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Caroserii şi analiză structurală

Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante.

Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Organizarea proiectării unei caroserii şi a structurii ei portante.
 Construcțiile moderne de caroserie pentru autoturisme, cabine de camion
şi autobuze au structura portantă înglobată, astfel că proiectarea formei
exterioare, cuprinzând şi analiza aerodinamicităţii ei, are fazele intercalate
cu fazele concepţiei structurii portante, acolo unde apar elemente
constructive comune.


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

 Proiectarea caroseriilor are patru faze principale:
 modelarea funcţională;
 modelarea tehnică;
 modelarea geometrică;
 modelarea de finisare.
 În fiecare fază, proiectantul trebuie să respecte atât standardele
internaţionale cât şi naţionale.
 Caietul de sarcini impune respectarea unor anumiţi parametri constructivi,
a unor criterii estetice, de formă aerodinamică şi de confortabilitate, fapt
care îl conduce pe proiectant la căutarea unor soluţii de compromis pentru
îndeplinirea lor, în ultimă instanţă, pentru realizare unui produs de calitate.
 În ordinea stabilirii dimensiunilor gabaritice al caroseriei, dimensiunile
habitaclului şi cele ale postului de conducere sunt cele cu care proiectantul
trebuie să înceapă.

Caracteristici şi performanţe impuse în tema de proiectare

Caracteristici Tipul automobilului şi destinaţia acestuia
calitative şi
funcţionale Tipul caroseriei

Tipul motorului şi particularităţile sale

Tipul transmisiei
Tipul punţilor

Tipul sistemului de conducere

Condiţii de exploatare

Alte particularităţi


Caracteristici şi performanţe impuse în tema de proiectare

Caracteristici Formula roţilor
cantitative şi
Capacitatea de transport
Performanţele de tracţiune
Performanţele de frânare
Performanţele de consum de combustibil
Performanţele ecologice
Caracteristici pentru confort
Caracteristici pentru siguranţa activă şi pasivă
Conducerea confortabilă a automobilului

Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Constituire spaţiu interior

Ordonare, coordonare, poziţionare
Dimensionare spaţiu motor şi portbagaj

Definitivare linii directoare al bazei portante

Definitivare grinzi principale

Proiectare suprafeţe interioare

Proiectare suprafeţe exterioare tehnice

Proiectare suprafaţă exterioară stilizată

Caroserie în forma brută


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Constituire spaţiu interior

Ordonare, coordonare, poziţionare

Dimensionare spaţiu motor şi portbagaj

Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Constituire spaţiu interior


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Ordonare, coordonare, poziţionare

Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Ordonare, coordonare, poziţionare



Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Ordonare, coordonare, poziţionare


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Ordonare, coordonare, poziţionare



Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Dimensionare spaţiu motor şi portbagaj


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Definitivare linii directoare al bazei portante



Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Definitivare linii directoare al bazei portante
în urma stabilirii dimensiunilor gabaritice ale spaţiului interior rezultă punctele nodale
(P1-P8) care definesc spaţiul minim obligatoriu al habitaclului


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Definitivare grinzi principale
în cazul caroseriilor pentru autoturisme liniile generatoare definite de punctele nodale P
definesc traseul grinzilor principale ale structurii la ele adăugându-se grinzile pentru
consolele motorului şi portbagajului



Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Proiectare suprafeţe interioare


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Proiectare suprafeţe exterioare tehnice



Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Proiectare suprafeţe exterioare tehnice

Proiectare suprafaţă exterioară stilizată

Caroserie în forma brută


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Eight fundamental fallacies

 1. The design is satisfactory for me – it will, therefore, be
satisfactory for everybody else.
In this case the resulting design is likely to accommodate the designers and senior
The Vehicle Ergonomics Group has conducted several large surveys of car owners on
behalf of major manufacturers.The results of one such survey showed that half of the
male drivers complained that the seat was too narrow in the sports model. The reason
for this apparent mistake was that the Chairman had taken considerable interest in this
model and the seat was designed with his needs in mind. When he was measured he
was found to have a 50th percentile (i.e. average) male hip breadth, which explained
precisely why 50% of male owners had a problem: their hips were wider than the



Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Eight fundamental fallacies

 2. This design is satisfactory for the average person – it will,
therefore, be satisfactory for everybody else.
Unfortunately for automotive designers, there is no such thing as an average man
or woman, or child for that matter. This was demonstrated in a classic study by
Daniels (1952). 4000 flying crew were measured on a variety of dimensions and
each ‘average’ category was calculated very crudely as the arithmetic mean plus
and minus 0.5 standard deviations. The analysis showed that none of the crew was
‘average’ on 10 dimensions, with less than 2% being ‘average’ for 4 dimensions. This
has been historically known as the ‘fallacy of the average man’ as he or she does
not exist.


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Eight fundamental fallacies
 3. The variability of human beings is so great that it cannot possibly
be catered for in any design – but since people are wonderfully
adaptable it doesn’t matter anyway.
People are adaptable but the research has shown conclusively that they are not
adaptable enough. The authors have conducted several studies to examine the
relationship between exposure to driving a car and reports of discomfort and sickness
absence from work. The results clearly show that low back troubles are the major
complaint experienced by high-mileage (<25000 miles/year) drivers (around 60–80% of
whom experience low back discomfort frequently). In the survey of 600 members of
the British general public (Gyi and Porter, 1995) it was found that the mean number of
days ever absent from work with low back trouble was 22.4 days for high mileage car
drivers, who drove for more than 25 000 miles in the last 12 months, compared with
only 3.3 days for low mileage car drivers who drove for less than 5000 miles. For those
who drive a car as part of their job the mean number of days ever absent with low
back trouble was 51.3 days for those who drove for more than 20 hours a week
compared to 8.1 days for those who drove for less than 10 hours a week. This
amounts to a six-fold increase in sickness absence.



Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Eight fundamental fallacies
 4. Ergonomics is expensive and since products are actually
purchased on appearance and styling, ergonomics considerations
may conveniently be ignored.
Ergonomics can be expensive if it is an after-thought, brought in to rectify a problem that was
only detected late in the development process. Making something the right shape and size need
not be more expensive than making it the wrong shape and size. The ergonomics must be
considered early on and this requires a pro-active contribution from the ergonomist. Human
modelling CAD systems can provide the necessary support for this function in the earliest stages
of design (see Section 9.4.6 below).The public are increasingly aware of consumer issues such as
safety, usability and health. The authors consider that some cars should display health warnings in
their sales literature. For example, following the development work on the Fiat Punto seats
(Porter, 1995), it was found that the percentage of drivers reporting discomfort in the Punto at
the end of the 150 minute trials were 5%, 5%, 15% and 5% in the upper, mid and low back and the
buttocks respectively. One of its competitors, which is a very popular car in Europe, performed
much worse with 20%, 35%, 40% and 30% of drivers reporting discomfort in the body areas listed
above. It is likely that many owners of this car have developed back trouble since acquiring the
car. The legal issues involved have already attracted attention. The first named author acted as an
expert witness in a recent case in the UK where the court decided that a high mileage salesman
had suffered his slipped disc as a consequence of his poor accommodation in his company car.


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Eight fundamental fallacies
 5. Ergonomics is an excellent idea. I always design things with ergonomics
in mind, but I do it intuitively and rely on common sense so I don’t need
tables of data.
Achieving optimum compromises using solely intuition is unlikely to be consistently
successful, particularly when the vehicle designers’ and engineers’ personal biases and
preferences are not fully in accord with those of the wide variety of customers. Female
drivers experience problems such as the steering wheel being too close when the seat
is adjusted forwards to easily reach the pedals. Similarly, pedal designs may not take
account of the fact that many women would like to drive with high-heeled shoes; seat
belts do not adjust sufficiently, causing chafing over the neck and/or chest; and control
knobs are designed without consideration of long fingernails (Thompson, 1995). To
quantify these problems, a recent study of a small family sized car revealed that 42% of
females considered the pedals to be uncomfortable and 25% of females complained of
the seat belt position (Petherick and Porter, 1996). Data such as these provide clearly
essential feedback to demonstrate the need for iterative design modifications until the
design is deemed satisfactory.



Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Eight fundamental fallacies

 6. The design is not satisfactory for me – it will, therefore, be
unsatisfactory for everybody else (a variation on fallacy 1 above).
A typical complaint of long legged male motoring journalists is that the seat cushion
does not offer sufficient thigh support.Their review of the car subsequently states that
the seat is too short in the cushion. It is not clear that any extra support would
actually be more comfortable for the journalist but a longer seat cushion may be
disastrous for the great majority of other drivers with shorter legs. Either they would
find it difficult or impossible to operate the pedals or they would slide forward and
slouch as a consequence, leading to back pain.


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Eight fundamental fallacies

 7. Percentiles are a very clear and simple way to present and use
information concerning body size.
The concept of percentile values is very easy to understand, but the fallacy arises
because it is assumed that the usage of such data is equally easy. Even ergonomists,
who should know better, fall into the trap of referring to mythical people such as a
5th percentile female or a 95th percentile male. Anthropometric dimensions are
poorly correlated which means that people of the same stature can have markedly
different leg lengths, arm lengths, back lengths and so on. Percentiles are univariate
and only refer to one dimension at a time. A percentile value should never be
used without obtaining details of the age range, nationality and occupational
groups included in the original survey data. The date of the survey is important
too, due to the issue of secular growth where the mean growth rate over
generations in North America and the UK is continuing to run at approximately
10 mm per decade.



Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante

Eight fundamental fallacies
 8. Designing from 5th percentile female to 95th percentile
male dimensions will accommodate 95% of people.
This will be true if only one dimension is relevant to the design solution (i.e.
univariate accommodation such as standing headroom). However, some vehicle
workstations require simultaneous accommodation on a large number of
dimensions (i.e. multivariate accommodation).This is especially true of fighter
aircraft where the pilot is strapped into the seat, preventing forward leaning for
controls out of easy reach, or slumping because of limited headroom. Because
there is a poor correlation between body dimensions it follows that those males
who are designed out because of limited headroom (5% of males in theory for a
large random sample) will not necessarily be the same 5% who are designed out
for having arms that are too long or the 5% with legs that are too long, hips too
broad and so on. Similarly, those females who are designed out because they have
legs, arms, sitting eye heights, etc. that are too small will not just constitute 5% of
the females.


Proiectarea tehnică a formei caroseriei şi a structurii portante



Proiectarea tehnică a caroseriei

Tipurile suprafeţelor de caroserie.

 Suprafeţele plane
nu sunt folosite în construcţia caroseriilor ca elemente ale învelişului, atât
din considerente de continuitate a firelor de curent ale aerului în jurul
formei, cât şi din considerente estetice.
 Suprafeţele lineare
sunt suprafeţe care au curbură numai într-o singură direcţie şi se folosesc în
general la caroserii de tip vagon.
 Suprafeţele curbilinii
sunt suprafeţe care prin secţionare cu o familie de plane paralele sau de
plane rotite în jurul unei axe, conduc la obţinerea de curbe plane, având
centrul de curbură de o singură parte a curbei.


Proiectarea tehnică a caroseriei

Tipurile suprafeţelor de caroserie.

 O suprafaţă de piesă distinctă de caroserie se caracterizează prin două, trei
curbe iniţiale, în raport cu care se vor descrie familiile de curbe colineare cu
fiecare curbă iniţială. Alegerea curbelor iniţiale ale unei suprafeţe este o operaţie
esenţială pentru corectitudinea descrierii formei deoarece ea influenţează
împărţirea suprafeţei generale a caroseriei în piese componente.
 Curbele iniţiale sunt alese liniile naturale ale caroseriei (linii de gabarit, liniile
adânciturilor de întărire şi marginile decupajelor) de unde denumirea de linii de



Proiectarea tehnică a caroseriei



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