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Anul XV • Nr. 64 (1) 2021 • DOI: 10.26416/Psih.64.1.2021

vulnerability in the
artistic profession.
The assessment of
personality traits through
DECAS and PID-5 scales
page 6

psychopathology in
the context of multiple
sclerosis – diagnostic and
therapeutic challenges
page 22

General view regarding
the different types of
psychotherapy used for
the treatment of drug
page 46

Alianţa Română de Psihiatrie

și Psihoterapie, între memorii,
propuneri, speranţe…
Acordarea de îngrijiri psihiatrice de Acordarea la distanţă a consulta-
înaltă calitate pacienților, în special în ţiei, a terapiilor psihiatrice și a ser-
cadrul Uniunii Europene, este o obligație viciilor conexe: „consiliere psihiatrică Prof. univ. dr.
Doina Cozman
a statului, o datorie a profesioniștilor din nespecifică individuală şi familială,
domeniul sănătății mintale și un drept psihoterapie de grup (psihoze, tulburări
fundamental al pacienților. Finanțarea obsesiv-compulsive, tulburări fobice,
sistemelor de sănătate din statele mem- tulburări de anxietate, distimii, adic-
bre ale UE este de aproximativ 10% din ţii), psihoterapie individuală (psihoze, Servicii medicale în unităţi sanitare cu
PIB-ul fiecărei țări. În România, pe lângă tulburări obsesiv-compulsive, tulburări paturi. Secţiunea a 4-a. Obligaţiile şi
alocarea insuficientă de fonduri pentru fobice, tulburări de anxietate, distimii, drepturile spitalelor)(2).
sănătate, serviciilor de sănătate mintală adicţii, tulburări din spectrul autist),
le este atribuit un procentaj foarte mic terapie cognitivă comportamentală” Implementarea reformării sistemului de
din această alocare. (conform Anexei 7)(1). asistenţă psihiatrică din România este o
Noul context al pandemiei de CO- Notă de fundamentare, Secţiunea a necesitate stringentă și obligă la acţiuni
VID-19, precum și evenimentele tragi- 2-a. Schimbări preconizate(2): medicii adecvate şi concrete ale autorităţilor, mai
ce din ultimii ani legate de persoane cu de familie să prescrie pentru pacienţii ales în contextul pandemiei de COVID-19.
tulburări psihice (de exemplu, crimele de asiguraţi medicamente recomandate Să sperăm că cererile ARPP legate de
la Săpoca, împușcarea recentă a unui pa- în scrisoarea medicală eliberată şi de noul contract-cadru vor fi auzite, de aceas-
cient cu tulburare bipolară în București, medici care nu desfăşoară activitate tă dată, de către cei care decid sănătatea
incendiul de la Spitalul de Psihiatrie din în relaţie contractuală/convenţie cu României!
Craiova) impun abandonarea pasivității CNAS (a se vedea Capitolul I. Asistenţa
autorităților și adoptarea de măsuri ur- medicală primară. Secţiunea a 3-a.
gente de reformă reală a sistemului de Obligaţiile şi drepturile furnizorilor de
asistență psihiatrică și dezvoltarea unui servicii medicale)(2).
pachet de reforme în domeniul sănătății Creşterea numărului de norme (ne- ca-2018/
mintale. În acest sens, Asociația Română cesar de medici) în contract cu CNAS 2. Proiect HG pentru aprobarea pachetelor de servicii şi a
Contractului-cadru care reglementează condiţiile acordării
de Psihiatrie şi Psihoterapie (ARPP), în în asistenţa medicală ambulatorie de asistenţei medicale, a medicamentelor şi a dispozitivelor
calitatea sa de for reprezentativ naţional specialitate, cu prioritizare în funcţie de medicale, tehnologiilor şi dispozitivelor asistive în
cadrul sistemului de asigurări sociale de sănătate pentru
al specialiştilor psihiatri din România, a deficitul în anumite macroregiuni. anii 2021-2022. Publicat la: 02.03.2021, Transparenţă
înaintat în anul 2020 un memoriu către Posibilitatea încheierii unui con- decizională. CNAS.
Ministerul Sănătăţii, care s-a soldat cu tract individual cu CNAS şi cu fracţi-
un răspuns irelevant față de cererile for- une de normă (jumătate de normă sau
mulate (a se vedea la: https://e-psihiatrie. ¼ din normă) – a se vedea Capitolul II,
ro/raspunsul-ministerului-sanatatii-la- Secţiunea 1(2).
memoriul-arpp-poate-fi-consultat-aici/). Centrele de sănătate mintală (CSM)
Iată că în acestă primăvară avem să aibă posibilitatea de a încheia con-
ocazia să solicităm ameliorarea situaţiei tracte cu CNAS pentru îngrijiri medi-
sistemului de sănătate mintală, printr- cale la domiciliu (Capitolul VIII. Îngrijiri
un nou contract-cadru încheiat cu Casa medicale la domiciliu)(2).
Reclamă Psih 64(1)0101

Naţională de Asigurări de Sănătate Pachetul minimal să cuprindă și

(CNAS). Consiliul director al ARPP, în servicii psihiatrice pentru adicţii (a
urma consultărilor cu membrii asoci- se vedea Anexa 1, Capitolul I. Pachetul
aţiei, a înaintat o serie de propuneri minimal de servicii)(2).
de îmbunătățire a proiectului propus Înfiinţarea şi bugetarea de depar-
pentru contractul-cadru. Redăm mai tamente/compartimente de psihiatrie
jos câteva din schimbările la proiectul de legătură, în toate spitalele judeţe-
trimis de asociație. ne/spitalele de urgenţă (Capitolul VI.

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

Anul XV • Nr. 64 (1) aprilie 2021


Prof. univ. dr. Doina COZMAN

6 Personological vulnerability in the artistic profession. The assessment REDACTOR-ȘEF ADJUNCT

Șef lucr. univ. dr. Bogdan NEMEȘ
of personality traits through DECAS and PID-5 scales COMITET EDITORIAL
Monica A. Coman, Istvan Z. Szasz, Aurel P. Nireștean Prof. univ. dr. Cătălina TUDOSE
Prof. univ. dr. Pompilia DEHELEAN
Prof. univ. dr. Roxana CHIRIŢĂ

Prof. univ. dr. Iuliana DOBRESCU
Psychosocial factors involved in preterm birth Prof. univ. dr. Dragoș MARINESCU
R. Stoenescu, M. Stancu, L.E. Andrei, I. Sandu, I. Jipescu, F. Rad, I. Dobrescu Prof. univ. dr. Aurel NIREȘTEAN
Conf. univ. dr. Horea George COMAN
Conf. univ. dr. Radu-Virgil ENĂTESCU
Conf. univ. dr. Maria LADEA
Conf. univ. dr. Ion UDRIȘTOIU
CASE REPORT Șef lucr. univ. dr. Ciprian BĂCILĂ
Șef lucr. univ. dr. Lavinia DUICA

22 Psychiatric psychopathology in the context of multiple sclerosis – Șef lucr. univ. dr. Ana GIURGIUCA
Șef lucr. univ. dr. Dana-Cristina HERŢA
diagnostic and therapeutic challenges Asist. univ. dr. Cătălina GIURGI-ONCU
Cristian Petrescu, Gabriela Marian, Cristian Traian Sima, Carmen Diana Dr. Roxana STOEAN
Dumitru, Brîndușa Ecaterina Focșeneanu Dr. Simona TĂMĂȘAN
Acad. prof. dr. Vasile CHIRIŢĂ (Iași, România)
Prof. dr. HC Șerban IONESCU (Paris, Franţa)

RESEARCH Prof. dr. Jean-Pierre Kahn (Nancy, Franţa)

Acad. Emeritus prof. dr. Mircea LĂZĂRESCU (Timișoara, România)
Assoc. prof. dr. Alina MARIN (Kingston, Canada)
26 Inpatient psychiatric services use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Prof. dr. HC Juan E. MEZZICH (New York, SUA)
Dr. Nick MIHĂILESCU (Montreux, Elveţia)
Romania Dr. Davor MUCIC (Copenhaga, Danemarca)
Doina Cozman, Bogdan Nemeș, Andrei Buciuta, Claudia Dima, Roxana Stoean Prof. dr. Andrei NOVAC (Newport Beach, CA, SUA)
Prof. dr. Vincenzo Di NICOLA (Montreal, Canada)
Prof. univ. dr. Dan PRELIPCEANU (România)

32 Individual personological features in the professional choice of Acad. prof. dr. HC Sorin RIGA (București, România)
Dr. Corneliu SANDA (Baltimore, USA)
medical students and resident doctors Prof. dr. HC Eliot SOREL (Washington DC, SUA)
Dr. Radu VRAȘTI (Ontario, Canada)
Lorena Mihaela Muntean, Aurel Nireștean, Emese Lukacs Prof. dr. Danuta WASSERMAN (Stockholm, Suedia)
Asist. univ. dr. Raluca TRIFU
Dr. Andrei BUCIUTA
36 Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry PROOFREADING
Ilinca Untu, Roxana Chiriţă Florentin CRISTIAN

40 Genius and suicide (part II)
Doina Cozman CEO
Lavinia SIMION



46 General view regarding the different types of psychotherapy used for SALES MANAGER
the treatment of drug addiction ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER
Alexandra Boloș, Cristina Nedelcu, Nicoleta Bobutanu, Corina Alexinschi, Dana STUPARIU
Marcel Găină, Ovidiu Alexinschi SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER
Cristina GRECU, Amelia SAVU


Green Gate Office Building,
50 Manuscript submission 22 Tudor Vladimirescu Blvd.,
11th Floor, District 5, 050883, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: (031) 425.40.40, Fax: (031) 425.40.41
Reclamă Psih 64(1)0102

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ISSN 1841-4877
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original article

Personological vulnerability
in the artistic profession
The assessment of personality
traits through DECAS
and PID-5 scales
Monica A. Coman1,2,3, Abstract Rezumat
Istvan Z. Szasz1,2,3,
Aurel P. Nireștean1,2 The connection between creativity and psychopathology is Legătura între creativitate și psihopatologie este pusă tardiv
belatedly highlighted in the specialized literature, but the în evidență în literatura de specialitate, însă interesul pentru
1. Department of Psychiatry,
“George Emil Palade” University interest for this subject has increased over the last few years. această temă a crescut în ultimii ani. Acest studiu analizează
of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences This study will analyze particularly artists from Romania, în mod specific artiști din România, care provin dintr-un
and Technology of Târgu-Mureș, who come from a different social, historical, cultural and context social, istoric, cultural și economic diferit. Adeseori ei
economic context. They are often marginalized, perceived sunt marginalizați, priviți ca fiind „ciudați” sau stigmatizați,
2. Psychiatry Clinic II as “strange” or stigmatized. This is due to their way of being din cauza felului lor de a fi mai nonconformiști, mai destinși
Mureș County Clinical Hospital,
Târgu-Mureș, România more nonconformist, more relaxed or of their original outfit. și a ținutei originale.
3. Psychobiomed Center SRL,
Objective. We wish to assess those facets of the personality Obiectiv. Dorim să evaluăm acele fațete ale dimensiunilor
România dimensions that motivate and maintain artistic talent, personalității care motivează și întrețin talentul artistic,
Corresponding author: which can influence the chances of success, highlighting care pot influența șansele de succes, cu punerea în evidență
Aurel P. Nireștean those dimensions that facilitate the professional options a acelor dimensiuni care facilitează opțiunile profesionale
E-mail: developed, according to personal talent and skills. elaborate, conform talentului și aptitudinilor personale.
Materials and method. We have included in our study a Materiale și metodă. Am inclus în studiul nostru un lot de
batch of 24 artists from various fields of activity, who filled 24 de artiști din diverse arii de activitate, care au completat
out the Personality Inventory for Diagnostic and Statistical Inventarul de personalitate pentru Manualul de diagnostic
Classification Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition (PID-5) și clasificare statistică a tulburărilor mintale ediţia a
form, and the Openness, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, 5-a (PID-5) și Chestionarul Deschidere, Extroversiune,
Agreeableness, Emotional Stability (DECAS) form. Conștiinciozitate, Agreabilitate, Stabilitate emoțională
Results. The correlations between increased openness, (DECAS).
eccentricity and grandiosity can be advantageous Rezultate. Corelațiile între deschiderea crescută,
factors in the artist profession. The increased values excentricitate și grandiozitate pot fi factori favorizanți în
of conscientiousness can lead to the development of profesia artistică. Valorile crescute ale conștiinciozității
certain obsessive-compulsive type personality traits that pot duce la dezvoltarea unor trăsături de personalitate de
can be beneficial under certain circumstances and can tip obsesiv-compulsiv care pot fi avantajoase în anumite
lead to perfectionism and perseveration. The unusual condiții și pot conduce la perfecționism și perseverenţă.
beliefs, suspiciousness and perceptual dysregulation Credințele bizare, suspiciozitatea și dereglarea perceptuală
are disadvantageous traits that can be the starting sunt trăsături defavorizante care pot fi punctul de plecare al
point for psychotic pathological manifestations. unor manifestări psihopatologice de tip psihotic.
Conclusions. There are dimensions that predispose to an Concluzii. Există dimensiuni care predispun spre un simț
increased aesthetic sense, creativity and fantasy, which can crescut estetic, spre creativitate și fantezie, care pot fi factori
be important factors in choosing one’s profession, but can importanți în opțiunea profesională, dar care pot crea o
also create a vulnerability to forays into psychopathology. vulnerabilitate spre incursiuni în psihopatologie,
Keywords: profession, creativity, personality, art, Cuvinte-cheie: profesie, creativitate, personalitate, artă,
abnormality anormalitate

15.03.2021 Vulnerabilitatea personologică la artiști. Evaluarea trăsăturilor de
29. 03.2021 personalitate prin scalele DECAS și PID-5
Suggested citation for this article: Coman MA, Szasz IZ, Nireștean AP. Personological vulnerability in the artistic profession. The assessment of personality traits
through DECAS and PID-5 scales. 2021;64(1):6-12

6 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Introduction The first researches indicated a connection between

Art is a unique way of expressing the self, one’s own creativity and psychopathology, creative functioning
thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions, in close connec- and unusual thinking, affective symptoms, personality
tion with certain social, economic, historical, political traits and facets, and behavioural characteristics (4).
and personal contexts. The studies performed and the publications on
Art may be defined and seen as a reflection of the this subject involve dimensions such as neuroticism,
creative side of the individual that essentially renders openness, agreeableness and extraversion, which are
a personal, subjective affective experience. Art is one increased in the groups of artists. Substance use is
of the dimensions that define the human, next to the often encountered, to stimulate creativity (5).
affective, cognitive and volitional component (1).
The preoccupation and interest for creativity, after Objective of the study
1950, is motivated by the importance that this dimension The main objective of the study: we set out to assess
has on the elements of social, economic and cultural those facets of the personality dimensions that mo-
nature, an interest that is demonstrated by the large tivate and maintain the artistic talent, and always
number of publications on this subject, particularly in inf luence the chances of success, and the way it is
the international literature, especially in recent years(2). still used in the practice of the profession.
The interferences between mental disorders and Expectations: highlighting the dimensions involved
creativity were first described in literature in the in the various psychopathological decompensations
1970s by Nancy Andreasen, at the University of Iowa, of the assessed personality, the way in which they
on a batch of 30 writers (3). influence the dynamics of professional roles.

Figure 1. Correlations between the openness to experience dimension and the facets of PID-5 form

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

original article

Materials and method deceitfulness, depressivity, distractibility, eccentricity,

We included in our study a batch (N=24) from dif- emotional lability, grandiosity, hostility, impulsivity,
ferent professional artistic fields: actors, dancers, intimacy avoidance, irresponsibility, manipulativeness,
musicians, painters, writers, theatre critics, street perceptual dysregulation, perseveration, restricted af-
artists, with different age, gender and background, fectivity, rigid perfectionism, risk taking, separation
and who filled out the PID-5 and DECAS forms, in the insecurity, submissiveness, suspiciousness, unusual
period 2018-2019. The batch was divided into three beliefs and experiences, and withdrawal. The 25 specific
groups: actors, musicians and visual artists. facets (groups of 3-9) can be combined to yield indices
The collected data have been obtained prospectively. of the five broader trait domains: negative affectivity
The statistical program used was PSPP. The test (emotional lability, anxiousness, separation insecurity),
for determining the distribution of parameters was detachment (withdrawal, anhedonia, intimacy avoid-
conducted using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov formula. ance), antagonism (manipulativeness, deceitfulness,
grandiosity), disinhibition (irresponsibility, impulsiv-
The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID 5) ity, distractibility), psychoticism (unusual beliefs and
The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 is a 220-item experiences, eccentricity, perceptual dysregulation)(7).
self-rated personality traits assessment scale. PID-5 is
a dimensional questionnaire based on the alternative DECAS – Openness, Extraversion, Conscientiousness,
model DSM‑5, a brief form of the Five-Factor Model Agreeableness, Emotional Stability
in which there are stressed the maladaptive traits. It This is a personality trait assessment instrument
assesses 25 personality trait facets, including: anhe- based on the Big Five Factor Model, created by Pro-
donia, anxiousness, attention seeking, callousness, fessor Florin Alin Sava (MD, PhD), comprising 97

Figure 2. Correlations between the extraversion dimension and the facets of PID-5 form

8 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


­ uestions, with “true/false” type answers. It is based on

q Results
a dimensional model with five dimensions: openness, The 24 persons who filled out the questionnaire
extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and had ages between 20 and 88 years old (18 males and 6
emotional stability, each domain having six facets, females). They all came from urban areas (Timișoara
described by Costa and McCrae in 1985. and Sibiu).
It is a questionnaire based on a dimensional model
with five dimensions: openness, extraversion, consci- Figures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 show the correlation coef-
entiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability, ficient between the dimensions of the DECAS form
each domain having five facets: and the facets of the PID-5 form.
1. E xtraversion: warmth, gregariousness, asser-
tiveness, activity, excitement-seeking, positive Discussion
emotions. We wish to highlight the advantageous and disad-
2. A greeableness: trust, straightforwardness, altru- vantageous traits in the artist profession.
ism, compliance, modesty, tender-mindedness. The correlations between increased openness, ec-
3. Neuroticism (as opposite to emotional stabil- centricity and grandiosity can be advantageous factors
ity): anxiety, anger-hostility, depression, self- in the artistic profession, but manipulativeness and
consciousness, impulsiveness, vulnerability. risk taking, depending on certain circumstances, can
4. Conscientiousness: competence, order, dutifulness, be both advantageous and disadvantageous.
achievement striving, self-discipline, deliberation. Unusual beliefs and suspiciousness as traits present
5. O penness: fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, in individuals with increased openness can lead to
ideas, values (8). psychopathological decompensations.

Figure 3. Correlations between the conscientiousness dimension and the facets of PID-5 form

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

original article

Increased extraversion, together with low values Openness, extraversion and conscientiousness are
of withdrawal and trauma avoidance, as well as high defining domains which, even though they have a
values of attention seeking, can be advantageous fac- great inf luence on the evolution and growth of the
tors in an artist’s destiny, but impulsivity does not artists professions, they may lead to psychopatho-
favour the artistic career. logical decompensations: an exaggerated openness
High values of conscientiousness may lead to the leads to antagonism, disinhibition and psychoticism,
development of certain obsessive-compulsive type extraversion to disinhibition, and conscientiousness
personality traits that can be advantageous under leads to negative affectivity and psychoticism.
certain circumstances as support for perfectionism,
perseveration, openness to details and nuances. Unu- Conclusions
sual beliefs, suspiciousness and perceptual dysregu- High values of openness predispose to an aesthetic
lations can be disadvantageous traits and a starting sense, creativity and fantasy, that can be important
point for psychotic pathological manifestations. factors in choosing one’s profession.
Agreeableness and emotional stability described The correlations between extraversion and atten-
in the Big Five theory are domains related to nor- tion seeking represents an advantageous trait in the
mality, therefore any negative correlation between artist profession.
these domains and the pathological facets of PID-5 A moderate conscientiousness is a key factor in reach-
become protective and advantageous factors in the ing the success, but very high values are associated with
professional growth. a vulnerability for psychopathological decompensations.

Figure 4. Correlations between agreeableness dimension and the facets of PID-5 form

10 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Figure 5. Correlations between the emotional stability dimension and the facets of PID-5 form

Figure 6. Correlations between DECAS and the PID-5 domains

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

original article

Agreeableness and emotional stability that include References

a mature defence mechanism lead to a durable profes-
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sional stability. artistic creation, Iași, Ars Longa Publishing. 2014, 5-6.
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traits attests to being a particular endeavour in ac- România de Mâine Publishing. 2007, 5.
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knowledging the personal abilities assigned to the their First Degree Relatives. American Journal of Psychiatry. 1987;144:1288–1292.
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The interdimensional correlations developed creativity. Handbook of creativity. New York: Plenum; 1989, 211–321.
5. Pavitra KS, Chandrasekar CR, Choudhury P Creativity and mental health: A
by this study may also be used in shaping the profile of writers and musicians. Indian J Psychiatry. 2007 Jan-Mar;49(1):34–43.
professional abilities, as well as in the therapeutic 6. APA. DSM – Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders – fifth edition.
exchange of personality disorders psychopathological Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013.
7. Sava F. DECAS Personality Inventory. User’s Manual, Timișoara. ArtPress, 2008.
decompensation n

Reclamă Psih 64(1)0103

12 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)



Contagiunea psihică
în contextul digitalizării
relațiilor sociale

Subtemele conferinței:
contagiunea anxietăţii
contagiunea depresiei
contagiunea depresiei cu risc suicidar
contagiunea stresului

Sub patronajul: 17
aprilie 2021
original article

Psychosocial factors involved

in preterm birth
R. Stoenescu1, Abstract Rezumat
M. Stancu1,3,
L.E. Andrei1,2, Introduction. Preterm birth is a significant problem in Introducere. Nașterea prematură reprezintă o problemă
maternal and fetal health worldwide, being one of the semnificativă în domeniul sănătății materno-fetale din întreaga
I. Sandu2, most common causes of infant mortality and morbidity. Its lume, fiind una dintre cele mai frecvente cauze de mortalitate și
I. Jipescu , F. Rad1,2,
prevalence is alarmingly high, the causes being unknown morbiditate infantilă. Prevalența sa este inacceptabil de mare,
I. Dobrescu1,2 in a substantial proportion of cases. However, there iar cauzele sunt necunoscute într-o proporție substanțială de
1. “Carol Davila” University are a considerable number of biological, psychological cazuri, însă există un număr considerabil de factori biologici,
of Medicine and Pharmacy, and social factors that have been studied over the years psihologici și sociali care au fost studiați de-a lungul anilor în
Bucharest, Romania
to identify an etiological pattern of prematurity. vederea identificării unui model etiologic al prematurității.
2. “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia” Purpose. The present research aimed to identify Scop. Cercetarea de față și-a propus să identifice factorii legați
Psychiatry Hospital, Bucharest,
Romania factors related to living and environmental conditions de condițiile de viață și mediu care pot contribui la desfășurarea
that may contribute to the development of pregnancy sarcinii și care pot conduce la o naștere prematură.
3. “Mina Minovici” National
Institute of Legal Medicine, and that may lead to a premature birth. Materiale și metodă. Pentru colectarea datelor s-a folosit un
Bucharest, Romania Materials and method. To collect the data, an online chestionar online adresat mamelor care au avut o naștere în
4. Institute of Neurology and questionnaire was used for mothers who had given urmă cu cel mult 24 de luni anterior completării chestionarului,
Psychiatry, Bucharest birth no more than 24 months before completing distribuit prin intermediul platformelor de socializare, pe
Corresponding author: the questionnaire, distributed through social media grupurile de profil. Informațiile rezultate au fost cuprinse într-o
Mihaela Stancu platforms on specific groups. The resulting information bază de date, folosind Microsoft Office Excel 2019, datele fiind
was collected in a database, using Microsoft Office Excel ulterior prelucrate statistic cu ajutorul programelor Microsoft
2019, the data being subsequently statistically processed Office Excel 2019 și SPSS 20.
using Microsoft Office Excel 2019 and SPSS 20. Rezultate. S-a identificat nivelul educațional ridicat ca factor
Results. The high level of education was identified as a protector față de o naștere prematură. De asemenea, în rândul
protective factor against a premature birth. Also, among mamelor angajate pe parcursul sarcinii, procentajul nașterilor
mothers employed during pregnancy, the percentage premature a fost mult mai mic decât în rândul celor fără loc de
of premature births was much lower than among those muncă. În ceea ce privește starea civilă, nu a fost identificată o
without a job. Regarding marital status, no statistically corelație semnificativă statistic între statusul marital al mamei
significant correlation was identified between the și gradul de prematuritate.
mother’s marital status and the degree of prematurity. Concluzii. Rezultatele cercetării de față sugrează că anumiți
Conclusions. The results of this research suggest that factori legați de condițiile de viață și mediu pot contribui la
certain factors related to living and environmental desfășurarea sarcinii și pot conduce la o naștere prematură.
conditions may contribute to the development of the Aceste rezultate ar putea fi un punct de plecare pentru
pregnancy and lead to a premature birth. These results cercetări ulterioare care să analizele factorii psihosociali care
could be a starting point for further research to analyze influențează sarcina.
the psychosocial factors that influence pregnancy. Cuvinte-cheie: naștere prematură, factori psihosociali,
Keywords: preterm birth, psychosocial factors, online chestionar online, factori protectori
questionnaire, protective factors

22.03.2021 Factori psihosociali implicați în nașterea prematură
Accepted: Suggested citation for this article: Stoenescu R, Stancu M, Andrei LE, Sandu I, Jipescu I, Rad F, Dobrescu I. Psychosocial factors involved in preterm birth.
02.04.2021 2021;64(1):14-20

Introduction identified that span all subtypes and populations. Also, a

Preterm birth (PTB; less than 37 weeks of gestation) significant number of PTBs do not have a clearly reported
remains a significant burden both individually and in our risk factor. Although a number of maternal characteristics
society. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated have been shown to be associated with specific subtypes
in 2016 that the proportion of premature births varied of PTB in one or more populations, differences between
between 5% and 18% globally, with the rate increasing in definitions of PTB in several studies and consideration
some countries(3). While many sociodemographic, nutri- of subtypes led to variable conclusions. Elucidating the
tional, medical, obstetrical and environmental factors have commonalities between the determinant factors studied
been shown to increase the risk of spontaneous preterm in this research can help us better understand the etiology
birth, its etiology remains imperfectly understood(4,5). De- of PTB and can lead to strategies to reduce the cumulative
spite decades of study, few risk factors for PTB have been burden of PTB(6,7).

14 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Of all the known risk factors of premature birth, roendocrine balance of pregnancy, further generat-
psychosocial factors form a complicated collection, ing stress (34,35). According to a study conducted in 16
which includes a multidimensional spectrum of in- European countries, mothers who had an extended
terdependent mediation mechanism. Understanding work schedule (more than 42 hours/week), a pro-
these interconnected mechanisms is vital for design- longed standing time (more 6 hours/day) and those
ing targeted interventions to reduce preterm births(8). with lower job satisfaction were more likely to have
There are studies that describe a socio-medical model premature births (36).
to explain the interaction of psychosocial factors It is well known that all these factors increase
with certain biomedical fields, such as preexisting the likelihood of adverse health outcomes; however,
conditions, pregnancy complications and maternal their possible mechanisms of interaction, resulting
behaviors (9). in preterm birth, have yet to be explored. The aim of
Regarding the age of the mother, the risk of pre- this paper was to examine the relationships between
mature birth is high in both adolescent pregnancies identified maternal psychosocial risk factors, which
and in elderly mothers (10-12). A meta-analysis of cohort can act in a complex way to cause premature birth.
studies found that nulliparous women under the age
of 18 years old have the highest risk of premature birth Methodology
in all age/parity categories (13). Premature birth in a The research presented in this paper was based on
previous pregnancy remains a strong risk factor for an observational, retrospective, descriptive analysis
premature birth in a later pregnancy, as does maternal study. The information used in this research was
nulliparity, as demonstrated in various researches, collected between April and August 2020. Given the
such as those conducted by Kazemier or Ferrero (14,15). epidemiological context and the restrictions imposed,
The educational level of mothers is another factor data collection could not be done in a physical format
considered in the etiological model of PTB. According in hospital wards, which is why an online question-
to data published by Ruiz et al., low maternal educa- naire was used, distributed through social platforms
tion was associated with premature birth, although on profile groups. In order to validate and confirm
this aspect could not be separated from the link with the data, the respondents were asked to agree to be
maternal age in the study (16). A study conducted in the contacted by phone.
USA that considered maternal and paternal education, The questionnaire was addressed to mothers who
maternal and paternal occupation, as well as family had given birth no more than 24 months before com-
income, found that levels of maternal and paternal pleting the questionnaire. The purpose of the question-
education were the best global predictors of preterm naire was to obtain information on the progress of
birth. Mothers with a medium or low level of education pregnancy and premature births. The questionnaire
(less than 12 years) were identified as having a higher also included information on sociodemographic data
chance of having a premature birth than mothers related to the mother (age, educational level, informa-
with more education(17). In contrast, according to the tion about the family situation, about the job etc.) and
results published by Thompson et al., a relatively equal the father. Also, data were collected on the mother’s
increase in premature births was observed among medical situation (chronic diseases, personal patho-
groups divided by the mother’s educational levels (18). logical history, hereditary history) and on pregnancy
Also, the results of a study conducted in four European and birth (getting pregnant, number of pregnancies
countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) stopped developing, complications, treatments etc.).
showed that, compared to mothers with less than 12 The data obtained by completing the online ques-
years of education, mothers with more than 10 years tionnaire were entered into a database using Microsoft
of education had similar high risks of preterm birth(19). Office Excel 2019. Subsequently, the data were statisti-
The marital status of the mother has been identified cally processed using the Microsoft Office Excel 2019
in a large number of populations as a risk factor for pre- and SPSS 20 programs.
mature birth, single mothers (defined as unmarried or
living without a partner) being the category subjected to a Results
higher degree of risk(20-26). There are several interdependent Of the 331 responses received to the online ques-
reasons why being unmarried could increase the risk of tionnaire, those that were incomplete and those in
having a premature birth, some of which may be: greater which the birth occurred more than 24 months before
economic insecurity faced by single mothers(20,27-29), lack completion were excluded. Thus, 292 women were in-
of social or emotional support offered by a partner, or the cluded in the database, who gave birth at least once in
acute stress generated by the separation of the partner the last two years. The age of the mothers at the time
during pregnancy(30-33). of completing the questionnaire was between 18 and
The mothers’ job situation and the level of stress as- 50 years old. The minimum age at birth was 18 years
sociated with the workplace have also been reported old, and the maximum age was 48 years old, with an
to associate with preterm birth by some studies (17). average birth age of 30.11±4.76. The age of fathers at
This can be explained by the fact that demanding birth ranged from 21 to 47 years old, with an average
work schedules can alter sleep patterns and the neu- of 33.08±4.76 years old.

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

original article

Figure 1. Number of
55.13% previous births



1st birth 2nd birth >2 births

160 138 Figure 2. Level of

47.26% education for mothers
120 91
100 31.16%
80 21.58%
Middle/Highschool University Postuniversity

Figure 1 shows the number of previous births. Thus, starting with week 37 of pregnancy), grade I (birth at
55.15% (n=161) of the respondents were at the first birth, gestational age of 32-36 weeks), grade II (28-32 weeks),
31.51% (n=92) at the second birth, and 13.36% (n=39) grade III (<28 weeks).
had more than two previous births. The present research aimed to analyze the statistical
More than half of the respondents were at their first correlations between the mother’s living and environ-
birth, at an average age of 30.11 years old. These figures mental conditions and prematurity, as well as between
are in line with the global trend of increased average the mother’s preexisting medical conditions and the
age at which women have their first child. According to level of prematurity.
the EUROSTAT report, the average age at which women The applied questionnaire included data related to the
have their first child in the European Union was 29.9 mother’s educational level. We mention that all 292 respond-
years old for 2019, the average ages by country varying ents reported at least secondary education, completing
between 26.4 and 31.3 years old(1). at least 10 grades or a vocational school, so mothers with
Analyzing of the gestational age at which the birth low or no education were not included in this study. This
took place, it was found that 37.3% of women gave birth distribution is among the limitations of the research, and
starting with the gestational age of 37 weeks, in the one possible explanation may be that most people who
rest of the cases the birth occurred prematurely. Table use the virtual environment and online social groups to
1 illustrates the distribution of degrees of prematurity, obtain information and complete such questionnaires are
as follows: grade 0 (birth is not considered premature those with at least an average level of education. Figure 2

16 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Table 1 Distribution of degrees of prematurity

Frequency Percentage Valid percentage Cumulative percentage
0 109 37.3 37.3 37.3
Prematurity grade I 84 28.8 28.8 66.1
Valid II 56 19.2 19.2 85.3
III 43 14.7 14.7 100
Total 292 100 100

Table 2 Contingency table for studies and prematurity

Prematurity grade
0 1 2 3
Count 5 26 19 13 63
Secondary education
% within Studies 7.9% 41.3% 30.2% 20.6% 100%
Count 58 16 11 6 91
Studies Postgraduate studies
% within Studies 63.7% 17.6% 12.1% 6.6% 100%
Count 46 42 26 24 138
University studies
% within Studies 33.3% 30.4% 18.8% 17.4% 100%
Count 109 84 56 43 292
% within Studies 37.3% 28.8% 19.2% 14.7% 100%

illustrates the distribution of the educational level in the Table 3 shows the frequencies of degrees of prematurity
studied sample. Most of the respondent mothers (138, according to the marital status of mothers: married;
representing 47.26%) have a university degree. Ninety-one divorced; unmarried, but with a partner; unmarried,
respondents (representing 31.16%) have postgraduate stud- without a partner. In the chosen sample, 257 of the
ies, and 63 (representing 21.58%) have secondary education. respondents (representing 88%) were married, and 28
Table 2 illustrates the frequencies of degrees of prema- (representing 9.6%) were unmarried, but with a stable
turity according to the level of education of mothers. Thus, partner. Only three respondents stated that they were
significant differences are observed between the formed divorced, and only four that they were unmarried and
groups. Of the 63 respondents with secondary education, without a partner. Thus, in the sample formed, there
92.1% (58 subjects) gave birth before the gestational age was a very small number of single mothers. Out of
of 37 weeks, presenting a degree of prematurity (26/41.3% married mothers, 101 (representing 39.3%) gave birth
grade 1; 19/30.2% grade 2; and 13/20.6% grade 3 prema- at term, while 60.7% gave birth before the gestational
turity). Of the group of mothers with university degrees, age of 37 weeks. From the group of unmarried mothers
66.7% had a degree of prematurity, only 46 (33.3%) giving but with a partner, 7 (representing 25%) gave birth at
birth at term. The degrees of prematurity in the group term, and in the case of 21 of them there was a degree
of mothers with university studies were distributed as of prematurity. The Chi-Square test did not identify a
follows: 42 mothers gave birth between 32 and 36 weeks statistically significant correlation between the mother’s
(30.4%), 26 mothers between 28 and 32 weeks (18.8%), marital status and the degree of prematurity (p=0.115).
and 24 mothers gave birth before the gestational age of The distribution of marital status in the formed group
28 weeks (17.4%). Regarding mothers with postgraduate is one of the limitations of the study, as there was a very
studies, most gave birth at term – 58 mothers, represent- small number of divorced mothers or partners.
ing 63.7% of this group. A rate of 33.3% of mothers with Of the group formed, 80 respondents (representing
postgraduate studies gave birth before the gestational 27.4%) were unemployed during pregnancy, while 212
age of 37 weeks, as follows: 16 (17.6%) with grade I prema- (representing 72.6%) had a job during the period in which
turity, 11 (12.1%) with grade II prematurity, and 6 (6.6%) they were pregnant. Next, the stress level of mothers at
grade III prematurity. the workplace during pregnancy and the correlations
The Chi-Square test revealed a statistically significant between the stress level and the child’s prematurity level
correlation between the level of education of mothers were analyzed. Table 4 shows the frequencies of degrees
and the degree of prematurity (p=0.000). of prematurity according to the level of stress of mothers

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

original article

Table 3 Contingency table for marital status and level of prematurity

Prematurity grade
0 1 2 3
Count 101 72 52 32 257
% within Marital status of the mother 39.3% 28% 20.2% 12.5% 100%
Count 1 1 0 1 3
Marital % within Marital status of the mother 33.3% 33.3% 0% 33.3% 100%
status of
the mother Count 7 9 4 8 28
Unmarried, but with a partner
% within Marital status of the mother 25% 32.1% 14.3% 28.6% 100%
Count 0 2 0 2 4
Unmarried, without partner
% within Marital status of the mother 0% 50% 0% 50% 100.0%
Count 109 84 56 43 292
% within Marital status of the mother 37.3% 28.8% 19.2% 14.7% 100%

Figure 3. Distribution
of prematurity levels for
11.80% mothers with and without
25% a job during pregnancy




Working Non-working

0 1 2 3

at work during pregnancy. Workplace stress was graded 32 and 36, 20.3% gave birth between weeks 28 and 32,
into four levels: 0 (no workplace stress), 1 (minimum and 11.8% before 28 weeks. Of the mothers without a
workplace stress level), 2 (moderate workplace stress job during pregnancy, 80% gave birth before 37 weeks
level), and 3 (high stress at work). The assessment of of pregnancy (Figure 3). The Chi-Square test did not
the stress level was a subjective one of the respondents. identify a statistically significant correlation between
Thus, reporting the level of stress at work is not done the mother’s stress level at work during pregnancy and
according to an objective scale, but reflects the percep- the degree of prematurity (p=0.644).
tion of each of the mothers on the discomfort felt at
work. Twenty-four of the respondents employed during Discussion and conclusions
pregnancy (representing 11.3%) reported a job in which This paper aims to investigate whether, in addition to
they did not feel stress, 67 (representing 31.6%) reported medical factors related to parental health and hereditary
a minimum level of stress, 77 (representing 36.3%) history, other factors can be identified as being involved
reported a moderate level of stress, and 44 (represent- in pregnancy and childbirth. We started from the prem-
ing 20.8%) felt a high level of stress at work during the ise that the mother’s level of information, a stable living
period they were pregnant. Of the mothers who reported environment and a good level of mental comfort during
a job without stress levels, half gave birth on term. Of pregnancy can positively influence the development of
the total mothers who worked during pregnancy, 41% pregnancy, can contribute in taking it to its term and to
gave birth at term, 26.9% gave birth between weeks a birth without complications.

18 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Table 4 Contingency table for the level of stress at work and the level of prematurity
Prematurity grade
0 1 2 3
Count 12 6 3 3 24
% within Stress_munca 50% 25% 12.5% 12.5% 100%
Count 27 20 10 10 67
Workplace % within Stress_munca 40.3% 29.9% 14.9% 14.9% 100%
stress Count 28 20 19 10 77
% within Stress_munca 36.4% 26% 24.7% 13% 100%
Count 20 11 11 2 44
% within Stress_munca 45.5% 25% 25% 4.5% 100%
Count 87 57 43 25 212
% within Stress_munca 41% 26.9% 20.3% 11.8% 100%

In the chosen sample, most women were giving birth university education, and 63.7% in the group of mothers
for the first time. The average age of mothers at birth with postgraduate education. Thus, it was found that an
was 30.11 years old, in line with the growing average increased level of education was correlated with taking
European age at which mothers have their first child. the pregnancy to term. This correlation can be explained
Eurostat reports the average age at first birth at 29.9 by the fact that a high educational level translates into a
years old in the European Union for 2019, compared to correct and complete information of the mother about
the average age at first birth of 28.7 years old in 2013. the pregnancy and the measures she can take for a
Out of the group of 292 subjects, 109 mothers (repre- normal development of the fetus. Also, the high level
senting 37.32%) gave birth at term, while in 183 moth- of information can be associated with more frequent
ers (representing 62.68%), the birth occurred before 37 medical examinations and more rigorous monitoring,
weeks. In 84 of the total subjects, there was a grade I thus reducing the risk of a premature birth.
prematurity (representing 28.8% of the total subjects Next, the marital status of the mother was analyzed.
and 45.9% of the prematurity cases), in 56 a grade II In the chosen sample, only seven of the respondents were
prematurity (representing 19.2% of the total subjects single mothers, unmarried and without a partner. A total
and 30.6% of the prematurity cases), and in 43, a grade of 257 of the respondents (representing 88%) were mar-
III prematurity (representing 14.7% of all subjects and ried, and 28 (representing 9.6%) were unmarried, but with
23.5% of cases of prematurity). The high percentage of a stable partner. No statistically significant correlation
cases of prematurity in the chosen group is well above was identified between marital status and prematurity.
the average reported by the European Union (for Ro- The analysis of the mother’s occupation revealed that
mania, in 2015, 8.4% of births were premature)(2). This most of the respondents had a job during the pregnancy
very high percentage of premature births in the chosen – 212 of the subjects, representing 72.6%. Of these, 24
sample can be explained by the method of data collec- (representing 11.3%) reported a stress-free job, 67 (rep-
tion, online, using groups dedicated to mothers. Thus, resenting 31.6%) reported a minimum level of stress, 77
it is possible that those mothers who have concerns (representing 36.3%) reported a moderate level of stress,
about pregnancy and prematurity are those who turn and 44 (representing 20.8%) felt a high level of stress at
to profile groups and are more willing and interested work during the period when they were pregnant. Of
in completing a questionnaire on research related to the mothers who reported a stress-free job, 50% gave
prematurity. birth on term. Also, 40.3% of those who reported a low
Analyzing the educational level of mothers, it was found level of stress, 36.4% of those who reported a moderate
that 21.58% of respondents had a secondary education, level of stress, and 35.5% of those who reported a high
47.26% had a university education and 31.16% had a level of stress at work gave birth at term. No statistically
postgraduate education. Most subjects had higher edu- significant correlation was identified between stress at
cation (78.42%) and there were no subjects who reported the workplace and prematurity, but the percentage of
low-level education or no education. Analyzing the link mothers who gave birth prematurely was much higher
between the level of education and prematurity, a statisti- among the women unemployed during pregnancy (80% of
cally significant correlation was found. In the group of unemployed mothers gave birth prematurely, compared
mothers with secondary education, only 7.9% gave birth to 59% of those with a job during pregnancy, regardless
at term, compared to 33.3% in the group of mothers with of the reported stress level).

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

original article

The present research aimed to identify factors Research limitations

related to living and environmental conditions that The method of obtaining the data can be considered
may contribute to the development of pregnancy and one of the limitations of this research. Taking into ac-
which may lead to a premature birth. The high level of count the epidemiological context, it was decided to
education was identified as a protective factor against collect the data through an online questionnaire. Online
a premature birth. Also, among mothers employed application of questionnaires and scales can decrease
during pregnancy, the percentage of premature births the veracity and accuracy of the data. In order to limit
was much lower than among those without a job. the effects of this disadvantage, the selective contacting
These results could be a starting point for further of the subjects was chosen to confirm the completed
research to analyze the psychosocial factors that data. Obtaining data by using the profile groups on
inf luence pregnancy, with premature birth remain- social networks may have influenced the composition of
ing a global public health priority. The development the study group, in which the percentage of premature
of evidence-based strategies to prevent the onset of births was very high. This distribution can be explained
prematurity, as well as to mitigate its effects on new- by the profile of mothers who turn to these groups, as
borns, is needed, especially in low-resource settings. they are the ones who have encountered difficulties
The volume and quality of data on PTB risk factors during pregnancy or childbirth and seek opinions or
vary between states, preventing accurate conclusions advice from people with the same type of problems. In
globally. Thus, further research is needed on the dis- the future, depending on the epidemiological context,
covery of spontaneous mechanisms of PTB, in order the research can be extended and completed by apply-
to be better predicted, prevented and controlled by ing questionnaires in the neonatology departments. n
improving information in the population, prenatal
care and establishing favorable social environments Conflicts of interest
for pregnant women. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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economic status and the implications for preterm birth. Paediatric and Perinatal 2004;58(5):395–401.

20 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

Asociația Medicilor Independenți este COMUNITATEA MEDICILOR
ANTREPRENORI care pun pe primul loc pasiunea pentru
exercitarea profesiei și grija pentru pacient.
Asociația Medicilor Independenți este ȘANSA de a fi parte a unei
ELITE A MEDICILOR care împărtășesc aceleași principii și valori
profesionale și umane.
Asociația Medicilor Independenți este o ALTERNATIVĂ VIABILĂ
PENTRU PACIENȚII din România de a primi îngrijire coordonată și
pluridisciplinară, cu centralizarea întregului dosar al pacientului și prin
colaborarea unor echipe de medici specializați.

Valorile AMI:
• competență, profesionalism și probitate
• calitatea crescută a actului medical
• acces rapid și în beneficiul pacientului

Ești pacient? Programează-te pe

Ești medic? Vrei să fii membru, intră pe

Comunitatea ta de încredere!

Dr. Mihaela Leventer Dr. Mădălina Georgescu Dr. Ion Bogdan Codorean
Dr. Leventer Centre Otomed Artro Sport Clinic

Dr. Ovidiu Palea Dr. Silviu Predoi Dr. Wargha Enayati

Provita Wellborn Intermedicas
case report

Psychiatric psychopathology
in the context of multiple
sclerosis – diagnostic and
therapeutic challenges
Cristian Petrescu1, Abstract Rezumat
Gabriela Marian1,2,
Cristian Traian The case report describes a complex clinical context of Cazul prezentat descrie un tablou clinic complex la o
a 24-year-old patient with multiple hospitalizations pacientă de 24 de ani, cu multiple internări în spitale
Sima1, Carmen in psychiatric hospitals for psychotic symptoms and de psihiatrie pentru simptomatologie psihotică și
Diana Dumitru1, behavioural disorders associated with neurodegenerative tulburări de comportament asociate unei patologii
Brîndușa Ecaterina pathology. The nosological classification and the neurodegenerative. Încadrarea nosologică și asocierea
Focșeneanu1,2 temporal association with the onset of multiple temporală cu debutul sclerozei multiple au constituit o
1. “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia”
sclerosis were both a clinical and a therapeutic provocare atât clinică, cât și terapeutică, justificând o
Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry, challenge, justifying a dynamic monitoring of the monitorizare în dinamică a simptomatologiei, utilizarea
Bucharest, Romania symptoms, using the history of MRI procedures and istoricului imagistic RMN și investigații curente pentru
2. Faculty of Medicine, current investigations for further information. obţinerea de informații.
“Titu Maiorescu” University, Keywords: psychosis, mood lability, multiple sclerosis, Cuvinte-cheie: psihoză, labilitate afectivă, scleroză
Bucharest, Romania
cognitive impairment multiplă, tulburări cognitive
Corresponding author:
Brîndușa Ecaterina Focșeneanu
E-mail: brindusafocseneanu@
01.02.2021 Aspecte de psihopatologie în contextul sclerozei multiple – provocare
25.02.2021 diagnostică și terapeutică
Suggested citation for this article: Petrescu C, Marian G, Sima CT, Dumitru CD, Focșeneanu BE. Psychiatric psychopathology in the context of multiple sclerosis –
diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. 2021;64(1):22-25

Case presentation been a smoker since the age of 14, she drinks coffee,
The patient A.B. (24 years old, female), known with a and occasionally consumes alcohol and psychoactive
neuropsychiatric history of multiple decompensations substances.
and hospitalizations in the last 12 months, is brought
to the emergency room of the “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Personal history
Obregia” Clinical Psychiatric Hospital by the ambu- At the age of 21 years old, she was diagnosed with
lance and the police, at the request of her family, for recurrent-remissive multiple sclerosis (RR), stating
a psychopathological symptomatology dominated by that the disease began with ocular symptoms (optic
psychomotor agitation, bizarre psychotic modified neuritis of the right eye), with diplopia, scotomas and
behaviour, unsystematic delusional ideas of persecu- pain with eye movements. The patient was treated
tion, low frustration tolerance, and suicide threats. for a year with interferon and methylprednisolone
The patient lives alone in an apartment owned by intravenously (i.v).
the family, she is unmarried, a high school graduate, The patient refused the recommended treatment, due
but unable to complete the first year of college after to multiple side effects, preferring the administration
several attempts. The patient had to make great ef- of an alternative treatment of her choice with 50,000
forts to recover two years of education in one year IU of vitamin D3 per day, initially, then the same dose
when she moved to Canada. Family relationships are weekly. In this decision, she was supported by her
strained, dominated by verbal aggression and episodes parents, against the medical advice.
of physical aggression. The patient spends a lot of
time on social networks, constantly posting images Psychiatric history
of herself in various poses, which can be translated The first admission to a psychiatric service took
as behavioural disinhibition. place three years ago in Canada, before the diagnosis
According to family reports, the patient experienced of the neurological condition, for a suicide attempt
a psychotraumatic event at the age of 17 years old, in the context of a depressive episode with psychotic
being the victim of a sexual assault. The patient has elements (“My voices told me to throw myself over the

22 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


window, that God will hold me in his arms”) for which mystical characteristics. Spontaneous speech is pre-
she received treatment with quetiapine 100 mg/day sent, circumstantiality used to conceal deficit, with
and escitalopram 10 mg/day, with a good evolution, a tendency to disorganize under the action of minor
but she interrupted the treatment after a few months. stress and lack of cause-effect relationship in the pa-
Before the onset, behavioural changes secondary to tient’s explanations. The patient’s way of thinking is
traumatic emotional relationships were reported, dominated by distractibility, illogical statements and
with dysphoric crises, philosophical and religious tangentiality. The verbal rhythm is uneven, with peri-
preoccupations uncharacteristic for her personality, ods of acceleration and verbal outbursts, alternating
going as far as conversion to another religion (Muslim). with periods of mental depletion, lack of concentration
Two years later, she was hospitalized as an emer- and verbal stereotypes. The mood is dysphoric, the
gency at the “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia” Clinical patient is short-tempered, has inappropriate feelings
Hospital of Psychiatry for a psychopathological symp- towards her father, emotional lability, demonstrative
tomatology dominated by auditory hallucinations, behaviour, aggressive outbursts, rapid action without
depressed mood, emotional lability, inappropriate deliberation and by that sacrificing critical thinking,
affect towards the father and social withdrawal. She impulsivity, irritability, social withdrawal, reduced
received treatment with olanzapine 5 mg/day, escit- level of activity, lack of interests, odd way of acting
alopram 10 mg/‌d ay and gabapentin 300 mg/day, with (she shaved the hair in the frontal region to lengthen
the incomplete remission of symptoms. the oval of her face, she colored the sides of her neck
She was re-hospitalized after seven months for with black eyeshadow to thin her neck appearance,
psychomotor anxiety, bizarre psychotic behaviour she asked for paper bags to constantly carry makeup,
modification, ideoverbal dissociation, persecutory cigarettes and disinfectants). Self-esteem is inflated,
delusion, ideas of reference, affective ambivalence she establishes superficial relationships with others,
and inappropriate affect towards the family, irasci- she has erotic disinhibition, suggestibility, motiva-
bility and irritability. She received treatment with tional ambivalence, lowered ability to make decisions
olanzapine 7.5 mg/day with the same nonadherence or to act (hypobulia), apathy, reduced planning of her
at home, being required to be readmitted three weeks future, lack of organization, activity sequencing, and
after her discharge from the hospital. reduced abstract thinking. She avoids oral treatment
by trying to disguise the administration methods
Somatic examination (pills); food instinct and conservation instinct are
The medical assessment reveals a BMI of 16.9, with decreased.
vital signs within normal limits and no motor deficits
at the time of admission. On the dorsal side of the Paraclinical examinations
hands, bilaterally, the skin has erythematous and ECG: normal.
scratchy lesions secondary to excessive use of disin- MDT-dip card toxicology: negative.
fectants and due to dehydration. HCG pregnancy test: negative
Total serum vitamin D: 215.84 ng/ml (optimal:
Mental status assessment 30-100 ng/ml).
The patient is time/place/person oriented; the phy- Biochemistry: within normal limits; normal com-
sician-patient contact is relatively difficult to achieve plete blood count; FT3, FT4, TSH: within normal
due to the patient’s hostility towards certain subjects limits.
and her fear of a negative evaluation, and the visual Ag HBs negative, anti-HCV negative.
contact is made and maintained during the course of Urinalysis within normal limits.
the interview. The facial expressiveness is in accord-
ance with the verbal and affective content transmitted, Medical imaging
with theatrical, demonstrative and artificial notes. Cerebral and cervical vertebra-medullary contrast-
No perceptual disturbances like hallucinations are enhanced MRI i.v. 3T, performed in 2017, reveals mul-
noted at the time of examination. Selective hyperpro- tiple infracentimetric lesions located at the following
sexia for hypochondriac themes and focused on the levels: right cerebellar, subcortical, bilateral perive-
dysfunctional relationship with her father, along with ntricular, parieto-occipital subcortical left, frontal
spontaneous hypoprosexia, moderate-severe hypo­ left, and a lesion of 9.4 mm in the posterolateral cords
mnesia with the inability to complete complex tasks, C3 segment, non-gadolinium enhancing lesions and
hypermnesia for certain thematic evocations with demyelination areas at the right optic nerve.
psychotic content. In the sphere of thinking, there is Contrast-enhanced brain MRI i.v., performed in
a slightly accelerated rhythm of ideas, with the main 2019, reveals areas of demyelination in the brain stem
interest reduced to a few topics aimed towards health, and in the left cerebellar hemisphere, non-gadolinium
the obsessive aspect of her body shape, preoccupation enhancing lesions, along with multiple bilateral and
with evil religious symbols, and suspiciousness. In periventricular demyelination areas in the white mat-
terms of thinking impairments, there are delusional ter of the cerebral hemispheres, as well as subcortical
ideas of persecution, prejudice, reference and with lesions, one of 16 mm in the right parietal level and

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

case report

one of 5.6 mm in the left periventricular parietal level. itself exclusively during delirium, the disorder causes
During hospitalization, the patient complained of significant clinical discomfort and dysfunction in
diplopia, postural instability, and tremor of the upper the social and professional fields, the disorder is not
limbs. The neurological exam revealed exacerbated better explained by another mental disorder (affec-
deep tendon reflexes in the left hemibody with posi- tive disorder with psychotic elements or endogenous
tive left Hoffmann reflex, suggestive of a lesion in the psychotic disorder), the symptoms evolving in close
corticospinal tract. correlation with the evolution of the neurological
I.v. contrast-enhanced brain MRI, performed during disease (1,2).
the current hospitalization, reveals multiple demy- For the mild neurocognitive disorder, second-
elinating processes with similar distribution to the ary to a medical condition: the patient’s complex
previous example in 2019 sub- and supratentorial, attention is affected in such a way that she needs
predominantly periventricular and at the cortico- more time than before in order to carry out her usual
subcortical junction, affecting both edges of the corpus tasks; an increased effort is required for performing
callosum. Lesions in the dentate nucleus and middle multiple-stage extensive projects, such as the faculty;
cerebellar peduncles, with lesions in the brainstem at she mentioned being tired, as a result of the effort
the origin of the right V-VII nerves. Multiple bilateral needed for organizing, planning or decision making;
frontal subcortical lacunar lesions. the learning and memory function was affected (the
The psychological examination highlights affective patient has got difficulties in remembering the recent
and behavioural disorders, with affective instability, events and she asks for pen and paper for making
irritability, disproportionate irascibility to the impor- lists of products needed for her personal care); she
tance of psychosocial precipitating factor, marked has significant difficulties in finding her words; in
apathy, suspicion, paranoid interpretation, severe this case, the impact on her social resilience appears
attention deficit disorder, and short-term memory under the form of decreased empathy, the increase
disorders with altered solving of complex tasks. of the introvert behaviour, reduced inhibition and
apathy, withdrawal and social disregard(2).
Diagnosis motivation
Based on the anamnesis, the symptomatology, Differential diagnosis
the history of the disease, the examination of the Other mental disorders, secondary to a medical
mental state (bizarre preoccupations, interrogative- condition – the impairment could not be better
investigative disposition, tendencies to disorganized explained by any other mental disorder, caused by
thinking, social withdrawal, difficulties in main- the medical condition(2).
taining stable interpersonal relationships) and the Substance or medicine-induced psychotic dis-
paraclinical investigations, the supported diagnosis order: the change of personality appears neither
is: organic personality disorder, mixed type (labile in the context of psychoactive substance or con-
and paranoid); psychotic disorder due to multiple sumption, nor in the context of the treatment with
sclerosis, with delusional ideas; mild neurocognitive corticosteroids (2).
disorder (in research criteria according to DSM IV-TR, The affective disorder with psychotic features
but implemented in DSM-5). or endogenous psychotic disorder – the presence
of the etiopathological factor (multiple sclerosis).
Sustained diagnosis Other personality disorders – a clinically sig-
For organic personality disorder, mixed type: nificant change is present, as compared to the
persistent personality disorder (marked affective main personality (2), in the evolutive context of the
lability, delusional ideas of persecution, prejudice, cerebral demyelination lesions.
reference), representing a change in the previous
personality pattern; there is evidence that the disor- Present treatment
der is the direct pathophysiological consequence of Due to her unpredictability, her disorganized be-
a medical condition – multiple sclerosis (history of haviour and her hetero- and autoaggressive poten-
brain damage, absence of insight of the phenomenol- tial, the patient was not voluntarily admitted in the
ogy as attributed to the medical condition, temporal hospital, in compliance with the Law no. 487/2002.
association with the onset or exacerbation of the The main objectives consisted in improving the deliri-
medical condition); the disorder does not manifest ous symptomatology, as well as proper feeding and
itself exclusively during a delirium; the disorder causes hydrating needed for preventing weight loss and the
clinically significant discomfort and dysfunction in other potential hydroelectrolytic and protein caloric
the social and professional life. imbalances.
For psychotic disorder due to multiple sclerosis, The pharmacological treatment consisted in pre-
with delusional ideas: prominent delusional ideas; scribing antipsychotics, such as zuclopenthixol 1 vial.
there is evidence that the disorder is the direct patho- i.m., three doses; the reason was the noncompliance
physiological consequence of a medical condition with the oral medication and the need to eliminate
(multiple sclerosis), the disorder does not manifest the conceptual-behavioural disorganization, the

24 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


agitation and the delirious ideas; at a later stage, the Sixty percent of the patients suffering from multiple
treatment with olanzapine 10 mg/day and amisulpride sclerosis and psychotic episodes have frontotemporal
200 mg/‌day was started, but the latter was interrupted, lesions. Among the patients suffering from multiple
due to the induced hyperprolactinaemia (288 ng/mL), sclerosis and a severe psychotic episode, 87% have
mood stabilizer with pregabalin 225 mg/day, vitamins delirious ideation of persecution, 80% have lack of
and hydroelectrolytical rebalancing. fear, and 53% have reference ideas. The presence
of periventricular lesions can be at the basis of the
Evolution psychotic episode (8).
Throughout the admission period of 39 days, the When the demyelinising process is affecting the
evolution was slightly favourable, the patient becom- temporal lobe and the diencephalic regions, memory
ing cooperative and adherent to the therapeutic plan. imbalances may appear. These have a prevalence of
A significant improvement of the delirious picture, 40-60% of the patients and the characteristic feature
present upon admission into hospital, was noted; is the fact that the short-term memory is affected.
however, there were a reduced persistence of the ste- About 50% of the patients have moderate cognitive
reotypes, steril behaviour and cognitive deterioration. disorders, which are apparently not linked to the se-
verity of the neurological symptoms or the duration
Prognosis of disease evolution. The depressive episodes are more
Considering the remissive status of the present common than the euphoric or hypomanic states (25-
neurological condition, of the partial insight on the 50% compared to 10%), thus explaining the increased
psychotic changes and the experiencing of the dys- suicidal risk. Personality disorders are frequent in
phoric mood, with explosive behaviour, the prognosis the context of multiple sclerosis, therefore 40% of
is favourable in the short term. However, the prognosis the patients are affected by changes related mainly
is unfavourable in the long term, based on the history to irritability and social withdrawal(5).
of treatment noncompliance for both conditions, the
precarious emotional support, due to the family con- Conclusions
flicts, the disruption of the patient’s social interests, The diagnosis of organic mental disorder involves a
the unpredictability of the multiple sclerosis evolution process which is often difficult; on one side, a skilful
and the association of the frontally localized ischemic use of the sequentially performed psychiatric inter-
vascular lesions (frontal dysexecutive syndrome). view is needed, both with the patient, and with the
Another factor of negative prognosis is the suicidal people who might provide credible information. On
risk, the multiple sclerosis being associated with a the other hand, a thorough psychological examination
suicide risk twice as high as in the general population, is also needed, for covering both the cognitive and the
especially for those in which the disease appears under affective-relational sides of the personality, and also a
30 years old(3,4); the patient already had an attempt targeted dynamic psychopharmacologic interventions.
in her past record. These are completed by complementary paraclinical
checkups, used to certify the correlation between the
Discussion organicity and the psychiatric symptomatology (9). n
The appearance of the psychotic episodes within
the context of multiple sclerosis is documented in
the specialty literature. The question is whether an
endogenous or exogenous organic cause may be the
basis of this change of personality structure and the References
emergence of the psychotic episode. Considering the 1. DSM IV-TR. Manual de diagnostic și statistică a tulburărilor mintale, ediţia a patra
revizuită, Bucuresti, 2003, Asociaţia Psihiatrilor Liberi din România p.188-190;
multiple lesions and their localization at the cerebral 334-338; 764.
and cerebellar levels, we believe that these lesions 2. DSM-5. Manual de Diagnostic și Clasificare Statistică a Tulburărilor Mintale,
American Psychiatric Association, Editura Callisto, 2016, p593-595,645, 707.
may be the basis of the delirious ideation of persecu- 3. Brønnum-Hansen H, Stenager E, Nylev Stenager E, et al Suicide among
tion, self-overevaluation, passive behaviour, lack of Danes with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.
criticism etc. According to the studies performed 4. Sadock BJ, Sadock VA, Pedro Ruiz P. Kaplan & Sadock’s synopsis of psychiatry:
until now, around 25% of the patients diagnosed behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry. 11th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, 2015; p. 720, 728.
with multiple sclerosis were admitted within the 5. Stenager EN, Stenager E, Koch-Henriksen N, Brønnum-Hansen H, Hyllested
K, Jensen K, Bille-Brahe U. Suicide and multiple sclerosis: an epidemiological
psychiatric service (ambulatory or hospital), at investigation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1992;55:542-545.
the time or after the beginning of the neurological 6. Gilberthorpe TG, O’Connell KE, Carolan A, et al. The spectrum of psychosis in
multiple sclerosis: a clinical case series. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2017;13:303-318.
symptomatology (5) . 7. Patten SB, Svenson LW, Metz LM, Psychotic disorders in MS: Population-based
The possibility of a psychotic episode occurrence in evidence of an association. Neurology. 2005 Oct;65 (7):1123-1125.
8. Camara-Lemarroy CR, Ibarra-Yruegas BE, Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Berrios-Morales
the case of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis I, Ionete C, Riskind P. The varieties of psychosis in multiple sclerosis: A systematic
is three times higher than in the case of the general review of cases. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 2017 Feb;12:9-14.
9. Trifu S, Marian G, Uță A. Tulburarea organică de personalitate – aspecte clinice
population(6). A study made on a lot of 10,000 patients și elemente de diagnostic diferențial. Lucrare prezentată în cadrul celui de-al
suffering from multiple sclerosis has shown the appear- III-lea Congres dedicat Cercetării Științifice Psihiatrice din România, Oradea,
România, 2013.
ance of at least one psychotic episode in 4% of them(7).

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Inpatient psychiatric services

use during the COVID-19
pandemic in Romania
Doina Cozman1,2, Abstract Rezumat
Bogdan Nemeș1,2,
Andrei Buciuta1,2, The distribution by macroregions of human resources and Distribuția în cele patru macroregiuni ale României a
of the institutional treatment capacities for psychiatric resurselor umane și a capacităţilor instituționale de
Claudia Dima3, disorders is uneven, which led to a very low supply of internare pentru tratamentul tulburărilor psihiatrice
Roxana Stoean2,4 support services for psychiatric pathology during the study este inegală. Distribuţia resursei umane de psihiatri
1. "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of period. The distribution of human resource of psychiatrists din România este de 11,88/100000 de locuitori, mult în
Medicine and Pharmacy , in Romania is 11.88/100,000 inhabitants, far behind urma majorității țărilor europene. Mai mult, în unele
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
most European countries. Moreover, in some Romanian macroregiuni din România (2 și 4), numărul psihiatrilor
2. Romanian Association of macroregions (2 and 4), the number of psychiatrists per la 100000 de locuitori se situează sub media pe țară.
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
100,000 inhabitants is below the national average. A Această situație este și mai evidentă în Macroregiunea
3. Romanian Institute
of Public Health
situation below the average level of distribution of human 2 și Macroregiunea 3, unde se găsește cel mai scăzut
resources and hospital beds was found in Macroregion 2 număr mediu de resurse umane și de paturi de spital
4. "Carol Davila" University
of Medicine and Pharmacy, and Macroregion 3. The hospitalization indicators were la 100000 de locuitori. Indicatorii de spitalizare pe
Bucharest, Romania influenced by the conditions imposed by the state of parcursul anului 2020 au fost influențați de condițiile
Corresponding author: emergency, respectively by the state of alert induced by impuse de starea de urgență, urmată de cea de alertă,
Bogdan Nemeș evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, throughout the year și de gradul de evoluție a pandemiei de COVID-19.
E-mail: 2020. Thus, the most obvious changes of the diagnostic Astfel, cele mai evidente schimbări a indicatorilor DRG
related groups (DRG) indicators in 2020 versus 2019 were: the de spitalizare în 2020 în comparație cu cei din 2019 au
decrease in the number of patients with affective disorders fost reprezentate de: scăderea numărului de pacienți cu
hospitalized in public hospitals; the increase in the duration tulburări afective internați în spitalele publice; creșterea
of hospitalization of patients, as a proof of the severity of duratei de spitalizare a pacienților, ca dovadă a severității
hospitalized cases. By the regulations of the Government cazurilor internate. Prin reglementările aduse de OUG
Ordinance no. 252/20.03.2020, regarding the telemedicine 252/20.03.2020, în privința consultațiilor de telemedicină,
consultations and, implicitly, the telepsychiatric ones, the inclusiv de telepsihiatrie, discrepanțele dintre cererea
discrepancy between the increased demand for psychiatric crescută de asistență psihiatrică și oferta mult dimininuată
assistance and the much-diminished offer for access to de acces la îngrijirile spitalicești și/sau la consultațiile în
hospitalizations or consultations in Romania was reduced. ambulatoriu s-au redus.
Keywords: macroregions, number of psychiatrists/100 000 Cuvinte-cheie: macroregiuni, număr de psihiatri/100 000
inhabitants, number of hospital beds/100 000 inhabitants, de locuitori, număr de paturi/100 000 de locuitori, indicatori
hospitalization indicators, telepsychiatry de spitalizare, telepsihiatrie

01.02.2021 Adresabilitatea către serviciile spitaliceşti de psihiatrie în timpul pandemiei
25.02.2021 de COVID-19 din România
Suggested citation for this article: Cozman D, Nemeș B, Buciuta A, Dima C, Stoean R. Inpatients psychiatric services use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. 2021;64(1):26-31

It is well known that epidemics can be the basis for receptions. This change corresponded with an increase
new psychiatric pathologies or relapses in patients in presentations related to depressive symptoms.
with an already established psychiatric diagnosis (1). The declaration of the state of emergency by De-
Thus, during and also after the pandemic, the mental cree of the President of Romania no. 195 of March
health needs are increasing, which can overload the 16, 2020, regarding the establishment of the state of
available resources, the most problematic being the emergency on the Romanian territory (2), opened the
areas where access is limited due to poor medical in- possibility of issuing military ordinances. Thus, the
frastructure or insufficient specialized medical staff. Military Ordinance no. 2 of 21.03.2020 provided for
Since the beginning of March 2020 (11.03.2020, the the restriction of the movement of persons between
date of declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic, in- 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
cluding in the EU and, implicitly, in Romania), there On 23.03.2020, by Order no. 74527 of the Department
has been an increase in request for medical care from for Emergency Situations, the Romanian state decided
patients in hospital outpatient clinics and emergency that the activity in the hospital outpatient services

26 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


be suspended for all consultations and treatments Research methodology

that can be rescheduled. Due to the large number Research typology
of patients requesting outpatient medical services, This study is retrospective, observational and de-
consultations in the hospital emergency room had to scriptive.
supplement this type of consultation. Thus, a larger
number of patients presented to the emergency rooms Study population
which did not require emergency psychiatric care. The sufficient number of specialists is an important
At the express request of some professional medi- criterion for assessing the degree of access of the popu-
cal organizations, including that of psychiatrists, lation to care for mental disorders. In this regard, the
represented by the Romanian Association of Psychia- delimitations on the EU territory of the geographical and
try and Psychotherapy, the Government responded socioeconomic regions, called macroregions (MR), are
promptly by issuing the Government Ordinance no. helpful. Thus, in Romania there are described geographi-
252/30.03.2020, which decided to allow telemedicine cally four macroregions: Macroregion 1 (MR 1 – 4.879
consultations (implicitly those of telepsychiatry) in million inhabitants), Macroregion 2 (MR 2 – 5.620 mil-
the outpatient network (3). lion inhabitants), Macroregion 3 (MR 3 – 5.256 million
The Order of the Minister of Health no. 555, in force since inhabitants) and Macroregion 4 (MR 4 – 3.720 million
7.04 2020, on the approval of the plan of measures for the inhabitants), according to the Romanian National In-
preparation of hospitals in the context of the COVID-19 stitute of Statistics (NIS)(5). The most relevant socioeco-
epidemic, of the list of hospitals providing healthcare to nomic indicators are GDP/capita and unemployment
patients tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in phase I and rate (Table 1).
in phase II and the list of support hospitals for patients The highest number of inhabitants was found in
tested positive or suspected with SARS-CoV-2 infection, MR 2 (5.620 million inhabitants). Unfortunately, the
imposed the epidemiological triage at hospitalization or same MR 2 is the macroregion with the lowest socio-
consultation at the level of the emergency unit (or emer- economic profile.
gency room) of each hospital, regardless of specialty(4).
Until Government Ordinance no. 252/30.03.2020, for
people returning to the country, the only possibility to
care for a psychiatric condition was to call for consulta-
tions in the private system or to the emergency room
of psychiatric hospitals. In these circumstances, the
problem of access to mental healthcare has become
acute, which in our country is still limited by some
barriers (structural or attitudinal), such as:
n unequal distribution of hospital beds in different
geographical areas;
n long distances from the hospital or the outpatient
n unequal distribution of human resources for the care
of mental disorders throughout the country;
n deficient information regarding the availability of
psychiatric outpatient clinics;
n difficulties in scheduling consultations;
n problems with the operating hours of outpatient clinics
(especially for those over 65 years of age);
n attitudinal barriers (stigma, opposition to psychiatric
consultation, poor relationship with medical staff etc.). Figure 1. Map of Romania and its position in Europe

Table 1 Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the macroregions of Romania

Macroregion Inhabitants (milion) GDP/capita (PPS) Unemployment rate (%)
MR 1 4.879 49.36 2.3
MR 2 5.620 40.19 4.2
MR 3 5.256 86.73 2.1
MR 4 3.720 48.37 3.4
*PPS – Purchasing power standards

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Sources of information Statistical analysis

Four categories of unclassified national and inter- The statistical calculations were performed using
national sources of public data were used: Microsoft Office Excel, version 2019.
a. Demographic data. Thus, we calculated the distribution of the popula-
b. Epidemiological information on the evolution of tion by macroregions, the epidemiological indicators of
the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. ­COVID-19 infection per 100,000 inhabitants, the number
c. I nformation about the beds in the public psychi- of doctors working in hospitals and those working in
atric care institutions. outpatient clinics, in both situations the reporting being
d. I nformation about the human resource, represent- done per 100,000 inhabitants, and the number of beds in
ed by the specialized doctors of adult psychiatry psychiatric institutions, both public and private, reported
and child psychiatry (the other staff working in per 100,000 inhabitants.
the assistance institutions for people with mental The average of the hospitalization indicators was
issues was not taken into account, due to the lack calculated according to the quarters (Q). These indica-
of official data for this sector). tors include: the number of hospitalizations, the average
Demographic data were taken from two sources: duration of hospitalization, and the total number of days
✔  National Institute of Statistics, for the total pop- of hospitalization associated with the major diagnostic
ulation of Romania and the population of the group.
✔  for the geographical delimitation of the four ter- Results
ritorial units – macroregions (MR) of Romania A. Distribution by macroregions of psychiatrists
located in the EC nomenclature, we used the data in Romania
published in EUROSTAT(6) The coverage of mental healthcare services, repre-
For the information about the evolution of the sented by the mean number of psychiatrists working
COVID-19 pandemic in Romania, we used the data in hospitals and outpatient clinics, is 11.88 per 100,000
published daily by the National Institute of Public inhabitants (EUROSTAT, 2018). This number is larger
Health (NIPH)(7). than 10 years ago, which was of 10 psychiatrists per
The absolute number of beds in psychiatric institu- 100,000 inhabitants.
tions in the public system (acute psychiatry, chronic But this number is different in the four macroregions
psychiatry, child psychiatry, drug addiction depart- of Romania. The number of psychiatrists in each mac-
ments) in each county was provided by the National roregion and their distribution per 100,000 inhabitants
Center for Mental Health and Anti-Drug Control in 2018 are presented in Table 2 and Figure 2.
(NCMHA)(8). We found that in MR 1, an optimal number of psy-
The human resource available for providing psy- chiatrists is ensured, both in the hospital services
chiatric treatment, represented by the number of and in the coverage with norms of the NHIH affili-
psychiatrists in public hospitals, doctors in specialized ated outpatient clinics. On the other hand, there is
clinics (public and private), was taken from the Na- a shortage of human resources for psychiatric care
tional Health Insurance House (NHIH) and NCMHA (8). (hospital/outpatient) in MR 2.

11.76 11.4
8.4 8.07

Hospital seng Outpaent seng Hospital seng Outpaent seng
Figure 2. Coverage of the macroregions in Romania with psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants (2018)

28 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Table 2
Distribution by macroregions C. Psychiatric care during the restrictions
of psychiatrists in Romania imposed by the emergency/alert state declared
due to the COVID-19 pandemic (2020)
Psychiatrists in hospitals Psychiatrist in outpatient clinics The impact of the pandemic on psychiatric care
NP (NP/100,000) NP (NP/100,000) in Romania can be assessed by the dynamics of hos-
MR 1 585 (12.21) 410 (8.40) pitalization indicators of one of the most common
MR 2 513 (10.69) 322 (5.72) mental disorders of modern times, namely major
MR 3 641 (11.75) 424 (8.08) affective disorder.
MR 4 506 (11.39) 283 (7.60) In this respect, the year 2020 was taken into account,
Total 2245 (11.49) 1439 (7.39) during which it was possible to notice a change in all
MR – macroregion, NP – no. of psychiatrists hospitalization indicators, regarding the hospitali-
zations in public psychiatric hospitals compared to
B. Distribution by macroregions of the number the same data from 2019 (Figure 3 and Figure 4). The
of psychiatric beds in the public system, by indicators taken into account were: number of hos-
categories of care pitalizations, average length of hospitalization, total
The number of beds in the acute wards is almost number of hospitalization days. The hospitalization
equal in MR 2 (2016) and MR 3 (2006), but with a sig- indicators for affective disorders in public hospitals
nificant decrease in MR 4 (1138). On the other hand, (2020 versus 2019) were calculated by age groups:
MR 4 has the highest number of beds in the long-term patients under 70 years old, respectively patients
wards (2330), while MR 3 (1268) has the fewest in this over 69 years old.
category. A disadvantageous situation is the insuffi- In the age group below 70 years old, there was a
cient number of beds for the treatment of addiction drastic decrease in the number of hospitalizations
pathology, with a total number in the whole country and in the total number of hospitalization days, but
of only 193 beds. Also, the beds for child psychiatry the average duration of hospitalizations increased,
are poorly represented in the country (457) – Table 3(8). especially in Q4 (by 50%).

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Q1-Q4







Admissions Hospitalizaon days ALOS
*Q = Quarter; **ALOS = Average Length of Stay

Figure 3. Indicators of hospitalization in public psychiatric hospitals for major affective disorders (below 70 years old) for
2020 compared with 2019

Table 3 Distribution by MR of the number of beds in psychiatric hospitals (public sector)

Total no. of beds Acute care Addiction care Long-term care Pediatric care
n (n/100,000 pop) n (n/100,000) n(n/100,000) n(n/100,000) n(n/100,000)
MR 1 4465 (91.50) 1914 (48.64) 29 (0.73) 2398 (60.94) 124 (1.31)
MR 2 4170 (74.19) 2016 (45.14) 70 (1.56) 1964 (43.97) 120 (1.04)
MR 3 3479 (68.18) 2006 (46.35) 94 (2.17) 1268 (29.30) 111 (1.19)
MR 4 3570 (95.96) 1138 (36.95) 0 (0) 2330 (75.67) 102 (1.59)
Total 15684 (80.52) 7074 (44.75) 193 (1.22) 7960(50.35) 457 (1.24)
MR – macroregions, n – no. of beds (source:

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Q1-Q4
Admissions Hospitalizaon days ALOS
*Q = Quarter; **ALOS = Average Length of Stay

Figure 4. Indicators of hospitalization in public psychiatric hospitals for major affective disorders (above 69 years old) for
2020 compared with 2019

In the age group above 69 years old, an even more B. The distribution of the number of beds within
drastic decrease was observed in the number of hos- psychiatric institutions varies in the macroregions
pitalizations (more than 70%), followed closely by the of Romania, MR 4 having the highest number of beds
decrease in the number of days of hospitalization. per 100,000 inhabitants (95.96/100,000 inhabitants),
The length of hospitalization increased on average followed by MR 1 (91.5 beds per 100,000 inhabitants)
by 15% throughout 2020. and MR 2 (74.19/100,000 inhabitants). MR 3 has the
lowest total number of beds (68.18/100,000 inhabit-
Discussion ants). We could not correlate this low number of beds
The distribution by macroregions of human resources in MR 3 with the economic conditions of Macroregion
and institutional treatment capacities for psychiatric 3. Probably, most psychiatric institutes are concen-
disorders is uneven, both in terms of human resources trated in the capital of Romania and the neighboring
(psychiatrists for adults and children) and in terms county (Ilfov).
of the logistical resource of coverage with psychiatric The same ranking is maintained in terms of the
beds, differentiated in hospitals on different categories total number of psychiatric beds in chronic wards
of pathology (acute or chronic psychiatric disorders, per 100,000 inhabitants. It should be noted, however,
addictions) or age (child psychiatry, psychogeriatrics). that there are very large inequalities between the
A. The distribution by macroregions of psychiatrists number of beds per 100,000 inhabitants between MR 4
in Romania shows that MR 1 is the one that offers (75.6/100,000 inhabitants) and MR 1 (60.94/100.000
the best coverage in terms of psychiatrists, both in inhabitants), on the one hand, and MR 2 (43.97/100,000
hospitals (12.21 psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants) inhabitants) and MR 3 (29.3/100.000 inhabitants), on
and outpatient clinics (8.4 psychiatrists per 100,000 the other hand.
inhabitants), followed by MR 2 (12.21 psychiatrists in MR 1 has the highest total number of psychiatric
hospitals per 100,000 inhabitants and 8.07 psychia- beds in acute wards, 48.64/100,000 inhabitants, fol-
trists in outpatient clinics) and MR 4 (11.40 psychia- lowed by MR 3 (46.35/100,000 inhabitants), MR 2
trists in hospitals per 100,000 inhabitants and 7.61 (45.14/100,000 inhabitants) and MR 4 (36.95/100,000
in outpatient facilities). Macroregion 2 is the one inhabitants).
that offers the lowest coverage of psychiatrists both All macroregions have an almost similar number of
in hospitals (10.69 psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabit- total child psychiatry beds per 100,000 inhabitants.
ants) and in outpatient clinics (5.73 psychiatrists per Regarding the total number of beds in addiction
100,000 inhabitants). We also refer to the precarious wards per 100,000 inhabitants, in MR 4 there are none
economic conditions of the Macroregion 2. and in the other macroregions the number is very small
However, the number of psychiatrists in Roma- (MR 1: 0.73/100,000 inhabitants; MR 2: 1.56/100,000
nia (11.88/100,000 inhabitants) compared to coun- inhabitants; MR 3: 2.17/100.000 inhabitants).
tries such as Switzerland (53.1/100,000), Germany Regarding the ratio between the number of psychi-
(27.75/100,000), The Netherlands (24.15/100,000) or atric beds per 100,000 inhabitants in acute wards and
Greece (25.79/100,000), is much lower. that of beds in chronic wards, it can be noticed that

30 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


in MR 4 the ratio of the number of beds in chronic Conclusions

wards is more than twice as high as in that of the The distribution by macroregions of human re-
beds in the acute wards, while in MR 3 the number of sources and institutional treatment capacities for
beds in the acute wards (46.35/100,000 inhabitants) psychiatric disorders is uneven, which led to a very
is much higher than that of the beds in the chronic low supply of support services for psychiatric pathol-
wards (29.3/100,000 inhabitants). ogy during the study period.
C. Hospitalization indicators regarding affective The human resource of psychiatrists in Romania is
major disorders highlighted the impact of the pan- 11.88/100,000, far behind most European countries.
demic on the psychiatric care in Romania. Moreover, in some macroregions (MR 2 and MR 4),
This impact was evaluated in the present study the number of psychiatrists at 100,000 inhabitants
only on a very common psychiatric pathology, namely is below the national average.
major affective disorders. A situation below the average level of distribution
We notice that, if at the beginning of 2020, when the of human resources and hospital beds was found in
COVID-19 pandemic had just started in Romania, the MR 2 and MR 3.
indicators did not change significantly compared to The hospitalization indicators were influenced by the
the same period (Quarter 1) of 2019, in the next three conditions induced by the state of emergency, respec-
quarters the DRG indicators changed drastically. The tively by the alert state imposed by the evolution of the
measure of the transformation of some psychiatric COVID-19 pandemic, throughout the year 2020. Thus, the
hospitals in Romania into COVID-19 support hospitals most obvious changes of the diagnostic related groups
was reflected in a differentiation regarding two DRG (DRG) indicators in 2020 versus 2019 were:
indicators, compared to 2019: the number of hospi- n the decrease in the number of patients with affective
talized patients, and the number of hospitalization disorders hospitalized in public hospitals;
days. The largest differences for the population below n the increase in the duration of hospitalization of pa-
70 years old were found in Quarter 2 and Quarter 4, tients, as a proof of the severity of hospitalized cases.
coinciding with the first and second waves of the This change in DRG indicators in 2020 can be also
COVID-19 pandemic, respectively. explained by the reduced possibility of the popula-
For the population above 69 years old, there were tion in areas with low socioeconomic indicators, for
accentuated the differences of the hospitalization using private services. The Government Ordinance
indicators, especially regarding the number of hos- no. 252/20.03.2020 regulated the telemedicine con-
pitalizations, with decreases between 50% and 70%, sultations – and, implicitly, the telepsychiatric ones
starting with Quarter 2. –, and the discrepancy between the increased demand
The Average Length of Stay (ALOS) also increased for psychiatric assistance and the much-diminished
during Q2-Q4, especially regarding the patients ad- offer for access to hospitalizations or consultations
mitted to chronic wards. in Romania was reduced. n

Study limits References

Since we used demographic data (total and regional
1. Tucci V, Moukaddam N, Meadows J, Shah S, Galwankar SC, Kapur GB. The
number of the Romanian population) and data regard- forgotten plague: psychiatric manifestations of Ebola, Zika, and emerging
ing staff resources (from hospitals, outpatient clinics, infectious diseases. J Glob Infect Dis. 2017;9:151–6.
mental health centers) in the statistics for 2018, there 3.
may be some differences from the statistical data for 5.
2020. Unfortunately, these data have not been com- 6.
municated so far, both in national and international analiza-cazuri-confirmate-261-pana-la-18-03-2020/file
statistics. 8.

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Individual personological
features in the professional
choice of medical students
and resident doctors
Lorena Mihaela Abstract Rezumat
Aurel Nireștean1,2, The medical specialty contributes to the professional Specialitatea medicală contribuie la procesul de formare
training process through the development of personal skills, profesională, prin dezvoltarea competențelor personale, prin
Emese Lukacs1,2 through the permanent accumulation of knowledge, but acumularea permanentă de cunoștințe, dar și prin dobândirea
1. “George Emil Palade” also through the acquisition of new skills, things that are de noi abilități, lucruri care sunt dependente de personalitatea
University of Medicine,
Pharmacy, Science and dependent on each individual personality. Choosing an fiecăruia. Alegerea unei specialități nepotrivite poate duce la
Technology of Târgu-Mureș, inappropriate specialty can lead to a low level of fulfillment un nivel scăzut de îndeplinire și rezolvare a cerințelor specifice
and resolution of the specific requirements of the profession, profesiei, la eșecuri, frustrări, lipsa satisfacțiilor și afirmării
2. Psychiatric Clinic II, failures, frustrations, lack of satisfaction and self- de sine prin profesie sau suprasolicitare, aspecte care uneori
Mureș County Clinical Hospital,
Târgu-Mureș, Romania affirmation through the profession, overwork, aspects that duc chiar la pierderea controlului. Prezența acestora mai
sometimes even lead to loss of control. Their presence for a mult timp poate declanșa sindromul de burnout. De aceea,
Corresponding author:
Lorena Mihaela Muntean longer period can trigger the burnout syndrome. That is why este foarte important ca specialitatea medicală să fie aleasă
E-mail: it is very important that the medical specialty be chosen în concordanță cu personalitatea, abilitățile individuale,
in accordance with the personality, individual abilities, interesele, valorile, dar și cu așteptările personale. Calitatea
interests, values, but also with personal expectations. vieții urmărește mai multe aspecte, precum sănătatea fizică și
Quality of life pursues several aspects, such as physical and psihică, stima de sine, relațiile interpersonale, cât și condițiile
mental health, self-esteem, interpersonal relationships de mediu. Specialitatea medicală potrivită va îmbunătăți
and environmental conditions. The right medical specialty calitatea actului medical prin capacitatea persoanei de a-și
will improve the quality of the medical act through the îndeplini obligațiile la locul de muncă, dar în același timp
ability to fulfill the obligations at work, but at the same contribuie și la creșterea calității vieții, prin reducerea stresului
time it also contributes to increasing the quality of life by la locul de muncă. Acest demers poate fi integrat în viitor în
reducing stress at work. This approach can be integrated programe educaționale, în vederea ghidării absolvenților
in the future in educational programs in order to guide mediciniști în alegerea specialității medicale potrivite.
medical graduates in choosing the right medical specialty. Cuvinte-cheie: specialitate medicală, calitatea
Keywords: medical specialty, quality of life, personality vieții, trăsături de personalitate, motivație, perspectivă
traits, motivation, dimensional perspective dimensională

30.03.2021 Trăsături personologice individuale în opțiunea profesională a studenților
12.04.2021 mediciniști și a medicilor rezidenți
Suggested citation for this article: Muntean LM, Nireștean A, Emese L. Individual personological features in the professional choice of medical students and resident
doctors. 2021;64(1):32-34

Medical education involves investments of material Doctors are often viewed through the chosen spe-
resources, time and energy, whose beneficiary will be cialty (4). The choice of medical profession is influenced
in the end the patient (1). by personal motivation, personal interests and values,
The medical specialty contributes to the profession aspects related to personal subjectivity. Academic
training process through the development of personal achievements, the possibilities offered by the specialty
skills and accumulation of knowledge, things that are as a social and financial status, the opportunities
dependent on each individual’s personality. In this way, related to research, but also the possibility to prac-
the personality is in close connection with profession(2). tice the specialty in the private or public system are
Personality is considered to be the most important factors related to the objective conditions (5).
factor in the choice of medical professional. The profes- In many cases, there are discrepancies and mis-
sion satisfies the personality characteristics in terms matches between the personal style and the charac-
of aspirations and level of achievement (3). teristics of the medical field chosen(6).

32 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


An improvement in the quality of the medical act In Romania, the duration of the faculty of medicine is
can be obtained by studying the personality of doc- six years, training that ends with the bachelor’s exam. In
tors. The right specialty will help reduce stress at work order to be able to complete the residency training, the
that can reach high levels, the medical career being graduates must take the residency exam. In this regard,
one of the most stressful professions (3). the choice of medical specialty can be an elaborate,
The quality of life of both the student and the doctor conjunctural or imposed option and is conditioned by
includes several aspects, such as physical and mental several factors. The first factor mentioned is individual
health, interpersonal relationships at work and in the self-knowledge, in the sense of matching the character-
family, but also the conditions in which the student istics of professional activity, the dominance of person-
or doctor lives and works(7). Throughout their careers, ality and the intellectual and physical abilities of the
doctors are attentive to the quality of life of patients, doctor. The second factor that can condition the choice
thus neglecting their personal life, which over time can of specialty is represented by the work places that are
lead to a decrease in the quality of life. The existing provided by the Ministry of Health. The third factor is
studies currently suggest that medical students have represented by the grade acquired by the future doctor at
a lower quality of life than people of the same age in the National Residency Contest. The family model plays
the general population. This is due to the unbalanced an important role, as there are professions with family
lifestyle, academic failures that impact the student’s transmission. Another aspect is related to the social and
mental state, factors related to the environment in financial status that each specialty can offer; there are
which they operate, interpersonal relationships that specialties with an incre ased danger that can make a
due to the busy schedule may be lacking, but also low specialty more attractive from a financial point of view.
self-esteem(8). That is why it can become difficult to The international literature has shown that surgeons
find a balance between academic requirements and are confident in their own strengths with increased
daily activities. extroversion, supported by Mehmood et al. (2013)(11).
As a student or doctor, motivation is an extremely Psychiatrists have a lower conscientiousness than the
important aspect in the medical career. Motivation is rest of doctors form the other specialties, as demon-
defined as the process by which a person is mobilized strated by Bexelius et al. (2016)(6). Mullola et al. (2018)
to achieve goals. Motivation for profession is made argue that physicians in paraclinical specialties have
up of several factors that determine the engagement low extroversion(1). Internists have increased consci-
in a behavior. The most important internal factor is entiousness, as highlighted by Mullola et al. (2018)(1).
represented by personality. The external factors are The sample of the study consists of a number of 129
represented by environmental factors. Motivation is resident doctors from different medical specialties,
a faceted construct that includes: confidence in one’s whose personality was evaluated from a dimensional
own abilities, reasons for engaging in the activity, but point of view, after the Big Five model, with the help
also the reactions that the activity provokes. This of the DECAS personality inventory scale.
can be seen as a process of choosing the goal and the Given the importance of personality in different
effort required to achieve it (9). medical specialties, our first study (10) was conducted
Motivational involvement is the qualitative and on 129 doctors as subjects, from different specialties:
adaptive aspect of motivation and refers to a person’s 18 resident doctors in surgery (13.96%), 34 resident
ability and willingness to set certain goals and try doctors in psychiatry (26.36%), 42 resident doctors
to achieve them. In other words, motivational in- in internal medicine (32.56%), 11 resident doctors in
volvement can be represented by activating, but also paraclinical specialties (8.51%), and 24 resident doc-
motivational targeting to achieve the proposed goal. tors in other specialties (18.61%). 
Through motivational involvement, one can identify The personality profile of the resident doctors in
job satisfaction from which we can extrapolate indi- surgery is associated with increased levels of extraver-
vidual and professional productivity (9). sion (p<0.0049) and agreability (p<0.0440). People with
Motivational persistence provides the quantitative high extroversion are pragmatic individuals, who take
component of motivation, representing a person’s easy risks, are talkative, enthusiastic, optimistic and
ability to persevere and make an effort to achieve self-confident. They prefer action and rapid take-up
the proposed goals. It follows several elements: the of the initiative (10).
effort that represents the energy exerted by a person Resident doctors in psychiatry are characterized
to achieve the goals; self-confidence; the perseverance as casual people, who manifest easily and have a
with which the person directs his effort to achieve nonconformist spirit.
the goals; the purpose for which the person engages Those who have opted for this specialty have high
in the activity; organizing the dosing of the effort to values of agreeableness compared to doctors in other
achieve the objectives; focusing on the essentials, on specialties (p<0.0382). Doctors dominated by this di-
the activities necessary to achieve the objectives; the mension are altruistic people, less pretentious, with
obstacle that can intervene and the ability to overcome high common sense, friendly and with a high degree
it, but also the ambition to achieve more than others of empathy, they trust those around them. Increased
and to be in competition(9). emotional stability characterizes psychiatrists as

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


strong, persevering, rational in thinking, with well- Choosing an inappropriate specialty can lead to a
developed coping mechanisms to deal with extreme low level of fulfillment and resolution of the specific
situations (10). On the other hand, the study highlights requirements of the profession, to failures, frustra-
lower values of conscientiousness in psychiatric resi- tions, lack of satisfaction and self-assertion through
dents compared to other specialties (p<0.0151). the profession, overwork, and loss of control. Their
Internal medicine residents have increased agreea- persistence for a long period can trigger the burnout
bleness and conscientiousness (p<0.0478). The in- syndrome.
creased agreeableness characterizes doctors as al- In the medical profession, the highest degree of
truistic, friendly, empathetic people, trusting those satisfaction remains the one offered by the specialty,
around them, being oriented towards the needs of the quality of the doctor’s life and the life satisfactions
those around them. Increased conscientiousness that are based on the quality of the involvement and
indicates a high level of control, perseverance and the results of the medical act.
meticulousness, the activities undertaken being well Extensive research in this field is absolutely neces-
organized and structured(10). sary due to the large number of resident doctors who
Resident doctors in paraclinical specialties are pre- change their chosen specialty motivated by the fact
dominantly introverted, a dimension accentuated by that they realize that they are incompatible with
the reduced contact with the patient. They have a low working conditions, with the time spent in hospital,
extraversion dimension of personality (p<0.0284), avoid- but also with the expectations that are not in line
ing taking the initiative due to the fact that they deplete with reality, therefore the choice of medical specialty
them energetically, preferring solitary activities(10). is extremely important to the future.
Low emotional stability in doctors of other medical The potential impact of the research results un-
specialties can be explained by the fact that there is a derlines the fact that self-knowledge in the sense of
structural anxiety that in a first phase can be adaptive, personality dimensions allows the recognition of per-
but if stressors intervene, it can manifest clinically (10). sonological factors that can facilitate an appropriate
It is proven that the conscientiousness is the fac- choice according to their skills in vocational training.
tor that frames the doctor in the professional role. The results of such a study can be integrated into
High conscientiousness indicates an increased level educational programs in order to support the decision-
of control, perseverance and meticulousness (12) . It making process in choosing the medical specialty and
can be considered a marker of efficiency, but also of in increasing the efficiency of the medical act and the
success in the medical profession. quality of life in the medical world. n

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Reclamă Psih 64(1)0105

34 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

X I V -A
EDI Ț IA A 2 0 21
14 - 17 IUL
Organizator: Parteneri științifici: Sub egida:

Asociatia Româna
de Psihiatrie si Psihoterapie

Asociația Română de Colegiul Psihologilor Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Academia de Științe Medicale
Psihiatrie și Psihoterapie din România „Iuliu Hațieganu”, Cluj-Napoca din România

cu participare internaţională
book review

Oxford Handbook
of Psychiatry
Ilinca Untu, Roxana Chiriță
“Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iași; Socola Institute of Psychiatry, Iași, Romania

The Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry embodies all The handbook has 1147 pages and is divided into 26
major psychiatric disorders, focusing on psychiatric chapters, covering all areas of interest in contempo-
subspecialties and thus providing an overview, cre- rary psychiatry, starting from a chapter aimed at the
ated from a practical and comprehensive perspective conceptual framework of psychiatry with a review of
of addressing mental disorders, their psychopathol- scientific guidelines, the role of the psychiatrist, myths
ogy, evidence-based practice, the problems they raise related to the psychiatric disease, stigma and the notion
regarding therapy and psychotherapy, or when it of mental disorder, continuing with a section dedicated
comes to cross-cultural psychiatry. This handbook to psychiatric evaluation and one that essentially refers
was updated in December 2015, in order to ref lect to the fundamental basics of psychiatric semiology, then
the new trends in the field. moves on to a chapter of neuropsychiatry to then be pre-
The book was published in February 2013 in edited sented, in a clear and systematic way, the main mental
format and in March 2013 appeared in online format disorders (schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders,
at the Oxford University Press, UK. In 2014, it was depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, anxiety spectrum
awarded the BMA Book Awards, having a favorable disorders, eating and impulse control disorders, sleep
reception and numerous reviews and comments that disorders, reproductive psychiatry, personality disor-
support its usefulness and importance in the field. ders, gerontopsychiatry, disorders related to psychoac-
The authors of the book are David Semple, psychia- tive substance use, mental disorders of the child and
trist consultant at the Hairmyres University Hospital adolescent), followed by a chapter dedicated to forensic
and honorary member of the Psychiatry Division of psychiatry, one related to intellectual disability, another
the University of Edinburgh, UK, and Roger Smith, on liaison psychiatry, a section on various aspects and
psychiatrist consultant in the Department of Medical notions of psychotherapy, and sections on legal issues in
Psychology at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and psychiatric medical practice, cross-cultural psychiatry,
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at the University therapeutic approaches, major psychiatric emergencies,
of Edinburgh. useful resources and an index reported to ICD-10 and
The acknowledgement section cites all the co-au- DSM-5. In addition, right at the beginning of the book,
thors who contributed to the creation of the chapters we find a section of symbols and abbreviations.
of this handbook. This book has reached its fourth The first chapter, Thinking about psychiatry, is prefigured
edition, marking a new beginning, including all the as an introductory section, as an exhaustive description
updates provided by the most current version of the of the place of mental illness, psychiatrist and psychia-
classification launched by the American Psychiatric try in the medical world, with subchapters on disease
Association, DSM-5. The entire text of the previous definition, psychiatric diagnosis, perception of psychiatry,
edition has been revised, in order to reorient the psychomitology, stigma, antipsychiatry and a very short
content to mark the evolution of ideas that directly but conclusive section on the history of psychiatry. In
and indirectly inf luence psychiatric thinking. This addition, the first chapter addresses some issues related
directive includes notions of global mental health to the current practice of the psychiatrist and the nature
and gender issues. At the same time, taking into and effects of his work: Why do psychiatrists look at the
account the newly found knowledge regarding the brain ?, Can psychotherapy change the brain ?, The power
biological mechanisms underlying the mental disor- of placebo, Treating patients against their will.
ders, the handbook is provided with a new section of The second chapter, entitled Psychiatric assessment,
neuropsychiatry, with a new conceptual definition of manages to create a clear, detailed and concise picture
what neuropsychiatry really represents. of what the psychiatric interview means, starting from
The authors made this update to the Oxford Hand- describing the interview preparation, how to manage
book of Psychiatry to encourage scientific thinking the dialogue with a psychiatric patient, some tricks re-
with holistic tendencies, taking into account the wide garding obtaining anamnestic data, with fundamental
range of areas that influence the current practice of details from the patient’s personal and family history, up
psychiatrists, such as philosophy, ethics, sociology to the examination on mental functions of the patient’s
and forensic issues. mental state. In addition, the chapter is provided with

36 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


a section on summarizing the case, including the most The third chapter, Symptoms of psychiatric illness,
important elements of the patient’s personal and medical contains a very brief overview of psychiatric symptoms,
history, the psychiatric examination itself, suicide risk followed by a section entitled Dictionary of psychiatric
assessment and disease insight, followed by differential symptoms, which explains clearly and synthetically
diagnostic algorithms, the approach of the case according the main semiological notions of psychiatry, but also
to predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors a series of terms that refer to adverse effects of psycho-
and the management plan, taking into account all the tropic medication, thus foreshadowing an instrument
information previously described. of work in itself through the clarity and eloquence of
the description and explanation of these notions.
The fourth chapter, Neuropsychiatry, focuses on
the role of neurological examination, on the organic
implications of neurological factors in the patho-
genesis of mental disorders, on neurodevelopmental
features, neuropsychiatric peculiarities in epilepsy,
nonvascular dementia, prion infection, HIV infection,
autoimmune diseases and psychiatric complications
following strokes.
Chapters five consists of twelve major psychiatric
diagnoses, starting with Schizophrenia and related
psychoses, Depressive illness, Bipolar illness and up to
Anxiety and stress-related disorders, Eating and impulse-
control disorders, Sleep-wake disorders, Reproductive
psychiatry, sexual health and gender related issues and
Personality disorders. They are organized and synthetic,
containing fundamental information for the recognition,
diagnosis and therapeutic approach of each mental dis-
order, with various information related to the research
history in a certain area of psychiatric pathology, but
also historical landmarks of the disorder, epidemiol-
ogy and, last but not least, pathogenesis. The positive
diagnosis relates to both ICD 10 and DSM-5 criteria. In
addition, the chapters are provided with descriptions of
the clinical features of each mental disorder, described
in detail and related to the practical intervention of the
specialist. Psychopharmacological therapy is presented
in accordance with the international guidelines, but
does not omit the off-label recommendations, offering
therapeutic switch strategies, as well as options for
initiating psychotropic therapy.
The thirteenth chapter, entitled Old age psychiatry,
provides a synthetic picture of the psychopathology of
the elderly, including the issue of overspecialization
in old age psychiatry. In addition, beyond the clinical
aspects and the psychopharmacological approach, we
find a related section of various legal issues intercon-
nected with this area of expertise.
The fourteenth chapter, Substance misuse, focuses
on information on the clinical aspects and therapy
of mental disorders resulting from the abusive use of
psychoactive substances, starting with a definition of
the addiction syndrome. Thus, the substances to which
the chapter refers are alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs
such as opioids, stimulants, hallucinogens, volatile
substances etc., introducing the notion of legal highs.
The fifteenth chapter, Child and adolescent psychiatry,
includes clinical-therapeutic notions related to mental
disorders characteristic of childhood and adolescence,
with particularization of the approach to psychophar-
macological therapy, but also family psychotherapy.

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

book review

Forensic psychiatry, the sixteenth chapter, details a The twenty-third chapter, Difficult and urgent situ-
series of aspects related to forensic psychiatry, with ations, essentially refers to the management of major
legislative references and methods for assessing the psychiatric emergencies, with an original final section,
risk of aggression, detailing the correlation between dealing with a subject often overlooked, the mental
crime and mental disorder and describing the most health of doctors.
secure medical units. Chapter 24 includes useful resources, addresses,
The seventeenth chapter refers to Intellectual dis- e-mails, contact phone numbers, useful to patients
ability, providing a holistic picture on this subject, suffering from various mental disorders.
detailing the etiology, highlighting the clinical cir- The 25th chapter includes an ICD-10/DSM-5 index,
cumstances most commonly associated with intel- useful in systematizing and providing an operational
lectual disability, and highlighting the benchmarks of meaning to the diagnostic criteria, followed by an
therapeutic management and management of family alphabetical index with corresponding reference of
problems or even medico-legal implications. the pages where the terms can be found.
Liaison psychiatry, the eighteenth chapter, aims Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry is an extremely focused
at the clinical-therapeutic approach of concourrent and clear clinical-therapeutic guidance tool, which
or comorbid psychiatric syndromes with somatic has the schematic aspect of a real guide, clarifying the
disorders. issue of positive and differential diagnosis, as well as
The next chapter, the nineteenth, Psychotherapy, classical and off-label therapeutic approaches, with
offers both a historical perspective on psychotherapy association strategies, switch and increasing doses of
and a series of indications and actual psychothera- psychotropic medication. However, it does not neglect
peutic orientations and techniques, defining the the forensic and social aspects, inextricably linked to
fundamental role, both therapeutic and especially psychiatric practice, including a series of operative no-
focused on social reintegration and increasing the tions of psychiatry. The logical and schematic aspect
patient’s quality of life. of the book, the succession of the chapters, the ample
The twentieth chapter, Legal issues, refers to legisla- thematic treated and the practical illustration of some
tive particularities aimed at mental health, specific situations make this book an indispensable tool for
to the UK. young psychiatrists and an absolutely necessary instru-
Chapter twenty-one is dedicated to Transcultural ment for the experienced practitioners. n
Psychiatry, and the next one, twenty-second, deals
with Therapeutic issues, focused on the idea of thera-
peutic adherence, the side effects of psychotropic
medication and a series of particular clinical condi-
tions that impose adjustments or restrictions on the
administration of psychotropic drugs.

Reclamă Psih 64(1)0106

38 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


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Genius and suicide (part II)

Doina Cozman
Prof. univ. dr. at "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy , Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Death – or, more precisely, living one’s own death asks again and again an and after. Just because this
– is a feeling integrated into the depth of any human for itself is the being that pretends again and again
being. That such an intimate feeling is kept in silence an and after, there is no place for death in the being
for most of the time is no wonder, given that so many that is for itself ” (translated from French)(2).
fundamental psychological phenomena (such as “the The judgement of the suicidal act of a creative per-
lived body”, or the corporal cenesthetic sense), in their son cannot be done only on the basis of criminologi-
their turn, remain hidden and silent, until an event or cal, sociological, psychological, psychopathological
the pathology bring them to the forefront of existence. criteria; at these, we need to add the factor “creative
When someone begins to think his own death, his con- energy”, “creative vitality” and even that of “creative
sciousness is doubled in two spaces, one of reality and one consciousness”.
of non-reality, but also of non-being. That second space, The personality of an artist, of a creator, constitutes
the person tries to transform into a conceptual, virtual a faithful seismograph of the pulse of his time (3). The
space, in which the concept of non-being is integrated value of the creation does not reside only in their
with that of a living being, in his consciousness, because capacity to give esthetical emotions but, by its reper-
the consciousness is not synonymous with the feeling cussions, to play a model role in the society. Creation
of life. Taking into account some possible end is not in is a supreme fulfillment of the personality, the artist
any way close to reverie, of imagining the state of non- being gifted with peculiar cognitive, intuitive, emo-
being. For the living subject, death is something that is tional capacities, transfering himself in the emotions
imposed from outside, it is an exogenous phenomenon, of the other ones.
many rebelling against it, this rebellion being triggered In the development of the creative act, the trajec-
by the feeling of injustice. tory of the artist’s life may take often a tragic course.
The majority of self-murderers pertain to the cat- As Tudor Vianu said: “The interest of the artistic life
egory of despair, indifferent of the cause or causes does not coincide with that of personal conservation.
that have generated the despair. The despair is a psy- The artist does not live his life, but consumes it. The
chiatric state that imposes itself to the subject who pain felt by an artist may become his creative impulse,
lives it, and its load is unbearable. The despair cannot unchained by that signal”.
be approached progressively; the man falls in despair Many cases of genial artists, writers, painters, musi-
unexpectedly as sitting on the brink of a precipice. cians are known to have ended their life by self-murder.
But what sense could get the act, the action, the Among these are: Van Gogh, Tchaikovsky, Jack London,
summing of behaviors that ultimately transform the Virginia Wolf, Ernest Hemingway, Ernest Kirchner,
being in the non-being? Cesare Pavese, and many others. To these, those with
If death is absurd for the living ones, the self-mur- attempted suicide might be added: Gauguin, Schumann,
derer seeks to give it a sense, an ultimate sense. Most E.A. Poe, O’Neill, Berlioz. There are also those with
of the times, this is represented as an act of aggres- artistic works in which death constitutes a leitmotiv
sion, self-directed, maybe sometimes from the lack of that crosses as a creepy incantation the whole creation:
possibility to direct it to somebody else. In that way, Novalis, Lautréamont, Chateaubriand, Camus.
the autoaggression is in continuity with the “global” The analysis of some artists’ life who died by suicide
personality, the self‑destructive behavior, not always or who attempted a most lethal suicidal attempt imply
explained by immediate causes, but not outside the the presumption of a real psychopathology.
circumstances (1). Analyzing the production of the suicide, we note
Let us say together with Sartre: “The death is absurd that all the aforementioned artists went through a
as it does not pertain to any project. What would phase of incubation of the suicidal motivation, a time
be life if it would not have, in a potential future, an in which the unfavorable conjecture and the decrease
expectance?... In a word, the consciousness, that for of the creative power crystalized on the mental plane
itself in the measure as it projects into the future, in the idea of the necessity of the death.

40 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Figure 1. Paul Gaugin –

"Portrait of the Artist with
the Yellow Christ"


The case of Gauguin He spent his childhood in Lima, where the Gauguin
The life of Paul Gauguin constitutes a rich study family was in exile, living in the house of his uncle, a
material for psychiatrists. His personality, marked by Peruvian statesman. He lived a wealthy life in an exotic
unwontedness and nonconformism, triggered wonder and luxurious atmosphere. Returned to France, at the
and disapproval in his contemporaries (5). age of 15 years old, he embarked on different merchant
As it happens many times in the case of art crea- ships, as a seaman and lately as an officer, and sailed
tors, the man stood many times hidden behind his to South America, Norway, Denmark and the Mediter-
official biography. Gauguin was an artist with a life ranean Sea. After the death of his mother, he enters as
full of exotism and mystery, that contributed to the a merchant agent in a bank from Paris, proving abil-
creation of “the legend of Gauguin”, creating at first ity and know-how in business. For 12 years, he lived a
the anecdote about the man and only next, the un- conformist bourgeois life, proving ability and business
derstanding for the artist. The separation from the skills. He married, the family life being rich and comfort-
social traditions and ethical-moral bourgeois norms able. Suddenly, he decided to leave the Stock Exchange
was many times thought as the sign of an alienated to dedicate himself to painting. The family revenues
personality. Leaving his large family and a wealthy decreased significantly, so that he separated from his
existence for a doubtful career of a painter, his ad- wife and children whom he left in the care of the rela-
venturous travels in the Southern Seas and finding tives. He goes many times in Bretagne, to look for new
the paradise in the Oceania Islands received new inspiration sources, unadulterated by conformism. He
interpretations in the actual vision. Of course, there declared himself as a primitive nature and, wishing to
were some psychopathological elements in the be- break any link with the civilization, he wandered from
havior and the thinking of the artist: extreme affec- Martinique Island to the Southern Seas, to Tahiti and
tive oscillations, megalomania, demonstrativeness, Marquises Islands, where, being very ill, he died in 1903.
egocentrism, hedonist tendencies, poly-toxicophylia The biography of the artist has paradoxical dimensions;
(alcohol, absinthe, opium). To that exalted nature, in the fact of leaving the family, the financial situation, the
balance between visionary enthusiasm and organic honorable social position may be interpreted in a psy-
despair, the art acted as a regenerator medium. The chopathological but also in a vocational artistic sense(6).
consideration of all the factors that determined the The space covered in his journeys was only a recogni-
structuring of this personality (childhood, family tra- tion for himself that the concrete reality does not receive
dition, the educational process) brings new meanings artistic life only by centralizing the data from utopic
in the explanation of “the myth of Gauguin”. spaces(7). For a utopia of the type “the end of the world”,

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Tahiti Islands could offer a perfect scenario. Or, maybe The case of Jack London
the longing was broader: “The center of my art is in the The decay of the creative force made this writer
brain, I create what is already inside myself”. In fact, to take the decision to commit suicide. He writes
what attracted Gauguin, regarding the way of life of the in one of his successful novels: “After we concluded
natives from Tahiti, was not the total freedom of feeling our duties, when the vital force has exhausted, let’s
and action, but chiefly the landscape of some people where exist the stage laughing”. Indeed, having chronic
the fusion with the nature still existed: “You will always nephritis, when he felt that this moment came, Jack
find the nourishing milk in the primitive arts. I doubt London committed suicide by concomitant ingestion
that you will find it in the art of mature civilizations”. of two powerful poisons. The suicide took place on
In a crash of his whole being in the precipice of despair, his domain, being masked in the death certificate by
after hearing the news about the death of his son Clovis, the diagnosis of uremia.
he attempted suicide himself with arsenic. Being a long
deliberated and premeditated act, he left for the posterity
a painted testament: “Where do we come from? What are
we? Where are we going?”(8) In spite of the preparation
measures for the suicide, by selecting of a powerful poison
and also isolation measures, the painter was found by
the natives and saved by them, through curing methods
used in Polynesia.
However, he only lived shortly after this attempted
suicide. He managed to paint several pictures after that.
His consciousness as artist dictated the last conclusions
of the adventures he passed through: “In any case, I did
my duty and, even if my artwork will not survive, it will
remain the memory of an artist that liberated the art of
painting from academic bizarreness”.


Figure 3. Robert Schumann in 1839, at the age of 29
(lithograph by Josef Kriehuber)

The case of Robert Schumann

In this composer, the signs of a specific psychiatric
disorder were present (progressive general paralysis),
due to a luetic infection from the youth. During a mel-
ancholic raptus, he ran away from home, summarily
dressed, and drowned himself into the Rhine, but he
was rescued by some fishermen. Next, the depres-
sive episode continuously evolved with a delirious

and hallucinatory symptomatology, with musical

hallucinations sometimes pleasant, sometimes ter-
rific. The disorder debuted clinically in 1852, aggra-
vated progressively, and the depressive states were
accompanied by other alarming symptoms: lack of
coordination of the moments, amnesia, dysarthria,
so that this famous composer finded his end in 1856,
in a dementia state. The attempted suicide, at the
beginning of the illness, coincided with a moment of
Figure 2. Jack London writing outside, in 1905 lucidity when he realized the severity of his illness.

42 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


The case of Kirchner

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner is one of the most representa-
tive from the artistic current of expressionism, a current
appeared in the German space at the beginning of the
20th century as a reaction to academic art constraints.
The expressionists accentuated both the liberation of
the body and also the exploration of the psychiatric with
the gesture and the color. Their art liberated from the
academic canons and it was frequently considered as a
psychopathologic art(8).
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was born on the 6th of May 1880,
in Aschafensburg, in a family from the high society. In
conformity with the wishes of his father, he begins archi-
tecture studies at the Technical College from Dresden, but


leaves soon for München and next to Nurnberg in order
to study art. Longer visits to museums and art galleries
confirmed the decision to become a perfectionist artist.
Back to Dresden in 1905, he founded the group Die
Brücke, together with his friends Fritz Bleyl, Erich Heckel
and Karl Schmidt-Rotruf, in order to revitalize the German
art, suffocated by the academic tradition(9). The members
of the group wanted to produce art so as to unite the riv-
ers of the past and those of the future. Between 1907 and
1911, he discovered the hedonistic pleasures of plain free Figure 4. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner – "Self-Portrait as a
air, very popular in that period, passed on the river of the Soldier" (1915)
Moritzburg Lake, with his friends and their young models.
The activity of the group culminated in 1909 with the big In 1921, 50 of his works were exposed to Kronprinzen
Exposition Die Brücke at the Richter Gallery in Berlin. Palast in Berlin. The success of the exposition cemented
In the same year, he began to paint the night life from his role of the leader of the expressionism.
Dresden and Berlin, the cabaret, the dance, the theater, the Between 1925 and 1926 he came for the first time in
prostitutes, being his favorite subjects in that period of life. Germany, after the Swiss exile. His reputation grew
In 1910, the group left for Berlin, continuing to expose in with the printing of the first monograph dedicated to
the most important towns of Germany, but also in Moscow his work, and due to another appearances in important
and Prague. The style of Kirchner evolved, specializing magazines. In 1928, he participated to the Venice Biennale,
in the representation of the city life, with the cars, speed that confirms his popularity among his compatriots. He
and agitated activity of the modern town. In 1912, he met begins to be known in the USA also.
Ema Schilling, whose he remained devoted to the end. In 1936, the Nazi power qualified the art of Kirchner
In 1913, some members of the group Die Brücke as “decadent art” and confiscated all his works from the
rebelled toward the authoritarianism of Kirchner, German museums, namely 369 paintings, causing him
and soon after, the group dissolved. a great moral suffering. Furthermore, at the exhibition
During his Berlin years, in parallel with the plastic “Degenerate art” organized by the Nazi in München, 32
exploration of the German metropolis, Kirchner falls of his confiscated works were exposed. Among these,
prey to regular and excessive alcohol consumption. the painting “Selfportrait as a soldier” with a deliberate
After the outbreak of the First World War, in 1915 he was changed title as “Selfportrait with a whore” was exposed.
obliged to fight as “involuntary volunteer” on the battle All the exhibition cast disgrace on the efforts of the artists
front. Not tolerating the soldierly discipline, he fell into to find new forms of expression, with the aim to disavow
a serious depression. He is dismissed, and send to reha- the modern art and to qualify it as anti-patriotic. Even
bilitation at Taunus, and later at Davos, in Switzerland. though he was in Switzerland, the disqualification of his
In spite of his increasing dependence of morphine and art by the officials of the power produced in the artist a
alcohol, he achieves to create some of his most impor- relapse of the illness, and threw him into a new depres-
tant works. He immortalizes the terrifying experience sion. During this new depression, he destroyed a great
of the war in his painting “Self-portrait as a soldier”. He amount of his works. After he “killed” the last created
paints himself as mutilated, with the right hand being pictures, tired and exasperated by the political situation
cut, a symbol of the creative power of the artist. At the of Germany, on the 15th of June 1938, he ended his days,
same time, it is a picture with the role of confession, as by shooting himself in the heart.
in that life period, the depression and suicidal ideation As an irony of destiny, the personal tragedy did not
that will have to put him down later, manifested with a affect the international recognition of his artistic crea-
great power. He continued to work on a farm in the Swiss tion, his works being exposed in Detroit and New York
Alps, as his health state improved. with a great success.

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


Common traits of suicides which the subject cuts his throat and at the same time
From the many aspects of the suicide, we retain the cries for help. The person of the self-murderer reunites
presence of 10 common traits described by Shneidman in himself at least two tendencies: the self-destruction
in The Definition of Suicide, found in all the categories and the salvation planning.
of persons that committed the self-murderer act (9).
7. T
 he common cognition in suicide
1. T he common scope of the suicide is the constriction
is the search for a solution The suicide may be understood as a more or less durable
The suicide is not a random act. It is never a needless narrowing of the affect and cognition. A “tunnelling”, a
or lacking scope act, but a way of solving a dilemma, a focus of the spectrum of options, that are generally avail-
difficulty, a crisis situation. The suicide has an inherent, able in the consciousness of the individual, is produced,
inexorable logic. It is, unfortunately, the unique available as long as his thinking is not captured by the dichotomic
response to the question: “How shall I escape from this gap of problem solving in conformity with the slogan
insupportable state?” The fear that narrows the spectrum “All or nothing!”.
of the answers leads to this unique variant.
8. Common action in suicide is the escape
2. T he common scope of the suicide The egression is the intentioned getting out by a
is the cessation of the consciousness person of a stressful situation, escape that has a differ-
Ambivalently, the self-murderer evolves toward ent signification from flight, this one being a defense
different targets at the same time. First, he wants to reaction. The suicide is a final egression, a stopping of
solve his problems, but concomitantly he thrives to the functioning of the real for the person concerned.
stop the flux of consciousness.
9. T he interpersonal act is a communication
3. T
 he common stimulus in suicide of intent
is the intolerable psychological pain In many cases of death by suicide, “the psychological
The normal reaction of every individual is the tendency autopsy” signalized clear indices of the acts that were to
to avoid either the physical or the psychological pain. The happen. The ambivalence of the self-murderer determines
enemy of life is the pain, and when it does not come from him to emit, consciously or not, despair, helplessness,
soma but from psyche, the psychological pain becomes panic signals and so on. “The suicide drama” is played by
a meta-pain, namely the pain to feel the pain. at least two characters, in a dyadic relation. It is sad to
ascertain that the common interpersonal act of suicide
4. T
 he common stressor in suicide is represented is represented neither by hostility, nor by anger, but by an
by frustrated psychological needs unsuccessful attempt to communicate with “the other”.
Every self-murderer considers the suicidal behavior as
being very logical, derived from the conditioning imposed 10. T
 he common aspect of consequence in suicide
by the subjacent motivation. is represented by the habitual reaction
pattern of the individual
5. T he common feeling in suicide is of The suicidal behavior is in the continuity of the person-
helplessness and despair ality traits of the self-murderer. The same steadfastness
Unlike at the beginnings of the life, when the stimula- of the inability to solve the life problems, of the habit to
tion generated by curiosity and discovery is prevalent, the react to stress in an inadequate way, is found. At an at-
adult age brings with it the necessity of finding some life tentive scrutiny, these traits may be deciphered since the
solutions, charged with responsibility. The appearance adolescence or youth of the self-murderer. Cesare Pavese(10)
of the lack of hope, and of the feeling of helplessness de- noticed since his first youth, at 20 years old, in his journal:
rives from the too heavy burden that this responsibility “No more words. Just the deed… I will cease to write!”. n
charges on the person. The most common formulation of
this feeling would be: “I cannot do nothing – except for
suicide – and I do not find anybody to help me”.
If at the beginning of the century, the psychoanalytical References
theories explained suicide by aggressivity, respectively by 1. Cosman D. The phenomenology of the suicidal Behavior. Quo vadis. Nr 3, Cluj-
Napoca, 2000, p. 46–48.
retroprojected aggressivity or “crime at 180 degrees”, the 2. Sartre JP. Fiinţa şi neantul. Eseu de ontologie fenomenologică. Paralela 45, 2004,
Reclamă Psih 64(1)0107

contemporary suicidology considers that other abyssal București.

3. Rouart JM. Cei ce au ales noaptea, Editura de Vest, 1992, Timișoara.
emotions explain better the self-murder, such as: shame, 4. Jaspers K. Psychopatologie generale. Librairie Felix Alcan, 1933, Paris.
5. Cosman D. Cultură-personalitate-creație. Studiu de antropologie artistică, în:
guilt, despair, unaided dependence. Tulburările Personalității – repere clinico-evolutive, sub red. Aurel Nireștean, 2004,
p. 72–78, Ed. Mureș, Tg. Mureș.
6. Walther I. Paul Gauguin (1848–1903). Benedict Taschen Verlag, 1988, Köln.
6. T
 he common inner attitude in suicide 7. Durand G. Structurile antropologice ale imaginarului, Ed. Univers Enciclopedic,
is the ambivalence 1998, București.
8. Henze W, Henze I. Kirchner. Grange Books, Rochester, 2005, UK.
“We can concomitantly to wish and to reject a thing”, 9. Shneidman ES. Definition of suicide, New York, 1985, Wiley.
said Freud. The prototype of the self-murder is that in 10. Pavese C. Meseria de a trăi. Libris, 2015, București.

44 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

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General view regarding

the different types of
psychotherapy used for the
treatment of drug addiction
Alexandra Abstract Rezumat
Boloș1,3, Cristina
Nedelcu2,3, Nicoleta The detailed, accurate national and international situation Situația detaliată, exactă, la nivel național și internațional
regarding drug addiction will always have some weaknesses referitoare la dependența de droguri va avea întotdeauna
Bobutanu2,3, Corina points. The dependence to different drugs, in correlation unele puncte nevralgice. Consumul de diferite droguri, în
Alexinschi3, Marcel with factors related to culture, mentality, self-control, habits corelație cu factori ce țin de cultură, mentalitate, autocontrol,
Găină2,3, Ovidiu or low self-esteem, could explain this behavior of searching obiceiuri sau stimă de sine scăzută, ar putea explica acest
Alexinschi2,3 a balance that some people do not find in their private comportament, de căutare a unui echilibru, pe care unele
1. “Grigore T. Popa” University
life. The therapeutic approach is complex and consists of persoane nu îl găsesc în intimitatea lor. Abordul terapeutic
of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iași, a harmonious combination of pharmacological therapy este complex și constă dintr-o îmbinare armonioasă a terapiei
Romania with psychotherapy in order to avoid relapses and shape farmacologice cu psihoterapia, pentru a putea combate
2. Socola Institute of Psychiatry, the addictive personality. The compliance is essential in recidivele și a modela personalitatea adictivă. Complianța
Iași, Romania achieving therapeutic goals; it depends not only on the terapeutică este esențială în atingerea obiectivelor, ea
3. No Addict Clinic, Iași, Romania patient’s behavior, but also on the therapist's abilities, on depinzând nu numai de comportamentul pacientului, dar
Coresponding author: family, psychosocial and cultural factors. The long-term și de terapeut, familie, precum și de factorii psihosociali
Ovidiu Alexinschi prognosis and the evolution of the addicted behavior are și culturali. Prognosticul îndelungat și evoluția adicțiilor
E-mail: individualized especially by the degree of involvement of se individualizează mai ales prin gradul de implicare a
the patient and his sociofamilial entourage in obtaining pacientului și a anturajului său sociofamilial în obținerea
the best possible therapeutic compliance. Thus, the aim unei complianțe terapeutice cât mai bune. În acest sens,
of this paper is to underline the main important types of scopul acestei lucrări este de a evidenția principalele tipuri de
psychotherapies that can be used for drug addiction and psihoterapie ce pot fi utilizate în tratamentul diferitelor adicții
their framing in the general therapeutic management. și încadrarea lor în managementul terapeutic general.
Keywords: addiction, psychotherapy, therapeutic Cuvinte-cheie: adicție, psihoterapie, management
management terapeutic

20.01.2021 Analiză a principalelor tipuri de psihoterapie folosite în tratamentul
28.02.2021 dependenței de droguri
Suggested citation for this article: Boloș A, Nedelcu C, Bobutanu N, Alexinschi C, Găină M, Alexinschi O. General view regarding the different types of psychotherapy
used for the treatment of drug addiction. 2021;64(1):46-49

The World Health Organization (WHO) appreciates adolescents of the same age, but this gender ratio
that the addiction to alcohol, tobacco and other varies according to the class of substances used (1).
substances is constantly increasing and represents a Until recent years, in Romania drugs were little
serious problem of the healthcare system in general known among the general population, because it was
because, beyond the physical and mental dependence, only a transit country for most high-risk drugs on
it determines important consequences at social, their way to the Western Europe. This has changed
economic or family level. Thus, since 2004, WHOs dramatically in the last years, when the consumption of
report indicates that, worldwide, two billion people different types of drugs has increased drastically, and
use alcohol and 76.3 million of them already have now this phenomenon is also a source of income or the
complications related to alcohol consumption. People goal of an illegal activity, leading to the development
between the ages of 18 and 24 years old have an of relatively new health pathologies in our country (2).
increasing risk of substance abuse. Young men have The therapeutic management of addictions is
higher rates of substance abuse compared to female variable, depending on the substance involved, as well

46 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


as the specificity of each patient. The way in which we ten main aspects, which must be particularized for
manage to combine different therapeutic principles, each case, namely (3):
types of interventions, possibly associated with n information and understanding;
specific medication, must focus on the particularity n acceptance and involvement;
and individuality of each person. The common goal n initiation of treatment – diagnosis and detoxification;
is social reintegration, with adequate functionality n pharmacological therapy;
in all areas. One of the most important moments of n psychological therapy;
therapy is probably the initiation of it, preferably as n identification and treatment of comorbidities;
early as possible. Thus, when a person with addiction n social and family support;
decides to make the first step on this way, he/she must n support groups;
benefit from all possible services, because otherwise n post-cure program;
the fight may be lost before being started. n lifestyle and environmental changes.
But which are the therapeutic interventions with The 12-step facilitation therapy (12-step program)
the highest effect on the entire population at risk for was designed to help the addicted person to participate
addiction disorders? in activities that support abstinence and has already
What motivates people to change? The correct proven effective in alcohol addiction, but it is also used
response to these issues depends in part on where for other types of addiction. This therapy involves
they start. How can we trigger motivation to people three basic rules (4):
to begin thinking about change can be different from n acceptance, which will allow to realize that addiction
what motivates them to begin preparing to take ac- is a chronic condition, over which there is no control
tion. As they are prepared, different forces can move because it completely changes the lifestyle of a person,
them to take action.  and the solution is only abstinence;
The effectiveness of therapy depends on a number n submission, which represents participation in all
of factors, such as (3): support and assistance structures by specialists and
n the treatment is applicable and adapted to each type other people involved in the recovery process;
of patient, according to age, sex, cultural and ethnic n active involvement in all activities.
aspects; Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered
n addressing the multiple needs of the individual, and not a short-term therapy which aims to produce an ini-
only strictly the problem related to the addiction itself; tial abstinence and subsequent stabilization. But for
n addressing also the aspects related to the associated many people, only 12-16 sessions are not enough to
medical conditions, the possible comorbid mental stabilize or at least improve the situation, therefore
disorders, the social, vocational and even the legal CBT is only seen as a preparatory therapy for other
aspects, specific to each case. long-term therapies.
Therefore, the therapeutic team must be multidis- CBT cannot be used if the patients present psychotic
ciplinary, with the aim of combining different types symptoms or associate another major mental disor-
of therapeutic services, psychotherapy, counseling or der, which is not clinically stabilized with adequate
drug therapy, tailored to the needs and specifics of medication, they do not have a stable home, or they
each individual. One of the important aspects to be are not stable from a clinical point of view.
considered in the therapeutic management is the fact CBT can be associated with other types of therapies
that some people with addictions have, as a comorbidity, such as pharmacological therapy for addiction or for a
a mental disorder, which in turn requires appropriate mental disorder associated with addiction. Also, it can
therapy. The patient may also associate addiction with be associated with alcoholic group therapies, couple or
some infectious diseases that also required appropriate family therapy, vocational counseling etc. In this regard,
treatment. Thus, the involvement in addiction-specific a therapeutic team is created, which will permanently
therapy may increase the therapeutic compliance for maintain the connection concerning the patient’s evo-
many other associated medical conditions. lution. In case of CBT, an individual type of therapy is
According to many studies, the duration of the preferred, which should be adapted to the client’s needs
therapy, in order to achieve a significant reduction or and will allow a better connection with the long-term
even stop the use of a drug, is at least three months, therapist. However, some studies indicate that group
but it can also be for a longer period, depending on therapy is more effective for people with addiction, thus
the particularities of each case. Additionally, the ap- putting pressure on other people participating in the
pearance of relapses will determine the resumption therapeutic group, although the methods used will be
of therapy, possibly its modification and adaptation more didactic, appropriate to a group, and will not be
according to the new needs of the individual, and able to be particularized for each person.
support those interventions that focus on recruiting Cognitive therapy aims to teach the patient how
and maintaining the individual in therapy, as not to to prolong the period without drugs and to avoid
give up too early. the response from the craving period by engaging in
According to Saunders, the therapeutic management constructive activities, communicating with other
in case of addictions to different substances highlights people in support groups or making a diary.

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


In case of behavioral therapy, maintaining absti- An important issue related to therapy is that of chang-
nence can be achieved by the following aspects: ing the cultural and socioeconomic context that is
n addressing the motivational aspects for change of associated with a life without drugs. This therapeutic
the client; challenge is especially encountered in people who have
n developing specific skills to withstand substance use, a long history of illicit drug addiction, which has led to
creating incentives to maintain change; illicit behavior over time, for example those who sell or
n facilitating interpersonal relationships; manufacture various drugs. Therefore, in these situa-
n improving problem-solving skills; tions, the ambivalence regarding the desire for change
n replacing substance-specific activities with other increases, especially if it is done slowly and towards a
appropriate reward-type activities; lifestyle for which they have few skills and few resources,
n individual, group or other forms of support for people abandoning a lifestyle to which they felt to belong. Thus,
with addiction. obtaining new social resources must take into account
Considering the chronicity and complication of the possibilities of each case, offering new opportunities
alcohol addiction, we have to assess the motivation for employment in various social activities, volunteer-
to care, the ability to control himself/herself, and ing or groups. Also in this context, it can be used the
the opportunity of a biological treatment, such as an computer-assisted therapy, which, according to a study
aversion treatment with disulfiram. conducted by Carrol and collaborators, showed that the
We should try to introduce the Golden Rules for computer-assisted therapy of CBT, performed twice a
exposure treatment and the role of co-therapist (a week, determined a period of abstinence longer and
friend or wife/husband). In many cases, alcohol is sustained at the six month of assessment compared to
reported to be used as a form of self-medication. cases in which standard counseling was used(10).
When the patient will be able to control alcohol For all those therapists who treat people with vari-
ingestion, we may go ahead with the program of the ous addictions, the psychotherapist Newman Cory
exposure diary (4). said that “there is good news and bad news”. The bad
The community approach to reinforcement, as de- news is that these people immediately get a positive
fined by Meyers and Smith in 1995, is “a broad-spectrum but also a negative reinforcement, which will be im-
behavioral treatment for substance abuse problems portant obstacles to therapy, even for those who are
that uses social, recreational, family and vocational motivated for change. Thus, an effective treatment
reinforcements to assist clients in the recovery process. must be seen as a difficult and continuous ascent (11).
These factors will contribute to maintaining a drug- The areas of therapeutic intervention are repre-
free lifestyle”(5). This therapy includes(6): sented, according to Beck, Wright, Newman and
n functional analysis of drug use; Liese (1993), precisely by those areas of psychological
n social and recreational counseling; vulnerability, risk factors for any type of addiction,
n councils regarding the professional opportunities and which include (6,11):
and skills; n external or internal risk situations for addiction (cer-
n training on drug refusal; tain moods, entourage etc.);
n relaxation techniques, training on behavioral skills; n functional thoughts about the drug and its relationship;
n advice on relational development. n automatic thoughts that increase the intentionality
Motivational improvement therapy (developed by of consumption;
Miller and Rollnick, 1992) is based on the principles of n craving, the urgent physiological need to consume
motivational psychology and determines an internal the drug;
and rapid change, and mobilizes the client’s own change n thoughts regarding the permission to consume, which
resources with the help of motivational strategies(7). justifies the use of the drug;
Interpersonal therapy (Rounsaville and Carroll, n behavior, sometimes ritually related to drug use;
1993) for addictions is characterized by (8,9): n psychological manifestations that occur when you do
n adherence to a medical model of mental disorders; not use the drug and a vicious circle is made.
n it focuses on patients’ difficulties regarding interper- “Drug culture” is linked to a subculture of the indi-
sonal relationships; vidual, group or family with certain socioeconomic and
n it is concise and the therapist has an exploratory role, psychological standards. Substance abuse is one of the
similar to that of supportive therapy. main causes of morbidity and mortality that could be
The resistance highlighted during addiction ther- prevented and a major contributing factor to many social
apy can be determined by the existence of cognitive problems, such as domestic violence, theft, suicide etc.
deficits, associated medical conditions, lack of social The abuse of these substances begins in adolescence,
support or other environmental stressors. Pregnant which is why it requires sustained attention from those
women or prisoners are also particular groups at risk. in the healthcare system in general.
Therefore, it is very important to achieve the best pos- An appropriate therapeutic plan must be the basis of
sible case conceptualization, based on a functional any intervention in the management of drug addiction
analysis that will determine a f lexible therapy and and aims to establish a set of realistic specific goals, as
adapted to each case. well as appropriate strategies for achieving these goals(12).

48 Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)


The therapeutic plan should be realized only after of the progress in the therapy (18). The objectives of the
a complete evaluation of the patients with addiction, therapy must be adapted and negotiated by each pa-
because this plan must be adapted to their needs tient, presented in a specific, clear, achievable terms,
and offer the necessary support in front of the many which will focus on the acquisition of skills, and there
difficulties and obstacles that can appear during the are described in positive terms. Also, these objectives
therapeutic process. will not be limited only to the addiction itself, but will
Thus, the characteristics of the therapeutic plan also take into account other areas, such as physical
must have the following aspects (13): and mental health, social functioning and possible
n to be detailed; legal implications of the patients (13).
n to be in accordance with the client’s requirements, There is no magic solution for treating addictions.
but also be approved by the therapist; This is a long process of mobilizing many services. Ad-
n to be made following the complete evaluation of the diction is a chronic and recurrent disease that requires
patient, the establishment of the objectives and the repeated treatments until abstinence is achieved.
client’s wishes; The treatment will focus on building ego power,
n to contain practical, realistic objectives, to contain reducing shame and developing social skills. Healing
strategies for obtaining them; means a slow work, a long-term therapy, performed
n to involve the participation of other family members with sincerity and involvement. The therapeutic re-
or friends. lationship is formed together with the therapist, who
According to Dale and March, this therapeutic plan recognizes and confronts those defense and adapta-
must contain(13): tion mechanisms that no longer work. n
n complete assessment of the patient’s situation;
n assessing patient needs;
n objectives and strategies for obtaining them; References
n assessing the need for support and possible limitations
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family problems, and sometimes can associate mental and Cognitive Psychotherapy. 2009;37(2):129-140.
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The main attributes of case management for drug 9. McHugh RK, Hearon BA, Otto MW. Cognitive behavioral therapy for substance
addiction are (15): use disorders. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2010;33(3):511-525.
10. Carroll KM, Ball SA, Martino S, Nich C, Babuscio TA, Nuro KF, et al. Computer-
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18. Velleman R. Counselling for Alcohol Problems, 2nd Edition. Sage: London. 2001.
of specific objectives. They will be able to guide the
therapy and allow the evaluation of the progress
made (16). Allsop also believes in setting clear goals that
allow therapy to be successful, by counteracting the
effects of learned helplessness, which is a mechanism
specific to people with drug addiction(17).
There are clear objectives, specific to the therapy
of each patient, that will give him a direction, a clear
target, and will also allow the patient to keep a record

Anul XVI • Nr. 64 (1/2021)

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