Universitatea Leon,
Leon, Spania
Atunci cnd vorbim despre o administraie public
european, nu ne referim numai la o simpl
standarizare n acele proceduri administrative i
birocratice din toate statele membre UE. Acesta
este, de asemenea, un sinonim al instituiilor
moderne, eficiente, care privesc serviciul public,
prin cutarea i folosirea fiecrei oportuniti de a
satisface nevoile cetenilor.
n acest scop, ca rezultat al unei evoluii clare n

The paper approaches in the conceptual way the

passing from the biography to the identity, from the
individual identity to the local, national and European
Being now at the confidence starting point, European
citizenship involves the building of a public space in
Europe. In the process of European construction and
forming of the national identity, two questions are in
my mind, the first What is the value and the
substance of the identity concept taking into account
the actual dynamic process of the European
integration? and the second one, Through which
means is legitimated and easy recognized the
European identity?
The culture, education and national customs are the
important native elements which can create and insure
an informal relation with the other components of the
European policies.
The papers comprises also the conclusion of a study
achieved during 10 - 20 December 2006, among the
students of the Law and Administrative Science
Faculty from OVIDIUS University in Constanta,
taking into account the knowledge about European
Union, before 1st of January 2007.
Europeanizing public administration not only for
citizens, but also public servants benefit: some
Evidence on the Chance for Internal Marketing
Application in the Public Sector
Jos Luis Vazquez Burguete, University of Leon,
Leon, Spain
When talking on a European Public Administration
we are not only referring to a mere standardization
in those administrative and bureaucratic procedures
in all EU countries. It is also a synonymous of
modern, effective institutions, aiming public service
by seeking and seizing every opportunity to meet
citizens needs.
At this purpose, as a result of a clear evolution in
previous paradigms on public sector working culture

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


paradigmele anterioare privind cultura i activitile

din sectorul public, instrumentele de management
care s-au dovedit a fi de succes ntr-un context
privat sunt analizate, cutnd apoi modificri
necesare pentru o adaptare mai bun a
performanelor publice (adic, intind ctre modul
n care acestea pot beneficia cel mai bine de
performanelor administraiilor publice).
n acest context, organizaiile private caut, n mod
clar, lucrtori dedicai, prin mbuntirea
performanei individului i a atitudinilor legate de
locul de munc. Deci, managementul resursele
umane (sau personalului) i tehnicile i procedurile
de planificare devin din ce n ce mai obinuite
putem spune eseniale n fiecare organizaie.
Totui, n acest moment, aplicarea lor n domeniile
public i/sau non-profit nu este att de obinuit
sau, cel puin, este n faz mult mai incipient,
atunci cnd nu este direct pus sub semnul
ntrebrii sau chiar respins (s lum n considerare,
de ex., argumente din dezbaterea prezent la nivelul
UE cu privire la posibilele stimulente pentru
angajaii din sectorul public).
Din aceste declaraii iniiale, n lucrarea de fa
introducem unele consideraii cu privire la
posibilitile reale de aplicare a tehnicilor interne de
marketing n sectorul public, fie din perspectiv
teoretic, fie din perspectiv practic. Un accent
deosebit este pus pe cazul concret al
administraiilor locale, acolo unde rezultatele
dintr-un studiu empiric asupra funcionarilor
publici ne permit s facem afirmaii nu numai
despre avantajul lurii n considerare a ansei
marketing-ului, dar i despre o cerere i o necesitate
real de a aplica marketingul intern n domeniul
De la balcanizare la europenizare. Perspectiva
federal n Europa
Panagiotis Grigoriou, Universitatea Aegean,

and activities, management tools that proved to be

successful in a private context are under analysis, then
looking for required changes in order to their better
adjustment for public performance (i.e., aiming the
way in which they can most benefit the performance
of public administrations).
In this context, private organizations are clearly
looking for committed workers by improving
individuals performance and job-related attitudes.
Thus, human resources (or personnel) management
and planning techniques and procedures are becoming
more and more usual we can say essential in every
business organization. However, at the time, their
application in public and/or non-profit fields is not so
usual or, at least, it is much more incipient, when not
directly questioned or even rejected (lets consider,
e.g., arguments in current debate at EU level on
possible incentives for public employees).
From these initial statements, in this paper we
introduce some considerations on real possibilities of
applying internal marketing techniques in the public
sector, either from a theoretical or a practical
perspective. A special emphasis is made on the
concrete case of Local Administrations, where results
from an empirical survey on public servants allow us
to state not only about the convenience of considering
the chance, but even about a real demand and
necessity of applying internal marketing in the public

Actuala perioad a integrrii europeane este

dominat de efectele de lrgire a Uniunii Europene
ctre Europa central i oriental; de tiut ctre o
zon care acum aproximativ 20 de ani reprezenta
un adversar rigid pentru o Europ comunitar

La priode actuelle de lintgration europenne est

domine par les effets de llargissement de lUnion
europenne vers lEurope centrale et orientale ;
savoir vers une zone qui constituait, il y a une
vingtaine dannes, un adversaire rigide pour

De la balkanisation leuropanisation. La
perspective fdrale en Europe
Panagiotis Grigoriou, University of the Aegean,

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.


clasic. ntre acest proces de lrgire i viitorul

regiunii europene, s-a construit, deci, o relaie
structurat n jurul a trei concepte majore. Aceste
axe puteau, pe de alt parte, s fie considerate drept
cele mai bune instrumente de identificare a noiunii
de regiune n limbajul comunitar.
Continuarea politicii de coeziune a Uniunii
Europene, inspirat de noua strategie adoptat la
Lisabona i Goteborg, pare s favorizeze viitoarea
cretere i competitivitate comunitar n toate
zonele Europei. Mecanismul instituit faciliteaz
elaborarea de proiecte la care ar putea participa
dou sau mai multe regiuni, n domeniul aciunilor
care aduc o contribuie efectiv la creterea
competitivitii teritoriului.
Creterea vizibilitii mecanismelor instituionale
care permit definirea valorii adugate a strategiilor
comunitare asupra regiunilor aduce n joc cetenii
i contribuie la ncurajarea politicilor europene puse
n oper la nivel local. n acest mod, toate
subiectele unei viitoare federalizri a spaiului
european sunt afectate de problemele i dificultile
persistente ale eficacitii i valabilitii unui scop
att de ambiios.
Faza actual a integrrii europene va reprezenta un
moment decisiv n elaborarea procedurilor care
trebuie s permit perceperea perspectivei
europene, mprtit ex aequo de ctre toi
europenii. Marea majoritate a specialitilor n
construcia european constat: aceast perioad a
permis promovarea unei importante socializri
europene, mai cu seam fa de noile ri sosite n
Cu toate acestea, lrgirea ctre Est nu va fi cauza
terminrii procesului de integrare european
antamat, n anii 50 la Paris i Roma. Partenerii
notri din centrul i din estul Europei, nu sunt
favorabili fa de noile mari proiecte federaliste din
interiorul Uniunii Europene, dar poziiile lor
politice variate reflect situaii i interese; acest
lucru dovedete susceptibilitatea lor de a participa
la proiecte de cooperare fie i temporare, dar
adecvate fiecreia dintre problemele importante.

lEurope communautaire classique. Entre ce

processus dlargissement et lavenir de la rgion
europenne, est construite, donc, une relation
structure autour de trois concepts majeurs. Ces axes
pourraient, dailleurs, tre considrs comme les
meilleurs instruments didentification de la notion de
rgion dans le langage communautaire.
La poursuite de la politique de cohsion de l'Union
europenne, inspire par la nouvelle stratgie adopte
Lisbonne et Gteborg, semble favoriser la
croissance et la comptitivit communautaires futures
dans toutes les parties de l'Europe. Le mcanisme mis
en place facilite l'laboration de projets auxquels
pourraient participer deux ou plusieurs rgions dans le
domaine des actions qui apportent une contribution
effective l'accroissement de la comptitivit du
Le renforcement de la visibilit des mcanismes
institutionnels qui permettent de dfinir la valeur
ajoute des stratgies communautaires auprs des
rgions mettent en jeu les citoyens et contribuent
encourager les politiques europennes mises en uvre
au niveau local. De cette manire, tous les sujets
dune prochaine fdralisation de lespace europen
sont affects par les problmes et les difficults
persistants de leffectivit et de la viabilit dun tel
but ambitieux.
La phase actuelle de lintgration europenne sera un
moment dcisif dans llaboration de procdures qui
doivent permettre la perception de la perspective
europenne, partage ex aequo par tous les europens.
La grande majorit de spcialistes sur la construction
europenne le constatent : cette priode a permis la
promotion dune socialisation europenne importante
vis--vis surtout des nouveaux venus lUnion.
Pourtant, llargissement lEst ne sera pas, la cause
de la terminaison du processus dintgration
europenne entam, dans les annes 50, Paris et
Rome. Nos partenaires du centre et de lest europens
ne sont pas favorables de nouveaux grands projets
fdrateurs au sein de lUnion europenne, mais leurs
positions politiques varies refltent des situations et
des intrts ; cela donc tmoigne de leur
susceptibilit de participer des schmas de
coopration parfois temporaires, mais adquates
chacune des questions importantes.

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


Drepturile i libertile fundamentale ale

omului n ordinea de drept a Uniunii Europene
Emil Blan, SNSPA, Romnia
Stringenta actualitate a discuiei asupra drepturilor
i libertilor fundamentale const n legtura
inseparabil a problematicii cu cerina edificrii i
consolidrii statului de drept ca model n procesul
decizional pe plan politic i social.
Convenia European a Drepturilor Omului i
Libertilor Fundamentale din 4 nov. 1950, precum
i tradiiile constituional comune ale statelor
membre UE constituie garanii ale recunoaterii i
respectrii acestor valori i principii.
n preambulul Tratatului Constituional se
precizeaz faptul c Uniunea European este o
comunitate de valori, care se ntemeiaz pe
demnitatea omului, pe libertate, egalitate i
solidaritate, bazndu-se pe principiile democraiei i
statului de drept .
n procesul de asigurare a respectrii drepturilor
fundamentale sunt angajate att structurile
comunitare, ct i Statele Membre U.E. care
implementeaz dreptul comunitar i l pun n
executare n plan administrativ. Din acest punct de
vedere, pentru instituiile naionale aceasta
nseamn c ele snt supuse unei duble obligaii n
privina drepturilor fundamentale, i anume
decurgnd din dreptul statului respectiv i din
dreptul comunitar i avnd ca efect pe termen lung
consolidarea acestui proces .
Aspecte istorice i metodologice ale nelegerii
justiiei ca principiu al administraiei publice
Natalyia Shevchenko, Academia Naional de
Administraie Public, Kiev, Ucraina
Prima interpretare a justiiei n istoria
contiinei publice a fost legat de caracterul
indiscutabil al normelor alinierii primitive. Aici
justiia a fost neleas ca urmarea simpl a ordinii
general acceptate. n practica social o astfel de
nelegere a justiiei avea un sens negativ, de
pedeaps pentru nclcarea unei norme generale.
O nelegere mai dificil, pozitiv a justiiei,
care se refer la parcelele de teren ale oamenilor,
apare n perioada separrii indivizilor de familie. La

Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms in the

European Unions Legal Order
Emil Blan, SNSPA, Romania
The pressing present-day issue of the discussion on
fundamental rights and freedoms consists in the
inseparable link of the topic with the demand to build
and consolidate the state of law as a model in the
decisional process on the political and social level.
The European Convention of Fundamental Human
Rights and Freedoms on November 4th, 1950, as well
as the common constitutional traditions of the EU
Member States constitute guarantees of the
recognition and the observance of these values and
In the preamble of the Constitutional Treaty it is
indicated the fact that the European Union is a
community of values, grounded on the dignity of
man, on freedom, equality and solidarity, basing itself
on the principles of democracy and the state of law.
In the process of ensuring the observance of the
fundamental rights there are committed both the
communitarian structures, and the EU Member States,
which implement Community law and apply them on
the administrative level. From this point of view, for
the national institutions this means that they are
subject to a double obligation in the matter of the
fundamental rights, namely, deriving from the law of
the respective state and from the Community law,
having on long term as effect the consolidation of this
Historical and Methodological Aspects of
Understanding of Justice as a Principle of Public
Natalyia Shevchenko, National Academy of the
Public Administration, Kiev, Ukraine
The First in history of public consciousness of
understanding of justice was linked with
indisputability of norms of primitive line-up. Here
justice was understood as the simple following to the
characteristically, that, for example, an ancient Greek
word and proper our word justice, meant a
consuetude, mode of life only. In social practice
such understanding of justice had negative sense, is a
requirement of punishment for violation of general

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.


nceput, marcheaz n primul rnd egalitatea tuturor

oamenilor n utilizarea facilitilor i drepturilor. A
nceput s se fac o distincie ntre justiie i
Faimosul filosof grec, Aristotel, considera
c justiia nseamn, pe de o parte, egalitate pentru
egali, i, pe de alt parte, inegalitate pentru inegali.
Mai exact, Aristotel a mprit justiia n echitabil
i distributiv, artnd c un tip special de justiie
apare n distribuirea onorurilor, banilor i tot ceea
ce se poate mpri ntre oamenii care fac parte din
societate. Astfel, Aristotel a formulat cu succes o
teorie fundamental pentru nelegerea modern a
contradiciei dintre ideea de egalitate n justiie i
ideea de merit i demnitate, ceea ce presupune
recunoaterea inegalitii sociale.
n Evul Mediu, egalitatea ca baz a justiiei
a fost recunoscut limitat.
Noua nelegere european a justiiei a fost
legat de formarea noii imagini a omului. Omul a
nceput s fie privit ca individ independent care
deine drepturi inalienabile i i poate controla i
reglementa conduita n societate pe baza unor
Astfel, ideea de justiie presupune (chiar ca
ideal pe care trebuie s-l atingem) asigurarea, pe de
o parte, a egalitii tuturor indivizilor n realizarea
drepturilor lor inalienabile i, pe de alt parte, a
posibilitilor de realizare personal fr a aduce
prejudicii altor membri ai societii. Afirmarea
drepturilor inalienabile ale omului a permis
extinderea considerabil a sferei de aciune a
justiiei i dezvoltarea mecanismelor prin care
aceasta se poate realiza.
nelegerea justiiei se cristalizeaz n
perioada modern, cnd au aprut teoriile acordului
public. Teoriile acordului public separ statul ca
instituie politic i juridic de societate. Din punct
de vedere moral, prioritatea justiiei nseamn c
valoarea legii morale nu const n aceea c ea este
esenial pentru atingerea unui scop sau ntruparea
unor aspiraii. Dimpotriv, ea reprezint un scop n
nelegerea parial public a justiiei devine stabilit
ferm n timpuri noi, aprnd n principal n teoriile
acordului public. Teoriile acordului public separ

More difficult, more positive understanding of
justice which includes the parcel of land of people
blessings arises up in the period of selection of
individuals from family. At first it marks mainly
equality of all of people in using facilities of life and
by rights. However, with the origin of peculiar and
inequality it is begun to distinguish justice from
simple equality, plugging in it differences in position
of people in obedience to their dignities.
The famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle
considered that justice meant, from one side, equality
for even, and, from other side, is inequality for
unequal. Exactly Aristotle first divided justice even
and distributive, marking that one type of the special
justice appears in the division of honors, or money, or
in general all of that, which can part between people
which take part in the known society (here can be one
even and unequal parcel of land before other). Other
kind it appears in equalization of that which makes
the article of exchange. Therefore Aristotle succeeded
to be formulated fundamental for the modern
understanding of justice contradiction between the
idea of equality and idea of merits and dignity which
assumes confession of social inequality and
proportion of gratitude.
It got differentiating of equality and
proportion the development in the socially legal mind
of Middle ages and New time. Equality as basis of
justice was acknowledged here limitedly, that in some
certain relation.
Forming of the new European understanding
of justice was linked with forming of new picture of
man. A man here began to be examined as an
independent individual which owns inalienable rights
and able independently to control and regulate the
conduct in society on the basis of some meaningful
Thus, the idea of justice assumes (even as an
ideal to which it follows to aim) providing, from one
side, to equality of all of individuals in realization of
them inalienable rights, and, from other side,
possibilities of social self-realization each without a
loss for other members of society and proportion of
public estimations and requital for this selfrealization. Confession of inalienable rights for a man

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


allowed considerably to extend the sphere of action of

justice and successfully to develop the mechanisms of
its realization.
The publicly-convectional understanding of
justice becomes firmly established in New time, that
foremost appeared in the theories of public
agreement. The theories of public agreement separate
the state as political and legal institute from society,
declare him creations of will of people. From point of
moral grounds of this period priority of justice means
the following: the value of moral law consists not in
that he is instrumental in achievement of some
purpose or embodiment in life of some aspirations
which are considered blessing. Opposite, he is a
purpose in itself, which is given to all of other aims
and comes forward in relation to them regulative
principle. From the Kant point of view, priority of
justice in a moral relation is possible (and necessary)
through priority of its grounds. Justice - it something
greater, than simply one of values, as its principles
hatch independently.
From the theorists of the last decades which
examined this problem, most popularity John Rawlz
purchased: a model is his understanding of justice as a
category political and social, but not formal legal.
From all of aims of institutes of the political and legal
system of society justice occupies a priority place and
shows by itself an absolute value which can not be
brought to the victim presentation of its efficiency.
Justice is a major philosophical and public problem
which has the special value for philosophy and theory
of the state and right. Justice is an ideal of life of
society, and, consequently the state and right as his
component parts. A wide consent on the question of
justice is one of normal operating of democratic
institutes conditions.
Ecologizarea i ecologo-politizarea diferitelor
Ecologization and Ecologo-politization of
niveluri ale societii sunt garania dezvoltrii de
Different Strata of Society is the Guarantee of
succes a societii civilizate n noile state
Successful Development of Civilized Society in
Newly Independent Countries
Telman Zeynalov, Centrul Naional de Previziune Telman Zeynalov, National Center of Environmental
n domeniul Mediului, Baku, Azerbaijan
Forecasting, Baku, Azerbaijan

statul ca instituie politic i legal de societate,

declarndu-l crearea voinei poporului. Din punct
de vedere moral al acestei perioade, prioritatea
justiiei nseamn urmtoarele: valoarea legii
morale nu const n faptul c este instrumental n
realizarea unui scop sau ntruchiparea unor aspiraii
de via care sunt considerate binecuvntate.
Contrar, reprezint un scop n sine, care este dat
tuturor celorlalte eluri i este relevant n relaie cu
principiile reglementare. n opinia lui Kant,
prioritatea justiiei ntr-o relaie moral este posibil
(i necesar) prin prioritatea fundamentelor sale.
Justiia este mai mult dect una a valorilor, ele
nscndu-se n mod independent.
Printre teoreticienii ultimelor decenii care
au examinat aceast problem, John Rawles a
propus un model de nelegere a justiiei ca o
categorie politic i social, dar nu formal legal.
Dintre toate instituiile sistemului politic i social,
justiia ocup un loc prioritar i reprezint n sine o
valoare absolut. Justiia este o important
problem filosofic i public, care are o valoare
special pentru filosofia i teoria statului i
dreptului. Justiia este un ideal al vieii societii i,
prin urmare, statul i dreptul sunt prile sale
componente. Un aspect important al problemei
justiiei este acela al funcionrii normale a
instituiilor democratice.

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



Dezvoltarea democratizrii n noile state

independente, n spiritul bunei vecinti, depinde
n totalitate de ecologizarea tuturor nivelurilor
societii. Efectuarea periodic a reformelor rapide
i terapia de oc n energie i n alte domenii, fr a
lua n considerare poziia real social i ecologic
a populaiei din noile state independente rezult n
consecine negative majore. Unele niveluri ale
societii devin excesiv de bogate, n dauna altora.
Corupia n straturile cele mai de sus ale structurilor
statului se dezvolt rapid. Toi factorii numii
promoveaz distrugerea tineretului existent, a
societii civile care nc nu este suficient de
puternic n noile state independente. Metodele
oferite de noi sunt capabile s ecologizeze i s
politizeze-ecologic toate straturile societii i s
ntreasc sistemul democratic n noile state
independente n dezvoltare, n spiritul bunei
vecinti n spaiul eurasiatic.
Serviciile publice comunitare de eviden a
persoanelor n pragul europenizrii
Renata - Mihaela Marin, Direcia local de
eviden a persoanelor, Iai, Romnia
Integrarea Romniei
European a fost un pas mic pentru Uniunea
European, dar un pas uria pentru Romnia.A
fost un pas uria deoarece a fost necesar s srim
peste 40 de ani de sistem comunist i s ntrunim
condiiile unei democraii autentice.
Acest pas a impus n principal
armonizarea att a cadrului legislativ i instituional
romnesc cu cel al Uniunii Europene ct i
reformarea tuturor sistemelor din Romnia. n
cadrul reformei administraiei publice centrale i
locale din Romnia n baza cerinelor Uniunii
Europene au fost adoptate o serie de msuri care au
avut ca obiectiv demilitarizarea i reorganizarea
activitii de eviden a persoanelor n subordinea
administraiei publice locale prin crearea Serviciilor
publice comunitare de eviden a persoanelor.
Astfel, prin Ordonana de Guvern nr.
84/2001 au fost nfiinate n subordinea consiliilor
locale, consiliilor judeene, consiliilor de sector i a
Consiliului General al Municipiului Bucureti
servicii publice locale de eviden a persoanelor
prin reorganizarea serviciilor de eviden a

Development of democratization in the newly

independent states, in spirit of good neighbourliness,
completely depends on ecologization of all strata of
society. Periodic carrying out of rash reforms and a
shock therapy in energy and other spheres, without
taking into account real social and ecological position
of the population in the newly independent states
results in big negative consequences. One layers of
society excessively grow rich on account of others.
The corruption in the supreme layers of state
structures develops rapidly. All worded factors
promote destruction of existing young, yet not strong
enough civil society in the newly independent states.
The methods offered by us are capable ecologize and
ecologo-politize all strata of society and to strengthen
democratic system in developing newly independent
states in spirit of good neighbourliness in the Eurasian
Community Public Services for People Registry
facing Europeanization
Renata - Mihaela Marin, Local Direction for People
Registry, Iai, Romania
The integration of Romania in the European Union
was a small step for European Union, but a huge one
for Romania. It was a huge because we had to
jump over 40 years of communist system till an
authentic democracy system.
This step asked mainly for harmonization of
the Romanian legislative and institutional system with
that existing in the European Union but also for a
reform of all the Romanian systems. The reform of
the Romanian local and central public administration
system adopted a series of measures for
demilitarization and reorganization of citizens
evidence activity in the local public administration
subordination as Local Public Services for Citizens
So through the Governmental Decree 84/2001
were set up local public services for citizens evidence
subordinated to the local, county, department and
Bucharest General council base don the
reorganization of the citizens evidence and civil
registers services. From juridical point of view, these
services are a special presence on local public
services market in Romania deserving a short

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


persoanelor i a serviciilor de stare civil. Din

punct de vedere juridic, aceste servicii sunt o
prezen inedit pe piaa serviciilor publice de
interes local din Romnia, ceea ce justific o scurt
incursiune n procesul de organizare i funcionare
al acestora.
Etica n administraia public-cerin pentru
realizarea unei administraii publice specifice
secolului XXI
Teodor Drago Troan Rebeles, SNSPA,
Bucureti, Romnia
Spaiul Administrativ European, spaiu caracterizat
de existena unor principii comune (ncredere,
responsabilitate; eficien i eficacitate), trebuie s
fie un spaiu n care aceste principii sunt ntlnite n
practica administrativ de zi cu zi a Statelor
Membre trebuie s fie un spaiu care promoveaz
un comportament etic i integru att n interiorul
structurilor administrative ct i n relaiile dintre
administraie i cetenii.
Din considerente ce in de importana promovrii
unui spaiu administrativ european n care valorile
fundamentale sunt respectate, aceast lucrare aduce
n discuie aspecte noi specifice domeniului nostru
de activitate, urmrind n principal s prezinte
importana i efectele n cazul dezvoltrii unui
spaiu public - etic i integru prin promovarea n
principal a eticii n administraia public.
Lucrarea va dezvolta noi concepte promovate pe
plan internaional ca de exemplu - etica n
administraia public, management etic, leadership
etic, standarde i comportament etic
i de
asemenea va ncerca s proiecteze cteva dintre
caracteristicile i principiile pe care un nou tip de
administraie public specific sec. XXI, modern,
eficient, capabil s respecte i s promoveze
interesele i drepturile cetenilor.
Coordonate etice n administraia public din
Romnia dup integrarea n UE
Adela Voicu, Universitatea Spiru Haret,
Constana, Romnia
(0). Ca stat de drept, n baza consensului politic,
Romnia a realizat armonizarea administraiei
publice cu Directivele U.E. prin implementarea

overview of their organizational and functional


Ethics in Public Administration Conditions for

Achieving a Public Administration in the 21st
Teodor Drago Troan Rebeles, SNSPA,
Bucharest, Romania
The European Administrative Space characterized by
the existence of common principles must be a public
space that respects principles like lawfulness,
openness, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness
in the daily administrative practice of the Member
States and also it must be promoting an ethical and
fair conduct inside the administrative structures and in
the relations between public administration and
Regarding considerations that may promote a
European Administrative Space in which the
fundamental values are respected, this paper will
discuss new aspects specific to our field of study,
presenting the importance and the effects related to
the development of an ethic and fair public space by
promoting ethics in public administration.
The paper will develop new concepts promoted at
international level as - ethics in public administration,
ethical management and leadership, ethical standards
and conduct and also it will try to project some of the
characteristics and principles of a new type of public
administration specific to the 21st century, modern,
efficient, capable to respect and promote citizens
interests and rights.

Ethical Coordinates for the Romanian Public

Administration after the EU accession
Adela Voicu, Spiru Haret University, Constana,
(0). As any state of law, on the basis of political
consensus, Romania achieved the harmonization of its
public administration with the EU Directives, by

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



unui sistem de de reforme i strategii specifice.

(1). Strategiile reformei n administraie includ
adoptarea de noi reglementri legale privind
statutul funcionarilor publici avnd drept obiective
profesionalizarea acestora, prevenirea corupiei i
descentralizarea activitii instituiilor publice.
(2.0.) Codul de conduit a funcionarilor publici
(Legea nr.7/2004) asigur respectarea valorilor i
principiilor constituionale i etice n activitile
(2.1.) Etica profesional n administraia public
implic armonizarea valorilor i normelor
instituionale cu cele morale individuale ale
funcionarilor publici.
(2.2.) Principiile Codului de conduit a
funcionarilor publici din Romnia reflect
caracterul european al legislaiei romne.
(3.0.) Restructurarea principiilor etice n actul de
guvernare implic o abordare complex la nivelul
autoritii ntruct aceste principii obiective trebuie
asumate i aplicate n practic de ctre factorul
uman, ceea ce determin un grad de relativ
subiectivism i creeaz poteniale disfuncionaliti
n ceea ce privete coordonarea i controlul
activitii instituionale (Fukuzama, 2004).
(3.1.) n prezent, contribuia eticii ca tiin la
profesionalizarea i eficiena instituional n
administraia public este evident, rezultatele unei
cercetri desfurate de noi pe un eantion
administraia public local fiind un argument n
acest sens.
Funcionarul vamal romn-funcionar public
Florin Tudor, Universitatea Dunrea de Jos,
Galai, Romnia
Intervenind n primele linii, serviciile
vamale vegheaz la execuia politicilor comunitare
n majoritatea domeniilor legate de comerul
Serviciile vamale fac cu greu fa astzi
dificilei sarcini de a gestiona un evantai tot mai
lrgit de atribuii i unui numr ridicat al
controalelor comunitare ntr-un mediu al crui
volum, rapiditatea schimburilor internaionale, nu

implementing a system of specific reforms and

(1). The strategies of reform in administration include
the adopting of new legal regulations regarding the
statute of the public servants, having as objectives
their professionalization, the prevention of corruption
and decentralization of the activity of the public
(2.0.). The Code of conduct of the public servants
(Law no. 7/2004) ensures the observance of the
constitutional values and principles and ethics in
public activities.
(2.1.). The professional ethics in public administration
implies harmonizing of the institutional values and
norms with the individual moral ones of the public
(2.2.). The principles of the Code of conduct of the
public servants in Romania reflect the European
character of the Romanian legislation.
(3.0.). The restructuring of the ethic principles in the
government act implies a complex approach at the
level of authority, since these objective principles
must be assumed and applied into practice by the
human factor, which determines a degree of relative
subjectivism and creates potential irregularities with
respect to the coordination and control of the
institutional activity (Fukuyama, 2004).
(3.1.). In present, the contribution of ethics in the
professionalization and institutional efficiency in
public administration is obvious, the results of a
research we developed on a representative sample of
public servants in the local public administration
being an argument in this sense.
The Romanian Custom Officer European Civil
Florin Tudor, Dunrea de Jos University, Galai,
Working in the first lines, the customs
services watch out for the execution of the
Community policies in most fields related to the
international trade.
The customs services cope with difficulty with
the task of administering an increasingly larger range
of tasks and a high number of communitarian controls
in an environment whose volume, the rapidity of
international exchanges, does not cease growing.

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


nceteaz s creasc.
Din perspectiva aderrii la Uniunea
European, serviciile vamale din Romnia particip
la punerea n practic a regulilor comunitare
referitoare la schimburile exterioare, nu numai n
ceea ce privete aplicarea drepturilor vamale i
comerciale, dar de asemenea i n ceea ce privete
protecia mediului sau consumatorului, lupta contra
dumpingului sau msuri aplicabile bunurilor
culturale i produselor agricole.
Romnia se face prin concurs organizat n limita
funciilor vacante prevzute anual n acest scop prin
planul de ocupare a funciilor publice. n structura
vamal sunt astfel ncadrai funcionari de diferite
orientri profesionale, dar fr o pregtire
prealabil specific acestui domeniu complex de
Administraiile vamale europene dezvolt
programe de training funcie de tipul de activitate i
de gradul agentului vamal vizat. Exist
responsabilitate n programele de training care au n
atenie o tematic atent definit, un coninut
cuprinztor dar concis al prelegerilor, teme pentru
Toate acestea sunt valori ctre care tindem
i care ne situeaz n urma programelor de pregtire
profesional atent selecionate, cu pedagogi bine
pregtii, din rile membre ale UE.
Benchmarking-ul n UE, cunoaterea i
utilizarea lui n Romnia
Alexandra Cristescu, SNSPA, Bucureti, Romnia
Lucrarea prezint conceptul de benchmarking i
evoluia acestuia de la analiza produselor
concureniale la benchmarking-ul concurenial
realizat prima oar de ctre Rank Xerox, la
benchmarking.-ul de proces din anii 80 pn la cel
global n care sunt incluse i analizate diferenele
culturale dintre companii la nivel mondial.
Benchmarking-ul este o tehnic specific
managementului calitii. Ea const n evaluarea
aprofundat i analizarea n detaliu a procedurilor i
rezultatelor unei anumite organizaii considerat ca
referenial n scopul adoptrii bunelor practici ale
acesteia i al obinerii unor rezultate la fel de bune

From the perspective of the accession into the

European Union, the customs services in Romania
participate to applying the Community rules
regarding outer exchanges, not only with respect to
applying the customs and commercial laws, but also
as far as the environmental or customer protection,
the fight against dumping or measures applicable to
cultural assets and agricultural products are
Recruiting of customs officers in Romania is
done through competition, organized within the limit
of the free positions established annually for this
purpose by the schedule for occupying public
functions. In the customs structure there are, thus,
employed officers with different professional
orientations, but without a prior training specific for
this complex activity field.
The European customs administrations
develop training programs, depending on the type of
activity and rank of the customs agent in question.
There is responsibility in the training programs that
focus on a carefully defined subject field, a
comprehensive but concise content of the lectures,
dissertation paper.
All these are values towards which we aim
and which locate us after carefully selected
professional training programs, with well-prepared
teachers, from the EU Member States.
The Benchmarking in EU and its Knowledge and
Practice in Romania
Alexandra Cristescu, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania
The paper presents the concept of
benchmarking and its evolution, starting with the
analyze of the competing products to the competitor
benchmarking, achieved for the first time by Rank
Xerox, to the process benchmarking from the 80s and
to the global benchmarking which includes analyses
about the cultural differences between companies at
world level.
Benchmarking is a specific technique of
quality management. This technique consists of a
profound evaluation and detailed analyse on the
procedures and results of a certain organization
considered as a reference with the goal of adopting its

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



benchmarking-ul. Este un proces de msurare
continu i sistematic a activitilor unei
organizaii cu organizaiile cele mai performante n
lume n vederea obinerii informaiilor care vor
ajuta organizaia s ntreprind msuri pentru
mbuntirea performanei.
n lucrare mai sunt prezentate i cele 4 faze ale
procesului i anume: planificarea, strngerea
informaiilor, analiza datelor i adaptarea
rezultatelor mpreun cu etapele pe care le conine
fiecare faz.
n ultima parte, a lucrrii este prezentat acest
concept la nivelul Uniunii Europene cu iniiativele,
grupurile i instituiile create n aceste domeniu
precum i evoluia i necesitatea lui n Romnia.

good practices and achieving the same results for

the companies that achieve the benchmarking. It is a
process of continuing and systematic measurement of
the activities of an organization related to the most
competitive organizations in the world, with the goal
of achieving information able to help the organization
to undertake measures for the improving of
In the paper there are also presented the four
phases of the process: planning, gathering the
information, data analysis, and adjusting the results
and the stages contained in each phase.
The final part of the paper presents this
concept at the European Unions level, the initiatives,
the groups and the institutions created in this field as
well as its evolution and its necessity in Romania.



Europenizarea noi provocri la nivelul
managerial al sectorului public. Studiu de caz
Palle Damkajer, PD Consult, Aalborg, Danemarca
Danemarca n schimbare situaia n 2007
n discursul pe care l-am inut la seminarul
Transparen i participare. Pentru o guvernare
mai aproape de cetean din decembie 2005
(Bucureti) am vorbit despre faptul c sectorul
public danez urma s fie restructurat n 2006, astfel
nct actualele 14 districte vor fi nlocuite cu 5
regiuni i cele 271 de municipaliti vor fi nlocuite
cu 98 municipaliti noi. La nceputul anului 2007
n Danemarca a avut loc cel mai mare proces de
transformare a sectorului public. Noua structur
funcioneaz n prezent, iar guvernele noilor regiuni
i municipaliti sunt deja n funcie. Este evident
faptul c un astfel de proces de transformare va fi o
mare provocare pentru cei ce lucreaz n sectorul
public i nu una fr probleme.
Unul din lucrurile ce a devenit vizibil este c o
mare parte a managerilor din sectorul public nu are

Paper presentations:
Europeanization New Challenges to the
Management Level in the Public Sector. A Danish
Case Study
Palle Damkajer, PD Consult, Aalborg, Denmark
The changing Denmark status 2007
In my speech at the seminar Transparency and
Participation: Making Governance more Citizen
Friendly in December 2005 in Bucharest I spoke
about the fact that the Danish public sector would be
restructured in 2006 so that the present 14 counties
would be replaced by 5 regions and the present 271
municipalities would be replaced by 98 new
municipalities. At the beginning of 2007 Denmark
has passed the biggest transformation process ever in
the public sector. The new structure is now working
and the governments for the new regions and
municipalities have been appointed. It is obvious that
such a transformation process will be a big challenge
for the people working in the public sector and not
One of the things that have become visible is that a
great part of the managers in the public sector lack the

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



competenele manageriale necesare n noile

structuri. Cel puin n municipaliti, unitile
considerabil mari pun presiuni serioase asupra
managerilor cu privire la diverse probleme att
naionale, ct i internaionale.
UE i municipalitile o influen european
mai mare
Multe din iniiativele UE vor influena munca
zilnic din cadrul municipalitilor. Exist dou
motive n acest sens. n primul rnd,
responsabiliti i vor trebui s abordeze i alte
sectoare precum sntatea, piaa muncii, educaia
n al doilea rnd, instituiile UE (Comisia i
Parlamentul) au nceput s i ndrepte atenia i
spre sectoare n care nainte decidea doar statul
naiune. n urmtorii ani, instituiile UE vor s
creeze condiii mai omogene n rile UE, pentru ca
acestea s fie mai competitive n raport cu SUA,
China, India .a.
Multe dintre domeniile politice asupra crora UE se
concentreaz pot fi gsite n portofoliul de sarcini al
municipalitilor. Exemple ar fi: piaa muncii,
mediu, politicile sociale i educaia. Aadar,
municipalitaile sunt cele care vor trebui s
implementeze att legislaia UE, ct i iniiativele
care vin prin aa-zisa metod deschis de
coordonare, n care statele membre i stabilesc
inte comune pentru a fi implementate ntr-o ar.
Aceste solicitri cad n sarcina politicienilor i a
funcionarilor publici, care trebuie s tie cum UE
influeneaz municipalitile i cum municipalitile
pot influena cooperarea UE astfel nct deciziile s
fie armonizate cu munca zilnic din cadrul
municipalitilor. Astfel, ar putea fi interesant s
observm diversele abordri ale europenizrii, care
alctuiesc fundalul proceselor i influena pe care o
au asupra comportamentului din cadrul
3 abordri ale europenizrii
1. O abordare bazat pe cerere, n care UE
adreseaz directive i regulamente care
TREBUIE s fie urmate de ctre fiecare
ar. Un exemplu n acest sens este cel al
negocierilor pe care noile state membre

management competences needed in the new

structure. Not least in the municipalities the
considerably bigger units put heavier demands on the
managers as regards both national and international
EU and the municipalities a bigger influence
from Europe
Many of the initiatives taken in the EU will influence
the daily work in the municipalities. This is primarily
due to two things. Firstly the Danish municipalities
have got more responsibilities and will have to deal
with new areas in e.g. health, labour market,
education etc.
Secondly the EU institutions (The Commission and
the Parliament) have begun to focus on areas where it
earlier only was the nation state that could decide.
These years EUs institutions want to create more
homogeneous conditions in the EU countries so that
they will be more competitive in relation to USA,
China, India etc.
Many of the politic fields that the EU focuses on can
be found in the portfolio of tasks in the
municipalities. Examples are labour market,
environment, social politics and education. It is thus
the municipalities that will have to implement the EU
legislation as well as the initiatives that come from
the so-called open coordination method where the
member states set up common goals to be
implemented in the single country.
This puts heavy demands on the politicians and the
civil servants who need to know how the EU
influences the municipalities and not least how the
municipalities can influence the EU-cooperation in a
way where the decisions are in harmony with the
everyday work in the municipalities. Therefore, it
might be interesting to look at the different
approaches to Europeanization that form the
background of the processes and their influence on
the behaviour in the municipalities.
3 approaches to Europeanization
1. A demand based approach, where EU
addresses directives and regulations that the
single country MUST follow. An example of
this is the negotiations that the new member
states have been going through where they
have been forced to accept the EU Charter.

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.


le-au purtat i n care au fost forate s

accepte Carta UE. ( Legea grea)
2. O abordare bazat pe idee, n care nu exist
cereri, ci doar o nelegere comun ntre
statele membre cu privire la corectitudinea
unei anumite organizri sau conduit a unei
sarcini. Bineneles c aceasta nu nseamn
c metoda este cea corect, ci doar c
exist un consens cu privire la ea. (Legea
3. O abordare economic ascendent, n care
membrii creaz indirect, prin structuri i
stimulente economice de la UE, dorita
europenizare, fr a face n mod direct
regulamente detaliate sau cereri. (Legea
Ultima - abordarea de jos n sus este probabil cea
mai puin cunoscut, ns n practic ea este cea
mai important, deoarece, n acest model,
funcionarii publici i politicienii locali dezvolt
soluii adecvate armonizate cu societatea
nconjurtoare, influenat indirect de UE. Este
nevoie astfel de manageri inovatori i cu orientri
internaionale ntr-o msur mult mai mare dect
cea de pn acum din Danemarca. Este o problem
amplu dezbtut la ora actual n Danemarca!
Clauza social n relaiile comerciale ale
statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene
Andrei Popescu, SNSPA, Bucureti, Romnia
Problema clauzei sociale a fost abordat n cadrul
Acordului general pentru Tarife i Comer (GATT)
i, ulterior, Organizaia Mondial a Comerului
(OMC) discuiile au fost ample i nu s-au soldat cu
vreun rezultat concret. n esen, se inteniona ca n
acordurile de comer s se introduc o clauz
(social) care s condiioneze derularea unor acte de
comer de respectarea normelor minime prescrise de
Organizaia Internaional a Muncii. Problema a fost
declanat de faptul c unele ri n curs de
dezvoltare se suspectau reciproc de nerespectarea
normelor Organizaiei Internaionale a Muncii,
crendu-i un avantaj determinant pentru vnzarea
produselor lor, finanndu-i astfel dezvoltarea
economic prin limitarea drepturilor lucrtorilor.
Rezistena politic la implementarea unei asemenea

(Hard law)
2. An idea based approach, where there are no
demands but a common understanding in the
member states that a certain organisation or
conduct of a task will be the correct one. Of
course this does not imply that this is the
right method, but that there is a joint
consensus about the method. (Soft law)
3. An economy based bottom-up approach,
where the members via structures and
economic incentives from the EU indirectly
create the desired Europeanization without
directly making detailed regulations or
demands. (Voluntary law)
The last one the bottom-up approach is maybe the
least known but in practice the most important one
because in this model the civil servants and the local
politicians develop appropriate solutions in harmony
with the surrounding society indirectly influenced by
the EU. This requires innovative and internationally
oriented managers to a far higher degree than seen
before in Denmark. A problem very much in focus in
Denmark for the time being!

The Social Clause in the Commercial Relations of

the EU Member States
Andrei Popescu, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania
The social clause issue was approached within the
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and,
subsequently, extensive talks but with no actual result
took place in the World Trade Organisation. Basically,
the intention was to introduce in the trade agreements a
(social) clause guaranteeing that the commercial
activity would be carried out while observing the
minimum standards prescribed by the International
Labour Organisation. This problem occurred because
certain developing countries suspected each other of
non-complying with the standards of the International
Labour Organisation, this way benefiting from a
decisive advantage when selling their products and
financing their economic development at the expense
and in detriment of their workers rights.
The political resistance to the implementation of such

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



clauze i problemele tehnice au determinat, ntre

timp, ri ca SUA sau organizaii regionale ca
Uniunea European s adopte soluii de rezerv.
Astfel, SUA a introdus n relaiile sale cu rile din
zona Caraibe i, ulterior, cu rile andine i africane
clauze prin care acestea se angajau la respectarea
drepturilor minime ale lucrtorilor. Exemplul
SUA a fost urmat i de Canada.
Uniunea European, pe de alt parte, prin
acordurile sale de comer cu rile din Africa,
Caraibe i Pacific a condiionat relaiile comerciale
prefereniale de respectarea drepturilor i libertilor
fundamentale ale omului, inclusiv drepturile sociale
fundamentale i existena statului de drept.
Organizaia Internaional a Muncii la rndul ei,
pentru a rspunde acestei probleme, a adoptat
Declaraia din 1998 relativ la libertile i drepturile
n munc, document care reprezint n fapt poziia
OIM relativ la clauza social.
Discuia legat de clauza social n relaiile
comerciale dintre state rmne ns deschis
inclusiv unei abordri teoretice.
Europenizarea finanelor publice naionale
Nico Groenendijk, Universitatea Twente, Twente,
Administraiile publice ale statelor membre UE nu
mai sunt sisteme naionale nchise. Ele sunt tot mai
mult influenate de ceea ce se ntmpl la nivel
internaional. Ceea ce este valabil pentru
administraiile publice n general, este valabil i
pentru sistemele naionale de finane publice.
Prezenta lucrare se ocup de impactul europenizrii
asupra acestor sisteme naionale ale finanelor
publice. Ea i propune s prezinte pe larg
fenomenul multilateral al europenizrii pentru o
anumit parte a administraiei publice. Astfel,
lucrarea are o structur predominant descriptiv.
Lucrarea este structurat dup cum urmeaz. n
seciunea a doua este prezentat pe scurt literatura
cu privire la europenizare. Pornind de la definiiile
anterioare, definim europenizarea ca set de procese
prin care trsturile europene comune sunt
diseminate prin sistemul de guvernare european,
structurat pe mai multe niveluri. n aceast privin,

a clause and the technical problems made countries

such as the United States of America or regional
organisations like the European Union to adopt
backup plans. Thus, the United States introduced in
its relations with Caribbean countries and, later on,
with Andine and African countries clauses stipulating
that those countries should commit themselves to
respect the workers minimum rights. The United
States example was followed by Canada.
On the other hand, the European Union concluded
trade agreements with African, Caribbean and Pacific
countries, providing for preferential commercial
relations on the condition that those countries should
respect human rights and fundamental freedoms,
including the fundamental social rights and the state of
law. As an answer to this question, the International
Labour Organisation adopted the 1998 Declaration on
fundamental principles and rights at work, a document
which actually reflects the ILO standpoint relating to
the social clause.
The debate concerning the social clause in the
trade relations between the states is still open even
for a theoretical approach.
Europeanization of National Public Finances
Nico Groenendijk, University of Twente, Twente,
The Netherlands
The public administrations of EU member states are
no longer closed national systems. Increasingly they
are influenced by what is happening on the
international level. What goes for public
administrations at large also goes for national public
financial systems. This paper deals with the impact of
Europeanization on these national public financial
systems. It aims at broadly outlining (mapping) the
many-sided phenomenon of Europeanization for a
particular part of public administration. As such the
paper is of a predominantly descriptive nature.
The paper is structured as follows. In section two a
brief overview is given of the literature on
Europeanization. Building on earlier definitions we
define Europeanization as a set of processes through
which common European features spread through the
European multi-level governance system. In that
regard it is useful to analytically- distinguish

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



este util s facem o distincie analitic ntre trei

procese de europenizare. n primul rnd, este
procesul de jos n sus, prin care administraia i
guvernarea UE se realizeaz i sunt influenate de
tradiiile i practicile naionale. n al doilea rnd,
exist un proces de sus n jos, prin care UE (ca
organ administrativ cu diferite moduri de
guvernare) influeneaz administraiile naionale,
regionale i locale. n al treilea rnd, exist procesul
orizontal prin care administraiile i guvernarea
(naionale) au un impact reciproc, n parte ca
rezultat al imitaiei ntr-un context al competiiei
dintre sisteme, n parte ca rezultat al nvrii i
transferului de politici.
n seciunea a treia, sunt descrise pe scurt
principalele elemente ale sistemelor naionale de
finane publice. Cele cinci elemente principale
privesc puterea de impozitare, aspectele procesului
bugetar public, administrarea fiscal, politica i
disciplina fiscal i (des)centralizarea fiscal n
cadrul statelor naiune.
Seciunile 4, 5 i 6 se concentreaz asupra
proceselor de europenizare care au un impact
asupra acestor cinci elemente principale.
Seciunea a aptea conine concluziile.
Reforma administraiei publice n
Republica Moldova
n contextul integrrii europene
Tatiana aptefrai, Academia de Administraie
Public, Chiinu, Republica Moldova
Dorina Republicii Moldova de a deveni
membr UE atribuie noi sarcini sistemului
administraiei publice. Astfel, nu numai reforma
sectorului public a devenit o prioritate, ci i
nfiinarea unui nou sistem al administraiei
publice, modern, responsabil, previzibil i
transparent un sistem care s nu poat fi atins de
corupie constituie de asemenea o prioritate.
Acest sistem va putea consolida procesele
democratice din ara noastr. De asemenea, el va fi
imparial i eliberat de orice ingerin a politicului
i va funciona pe baza unei avansate practici
europene. Strategia de reform a administraiei
publice se concentreaz n primul rnd asupra
perfecionrii guvernrii politice i economice,

between three sub-processes of Europeanization. First

there is the bottom-up process by which EU
administration and governance is realised and
influenced by national traditions and practices.
Secondly, there is the top-down process by which the
EU (as an administrative body with its various modes
of governance) influences national, regional and local
administrations. Thirdly, there is the horizontal
process by which (national) administrations and
governance have an impact on one another, partly as a
result of mimicry within a context of systems
competition, partly as a result of policy learning and
policy transfer.
In section three the main elements of national public
financial systems are briefly described. The five main
elements concern the power to tax, issues of public
budgeting, fiscal administration, fiscal policy &
discipline, and fiscal (de)centralization within nation
Sections four, five and six focus on the respective
Europeanization sub-processes that have an impact on
these five main elements.
Section seven concludes.
Public Administration Reform in Republic of
Moldova in European Integration Context
Tatiana aptefrai, Academy of Public
Administration, Chiinu, Republic of Moldova
Republic of Moldovas desire of becoming an
EU member assigns new tasks to the public
administration system. Thus, not only the public
sector reform became a priority, but the establishment
of a new, modern, accountable, predictable and
transparent public administration system - a system
which cannot be touched by the corruption - is a
priority as well. This system will be able to
consolidate the democratic processes in our country.
It will also be impartial and freed from any political
interference, and which will function on advanced
European practice basis. The public administration
reform strategy is primarily focused on: improvement
of political and economic governance, private sector
development, the re-establishment of the public

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



dezvoltrii sectorului privat, restabilirii rolului

administraiei publice, pentru a se asigura o
administraie eficace.
Principiile de baz ale reformei administraiei
publice sunt urmtoarele:
- definirea clar a rolului i funciilor de baz
ale autoritilor administraiei publice;
- consolidarea proceselor de descentralizare
fiscal i administrativ;
- managementul eficace al resurselor, pentru
a se evita paralelismul i suprapunerea
funciilor n sistemul administraiei publice,
precum i ntre sectorul public i cel privat;
- utilizarea raional a resurselor financiare i
perfecionarea managementului acestora
prin atribuirea lor ctre zonele prioritare;
- abordarea unic a elementelor reformei
funcionale, structurale i organizaionale a
autoritilor administraiei publice;
- nfiinarea unui sistem de salarizare care s
permit recrutarea i dezvoltarea top
managementului i a unui personal cu nalt
- delimitarea funciilor politice de cele
administraiei publice;
- armonizarea standardelor administraiei
publice cu cele ale UE.
Obiectivul integrrii europene, ca principal
prioritate politic, este promovat de Guvernul
Republicii Moldova prin implementarea Planului
de Aciune Uniunea Europen Republica
Moldova, precum i prin Planul Naional de
Implementare a Programului, care se bazeaz pe
politicile de integrare. Astfel, procesele de integrare
european vor domina agenda optimizrii
instituionale i funcionale a structurilor
administraiei n urmtorii 7 10 ani.
Pentru construirea unui sistem modern al
administraiei publice n Republica Moldova,
cunoaterea sistemelor strine este absolut
necesar. Astfel, ar trebui s se pun accent n
primul rnd pe studierea experienei vecinilor
notri, n special a Romniei, o ar cu care avem
multe lucruri n comun.

administration role, in order to ensure effective

These are basic principles of the public
administration reform:
- clear definition of the basic role and functions
of public administration authorities;
- consolidation of the fiscal and administrative
de-centralization processes;
- effective resource management, in order to
avoid parallelism and overlapping of functions
in the public administration system, as well as
between the public and private sector.
- rational use of financial resources and
improvement of their management by
targeting them to priority areas;
- unique approach to the elements of functional,
structural, and organizational reform of public
administration authorities;
- establishment of a pay system enabling the
recruitment and development of top
management and highly qualified staff;
- delimitation of political functions from
administrative functions within the public
administration system;
- harmonization of public administration
standards with EU ones.
The European integration objective, as a top
policy priority, is promoted by the Government of
Republic of Moldova, through the implementation of
the European Union Republic of Moldova Action
Plan, as well as through the National Plan of
Programs Implementation, which are based on
integration policies. Thus, the European integration
process will dominate the agenda on institutional and
functional optimization of administration structures in
the next 7 to 10 years.
While building a modern administration system in
Republic of Moldova, the knowledge of foreign
administration systems is imperative. Thus, the
primary focus should be on studying the experience
of our neighbours, mostly Romania, a country we
have a lot in common with.

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



Un exemplu de europenizare a dreptului

administrativ francez:
Exemplul descentralizrii n domeniul
Marie-Luce Pavia, Universitatea Montpellier I,
Montpellier, Frana
n urma revizuirii constituionale din anul 2003 cu
privire la descentralizare, dou legi din 13 august
2004 i 20 aprilie 2005 organizeaz o reform
complex n domeniul aeroportuar (I). Ele invit la
ntrebarea asupra definiiei nsi a descentralizrii
n acest sector.
I - O organizare complex a descentralizrii
1. Noul rol al colectivitilor teritoriale. n primul
rnd, conform legii din anul 2004, se prevd trei
soluii pentru gestionarea aerodromurilor. Statul
poate gestiona direct micile terenuri pe care se pot
face aero-cluburi; gestiunea poate fi delegat unei
camere de comer i industrie sau unei alte entiti;
prin mutare domenial, un creator de aeroport poate
deveni pe deplin responsabil de amenajarea,
dezvoltarea, gestiunea platformei pe care a devenit
proprietar. n al doilea rnd, legea din anul 2005 a
neles s ofere, marilor aeroporturi regionale de
interes naional, care n cea mai mare parte au mai
mult de 1 milion de pasageri pe an, mijloacele
necesare dezvoltrii lor pe termen lung, bazndu-se
pe capacitatea de gestiune a camerelor de comer i
industrie, pe mobilizarea colectivitilor teritoriale
i neexcluznd posibilitatea de a face apel la
investitori privai n caz de necesitate a unei
investiii majore.
2. Noul rol al Statului. Datorit reglementrii
europene Cer unic care impune separaia dintre
Autoritatea naional de supraveghere i prestatorii
de navigaie aerian, serviciile franceze de
navigaie aerian au fost reorganizate.

Un Exemple dEuropeanisation du Droit

Administratif Franais : Lexemple de la
Decentralisation dans le Domaine Aeroportuaire
Marie-Luce Pavia, University Montpellier I,
Montpellier, France
Dans le sillage de la rvision constitutionnelle de
2003 sur la dcentralisation, deux lois du 13 aot
2004 et du 20 avril 2005 organisent une rforme
complexe dans le domaine aroportuaire (I). Elles
invitent donc sinterroger sur la dfinition mme de
la dcentralisation dans ce secteur (II).
dcentralisation aroportuaire



1) Le nouveau rle des collectivits territoriales

En premier lieu, dans le cadre de la loi de 2004, trois
solutions sont prvues pour la gestion des
arodromes: ltat peut grer directement des petits
terrains o peuvent tre bass des aro-clubs; la
gestion peut tre dlgue une chambre de
commerce et dindustrie ou une autre entit; par
mutation domaniale, un crateur daroport peut
devenir entirement responsable de lamnagement,
du dveloppement, de la gestion de la plate-forme
dont il est devenu propritaire. En second lieu, la loi
de 2005 a entendu donner aux grands aroports
rgionaux dintrt national, dont la plupart ont plus
dun million de passagers par an, les moyens de leur
dveloppement long terme en sappuyant sur la
capacit de gestionnaire des chambres de commerce
et dindustrie, sur la mobilisation des collectivits
territoriales et en nexcluant pas la possibilit de faire
appel des investisseurs privs en cas de ncessit
dinvestissement majeur.
2) Le nouveau rle de lEtat. Du fait de la
rglementation Ciel unique europen qui impose
la sparation entre lAutorit nationale de surveillance
et les prestataires de navigation arienne, les services
franais de la navigation arienne ont t rorganiss.

II- O complexitate cu repercusiuni asupra

definiei descentralizrii aeroportuare
1. Referire necesar la descentralizare. Ca i
doctrina juridic, Adunarea Naional definite II Une complexit qui retentit sur la dfinition de
transferul de competene care vizeaz s ofere la dcentralisation aroportuaire
colectivitilor locale competene proprii, distincte
1) La ncessaire rfrence la dcentralisation.
Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



de cele ale statului...[1]. Definiia obinuit a

descentralizrii nu pare suficient pentru a
caracteriza modificrile semnalate n cadrul
lucrrii. Este deci vorba de guvernare?
2. Insuficiena referirii la descentralizare. Contrar
descentralizrii, discursul juridic francez nu face
referire la noiune de guvernare [2], chiar i este
ostil. Totui, descentralizarea poate trece la
guvernare, fiind mai ales vorba despre sectorul
aeroportuar? n domeniul aeroporturilor, izvorul
juridic al raportului dintre stat i colectivitile
locale nu este unic, acesta organizndu-se ntre o
pluralitate de actori. Procesul decizional nu este
liniar de sus n jos iar reforma aeroportuar se
refer la organizarea teritoriului republican.
Se cuvin fcute dou remarci n chip de concluzii
Reforma aeroportuar se bazeaz pe un dublu soclu
noional: descentralizarea i guvernarea. Prima,
ntr-o mai mare msur conform cu un discurs
etatizat al dreptului public francez, retroactiveaz
asupra celui de-al doilea, conform ntr-o mai mare
msur cu dreptul comunitar, mai deschis pieei n
domeniul aeroporturilor, i invers.
Pe larg, influena dreptului comunitar asupra
dreptului public francez se face resimit din ce n
ce mai mult, n situaia n care Consiliul de Stat
ajunge s publice la data de 22 martie 2207 un
raport cu titlul: Administraia francez i Uniunea
European: ce influene? Care strategii?[3]
[1] - page1.
[2]En revanche, dans le cadre de lUnion europenne, le thme de la
gouvernance a donn lieu deux textes importants : le Livre blanc sur la
gouvernance europenne publi par la Commission en 2001 et le Trait
constitutionnel sign Rome en octobre 2004.
[3]Cf. http.//

Stiluri de management i leadership n

administraia public romneasc
Magdalena Platis Iordache, Universitatea
Bucureti, Bucureti, Romnia
Sectorul public deine un rol important n societatea
romneasc n procesul de creare i producie de
bunuri publice. Administraia public are rolul de a
reprezenta statul n relaia cu cetenii, dar nu

Tout comme la doctrine juridique, lAssemble

Nationale dfinit le transfert de comptences, qui vise
donner aux collectivits locales des comptences
propres, distinctes de celles de ltat [1]. La
dfinition habituelle de la dcentralisation parat donc
insuffisante pour caractriser les modifications
signales dans notre tude. Sagit-il alors de
2) Linsuffisance de la rfrence la
dcentralisation. Contrairement la dcentralisation,
le discours juridique franais ne se rfre pas la
gouvernance [2] et y est mme hostile. Pourtant, la
premire peut-elle chapper la seconde, notamment
lorsquil sagit du secteur aroportuaire? Dans le
domaine des aroports, la source juridique du rapport
entre ltat et les collectivits territoriales nest pas
unique et ce rapport sorganise entre plusieurs
acteurs. Le processus dcisionnel nest plus linaire
du haut vers le bas et la rforme aroportuaire
concerne bien sr lorganisation du territoire
Il convient de faire deux remarques en guise de
conclusion trs provisoire :
La rforme aroportuaire reposerait elle aussi sur un
double socle notionnel: la dcentralisation et la
gouvernance. La premire, plus conforme au discours
tatiste du droit public franais, rtroagissant sur la
seconde plus conforme au discours du droit
communautaire plus ouvert au march dans le
domaine des aroports, et inversement ;
Plus largement, linfluence du droit communautaire
sur le droit public franais se fait de plus en plus
sentir, au point que le Conseil dEtat vient de publier
un rapport le 22 mars 2007 intitul :
Ladministration franaise et lUnion europenne :
quelles influences ? Quelles stratgies ? [3]
Management and Leadership Styles in the
Romanian Public Administration
Magdalena Platis Iordache, University of
Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Public sector holds an important role in the Romanian
society and economy in the process of creating and
supplying public goods. Public administration has the
role of representing the state in relation with citizens,

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



ntr-un sens rigid, ci de susinere i dezvoltare de

aciuni n vederea satisfacerii nevoilor colective.
Ca i n sectorul privat, n sectorul public funciile
procesului de management se sprijin pe
organizare, coordonare i adoptarea deciziilor.
Relaia management-leadership, respectiv relaia
manager-leader capt noi valene n sfera
administraiei publice.
Lucrarea de fa i propune ca pornind de la
realitile concrete din administraia public n
Romnia, s se poat contura portretul unui
manager/leader eficient.
n acest sens, sunt
Elementele descriptive ale practicii manageriale
n administraia public romneasc;
Identificarea stilurilor de management n
administraia public din Romnia;
Caracteristicile relaiei manager-leader n
sectorul public;
Delimitarea stilurilor de management eficient i
ineficiene n administraia public;
Identificarea punctelor forte i limitelor
activitii curente de management n administraia
Recunoaterea principalelor caracteristici ale
managementului/leadership-ului eficient.
Relaia manager-leader n administraia public
permite mbuntirea activitii funcionarilor
publici n sensul unei mai bune satisfaceri a
nevoilor cetenilor. Aceasta nseamn promovarea
unui management susinut de trei componente n
administraia public romneasc:
Managementul schimbrii;
Managementul mbuntirii continue;
Managementul calitii.
n vederea extinderii cercetrii, sunt considerate
principiile de organizare a administraiei publice,
relaia dintre descentralizare i centralizare n
manifestarea regimurilor administrative precum i
contextul real de mbuntire a standardelor n
sectorul public sub toate aspectele. n vederea
dezvoltrii unui model de manager i leader n
administraia public romneasc sunt analizate
competene personale, cognitive i sociale, stilurile

but not in a rigid forced way, but in the sense of

supporting and developing actions in the favour of
collective need satisfaction.
Like in the private sector, in public sector the activity
of organization, coordination and decision-making
basically expresses the main management functions.
The management-leadership relation, respectively the
manager-leader relation gets new valences in the area
of public administration.
The main objective of the research is that starting
from the concrete realities in public administration in
Romania, to succeed in developing the portrait of an
efficient manager/leader.
In this manner, the paper aims:

The descriptive elements of the managerial

practice in the Romanian public administration;

Identification of the management styles in

public administration in Romania;

Tracking out the manager-leader relation in

public sector;

Delimitation of efficient and inefficient

management styles in public administration;

Identifying the strengths and limits within the

current management activity in public

The identifying of the main characteristics of an

efficient management/leadership.
The manager-leader relation in public administration
enables to improve the civil servants work in order to
better meet the citizens needs. This means to
promote a management with three components in the
Romanian public administration:

Change management;

Management of continuous improvement;

Quality management.
In order to fulfil the research, there are considered the
principles for public administration organisation, the
relation between decentralization and centralization in
implementing the administrative regimes and the real
context for improving the standards in public sector
from all points of view.
In order to develop the efficient model of a manager
and leader in the Romanian public administration
there are analyzed the personal, cognitive and social

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



de management, temperamentul, trsturile

individuale i nevoile motivaionale.
Desigur, un bun leader se poate distinge de unul
slab din punctul de vedere al competenelor i
performanelor, ca i un manager eficient, de altul
ineficient n administraia public.
principale i instrumentele de schimbare a stilurilor
ineficiente de management i leadership n altele
eficiente pot fi identificate. Recunoaterea acestora
reprezint un element de baz pentru mbuntirea
lor n sensul unei administraii publice
maximizatoare de rezultate i durabile.

competences, management styles, temperament,

individual features and motivational needs.
Finally, a good leader could be distinguished from a
weak one from the competences and performance
point of view, as well as an efficient manager from an
inefficient one in public administration. Above all,
the main measures and instruments for changing
inefficient management and leadership styles into
efficient ones will be identified. Their understanding
is the core element in order to improve them in the
sense of an efficient and sustainable public

Procesul de transformare n administraia

Nora tangov & Dagmar Fillov, Universitatea
Pavol Jozef afrik, Koice, Slovacia
n acest articol am urmrit schimbrile i
dezvoltarea administraiei publice, n special
reconstrucia ca schimbare a abilitilor ceea ce
organizeaz comportamentul dup anumite
principii i factori.
Noua cultur este rezultatul noilor condiii din
administraia public din Slovacia.

Transformation Process in Public

Nora tangov & Dagmar Fillov, Pavol Jozef
afrik University, Koice, Slovak Republic
In this article we followed the changes and
development in the public administration, mainly
reengineering as the change in soft skills it means
organisations culture. This appoints the behaviour
after some principles and factors.
New culture is result of the new conditions in public
administration in Slovakia.

Lund n considerare procesul continuu de

transformare din administraia public, izvorete
nevoia unei abordri flexibile a transformrii
deoarece reprezint o parte semnificativ a
administrrii politicilor publice. n acest sens, este
nevoie s se utilizeze experiene pozitive ale
mediului antreprenorial pentru a mri eficacitatea i
eficiena administraiei publice. Procesul de
transformare aduce cu sine procesul de
transformare a culturii administrative la toate
nivelurile i, de asemenea, rezultatele finale se vor
reflecta n satisfacia cetenilor, clieni ai
administraiei publice. Cetenii vor fi cu siguran
satisfcui dac angajaii administraiei publice au
un comportament politicos, adecvat i i asist n
calitatea lor de experi bine pregtii, rezolvndu-le
rapid i corect cererile. Va ntri ncrederea
cetenilor n administraia public i importana
poziiei administraiei publice n mediul extern.

Taking into consideration the ongoing

transformation processes in public administration
there arises a need of flexible approach to
transformation because it is a significant part of
managing public affairs. In this context it is necessary
to utilize positive experience from entrepreneurial
environment in order to increase effectiveness and
transformation of administrative culture at all levels
as well; the final result will be reflected in satisfaction
of citizens, clients of public administration. The
citizen will be certainly satisfied if the employees of
public administration behave in a polite, suitable way,
and can assist them as well-prepared experts and they
meet all needs quickly and correctly. It will
strengthen the belief of citizens in public
administration and importance of position of public
administration to external environment.

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



Construcia instituional n Kosovo ca

instrument de promovare a subsidiaritii i
participrii la guvernare
Admir Duraj, Capacity Building Facility [UNDP],
Pristina, UNMIK Kosovo
Cunotinele, pregtirea i abilitile, reelele i
atitudinile liderilor din sectorul public stau la baza
performanei guvernelor pentru c prin ele sunt
planificate i prestate serviciile, sunt concepute
inovaiile importante i nfptuite reformele
necesare. Indiferent dac instituiile sunt
considerate provizorii sau permanente, dac
tendina este de a se trece de la conducere la
guvernare, sau de la o guvernare pe vertical la una
unificat, rolul resursei umane n realizarea oricrei
strategii de transformare este esenial. Pentru a
muta accentul de pe controlul personalului pe
investiia n oameni, de pe procese pe rezultate, sau
chiar pentru a putea rspunde adecvat provocrilor
cu care se confrunt regiunea SEE (precum
implementarea EPA i SAA, munca n cadrul unor
piee ale forei de munc n continu schimbare,
tratarea problemelor legate de exportul de
beneficiilor globalizrii i limitarea impactului su
negativ), instituiile au nevoie de o nalt capacitate
de conducere.
Pentru a acoperi golurile instituionale, n
Instituiile Provizorii de Auto-Guvernare din
Kosovo trebuie s se aplice un complex de msuri
bine planificate de construire a instituiilor, inclusiv
sprijin pentru dezvoltarea strategiilor de recrutare,
evalurile funcionale, reatribuirea anumitor funcii
i investiii materiale.
Proiectul CBF caut s construiasc un mediu proactiv care s permit o sinergie a interaciunilor
ntre toi actorii implicai i o dezvoltare dinamic
i progresiv a instituiilor i rspunderii acestora.
Pentru realizarea CBF, Directorul Coordonator a
conceput urmtoarele obiective pentru numirea n
funcie n cadrul biroului juridic al Ministerului
Transporturilor, Potei i Telecomunicaiilor:
Sporirea capacitii locale de a ntocmi prevederi
legale coerente i inteligibile n domeniul respectiv;
Introducerea legislaiei relevante n vigoare n

Capacity Building Facility in Kosovo as an

Instrument to promote Subsidiarity and
Participatory Governance
Admir Duraj, Capacity Building Facility [UNDP],
Pristina, UNMIK Kosovo
The knowledge, training and skills, networks and
attitudes of leaders in the Public Sector are at the
heart of the performance of governments because it is
through them and by them that services are planned
and delivered, critical innovations conceived and
realized and needed reforms carried out. Whether the
institutions are being considered provisional or
permanent, whether the trend is to move from
government to governance, or to move from a vertical
to a joined up government, the role of the human
resource in realizing any transformational strategy is
critical. To shift emphasis from control of personnel
to investment in people, from process to results, or
even to adequately address the challenges confronting
the SEE region (such as implementing EPA and SAA,
working within constantly changing labour markets,
addressing issues related to brain drain, reducing
poverty, harnessing the benefits of globalisation and
limiting its negative impact), the Institutions need a
high level of leadership capacity.
In order to cover institutional gaps a complex of
well-planned institution-building measures has to be
applied in Kosovos Provisional Institutions of SelfGovernment, including support for the development
reassignment of certain functions and material
The CBF Project seeks to build a proactive
environment that enables synergies of interaction
between all concerned actors and dynamic and
progressive development of institutions and their
accountability. In achieving the CBF Coordination
Executive designed the following objectives within
the respective terms of reference for an assignment at
legal office of the Ministry of Transport, Posts and
Enhancing local capacity to draft coherent and
comprehensible legal provisions in the respective
Introducing relevant legislation in force within EU

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



cadrul UE i descrierea relevanei pentru procesul

de ntocmire a legilor n domeniul transporturilor i
Sprijinirea unui dialog eficace n cadrul
departamentelor Ministerului i cu alte pri
interesate pentru completarea i perfecionarea
n aceti ultimi ani de programe intensive de
asisten tehnic au fost dezvoltate n Kosovo
forme de dezvoltare a capacitii umane. Publicarea
de manuale, programele de pregtire i vizitele de
studii sunt deja forme bine-cunoscute de activitate
de dezvoltare. Adevrata problem pentru sectorul
transporturilor i telecomunicaiilor astzi este de a
se nfiina structuri i programe durabile care s
poat rspunde permanent cererii locale i s
funcioneze ntr-un mediu al pieei libere. Acesta ar
trebui s fie obiectivul programelor de dezvoltare
i, acolo unde exist, aceste structuri ar trebui
implicate n proiecte de dezvoltare a capacitilor.
Ar trebui s fie susinute i alternative de
consultan n dezvoltarea capacitilor pentru
formularea de politici privind participarea la
guvernare, pentru a se asista instituiile de autoguvernare pentru a face fa provocrilor procesului
de consolidare. Asistena n construirea unor
instituii care s poat oferi sprijin planificrii
strategice i analizei politice ar putea umple un
gol important n capacitile instituionale.
Implicarea donatorilor este benefic la nivelul
central pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea sistemelor de
evaluare a impactului proiectelor legislative, n
particular n raport de efectul asupra sectoarelor
economice i asupra grupurilor vulnerabile i
minoritilor etnice din societate.
Dimensiunea european a reformei
administraiei publice n Romnia
Constana Clinoiu, Departamentul Legislativ,
Senatul Romniei, Bucureti, Romnia
Cercetarea nfieaz principalele trsturi
ale dreptului administrativ n concepia autorilor de
specialitate i n practica statelor europene, definind
totodat elementele convergente ntre doctrinele
naionale de drept administrativ, care permit
conturarea conceptului de drept administrativ

and describing the relevance to the law drafting

Assisting an effective dialogue within MTC
Departments and other interested stakeholders in
legislation completion and improvement;
Forms of human capacity development have been
developed in the Kosovo during these recent years of
intensive technical assistance programs. Publication
of manuals, training programs and study tours are
already well-known forms of development work. The
real issue for transport and telecommunications sector
is to establish sustainable structures and programs that
are able to respond continuously to local demand and
to operate in a free market environment. This should
be the objective of development programs and, where
they exist, these structures should be involved in
capacity development projects.
Advisory alternatives in building capacities for policy
formulation on participatory governance should be
supported in order to assist self-government
institutions in coping with the challenges of the
empowerment and consolidation process. Assistance
in building institutions that can provide support to
strategic planning and policy analysis could fill an
important gap in institutional capacities. Donor
involvement is beneficial at the central level to assist
the development of systems for impact assessment of
draft legislation, in particular in relation to the effect
on economic sectors and vulnerable groups and ethnic
minorities in society.

European Dimension of the Public

Administration Reform in Romania
Constana Clinoiu, Legislative Department,
Romanian Senate, Bucharest, Romania
The present study presents the main features
of the administrative law as they are seen by the field
authors and as they appear in the practice of the
European states, defining at the same time the
converging elements of the national administrative
law doctrines, which enable the shaping of the

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



n studiu se subliniaz c un rol esenial n
elaborarea conceptului de drept administrativ
european l ocup bogata practic a Uniunii
Europene, tratatele, celelalte acte comunitare,
precum i jurisprudenele Curii de Justiie de la
Luxemburg i ale Curii Europene a Drepturilor
Omului de la Strasbourg. Se arat c principalele
fundamente ale dreptului administrativ european se
regsesc n tradiiile administraiei naionale, n
bazele constituionale europene i n mecanismele
n prezent dreptul administrativ naional
exercit o puternic influen asupra procesului de
apariie i de afirmare a dreptului administrativ
european, tot aa precum reglementrile
comunitare, prevederile cuprinse n documentele
adoptate de Uniunea European, exercit un impact
administrativ al statelor membre ale Uniunii
O idee important care este subliniat n
cadrul studiului este i aceea c exist o deosebire
esenial ntre dreptul administrativ european i
dreptul constituional european, primul aflndu-se
ntr-un stadiu foarte avansat de elaborare i de
aplicare, pe cnd cel de al doilea rmne nc n
stadiul de principii, pn n momentul n care va fi
adoptat Tratatul Constituional European.
Un spaiu important n cadrul studiului este
acordat dreptului administrativ romn, influenei pe
care procesul de europenizare a acestuia l-a avut
asupra perfecionrii i definirii unor capitole
importante ale programului legislativ. Sunt
nfiate principalele prevederi constituionale i
legislative care atest procesul de europenizare a
dreptului administrativ romn, ca i principalele
direcii ale programului de reforme administrative
ce se nfptuiete n prezent n ara noastr.
Contribuia Romniei la bugetul Uniunii
Maria Andrada Georgescu, SNSPA, Bucureti,

European administrative law concept.

The study emphasizes that an essential role in
designing the administrative law concept is played
by the rich European practice, the treaties, the other
Community documents, as well as by the
Luxembourg Court of Justice and the Strasbourg
European Court of Human Rights practice. The study
points out that the foundations of the European
administrative law are to be found in the traditions of
the national administration, in the European
constitutional bases and in the mechanisms which
help the functioning of the administrative justice.
At present, the national administrative law
exerts a strong influence on the emergence and
assertion process of the European administrative law,
just as the Community regulations, the provisions in
the documents adopted by the European Union have
an undisputable impact upon the evolution of the
administrative law of the EU Member States.
An important idea which is emphasized
within this study is that there is an essential
difference between the European administrative law
and the European constitutional law, with the former
being at a very advanced stage of its drafting and
enforcement, whereas the latter is still at the
principle stage, until the European Constitutional
Treaty will be adopted.
An important part of the study is devoted to
the Romanian administrative law, to the influence
that the Europeanization process had upon the
improvement and definition of important chapters of
the legislative program. The study outlines the main
constitutional and legislative provisions, which attest
to the Europeanization process of the Romanian
administrative law, as well as the main directions of
the administrative reform program which is currently
being carried out in our country.

Romanian Contribution to the European
Unions Budget
Maria Andrada Georgescu, SNSPA, Bucharest,

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



Veniturile bugetului general al Uniunii Europene

pot fi mprite n dou mari categorii: resurse
proprii i alte venituri. Acest aspect este prevzut n
art. 269 al Tratatului CE, care statueaz c Fr a
aduce atingere altor venituri, bugetul trebuie
finanat n ntregime din resurse proprii. Resursele
proprii ar putea fi definite ca fiind acele venituri ce
revin automat Uniunii Europene pentru finanarea
bugetului su, fr a fi necesar o decizie ulterioar
a autoritilor naionale.
Marea majoritate a cheltuielilor bugetare este
finanat prin resurse proprii, alte venituri avnd o
pondere minor n totalul finanrilor.
Exist trei categorii de resurse proprii: resurse
proprii tradiionale, resursa TVA i resursa VNB.
Ca parte a sistemului resurselor proprii amintim i
mecanismul de corecie referitor la dezechilibrul
bugetar. Acest mecanism reduce contribuia Marii
Britanii la resursele proprii proporional cu
dezechilibrul bugetar i crete corespunztor
plile pentru compensarea acestei reduceri, pli pe
care le au de fcut alte state membre.
Resursele proprii pot fi mprite n urmtoarele
categorii (cifrele de mai jos se refer la bugetul pe
anul 2007):
1. Resursele proprii tradiionale reprezint n jur de
14,9% din veniturile totale ale Uniunii, respectiv
17.307,7 milioane euro (Romnia 165,7 milioane
2. Resursa bazat pe TVA reprezint n jur de
15,3% din veniturile totale ale UE, respectiv
17.827,4 milioane euro (Romnia 128 milioane
3. Resursa bazat pe VNB reprezint n jur de
68,7% din veniturile totale ale Uniunii, respectiv
79.152,8 milioane euro (Romnia 696,2 milioane
4. Corecia britanic nscris n bugetul pe anul
2007 este de 5.251,2 milioane euro (Romnia 78
milioane euro).
Totalul resurselor proprii prevzute n bugetul pe
anul 2007 este de 114.287,9 milioane euro,
Romnia contribuind cu 1.067,9 milioane euro.

The revenues of the general budget of the European

Union can be divided into two main categories: own
resources and other revenues. This aspect is laid down
in Article 269 of the Treaty establishing the European
Community, which states that: Without prejudice to
other revenues, the budget shall be financed wholly
from own resources.
The main bulk of budgetary expenditures is financed
by own resources. Other revenues represent only a
minor part of total financing.
There are three categories of own resources:
traditional own resources, the VAT resource and the
GNP resource.
A correction mechanism in respect of budgetary
imbalance is also part of the own resources system.
This mechanism reduces the own resources payments
of the United Kingdom in proportion to what is know
as its budgetary imbalance and increases the own
resources payments of the other Member States
Own resources are of three kinds (the figures below
refer to the 2007 budget):
1. Traditional own resources (TOR) these mainly
consist of duties that are charged on imports of
products coming from a non-EU state. They bring in
approximately EUR 17.3 billion or 15 % of the total
revenue (Romania EUR 0.166 billion)
2. The resource based on value added tax (VAT) is a
uniform percentage rate that is applied to each
Member States harmonised VAT revenue. The VATbased resource accounts for 15 % of total revenue, or
some EUR 17.8 billion (Romania EUR 0.128 billion)
3. The resource based on gross national income (GNI)
is a uniform percentage rate (0.73 %) applied to the
GNI of each Member State. Although it is a balancing
item, it has become the largest source of revenue and
today accounts for 69 % of total revenue or EUR 80
billion (Romania EUR 0.696 billion).
4. The UK correction in the 2007 budget amounts to
around EUR 5.3 billion (Romania EUR 0.078

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



Impactul funciilor managementului tiinific

asupra organizrii serviciilor publice i a
serviciilor sociale n Romnia
Simona Mina, Universitatea Ovidius, Constana,
Organizarea sistemului serviciilor publice i a
serviciilor sociale ar fi mult mai eficient dac
principiile managementului tiintific i funciile
acestuia (planificare i prognoza, organizarea,
coordonarea, antrenarea/motivarea i controlevaluarea) ar fi respectate n practica instituional.
Prognoza i planificarea obiectivelor i a
activitilor pe termen lung ar crea un mediu
propice performanei i eficacitii manageriale;
prin intermediul acestui demers tiinific propunem
ca activitatea de planificare pe termen mediu i
lung s constituie regula i nu excepia n
comportamentul organizaional al serviciilor
publice. n ceea ce privete funciile manageriale de
organizare i coordonare, managerii publici
conductori ai serviciilor publice trebuie s aib o
alt atitudine n ceea ce privete cultura
organizaional, comunicarea formal, sistemul de
norme i valori(ce creeaz imaginea instituiei),
raportul obligaii/sarcini de serviciu-drepturi ntre
angajat i angajator, conform cerinelor fiei
postului,s.a. Funciile de control evaluare i de
motivare/antrenare aplicabile organizrii serviciilor
publice trebuie s respecte i ele cu rigurozitate
managementul tiinific, n tot ceea ce nseamn
aplicabilitatea practic (evitndu-se de exemplu
erorile i limitele standard ale procesului de
evaluare: efectul de Haloo, eroarea de contrast,
limita evalurii de moment)
O abordare endogen a procesului decizional
circumscris cadrului dezvoltrii locale
Simona Catrinel Avarvarei, Universitatea de
tiine Agricole i Medicin Veterinar, Iai,
Lucrarea urmrete prioritile Uniunii Europene
definite de Cadrul Strategic pentru dezvoltarea
rural. Acestea includ sectorul agricol, transferul de
informaie i inovaie, crearea de oportuniti pe
piaa locurilor de munc in condiiile diversificrii

The Impact of the Managerial Functions on the

Organization of the Public and Social Services in
Simona Mina, Ovidius University, Constana,
The organization of the social services system could
be more efficient if the principles of the scientific
management are ruled and respected. The prognosis
and planning of objectives and activities could create
a medium adequate to managerial performance and
efficiency on long term; this scientific paper is
proposing that the medium and long time prognosis
will be the rule in behaviour for the public services
management. Regarding the organization and
coordination as principles in scientific management,
the managers of the public services should have a
different attitude about culture of the public
institutions, formal communication, the rules and
values (which create an image of institution), the ratio
between obligations and motivations and rights
between the emplozee and employer according to job
The control, evaluation and motivation functions
applicable to public service organisation should
respect the principles of scientific management
(passing over the errors and limits in the evaluation
process: the Haloo effects, the error of contrasting

An Endogenous Approach of the Decision

Making Process inside the Local Development
Simona Catrinel Avarvarei, University for
Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iai,
The work will focus on the EU priorities defined in
the Strategic Guidelines for rural development. These
include the competitiveness of the agricultural sector,
knowledge transfer and innovation, the creation of
employment opportunities in the fields of

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



i creterii calitii vieii, mbuntirea sistemului

administrativ i mobilizarea potenialului de
dezvoltare endogen pe care l presupun zonele
Pe lng acestea exist aspecte legate de guvernare
i de participare la procesul decizional n condiii
de compatibilitate cu politicile i reglementrile
Uniunii Europene.
Coninutul programului de dezvoltare european,
circumscris Politicii de Dezvoltare Rural 20072013 va include o serie de etape pe care programul
de dezvoltare rural le va presupune i care vor
trebui adaptate orizontului de ateptri i realiti
ale segmentului i ariei de studiu. Aceste nivele,
care variaz de la o ar la alta a Uniunii Europene,
vor include una sau toate urmtoarele dimensiuni i
- Comisia i Consiliul European (Directoratul
pt Agricultur)
- Guvernele naionale i ageniile naionale
- Autoritile locale i administraia local
- Comunitatea local
Aceast lucrare va ncerca s surprind astfel
dimensiunea endogen a accesului la procesul
decizional circumscris unui areal de dezvoltare
rural, dintr-o ar recent aderat la Uniunea
Analiz comparativ privind alegerile
parlamentare europene
Mdlina Cocoatu, SNSPA, Bucureti, Romnia
Parlamentul European, cel mai mare
parlament democratic din lume, este format,
ncepnd cu data de 1 ianuarie 2007 din 785 de
membri din cele 27 de State Membre ale UE , alei
pentru un mandat de 5 ani.
Alegerile europene nu se desfoar dup o
procedur electoral uniform n toate statele
membre, procedura utilizat fiind o rezultant a
combinrii dispoziiilor naionale cu ansamblul
regulilor comunitare n materie. Astfel, inexistena
unei proceduri comun a determinat necesitatea
elaborrii de ctre Parlamentul European a unui
document referitor la alegerea deputaiilor europeni
prin vot universal direct, avnd la baz principii
comune aplicabile n toate statele membre. Actul

diversification and quality of life, improving

governance and mobilising the endogenous
development potential of rural areas.
In addition there are issues of governance and
participation (the mainstreaming of LEADER) and
compatibility with other EU policies.
The content of the process of delivering the RDP
2007-2013 will comprise the programme cascading
down a series of levels before it finally impacts
upon the target audience whom it is hoped will adopt
the policy and operationalise it. These levels will vary
across the Union but will include some or all of the
The European Commission and Council (DG
National Governments and national agencies
Local government / authorities
Local community including representative
associations and individual enterprises
In complementing the established framework for
monitoring and evaluating the Rural Development
Policy 2007-2013, this paper will explore the
understanding, interpretations and applications of the
RDP 2007-2013.

Comparative Analysis for the European

Parliamentary Elections
Mdlina Cocoatu, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania
The European Parliament, the biggest
democratic Parliament in the world, is composed,
starting with January the 1st 2007 by 785 members
from 27 Member States of the European Union,
elected for a five years mandate.
The European elections take place by a
uniform procedure in all Member States; the method
employed being the result of combining national
provisions with the set of the Community rules
governing this matter. Thus, the absence of a common
procedure determined the necessity for the European
Parliament to elaborate a document concerning the
European deputys election by universal vote, based
on common principles applicable in all Member
States. The normative document adopted by the

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



normativ adoptat de Parlamentul Romniei a avut

la baz legislaia statelor cu experien n acest
domeniu, precum i dispoziiile n materie a
Parlamentului European.
Lucrarea i propune s analizeze noua
construcie electoral existent n Romnia n
condiiile post-aderare, precum i implicaiile
fenomenului europenizrii asupra formulei
electorale adoptat la nivel naional. De asemenea,
vom ncerca o analiz comparativ a aspectelor
referitoare la numrul de mandate i modul de
exercitare a acestora, organizarea circumscripiilor
electorale, modul de scrutin i metoda care st la
baza atribuirii mandatelor, condiiile de eligibilitate
i cazurile de incompatibilitate.

Romanian Parliament was based on the legislation of

the states with experience in this field, as well as on
the provisions regarding this matter of the European
The paper aims to analyze the new electoral
construction existing in Romania in the postaccession conditions, as well as the implications of
the Europeanization phenomenon on the electoral
formula at the national level. We are going to try also
a comparative analysis the aspects concerning the
number of mandates and their way of exercise, the
organization of electoral constituencies, the modality
of voting and the method on which the mandates are
distributed, the eligibility criteria and the cases of

FP7 Oportunitate major pentru cercetarea
tiinific european
Viorel Vulturescu, Autoritatea Naional pentru
Cercetare tiinific, Bucureti, Romnia
Cadrul instituional al gestionrii
instrumentelor structurale n Romnia.
Specificitatea noilor finanri europene
Drago Jaliu, SNSPA, Bucureti, Romnia
Fondurile structurale si de coeziune reprezint o
parte semnificativ a fondurilor alocate pentru
dezvoltare economic. n perioada financiar 20072013 aceste fonduri vor finana proiecte de
infrastructur de mediu, transport, resurse umane,
turism, egalitate de anse, IT etc. Totalul fondurilor
europene alocate Romniei pentru perioada 20072013 este de peste 30 miliarde de euro din care
19,667 miliarde reprezint fondurile structurale i
de coeziune, restul reprezentnd alocri financiare
pentru dezvoltarea sectorului agricol si a economiei
Lucrarea de fa ii propune s prezinte impactul
implementrii politicii de coeziune asupra
administraiei publice din Romnia. Lucrarea

Paper presentations:
FP7 Major Opportunity for the European
Scientific Research
Viorel Vulturescu, National Authority for Scientific
Research, Bucharest, Romania
Institutional Framework for Managing the
Structural Instruments in Romania, The Specific
of New European Financing
Drago Jaliu, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania
The structural and cohesion funds represent a
significant part of the funds allocatted to the
economic development. During the financial period
2007-2013, these funds will finance infrastructure,
environment, transport, human resources, tourism,
equal opportunities, IT projects. The total European
funds allocatted to Romania for the period 2007-2013
amount to over 30 billion euro, out of which 19.677
billion represent the structural and cohesion funds,
while the rest of the sum accounts for financial grants
for the development of the agricultural sector and of
the rural economy.
This paper aims at presenting the impact of
implementing the cohesion policy on the Romanian
public administration. It analyses the institutional

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


analizeaz cadrul instituional al gestionrii

instrumentelor structurale, actorii cheie i
principalele atribuii ale acestora. Aceasta analiz
nu poate fi pe deplin neleas fr o trecere n
revist a particularitilor cheltuirii fondurilor.
Astfel, regula n+3/n+2, pre-finanarea, decontarea
cheltuielor i regula flexibilitii sunt detaliate n
aceast lucrare, reguli ce au influenat construcia
instituional actual.
Responsabilitatea principal pentru coordonarea,
implementarea i controlul interveniilor, conform
subsidiaritii i proporionalitii
revine statului membru, adic Romniei.
Guvernul Romaniei a optat pentru un process de
descentralizare n tranziia de la fondurile de preaderare la cele de post-aderare. Se prevede ca un
mecanism mai flexibil, cu roluri i responsabiliti
clare ale factorilor cheie implicai, cu mentinerea
unei expertize corespunzatoare la fiecare nivel de
competen va conduce la o utilizare mai eficienta a
fondurilor europene.
Cooperri educaionale i de cercetare n
cadrul programelor europene
Birthe Jaegerum, PD Consult, Aalborg,
Prezentarea ReSPA
Nicolas Dubois, Consultant, OECD, Secretar
Un exemplu de proiect FP7: Europenizarea
administraiei publice i impactul su social i
Ani Matei, SNSPA, Bucureti, Romnia

framework for the management of the structural

instruments, of the key actors and their main tasks.
This analysis cannot be entirely understood without
an overview of the distinctive features of fund
spending. Thus, the n+3/n+2 rule, the pre-funding, the
expenditure discount and the flexibility rule, which
influenced the present institutional construction, are
detailed in this paper.
implementing and controlling the interventions,
according to the subsidiarity and proportionality
principles, lies with the member state, namely
The Romanian Government opted for a
decentralization process in the transition from the preaccession funds to the post-accession funds. The
forecast is that a more flexible mechanism, with clear
roles and responsibilities for the key factors involved,
with the maintaining of an appropriate expertise at
each competence level will lead to a more efficient
use of the European funds.
Educational and Scientific Cooperation in
European Programmes
Birthe Jaegerum, PD Consult, Aalborg, Denmark
ReSPA Presentation
Nicolas Dubois, Consultant, OECD, ReSPA
An Example of FP7 project: Europeanization of
Public Administration and its Social Economic
Ani Matei, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania

Paper presentations:
Sistemul tip post versus sistemul tip carier:
Job System versus Career System: Matching
eficacitate i legalitate lecii de nvat din
Effectiveness and Legality lessons to be learned
experiena Italiei
from the Italian experience
Massimo Balducci, Universitatea Florena,
Massimo Balducci, University of Florence, Florence,
Florena, Italia
n acordurile de aderare semnate de noile state In the accession agreements signed by the new
membre ale CEE i Comisie, standardele Members States from CEE and the Commission
This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.


administrative au fost menionate ca o condiie

anterioar pentru ndeplinirea calitii de membru.
Exerciiul a forat statele membre fondatoare s
individualizeze i s formalizeze principiile de baz
de obicei fr a fi menionate n legislaie dar
nglobate n teoria dreptului i n jurispruden
conform crora sunt organizate sistemele lor
Exerciiul a fost probabil justificat pentru noile
state membre dar cu siguran s-a dovedit foarte util
pentru statele membre fondatoare. Ele au descoperit
c sistemele lor administrative ar putea (i pot) fi
divizate n categorii mari: una orientat de fapt
(administraiile aa-numit weberiene, numite astzi
i sisteme administrative de carier) i unele
orientate n principal ctre implementarea
principiului de eficien (aa-numitele administraii
common-law, numite i administraii pe sistemul
tip post). n timp ce nc furnizm standarde
administrative confuze pentru noii notri parteneri,
am nvat c sistemele noastre administrative
glsuiesc ntr-un fel de simfonie neterminat. Fie
trec peste cerinele legale, fie nu iau n considerare
cerinele de eficien.
Lucrarea subliniaz pe scurt modul n care sistemul
administrative italian (la origine o administraie de
tip weberian bazat pe carier) a achiziionat de-a
lungul ultimilor 10 ani elemente puternice ale
sistemului tip post. n particular se va prezenta
cum: (a) principiul stabilitii n funcie pe via a
fost mbinat cu posibilitatea recrutrii pentru un
numr limitat de poziii pe baze contractuale. (b)
salarizarea n conformitate cu sistemul notelor a
fost mbinat cu o metodologie real de evaluare a
postului i cu un management raional bazat pe
Experiena dureaz deja de mai mult de 10 ani (n
guvernele locale i regionale) i pot fi oferite att
exemple pozitive, ct i negative (n special la
nivelul guvernului central). Cazul regiunii Toscana
i cazul biroului primului ministru sunt prezentate
n lucrare.

administrative standards were mentioned as a

precondition to full membership.
The exercise forced the Founding Member States to
single out and to formalize the basic principles
usually not mentioned in the legislation but enshrined
in the legal theory and in case law- upon which their
administrative systems are based.
The exercise was possibly justified for the new
Member States but surely proved to be very useful for
the Founding Member States. They discovered that
their administrative Systems could (and can) be
divided into great categories: one basically oriented
towards the implementation of the principle of
legality (the so called Weberian administrations, also
called today the administrations of the career system)
implementation of the principle of efficiency (the so
called common law administrations, also called today
the administrations of the job system). While we are
still providing confusing administrative standards to
our newly acquired partners, we have learned that our
administrative systems are so to speak a sort of
unfinished symphony. Either they overlook the
legality requirements or they overlook the efficiency
This lesson triggered off in most western European
countries a series of efforts to encompass in each
administrative system those elements of the other
The paper briefly outlines how the Italian
administrative system (originally a career Weberian
administration) has been acquiring in the last 10 years
strong elements of the job system. In particular it will
be shown how: (a) the stability in the post for life
principle has been matched with the possibility to
recruit for a limited number of positions on a
contractual basis; (b) the salary according to the grade
system has been matched with a real job evaluation
methodology and with the rationale of management
by objectives.
The experience is by now 10 years old and positive
(almost in regional and local governments) examples
can be mentioned as well negative ones (especially in
central government). The cases of the Tuscany
Regional and of the Prime Ministers office are
presented in the paper.

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


Evaluarea coninutului european al

programelor de formare
n domeniul tiinelor administrative
Lucica Matei, SNSPA, Bucureti, Romnia

Assessment of the European Content of the

Training Programmes in the Area of
Administrative Sciences
Lucica Matei, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania

Reformele politicilor educaionale desfurate n

ultima decad a secolului 20 i nceputul secolului
21 n rile europene sunt identificate cu perioada
intensificrii procesului de extindere a UE de la 15
la 27 de membri.

The educational policies reforms during the last

decade of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st
century in the European countries are identified
within the period of enhancing the European Union
enlargement from 15 to 27 members.

Ele sunt iniiate de Declaraia comun privind

armonizarea sistemelor europene de nvmnt
superior de la Sorbona, 25 mai 1998 i Declaraia
de la Bologna, 19 mai 1999, privind definirea
spaiului european al nvmntului superior i
internaionalizrii i europenizrii nvmntului
superior, de creare a unui Spaiu al nvmntului
Superior European i a Spaiului European al
Cercetrii, de nevoia creterii gradului de
mobilitate a resursei umane ntr-un spaiu comun,
n care exist legi, norme, reguli comun acceptate
de statele europene.

They are initiated by the Joint Declaration on

harmonisation of European higher education systems
in Sorbonne, on 25 May 1998 and Bologna
Declaration on 19 May 1999, about defining the
European Higher Education Area, being determined
by the need to strengthen internationalization and
Europeanization of higher education, to create an
European Higher Education Area and European
Research Area, as well as by the need to increase the
mobility degree of human resource in a common area,
with laws, norms, rules jointly accepted by the
European states.

Lucrarea i propune s prezinte experimentul

romnesc privind europenizarea coninutului
curricular n nvmntul superior romnesc n
domeniul tiinelor administrative, utiliznd un set
de criterii ce sunt validate de expertiza european n
domeniu, criteriile de acreditare i studiile realizate
de European Association for Public Administration
Accreditation, standardele European Association
for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
(ENQA), fiind determinate cantitativ pe eantionul
romnesc ales.

The paper aims to present the Romanian experiment

on Europeanization of the curricular content in
Romanian higher education in the area of
administrative sciences, using a set of criteria that are
validated by European expertise, criteria of
accreditation, studies of European Association for
Public Administration Accreditation, standards of
European Association for Quality Assurance in
Higher Education (ENQA), being quantitatively
determined on the Romanian chosen sample.
Framing the Romanian educational area into the
national infrastructure, where we identify the actors
of the educational policy and its specific instruments,
the meanings of Europeanization of higher education
in administrative sciences, we have attempted to mark
the responsibility areas for the stakeholders involved
in the training process in the area of administrative
sciences, emphasising the convergence or divergence
of their content.

ncadrnd spaiul educaional romnesc n

infrastructura naional n care identificm actorii
politicii educaionale i instrumentele specifice
acesteia, sensurile europenizrii nvmntului
superior n tiinele administrative, am ncercat s
delimitm ariile responsabilitilor factorilor de
interes n procesul de formare n domeniul tiinelor
administrative, evideniind convergena sau
Sampling and research methodology.
divergena coninutului acestora.
The sample comprises 11 universities in Romania,
Eantionare i metodologia cercetrii.
from the public and private system, universities with
This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



Eantionul este reprezentat de un numr de 11

universiti din Romnia, din sistemul public i
privat, universiti cu tradiie n mediul academic
romnesc, sau nou nfiinate, care organizeaz
programe universitare de licen n domeniul
tiinelor administrative.

tradition in Romanian academic environment, or new

created universities, organising Bachelor academic
programmes in the area of administrative sciences.
The paper is based on two empirical researches,
previously achieved by the author, applying indicators
grounded on valid, comparable and available data.

The comparative analyses and statistic interpretations,

using SPSS methods, correlations of variables and
indicators are based on the data provided by the
questionnaire concerning the social perception on
Europeanization of master and doctorate programmes,
Analizele comparative i interpretrile statistice,
within the framework of the National School of
apelnd la metodele SPSS, la corelaiile variabilelor
Political Studies and Public Administration.
i indicatorilor, au la baz datele furnizate de
chestionarul instrumentat privind percepia social
a europenizrii programelor de masterat i doctorat,
n cadrul colii Naionale de Studii Politice i
Fr comunicare nu exist o administraie
No communication No European Romanian
public romneasc european. Rolul cheie al
Public Administration. The key role of dialogue in
dialogului n crearea unor sisteme transparente
creating transparent, accountable systems to
i responsabile pentru furnizarea serviciilor
deliver public services
Richard Linning, Asociaia Intenaional de
Richard Linning, International Public Relations
Relaii Publice, Eythorne, Marea Britanie
Association, Eythorne, U.K.
Europeanization is only one reason for reform
Europeanizarea este numai unul din
motivele pentru reforma administraiei publice n of the Romanian public administration. Necessary to
Romnia. Necesar pentru a atinge standardele i meet the standards and adopt the practices of the
pentru a adopta practicile Uniunii Europene, European Union, reform is also a major step on the
reforma este, de asemenea, un pas major pe drumul road to achieving the global target of democratic
ctre atingerea intei globale a guvernrii governance. This demands that public services are
democratice. Acest lucru necesit ca serviciile cost-efficient and results-oriented, responsive and
publice s fie eficiente din punct de vedere al accountable to the needs of citizens. But most of all
costului i orientate ctre rezultate, s rspund i transparent.
s fie trase la rspundere fa de nevoile cetenilor.
communication. Communication is necessary to raise
Dar, mai ales, s fie transparente.
fr awareness of the right to official information and
comunicare. Comunicarea este necesar pentru a strengthen mechanisms to provide and access
crete gradul de contientizare a dreptului la information, the prerequisites for ensuring the voice
informaii oficiale i pentru a ntri mecanismele and participation necessary for a democratic society.
An example where Europeanization demands
informaiilor, pre-cerine pentru asigurarea vocii i transparency through communication is the Structural
participrii necesare pentru o societate democratic. Funds the European Regional Development Fund,
Un exemplu unde europeanizarea cere the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund.
The information shall be addressed to
transparen prin comunicare sunt Fondurile
Lucrarea are la baz dou cercetri empirice
realizate anterior de autoare i instrumenteaz
indicatori bazai pe date valabile, comparabile i

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



Structurale Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare

Regional, Fondul Social European i Fondul de
Informaiile se vor adresa cetenilor i
beneficiarilor Uniunii Europene, n scopul
evidenierii rolului Comunitii i vor asigura c
asistena de la Fonduri este transparent.
Comunicarea implic aciune i interaciune.
A comunica nseamn a exprima opiniile i
preferinele cuiva i a mprti i schimba idei.
Guvernarea democratic este impulsionat de
dezvoltarea instituiilor democratice, a proceselor i
mecanismelor care au fcut acest lucru posibil.
Prezentarea va include rezultatele unui
studiu asupra chestiunilor de comunicare ale
membrilor din administraia public din Romnia,
nsrcinai cu gestionarea fondurilor structurale
2007/2013, ca exemplu de prim pas pe drumul
nefamiliat al guvernrii democratice.
Impactul integrrii asupra stabilirii agendei
politicilor publice susinut de date empirice
Anzelika Serikova, Universitatea Siauliai, Siauliai,
Lituania & Erika Furman, Universitatea Kaunas
de Tehnologie, Vilnius, Lituania
Stabilirea agendei a fost dezvoltat, extins i
utilizat n numeroase studii ca o unealt analitic.
Totui, nu se acord suficient atenie agendelor de
politici legate de pregtirea pentru integrarea n
Uniunea European. Supra-ncrcarea agendelor de
politici are impact asupra lurii deciziilor i a
elaborrii de politici, astfel nct guvernul nu are
suficient timp pentru a aproba amendamentele
legilor legate de integrarea european.
UE Bulgaria: inovaii i schimbri pentru o
mai bun administrare
George Manliev, Universitatea Tehnic, Institutul
de Administraie Public si Integrare European,
Sofia, Bulgaria
I. UE-Bulgaria cadrul pentru capacitatea
administrativ i schimbri
1. Puncte de vedere politice ale UE fa de
modificrile administrative: administraia public
bulgar trebuie s se modifice intensiv pentru a
accepta cele mai bune practici formulate n
obiectivele de aderare:

European Union citizens and beneficiaries with the

aim of highlighting the role of the Community and
ensure that the assistance from the Funds is
Communication implies action and interaction.
To communicate is to express ones opinions and
preferences and to share and exchange ideas.
Democratic governance is driven forward by the
development of democratic institutions, processes and
mechanisms which made this possible.
This presentation will include the results of a
scoping survey on issues of communication of
members the Romanian public administration charged
with dealing with 2007/2013 structural funds as an
example of the first steps along the unfamiliar road of
democratic governance.

The Impact of integration to policy agenda

setting and empirical evidence
Anzelika Serikova, Siauliai University, Siauliai,
Lithuania & Erika Furman, Kaunas University of
Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania
Agenda setting has been developed, expanded, and
employed in numerous studies as an analytical tool.
However, not enough attention is given to policy
agendas overload connected with preparation for the
integration in European Union. Policy agendas
overload impact decisions making and policy
formation, so the government has not enough time to
approve of the amendment of the laws connected with
euro integration.
EU Bulgaria: innovations and changes for
better administration
George Manliev, Technical University, Institute of
Public Administration and European Integration,
Sofia, Bulgaria
I. EU-Bulgaria framework for administrative
capacity and changes
1.EU political viewpoints towards the administrative
changes: Bulgarian public administration should
change itself intensively in order to accept the best
practices from membership-clear goals:
A) to take measures for legality, transparency,

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



A) s ia msuri pentru legalitatea, transparena,

eficiena, eficacitatea, tragerea la rspundere,
neutralitatea, seriozitatea, abordarea cu accent pe
B) s stabileasc nivelul satisfctor al acestor
standarde la fel ca pre-solicitarea pentru aderare;
C) s dezvolte capacitatea de management i
absorbie a fondurilor UE;
D) toate aceste modificri vor fi consultate,
sprijinite (Phare), monitorizate i evaluate n
rapoarte anuale pentru pregtirea membrilor.
2. Rspunsul politic bulgar:
A) Unele modificri din ar conform opiniilor UE
au fost ncepute i realizate n perioada 1998-2002
B) noua strategie de modernizare a fost acceptat,
2003-2006, odat cu planul de aciune pentru
implementarea sa.
II. Principalele inovaii i schimbri pentru o
administraie mai bun:
1. Urmrii direciile de dezvoltare: Managementul
administrative. Planurile de aciune pentru
strategiilor i planurilor guvernului. Abordare de
sus n jos. Management operaional: lucrul n
echip. Proces condus politic i backstop al
funcionarilor publici entuziati.
2. Adoptarea acquis-ului: Armonizarea bazei legale
i un process mai bun de elaborare a politicilor:
expert burden-learning a acquis-ului n multe
domenii; copiere i lipire sau redactare legal
conform intereselor naionale consultri cu prile
implicate; evaluare a impactului de reglementare
prea trziu; etapa de implementare a politicii:
evaluare i modificare a actelor; presiune din partea
mediului de afaceri pentru mai multe perioade de
tranziie; armonizare: 50% transparent - 50% cutie
neagr politic i administrativ; miracole ale
eforturilor experilor de a transfera i adopta
3. Schimbai-v dumneavoastr: Msuri pentru
schimbarea modului i a standardelor activitilor
administrative (Legea funciei publice, ofertarea
competitiv, instruirea pentru inovaii i rezultate
mai bune, implementare mai bun a politicii, lucrul

efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, neutrality,

reliability, client focused approach ;.
B) to established the satisfactory level of these
standards as one the of prerequisites for membership ;
C) to develop capacity for management and
absorption of EU funds ;
D) all these changes would be consulted, supported
(Phare), monitoring and appraised in annual reports
for membership preparation.
2. Bulgarian political response:
A) Some changes in the country according to the
views of EU has been started and realized in the
period 1998-2002
B) new strategy for modernization has been accepted
2003-2006 and action plan for its implementation
II. Main innovations and changes for better
1.Trace the directions of development: Strategic
management and planning in the administrative
activities. Action plans for reaching strategic goals.
Decoding the government strategies and plans. Upbottom approach. Operational management: working
as one team. Political driven process and backstop of
enthusiastic civil servants.
2.Adopt acquis: Harmonization of legal base and
better policy making process: expert burden-learning
the acquis in many fields; copy paste or legal drafting
according the national interests-consultations with
concerned parties; regulatory impact assessment-two
late; policy implementation stage: appraisal and
change of acts ; business pressure for more
transitional periods; harmonization: 50% transperant50% political and administrative black box; miracles
of experts efforts to transfer and adopt acquis!
3. Change yourselves: Measures for change the ways
and standards of administrative activities (Civil
service act, competitive tendering, training for
innovations and better results, better policy
implementation, working with partners, performance
appraisal, HRM and professional carrier; openness
and accountability.
4.Understand the importance of clients and put them
in your focus: Better service delivery introducing
one stop shop for administrative and business
services. Business regulations: simplification versus
EU requirements for business activities;

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


managementul resurselor umane i cariera

profesional; deschiderea i posibilitate de tragere
la rspundere.
concentrarea asupra lor: Furnizare mai bun a
serviciilor introducerea ghieelor unice pentru
servicii administrative i de afaceri. Reglementri
pentru afaceri: simplificare fa de cerinele UE
pentru activitile din domeniul afacerilor;
5. Gndii i dezvoltai parteneriate eficiente
public-privat: primele practici: unele succese i
unele eecuri; lecii nvate: fr beneficii ntr-o
singur direcie; aprai interesele publice, n mod
profesional i transparent; provocrile fondurilor
structurale i de coeziune dezvoltarea the noi
oportuniti pentru PPP.
Dezvoltarea E-guvernului este un instrument pentru
un management i comunicaii moderne; abordare
realist i inovatoare.
Concluzii: Administraia bulgar la nceputul
negocierilor i la final. Se ntmpl efectiv
modificri? Principale reuite i slbiciuni. Soluia
cea mai bun: ceva mai mult dect jumtatea
distanei! Nu pierdei impetuozitatea reformelor!
Avem nevoie i trebuie s atingem optimul!
administrativ: instrument pentru finalizarea
procesului de modernizare.
Guvernare i europenizare n statele est europene nou aderate la Uniunea European
Natalia Cuglean, Universitatea Babe
Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romnia
Impactul integrrii europene asupra administraiei
publice din statele membre, recent aderate la
Uniunea European, este vizibil prin schimbrile
legislative i instituionale
referitoare la
responsabilitile i competenele administraiei
publice centrale i locale. Lucrarea urmrete s
evidenieze legtura dintre guvernan i
europenizare n noile state membre avnd n vedere
c acestea
trebuie s implementeze politicile
Statele din Europa Central i de Est au parcurs
perioada de tranziie n ritmuri diferite, iar dup

5. Think and develop effective public-private

partnership: first practices: some successes and some
failures; lessons learned: no one way benefits; defend
the public interests professionally and transparently;
challenges of structural and cohesion funds-develop
new opportunities for PPP
6. Introduce modern communications: E-government
development is a tool for modern management and
communications; realistic and innovative approach.
Conclusions: Bulgarian administration in the start of
negotiations and in the end. Do changes really
happen? Main achievements and weaknesses. The
way to the best passed: a bit more over the half of the
distance! Dont loose the impetus of the reforms! We
need and have to reach the best! Operational
programme for administrative capacity: the tool for
completing the process of modernization.

Governance and Europeanization in the Newest

Member States of the European Union
Natalia Cuglean, Babe Bolyai University,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The impact of the European integration process upon
the public administration of the newest Member
States is visible through the legislative changes
regarding their new competences. The newest
Member States have to implement the Community
legislation according to the schedule within the
Accession Treaty and these structural changes often
encounter resistance from some local actors. The
paper seeks to establish which of the three paths of
internal change are used: absorption, accommodation
or transformation? It is very interesting to establish

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



aderare, presiunea adaptrii la procesele europene

difer de la un stat la altul. Statele din Europa
Central au realizat o restructurare economic i
instituional mai rapid n timp ce alte state,
precum Romnia i Bulgaria, au adoptat un ritm
mai lent, reticena acestora fa de trecerea la
economia de pia i schimbrile instituionale fiind
datorat mai multor factori de natur politic,
economic i social. Ritmul diferit al schimbrilor
din statele candidate a fost ilustrat prin rapoartele
anuale de ar, precum i prin evoluia investiiilor
strine directe i creterea anual a PIB-ului pe cap
de locuitor, cei doi parametri importani fiind
reprezentativi pentru capacitatea administrativ a
fiecrui stat de a promova politicile europene. Dup
aderare, fiecare din cele 10 state trebuie s
continue schimbrile, presiunile schimbrii fiind
resimite n domenii precum protecia mediului,
infrastructura de transport, politica regional,
educaia i sntatea. Aceste schimbri constituie
adevarate provocri pentru administraia public
fiindc necesit abordri noi privind raporturile cu
sectorul privat i societatea civil, la nivel central i
local, precum i ntre administraia central,
instituiile europene i autoritile sub-naionale n
fiecare din domeniile menionate. Toate
schimbrile efectuate n noile state membre UE
reprezint un rspuns la europenizare.
Perpective europene asupra participrii la
procesul de luare a deciziilor: cazul Slovaciei
Diana - Camelia Iancu, SNSPA, Bucureti &
Daniel Klimovsky, Universitatea Pavol Jozef
afrik, Kosice, Slovacia
Treizeci i dou de naiuni europene diferite
vorbesc aizeci i apte de limbi diferite (fr a
numra dialectele). Ele folosesc totui o moned
unic (Euro), cnt acelai imn la arborarea unui
steag comun, aleg un singur Parlament i sunt
aprate de o singur Curte de Justiie. Europenii
nva n universiti europene (graie procesului de
la Bologna), citesc ziare europene (The European),
joac fotbal european (n Liga Campionilor
Europeni) i vd filme europene (la Cannes)
(adaptare dup J. Borneman i N. Fowler, 1997.

accommodation in the process of internal changes that

should lead to the implementation of the acquis
communautaire, because there are some differences
regarding the rhythm of structural changes in the preaccession period between the states from Central and
Eastern European countries. The Central European
countries resorted to massive privatizations in the
early 1990s in order to accomplish a market economy,
while the states from Eastern Europe, like Romania
and Bulgaria, were more reluctant in this matter. As a
result, the transition from the highly centralized
system to market economy was performed with
different speeds and these realities are reflected also
through the annual values of the FDI and GDP.
The accession to the EU of the former communist
countries represents a challenge for the public
administration because after the accession, it has to
adopt another working manner, other style of
cooperating with the civil society and private sector at
central and local level. There are some domains of
great interest for the society like: environment,
transport infrastructure, regional policy and education
or health, that require a new approach from the public
administration and all these changes represent a
response to Europeanization.

European Perspectives on Participation to

Decision-Making Process: the Case of Slovak
Diana - Camelia Iancu, SNSPA, Bucharest &
Daniel Klimovsky, Pavla Jozefa afrika University,
Kosice, Slovak Republic
Thirty two European states speak sixty seven different
languages (not including the dialects). However, they
use a unique currency (the Euro), sing the same
anthem when raising the same flag, chose one
Parliament and are defended by one Court of Justice.
The Europeans study or teach in European
universities (since the Bologna Process), read
European papers (The European), play European
soccer (in European Champion League) and watch
European movies (at Cannes) (adapted after J.
Borneman and N. Fowler, 1997. Europeanization,

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



Anthropology, vol.26, pp.487-514). Pstrnd
aceeai metafor, prin urmare, fr a exclude ori
diminua oportunitatea dimensiunii statale, sunt
europenii clieni ai aceleiai administraii? Acesta
este contextul n care care se plaseaz prezenta
lucrare. Din 1995, cnd la Madrid a fost stabilit
criteriul birocratic al condiionrii comunitare,
Uniunea European a deschis calea ctre creionarea
formal a politicii informale de orientare a
comportamentelor naionale administrative. Fr a
asuma legtura cazual direct ntre eventualele
impulsuri europene i reformele naionale cu
specific administrativ, autorii propun dezbaterea
teoretic i practic a conceptului de bun
administrare. Principiul participrii ceteneti va fi
cel avut n vedere cu precdere, iar Slovacia statul
membru ales pentru realizarea studiului.
Sarcinile administraiei publice n domeniul
proteciei mediului conform reglementrilor
Marilena Uliescu & Lucian Stngu, SNSPA,
Bucureti, Romnia
Europenizarea n reforma administraiei
publice. Cazul Romniei
Marius Cristian Catan, Consiliul Judeean
Mure, Trgu Mure, Romnia
Europenizarea reprezint o detaare
semnificativ de cele dou teorii principale care au
interguvernamentalismul i supranaionalizarea. Cu
alte cuvinte, europenizarea transcende dezbaterea
dintre interguvernamentalism i supranaionalizare,
n sensul c scopul europenizrii nu este de a
reaciona, nici de a contribui la continuarea raiunii
oricreia dintre cele dou teorii. Din acest motiv,
supranaionaliste, dispar: pentru teoreticienii
europenizrii, punctul de referin esenial nu este
statul naional, nici instituiile europene, ci efectele,
procesele i politicile.
Categoriile de teorii ale europenizrii
promovate de specialitii domeniului (Olsen,

Annual Review of Anthropology, vol.26, pp.487-514).

Keeping the same metaphor, and not excluding the
national state, are the Europeans clients of one
administration as well? These are the generic question
and context under which this paper is placed. Since
1995, when in Madrid the bureaucratic criterion of
enlargement was being sketched, the European Union
has formally begun its informal policy for guiding
national administrative behaviours. Without directly
linking the eventual domestic changes in Member
States administrations to European impulses of such
nature, the authors argue on the good administration
concept, while including it in both a theoretical and
practical debate. The principle of public participation
is to be taken into consideration for a thorough
investigation and Slovakia is chosen for the study
case on this matter.
Public Administration Tasks in the
Environmental Protection Field according to
European Regulations
Marilena Uliescu & Lucian Stngu, SNSPA,
Bucharest, Romania
The Europeanization in the Public
Administration Reform. The case of Romania
Marius Cristian Catan, Mure County Council,
Trgu Mure, Romania
Europeanization represents a significant
detachment from the two main theories that existed
prior to its occurence, the intergovernmentalism and
the overnationalization. In other words, the
Europeanization goes beyond the debate between
intergovernmentalism and overnationalization, in the
sense that the purpose of Europeanization is not to
react, nor to contribute to the continuation of the
rationale of either of the two theories. For this reason,
the reference points of the intergovernmentalist
theories and respectively of the overnationalist
Europeanization, the essential reference point is not
the national state, nor the European institutions, but
the effects, the processes and the politics.
The categories of the Europeanization
theories promoted by field specialists (Olsen, Dyson,

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



Dyson, Radaelli, Haas, Knill) au ca punct de

referin, n principal, statele membre UE, care sunt
direct afectate de ceea ce se ntmpl la nivel
comunitar, nu numai pentru c ele trebuie s
respecte regulile elaborate la acest nivel, ci i
pentru c ele particip la elaborarea coninutului
acestor reguli i la crearea i dinamica instituiilor.
Aplicarea conceptului de europenizare la
realitile politice ale Romniei pleac de la
premisa c europenizarea se refer la rile recent
acceptate ca membri UE; pentru aceste state,
europenizarea se refer mai mult la nfiinarea
mecanismelor naionale i introducerea adaptrilor
instituionale pentru a justifica dobndirea
statutului de stat membru UE.
Statutul personalului angajat n serviciile
publice europene. Sectorul public versus
sectorul privat
Rzvan Viorescu, Universitatea tefan cel Mare,
Suceava, Romnia
De mult vreme, societile europene au
considerat c ntre funcionarii publici i autoritatea
statal exist o interdependen indisolubil, i c
acetia nu pot fi comparai cu angajaii din sectorul
privat. Angajaii sectorului public erau considerai
ageni ai statului nsrcinai cu respectarea regulii
de drept i cu implementarea politicilor
guvernamentale. Astfel, funcionarii publici
trebuiau s se conformeze unor standarde nalte de
etic i integritate profesional i s li se
ncredineze o singur ndatorire: slujirea
interesului general (binelui comun). n aceast
concepie, n care statul s-a separat de societate i
ceteni, era de neconceput ca funcionarii publici
s dein dreptul la grev sau s ncheie contracte
colective privind condiiile de munc.
Astzi, una dintre cele mai importante
provocri pentru majoritatea serviciilor publice
europene se refer la constrngeri bugetare.
Adesea, serviciile publice sunt considerate prea
ineficace. Agenda Lisabona, n particular, joac un
rol important n acest context. n consecin,
soluiile trebuie s urmreasc o mai mare eficien,

Radaelli, Haas, Knill) have as reference point, mainly,

the Europeen Union Member States which are
directly affected by what happens at the Community
level, not only because they have to observe the rules
elaborated at this level, but also because they
participate to the elaboration of the content of these
rules and to the creation and dynamics of the
The application of the Europeanization
concept to the political realities of Romania is based
on the premises that the Europeanization includes the
countries recently accepted as Member States of the
European Union; for these states, Europeanization has
more to do with the setting up of national mechanisms
and institutional adaptations to justify the
acquirement of the statute of EU Member State.
The Status of the Personnel Working in the
European Public Services - Public Sector versus
Private Sector
Rzvan Viorescu, tefan cel Mare University,
Suceava, Romania
For a lengthy period, all European societies believed
that civil servants were linked to the authority of the
state and could not be compared to employees in the
private sector. This group of public employees were
seen as agents intended to uphold the rule of law and
to implement governmental policies. Consequently,
civil servants had to have high standards of integrity
and be entrusted with a single task: working for the
common interest. In this conception, where the state
was separated from society and citizens, it was
inconceivable that civil servants should have the right
to strike or the right to conclude collective working
conditions agreements. However, in the past years,
many areas of the public sector have lost this
uniqueness and have become quite similar to the
general employment system. Does this mean that the
idea of a civil service as a specific structure is
Today, there are now as many different categories of
public employees as there are different public
functions and organisations, e.g. employees in a
ministry differ from those in an agency, the police,
the health service, border control, public-private
partnerships, a school or a food inspectorate. Working

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



eficacitate i reglementri mai bune. Fundamentul

acestui context const n faptul c aspectele
pozitive ale serviciilor naionale nu au fost suficient
discutate, iar funcionarii publici sunt evideniai ca
i factori de cost i mai puin ca i contribuitori la
eficiena organizaiilor publice.
nceputul secolului 21 a cunoscut apariia
cunoaterii, educaia continu i noul management
public. n completare, n multe servicii publice, au
fost introduse trendurile descentralizrii, au fost
modificate structuri organizaionale i proceduri de
recrutare, au fot reduse bugetele, a fost schimbat
durata timpului de munc, au fost adoptate sisteme
de management al performanei, funcionarii de top
au fost numii pentru perioade determinate,
sistemele de salarizare i pensii au fost reformate,
s-a urmrit alinierea trendurilor din sectoarele
public i privat. Procesul de integrare european a
avut un impact important asupra serviciilor publice
n ceea ce privete liberalizarea i privatizarea
acestora (audiovizual, pot, ci ferate, electricitate,
telecomunicaii, gaz).
reconstrucia i descentralizarea serviciilor publice
din toate punctele de vedere. Mai mult, acum
politicile publice sunt administrate prin structuri de
guvernare descentralizate, parteneriate public-privat
i cooperri ntre sectorul non-guvernamental,
consultani i guvernani. n consecin, conceptul
tradiional de serviciu public ca unic angajator,
cade n desuetudine. n schimb, introducerea
schemelor privind performanele individuale i
descentralizarea responsabilitilor n domeniul
managementului resurselor umane au transformat
serviciul public ntr-o structur eterogen. Astzi,
distincia dintre serviciul public i sectorul privat
este mai dificil de sesizat din cauza numeroaselor
noi forme de outsourcing (externalizare),
statutelor etc.
De la comunicarea global la comunicarea
deschis n construcia instituional
Rosemarie Haine, SNSPA, Bucureti, Romnia

conditions and working life have changed and

occasionally differ from organisation to
organisation. In some Member States, senior civil
servants differ very little from senior managers in
private companies. Are these managers still different
from those in the private sector? Whatever the right
answer is, one thing is sure: the term "civil servant" is
more difficult to define than ever. He or she has very
different tasks, positions, legal relationships and
working conditions in the various Member States.
The objective of this paper is neither to defend a
specific civil service model nor to abolish it. Instead,
the interest in this study is to illustrate who these
public employees actually are, how they perform and
how they work. Naturally, another interest is also to
examine the many existing clichs, images and
perceptions about public servants (are they right or
wrong?) and whether public servants differ at all from
those working in the private sector. Do public
employees, civil servants and private sector
employees have a different work ethos and work
motivation? Are they performing differently? These
questions are of more than academic interest, they are
in fact highly sensitive, political and more and more
relevant. An increasing number of Member States
find it increasingly difficult to argue why certain tasks
should be given to civil servants, why civil servants
should be treated differently to other employees and
why civil servants should have working conditions
different to those of other employees in the public or
private sector.

From Global Communication to Open

Communication in the Institutional Design
Rosemarie Haine, SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



Organizaiile contemporane nu mai pot fi

organizaii piramidale. Criteriul flexibilitii, att de
proclamat, este apanajul unui alt model, modelul
biologic. Paradigma biologic insist pe relaiile cu
exteriorul, organizaia devenind un mediu complex
i viu. Indiferent de nivelul de observaie, de la
molecul la organism, nelegerea unui mediu viu
trebuie s ia n considerare deschiderea
informaional, pentru c fiecare nivel primete
informaiile din exterior. n orice mediu viu apar
formaiuni regulate autonome care se subordoneaz
ansamblului printr-un mecanism de reglare la un
anumit nivel de organizare mai complex. Fiecare
nivel de organizare posed mecanisme prin care se
deschide, prin care se produc mutaii care permit
autotransformarea, fiecare nivel meninndu-se, n
acelai timp, ntr-un cadru mai larg. Pentru ca
fiecare nivel s se poat integra de o manier
funcional ansamblului, trebuie s fie informat
despre finalitatea ansamblului pentru ca, apoi, s
participe activ la realizarea acestei finaliti.
Alegerea corespunde unei aciuni n care se
angajeaz prile ca rspuns la o informaie extern
care s permit organismului respectiv s asigure
un echilibru n raport cu mediul nconjurtor.
Extrapolnd, vom transfera acest model
biologic la modelul organizaional; n acest caz este
vorba de a primi i de a difuza informaia tuturor
partenerilor pentru a asigura coerena aciunii
ansamblului. Principiile de descentralizare, de
delegare, de autonomie devin cardinale n
Comunicarea deschis se nscrie n
paradigma biologic prin faptul c se opune
circulaiei unidirecionale a informaiei, ceea ce
presupune o dubl circulaie retroactiv: de la
celul la organism i de la organism la celul.
Comparaia cu modelul biologist permite punerea
n eviden a importanei informaiei pentru
dezvoltarea unui mediu, fcnd posibil o mai bun
descriere a societii informaionale n care crearea
bogiei rezid din ce n ce mai mult n schimbul de
date, de informaii i de cunoatere.
informaia-circulant n organizaie. De asemenea,
comunicarea deschis articuleaz noiunea de

The contemporary organizations can no longer

be pyramid organizations. The flexibility criterion
belongs to a different model, the biological model.
The biological paradigm focuses on the relations with
the exterior, the organization becoming a complex
and vivid environment. Irrespective of the observation
level, from the molecule to the organism,
understanding a living environment must consider the
informational openness, because each level receives
information from the outside. In any living
environment, autonomous regular entities emerge,
which are subordinated to the whole by a regulating
mechanism at a certain more complex organization
level. Each organization level has mechanisms
through which it opens, through which mutations are
produced which allow for self-transformation, each
level remaining, at the same time, within a broader
framework. In order for each level to functionally
integrate within the whole, it has to be informed on
the purpose of the whole to be able to actively
participate later on in achieving this purpose. The
choice corresponds to an action in which parties are
engaged in reply to a piece of external information
which allows the respective body to ensure a balance
related to the environment.
We shall transfer this biological model to the
organizational model: receiving and transmitting
information to all partners in order to ensure the
coherence of the action of the whole. The
decentralization, delegation and autonomy principles
become essential in the organizations.
The open communication is part of the
biological paradigm as it is opposed to the one-way
information flow, which presupposes a double
retroactive flow: from cell to body and from body to
cell. The comparison with the biological model
allows the emphasis of the importance of the
information for developing an environment, enabling
a better description of the information society in
which acquisition of wealth is increasingly based on
the data, information and knowledge exchange.
The open communication stimulates the
information flow within the organization. Also, it
articulates the notion of information to the notion of
social connection. And the movement from a closed
society to a pluralistic universe (what Karl Popper

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


informaie noiunii de legtur social. Iar

trecerea de la o societate nchis la un univers
pluralist (ceea ce Karl Popper numea societate
deschis) se face prin deschiderea ctre informaie,
iniiat de Epoca Luminilor.
Comunicarea deschis privilegiaz, n
perspectiva refacerii legturii sociale (coeziunii
sociale), relaia dintre sfera instituional, sfera
privat i sfera public. Problema democraiei
contemporane const n a rearticula trecerea de la
starea de individ la cea de cetean, care
presupune o reevaluare a societii civile.
Subminnd clivajul ntre individ i cetean,
noiunea de actor social care se prefigureaz
(actorii sociali realizndu-se prin participare
activ ale crei resorturi sunt libertatea i
creativitatea) reunete sfera privat cu sfera
public, i se angajeaz ntr-un proces de
transformare a societii.
Comunicarea deschis are ca obiectiv
major s determine convergena dintre interesul
organizaiei i aspiraiile colectivitii. Organizaia
devine, astfel, locul unde se exercit att o
solidaritate intern, ct i o solidaritate extern.
Comunicarea deschis ncearc s structureze n
mod coerent toate nivelele identitii organizaiei,
att cele interne, ct i cele externe.
Comunicarea deschis afirm dimensiunea
dezvoltarea social i asigurnd coerena aciunilor
constituind, n acelai timp, un liant ntre sfera
instituional, sfera privat i sfera public.
Astzi, este necesar ca principiile
comunicarii deschise s fie promovate n insituiile
publice, capitalul de ncredere al unei organizaii
depinznd de gradul su de deschidere i de gradul
de adeziune a publicurilor fa de obiectivele
Problema coordonrii administraiilor de stat
i a consiliilor locale n Ucraina
Olena Mikhieieva, Institutul Naional de Studii
Strategice, Kiev, Ucraina
Dezvoltarea guvernului local este un pas crucial
nspre democraie i construirea societii civile.
Din pcate, guvernul local n Ucraina nu

called an open society) is carried out through the

openness to information, initiated by the
Enlightenment era.
The open communication favours, with
respect to the restoration of the social connection
(social cohesion), the relation between the
institutional sphere, the private sphere and the public
sphere. The issue of the contemporary democracy
consists in re-articulating the movement from the
individual state to the citizen state, which presupposes
a re-evaluation of the civic society. Undermining the
cleavage between the individual and the citizen, the
notion of social actor (the social actors are created
through active participation based on freedom and
creativity) reunites the private sphere with the public
sphere and engages in a society transforming process.
The open communication has as its main
objective the establishment of the convergence
between the organizations interest and the
communitys aspirations. The organization thus
becomes the place where there is both an internal
solidarity and an external solidarity. The open
communication tries to coherently structure all the
levels of the organization identity, both the internal
and the external ones.
The open communication states the sociocultural dimension of the organization, valorising the
social development and ensuring the coherence of the
actions which constitute, at the same time, a binder of
the institutional, the private and the public spheres.
Today it is necessary to promote the open
communication principles within the public
institutions, the trust capital of an organization
depending on its openness level and on the level of
the public adhesion to the organization objectives.

The Problem of Coordination of State

Administrations and Local Councils in Ukraine
Olena Mikhieieva, National Institute for Strategic
Studies, Kiev, Ukraine
Development of the local government is the crucial
step toward democracy and building of civil society.
Unfortunately the local government in Ukraine is not

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



corespunde Cartei Europene a Autonomiei Locale.

Consiliile locale intr adesea n conflict cu
administraiile locale de stat. Rezolvarea acestei
probleme necesit o serie de msuri de reformare a
sistemului administraiei publice i de apropiere a
acestuia de standardele europene.

corresponding to European Charter of Local SelfGovernment. Local councils often have conflicts with
local state administrations. The solving of this
problem demands a whole series of steps for
reforming of public administration system and
approaching it to European standards.

Dreptul administrativ european, protecia
drepturilor omului i administraia public
Bill Tzemos, Universitatea Patras, Patras, Grecia
1. Ce este dreptul public european
Dreptul public european cuprinde a) protecia
drepturilor i libertilor fundamentale n dreptul
UE, b) structura de baz, funciile i instituiile CE,
c) procedura legislativ n cadrul CE, d) principiile
generale ale dreptului comunitar i e) prevederile
legale cu privire la relaiile dintre statele membre i
Dou definiii:
Dreptul public european const n reguli ale
dreptului european care reglementeaz relaiile
dintre stat i oameni i dintre CE i oameni.
Dreptul public european este dreptul european care
influeneaz i reformeaz dreptul public intern.
2. Dreptul constituional european i dreptul
administrativ european
3. Factori care influeneaz dreptul public european
4. Importana dreptului european
Dreptul public european i dreptul public intern nu
sunt independente. Interaciunea lor este esenial.
Dac nu cunoatem noile decizii ale CEJ, nu
cunoatem ultima versiune a dreptului public
intern. CEJ este al doilea motor al dreptului.
5. Cea mai important problem privind dreptul
public european: protecia drepturilor omului.
6. Conflictul ierarhic dintre dreptul UE primar i
dreptul constituional intern.
Care este legtura ierarhic dintre o norm a
Tratatului i o norm a Constituiei unui stat

Paper presentations:
European Administrative Law, Human Rights
Protection and National Public Administration
Bill Tzemos, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
1. What is European Public Law
The European Public Law includes a) the protection
of fundamental rights and the liberties in the EU Law,
b) the basic structure, the functions and the
institutions of EC, c) the Law Making Procedure
within the EC, d) the general principles of
Community Law and e) the legal provisions for the
relations between the Member States and the EC.
Two definitions:
European Public Law consists of the rules of the
European law that regulate the relationships between
the State and the people and the EC and the people.
European Public law is the European Law that
influences and actually reforms the national public
2. European Constitutional Law and European
Administrative Law
3. Factors that influence the European Public Law
4. The importance of the European Law
European Public Law and National Public Law are
not independent. The interaction is very essential. If
we do not know the new decisions of ECJ, we do not
know the latest version of the national public law.
ECJ is the second motor of actual law
5. The most essential question concerning the
European Public Law: Human Rights Protection
6. The hierarchical conflict between primary EU Law
and national Constitutional Law.
Which is the hierarchical connection between a norm

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



membru? Este ntotdeauna o problem legal n

cazul n care ele nu sunt compatibile? Ct de
important este rolul interpretrii sistematice? Ce
primeaz? Este, n ceea ce privete problema
superioritii, diferit punctul de vedere european
fa de cel naional?
7. Este ordinea juridic european una de ordin
constituional sau internaional?
8. Dreptul public european i administraia public
9. Rezultate
Egalitate i nediscriminare-principii
fundamentale pentru spaiul administrativ
european i pentru administraia public din
Iulian Nedelcu, Universitatea Craiova, Craiova,
Lucrarea are ca scop s exprime concluziile
analizei efectuate n legislaia romneasc, n
legislaia Uniunii Europene i n jurisprudena
Curii Europene de Justiie cu privire la
consacrarea i aplicarea principiului egalitii i
Analizndu-se practica judiciar a Curii
Europene de Justiie s-au
adus argumente
exemplificate cu privire la afirmaia c aceast
instituie a Uniunii Europene a avut i are o
contribuie important la punerea n aplicare a
principiilor egalitii i nediscriminrii i chiar are,
deseori, rolul de izvor de drept n materie. Dei
Tratatul instituind o Constituie pentru Europa nu
este nc ratificat de toate rile membre ale U.E.,
totui, s-a analizat reglementarea principiului
egalitii n acest document. S-a analizat, de
asemenea, modul n care pricipiile egalitii i
nediscriminrii se regsesc reglementate n
"Statutul funcionarilor instituiilor Comunitilor
Europene i regimul juridic aplicabil altor ageni ai
Comunitilor Europene". Analizndu-se legislaia
romneasc s-a evideniat c egalitatea i
nediscriminarea sunt reglementate n majoritatea
actelor normative de drept administrativ i c
exist chiar o lege special n Romnia care
consacr egalitatea de anse ntre femei i brbai

of the Treaty and a norm of a member states

Constitution? Is there always a legal problem in case
they are non-compatible? How important is the role
of the systematic interpretation? Which comes first?
Is, as far as the question of superiority is concerned,
the European point of view different from the national
7. Is the European legal order a constitutional or an
international one?
8. European public law and national public
9. Results
Equality and Non-discrimination Fundamental
principles for the European Administrative Space
as well as the Public Administration in Romania
Iulian Nedelcu, University of Craiova, Craiova,
The paper is intended to express the conclusions on
the examination of the Romanian legislation, the
European Union legislation, the jurisprudence of the
European Court of Justice concerning the principles
of equality and non-discrimination and their
Analyzing the juridical application of the European
Court of Justice, there have been found the arguments
to demonstrate that this institution of the European
Union had and has an important contribution in
bringing the principles of equality and nondiscrimination into operation and, often, has the role
of justice source in the field.
Though the convention regarding a Constitution for
Europe has not been yet ratified this paper examines
the regulation of the equality principle. There has also
been analyzed the way in which the principles of
equality and non-discrimination are to be found in the
settlements of the Regulations of Civil Servant in the
institutions of the European Communities and the
juridical procedure applicable to other agents in the
European Community. By analyzing the Romanian
legislation there has been pointed out the fact the
equality and non-discrimination are settled by the
majority of the standard documents in the
administrative law and there is a special law in

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



n societatea romneasc.
Concluzia principal a lucrrii este aceea c
legislaia referitoare la administraia public
romneasc este, din punct de vedere al consacrrii
principiului egalitii i nediscriminrii, armonizat
cu legislaia U.E., chiar dac, pe ansamblu, rmn
nc multe de mbuntit n acest domeniu al
practicii sociale.
Evaluarea costurilor birocraiei. Metode i
practici europene
Ani Matei, SNSPA, Bucureti & Ioan Oltean,
Camera Deputailor, Romnia
Preocupri de dat recent privind msurarea
costurilor birocraiei regsim n multe ri, printre
care Marea Britanie, Olanda, Germania, Belgia,
Danemarca, etc. n rile din estul Europei acestea
nc nu se materializeaz n preocupri i msuri
concrete. Astfel n Marea Britanie a aprut, n
2005, lucrarea Measuring Administrative Costs:
UK standard Cost Model Manual care, s-a bazat
pe traducerea unui manual similar utilizat n
Danemarca i stabilete, mergnd pn la detalii i
scheme logice, procedurile de determinare a
guvernamentale sau nonguvernamentale, business,
reglementri, etc.
nc din 2003, s-a nfiinat International Standard
Cost Model Network (SCM Network) care, n
2004, a dat publicitii un cadru pentru definirea i
msurarea limitelor administrative din spaiul
afacerilor bazat pe experienele Danemarcei,
Olandei, Norvegiei, Suediei i Marii Britanii.
n prezent problematica menionat este dezvoltat
prin proiecte internaionale susinute de U.E. sau
OECD precum i cross country benchmarking.
Temele principale ale acestor proiecte vizeaz
faptul c o parte important a costurilor
administrative ale rilor U.E. i au originea n
necesitatea implementrii legislaiei europene, (vezi
http://ec.eunpeeu/governance/impact/docs_en.htm) sau activiti
de simplificare administrativ n rile OECD (vezi
Red Tape Scoreboard,

Romania which affirms the equality between women

and men in the Romanian society.
The main conclusion of this paper is that the
legislation concerning the Romanian public
administration is, from the point of view of the
principles of equality and non-discrimination, in
harmony with the legislation of the European
Community, even if, on the whole, there are still
many improvements and amendments to be made as
regards their social application.
The Assessment of the Costs of Bureaucracy.
Methods and European Practices
Ani Matei, SNSPA, Bucharest & Ioan Oltean,
Chamber of Deputies, Romania
Some recent concerns regarding the measurement of
the bureaucratic costs are to be found in countries
such as U.K., the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium,
Denmark and others. Still, in the Eastern European
countries these types of initiatives are far from
becoming real measures or concerns. Thus, in 2005 in
U.K., a paper was published Measuring
Administrative Costs: UK Standard Cost Model
Manual. Based on the translation of a similar Danish
manual, it establishes, by going into details and
offering logical diagrams/charts, procedures for
breaking down the bureaucratic costs for
business, regulation, and others.
Yet from 2003, International Standard Cost Model
Network (SCM Network) was created. In 2004, this
Network released a framework for defining and
quantifying administrative borders for businesses,
based on the experiences of Denmark, the
Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and U.K.
Now, the mentioned issue is developed through
international projects supported by EU or OECD, as
well as cross country benchmarking. The main topics
of these projects aim the fact that an important part of
the administrative costs of the EU countries have their
roots in the need of implementing the European
legislation (see EU AB Manual, http://ec.europaeu/governance/impact/docs_en.htm) or activities of
administrative simplification in the OECD countries

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Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



Cercetrile privind cross country benchmarking au

n vedere, n prezent, aspecte sectoriale cum sunt:
VAT Benchmark I (Danemarca, Olanda, Suedia i
Norvegia), Administrative Burdens related to
selected EC Directives (Germania, Danemarca i
Olanda), Transport Beckmark (Polonia i Olanda).
Cele prezentate deschid perspectiva extinderii
acestor preocupri de cercetare asupra costurilor
birocratice determinate de procesul de europenizare
a administraiei publice dintr-o dubl perspectiv:
costuri determinate de transformrile
organizaionale impuse de convergena
costuri determinate de preluarea i
implementarea, n sectorul public, a
legislaiei comunitare.
Totodat, trebuie menionat constatarea c, n
conformitate cu strategia Comisiei Europene
privind reducerea costurilor administrative, la
aceste eforturi trebuie integrate toate statele U.E.
prin urmare i multe din cele ce au aderat n ultimii
ani la U.E.
n cutarea unei strategii de reformare a
administraiei publice (cazul Bosniei i
Enver Ieri & Samra Ljuca, Agenia Federal a
Funciei Publice, Bosnia i Herzegovina
Rolul administraiilor publice s-a schimbat radical
de-a lungul ultimelor dou decenii. Dezvoltarea
comunicaiilor a contribuit la o nou dinamic a
dezvoltrii sociale, precum i la o nou percepie a
administraia public. n locul unui model de
administraie public ierarhic, tradiional i
autoritar, un nou model ctig importan: un
model care este bazat pe transparen, dialog,
Perspectiva calitii de membru al Uniunii
Europene reprezint o for conductoare pentru
reforme, solicitnd modificri fundamentale ale
principiilor i standardelor Uniunii Europene,
precum i ntrirea capacitilor administrative

The research regarding the cross country

benchmarking, currently takes into account sectoral
aspects such as: VAT Benchmark 1 (Denmark, the
Netherlands, Sweden and Norway), Administrative
Burdens related to selected EC Directives (Germany,
Denmark and the Netherlands), Transport Benchmark
(Poland and the Netherlands).
Those presented open the perspective of developing
these concerns of researching the bureaucratic costs,
determined by the process of public administration
Europeanization, from two points of view:
Costs determined by the organisational
administrative convergence;
Costs determined by the absorption and
implementation of European Community law
in the public sector.
At the same time, it must be mentioned the
ascertainment that, according to the strategy of the
European Commission regarding the reduction of
administrative costs, all EU members must be part of
these efforts, needless to say the ones that became
members in the recent years.
In Search of a Public Administration Reform
Strategy (Case in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Enver Ieri & Samra Ljuca, Federal Civil Service
Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Role of public administrations have radically changed
during last two decades. Rapid development of
information and communication technologies has
contributed to a new dynamic of social development,
as well as to a new perception of the optimal
structures and methods of public administration.
Instead of a traditionally, hierarchical and authorative
model of public administration, a new model is
gaining on importance: the one which is based on
transparency, dialogue, reliability, accountability,
predictability, organisational capacity and citizens'
participation. The perspective of EU membership
represents an additional driving force of reforms,
requiring fundamental adjustments to the EU
principles and standards, as well as the strengthening
of administrative capacities for the successful
implementation of the acquis. The process of

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



pentru implementarea cu succes a acquis-ului.

Procesul de reform administrativ din Bosnia i
Hertzegovina are caracteristici i dificulti
specifice: structura administrativ a rii nu a fost
nfiinat printr-o evoluie i o dezvoltare normal,
ci prin Acordul de pace de la Dayton. Este att de
complex, pe att de multe niveluri aezat i
divizat pe nivelul central, nivel de entitate,
cantonal, municipal i de district. Adevrata
reform a administraiei publice in Bosnia i
documentului Reforma administraiei publice:
Programul nostru., la data de 28 martie 2003 la
Brussels. De aceea, adoptarea legilor aplicabile
funciei publice la nivel statal i de entitate
(incluznd municipalitile i cantoanele) i
districtul Brcko, reprezint un progres major n
nfiinarea sistemului administraiei publice.
Dincolo de adoptarea legilor funciei publice,
Planul de Aciune pentru reforma administraiei
publice a fost adoptat n mai 2003 i a fost creat un
Grup de Lucru Interministerial pentru elaborarea
reformei n administraia public. [1] Strategia este
implementat n decembrie 2006 i are la baz,
ntr-o viziune ferm s dezvolte o administraie
public mai eficient, mai eficace i mai
responsabil; care va servi mai bine cetenii
pentru mai puini bani; i care va opera cu
proceduri transparente i deschise, ndeplinind
toate condiiile impuse de integrarea european, i
care astfel devine cu adevrat un facilitator pentru
dezvoltarea economic i social continu i
durabil. Strategia se va aplica n principal pentru
mbuntirea administraiilor centrale la nivelul
BiH, Entitile i districtul Brcko. Oricum, o
reform la acest nivel atrage modificri
fundamentale n modalitatea de funcionare a
instituiilor, care n mod firesc va afecta
administraiile municipale i cantonale i sectorul
public lrgit. [2]
Politicile publice i guvernarea multinivel
Luminia Gabriela Popescu, SNSPA, Bucureti,
Guvernarea multinivel se refer la
problema particular a coordonrii activitilor

administrative reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina has

its special features and difficulties: the administrative
structure of the country was not established by normal
evolution and development, but by Dayton Peace
Agreement. It is so complex, multi-layered and
divided into central, entity, cantonal, municipal and
district levels. Real PAR in B&H started by the
adoption of the document ''Public Administration
reform: Our programme'', on 28 March 2003 in
Brussels. Therefore, the adoption of civil service laws
at the state level, entities (includes municipalities and
cantons) and Brko District represents major progress
in the establishment of the public administration
system. Besides the adoption of civil service laws, the
Action Plan for Civil Service Reform was adopted in
May 2003 and Inter -Ministerial Working Group for
elaboration of the PAR Strategy was established. [1]
The Strategy is implemented in December 2006 and it
is grounded in a firm vision to develop a public
administration that is more effective, efficient, and
accountable; that will serve the citizens better for less
money; and that will operate with transparent and
open procedures, while meeting all conditions set by
European Integration, and thereby truly become a
facilitator for continuous and sustainable social and
economic development. The Strategy will mainly
work to improve central administrations at the level
of BiH, the Entities and Brko District. Nevertheless,
a reform of this scale entails fundamental changes in
the way all institutions work, which will naturally
affect the municipal and cantonal administrations and
the broader public sector. [2]
[1]At the meeting in Brko, 15 April 2003. The working group was composed of
the B&H Minister of Justice, RS Minister of Governance and Local Governance,
FB&H Minister of Justice, Mayor of Brko, heads of civil service agencies of
B&H, RS and FB&H. The auditing institutions of B&H and entities, DEI, PRSP
Coordinator and the international organisations involved in public administration
reform projects
[2]Strategy for PAR in B&H, available at:

Public policy and multilevel governance

Luminia Gabriela Popescu, SNSPA, Bucharest,
In recent years, the concept of policy networks
has entered in to the discussion of political

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



governance. This is the notion of multilevel

governance. Multilevel governance refers to the
particular problem of coordinating the activities of
different layered dimensions of governance.
In a macro context, this can involve relations
between local, regional, national, supra national, and
transnational bodies. In the absence of overarching
political mechanisms of hegemonic imposition, this
requires the skills of negotiation and bargaining
between parties situated at the different levels in a
familiar pattern to that just discussed in case of policy
networks (L. G. Popescu,2005, Public Policy, Ed.
Economic, pp 209-229).
These kinds of administrative arrangements are
strongly emphasing certain aspects of EU decision
making (joint decision systems, expert committees,
open methods of coordination-all these will be
presented in this paper) where on one hand,
horizontal policy coordination at the local, regional,
national, transnational, and supranational levels has
been conducted through bilateral and multilateral
negotiation on such issues as environmental pollution,
economic integration, and communication regulation,
while on the other hand, vertical policy coordination
requires a similar pattern of behaviour aiming to
organise relationships between these administrative
levels (G.F. Thomson, 2004, Between Hierarchies
and Markets, Oxford University Press, p. 159).
One key element in this multilevel governance
conception is the re-allocation of authority
mechanisms between the different levels, either
under the principle of subsidiarity in the EU case, or
the dispersal of policy-making powers in the case of
decentralization (Hooghe, L and G. Marks, 2001,
Multi-level Governance and European Integration,
Boulder: Rowman and Lifflefield., p. 254.).
In this paper I shall try to explain in details the
network forms of governance and to analyse the link
between this concept and public policy.
ntre regiuni i Uniunea European: este statul Between Regions and European Union: the State
ntr-o capcan?
in Trap?
Mario Savino, Universitatea Viterbo, Italia
Mario Savino, University of Viterbo, Italy
Scopul lucrrii mele este dublu. n primul rnd,
The aim of my paper is twofold. First, it contrasts
se opune opiniei foarte rspndite conform creia the widespread opinion that nation-State sovereignty
suveranitatea statului-naiune este trectoare sau, n is transient or, at best, in danger, due to the apparent

desfurate pe diferite niveluri ale guvernrii. n

context macro, aceasta implic dezvoltarea unei
relaii noi, diferite de cele tradiionale
structurile poziionate la nivel local, regional,
naional, supra naional i transnaional.
n absena unui mecanism politic suprem
care s se impun hegemonic, sunt necesare
abiliti de negociere ntre entitile situate la
diferitele niveluri ntr-o manier similar reelelor
de politici publice (L. G. Popescu, 2005, Public
Policy, Ed. Economic, pp. 209-239).
Aceste tipuri de aranjamente administrative
sunt luate n consideraie n cazul procesului
decizional n UE unde, pe de o parte, coordonarea
orizontal a politicii la nivel local, regional,
naional, transnaional sau supranaional conduce la
negocieri bilaterale i multilaterale asupra unor
probleme cum sunt poluarea, integrarea economic,
reglementri n comunicare, n timp ce, pe de alt
parte, coordonarea vertical a politicii necesit un
comportamnt similar, dar care vizeaz, n acest caz,
organizarea relaiilor dintre diferitele niveluri
administrative. (G.F. Thomson, 2004, Between
Hierarchies and Markets, Oxford University Press,
p. 159).
Un element cheie n acest concept al
mecanismelor de autoritate ntre diferitele
niveluri, fie pe baza principiului subsidiaritii, fie
pe baza dispersiei puterii de elaborare a politicilor,
n cazul descentralizrii (Hooghe, L. i G. Marks,
2001, Multi-level Governance and European
Integration, Boulder: Rowman and Lifflefield,
p. 254.).
n coninutul lucrrii voi ncerca s detaliez
structura multinivel i s analizez legtura dintre
acest concept i politicile publice.

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



cel mai fericit caz, n pericol, datorit apariiei unei

Europe a regiunilor i a presupusei sale atitudini
de a ocoli autoritile statelor. Retorica i realitatea,
aa cum se ntmpl de cele mai multe ori, sunt
diferite. Pe de o parte, este adevrat c Uniunea
European cere, pentru ca politica sa regional s
fie implementat, ca statele membre unitare s
nfiineze autoriti regionale (un nivel nalt al
integrrii regionale funcionale). Pe de alt parte, n
ciuda Tratatului de la Maastricht i a schimbrilor
introduse de acesta, nsi Uniunea European nu
ofer regiunilor suficiente instrumente eficace de
participare n cadrul procesului decizional
supranaional (un nivel sczut de integrare
instituional). Mai mult dect att, n virtutea
principiului autonomiei instituionale a statelor
membre i a corolarelor acestora (i anume,
responsabilitatea statelor pentru implementarea
legilor CE i dreptul exclusiv al administraiilor
centrale de a reprezenta poziia statului la nivel
european), cadrul bi-dimensional al UE induce
presiuni centripete n rndul ordinilor naionale, un
rezultat absolut neateptat pentru cei care susin
aa-numita teorie sandwich i susin c
suveranitatea statelor este tot mai limitat de UE,
pe de o parte, i de regiuni, pe de alta.
n al doilea rnd, lucrarea i propune s evalueze
comparativ cum reacioneaz cele mai mari state
membre federale i regionale la aceste presiuni
contrastante ale UE att de a-i descentraliza ct
i de a-i centraliza ordinile lor interne. Unele state
protejeaz puterile constituionale regionale
aplicnd afacerilor europene aceeai distribuie a
competenelor cu cea stabilit pentru afacerile
interne (aa-numita domesticire a problemelor
europene). Cazul Germaniei, Belgiei, Austriei i,
ntr-o oarecare msur, al Spaniei, confirm aceast
tendin. Alte state, dimpotriv, nc tind a asimila
afacerile europene celor externe, internaionale.
Prin urmare, un primat al instituiilor statului i al
puterilor substitutive a deranjat echilibrul
constituional dintre autoritile centrale i
regionale. Aa cum demonstreaz experiena
italian, aceast nefericit urmare prima facie are
de fapt la baz serioase ngrijorri de natur
funcional: adeseori, motivul care st la baza

emergence of a Europe of regions and its assumed

attitude to by-pass State authorities. Rhetoric and
reality, as it is often the case, diverge. On the one
hand, it is true that the European Union requires, for
its regional policy to be implemented, that unitary
Member States establish regional authorities (high
level of functional regional integration). On the other
hand, despite the Maastricht Treaty and the changes
thereby introduced, the European Union itself does
not provide regions with effective participatory tools
within the supranational decision-making process
(low level of institutional integration). Moreover, by
virtue of the principle of Member States institutional
autonomy and its corollaries (namely, State
responsibility for EC law implementation and central
governments exclusive right to represent States
position at the European level), the EU bidimensional setting induces centripetal pressures
within national orders: a definitely unexpected result
for those who support the so-called sandwich theory
and claim that State sovereignty is increasingly
constrained by the EU, on side, and the regions, on
the other).
Secondly, the paper aims at assessing, through
comparative lenses, how the biggest federal and
regional Member States react to these conflicting EU
pressures both to decentralize and to centralize their
domestic orders. Some States protect regional
constitutional powers by applying to European
affairs the very same distribution of competences
that is established for internal affairs (so-called
domestication of the European issues). The case of
Germany, Belgium, Austria and, to some extent,
Spain, confirms this trend. Other States, by contrast,
still tend to assimilate European to foreign
international affairs. As a consequence, a primacy of
State institutions and substitutive powers upset the
constitutional balance between central and regional
authorities. As the Italian experience demonstrates,
this prima facie unfortunate outcome is actually
grounded on serious functional concerns: often, the
reason behind centralization is the lack of efficient
and effective regional administrations. This concerns
prevent observers from reaching simplistic sharpcutting conclusions about the preferable model to

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.


centralizrii este lipsa unor administraii regionale

eficiente i eficace. Aceste ngrijorri i mpiedic
pe observatori s ajung la concluzii clare cu
privire la modelul preferabil de urmat.
Dimensiunea europenizrii n spaiul
administrativ romnesc
Cristina Nicolescu & Teodora Dinu & Corina
Lazr & Gabriela Varia & Dana Murgescu,
SNSPA, Bucureti, Romnia
Procesul de europenizare se regsete n
sistemul de modernizare i reformare al
administraiilor publice din rile membre i ale
societii n general.
Termenul de europenizare conduce implicit
la noiunea de convergen.
Lucrarea prezint o succint i timid
abordare a drumului parcurs de Romnia de la
statutul de ar candidat pn la obinerea calitii
de membru al Uniunii Europene.
Convergena administrativ reprezint, n
opinia noastr, un concept nc imprecis datorit
diversitii sistemelor administrative europene i se
refer n principal la condiiile impuse, n mod
indirect, sistemelor administrative individuale i la
capacitatea acestora de a atinge anumite obiective.
Principiul unitate in diversitate este
aplicat i n sensul apropierii practicilor
administrative. Convergena administraiei publice
europene este susinut de consensul n privina
componentelor-cheie ale bunei guvernri. [1]
Spre deosebire de convergena economic,
concretizat la nivelul Uniunii Europene ntr-o
anumit politic, convergena administrativ nu are
o baz oficial, ci rezult din rspunsurile pe care
administraiile naionale le au fa de procesul de
integrare european.
La nceputul lucrrii se prezint drumul
parcurs de Romnia pn la nchiderea provizorie a
tuturor capitolelor de negociere cu Uniunea
European, urmnd apoi o scurt analiz cu privire
la dispoziiile constituionale referitoare la funcia
public din unele state membre ale Uniunii
Europene. n prezent nu exist nici un acquis
comunitar, un model de urmat pentru toate statele
din Uniunea European, referitor la administraia

The dimension of Europeanization in the

Romanian Space
Cristina Nicolescu & Teodora Dinu & Corina
Lazr & Gabriela Varia & Dana Murgescu,
SNSPA, Bucharest, Romania
The Europeanization process can be found in
the modernising and reforming system of the public
administrations of the Member States, or of the
society in general.
The term Europeanization implicitly leads to
the concept of convergence.
The paper offers a shy and short approach of
the steps that Romania took from its candidate
country status to being a EU Member State.
In our belief, the administrative convergence
is a concept yet imprecise due to the diversity of the
European administrative systems and it mainly refers
to the indirect conditions enforced to the individual
administrative systems and to their capacity of
reaching certain targets.
The Unity in Diversity principle is also
applied for the closeness of the administrative
practices. The convergence of the European public
administration is supported by the consensus
regarding the key components of the good
governance. [1]
materialised at the EU level in a certain policy, the
administrative convergence does not have an official
foundation, but it results from the answers that the
public administrations have in relation with the
European integration process.
At the beginning of the paper, we show the
steps taken by Romania until the provisory closing of
all the negotiation chapters with EU. Going further,
we present a short analysis with regard to the
constitutional measures that refer to the civil service
of some EU Member States. Presently, there is no
acquis communautaire, as a model to follow for all
the EU states, with regard to the public administration
or civil service. So, the design of the organisational

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



public sau funcia public. Astfel concepia

administraiei publice sunt apanajul statelor
Modificarea i completarea legislaiei
privind funcia public n Romnia a rspuns att
prioritilor fixate de Programul de Guvernare
pentru perioada 2005-2008 i de Planul de msuri
prioritare pentru integrarea european, ct i
necesitii de aliniere a administraiei publice din
Romnia la cerinele i standardele Uniunii
Europene, existnd limitri n ceea ce privete
funcia public european, acestea datorndu-se
valorilor i misiunilor specifice fiecrei ri.
Principiile legale administrative alctuiesc
un acquis comun, ntlnit n literatura de
specialitate sub denumirea de acquis comunitar
neformalizat n sensul c nu exist vreo convenie
formal, dar ar putea ns reprezenta i o lege
administrativ european comun.
CEJ determin modificri ale modului n
care principiile legii administrative sunt aplicate
ntr-un stat membru al UE, prin interpretarea
proprie a actelor legislative ale Comunitii
Europene, n calitatea de garant al aplicrii i
respectrii dreptului comunitar la nivelul UE.
Aceste provocri, att ale dreptului intern,
ct i ale dreptului comunitar-veritabil drept n
construcie- impun judectorului romn actual s
se informeze permanent.
Se impune ntrirea componentei de
pregtire continu n cadrul Institutului Naional al
Magistraturii (aspect reinut i n Raportul Comisiei
Europene asupra progreselor realizate de Romnia
pe calea aderrii europene, dat publicitii la 8
noiembrie 2000). UE a sesizat importana pe care
un corp judectoresc integru i pregtit o are pentru
corecta aplicare a dreptului comunitar, dup
Europenizarea nu nseamn pierderea
identitii statelor, ci o avansare pe plan regional i
naional la o convergen dorit pentru o mai bun
eficien i un statut mai bun al cetenilor Europei.

structures, the dimension of the public administration

are in the hands of the member states.
The modification and adjunction of the
legislation regarding the civil service in Romania has
responded both to the priorities stipulated in the
Governance Program for 2005 2008 and the Plan of
priority measures for the European integration, and to
the need of alignment of the Romanian public
administration to the EU requirements and standards;
but, there are restraints with regard to the European
civil service, due to the specific values and missions
of each country.
The legal administrative principles form a
common acquis that can be found in the branch
literature under the name of informal acquis
communautaire, in the way that there is no formal
convention, but it could also represent a common
European administrative law.
The ECJ modify the way the principles of the
administrative law are applied in the EU Member
State, through its own intendment of the European
Community legislative acts, acting as the guarantor of
the application and observance of the Community law
at EU level.
These challenges, both of the domestic law
and of the Community law a truly to be built law
force the Romanian judge to be permanently
The need to strengthen the ongoing training
arises inside the National Magistrate Institute
(viewpoint underlined in the European Commission
Report on the Romanian progresses, released on 8
Nov. 2000). EU has noted the importance that an
upright and well trained judicial body has in order to
correctly apply the Community law after the accesion.
The Europeanization does not mean the loss of
national identity, but advancement to a desired
convergence for a better efficiency and a better status
of the European citizens, on a national and regional
[1] OECD/Sigma, European Principles for Public Administration, SIGMA
papers, nr. 27, Paris 1998, p.5

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



Procesele de europenizare i euro-integrare i

influena lor asupra infrastructurii
organizaionale a coordonrii intereselor
naionale. Cazul Lituaniei
Zivile Sukyte, Universitatea Vytautas Magnus,
Kaunas, Lituania
Datorit reformelor instituionale continue ale UE
i expansiunii sferelor de competene politice ale
Uniunii, rolul pe care-l joac organele
administrative naionale i n special reprezentanii
acestora n comitetele pregtitoare i consultative i
n grupurile de lucru de pe lng Consiliul Uniunii
Europene, Comisia European, Parlamentul
European, unde sunt aprobate principalele proiecte
de decizii, devine din ce n ce mai important.
Reprezentarea intereselor naionale la
nivelul UE i coordonarea acestora n sistemele
instituionale ale statelor membre este o tem
urgent, dei insuficient investigat. i acesta este
un alt aspect al nelegerii tradiionale a
Scopul acestui articol de a studia dac
Lituania, prin comparaie cu alte state membre,
utilizeaz eficient Reprezentana Permanent a
Lituaniei n cadrul Uniunii Europene i
infrastructura instituional naional ca sistem
menit s reprezinte interesele naionale ale rii.
Mai este un aspect important analizat pe scurt
transformarea rolului funcionarului public naional
tradiional, n special atunci cnd analizm procesul
pregtirii principalelor decizii n structurile Uniunii
n cazul Lituaniei, trebuie s se recunoasc faptul
c organizarea activitii n sistemul reprezentrii
intereselor naionale i interaciunii acestui sistem
cu alte instituii naionale este destul de
fragmentat. Fragmentarea i sectorializarea au o
Permanente i asupra uneia dintre principalele
funcii ale acesteia reprezentarea poziiei
naionale n UE. Aceasta se ntmpl datorit
faptului c nu au fost formulate nite criterii i
prioriti comune pentru oficialii si.
n ceea ce privete formarea i organizarea
structurii interne a Reprezentanei Permanente a

Processes of Europeanization and Eurointegration and their Influence on the

Organisational Infrastructure of the Coordination
of National Interests. The Case of Lithuania
Zivile Sukyte, Vytautas Magnus University,
Kaunas, Lithuania
Due to the on-going EU institutional reforms and the
expansion of the Unions spheres of political
competencies, the role played by national
administrative bodies and especially by their
representatives in preparatory and consultative
committees and working groups near the Council of
the European Union, European Commission,
European Parliament, where the main decision
projects are approved, is becoming more and more
Representation of national interests on the EU
level and their coordination in institutional systems of
the Member States is an urgent though not a
thoroughly investigated theme. And this is another
aspect of traditional understanding of the
Europeanization too.
The aim of this article - to ascertain if
Lithuania, when compared to other Member States,
makes an efficient use of the Permanent
Representation of Lithuania to the European Union
and the national institutional infrastructure as the
system, which is meant to represent the national
interests of the country. And there is an important
aspect analyzed shortly the transformation of the
role of the traditional national civil servant, especially
when we analyze the process of the main decisions
preparation in the structures of the European Union.
In the case of Lithuania it must be admitted that the
organization of activity within the system of
representation of national interests and the interaction
of this system with other national institutions is rather
fragmentized. Fragmentation and sectoralization have
a negative influence on the Permanent Representation
and on one of its main functions the representing of
national position in the EU. This is so because
common criteria, landmarks and priorities for its
officials have not been formulated.
When forming and organizing the inner structure of
the Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



Lituaniei n UE i coordonarea activitii interne a

acesteia, pot fi indicate anumite neajunsuri.
Sistemul de organizare i coordonare a activitii
infrastructurii instituionale lituaniene are unele
avantaje, care sunt analizate n articol. Exist i
ntrebri scrise pentru reprezentanii permaneni ai
Reforma resurselor umane din
administraia public din Bulgaria n contextul
aderrii la Uniunea European
Drago Dinc, SNSPA, Bucureti
1 ianuarie 2007 a reprezentant momentul aderrii la
UE att pentru Romnia, ct i pentru Bulgaria.
Aparent, alegerea momentului comun a avut ca
premiz un stadiu apropiat al reformelor, inclusiv n
ceea ce privete reforma administraiei publice.
n acest context, investigarea direciilor strategice
care au structurat reforma administraiei publice din
statul vecin reprezint un demers deopotriv
interesant att sub aspect epistemic, dar i privit din
perspectiva utilitii unei analize comparative cu
reforma din ara noastr.

and when coordinating its inner activity certain

drawbacks can be pointed out.
The system of organization and coordination of
activity of the Lithuanian institutional infrastructure
has some advantages, which are analyzed in article.
There are some writing questionings of the permanent
representatives of Lithuania made too.
Human Resource Reform in Public
Administration in Bulgaria in the context of
accession into the European Union
Drago Dinc, SNSPA, Bucharest
The 1st of January 2007 represented the moment of
Romania and Bulgaria's accession in to the European
Apparently, the choice of this joint moment
for the accession of both countries has had as
premises the close stage of their reforms, including
the reform of the public administration.
Within this framework, the investigation of the
strategic directions that have structured the reform of
the public administration from the neighbouring
country represents an interesting undertaking both
from an epistemic point of view, but also from the
point of view of the usefulness of a comparative
analysis with the reform in our country.

Rolul capitalului uman i al pregtirii

funcionarilor publici n procesul de
Mariusz Wypych, Institutul European, Lodz,
Calitatea resurselor umane este punctul central al
succesului oricrui stat pe plan economic, social i
al guvernrii. Statul se bazeaz pe propriul su
cadru administrativ, format pe parcursul unei
perioade de transformri conform nevoilor sale.
Calitatea de stat membru UE creeaz necesitatea
mbuntirii i adaptrii capitalului uman la
cerinele UE dinaintea aderrii, precum i n faza
post-aderare. Nu exist un model unic de cadru
instituional pregtit de UE. Este la latitudinea
statului s formuleze politica de dezvoltare a
capitalului uman, modalitile de pregtire a
funcionarilor publici i procedurile operaionale.

The Role of Human Capital and Training of

Public Servants in Europeanization Process
Mariusz Wypych, European Institute, Lodz, Poland
The quality of Human Resources is the key point for
the success of every State in its economic, social and
governance aspect. The State is based on its own
administrative framework that was formed during
transformation period according to its own needs.
Membership in the European Union causes the
necessity for improving and adjusting Human Capital
to EU guidelines before accession as well as during
the membership stage. There isnt any single and only
model of institutional framework prepared by the EU.
It is at States decision to formulate the Human
Capital development process, ways of training of
Public Servants and operational procedures.

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



Responsabilitatea pentru formarea resurselor umane

necesare pentru adaptarea cadrului naional la
cerinele UE i pentru rezolvarea problemelor
legate de UE aparine statului. Exist multe
posibiliti de dezvoltare a resurselor umane, dar
cea mai bun se bazeaz pe formarea contient a
capitalului uman prin pregtire. n Polonia resursele
umane au fost formate pe baza Centrelor de
Pregtire existente, specializate pe problemele UE,
cum este Centrul pentru Studii Europene din cadrul
Universitii din Lodz i Fundaia pentru Studii
Europene Institutul European din Lodz.
Calitatea administraiei publice este important nu
numai la nivel central, ci i la nivel regional i
local, n special n contextul n care trebuie s
profitm de calitatea de membru UE, de exemplu
prin absorbia fondurilor UE. Exemplele Irlandei i
Greciei arat c trstura calitativ a capitalului
uman este aceea de motor al performanei statului
n cadrul UE i succesul implementrii acquis-ului
comunitar n contextul naional.
Lucrarea prezint rolul capitalului uman i al
pregtirii funcionarilor publici n procesul de
europenizare pe baza experienei dobndite. Ea se
concentreaz pe experiena de 15 ani a Institutului
European, artnd prile sale bune i pe cele slabe,
precum i riscurile, pericolele i oportunitile de
pregtire adresate funcionarilor publici de la
diferite niveluri ale administraiei publice.
Contribuia Curii Europene de Justiie la
definirea Spaiului Administrativ European ca
standard al europenizrii administraiei
Alina Livia Nicu, Universitatea Craiova, Craiova,
Studiul are ca scop s sublinieze importana
practicii judiciare a Curii Europene de Justiie n
procesul de clarificri conceptuale necesare
practicii sociale din rile membre U.E. i n
precizarea elementelor definitorii ale Spaiului
Administrativ European. Concluziile lucrrii ca
dealtfel majoritatea punctelor de vedere afirmate,
se bazeaz pe studiul de caz, fiind rezultatul
analizei tuturor deciziilor coninute n baza de date
a Curii Europene de Justiie accesabil cu ajutorul

Responsibility for forming Human Resources

assigned for adjusting national framework to EU
requirements and afterwards dealing with the EUrelated issues lies at States side. There are many
possibilities of Human Resources development, but
the best is based on conscious forming of Human
Capital by training. In Poland the HR were formed on
the basis of existing and EU-specialised Education
and Training Centres, like Centre for European
Studies of University of Lodz and Foundation for
European Studies European Institute in Lodz.
The quality of public administration is important not
only at central, but also at regional and local level,
especially in the context of making the most of EU
membership, like absorbing the EU funds. Taking
into consideration the example of Ireland and Greece
shows that Human Capital quality is the driving force
for States performance within the EU and the success
in implementation of the EU acquis into national
The paper presents the role of Human Capital and
Training for Public Servants in Europeanization
Process basing on the acquired experience. It focuses
on European Institutes fifteen-year experience by
showing strong and week sides, as well as risks,
threats and opportunities of training addressed to
Public servants from different levels of public
The Contribution of the European Court of
Justice in Defining the European Administrative
Area as Standard of a European Public
Alina Livia Nicu, University of Craiova, Craiova,
The study is intended to underline the
importance of the judicial procedures of the European
Court of Justice in the process of the conceptual
clarification necessary in the social application in all
countries belonging to the European Union as well as
the specification of the characteristic elements.
The conclusions of this paper, as well as all
most all the advanced considerations, are based upon
concrete studies, being the result of an analyze of all
the decisions delivered by the European Court of

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.



Internetului, n special a cauzelor nscrise la

domeniul "Funcia public".
Dintre multiplele aspecte prezentate n
lucrare consider c prezint interes deosebit
consideraiile referitoare la relaia drept comunitar
european-drept administrativ naional al statelor
membre i aprecierile cu privire la ntrebarea:
"Dreptul administrativ european este un concept
materializabil n viitorul apropiat?"
De asemenea, n lucrare se ncearc
formularea unui rspuns la ntrebarea: "n ce
msur funcia public european poate fi punct
de plecare i ghid n reformarea administraiei
publice romneti?
Rolul subsidiaritii n Spaiul Administrativ
Emilia Lucia Catan, Universitatea Dimitrie
Cantemir, Trgu Mure, Romnia
Experiena fostelor state candidate la aderarea la
UE, actualmente state membre UE, evideniaz
rolul predominant al europenizrii cu privire la
motivarea reformelor administrative generale;
programele de reform administrativ desfurate
n Spania, Portugalia sau Grecia au implicat o
scdere a dimensiunii i msurii sectoarelor publice
sectorului public i funciei publice, datorat n
primul rnd procesului de integrare european.
Autorii citai n aceast lucrare arat de asemenea
c cele mai mari schimbri administrative din
ultimii ani au fost orientarea deciziilor ctre
periferie i regionalizarea (Italia, Belgia, Frana i
n relaia dintre Uniunea European i statele
membre, o problem important este ngrijorarea
statelor membre privind propria independen i
suveranitate. n acest context, subsidiaritatea are
rolul de a dispersa anxietile care sunt manifestate
la nivelul statului. nelegerea deplin a ceea ce
implic subsidiaritatea este i mai important n
contextul speculaiilor nscute din ideea
subsidiaritii, mai mult sau mai puin nelese,
speculaii conform crora subsidiaritatea este o
form subtil a eludrii principiului suveranitii.
n ciuda unor critici, subsidiaritatea a devenit un

Justice, which can be found on the internet, specially

under the field of Public Function.
Among many aspects approached in this
paper, one of the most interesting is represented by
the considerations about the relation European
Community law National administrative Law and
the assessments concerning the question: Is the
European administrative law a concept to be
materialized in future times?
The paper is intended to find an answer to the
question: To which extend the European public
system can be considered a starting point and a
reference in the process of reforming the Romanian
public administration?
The Role of Subsidiarity in the European
Administrative Space
Emilia Lucia Catan, Dimitrie Cantemir
University, Trgu Mure, Romania
The experience of the former candidates to EU
membership, currently members of EU, highlights the
predominant role of Europeanization regarding the
motivations for general administrative reforms; the
administrative reform programs carried out in Spain,
Portugal or Greece have implied a decrease in
dimension and extent of the national public sectors,
improving the management of the public sector and
public function, due mainly to the European
integration process.
The authors quoted in this paper also show that the
greatest administrative changes of the latter years
have been the orientation of the decisions towards the
periphery and regionalization (Italy, Belgium, France
and Spain).
In the relation between the European Union and the
Member States, an important problem is the concern
of the Member States for their own independence and
sovereignty. In this context, subsidiarity has the role
to disperse the anxieties that are expressed at states
level. The comprehensive understanding of what
subsidiarity implies is more important in the context
of the speculations issued from the idea of
subsidiarity, more or less understood, speculations
according to which subsidiarity is a subtle form of
eluding the principle of sovereignty.
Despite some criticisms, subsidiarity has become a

Manifestarea este organizat cu sprijinul financiar al Autoritii Naionale pentru Cercetare tiinific,
Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului.



concept cu o prezen permanent n dezbaterea

european, din perspectiva obiectivelor extinderii i
a realizrii procesului de integrare i conservrii
suveranitii statelor membre.
n aceast lucrare am artat rolul subsidiaritii n
construcia european, specificnd dimensiunile
normelor comunitare relevante, ca fundament al
administraiei publice.

concept with a permanent presence in the European

debate, from the perspective of the enlargement
objectives and of the thoroughness of the integration
process and conservation of the sovereignty of the
Member States.
In this paper we have shown the role of subsidiarity in
the European construction, specifying the dimensions
of the relevant Community norms, as a foundation of
institutional construction in the Europeanization of
public administration.

This event is organized with the financial support of the National Authority for Scientific Research,
Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.


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