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Mutarea intr-o alta tara, oricat de asteptata ar fi si indiferent de cat de bune sunt
conditiile in care se petrece, este, pentru un copil, un eveniment traumatizant, ce isi
pune amprenta asupra dezvoltarii sale ulterioare. Frica de necunoscut, regretul de a
lasa in spate o viata plina de amintiri si de prieteni sunt principalele cauze care
determina o stare de stres atunci cand are loc un astfel de eveniment.
Cu siguranta nu iti va fi usor, cu atat mai mult cu cat si tu te lupti cu aceleasi temeri si
incerci sa faci totul pentru propria adaptare. Viaţa dincolo de graniţele ţării vine cu
provocări, eşecuri, dar şi realizări care te vor transforma într-o persoană foarte
diferită de cea care erai în ţara natală. Lumea ta devine mai mare şi îţi va fi greu să
renunţi la ea pentru cea de acasă.

Pentru orice om,strainatatea inseamna un loc care nu e,,acasa,, .Acasa e un loc cald
unde numai tu iti cunosti patul ,masa si casuta. O bucata de paine servita intr-o casa
straina ,nu se mananca cu pofta . Pentru un copil care nu a cunoscut suficient pasii
vietii incat sa faca o comparatie intre ,,acasa,, si un fals si improvizat ,,acasa,, ,este
ceva indiferent . Pentru alt copil , regretul este profund cand trebuie sa faca

Cel mic ,de nevoie se acomodeaza ,dar dupa casa in care a crescut ,strada pe care a
copilarit si prietenii care erau a 2 a casa el tanjeste. Chipuri straine si dubioase pe
care le vede intaia oara il inconjoara . Drag copil ,Craciunul ti-e departe,Craciunul
printre straini.Asculti cu ochii-n lacrimi si suspini.Ti-e plina masa,iata,dar tu suspini
si taci,c-ai vrea si tu acasa Craciunul sa ti-l faci.Amar mai esti Craciunule,Craciunule
strain,ca poti sa ai de toate,si bani si masa plina,prietenii-s departe si nimeni n-o sa

Daca acasa,Craciunul era un prilej sa asteptam cadouri sub brad,ciocolata,portocale si

bomboane,acum,departe de casa,precum niste hoinari,precum niste pasari care
zboara din ramura in ramura cu bucati din casa in spate , ne dorim o copilarie ca
altadata,sa simtim gustul mancarii de acasa ,nu parfumul amar de dor.
Moving to another country, no matter how long-awaited and no matter how good the

conditions are, is a traumatic event for a child, which has its mark on his further development.

The fear of the unknown, the regret of leaving behind a life full of memories and friends are

the main causes that determine a state of stress when such an event takes place.

It will certainly not be easy for you, especially since you are struggling with the same fears

and trying to do everything for your own adaptation. Life beyond the borders of the country

comes with challenges, failures, but also achievements that will turn you into a person very

different from the one you were in your home country. Your world is getting bigger and it

will be hard for you to give it up for home.

For any person, abroad means a place that is not "home". Home is a warm place where only

you know your bed, table and house. A piece of bread served in a foreign house is not eaten

with gusto. For a child who did not know enough about the steps of life to make a comparison

between "home" and a fake and improvised "home", it is something indifferent. For another

child, regret is deep when he has to compromise.

The little one needs accommodation, but after the house where he grew up, the street where

he grew up and his friends who were in the 2nd house he longs for. Strange and dubious faces

that he sees around him for the first time. Dear child, Christmas is far away, Christmas among

strangers. Listen with tears in your eyes and sigh. Your table is full, here, but you sigh and be

silent, because you would like to make Christmas at home too. You are still bitter Christmas,

foreign Christmas, because you can have everything, and money and a full table, your friends

are far away and no one will come.

If at home, Christmas was an opportunity to wait for presents under the Christmas tree,

chocolate, oranges and candies, now, far from home, like wanderers, like birds flying from

branch to branch with pieces of the house in the back, we want a childhood like other times,

to taste the food at home, not the bitter smell of longing.

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