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1 Prezentarea companiei
nfiinat n urm cu 22 ani, Grupul Mobexpert este liderul pieei de mobilier din
Romnia. Afacerea Mobexpert s-a infiinat n anul 1993, cu un magazin de mobilier de birou.
Activitatea de producie a fost demarat n 1994, odat cu fabricarea scaunelor de birou, fiind
apoi dezvoltate seciile de canapele i mobilier modern melaminic. n 1995, compania a nceput
s distribuie prin reeaua proprie de magazine i mobilier importat de la marii productori
europeni. Ulterior, achiziionnd de la Fondul Proprietii de Stat pachetele majoritare de aciuni
de la trei importante fabrici de mobilier - Samus Dej, Ilefor Trgu Mure i Mobstrat Suceava,
compania i-a dezvoltat activitatea de producie i export.
Grupul Mobexpert cuprinde n prezent 9 fabrici n patru centre de producie din
Bucureti, Dej, Trgu Mure i Suceava, printre acestea numrndu-se: Samus Mex, Studio Mex,
Ilefor Mex, Modulo Mex, Confo Mex, Ergo Mex, Soft Mex, Mure Mex i Moldo Mex.
Prima firm a grupului MOBERXPERT a fost nfiinat n anul 1992 i a purtat numele
de Mobexpert SRL. Acest firm s-a dizolvat n anul 1994 cnd s-au nfiinat firmele de baz ale
grupului Mobexpert.
n prezent, Mobexpert opereaz n regiune 8 hipermagazine:
1. Mobexpert Pipera Bucureti, deschis n 2001, printr-o investiie de 20 de milioane
EUR, se ntinde pe o suprafa de 15.000 de metri ptrai i deservete zona de
nord a oraului.
2. Mobexpert Militari Bucureti, deschis n iulie 2003, printr-o investiie de 5
milioane EUR, se ntinde pe o suprafa de 10.000 de metri ptrai i deservete
zona de vest a oraului.
3. Mobexpert Pantelimon Bucureti, deschis n 2003, n zona de est, reprezint o
investiie de peste 6 milioane EUR i se ntinde pe o suprafa de 12.000 de metri
4. Mobexpert Braov, deschis n 2005, printr-o investiie de peste 5 milioane EUR,
se ntinde pe o suprafa de 10.000 de metri ptrai.
5. Mobexpert Bneasa, n cadrul Galeriei Mobexpert Bneasa, deschis n 2006, se
ntinde pe o suprafa de 15.000 metri ptrai din totalul de 23.000 de metri ptrai
ai Galeriei deschise n urma unei investiii de peste 15 milioane EUR
6. Mobexpert Sofia, deschis la 19 septembrie 2007, printr-o investiie de 10 milioane
EUR, se ntinde pe o suprafa de 11.000 metri ptrai. Este primul hipermagazin
Mobexpert de mobilier pentru cas i decoraiuni din afara granielor rii.
7. Mobexpert Suceava, deschis la 16 aprilie 2008, printr-o investitie de aproximativ
2,5 milioane de euro, se intinde pe o suprafata de 6000 metrii patrati.
Hipermagazinul este cel de-al 6-lea din reeaua romneasc a companiei i al
doilea hipermagazin destinat mobilierului pentru cas i decoraiuni deschis n
afara Bucuretiului.
8. Mobexpert Pitesti, deschis la 25 iunie 2008, printr-o investitie de aproximativ 2,5
milioane de euro, se intinde pe o suprafata de 7000 metrii patrati. Hipermagazinul

este cel de-al doilea din planul Mobexpert de extindere a reelei romneti n
Fiecare magazin Mobexpert are o suprafa total construit de 10-12.000 metri ptrai
din care 5-7.000 metri ptrai sunt rezervai expoziiei de mobilier, reprezentnd o investiie de
peste 5 milioane .
Pe termen lung, Grupul intenioneaz s transforme marca Mobexpert dintr-o marc
naional ntr-una regional, viznd deschiderea a cel puin cinci magazine n oraele mari din
regiunea balcanic.

Activitatea de producie i export

Grupul Mobexpert deine 8 fabrici n patru centre de producie deschise n Bucureti, Dej,
Trgu Mure i Suceava. Fabrica Samus Mex este specializat n producia de serie de mobilier
de cas living, dormitoare, mic mobilier. Studiile arat c, n Frana, piaa predilect a fabricii,
o locuin din zece este mobilat cu produse Samus Mex.
Ergo Mex este cel mai important productor romn de scaune i fotolii de birou. Moldo
Mex produce mobilier din lemn masiv i scaune destinate unei largi varieti de stiluri de
amenajare a locuinei. Ilefor produce n serie, mic mobilier de cas din lemn masiv, exportnd
n Frana, Germania, Olanda, Belgia. Dotat cu linii tehnologice performante, Modulo Mex este
specializat n producia de mobilier modern de cas din pal melaminat n serii mari. Mure Mex
produce mobilier modern pentru living, dormitor i buctrie, precum i mobilier de birou, game
operaionale i directoriale. Confo Mex este cel mai important producator roman de canapele si
fotolii din piele si stofa. Studio Mex este specializata in productia de mobilier de living, dining,
dormitor, mic mobilier, n stil modern dar realizat cu materiale clasice: lemn masiv si furnir

Organigrama S.C. Mobexpert S.A.


Director General






de Resurse

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Structura organizatoric a Mobexpert este redat n organigrama de mai sus. Dup cum
reiese din aceasta, la nivelul compartimentului de producie exist patru secii separate, fiecare
dedicat crerii unui tip de mobilier diferit, de cas, de birou, canapele i scaune. Toate aceste
secii le revin unor efi de secie individuali.

Mobexpert Marketing Mix

Price The basis of pricing for IKEA is value i.e. low prices or no-frills pricing. They are
not a premium pricer or a skimmer. So products are designed, raw materials
sourced, the products are manufactured, they are distributed, and they sold by
retail, within this no-frills low-cost framework. Home delivery is available although
this is at an additional cost to the customer. Place The IKEA group is an International
Marketing business, which sells furniture and accessories in Europe, North America,
Asia and Australia. IKEAs main business relates to its retail stores. Many of these
stores are in out-of-town locations and do not benefit from the footfall of primary
and secondary locations. The stores themselves are very large. Many of the stores
even have restaurants, food shops and a Swedish market. Some stores even have a
bespoke play area. IKEA has more than 300 stores. Promotion IKEA is one of the
worlds largest furniture retail brands. The brand itself is based upon the concept of
offering home furnishing products at value prices. The promotions mix includes TV
advertising, sponsorship, newspaper and magazine advertising, and many other
elements. Some of its TV advertising is considered controversial whilst others see it
as pretty plain. Recent campaigns include the IKEA kitchen party advert Be Happy
Inside campaign and the kitchen party advert. Obviously their iconic yellow IKEA
logo serves to support the brand. People The IKEA brand is based upon strong
relationships with customers and customer satisfaction. So serving and working with
people is central to IKEAs business philosophy. In 2011 its then president Mikael
Ohlsson made a statement in their annual report outlining his view on the business
and its future. In his view the business would be launching many energy-saving
alternatives to conventional light bulbs. He commented that their kitchen range
would offer many smart, eco-friendly solutions which would include water-saving
taps, appliances and a special system that would sort household waste ready for
recycling. Ohlsson made a commitment to reduce the impact of his business on
people, as well as the environment. The business would act responsibly, resources
would be used efficiently and costs would be reduced. He also wanted sustainability
to become more visible to customers and employees. Product IKEA has a wide range
of furniture for childrens rooms, kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms. Products
include coffee tables, side tables, TV solutions, DVD storage, shelves, sideboards,
bookcases, sofa beds, armchairs, leather sofas and fabric sofas, as well as many
other products. So within these segments IKEA then subdivides again. For example
in childrens bedrooms there will be play accessories, beds, changing tables, nursing
equipment and so on. IKEA has in excess of 10,000 products. Would you like to take
a lesson on the marketing mix? Services include restaurants and play areas. Process
The furniture is made by IKEA itself whereby IKEA makes its own wood-based
furniture and wooden components. So for example the business owns forestry
sawmills. The customer drives to the store, selects a product, orders, it, and then
collect it, only then to have to drive the product home themselves. This is all part of

the low pricing commitment. Pysicial Evidence Interestingly IKEA was a business
that encompassed sustainability quite early in its strategy. Many of its products are
recyclable IKEA has invested in very green energy solutions such as solar power.
Physical evidence for IKEA is its very large stores. They are out of town and offer a
huge selection of furniture products. Stores tend to be well-equipped with
restaurants, very large car parking, the space to move around and modern display

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