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Problema 1 : Eratostene si Calc.

Circumferintei Pamantului

A = Alexandria
S = Siena
se cunoaste din masurare
A-S = 5000 stadii = 5000 x 162 m = 810000 (m)
810 (km)
A-B = gnomon se cunoaste
A-C = distanta zenitala sau umbra soarelui
se cunoaste din masurare in Siena la Solstitiu de vara!

A-C = cateta opusa unghiului α = tg α = = 7º 12' = 432 minute

A-B cateta alaturata unghiului α vezi din arctangenta
α = unghi sexagesimal (1 cerc complet are 360 grade sexagesimale)
Atunci arcul de meridian A-S = 5000 / 7.2 = 694.44 = 700 stadii
stadii grade si min sau▼ sau▼
112500 m 113400 m
cf. Eratostene: ▼ 112.5 km 113.4 km
Arcul de 1º = 694.44 700 stadii
stadii sau pt cerc complet (360 grd):► 360 = 40500000 m Circumferinta Pamantului cf. Eratostene
grade 40500 km PERFECTO!!!
cf. Ptolemeu: ▼
Arcul de 1º = 500 stadii
cf. Arabi dupa Ptolemeu (Almagesta): ▼
Arcul de 1º = 500 stadii

Problema 2 : Scara Hartii

A/. Scari NUMERICE 1:N, sau 1/N

numrator: = 1 totdeauna unitar!!!
NUMITOR: = N de cate ori distanta Horiz. Din teren este mai MARE
decat distanta de pe plan (aceleasi unitati!)
formula generala a Scarii:
d/D = 1/N unde:

d = distanta de pe PLAN sau HARTA (in aceleasi unitati)

D = distanta coresp. din TEREN redusa la orizont* (in aceleasi unitati)

d = D/N
se obtine:▼
plan(desen) scara: Teren 1000 in Teren (m)
d (mm) sc.:….1 / N sau Sc: D (m)unde 1 m = 1000 mm D (m)
62 1 200000 0.000005 12400 sau D = d * N 12400
1 1 10 0.100000 0.01 sau D = d * N 0.010
1 1 20 0.050000 0.02 sau D = d * N 0.020
1 1 25 0.040000 0.03 sau D = d * N 0.025
1 1 50 0.020000 0.05 sau D = d * N 0.050
1 1 100 0.010000 0.10 sau D = d * N 0.100
1 1 200 0.005000 0.20 sau D = d * N 0.200
1 1 250 0.004000 0.25 sau D = d * N 0.250
1 1 500 0.002000 0.50 sau D = d * N 0.500
1 1 1000 0.001000 1.00 sau D = d * N 1.000
1 1 2000 0.000500 2.00 sau D = d * N 2.000
1 1 2500 0.000400 2.50 sau D = d * N 2.500
1 1 5000 0.000200 5.00 sau D = d * N 5.000
1 1 10000 0.000100 10.00 sau D = d * N 10.000
1 1 20000 0.000050 20.00 sau D = d * N 20.000
1 1 25000 0.000040 25.00 sau D = d * N 25.000
1 1 50000 0.000020 50.00 sau D = d * N 50.000
1 1 100000 0.000010 100.00 sau D = d * N 100.000
1 1 200000 0.000005 200.00 sau D = d * N 200.000
1 1 250000 0.000004 250.00 sau D = d * N 250.000
1 1 500000 0.000002 500.00 sau D = d * N 500.000
Coordinated Universal Time
"UTC" redirects here. For the time zone that lies between UTC−1 and UTC+1, see UTC±00:00. For other uses, see UTC (disambiguation).
World map of current time zones
Coordinated Universal Time or UTC is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time.
It is within about 1 second of mean solar time at 0° longitude (at the IERS Reference Meridian as the currently used prime meridian) such as UT1 
and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. It is effectively a successor to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

UTC Succesor al: GMT  Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

grade 1 fus orar h grade sexag

15 24 360 If the Earth is assumed to be a featureless sphere (rather than an oblate spheroid) with no atmospheric refraction, then the distance to the ho
The secant-tangent theorem states that
{\displaystyle \mathrm {OC} ^{2}=\mathrm {OA} \times \mathrm {OB} \,.}\mathrm{OC}^2 = \mathrm{OA} \times \mathrm{OB} \,.
Make the following substitutions:
d = OC = distance to the horizon
D = AB = diameter of the Earth
h = OB = height of the observer above sea level
D+h = OA = diameter of the Earth plus height of the observer above sea level,
with d, D, and h all measured in the same units. The formula now becomes
d^{2} = h(D+h)
{\displaystyle d={\sqrt {h(D+h)}}={\sqrt {h(2R+h)}}\,,}d = \sqrt{h(D+h)} =\sqrt{h(2R+h)}\,,
where R is the radius of the Earth.
The same equation can also be derived using the Pythagorean theorem. At the horizon, the line of sight is a tangent to the Earth and is also p
d = distance to the horizon
h = height of the observer above sea level
R = radius of the Earth
referring to the second figure at the right leads to the following:
{\displaystyle (R+h)^{2}=R^{2}+d^{2}\,\!}(R+h)^2 = R^2 + d^2 \,\!
{\displaystyle R^{2}+2Rh+h^{2}=R^{2}+d^{2}\,\!}R^2 + 2Rh + h^2 = R^2 + d^2 \,\!
{\displaystyle d={\sqrt {h(2R+h)}}\,.}d = \sqrt{h(2R + h)} \,.
The exact formula above can be expanded as:
{\displaystyle d={\sqrt {2Rh+h^{2}}}\,,}d = \sqrt{2Rh + h^2} \,,
orizon can easily be calculated.[6]

perpendicular to Earth's radius. This sets up a right triangle, with the sum of the radius and the height as the hypotenuse. With

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